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BIKA API v1.0 BEEVA Information and Knowledge Assistant

English version

1. Date extraction Using regular expressions. Dates as follows:

  1. Names of months >> ‘month’
  2. Names of weekdays >> ‘weekday’
  3. Dates as YYYY-mm-dd or YYYY/mm/dd (e.g.: 1985-03-21) and dd-mm-YYYY or dd/mm/YYYY (e.g.: 21-03-1985) >> ‘birthDate’
  4. Year format YYYY >> ‘year’

Methods: GET, POST Response: JSON array "dates_list": [{ "weekday": "Monday" }, { "birthDate": "26/06/72" }, { "birthDate": "21/03/75" }]

2.Email address extraction Using regular expressions.

Methods: GET, POST Response: JSON array "emails_list": [{ "email": "" }]

Telephone extraction Using regular expressions.

Methods: GET, POST Response: JSON array "phones_list": [{ "telephone": "213555776" }, { "telephone": "666777897" }, { "telephone": "912345678" }] 16/12/2013

Entity extraction Using NLTK NER (Named Entity Recognition):

  1. Person: Name + Surname (e.g.: John Clark, President Obama) >> ‘name’
  2. Geo-political entities (e.g.: South East Asia, Palo Alto, California) >> ‘addressLocality’
  3. Location (e.g.: Mount Everest, Mississippi River) >> ‘location’ (toma Mississippi River como ‘affiliation’)
  4. Organization (e.g.: BBVA) >> ‘affiliation’
  5. Duration (e.g.: ?) >> ‘duration’
  6. Date (e.g.: June) >> ‘date’ (no extraída así)
  7. Cardinal (e.g.: ?) >> ‘cardinalNumber’ (no los extrae)
  8. Percent (e.g.: 18.75 %) >> ‘percentNumber’ (no los extrae)
  9. Money (e.g.: GBP 10.40) >> ‘money’ (toma GBP como ‘affiliation’)
  10. Measure (e.g.: ? ) >> ‘measure’ (no los extrae)
  11. Facility: Human-made artifacts in the domains of architecture and civil engineering (e.g.: Stonehenge) >> ‘facility’ (toma Mississippi River como ‘name’)

Methods: GET, POST Response: JSON array "entities_list": [{ "name": "John Clark" }, { "addressLocality": "Madrid" }, { "addressLocality": "Spain" }, { "name": "Linares" }, { "addressLocality": "Spain" }, { "name": "Morgan Clark" }, { "affiliation": "BBVA" }, { "affiliation": "ERICSSON" }, { "affiliation": "GE" }]

BIKA for application forms

Given a text, used to fill in a form, BIKA extracts the following information: entities, dates, e-mail address and telephone numbers.

Methods: POST, GET

POST Request Headers Body Request Method: POST Status Code: 200 Params: { "callback": "jQuery11654254656562545656", "text": ""My name is John Clark and I'm 28. I'm a lawyer. I was born the 1972-06-26 in Madrid, Spain. I live in calle orujo, 4, 23700, Linares, Spain. In case emergency, Monday and Sunday, please contact with my wife Morgan Clark, she was born on 21/03/1975. You can contact me by e-mail at My phone number is 213 555 776 and home phonenumber is 666777897 and 91 234 56 78. I work at BBVA, ERICSSON and GE."" }

Response Headers Status Code: 200 Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 16:17:43 GMT Server: Werkzeug/0.9.4 Python/3.3.3 Content-Length: 822 Content-Type: application/json

Body { "address_list": [], "dates_list": [{ "weekday": "Monday" }, { "birthDate": "26/06/72" }, { "birthDate": "21/03/75" }], "emails_list": [{ "email": "" }], "entities_list": [{ "name": "John Clark" }, { "addressLocality": "Madrid" }, { "addressLocality": "Spain" }, { "name": "Linares" }, { "addressLocality": "Spain" }, { "name": "Morgan Clark" }, { "affiliation": "BBVA" }, { "affiliation": "ERICSSON" }, { "affiliation": "GE" }], "phones_list": [{ "telephone": "213555776" }, { "telephone": "666777897" }, { "telephone": "912345678" }] }

GET Request Headers Body Request Method: GET Status Code: 200 Params: { "callback": "jQuery11654254656562545656", "text": ""My name is John Clark and I'm 28. I'm a lawyer. I was born the 1972-06-26 in Madrid, Spain. I live in calle orujo, 4, 23700, Linares, Spain. In case emergency, Monday and Sunday, please contact with my wife Morgan Clark, she was born on 21/03/1975. You can contact me by e-mail at My phone number is 213 555 776 and home phonenumber is 666777897 and 91 234 56 78. I work at BBVA, ERICSSON and GE."" }

Response Headers Status Code: 200 Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 16:09:02 GMT Server: Werkzeug/0.9.4 Python/3.3.3 Content-Length: 551 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Body jQuery11654254656562545656({"entities_list": [{"name": "John Clark"}, {"addressLocality": "Madrid"}, {"addressLocality": "Spain"}, {"name": "Linares"}, {"addressLocality": "Spain"}, {"name": "Morgan Clark"}, {"affiliation": "BBVA"}, {"affiliation": "ERICSSON"}, {"affiliation": "GE"}], "address_list": [], "dates_list": [{"weekday": "Monday"}, {"birthDate": "26/06/72"}, {"birthDate": "21/03/75"}], "phones_list": [{"telephone": "213555776"}, {"telephone": "666777897"}, {"telephone": "912345678"}], "emails_list": [{"email": ""}]});


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