All notable changes to "Bastián González-Bustamante website code" will be documented in this file. Automated updates: CV, publications, projects and data section, Xaringan presentations, validation of digitally signed documents and record of publications.
- Badges on GitHub repository.
- Minor corrections.
- Coauthors' profiles.
- Processing capacity.
- Coauthors' profiles.
- Processing capacity.
- Processing capacity.
- Automated update processing capacity.
- Minor corrections.
- Awards.
- CV in PDF.
- Affiliation (Oxford to Leiden).
- Minor corrections.
- Awards.
- CV in PDF.
- CPS-Ranking (transferred to
- Minor corrections.
- CPS-Ranking.
- Minor corrections.
- Relevant experience.
- GA4 set up.
- Relevant experience.
- Updated CPS-Ranking.
- Minor corrections.
- Minor corrections.
- Updated CPS-Ranking.
- Minor corrections.
- Ubuntu Focal 20.04 build image.
- Updated CPS-Ranking.
- Minor corrections.
- Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 build image.
- Record of publications.
- Automated update record of publications.
- Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 build image.
- Automated update of publications.
- Minor corrections.
- Automated validation of digitally signed documents.
- Update of publications.
- Minor corrections.
- Updated CPS-Ranking.
- Minor corrections.
- Update of publications.
- Update of publications.
- Biography.
- Minor corrections.
- Minor corrections.
- Update of publications.
- Minor corrections.
- MIT license.
- Update of publications.
- Update of social icons.
- Unlicense license on GitHub repository.
- Updated CPS-Ranking.
- Update of publications.
- Unlicense license on GitHub repository.
- Updated CPS-Ranking.
- Update of awards.
- Minor corrections.
- Unlicense license on GitHub repository.
- Data and code section.
- Automated data and code updates.
- Minor corrections.
- License CC BY 4.0 on GitHub repository.
- Projects section.
- Repository status badge.
- Minor corrections.
- Projects section.
- License CC BY 4.0 on GitHub repository.
- Revision of upgrade versioning.
- License in MD format on GitHub repository.
- Minor corrections.
- Minor corrections.
- Minor corrections.
- Revision of upgrade versioning.
- Changelog in MD format on GitHub repository.
- TinyLetter newsletter.
- Xaringan slides folder.
- Automated corrections in Xaringan slides.
- TinyLetter newsletter.
- Update to the Wowchemy 5.3.0 for Hugo.
- Updated CPS-Ranking.
- Wowchemy 5.1.0 and 5.2.0 breacking changes.
- TinyLetter newsletter.
- Minor corrections.
- Update of publications.
- Updated CPS-Ranking.
- Minor corrections.
- Revision of upgrade versioning.
- Minor corrections.
- Minor corrections.
- Updated CPS-Ranking.
- Automated minor corrections in CPS-Ranking.
- Projects section.
- Integration projects with CRediT.
- Minor corrections.
- Update of publications.
- Preparing integration with CRediT.
- Landing page on domain.
- Integration with CRediT.
- Automated CRediT updates.
- Automated projects updates.
- Automated collaborator's profiles updates.
- Easter egg.
- Minor corrections.
- Revision of upgrade versioning.
- Update to the Wowchemy 5.0.0-beta.1 for Hugo.
- Automated deployment from GitHub with Netlify.
- Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 build image.
- DNS domain redirections.
- SSL/TLS certificate.
- Analytics tracker.
- Website from to
- CPS-Ranking from to
- Update of social icons.
- Uploading by FTP on server.
- Preparing automated deployment from GitHub with Netlify.
- Uploading by FTP on server.
- Update to the Academic for Hugo v4.8.0 on R v3.6.1 and Hugo v0.74.3.
- Downgrading blogdown::install_hugo(version = "0.74.3", force = TRUE).
- Update of coauthors' profiles.
- Minor corrections.
- Updated CPS-Ranking.
- Minor corrections.
- Update of publications.
- Update of publications.
- Updated CPS-Ranking.
- Minor corrections.
- Update of coauthors' profiles.
- Update of academic service.
- Update of awards.
- Update of publications.
- Update of book publishers.
- Projects section.
- Projects section.
- Automated CV updates.
- License CC BY 4.0 on GitHub repository.
- Badges on GitHub repository.
- Update of CV in PDF.
- Update of CV in PDF.
- Updated CPS-Ranking.
- Link to the changelog on GitHub repository.
- Update of projects.
- Featured publications instead of recent ones.
- Update of publications.
- Minor corrections.
- Update of coauthors' profiles.
- Competing interests CRediT.
- Funding information CRediT.
- Minor corrections.
- CRediT GitHub repository.
- Updated CPS-Ranking.
- Update of projects.
- Updated CPS-Ranking.
- Update of badges in CPS-Ranking.
- Update of publications.
- Reduce the number of publications at home.
- Update of service section.
- Update of teaching section.
- Update of CV in PDF.
- Update of funding sponsor.
- Version at the footnote.
- Minor corrections.
- Coauthors section.
- Skills section.
- Skills section.
- Revision of upgrade versioning.
- Coauthors section.
- Badges in SVG on GitHub repository.
- Minor corrections.
- Update of coauthors' profiles.
- Update of researchers to be added CPS-Ranking.
- Integration between personal website and CPS-Ranking.
- README in MD format on GitHub repository.
- Update to the Academic for Hugo v4.7.0 on R ~v3.6.1 and Hugo ~v0.74.3.
- Update of projects section.
- Htaccess file.
- CPS-Ranking website.
- CPS-Ranking section.
- Coauthors section.
- CV in PDF.
- Update to the Academic for Hugo v4.6.3.
- Preparing integration between CPS-Ranking website and personal site.
- CPS-Ranking website.
- Upload new website powered by R and the package blogdown.
- Htaccess file.
- HTML website.
- Projects section.
- Division of teaching and service into two sections.
- Update of list of skills.
- Model of website based on the Academic for Hugo v4.6.0.
- HTML website.
- Badges W3C and WAVE.
- Htaccess file.
- Sitemap in XML.
- XHTML and CSS validation.
- Book chapters section in HTML.
- Teaching and service section in HTML.
- Articles section in HTML.
- Home section in HTML.