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Adding my mime encoding library.
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archaelus committed Oct 20, 2008
1 parent 8306192 commit 7b11391
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Showing 2 changed files with 166 additions and 0 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions include/esmtp_mime.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
%% @copyright Geoff Cant
%% @author Geoff Cant <>
%% @version {@vsn}, {@date} {@time}
%% @doc Mail Mime library headers and record definitions.
%% @end

-define(esmtp_mime, true).

-record(mime_msg, {headers = [], boundary, parts = []}).
-record(mime_part, {type,
encoding = {"7bit", "text/plain","iso-8859-1"},

150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions src/esmtp_mime.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
%% @copyright Geoff Cant
%% @author Geoff Cant <>
%% @version {@vsn}, {@date} {@time}
%% @doc Email MIME encoding library.
%% @end


%% API
-export([encode/1, send/5,
msg/0, msg/3, msg/4,
from/1, to/1,


%% API

msg(To, From, Subject) ->
headers=[{"To", To},
{"Subject", Subject},
{"From", From},
{"Date", httpd_util:rfc1123_date()}

msg(To, From, Subject, Body) ->
Msg = msg(To, From, Subject),
add_text_part(Msg, Body).

msg() ->
headers=[{"Date", httpd_util:rfc1123_date()}]}.

encode(Msg) ->
encode_headers(headers(Msg)) ++ "\r\n\r\n" ++
encode_parts(Msg) ++
"--" ++ Msg#mime_msg.boundary ++ "--\r\n".

to(#mime_msg{headers=H}) ->
proplists:get_value("To", H, undefined).

from(#mime_msg{headers=H}) ->
proplists:get_value("From", H, undefined).

add_text_part(Msg = #mime_msg{parts=Parts}, Text) ->
Msg#mime_msg{parts=Parts ++ [#mime_part{data=Text}]}.

%% Internal functions

test_msg() ->
headers=[{"To", "Geoff Cant <>"},
{"Subject", "Daily Report"},
{"From", "Geoff Cant <>"},
{"Date", httpd_util:rfc1123_date()}
parts=[#mime_part{data="This is a test..."},
test() ->
io:format("~s~n", [encode(test_msg())]).

send(Ip, Host, From, To, Msg=#mime_msg{}) ->
ok = smtpc:sendmail(Ip, Host, From, To, encode(Msg)).

send_test(Ip, Host, From, To) ->
send(Ip, Host, From, To, test_msg()).

encode_header({Header, [V|Vs]}) when is_list(V) ->
Hdr = lists:map(fun ({K, Value}) when is_list(K), is_list(Value) ->
K ++ "=" ++ Value;
({K, Value}) when is_atom(K), is_list(Value) ->
atom_to_list(K) ++ "=" ++ Value;
(Value) when is_list(Value) -> Value
Header ++ ": " ++ join(Hdr, ";\r\n ");
encode_header({Header, Value}) when is_list(Header), is_list(Value) ->
Header ++ ": " ++ Value;
encode_header({Header, Value}) when is_atom(Header), is_list(Value) ->
atom_to_list(Header) ++ ": " ++ Value.

encode_headers(PropList) ->
join(lists:map(fun encode_header/1,

encode_parts(#mime_msg{parts=Parts, boundary=Boundary}) ->
lists:map(fun (P) -> encode_part(P,Boundary) end, Parts).

encode_part(#mime_part{data=Data} = P, Boundary) ->
"--" ++ Boundary ++ "\r\n" ++
encode_headers(part_headers(P)) ++ "\r\n\r\n" ++
Data ++ "\r\n".

part_headers(#mime_part{type=undefined, encoding={Enc, MimeType, Charset},
name=undefined}) ->
[{"Content-Transfer-Encoding", Enc},
{"Content-Type", [MimeType, {charset, Charset}]}];
part_headers(#mime_part{type=Type, encoding={Enc, MimeType, Charset},
name=Name}) when Type==inline; Type == attachment ->
[{"Content-Transfer-Encoding", Enc},
{"Content-Type", [MimeType, "charset=" ++ Charset ++ ",name=" ++ Name]},
{"Content-Disposition", [atom_to_list(Type),

headers(#mime_msg{headers=H, boundary=Boundary}) ->
H ++ [{"MIME-Version", "1.0"},
{"Content-Type", ["multipart/mixed",
"boundary=\"" ++ Boundary ++ "\""]}].

invent_mime_boundary() ->
string:copies("=", 10) ++ list_rand(boundary_chars(), 30).

list_rand(List, N) ->
lists:map(fun (_) -> list_rand(List) end,

list_rand(List) when is_list(List) ->
lists:nth(random:uniform(length(List)), List).

boundary_chars() ->
% "'()+_,-./=?"

join([H1, H2| T], S) when is_list(H1), is_list(H2), is_list(S) ->
H1 ++ S ++ join([H2| T], S);
%join([C1, C2 | Chars], S) when is_integer(C1), is_integer(C2), is_list(S) ->
% [C1|S] ++ S ++ join([C2 | Chars], S);
join([H], _) ->
join([], _) ->

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