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Object detection for scientific images.


We provide instructions for using artifice UChicago's midway2 cluster. After cloning this repository, add its directory to the PYTHONPATH:

git clone
cd artifice

To run artifice, open a compute node. We show here with GPU node:

sinteractive --partition=gpu2 --gres=gpu:1 --mem=32000

After it opens, load the required modules and activate the python environment. Note: you may have to module unload python first.

module unload python
module load cuda/9.0
export PATH=$PATH:/software/cuda-9.0-el7-x86_64/bin
module load Anaconda3/2018.12
source activate tf-gpu-1.13.1
module load povray/3.7
module load ffmpeg

We use POV-Ray for data generation and ffmpeg for visualization. Depending on your use of artifice, these may not be necessary.

Check that artifice loads correctly by running python -m artifice -h


Artifice's default command-line options are configured for this demo. All commands should be run from the ARTIFICE_ROOT directory.

This demonstration runs object detection using an artificial dataset with two bouncing spheres, under noisy conditions. By default, only 10 video frames are labeled for training. Detections are run on 1000 withheld frames.

  1. The test_utils directory contains for creating an artificial experiment. Run python scripts/ to create the test dataset, viualized here. (This will take about an hour, avoid if possible.) The dataset consists of .png images and a .npy labels file.
  2. Convert this data to the expected .tfrecord form with python -m artifice convert
  3. Run one training epoch with python -m artifice train. (Epoch checkpoints are saved in models/coupled_spheres/hourglass
  4. Run object detection with python -m artifice detect This creates a detections.npy file with object detections in models/coupled_spheres.
  5. Run python -m artifice visualize to create and save detection visualizations in models/coupled_spheres. Examples are included with this distribution.