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Edits in preparation for publication of book chapter
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benmarwick committed Nov 20, 2013
1 parent cc5a617 commit 938f822
Showing 1 changed file with 68 additions and 37 deletions.
105 changes: 68 additions & 37 deletions AAA2011.R
@@ -1,14 +1,39 @@
# code in DMAR chapter

# This code was last run sucessfully on Nov 2013 in the this environment:
# R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
# Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

# and these packages:

# [1] topicmodels_0.1-12 slam_0.1-30 pvclust_1.2-2 plyr_1.8 Snowball_0.0-10
# [6] rJava_0.9-4 tm_0.5-9.1 Matrix_1.1-0 sna_2.3-1 igraph_0.6.6
# [11] ggplot2_0.9.3.1 stringr_0.6.2

# get package with functions for interacting with
# get 1500 tweets with #aaa2011 tag, note that 1500 is the max, and it's subject to filtering and other restrictions by Twitter
aaa2011 <- searchTwitter('#AAA2011,', n=1500)
aaa2011 <- searchTwitter('#AAA2011', n=1500)
# convert to data frame
df <-"rbind", lapply(aaa2011,
# get column names to see structure of the data
# look at the first three rows to check content

# Note that the code accompanying this chapter allows for the reader to
# collect their own data directly from Twitter. However, the Twitter API changes
# frequently, causing difficulties in reproducing the results of this code. To
# improve the reproducbility of this study, the data used in this chapter
# are also available as a CSV file. The data are available at

# The following three lines will read in the
# CSV file to the workspace read for further analysis

dir <- "..." # full path to the folder on your computer containing the file
file <- "Marwick_DMAR-chapter-3.csv" # name of the CSV file
df <- read.csv(paste(dir, file, sep = "/"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# see how many unique Twitter accounts in the sample
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,12 +99,10 @@ ggplot() +
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,2,2), "lines"))

# calculate the number of followers of each Twitter account
# extract the usernames from the non-anonymised dataset
# Note that this may take some time! And that's it's dependant on the Twitter
# API, which changes frequently.
users <- unique(df$screenName)
users <- sapply(users, as.character)
# make a data frame for further manipulation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,8 +174,6 @@ ggplot(sort.t.rt.subset.drop, aes(reorder(Var1, ratio), ratio)) +
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,2,2), "lines"))

# extract tweeter-retweeted pairs
rt <- data.frame(user=rand.df$randuser, rt=rand.df$rt.rand)
# omit pairs with NA and get only unique pairs
Expand All @@ -161,16 +182,25 @@ rt.u <- na.omit(unique(rt)) #
require (sna)
degree <- sna::degree
g <-, directed = F)
g <- as.undirected(g)
g.adj <- get.adjacency(g)
# plot network graph
gplot(g.adj, usearrows = FALSE,
vertex.col = "grey",vertex.border = "black",
displaylabels = FALSE, edge.lwd = 0.01, edge.col
= "grey30", vertex.cex = 0.5)
g <-, directed = F)
# note that the igraph package appears to have changed its plot
# function between the time that the original code was used for the
# analysis and revision for publication. The following line will
# plot a basic network graph, ready for further customisation:
# and here is a rough approximation of the published plot
plot(g, #the graph to be plotted
layout=layout.fruchterman.reingold, # the layout method. see the igraph documentation for details
vertex.label.dist=0.5, #puts the name labels slightly off the dots
vertex.frame.color='blue', #the color of the border of the dots
vertex.label.color='black', #the color of the name labels
vertex.label.font=3, #the font of the name labels
vertex.label.cex=0.5, #specifies the size of the font of the labels. can also be made to vary
vertex.size = 0.5

# get some basic network attributes
gden(g.adj) # density
g.adj <- get.adjacency(g, sparse=FALSE)
grecip(g.adj) # reciprocity
gtrans(g.adj) # transitivity
centralization(g.adj, degree)
Expand All @@ -180,11 +210,13 @@ print(cug.gden <- cug.test(g.adj, gden))
# reciprocity
print(cug.recip <- cug.test(g.adj, grecip))
cug.recip <- cug.test(g.adj, grecip)
# transistivity
print(cug.gtrans <- cug.test(g.adj, gtrans))
cug.gtrans <- cug.test(g.adj, gtrans)
# centralisation
Expand All @@ -204,12 +236,12 @@ a <- tm_map(a, removePunctuation)
a <- tm_map(a, removeNumbers)
a <- tm_map(a, removeWords, stopwords("english")) # this list needs to be edited and this function repeated a few times to remove high frequency context specific words with no semantic value
require(rJava) # needed for stemming function
library(Snowball) # also needed for stemming function
require(Snowball) # also needed for stemming function
a <- tm_map(a, stemDocument, language = "english") # converts terms to tokens
a.tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(a, control = list(minWordLength = 3)) # create a term document matrix, keeping only tokens longer than three characters, since shorter tokens are very hard to interpret
a.tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(a, control = list(minWordLength = 3)) # create a term document matrix, keepiing only tokens longer than three characters, since shorter tokens are very hard to interpret
inspect(a.tdm[1:10,1:10]) # have a quick look at the term document matrix
findFreqTerms(a.tdm, lowfreq=30) # have a look at common words, in this case, those that appear at least 30 times, good to get high freq words and add to stopword list and re-make the dtm, in this case add aaa, panel, session
findAssocs(a.tdm, 'science', 0.30) # find associated words and strength of the common words. I repeated this function for the ten most frequent words.
findAssocs(a.tdm, 'scienc', 0.3) # find associated words and strength of the common words. I repeated this function for the ten most frequent words.

# investigate the URLs contained in the Twitter messages
Expand All @@ -232,12 +264,11 @@ ggplot(countlinkSub, aes(reorder(URL, N), N)) +
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,2,2), "lines"))

countlink<-sort(countlink) # sort them
barplot(countlink) # plot freqs
# or to use ggplot2, read on...
# plot links
qplot(countlink$link, geom="bar")+coord_flip() # but not sorted, so let's keep going...
links<-count(countlink, "link") # to get a data frame with two named vectors for sorting
qplot(reorder(link,freq),freq,data=links, geom="bar")+coord_flip() # and here it is in order
links2<-subset(links,links$freq>2) # subset of just links appearing more than twice
Expand All @@ -248,8 +279,8 @@ qplot(reorder(links2$link,links2$freq),links2$freq,data=links2, geom="bar")+coor
# This is based on Jeffrey Breen's excellent tutorial at

# download sentiment word list from here: un-rar and put somewhere logical on your computer
hu.liu.pos = scan('F:/My Documents/My Papers/conferences/SAA2010/opinion-lexicon-English/positive-words.txt', what = 'character',comment.char=';') #load +ve sentiment word list
hu.liu.neg = scan('F:/My Documents/My Papers/conferences/SAA2010/opinion-lexicon-English/negative-words.txt',what = 'character',comment.char= ';') #load -ve sentiment word list
hu.liu.pos = scan('E:/My Documents/My Papers/conferences/SAA2010/opinion-lexicon-English/positive-words.txt', what = 'character',comment.char=';') #load +ve sentiment word list
hu.liu.neg = scan('E:/My Documents/My Papers/conferences/SAA2010/opinion-lexicon-English/negative-words.txt',what = 'character',comment.char= ';') #load -ve sentiment word list
pos.words = c(hu.liu.pos)
neg.words = c(hu.liu.neg)
score.sentiment = function(sentences, pos.words, neg.words, .progress='none')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,7 +325,7 @@ score.sentiment = function(sentences, pos.words, neg.words, .progress='none')
aaa.text <- laply(aaa2011, function(t)t$getText()) # draw on the original object of tweets that we first got to extract just the text of the tweets
aaa.text <- df$text # get text of tweets
length(aaa.text) #check how many tweets, make sure it agrees with the original sample size
head(aaa.text, 5) #check content sample, see that it looks as expected, no weird characters, etc.
aaa.scores <- score.sentiment(aaa.text,pos.words,neg.words,.progress='text') # get scores for the tweet text
Expand All @@ -317,7 +348,7 @@ ggplot(scien, aes(x = score)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 1) + xlab("Sentiment s
# repeat this block with different high frequency words

a.tdm.sp <- removeSparseTerms(a.tdm, sparse=0.989) # I found I had to iterate over this to ensure the tdm doesn't get too small... for example: 0.990 nrow=88, 0.989, nrow=67, 0.985, nrow=37, 0.98 nrow=23, 0.95 nrow=6
a.tdm.sp.df <- # convert document term matrix to data frame
a.tdm.sp.df <- )) # convert document term matrix to data frame
nrow(a.tdm.sp.df) # check to see how many words we're left with after removing sparse terms
# this analysis is based on
# scale and transpose data for cluster analysis
Expand All @@ -327,13 +358,11 @@ fit <- pvclust(, method.hclust = "average", method.dist = "corre
plot(fit, cex = 1.5, cex.pv = 1.2, col.pv = c(1,0,0), main="", xlab="", sub="") # draw the dendrogram

a.tdm.sp.t <- t(a.tdm.sp) # transpose term document matrix, necessary for the next steps using mean term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf) to select the vocabulary for topic modeling
a.tdm.sp.t <- t(a.tdm.sp) # transpose document term matrix, necessary for the next steps using mean term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf) to select the vocabulary for topic modeling
summary(col_sums(a.tdm.sp.t)) # check median...
mean_term_tfidf <- tapply(a.tdm.sp.t$v/row_sums(a.tdm.sp.t)[a.tdm.sp.t$i], a.tdm.sp.t$j,mean) * log2(nDocs(a.tdm.sp.t)/col_sums(a.tdm.sp.t>0)) # calculate tf-idf values
# CAUTION: Note that Hugh J. Devlin has pointed out that this tf-idf is not the conventional computation because the term document matrix has been transposed
# for the usual tf-idf computation, skip the transpose operation on line 330
summary(mean_term_tfidf) # check median... note value for next line...
a.tdm.sp.t.tdif <- a.tdm.sp.t[,mean_term_tfidf>=1.0] # keep only those terms that are slightly less frequent that the median
term_tfidf <- tapply(a.tdm.sp.t$v/row_sums(a.tdm.sp.t)[a.tdm.sp.t$i], a.tdm.sp.t$j,mean) * log2(nDocs(a.tdm.sp.t)/col_sums(a.tdm.sp.t>0)) # calculate tf-idf values
summary(term_tfidf) # check median... note value for next line...
a.tdm.sp.t.tdif <- a.tdm.sp.t[,term_tfidf>=1.0] # keep only those terms that are slightly less frequent that the median
a.tdm.sp.t.tdif <- a.tdm.sp.t[row_sums(a.tdm.sp.t) > 0, ]
summary(col_sums(a.tdm.sp.t.tdif)) # have a look

Expand All @@ -354,14 +383,16 @@ ggplot(best.model.logLik.df, aes(x = topics, y = LL)) +
theme_bw() +
opts(axis.title.x = theme_text(vjust = -0.5, size = 14)) +
opts(axis.title.y=theme_text(size = 14, angle=90, vjust= -0.25)) +
opts(plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,2,2), "lines")) # plot nicely the ggsave(file = "model_LL_per_topic_number.pdf") # export the plot to a PDF file
opts(plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,2,2), "lines"))

# ggsave(file = "model_LL_per_topic_number.pdf") # export the plot to a PDF file
# it's not easy to see exactly which topic number has the highest LL, so let's look at the data...
best.model.logLik.df.sort <- best.model.logLik.df[order(-best.model.logLik.df$LL), ] # sort to find out which number of topics has the highest loglik, in this case 23 topics.
best.model.logLik.df.sort # have a look to see what's at the top of the list, the one with the highest score
ntop <- best.model.logLik.df.sort[1,]$topics

lda <- LDA(a.tdm.sp.t.tdif,23) # generate a LDA model with 23 topics, as found to be optimum
lda <- LDA(a.tdm.sp.t.tdif, ntop) # generate a LDA model the optimum number of topics
get_terms(lda, 5) # get keywords for each topic, just for a quick look
get_topics(lda, 5) # gets topic numbers per document
lda_topics<-get_topics(lda, 5)
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