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RNASeq-Pipeline for Quantification and Enrichment Analysis


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RNASeq-Pipeline for Quantification and Enrichment Analysis

RNASeq-Pipeline is a bioinformatics pipeline that can be used for analyzing RNA Sequencing data. RNASeq-Pipeline steps;


All required packages can be installed using script. script creates a conda environment called rnaseq-pipeline and downloads all required packages in it.



For using the pipeline, conda environment should be activated.

conda activate rnaseq-pipeline

All arguments can be seen by using --help command.

python --help
usage: [-h] -s  [...] -c  [...] [-r] [-m  [...]] [-t ] [-o ] [-f ] -d  -R  -G  -x  [-T ] [-q ] [-l ] [-i ] [-g ] [-M ] [-n ] [-B ] [-y ] [-p ] [-N ] [-F ] [-L ] [-P ] [-I ] [-D ]

RNASeq-Pipeline for Quantification and Enrichment Analysis

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  -s  [ ...], --samples  [ ...]         Sample names
  -c  [ ...], --controls  [ ...]        Control names
  -r , --replicate                      Technical replicate condition = YES or NO (default)
  -m  [ ...], --replicate_samples  [ ...]
                                        if --replicate == YES; Comma seperated matched sample names; sample1_sample2, sample3_sample4
  -t [], --type []                      Sample type; paired (default), single
  -o [], --output []                    Final output; pathway_enrichment (default), trimming, mapping, quantification, diff_exp
  -f [], --is_fastqc []                 Run FastQC or not; YES (default), NO
  -d , --data_dir                       Data folder direction
  -R , --reference_genome               Reference genome path
  -G , --gtf_file                       GTF file path
  -x , --star_index                     Folder path to create genome index (if already exist, automatically use the indexed genome in the path)
  -T [], --threads []                   Number of thread (default = 16)
  -q [], --quality []                   Trim galore quality option (default = 20)
  -l [], --length []                    Trim galore length option (default = 35)
  -i [], --genomeSAsparseD []           genomeSAsparseD argument for STAR (default = 2)
  -g [], --runMode []                   runMode argument for STAR (default = genomeGenerate)
  -M [], --limitGenomeGenerateRAM []    Available maximum RAM size in bytes (default = 164282414959)
  -n [], --genomeSAindexNbases []       genomeSAindexNbases argument for STAR (default = 14)
  -B [], --genomeChrBinNbits []         genomeChrBinNbits argument for STAR (default = 18)
  -y [], --outSAMtype []                Output SAM file type (default = BAM Unsorted)
  -p [], --twopassMode []               twopassMode argument for STAR (default = Basic)
  -N [], --twopass1readsN []            twopass1readsN argument for STAR (default = -1)
  -F [], --readFilesCommand []          readFilesCommand argument for STAR (default = zcat)
  -L [], --library_type []              Library type for Salmon (default = A)
  -P [], --p_val_threshold []           p-value threshold for pathfindR (default = 0.05)
  -I [], --iterations []                iteration number for pathfindR (default = 25)
  -D [], --create_DAG []                Create Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of the workflow and exit (default = NO)

RNASeq-Pipeline can only works with .fastq.gz files. Input names should be;

  • For pair-end samples: {sample_name}_{lane = 1 or 2}.fastq.gz
  • For single-end samples: {sample_name}.fastq.gz

Example Command

If reference genome indexed before, RNASeq-Pipeline automatically uses the indexed genome path in the --star_index argument. If not, index genome will be created into the --star_index path.

python --samples sample1 sample2 sample3 \
--controls control1 control2 control3 \
--data_dir /path/to/data/ \
--reference_genome /path/to/reference_genome \
--gtf_file /path/to/gtf_file \
--star_index /path/to/target/folder

Output of the pipeline can be specified with using --output argument. If you want to do differential expression analysis as a last step, you can set --output argument to diff_exp and pipeline automatically stops after that step.

python --samples sample1 sample2 sample3 \
--controls control1 control2 control3 \
--data_dir /path/to/data/ \
--reference_genome /path/to/reference_genome \
--gtf_file /path/to/gtf_file \
--star_index /path/to/target/folder \
--output diff_exp

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of the analysis can be created by using --create_DAG argument.

python --samples sample1 sample2 \
--controls control1 control2 \
--data_dir /path/to/data/ \
--reference_genome /path/to/reference_genome \
--gtf_file /path/to/gtf_file \
--star_index /path/to/target/folder \
--create_DAG YES

Technical Replicates

If there are technical replicates in the samples, --replicate argument should be set as YES and technical replicates should be written with using --replicate_samples argument. RNASeq-Pipeline automatically combines technical replicates when running DESeq2.

Example Command with Replicates

python --samples sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4 \
--controls control1 control2 control3 control4 \
--replicate YES \
--replicate_samples sample1_sample2 sample3_sample4 control1_control2 control3_control4 \
--data_dir /path/to/data/ \
--reference_genome /path/to/reference_genome \
--gtf_file /path/to/gtf_file \
--star_index /path/to/target/folder


All the outputs will be written in seperate folders in the data folder for each step.

├── sample1_1.fastq.gz
├── sample1_2.fastq.gz
├── sample2_1.fastq.gz
├── sample2_2.fastq.gz
├── control1_1.fastq.gz
├── control1_2.fastq.gz
├── control2_1.fastq.gz
├── control2_2.fastq.gz
└── results
    ├── quality_control
    │   └── multiqc_report.html
    ├── transcript_file_salmon
    │   └── all_transcript.fa
    ├── trimming
    │   ├── sample1
    │   │   └── trimmed files
    │   ├── sample2
    │   │   └── trimmed files
    │   ├── control1
    │   │   └── trimmed files
    │   ├── control2
    │   │   └── trimmed files
    ├── mapping
    │   ├── sample1
    │   │   └── bam files
    │   ├── sample2
    │   │   └── bam files
    │   ├── control1
    │   │   └── bam files
    │   ├── control2
    │   │   └── bam files
    ├── quantification
    │   ├── sample1
    │   │   └── quantification result
    │   ├── sample2
    │   │   └── quantification result
    │   ├── control1
    │   │   └── quantification result
    │   ├── control2
    │   │   └── quantification result
    ├── differential_expression
    │   ├── gene_name_converter.csv
    │   ├── sample1_control1
    │   │   ├── count_table.csv
    │   │   └── deseq_output.csv
    └── enrichment_analysis 
        ├── enrichment_result.csv
        └── active_snw_search
            └── iterations


RNASeq-Pipeline for Quantification and Enrichment Analysis








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