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Genève Campbell edited this page Aug 10, 2015 · 5 revisions

Hey there!

Welcome to the user documentation wiki for the Amber Drupal module! Use the navigation menu at right to find what you're looking for, or see below.

New to Amber?

  1. Before you get started, we recommend looking at the Overview to learn a little more about how Amber will work on your website.

  2. Also double-check the [Requirements] ( list to make sure your Drupal install is up to snuff.

  3. Once you're ready to go, the Installation guide will walk you through getting Amber up and running.

Dive a little deeper

  1. Once Amber is installed, familiarize yourself with the module's [Default] ( settings.

  2. You'll also want to modify [Configuration] ( settings to meet the particular needs of your website.

  3. Check out the [Dashboard] ( overview for an introduction to monitoring Amber activity on your website.

Questions or concerns

  1. We've detailed our [Known Issues] ( for Amber to answer common inquiries about cookies, phishing warnings, and redirects.

  2. See if we cover it yet on our [Frequently Asked Questions] ( page. Our beta test is a work in progress, and we'll be updating that page regularly as inquiries come in.

  3. Still stuck? [Report feedback and bugs] ( and we'll get to the bottom of it.