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Crud the basic

besstiolle edited this page Apr 28, 2015 · 5 revisions


To initiate a new Entity you simply need to call it

$bar = new Bar();

the object $bar will automatically let you set its own values defined in the file ./modules/Foo/lib/ (learn more)

example :

$bar->set('myField', 'myValue');

/!\ If you try to set a value to a non-existent field, an Exception will be thrown

To save the Bar Object into the database you simply need to call the save() function.


Note : You can also use this code :

OrmCore::insert(new Bar(),$bar);


Here you will find some advice to retrieve your persisted data

OrmCore::findAll(new Bar());

Will return all the Bar entity persisted in the database into a single array.

OrmCore::findById(new Bar(),23);
OrmCore::findByIds(new Bar(), array(23,24,25));

Will return the Bar(s) with the id(s) in parameter. It may return null or a empty array if there is no Bar with the id(s) in your database


Basically the function is exactly the same than creation

$bar = OrmCore::findById(new Bar(),23);
if($bar != null) {
  $bar->set('myField', 'myNewValue');

Note : You can also use this code :

OrmCore::update(new Bar(),$bar);


You can delete a Entity Bar with its id(s)

OrmCore::deleteByIds(new Bar(),array(23,24,25));

And Also

You can count the number of Entity Bar in your database

OrmCore::countAll(new Bar());

And now you can take a look inside the advanced Crud functions