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This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

  • How to run the test suite

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

Deployment instructions

Install gems

bundle install

Becuase we use unicorn as a production server and it is not compatible with windows, if you are on a windows system you will need to run:

bundle install --without production preview

Set up your database

If you already have the BikeBike site set up, you can simply copy your database file from it’s config directory. The two sites are meant to share the same database.

Set up bikecollectives_common

Since Bike!Bike! and Bikecollectives use a lot of the same code, much of it was extracted to a gem:

It is reccomended that you close this package into a directory names bikecollectives_common beside your bikecollectives directory. This will enable you to modify the package locally and make changes in real time.

Set up bumbleberry

Bumbleberry is a gem that was created by Godwin for ensuring compatiblity between browsers. You may wish to clone the repository to better allow you to debug or help contribute. The repository is at: and you should clone it into a directory named bumbleberry that sits beside your bikecollectives directory.

Once your bundle is intalled, you will need to compile your CSS files by running:

bundle exec rake bumbleberry:update

This command will pull fresh data from and compile new CSS files accordingly.

If you skip this step, your server is likely to run but won’t be able to use any CSS files.


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