An opinionated Laravel preset with Inertia.js and Vuetify
The following features are preconfigured. Check out the demo at
- Registration
- Email Verification
- Email Change w/ Verification
- Password Change
- Password Recovery
- Two Factor Authentication darkghosthunter/laraguard
- Reauthentication mpociot/reauthenticate
- Vuetify 2.2+
- Inline form validation
- Eslint w/ eslint-plugin-vue
- Font Awesome 5
- PHP 7.4
- Laravel 6
- Postgres
- Github workflow running tests and code quality
- UUID primary keys
- Example phpunit tests
- Inline form validation
- Docker compose development environment
- Postgres Database
- Redis Server
- Mail Hog Dashboard
- Laravel Queue Worker
- Laravel Jobs Container
Clone this repo into new project folder
git clone https://rezet-intertia-vuetify.git prezet
cd prezet
Start the docker containers
docker-compose up
Install the dependencies
cp .env.example .env
docker exec prezet-phpfpm artisan key:generate
docker exec prezet-phpfpm composer install
docker exec prezet-phpfpm yarn install
Create the database, run the migrations, and seed the data
docker exec prezet-phpfpm php artisan db:create
docker exec prezet-phpfpm php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Login at http://localhost:8000
password: 123