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Raven CircleCI

CLI tools to manage your Spotify library.


  • Python >3.x
  • spotipy
  • python-dotenv
  • fire
  • requests
  • tqdm


  1. Install Python 3.4.3

  2. Install Git through your terminal

    Mac OS X: brew install git

    Fedora: sudo dnf install git-all

    Debian: sudo apt-get install git-all

  3. Clone this repository with git clone

  4. Navigate into the raven directory with cd raven

  5. Install the required libraries: pip install -r requirements.txt

  6. Create an app on the Spotify Developer Console.

    Click on Create an App and fill in the following:

    Application Name: raven

    Redirect URIs: http://locahost/

    Click on Save.

    Copy the Client ID and Client Secret.

  7. Navigate into the raven directory where you cloned the repository.

  8. Create a file and name it .env, refer to the sample.env for the format. Populate the SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI, USERNAME, SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID and SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET from step 1.

    Save the .env file.


The first time you run any of these commands, you'll be taken to to authenticate Raven and get an access token. Once you approve the permissions, copy the new URL from your browser window (should be of the form localhost?code=) and paste it into the terminal where you ran the raven command after the prompt & hit Enter.

Every time the access token expires, you'll be required to reauthenticate Raven with Spotify.

Open a terminal in the raven directory and try the following.

Follow all artists from a CSV file (look at format.csv)

python follow '/path/to/your/CSV/file'

Unfollow all artists from a CSV file (look at format.csv)

python unfollow '/path/to/your/csv/file'

Add a bunch of songs to a playlist from a CSV file (look at format.csv)

python add-tracks playlist '/path/to/your/csv/file'

Add a bunch of songs to a playlist from cached search results (track_ids)

[Note: When you're specifying source as cache, the filename argument is not needed.]

python add-tracks playlist --source=cache

Add a bunch of songs to your library from a CSV file (look at format.csv)

python add-tracks library '/path/to/your/csv/file'

Add a bunch of songs to to your library from the cached search results (track_ids)

python add-tracks library --source=cache


  • Follow all artists from a CSV file.
  • Unfollow all artists from a CSV file.
  • Add a list of songs (CSV) to a new playlist or library.