A Ruby Gem to parse and manipulate the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS)
So FAR so Good is a Ruby Gem to interact with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS). Right now, it supports section 52.20x and 252.20x, the FAR and DFARS standard contracting clause templates.
For any contract clause, it will provide:
- The section number
- The subject
- Whether it's a reserved section
- The formal citation
- The body (full clause text)
- The extract (what's inserted into the contract)
- A link to the full text online
It will give you access to this information in object-oriented Ruby, as JSON, or as a markdown table for use elsewhere.
subchapters = SoFarSoGood.subchapters
=> [#<SoFarSoGood::Subchapter year=2013 title=48 volume=2 chapter=1 name="FAR">,
#<SoFarSoGood::Subchapter year=2013 title=48 volume=3 chapter=2 name="DFARS">]
# Get the FAR's subparts
subparts = SoFarSoGood.far.subparts
=> [#<SoFarSoGood::Subpart year=2013 title=48 volume=2 chapter=1 number="52.200" subject="Scope of subpart." document="FAR" reserved=false>,
#<SoFarSoGood::Subpart year=2013 title=48 volume=2 chapter=1 number="52.202-1" subject="Definitions." document="FAR" reserved=false>,
#<SoFarSoGood::Subpart year=2013 title=48 volume=2 chapter=1 number="52.203-1" subject="[Reserved]" document="FAR" reserved=true>,
#<SoFarSoGood::Subpart year=2013 title=48 volume=2 chapter=1 number="52.203-2" subject="Certificate of Independent Price Determination." document="FAR" reserved=false>,
#<SoFarSoGood::Subpart year=2013 title=48 volume=2 chapter=1 number="52.203-3" subject="Gratuities." document="FAR" reserved=false>,
#<SoFarSoGood::Subpart year=2013 title=48 volume=2 chapter=1 number="52.203-4" subject="[Reserved]" document="FAR" reserved=true>...]
# Get a list of subpart numbers
=> ["52.200", "52.202-1", "52.203-1", "52.203-2", "52.203-3", "52.203-4", "52.203-5", ... ]
# Get a list of subpart numbers, excluding reserved clauses
SoFarSoGood.far.numbers(:reserved => false)
=> ["52.200", "52.202-1", "52.203-1", "52.203-2", "52.203-3", "52.203-4", "52.203-5", ... ]
# Get a list of subpart subjects
=> ["Scope of subpart.", "Definitions.", "[Reserved]", "Certificate of Independent Price Determination.", ... ]
# Get a specific subpart
subpart = SoFarSoGood["52.202-1"]
=> #<SoFarSoGood::Subpart year=2013 title=48 volume=2 chapter=1 number="52.202-1" subject="Definitions." document="FAR" reserved=false>
=> "52.202-1"
=> "Definitions"
=> false
=> "[69 FR 34228, June 18, 2004]"
# The full clause body
=> "As prescribed in 2.201, insert the following clause:..."
# The actual clause text to be inserted in the contract
=> "Definitions (JUL 2004)(a) When a solicitation provision or contract clause uses a word..."
=> "http://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/48/52.202-1"
=> "[{\"number\":\"52.200\",\"subject\":\"Scope of subpart.\",\"reserverd\":false,\"citation\":..."
puts SoFarSoGood.far.to_md
| Clause | Description |
| 52.200 | Scope of subpart. |
| 52.202-1 | Definitions. |
| 52.203-2 | Certificate of Independent Price Determination. |
| 52.203-3 | Gratuities. |
| 52.203-5 | Covenant Against Contingent Fees. |
# Table without reserved subparts
puts SoFarSoGood.dfars.to_md(:reserved => false)
# Table with links to text
puts SoFarSoGood.far.to_md(:links => true)
| [52.222-34](http://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/48/52.222-34) | Project Labor Agreement. |
| [52.222-35](http://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/48/52.222-35) | Equal Opportunity for Veterans. |
| [52.222-36](http://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/48/52.222-36) | Affirmative Action for Workers With Disabilities. |
| [52.222-37](http://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/48/52.222-37) | Employment Reports on Veterans. |
| [52.222-38](http://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/48/52.222-38) | Compliance with Veterans' Employment Reporting Requirements. |
| [52.222-41](http://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/48/52.222-41) | Service Contract Act of 1965.
puts SoFarSoGood.far.to_csv(:reserved => false)
52.200,Scope of subpart.
52.203-2,Certificate of Independent Price Determination.
52.203-5,Covenant Against Contingent Fees.
# The body
puts SoFarSoGood["52.202-1"].body(:format => :markdown)
=> As prescribed in 2.201, insert the following clause:
# The extract
puts SoFarSoGood["52.202-1"].extract(:format => :markdown)
=> ### Definitions (JUL 2004)
(a) When a solicitation provision or contract clause uses a word or term that is defined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), the word or term has the same meaning as the definition in FAR 2.101 in effect at the time the solicitation was issued, unless— ...
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'so_far_so_good'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install so_far_so_good
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) - Push to the branch (
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) - Create a new Pull Request