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This is a wrapper for WebSQL for Angular JS. Each of the implemented methods use promises.


Install via bower

bower install

Require it into your application (after Angular)

<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="ng-websql.js"></script>


Add the module as a dependency to your app

// set the app
var app = angular.module( "yourApp", [ "ngWebSql" ] );

Create a database config and schema

app.constant( "DB_CONFIG", {
	name: "YourDB",
	logging: true,
	tables: [
			name: "Titles",
			columns: [
				{ name: "title_id", type: "INTEGER" },
				{ name: "title", type: "TEXT" }
			primary_key: [ "title_id" ],
			uniques: [
					fields: [ "title" ]
			name: "Departments",
			columns: [
				{ name: "department_id", type: "INTEGER", is_null: false },
				{ name: "department", type: "TEXT", is_null: false }
			primary_key: [ "department_id" ],
			uniques: [
					fields: [ "department" ]
			name: "Employees",
			columns: [
				{ name: "employee_id", type: "INTEGER" },
				{ name: "first_name", type: "TEXT" },
				{ name: "last_name", type: "TEXT" },
				{ name: "email", type: "TEXT" },
				{ name: "gender", type: "TEXT", is_null: true },
				{ name: "birth_date", type: "DATE", is_null: true },
				{ name: "title_id", type: "INTEGER" },
				{ name: "department_id", type: "INTEGER" },
				{ name: "last_modified", type: "DATE", default: "datetime( 'now', 'localtime' )" }
			primary_key: [ "employee_id" ],
			foreign_keys: [
					name: "fk_Employees_title_id",
					foreign_key: "title_id",
					references: "Titles",
					primary_key: "title_id"
					name: "fk_Employees_department_id",
					foreign_key: "department_id",
					references: "Departments",
					primary_key: "department_id"
			uniques: [
					fields: [ "email" ]
			indexes: [
					unique: false,
					name: "idx_Employees_email",
					columns: [
						"email ASC"
	views: [
			name: "vwITEmployees",
			statement: "SELECT e.* FROM Employees AS e INNER JOIN Departments AS d ON d.department_id = e.department_id WHERE d.department = 'IT'"
			name: "vwCreativeEmployees",
			statement: "SELECT e.* FROM Employees AS e INNER JOIN Departments AS d ON d.department_id = e.department_id WHERE d.department = 'Creative'"
} );

Initialize the database on run, this will create a connection to the database, and create the tables if they do not already exist. function( $db, DB_CONFIG ){
	// initialize the database
		.init( DB_CONFIG )
		.then( function() {
			console.log( "database ready" );
		} )

Inject it into your controller

app.controller( "SomeController"", function( $scope, $db ) {
		.query( "SELECT * FROM Employees" )
		.then( function( result ) {
		} );
} );



The init method should be called in your block to initialize the database. It takes a single object as an argument.

  • @config The config for the database

The object can contain 4 properties:

  1. name The name of the database
  2. logging Whether or not to enable console logging
  3. tables An array of tables to create if they do not already exist
  4. views An array of views to create if any


Executes a query and returns a promise which will return the SQLResultSet object from the query

  • @statement The SQL statement to be executed
  • @bindings An array of data bindings / query parameters


var employee_id = 1;
		"SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE employee_id = ? LIMIT 1",
		[ employee_id ]


Gets the entire resultset as an array of objects

  • @result The SQLResultSet object from a query


var department = "IT";
$scope.employees = [];

		"SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES AS e INNER JOIN Departments AS d ON d.department_id = e.department_id AND d.department = ?",
		[ department ]
	.then( function( result ) {
		$scope.employees = $db.resultset( result );
	} );


Gets a single row from the resultset as an object

  • @result The SQLResultSet object from a query
  • @index (optional) The row index to retrieve, default 0


var employee_id = 1;
$scope.employee = {};
		"SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE employee_id = ? LIMIT 1",
		[ employee_id ]
	.then( function( result ) {
		$scope.employee = $db.row( result );
	} );


Drops database objects i.e. tables, views, indexes

  • @object_name The name of the object to drop
  • @object_type The type of object to drop i.e. TABLE, INDEX, VIEW


$db.drop( "Employees", "TABLE" );


Drops and recreates an index on a table

  • @index_name Name of the index to create to drop and recreate
  • @table Table to create the index on
  • @columns The columns to create the index for
  • @unique (optional) Boolean for whether or not it is a unique index, default is false


$db.index( "idx_Employees_email", "Employees", [ "email" ], true );


Drops and recreates a view on a table

  • @view_name Name of the index to drop and recreate
  • @statement The SQL SELECT statement to use in the view
  • @temp (optional) Whether or not the view is temporary, default is false


	"SELECT e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.last_name,, e.gender, e.birth_date, t.title, d.department, e.last_modified FROM Employees AS e INNER JOIN Titles AS t on t.title_id = e.title_id INNER JOIN Departments AS d ON d.department_id = e.department_id WHERE d.department = 'IT'", 				
	false );


Recreates the database by dropping and recreating all objects based on the config




Gets all of the columns for a table based on its create statement

  • @table The name of the table to get the columns for


	.columns( "Employees" )
	.then( function( columns ) {
	} );


This is a wrapper for WebSQL for Angular JS. Each of the implemented methods use promises.







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