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Telnyx API C# wrapper for .Net Core. Uses HttpClient.


  • .NETCoreApp 2.1
  • Newtonsoft.Json (>= 12.0.2)

It should work with .Net standard but you may have to manually import the Telnyx.dll.


Add the NuGet package or download and reference the Telnyx.dll issued in Releases.


Send a message

using Telnyx.SharpNyx;

//Quick instantiation
MessagingAPIClient mac = new MessagingAPIClient("Q7EI8KGZJ3FrwBxMKq5zmID1");

//Make a new SMS message
SMS sms = new SMS("FIREDATE", "+16506003337", "Hello World");

//Call and wait for SendSMS to finish

//Check to see if it is queued
bool isq = sms.IsQueued;


//Send a message with just the recipient and body
Message msg = new Message();
msg.ToPhoneNumber = "+16506003337";
msg.Body = "Hello Telnyx";


Send Quick MMS

//Quickly send one image without subject
MessagingAPIClient mac = new MessagingAPIClient("M7RI1KGBJ8FrwBxTKq3zmIN1");

string url = "";

MMS mms = new MMS("18189963247", "+16508976777", new Dictionary<string, string> { { MediaUtype.Image, url } });


return mms.IsQueued;

MMS With Two Images

//Send two images with a subject
MessagingAPIClient mac = new MessagingAPIClient("M7RI1KGBJ8FrwBxTKq3zmIN1");

string url1 = "";
string url2 = "";

Dictionary<string, string> dic1 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dic1.Add(MediaUtype.Image, url1);

Dictionary<string, string> dic2 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dic2.Add(MediaUtype.Image, url2);

MMS mms = new MMS()
    FromPhoneNumber = "18189963247",
    Subject = "Deep Space",
    ToPhoneNumber = "+16508976777",
    MediaUrls = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>() { dic1, dic2 }


return mms.IsQueued;

The Messaging API Client (MAC)

MAC is the main broker for the HttpClient. MAC does the work of sending messages, and communicating with the Telnyx Rest API.

MAC implements a static HttpClient to use for the entire application. You can instantiate the MessagingAPIClient by directly adding the x-secret.

The MAC will add the secret to the header every time a new request is made. So you can change the secret for the same instance.

//Get the full Http response from the API call
string httpstatus = mac.HttpResponse.StatusCode.ToString(); //returns OK for 200

//Reponse Status returns the status. This field is used to determine the Message.IsQueued value.
string responsemessage = mac.ReponseStatus;

//Reponse Message returns "Queued" if successful, returns the message if unsuccessful delivery
string responsemessage = mac.ReponseMessage;

//Grab System.Exception

Accepted Response Payload

//Get the full response payload on an accepted outbound message request
AcceptedResponsePayload arp = AcceptedResponsePayload.FromJson(mac.ReponseString);
string smsid = arp.SMSId; //Generated message ID from Telnyx

Rejected Response Payload

//Get the response error details from the mac response string if message is not queued
RejectedResponsePayload rrp = RejectedResponsePayload.FromJson(mac.ReponseString);
string errormessage = err.Message;

Message Delivery Record

//Returns null if there is an exception
MessageDeliveryRecord mdr = await trc.GetMessageDeliveryRecord(msgid);
return mdr.Errors;

MIT License 2019 Bharat Bhardwaj