Code, data and tools for HackaLOD 2018 hackathon, team Hic Sunt Leones:
Goal: make it easier to browse and find georectified historical maps from the Amsterdam Municipal Archives.
Map area data is available via the Adamlink SPARQL endpoint. Example query:
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX sem: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
select ?kaart ?img ?x ?y ?title {
?kaart dct:spatial ?spatial .
?kaart foaf:depiction ?img .
?kaart dc:title ?title .
?spatial dc:type "outline"^^xsd:string .
?spatial geo:hasGeometry/geo:asWKT ?wktmap .
?spatial wdt:P2046 ?km2 .
bind (bif:st_geomfromtext("POINT(4.895168 52.370216)") as ?x)
bind (bif:st_geomfromtext(?wktmap) as ?y)
FILTER (bif:st_intersects(?x, ?y))
limit 5
: scrape all georectified maps from the Beeldbankcreate-links.js
: save permalinks and UUIDs, merge with CSV
: download all GeoTIFFs from WMS
: use GDAL to turn GeoTIFFs into GeoJSONto-spacetime.js
: convert to NYC Space/Time Directory data formatfeature-collection.js
: create GeoJSON file with all masksgroup-maps.js
: group all maps in groups of 25 years
- Thumbnails:
- GeoTIFF:
- JPG:
- WMS: