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Bertrand Benoit edited this page Dec 7, 2019 · 2 revisions

title: Hemera:UserGuide:Commands permalink: /Hemera:UserGuide:Commands/

In 'normal mode', Hemera will answer to your request, for any recognized commands. If a command is not understood, Hemera will say an error message.

=Activate 'normal' mode= To activate 'normal mode' (for instance after having played with parot mode), say For English language

 mode parrot

For French language

 mode perroquet

=Search definition= You can ask Hemera to search a definition, why not the one of Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness or Evolution ? For English language

 search Artificial Intelligence

For French language

 rechercher Intelligence Artificielle

=Pause/Continue/Stop= At any time, you can ask Hemera to pause/continue what it is saying. It may be interesting if you have something urgent to do, like answer to phone call.

To pause, say For English or French languages


Then, to continue, say For English or French languages


At any time, you can also ask Hemera to stop what it is saying. It may be interesting if you get the information/result you need, and want to ask something else to Hemera. To stop, say For English or French languages


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