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[AVOCADO-235] Add trio caller.
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fnothaft committed May 5, 2017
1 parent 7f6fa91 commit ca66276
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Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ private class AvocadoMain(args: Array[String]) extends Logging {
private val commands: List[BDGCommandCompanion] = List(

private def printVersion() {
val about = new About()
Expand Down
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
* Licensed to Big Data Genomics (BDG) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The BDG licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.bdgenomics.avocado.cli

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.bdgenomics.adam.projections.{ AlignmentRecordField, Filter }
import org.bdgenomics.adam.rdd.ADAMContext._
import org.bdgenomics.adam.rdd.ADAMSaveAnyArgs
import org.bdgenomics.adam.rdd.variant.GenotypeRDD
import org.bdgenomics.avocado.genotyping.{
BiallelicGenotyper => Biallelic,
DiscoverVariants => Discover,
import org.bdgenomics.avocado.util.{
import org.bdgenomics.formats.avro.AlignmentRecord
import org.bdgenomics.utils.cli._
import org.kohsuke.args4j.{ Argument, Option => Args4jOption }

object TrioGenotyper extends BDGCommandCompanion {
val commandName = "trioGenotyper"
val commandDescription = "Call variants in a trio under a biallelic model"

def apply(cmdLine: Array[String]) = {
new TrioGenotyper(Args4j[TrioGenotyperArgs](cmdLine))

class TrioGenotyperArgs extends Args4jBase with ADAMSaveAnyArgs with ParquetArgs with PrefilterReadsArgs with HardFilterGenotypesArgs {
@Argument(required = true,
metaVar = "FIRST_PARENT",
usage = "The ADAM, BAM or SAM file to call",
index = 0)
var firstParentPath: String = null
@Argument(required = true,
metaVar = "SECOND_PARENT",
usage = "The ADAM, BAM or SAM file to call",
index = 1)
var secondParentPath: String = null
@Argument(required = true,
metaVar = "CHILD",
usage = "The ADAM, BAM or SAM file to call",
index = 2)
var childPath: String = null
@Argument(required = true,
metaVar = "OUTPUT",
usage = "Location to write the variant output",
index = 3)
var outputPath: String = null
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-ploidy",
usage = "Ploidy to call using. Defaults to diploid (2).")
var ploidy: Int = 2
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-variants_to_call",
usage = "Optional previously discovered variants to call. Will skip variant discovery.")
var variantsToCall: String = _
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-is_not_grc",
usage = "True if the genome build is not from the GRC, or does not have GRC chr prefixes")
var isNotGrc: Boolean = false
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-autosomal_only",
usage = "True if we want to discard the sex chromosomes.")
var autosomalOnly: Boolean = false
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-keep_mitochondrial_chromosome",
usage = "True if we want to call variants on the mitochondrial chromosome")
var keepMitochondrialChromosome: Boolean = false
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-keep_duplicate_reads",
usage = "True if we want to include reads that were marked as duplicates")
var keepDuplicates: Boolean = false
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_mapping_quality",
usage = "Minimum read mapping quality to keep. Defaults to MapQ = 10.")
var minMappingQuality: Int = 10
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-keep_non_primary",
usage = "If set, we keep secondary/supplemental alignments.")
var keepNonPrimary: Boolean = false
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_phred_to_discover_variant",
usage = "Minimum quality needed to discover a variant. Defaults to phred 25.")
var minPhredForDiscovery: Int = 25
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_observations_to_discover_variant",
usage = "Minimum number of times a variant must be seen to be discovered. Defaults to phred 5.")
var minObservationsForDiscovery: Int = 5
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_genotype_quality",
usage = "Minimum quality needed to emit a non-ref genotype. Default is Phred 30.")
var minQuality: Int = 30
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_het_snp_quality_by_depth",
usage = "Minimum heterozygous SNP quality/depth for hard filtering. Default is 2.0. Set negative to ignore filter.")
var minHetSnpQualityByDepth: Float = 2.0f
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_hom_snp_quality_by_depth",
usage = "Minimum homozygous SNP quality/depth for hard filtering. Default is 1.0. Set negative to ignore filter.")
var minHomSnpQualityByDepth: Float = 1.0f
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_het_indel_quality_by_depth",
usage = "Minimum heterozygous INDEL quality/depth for hard filtering. Default is 2.0. Set negative to ignore filter.")
var minHetIndelQualityByDepth: Float = 2.0f
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_hom_indel_quality_by_depth",
usage = "Minimum homozygous INDEL quality/depth for hard filtering. Default is 1.0. Set negative to ignore filter.")
var minHomIndelQualityByDepth: Float = 1.0f
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_snp_rms_mapping_quality",
usage = "Minimum SNP root mean square mapping quality for hard filtering. Default is 30.0. Set negative to ignore filter.")
var minSnpRMSMappingQuality: Float = 30.0f
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_indel_rms_mapping_quality",
usage = "Minimum INDEL root mean square mapping quality for hard filtering. Default is -1.0 (ignored). Set negative to ignore filter.")
var minIndelRMSMappingQuality: Float = -1.0f
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_snp_depth",
usage = "Minimum SNP depth for hard filtering. Default is 10. Set to a negative value to omit.")
var minSnpDepth: Int = 10
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-max_snp_depth",
usage = "Maximum SNP depth for hard filtering. Default is 300. Set to a negative value to omit.")
var maxSnpDepth: Int = 200
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_indel_depth",
usage = "Minimum INDEL depth for hard filtering. Default is 10. Set to a negative value to omit.")
var minIndelDepth: Int = 10
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-max_indel_depth",
usage = "Maximum INDEL depth for hard filtering. Default is 300. Set to a negative value to omit.")
var maxIndelDepth: Int = 200
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_het_snp_allelic_fraction",
usage = "Minimum (alt) allelic fraction for calling a het SNP. Default is 0.333. Set to a negative value to omit.")
var minHetSnpAltAllelicFraction: Float = 0.333f
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-max_het_snp_allelic_fraction",
usage = "Maximum (alt) allelic fraction for calling a het SNP. Default is 0.666. Set to a negative value to omit.")
var maxHetSnpAltAllelicFraction: Float = 0.666f
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_hom_snp_allelic_fraction",
usage = "Minimum (alt) allelic fraction for calling a hom SNP. Default is 0.666. Set to a negative value to omit.")
var minHomSnpAltAllelicFraction: Float = 0.666f
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_het_indel_allelic_fraction",
usage = "Minimum (alt) allelic fraction for calling a het INDEL. Default is 0.333. Set to a negative value to omit.")
var minHetIndelAltAllelicFraction: Float = 0.333f
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-max_het_indel_allelic_fraction",
usage = "Maximum (alt) allelic fraction for calling a het INDEL. Default is 0.666. Set to a negative value to omit.")
var maxHetIndelAltAllelicFraction: Float = 0.666f
@Args4jOption(required = false,
name = "-min_hom_indel_allelic_fraction",
usage = "Minimum (alt) allelic fraction for calling a hom INDEL. Default is 0.666. Set to a negative value to omit.")
var minHomIndelAltAllelicFraction: Float = 0.666f

// required by HardFilterGenotypesArgs
var maxSnpPhredStrandBias: Float = -1.0f
var maxIndelPhredStrandBias: Float = -1.0f

// required by ADAMSaveAnyArgs
var sortFastqOutput: Boolean = false
var asSingleFile: Boolean = false
var deferMerging: Boolean = false

class TrioGenotyper(
protected val args: TrioGenotyperArgs) extends BDGSparkCommand[TrioGenotyperArgs] {

val companion = TrioGenotyper

def run(sc: SparkContext) {

// load reads
val projection = Some(Filter(AlignmentRecordField.attributes,
val firstParentReads = sc.loadAlignments(args.firstParentPath,
projection = projection)
val secondParentReads = sc.loadAlignments(args.secondParentPath,
projection = projection)
val childReads = sc.loadAlignments(args.childPath,
projection = projection)

// get sample IDs
val firstParentId = TrioCaller.extractSampleId(firstParentReads)
val secondParentId = TrioCaller.extractSampleId(secondParentReads)
val childId = TrioCaller.extractSampleId(childReads)

// merge reads
val reads = AlignmentRecordRDD(sc.union(firstParentReads.rdd,
(firstParentReads.sequences ++
secondParentReads.sequences ++
(firstParentReads.recordGroups ++
secondParentReads.recordGroups ++

// filter reads
val filteredReads = PrefilterReads(reads, args)

// were we provided variants? if so, load them and call.
// else, discover variants and call
val variants = Option(args.variantsToCall).fold({
optPhredThreshold = Some(args.minPhredForDiscovery),
optMinObservations = Some(args.minObservationsForDiscovery))
})(vPath => {

// load variants

val firstParentGenotypes =
PrefilterReads(firstParentReads, args),

val secondParentGenotypes =
PrefilterReads(secondParentReads, args),

val childGenotypes =
PrefilterReads(childReads, args),

val genotypes = GenotypeRDD(sc.union(firstParentGenotypes.rdd,
(firstParentGenotypes.samples ++
secondParentGenotypes.samples ++

// hard filter the genotypes
val filteredGenotypes = HardFilterGenotypes(genotypes,
filterRefGenotypes = false)

// trio call the site
val trioGenotypes = TrioCaller(genotypes,

// save the variant calls

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