- helm
- yq
- docker desktop
- aws cli
- kubectl
- eksctl
- helmify
Use this repo to migrate from your existing ECS to EKS.
For a detailed tutorial on how to use this , please go through this article.
Use the command below to setup EKS from your existing ECS , you will need to update the vpc and image before using this command.
./scripts/setup-eks.sh --applicationName=eks-fargate-starter --env=qa --awsAccountId=XYZ --region=ap-south-1
For example below code creates a qa environment
Replace qa to your env and paste the code in create-helm-application.sh
cp helm/$applicationName/values.$env.yaml helm/$applicationName/values.qa.yaml
#name change -> qa
yq e '.fullnameOverride = strenv(applicationName) + "-qa"' -i helm/$applicationName/values.qa.yaml
yq e '.nameOverride = strenv(applicationName) + "-qa"' -i helm/$applicationName/values.qa.yaml
#host -> qa
yq e '.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].backend.service.name = env(applicationName) + "-qa"' -i helm/$applicationName/values.qa.yaml
#defaultBackend -> qa
yq e '.ingress.defaultBackendServiceName = env(applicationName) + "-qa"' -i helm/$applicationName/values.qa.yaml
echo "
ENVIRONMENT_NAME: qa" >> helm/$applicationName/values.qa.yaml