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Beau Lebens committed Nov 3, 2018
2 parents 80ce581 + cb6cfcc commit ffa865b
Showing 1 changed file with 347 additions and 0 deletions.
347 changes: 347 additions & 0 deletions importers/keyring-importer-strava.php
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@

This is a horrible hack, because WordPress doesn't support dependencies/load-order.
We wrap our entire class definition in a function, and then only call that on a hook
where we know that the class we're extending is available. *hangs head in shame*
NB: phpcs wants this to be "keyring_strava_importer()", but I'm just following Beau's convention
function Keyring_Strava_Importer() {

This is a class to import data from
@author Mark Drovdahl
@Category class
class Keyring_Strava_Importer extends Keyring_Importer_Base {
const SLUG = 'strava'; // e.g. 'twitter' (should match a service in Keyring).
const LABEL = 'Strava'; // e.g. 'Twitter'.
const KEYRING_SERVICE = 'Keyring_Service_Strava'; // Full class name of the Keyring_Service this importer requires.
const REQUESTS_PER_LOAD = 1; // How many remote requests should be made before reloading the page?
const NUM_PER_LOAD = 30; // How many activities per API request? We'll use Strava's default of 30.

Borrowed from other keyring-social-importers
function handle_request_options() {
// Validate options and store them so they can be used in auto-imports.
if ( empty( $_POST['category'] ) || ! ctype_digit( $_POST['category'] ) ) {
$this->error( __( 'Make sure you select a valid category to import your activities into.', 'keyring' ) );

if ( empty( $_POST['author'] ) || ! ctype_digit( $_POST['author'] ) ) {
$this->error( __( 'You must select an author to assign to all activities.', 'keyring' ) );

if ( isset( $_POST['auto_import'] ) ) {
$_POST['auto_import'] = true;
} else {
$_POST['auto_import'] = false;

// If there were errors, output them, otherwise store options and start importing.
if ( count( $this->errors ) ) {
$this->step = 'options';
} else {
$this->set_option( array(
'category' => (int) $_POST['category'],
'tags' => explode( ',', $_POST['tags'] ),
'author' => (int) $_POST['author'],
'auto_import' => $_POST['auto_import'],
) );

$this->step = 'import';

Create the request which will be sent to the Strava API
- This MVP uses the "athlete/activities" endpoint which returns activity summaries
- The "athlete/activities" endpoint can be filtered for activities that have taken place "before" or "after" a given time. These can be combined to target specific date ranges. Queries to the endpoint with ?after=[epoch_date] return activities in ascending order (oldest first) and can be paged with ?page= and segmented by ?per_page=
- Our Strava keyring token has a "first_date" which indicates when the Strava Athlete profile was created. We can assume there are no activies to import which are older than that date.
first date example: "first_date: 2014-06-07T19:13:55Z" is UTC
TODO: use the Keyring reprocessor w/the strava "id" from the first API call to then call "/activities/{id}" endpoint which returns moar! activity details
function build_request_url() {
$url = '';

// Get the latest imported activity.
$latest = get_posts(
'numberposts' => 1,
'orderby' => 'date',
'order' => 'DESC',
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'keyring_services',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => array( $this->taxonomy->slug ),
'operator' => 'IN',

// If we already have activities imported, only query Strava for activities more recent than the latest imported activity.
if ( $latest ) {
// Convert the WP post_date. Strava needs it in epoch/unix time.
$last = date( 'Ymd H:i:s', strtotime( $latest[0]->post_date_gmt ) );

// Build our API request url with ?after=[epoch_date] param.
$url = add_query_arg( 'after', strtotime( $last ), $url );
} else {
// If we have no activities imported, we assume this is our first import and we query for activites after the "first_date".
$date = $this->service->token->get_meta( 'first_date' );

// Build our API request url with ?after=[epoch_date] and ?page= and ?per_page= params.
$url = add_query_arg( 'after', strtotime( $date ), $url );
$url = add_query_arg( 'page', $this->get_option( 'page', 1 ), $url );
$url = add_query_arg( 'per_page', self::NUM_PER_LOAD, $url );
return $url;

Helper function to format meters to kilometers. Could go with format_duration() in a Convert_Units() class.
Anything less than 1 kilometer is formatted in meters, otherwise kilometers
TODO: extend with a switch statement and a second parameter of "units" to eg: convert meters to miles
@param number $num is a distance value in meters
function format_distance( $num ) {
if ( $num < 1000 ) {
// Translators: todo add comment.
return sprintf( __( '%s meters', 'keyring' ), $num );
} else {
// Translators: todo add comment.
return sprintf( __( '%s kilometers', 'keyring' ), round( $num / 1000, 1 ) );

Helper function to format seconds to minutes and hours
Anything less than 1 hour is shown in minutes, otherwise hours + minutes
@param number $num is a time value in seconds
function format_duration( $num ) {
if ( $num < 3600 ) {
// Translators: there are 60 seconds in a minute.
return sprintf( __( '%s minutes', 'keyring' ), round( $num / 60 ) );
} else {
$hours = floor( $num / 60 / 60 );
$num = $num - ( $hours * 60 * 60 );
// Translators: there are 60 minutes in an hour.
return sprintf( __( '%1$s hours, %2$s minutes', 'keyring' ), $hours, round( $num / 60 ) );

This function converts Strava activity objects to WordPress post objects
@param json object $importdata The json returned from the Strava api.
@return Array of posts:
function extract_posts_from_data( $importdata ) {
// Looks like we ran out of results.
if ( is_array( $importdata ) && empty( $importdata ) ) {
$this->finished = true;

// Early return if we get back an empty array, it may be b/c we're querying for a date beyond which there are no activities to import.
// TODO: the "Failed to download..." message is not being output, so when there are no more activites to return, the user gets a confusing message.
if ( null === $importdata || empty( $importdata ) ) {
$this->finished = true;
return new Keyring_Error( 'keyring-strava-importer-failed-download', __( 'Failed to download activities from Strava. Please wait a few minutes and try again.', 'keyring' ) );

// Early return if we have the wrong type of data.
if ( ! is_object( $importdata[0] ) ) {
$this->finished = true;
return new Keyring_Error( 'keyring-strava-importer-failed-download', __( 'Failed to download your activities from Strava. Please wait a few minutes and try again.', 'keyring' ) );

// Iterate over the activities.
foreach ( $importdata as $post ) {
// Map Strava data model to WP post model. post->start_date is in UTC.
// Set WP post_title to the Strava activity "name".
$post_date = substr( $post->start_date, 0, 4 ) . '-' . substr( $post->start_date, 5, 2 ) . '-' . substr( $post->start_date, 8, 2 ) . ' ' . substr( $post->start_date, 11, 8 );
$post_category = array( $this->get_option( 'category' ) );
$tags = $this->get_option( 'tags' );
$post_title = $post->name;

// Set WP post content to a summary of the Strava activity.
// Strava activities have a "type". Initially we only support importing activity types: "Hike", "Run" and "Ride" and use Strava's distance and "moving time" fields.
// Check if the activity has a distance value.
// TODO: support other activity types.
// TODO: add heartrate, but conditionally on "has_heartrate":true in the API response.
if ( ! empty( $post->distance ) ) {
switch ( $post->type ) {
case 'Hike':
$post_content = sprintf(
// Translators: Hiked [distance] in [duration].
__( 'Hiked %1$s in %2$s.' ),
$this->format_distance( $post->distance ),
$this->format_duration( $post->moving_time )

case 'Run':
$post_content = sprintf(
// Translators: Ran [distance] in [duration].
__( 'Ran %1$s in %2$s.' ),
$this->format_distance( $post->distance ),
$this->format_duration( $post->moving_time )

case 'Ride':
$post_content = sprintf(
// Translators: Cycled [distance] in [duration].
__( 'Cycled %1$s in %2$s.' ),
$this->format_distance( $post->distance ),
$this->format_duration( $post->moving_time )

case 'Workout':
if ( $post->has_heartrate ) {
$post_content = sprintf(
// Translators: Worked out for [duration] with a max heartrate of [heartrate]
__( 'Worked out for %1$s with a max heartrate of %2$d.' ),
$this->format_duration( $post->moving_time ),
} else {
$post_content = sprintf(
// Translators: Worked out for [duration].
__( 'Worked out for %1$s.' ),
$this->format_duration( $post->moving_time )

// Set post author from the import options.
$post_author = $this->get_option( 'author' );

// Set post status from import options, default to published unless set to private on Strava.
// @todo Currently this won't work because you need a token with scope=activity:read_all to get private activities. Will need to modify or filter the Strava Service file for that.
$private = $post->private;
$post_status = $this->get_option( 'status', 'publish' );
if ( $private ) {
$post_status = 'private'; // Force private posts

$strava_id = $post->id;
$strava_permalink = '' . $post->id;

// Grab an encoded/compressed polyline of the GPS data if available.
$geo = '';
if ( ! empty( $post->map ) && ! empty( $post->map->summary_polyline ) ) {
$geo = $post->map->summary_polyline;

// Keep the raw JSON activity from Strava.
$strava_raw = $post;

// Build an array of post objects.
$this->posts[] = compact(

This function inserts WP post objects into the database
The first time this is run, there might be years of activities to import...
On subsequent runs, we should only import net-new activities
function insert_posts() {
global $wpdb;
$imported = 0;
$skipped = 0;

foreach ( $this->posts as $post ) {
extract( $post );
// Avoid inserting duplicate activities.
if (
$post_id = post_exists( $post_title, $post_content, $post_date )
) {
// Looks like a duplicate.
} else {
// Insert the post into the DB.
$post_id = wp_insert_post( $post, $wp_error = TRUE );

if ( is_wp_error( $post_id ) ) {
return $post_id;

if ( ! $post_id ) {

// Track which Keyring service was used.
wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, self::LABEL, 'keyring_services' );

// Set the post format.
set_post_format( $post_id, 'status' );

// Update Category.
wp_set_post_categories( $post_id, $post_category );

// Update tags.
if ( count( $tags ) ) {
wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, implode( ',', $tags ) );

add_post_meta( $post_id, 'strava_id', $strava_id );
add_post_meta( $post_id, 'strava_permalink', $strava_permalink );

// Store the encoded polyline; will require decoding to map it
if ( $geo ) {
add_post_meta( $post_id, 'geo_polyline_encoded', $geo );
add_post_meta( $post_id, 'geo_public', ( $private ? '0' : '1') ); // Hide geo if it's a private activity

// Save the raw JSON in post-meta.
add_post_meta( $post_id, 'raw_import_data', wp_slash( wp_json_encode( $strava_raw ) ) );

// A potentially useful action to hoook into for further processing.
do_action( 'keyring_post_imported', $post_id, static::SLUG, $post );
$this->posts = array();

// Return, so that the handler can output info (or update DB, or whatever).
return array( 'imported' => $imported, 'skipped' => $skipped );
} // end insert_posts function
} // end class Keyring_Strava_Importer
} // end function Keyring_Strava_Importer

add_action( 'init', function() {
plugin_basename( __FILE__ ),
__( '<strong>[Under Development!]</strong> Import your Strava activities, each as a single Post, marked with the "status" format. The Post title is set to the Activity name and a basic summary of the activity including the distance and the duration goes in the Post body.', 'keyring' )
} );

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