bemhint – it is an extendable code quality tool for BEM projects.
This module is a core of the tool. It provides the API for external plugins which perform checks of project BEM entities.
$ npm install bemhint
$ bemhint --help
bemhint [OPTIONS] [ARGS]
-h, --help : Help
-c CONFIGPATH, --config=CONFIGPATH : Path to a configuration file (default: .bemhint.js)
-r REPORTERS, --reporter=REPORTERS : flat, html or/and teamcity (default: flat)
TARGETS : Paths to BEM entities (required)
Configuration is a JavaScript/JSON file in the following format:
module.exports = {
// list of the folder names which represent redefinition levels (folders with blocks)
levels: [
// paths which will be ignored during the validation
excludePaths: [
// list of available plugins (node module names relatively to config file path)
plugins: {
// plugin is disabled
'<plugin_name>': false,
// plugin is enabled
'<plugin_name>': true,
// plugin is enabled and uses following settigns
'<plugin_name>': {
// settings
// paths which will be ignored during the validation by this plugin
excludePaths: [
// set of the BEM technologies which should be validated by this plugin
techs: {
'*': false,
'js|deps.js': true,
// separated settings for `bemhtml.js`
'bemhtml.js': {
// settings
// plugin is enabled and will be run as many times as many configurations have been specified;
// be aware of different side effects which may appear depending on a plugin implementation
'<plugin_name>': [
// settings
tech: {
'deps.js': true
// other settings
tech: {
'bemdecl.js': true
Note! Plugin settings can have any other fields which needs for plugin (not only special fields excludePaths
and techs
). Set of the fields is defined by implementation of plugin.
You need to create the JavaScript file in following format:
module.exports = {
* Default plugin settings (it will be merged with settings from configuration file)
* @returns {Object}
configure: function() {
return {
// settings
* Checks which needs the information about all BEM entities of the project
* @param {Entity[]} entities
* @param {Config} config
forEntities: function(entities, config) {
* Checks of the specific BEM entity
* @param {Entity} entity
* @param {Config} config
forEachEntity: function(entity, config) {
* Checks of the separate technology of the specific BEM entity
* @param {Object} tech
* @param {Entity} entity
* @param {Config} config
forEachTech: function(tech, entity, config) {
Note! Your plugin should contain at least one of the functions forEntities
, forEachEntity
, forEachTech
, but configure
function is not required.
BEM entity (block, element or modifier).
@returns {Tech[]} - list of technologies which implement this BEM entity
@param {String} – technology name (css, js etc. - part of a file name which goes after the first dot)
@returns {Tech} – technology of BEM entity
@param {Object} - object which contains the information about an error:
- location {Object} -
{line, column}
location of error in a file; works withtech
argument only - msg {String} – error message
- tech {String} – technology name where error was found
- [value] {String|Object} – error data
This method has the same API as addError
Plugin configuration.
@returns {Object} – full configuration of a plugin
@param {String} – technology name
@returns {Object} – configuration of the specific technology
@param {String} – file path
@returns {Boolean}
@param {String} – relative path
@returns {String} – absolute path built relatively from config file location