Sundial is a telephone number to timezone conversion tool. Give it a telephone number (in any format) and it'll tell you the local time and timezone.
Sundial works particularly well with US telephone numbers, and in the US it
can look up timezones by area code. Unless your telephone number has an
international country code prefix like +44
, 0044
, +385
or 00385
, Sundial
will assume that you are converting a US telephone number.
Clone this repo, then install dependencies using bundler:
$ bundle install
That's the only setup you need to do; after that, just run the application.
$ rackup
If you'd rather use a hosted copy, check out
Browse to the application root, then enter a telephone number that you would like to lookup. Format is not important.
There are other ways to use Sundial besides visiting that page and typing
a number into the box. You can visit a URL like
to convert somenumber
the number you want to convert. For example, to convert Cell: 651.342.2323
you would visit the following URL:
If you have a specific feature request or if you found a bug, please give me a shout. And of course, please feel free to fork the code or the data and send a pull request with improvements.