Stores: A Store manages access to a set of Resources.
Resources: A Resource is a single item.
Project Stores/Resources: Resources that are worked on outside of the webpage, like on the local disk. They can be read from and saved to, but not applied.
Live Stores/Resources: Resources in a running web page. They can be read from and possibly applied to, but they cannot be saved to.
Pair: When a live resource and project resource are associated with each other, they're treated as a Pair.
Aspects: Live and Project are two Aspects of a Pair.
Shell: A viewer for a pair. Would like a better name for this.
Editor: a single text editor.
ShellDeck: a deck of shells.
Install the extension. Then require the Itchpad API:
let Itchpad = require("itchpad");
let iframe = document.getElementById("itchpad-iframe");
let itchpad = Itchpad.Itchpad(iframe);
The basic workflow is generating an XPI file and adding this to the browser with your specified profile. This is automated with grunt. See the [gruntfile](Gruntfile.js for more information). Run:
# If you don't have grunt yet installed
npm install -g grunt-cli
git clone git@github.com:bgrins/itchpad.git
cd itchpad
npm install
grunt xpi # Will download addon sdk locally, and generate an itchpad.xpi file
What if I don't want to use grunt? This just wraps up the addon sdk, so if you have the cfx binary somewhere on your path, you can do whatever you want with it:
# The -b is optional, but will run with a specified binary (see the [docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/SDK/Tools/cfx#cfx_run))
cfx run -b /path/to/fx-team/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin12.5.0/dist/NightlyDebug.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox
cfx xpi # get an xpi and run it in another profile
Once it the browser is running, you can open chrome://itchpad/content/itchpad.xul
in the main window - this allows the content to be inspected better than a popup window.
To open in a new window, you can use:
I also set the logging level for extensions so I can see console.logs - extensions.sdk.console.logLevel -> "all".
There are some tools to make the workflow quicker than running cfx run
or reinstalling the xpi after each change.
Install https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/autoinstaller/. More about this on the Getting started with cfx page.
Then run:
grunt watch
Now just make changes to the project and it will auto post to the running browser.
If you'd rather use your own cfx, then use:
cfx xpi
wget --post-file=itchpad.xpi http://localhost:8888/
Now reload the chrome://itchpad/content/itchpad.xul
page and it should be running the latest version.