- normal characters match themselves
matches anything (except newlines)- brackets create groups:
matches ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ or ‘d.- can also be written
- Some are really common, so they have shortcuts:
matches alphanumerics and _ (the chars allowed in python variables). it can be written\w
can be written\d
- Write a regex that matches any year in the 2000s. It should match 2000, 2001, 2182, but not 1999 or 123 or 18222. Test with
echo '2000 2001 2182 1999 123 18222' | tr ' ' '\n' | grep '(your regex here)'
Aside: shell commands and pipes are incredibly useful. This one says:
echo '2000 2001 2182 1999 123 18222' | # Prepare input for the next command
tr ' ' '\n' | # translate spaces into newlines
grep '(regex)' # filter the lines, requiring that they match the regex
There's a great story about shell scripts at http://www.leancrew.com/all-this/2011/12/more-shell-less-egg/
- Write a regex to match any iso8601-formatted dates that occur during November of any year. (Those look like ‘2012-08-13’, ‘2016-09-08’, ‘YYYY-MM-DD’.) Test with
echo '2014-01-12 2016-11-01 2010-03-11 2011-12-11 2003-11-18' | tr ' ' '\n' | grep '(your regex here)'
The special characters ^
and $
represent the start and end of a line.
Write a regex that matches ‘pear’ or ‘peer’, but no other words. Test with
echo pear peer pare spaghetti pearls peerless | tr ' ' '\n' | grep '(your regex here)'
Write a regex to match any line, as long as it ends with a period. It shouldn't count lines that merely include a period. Test with
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bgschiller/regex-tutorial/master/sentences | grep '(your regex here)'
Crossword puzzle helper! Use https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bgschiller/regex-tutorial/master/words for your words list, or /usr/share/dict/words if you're on mac or linux.
to decorate_l_c__
calm, unexcitablen__ir
Towards earth, for the ISS
To repeat a pattern, you can use curly braces with the number of times you want it:
will match 'abccc', but not 'abc' or 'abcc'\w{4,}
will match four or more letters in\w
will match 'cool', 'coooool', or 'cooooooooooooooool', but not 'col'
Note: I found that I needed to use grep
s -E
flag in order for the repeat-pattern regexes to work. This looks like < words grep -E 'abc{3}
- Find a word with three dotted letters in a row. Credit to The Simpsons for the inspiration for this problem.
- Make a list of words composed only of vowels (consider 'y' to be a vowel for this problem).
To negate a set, use ^
. so [^a-d]
will match anything but a,b,c,d.
- Find a word with five consonants in a row.
Further reading:
- https://regexone.com/ is very well-paced, and has great exercises. Highly recommended.