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basic user scraper
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This commit adds a basic GitHub user scraper for getting profile information for each developer,
as well as some code to geocode the location strings into a normalized form using the  google
maps geocoding api.
  • Loading branch information
benfred committed Apr 24, 2018
1 parent 7f8c9c1 commit a8b19b0
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,216 additions and 2 deletions.
178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions cmd/gha-location-scraper/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
package main

import (

githubanalysis ""


/* Random sql queries for locations
// Groups all place_ids together
select data::json -> 0 ->> 'place_id' as place_id, count(*) from locations group by place_id order by count(*) desc;
// Groups all locations with formatted_address/placeid together. Seems like formatted_address is as good an id as place_id, and legiglbe?
select data::json -> 0 ->> 'formatted_address' as address, data::json -> 0 ->> 'place_id' as place_id, count(*) from locations group by (place_id, address) order by count(*) desc;
// Returns location strings for a placeid
select location from locations where data @> '[{"place_id": "ChIJ-RRZyGOvlVQR8-ORLBHVVoQ"}]';
// Returns users/sumfollowers grouped by formatted address
select data::json -> 0 ->> 'formatted_address' as address, sum(followers), count(*) from users inner join locations on locations.location = users.location where followers is not null group by address order by count(*) desc;
// Returns the top companies in vancouver (resolved addresses), sorted by # of employees
select data::json -> 0 ->> 'formatted_address' as address, count(*), sum(followers), company from locations inner join users on locations.location = users.location where followers is not null and data::json -> 0 ->> 'formatted_address'='Vancouver, BC, Canada' group by (address, company) order by (count(*), sum(followers)) desc;
// Returns the top locations, with summed counts/followers - along with lat/lon addresses.
select distinct address, sum, c.count, data::json -> 0 -> 'geometry' -> 'location' ->> 'lat' as lat, data::json -> 0 -> 'geometry' -> 'location' ->> 'lng' as lng from (select data::json -> 0 ->> 'formatted_address' as address, sum(followers), count(*) from users inner join locations on locations.location = users.location where followers is not null group by address) as c inner join locations on c.address = data::json -> 0 ->> 'formatted_address' order by c.count desc limit 50;
// Returns all the ambigious locations.
select location from locations where json_array_length(data::json) != 1;
// TODO: Don't think 90 users are in Earth, Texas
Earth, TX 79031, USA | 7801 | 90
// Or 50 Users in Internet, Laos
"Internet, 13, Pakse, Laos",15.1219947,105.8021808,1135,50
// or 104 here:
"533 S Rockford Ave, Tulsa, OK 74120, USA",36.153315,-95.971261,4426,104
select user.login, location, data::json -> 0 -> 'address_components' -> (json_array_length(data::json -> 0 -> 'address_components') - 1) ->> 'long_name' from users inner join locations on locations.location = user.location where user.location like '%Vancouver%';
// This query is a bit of a beast, but pulls out country units sort of ok
select d.location, d.component->>'long_name' as country, d.component->>'short_name' as country_Code from (select c.location, addresses-> json_array_length(c.addresses) - 1 as component from (select location, data::json -> 0 -> 'address_components' as addresses from locations) as c) as d where ((d.component->>'types')::jsonb ? 'country') order by country;
// Again a bit of a best, but groups users together by country decently well (except for poland/ukraine for some reason - also postal codes etc)
// problem in ukraine is country is 2nd to last instead of last {"types": ["country", "political"], "long_name": "Ukraine", "short_name": "UA"}, {"types": ["postal_code"], "long_name": "02000", "short_name": "02000"}
select sum, count, country ->> 'short_name' as country_code, country ->> 'long_name' as country from (select count(*), sum(users.followers), data::jsonb -> 0 -> 'address_components' -> (json_array_length(data::json -> 0 -> 'address_components') - 1) as country from users inner join locations on locations.location = users.location group by country order by sum(users.followers) desc) as countries where -> 'types' ? 'country' order by sum desc;
// Groups users by country, solving issue with postal codes in the ukraine:
select sum(users.followers), count(1), from users inner join (select location, array_to_json(array_agg(j.*)) -> 0 ->> 'long_name' as country from locations, json_array_elements( -> 0 -> 'address_components') j where (j -> 'types' ->> 0 = 'country') group by locations.location) as country_map on country_map.location = users.location group by order by count(*) desc;
// TODO: @heroku in vancouver doesn't seem to aggregate properly.
// TODO: need to company-code the organization strings.
// Wowsers. Just need to generate some graphs here. This might not actually be all that hard!
So a post on 'do you need to move to the valley' is pretty much done here, just need to collect some data

// InsertLocation inserts a google maps request into the db
func InsertLocation(conn *githubanalysis.Database, location string, fetchtime time.Time, results []maps.GeocodingResult) error {
sql := `INSERT INTO locations (location, data, fetched) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) ON CONFLICT(location) DO UPDATE SET data = $2, fetched=$3`
data, err := json.Marshal(results)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = conn.Exec(sql, location, data, fetchtime)
return err

// HasLocation returns if the location has already been fetched
func HasLocation(conn *githubanalysis.Database, location string) (bool, error) {
// TODO: this doesn't seem all that good
rows, err := conn.Query("SELECT fetched from locations where location=$1 and fetched is not null", location)
if err != nil {
return false, err

defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var fetched time.Time
if err := rows.Scan(&fetched); err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil

return false, nil

func fetchLocation(client *maps.Client, db *githubanalysis.Database, location string) error {
results, err := client.Geocode(context.Background(), &maps.GeocodingRequest{Address: location})
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to geocode '%s': %s", location, err.Error())
return err

fmt.Printf("Found %d results\n", len(results))
for _, result := range results {
fmt.Printf("formatted %s\n", result.FormattedAddress)
for _, component := range result.AddressComponents {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", component.LongName)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", component.ShortName)
for _, t := range component.Types {
fmt.Printf("Type: %s\n", t)

return InsertLocation(db, location, time.Now(), results)

func fetchLocations(conn *githubanalysis.Database, client *maps.Client) error {
sql := `select location, count(*) from users where location is not null group by location order by (count(*), sum(followers)) desc`

rows, err := conn.Query(sql)
if err != nil {
return err

defer rows.Close()

errs := 0

for rows.Next() {
var location string
var count int
if err := rows.Scan(&location, &count); err != nil {
return err

skip, err := HasLocation(conn, location)
if err != nil {
return err
if skip {
fmt.Printf("Location %s Count %d\n", location, count)
err = fetchLocation(client, conn, location)
if err != nil {
errs += 1;
if (errs >= 500) {
return err
return nil

func main() {
cfg := config.Read("config.toml")

client, err := maps.NewClient(maps.WithAPIKey(cfg.GoogleMapsKey))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("fatal error: %s", err)

db, err := githubanalysis.Connect(cfg)
if err != nil {

err = fetchLocations(db, client)
if err != nil {

137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions cmd/gha-parse-email/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
package main

import (


type commitAuthor struct {
email string
name string

// ParsePushCommits returns a list of author/email if the
func parsePushCommits(data []byte) ([]*commitAuthor, error) {
var authors []*commitAuthor

jsonparser.ArrayEach(data, func(value []byte, dataType jsonparser.ValueType, offset int, err error) {
// TODO: error handling?
distinct, err := jsonparser.GetBoolean(value, "distinct")
author, err := jsonparser.GetString(value, "author", "name")
email, err := jsonparser.GetString(value, "author", "email")
if distinct {
authors = append(authors, &commitAuthor{email: email, name: author})
}, "payload", "commits")
return authors, nil

func analyzeDay(pathname string) error {
hours, err := ioutil.ReadDir(pathname)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to read '%s': %s", pathname, err.Error())

outputfilename := path.Join(pathname, "parsed_email.tsv")
if _, err = os.Stat(outputfilename); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
fmt.Printf("Skipping '%s' - already exists\n", outputfilename)
return nil

output, err := os.Create(outputfilename)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to open file '%s' for writing: %s", outputfilename, err.Error())
defer output.Close()

events := 0
for _, hour := range hours {
if !hour.IsDir() && strings.HasSuffix(hour.Name(), "json.gz") {
hourpath := path.Join(pathname, hour.Name())
it, err := githubarchive.NewScanner(hourpath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer it.Close()

for it.Scan() {
event := it.Event()

if event.Type == "PushEvent" {
authors, err := parsePushCommits(it.Bytes())
if err == nil && len(authors) > 0 {
author := authors[len(authors)-1]
tokens := strings.Split(, "@")
domain := tokens[len(tokens)-1]
fmt.Fprintf(output, "%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", event.UserID, event.UserName,,, domain)

fmt.Printf("Finished analyzing path '%s' - %d events\n", pathname, events)
return nil

func main() {
filename := flag.String("filename", "", "Filename to process")
pathname := flag.String("path", "", "path to process")

if len(*pathname) > 0 {
dirs, err := githubarchive.FindDayPaths(*pathname)
if err != nil {

numCPUs := runtime.NumCPU()
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(numCPUs + 1)

var wg sync.WaitGroup

pathChan := make(chan string, 100)

worker := func() {
defer wg.Done()
for path := range pathChan {
err := analyzeDay(path)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to process '%s': %s\n", path, err.Error())

for i := 0; i < numCPUs; i++ {
go worker()

for _, dir := range dirs {
pathChan <- dir

} else if len(*filename) > 0 {
err := analyzeDay(*filename)
if err != nil {
} else {

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