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Finished example - Added BFPageControl code
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bfolder committed Jul 29, 2012
1 parent d339b14 commit 92a43bd
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Showing 8 changed files with 461 additions and 1,469 deletions.
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions BFPageControl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
// BFPageControl.h
// Created by Heiko Dreyer on 07/27/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 All rights reserved.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface BFPageControlCell : NSButtonCell
@property (nonatomic)BOOL useHandCursor;
@property (copy)void (^drawingBlock)(NSRect, NSView *, BOOL, BOOL);

@interface BFPageControl : NSView

/// @name Managing the Page Navigation

* The current page, shown by the receiver as a white dot.
@property(nonatomic)NSInteger currentPage;

* The number of pages the receiver shows (as dots).
@property(nonatomic)NSInteger numberOfPages;

* A Boolean value that controls whether the page indicator is hidden when there is only one page.
@property(nonatomic)BOOL hidesForSinglePage;

/// @name Updating the Page Display

* Updates the page indicator to the current page.

* Returns the size the receiver’s bounds should be to accommodate the given number of pages.
-(NSSize)sizeForNumberOfPages: (NSInteger)pageCount;

/// @name Visual Properties

* Color for selected dot.
@property (nonatomic)NSColor *selectedColor;

* Color for highlight dot.
@property (nonatomic)NSColor *highlightColor;

* Color for unselected dot.
@property (nonatomic)NSColor *unselectedColor;

* Diameter size (Points).
@property (nonatomic)CGFloat indicatorDiameterSize;

* Margin between Dots.
@property (nonatomic)CGFloat indicatorMargin;

* Use Hand-Cusor on pages.
@property (nonatomic)BOOL useHandCursor;

* Optional drawing block, for custom dot drawing.
-(void)setDrawingBlock: (void (^)(NSRect frame, NSView *view, BOOL isSelected, BOOL isHiglighted))drawingBlock;

277 changes: 277 additions & 0 deletions BFPageControl.m
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
// BFPageControl.m
// Created by Heiko Dreyer on 07/27/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 All rights reserved.

#import "BFPageControl.h"

@interface BFPageControl ()
-(void)_clickedItem: (id)sender;


@implementation BFPageControlCell

@synthesize useHandCursor = _useHandCursor;
@synthesize drawingBlock = _drawingBlock;


#pragma mark - Drawing

-(void)drawWithFrame: (NSRect)frame inView: (NSView *)view

_drawingBlock(frame, view, [self state] == NSOnState, self.isHighlighted);



-(void)resetCursorRect: (NSRect)cellFrame inView: (NSView *)controlView
[super resetCursorRect: cellFrame inView: controlView];

NSCursor *cursor = [NSCursor pointingHandCursor];
[controlView addCursorRect: cellFrame cursor: cursor];
[cursor setOnMouseEntered: YES];



@implementation BFPageControl
void (^_drawingBlock)(NSRect, NSView *, BOOL, BOOL);
NSMatrix *_matrix;

@synthesize currentPage = _currentPage;
@synthesize numberOfPages = _numberOfPages;
@synthesize hidesForSinglePage = _hidesForSinglePage;

@synthesize selectedColor = _selectedColor;
@synthesize highlightColor = _highlightColor;
@synthesize unselectedColor = _unselectedColor;
@synthesize indicatorDiameterSize = _indicatorDiameterSize;
@synthesize indicatorMargin = _indicatorMargin;
@synthesize useHandCursor = _useHandCursor;


#pragma mark - Init

-(id)initWithFrame: (NSRect)frameRect
if(self = [super initWithFrame: NSMakeRect(frameRect.origin.x, frameRect.origin.y, 0, 0)])
_numberOfPages = 0;
_indicatorDiameterSize = 10.0;
_indicatorMargin = 5.0;
_matrix = nil;
_useHandCursor = NO;

return self;


#pragma mark - Display Related Methods

[_matrix removeFromSuperview];

NSSize size = [self sizeForNumberOfPages: _numberOfPages];
NSRect frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
_matrix = [[NSMatrix alloc] initWithFrame: frame mode: NSRadioModeMatrix cellClass: [BFPageControlCell class] numberOfRows: 1 numberOfColumns: _numberOfPages];
_matrix.drawsBackground = YES;
_matrix.backgroundColor = [NSColor clearColor];
_matrix.cellSize = CGSizeMake(_indicatorDiameterSize, _indicatorDiameterSize);
_matrix.intercellSpacing = CGSizeMake(_indicatorMargin, _indicatorMargin);
_matrix.allowsEmptySelection = NO;
[_matrix setTarget: self];
[_matrix setAction: @selector(_clickedItem:)];
[self addSubview: _matrix];

frame.origin.y = self.frame.origin.y;
frame.origin.x = self.frame.origin.x;
super.frame = frame;

__weak id wSelf = self;
void(^block)(NSRect, NSView *, BOOL, BOOL) = ^(NSRect frame, NSView *theView, BOOL isSelected, BOOL isHighlighted){
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
BFPageControl *aSelf = wSelf;
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect: frame];
NSColor *color = isSelected ? aSelf.selectedColor : aSelf.unselectedColor;

color = aSelf.highlightColor;

[color set];
[path fill];
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];

[_matrix.cells enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: ^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop){
BFPageControlCell *cell = (BFPageControlCell *)obj;
[cell setDrawingBlock: _drawingBlock ?: block];
[cell setUseHandCursor: _useHandCursor];

[_matrix selectCellAtRow: 0 column: _currentPage];

[self setNeedsDisplay: YES];


-(NSSize)sizeForNumberOfPages: (NSInteger)pageCount
return CGSizeMake(pageCount * _indicatorDiameterSize + (pageCount - 1) * _indicatorMargin, _indicatorDiameterSize);


#pragma mark - Misc

-(void)_clickedItem: (id)sender
NSUInteger page = [_matrix.cells indexOfObject: _matrix.selectedCell];
_currentPage = page;


#pragma mark - Accessor

_currentPage = currentPage;

[self updateCurrentPageDisplay];


-(void)setFrame: (NSRect)frameRect
frameRect.size = [self sizeForNumberOfPages: _numberOfPages];
[super setFrame: frameRect];

[self updateCurrentPageDisplay];


-(void)setBounds: (NSRect)aRect
aRect.size = [self sizeForNumberOfPages: _numberOfPages];
[super setBounds: aRect];

[self updateCurrentPageDisplay];


-(NSColor *)selectedColor
_selectedColor = [NSColor darkGrayColor];

return _selectedColor;


-(void)setSelectedColor: (NSColor *)selectedColor
_selectedColor = selectedColor;

[self updateCurrentPageDisplay];


-(NSColor *)highlightColor
_highlightColor = [NSColor grayColor];

return _highlightColor;


-(void)setHighlightColor: (NSColor *)highlightColor
_highlightColor = highlightColor;

[self updateCurrentPageDisplay];


-(NSColor *)unselectedColor
_unselectedColor = [NSColor lightGrayColor];

return _unselectedColor;


-(void)setUnselectedColor: (NSColor *)unselectedColor
_unselectedColor = unselectedColor;

[self updateCurrentPageDisplay];


-(void)setNumberOfPages: (NSInteger)numberOfPages
_numberOfPages = numberOfPages;

[self updateCurrentPageDisplay];


-(void)setUseHandCursor: (BOOL)useHandCursor
_useHandCursor = useHandCursor;
[self updateCurrentPageDisplay];


-(void)setDrawingBlock: (void (^)(NSRect frame, NSView *view, BOOL isSelected, BOOL isHiglighted))drawingBlock;
_drawingBlock = [drawingBlock copy];
[self updateCurrentPageDisplay];

Binary file added Example/.DS_Store
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