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Welcome to the source code for my personal corner of the internet!

bUt bEn...tHiS iS oVeReNgInEeReD!

I don't care. Yeah, you don't need all this for a blog website. But this is my corner of the internet, so I'm gonna use tools that ✨ spark joy ✨

Right now that's Next.js and Tailwind. I actually find that both tools scale down nicely as well as up, and I make sure I'm staying on top of what's fresh in frontend.


Feel free to open a PR to edit the posts! I'm happy to merge PRs for broken code, typos, and other changes.

Running the project

1. Install the dependencies.

$ pnpm install

2. Add a .env.local file wit environment variables.

Add an .env file with the following variables:

# This variable allows creation of absolute links. It should reference the _root_ URL
# of the site—if you're running locally it'll be `localhost:PORT` as shown below, in
# the deployed environment it will be your domain name.

# This allows overriding the `VERCEL_URL` so that metadata and absolute URLs can
# be populated with a custom domain.

# Root URL of the application under test. This can be used in CI to test against
# any environment, whether it's local, prod, or a preview application.

3. Run the development server

$ pnpm dev

Running the tests

Right now I've got a small suite of playwright tests to make sure that my website loads on a few key browsers and that nothing crazy is missing. 🙃

To run the playwright tests you'll need to add the following variables to your .env file.

# Base url from which to load web pages.
# Should correspond to the deployment url of whichever application is being tested.

# Whether to launch a headful or headless browser for end-to-end tests.
# DEFAULT: "true"

# Puts the e2e test runner into "debug" mode
# DEFAULT: "false"
# Note that this will override the behavior in "TEST_HEADLESS_BROWSER"

# Which browsers to run end-to-end tests in.
# DEFAULT: "chromium,firefox,webkit"

Once you've got the environment variables added, you can run the end-to-end tests with npm test or yarn test.

Copyright & Theft

My content is all out here in the open—if you plan on stealing it and reposting somewhere, I know this little paragraph at the bottom of my README isn't going to stop you.

That said, you're free to copy the code and code snippets from this blog verbatim. That's the whole point of sharing what I've learned in the public sphere. But if you want to copy the post content verbatim, provide an attribution or a link back to the original post.

Some of the technologies used on this website

Right now, here's a couple of the technologies that I'm into and exploring with this website.

Since this is a relatively simple website, I've tried to keep the usage of libraries low—most of the libraries in this website have to do with markdown parsing and the static generation.

Thank you!

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, contribute to it, and browse the source code. I'm happy to be a part of the tech community and it's people like you that make me happy to share my journey in public.