From 0a7f620be2721f1cab4981b09c889d44a65c2a70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bill Franklin Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 22:50:57 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Add sorbet gem for type checking Documentation: --- Gemfile | 4 ++++ Gemfile.lock | 6 ++++++ 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+) diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile index c5e464ce3..25c9685e3 100644 --- a/Gemfile +++ b/Gemfile @@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0' gem 'uglifier', '~> 4.1' gem 'whenever', "~> 1.0.0" +# Type checks with sorbet +gem 'sorbet', :group => :development +gem 'sorbet-runtime' + group :doc do # bundle exec rake doc:rails generates the API under doc/api. gem 'sdoc', require: false diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock index a0a2c3deb..f01b26309 100644 --- a/Gemfile.lock +++ b/Gemfile.lock @@ -333,6 +333,10 @@ GEM plek (>= 1.1.0) rack rest-client + sorbet (0.4.4259) + sorbet-static (= 0.4.4259) + sorbet-runtime (0.4.4259) + sorbet-static (0.4.4259-universal-darwin-14) sprockets (3.7.2) concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) rack (> 1, < 3) @@ -402,6 +406,8 @@ DEPENDENCIES sdoc simplecov (~> 0.16.1) slimmer (~> 13.1.0) + sorbet + sorbet-runtime timecop uglifier (~> 4.1) webmock (~> 3.6.0) From 3dca9e947eeaac105ab2a24f22d924b9d9520ae6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bill Franklin Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 00:11:43 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Run sorbet init This runs 'sorbet init', which autogenerates many changes, including: - adding '# typed: ' to the top of all files - adding a sorbet/ directory, which contains RBI files and a sorbet config file Running 'sorbet tc' at this stage passes as there are no errors related to syntax, constant resolution or issues with sigs. Good stuff! The next step will be to introduce static checks. --- .../advanced_search_finder_controller.rb | 1 + app/controllers/application_controller.rb | 1 + .../concerns/finder_top_result_ab_testable.rb | 1 + .../email_alert_subscriptions_controller.rb | 1 + app/controllers/finders_controller.rb | 1 + app/controllers/qa_controller.rb | 1 + app/controllers/qa_to_content_controller.rb | 1 + app/controllers/redirection_controller.rb | 1 + app/controllers/search_controller.rb | 1 + app/helpers/application_helper.rb | 1 + app/helpers/eu_exit_finder_helper.rb | 1 + app/lib/advanced_search_finder_api.rb | 1 + .../advanced_search_order_query_builder.rb | 1 + app/lib/advanced_search_params.rb | 1 + app/lib/advanced_search_query_builder.rb | 1 + app/lib/email_alert_list_title_builder.rb | 1 + app/lib/facet_extractor.rb | 1 + app/lib/facet_query_builder.rb | 1 + app/lib/facets_from_facet_group_extractor.rb | 1 + app/lib/filter_query_builder.rb | 1 + app/lib/filters/checkbox_filter.rb | 1 + app/lib/filters/content_id_filter.rb | 1 + app/lib/filters/date_filter.rb | 1 + app/lib/filters/dropdown_select_filter.rb | 1 + app/lib/filters/filter.rb | 1 + app/lib/filters/hidden_clearable_filter.rb | 1 + app/lib/filters/hidden_filter.rb | 1 + app/lib/filters/official_documents_filter.rb | 1 + app/lib/filters/radio_filter.rb | 1 + .../radio_filter_for_multiple_fields.rb | 1 + .../filters/research_and_statistics_filter.rb | 1 + app/lib/filters/taxon_filter.rb | 1 + app/lib/filters/text_filter.rb | 1 + app/lib/filters/topical_filter.rb | 1 + app/lib/finder_api.rb | 1 + app/lib/healthchecks/registries_cache.rb | 1 + app/lib/order_query_builder.rb | 1 + app/lib/params_cleaner.rb | 1 + app/lib/publications_routes.rb | 1 + app/lib/registries/base_registries.rb | 1 + app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb | 1 + .../full_topic_taxonomy_registry.rb | 1 + app/lib/registries/manuals_registry.rb | 1 + app/lib/registries/organisations_registry.rb | 1 + app/lib/registries/people_registry.rb | 1 + app/lib/registries/registry.rb | 1 + app/lib/registries/topic_taxonomy_registry.rb | 1 + .../registries/world_locations_registry.rb | 1 + app/lib/search_query_builder.rb | 1 + app/lib/services.rb | 1 + app/lib/supergroups.rb | 1 + app/lib/url_builder.rb | 1 + app/models/checkbox_facet.rb | 1 + app/models/content_item.rb | 1 + app/models/date_facet.rb | 1 + app/models/document.rb | 1 + app/models/facet.rb | 1 + app/models/facet_collection.rb | 1 + app/models/filterable_facet.rb | 1 + app/models/filters.rb | 1 + app/models/hidden_clearable_facet.rb | 1 + app/models/hidden_facet.rb | 1 + app/models/keyword_facet.rb | 1 + app/models/option_select_facet.rb | 1 + app/models/radio_facet.rb | 1 + .../radio_facet_for_multiple_filters.rb | 1 + app/models/result_set.rb | 1 + app/models/search_parameters.rb | 1 + app/models/taxon_facet.rb | 1 + app/models/topical_facet.rb | 1 + app/parsers/date_parser.rb | 1 + app/parsers/facet_parser.rb | 1 + app/parsers/result_set_parser.rb | 1 + .../advanced_search_finder_presenter.rb | 1 + .../advanced_search_result_presenter.rb | 1 + .../advanced_search_result_set_presenter.rb | 1 + app/presenters/atom_presenter.rb | 1 + app/presenters/entry_presenter.rb | 1 + app/presenters/facet_tag_presenter.rb | 1 + app/presenters/facet_tags_presenter.rb | 1 + .../finder_breadcrumbs_presenter.rb | 1 + app/presenters/finder_presenter.rb | 1 + .../grouped_result_set_presenter.rb | 1 + app/presenters/metadata_presenter.rb | 1 + app/presenters/pagination_presenter.rb | 1 + app/presenters/result_set_presenter.rb | 1 + ...een_reader_filter_description_presenter.rb | 1 + app/presenters/search_result_presenter.rb | 1 + app/presenters/signup_presenter.rb | 1 + app/presenters/sort_option_presenter.rb | 1 + app/presenters/sort_presenter.rb | 1 + .../statistics_metadata_presenter.rb | 1 + app/presenters/statistics_sort_presenter.rb | 1 + .../subscriber_list_params_presenter.rb | 1 + config/application.rb | 1 + config/boot.rb | 1 + config/environment.rb | 1 + config/environments/development.rb | 1 + config/environments/production.rb | 1 + config/environments/test.rb | 1 + config/initializers/assets.rb | 1 + config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb | 1 + config/initializers/csp.rb | 1 + .../initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb | 1 + .../govuk_publishing_components.rb | 1 + config/initializers/inflections.rb | 1 + config/initializers/jasmine_rails.rb | 1 + config/initializers/mime_types.rb | 1 + config/initializers/session_store.rb | 1 + config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb | 1 + config/routes.rb | 1 + config/schedule.rb | 1 + config/unicorn.rb | 1 + db/seeds.rb | 1 + .../step_definitions/advanced_search_steps.rb | 1 + features/step_definitions/analytics_steps.rb | 1 + features/step_definitions/filtering_steps.rb | 1 + features/step_definitions/qa_steps.rb | 1 + features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb | 1 + features/support/document_helper.rb | 1 + features/support/env.rb | 1 + features/support/qa_helper.rb | 1 + features/support/rummager_url_helper.rb | 1 + lib/email_alert_signup_api.rb | 1 + lib/email_alert_title_builder.rb | 1 + lib/govuk_content_schema_examples.rb | 1 + sorbet/config | 2 + sorbet/rbi/gems/actionpack.rbi | 3136 ++ sorbet/rbi/gems/actionview.rbi | 1296 + sorbet/rbi/gems/activesupport.rbi | 2258 ++ sorbet/rbi/gems/addressable.rbi | 198 + sorbet/rbi/gems/awesome_print.rbi | 267 + sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-xray-sdk.rbi | 374 + sorbet/rbi/gems/better_errors.rbi | 155 + sorbet/rbi/gems/binding_of_caller.rbi | 22 + sorbet/rbi/gems/byebug.rbi | 1036 + sorbet/rbi/gems/capybara.rbi | 1835 + sorbet/rbi/gems/childprocess.rbi | 106 + sorbet/rbi/gems/chronic.rbi | 480 + sorbet/rbi/gems/coderay.rbi | 91 + sorbet/rbi/gems/concurrent-ruby.rbi | 1587 + sorbet/rbi/gems/crack.rbi | 47 + sorbet/rbi/gems/crass.rbi | 92 + sorbet/rbi/gems/cucumber-rails.rbi | 22 + sorbet/rbi/gems/dalli.rbi | 204 + sorbet/rbi/gems/debug_inspector.rbi | 18 + sorbet/rbi/gems/docile.rbi | 31 + sorbet/rbi/gems/domain_name.rbi | 51 + sorbet/rbi/gems/erubi.rbi | 26 + sorbet/rbi/gems/execjs.rbi | 136 + sorbet/rbi/gems/faraday.rbi | 511 + sorbet/rbi/gems/gds-api-adapters.rbi | 630 + .../govuk-content-schema-test-helpers.rbi | 45 + sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk-lint.rbi | 14 + sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_ab_testing.rbi | 107 + sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_app_config.rbi | 96 + sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_document_types.rbi | 21 + sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_frontend_toolkit.rbi | 14 + .../rbi/gems/govuk_publishing_components.rbi | 627 + sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_schemas.rbi | 61 + sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_test.rbi | 13 + sorbet/rbi/gems/hashdiff.rbi | 65 + sorbet/rbi/gems/http-cookie.rbi | 73 + sorbet/rbi/gems/i18n.rbi | 191 + sorbet/rbi/gems/jasmine-core.rbi | 25 + sorbet/rbi/gems/jasmine-rails.rbi | 37 + sorbet/rbi/gems/json-schema.rbi | 405 + sorbet/rbi/gems/kgio.rbi | 83 + sorbet/rbi/gems/kramdown.rbi | 86 + sorbet/rbi/gems/launchy.rbi | 223 + sorbet/rbi/gems/link_header.rbi | 30 + sorbet/rbi/gems/logstasher.rbi | 90 + sorbet/rbi/gems/loofah.rbi | 129 + sorbet/rbi/gems/method_source.rbi | 63 + sorbet/rbi/gems/mime-types-data.rbi | 16 + sorbet/rbi/gems/mime-types.rbi | 216 + sorbet/rbi/gems/mini_mime.rbi | 45 + sorbet/rbi/gems/minitest.rbi | 276 + sorbet/rbi/gems/multi_json.rbi | 87 + sorbet/rbi/gems/multipart-post.rbi | 52 + sorbet/rbi/gems/netrc.rbi | 50 + sorbet/rbi/gems/nokogiri.rbi | 1010 + sorbet/rbi/gems/null_logger.rbi | 41 + sorbet/rbi/gems/oj.rbi | 180 + sorbet/rbi/gems/plek.rbi | 33 + sorbet/rbi/gems/pry-byebug.rbi | 149 + sorbet/rbi/gems/pry.rbi | 1964 + sorbet/rbi/gems/public_suffix.rbi | 103 + sorbet/rbi/gems/puma.rbi | 14 + sorbet/rbi/gems/rack-cache.rbi | 13 + sorbet/rbi/gems/rack-test.rbi | 161 + sorbet/rbi/gems/rack.rbi | 564 + sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-controller-testing.rbi | 40 + sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-dom-testing.rbi | 67 + sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-html-sanitizer.rbi | 90 + sorbet/rbi/gems/railties.rbi | 508 + sorbet/rbi/gems/rake.rbi | 660 + sorbet/rbi/gems/regexp_parser.rbi | 906 + sorbet/rbi/gems/request_store.rbi | 30 + sorbet/rbi/gems/rest-client.rbi | 443 + sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-core.rbi | 1688 + sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-expectations.rbi | 495 + sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-rails.rbi | 422 + sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-support.rbi | 206 + sorbet/rbi/gems/rubyzip.rbi | 532 + sorbet/rbi/gems/sass-rails.rbi | 73 + sorbet/rbi/gems/sass.rbi | 2307 ++ sorbet/rbi/gems/selenium-webdriver.rbi | 1042 + sorbet/rbi/gems/sentry-raven.rbi | 577 + sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov-html.rbi | 30 + sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov.rbi | 225 + sorbet/rbi/gems/slimmer.rbi | 76 + sorbet/rbi/gems/sorbet-runtime.rbi | 634 + sorbet/rbi/gems/sprockets-rails.rbi | 105 + sorbet/rbi/gems/sprockets.rbi | 659 + sorbet/rbi/gems/statsd-ruby.rbi | 84 + sorbet/rbi/gems/thread_safe.rbi | 81 + sorbet/rbi/gems/tilt.rbi | 81 + sorbet/rbi/gems/timecop.rbi | 97 + sorbet/rbi/gems/tzinfo.rbi | 407 + sorbet/rbi/gems/uglifier.rbi | 47 + sorbet/rbi/gems/unf.rbi | 18 + sorbet/rbi/gems/webdrivers.rbi | 130 + sorbet/rbi/gems/webmock.rbi | 521 + sorbet/rbi/gems/whenever.rbi | 115 + sorbet/rbi/gems/xpath.rbi | 157 + sorbet/rbi/hidden-definitions/errors.txt | 11627 ++++++ sorbet/rbi/hidden-definitions/hidden.rbi | 31623 ++++++++++++++++ .../lib/actionmailer/all/actionmailer.rbi | 13 + .../lib/actionpack/all/actionpack.rbi | 13 + .../lib/activerecord/all/activerecord.rbi | 51 + .../lib/activerecord/~>5.2/activerecord.rbi | 10 + .../lib/activesupport/all/activesupport.rbi | 107 + .../sorbet-typed/lib/bundler/all/bundler.rbi | 8537 +++++ .../lib/railties/all/railties.rbi | 22 + .../rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/ruby/all/open3.rbi | 111 + .../rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/ruby/all/resolv.rbi | 543 + sorbet/rbi/todo.rbi | 15 + spec/components/date_filter_spec.rb | 1 + spec/components/expander_spec.rb | 1 + spec/components/option_select_spec.rb | 1 + ...ail_alert_subscriptions_controller_spec.rb | 1 + spec/controllers/finders_controller_spec.rb | 1 + spec/controllers/healthcheck_spec.rb | 1 + spec/controllers/qa_controller_spec.rb | 1 + .../qa_to_content_controller_spec.rb | 1 + .../redirection_controller_spec.rb | 1 + spec/controllers/search_controller_spec.rb | 1 + spec/helpers/application_helper_spec.rb | 1 + spec/helpers/registry_spec_helper.rb | 1 + spec/helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper.rb | 1 + spec/lib/advanced_search_finder_api_spec.rb | 1 + .../lib/advanced_search_query_builder_spec.rb | 1 + .../email_alert_list_title_builder_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/email_alert_signup_api_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/email_alert_title_builder_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/facet_extractor_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/filters/date_filter_spec.rb | 1 + .../filters/official_documents_filter_spec.rb | 1 + .../radio_filter_for_multiple_fields_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/filters/radio_filter_spec.rb | 1 + .../research_and_statistics_filter_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/filters/text_filter_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/finder_api_spec.rb | 1 + .../lib/healthchecks/registries_cache_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/params_cleaner_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/registries/base_registries_spec.rb | 1 + .../full_topic_taxonomy_registry_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/registries/manuals_registry_spec.rb | 1 + .../registries/organisations_registry_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/registries/people_registry_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/registries/registry_spec.rb | 1 + .../topic_taxonomy_registry_spec.rb | 1 + .../world_locations_registry_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/search_query_builder_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/supergroups_spec.rb | 1 + spec/lib/url_builder_spec.rb | 1 + spec/models/checkbox_facet_spec.rb | 1 + spec/models/content_item_spec.rb | 1 + spec/models/date_facet_spec.rb | 1 + spec/models/document_spec.rb | 1 + spec/models/facet_collection_spec.rb | 1 + spec/models/filterable_facet_spec.rb | 1 + spec/models/hidden_clearable_facet_spec.rb | 1 + spec/models/hidden_facet_spec.rb | 1 + spec/models/keyword_facet_spec.rb | 1 + spec/models/option_select_facet_spec.rb | 1 + .../radio_facet_for_multiple_filters_spec.rb | 1 + spec/models/radio_facet_spec.rb | 1 + spec/models/search_parameters_spec.rb | 1 + spec/models/taxon_facet_spec.rb | 1 + spec/models/topical_facet_spec.rb | 1 + spec/parsers/date_parser_spec.rb | 1 + spec/parsers/facet_parser_spec.rb | 1 + spec/parsers/result_set_parser_spec.rb | 1 + .../advanced_search_finder_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + .../advanced_search_result_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + ...vanced_search_result_set_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + spec/presenters/atom_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + spec/presenters/facet_tag_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + spec/presenters/facet_tags_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + .../finder_breadcrumbs_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + spec/presenters/finder_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + .../grouped_result_set_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + spec/presenters/helpers/facets_helper.rb | 1 + spec/presenters/metadata_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + spec/presenters/pagination_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + spec/presenters/result_set_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + ...eader_filter_description_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + .../search_result_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + spec/presenters/sort_option_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + spec/presenters/sort_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + .../statistics_metadata_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + .../statistics_sort_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + .../subscriber_list_params_presenter_spec.rb | 1 + spec/spec_helper.rb | 1 + spec/support/fixtures_helper.rb | 1 + 317 files changed, 88513 insertions(+) create mode 100644 sorbet/config create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/actionpack.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/actionview.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/activesupport.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/addressable.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/awesome_print.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-xray-sdk.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/better_errors.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/binding_of_caller.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/byebug.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/capybara.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/childprocess.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/chronic.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/coderay.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/concurrent-ruby.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/crack.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/crass.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/cucumber-rails.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/dalli.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/debug_inspector.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/docile.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/domain_name.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/erubi.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/execjs.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/faraday.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/gds-api-adapters.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk-content-schema-test-helpers.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk-lint.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_ab_testing.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_app_config.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_document_types.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_frontend_toolkit.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_publishing_components.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_schemas.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_test.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/hashdiff.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/http-cookie.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/i18n.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/jasmine-core.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/jasmine-rails.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/json-schema.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/kgio.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/kramdown.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/launchy.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/link_header.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/logstasher.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/loofah.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/method_source.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/mime-types-data.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/mime-types.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/mini_mime.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/minitest.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/multi_json.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/multipart-post.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/netrc.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/nokogiri.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/null_logger.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/oj.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/plek.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/pry-byebug.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/pry.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/public_suffix.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/puma.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/rack-cache.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/rack-test.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/rack.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-controller-testing.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-dom-testing.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-html-sanitizer.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/railties.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/rake.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/regexp_parser.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/request_store.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/rest-client.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-core.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-expectations.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-rails.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-support.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/rubyzip.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/sass-rails.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/sass.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/selenium-webdriver.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/sentry-raven.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov-html.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/slimmer.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/sorbet-runtime.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/sprockets-rails.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/sprockets.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/statsd-ruby.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/thread_safe.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/tilt.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/timecop.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/tzinfo.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/uglifier.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/unf.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/webdrivers.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/webmock.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/whenever.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/gems/xpath.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/hidden-definitions/errors.txt create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/hidden-definitions/hidden.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/actionmailer/all/actionmailer.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/actionpack/all/actionpack.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/activerecord/all/activerecord.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/activerecord/~>5.2/activerecord.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/activesupport/all/activesupport.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/bundler/all/bundler.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/railties/all/railties.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/ruby/all/open3.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/ruby/all/resolv.rbi create mode 100644 sorbet/rbi/todo.rbi diff --git a/app/controllers/advanced_search_finder_controller.rb b/app/controllers/advanced_search_finder_controller.rb index 873ded3a5..eac4c3921 100644 --- a/app/controllers/advanced_search_finder_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/advanced_search_finder_controller.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class AdvancedSearchFinderController < FindersController layout "advanced_search_layout" rescue_from AdvancedSearchFinderApi::TaxonNotFound, diff --git a/app/controllers/application_controller.rb b/app/controllers/application_controller.rb index 321398db3..d595f3242 100644 --- a/app/controllers/application_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/application_controller.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include Slimmer::Headers include Slimmer::Template diff --git a/app/controllers/concerns/finder_top_result_ab_testable.rb b/app/controllers/concerns/finder_top_result_ab_testable.rb index 808f2bbd7..278e1cb6d 100644 --- a/app/controllers/concerns/finder_top_result_ab_testable.rb +++ b/app/controllers/concerns/finder_top_result_ab_testable.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false module FinderTopResultAbTestable CUSTOM_DIMENSION = 69 diff --git a/app/controllers/email_alert_subscriptions_controller.rb b/app/controllers/email_alert_subscriptions_controller.rb index cd3371d54..fda458959 100644 --- a/app/controllers/email_alert_subscriptions_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/email_alert_subscriptions_controller.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true require 'email_alert_signup_api' require 'email_alert_title_builder' diff --git a/app/controllers/finders_controller.rb b/app/controllers/finders_controller.rb index aca9d7f55..8ad3e4d19 100644 --- a/app/controllers/finders_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/finders_controller.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false class FindersController < ApplicationController include FinderTopResultAbTestable diff --git a/app/controllers/qa_controller.rb b/app/controllers/qa_controller.rb index 06e23e0cb..ccc16c135 100644 --- a/app/controllers/qa_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/qa_controller.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false class QaController < ApplicationController layout "finder_layout" diff --git a/app/controllers/qa_to_content_controller.rb b/app/controllers/qa_to_content_controller.rb index 5ef9a1327..81352bd5a 100644 --- a/app/controllers/qa_to_content_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/qa_to_content_controller.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true # This class currently supports only one question # If there is a need for multiple questions, this class needs to be modified diff --git a/app/controllers/redirection_controller.rb b/app/controllers/redirection_controller.rb index e0ff0def5..014cf23e3 100644 --- a/app/controllers/redirection_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/redirection_controller.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'publications_routes' class RedirectionController < ApplicationController diff --git a/app/controllers/search_controller.rb b/app/controllers/search_controller.rb index dd6a96340..2b6222899 100644 --- a/app/controllers/search_controller.rb +++ b/app/controllers/search_controller.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false class SearchController < ApplicationController layout "search_layout" before_action :set_expiry diff --git a/app/helpers/application_helper.rb b/app/helpers/application_helper.rb index b3fb9e847..99afcce48 100644 --- a/app/helpers/application_helper.rb +++ b/app/helpers/application_helper.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false module ApplicationHelper def input_checked(key, value) if facet_has_any_selected_values?(key) diff --git a/app/helpers/eu_exit_finder_helper.rb b/app/helpers/eu_exit_finder_helper.rb index 9436c6ade..472558ae7 100644 --- a/app/helpers/eu_exit_finder_helper.rb +++ b/app/helpers/eu_exit_finder_helper.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module EuExitFinderHelper def self.eu_exit_finder?(content_id) content_id == "42ce66de-04f3-4192-bf31-8394538e0734" diff --git a/app/lib/advanced_search_finder_api.rb b/app/lib/advanced_search_finder_api.rb index 7e3952ddb..8f192ac2f 100644 --- a/app/lib/advanced_search_finder_api.rb +++ b/app/lib/advanced_search_finder_api.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class AdvancedSearchFinderApi < FinderApi include AdvancedSearchParams diff --git a/app/lib/advanced_search_order_query_builder.rb b/app/lib/advanced_search_order_query_builder.rb index 38ddf801d..dd1017fd3 100644 --- a/app/lib/advanced_search_order_query_builder.rb +++ b/app/lib/advanced_search_order_query_builder.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class AdvancedSearchOrderQueryBuilder < OrderQueryBuilder include AdvancedSearchParams diff --git a/app/lib/advanced_search_params.rb b/app/lib/advanced_search_params.rb index cbcbe2178..bc3fedf06 100644 --- a/app/lib/advanced_search_params.rb +++ b/app/lib/advanced_search_params.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module AdvancedSearchParams GROUP_SEARCH_FILTER = "group".freeze SUBGROUP_SEARCH_FILTER = "subgroup".freeze diff --git a/app/lib/advanced_search_query_builder.rb b/app/lib/advanced_search_query_builder.rb index 55bdb0243..fdf753646 100644 --- a/app/lib/advanced_search_query_builder.rb +++ b/app/lib/advanced_search_query_builder.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class AdvancedSearchQueryBuilder < SearchQueryBuilder include AdvancedSearchParams def base_return_fields diff --git a/app/lib/email_alert_list_title_builder.rb b/app/lib/email_alert_list_title_builder.rb index f3428a843..c69486d44 100644 --- a/app/lib/email_alert_list_title_builder.rb +++ b/app/lib/email_alert_list_title_builder.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false class EmailAlertListTitleBuilder def*args) new(*args).call diff --git a/app/lib/facet_extractor.rb b/app/lib/facet_extractor.rb index e7c09b87f..9e82725b2 100644 --- a/app/lib/facet_extractor.rb +++ b/app/lib/facet_extractor.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class FacetExtractor attr_reader :content_item diff --git a/app/lib/facet_query_builder.rb b/app/lib/facet_query_builder.rb index b15c8276c..cfcd9535d 100644 --- a/app/lib/facet_query_builder.rb +++ b/app/lib/facet_query_builder.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true # Used by the SearchQueryBuilder to build the `facet` part of the Rummager # search query. This will determine the "facets" Rummager returns. # diff --git a/app/lib/facets_from_facet_group_extractor.rb b/app/lib/facets_from_facet_group_extractor.rb index 104a524f3..c18fe3de0 100644 --- a/app/lib/facets_from_facet_group_extractor.rb +++ b/app/lib/facets_from_facet_group_extractor.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class FacetsFromFacetGroupExtractor def initialize(facet_group) @facets = facet_group.dig('links', 'facets') || [] diff --git a/app/lib/filter_query_builder.rb b/app/lib/filter_query_builder.rb index aa925f034..454e7a056 100644 --- a/app/lib/filter_query_builder.rb +++ b/app/lib/filter_query_builder.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true # Used by the SearchQueryBuilder to build the `filter` part of the Rummager # search query. This will determine the documents that are returned from rummager. class FilterQueryBuilder diff --git a/app/lib/filters/checkbox_filter.rb b/app/lib/filters/checkbox_filter.rb index fa73c712d..adb693eaf 100644 --- a/app/lib/filters/checkbox_filter.rb +++ b/app/lib/filters/checkbox_filter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class CheckboxFilter < Filter private # rubocop:disable Layout/IndentationWidth diff --git a/app/lib/filters/content_id_filter.rb b/app/lib/filters/content_id_filter.rb index 1baa8b4cf..05c9dfd10 100644 --- a/app/lib/filters/content_id_filter.rb +++ b/app/lib/filters/content_id_filter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class ContentIdFilter < Filter private # rubocop:disable Layout/IndentationWidth diff --git a/app/lib/filters/date_filter.rb b/app/lib/filters/date_filter.rb index 2273d008d..e9a9d4590 100644 --- a/app/lib/filters/date_filter.rb +++ b/app/lib/filters/date_filter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class DateFilter < Filter private # rubocop:disable Layout/IndentationWidth diff --git a/app/lib/filters/dropdown_select_filter.rb b/app/lib/filters/dropdown_select_filter.rb index 3c4071278..10b591f44 100644 --- a/app/lib/filters/dropdown_select_filter.rb +++ b/app/lib/filters/dropdown_select_filter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class DropdownSelectFilter < Filter private # rubocop:disable Layout/IndentationWidth diff --git a/app/lib/filters/filter.rb b/app/lib/filters/filter.rb index 925b24ccc..310468f52 100644 --- a/app/lib/filters/filter.rb +++ b/app/lib/filters/filter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class Filter def initialize(facet, params) diff --git a/app/lib/filters/hidden_clearable_filter.rb b/app/lib/filters/hidden_clearable_filter.rb index e506c0794..9fb18c1ba 100644 --- a/app/lib/filters/hidden_clearable_filter.rb +++ b/app/lib/filters/hidden_clearable_filter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class HiddenClearableFilter < Filter private # rubocop:disable Layout/IndentationWidth diff --git a/app/lib/filters/hidden_filter.rb b/app/lib/filters/hidden_filter.rb index d623deaf7..3daabf232 100644 --- a/app/lib/filters/hidden_filter.rb +++ b/app/lib/filters/hidden_filter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class HiddenFilter < Filter private # rubocop:disable Layout/IndentationWidth diff --git a/app/lib/filters/official_documents_filter.rb b/app/lib/filters/official_documents_filter.rb index 57b910c2e..f3b664d8f 100644 --- a/app/lib/filters/official_documents_filter.rb +++ b/app/lib/filters/official_documents_filter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class OfficialDocumentsFilter < RadioFilterForMultipleFields def filter_hashes diff --git a/app/lib/filters/radio_filter.rb b/app/lib/filters/radio_filter.rb index ba190f439..095a23659 100644 --- a/app/lib/filters/radio_filter.rb +++ b/app/lib/filters/radio_filter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class RadioFilter < Filter private # rubocop:disable Layout/IndentationWidth diff --git a/app/lib/filters/radio_filter_for_multiple_fields.rb b/app/lib/filters/radio_filter_for_multiple_fields.rb index c614d5c60..a001d16c1 100644 --- a/app/lib/filters/radio_filter_for_multiple_fields.rb +++ b/app/lib/filters/radio_filter_for_multiple_fields.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class RadioFilterForMultipleFields < Filter def query_hash diff --git a/app/lib/filters/research_and_statistics_filter.rb b/app/lib/filters/research_and_statistics_filter.rb index 3ba6aee7f..0b94dea44 100644 --- a/app/lib/filters/research_and_statistics_filter.rb +++ b/app/lib/filters/research_and_statistics_filter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class ResearchAndStatisticsFilter < RadioFilterForMultipleFields def filter_hashes diff --git a/app/lib/filters/taxon_filter.rb b/app/lib/filters/taxon_filter.rb index af4fc0d1f..0c6522746 100644 --- a/app/lib/filters/taxon_filter.rb +++ b/app/lib/filters/taxon_filter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class TaxonFilter < Filter private # rubocop:disable Layout/IndentationWidth diff --git a/app/lib/filters/text_filter.rb b/app/lib/filters/text_filter.rb index ef9efdec7..7ff23d8d8 100644 --- a/app/lib/filters/text_filter.rb +++ b/app/lib/filters/text_filter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class TextFilter < Filter private # rubocop:disable Layout/IndentationWidth diff --git a/app/lib/filters/topical_filter.rb b/app/lib/filters/topical_filter.rb index 8333b2af2..14cf29fb8 100644 --- a/app/lib/filters/topical_filter.rb +++ b/app/lib/filters/topical_filter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class TopicalFilter < Filter private # rubocop:disable Layout/IndentationWidth diff --git a/app/lib/finder_api.rb b/app/lib/finder_api.rb index a56ee519e..68e4c986c 100644 --- a/app/lib/finder_api.rb +++ b/app/lib/finder_api.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true # Facade that speaks to rummager. Combines a content item with # search results from rummager. class FinderApi diff --git a/app/lib/healthchecks/registries_cache.rb b/app/lib/healthchecks/registries_cache.rb index 12f2bc129..c104d575e 100644 --- a/app/lib/healthchecks/registries_cache.rb +++ b/app/lib/healthchecks/registries_cache.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Healthchecks class RegistriesCache def name diff --git a/app/lib/order_query_builder.rb b/app/lib/order_query_builder.rb index d3ceeb7e0..ae2b03abe 100644 --- a/app/lib/order_query_builder.rb +++ b/app/lib/order_query_builder.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class OrderQueryBuilder def initialize(content_item, keywords, params, override_sort_for_feed: false) @content_item = content_item diff --git a/app/lib/params_cleaner.rb b/app/lib/params_cleaner.rb index 49f42bea8..4ff41f3c7 100644 --- a/app/lib/params_cleaner.rb +++ b/app/lib/params_cleaner.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true # In some cases requests come in to this app with a mangled query string in # this form: # diff --git a/app/lib/publications_routes.rb b/app/lib/publications_routes.rb index a9345ed9e..d5736d702 100644 --- a/app/lib/publications_routes.rb +++ b/app/lib/publications_routes.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module PublicationsRoutes PUBLICATIONS_ROUTES = { 'consultations' => { diff --git a/app/lib/registries/base_registries.rb b/app/lib/registries/base_registries.rb index 81dd39f61..4f3cabc4e 100644 --- a/app/lib/registries/base_registries.rb +++ b/app/lib/registries/base_registries.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Registries NAMESPACE = 'registries'.freeze diff --git a/app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb b/app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb index 31581cb5f..ce17c4526 100644 --- a/app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb +++ b/app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false module Registries module CacheableRegistry def can_refresh_cache? diff --git a/app/lib/registries/full_topic_taxonomy_registry.rb b/app/lib/registries/full_topic_taxonomy_registry.rb index 3ba2bc316..7e6e6917f 100644 --- a/app/lib/registries/full_topic_taxonomy_registry.rb +++ b/app/lib/registries/full_topic_taxonomy_registry.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Registries class FullTopicTaxonomyRegistry < Registry include CacheableRegistry diff --git a/app/lib/registries/manuals_registry.rb b/app/lib/registries/manuals_registry.rb index 34e12ec25..1b16cd424 100644 --- a/app/lib/registries/manuals_registry.rb +++ b/app/lib/registries/manuals_registry.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Registries class ManualsRegistry < Registry include CacheableRegistry diff --git a/app/lib/registries/organisations_registry.rb b/app/lib/registries/organisations_registry.rb index 93afc8517..066b20ff7 100644 --- a/app/lib/registries/organisations_registry.rb +++ b/app/lib/registries/organisations_registry.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Registries class OrganisationsRegistry < Registry include CacheableRegistry diff --git a/app/lib/registries/people_registry.rb b/app/lib/registries/people_registry.rb index d0fc0c819..83f6ecbeb 100644 --- a/app/lib/registries/people_registry.rb +++ b/app/lib/registries/people_registry.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Registries class PeopleRegistry < Registry include CacheableRegistry diff --git a/app/lib/registries/registry.rb b/app/lib/registries/registry.rb index 0253e403a..4488a76c8 100644 --- a/app/lib/registries/registry.rb +++ b/app/lib/registries/registry.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Registries class Registry def can_refresh_cache? diff --git a/app/lib/registries/topic_taxonomy_registry.rb b/app/lib/registries/topic_taxonomy_registry.rb index 2fded7e86..1480a0c43 100644 --- a/app/lib/registries/topic_taxonomy_registry.rb +++ b/app/lib/registries/topic_taxonomy_registry.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Registries class TopicTaxonomyRegistry < Registry include CacheableRegistry diff --git a/app/lib/registries/world_locations_registry.rb b/app/lib/registries/world_locations_registry.rb index ae21a91f9..7a2a958a7 100644 --- a/app/lib/registries/world_locations_registry.rb +++ b/app/lib/registries/world_locations_registry.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Registries class WorldLocationsRegistry < Registry include CacheableRegistry diff --git a/app/lib/search_query_builder.rb b/app/lib/search_query_builder.rb index 4330f81cb..3771b7cec 100644 --- a/app/lib/search_query_builder.rb +++ b/app/lib/search_query_builder.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true # SearchQueryBuilder takes the content item for the finder and the query params # from the URL to generate a query for Rummager. class SearchQueryBuilder diff --git a/app/lib/services.rb b/app/lib/services.rb index 04ece55c0..6ed7e21bb 100644 --- a/app/lib/services.rb +++ b/app/lib/services.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true require 'gds_api/content_store' require 'gds_api/rummager' require 'gds_api/email_alert_api' diff --git a/app/lib/supergroups.rb b/app/lib/supergroups.rb index f24aaa006..2cd631cae 100644 --- a/app/lib/supergroups.rb +++ b/app/lib/supergroups.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class Supergroups def self.lookup(keys) raise_not_found(nil) unless keys diff --git a/app/lib/url_builder.rb b/app/lib/url_builder.rb index 06bf25d6d..bf97ffc07 100644 --- a/app/lib/url_builder.rb +++ b/app/lib/url_builder.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true # The UrlBuilder class is responsible for creating URLs to be rendered as # HTML links. class UrlBuilder diff --git a/app/models/checkbox_facet.rb b/app/models/checkbox_facet.rb index 0d64c381c..25056a409 100644 --- a/app/models/checkbox_facet.rb +++ b/app/models/checkbox_facet.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class CheckboxFacet < FilterableFacet def initialize(facet, checked) @checked = checked diff --git a/app/models/content_item.rb b/app/models/content_item.rb index f6bec21f0..faad2823b 100644 --- a/app/models/content_item.rb +++ b/app/models/content_item.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class ContentItem def initialize(request_path) @request_path = request_path diff --git a/app/models/date_facet.rb b/app/models/date_facet.rb index 199d6ad4c..282ae98f9 100644 --- a/app/models/date_facet.rb +++ b/app/models/date_facet.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class DateFacet < FilterableFacet attr_reader :value diff --git a/app/models/document.rb b/app/models/document.rb index 0112f74dc..08ffd5c7c 100644 --- a/app/models/document.rb +++ b/app/models/document.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false class Document attr_reader :title, :public_timestamp, :is_historic, :government_name, :content_purpose_supergroup, :document_type, :organisations, diff --git a/app/models/facet.rb b/app/models/facet.rb index a672e7e31..acb432ef1 100644 --- a/app/models/facet.rb +++ b/app/models/facet.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class Facet def initialize(facet) @facet = facet diff --git a/app/models/facet_collection.rb b/app/models/facet_collection.rb index 3eb91c594..0d8c0cc18 100644 --- a/app/models/facet_collection.rb +++ b/app/models/facet_collection.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class FacetCollection include Enumerable diff --git a/app/models/filterable_facet.rb b/app/models/filterable_facet.rb index 0ead310d1..2778d9368 100644 --- a/app/models/filterable_facet.rb +++ b/app/models/filterable_facet.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false class FilterableFacet < Facet DEFAULT_PREPOSITION = 'related to'.freeze diff --git a/app/models/filters.rb b/app/models/filters.rb index de1295cb8..c087f5bc4 100644 --- a/app/models/filters.rb +++ b/app/models/filters.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module Filters class ResearchAndStatsHashes def call diff --git a/app/models/hidden_clearable_facet.rb b/app/models/hidden_clearable_facet.rb index 7e1ed481b..2fe69a78b 100644 --- a/app/models/hidden_clearable_facet.rb +++ b/app/models/hidden_clearable_facet.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class HiddenClearableFacet < FilterableFacet def initialize(facet, value_hash) @value = Array(value_hash) diff --git a/app/models/hidden_facet.rb b/app/models/hidden_facet.rb index 7a1767b37..6d8812b29 100644 --- a/app/models/hidden_facet.rb +++ b/app/models/hidden_facet.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class HiddenFacet < FilterableFacet def initialize(facet, value) @value = Array(value) diff --git a/app/models/keyword_facet.rb b/app/models/keyword_facet.rb index d4cb2ea03..52fc302a3 100644 --- a/app/models/keyword_facet.rb +++ b/app/models/keyword_facet.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class KeywordFacet def initialize(keywords = "") @keywords = keywords diff --git a/app/models/option_select_facet.rb b/app/models/option_select_facet.rb index 271ccea5f..57a31873c 100644 --- a/app/models/option_select_facet.rb +++ b/app/models/option_select_facet.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class OptionSelectFacet < FilterableFacet attr_reader :value diff --git a/app/models/radio_facet.rb b/app/models/radio_facet.rb index bdd9676bf..50e7ea8bc 100644 --- a/app/models/radio_facet.rb +++ b/app/models/radio_facet.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class RadioFacet < FilterableFacet def initialize(facet, value) @value = value diff --git a/app/models/radio_facet_for_multiple_filters.rb b/app/models/radio_facet_for_multiple_filters.rb index 7abcb3ca7..0185e8737 100644 --- a/app/models/radio_facet_for_multiple_filters.rb +++ b/app/models/radio_facet_for_multiple_filters.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class RadioFacetForMultipleFilters < FilterableFacet def initialize(facet, value, filter_hashes) @filter_hashes = filter_hashes diff --git a/app/models/result_set.rb b/app/models/result_set.rb index 754e25e4c..ee0bdda74 100644 --- a/app/models/result_set.rb +++ b/app/models/result_set.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class ResultSet attr_reader :documents, :total diff --git a/app/models/search_parameters.rb b/app/models/search_parameters.rb index e4ab221ce..4b0a64fe1 100644 --- a/app/models/search_parameters.rb +++ b/app/models/search_parameters.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: ignore class SearchParameters include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers diff --git a/app/models/taxon_facet.rb b/app/models/taxon_facet.rb index 2a4ac1eb4..db75ad101 100644 --- a/app/models/taxon_facet.rb +++ b/app/models/taxon_facet.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class TaxonFacet < FilterableFacet LEVEL_ONE_TAXON_KEY = 'level_one_taxon'.freeze LEVEL_TWO_TAXON_KEY = 'level_two_taxon'.freeze diff --git a/app/models/topical_facet.rb b/app/models/topical_facet.rb index dad8c8b34..1de06904b 100644 --- a/app/models/topical_facet.rb +++ b/app/models/topical_facet.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class TopicalFacet < OptionSelectFacet def allowed_values [facet['open_value'], facet['closed_value']] diff --git a/app/parsers/date_parser.rb b/app/parsers/date_parser.rb index 384661192..364b02280 100644 --- a/app/parsers/date_parser.rb +++ b/app/parsers/date_parser.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class DateParser def self.parse(date_string) date_string = date_string.to_s.strip diff --git a/app/parsers/facet_parser.rb b/app/parsers/facet_parser.rb index 016072817..e7c3d088e 100644 --- a/app/parsers/facet_parser.rb +++ b/app/parsers/facet_parser.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module FacetParser def self.parse(facet, value_hash) if facet['filterable'] diff --git a/app/parsers/result_set_parser.rb b/app/parsers/result_set_parser.rb index 55f52c3f6..ded04067a 100644 --- a/app/parsers/result_set_parser.rb +++ b/app/parsers/result_set_parser.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module ResultSetParser def self.parse(results, total, finder) documents = { |document|, finder) } diff --git a/app/presenters/advanced_search_finder_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/advanced_search_finder_presenter.rb index 04528f625..55a3cd527 100644 --- a/app/presenters/advanced_search_finder_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/advanced_search_finder_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class AdvancedSearchFinderPresenter < FinderPresenter include AdvancedSearchParams diff --git a/app/presenters/advanced_search_result_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/advanced_search_result_presenter.rb index 75d96d0a7..bd2124dab 100644 --- a/app/presenters/advanced_search_result_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/advanced_search_result_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class AdvancedSearchResultPresenter < SearchResultPresenter def to_hash super.merge( diff --git a/app/presenters/advanced_search_result_set_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/advanced_search_result_set_presenter.rb index a86743ecf..e210d134f 100644 --- a/app/presenters/advanced_search_result_set_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/advanced_search_result_set_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class AdvancedSearchResultSetPresenter < ResultSetPresenter include AdvancedSearchParams diff --git a/app/presenters/atom_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/atom_presenter.rb index 578e7b3fc..99c3c6ca9 100644 --- a/app/presenters/atom_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/atom_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class AtomPresenter def initialize(finder, results, facet_tags) @finder = finder diff --git a/app/presenters/entry_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/entry_presenter.rb index 732b559e3..2a1c447c0 100644 --- a/app/presenters/entry_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/entry_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class EntryPresenter delegate :title, :summary, diff --git a/app/presenters/facet_tag_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/facet_tag_presenter.rb index ea97f624a..fb266453f 100644 --- a/app/presenters/facet_tag_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/facet_tag_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false class FacetTagPresenter include ERB::Util diff --git a/app/presenters/facet_tags_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/facet_tags_presenter.rb index 2d74b3a07..d5ac59b0e 100644 --- a/app/presenters/facet_tags_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/facet_tags_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class FacetTagsPresenter def initialize(finder_presenter, sort_presenter, i_am_a_topic_page_finder: false) @filters = finder_presenter.filters diff --git a/app/presenters/finder_breadcrumbs_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/finder_breadcrumbs_presenter.rb index 78532b0fe..f693f7f25 100644 --- a/app/presenters/finder_breadcrumbs_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/finder_breadcrumbs_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false class FinderBreadcrumbsPresenter attr_reader :organisation, :finder_name diff --git a/app/presenters/finder_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/finder_presenter.rb index 8a7ffadbf..b51ed1bff 100644 --- a/app/presenters/finder_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/finder_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class FinderPresenter include ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper diff --git a/app/presenters/grouped_result_set_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/grouped_result_set_presenter.rb index ae6174d95..085529f5f 100644 --- a/app/presenters/grouped_result_set_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/grouped_result_set_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class GroupedResultSetPresenter < ResultSetPresenter def search_results_content super.merge( diff --git a/app/presenters/metadata_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/metadata_presenter.rb index cec29e439..be544d98f 100644 --- a/app/presenters/metadata_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/metadata_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class MetadataPresenter def initialize(raw_metadata) @raw_metadata = raw_metadata diff --git a/app/presenters/pagination_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/pagination_presenter.rb index 42d577628..01208c760 100644 --- a/app/presenters/pagination_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/pagination_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true # The PaginationPresenter class is responsible for creating the next and # previous links to be displayed on finders. class PaginationPresenter diff --git a/app/presenters/result_set_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/result_set_presenter.rb index 31a3c293e..25ea4515c 100644 --- a/app/presenters/result_set_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/result_set_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class ResultSetPresenter include ERB::Util include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper diff --git a/app/presenters/screen_reader_filter_description_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/screen_reader_filter_description_presenter.rb index c533e3984..a99197e8d 100644 --- a/app/presenters/screen_reader_filter_description_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/screen_reader_filter_description_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class ScreenReaderFilterDescriptionPresenter def initialize(filters, sort_option) @filters = filters diff --git a/app/presenters/search_result_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/search_result_presenter.rb index c424265ed..507ca866e 100644 --- a/app/presenters/search_result_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/search_result_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class SearchResultPresenter delegate :title, :summary, diff --git a/app/presenters/signup_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/signup_presenter.rb index a14e70082..bca2915ed 100644 --- a/app/presenters/signup_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/signup_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class SignupPresenter include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper include ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper diff --git a/app/presenters/sort_option_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/sort_option_presenter.rb index 3a833123a..8b6df0cf3 100644 --- a/app/presenters/sort_option_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/sort_option_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class SortOptionPresenter attr_reader :value, :key, :label diff --git a/app/presenters/sort_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/sort_presenter.rb index 9159dea4e..ab966e394 100644 --- a/app/presenters/sort_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/sort_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class SortPresenter def initialize(content_item, filter_params) @user_selected_order = filter_params['order'] diff --git a/app/presenters/statistics_metadata_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/statistics_metadata_presenter.rb index 697eb68e9..3c16a2b03 100644 --- a/app/presenters/statistics_metadata_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/statistics_metadata_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class StatisticsMetadataPresenter < MetadataPresenter def present formatted_metadata = diff --git a/app/presenters/statistics_sort_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/statistics_sort_presenter.rb index 9516be076..65a394cb2 100644 --- a/app/presenters/statistics_sort_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/statistics_sort_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class StatisticsSortPresenter < SortPresenter def initialize(content_item, filter_params) @stats_grouping = filter_params['content_store_document_type'] diff --git a/app/presenters/subscriber_list_params_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/subscriber_list_params_presenter.rb index b39d47c2d..da950d30e 100644 --- a/app/presenters/subscriber_list_params_presenter.rb +++ b/app/presenters/subscriber_list_params_presenter.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true class SubscriberListParamsPresenter def initialize(content_item, params) @content_item = content_item diff --git a/config/application.rb b/config/application.rb index 72ab250e4..b0f9721fb 100644 --- a/config/application.rb +++ b/config/application.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: strict require File.expand_path('boot', __dir__) # Pick the frameworks you want: diff --git a/config/boot.rb b/config/boot.rb index 126c4a8b9..24a24fed6 100644 --- a/config/boot.rb +++ b/config/boot.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: strong # Set up gems listed in the Gemfile. ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../Gemfile', __dir__) diff --git a/config/environment.rb b/config/environment.rb index 6eef4101d..e0b96d5fc 100644 --- a/config/environment.rb +++ b/config/environment.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false # Load the Rails application. require File.expand_path('application', __dir__) diff --git a/config/environments/development.rb b/config/environments/development.rb index f0b8c2aad..b71d2aa36 100644 --- a/config/environments/development.rb +++ b/config/environments/development.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false FinderFrontend::Application.configure do # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb. diff --git a/config/environments/production.rb b/config/environments/production.rb index e16d0143c..dcf73849c 100644 --- a/config/environments/production.rb +++ b/config/environments/production.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false FinderFrontend::Application.configure do # Set GOVUK_ASSET_ROOT for heroku - for review apps we have the hostname set # at the time of the app being built so can't be set up in the app.json diff --git a/config/environments/test.rb b/config/environments/test.rb index eaf55f7c0..047bc3e54 100644 --- a/config/environments/test.rb +++ b/config/environments/test.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false FinderFrontend::Application.configure do # We use the non-default in memory cache store for development purposes. # It assumes memcached is running on localhost on the default port. diff --git a/config/initializers/assets.rb b/config/initializers/assets.rb index 11c0044b2..e1a7a25a6 100644 --- a/config/initializers/assets.rb +++ b/config/initializers/assets.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: strict Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += [ "application-ie6.css", "application-ie7.css", diff --git a/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb b/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb index 59385cdf3..ed7740ed7 100644 --- a/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb +++ b/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: strong # Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. # You can add backtrace silencers for libraries that you're using but don't wish to see in your backtraces. diff --git a/config/initializers/csp.rb b/config/initializers/csp.rb index aa49407c8..3c8411639 100644 --- a/config/initializers/csp.rb +++ b/config/initializers/csp.rb @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +# typed: strict GovukContentSecurityPolicy.configure diff --git a/config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb b/config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb index 4a994e1e7..aedda83a8 100644 --- a/config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb +++ b/config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: strict # Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. # Configure sensitive parameters which will be filtered from the log file. diff --git a/config/initializers/govuk_publishing_components.rb b/config/initializers/govuk_publishing_components.rb index ccccf16c4..5df2cde20 100644 --- a/config/initializers/govuk_publishing_components.rb +++ b/config/initializers/govuk_publishing_components.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: strict GovukPublishingComponents.configure do |c| c.component_guide_title = "Finder Frontend Component Guide" end diff --git a/config/initializers/inflections.rb b/config/initializers/inflections.rb index ac033bf9d..1d312a2d4 100644 --- a/config/initializers/inflections.rb +++ b/config/initializers/inflections.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: strong # Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. # Add new inflection rules using the following format. Inflections diff --git a/config/initializers/jasmine_rails.rb b/config/initializers/jasmine_rails.rb index 81c2474f1..6128b53ff 100644 --- a/config/initializers/jasmine_rails.rb +++ b/config/initializers/jasmine_rails.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true if defined?(JasmineRails) module JasmineRails class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base diff --git a/config/initializers/mime_types.rb b/config/initializers/mime_types.rb index 72aca7e44..1692eee18 100644 --- a/config/initializers/mime_types.rb +++ b/config/initializers/mime_types.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: strong # Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. # Add new mime types for use in respond_to blocks: diff --git a/config/initializers/session_store.rb b/config/initializers/session_store.rb index 9610a2dbe..d873d49e4 100644 --- a/config/initializers/session_store.rb +++ b/config/initializers/session_store.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: strict # Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. FinderFrontend::Application.config.session_store :disabled diff --git a/config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb b/config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb index b81ea74b7..97aa642bd 100644 --- a/config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb +++ b/config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: strict # Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. # This file contains settings for ActionController::ParamsWrapper which diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb index 1b150246f..7d04d594b 100644 --- a/config/routes.rb +++ b/config/routes.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false FinderFrontend::Application.routes.draw do mount JasmineRails::Engine => '/specs' if defined?(JasmineRails) mount GovukPublishingComponents::Engine, at: "/component-guide" diff --git a/config/schedule.rb b/config/schedule.rb index 56b166788..c2ced5935 100644 --- a/config/schedule.rb +++ b/config/schedule.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false # Use this file to easily define all of your cron jobs. # # It's helpful, but not entirely necessary to understand cron before proceeding. diff --git a/config/unicorn.rb b/config/unicorn.rb index ab162fecf..7c385777a 100644 --- a/config/unicorn.rb +++ b/config/unicorn.rb @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ +# typed: strict require "govuk_app_config/govuk_unicorn" GovukUnicorn.configure(self) diff --git a/db/seeds.rb b/db/seeds.rb index 4edb1e857..e5a928352 100644 --- a/db/seeds.rb +++ b/db/seeds.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: strong # This file should contain all the record creation needed to seed the database with its default values. # The data can then be loaded with the rake db:seed (or created alongside the db with db:setup). # diff --git a/features/step_definitions/advanced_search_steps.rb b/features/step_definitions/advanced_search_steps.rb index a6ca3804a..9ba7d2247 100644 --- a/features/step_definitions/advanced_search_steps.rb +++ b/features/step_definitions/advanced_search_steps.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false def finder_content_item @finder_content_item ||= JSON.parse( Rails.root.join("features", "fixtures", "advanced-search.json") diff --git a/features/step_definitions/analytics_steps.rb b/features/step_definitions/analytics_steps.rb index 16c2e57e8..b1e950292 100644 --- a/features/step_definitions/analytics_steps.rb +++ b/features/step_definitions/analytics_steps.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false Then(/^the links on the page have tracking attributes$/) do visit finder_path('government/policies/benefits-reform') diff --git a/features/step_definitions/filtering_steps.rb b/features/step_definitions/filtering_steps.rb index 5568f370c..e1d591a53 100644 --- a/features/step_definitions/filtering_steps.rb +++ b/features/step_definitions/filtering_steps.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false Given(/^a collection of documents exist$/) do content_store_has_mosw_reports_finder stub_rummager_api_request diff --git a/features/step_definitions/qa_steps.rb b/features/step_definitions/qa_steps.rb index 253c66f77..19abe6592 100644 --- a/features/step_definitions/qa_steps.rb +++ b/features/step_definitions/qa_steps.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false Given /^a QA finder exists/ do stub_qa_config content_store_has_qa_finder diff --git a/features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb b/features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb index fb66401b9..4db5b9e66 100644 --- a/features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb +++ b/features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false Given /^the search page exists$/ do content_store_has_item("/search", schema: 'special_route') end diff --git a/features/support/document_helper.rb b/features/support/document_helper.rb index 3bacd736f..4e6eaa130 100644 --- a/features/support/document_helper.rb +++ b/features/support/document_helper.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require_relative '../../lib/govuk_content_schema_examples' require_relative "../../spec/helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper" require_relative "../../spec/helpers/registry_spec_helper" diff --git a/features/support/env.rb b/features/support/env.rb index 5515af6b0..ef85c4e08 100644 --- a/features/support/env.rb +++ b/features/support/env.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false # IMPORTANT: This file is generated by cucumber-rails - edit at your own peril. # It is recommended to regenerate this file in the future when you upgrade to a # newer version of cucumber-rails. Consider adding your own code to a new file diff --git a/features/support/qa_helper.rb b/features/support/qa_helper.rb index 871d2c896..d52066292 100644 --- a/features/support/qa_helper.rb +++ b/features/support/qa_helper.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require_relative '../../spec/support/fixtures_helper' module QAHelper diff --git a/features/support/rummager_url_helper.rb b/features/support/rummager_url_helper.rb index 695cb71cc..d8531ae3f 100644 --- a/features/support/rummager_url_helper.rb +++ b/features/support/rummager_url_helper.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false module RummagerUrlHelper def rummager_url(params) "#{Plek.current.find('search')}/search.json?#{params.to_query}" diff --git a/lib/email_alert_signup_api.rb b/lib/email_alert_signup_api.rb index c343e3442..3c9a9c96e 100644 --- a/lib/email_alert_signup_api.rb +++ b/lib/email_alert_signup_api.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true require 'addressable/uri' class EmailAlertSignupAPI diff --git a/lib/email_alert_title_builder.rb b/lib/email_alert_title_builder.rb index 2e04a85a5..006764e0f 100644 --- a/lib/email_alert_title_builder.rb +++ b/lib/email_alert_title_builder.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false class EmailAlertTitleBuilder def*args) new(*args).call diff --git a/lib/govuk_content_schema_examples.rb b/lib/govuk_content_schema_examples.rb index f1ed3bae1..5d094a316 100644 --- a/lib/govuk_content_schema_examples.rb +++ b/lib/govuk_content_schema_examples.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true # Include this module to get access to the GOVUK Content Schema examples in the # tests. # diff --git a/sorbet/config b/sorbet/config new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7fb7a8e39 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/config @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +--dir +. diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/actionpack.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/actionpack.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..37d266d7e --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/actionpack.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,3136 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# actionpack-5.2.3 +module ActionPack + def self.gem_version; end + def self.version; end +end +module ActionPack::VERSION +end +module Rack +end +module ActionDispatch + def self.test_app; end + def self.test_app=(obj); end + def test_app; end + def test_app=(obj); end + extend ActiveSupport::Autoload +end +class ActionDispatch::IllegalStateError < StandardError +end +module ActionDispatch::Http + extend ActiveSupport::Autoload +end +module ActionDispatch::Session +end +class ActionDispatch::Railtie < Rails::Railtie +end +module AbstractController + def self.eager_load!; end + extend ActiveSupport::Autoload +end +module ActionDispatch::Http::FilterRedirect + def filtered_location; end + def location_filter_match?; end + def location_filters; end +end +module ActionDispatch::Http::Cache +end +module ActionDispatch::Http::Cache::Request + def etag_matches?(etag); end + def fresh?(response); end + def if_modified_since; end + def if_none_match; end + def if_none_match_etags; end + def not_modified?(modified_at); end +end +module ActionDispatch::Http::Cache::Response + def cache_control; end + def cache_control_headers; end + def cache_control_segments; end + def date; end + def date=(utc_time); end + def date?; end + def etag=(weak_validators); end + def etag?; end + def generate_strong_etag(validators); end + def generate_weak_etag(validators); end + def handle_conditional_get!; end + def last_modified; end + def last_modified=(utc_time); end + def last_modified?; end + def merge_and_normalize_cache_control!(cache_control); end + def prepare_cache_control!; end + def strong_etag=(strong_validators); end + def strong_etag?; end + def weak_etag=(weak_validators); end + def weak_etag?; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Response + def [](*args, &block); end + def []=(*args, &block); end + def _cache_control; end + def _cache_control=(v); end + def abort; end + def assign_default_content_type_and_charset!; end + def await_commit; end + def await_sent; end + def before_committed; end + def before_sending; end + def body; end + def body=(body); end + def body_parts; end + def build_buffer(response, body); end + def charset; end + def charset=(charset); end + def close; end + def code; end + def commit!; end + def committed?; end + def content_type; end + def content_type=(content_type); end + def cookies; end + def default_charset; end + def default_charset=(obj); end + def default_headers; end + def default_headers=(obj); end + def delete_header(key); end + def each(&block); end + def get_header(key); end + def handle_no_content!; end + def has_header?(key); end + def header; end + def headers; end + def initialize(status = nil, header = nil, body = nil); end + def message; end + def munge_body_object(body); end + def parse_content_type(content_type); end + def parsed_content_type_header; end + def prepare!; end + def rack_response(status, header); end + def redirect_url; end + def request; end + def request=(arg0); end + def reset_body!; end + def response_code; end + def self.create(status = nil, header = nil, body = nil, default_headers: nil); end + def self.default_charset; end + def self.default_charset=(obj); end + def self.default_headers; end + def self.default_headers=(obj); end + def self.merge_default_headers(original, default); end + def send_file(path); end + def sending!; end + def sending?; end + def sending_file=(v); end + def sent!; end + def sent?; end + def set_content_type(content_type, charset); end + def set_header(key, v); end + def status; end + def status=(status); end + def status_message; end + def stream; end + def to_a; end + def write(string); end + include ActionDispatch::Http::Cache::Response + include ActionDispatch::Http::FilterRedirect + include MonitorMixin + include Rack::Response::Helpers +end +class ActionDispatch::Response::Header < Anonymous_Delegator_1 + def []=(k, v); end + def initialize(response, header); end + def merge(other); end + def to_hash; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Response::Buffer + def abort; end + def body; end + def close; end + def closed?; end + def each(&block); end + def each_chunk(&block); end + def initialize(response, buf); end + def write(string); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Response::FileBody + def body; end + def each; end + def initialize(path); end + def to_path; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Response::ContentTypeHeader < Struct + def charset; end + def charset=(_); end + def mime_type; end + def mime_type=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Response::RackBody + def body; end + def close; end + def each(*args, &block); end + def initialize(response); end + def respond_to?(method, include_private = nil); end + def to_ary; end + def to_path; end +end +module ActionController + def self.add_renderer(key, &block); end + def self.remove_renderer(key); end + extend ActiveSupport::Autoload +end +module ActionController::Live + def log_error(exception); end + def new_controller_thread; end + def process(name); end + def response_body=(body); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActionController::Live::ClassMethods + def make_response!(request); end +end +class ActionController::Live::SSE + def close; end + def initialize(stream, options = nil); end + def perform_write(json, options); end + def write(object, options = nil); end +end +class ActionController::Live::ClientDisconnected < RuntimeError +end +class ActionController::Live::Buffer < ActionDispatch::Response::Buffer + def abort; end + def call_on_error; end + def close; end + def connected?; end + def each_chunk(&block); end + def ignore_disconnect; end + def ignore_disconnect=(arg0); end + def initialize(response); end + def on_error(&block); end + def write(string); end + include MonitorMixin +end +class ActionController::Live::Response < ActionDispatch::Response + def before_committed; end + def build_buffer(response, body); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile + def close(unlink_now = nil); end + def content_type; end + def content_type=(arg0); end + def eof?; end + def headers; end + def headers=(arg0); end + def initialize(hash); end + def open; end + def original_filename; end + def original_filename=(arg0); end + def path; end + def read(length = nil, buffer = nil); end + def rewind; end + def size; end + def tempfile; end + def tempfile=(arg0); end + def to_io; end +end +class ActionController::ParameterMissing < KeyError + def initialize(param); end + def param; end +end +class ActionController::UnpermittedParameters < IndexError + def initialize(params); end + def params; end +end +class ActionController::UnfilteredParameters < ArgumentError + def initialize; end +end +class ActionController::Parameters + def ==(other); end + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def always_permitted_parameters; end + def always_permitted_parameters=(obj); end + def array_of_permitted_scalars?(value); end + def as_json(*args, &block); end + def convert_hashes_to_parameters(key, value); end + def convert_parameters_to_hashes(value, using); end + def convert_value_to_parameters(value); end + def converted_arrays; end + def deep_dup; end + def delete(key, &block); end + def delete_if(&block); end + def dig(*keys); end + def each(&block); end + def each_element(object); end + def each_pair(&block); end + def empty?(*args, &block); end + def except(*keys); end + def extract!(*keys); end + def fetch(key, *args); end + def fields_for_style?; end + def has_key?(*args, &block); end + def has_value?(*args, &block); end + def hash_filter(params, filter); end + def include?(*args, &block); end + def init_with(coder); end + def initialize(parameters = nil); end + def initialize_copy(source); end + def inspect; end + def keep_if(&block); end + def key?(*args, &block); end + def keys(*args, &block); end + def merge!(other_hash); end + def merge(other_hash); end + def new_instance_with_inherited_permitted_status(hash); end + def non_scalar?(value); end + def parameters; end + def permit!; end + def permit(*filters); end + def permit_any_in_array(array); end + def permit_any_in_parameters(params); end + def permitted=(new_permitted); end + def permitted?; end + def permitted_scalar?(value); end + def permitted_scalar_filter(params, key); end + def reject!(&block); end + def reject(&block); end + def require(key); end + def required(key); end + def reverse_merge!(other_hash); end + def reverse_merge(other_hash); end + def select!(&block); end + def select(&block); end + def self.action_on_unpermitted_parameters; end + def self.action_on_unpermitted_parameters=(obj); end + def self.always_permitted_parameters; end + def self.always_permitted_parameters=(obj); end + def self.hook_into_yaml_loading; end + def self.permit_all_parameters; end + def self.permit_all_parameters=(obj); end + def slice!(*keys); end + def slice(*keys); end + def stringify_keys; end + def to_h; end + def to_hash; end + def to_param(*args); end + def to_query(*args); end + def to_s(*args, &block); end + def to_unsafe_h; end + def to_unsafe_hash; end + def transform_keys!(&block); end + def transform_keys(&block); end + def transform_values!; end + def transform_values; end + def unpermitted_keys(params); end + def unpermitted_parameters!(params); end + def value?(*args, &block); end + def values(*args, &block); end + def values_at(*keys); end + def with_defaults!(other_hash); end + def with_defaults(other_hash); end +end +module ActionController::StrongParameters + def params; end + def params=(value); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActiveSupport::Rescuable +end +module AbstractController::Railties +end +module AbstractController::Railties::RoutesHelpers + def self.with(routes, include_path_helpers = nil); end +end +module ActionController::Railties +end +module ActionController::Railties::Helpers + def inherited(klass); end +end +class ActionController::Railtie < Rails::Railtie +end +class ActionController::LogSubscriber < ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber +end +module ActionDispatch::Routing + extend ActiveSupport::Autoload +end +module ActionDispatch::Journey +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Router + def ast; end + def custom_routes; end + def eager_load!; end + def filter_routes(path); end + def find_routes(req); end + def initialize(routes); end + def match_head_routes(routes, req); end + def match_routes(routes, req); end + def partitioned_routes; end + def recognize(rails_req); end + def routes; end + def routes=(arg0); end + def serve(req); end + def simulator; end + def visualizer; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Router::Utils + def self.escape_fragment(fragment); end + def self.escape_path(path); end + def self.escape_segment(segment); end + def self.normalize_path(path); end + def self.unescape_uri(uri); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Router::Utils::UriEncoder + def escape(component, pattern); end + def escape_fragment(fragment); end + def escape_path(path); end + def escape_segment(segment); end + def percent_encode(unsafe); end + def unescape_uri(uri); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Routes + def add_route(name, mapping); end + def anchored_routes; end + def ast; end + def clear; end + def clear_cache!; end + def custom_routes; end + def each(&block); end + def empty?; end + def initialize; end + def last; end + def length; end + def partition_route(route); end + def routes; end + def simulator; end + def size; end + include Enumerable +end +class ActionController::ActionControllerError < StandardError +end +class ActionController::BadRequest < ActionController::ActionControllerError + def initialize(msg = nil); end +end +class ActionController::RenderError < ActionController::ActionControllerError +end +class ActionController::RoutingError < ActionController::ActionControllerError + def failures; end + def initialize(message, failures = nil); end +end +class ActionController::UrlGenerationError < ActionController::ActionControllerError +end +class ActionController::MethodNotAllowed < ActionController::ActionControllerError + def initialize(*allowed_methods); end +end +class ActionController::NotImplemented < ActionController::MethodNotAllowed +end +class ActionController::MissingFile < ActionController::ActionControllerError +end +class ActionController::SessionOverflowError < ActionController::ActionControllerError + def initialize(message = nil); end +end +class ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod < ActionController::ActionControllerError +end +class ActionController::UnknownFormat < ActionController::ActionControllerError +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Formatter + def build_cache; end + def cache; end + def clear; end + def extract_parameterized_parts(route, options, recall, parameterize = nil); end + def generate(name, options, path_parameters, parameterize = nil); end + def initialize(routes); end + def match_route(name, options); end + def missing_keys(route, parts); end + def named_routes; end + def non_recursive(cache, options); end + def possibles(cache, options, depth = nil); end + def routes; end +end +module ActionDispatch::Journey::Formatter::RegexCaseComparator + def self.===(regex); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Scanner + def eos?; end + def initialize; end + def next_token; end + def pos; end + def pre_match; end + def scan; end + def scan_setup(str); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Format + def evaluate(hash); end + def initialize(parts); end + def self.required_path(symbol); end + def self.required_segment(symbol); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Format::Parameter < Struct + def escape(value); end + def escaper; end + def escaper=(_); end + def name; end + def name=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +module ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::Visitor + def accept(node); end + def binary(node); end + def nary(node); end + def terminal(node); end + def unary(node); end + def visit(node); end + def visit_CAT(n); end + def visit_DOT(n); end + def visit_GROUP(n); end + def visit_LITERAL(n); end + def visit_OR(n); end + def visit_SLASH(n); end + def visit_STAR(n); end + def visit_SYMBOL(n); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::FunctionalVisitor + def accept(node, seed); end + def binary(node, seed); end + def nary(node, seed); end + def terminal(node, seed); end + def unary(node, seed); end + def visit(node, seed); end + def visit_CAT(n, seed); end + def visit_DOT(n, seed); end + def visit_GROUP(n, seed); end + def visit_LITERAL(n, seed); end + def visit_OR(n, seed); end + def visit_SLASH(n, seed); end + def visit_STAR(n, seed); end + def visit_SYMBOL(n, seed); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::FormatBuilder < ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::Visitor + def accept(node); end + def binary(node); end + def terminal(node); end + def visit_GROUP(n); end + def visit_STAR(n); end + def visit_SYMBOL(n); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::Each < ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::FunctionalVisitor + def visit(node, block); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::String < ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::FunctionalVisitor + def binary(node, seed); end + def nary(node, seed); end + def terminal(node, seed); end + def visit_GROUP(node, seed); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::Dot < ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::FunctionalVisitor + def accept(node, seed = nil); end + def binary(node, seed); end + def initialize; end + def nary(node, seed); end + def terminal(node, seed); end + def unary(node, seed); end + def visit_CAT(node, seed); end + def visit_GROUP(node, seed); end + def visit_OR(node, seed); end + def visit_STAR(node, seed); end +end +module ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Node + def cat?; end + def each(&block); end + def group?; end + def initialize(left); end + def left; end + def left=(arg0); end + def literal?; end + def memo; end + def memo=(arg0); end + def name; end + def star?; end + def symbol?; end + def terminal?; end + def to_dot; end + def to_s; end + def to_sym; end + def type; end + include Enumerable +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Terminal < ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Node + def symbol; end + def terminal?; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Literal < ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Terminal + def literal?; end + def type; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Dummy < ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Literal + def initialize(x = nil); end + def literal?; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Symbol < ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Terminal + def default_regexp?; end + def initialize(left); end + def name; end + def regexp; end + def regexp=(arg0); end + def symbol; end + def symbol?; end + def type; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Slash < ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Terminal + def type; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Dot < ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Terminal + def type; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Unary < ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Node + def children; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Group < ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Unary + def group?; end + def type; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Star < ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Unary + def name; end + def star?; end + def type; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Binary < ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Node + def children; end + def initialize(left, right); end + def right; end + def right=(arg0); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Cat < ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Binary + def cat?; end + def type; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Or < ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Node + def children; end + def initialize(children); end + def type; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser < Racc::Parser + def _reduce_1(val, _values); end + def _reduce_10(val, _values); end + def _reduce_15(val, _values); end + def _reduce_16(val, _values); end + def _reduce_17(val, _values); end + def _reduce_18(val, _values); end + def _reduce_2(val, _values); end + def _reduce_7(val, _values); end + def _reduce_8(val, _values); end + def _reduce_9(val, _values); end + def _reduce_none(val, _values); end + def initialize; end + def next_token; end + def parse(string); end + def self.parse(string); end + include ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Route + def app; end + def ast; end + def conditions; end + def constraints; end + def defaults; end + def dispatcher?; end + def eager_load!; end + def format(path_options); end + def glob?; end + def initialize(name, app, path, constraints, required_defaults, defaults, request_method_match, precedence, internal = nil); end + def internal; end + def ip; end + def match_verb(request); end + def matches?(request); end + def name; end + def parts; end + def path; end + def precedence; end + def required_default?(key); end + def required_defaults; end + def required_keys; end + def required_parts; end + def requirements; end + def requires_matching_verb?; end + def score(supplied_keys); end + def segment_keys; end + def segments; end + def, app, path, constraints, required_defaults, defaults); end + def self.verb_matcher(verb); end + def verb; end + def verbs; end +end +module ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers::DELETE + def; end + def self.verb; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers::GET + def; end + def self.verb; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers::HEAD + def; end + def self.verb; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers::OPTIONS + def; end + def self.verb; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers::LINK + def; end + def self.verb; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers::PATCH + def; end + def self.verb; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers::POST + def; end + def self.verb; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers::PUT + def; end + def self.verb; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers::TRACE + def; end + def self.verb; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers::UNLINK + def; end + def self.verb; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers::Unknown + def call(request); end + def initialize(verb); end + def verb; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers::All + def; end + def self.verb; end +end +module ActionDispatch::Journey::Path +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Path::Pattern + def =~(other); end + def anchored; end + def ast; end + def build_formatter; end + def eager_load!; end + def initialize(ast, requirements, separators, anchored); end + def match(other); end + def names; end + def offsets; end + def optional_names; end + def regexp_visitor; end + def required_names; end + def requirements; end + def, requirements, separators, anchored); end + def self.from_string(string); end + def source; end + def spec; end + def to_regexp; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Path::Pattern::AnchoredRegexp < ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::Visitor + def accept(node); end + def initialize(separator, matchers); end + def visit_CAT(node); end + def visit_DOT(node); end + def visit_GROUP(node); end + def visit_LITERAL(node); end + def visit_OR(node); end + def visit_SLASH(node); end + def visit_STAR(node); end + def visit_SYMBOL(node); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Path::Pattern::UnanchoredRegexp < ActionDispatch::Journey::Path::Pattern::AnchoredRegexp + def accept(node); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Path::Pattern::MatchData + def [](x); end + def captures; end + def initialize(names, offsets, match); end + def length; end + def names; end + def post_match; end + def to_s; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Router::RoutingError < StandardError +end +module ActionDispatch::Journey::NFA +end +module ActionDispatch::Journey::NFA::Dot + def to_dot; end +end +module ActionDispatch::Journey::GTG +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::GTG::TransitionTable + def []=(from, to, sym); end + def accepting?(state); end + def accepting_states; end + def add_accepting(state); end + def add_memo(idx, memo); end + def as_json(options = nil); end + def eclosure(t); end + def initialize; end + def memo(idx); end + def memos; end + def move(t, a); end + def states; end + def states_hash_for(sym); end + def to_svg; end + def transitions; end + def visualizer(paths, title = nil); end + include ActionDispatch::Journey::NFA::Dot +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::GTG::Builder + def ast; end + def build_followpos; end + def endpoints; end + def firstpos(node); end + def followpos(node); end + def followpos_table; end + def initialize(root); end + def lastpos(node); end + def nullable?(node); end + def root; end + def symbol(edge); end + def transition_table; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::GTG::MatchData + def initialize(memos); end + def memos; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::GTG::Simulator + def initialize(transition_table); end + def memos(string); end + def tt; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::NFA::TransitionTable + def []=(i, f, s); end + def accepting; end + def accepting=(arg0); end + def accepting?(state); end + def accepting_states; end + def add_memo(idx, memo); end + def alphabet; end + def eclosure(t); end + def following_states(t, a); end + def initialize; end + def inverted; end + def memo(idx); end + def memos; end + def merge(left, right); end + def move(t, a); end + def states; end + def transitions; end + include ActionDispatch::Journey::NFA::Dot +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::NFA::Visitor < ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::Visitor + def initialize(tt); end + def terminal(node); end + def visit_CAT(node); end + def visit_GROUP(node); end + def visit_OR(node); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::NFA::Builder + def initialize(ast); end + def transition_table; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::NFA::MatchData + def initialize(memos); end + def memos; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Journey::NFA::Simulator + def =~(string); end + def initialize(transition_table); end + def match(string); end + def simulate(string); end + def tt; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Http::Headers + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def add(key, value); end + def each(&block); end + def env; end + def env_name(key); end + def fetch(key, default = nil); end + def include?(key); end + def initialize(request); end + def key?(key); end + def merge!(headers_or_env); end + def merge(headers_or_env); end + def self.from_hash(hash); end + include Enumerable +end +module ActionDispatch::Http::MimeNegotiation + def accepts; end + def content_mime_type; end + def content_type; end + def format(view_path = nil); end + def format=(extension); end + def format_from_path_extension; end + def formats; end + def formats=(extensions); end + def has_content_type?; end + def negotiate_mime(order); end + def use_accept_header; end + def valid_accept_header; end + def variant; end + def variant=(variant); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module Mime + def self.[](type); end + def self.fetch(type); end +end +class Mime::Mimes + def <<(type); end + def delete_if; end + def each; end + def initialize; end + def symbols; end + include Enumerable +end +class Mime::Type + def ==(mime_type); end + def ===(list); end + def =~(mime_type); end + def all?; end + def eql?(other); end + def hash; end + def html?; end + def initialize(string, symbol = nil, synonyms = nil); end + def method_missing(method, *args); end + def ref; end + def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = nil); end + def self.lookup(string); end + def self.lookup_by_extension(extension); end + def self.parse(accept_header); end + def self.parse_data_with_trailing_star(type); end + def self.parse_trailing_star(accept_header); end + def self.register(string, symbol, mime_type_synonyms = nil, extension_synonyms = nil, skip_lookup = nil); end + def self.register_alias(string, symbol, extension_synonyms = nil); end + def self.register_callback(&block); end + def self.unregister(symbol); end + def string; end + def symbol; end + def synonyms; end + def to_a; end + def to_ary; end + def to_s; end + def to_str; end + def to_sym; end +end +class Mime::Type::AcceptItem + def <=>(item); end + def index; end + def index=(arg0); end + def initialize(index, name, q = nil); end + def name; end + def name=(arg0); end + def q; end + def q=(arg0); end + def to_s; end +end +class Mime::Type::AcceptList + def self.find_item_by_name(array, name); end + def self.sort!(list); end +end +class Mime::AllType < Mime::Type + def all?; end + def html?; end + def initialize; end + def self.allocate; end + def self.instance; end + def*arg0); end + extend Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + include Singleton +end +class Mime::NullType + def method_missing(method, *args); end + def nil?; end + def ref; end + def respond_to_missing?(method, _); end + def self.allocate; end + def self.instance; end + def*arg0); end + extend Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + include Singleton +end +module ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters + def binary_params_for?(controller, action); end + def parameters; end + def params; end + def params_parsers; end + def parse_formatted_parameters(parsers); end + def path_parameters; end + def path_parameters=(parameters); end + def set_binary_encoding(params, controller, action); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +class ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters::ParseError < StandardError + def initialize; end +end +module ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters::ClassMethods + def parameter_parsers=(parsers); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Http::ParameterFilter + def compiled_filter; end + def filter(params); end + def initialize(filters = nil); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Http::ParameterFilter::CompiledFilter + def blocks; end + def call(original_params, parents = nil); end + def deep_regexps; end + def initialize(regexps, deep_regexps, blocks); end + def regexps; end + def self.compile(filters); end +end +module ActionDispatch::Http::FilterParameters + def env_filter; end + def filtered_env; end + def filtered_parameters; end + def filtered_path; end + def filtered_query_string; end + def initialize; end + def parameter_filter; end + def parameter_filter_for(filters); end +end +module ActionDispatch::Http::URL + def domain(tld_length = nil); end + def host; end + def host_with_port; end + def initialize; end + def optional_port; end + def port; end + def port_string; end + def protocol; end + def raw_host_with_port; end + def self.add_anchor(path, anchor); end + def self.add_params(path, params); end + def self.add_trailing_slash(path); end + def self.build_host_url(host, port, protocol, options, path); end + def self.extract_domain(host, tld_length); end + def self.extract_domain_from(host, tld_length); end + def self.extract_subdomain(host, tld_length); end + def self.extract_subdomains(host, tld_length); end + def self.extract_subdomains_from(host, tld_length); end + def self.full_url_for(options); end + def self.named_host?(host); end + def self.normalize_host(_host, options); end + def self.normalize_port(port, protocol); end + def self.normalize_protocol(protocol); end + def self.path_for(options); end + def self.tld_length; end + def self.tld_length=(obj); end + def self.url_for(options); end + def server_port; end + def standard_port; end + def standard_port?; end + def subdomain(tld_length = nil); end + def subdomains(tld_length = nil); end + def tld_length; end + def tld_length=(obj); end + def url; end +end +class ActionDispatch::ContentSecurityPolicy + def apply_mapping(source); end + def apply_mappings(sources); end + def base_uri(*sources); end + def block_all_mixed_content(enabled = nil); end + def build(context = nil, nonce = nil); end + def build_directive(sources, context); end + def build_directives(context, nonce); end + def child_src(*sources); end + def connect_src(*sources); end + def default_src(*sources); end + def directives; end + def font_src(*sources); end + def form_action(*sources); end + def frame_ancestors(*sources); end + def frame_src(*sources); end + def img_src(*sources); end + def initialize; end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def manifest_src(*sources); end + def media_src(*sources); end + def nonce_directive?(directive); end + def object_src(*sources); end + def plugin_types(*types); end + def report_uri(uri); end + def require_sri_for(*types); end + def resolve_source(source, context); end + def sandbox(*values); end + def script_src(*sources); end + def style_src(*sources); end + def upgrade_insecure_requests(enabled = nil); end + def worker_src(*sources); end +end +class ActionDispatch::ContentSecurityPolicy::Middleware + def call(env); end + def header_name(request); end + def html_response?(headers); end + def initialize(app); end + def policy_present?(headers); end +end +module ActionDispatch::ContentSecurityPolicy::Request + def content_security_policy; end + def content_security_policy=(policy); end + def content_security_policy_nonce; end + def content_security_policy_nonce_generator; end + def content_security_policy_nonce_generator=(generator); end + def content_security_policy_report_only; end + def content_security_policy_report_only=(value); end + def generate_content_security_policy_nonce; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Request + def GET; end + def POST; end + def accept; end + def accept_charset; end + def accept_encoding; end + def accept_language; end + def auth_type; end + def authenticated_encrypted_cookie_salt; end + def authorization; end + def body; end + def body_stream; end + def cache_control; end + def check_method(name); end + def client_ip; end + def commit_cookie_jar!; end + def commit_flash; end + def content_length; end + def controller_class; end + def controller_class_for(name); end + def controller_instance; end + def controller_instance=(controller); end + def cookie_jar; end + def cookie_jar=(jar); end + def cookies_digest; end + def cookies_rotations; end + def cookies_serializer; end + def encrypted_cookie_cipher; end + def encrypted_cookie_salt; end + def encrypted_signed_cookie_salt; end + def engine_script_name(_routes); end + def engine_script_name=(name); end + def form_data?; end + def from; end + def fullpath; end + def gateway_interface; end + def have_cookie_jar?; end + def headers; end + def http_auth_salt; end + def ignore_accept_header; end + def ignore_accept_header=(obj); end + def initialize(env); end + def ip; end + def key?(key); end + def key_generator; end + def local?; end + def logger; end + def media_type; end + def method; end + def method_symbol; end + def negotiate; end + def origin; end + def original_fullpath; end + def original_script_name; end + def original_url; end + def path_translated; end + def pragma; end + def query_parameters; end + def raw_post; end + def remote_addr; end + def remote_host; end + def remote_ident; end + def remote_ip; end + def remote_ip=(remote_ip); end + def remote_user; end + def request_id; end + def request_id=(id); end + def request_method; end + def request_method=(request_method); end + def request_method_symbol; end + def request_parameters; end + def request_parameters=(params); end + def reset_session; end + def routes; end + def routes=(routes); end + def secret_key_base; end + def secret_token; end + def self.empty; end + def self.ignore_accept_header; end + def self.ignore_accept_header=(obj); end + def self.parameter_parsers; end + def send_early_hints(links); end + def server_addr; end + def server_name; end + def server_protocol; end + def server_software; end + def session=(session); end + def session_options=(options); end + def show_exceptions?; end + def signed_cookie_digest; end + def signed_cookie_salt; end + def ssl?; end + def use_authenticated_cookie_encryption; end + def uuid; end + def version; end + def x_csrf_token; end + def x_forwarded_for; end + def x_forwarded_host; end + def x_request_id; end + def xhr?; end + def xml_http_request?; end + extend ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters::ClassMethods + include ActionDispatch::ContentSecurityPolicy::Request + include ActionDispatch::Http::Cache::Request + include ActionDispatch::Http::FilterParameters + include ActionDispatch::Http::MimeNegotiation + include ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters + include ActionDispatch::Http::URL + include Rack::Request::Env + include Rack::Request::Helpers +end +class ActionDispatch::Request::PASS_NOT_FOUND + def self.action(_); end + def self.binary_params_for?(action); end + def; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::Endpoint + def app; end + def dispatcher?; end + def engine?; end + def matches?(req); end + def rack_app; end + def redirect?; end +end +module ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes + def edit_polymorphic_path(record_or_hash, options = nil); end + def edit_polymorphic_url(record_or_hash, options = nil); end + def new_polymorphic_path(record_or_hash, options = nil); end + def new_polymorphic_url(record_or_hash, options = nil); end + def polymorphic_mapping(record); end + def polymorphic_path(record_or_hash_or_array, options = nil); end + def polymorphic_path_for_action(action, record_or_hash, options); end + def polymorphic_url(record_or_hash_or_array, options = nil); end + def polymorphic_url_for_action(action, record_or_hash, options); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes::HelperMethodBuilder + def get_method_for_class(klass); end + def get_method_for_string(str); end + def handle_class(klass); end + def handle_class_call(target, klass); end + def handle_list(list); end + def handle_model(record); end + def handle_model_call(target, record); end + def handle_string(record); end + def handle_string_call(target, str); end + def initialize(key_strategy, prefix, suffix); end + def polymorphic_mapping(target, record); end + def prefix; end + def, type); end + def self.get(action, type); end + def self.path; end + def self.plural(prefix, suffix); end + def self.polymorphic_method(recipient, record_or_hash_or_array, action, type, options); end + def self.singular(prefix, suffix); end + def self.url; end + def suffix; end +end +module ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor + def _routes_context; end + def _with_routes(routes); end + def full_url_for(options = nil); end + def initialize(*arg0); end + def optimize_routes_generation?; end + def route_for(name, *args); end + def url_for(options = nil); end + def url_options; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet + def add_polymorphic_mapping(klass, options, &block); end + def add_route(mapping, name); end + def add_url_helper(name, options, &block); end + def api_only?; end + def append(&block); end + def call(env); end + def clear!; end + def default_scope; end + def default_scope=(arg0); end + def default_url_options; end + def default_url_options=(arg0); end + def define_mounted_helper(name, script_namer = nil); end + def disable_clear_and_finalize; end + def disable_clear_and_finalize=(arg0); end + def draw(&block); end + def eager_load!; end + def empty?; end + def env_key; end + def eval_block(block); end + def extra_keys(options, recall = nil); end + def finalize!; end + def find_relative_url_root(options); end + def find_script_name(options); end + def formatter; end + def formatter=(arg0); end + def generate(route_key, options, recall = nil); end + def generate_extras(options, recall = nil); end + def initialize(config = nil); end + def inspect; end + def make_request(env); end + def mounted_helpers; end + def named_routes; end + def named_routes=(arg0); end + def optimize_routes_generation?; end + def path_for(options, route_name = nil); end + def polymorphic_mappings; end + def prepend(&block); end + def recognize_path(path, environment = nil); end + def recognize_path_with_request(req, path, extras, raise_on_missing: nil); end + def relative_url_root; end + def request_class; end + def resources_path_names; end + def resources_path_names=(arg0); end + def router; end + def router=(arg0); end + def routes; end + def self.default_resources_path_names; end + def self.new_with_config(config); end + def set; end + def set=(arg0); end + def url_for(options, route_name = nil, url_strategy = nil); end + def url_helpers(supports_path = nil); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::Dispatcher < ActionDispatch::Routing::Endpoint + def controller(req); end + def dispatch(controller, action, req, res); end + def dispatcher?; end + def initialize(raise_on_name_error); end + def serve(req); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::StaticDispatcher < ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::Dispatcher + def controller(_); end + def initialize(controller_class); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::NamedRouteCollection + def [](name); end + def []=(name, route); end + def add(name, route); end + def add_url_helper(name, defaults, &block); end + def clear!; end + def clear; end + def define_url_helper(mod, route, name, opts, route_key, url_strategy); end + def each; end + def get(name); end + def helper_names; end + def initialize; end + def key?(name); end + def length; end + def names; end + def path_helpers_module; end + def route_defined?(name); end + def routes; end + def url_helpers_module; end + include Enumerable +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::NamedRouteCollection::UrlHelper + def call(t, args, inner_options); end + def handle_positional_args(controller_options, inner_options, args, result, path_params); end + def initialize(route, options, route_name, url_strategy); end + def route_name; end + def self.create(route, options, route_name, url_strategy); end + def self.optimize_helper?(route); end + def url_strategy; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::NamedRouteCollection::UrlHelper::OptimizedUrlHelper < ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::NamedRouteCollection::UrlHelper + def arg_size; end + def call(t, args, inner_options); end + def initialize(route, options, route_name, url_strategy); end + def optimize_routes_generation?(t); end + def optimized_helper(args); end + def parameterize_args(args); end + def raise_generation_error(args); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::Config < Struct + def api_only; end + def api_only=(_); end + def relative_url_root; end + def relative_url_root=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +module ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::MountedHelpers + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::CustomUrlHelper + def block; end + def call(t, args, only_path = nil); end + def defaults; end + def eval_block(t, args, options); end + def initialize(name, defaults, &block); end + def merge_defaults(options); end + def name; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::Generator + def controller; end + def current_controller; end + def different_controller?; end + def generate; end + def initialize(named_route, options, recall, set); end + def named_route; end + def named_route_exists?; end + def normalize_controller!; end + def normalize_controller_action_id!; end + def normalize_options!; end + def options; end + def recall; end + def segment_keys; end + def set; end + def use_recall_for(key); end + def use_relative_controller!; end +end +module ActionController::ParamsWrapper + def _extract_parameters(parameters); end + def _wrap_parameters(parameters); end + def _wrapper_enabled?; end + def _wrapper_formats; end + def _wrapper_key; end + def process_action(*args); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +class Anonymous_Struct_2 < Struct + def exclude; end + def exclude=(_); end + def format; end + def format=(_); end + def include; end + def include=(_); end + def klass; end + def klass=(_); end + def model; end + def model=(_); end + def name; end + def name=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class ActionController::ParamsWrapper::Options < Anonymous_Struct_2 + def _default_wrap_model; end + def include; end + def initialize(name, format, include, exclude, klass, model); end + def lock; end + def locked?; end + def model; end + def name; end + def self.from_hash(hash); end + def synchronize(&block); end + def try_lock; end + def unlock; end + include Mutex_m +end +module ActionController::ParamsWrapper::ClassMethods + def _set_wrapper_options(options); end + def inherited(klass); end + def wrap_parameters(name_or_model_or_options, options = nil); end +end +class ActionDispatch::MiddlewareStack + def [](i); end + def assert_index(index, where); end + def build(app = nil); end + def build_middleware(klass, args, block); end + def delete(target); end + def each; end + def initialize(*args); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def insert(index, klass, *args, &block); end + def insert_after(index, *args, &block); end + def insert_before(index, klass, *args, &block); end + def last; end + def middlewares; end + def middlewares=(arg0); end + def size; end + def swap(target, *args, &block); end + def unshift(klass, *args, &block); end + def use(klass, *args, &block); end + include Enumerable +end +class ActionDispatch::MiddlewareStack::Middleware + def ==(middleware); end + def args; end + def block; end + def build(app); end + def initialize(klass, args, block); end + def inspect; end + def klass; end + def name; end +end +class AbstractController::Error < StandardError +end +class AbstractController::ActionNotFound < StandardError +end +class AbstractController::Base + def _find_action_name(action_name); end + def _handle_action_missing(*args); end + def _valid_action_name?(action_name); end + def action_method?(name); end + def action_methods; end + def action_name; end + def action_name=(arg0); end + def available_action?(action_name); end + def controller_path; end + def formats; end + def formats=(arg0); end + def method_for_action(action_name); end + def performed?; end + def process(action, *args); end + def process_action(method_name, *args); end + def response_body; end + def response_body=(arg0); end + def self.abstract!; end + def self.abstract; end + def self.abstract?; end + def self.action_methods; end + def self.clear_action_methods!; end + def self.controller_path; end + def self.inherited(klass); end + def self.internal_methods; end + def self.method_added(name); end + def self.supports_path?; end + def send_action(*arg0); end + extend ActiveSupport::Configurable::ClassMethods + extend ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker + include ActiveSupport::Configurable +end +class ActionController::MiddlewareStack < ActionDispatch::MiddlewareStack + def build(action, app = nil); end + def build_middleware(klass, args, block); end +end +class ActionController::MiddlewareStack::Middleware < ActionDispatch::MiddlewareStack::Middleware + def initialize(klass, args, actions, strategy, block); end + def valid?(action); end +end +class ActionController::Metal < AbstractController::Base + def content_type(*args, &block); end + def content_type=(arg); end + def controller_name; end + def dispatch(name, request, response); end + def headers(*args, &block); end + def initialize; end + def location(*args, &block); end + def location=(arg); end + def middleware_stack; end + def middleware_stack=(val); end + def middleware_stack?; end + def params; end + def params=(val); end + def performed?; end + def request; end + def request=(arg0); end + def reset_session; end + def response; end + def response=(arg0); end + def response_body=(body); end + def response_code(*args, &block); end + def self.action(name); end + def self.binary_params_for?(action); end + def self.controller_name; end + def self.dispatch(name, req, res); end + def self.inherited(base); end + def self.make_response!(request); end + def self.middleware; end + def self.middleware_stack; end + def self.middleware_stack=(val); end + def self.middleware_stack?; end + def self.use(*args, &block); end + def session(*args, &block); end + def set_request!(request); end + def set_response!(response); end + def status(*args, &block); end + def status=(arg); end + def to_a; end + def url_for(string); end + include ActionController::Testing::Functional +end +class AbstractController::DoubleRenderError < AbstractController::Error + def initialize(message = nil); end +end +module AbstractController::Rendering + def _normalize_args(action = nil, options = nil); end + def _normalize_options(options); end + def _normalize_render(*args, &block); end + def _process_format(format); end + def _process_options(options); end + def _process_variant(options); end + def _protected_ivars; end + def _set_html_content_type; end + def _set_rendered_content_type(format); end + def render(*args, &block); end + def render_to_body(options = nil); end + def render_to_string(*args, &block); end + def rendered_format; end + def view_assigns; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionView::ViewPaths +end +module AbstractController::Translation + def l(*args); end + def localize(*args); end + def t(key, options = nil); end + def translate(key, options = nil); end +end +module AbstractController::AssetPaths + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module AbstractController::Helpers + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +class AbstractController::Helpers::MissingHelperError < LoadError + def initialize(error, path); end +end +module AbstractController::Helpers::ClassMethods + def add_template_helper(mod); end + def clear_helpers; end + def default_helper_module!; end + def helper(*args, &block); end + def helper_method(*meths); end + def inherited(klass); end + def modules_for_helpers(args); end +end +module ActionController::Helpers + def helpers; end + def self.helpers_path; end + def self.helpers_path=(arg0); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include AbstractController::Helpers +end +module ActionController::Helpers::ClassMethods + def all_application_helpers; end + def all_helpers_from_path(path); end + def helper_attr(*attrs); end + def helpers; end + def modules_for_helpers(args); end +end +module AbstractController::UrlFor + def _routes; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor +end +module AbstractController::UrlFor::ClassMethods + def _routes; end + def action_methods; end +end +module ActionController::UrlFor + def url_options; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include AbstractController::UrlFor +end +module AbstractController::Logger + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActionController::Redirecting + def _compute_redirect_to_location(request, options); end + def _extract_redirect_to_status(options, response_status); end + def _url_host_allowed?(url); end + def redirect_back(fallback_location:, allow_other_host: nil, **args); end + def redirect_to(options = nil, response_status = nil); end + def self._compute_redirect_to_location(request, options); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include AbstractController::Logger + include ActionController::UrlFor +end +module ActionController::Rendering + def _normalize_args(action = nil, options = nil, &blk); end + def _normalize_options(options); end + def _normalize_text(options); end + def _process_options(options); end + def _process_variant(options); end + def _render_in_priorities(options); end + def _set_html_content_type; end + def _set_rendered_content_type(format); end + def process_action(*arg0); end + def render(*args); end + def render_to_body(options = nil); end + def render_to_string(*arg0); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActionController::Rendering::ClassMethods + def inherited(klass); end + def render(*args, &block); end + def renderer; end + def setup_renderer!; end +end +class ActionController::MissingRenderer < LoadError + def initialize(format); end +end +module ActionController::Renderers + def _render_to_body_with_renderer(options); end + def _render_with_renderer_js(js, options); end + def _render_with_renderer_json(json, options); end + def _render_with_renderer_xml(xml, options); end + def render_to_body(options); end + def self._render_with_renderer_method_name(key); end + def self.add(key, &block); end + def self.remove(key); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActionController::Renderers::All + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionController::Renderers +end +module ActionController::Renderers::ClassMethods + def use_renderer(*args); end + def use_renderers(*args); end +end +module ActionController::Head + def head(status, options = nil); end + def include_content?(status); end +end +module ActionController::ConditionalGet + def combine_etags(validator, options); end + def expires_in(seconds, options = nil); end + def expires_now; end + def fresh_when(object = nil, etag: nil, weak_etag: nil, strong_etag: nil, last_modified: nil, public: nil, template: nil); end + def http_cache_forever(public: nil); end + def stale?(object = nil, **freshness_kwargs); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionController::Head +end +module ActionController::ConditionalGet::ClassMethods + def etag(&etagger); end +end +module ActionController::EtagWithTemplateDigest + def determine_template_etag(options); end + def lookup_and_digest_template(template); end + def pick_template_for_etag(options); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionController::ConditionalGet +end +module ActionController::EtagWithFlash + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionController::ConditionalGet +end +module ActionController::Caching + def instrument_name; end + def instrument_payload(key); end + extend ActiveSupport::Autoload + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module AbstractController::Collector + def atom(*args, &block); end + def bmp(*args, &block); end + def css(*args, &block); end + def csv(*args, &block); end + def gif(*args, &block); end + def gzip(*args, &block); end + def html(*args, &block); end + def ics(*args, &block); end + def jpeg(*args, &block); end + def js(*args, &block); end + def json(*args, &block); end + def m4a(*args, &block); end + def method_missing(symbol, &block); end + def mp3(*args, &block); end + def mp4(*args, &block); end + def mpeg(*args, &block); end + def multipart_form(*args, &block); end + def ogg(*args, &block); end + def otf(*args, &block); end + def pdf(*args, &block); end + def png(*args, &block); end + def rss(*args, &block); end + def self.generate_method_for_mime(mime); end + def svg(*args, &block); end + def text(*args, &block); end + def tiff(*args, &block); end + def ttf(*args, &block); end + def url_encoded_form(*args, &block); end + def vcf(*args, &block); end + def vtt(*args, &block); end + def webm(*args, &block); end + def woff(*args, &block); end + def woff2(*args, &block); end + def xml(*args, &block); end + def yaml(*args, &block); end + def zip(*args, &block); end +end +module ActionController::MimeResponds + def respond_to(*mimes); end +end +class ActionController::MimeResponds::Collector + def all(*args, &block); end + def any(*args, &block); end + def custom(mime_type, &block); end + def format; end + def format=(arg0); end + def initialize(mimes, variant = nil); end + def negotiate_format(request); end + def response; end + include AbstractController::Collector +end +class ActionController::MimeResponds::Collector::VariantCollector + def all(*args, &block); end + def any(*args, &block); end + def initialize(variant = nil); end + def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end + def variant; end + def variant_key; end +end +module ActionController::BasicImplicitRender + def default_render(*args); end + def send_action(method, *args); end +end +module ActionController::ImplicitRender + def default_render(*args); end + def interactive_browser_request?; end + def method_for_action(action_name); end + include ActionController::BasicImplicitRender +end +module ActionController::ParameterEncoding + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActionController::ParameterEncoding::ClassMethods + def binary_params_for?(action); end + def inherited(klass); end + def setup_param_encode; end + def skip_parameter_encoding(action); end +end +module ActionController::Cookies + def cookies; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActionController::Flash + def redirect_to(options = nil, response_status_and_flash = nil); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActionController::Flash::ClassMethods + def add_flash_types(*types); end +end +module ActionController::FormBuilder + def default_form_builder; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActionController::FormBuilder::ClassMethods + def default_form_builder(builder); end +end +module AbstractController::Callbacks + def process_action(*args); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActiveSupport::Callbacks +end +module AbstractController::Callbacks::ClassMethods + def _insert_callbacks(callbacks, block = nil); end + def _normalize_callback_option(options, from, to); end + def _normalize_callback_options(options); end + def after_action(*names, &blk); end + def append_after_action(*names, &blk); end + def append_around_action(*names, &blk); end + def append_before_action(*names, &blk); end + def around_action(*names, &blk); end + def before_action(*names, &blk); end + def prepend_after_action(*names, &blk); end + def prepend_around_action(*names, &blk); end + def prepend_before_action(*names, &blk); end + def skip_after_action(*names); end + def skip_around_action(*names); end + def skip_before_action(*names); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Cookies + def call(env); end + def initialize(app); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieOverflow < StandardError +end +module ActionDispatch::Cookies::ChainedCookieJars + def encrypted; end + def encrypted_cookie_cipher; end + def permanent; end + def signed; end + def signed_cookie_digest; end + def signed_or_encrypted; end + def upgrade_legacy_hmac_aes_cbc_cookies?; end + def upgrade_legacy_signed_cookies?; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar + def [](name); end + def []=(name, options); end + def always_write_cookie; end + def always_write_cookie=(obj); end + def clear(options = nil); end + def commit!; end + def committed?; end + def delete(name, options = nil); end + def deleted?(name, options = nil); end + def each(&block); end + def escape(string); end + def fetch(name, *args, &block); end + def handle_options(options); end + def has_key?(name); end + def initialize(request); end + def key?(name); end + def make_set_cookie_header(header); end + def request; end + def self.always_write_cookie; end + def self.always_write_cookie=(obj); end + def, cookies); end + def to_hash(*arg0); end + def to_header; end + def update(other_hash); end + def update_cookies_from_jar; end + def write(headers); end + def write_cookie?(cookie); end + include Enumerable +end +class ActionDispatch::Cookies::AbstractCookieJar + def [](name); end + def []=(name, options); end + def commit(options); end + def expiry_options(options); end + def initialize(parent_jar); end + def parse(name, data); end + def request; end + include ActionDispatch::Cookies::ChainedCookieJars +end +class ActionDispatch::Cookies::PermanentCookieJar < ActionDispatch::Cookies::AbstractCookieJar + def commit(options); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Cookies::JsonSerializer + def self.dump(value); end + def self.load(value); end +end +module ActionDispatch::Cookies::SerializedCookieJars + def deserialize(name); end + def digest; end + def needs_migration?(value); end + def serialize(value); end + def serializer; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Cookies::SignedKeyRotatingCookieJar < ActionDispatch::Cookies::AbstractCookieJar + def commit(options); end + def initialize(parent_jar); end + def parse(name, signed_message); end + include ActionDispatch::Cookies::SerializedCookieJars +end +class ActionDispatch::Cookies::EncryptedKeyRotatingCookieJar < ActionDispatch::Cookies::AbstractCookieJar + def commit(options); end + def initialize(parent_jar); end + def parse(name, encrypted_message); end + def parse_legacy_signed_message(name, legacy_signed_message); end + include ActionDispatch::Cookies::SerializedCookieJars +end +class ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken < ActionController::ActionControllerError +end +class ActionController::InvalidCrossOriginRequest < ActionController::ActionControllerError +end +module ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection + def any_authenticity_token_valid?; end + def compare_with_real_token(token, session); end + def form_authenticity_param; end + def form_authenticity_token(form_options: nil); end + def handle_unverified_request; end + def mark_for_same_origin_verification!; end + def marked_for_same_origin_verification?; end + def masked_authenticity_token(session, form_options: nil); end + def non_xhr_javascript_response?; end + def normalize_action_path(action_path); end + def per_form_csrf_token(session, action_path, method); end + def protect_against_forgery?; end + def real_csrf_token(session); end + def request_authenticity_tokens; end + def unmask_token(masked_token); end + def valid_authenticity_token?(session, encoded_masked_token); end + def valid_per_form_csrf_token?(token, session); end + def valid_request_origin?; end + def verified_request?; end + def verify_authenticity_token; end + def verify_same_origin_request; end + def xor_byte_strings(s1, s2); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include AbstractController::Callbacks + include AbstractController::Helpers +end +module ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection::ClassMethods + def protect_from_forgery(options = nil); end + def protection_method_class(name); end + def skip_forgery_protection(options = nil); end +end +module ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection::ProtectionMethods +end +class ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection::ProtectionMethods::NullSession + def handle_unverified_request; end + def initialize(controller); end +end +class ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection::ProtectionMethods::NullSession::NullSessionHash < Rack::Session::Abstract::SessionHash + def destroy; end + def exists?; end + def initialize(req); end +end +class ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection::ProtectionMethods::NullSession::NullCookieJar < ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar + def write(*arg0); end +end +class ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection::ProtectionMethods::ResetSession + def handle_unverified_request; end + def initialize(controller); end +end +class ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection::ProtectionMethods::Exception + def handle_unverified_request; end + def initialize(controller); end +end +module ActionController::ContentSecurityPolicy + def content_security_policy?; end + def content_security_policy_nonce; end + def current_content_security_policy; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include AbstractController::Callbacks + include AbstractController::Helpers +end +module ActionController::ContentSecurityPolicy::ClassMethods + def content_security_policy(enabled = nil, **options, &block); end + def content_security_policy_report_only(report_only = nil, **options); end +end +module ActionController::ForceSSL + def force_ssl_redirect(host_or_options = nil); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include AbstractController::Callbacks +end +module ActionController::ForceSSL::ClassMethods + def force_ssl(options = nil); end +end +module ActionController::Streaming + def _process_options(options); end + def _render_template(options); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActionController::DataStreaming + def send_data(data, options = nil); end + def send_file(path, options = nil); end + def send_file_headers!(options); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionController::Rendering +end +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication +end +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic + def auth_param(request); end + def auth_scheme(request); end + def authenticate(request, &login_procedure); end + def authentication_request(controller, realm, message); end + def decode_credentials(request); end + def encode_credentials(user_name, password); end + def has_basic_credentials?(request); end + def user_name_and_password(request); end + extend ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic +end +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic::ControllerMethods + def authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic(realm = nil, message = nil, &login_procedure); end + def authenticate_with_http_basic(&login_procedure); end + def request_http_basic_authentication(realm = nil, message = nil); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic::ControllerMethods::ClassMethods + def http_basic_authenticate_with(options = nil); end +end +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Digest + def authenticate(request, realm, &password_procedure); end + def authentication_header(controller, realm); end + def authentication_request(controller, realm, message = nil); end + def decode_credentials(header); end + def decode_credentials_header(request); end + def encode_credentials(http_method, credentials, password, password_is_ha1); end + def expected_response(http_method, uri, credentials, password, password_is_ha1 = nil); end + def ha1(credentials, password); end + def nonce(secret_key, time = nil); end + def opaque(secret_key); end + def secret_token(request); end + def validate_digest_response(request, realm, &password_procedure); end + def validate_nonce(secret_key, request, value, seconds_to_timeout = nil); end + extend ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Digest +end +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Digest::ControllerMethods + def authenticate_or_request_with_http_digest(realm = nil, message = nil, &password_procedure); end + def authenticate_with_http_digest(realm = nil, &password_procedure); end + def request_http_digest_authentication(realm = nil, message = nil); end +end +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Token + def authenticate(controller, &login_procedure); end + def authentication_request(controller, realm, message = nil); end + def encode_credentials(token, options = nil); end + def params_array_from(raw_params); end + def raw_params(auth); end + def rewrite_param_values(array_params); end + def token_and_options(request); end + def token_params_from(auth); end + extend ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Token +end +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Token::ControllerMethods + def authenticate_or_request_with_http_token(realm = nil, message = nil, &login_procedure); end + def authenticate_with_http_token(&login_procedure); end + def request_http_token_authentication(realm = nil, message = nil); end +end +module ActionController::Rescue + def process_action(*args); end + def show_detailed_exceptions?; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActiveSupport::Rescuable +end +module ActionController::Instrumentation + def append_info_to_payload(payload); end + def cleanup_view_runtime; end + def halted_callback_hook(filter); end + def process_action(*args); end + def redirect_to(*args); end + def render(*args); end + def send_data(data, options = nil); end + def send_file(path, options = nil); end + def view_runtime; end + def view_runtime=(arg0); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include AbstractController::Logger +end +module ActionController::Instrumentation::ClassMethods + def log_process_action(payload); end +end +module AbstractController::Caching + def cache(key, options = nil, &block); end + def view_cache_dependencies; end + extend ActiveSupport::Autoload + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include AbstractController::Caching::ConfigMethods + include AbstractController::Caching::Fragments +end +module AbstractController::Caching::Fragments + def combined_fragment_cache_key(key); end + def expire_fragment(key, options = nil); end + def fragment_cache_key(key); end + def fragment_exist?(key, options = nil); end + def instrument_fragment_cache(name, key); end + def read_fragment(key, options = nil); end + def write_fragment(key, content, options = nil); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module AbstractController::Caching::Fragments::ClassMethods + def fragment_cache_key(value = nil, &key); end +end +module AbstractController::Caching::ConfigMethods + def cache_configured?; end + def cache_store; end + def cache_store=(store); end +end +module AbstractController::Caching::ClassMethods + def view_cache_dependency(&dependency); end +end +class ActionController::Renderer + def controller; end + def defaults; end + def initialize(controller, env, defaults); end + def new(env = nil); end + def normalize_keys(env); end + def rack_key_for(key); end + def rack_value_for(key, value); end + def render(*args); end + def self.for(controller, env = nil, defaults = nil); end + def with_defaults(defaults); end +end +class ActionController::Base < ActionController::Metal + def __callbacks; end + def __callbacks?; end + def _helper_methods; end + def _helper_methods=(val); end + def _helper_methods?; end + def _helpers; end + def _helpers=(val); end + def _helpers?; end + def _layout(formats); end + def _process_action_callbacks; end + def _protected_ivars; end + def _renderers; end + def _renderers=(val); end + def _renderers?; end + def _run_process_action_callbacks(&block); end + def _view_cache_dependencies; end + def _view_cache_dependencies=(val); end + def _view_cache_dependencies?; end + def _view_paths; end + def _view_paths=(val); end + def _view_paths?; end + def _wrapper_options; end + def _wrapper_options=(val); end + def _wrapper_options?; end + def alert; end + def allow_forgery_protection; end + def allow_forgery_protection=(value); end + def asset_host; end + def asset_host=(value); end + def assets_dir; end + def assets_dir=(value); end + def default_asset_host_protocol; end + def default_asset_host_protocol=(value); end + def default_protect_from_forgery; end + def default_protect_from_forgery=(value); end + def default_static_extension; end + def default_static_extension=(value); end + def default_url_options; end + def default_url_options=(val); end + def default_url_options?; end + def enable_fragment_cache_logging; end + def enable_fragment_cache_logging=(value); end + def etag_with_template_digest; end + def etag_with_template_digest=(val); end + def etag_with_template_digest?; end + def etaggers; end + def etaggers=(val); end + def etaggers?; end + def flash(*args, &block); end + def forgery_protection_origin_check; end + def forgery_protection_origin_check=(value); end + def forgery_protection_strategy; end + def forgery_protection_strategy=(value); end + def fragment_cache_keys; end + def fragment_cache_keys=(val); end + def fragment_cache_keys?; end + def helpers_path; end + def helpers_path=(val); end + def helpers_path?; end + def include_all_helpers; end + def include_all_helpers=(val); end + def include_all_helpers?; end + def javascripts_dir; end + def javascripts_dir=(value); end + def log_warning_on_csrf_failure; end + def log_warning_on_csrf_failure=(value); end + def logger; end + def logger=(value); end + def notice; end + def per_form_csrf_tokens; end + def per_form_csrf_tokens=(value); end + def perform_caching; end + def perform_caching=(value); end + def relative_url_root; end + def relative_url_root=(value); end + def request_forgery_protection_token; end + def request_forgery_protection_token=(value); end + def rescue_handlers; end + def rescue_handlers=(val); end + def rescue_handlers?; end + def self.__callbacks; end + def self.__callbacks=(val); end + def self.__callbacks?; end + def self._default_form_builder; end + def self._default_form_builder=(val); end + def self._default_form_builder?; end + def self._flash_types; end + def self._flash_types=(val); end + def self._flash_types?; end + def self._helper_methods; end + def self._helper_methods=(val); end + def self._helper_methods?; end + def self._helpers; end + def self._helpers=(val); end + def self._helpers?; end + def self._layout; end + def self._layout=(val); end + def self._layout?; end + def self._layout_conditions; end + def self._layout_conditions=(val); end + def self._layout_conditions?; end + def self._process_action_callbacks; end + def self._process_action_callbacks=(value); end + def self._renderers; end + def self._renderers=(val); end + def self._renderers?; end + def self._view_cache_dependencies; end + def self._view_cache_dependencies=(val); end + def self._view_cache_dependencies?; end + def self._view_paths; end + def self._view_paths=(val); end + def self._view_paths?; end + def self._wrapper_options; end + def self._wrapper_options=(val); end + def self._wrapper_options?; end + def self.allow_forgery_protection; end + def self.allow_forgery_protection=(value); end + def self.asset_host; end + def self.asset_host=(value); end + def self.assets_dir; end + def self.assets_dir=(value); end + def self.default_asset_host_protocol; end + def self.default_asset_host_protocol=(value); end + def self.default_protect_from_forgery; end + def self.default_protect_from_forgery=(value); end + def self.default_static_extension; end + def self.default_static_extension=(value); end + def self.default_url_options; end + def self.default_url_options=(val); end + def self.default_url_options?; end + def self.enable_fragment_cache_logging; end + def self.enable_fragment_cache_logging=(value); end + def self.etag_with_template_digest; end + def self.etag_with_template_digest=(val); end + def self.etag_with_template_digest?; end + def self.etaggers; end + def self.etaggers=(val); end + def self.etaggers?; end + def self.forgery_protection_origin_check; end + def self.forgery_protection_origin_check=(value); end + def self.forgery_protection_strategy; end + def self.forgery_protection_strategy=(value); end + def self.fragment_cache_keys; end + def self.fragment_cache_keys=(val); end + def self.fragment_cache_keys?; end + def self.helpers_path; end + def self.helpers_path=(val); end + def self.helpers_path?; end + def self.include_all_helpers; end + def self.include_all_helpers=(val); end + def self.include_all_helpers?; end + def self.javascripts_dir; end + def self.javascripts_dir=(value); end + def self.log_warning_on_csrf_failure; end + def self.log_warning_on_csrf_failure=(value); end + def self.logger; end + def self.logger=(value); end + def self.make_response!(request); end + def self.middleware_stack; end + def self.per_form_csrf_tokens; end + def self.per_form_csrf_tokens=(value); end + def self.perform_caching; end + def self.perform_caching=(value); end + def self.relative_url_root; end + def self.relative_url_root=(value); end + def self.request_forgery_protection_token; end + def self.request_forgery_protection_token=(value); end + def self.rescue_handlers; end + def self.rescue_handlers=(val); end + def self.rescue_handlers?; end + def self.stylesheets_dir; end + def self.stylesheets_dir=(value); end + def self.without_modules(*modules); end + def stylesheets_dir; end + def stylesheets_dir=(value); end + extend AbstractController::Caching::ClassMethods + extend AbstractController::Caching::ConfigMethods + extend AbstractController::Caching::Fragments::ClassMethods + extend AbstractController::Callbacks::ClassMethods + extend AbstractController::Helpers::ClassMethods + extend AbstractController::UrlFor::ClassMethods + extend ActionController::ConditionalGet::ClassMethods + extend ActionController::ContentSecurityPolicy::ClassMethods + extend ActionController::Flash::ClassMethods + extend ActionController::ForceSSL::ClassMethods + extend ActionController::FormBuilder::ClassMethods + extend ActionController::Helpers::ClassMethods + extend ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic::ControllerMethods::ClassMethods + extend ActionController::Instrumentation::ClassMethods + extend ActionController::ParameterEncoding::ClassMethods + extend ActionController::ParamsWrapper::ClassMethods + extend ActionController::Renderers::ClassMethods + extend ActionController::Rendering::ClassMethods + extend ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Layouts::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Rendering::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::ViewPaths::ClassMethods + extend ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods + extend ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker + extend ActiveSupport::Rescuable::ClassMethods + include AbstractController::AssetPaths + include AbstractController::Caching + include AbstractController::Caching::Fragments + include AbstractController::Callbacks + include AbstractController::Callbacks + include AbstractController::Callbacks + include AbstractController::Callbacks + include AbstractController::Helpers + include AbstractController::Helpers + include AbstractController::Helpers + include AbstractController::Logger + include AbstractController::Logger + include AbstractController::Rendering + include AbstractController::Translation + include AbstractController::UrlFor + include ActionController::Caching + include ActionController::ConditionalGet + include ActionController::ConditionalGet + include ActionController::ConditionalGet + include ActionController::ContentSecurityPolicy + include ActionController::Cookies + include ActionController::DataStreaming + include ActionController::EtagWithFlash + include ActionController::EtagWithTemplateDigest + include ActionController::Flash + include ActionController::ForceSSL + include ActionController::FormBuilder + include ActionController::Helpers + include ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic::ControllerMethods + include ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Digest::ControllerMethods + include ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Token::ControllerMethods + include ActionController::ImplicitRender + include ActionController::Instrumentation + include ActionController::MimeResponds + include ActionController::ParameterEncoding + include ActionController::ParamsWrapper + include ActionController::Redirecting + include ActionController::Renderers + include ActionController::Renderers::All + include ActionController::Rendering + include ActionController::Rendering + include ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection + include ActionController::Rescue + include ActionController::Streaming + include ActionController::StrongParameters + include ActionController::UrlFor + include ActionController::UrlFor + include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor + include ActionView::Layouts + include ActionView::Rendering + include ActionView::ViewPaths + include ActionView::ViewPaths + include ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable + include ActiveSupport::Callbacks + include ActiveSupport::Rescuable + include ActiveSupport::Rescuable +end +class ActionDispatch::Request::Utils + def perform_deep_munge; end + def perform_deep_munge=(obj); end + def self.check_param_encoding(params); end + def self.each_param_value(params, &block); end + def self.normalize_encode_params(params); end + def self.perform_deep_munge; end + def self.perform_deep_munge=(obj); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Request::Utils::ParamEncoder + def self.handle_array(params); end + def self.normalize_encode_params(params); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Request::Utils::NoNilParamEncoder < ActionDispatch::Request::Utils::ParamEncoder + def self.handle_array(params); end +end +class ActionDispatch::ExceptionWrapper + def application_trace; end + def backtrace; end + def backtrace_cleaner; end + def clean_backtrace(*args); end + def exception; end + def expand_backtrace; end + def extract_file_and_line_number(trace); end + def file; end + def framework_trace; end + def full_trace; end + def initialize(backtrace_cleaner, exception); end + def line_number; end + def original_exception(exception); end + def rescue_responses; end + def rescue_responses=(obj); end + def rescue_template; end + def rescue_templates; end + def rescue_templates=(obj); end + def self.rescue_responses; end + def self.rescue_responses=(obj); end + def self.rescue_templates; end + def self.rescue_templates=(obj); end + def self.status_code_for_exception(class_name); end + def source_extracts; end + def source_fragment(path, line); end + def status_code; end + def traces; end +end +class ActionDispatch::RequestId + def call(env); end + def initialize(app); end + def internal_request_id; end + def make_request_id(request_id); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteWrapper < SimpleDelegator + def action; end + def constraints; end + def controller; end + def endpoint; end + def engine?; end + def internal?; end + def name; end + def path; end + def rack_app; end + def reqs; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RoutesInspector + def collect_engine_routes(route); end + def collect_routes(routes); end + def filter_routes(filter); end + def format(formatter, filter = nil); end + def initialize(routes); end + def normalize_filter(filter); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::ConsoleFormatter + def draw_header(routes); end + def draw_section(routes); end + def header(routes); end + def initialize; end + def no_routes(routes); end + def result; end + def section(routes); end + def section_title(title); end + def widths(routes); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::HtmlTableFormatter + def header(routes); end + def initialize(view); end + def no_routes(*arg0); end + def result; end + def section(routes); end + def section_title(title); end +end +class ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions + def api_request?(content_type); end + def call(env); end + def create_template(request, wrapper); end + def initialize(app, routes_app = nil, response_format = nil); end + def log_array(logger, array); end + def log_error(request, wrapper); end + def logger(request); end + def render(status, body, format); end + def render_exception(env_or_request, exception); end + def render_for_api_request(content_type, wrapper); end + def render_for_browser_request(request, wrapper); end + def routes_inspector(exception); end + def stderr_logger; end +end +class ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions::DebugView < ActionView::Base + def debug_hash(object); end + def debug_headers(headers); end + def debug_params(params); end + def render(*arg0); end +end +class ActionDispatch::FileHandler + def call(env); end + def content_type(path); end + def ext; end + def gzip_encoding_accepted?(request); end + def gzip_file_path(path); end + def initialize(root, index: nil, headers: nil); end + def match?(path); end + def serve(request); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Static + def call(env); end + def initialize(app, path, index: nil, headers: nil); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Executor + def call(env); end + def initialize(app, executor); end +end +class ActionDispatch::RemoteIp + def call(env); end + def check_ip; end + def initialize(app, ip_spoofing_check = nil, custom_proxies = nil); end + def proxies; end +end +class ActionDispatch::RemoteIp::IpSpoofAttackError < StandardError +end +class ActionDispatch::RemoteIp::GetIp + def calculate_ip; end + def filter_proxies(ips); end + def initialize(req, check_ip, proxies); end + def ips_from(header); end + def to_s; end +end +class ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions + def call(env); end + def initialize(app, exceptions_app); end + def pass_response(status); end + def render_exception(request, exception); end +end +class ActionDispatch::PublicExceptions + def call(env); end + def initialize(public_path); end + def public_path; end + def public_path=(arg0); end + def render(status, content_type, body); end + def render_format(status, content_type, body); end + def render_html(status); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Reloader < ActionDispatch::Executor +end +class ActionDispatch::Callbacks + def __callbacks; end + def __callbacks?; end + def _call_callbacks; end + def _run_call_callbacks(&block); end + def call(env); end + def initialize(app); end + def self.__callbacks; end + def self.__callbacks=(val); end + def self.__callbacks?; end + def self._call_callbacks; end + def self._call_callbacks=(value); end + def self.after(*args, &block); end + def self.before(*args, &block); end + extend ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods + extend ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker + include ActiveSupport::Callbacks +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::Redirect < ActionDispatch::Routing::Endpoint + def block; end + def call(env); end + def escape(params); end + def escape_fragment(params); end + def escape_path(params); end + def initialize(status, block); end + def inspect; end + def path(params, request); end + def redirect?; end + def relative_path?(path); end + def serve(req); end + def status; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::PathRedirect < ActionDispatch::Routing::Redirect + def inspect; end + def interpolation_required?(string, params); end + def path(params, request); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::OptionRedirect < ActionDispatch::Routing::Redirect + def inspect; end + def options; end + def path(params, request); end +end +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Redirection + def redirect(*args, &block); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper + def initialize(set); end + def self.normalize_name(name); end + def self.normalize_path(path); end + include ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Base + include ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Concerns + include ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::CustomUrls + include ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::HttpHelpers + include ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Resources + include ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Scoping + include ActionDispatch::Routing::Redirection +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Constraints < ActionDispatch::Routing::Endpoint + def app; end + def constraint_args(constraint, request); end + def constraints; end + def dispatcher?; end + def initialize(app, constraints, strategy); end + def matches?(req); end + def serve(req); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Mapping + def add_controller_module(controller, modyoule); end + def add_wildcard_options(options, formatted, path_ast); end + def app(blocks); end + def application; end + def ast; end + def blocks(callable_constraint); end + def build_conditions(current_conditions, request_class); end + def build_path(ast, requirements, anchor); end + def check_controller_and_action(path_params, controller, action); end + def check_part(name, part, path_params, hash); end + def conditions; end + def constraints(options, path_params); end + def default_action; end + def default_controller; end + def defaults; end + def dispatcher(raise_on_name_error); end + def initialize(set, ast, defaults, controller, default_action, modyoule, to, formatted, scope_constraints, blocks, via, options_constraints, anchor, options); end + def make_route(name, precedence); end + def normalize_defaults(options); end + def normalize_format(formatted); end + def normalize_options!(options, path_params, modyoule); end + def path; end + def request_method; end + def required_defaults; end + def requirements; end + def, set, ast, controller, default_action, to, via, formatted, options_constraints, anchor, options); end + def self.check_via(via); end + def self.normalize_path(path, format); end + def self.optional_format?(path, format); end + def split_constraints(path_params, constraints); end + def split_to(to); end + def to; end + def translate_controller(controller); end + def verify_regexp_requirements(requirements); end +end +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Base + def app_name(app, rails_app); end + def default_url_options(options); end + def default_url_options=(options); end + def define_generate_prefix(app, name); end + def has_named_route?(name); end + def match(path, options = nil); end + def mount(app, options = nil); end + def rails_app?(app); end + def with_default_scope(scope, &block); end +end +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::HttpHelpers + def delete(*args, &block); end + def get(*args, &block); end + def map_method(method, args, &block); end + def patch(*args, &block); end + def post(*args, &block); end + def put(*args, &block); end +end +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Scoping + def constraints(constraints = nil); end + def controller(controller); end + def defaults(defaults = nil); end + def merge_action_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_as_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_blocks_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_constraints_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_controller_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_defaults_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_format_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_module_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_options_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_path_names_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_path_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_shallow_path_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_shallow_prefix_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_shallow_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_to_scope(parent, child); end + def merge_via_scope(parent, child); end + def namespace(path, options = nil); end + def scope(*args); end +end +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Resources + def action_options?(options); end + def action_path(name); end + def add_route(action, controller, options, _path, to, via, formatted, anchor, options_constraints); end + def api_only?; end + def apply_action_options(options); end + def apply_common_behavior_for(method, resources, options, &block); end + def canonical_action?(action); end + def collection; end + def decomposed_match(path, controller, options, _path, to, via, formatted, anchor, options_constraints); end + def get_to_from_path(path, to, action); end + def map_match(paths, options); end + def match(path, *rest, &block); end + def match_root_route(options); end + def member; end + def name_for_action(as, action); end + def namespace(path, options = nil); end + def nested; end + def nested_options; end + def nested_scope?; end + def new; end + def param_constraint; end + def param_constraint?; end + def parent_resource; end + def path_for_action(action, path); end + def path_scope(path); end + def prefix_name_for_action(as, action); end + def resource(*resources, &block); end + def resource_method_scope?; end + def resource_scope(resource); end + def resource_scope?; end + def resources(*resources, &block); end + def resources_path_names(options); end + def root(path, options = nil); end + def scope_action_options; end + def set_member_mappings_for_resource; end + def shallow; end + def shallow?; end + def shallow_nesting_depth; end + def shallow_scope; end + def using_match_shorthand?(path); end + def with_scope_level(kind); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Resources::Resource + def actions; end + def collection_name; end + def collection_scope; end + def controller; end + def default_actions; end + def initialize(entities, api_only, shallow, options = nil); end + def member_name; end + def member_scope; end + def name; end + def nested_param; end + def nested_scope; end + def new_scope(new_path); end + def param; end + def path; end + def plural; end + def resource_scope; end + def shallow?; end + def shallow_scope; end + def singleton?; end + def singular; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Resources::SingletonResource < ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Resources::Resource + def collection_name; end + def default_actions; end + def initialize(entities, api_only, shallow, options); end + def member_name; end + def member_scope; end + def nested_scope; end + def plural; end + def singleton?; end + def singular; end +end +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Concerns + def concern(name, callable = nil, &block); end + def concerns(*args); end +end +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::CustomUrls + def direct(name, options = nil, &block); end + def resolve(*args, &block); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Scope + def [](key); end + def action_name(name_prefix, prefix, collection_name, member_name); end + def each; end + def frame; end + def initialize(hash, parent = nil, scope_level = nil); end + def nested?; end + def new(hash); end + def new_level(level); end + def null?; end + def options; end + def parent; end + def resource_method_scope?; end + def resource_scope?; end + def resources?; end + def root?; end + def scope_level; end + include Enumerable +end +class ActionDispatch::Flash + def; end +end +module ActionDispatch::Flash::RequestMethods + def commit_flash; end + def flash; end + def flash=(flash); end + def flash_hash; end + def reset_session; end +end +class ActionDispatch::Flash::FlashNow + def [](k); end + def []=(k, v); end + def alert=(message); end + def flash; end + def flash=(arg0); end + def initialize(flash); end + def notice=(message); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Flash::FlashHash + def [](k); end + def []=(k, v); end + def alert; end + def alert=(message); end + def clear; end + def delete(key); end + def discard(k = nil); end + def each(&block); end + def empty?; end + def initialize(flashes = nil, discard = nil); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def keep(k = nil); end + def key?(name); end + def keys; end + def merge!(h); end + def notice; end + def notice=(message); end + def now; end + def now_is_loaded?; end + def replace(h); end + def self.from_session_value(value); end + def stringify_array(array); end + def sweep; end + def to_hash; end + def to_session_value; end + def update(h); end + include Enumerable +end +module ActionDispatch::TestProcess + def assigns(key = nil); end + def cookies; end + def flash; end + def redirect_to_url; end + def session; end + include ActionDispatch::TestProcess::FixtureFile +end +module ActionDispatch::TestProcess::FixtureFile + def fixture_file_upload(path, mime_type = nil, binary = nil); end +end +class ActionDispatch::RequestEncoder + def accept_header; end + def content_type; end + def encode_params(params); end + def initialize(mime_name, param_encoder, response_parser); end + def response_parser; end + def self.encoder(name); end + def self.parser(content_type); end + def self.register_encoder(mime_name, param_encoder: nil, response_parser: nil); end +end +class ActionDispatch::RequestEncoder::IdentityEncoder + def accept_header; end + def content_type; end + def encode_params(params); end + def response_parser; end +end +module ActionDispatch::Assertions + def html_document; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionDispatch::Assertions::ResponseAssertions + include ActionDispatch::Assertions::RoutingAssertions + include Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions +end +module ActionDispatch::Assertions::ResponseAssertions + def assert_redirected_to(options = nil, message = nil); end + def assert_response(type, message = nil); end + def code_with_name(code_or_name); end + def generate_response_message(expected, actual = nil); end + def location_if_redirected; end + def normalize_argument_to_redirection(fragment); end + def parameterize(value); end + def response_body_if_short; end +end +module ActionDispatch::Assertions::RoutingAssertions + def assert_generates(expected_path, options, defaults = nil, extras = nil, message = nil); end + def assert_recognizes(expected_options, path, extras = nil, msg = nil); end + def assert_routing(path, options, defaults = nil, extras = nil, message = nil); end + def fail_on(exception_class, message); end + def method_missing(selector, *args, &block); end + def recognized_request_for(path, extras = nil, msg); end + def with_routing; end +end +module ActionController::TemplateAssertions + def assert_template(options = nil, message = nil); end +end +module ActionController::Testing + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActionController::Testing::Functional + def recycle!; end +end +class ActionDispatch::TestRequest < ActionDispatch::Request + def accept=(mime_types); end + def action=(action_name); end + def host=(host); end + def if_modified_since=(last_modified); end + def if_none_match=(etag); end + def path=(path); end + def port=(number); end + def remote_addr=(addr); end + def request_method=(method); end + def request_uri=(uri); end + def self.create(env = nil); end + def self.default_env; end + def user_agent=(user_agent); end +end +class ActionController::TestRequest < ActionDispatch::TestRequest + def assign_parameters(routes, controller_path, action, parameters, generated_path, query_string_keys); end + def content_type=(type); end + def controller_class; end + def initialize(env, session, controller_class); end + def params_parsers; end + def query_string=(string); end + def self.create(controller_class); end + def self.default_env; end + def self.new_session; end +end +class ActionController::LiveTestResponse < ActionController::Live::Response + def error?; end + def missing?; end + def success?; end +end +class ActionController::TestSession < Rack::Session::Abstract::SessionHash + def destroy; end + def exists?; end + def fetch(key, *args, &block); end + def initialize(session = nil); end + def keys; end + def load!; end + def values; end +end +class ActionController::TestCase < ActiveSupport::TestCase + def _controller_class; end + def _controller_class=(val); end + def _controller_class?; end + def self.__callbacks; end + def self._controller_class; end + def self._controller_class=(val); end + def self._controller_class?; end + extend ActionController::TestCase::Behavior::ClassMethods + extend ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantLookup::ClassMethods + include ActionController::TemplateAssertions + include ActionController::TestCase::Behavior + include ActionDispatch::Assertions + include ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantLookup + include Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions + include Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions +end +module ActionController::TestCase::Behavior + def build_response(klass); end + def check_required_ivars; end + def controller_class_name; end + def delete(action, **args); end + def document_root_element; end + def generated_path(generated_extras); end + def get(action, **args); end + def head(action, **args); end + def patch(action, **args); end + def post(action, **args); end + def process(action, method: nil, params: nil, session: nil, body: nil, flash: nil, format: nil, xhr: nil, as: nil); end + def put(action, **args); end + def query_parameter_names(generated_extras); end + def request; end + def response; end + def scrub_env!(env); end + def setup_controller_request_and_response; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionDispatch::TestProcess + include ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantLookup + include Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions +end +module ActionController::TestCase::Behavior::ClassMethods + def controller_class; end + def controller_class=(new_class); end + def determine_default_controller_class(name); end + def tests(controller_class); end +end +module ActionDispatch::Integration +end +module ActionDispatch::Integration::RequestHelpers + def delete(path, **args); end + def follow_redirect!; end + def get(path, **args); end + def head(path, *args); end + def patch(path, **args); end + def post(path, **args); end + def put(path, **args); end +end +class ActionDispatch::Integration::Session + def _mock_session; end + def accept; end + def accept=(arg0); end + def body(*args, &block); end + def build_expanded_path(path); end + def build_full_uri(path, env); end + def controller; end + def cookies; end + def default_url_options; end + def default_url_options=(val); end + def default_url_options?; end + def headers(*args, &block); end + def host!(arg0); end + def host; end + def host=(arg0); end + def https!(flag = nil); end + def https?; end + def initialize(app); end + def path(*args, &block); end + def process(method, path, params: nil, headers: nil, env: nil, xhr: nil, as: nil); end + def redirect?(*args, &block); end + def remote_addr; end + def remote_addr=(arg0); end + def request; end + def request_count; end + def request_count=(arg0); end + def reset!; end + def response; end + def self.default_url_options; end + def self.default_url_options=(val); end + def self.default_url_options?; end + def status(*args, &block); end + def status_message(*args, &block); end + def url_options; end + include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor + include ActionDispatch::TestProcess + include Minitest::Assertions + include Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions +end +module ActionDispatch::Integration::Runner + def app; end + def assigns(*args); end + def before_setup; end + def cookies(*args); end + def copy_session_variables!; end + def create_session(app); end + def default_url_options; end + def default_url_options=(options); end + def delete(*args); end + def follow_redirect!(*args); end + def get(*args); end + def head(*args); end + def initialize(*args, &blk); end + def integration_session; end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + def open_session; end + def patch(*args); end + def post(*args); end + def put(*args); end + def remove!; end + def reset!; end + def respond_to_missing?(method, _); end + include ActionDispatch::Assertions + include Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions +end +class ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase + extend ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest::Behavior::ClassMethods + include ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest::Behavior + include ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest::UrlOptions + include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor + include ActionDispatch::TestProcess::FixtureFile +end +module ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest::UrlOptions + def url_options; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest::Behavior + def app; end + def document_root_element; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionController::TemplateAssertions + include ActionDispatch::Integration::Runner +end +module ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest::Behavior::ClassMethods + def app; end + def app=(app); end + def register_encoder(*args); end +end +module Cucumber +end +module Cucumber::Rails +end +class Cucumber::Rails::World < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest + def initialize; end + def self.fixture_table_names; end + include ActiveSupport::Testing::SetupAndTeardown + include Rack::Test::Methods +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/actionview.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/actionview.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c75908d4a --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/actionview.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,1296 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# actionview-5.2.3 +module ActionView + def self.eager_load!; end + def self.gem_version; end + def self.version; end + extend ActiveSupport::Autoload +end +module ActionView::VERSION +end +class ActionView::Railtie < Rails::Engine +end +module ActionView::Helpers + def self.eager_load!; end + extend ActiveSupport::Autoload + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionView::Helpers::ActiveModelHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::CacheHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::ControllerHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::CspHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::CsrfHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::DebugHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::RecordTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::RenderingHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable +end +module ActionView::Helpers::ActiveModelHelper +end +module ActionView::Helpers::ActiveModelInstanceTag + def content_tag(type, options, *arg2); end + def error_message; end + def error_wrapping(html_tag); end + def object; end + def object_has_errors?; end + def select_markup_helper?(type); end + def tag(type, options, *arg2); end + def tag_generate_errors?(options); end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper + def asset_path(source, options = nil); end + def asset_url(source, options = nil); end + def audio_path(source, options = nil); end + def audio_url(source, options = nil); end + def compute_asset_extname(source, options = nil); end + def compute_asset_host(source = nil, options = nil); end + def compute_asset_path(source, options = nil); end + def font_path(source, options = nil); end + def font_url(source, options = nil); end + def image_path(source, options = nil); end + def image_url(source, options = nil); end + def javascript_path(source, options = nil); end + def javascript_url(source, options = nil); end + def path_to_asset(source, options = nil); end + def path_to_audio(source, options = nil); end + def path_to_font(source, options = nil); end + def path_to_image(source, options = nil); end + def path_to_javascript(source, options = nil); end + def path_to_stylesheet(source, options = nil); end + def path_to_video(source, options = nil); end + def public_compute_asset_path(source, options = nil); end + def stylesheet_path(source, options = nil); end + def stylesheet_url(source, options = nil); end + def url_to_asset(source, options = nil); end + def url_to_audio(source, options = nil); end + def url_to_font(source, options = nil); end + def url_to_image(source, options = nil); end + def url_to_javascript(source, options = nil); end + def url_to_stylesheet(source, options = nil); end + def url_to_video(source, options = nil); end + def video_path(source, options = nil); end + def video_url(source, options = nil); end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper + def capture(*args); end + def content_for(name, content = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def content_for?(name); end + def provide(name, content = nil, &block); end + def with_output_buffer(buf = nil); end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper + def raw(stringish); end + def safe_join(array, sep = nil); end + def to_sentence(array, options = nil); end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + def cdata_section(content); end + def content_tag(name, content_or_options_with_block = nil, options = nil, escape = nil, &block); end + def escape_once(html); end + def tag(name = nil, options = nil, open = nil, escape = nil); end + def tag_builder; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper +end +class ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::TagBuilder + def boolean_tag_option(key); end + def content_tag_string(name, content, options, escape = nil); end + def initialize(view_context); end + def method_missing(called, *args, &block); end + def prefix_tag_option(prefix, key, value, escape); end + def respond_to_missing?(*args); end + def tag_option(key, value, escape); end + def tag_options(options, escape = nil); end + def tag_string(name, content = nil, escape_attributes: nil, **options, &block); end + include ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper +end +module ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper + def audio_tag(*sources); end + def auto_discovery_link_tag(type = nil, url_options = nil, tag_options = nil); end + def check_for_image_tag_errors(options); end + def extract_dimensions(size); end + def favicon_link_tag(source = nil, options = nil); end + def image_alt(src); end + def image_tag(source, options = nil); end + def javascript_include_tag(*sources); end + def multiple_sources_tag_builder(type, sources); end + def preload_link_tag(source, options = nil); end + def resolve_image_source(source, skip_pipeline); end + def resolve_link_as(extname, mime_type); end + def stylesheet_link_tag(*sources); end + def video_tag(*sources); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper +end +module ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper + def atom_feed(options = nil, &block); end +end +class ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper::AtomBuilder + def initialize(xml); end + def method_missing(method, *arguments, &block); end + def xhtml_block?(method, arguments); end +end +class ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper::AtomFeedBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper::AtomBuilder + def entry(record, options = nil); end + def initialize(xml, view, feed_options = nil); end + def updated(date_or_time = nil); end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::CacheHelper + def cache(name = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def cache_fragment_name(name = nil, skip_digest: nil, virtual_path: nil); end + def cache_if(condition, name = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def cache_unless(condition, name = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def fragment_for(name = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def fragment_name_with_digest(name, virtual_path); end + def read_fragment_for(name, options); end + def write_fragment_for(name, options); end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::ControllerHelper + def action_name(*args, &block); end + def assign_controller(controller); end + def controller; end + def controller=(arg0); end + def controller_name(*args, &block); end + def controller_path(*args, &block); end + def cookies(*args, &block); end + def flash(*args, &block); end + def headers(*args, &block); end + def logger; end + def params(*args, &block); end + def request; end + def request=(arg0); end + def request_forgery_protection_token(*args, &block); end + def respond_to?(method_name, include_private = nil); end + def response(*args, &block); end + def session(*args, &block); end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::CspHelper + def csp_meta_tag; end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::CsrfHelper + def csrf_meta_tag; end + def csrf_meta_tags; end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper + def date_select(object_name, method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def datetime_select(object_name, method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, to_time = nil, options = nil); end + def distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(from_time, options = nil); end + def normalize_distance_of_time_argument_to_time(value); end + def select_date(date = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def select_datetime(datetime = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def select_day(date, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def select_hour(datetime, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def select_minute(datetime, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def select_month(date, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def select_second(datetime, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def select_time(datetime = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def select_year(date, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def time_ago_in_words(from_time, options = nil); end + def time_select(object_name, method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def time_tag(date_or_time, *args, &block); end +end +class ActionView::Helpers::DateTimeSelector + def build_hidden(type, value); end + def build_options(selected, options = nil); end + def build_options_and_select(type, selected, options = nil); end + def build_select(type, select_options_as_html); end + def build_selects_from_types(order); end + def css_class_attribute(type, html_options_class, options); end + def date_order; end + def day; end + def hour; end + def initialize(datetime, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def input_id_from_type(type); end + def input_name_from_type(type); end + def min; end + def month; end + def month_name(number); end + def month_names; end + def prompt_option_tag(type, options); end + def sec; end + def select_date; end + def select_datetime; end + def select_day; end + def select_hour; end + def select_minute; end + def select_month; end + def select_second; end + def select_time; end + def select_year; end + def separator(type); end + def set_day_if_discarded; end + def translated_date_order; end + def translated_month_names; end + def year; end + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper +end +class ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder + def button(value = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def check_box(method, options = nil, checked_value = nil, unchecked_value = nil); end + def collection_check_boxes(method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end + def collection_radio_buttons(method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end + def collection_select(method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def color_field(method, options = nil); end + def convert_to_legacy_options(options); end + def date_field(method, options = nil); end + def date_select(method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def datetime_field(method, options = nil); end + def datetime_local_field(method, options = nil); end + def datetime_select(method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def email_field(method, options = nil); end + def emitted_hidden_id?; end + def field_helpers; end + def field_helpers=(val); end + def field_helpers?; end + def fields(scope = nil, model: nil, **options, &block); end + def fields_for(record_name, record_object = nil, fields_options = nil, &block); end + def fields_for_nested_model(name, object, fields_options, block); end + def fields_for_with_nested_attributes(association_name, association, options, block); end + def file_field(method, options = nil); end + def grouped_collection_select(method, collection, group_method, group_label_method, option_key_method, option_value_method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def hidden_field(method, options = nil); end + def index; end + def initialize(object_name, object, template, options); end + def label(method, text = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def month_field(method, options = nil); end + def multipart; end + def multipart=(multipart); end + def multipart?; end + def nested_attributes_association?(association_name); end + def nested_child_index(name); end + def number_field(method, options = nil); end + def object; end + def object=(arg0); end + def object_name; end + def object_name=(arg0); end + def objectify_options(options); end + def options; end + def options=(arg0); end + def password_field(method, options = nil); end + def phone_field(method, options = nil); end + def radio_button(method, tag_value, options = nil); end + def range_field(method, options = nil); end + def search_field(method, options = nil); end + def select(method, choices = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end + def self._to_partial_path; end + def self.field_helpers; end + def self.field_helpers=(val); end + def self.field_helpers?; end + def submit(value = nil, options = nil); end + def submit_default_value; end + def telephone_field(method, options = nil); end + def text_area(method, options = nil); end + def text_field(method, options = nil); end + def time_field(method, options = nil); end + def time_select(method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def time_zone_select(method, priority_zones = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def to_model; end + def to_partial_path; end + def url_field(method, options = nil); end + def week_field(method, options = nil); end + include ActionView::ModelNaming +end +module ActionView::Helpers::DebugHelper + def debug(object); end + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper +end +module ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper + def escape_javascript(javascript); end + def j(javascript); end + def javascript_cdata_section(content); end + def javascript_tag(content_or_options_with_block = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + def _back_url; end + def _filtered_referrer; end + def add_method_to_attributes!(html_options, method); end + def button_to(name = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end + def convert_options_to_data_attributes(options, html_options); end + def current_page?(options, check_parameters: nil); end + def link_to(name = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end + def link_to_if(condition, name, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end + def link_to_remote_options?(options); end + def link_to_unless(condition, name, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end + def link_to_unless_current(name, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end + def mail_to(email_address, name = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end + def method_not_get_method?(method); end + def method_tag(method); end + def to_form_params(attribute, namespace = nil); end + def token_tag(token = nil, form_options: nil); end + def url_for(options = nil); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper +end +module ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods + def _url_for_modules; end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + def sanitize(html, options = nil); end + def sanitize_css(style); end + def strip_links(html); end + def strip_tags(html); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + def full_sanitizer; end + def full_sanitizer=(arg0); end + def link_sanitizer; end + def link_sanitizer=(arg0); end + def sanitized_allowed_attributes; end + def sanitized_allowed_tags; end + def sanitizer_vendor; end + def white_list_sanitizer; end + def white_list_sanitizer=(arg0); end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + def concat(string); end + def current_cycle(name = nil); end + def cut_excerpt_part(part_position, part, separator, options); end + def cycle(first_value, *values); end + def excerpt(text, phrase, options = nil); end + def get_cycle(name); end + def highlight(text, phrases, options = nil); end + def pluralize(count, singular, plural_arg = nil, plural: nil, locale: nil); end + def reset_cycle(name = nil); end + def safe_concat(string); end + def set_cycle(name, cycle_object); end + def simple_format(text, html_options = nil, options = nil); end + def split_paragraphs(text); end + def truncate(text, options = nil, &block); end + def word_wrap(text, line_width: nil, break_sequence: nil); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper +end +class ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper::Cycle + def current_value; end + def initialize(first_value, *values); end + def next_index; end + def previous_index; end + def reset; end + def step_index(n); end + def to_s; end + def values; end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + def button_tag(content_or_options = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def check_box_tag(name, value = nil, checked = nil, options = nil); end + def color_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def convert_direct_upload_option_to_url(options); end + def date_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def datetime_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def datetime_local_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def email_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def embed_authenticity_token_in_remote_forms; end + def embed_authenticity_token_in_remote_forms=(obj); end + def extra_tags_for_form(html_options); end + def field_set_tag(legend = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def file_field_tag(name, options = nil); end + def form_tag(url_for_options = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def form_tag_html(html_options); end + def form_tag_with_body(html_options, content); end + def hidden_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def html_options_for_form(url_for_options, options); end + def image_submit_tag(source, options = nil); end + def label_tag(name = nil, content_or_options = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def month_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def number_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def password_field_tag(name = nil, value = nil, options = nil); end + def phone_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def radio_button_tag(name, value, checked = nil, options = nil); end + def range_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def sanitize_to_id(name); end + def search_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def select_tag(name, option_tags = nil, options = nil); end + def self.embed_authenticity_token_in_remote_forms; end + def self.embed_authenticity_token_in_remote_forms=(obj); end + def set_default_disable_with(value, tag_options); end + def submit_tag(value = nil, options = nil); end + def telephone_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def text_area_tag(name, content = nil, options = nil); end + def text_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def time_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def url_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + def utf8_enforcer_tag; end + def week_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper +end +module ActionView::ModelNaming + def convert_to_model(object); end + def model_name_from_record_or_class(record_or_class); end +end +module ActionView::RecordIdentifier + def dom_class(record_or_class, prefix = nil); end + def dom_id(record, prefix = nil); end + def record_key_for_dom_id(record); end + extend ActionView::ModelNaming + extend ActionView::RecordIdentifier + include ActionView::ModelNaming +end +module ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper + def apply_form_for_options!(record, object, options); end + def check_box(object_name, method, options = nil, checked_value = nil, unchecked_value = nil); end + def color_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def date_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def datetime_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def datetime_local_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def default_form_builder; end + def default_form_builder=(arg0); end + def default_form_builder_class; end + def email_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def fields(scope = nil, model: nil, **options, &block); end + def fields_for(record_name, record_object = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def file_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def form_for(record, options = nil, &block); end + def form_with(model: nil, scope: nil, url: nil, format: nil, **options); end + def form_with_generates_ids; end + def form_with_generates_ids=(obj); end + def form_with_generates_remote_forms; end + def form_with_generates_remote_forms=(obj); end + def hidden_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def html_options_for_form_with(url_for_options = nil, model = nil, html: nil, local: nil, skip_enforcing_utf8: nil, **options); end + def instantiate_builder(record_name, record_object, options); end + def label(object_name, method, content_or_options = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def month_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def number_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def password_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def phone_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def radio_button(object_name, method, tag_value, options = nil); end + def range_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def search_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def self.form_with_generates_ids; end + def self.form_with_generates_ids=(obj); end + def self.form_with_generates_remote_forms; end + def self.form_with_generates_remote_forms=(obj); end + def telephone_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def text_area(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def text_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def time_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def url_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + def week_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActionView::ModelNaming + include ActionView::RecordIdentifier +end +module ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper + def collection_check_boxes(object, method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end + def collection_radio_buttons(object, method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end + def collection_select(object, method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def extract_selected_and_disabled(selected); end + def extract_values_from_collection(collection, value_method, selected); end + def grouped_collection_select(object, method, collection, group_method, group_label_method, option_key_method, option_value_method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def grouped_options_for_select(grouped_options, selected_key = nil, options = nil); end + def option_groups_from_collection_for_select(collection, group_method, group_label_method, option_key_method, option_value_method, selected_key = nil); end + def option_html_attributes(element); end + def option_text_and_value(option); end + def option_value_selected?(value, selected); end + def options_for_select(container, selected = nil); end + def options_from_collection_for_select(collection, value_method, text_method, selected = nil); end + def prompt_text(prompt); end + def select(object, method, choices = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end + def time_zone_options_for_select(selected = nil, priority_zones = nil, model = nil); end + def time_zone_select(object, method, priority_zones = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil); end + def value_for_collection(item, value); end + extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper +end +module ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper + def delegate_number_helper_method(method, number, options); end + def escape_units(units); end + def escape_unsafe_options(options); end + def number_to_currency(number, options = nil); end + def number_to_human(number, options = nil); end + def number_to_human_size(number, options = nil); end + def number_to_percentage(number, options = nil); end + def number_to_phone(number, options = nil); end + def number_with_delimiter(number, options = nil); end + def number_with_precision(number, options = nil); end + def parse_float(number, raise_error); end + def valid_float?(number); end + def wrap_with_output_safety_handling(number, raise_on_invalid, &block); end +end +class ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper::InvalidNumberError < StandardError + def initialize(number); end + def number; end + def number=(arg0); end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::RecordTagHelper + def content_tag_for(*arg0); end + def div_for(*arg0); end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::RenderingHelper + def _layout_for(*args, &block); end + def render(options = nil, locals = nil, &block); end +end +module ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper + def html_safe_translation_key?(key); end + def l(*args); end + def localize(*args); end + def scope_key_by_partial(key); end + def t(key, options = nil); end + def translate(key, options = nil); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper +end +class ActionView::LogSubscriber < ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber +end +module ActionView::CompiledTemplates +end +module ActionView::Context + def _layout_for(name = nil); end + def _prepare_context; end + def output_buffer; end + def output_buffer=(arg0); end + def view_flow; end + def view_flow=(arg0); end + include ActionView::CompiledTemplates +end +module ActionView::ViewPaths + def _prefixes; end + def any_templates?(*args, &block); end + def append_view_path(path); end + def details_for_lookup; end + def formats(*args, &block); end + def formats=(arg); end + def locale(*args, &block); end + def locale=(arg); end + def lookup_context; end + def prepend_view_path(path); end + def template_exists?(*args, &block); end + def view_paths(*args, &block); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActionView::ViewPaths::ClassMethods + def _prefixes; end + def append_view_path(path); end + def local_prefixes; end + def prepend_view_path(path); end + def view_paths; end + def view_paths=(paths); end +end +class ActionView::I18nProxy < I18n::Config + def initialize(original_config, lookup_context); end + def locale; end + def locale=(value); end + def lookup_context; end + def original_config; end +end +module ActionView::Rendering + def _normalize_args(action = nil, options = nil); end + def _normalize_options(options); end + def _process_format(format); end + def _render_template(options); end + def process(*arg0); end + def render_to_body(options = nil); end + def rendered_format; end + def view_context; end + def view_context_class; end + def view_context_class=(arg0); end + def view_renderer; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionView::ViewPaths +end +module ActionView::Rendering::ClassMethods + def view_context_class; end +end +module ActionView::Layouts + def _conditional_layout?; end + def _default_layout(formats, require_layout = nil); end + def _include_layout?(options); end + def _layout(*arg0); end + def _layout_conditions(*args, &block); end + def _layout_for_option(name); end + def _normalize_layout(value); end + def _normalize_options(options); end + def action_has_layout=(arg0); end + def action_has_layout?; end + def initialize(*arg0); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionView::Rendering +end +module ActionView::Layouts::ClassMethods + def _implied_layout_name; end + def _write_layout_method; end + def inherited(klass); end + def layout(layout, conditions = nil); end +end +module ActionView::Layouts::ClassMethods::LayoutConditions + def _conditional_layout?; end +end +class ActionView::PathSet + def +(array); end + def <<(*args); end + def [](*args, &block); end + def _find_all(path, prefixes, args, outside_app); end + def compact; end + def concat(*args); end + def each(*args, &block); end + def exists?(path, prefixes, *args); end + def find(*args); end + def find_all(path, prefixes = nil, *args); end + def find_all_with_query(query); end + def find_file(path, prefixes = nil, *args); end + def include?(*args, &block); end + def initialize(paths = nil); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def insert(*args); end + def paths; end + def pop(*args, &block); end + def push(*args); end + def size(*args, &block); end + def to_ary; end + def typecast(paths); end + def unshift(*args); end + include Enumerable +end +class ActionView::Template + def compile!(view); end + def compile(mod); end + def encode!; end + def formats; end + def formats=(arg0); end + def handle_render_error(view, e); end + def handler; end + def identifier; end + def identifier_method_name; end + def initialize(source, identifier, handler, details); end + def inspect; end + def instrument(action, &block); end + def instrument_payload; end + def instrument_render_template(&block); end + def locals; end + def locals=(arg0); end + def locals_code; end + def method_name; end + def original_encoding; end + def refresh(view); end + def render(view, locals, buffer = nil, &block); end + def source; end + def supports_streaming?; end + def type; end + def updated_at; end + def variants; end + def variants=(arg0); end + def virtual_path; end + def virtual_path=(arg0); end + extend ActionView::Template::Handlers + extend ActiveSupport::Autoload +end +module ActionView::Template::Handlers + def handler_for_extension(extension); end + def register_default_template_handler(extension, klass); end + def register_template_handler(*extensions, handler); end + def registered_template_handler(extension); end + def self.extended(base); end + def self.extensions; end + def template_handler_extensions; end + def unregister_template_handler(*extensions); end +end +class ActionView::Template::Handlers::Raw + def call(template); end +end +class ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB + def call(template); end + def erb_implementation; end + def erb_implementation=(val); end + def erb_implementation?; end + def erb_trim_mode; end + def erb_trim_mode=(val); end + def erb_trim_mode?; end + def escape_whitelist; end + def escape_whitelist=(val); end + def escape_whitelist?; end + def handles_encoding?; end + def; end + def self.erb_implementation; end + def self.erb_implementation=(val); end + def self.erb_implementation?; end + def self.erb_trim_mode; end + def self.erb_trim_mode=(val); end + def self.erb_trim_mode?; end + def self.escape_whitelist; end + def self.escape_whitelist=(val); end + def self.escape_whitelist?; end + def supports_streaming?; end + def valid_encoding(string, encoding); end +end +class ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB::Erubi < Erubi::Engine + def add_code(code); end + def add_expression(indicator, code); end + def add_postamble(_); end + def add_text(text); end + def evaluate(action_view_erb_handler_context); end + def flush_newline_if_pending(src); end + def initialize(input, properties = nil); end +end +class ActionView::Template::Handlers::Html < ActionView::Template::Handlers::Raw + def call(template); end +end +class ActionView::Template::Handlers::Builder + def call(template); end + def default_format; end + def default_format=(val); end + def default_format?; end + def require_engine; end + def self.default_format; end + def self.default_format=(val); end + def self.default_format?; end +end +class ActionView::Resolver + def build_path(name, prefix, partial); end + def cached(key, path_info, details, locals); end + def caching; end + def caching=(obj); end + def caching?(*args, &block); end + def clear_cache; end + def decorate(templates, path_info, details, locals); end + def find_all(name, prefix = nil, partial = nil, details = nil, key = nil, locals = nil); end + def find_all_anywhere(name, prefix, partial = nil, details = nil, key = nil, locals = nil); end + def find_all_with_query(query); end + def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details, outside_app_allowed = nil); end + def initialize; end + def self.caching; end + def self.caching=(obj); end + def self.caching?; end +end +class ActionView::Resolver::Path + def initialize(name, prefix, partial, virtual); end + def name; end + def partial; end + def partial?; end + def prefix; end + def, prefix, partial); end + def to_s; end + def to_str; end + def virtual; end +end +class ActionView::Resolver::Cache + def cache(key, name, prefix, partial, locals); end + def cache_query(query); end + def canonical_no_templates(templates); end + def clear; end + def initialize; end + def inspect; end + def size; end + def templates_have_changed?(cached_templates, fresh_templates); end +end +class ActionView::Resolver::Cache::SmallCache < Concurrent::Map + def initialize(options = nil); end +end +class ActionView::PathResolver < ActionView::Resolver + def build_query(path, details); end + def escape_entry(entry); end + def extract_handler_and_format_and_variant(path); end + def find_template_paths(query); end + def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details, outside_app_allowed = nil); end + def initialize(pattern = nil); end + def inside_path?(path, filename); end + def mtime(p); end + def query(path, details, formats, outside_app_allowed); end + def reject_files_external_to_app(files); end +end +class ActionView::FileSystemResolver < ActionView::PathResolver + def ==(resolver); end + def eql?(resolver); end + def initialize(path, pattern = nil); end + def to_path; end + def to_s; end +end +class ActionView::OptimizedFileSystemResolver < ActionView::FileSystemResolver + def build_query(path, details); end +end +class ActionView::FallbackFileSystemResolver < ActionView::FileSystemResolver + def decorate(*arg0); end + def self.instances; end +end +class ActionView::LookupContext + def digest_cache; end + def fallbacks; end + def fallbacks=(obj); end + def formats=(values); end + def initialize(view_paths, details = nil, prefixes = nil); end + def initialize_details(target, details); end + def locale; end + def locale=(value); end + def prefixes; end + def prefixes=(arg0); end + def registered_details; end + def registered_details=(obj); end + def rendered_format; end + def rendered_format=(arg0); end + def self.fallbacks; end + def self.fallbacks=(obj); end + def self.register_detail(name, &block); end + def self.registered_details; end + def self.registered_details=(obj); end + include ActionView::LookupContext::Accessors + include ActionView::LookupContext::DetailsCache + include ActionView::LookupContext::ViewPaths +end +module ActionView::LookupContext::Accessors + def default_formats; end + def default_handlers; end + def default_locale; end + def default_variants; end + def formats; end + def formats=(value); end + def handlers; end + def handlers=(value); end + def locale; end + def locale=(value); end + def variants; end + def variants=(value); end +end +class ActionView::LookupContext::DetailsKey + def eql?(arg0); end + def self.clear; end + def self.digest_caches; end + def self.get(details); end +end +module ActionView::LookupContext::DetailsCache + def _set_detail(key, value); end + def cache; end + def cache=(arg0); end + def details_key; end + def disable_cache; end +end +module ActionView::LookupContext::ViewPaths + def any?(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil); end + def any_templates?(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil); end + def args_for_any(name, prefixes, partial); end + def args_for_lookup(name, prefixes, partial, keys, details_options); end + def detail_args_for(options); end + def detail_args_for_any; end + def exists?(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil, keys = nil, **options); end + def find(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil, keys = nil, options = nil); end + def find_all(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil, keys = nil, options = nil); end + def find_file(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil, keys = nil, options = nil); end + def find_template(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil, keys = nil, options = nil); end + def html_fallback_for_js; end + def normalize_name(name, prefixes); end + def template_exists?(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil, keys = nil, **options); end + def view_paths; end + def view_paths=(paths); end + def with_fallbacks; end +end +class ActionView::Template::Types + def self.[](type); end + def self.delegate_to(klass); end + def self.symbols; end + def self.type_klass; end + def self.type_klass=(obj); end + def type_klass; end + def type_klass=(obj); end +end +class ActionView::Template::Types::Type + def ==(type); end + def initialize(symbol); end + def ref; end + def self.[](type); end + def symbol; end + def to_s; end + def to_str; end + def to_sym; end +end +class ActionView::AbstractRenderer + def any_templates?(*args, &block); end + def extract_details(options); end + def find_file(*args, &block); end + def find_template(*args, &block); end + def formats(*args, &block); end + def initialize(lookup_context); end + def instrument(name, **options); end + def prepend_formats(formats); end + def render; end + def template_exists?(*args, &block); end + def with_fallbacks(*args, &block); end + def with_layout_format(*args, &block); end +end +class ActionView::TemplateRenderer < ActionView::AbstractRenderer + def determine_template(options); end + def find_layout(layout, keys, formats); end + def render(context, options); end + def render_template(template, layout_name = nil, locals = nil); end + def render_with_layout(path, locals); end + def resolve_layout(layout, keys, formats); end +end +class ActionView::StreamingTemplateRenderer < ActionView::TemplateRenderer + def delayed_render(buffer, template, layout, view, locals); end + def render_template(template, layout_name = nil, locals = nil); end +end +class ActionView::StreamingTemplateRenderer::Body + def each(&block); end + def initialize(&start); end + def log_error(exception); end +end +class ActionView::Base + def _routes; end + def _routes=(val); end + def _routes?; end + def assign(new_assigns); end + def assigns; end + def assigns=(arg0); end + def automatically_disable_submit_tag; end + def automatically_disable_submit_tag=(obj); end + def config; end + def config=(arg0); end + def debug_missing_translation; end + def debug_missing_translation=(obj); end + def default_formats; end + def default_formats=(obj); end + def field_error_proc; end + def field_error_proc=(obj); end + def formats(*args, &block); end + def formats=(arg); end + def initialize(context = nil, assigns = nil, controller = nil, formats = nil); end + def locale(*args, &block); end + def locale=(arg); end + def logger; end + def logger=(val); end + def logger?; end + def lookup_context(*args, &block); end + def prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace; end + def prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace=(obj); end + def raise_on_missing_translations; end + def raise_on_missing_translations=(obj); end + def self._routes; end + def self._routes=(val); end + def self._routes?; end + def self.automatically_disable_submit_tag; end + def self.automatically_disable_submit_tag=(obj); end + def self.cache_template_loading; end + def self.cache_template_loading=(value); end + def self.debug_missing_translation; end + def self.debug_missing_translation=(obj); end + def self.default_form_builder; end + def self.default_form_builder=(obj); end + def self.default_formats; end + def self.default_formats=(obj); end + def self.erb_trim_mode=(arg); end + def self.field_error_proc; end + def self.field_error_proc=(obj); end + def self.logger; end + def self.logger=(val); end + def self.logger?; end + def self.prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace; end + def self.prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace=(obj); end + def self.raise_on_missing_translations; end + def self.raise_on_missing_translations=(obj); end + def self.streaming_completion_on_exception; end + def self.streaming_completion_on_exception=(obj); end + def self.xss_safe?; end + def streaming_completion_on_exception; end + def streaming_completion_on_exception=(obj); end + def view_paths(*args, &block); end + def view_paths=(arg); end + def view_renderer; end + def view_renderer=(arg0); end + extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods + include ActionView::Helpers + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper +end +class ActionView::DependencyTracker + def self.find_dependencies(name, template, view_paths = nil); end + def self.register_tracker(extension, tracker); end + def self.remove_tracker(handler); end +end +class ActionView::DependencyTracker::ERBTracker + def add_dependencies(render_dependencies, arguments, pattern); end + def add_dynamic_dependency(dependencies, dependency); end + def add_static_dependency(dependencies, dependency); end + def dependencies; end + def directory; end + def explicit_dependencies; end + def initialize(name, template, view_paths = nil); end + def name; end + def render_dependencies; end + def resolve_directories(wildcard_dependencies); end + def, template, view_paths = nil); end + def self.supports_view_paths?; end + def source; end + def template; end +end +class ActionView::Digestor + def self.digest(name:, finder:, dependencies: nil); end + def self.find_template(finder, name, prefixes, partial, keys); end + def self.logger; end + def self.tree(name, finder, partial = nil, seen = nil); end +end +module ActionView::Digestor::PerExecutionDigestCacheExpiry + def self.before(target); end +end +class ActionView::Digestor::Node + def children; end + def dependency_digest(finder, stack); end + def digest(finder, stack = nil); end + def initialize(name, logical_name, template, children = nil); end + def logical_name; end + def name; end + def self.create(name, logical_name, template, partial); end + def template; end + def to_dep_map; end +end +class ActionView::Digestor::Partial < ActionView::Digestor::Node +end +class ActionView::Digestor::Missing < ActionView::Digestor::Node + def digest(finder, _ = nil); end +end +class ActionView::Digestor::Injected < ActionView::Digestor::Node + def digest(finder, _ = nil); end +end +class ActionView::Digestor::NullLogger + def self.debug(_); end + def self.error(_); end +end +module ActionView::RoutingUrlFor + def _generate_paths_by_default; end + def _routes_context; end + def only_path?(host); end + def optimize_routes_generation?; end + def url_for(options = nil); end + def url_options; end +end +module ActionView::CollectionCaching + def cache_collection_render(instrumentation_payload); end + def callable_cache_key?; end + def collection_by_cache_keys; end + def expanded_cache_key(key); end + def fetch_or_cache_partial(cached_partials, order_by:); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +class ActionView::PartialIteration + def first?; end + def index; end + def initialize(size); end + def iterate!; end + def last?; end + def size; end +end +class ActionView::PartialRenderer < ActionView::AbstractRenderer + def collection_cache; end + def collection_cache=(obj); end + def collection_from_object; end + def collection_from_options; end + def collection_with_template; end + def collection_without_template; end + def find_partial; end + def find_template(path, locals); end + def initialize(*arg0); end + def merge_prefix_into_object_path(prefix, object_path); end + def partial_path(object = nil); end + def prefixed_partial_names; end + def raise_invalid_identifier(path); end + def raise_invalid_option_as(as); end + def render(context, options, block); end + def render_collection; end + def render_partial; end + def retrieve_template_keys; end + def retrieve_variable(path, as); end + def self.collection_cache; end + def self.collection_cache=(obj); end + def setup(context, options, block); end + include ActionView::CollectionCaching +end +class ActionView::FixtureResolver < ActionView::PathResolver + def hash; end + def initialize(hash = nil, pattern = nil); end + def query(path, exts, _, _); end + def to_s; end +end +class ActionView::NullResolver < ActionView::PathResolver + def query(path, exts, _, _); end +end +class ActionView::TestCase < ActiveSupport::TestCase + def _helper_methods; end + def _helper_methods=(val); end + def _helper_methods?; end + def _helpers; end + def _helpers=(val); end + def _helpers?; end + def debug_missing_translation; end + def debug_missing_translation=(obj); end + def self.__callbacks; end + def self._helper_methods; end + def self._helper_methods=(val); end + def self._helper_methods?; end + def self._helpers; end + def self._helpers=(val); end + def self._helpers?; end + def self.debug_missing_translation; end + def self.debug_missing_translation=(obj); end + extend AbstractController::Helpers::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::TestCase::Behavior::ClassMethods + extend ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantLookup::ClassMethods + include AbstractController::Helpers + include ActionDispatch::Assertions + include ActionView::Helpers + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActionView::TestCase::Behavior + include ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantLookup + include Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions + include Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions +end +class ActionView::TestCase::TestController < ActionController::Base + def _layout(formats); end + def controller_path=(path); end + def initialize; end + def params; end + def params=(arg0); end + def request; end + def request=(arg0); end + def response; end + def response=(arg0); end + def self._helpers; end + def self._routes; end + def self._wrapper_options; end + def self.controller_path=(arg0); end + def self.helpers_path; end + def self.middleware_stack; end + include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor + include ActionDispatch::TestProcess + include Anonymous_Module_3 +end +module Anonymous_Module_3 + def _generate_paths_by_default; end + def _routes; end + def self._routes; end + def self.full_url_for(options); end + def self.optimize_routes_generation?; end + def self.polymorphic_path(record_or_hash_or_array, options = nil); end + def self.polymorphic_url(record_or_hash_or_array, options = nil); end + def self.route_for(name, *args); end + def self.url_for(options); end + def self.url_options; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + extend Anonymous_Module_4 + extend Anonymous_Module_5 + include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor + include Anonymous_Module_4 + include Anonymous_Module_5 +end +module ActionView::TestCase::Behavior + def _routes; end + def _user_defined_ivars; end + def _view; end + def config; end + def controller; end + def controller=(arg0); end + def document_root_element; end + def lookup_context(*args, &block); end + def make_test_case_available_to_view!; end + def method_missing(selector, *args); end + def output_buffer; end + def output_buffer=(arg0); end + def render(options = nil, local_assigns = nil, &block); end + def rendered; end + def rendered=(arg0); end + def rendered_views; end + def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = nil); end + def say_no_to_protect_against_forgery!; end + def setup_with_controller; end + def view; end + def view_assigns; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include AbstractController::Helpers + include ActionController::TemplateAssertions + include ActionDispatch::Assertions + include ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes + include ActionView::Context + include ActionView::Helpers + include ActionView::RecordIdentifier + include ActionView::RoutingUrlFor + include ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantLookup + include Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions +end +module ActionView::TestCase::Behavior::ClassMethods + def determine_default_helper_class(name); end + def helper_class; end + def helper_class=(arg0); end + def helper_method(*methods); end + def include_helper_modules!; end + def new(*arg0); end + def tests(helper_class); end +end +class ActionView::TestCase::Behavior::RenderedViewsCollection + def add(view, locals); end + def initialize; end + def locals_for(view); end + def rendered_views; end + def view_rendered?(view, expected_locals); end +end +module ActionView::TestCase::Behavior::Locals + def render(options = nil, local_assigns = nil); end + def rendered_views; end + def rendered_views=(arg0); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/activesupport.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/activesupport.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..530f274a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/activesupport.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,2258 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# activesupport-5.2.3 +class Array + def as_json(options = nil); end + def blank?; end + def deep_dup; end + def extract_options!; end + def fifth; end + def forty_two; end + def fourth; end + def from(position); end + def in_groups(number, fill_with = nil); end + def in_groups_of(number, fill_with = nil); end + def inquiry; end + def second; end + def second_to_last; end + def self.wrap(object); end + def split(value = nil); end + def third; end + def third_to_last; end + def to(position); end + def to_default_s; end + def to_formatted_s(format = nil); end + def to_param; end + def to_query(key); end + def to_sentence(options = nil); end + def to_xml(options = nil); end + def without(*elements); end +end +class Regexp + def as_json(options = nil); end + def multiline?; end +end +class Hash + def _deep_transform_keys_in_object!(object, &block); end + def _deep_transform_keys_in_object(object, &block); end + def as_json(options = nil); end + def assert_valid_keys(*valid_keys); end + def blank?; end + def deep_dup; end + def deep_merge!(other_hash, &block); end + def deep_merge(other_hash, &block); end + def deep_stringify_keys!; end + def deep_stringify_keys; end + def deep_symbolize_keys!; end + def deep_symbolize_keys; end + def deep_transform_keys!(&block); end + def deep_transform_keys(&block); end + def except!(*keys); end + def except(*keys); end + def extract!(*keys); end + def extractable_options?; end + def nested_under_indifferent_access; end + def reverse_merge!(other_hash); end + def reverse_merge(other_hash); end + def reverse_update(other_hash); end + def self.from_trusted_xml(xml); end + def self.from_xml(xml, disallowed_types = nil); end + def slice!(*keys); end + def stringify_keys!; end + def stringify_keys; end + def symbolize_keys!; end + def symbolize_keys; end + def to_options!; end + def to_options; end + def to_param(namespace = nil); end + def to_query(namespace = nil); end + def to_xml(options = nil); end + def with_defaults!(other_hash); end + def with_defaults(other_hash); end + def with_indifferent_access; end +end +module ActiveSupport + def parse_json_times; end + def parse_json_times=(obj); end + def self.eager_load!; end + def self.escape_html_entities_in_json(*args, &block); end + def self.escape_html_entities_in_json=(arg); end + def self.gem_version; end + def self.json_encoder(*args, &block); end + def self.json_encoder=(arg); end + def self.parse_json_times; end + def self.parse_json_times=(obj); end + def self.test_order; end + def self.test_order=(obj); end + def self.time_precision(*args, &block); end + def self.time_precision=(arg); end + def self.to_time_preserves_timezone; end + def self.to_time_preserves_timezone=(value); end + def self.use_standard_json_time_format(*args, &block); end + def self.use_standard_json_time_format=(arg); end + def self.version; end + def test_order; end + def test_order=(obj); end + extend ActiveSupport::Autoload + extend ActiveSupport::LazyLoadHooks +end +module ActiveSupport::LazyLoadHooks + def execute_hook(name, base, options, block); end + def on_load(name, options = nil, &block); end + def run_load_hooks(name, base = nil); end + def self.extended(base); end + def with_execution_control(name, block, once); end +end +module Kernel + def class_eval(*args, &block); end + def concern(topic, &module_definition); end + def enable_warnings; end + def self.concern(topic, &module_definition); end + def self.enable_warnings; end + def self.silence_warnings; end + def self.suppress(*exception_classes); end + def self.with_warnings(flag); end + def silence_warnings; end + def suppress(*exception_classes); end + def with_warnings(flag); end +end +class Module + def alias_attribute(new_name, old_name); end + def anonymous?; end + def attr_internal(*attrs); end + def attr_internal_accessor(*attrs); end + def attr_internal_define(attr_name, type); end + def attr_internal_ivar_name(attr); end + def attr_internal_reader(*attrs); end + def attr_internal_writer(*attrs); end + def cattr_accessor(*syms, instance_reader: nil, instance_writer: nil, instance_accessor: nil, default: nil, &blk); end + def cattr_reader(*syms, instance_reader: nil, instance_accessor: nil, default: nil); end + def cattr_writer(*syms, instance_writer: nil, instance_accessor: nil, default: nil); end + def delegate(*methods, to: nil, prefix: nil, allow_nil: nil); end + def delegate_missing_to(target); end + def deprecate(*method_names); end + def mattr_accessor(*syms, instance_reader: nil, instance_writer: nil, instance_accessor: nil, default: nil, &blk); end + def mattr_reader(*syms, instance_reader: nil, instance_accessor: nil, default: nil); end + def mattr_writer(*syms, instance_writer: nil, instance_accessor: nil, default: nil); end + def method_visibility(method); end + def parent; end + def parent_name; end + def parents; end + def reachable?(*args, &block); end + def reachable_with_deprecation?(*args, &block); end + def reachable_without_deprecation?; end + def redefine_method(method, &block); end + def redefine_singleton_method(method, &block); end + def remove_possible_method(method); end + def remove_possible_singleton_method(method); end + def self.attr_internal_naming_format; end + def self.attr_internal_naming_format=(arg0); end + def silence_redefinition_of_method(method); end + def thread_cattr_accessor(*syms); end + def thread_cattr_reader(*syms); end + def thread_cattr_writer(*syms); end + def thread_mattr_accessor(*syms); end + def thread_mattr_reader(*syms); end + def thread_mattr_writer(*syms); end + include ActiveSupport::Dependencies::ModuleConstMissing + include Module::Concerning +end +class Module::DelegationError < NoMethodError +end +class ActiveSupport::Deprecation + def self.allocate; end + def self.behavior(*args, &block); end + def self.behavior=(arg); end + def self.debug(*args, &block); end + def self.debug=(arg); end + def self.deprecate_methods(*args, &block); end + def self.deprecation_horizon(*args, &block); end + def self.deprecation_horizon=(arg); end + def self.deprecation_warning(deprecated_method_name, message = nil, caller_backtrace = nil); end + def self.gem_name(*args, &block); end + def self.gem_name=(arg); end + def self.initialize(*args, &block); end + def self.instance; end + def*arg0); end + def self.silence(*args, &block); end + def self.silenced(*args, &block); end + def self.silenced=(arg); end + def self.warn(message = nil, callstack = nil); end + extend ActiveSupport::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator::ClassMethods + extend Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + include ActiveSupport::Deprecation::Behavior + include ActiveSupport::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator + include ActiveSupport::Deprecation::MethodWrapper + include ActiveSupport::Deprecation::Reporting + include Singleton +end +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator + def self.included(base); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator::ClassMethods + def include(included_module); end + def method_added(method_name); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator::OverrideDelegators + def deprecation_warning(deprecated_method_name, message = nil, caller_backtrace = nil); end + def warn(message = nil, callstack = nil); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Notifications + def self.instrument(name, payload = nil); end + def self.instrumenter; end + def self.notifier; end + def self.notifier=(arg0); end + def self.publish(name, *args); end + def self.subscribe(*args, &block); end + def self.subscribed(callback, *args, &block); end + def self.unsubscribe(subscriber_or_name); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Notifications::Instrumenter + def finish(name, payload); end + def finish_with_state(listeners_state, name, payload); end + def id; end + def initialize(notifier); end + def instrument(name, payload = nil); end + def start(name, payload); end + def unique_id; end +end +class ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event + def <<(event); end + def children; end + def duration; end + def end; end + def end=(arg0); end + def initialize(name, start, ending, transaction_id, payload); end + def name; end + def parent_of?(event); end + def payload; end + def time; end + def transaction_id; end +end +class ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout + def finish(name, id, payload, listeners = nil); end + def initialize; end + def listeners_for(name); end + def listening?(name); end + def lock; end + def locked?; end + def publish(name, *args); end + def start(name, id, payload); end + def subscribe(pattern = nil, block = nil); end + def synchronize(&block); end + def try_lock; end + def unlock; end + def unsubscribe(subscriber_or_name); end + def wait; end + include Mutex_m +end +module ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout::Subscribers + def, listener); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout::Subscribers::Evented + def finish(name, id, payload); end + def initialize(pattern, delegate); end + def matches?(name); end + def publish(name, *args); end + def start(name, id, payload); end + def subscribed_to?(name); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout::Subscribers::Timed < ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout::Subscribers::Evented + def finish(name, id, payload); end + def publish(name, *args); end + def start(name, id, payload); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout::Subscribers::AllMessages + def finish(name, id, payload); end + def initialize(delegate); end + def matches?(arg0); end + def publish(name, *args); end + def start(name, id, payload); end + def subscribed_to?(name); end +end +module ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry + def instance; end + def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end + def self.extended(object); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Notifications::InstrumentationRegistry + def initialize; end + def instrumenter_for(notifier); end + extend ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry +end +class ActiveSupport::DeprecationException < StandardError +end +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::Behavior + def arity_coerce(behavior); end + def behavior; end + def behavior=(behavior); end + def debug; end + def debug=(arg0); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::Reporting + def _extract_callstack(callstack); end + def deprecated_method_warning(method_name, message = nil); end + def deprecation_caller_message(callstack); end + def deprecation_message(callstack, message = nil); end + def deprecation_warning(deprecated_method_name, message = nil, caller_backtrace = nil); end + def extract_callstack(callstack); end + def gem_name; end + def gem_name=(arg0); end + def ignored_callstack(path); end + def silence; end + def silenced; end + def silenced=(arg0); end + def warn(message = nil, callstack = nil); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedConstantAccessor + def self.included(base); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::MethodWrapper + def deprecate_methods(target_module, *method_names); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecationProxy + def inspect; end + def method_missing(called, *args, &block); end + def*args, &block); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedObjectProxy < ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecationProxy + def initialize(object, message, deprecator = nil); end + def target; end + def warn(callstack, called, args); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedInstanceVariableProxy < ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecationProxy + def initialize(instance, method, var = nil, deprecator = nil); end + def target; end + def warn(callstack, called, args); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedConstantProxy < ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecationProxy + def class; end + def initialize(old_const, new_const, deprecator = nil, message: nil); end + def target; end + def warn(callstack, called, args); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Inflector + def apply_inflections(word, rules, locale = nil); end + def camelize(term, uppercase_first_letter = nil); end + def classify(table_name); end + def const_regexp(camel_cased_word); end + def constantize(camel_cased_word); end + def dasherize(underscored_word); end + def deconstantize(path); end + def demodulize(path); end + def foreign_key(class_name, separate_class_name_and_id_with_underscore = nil); end + def humanize(lower_case_and_underscored_word, capitalize: nil, keep_id_suffix: nil); end + def inflections(locale = nil); end + def ordinal(number); end + def ordinalize(number); end + def parameterize(string, separator: nil, preserve_case: nil); end + def pluralize(word, locale = nil); end + def safe_constantize(camel_cased_word); end + def singularize(word, locale = nil); end + def tableize(class_name); end + def titleize(word, keep_id_suffix: nil); end + def transliterate(string, replacement = nil); end + def underscore(camel_cased_word); end + def upcase_first(string); end + extend ActiveSupport::Inflector + extend ActiveSupport::Inflector +end +class ActiveSupport::Inflector::Inflections + def acronym(word); end + def acronym_regex(*args, &block); end + def acronym_regex_with_deprecation(*args, &block); end + def acronym_regex_without_deprecation; end + def acronyms; end + def acronyms_camelize_regex; end + def acronyms_underscore_regex; end + def clear(scope = nil); end + def define_acronym_regex_patterns; end + def human(rule, replacement); end + def humans; end + def initialize; end + def initialize_dup(orig); end + def irregular(singular, plural); end + def plural(rule, replacement); end + def plurals; end + def self.instance(locale = nil); end + def singular(rule, replacement); end + def singulars; end + def uncountable(*words); end + def uncountables; end +end +class ActiveSupport::Inflector::Inflections::Uncountables < Array + def <<(*word); end + def add(words); end + def delete(entry); end + def initialize; end + def to_regex(string); end + def uncountable?(str); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Autoload + def autoload(const_name, path = nil); end + def autoload_at(path); end + def autoload_under(path); end + def autoloads; end + def eager_autoload; end + def eager_load!; end + def self.extended(base); end +end +module ActiveSupport::VERSION +end +module ActiveSupport::Concern + def append_features(base); end + def class_methods(&class_methods_module_definition); end + def included(base = nil, &block); end + def self.extended(base); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Concern::MultipleIncludedBlocks < StandardError + def initialize; end +end +module LoggerSilence + def silence(temporary_level = nil); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActiveSupport::LoggerThreadSafeLevel + def after_initialize; end + def level; end + def local_level; end + def local_level=(level); end + def local_log_id; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +class ActiveSupport::Logger < Logger + def add(severity, message = nil, progname = nil, &block); end + def debug?; end + def error?; end + def fatal?; end + def info?; end + def initialize(*args); end + def self.broadcast(logger); end + def self.logger_outputs_to?(logger, *sources); end + def self.silencer; end + def self.silencer=(obj); end + def silencer; end + def silencer=(obj); end + def unknown?; end + def warn?; end + include ActiveSupport::LoggerThreadSafeLevel + include LoggerSilence +end +class ActiveSupport::Logger::SimpleFormatter < Logger::Formatter + def call(severity, timestamp, progname, msg); end +end +module DateAndTime +end +module DateAndTime::Compatibility + def preserve_timezone; end + def self.preserve_timezone; end + def self.preserve_timezone=(obj); end +end +class Object < BasicObject + def `(command); end + def acts_like?(duck); end + def as_json(options = nil); end + def blank?; end + def deep_dup; end + def duplicable?; end + def html_safe?; end + def in?(another_object); end + def instance_values; end + def instance_variable_names; end + def presence; end + def presence_in(another_object); end + def present?; end + def to_param; end + def to_query(key); end + def with_options(options, &block); end + include ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadable + include ActiveSupport::Tryable +end +class NilClass + def as_json(options = nil); end + def blank?; end + def to_param; end + def try!(*args); end + def try(*args); end +end +class FalseClass + def as_json(options = nil); end + def blank?; end + def to_param; end +end +class TrueClass + def as_json(options = nil); end + def blank?; end + def to_param; end +end +class String + def acts_like_string?; end + def as_json(options = nil); end + def at(position); end + def blank?; end + def camelcase(first_letter = nil); end + def camelize(first_letter = nil); end + def classify; end + def constantize; end + def dasherize; end + def deconstantize; end + def demodulize; end + def ends_with?(*arg0); end + def exclude?(string); end + def first(limit = nil); end + def foreign_key(separate_class_name_and_id_with_underscore = nil); end + def from(position); end + def html_safe; end + def humanize(capitalize: nil, keep_id_suffix: nil); end + def in_time_zone(zone = nil); end + def indent!(amount, indent_string = nil, indent_empty_lines = nil); end + def indent(amount, indent_string = nil, indent_empty_lines = nil); end + def inquiry; end + def is_utf8?; end + def last(limit = nil); end + def mb_chars; end + def parameterize(separator: nil, preserve_case: nil); end + def pluralize(count = nil, locale = nil); end + def remove!(*patterns); end + def remove(*patterns); end + def safe_constantize; end + def singularize(locale = nil); end + def squish!; end + def squish; end + def starts_with?(*arg0); end + def strip_heredoc; end + def tableize; end + def titlecase(keep_id_suffix: nil); end + def titleize(keep_id_suffix: nil); end + def to(position); end + def to_date; end + def to_datetime; end + def to_time(form = nil); end + def truncate(truncate_at, options = nil); end + def truncate_words(words_count, options = nil); end + def underscore; end + def upcase_first; end +end +class Numeric + def as_json(options = nil); end + def blank?; end + def byte; end + def bytes; end + def day; end + def days; end + def exabyte; end + def exabytes; end + def fortnight; end + def fortnights; end + def gigabyte; end + def gigabytes; end + def hour; end + def hours; end + def html_safe?; end + def in_milliseconds; end + def kilobyte; end + def kilobytes; end + def megabyte; end + def megabytes; end + def minute; end + def minutes; end + def petabyte; end + def petabytes; end + def second; end + def seconds; end + def terabyte; end + def terabytes; end + def week; end + def weeks; end +end +class Time + def acts_like_time?; end + def advance(options); end + def ago(seconds); end + def as_json(options = nil); end + def at_beginning_of_day; end + def at_beginning_of_hour; end + def at_beginning_of_minute; end + def at_end_of_day; end + def at_end_of_hour; end + def at_end_of_minute; end + def at_midday; end + def at_middle_of_day; end + def at_midnight; end + def at_noon; end + def beginning_of_day; end + def beginning_of_hour; end + def beginning_of_minute; end + def blank?; end + def change(options); end + def compare_with_coercion(other); end + def compare_without_coercion(arg0); end + def end_of_day; end + def end_of_hour; end + def end_of_minute; end + def eql_with_coercion(other); end + def eql_without_coercion(arg0); end + def formatted_offset(colon = nil, alternate_utc_string = nil); end + def in(seconds); end + def midday; end + def middle_of_day; end + def midnight; end + def minus_with_coercion(other); end + def minus_with_duration(other); end + def minus_without_coercion(other); end + def minus_without_duration(arg0); end + def noon; end + def plus_with_duration(other); end + def plus_without_duration(arg0); end + def rfc3339(fraction_digits = nil); end + def sec_fraction; end + def seconds_since_midnight; end + def seconds_until_end_of_day; end + def self.===(other); end + def self.at_with_coercion(*args); end + def self.at_without_coercion(*arg0); end + def self.current; end + def self.days_in_month(month, year = nil); end + def self.days_in_year(year = nil); end + def self.find_zone!(time_zone); end + def self.find_zone(time_zone); end + def self.rfc3339(str); end + def self.use_zone(time_zone); end + def; end + def; end + def self.zone_default; end + def self.zone_default=(arg0); end + def since(seconds); end + def to_default_s; end + def to_formatted_s(format = nil); end + include DateAndTime::Calculations + include DateAndTime::Compatibility + include DateAndTime::Zones +end +class ActiveSupport::KeyGenerator + def generate_key(salt, key_size = nil); end + def initialize(secret, options = nil); end +end +class ActiveSupport::CachingKeyGenerator + def generate_key(*args); end + def initialize(key_generator); end +end +class ActiveSupport::LegacyKeyGenerator + def ensure_secret_secure(secret); end + def generate_key(salt); end + def initialize(secret); end +end +module ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils + def fixed_length_secure_compare(a, b); end + def secure_compare(a, b); end + def self.fixed_length_secure_compare(a, b); end + def self.secure_compare(a, b); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Messages +end +class ActiveSupport::Messages::Metadata + def as_json(options = nil); end + def fresh?; end + def initialize(message, expires_at = nil, purpose = nil); end + def match?(purpose); end + def self.decode(message); end + def self.encode(message); end + def self.extract_metadata(message); end + def self.pick_expiry(expires_at, expires_in); end + def self.verify(message, purpose); end + def self.wrap(message, expires_at: nil, expires_in: nil, purpose: nil); end + def verify(purpose); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Messages::Rotator + def initialize(*arg0, **options); end + def rotate(*secrets, **options); end + def run_rotations(on_rotation); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Messages::Rotator::Encryptor + def build_rotation(secret = nil, sign_secret = nil, options); end + def decrypt_and_verify(*args, on_rotation: nil, **options); end + include ActiveSupport::Messages::Rotator +end +module ActiveSupport::Messages::Rotator::Verifier + def build_rotation(secret = nil, options); end + def verified(*args, on_rotation: nil, **options); end + include ActiveSupport::Messages::Rotator +end +class ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier + def decode(data); end + def encode(data); end + def generate(value, expires_at: nil, expires_in: nil, purpose: nil); end + def generate_digest(data); end + def initialize(*arg0, **options); end + def valid_message?(signed_message); end + def verified(*args, on_rotation: nil, **options); end + def verify(*args); end +end +class ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier::InvalidSignature < StandardError +end +class ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor + def _decrypt(encrypted_message, purpose); end + def _encrypt(value, **metadata_options); end + def aead_mode?; end + def decrypt_and_verify(*args, on_rotation: nil, **options); end + def encrypt_and_sign(value, expires_at: nil, expires_in: nil, purpose: nil); end + def initialize(*arg0, **options); end + def new_cipher; end + def resolve_verifier; end + def self.default_cipher; end + def self.key_len(cipher = nil); end + def self.use_authenticated_message_encryption; end + def self.use_authenticated_message_encryption=(obj); end + def verifier; end +end +module ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor::NullSerializer + def self.dump(value); end + def self.load(value); end +end +module ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor::NullVerifier + def self.generate(value); end + def self.verify(value); end +end +class ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor::InvalidMessage < StandardError +end +class ActiveSupport::EncryptedFile + def change(&block); end + def content_path; end + def decrypt(contents); end + def encrypt(contents); end + def encryptor; end + def env_key; end + def handle_missing_key; end + def initialize(content_path:, key_path:, env_key:, raise_if_missing_key:); end + def key; end + def key_path; end + def raise_if_missing_key; end + def read; end + def read_env_key; end + def read_key_file; end + def self.generate_key; end + def write(contents); end + def writing(contents); end +end +class ActiveSupport::EncryptedFile::MissingContentError < RuntimeError + def initialize(content_path); end +end +class ActiveSupport::EncryptedFile::MissingKeyError < RuntimeError + def initialize(key_path:, env_key:); end +end +class ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions < Hash + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def _get(arg0); end + def method_missing(name, *args); end + def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private); end +end +class ActiveSupport::InheritableOptions < ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions + def inheritable_copy; end + def initialize(parent = nil); end +end +class ActiveSupport::EncryptedConfiguration < ActiveSupport::EncryptedFile + def [](*args, &block); end + def config; end + def deserialize(config); end + def fetch(*args, &block); end + def initialize(config_path:, key_path:, env_key:, raise_if_missing_key:); end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + def options; end + def read; end + def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = nil); end + def serialize(config); end + def write(contents); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Multibyte + def self.proxy_class; end + def self.proxy_class=(klass); end +end +class DateTime < Date + def <=>(other); end + def acts_like_date?; end + def acts_like_time?; end + def advance(options); end + def ago(seconds); end + def as_json(options = nil); end + def at_beginning_of_day; end + def at_beginning_of_hour; end + def at_beginning_of_minute; end + def at_end_of_day; end + def at_end_of_hour; end + def at_end_of_minute; end + def at_midday; end + def at_middle_of_day; end + def at_midnight; end + def at_noon; end + def beginning_of_day; end + def beginning_of_hour; end + def beginning_of_minute; end + def blank?; end + def change(options); end + def default_inspect; end + def end_of_day; end + def end_of_hour; end + def end_of_minute; end + def formatted_offset(colon = nil, alternate_utc_string = nil); end + def getgm; end + def getlocal(utc_offset = nil); end + def getutc; end + def gmtime; end + def in(seconds); end + def inspect; end + def localtime(utc_offset = nil); end + def midday; end + def middle_of_day; end + def midnight; end + def noon; end + def nsec; end + def offset_in_seconds; end + def readable_inspect; end + def seconds_since_midnight; end + def seconds_since_unix_epoch; end + def seconds_until_end_of_day; end + def self.civil_from_format(utc_or_local, year, month = nil, day = nil, hour = nil, min = nil, sec = nil); end + def self.current; end + def since(seconds); end + def subsec; end + def to_default_s; end + def to_f; end + def to_formatted_s(format = nil); end + def to_i; end + def usec; end + def utc; end + def utc?; end + def utc_offset; end + include DateAndTime::Compatibility +end +module ActiveSupport::XmlMini_REXML + def collapse(element, depth); end + def empty_content?(element); end + def get_attributes(element); end + def merge!(hash, key, value); end + def merge_element!(hash, element, depth); end + def merge_texts!(hash, element); end + def parse(data); end + extend ActiveSupport::XmlMini_REXML +end +module ActiveSupport::XmlMini + def _dasherize(key); end + def _parse_binary(bin, entity); end + def _parse_file(file, entity); end + def backend; end + def backend=(name); end + def cast_backend_name_to_module(name); end + def current_thread_backend; end + def current_thread_backend=(name); end + def depth; end + def depth=(arg0); end + def parse(*args, &block); end + def rename_key(key, options = nil); end + def to_tag(key, value, options); end + def with_backend(name); end + extend ActiveSupport::XmlMini +end +module ActiveSupport::XmlMini::FileLike + def content_type; end + def content_type=(arg0); end + def original_filename; end + def original_filename=(arg0); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Duration + def %(other); end + def *(other); end + def +(other); end + def -(other); end + def -@; end + def /(other); end + def <=>(other); end + def ==(other); end + def after(time = nil); end + def ago(time = nil); end + def as_json(options = nil); end + def before(time = nil); end + def coerce(other); end + def encode_with(coder); end + def eql?(other); end + def from_now(time = nil); end + def hash; end + def init_with(coder); end + def initialize(value, parts); end + def inspect; end + def instance_of?(klass); end + def is_a?(klass); end + def iso8601(precision: nil); end + def kind_of?(klass); end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + def parts; end + def parts=(arg0); end + def raise_type_error(other); end + def respond_to_missing?(method, _); end + def self.===(other); end + def; end + def self.calculate_total_seconds(parts); end + def self.days(value); end + def self.hours(value); end + def self.minutes(value); end + def self.months(value); end + def self.parse(iso8601duration); end + def self.seconds(value); end + def self.weeks(value); end + def self.years(value); end + def since(time = nil); end + def sum(sign, time = nil); end + def to_i; end + def to_s; end + def until(time = nil); end + def value; end + def value=(arg0); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Duration::Scalar < Numeric + def %(other); end + def *(other); end + def +(other); end + def -(other); end + def -@; end + def /(other); end + def <=>(other); end + def calculate(op, other); end + def coerce(other); end + def initialize(value); end + def raise_type_error(other); end + def to_f(*args, &block); end + def to_i(*args, &block); end + def to_s(*args, &block); end + def value; end +end +class ActiveSupport::TimeZone + def <=>(zone); end + def =~(re); end + def at(secs); end + def encode_with(coder); end + def formatted_offset(colon = nil, alternate_utc_string = nil); end + def init_with(coder); end + def initialize(name, utc_offset = nil, tzinfo = nil); end + def iso8601(str); end + def local(*args); end + def local_to_utc(time, dst = nil); end + def name; end + def now; end + def parse(str, now = nil); end + def parts_to_time(parts, now); end + def period_for_local(time, dst = nil); end + def period_for_utc(time); end + def periods_for_local(time); end + def rfc3339(str); end + def self.[](arg); end + def self.all; end + def self.clear; end + def self.country_zones(country_code); end + def self.create(*arg0); end + def self.find_tzinfo(name); end + def self.load_country_zones(code); end + def; end + def self.seconds_to_utc_offset(seconds, colon = nil); end + def self.us_zones; end + def self.zones_map; end + def strptime(str, format, now = nil); end + def time_now; end + def to_s; end + def today; end + def tomorrow; end + def tzinfo; end + def utc_offset; end + def utc_to_local(time); end + def yesterday; end + include Comparable +end +class ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone + def +(other); end + def -(other); end + def <=>(other); end + def acts_like_time?; end + def advance(options); end + def ago(other); end + def as_json(options = nil); end + def between?(min, max); end + def blank?; end + def change(options); end + def comparable_time; end + def day; end + def dst?; end + def duration_of_variable_length?(obj); end + def encode_with(coder); end + def eql?(other); end + def formatted_offset(colon = nil, alternate_utc_string = nil); end + def freeze; end + def future?; end + def get_period_and_ensure_valid_local_time(period); end + def getgm; end + def getlocal(utc_offset = nil); end + def getutc; end + def gmt?; end + def gmt_offset; end + def gmtime; end + def gmtoff; end + def hash; end + def hour; end + def httpdate; end + def in(other); end + def in_time_zone(new_zone = nil); end + def init_with(coder); end + def initialize(utc_time, time_zone, local_time = nil, period = nil); end + def inspect; end + def is_a?(klass); end + def isdst; end + def iso8601(fraction_digits = nil); end + def kind_of?(klass); end + def localtime(utc_offset = nil); end + def marshal_dump; end + def marshal_load(variables); end + def mday; end + def method_missing(sym, *args, &block); end + def min; end + def mon; end + def month; end + def nsec; end + def past?; end + def period; end + def respond_to?(sym, include_priv = nil); end + def respond_to_missing?(sym, include_priv); end + def rfc2822; end + def rfc3339(fraction_digits = nil); end + def rfc822; end + def sec; end + def; end + def since(other); end + def strftime(format); end + def time; end + def time_zone; end + def to_a; end + def to_date; end + def to_datetime; end + def to_f; end + def to_formatted_s(format = nil); end + def to_i; end + def to_r; end + def to_s(format = nil); end + def to_time; end + def today?; end + def transfer_time_values_to_utc_constructor(time); end + def tv_sec; end + def usec; end + def utc; end + def utc?; end + def utc_offset; end + def wday; end + def wrap_with_time_zone(time); end + def xmlschema(fraction_digits = nil); end + def yday; end + def year; end + def zone; end + include Comparable +end +module DateAndTime::Zones + def in_time_zone(zone = nil); end + def time_with_zone(time, zone); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Tryable + def try!(*a, &b); end + def try(*a, &b); end +end +class Delegator < BasicObject + include ActiveSupport::Tryable +end +module DateAndTime::Calculations + def all_day; end + def all_month; end + def all_quarter; end + def all_week(start_day = nil); end + def all_year; end + def at_beginning_of_month; end + def at_beginning_of_quarter; end + def at_beginning_of_week(start_day = nil); end + def at_beginning_of_year; end + def at_end_of_month; end + def at_end_of_quarter; end + def at_end_of_week(start_day = nil); end + def at_end_of_year; end + def beginning_of_month; end + def beginning_of_quarter; end + def beginning_of_week(start_day = nil); end + def beginning_of_year; end + def copy_time_to(other); end + def days_ago(days); end + def days_since(days); end + def days_span(day); end + def days_to_week_start(start_day = nil); end + def end_of_month; end + def end_of_quarter; end + def end_of_week(start_day = nil); end + def end_of_year; end + def first_hour(date_or_time); end + def future?; end + def last_hour(date_or_time); end + def last_month; end + def last_quarter; end + def last_week(start_day = nil, same_time: nil); end + def last_weekday; end + def last_year; end + def monday; end + def months_ago(months); end + def months_since(months); end + def next_day(days = nil); end + def next_month(months = nil); end + def next_occurring(day_of_week); end + def next_quarter; end + def next_week(given_day_in_next_week = nil, same_time: nil); end + def next_weekday; end + def next_year(years = nil); end + def on_weekday?; end + def on_weekend?; end + def past?; end + def prev_day(days = nil); end + def prev_month(months = nil); end + def prev_occurring(day_of_week); end + def prev_quarter; end + def prev_week(start_day = nil, same_time: nil); end + def prev_weekday; end + def prev_year(years = nil); end + def sunday; end + def today?; end + def tomorrow; end + def weeks_ago(weeks); end + def weeks_since(weeks); end + def years_ago(years); end + def years_since(years); end + def yesterday; end +end +class Date + def acts_like_date?; end + def advance(options); end + def ago(seconds); end + def as_json(options = nil); end + def at_beginning_of_day; end + def at_end_of_day; end + def at_midday; end + def at_middle_of_day; end + def at_midnight; end + def at_noon; end + def beginning_of_day; end + def blank?; end + def change(options); end + def compare_with_coercion(other); end + def compare_without_coercion(arg0); end + def default_inspect; end + def end_of_day; end + def in(seconds); end + def midday; end + def middle_of_day; end + def midnight; end + def minus_with_duration(other); end + def minus_without_duration(arg0); end + def noon; end + def plus_with_duration(other); end + def plus_without_duration(arg0); end + def readable_inspect; end + def self.beginning_of_week; end + def self.beginning_of_week=(week_start); end + def self.beginning_of_week_default; end + def self.beginning_of_week_default=(arg0); end + def self.current; end + def self.find_beginning_of_week!(week_start); end + def self.tomorrow; end + def self.yesterday; end + def since(seconds); end + def to_default_s; end + def to_formatted_s(format = nil); end + include DateAndTime::Calculations + include DateAndTime::Zones +end +class ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker + def compile_ext(array); end + def compile_glob(hash); end + def escape(key); end + def execute; end + def execute_if_updated; end + def initialize(files, dirs = nil, &block); end + def max_mtime(paths); end + def updated?; end + def updated_at(paths); end + def watched; end +end +class Symbol + def as_json(options = nil); end +end +class BigDecimal < Numeric + def as_json(options = nil); end + def duplicable?; end +end +class Method + def duplicable?; end +end +class Complex < Numeric +end +class Rational < Numeric +end +class Integer < Numeric + def month; end + def months; end + def multiple_of?(number); end + def ordinal; end + def ordinalize; end + def year; end + def years; end +end +class ActiveSupport::XMLConverter + def become_array?(value); end + def become_content?(value); end + def become_empty_string?(value); end + def become_hash?(value); end + def deep_to_h(value); end + def garbage?(value); end + def initialize(xml, disallowed_types = nil); end + def normalize_keys(params); end + def nothing?(value); end + def process_array(value); end + def process_content(value); end + def process_hash(value); end + def to_h; end +end +class ActiveSupport::XMLConverter::DisallowedType < StandardError + def initialize(type); end +end +module ActiveSupport::BigDecimalWithDefaultFormat + def to_s(format = nil); end +end +module ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def to_json(options = nil); end +end +class Struct + def as_json(options = nil); end +end +class Float < Numeric + def as_json(options = nil); end +end +module Enumerable + def _original_sum_with_required_identity(*arg0); end + def as_json(options = nil); end + def exclude?(object); end + def index_by; end + def many?; end + def pluck(*keys); end + def without(*elements); end +end +class IO + def as_json(options = nil); end +end +class Range + def as_json(options = nil); end + def overlaps?(other); end + def sum(identity = nil); end +end +class URI::Generic + def as_json(options = nil); end +end +class Pathname + def as_json(options = nil); end +end +class Process::Status + def as_json(options = nil); end +end +class Exception + def as_json(options = nil); end + include ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Blamable +end +class ActiveSupport::OptionMerger + def initialize(context, options); end + def method_missing(method, *arguments, &block); end +end +module I18n +end +class I18n::Railtie < Rails::Railtie + def self.include_fallbacks_module; end + def self.init_fallbacks(fallbacks); end + def self.initialize_i18n(app); end + def self.validate_fallbacks(fallbacks); end + def self.watched_dirs_with_extensions(paths); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Railtie < Rails::Railtie +end +class Class < Module + def class_attribute(*attrs); end + def descendants; end + def subclasses; end +end +class ActiveSupport::Messages::RotationConfiguration + def encrypted; end + def initialize; end + def rotate(kind, *args); end + def signed; end +end +module ActiveSupport::JSON + def self.convert_dates_from(data); end + def self.decode(json); end + def self.encode(value, options = nil); end + def self.parse_error; end +end +module ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding + def self.escape_html_entities_in_json; end + def self.escape_html_entities_in_json=(arg0); end + def self.json_encoder; end + def self.json_encoder=(arg0); end + def self.time_precision; end + def self.time_precision=(arg0); end + def self.use_standard_json_time_format; end + def self.use_standard_json_time_format=(arg0); end +end +class ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding::JSONGemEncoder + def encode(value); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def jsonify(value); end + def options; end + def stringify(jsonified); end +end +class ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding::JSONGemEncoder::EscapedString < String + def to_json(*arg0); end + def to_s; end +end +class ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess < Hash + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def assoc(key); end + def compact; end + def convert_key(key); end + def convert_value(value, options = nil); end + def deep_stringify_keys!; end + def deep_stringify_keys; end + def deep_symbolize_keys; end + def default(*args); end + def delete(key); end + def dig(*args); end + def dup; end + def extractable_options?; end + def fetch(key, *extras); end + def fetch_values(*indices, &block); end + def has_key?(key); end + def include?(key); end + def initialize(constructor = nil); end + def key?(key); end + def member?(key); end + def merge!(other_hash); end + def merge(hash, &block); end + def nested_under_indifferent_access; end + def regular_update(*arg0); end + def regular_writer(arg0, arg1); end + def reject(*args, &block); end + def replace(other_hash); end + def reverse_merge!(other_hash); end + def reverse_merge(other_hash); end + def select(*args, &block); end + def self.[](*args); end + def set_defaults(target); end + def slice!(*keys); end + def slice(*keys); end + def store(key, value); end + def stringify_keys!; end + def stringify_keys; end + def symbolize_keys; end + def to_hash; end + def to_options!; end + def to_options; end + def transform_keys!; end + def transform_keys(*args, &block); end + def transform_values(*args, &block); end + def update(other_hash); end + def values_at(*indices); end + def with_defaults!(other_hash); end + def with_defaults(other_hash); end + def with_indifferent_access; end +end +module ActiveSupport::Rescuable + def handler_for_rescue(exception); end + def rescue_with_handler(exception); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActiveSupport::Rescuable::ClassMethods + def constantize_rescue_handler_class(class_or_name); end + def find_rescue_handler(exception); end + def handler_for_rescue(exception, object: nil); end + def rescue_from(*klasses, with: nil, &block); end + def rescue_with_handler(exception, object: nil, visited_exceptions: nil); end +end +class LoadError < ScriptError + def is_missing?(location); end +end +class NameError < StandardError + def missing_name; end + def missing_name?(name); end +end +module URI + def self.parser; end +end +module ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode + def apply_mapping(string, mapping); end + def compose(codepoints); end + def database; end + def decompose(type, codepoints); end + def default_normalization_form; end + def default_normalization_form=(arg0); end + def downcase(string); end + def in_char_class?(codepoint, classes); end + def normalize(string, form = nil); end + def pack_graphemes(unpacked); end + def recode_windows1252_chars(string); end + def reorder_characters(codepoints); end + def swapcase(string); end + def tidy_bytes(string, force = nil); end + def unpack_graphemes(string); end + def upcase(string); end + extend ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode +end +class ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode::Codepoint + def code; end + def code=(arg0); end + def combining_class; end + def combining_class=(arg0); end + def decomp_mapping; end + def decomp_mapping=(arg0); end + def decomp_type; end + def decomp_type=(arg0); end + def initialize; end + def lowercase_mapping; end + def lowercase_mapping=(arg0); end + def swapcase_mapping; end + def uppercase_mapping; end + def uppercase_mapping=(arg0); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode::UnicodeDatabase + def boundary; end + def boundary=(arg0); end + def codepoints; end + def codepoints=(arg0); end + def composition_exclusion; end + def composition_exclusion=(arg0); end + def composition_map; end + def composition_map=(arg0); end + def cp1252; end + def cp1252=(arg0); end + def initialize; end + def load; end + def self.dirname; end + def self.filename; end +end +class ERB +end +module ERB::Util + def html_escape_once(s); end + def json_escape(s); end + def self.html_escape_once(s); end + def self.json_escape(s); end + def self.unwrapped_html_escape(s); end + def unwrapped_html_escape(s); end +end +class ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer < String + def %(args); end + def +(other); end + def <<(value); end + def [](*args); end + def capitalize!(*args); end + def capitalize(*args, &block); end + def chomp!(*args); end + def chomp(*args, &block); end + def chop!(*args); end + def chop(*args, &block); end + def clone_empty; end + def concat(value); end + def delete!(*args); end + def delete(*args, &block); end + def downcase!(*args); end + def downcase(*args, &block); end + def encode_with(coder); end + def gsub!(*args); end + def gsub(*args, &block); end + def html_escape_interpolated_argument(arg); end + def html_safe?; end + def initialize(str = nil); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def lstrip!(*args); end + def lstrip(*args, &block); end + def next!(*args); end + def next(*args, &block); end + def original_concat(*arg0); end + def prepend(value); end + def reverse!(*args); end + def reverse(*args, &block); end + def rstrip!(*args); end + def rstrip(*args, &block); end + def safe_concat(value); end + def slice!(*args); end + def slice(*args, &block); end + def squeeze!(*args); end + def squeeze(*args, &block); end + def strip!(*args); end + def strip(*args, &block); end + def sub!(*args); end + def sub(*args, &block); end + def succ!(*args); end + def succ(*args, &block); end + def swapcase!(*args); end + def swapcase(*args, &block); end + def to_param; end + def to_s; end + def tr!(*args); end + def tr(*args, &block); end + def tr_s!(*args); end + def tr_s(*args, &block); end + def upcase!(*args); end + def upcase(*args, &block); end +end +class ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer::SafeConcatError < StandardError + def initialize; end +end +module Benchmark + def; end +end +module ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable + def benchmark(message = nil, options = nil); end +end +module Module::Concerning + def concern(topic, &module_definition); end + def concerning(topic, &block); end +end +module ActiveSupport::NumberHelper + def number_to_currency(number, options = nil); end + def number_to_delimited(number, options = nil); end + def number_to_human(number, options = nil); end + def number_to_human_size(number, options = nil); end + def number_to_percentage(number, options = nil); end + def number_to_phone(number, options = nil); end + def number_to_rounded(number, options = nil); end + extend ActiveSupport::Autoload + extend ActiveSupport::NumberHelper +end +class ActiveSupport::StringInquirer < String + def method_missing(method_name, *arguments); end + def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = nil); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Subscriber + def self.add_event_subscriber(event); end + def self.attach_to(namespace, subscriber = nil, notifier = nil); end + def self.method_added(event); end + def self.namespace; end + def self.notifier; end + def self.subscriber; end + def self.subscribers; end +end +class ActiveSupport::SubscriberQueueRegistry + def get_queue(queue_key); end + def initialize; end + extend ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry +end +class ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber < ActiveSupport::Subscriber + def self.colorize_logging; end + def self.colorize_logging=(obj); end + def self.flush_all!; end + def self.log_subscribers; end + def self.logger; end + def self.logger=(arg0); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Concurrency +end +class ActiveSupport::Concurrency::ShareLock + def busy_for_exclusive?(purpose); end + def busy_for_sharing?(purpose); end + def eligible_waiters?(compatible); end + def exclusive(purpose: nil, compatible: nil, after_compatible: nil, no_wait: nil); end + def initialize; end + def raw_state; end + def sharing; end + def start_exclusive(purpose: nil, compatible: nil, no_wait: nil); end + def start_sharing; end + def stop_exclusive(compatible: nil); end + def stop_sharing; end + def wait_for(method); end + def yield_shares(purpose: nil, compatible: nil, block_share: nil); end + include MonitorMixin +end +module ActiveSupport::Dependencies + def autoload_module!(into, const_name, qualified_name, path_suffix); end + def autoload_once_paths; end + def autoload_once_paths=(obj); end + def autoload_paths; end + def autoload_paths=(obj); end + def autoloadable_module?(path_suffix); end + def autoloaded?(desc); end + def autoloaded_constants; end + def autoloaded_constants=(obj); end + def clear; end + def constant_watch_stack; end + def constant_watch_stack=(obj); end + def constantize(name); end + def depend_on(file_name, message = nil); end + def explicitly_unloadable_constants; end + def explicitly_unloadable_constants=(obj); end + def history; end + def history=(obj); end + def hook!; end + def interlock; end + def interlock=(obj); end + def load?; end + def load_file(path, const_paths = nil); end + def load_missing_constant(from_mod, const_name); end + def load_once_path?(path); end + def loadable_constants_for_path(path, bases = nil); end + def loaded; end + def loaded=(obj); end + def loading; end + def loading=(obj); end + def mark_for_unload(const_desc); end + def mechanism; end + def mechanism=(obj); end + def new_constants_in(*descs); end + def qualified_const_defined?(path); end + def qualified_name_for(mod, name); end + def reference(klass); end + def remove_constant(const); end + def remove_unloadable_constants!; end + def require_or_load(file_name, const_path = nil); end + def safe_constantize(name); end + def search_for_file(path_suffix); end + def self.autoload_once_paths; end + def self.autoload_once_paths=(obj); end + def self.autoload_paths; end + def self.autoload_paths=(obj); end + def self.autoloaded_constants; end + def self.autoloaded_constants=(obj); end + def self.constant_watch_stack; end + def self.constant_watch_stack=(obj); end + def self.explicitly_unloadable_constants; end + def self.explicitly_unloadable_constants=(obj); end + def self.history; end + def self.history=(obj); end + def self.interlock; end + def self.interlock=(obj); end + def self.load_interlock; end + def self.loaded; end + def self.loaded=(obj); end + def self.loading; end + def self.loading=(obj); end + def self.mechanism; end + def self.mechanism=(obj); end + def self.run_interlock; end + def self.unload_interlock; end + def self.warnings_on_first_load; end + def self.warnings_on_first_load=(obj); end + def to_constant_name(desc); end + def unhook!; end + def warnings_on_first_load; end + def warnings_on_first_load=(obj); end + def will_unload?(const_desc); end + extend ActiveSupport::Dependencies +end +class ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Interlock + def done_running; end + def done_unloading; end + def initialize; end + def loading; end + def permit_concurrent_loads; end + def raw_state(&block); end + def running; end + def start_running; end + def start_unloading; end + def unloading; end +end +class ActiveSupport::Dependencies::WatchStack + def each(&block); end + def initialize; end + def new_constants; end + def pop_modules(modules); end + def watch_namespaces(namespaces); end + def watching; end + def watching?; end + include Enumerable +end +module ActiveSupport::Dependencies::ModuleConstMissing + def const_missing(const_name); end + def guess_for_anonymous(const_name); end + def self.append_features(base); end + def self.exclude_from(base); end + def unloadable(const_desc = nil); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadable + def load(file, wrap = nil); end + def load_dependency(file); end + def require(file); end + def require_dependency(file_name, message = nil); end + def require_or_load(file_name); end + def self.exclude_from(base); end + def unloadable(const_desc); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Blamable + def blame_file!(file); end + def blamed_files; end + def copy_blame!(exc); end + def describe_blame; end +end +class ActiveSupport::Dependencies::ClassCache + def [](key); end + def clear!; end + def empty?; end + def get(key); end + def initialize; end + def key?(key); end + def safe_get(key); end + def store(klass); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Configurable + def config; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +class ActiveSupport::Configurable::Configuration < ActiveSupport::InheritableOptions + def compile_methods!; end + def self.compile_methods!(keys); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Configurable::ClassMethods + def config; end + def config_accessor(*names); end + def configure; end +end +module ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker + def descendants; end + def direct_descendants; end + def inherited(base); end + def self.accumulate_descendants(klass, acc); end + def self.clear; end + def self.descendants(klass); end + def self.direct_descendants(klass); end + def self.store_inherited(klass, descendant); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Callbacks + def halted_callback_hook(filter); end + def run_callbacks(kind); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActiveSupport::Callbacks::Conditionals +end +class ActiveSupport::Callbacks::Conditionals::Value + def call(target, value); end + def initialize(&block); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Callbacks::Filters +end +class ActiveSupport::Callbacks::Filters::Environment < Struct + def halted; end + def halted=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def target; end + def target=(_); end + def value; end + def value=(_); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Callbacks::Filters::Before + def, user_callback, user_conditions, chain_config, filter); end + def self.halting(callback_sequence, user_callback, halted_lambda, filter); end + def self.halting_and_conditional(callback_sequence, user_callback, user_conditions, halted_lambda, filter); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Callbacks::Filters::After + def, user_callback, user_conditions, chain_config); end + def self.conditional(callback_sequence, user_callback, user_conditions); end + def self.halting(callback_sequence, user_callback); end + def self.halting_and_conditional(callback_sequence, user_callback, user_conditions); end + def self.simple(callback_sequence, user_callback); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Callbacks::Callback + def apply(callback_sequence); end + def chain_config; end + def check_conditionals(conditionals); end + def compute_identifier(filter); end + def conditions_lambdas; end + def current_scopes; end + def duplicates?(other); end + def filter; end + def initialize(name, filter, kind, options, chain_config); end + def kind; end + def kind=(arg0); end + def matches?(_kind, _filter); end + def merge_conditional_options(chain, if_option:, unless_option:); end + def name; end + def name=(arg0); end + def raw_filter; end + def, filter, kind, options); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Callbacks::CallTemplate + def expand(target, value, block); end + def initialize(target, method, arguments, block); end + def inverted_lambda; end + def make_lambda; end + def, callback); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Callbacks::CallbackSequence + def after(&after); end + def around(call_template, user_conditions); end + def before(&before); end + def expand_call_template(arg, block); end + def final?; end + def initialize(nested = nil, call_template = nil, user_conditions = nil); end + def invoke_after(arg); end + def invoke_before(arg); end + def nested; end + def skip?(arg); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Callbacks::CallbackChain + def append(*callbacks); end + def append_one(callback); end + def chain; end + def clear; end + def compile; end + def config; end + def default_terminator; end + def delete(o); end + def each(&block); end + def empty?; end + def index(o); end + def initialize(name, config); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def insert(index, o); end + def name; end + def prepend(*callbacks); end + def prepend_one(callback); end + def remove_duplicates(callback); end + include Enumerable +end +module ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods + def __update_callbacks(name); end + def define_callbacks(*names); end + def get_callbacks(name); end + def normalize_callback_params(filters, block); end + def reset_callbacks(name); end + def set_callback(name, *filter_list, &block); end + def set_callbacks(name, callbacks); end + def skip_callback(name, *filter_list, &block); end +end +class ActiveSupport::ExecutionWrapper + def __callbacks; end + def __callbacks?; end + def _complete_callbacks; end + def _run_callbacks; end + def _run_complete_callbacks(&block); end + def _run_run_callbacks(&block); end + def complete!; end + def hook_state; end + def run!; end + def self.__callbacks; end + def self.__callbacks=(val); end + def self.__callbacks?; end + def self._complete_callbacks; end + def self._complete_callbacks=(value); end + def self._run_callbacks; end + def self._run_callbacks=(value); end + def; end + def; end + def; end + def self.inherited(other); end + def self.register_hook(hook, outer: nil); end + def!; end + def self.to_complete(*args, &block); end + def self.to_run(*args, &block); end + def self.wrap; end + extend ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods + extend ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker + include ActiveSupport::Callbacks +end +class ActiveSupport::ExecutionWrapper::RunHook < Struct + def before(target); end + def hook; end + def hook=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class ActiveSupport::ExecutionWrapper::CompleteHook < Struct + def after(target); end + def before(target); end + def hook; end + def hook=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Executor < ActiveSupport::ExecutionWrapper +end +class ActiveSupport::Reloader < ActiveSupport::ExecutionWrapper + def _class_unload_callbacks; end + def _prepare_callbacks; end + def _run_class_unload_callbacks(&block); end + def _run_prepare_callbacks(&block); end + def check; end + def check=(val); end + def check?; end + def class_unload!(&block); end + def complete!; end + def executor; end + def executor=(val); end + def executor?; end + def initialize; end + def release_unload_lock!; end + def require_unload_lock!; end + def run!; end + def self.__callbacks; end + def self._class_unload_callbacks; end + def self._class_unload_callbacks=(value); end + def self._prepare_callbacks; end + def self._prepare_callbacks=(value); end + def self.after_class_unload(*args, &block); end + def self.before_class_unload(*args, &block); end + def self.check!; end + def self.check; end + def self.check=(val); end + def self.check?; end + def self.executor; end + def self.executor=(val); end + def self.executor?; end + def self.prepare!; end + def self.reload!; end + def self.reloaded!; end + def!; end + def self.to_prepare(*args, &block); end + def self.wrap; end +end +class ActiveSupport::ArrayInquirer < Array + def any?(*candidates); end + def method_missing(name, *args); end + def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = nil); end +end +module ActiveSupport::NumericWithFormat + def to_s(format = nil, options = nil); end +end +class File < IO + def self.atomic_write(file_name, temp_dir = nil); end + def self.empty?(arg0); end +end +module ActiveSupport::RangeWithFormat + def to_default_s(format = nil); end + def to_formatted_s(format = nil); end + def to_s(format = nil); end +end +module ActiveSupport::CompareWithRange + def ===(value); end + def cover?(value); end + def include?(value); end +end +module ActiveSupport::IncludeTimeWithZone + def include?(value); end +end +module ActiveSupport::EachTimeWithZone + def each(&block); end + def ensure_iteration_allowed; end + def step(n = nil, &block); end +end +module ActiveSupport::MarshalWithAutoloading + def load(source, proc = nil); end +end +module SecureRandom + def self.base58(n = nil); end +end +module ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging + def clear_tags!(*args, &block); end + def flush; end + def pop_tags(*args, &block); end + def push_tags(*args, &block); end + def; end + def tagged(*tags); end +end +module ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging::Formatter + def call(severity, timestamp, progname, msg); end + def clear_tags!; end + def current_tags; end + def pop_tags(size = nil); end + def push_tags(*tags); end + def tagged(*tags); end + def tags_text; end +end +module ActiveSupport::Cache + def self.expand_cache_key(key, namespace = nil); end + def self.lookup_store(*store_option); end + def self.retrieve_cache_key(key); end + def self.retrieve_store_class(store); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy +end +class ActiveSupport::Cache::Store + def cleanup(options = nil); end + def clear(options = nil); end + def decrement(name, amount = nil, options = nil); end + def delete(name, options = nil); end + def delete_entry(key, options); end + def delete_matched(matcher, options = nil); end + def exist?(name, options = nil); end + def expanded_key(key); end + def expanded_version(key); end + def fetch(name, options = nil); end + def fetch_multi(*names); end + def get_entry_value(entry, name, options); end + def handle_expired_entry(entry, key, options); end + def increment(name, amount = nil, options = nil); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def instrument(operation, key, options = nil); end + def key_matcher(pattern, options); end + def log; end + def logger; end + def logger=(obj); end + def merged_options(call_options); end + def mute; end + def namespace_key(key, options = nil); end + def normalize_key(key, options = nil); end + def normalize_version(key, options = nil); end + def options; end + def read(name, options = nil); end + def read_entry(key, options); end + def read_multi(*names); end + def read_multi_entries(names, options); end + def save_block_result_to_cache(name, options); end + def self.ensure_connection_pool_added!; end + def self.logger; end + def self.logger=(obj); end + def self.retrieve_pool_options(options); end + def silence!; end + def silence; end + def silence?; end + def write(name, value, options = nil); end + def write_entry(key, entry, options); end + def write_multi(hash, options = nil); end + def write_multi_entries(hash, options); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry + def compress!(compress_threshold); end + def compressed?; end + def dup_value!; end + def expired?; end + def expires_at; end + def expires_at=(value); end + def initialize(value, compress: nil, compress_threshold: nil, version: nil, expires_in: nil, **arg5); end + def mismatched?(version); end + def size; end + def uncompress(value); end + def value; end + def version; end +end +module ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache + def bypass_local_cache; end + def cleanup(options = nil); end + def clear(options = nil); end + def decrement(name, amount = nil, options = nil); end + def delete_entry(key, options); end + def increment(name, amount = nil, options = nil); end + def local_cache; end + def local_cache_key; end + def middleware; end + def read_entry(key, options); end + def read_multi_entries(keys, options); end + def use_temporary_local_cache(temporary_cache); end + def with_local_cache; end + def write_cache_value(name, value, options); end + def write_entry(key, entry, options); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::LocalCacheRegistry + def cache_for(local_cache_key); end + def initialize; end + def self.cache_for(l); end + def self.set_cache_for(l, v); end + def set_cache_for(local_cache_key, value); end + extend ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry +end +class ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::LocalStore < ActiveSupport::Cache::Store + def clear(options = nil); end + def delete_entry(key, options); end + def fetch_entry(key, options = nil); end + def initialize; end + def read_entry(key, options); end + def read_multi_entries(keys, options); end + def synchronize; end + def write_entry(key, value, options); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore < ActiveSupport::Cache::Store + def cache_path; end + def cleanup(options = nil); end + def clear(options = nil); end + def decrement(name, amount = nil, options = nil); end + def delete_empty_directories(dir); end + def delete_entry(key, options); end + def delete_matched(matcher, options = nil); end + def ensure_cache_path(path); end + def exclude_from(source, excludes); end + def file_path_key(path); end + def increment(name, amount = nil, options = nil); end + def initialize(cache_path, options = nil); end + def lock_file(file_name, &block); end + def modify_value(name, amount, options); end + def normalize_key(key, options); end + def read_entry(key, options); end + def search_dir(dir, &callback); end + def write_entry(key, entry, options); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::Middleware + def call(env); end + def initialize(name, local_cache_key); end + def local_cache_key; end + def name; end + def new(app); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore < ActiveSupport::Cache::Store + def cached_size(key, entry); end + def cleanup(options = nil); end + def clear(options = nil); end + def decrement(name, amount = nil, options = nil); end + def delete_entry(key, options); end + def delete_matched(matcher, options = nil); end + def increment(name, amount = nil, options = nil); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def inspect; end + def modify_value(name, amount, options); end + def prune(target_size, max_time = nil); end + def pruning?; end + def read_entry(key, options); end + def synchronize(&block); end + def write_entry(key, entry, options); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Testing +end +module ActiveSupport::Testing::TaggedLogging + def before_setup; end + def tagged_logger; end + def tagged_logger=(arg0); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Testing::SetupAndTeardown + def after_teardown; end + def before_setup; end + def self.prepended(klass); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Testing::SetupAndTeardown::ClassMethods + def setup(*args, &block); end + def teardown(*args, &block); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Testing::Assertions + def assert_changes(expression, message = nil, from: nil, to: nil, &block); end + def assert_difference(expression, *args, &block); end + def assert_no_changes(expression, message = nil, &block); end + def assert_no_difference(expression, message = nil, &block); end + def assert_not(object, message = nil); end + def assert_nothing_raised; end +end +module ActiveSupport::Testing::Deprecation + def assert_deprecated(match = nil, deprecator = nil, &block); end + def assert_not_deprecated(deprecator = nil, &block); end + def collect_deprecations(deprecator = nil); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Testing::Declarative + def test(name, &block); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation + def run; end + def self.forking_env?; end + def self.included(klass); end + include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation::Forking +end +module ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation::Forking + def run_in_isolation(&blk); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation::Subprocess + def run_in_isolation(&blk); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantLookup + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantLookup::ClassMethods + def determine_constant_from_test_name(test_name); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Testing::SimpleStubs + def initialize; end + def stub_object(object, method_name, &block); end + def stubbing(object, method_name); end + def unstub_all!; end + def unstub_object(stub); end +end +class ActiveSupport::Testing::SimpleStubs::Stub < Struct + def method_name; end + def method_name=(_); end + def object; end + def object=(_); end + def original_method; end + def original_method=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers + def after_teardown; end + def freeze_time(&block); end + def simple_stubs; end + def travel(duration, &block); end + def travel_back; end + def travel_to(date_or_time); end +end +module ActiveSupport::Testing::FileFixtures + def file_fixture(fixture_name); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +class ActiveSupport::TestCase < Minitest::Test + def __callbacks; end + def __callbacks?; end + def _run_setup_callbacks(&block); end + def _run_teardown_callbacks(&block); end + def _setup_callbacks; end + def _teardown_callbacks; end + def assert_no_match(matcher, obj, msg = nil); end + def assert_not_empty(obj, msg = nil); end + def assert_not_equal(exp, act, msg = nil); end + def assert_not_in_delta(exp, act, delta = nil, msg = nil); end + def assert_not_in_epsilon(a, b, epsilon = nil, msg = nil); end + def assert_not_includes(collection, obj, msg = nil); end + def assert_not_instance_of(cls, obj, msg = nil); end + def assert_not_kind_of(cls, obj, msg = nil); end + def assert_not_nil(obj, msg = nil); end + def assert_not_operator(o1, op, o2 = nil, msg = nil); end + def assert_not_predicate(o1, op, msg = nil); end + def assert_not_respond_to(obj, meth, msg = nil); end + def assert_not_same(exp, act, msg = nil); end + def assert_raise(*exp); end + def file_fixture_path; end + def file_fixture_path?; end + def method_name; end + def self.__callbacks; end + def self.__callbacks=(val); end + def self.__callbacks?; end + def self._setup_callbacks; end + def self._setup_callbacks=(value); end + def self._teardown_callbacks; end + def self._teardown_callbacks=(value); end + def self.file_fixture_path; end + def self.file_fixture_path=(val); end + def self.file_fixture_path?; end + def self.test_order; end + def self.test_order=(new_order); end + extend ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods + extend ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker + extend ActiveSupport::Testing::Declarative + extend ActiveSupport::Testing::SetupAndTeardown::ClassMethods + include ActiveSupport::Callbacks + include ActiveSupport::Testing::Assertions + include ActiveSupport::Testing::Deprecation + include ActiveSupport::Testing::FileFixtures + include ActiveSupport::Testing::TaggedLogging + include ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/addressable.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/addressable.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..07f9d19cf --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/addressable.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# addressable-2.6.0 +module Addressable +end +module Addressable::VERSION +end +module Addressable::IDNA + def self.lookup_unicode_combining_class(codepoint); end + def self.lookup_unicode_compatibility(codepoint); end + def self.lookup_unicode_composition(unpacked); end + def self.lookup_unicode_lowercase(codepoint); end + def self.punycode_adapt(delta, numpoints, firsttime); end + def self.punycode_basic?(codepoint); end + def self.punycode_decode(punycode); end + def self.punycode_decode_digit(codepoint); end + def self.punycode_delimiter?(codepoint); end + def self.punycode_encode(unicode); end + def self.punycode_encode_digit(d); end + def self.to_ascii(input); end + def self.to_unicode(input); end + def self.unicode_compose(unpacked); end + def self.unicode_compose_pair(ch_one, ch_two); end + def self.unicode_decompose(unpacked); end + def self.unicode_decompose_hangul(codepoint); end + def self.unicode_downcase(input); end + def self.unicode_normalize_kc(input); end + def self.unicode_sort_canonical(unpacked); end +end +class Addressable::IDNA::PunycodeBadInput < StandardError +end +class Addressable::IDNA::PunycodeBigOutput < StandardError +end +class Addressable::IDNA::PunycodeOverflow < StandardError +end +class Addressable::URI + def +(uri); end + def ==(uri); end + def ===(uri); end + def absolute?; end + def authority; end + def authority=(new_authority); end + def basename; end + def default_port; end + def defer_validation(&block); end + def display_uri; end + def domain; end + def dup; end + def empty?; end + def eql?(uri); end + def extname; end + def fragment; end + def fragment=(new_fragment); end + def freeze; end + def hash; end + def host; end + def host=(new_host); end + def hostname; end + def hostname=(new_hostname); end + def inferred_port; end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def inspect; end + def ip_based?; end + def join!(uri); end + def join(uri); end + def merge!(uri); end + def merge(hash); end + def normalize!; end + def normalize; end + def normalized_authority; end + def normalized_fragment; end + def normalized_host; end + def normalized_password; end + def normalized_path; end + def normalized_port; end + def normalized_query(*flags); end + def normalized_scheme; end + def normalized_site; end + def normalized_user; end + def normalized_userinfo; end + def omit!(*components); end + def omit(*components); end + def origin; end + def origin=(new_origin); end + def password; end + def password=(new_password); end + def path; end + def path=(new_path); end + def port; end + def port=(new_port); end + def query; end + def query=(new_query); end + def query_values(return_type = nil); end + def query_values=(new_query_values); end + def relative?; end + def remove_composite_values; end + def replace_self(uri); end + def request_uri; end + def request_uri=(new_request_uri); end + def route_from(uri); end + def route_to(uri); end + def scheme; end + def scheme=(new_scheme); end + def self.convert_path(path); end + def self.encode(uri, return_type = nil); end + def self.encode_component(component, character_class = nil, upcase_encoded = nil); end + def self.escape(uri, return_type = nil); end + def self.form_encode(form_values, sort = nil); end + def self.form_unencode(encoded_value); end + def self.heuristic_parse(uri, hints = nil); end + def self.ip_based_schemes; end + def self.join(*uris); end + def self.normalize_component(component, character_class = nil, leave_encoded = nil); end + def self.normalize_path(path); end + def self.normalized_encode(uri, return_type = nil); end + def self.parse(uri); end + def self.port_mapping; end + def self.unencode(uri, return_type = nil, leave_encoded = nil); end + def self.unencode_component(uri, return_type = nil, leave_encoded = nil); end + def self.unescape(uri, return_type = nil, leave_encoded = nil); end + def self.unescape_component(uri, return_type = nil, leave_encoded = nil); end + def site; end + def site=(new_site); end + def split_path(path); end + def tld; end + def tld=(new_tld); end + def to_hash; end + def to_s; end + def to_str; end + def user; end + def user=(new_user); end + def userinfo; end + def userinfo=(new_userinfo); end + def validate; end +end +class Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError < StandardError +end +module Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses +end +class Addressable::Template + def ==(template); end + def eql?(template); end + def expand(mapping, processor = nil, normalize_values = nil); end + def extract(uri, processor = nil); end + def freeze; end + def generate(params = nil, recall = nil, options = nil); end + def initialize(pattern); end + def inspect; end + def join_values(operator, return_value); end + def keys; end + def match(uri, processor = nil); end + def named_captures; end + def names; end + def normalize_keys(mapping); end + def normalize_value(value); end + def ordered_variable_defaults; end + def parse_template_pattern(pattern, processor = nil); end + def partial_expand(mapping, processor = nil, normalize_values = nil); end + def pattern; end + def source; end + def to_regexp; end + def transform_capture(mapping, capture, processor = nil, normalize_values = nil); end + def transform_partial_capture(mapping, capture, processor = nil, normalize_values = nil); end + def variable_defaults; end + def variables; end +end +class Addressable::Template::InvalidTemplateValueError < StandardError +end +class Addressable::Template::InvalidTemplateOperatorError < StandardError +end +class Addressable::Template::TemplateOperatorAbortedError < StandardError +end +class Addressable::Template::MatchData + def [](key, len = nil); end + def captures; end + def initialize(uri, template, mapping); end + def inspect; end + def keys; end + def mapping; end + def names; end + def post_match; end + def pre_match; end + def string; end + def template; end + def to_a; end + def to_s; end + def uri; end + def values; end + def values_at(*indexes); end + def variables; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/awesome_print.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/awesome_print.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d0a82ecf --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/awesome_print.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: false +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# awesome_print-1.8.0 +module AwesomeMethodArray + def &(_other_ary); end + def -(_other_ary); end + def grep(pattern, &blk); end +end +class String + def black(*html); end + def blue(*html); end + def blueish(*html); end + def cyan(*html); end + def cyanish(*html); end + def gray(*html); end + def grayish(*html); end + def green(*html); end + def greenish(*html); end + def pale(*html); end + def purple(*html); end + def purpleish(*html); end + def red(*html); end + def redish(*html); end + def white(*html); end + def whiteish(*html); end + def yellow(*html); end + def yellowish(*html); end +end +class Object < BasicObject + def methods(*args); end + def private_methods(*args); end + def protected_methods(*args); end + def public_methods(*args); end + def singleton_methods(*args); end +end +class Class < Module + def instance_methods(*args); end + def private_instance_methods(*args); end + def protected_instance_methods(*args); end + def public_instance_methods(*args); end +end +module Kernel + def ai(options = nil); end + def ap(object, options = nil); end + def awesome_inspect(options = nil); end + def awesome_print(object, options = nil); end + def self.ap(object, options = nil); end +end +module AwesomePrint + def self.boolean(value); end + def self.console?; end + def self.defaults; end + def self.defaults=(arg0); end + def self.diet_rb; end + def self.force_colors!(value = nil); end + def self.force_colors; end + def self.force_colors=(arg0); end + def self.irb!; end + def self.pry!; end + def self.rails_console?; end + def self.usual_rb; end + def self.version; end +end +class AwesomePrint::Indentator + def indent; end + def indentation; end + def initialize(indentation); end + def shift_width; end +end +class AwesomePrint::Inspector + def awesome(object); end + def colorize?; end + def current_indentation; end + def dotfile_readable?(dotfile); end + def increase_indentation; end + def indentator; end + def indentator=(arg0); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def load_dotfile; end + def merge_custom_defaults!; end + def merge_options!(options = nil); end + def nested(object); end + def options; end + def options=(arg0); end + def printable(object); end + def unnested(object); end +end +module AwesomePrint::Colorize + def colorize(str, type); end +end +module AwesomePrint::Formatters +end +class AwesomePrint::Formatters::BaseFormatter + def align(value, width); end + def get_limit_size; end + def indent; end + def indentation; end + def indented; end + def limited(data, width, is_hash = nil); end + def method_tuple(method); end + def outdent; end + def should_be_limited?; end + include AwesomePrint::Colorize +end +class AwesomePrint::Formatters::ObjectFormatter < AwesomePrint::Formatters::BaseFormatter + def awesome_instance; end + def format; end + def initialize(object, inspector); end + def inspector; end + def left_aligned; end + def object; end + def options; end + def valid_instance_var?(variable_name); end + def variables; end +end +class AwesomePrint::Formatters::StructFormatter < AwesomePrint::Formatters::BaseFormatter + def awesome_instance; end + def format; end + def initialize(struct, inspector); end + def inspector; end + def left_aligned; end + def options; end + def struct; end + def variables; end +end +class AwesomePrint::Formatters::HashFormatter < AwesomePrint::Formatters::BaseFormatter + def empty_hash; end + def format; end + def hash; end + def initialize(hash, inspector); end + def inspector; end + def left_width(keys); end + def max_key_width(keys); end + def multiline_hash; end + def multiline_hash?; end + def options; end + def plain_single_line; end + def pre_ruby19_syntax(key, value, width); end + def printable_hash; end + def printable_keys; end + def ruby19_syntax(key, value, width); end + def simple_hash; end + def symbol?(key); end +end +class AwesomePrint::Formatters::ArrayFormatter < AwesomePrint::Formatters::BaseFormatter + def array; end + def array_prefix(iteration, width); end + def find_method(name); end + def format; end + def generate_printable_array; end + def generate_printable_tuples; end + def generate_tuple(name); end + def generic_prefix(iteration, width, padding = nil); end + def initialize(array, inspector); end + def inspector; end + def methods_array; end + def methods_array?; end + def multiline_array; end + def name_and_args_width; end + def options; end + def simple_array; end + def tuple_prefix(iteration, width); end + def tuple_template(item); end + def tuples; end + def width(items); end +end +class AwesomePrint::Formatters::SimpleFormatter < AwesomePrint::Formatters::BaseFormatter + def format; end + def initialize(string, type, inspector); end + def inspector; end + def options; end + def string; end + def type; end +end +class AwesomePrint::Formatters::MethodFormatter < AwesomePrint::Formatters::BaseFormatter + def format; end + def initialize(method, inspector); end + def inspector; end + def method; end + def options; end +end +class AwesomePrint::Formatters::ClassFormatter < AwesomePrint::Formatters::BaseFormatter + def format; end + def initialize(klass, inspector); end + def inspector; end + def klass; end + def options; end +end +class AwesomePrint::Formatters::DirFormatter < AwesomePrint::Formatters::BaseFormatter + def dir; end + def format; end + def initialize(dir, inspector); end + def inspector; end + def options; end +end +class AwesomePrint::Formatters::FileFormatter < AwesomePrint::Formatters::BaseFormatter + def file; end + def format; end + def initialize(file, inspector); end + def inspector; end + def options; end +end +class AwesomePrint::Formatter + def awesome_array(a); end + def awesome_bigdecimal(n); end + def awesome_class(c); end + def awesome_dir(d); end + def awesome_file(f); end + def awesome_hash(h); end + def awesome_method(m); end + def awesome_object(o); end + def awesome_rational(n); end + def awesome_self(object, type); end + def awesome_set(s); end + def awesome_simple(o, type, inspector = nil); end + def awesome_struct(s); end + def awesome_unboundmethod(m); end + def cast(object, type); end + def cast_without_active_support(object, type); end + def cast_without_nokogiri(object, type); end + def cast_without_ostruct(object, type); end + def convert_to_hash(object); end + def format(object, type = nil); end + def initialize(inspector); end + def inspector; end + def options; end + include AwesomePrint::ActiveSupport + include AwesomePrint::Colorize + include AwesomePrint::Nokogiri + include AwesomePrint::OpenStruct +end +module AwesomePrint::Logger + def ap(object, level = nil); end +end +class Logger + include AwesomePrint::Logger +end +module AwesomePrint::ActiveSupport + def awesome_active_support_time(object); end + def awesome_hash_with_indifferent_access(object); end + def cast_with_active_support(object, type); end + def self.included(base); end +end +module AwesomePrint::Nokogiri + def awesome_nokogiri_xml_node(object); end + def cast_with_nokogiri(object, type); end + def self.included(base); end +end +module AwesomePrint::OpenStruct + def awesome_open_struct_instance(object); end + def cast_with_ostruct(object, type); end + def self.included(base); end +end +module AwesomePrint::ActionView + def ap(object, options = nil); end + def ap_debug(object, options = nil); end +end +class ActionView::Base + include AwesomePrint::ActionView +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-xray-sdk.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-xray-sdk.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e38ce3dce --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/aws-xray-sdk.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,374 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# aws-xray-sdk-0.10.2 +module XRay + def self.recorder; end +end +class XRay::AwsXRaySdkError < StandardError +end +class XRay::EntityClosedError < XRay::AwsXRaySdkError + def initialize; end +end +class XRay::ContextMissingError < XRay::AwsXRaySdkError + def initialize; end +end +class XRay::SegmentNameMissingError < XRay::AwsXRaySdkError +end +class XRay::InvalidDaemonAddressError < XRay::AwsXRaySdkError +end +class XRay::InvalidSamplingConfigError < XRay::AwsXRaySdkError +end +class XRay::InvalidConfigurationError < XRay::AwsXRaySdkError +end +class XRay::UnsupportedPatchingTargetError < XRay::AwsXRaySdkError +end +module XRay::Patcher + def patch(targets); end +end +module XRay::Logging + def logger; end + def self.logger; end + def self.logger=(v); end +end +module XRay::Emitter + def daemon_address=(v); end + def send_entity(entity:); end +end +class XRay::DefaultEmitter + def address; end + def configure_socket(v); end + def daemon_address=(v); end + def initialize; end + def send_entity(entity:); end + include XRay::Emitter + include XRay::Logging +end +module XRay::Context + def clear!; end + def current_entity; end + def handle_context_missing; end + def inject_context(entity, target_ctx: nil); end + def store_entity(entity:); end +end +class XRay::DefaultContext + def clear!; end + def context_missing; end + def context_missing=(v); end + def current_entity; end + def handle_context_missing; end + def initialize; end + def inject_context(entity, target_ctx: nil); end + def sanitize_strategy(v); end + def store_entity(entity:); end + include XRay::Context + include XRay::Logging +end +module XRay::Sampler + def sample?; end + def sample_request?(service_name:, url_path:, http_method:); end + def sampling_rules; end + def sampling_rules=(v); end +end +class XRay::Reservoir + def initialize(traces_per_sec: nil); end + def take; end +end +module XRay::SearchPattern + def self.simple_wildcard_match?(pattern:, text:); end + def self.wildcard_match?(pattern:, text:, case_insensitive: nil); end +end +class XRay::SamplingRule + def applies?(target_name:, target_path:, target_method:); end + def default; end + def fixed_target; end + def initialize(rule_definition:, default: nil); end + def method; end + def path; end + def rate; end + def reservoir; end + def service_name; end + def validate; end +end +class XRay::DefaultSampler + def initialize; end + def load_sampling_rules(v); end + def sample?; end + def sample_request?(service_name:, url_path:, http_method:); end + def sampling_rules; end + def sampling_rules=(v); end + def should_sample?(rule); end + include XRay::Sampler +end +module XRay::Streamer + def eligible?(segment:); end + def stream_threshold=(v); end + def subsegments_to_stream(segment:, emitter:, force: nil); end +end +class XRay::DefaultStreamer + def eligible?(segment:); end + def initialize; end + def stream_subsegments(root:, emitter:); end + def stream_threshold; end + def stream_threshold=(arg0); end + include XRay::Logging + include XRay::Streamer +end +module XRay::SegmentNaming + def fallback; end + def fallback=(arg0); end + def pattern; end + def pattern=(arg0); end + def provide_name(host:); end +end +class XRay::DynamicNaming + def initialize(fallback:); end + def provide_name(host:); end + include XRay::SegmentNaming +end +module XRay::Plugins +end +module XRay::Plugins::EC2 + def; end + include XRay::Logging +end +module XRay::Plugins::ECS + def; end + include XRay::Logging +end +module XRay::Plugins::ElasticBeanstalk + def; end + include XRay::Logging +end +class XRay::Configuration + def configure(user_config); end + def context; end + def context=(arg0); end + def context_missing=(v); end + def daemon_address=(v); end + def emitter; end + def emitter=(arg0); end + def initialize; end + def load_plugins(symbols); end + def logger; end + def name; end + def name=(v); end + def naming_pattern=(v); end + def plugins; end + def plugins=(arg0); end + def sample?; end + def sampler; end + def sampler=(arg0); end + def sampling; end + def sampling=(arg0); end + def sampling_rules=(v); end + def segment_naming; end + def segment_naming=(arg0); end + def stream_threshold=(v); end + def streamer; end + def streamer=(arg0); end + include XRay::Patcher +end +class XRay::Cause + def id; end + def initialize(exception: nil, id: nil, remote: nil); end + def normalize(e:, remote: nil); end + def normalize_exception(e:, remote: nil); end + def to_h; end + def to_json; end +end +class XRay::Annotations + def [](key); end + def []=(k, v); end + def filter_annotations(h); end + def initialize(entity); end + def key_supported?(k); end + def sanitize_values(h); end + def to_h; end + def update(h); end + def value_supported?(v); end + include XRay::Logging +end +module XRay::FacadeAnnotations + def self.[](key); end + def self.[]=(k, v); end + def self.to_h; end + def self.update(h); end +end +class XRay::Metadata + def initialize(entity); end + def sub_meta(namespace); end + def to_h; end +end +class XRay::SubMeta + def [](key); end + def []=(k, v); end + def initialize(entity); end + def to_h; end + def to_json; end + def update(h); end +end +module XRay::FacadeMetadata + def self.[](key); end + def self.[]=(k, v); end + def self.to_h; end + def self.update(h); end +end +module XRay::Entity + def add_exception(exception:, remote: nil); end + def add_subsegment(subsegment:); end + def annotations; end + def apply_status_code(status:); end + def aws; end + def aws=(arg0); end + def cause; end + def cause_id; end + def close(end_time: nil); end + def closed?; end + def end_time; end + def end_time=(arg0); end + def error; end + def error=(arg0); end + def exception; end + def fault; end + def fault=(arg0); end + def find_root_cause(e); end + def http_request; end + def http_response; end + def id; end + def merge_http_request(request:); end + def merge_http_response(response:); end + def metadata(namespace: nil); end + def name; end + def namespace; end + def parent; end + def parent=(arg0); end + def remove_subsegment(subsegment:); end + def sampled; end + def sampled=(arg0); end + def start_time; end + def start_time=(arg0); end + def subsegments; end + def throttle; end + def throttle=(arg0); end + def to_h; end + def to_json; end +end +class XRay::Segment + def add_subsegment(subsegment:); end + def decrement_ref_counter; end + def initialize(trace_id: nil, name: nil, parent_id: nil); end + def origin; end + def origin=(arg0); end + def ready_to_send?; end + def ref_counter; end + def ref_counter=(arg0); end + def remove_subsegment(subsegment:); end + def segment; end + def service; end + def service=(arg0); end + def subsegment_size; end + def subsegment_size=(arg0); end + def to_h; end + def trace_id; end + def user; end + def user=(arg0); end + include XRay::Entity +end +class XRay::Subsegment + def add_subsegment(subsegment:); end + def all_children_count; end + def close(end_time: nil); end + def initialize(name:, segment:, namespace: nil); end + def remove_subsegment(subsegment:); end + def segment; end + def sql; end + def sql=(arg0); end + def to_h; end + include XRay::Entity +end +module XRay::DummyEntity + def add_exception(exception:, remote: nil); end + def annotations; end + def apply_status_code(status:); end + def aws=(v); end + def merge_http_request(request:); end + def merge_http_response(response:); end + def metadata(namespace: nil); end + def sampled; end + def to_h; end + def to_json; end +end +class XRay::DummySegment < XRay::Segment + include XRay::DummyEntity +end +class XRay::DummySubsegment < XRay::Subsegment + def sql=(v); end + include XRay::DummyEntity +end +class XRay::Recorder + def annotations; end + def begin_segment(name, trace_id: nil, parent_id: nil, sampled: nil); end + def begin_subsegment(name, namespace: nil, segment: nil); end + def capture(name, namespace: nil, segment: nil); end + def clear_context; end + def config; end + def configure(user_config); end + def context; end + def current_entity; end + def current_segment; end + def current_subsegment; end + def emitter; end + def end_segment(end_time: nil); end + def end_subsegment(end_time: nil); end + def initialize(user_config: nil); end + def inject_context(entity, target_ctx: nil); end + def metadata(namespace: nil); end + def populate_runtime_context(segment); end + def sampled?; end + def sampler; end + def sampling_enabled?; end + def segment_naming; end + def streamer; end +end +class XRay::TraceHeader + def header_string; end + def initialize(root:, parent_id:, sampled:); end + def parent_id; end + def parent_id=(arg0); end + def root; end + def root=(arg0); end + def sampled; end + def sampled=(arg0); end + def self.empty_header; end + def self.from_header_string(header_str:); end + include XRay::Logging +end +module XRay::Facets +end +module XRay::Facets::Helper + def construct_header(headers:); end + def prep_header_str(entity:); end + def should_sample?(header_obj:, recorder:, host: nil, method: nil, path: nil, **args); end +end +module XRay::Rack +end +class XRay::Rack::Middleware + def call(env); end + def extract_request_meta(req); end + def get_ip(v); end + def initialize(app, recorder: nil); end + include XRay::Facets::Helper +end +module XRay::Rails +end +class XRay::Rails::ExceptionMiddleware + def call(env); end + def initialize(app, recorder: nil); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/better_errors.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/better_errors.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f9cfa0aa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/better_errors.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# better_errors-2.5.1 +module BetterErrors + def self.application_root; end + def self.application_root=(arg0); end + def self.binding_of_caller_available; end + def self.binding_of_caller_available=(arg0); end + def self.binding_of_caller_available?; end + def self.default_editor; end + def self.editor; end + def self.editor=(editor); end + def self.ignored_instance_variables; end + def self.ignored_instance_variables=(arg0); end + def self.logger; end + def self.logger=(arg0); end + def self.maximum_variable_inspect_size; end + def self.maximum_variable_inspect_size=(arg0); end + def self.use_pry!; end +end +class BetterErrors::CodeFormatter::HTML < BetterErrors::CodeFormatter + def formatted_code; end + def formatted_lines; end + def formatted_nums; end + def source_unavailable; end +end +class BetterErrors::CodeFormatter::Text < BetterErrors::CodeFormatter + def formatted_lines; end + def source_unavailable; end +end +class BetterErrors::CodeFormatter + def coderay_scanner; end + def context; end + def context_lines; end + def each_line_of(lines, &blk); end + def filename; end + def formatted_code; end + def highlighted_lines; end + def initialize(filename, line, context = nil); end + def line; end + def line_range; end + def output; end + def source_lines; end +end +class BetterErrors::ValueLargerThanConfiguredMaximum < StandardError +end +class BetterErrors::InspectableValue + def initialize(value); end + def original_value; end + def to_html; end + def value; end + def value_as_html; end + def value_small_enough_to_inspect?; end +end +class BetterErrors::ErrorPage + def application_frames; end + def backtrace_frames; end + def do_eval(opts); end + def do_variables(opts); end + def editor_url(frame); end + def env; end + def eval_and_respond(index, code); end + def exception; end + def exception_message; end + def exception_type; end + def first_frame; end + def html_formatted_code_block(frame); end + def id; end + def initialize(exception, env); end + def inspect_value(obj); end + def rack_session; end + def rails_params; end + def render(template_name = nil); end + def repls; end + def request_path; end + def self.template(template_name); end + def self.template_path(template_name); end + def text_formatted_code_block(frame); end + def text_heading(char, str); end + def uri_prefix; end +end +class BetterErrors::Middleware + def allow_ip?(env); end + def backtrace_frames; end + def better_errors_call(env); end + def call(env); end + def initialize(app, handler = nil); end + def internal_call(env, opts); end + def invalid_error_json_response; end + def log_exception; end + def no_errors_json_response; end + def no_errors_page; end + def protected_app_call(env); end + def self.allow_ip!(addr); end + def show_error_page(env, exception = nil); end + def text?(env); end +end +class BetterErrors::RaisedException + def backtrace; end + def exception; end + def has_bindings?; end + def initialize(exception); end + def massage_syntax_error; end + def message; end + def setup_backtrace; end + def setup_backtrace_from_backtrace; end + def setup_backtrace_from_bindings; end + def type; end +end +module BetterErrors::REPL + def self.detect; end + def self.provider; end + def self.provider=(prov); end + def self.test_provider(provider); end +end +class BetterErrors::StackFrame + def application?; end + def application_path; end + def class_name; end + def context; end + def eval_local_variable(name); end + def filename; end + def frame_binding; end + def gem?; end + def gem_path; end + def get_local_variable(name); end + def initialize(filename, line, name, frame_binding = nil); end + def instance_variables; end + def line; end + def local_variable(name); end + def local_variables; end + def method_name; end + def name; end + def pretty_path; end + def self.from_exception(exception); end + def set_pretty_method_name; end + def to_s; end + def visible_instance_variables; end +end +module BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension + def __better_errors_bindings_stack; end + def set_backtrace(*arg0); end +end +class BetterErrors::Railtie < Rails::Railtie + def app; end + def insert_middleware; end + def use_better_errors?; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/binding_of_caller.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/binding_of_caller.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a3d800881 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/binding_of_caller.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# binding_of_caller-0.8.0 +module BindingOfCaller +end +module BindingOfCaller::BindingExtensions + def callers; end + def frame_count; end + def frame_description; end + def frame_type; end + def of_caller(n); end +end +class Binding + include BindingOfCaller::BindingExtensions +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/byebug.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/byebug.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7675be2ee --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/byebug.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,1036 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# byebug-11.0.0 +module Byebug + def add_catchpoint(arg0); end + def breakpoints; end + def catchpoints; end + def contexts; end + def current_context; end + def debug_load(*arg0); end + def displays; end + def displays=(arg0); end + def init_file; end + def init_file=(arg0); end + def lock; end + def mode; end + def mode=(arg0); end + def post_mortem=(arg0); end + def post_mortem?; end + def raised_exception; end + def rc_dirs; end + def run_init_script; end + def run_rc_file(rc_file); end + def self.actual_control_port; end + def self.actual_port; end + def self.add_catchpoint(arg0); end + def self.attach; end + def self.breakpoints; end + def self.catchpoints; end + def self.client; end + def self.contexts; end + def self.control; end + def self.current_context; end + def self.debug_load(*arg0); end + def self.handle_post_mortem; end + def self.interrupt; end + def self.load_settings; end + def self.lock; end + def self.parse_host_and_port(host_port_spec); end + def self.post_mortem=(arg0); end + def self.post_mortem?; end + def self.raised_exception; end + def self.server; end + def self.spawn(host = nil, port = nil); end + def self.start; end + def self.start_client(host = nil, port = nil); end + def self.start_control(host = nil, port = nil); end + def self.start_server(host = nil, port = nil); end + def self.started?; end + def self.stop; end + def self.stoppable?; end + def self.thread_context(arg0); end + def self.tracing=(arg0); end + def self.tracing?; end + def self.unlock; end + def self.verbose=(arg0); end + def self.verbose?; end + def self.wait_connection; end + def self.wait_connection=(arg0); end + def start; end + def started?; end + def stop; end + def stoppable?; end + def thread_context(arg0); end + def tracing=(arg0); end + def tracing?; end + def unlock; end + def verbose=(arg0); end + def verbose?; end + extend Byebug + include Byebug::Helpers::ReflectionHelper +end +module Byebug::Helpers +end +module Byebug::Helpers::ReflectionHelper + def commands; end +end +class Byebug::Context + def at_breakpoint(breakpoint); end + def at_catchpoint(exception); end + def at_end; end + def at_line; end + def at_return(return_value); end + def at_tracing; end + def backtrace; end + def dead?; end + def file(*args, &block); end + def frame; end + def frame=(pos); end + def frame_binding(*arg0); end + def frame_class(*arg0); end + def frame_file(*arg0); end + def frame_line(*arg0); end + def frame_method(*arg0); end + def frame_self(*arg0); end + def full_location; end + def ignored?; end + def ignored_file?(path); end + def interrupt; end + def line(*args, &block); end + def location; end + def processor; end + def resume; end + def self.ignored_files; end + def self.ignored_files=(arg0); end + def self.interface; end + def self.interface=(arg0); end + def self.processor; end + def self.processor=(arg0); end + def stack_size; end + def step_into(*arg0); end + def step_out(*arg0); end + def step_over(*arg0); end + def stop_reason; end + def suspend; end + def suspended?; end + def switch; end + def thnum; end + def thread; end + def tracing; end + def tracing=(arg0); end + extend Forwardable + include Byebug::Helpers::FileHelper +end +class Byebug::DebugThread < Thread + def self.inherited(arg0); end +end +class Byebug::Breakpoint + def enabled=(arg0); end + def enabled?; end + def expr; end + def expr=(arg0); end + def hit_condition; end + def hit_condition=(arg0); end + def hit_count; end + def hit_value; end + def hit_value=(arg0); end + def id; end + def initialize(arg0, arg1, arg2); end + def inspect; end + def pos; end + def self.add(file, line, expr = nil); end + def self.first; end + def self.last; end + def self.none?; end + def self.potential_line?(filename, lineno); end + def self.potential_lines(filename); end + def self.potential_lines_with_trace_points(iseq, lines); end + def self.potential_lines_without_trace_points(iseq, lines); end + def self.remove(id); end + def source; end +end +module Byebug::Helpers::FileHelper + def get_line(filename, lineno); end + def get_lines(filename); end + def n_lines(filename); end + def normalize(filename); end + def shortpath(fullpath); end + def virtual_file?(name); end +end +class Byebug::Frame + def _binding; end + def _class; end + def _method; end + def _self; end + def args; end + def c_args; end + def c_frame?; end + def current?; end + def deco_args; end + def deco_block; end + def deco_call; end + def deco_class; end + def deco_file; end + def deco_method; end + def deco_pos; end + def file; end + def initialize(context, pos); end + def line; end + def locals; end + def mark; end + def pos; end + def prefix_and_default(arg_type); end + def ruby_args; end + def to_hash; end + def use_short_style?(arg); end + include Byebug::Helpers::FileHelper +end +module Byebug::Helpers::PathHelper + def all_files; end + def bin_file; end + def gem_files; end + def glob_for(dir); end + def lib_files; end + def root_path; end + def test_files; end +end +module Byebug::Helpers::EvalHelper + def allowing_other_threads; end + def error_eval(str, binding = nil); end + def error_msg(exception); end + def in_new_thread; end + def msg(exception); end + def multiple_thread_eval(expression); end + def safe_eval(str, binding); end + def safe_inspect(var); end + def safe_to_s(var); end + def separate_thread_eval(expression); end + def silent_eval(str, binding = nil); end + def warning_eval(str, binding = nil); end + def warning_msg(exception); end +end +class Byebug::CommandNotFound < NoMethodError + def build_cmd(*args); end + def help; end + def initialize(input, parent = nil); end + def name; end +end +class Byebug::CommandProcessor + def after_repl; end + def at_breakpoint(brkpt); end + def at_catchpoint(exception); end + def at_end; end + def at_line; end + def at_return(return_value); end + def at_tracing; end + def auto_cmds_for(run_level); end + def before_repl; end + def command_list; end + def commands(*args, &block); end + def confirm(*args, &block); end + def context; end + def errmsg(*args, &block); end + def frame(*args, &block); end + def initialize(context, interface = nil); end + def interface; end + def pr(*args, &block); end + def prc(*args, &block); end + def prev_line; end + def prev_line=(arg0); end + def printer; end + def proceed!; end + def process_commands; end + def prompt; end + def prv(*args, &block); end + def puts(*args, &block); end + def repl; end + def run_auto_cmds(run_level); end + def run_cmd(input); end + def safely; end + extend Forwardable + include Byebug::Helpers::EvalHelper +end +module Byebug::Helpers::StringHelper + def camelize(str); end + def deindent(str, leading_spaces: nil); end + def prettify(str); end +end +class Byebug::Setting + def boolean?; end + def help; end + def initialize; end + def integer?; end + def self.[](name); end + def self.[]=(name, value); end + def self.find(shortcut); end + def self.help_all; end + def self.settings; end + def to_s; end + def to_sym; end + def value; end + def value=(arg0); end +end +class Byebug::History + def buffer; end + def clear; end + def default_max_size; end + def ignore?(buf); end + def initialize; end + def last_ids(number); end + def pop; end + def push(cmd); end + def restore; end + def save; end + def size; end + def size=(arg0); end + def specific_max_size(number); end + def to_s(n_cmds); end +end +class Byebug::LocalInterface < Byebug::Interface + def initialize; end + def readline(prompt); end + def with_repl_like_sigint; end +end +class Byebug::ScriptInterface < Byebug::Interface + def close; end + def initialize(file, verbose = nil); end + def read_command(prompt); end + def readline(*arg0); end +end +class Byebug::RemoteInterface < Byebug::Interface + def close; end + def confirm(prompt); end + def initialize(socket); end + def print(message); end + def puts(message); end + def read_command(prompt); end + def readline(prompt); end +end +class Byebug::Interface + def autorestore; end + def autosave; end + def close; end + def command_queue; end + def command_queue=(arg0); end + def confirm(prompt); end + def errmsg(message); end + def error; end + def history; end + def history=(arg0); end + def initialize; end + def input; end + def last_if_empty(input); end + def output; end + def prepare_input(prompt); end + def print(message); end + def puts(message); end + def read_command(prompt); end + def read_file(filename); end + def read_input(prompt, save_hist = nil); end + def split_commands(cmd_line); end + include Byebug::Helpers::FileHelper +end +class Byebug::ScriptProcessor < Byebug::CommandProcessor + def after_repl; end + def commands; end + def prompt; end + def repl; end + def without_exceptions; end +end +class Byebug::PostMortemProcessor < Byebug::CommandProcessor + def commands; end + def prompt; end +end +class Byebug::Command + def arguments; end + def confirm(*args, &block); end + def context; end + def errmsg(*args, &block); end + def frame; end + def help(*args, &block); end + def initialize(processor, input = nil); end + def match(*args, &block); end + def pr(*args, &block); end + def prc(*args, &block); end + def print(*args, &block); end + def processor; end + def prv(*args, &block); end + def puts(*args, &block); end + def self.allow_in_control; end + def self.allow_in_control=(arg0); end + def self.allow_in_post_mortem; end + def self.allow_in_post_mortem=(arg0); end + def self.always_run; end + def self.always_run=(arg0); end + def self.columnize(width); end + def; end + def self.match(input); end + def self.to_s; end + extend Forwardable +end +module Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper + def get_int(str, cmd, min = nil, max = nil); end + def parse_steps(str, cmd); end + def syntax_valid?(code); end + def without_stderr; end +end +class Byebug::SourceFileFormatter + def amend(line, ceiling); end + def amend_final(line); end + def amend_initial(line); end + def annotator; end + def file; end + def initialize(file, annotator); end + def lines(min, max); end + def lines_around(center); end + def max_initial_line; end + def max_line; end + def range_around(center); end + def range_from(min); end + def size; end + include Byebug::Helpers::FileHelper +end +class Byebug::BreakCommand < Byebug::Command + def add_line_breakpoint(file, line); end + def execute; end + def line_breakpoint(location); end + def method_breakpoint(location); end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + def target_object(str); end + def valid_breakpoints_for(path, line); end + include Byebug::Helpers::EvalHelper + include Byebug::Helpers::FileHelper + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +class Byebug::CatchCommand < Byebug::Command + def add(exception); end + def clear; end + def execute; end + def info; end + def remove(exception); end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::EvalHelper +end +class Byebug::ConditionCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +class Byebug::ContinueCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def modifier; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + def unconditionally?; end + def until_line?; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +class Byebug::DebugCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::EvalHelper +end +class Byebug::DeleteCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +class Byebug::CommandList + def each; end + def initialize(commands); end + def match(input); end + def to_s; end + def width; end + include Enumerable +end +module Byebug::Subcommands + def execute; end + def self.included(command); end + def subcommand_list(*args, &block); end + extend Forwardable +end +module Byebug::Subcommands::ClassMethods + def help; end + def subcommand_list; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ReflectionHelper +end +module Byebug::Helpers::ToggleHelper + def enable_disable_breakpoints(is_enable, args); end + def enable_disable_display(is_enable, args); end + def n_displays; end + def select_breakpoints(is_enable, args); end + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +class Byebug::DisableCommand < Byebug::Command + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + extend Byebug::Subcommands::ClassMethods + include Byebug::Subcommands +end +class Byebug::DisableCommand::BreakpointsCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ToggleHelper +end +class Byebug::DisableCommand::DisplayCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ToggleHelper +end +class Byebug::DisplayCommand < Byebug::Command + def display_expression(exp); end + def eval_expr(expression); end + def execute; end + def print_display_expressions; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::EvalHelper +end +module Byebug::Helpers::FrameHelper + def adjust_frame(new_frame); end + def direction(step); end + def frame_err(msg); end + def index_from_start(index); end + def jump_frames(steps); end + def navigate_to_frame(jump_no); end + def out_of_bounds?(pos); end + def switch_to_frame(frame); end +end +class Byebug::DownCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::FrameHelper + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +class Byebug::EditCommand < Byebug::Command + def edit_error(type, file); end + def editor; end + def execute; end + def location(matched); end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end +end +class Byebug::EnableCommand < Byebug::Command + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + extend Byebug::Subcommands::ClassMethods + include Byebug::Subcommands +end +class Byebug::EnableCommand::BreakpointsCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ToggleHelper +end +class Byebug::EnableCommand::DisplayCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ToggleHelper +end +class Byebug::FinishCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def max_frames; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +class Byebug::FrameCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::FrameHelper + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +class Byebug::HelpCommand < Byebug::Command + def command; end + def execute; end + def help_for(input, cmd); end + def help_for_all; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + def subcommand; end +end +class Byebug::HistoryCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +class Byebug::InfoCommand < Byebug::Command + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + extend Byebug::Subcommands::ClassMethods + include Byebug::Subcommands +end +class Byebug::InfoCommand::BreakpointsCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def info_breakpoint(brkpt); end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end +end +class Byebug::InfoCommand::DisplayCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end +end +class Byebug::InfoCommand::FileCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def info_file_basic(file); end + def info_file_breakpoints(file); end + def info_file_mtime(file); end + def info_file_sha1(file); end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::FileHelper + include Byebug::Helpers::StringHelper +end +class Byebug::InfoCommand::LineCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end +end +class Byebug::InfoCommand::ProgramCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def format_stop_reason(stop_reason); end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end +end +class Byebug::InterruptCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end +end +class Byebug::IrbCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + def with_clean_argv; end +end +class Byebug::KillCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end +end +class Byebug::ListCommand < Byebug::Command + def amend_final(*args, &block); end + def auto_range(direction); end + def display_lines(min, max); end + def execute; end + def lower_bound(range); end + def max_line(*args, &block); end + def move(line, size, direction = nil); end + def parse_range(input); end + def range(input); end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + def size(*args, &block); end + def source_file_formatter; end + def split_range(str); end + def upper_bound(range); end + def valid_range?(first, last); end + extend Forwardable + include Byebug::Helpers::FileHelper + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +class Byebug::MethodCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::EvalHelper +end +class Byebug::NextCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +class Byebug::PryCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end +end +class Byebug::QuitCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end +end +module Byebug::Helpers::BinHelper + def executable_file_extensions; end + def find_executable(path, cmd); end + def real_executable?(file); end + def search_paths; end + def which(cmd); end +end +class Byebug::RestartCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def prepend_byebug_bin(cmd); end + def prepend_ruby_bin(cmd); end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::BinHelper + include Byebug::Helpers::PathHelper +end +class Byebug::SaveCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def save_breakpoints(file); end + def save_catchpoints(file); end + def save_displays(file); end + def save_settings(file); end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end +end +class Byebug::SetCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def get_onoff(arg, default); end + def self.description; end + def; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +class Byebug::ShowCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end +end +class Byebug::SkipCommand < Byebug::Command + def auto_run; end + def execute; end + def initialize_attributes; end + def keep_execution; end + def reset_attributes; end + def self.description; end + def self.file_line; end + def self.file_line=(arg0); end + def self.file_path; end + def self.file_path=(arg0); end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +class Byebug::SourceCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end +end +class Byebug::StepCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +module Byebug::Helpers::ThreadHelper + def context_from_thread(thnum); end + def current_thread?(ctx); end + def debug_flag(ctx); end + def display_context(ctx); end + def location(ctx); end + def status_flag(ctx); end + def thread_arguments(ctx); end +end +class Byebug::ThreadCommand < Byebug::Command + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + extend Byebug::Subcommands::ClassMethods + include Byebug::Subcommands +end +class Byebug::ThreadCommand::CurrentCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ThreadHelper +end +class Byebug::ThreadCommand::ListCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ThreadHelper +end +class Byebug::ThreadCommand::ResumeCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ThreadHelper +end +class Byebug::ThreadCommand::StopCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ThreadHelper +end +class Byebug::ThreadCommand::SwitchCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ThreadHelper +end +class Byebug::TracevarCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def on_change(name, value, stop); end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end +end +class Byebug::UndisplayCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +class Byebug::UntracevarCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end +end +class Byebug::UpCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::FrameHelper + include Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper +end +module Byebug::Helpers::VarHelper + def var_args; end + def var_global; end + def var_instance(str); end + def var_list(ary, binding = nil); end + def var_local; end + include Byebug::Helpers::EvalHelper +end +class Byebug::VarCommand < Byebug::Command + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + extend Byebug::Subcommands::ClassMethods + include Byebug::Subcommands +end +class Byebug::VarCommand::AllCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::VarHelper +end +class Byebug::VarCommand::ArgsCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::VarHelper +end +class Byebug::VarCommand::ConstCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + def str_obj; end + include Byebug::Helpers::EvalHelper +end +class Byebug::VarCommand::InstanceCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::VarHelper +end +class Byebug::VarCommand::LocalCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::VarHelper +end +class Byebug::VarCommand::GlobalCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::VarHelper +end +class Byebug::WhereCommand < Byebug::Command + def execute; end + def print_backtrace; end + def self.description; end + def self.regexp; end + def self.short_description; end + include Byebug::Helpers::FrameHelper +end +class Byebug::ControlProcessor < Byebug::CommandProcessor + def commands; end + def prompt; end +end +module Byebug::Remote +end +class Byebug::Remote::Server + def actual_port; end + def initialize(wait_connection:, &block); end + def start(host, port); end + def wait_connection; end +end +class Byebug::Remote::Client + def connect_at(host, port); end + def initialize(interface); end + def interface; end + def socket; end + def start(host = nil, port = nil); end + def started?; end +end +module Byebug::Printers +end +class Byebug::Printers::Base + def array_of_args(collection, &_block); end + def contents; end + def contents_files; end + def locate(path); end + def parts(path); end + def translate(string, args = nil); end + def type; end +end +class Byebug::Printers::Base::MissedPath < StandardError +end +class Byebug::Printers::Base::MissedArgument < StandardError +end +class Byebug::Printers::Plain < Byebug::Printers::Base + def contents_files; end + def print(path, args = nil); end + def print_collection(path, collection, &block); end + def print_variables(variables, *_unused); end +end +class Byebug::AutoprySetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end + def initialize; end + def value; end + def value=(val); end +end +class Byebug::StackOnErrorSetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end +end +class Byebug::HistfileSetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end + def to_s; end +end +class Byebug::WidthSetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end + def to_s; end +end +class Byebug::SavefileSetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end + def to_s; end +end +class Byebug::FullpathSetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end +end +class Byebug::BasenameSetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end +end +class Byebug::ListsizeSetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end + def to_s; end +end +class Byebug::AutolistSetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end + def initialize; end + def value; end + def value=(val); end +end +class Byebug::AutosaveSetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end +end +class Byebug::CallstyleSetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end + def to_s; end +end +class Byebug::PostMortemSetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end + def initialize; end + def value; end + def value=(val); end +end +class Byebug::HistsizeSetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end + def to_s; end +end +class Byebug::AutoirbSetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end + def initialize; end + def value; end + def value=(val); end +end +class Byebug::LinetraceSetting < Byebug::Setting + def banner; end + def value; end + def value=(val); end +end +class Exception + def __bb_context; end +end +module Kernel + def byebug; end + def debugger; end + def remote_byebug(host = nil, port = nil); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/capybara.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/capybara.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e58d5929a --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/capybara.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,1835 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# capybara-3.22.0 +module Capybara + def self.HTML(html); end + def self.add_selector(name, **options, &block); end + def self.allow_gumbo(*args, &block); end + def self.allow_gumbo=(*args, &block); end + def self.always_include_port(*args, &block); end + def self.always_include_port=(*args, &block); end + def*args, &block); end + def*args, &block); end + def self.app_host(*args, &block); end + def self.app_host=(*args, &block); end + def self.asset_host(*args, &block); end + def self.asset_host=(*args, &block); end + def self.automatic_label_click(*args, &block); end + def self.automatic_label_click=(*args, &block); end + def self.automatic_reload(*args, &block); end + def self.automatic_reload=(*args, &block); end + def self.config; end + def self.configure; end + def self.current_driver; end + def self.current_driver=(name); end + def self.current_session; end + def self.default_driver(*args, &block); end + def self.default_driver=(*args, &block); end + def self.default_host(*args, &block); end + def self.default_host=(*args, &block); end + def self.default_max_wait_time(*args, &block); end + def self.default_max_wait_time=(*args, &block); end + def self.default_normalize_ws(*args, &block); end + def self.default_normalize_ws=(*args, &block); end + def self.default_selector(*args, &block); end + def self.default_selector=(*args, &block); end + def self.default_set_options(*args, &block); end + def self.default_set_options=(*args, &block); end + def self.disable_animation(*args, &block); end + def self.disable_animation=(*args, &block); end + def self.drivers; end + def self.enable_aria_label(*args, &block); end + def self.enable_aria_label=(*args, &block); end + def self.exact(*args, &block); end + def self.exact=(*args, &block); end + def self.exact_text(*args, &block); end + def self.exact_text=(*args, &block); end + def self.ignore_hidden_elements(*args, &block); end + def self.ignore_hidden_elements=(*args, &block); end + def self.javascript_driver(*args, &block); end + def self.javascript_driver=(*args, &block); end + def self.match(*args, &block); end + def self.match=(*args, &block); end + def self.mode; end + def self.modify_selector(name, &block); end + def self.predicates_wait(*args, &block); end + def self.predicates_wait=(*args, &block); end + def self.raise_server_errors(*args, &block); end + def self.raise_server_errors=(*args, &block); end + def self.register_driver(name, &block); end + def self.register_server(name, &block); end + def self.reset!; end + def self.reset_sessions!; end + def self.reuse_server(*args, &block); end + def self.reuse_server=(*args, &block); end + def self.run_default_server(app, port); end + def self.run_server(*args, &block); end + def self.run_server=(*args, &block); end + def self.save_path(*args, &block); end + def self.save_path=(*args, &block); end + def self.server(*args, &block); end + def self.server=(*args, &block); end + def self.server_errors(*args, &block); end + def self.server_errors=(*args, &block); end + def self.server_host(*args, &block); end + def self.server_host=(*args, &block); end + def self.server_port(*args, &block); end + def self.server_port=(*args, &block); end + def self.servers; end + def self.session_name; end + def self.session_name=(name); end + def self.session_options; end + def self.session_pool; end + def self.specified_session; end + def self.specified_session=(session); end + def self.string(html); end + def self.test_id(*args, &block); end + def self.test_id=(*args, &block); end + def self.threadsafe(*args, &block); end + def self.threadsafe=(*args, &block); end + def self.use_default_driver; end + def self.using_driver(driver); end + def self.using_session(name_or_session); end + def self.using_wait_time(seconds); end + def self.visible_text_only(*args, &block); end + def self.visible_text_only=(*args, &block); end + extend Capybara::DSL +end +class Capybara::SessionConfig + def always_include_port; end + def always_include_port=(arg0); end + def app_host; end + def app_host=(url); end + def asset_host; end + def asset_host=(arg0); end + def automatic_label_click; end + def automatic_label_click=(arg0); end + def automatic_reload; end + def automatic_reload=(arg0); end + def default_host; end + def default_host=(url); end + def default_max_wait_time; end + def default_max_wait_time=(arg0); end + def default_normalize_ws; end + def default_normalize_ws=(arg0); end + def default_selector; end + def default_selector=(arg0); end + def default_set_options; end + def default_set_options=(arg0); end + def disable_animation; end + def disable_animation=(arg0); end + def enable_aria_label; end + def enable_aria_label=(arg0); end + def exact; end + def exact=(arg0); end + def exact_text; end + def exact_text=(arg0); end + def ignore_hidden_elements; end + def ignore_hidden_elements=(arg0); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def match; end + def match=(arg0); end + def predicates_wait; end + def predicates_wait=(arg0); end + def raise_server_errors; end + def raise_server_errors=(arg0); end + def run_server; end + def run_server=(arg0); end + def save_path; end + def save_path=(arg0); end + def server_errors; end + def server_errors=(errors); end + def server_host; end + def server_host=(arg0); end + def server_port; end + def server_port=(arg0); end + def test_id; end + def test_id=(id); end + def visible_text_only; end + def visible_text_only=(arg0); end +end +class Capybara::ReadOnlySessionConfig < SimpleDelegator + def always_include_port=(_); end + def app_host=(_); end + def asset_host=(_); end + def automatic_label_click=(_); end + def automatic_reload=(_); end + def default_host=(_); end + def default_max_wait_time=(_); end + def default_normalize_ws=(_); end + def default_selector=(_); end + def default_set_options=(_); end + def disable_animation=(_); end + def enable_aria_label=(_); end + def exact=(_); end + def exact_text=(_); end + def ignore_hidden_elements=(_); end + def match=(_); end + def predicates_wait=(_); end + def raise_server_errors=(_); end + def run_server=(_); end + def save_path=(_); end + def server_errors=(_); end + def server_host=(_); end + def server_port=(_); end + def test_id=(_); end + def visible_text_only=(_); end +end +class Capybara::Config + def allow_gumbo; end + def allow_gumbo=(arg0); end + def always_include_port(*args, &block); end + def always_include_port=(*args, &block); end + def app; end + def app=(arg0); end + def app_host(*args, &block); end + def app_host=(*args, &block); end + def asset_host(*args, &block); end + def asset_host=(*args, &block); end + def automatic_label_click(*args, &block); end + def automatic_label_click=(*args, &block); end + def automatic_reload(*args, &block); end + def automatic_reload=(*args, &block); end + def default_driver; end + def default_driver=(arg0); end + def default_host(*args, &block); end + def default_host=(*args, &block); end + def default_max_wait_time(*args, &block); end + def default_max_wait_time=(*args, &block); end + def default_normalize_ws(*args, &block); end + def default_normalize_ws=(*args, &block); end + def default_selector(*args, &block); end + def default_selector=(*args, &block); end + def default_set_options(*args, &block); end + def default_set_options=(*args, &block); end + def deprecate(method, alternate_method, once = nil); end + def disable_animation(*args, &block); end + def disable_animation=(*args, &block); end + def enable_aria_label(*args, &block); end + def enable_aria_label=(*args, &block); end + def exact(*args, &block); end + def exact=(*args, &block); end + def exact_text(*args, &block); end + def exact_text=(*args, &block); end + def ignore_hidden_elements(*args, &block); end + def ignore_hidden_elements=(*args, &block); end + def initialize; end + def javascript_driver; end + def javascript_driver=(arg0); end + def match(*args, &block); end + def match=(*args, &block); end + def predicates_wait(*args, &block); end + def predicates_wait=(*args, &block); end + def raise_server_errors(*args, &block); end + def raise_server_errors=(*args, &block); end + def reuse_server; end + def reuse_server=(arg0); end + def run_server(*args, &block); end + def run_server=(*args, &block); end + def save_path(*args, &block); end + def save_path=(*args, &block); end + def server; end + def server=(name); end + def server_errors(*args, &block); end + def server_errors=(*args, &block); end + def server_host(*args, &block); end + def server_host=(*args, &block); end + def server_port(*args, &block); end + def server_port=(*args, &block); end + def session_options; end + def test_id(*args, &block); end + def test_id=(*args, &block); end + def threadsafe; end + def threadsafe=(bool); end + def visible_text_only(*args, &block); end + def visible_text_only=(*args, &block); end + extend Forwardable +end +module Capybara::Helpers + def declension(singular, plural, count); end + def inject_asset_host(html, host: nil); end + def monotonic_time; end + def normalize_whitespace(text); end + def self.declension(singular, plural, count); end + def self.inject_asset_host(html, host: nil); end + def self.monotonic_time; end + def self.normalize_whitespace(text); end + def self.timer(expire_in:); end + def self.to_regexp(text, exact: nil, all_whitespace: nil, options: nil); end + def timer(expire_in:); end + def to_regexp(text, exact: nil, all_whitespace: nil, options: nil); end +end +class Capybara::Helpers::Timer + def current; end + def expired?; end + def initialize(expire_in); end + def stalled?; end +end +module Capybara::SessionMatchers + def _verify_current_path(path, options); end + def assert_current_path(path, **options); end + def assert_no_current_path(path, **options); end + def has_current_path?(path, **options); end + def has_no_current_path?(path, **options); end + def make_predicate(options); end +end +class Capybara::Session + def _find_frame(*args); end + def _switch_to_window(window = nil, **options, &window_locator); end + def _switch_to_window_by_locator; end + def accept_alert(text = nil, **options, &blk); end + def accept_confirm(text = nil, **options, &blk); end + def accept_modal(type, text_or_options, options, &blk); end + def accept_prompt(text = nil, **options, &blk); end + def adjust_server_port(uri); end + def all(*args, &block); end + def app; end + def assert_all_of_selectors(*args, &block); end + def assert_any_of_selectors(*args, &block); end + def assert_no_selector(*args, &block); end + def assert_no_text(*args, &block); end + def assert_no_title(*args, &block); end + def assert_none_of_selectors(*args, &block); end + def assert_selector(*args, &block); end + def assert_text(*args, &block); end + def assert_title(*args, &block); end + def attach_file(*args, &block); end + def body; end + def check(*args, &block); end + def choose(*args, &block); end + def cleanup!; end + def click_button(*args, &block); end + def click_link(*args, &block); end + def click_link_or_button(*args, &block); end + def click_on(*args, &block); end + def config; end + def configure; end + def current_host; end + def current_path; end + def current_scope; end + def current_url; end + def current_window; end + def default_fn(extension); end + def dismiss_confirm(text = nil, **options, &blk); end + def dismiss_modal(type, text_or_options, options, &blk); end + def dismiss_prompt(text = nil, **options, &blk); end + def document; end + def driver; end + def driver_args(args); end + def element_script_result(arg); end + def evaluate_async_script(script, *args); end + def evaluate_script(script, *args); end + def execute_script(script, *args); end + def fill_in(*args, &block); end + def find(*args, &block); end + def find_all(*args, &block); end + def find_button(*args, &block); end + def find_by_id(*args, &block); end + def find_field(*args, &block); end + def find_link(*args, &block); end + def first(*args, &block); end + def go_back; end + def go_forward; end + def has_button?(*args, &block); end + def has_checked_field?(*args, &block); end + def has_content?(*args, &block); end + def has_css?(*args, &block); end + def has_field?(*args, &block); end + def has_link?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_button?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_checked_field?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_content?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_css?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_field?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_link?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_select?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_selector?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_table?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_text?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_title?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_unchecked_field?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_xpath?(*args, &block); end + def has_select?(*args, &block); end + def has_selector?(*args, &block); end + def has_table?(*args, &block); end + def has_text?(*args, &block); end + def has_title?(*args, &block); end + def has_unchecked_field?(*args, &block); end + def has_xpath?(*args, &block); end + def html; end + def initialize(mode, app = nil); end + def inspect; end + def modal_options(text = nil, **options); end + def mode; end + def open_file(path); end + def open_new_window(kind = nil); end + def prepare_path(path, extension); end + def query(*args, &block); end + def quit; end + def raise_server_error!; end + def refresh; end + def refute_selector(*args, &block); end + def reset!; end + def reset_session!; end + def response_headers; end + def save_and_open_page(path = nil); end + def save_and_open_screenshot(path = nil, **options); end + def save_page(path = nil); end + def save_screenshot(path = nil, **options); end + def scopes; end + def scroll_by(*args, &block); end + def scroll_to(*args, &block); end + def select(*args, &block); end + def self.instance_created?; end + def server; end + def server_url; end + def source; end + def status_code; end + def switch_to_frame(frame); end + def switch_to_window(window = nil, **options, &window_locator); end + def synchronize_windows(options, &block); end + def synchronized; end + def synchronized=(arg0); end + def text(*args, &block); end + def title(*args, &block); end + def uncheck(*args, &block); end + def unselect(*args, &block); end + def using_wait_time(seconds); end + def visit(visit_uri); end + def window_opened_by(**options); end + def windows; end + def within(*args); end + def within_element(*args); end + def within_fieldset(locator); end + def within_frame(*args); end + def within_table(locator); end + def within_window(window_or_proc); end + include Capybara::SessionMatchers +end +class Capybara::Window + def ==(other); end + def close; end + def closed?; end + def current?; end + def eql?(other); end + def exists?; end + def fullscreen; end + def handle; end + def hash; end + def initialize(session, handle); end + def inspect; end + def maximize; end + def raise_unless_current(what); end + def resize_to(width, height); end + def session; end + def size; end + def wait_for_stable_size(seconds = nil); end +end +class Capybara::Server + def app; end + def boot; end + def error; end + def find_available_port(host); end + def host; end + def initialize(app, *deprecated_options, port: nil, host: nil, reportable_errors: nil, extra_middleware: nil); end + def middleware; end + def pending_requests?; end + def port; end + def port_key; end + def reset_error!; end + def responsive?; end + def self.ports; end + def using_ssl?; end + def wait_for_pending_requests; end +end +class Capybara::Server::Middleware + def call(env); end + def clear_error; end + def error; end + def initialize(app, server_errors, extra_middleware = nil); end + def pending_requests?; end +end +class Capybara::Server::Middleware::Counter + def decrement; end + def increment; end + def initialize; end + def value; end +end +class Capybara::Server::AnimationDisabler + def call(env); end + def disable_markup; end + def html_content?; end + def initialize(app); end + def insert_disable(html); end + def self.selector_for(css_or_bool); end +end +class Capybara::Server::Checker + def http_request(&block); end + def https_request(&block); end + def initialize(host, port); end + def make_request(**options, &block); end + def request(&block); end + def ssl?; end + def ssl_options; end +end +module XPath +end +class XPath::Renderer + def join(*expressions); end +end +module XPath::DSL + def join(*expressions); end +end +class Capybara::Selector < SimpleDelegator + def add_error(error_msg); end + def builder(expr = nil); end + def call(locator, **options); end + def current_format; end + def enable_aria_label; end + def errors; end + def expression_for(name, locator, config: nil, format: nil, **options); end + def find_by_attr(attribute, value); end + def find_by_class_attr(classes); end + def format; end + def initialize(definition, config:, format:); end + def locate_field(xpath, locator, **_options); end + def locator_description; end + def locator_valid?(locator); end + def self.[](name); end + def self.add(name, **options, &block); end + def self.all; end + def self.for(locator); end + def self.remove(name); end + def self.update(name, &block); end + def test_id; end + def with_filter_errors(errors); end +end +module Capybara::Selector::Filters +end +class Capybara::Selector::Filters::Base + def apply(subject, name, value, skip_value, ctx); end + def boolean?; end + def default; end + def default?; end + def filter_context(context); end + def format; end + def handles_option?(option_name); end + def initialize(name, matcher, block, **options); end + def matcher?; end + def skip?(value); end + def valid_value?(value); end +end +class Capybara::Selector::Filters::NodeFilter < Capybara::Selector::Filters::Base + def initialize(name, matcher, block, **options); end + def matches?(node, name, value, context = nil); end +end +class Capybara::Selector::Filters::ExpressionFilter < Capybara::Selector::Filters::Base + def apply_filter(expr, name, value, selector); end +end +class Capybara::Selector::Filters::IdentityExpressionFilter < Capybara::Selector::Filters::ExpressionFilter + def apply_filter(expr, _name, _value, _ctx); end + def default?; end + def initialize(name); end + def matcher?; end +end +class Capybara::Selector::Filters::LocatorFilter < Capybara::Selector::Filters::NodeFilter + def apply(subject, value, skip_value, ctx, **options); end + def initialize(block, **options); end + def matches?(node, value, context = nil, exact:); end +end +class Capybara::Selector::FilterSet + def add_filter(name, filter_class, *types, matcher: nil, **options, &block); end + def describe(what = nil, &block); end + def description(node_filters: nil, expression_filters: nil, **options); end + def descriptions; end + def expression_filter(name, *types_and_options, &block); end + def expression_filter_descriptions; end + def expression_filters; end + def filter(names, *types_and_options, &block); end + def import(name, filters = nil); end + def initialize(name, &block); end + def node_filter(names, *types_and_options, &block); end + def node_filter_descriptions; end + def node_filters; end + def options_with_defaults(options); end + def self.[](name); end + def self.add(name, &block); end + def self.all; end + def self.remove(name); end + def undeclared_descriptions; end +end +class Capybara::Selector::CSS + def self.escape(str); end + def self.escape_char(char); end + def self.split(css); end +end +class Capybara::Selector::CSS::Splitter + def parse_block(start, final, strio); end + def parse_paren(strio); end + def parse_square(strio); end + def parse_string(quote, strio); end + def split(css); end +end +class Capybara::Selector::RegexpDisassembler + def alternated_substrings; end + def collapse(strs); end + def combine(strs); end + def extract_strings(expression, alternation: nil); end + def initialize(regexp); end + def process(alternation:); end + def remove_and_covered(strings); end + def remove_or_covered(or_series); end + def substrings; end +end +class Capybara::Selector::RegexpDisassembler::Expression + def alternation?; end + def alternative_strings; end + def alternatives; end + def each; end + def extract_strings(process_alternatives); end + def fixed_repeat?; end + def indeterminate?; end + def initialize(exp); end + def max_repeat; end + def min_repeat; end + def optional?; end + def optional_strings; end + def options_set(strs); end + def repeat_set(str); end + def repeated_strings(process_alternatives); end + def strings(process_alternatives); end + def terminal?; end + def terminal_strings; end + def type; end +end +class Capybara::Selector::XPathBuilder + def add_attribute_conditions(**conditions); end + def attribute_conditions(attributes); end + def class_conditions(classes); end + def expression; end + def initialize(expression); end + def regexp_to_xpath_conditions(regexp); end +end +class Capybara::Selector::CSSBuilder + def add_attribute_conditions(**attributes); end + def attribute_conditions(attributes); end + def class_conditions(classes); end + def expression; end + def initialize(expression); end +end +class Capybara::Selector::Definition + def css(*allowed_filters, &block); end + def custom_filters; end + def default_format; end + def default_visibility(fallback = nil, options = nil); end + def describe(*args, &block); end + def describe_all_expression_filters(**opts); end + def describe_expression_filters(&block); end + def describe_node_filters(&block); end + def description(*args, &block); end + def expression(type, allowed_filters, &block); end + def expression_filter(*args, &block); end + def expression_filters; end + def expressions; end + def filter(*args, &block); end + def filter_set(name, filters_to_use = nil); end + def handled_custom_keys(filter, keys); end + def initialize(name, locator_type: nil, raw_locator: nil, supports_exact: nil, &block); end + def label(label = nil); end + def locator_filter(*types, **options, &block); end + def locator_types; end + def match(&block); end + def match?(locator); end + def name; end + def node_filter(*args, &block); end + def node_filters; end + def parameter_names(block); end + def raw_locator?; end + def supports_exact?; end + def visible(default_visibility = nil, &block); end + def xpath(*allowed_filters, &block); end + extend Forwardable +end +class Capybara::Result + def [](*args); end + def at(*args); end + def compare_count; end + def each(&block); end + def empty?; end + def failure_message; end + def full_results; end + def index(*arg0); end + def initialize(elements, query); end + def inspect(*args, &block); end + def last(*args, &block); end + def lazy_select_elements(&block); end + def length(*args, &block); end + def load_up_to(num); end + def matches_count?; end + def negative_failure_message; end + def rest; end + def sample(*args, &block); end + def size(*args, &block); end + def unfiltered_size; end + def values_at(*args, &block); end + extend Forwardable + include Enumerable +end +module Capybara::Queries +end +class Capybara::Queries::BaseQuery + def assert_valid_keys; end + def count_message; end + def count_specified?; end + def expects_none?; end + def failure_message; end + def initialize(options); end + def matches_count?(count); end + def negative_failure_message; end + def occurrences(count); end + def options; end + def self.wait(options, default = nil); end + def session_options; end + def session_options=(arg0); end + def wait; end +end +class Capybara::Queries::SelectorQuery < Capybara::Queries::BaseQuery + def applied_description; end + def applied_filters; end + def apply_expression_filters(expression); end + def apply_filter?(filter); end + def assert_valid_keys; end + def builder(expr); end + def css; end + def custom_keys; end + def default_visibility; end + def describe_within?; end + def description(only_applied = nil); end + def document?(node); end + def exact?; end + def exact_text; end + def expression; end + def expression_filters; end + def failure_message; end + def filter_set(name); end + def filtered_expression(expr); end + def find_nodes_by_selector_format(node, exact); end + def find_selector(locator); end + def first_try?; end + def initialize(*args, session_options:, enable_aria_label: nil, test_id: nil, selector_format: nil, **options, &filter_block); end + def label; end + def locator; end + def match; end + def matches_class_filter?(node); end + def matches_exact_text_filter?(node); end + def matches_filter_block?(node); end + def matches_filters?(node, node_filter_errors = nil); end + def matches_id_filter?(node); end + def matches_locator_filter?(node); end + def matches_node_filters?(node, errors); end + def matches_style?(node, styles); end + def matches_style_filter?(node); end + def matches_system_filters?(node); end + def matches_text_exactly?(node, value); end + def matches_text_filter?(node); end + def matches_text_regexp?(node, regexp); end + def matches_visibility_filters?(node); end + def name; end + def negative_failure_message; end + def node_filters; end + def normalize_ws; end + def options; end + def resolve_for(node, exact = nil); end + def selector; end + def selector_format; end + def show_for_stage(only_applied); end + def simple_root?(node); end + def supports_exact?; end + def text_fragments; end + def to_element(node); end + def try_text_match_in_expression?; end + def use_default_class_filter?; end + def use_default_id_filter?; end + def use_default_style_filter?; end + def valid_keys; end + def visible; end + def warn_exact_usage; end + def xpath(exact = nil); end + def xpath_text_conditions; end +end +class Capybara::Queries::TextQuery < Capybara::Queries::BaseQuery + def build_message(report_on_invisible); end + def case_insensitive_message; end + def check_case_insensitive?; end + def check_visible_text?; end + def default_type; end + def description; end + def exact?; end + def failure_message; end + def initialize(type = nil, expected_text, session_options:, **options); end + def invisible_message; end + def negative_failure_message; end + def resolve_for(node); end + def text(node: nil, query_type: nil); end + def valid_keys; end +end +class Capybara::Queries::TitleQuery < Capybara::Queries::BaseQuery + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_helper(negated = nil); end + def initialize(expected_title, **options); end + def negative_failure_message; end + def resolves_for?(node); end + def valid_keys; end +end +class Capybara::Queries::CurrentPathQuery < Capybara::Queries::BaseQuery + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_helper(negated = nil); end + def initialize(expected_path, **options); end + def negative_failure_message; end + def resolves_for?(session); end + def valid_keys; end +end +class Capybara::Queries::MatchQuery < Capybara::Queries::SelectorQuery + def assert_valid_keys; end + def valid_keys; end + def visible; end +end +class Capybara::Queries::AncestorQuery < Capybara::Queries::SelectorQuery + def description(applied = nil); end + def initialize(*args); end + def resolve_for(node, exact = nil); end +end +class Capybara::Queries::SiblingQuery < Capybara::Queries::SelectorQuery + def description(applied = nil); end + def initialize(*args); end + def resolve_for(node, exact = nil); end +end +class Capybara::Queries::StyleQuery < Capybara::Queries::BaseQuery + def failure_message; end + def initialize(expected_styles, session_options:, **options); end + def resolves_for?(node); end + def stringify_keys(hsh); end + def valid_keys; end +end +module Capybara::Node +end +module Capybara::Node::Finders + def all(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def ambiguous?(query, result); end + def ancestor(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def find(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def find_all(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def find_button(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def find_by_id(id, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def find_field(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def find_link(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def first(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def options_include_minimum?(opts); end + def parent; end + def prefer_exact?(query); end + def sibling(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def synced_resolve(query); end +end +module Capybara::Node::Matchers + def ==(other); end + def _set_query_session_options(*query_args, **query_options); end + def _verify_match_result(query_args, optional_filter_block); end + def _verify_multiple(*args, wait: nil, **options); end + def _verify_selector_result(query_args, optional_filter_block, query_type = nil); end + def _verify_text(query_args); end + def assert_all_of_selectors(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def assert_ancestor(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def assert_any_of_selectors(*args, wait: nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def assert_matches_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def assert_matches_style(styles, **options); end + def assert_no_ancestor(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def assert_no_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def assert_no_sibling(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def assert_no_text(*args); end + def assert_none_of_selectors(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def assert_not_matches_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def assert_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def assert_sibling(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def assert_style(styles, **options); end + def assert_text(*args); end + def extract_selector(args); end + def has_ancestor?(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_button?(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_checked_field?(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_content?(*args, **options); end + def has_css?(path, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_field?(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_link?(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_no_ancestor?(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_no_button?(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_no_checked_field?(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_no_content?(*args, **options); end + def has_no_css?(path, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_no_field?(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_no_link?(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_no_select?(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_no_selector?(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_no_sibling?(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_no_table?(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_no_text?(*args, **options); end + def has_no_unchecked_field?(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_no_xpath?(path, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_select?(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_selector?(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_sibling?(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_style?(styles, **options); end + def has_table?(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_text?(*args, **options); end + def has_unchecked_field?(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def has_xpath?(path, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def make_predicate(options); end + def matches_css?(css, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def matches_selector?(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def matches_style?(styles, **options); end + def matches_xpath?(xpath, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def not_matches_css?(css, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def not_matches_selector?(*args, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def not_matches_xpath?(xpath, **options, &optional_filter_block); end +end +module Capybara::Node::Actions + def _check_with_label(selector, checked, locator, allow_label_click: nil, **options); end + def _reset_style(element); end + def _update_style(element, style); end + def attach_file(locator = nil, paths, make_visible: nil, **options); end + def check(locator = nil, **options); end + def choose(locator = nil, **options); end + def click_button(locator = nil, **options); end + def click_link(locator = nil, **options); end + def click_link_or_button(locator = nil, **options); end + def click_on(locator = nil, **options); end + def fill_in(locator = nil, with:, currently_with: nil, fill_options: nil, **find_options); end + def find_select_or_datalist_input(from, options); end + def select(value = nil, from: nil, **options); end + def select_datalist_option(input, value); end + def uncheck(locator = nil, **options); end + def unselect(value = nil, from: nil, **options); end + def while_visible(element, visible_css); end +end +module Capybara::Node::DocumentMatchers + def _verify_title(title, options); end + def assert_no_title(title, **options); end + def assert_title(title, **options); end + def has_no_title?(title, **options); end + def has_title?(title, **options); end +end +class Capybara::Node::Simple + def [](name); end + def allow_reload!; end + def checked?; end + def disabled?; end + def find_css(css, **_options); end + def find_xpath(xpath, **_options); end + def initial_cache; end + def initialize(native); end + def inspect; end + def multiple?; end + def native; end + def option_value(option); end + def path; end + def selected?; end + def session_options; end + def synchronize(_seconds = nil); end + def tag_name; end + def text(_type = nil, normalize_ws: nil); end + def title; end + def value; end + def visible?(check_ancestors = nil); end + include Capybara::Node::DocumentMatchers + include Capybara::Node::Finders + include Capybara::Node::Matchers +end +class Capybara::Node::Base + def base; end + def catch_error?(error, errors = nil); end + def driver; end + def find_css(css, **options); end + def find_xpath(xpath, **options); end + def initialize(session, base); end + def query_scope; end + def reload; end + def session; end + def session_options; end + def synchronize(seconds = nil, errors: nil); end + def to_capybara_node; end + include Capybara::Node::Actions + include Capybara::Node::Finders + include Capybara::Node::Matchers +end +class Capybara::Node::Element < Capybara::Node::Base + def [](attribute); end + def allow_reload!; end + def checked?; end + def click(*keys, wait: nil, **offset); end + def disabled?; end + def double_click(*keys, wait: nil, **offset); end + def drag_to(node); end + def drop(*args); end + def evaluate_async_script(script, *args); end + def evaluate_script(script, *args); end + def execute_script(script, *args); end + def hover; end + def initial_cache; end + def initialize(session, base, query_scope, query); end + def inspect; end + def multiple?; end + def native; end + def obscured?; end + def path; end + def readonly?; end + def reload; end + def right_click(*keys, wait: nil, **offset); end + def scroll_to(pos_or_el_or_x, y = nil, align: nil, offset: nil); end + def select_option(wait: nil); end + def selected?; end + def send_keys(*args); end + def set(value, **options); end + def style(*styles); end + def tag_name; end + def text(type = nil, normalize_ws: nil); end + def trigger(event); end + def unselect_option(wait: nil); end + def value; end + def visible?; end +end +class Capybara::Node::Document < Capybara::Node::Base + def evaluate_script(*args); end + def execute_script(*args); end + def inspect; end + def scroll_to(*args); end + def text(type = nil, normalize_ws: nil); end + def title; end + include Capybara::Node::DocumentMatchers +end +class Capybara::Driver::Base + def accept_modal(type, **options, &blk); end + def close_window(handle); end + def current_url; end + def current_window_handle; end + def dismiss_modal(type, **options, &blk); end + def evaluate_async_script(script, *args); end + def evaluate_script(script, *args); end + def execute_script(script, *args); end + def find_css(query, **options); end + def find_xpath(query, **options); end + def frame_title; end + def frame_url; end + def fullscreen_window(handle); end + def go_back; end + def go_forward; end + def html; end + def invalid_element_errors; end + def maximize_window(handle); end + def needs_server?; end + def no_such_window_error; end + def open_new_window; end + def refresh; end + def reset!; end + def resize_window_to(handle, width, height); end + def response_headers; end + def save_screenshot(path, **options); end + def session; end + def session=(arg0); end + def session_options; end + def status_code; end + def switch_to_frame(frame); end + def switch_to_window(handle); end + def visit(path); end + def wait?; end + def window_handles; end + def window_size(handle); end +end +module Capybara::Driver +end +class Capybara::Driver::Node + def ==(other); end + def [](name); end + def all_text; end + def checked?; end + def click(keys = nil, **options); end + def disabled?; end + def double_click(keys = nil, **options); end + def drag_to(element); end + def driver; end + def drop(*args); end + def hover; end + def initial_cache; end + def initialize(driver, native, initial_cache = nil); end + def inspect; end + def multiple?; end + def native; end + def obscured?; end + def path; end + def readonly?; end + def right_click(keys = nil, **options); end + def scroll_by(x, y); end + def scroll_to(element, alignment, position = nil); end + def select_option; end + def selected?; end + def send_keys(*args); end + def set(value, **options); end + def style(styles); end + def tag_name; end + def trigger(event); end + def unselect_option; end + def value; end + def visible?; end + def visible_text; end +end +class Capybara::RackTest::Driver < Capybara::Driver::Base + def app; end + def browser; end + def current_url; end + def delete(*args, &block); end + def dom; end + def find_css(selector); end + def find_xpath(selector); end + def follow(method, path, **attributes); end + def follow_redirects?; end + def get(*args, &block); end + def header(key, value); end + def html; end + def initialize(app, **options); end + def invalid_element_errors; end + def options; end + def post(*args, &block); end + def put(*args, &block); end + def redirect_limit; end + def refresh; end + def request; end + def reset!; end + def response; end + def response_headers; end + def status_code; end + def submit(method, path, attributes); end + def title; end + def visit(path, **attributes); end +end +module Capybara::RackTest::Errors +end +class Capybara::RackTest::Errors::StaleElementReferenceError < StandardError +end +class Capybara::RackTest::Node < Capybara::Driver::Node + def ==(other); end + def [](*args); end + def all_text(*args); end + def attribute_is_not_blank?(attribute); end + def checkable?; end + def checkbox?; end + def checkbox_or_radio?(field = nil); end + def checked?(*args); end + def click(*args); end + def click_label; end + def deselect_options; end + def disabled?(*args); end + def displayed_text(check_ancestor: nil); end + def find_css(*args); end + def find_xpath(*args); end + def follow_link; end + def form; end + def input_field?; end + def link?; end + def path(*args); end + def radio?; end + def select_node; end + def select_option(*args); end + def selected?(*args); end + def set(*args); end + def set_checkbox(value); end + def set_input(value); end + def set_radio(_value); end + def stale_check; end + def string_node; end + def style(*args); end + def submits?; end + def tag_name(*args); end + def text_or_password?; end + def textarea?; end + def type; end + def unchecked_all_text; end + def unchecked_checked?; end + def unchecked_click(keys = nil, **offset); end + def unchecked_disabled?; end + def unchecked_find_css(locator, **_hints); end + def unchecked_find_xpath(locator, **_hints); end + def unchecked_path; end + def unchecked_select_option; end + def unchecked_selected?; end + def unchecked_set(value, **options); end + def unchecked_style(_styles); end + def unchecked_tag_name; end + def unchecked_unselect_option; end + def unchecked_value; end + def unchecked_visible?; end + def unchecked_visible_text; end + def unselect_option(*args); end + def value(*args); end + def visible?(*args); end + def visible_text(*args); end +end +class Capybara::RackTest::Form < Capybara::RackTest::Node + def add_input_param(field, params); end + def add_select_param(field, params); end + def add_textarea_param(field, params); end + def file_to_upload(filename); end + def make_params; end + def merge_param!(params, key, value); end + def multipart?; end + def params(button); end + def request_method; end + def submit(button); end + def submitter?(el); end +end +class Capybara::RackTest::Form::NilUploadedFile < Rack::Test::UploadedFile + def content_type; end + def initialize; end + def original_filename; end + def path; end + def read; end + def size; end +end +class Capybara::RackTest::Form::ParamsHash < Hash + def to_params_hash; end +end +class Capybara::RackTest::Browser + def app; end + def build_rack_mock_session; end + def build_uri(path); end + def current_host; end + def current_host=(arg0); end + def current_url; end + def dom; end + def driver; end + def find(format, selector); end + def follow(method, path, **attributes); end + def fragment_or_script?(path); end + def html; end + def initialize(driver); end + def options; end + def process(method, path, attributes = nil, env = nil); end + def process_and_follow_redirects(method, path, attributes = nil, env = nil); end + def refresh; end + def request_path; end + def reset_cache!; end + def reset_host!; end + def submit(method, path, attributes); end + def title; end + def visit(path, **attributes); end + include Rack::Test::Methods +end +class Capybara::RackTest::CSSHandlers < BasicObject + def disabled(list); end + def enabled(list); end + include Kernel +end +module Capybara::Selenium +end +module Capybara::Selenium::Find + def build_hints_js(uses_visibility, styles); end + def es_context; end + def filter_by_text(elements, texts); end + def find_by(format, selector, uses_visibility:, texts:, styles:); end + def find_css(selector, uses_visibility: nil, texts: nil, styles: nil, **_options); end + def find_xpath(selector, uses_visibility: nil, styles: nil, **_options); end + def is_displayed_atom; end +end +module Capybara::Selenium::Scroll + def scroll_by(x, y); end + def scroll_element_to_location(element, location); end + def scroll_to(element, location, position = nil); end + def scroll_to_coords(x, y); end + def scroll_to_location(location); end +end +class Capybara::Selenium::Node < Capybara::Driver::Node + def ==(other); end + def [](name); end + def action_with_modifiers(click_options); end + def all_text; end + def attrs(*attr_names); end + def boolean_attr(val); end + def browser; end + def browser_action; end + def build_node(native_node, initial_cache = nil); end + def checked?; end + def click(keys = nil, **options); end + def click_with_options(click_options); end + def content_editable?; end + def disabled?; end + def double_click(keys = nil, **options); end + def drag_to(element); end + def drop(*_); end + def each_key(keys); end + def find_context; end + def hover; end + def modifiers_down(actions, keys); end + def modifiers_up(actions, keys); end + def multiple?; end + def obscured?(x: nil, y: nil); end + def path; end + def readonly?; end + def right_click(keys = nil, **options); end + def scroll_if_needed; end + def scroll_to_center; end + def select_node; end + def select_option; end + def selected?; end + def send_keys(*args); end + def set(value, **options); end + def set_content_editable(value); end + def set_date(value); end + def set_datetime_local(value); end + def set_file(value); end + def set_text(value, clear: nil, **_unused); end + def set_time(value); end + def sibling_index(parent, node, selector); end + def style(styles); end + def tag_name; end + def unselect_option; end + def update_value_js(value); end + def value; end + def visible?; end + def visible_text; end + include Capybara::Selenium::Find + include Capybara::Selenium::Scroll +end +class Capybara::Selenium::Node::SettableValue + def dateable?; end + def initialize(value); end + def timeable?; end + def to_date_str; end + def to_datetime_str; end + def to_s; end + def to_time_str; end + def value; end +end +class Capybara::Selenium::Node::ClickOptions + def coords; end + def coords?; end + def empty?; end + def initialize(keys, options); end + def keys; end + def options; end +end +module Capybara::Selenium::Node::Html5Drag + def html5_drag_to(element); end + def html5_draggable?; end + def html5_drop(*args); end +end +class Capybara::Selenium::ChromeNode < Capybara::Selenium::Node + def bridge; end + def browser_version; end + def click(*arg0); end + def disabled?; end + def drag_to(element); end + def drop(*args); end + def file_errors; end + def select_option; end + def set_file(value); end + def set_text(value, clear: nil, **_unused); end + def w3c?; end + include Capybara::Selenium::Node::Html5Drag +end +module Capybara::Selenium::Driver::ChromeDriver + def bridge; end + def build_node(native_node, initial_cache = nil); end + def cdp_unsupported_errors; end + def chromedriver_version; end + def clear_all_storage?; end + def clear_storage; end + def delete_all_cookies; end + def execute_cdp(cmd, params = nil); end + def fullscreen_window(handle); end + def reset!; end + def resize_window_to(handle, width, height); end + def storage_types_to_clear; end + def uniform_storage_clear?; end +end +class Capybara::Selenium::FirefoxNode < Capybara::Selenium::Node + def _send_keys(keys, actions = nil, down_keys = nil); end + def bridge; end + def browser_version; end + def click(keys = nil, **options); end + def click_with_options(click_options); end + def disabled?; end + def drag_to(element); end + def drop(*args); end + def hover; end + def select_option; end + def send_keys(*args); end + def set_file(value); end + def upload(local_file); end + include Capybara::Selenium::Node::Html5Drag +end +class Capybara::Selenium::FirefoxNode::ModifierKeysStack + def include?(key); end + def initialize; end + def pop; end + def press(key); end + def push; end +end +module Capybara::Selenium::Driver::FirefoxDriver + def self.extended(driver); end + def self.w3c?(driver); end +end +module Capybara::Selenium::Driver::W3CFirefoxDriver + def build_node(native_node, initial_cache = nil); end + def refresh; end + def reset!; end + def resize_window_to(handle, width, height); end + def self.extended(driver); end + def self.pause_broken?(sel_driver); end + def switch_to_frame(frame); end +end +class Capybara::Selenium::IENode < Capybara::Selenium::Node + def disabled?; end +end +module Capybara::Selenium::Driver::InternetExplorerDriver + def build_node(native_node, initial_cache = nil); end + def switch_to_frame(frame); end +end +class Capybara::Selenium::SafariNode < Capybara::Selenium::Node + def _send_keys(keys, actions = nil, down_keys = nil); end + def bridge; end + def click(keys = nil, **options); end + def disabled?; end + def hover; end + def select_option; end + def send_keys(*args); end + def set_file(value); end + def set_text(value, clear: nil, **_unused); end + def unselect_option; end + def visible_text; end +end +class Capybara::Selenium::SafariNode::ModifierKeysStack + def include?(key); end + def initialize; end + def pop; end + def press(key); end + def push; end +end +module Capybara::Selenium::Driver::SafariDriver + def bridge; end + def build_node(native_node, initial_cache = nil); end + def switch_to_frame(frame); end +end +class Capybara::Selenium::Driver < Capybara::Driver::Base + def accept_modal(_type, **options); end + def accept_unhandled_reset_alert; end + def app; end + def browser; end + def build_node(native_node, initial_cache = nil); end + def clear_browser_state; end + def clear_browser_state_errors; end + def clear_local_storage; end + def clear_session_storage; end + def clear_storage; end + def close_window(handle); end + def current_url; end + def current_window_handle; end + def delete_all_cookies; end + def dismiss_modal(_type, **options); end + def evaluate_async_script(script, *args); end + def evaluate_script(script, *args); end + def execute_script(script, *args); end + def find_context; end + def find_modal(text: nil, **options); end + def find_modal_errors; end + def frame_obscured_at?(x:, y:); end + def fullscreen_window(handle); end + def go_back; end + def go_forward; end + def html; end + def initialize(app, **options); end + def invalid_element_errors; end + def maximize_window(handle); end + def modal_error; end + def native_args(args); end + def navigate_with_accept(url); end + def needs_server?; end + def no_such_window_error; end + def open_new_window(kind = nil); end + def options; end + def quit; end + def refresh; end + def reset!; end + def reset_browser_state; end + def resize_window_to(handle, width, height); end + def save_screenshot(path, **_options); end + def selenium_4?; end + def self.load_selenium; end + def self.register_specialization(browser_name, specialization); end + def self.specializations; end + def setup_exit_handler; end + def silenced_unknown_error_message?(msg); end + def silenced_unknown_error_messages; end + def specialize_driver; end + def switch_to_frame(frame); end + def switch_to_window(handle); end + def title; end + def unhandled_alert_errors; end + def unwrap_script_result(arg); end + def visit(path); end + def wait?; end + def wait_for_empty_page(timer); end + def window_handles; end + def window_size(handle); end + def within_given_window(handle); end + include Capybara::Selenium::Find +end +class Capybara::CapybaraError < StandardError +end +class Capybara::DriverNotFoundError < Capybara::CapybaraError +end +class Capybara::FrozenInTime < Capybara::CapybaraError +end +class Capybara::ElementNotFound < Capybara::CapybaraError +end +class Capybara::ModalNotFound < Capybara::CapybaraError +end +class Capybara::Ambiguous < Capybara::ElementNotFound +end +class Capybara::ExpectationNotMet < Capybara::ElementNotFound +end +class Capybara::FileNotFound < Capybara::CapybaraError +end +class Capybara::UnselectNotAllowed < Capybara::CapybaraError +end +class Capybara::NotSupportedByDriverError < Capybara::CapybaraError +end +class Capybara::InfiniteRedirectError < Capybara::CapybaraError +end +class Capybara::ScopeError < Capybara::CapybaraError +end +class Capybara::WindowError < Capybara::CapybaraError +end +class Capybara::ReadOnlyElementError < Capybara::CapybaraError +end +module Capybara::RackTest +end +module Capybara::DSL + def accept_alert(*args, &block); end + def accept_confirm(*args, &block); end + def accept_prompt(*args, &block); end + def all(*args, &block); end + def assert_all_of_selectors(*args, &block); end + def assert_any_of_selectors(*args, &block); end + def assert_current_path(*args, &block); end + def assert_no_current_path(*args, &block); end + def assert_no_selector(*args, &block); end + def assert_no_text(*args, &block); end + def assert_no_title(*args, &block); end + def assert_none_of_selectors(*args, &block); end + def assert_selector(*args, &block); end + def assert_text(*args, &block); end + def assert_title(*args, &block); end + def attach_file(*args, &block); end + def body(*args, &block); end + def check(*args, &block); end + def choose(*args, &block); end + def click_button(*args, &block); end + def click_link(*args, &block); end + def click_link_or_button(*args, &block); end + def click_on(*args, &block); end + def current_host(*args, &block); end + def current_path(*args, &block); end + def current_scope(*args, &block); end + def current_url(*args, &block); end + def current_window(*args, &block); end + def dismiss_confirm(*args, &block); end + def dismiss_prompt(*args, &block); end + def evaluate_script(*args, &block); end + def execute_script(*args, &block); end + def fill_in(*args, &block); end + def find(*args, &block); end + def find_all(*args, &block); end + def find_button(*args, &block); end + def find_by_id(*args, &block); end + def find_field(*args, &block); end + def find_link(*args, &block); end + def first(*args, &block); end + def go_back(*args, &block); end + def go_forward(*args, &block); end + def has_button?(*args, &block); end + def has_checked_field?(*args, &block); end + def has_content?(*args, &block); end + def has_css?(*args, &block); end + def has_current_path?(*args, &block); end + def has_field?(*args, &block); end + def has_link?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_button?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_checked_field?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_content?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_css?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_current_path?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_field?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_link?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_select?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_selector?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_table?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_text?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_title?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_unchecked_field?(*args, &block); end + def has_no_xpath?(*args, &block); end + def has_select?(*args, &block); end + def has_selector?(*args, &block); end + def has_table?(*args, &block); end + def has_text?(*args, &block); end + def has_title?(*args, &block); end + def has_unchecked_field?(*args, &block); end + def has_xpath?(*args, &block); end + def html(*args, &block); end + def open_new_window(*args, &block); end + def page; end + def query(*args, &block); end + def refresh(*args, &block); end + def refute_selector(*args, &block); end + def reset_session!(*args, &block); end + def response_headers(*args, &block); end + def save_and_open_page(*args, &block); end + def save_and_open_screenshot(*args, &block); end + def save_page(*args, &block); end + def save_screenshot(*args, &block); end + def scroll_by(*args, &block); end + def scroll_to(*args, &block); end + def select(*args, &block); end + def self.extended(base); end + def self.included(base); end + def source(*args, &block); end + def status_code(*args, &block); end + def switch_to_frame(*args, &block); end + def switch_to_window(*args, &block); end + def text(*args, &block); end + def title(*args, &block); end + def uncheck(*args, &block); end + def unselect(*args, &block); end + def using_session(name_or_session, &block); end + def using_wait_time(seconds, &block); end + def visit(*args, &block); end + def window_opened_by(*args, &block); end + def windows(*args, &block); end + def within(*args, &block); end + def within_element(*args, &block); end + def within_fieldset(*args, &block); end + def within_frame(*args, &block); end + def within_table(*args, &block); end + def within_window(*args, &block); end +end +module Capybara::RSpecMatchers + def become_closed(**options); end + def have_all_of_selectors(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_ancestor(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_any_of_selectors(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_button(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_checked_field(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_content(*args); end + def have_css(expr, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_current_path(path, **options); end + def have_field(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_link(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_ancestor(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_button(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_checked_field(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_content(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_css(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_current_path(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_field(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_link(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_select(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_sibling(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_table(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_text(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_title(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_unchecked_field(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_no_xpath(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_none_of_selectors(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_select(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_sibling(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_style(styles, **options); end + def have_table(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_text(*args); end + def have_title(title, **options); end + def have_unchecked_field(locator = nil, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def have_xpath(expr, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def match_css(expr, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def match_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def match_style(styles, **options); end + def match_xpath(expr, **options, &optional_filter_block); end + def not_match_css(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def not_match_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + def not_match_xpath(*args, &optional_filter_block); end +end +module Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers +end +module Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::Compound + def and(matcher); end + def and_then(matcher); end + def or(matcher); end + include RSpec::Matchers::Composable +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::Compound::CapybaraEvaluator + def initialize(actual); end + def matcher_matches?(matcher); end + def reset; end +end +module Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::Compound::Synchronizer + def match(_expected, actual); end + def sync_element(el); end +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::Compound::And < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound::And + def synchronized_match?; end + include Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::Compound::Synchronizer +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::Compound::Or < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound::Or + def synchronized_match?; end + include Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::Compound::Synchronizer +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::Base + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(*args, &filter_block); end + def session_options; end + def session_query_args; end + include Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::Compound +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::WrappedElementMatcher < Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::Base + def does_not_match?(actual); end + def matches?(actual); end + def wrap(actual); end +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::NegatedMatcher + def description; end + def does_not_match?(actual); end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(matcher); end + def matches?(actual); end + include Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::Compound +end +module Capybara::RSpecMatchers::CountSugar + def at_least(number); end + def at_most(number); end + def exactly(number); end + def once; end + def options; end + def thrice; end + def times; end + def twice; end +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::HaveSelector < Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::WrappedElementMatcher + def description; end + def element_does_not_match?(el); end + def element_matches?(el); end + def query; end + include Capybara::RSpecMatchers::CountSugar +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::HaveAllSelectors < Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::WrappedElementMatcher + def description; end + def does_not_match?(_actual); end + def element_matches?(el); end +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::HaveNoSelectors < Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::WrappedElementMatcher + def description; end + def does_not_match?(_actual); end + def element_matches?(el); end +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::HaveAnySelectors < Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::WrappedElementMatcher + def description; end + def does_not_match?(_actual); end + def element_matches?(el); end +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::HaveAncestor < Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::WrappedElementMatcher + def description; end + def element_does_not_match?(el); end + def element_matches?(el); end + def query; end + include Capybara::RSpecMatchers::CountSugar +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::HaveSibling < Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::WrappedElementMatcher + def description; end + def element_does_not_match?(el); end + def element_matches?(el); end + def query; end + include Capybara::RSpecMatchers::CountSugar +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::MatchSelector < Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::HaveSelector + def description; end + def element_does_not_match?(el); end + def element_matches?(el); end + def query; end +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::HaveCurrentPath < Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::WrappedElementMatcher + def current_path; end + def description; end + def element_does_not_match?(el); end + def element_matches?(el); end +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::MatchStyle < Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::WrappedElementMatcher + def description; end + def does_not_match?(_actual); end + def element_matches?(el); end +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::HaveStyle < Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::MatchStyle + def initialize(*args, &filter_block); end +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::HaveText < Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::WrappedElementMatcher + def description; end + def element_does_not_match?(el); end + def element_matches?(el); end + def format(content); end + def text; end + include Capybara::RSpecMatchers::CountSugar +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::HaveTitle < Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::WrappedElementMatcher + def description; end + def element_does_not_match?(el); end + def element_matches?(el); end + def title; end +end +class Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::BecomeClosed + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(options); end + def matches?(window); end +end +class RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup + def self.ffeature(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.fscenario(*all_args, &block); end + def self.xfeature(*args, &example_group_block); end +end +module RSpec + def self.ffeature(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.xfeature(*args, &example_group_block); end +end +class Module + def ffeature(*a, &b); end + def xfeature(*a, &b); end +end +module Capybara::RSpecMatcherProxies + def all(*args, &block); end + def within(*args, &block); end +end +module Capybara::DSLRSpecProxyInstaller + def self.prepended(base); end +end +module Capybara::DSLRSpecProxyInstaller::ClassMethods + def included(base); end +end +module Capybara::RSpecMatcherProxyInstaller + def self.prepended(base); end +end +module Capybara::RSpecMatcherProxyInstaller::ClassMethods + def included(base); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/childprocess.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/childprocess.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..30ef7a628 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/childprocess.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# childprocess-1.0.1 +module ChildProcess + def self.arch; end + def*args); end + def self.close_on_exec(file); end + def self.is_64_bit?; end + def self.jruby?; end + def self.linux?; end + def self.logger; end + def self.logger=(arg0); end + def*args); end + def self.os; end + def self.platform; end + def self.platform_name; end + def self.posix_spawn=(bool); end + def self.posix_spawn?; end + def self.unix?; end + def self.warn_once(msg); end + def; end + def self.workaround_older_macosx_misreported_cpu?; end +end +class ChildProcess::Error < StandardError +end +class ChildProcess::TimeoutError < ChildProcess::Error +end +class ChildProcess::SubclassResponsibility < ChildProcess::Error +end +class ChildProcess::InvalidEnvironmentVariable < ChildProcess::Error +end +class ChildProcess::LaunchError < ChildProcess::Error +end +class ChildProcess::MissingFFIError < ChildProcess::Error + def initialize; end +end +class ChildProcess::MissingPlatformError < ChildProcess::Error + def initialize; end +end +class ChildProcess::AbstractProcess + def alive?; end + def assert_started; end + def crashed?; end + def cwd; end + def cwd=(arg0); end + def detach; end + def detach=(arg0); end + def detach?; end + def duplex; end + def duplex=(arg0); end + def duplex?; end + def environment; end + def exit_code; end + def exited?; end + def initialize(args); end + def io; end + def launch_process; end + def leader; end + def leader=(arg0); end + def leader?; end + def log(*args); end + def pid; end + def poll_for_exit(timeout); end + def start; end + def started?; end + def stop(timeout = nil); end + def wait; end +end +class ChildProcess::AbstractIO + def _stdin=(io); end + def check_type(io); end + def inherit!; end + def stderr; end + def stderr=(io); end + def stdin; end + def stdout; end + def stdout=(io); end +end +module ChildProcess::Unix +end +class ChildProcess::Unix::IO < ChildProcess::AbstractIO + def check_type(io); end +end +class ChildProcess::Unix::Process < ChildProcess::AbstractProcess + def _pid; end + def exited?; end + def io; end + def pid; end + def send_kill; end + def send_signal(sig); end + def send_term; end + def set_exit_code(status); end + def stop(timeout = nil); end + def wait; end +end +class ChildProcess::Unix::ForkExecProcess < ChildProcess::Unix::Process + def launch_process; end + def set_env; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/chronic.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/chronic.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e8863ea05 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/chronic.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# chronic-0.10.2 +module Chronic + def self.construct(year, month = nil, day = nil, hour = nil, minute = nil, second = nil, offset = nil); end + def self.debug; end + def self.debug=(arg0); end + def self.parse(text, options = nil); end + def self.time_class; end + def self.time_class=(arg0); end +end +module Chronic::Handlers + def day_or_time(day_start, time_tokens, options); end + def dealias_and_disambiguate_times(tokens, options); end + def find_within(tags, span, pointer); end + def get_anchor(tokens, options); end + def get_repeaters(tokens); end + def handle_generic(tokens, options); end + def handle_m_d(month, day, time_tokens, options); end + def handle_o_r_g_r(tokens, options); end + def handle_o_r_s_r(tokens, options); end + def handle_od_rm(tokens, options); end + def handle_od_rmn(tokens, options); end + def handle_od_rmn_sy(tokens, options); end + def handle_orr(tokens, outer_span, options); end + def handle_p_s_r(tokens, options); end + def handle_r(tokens, options); end + def handle_r_g_r(tokens, options); end + def handle_rdn_od(tokens, options); end + def handle_rdn_rmn_od(tokens, options); end + def handle_rdn_rmn_od_sy(tokens, options); end + def handle_rdn_rmn_sd(tokens, options); end + def handle_rdn_rmn_sd_sy(tokens, options); end + def handle_rmn_od(tokens, options); end + def handle_rmn_od_on(tokens, options); end + def handle_rmn_od_sy(tokens, options); end + def handle_rmn_sd(tokens, options); end + def handle_rmn_sd_on(tokens, options); end + def handle_rmn_sd_sy(tokens, options); end + def handle_rmn_sy(tokens, options); end + def handle_s_r_a_s_r_p_a(tokens, options); end + def handle_s_r_p(tokens, options); end + def handle_s_r_p_a(tokens, options); end + def handle_sd_rmn(tokens, options); end + def handle_sd_rmn_sy(tokens, options); end + def handle_sd_sm(tokens, options); end + def handle_sd_sm_sy(tokens, options); end + def handle_sm_rmn_sy(tokens, options); end + def handle_sm_sd(tokens, options); end + def handle_sm_sd_sy(tokens, options); end + def handle_sm_sy(tokens, options); end + def handle_srp(tokens, span, options); end + def handle_sy_rmn_od(tokens, options); end + def handle_sy_sm(tokens, options); end + def handle_sy_sm_sd(tokens, options); end + def handle_year_and_month(year, month); end + def month_overflow?(year, month, day); end + def self.day_or_time(day_start, time_tokens, options); end + def self.dealias_and_disambiguate_times(tokens, options); end + def self.find_within(tags, span, pointer); end + def self.get_anchor(tokens, options); end + def self.get_repeaters(tokens); end + def self.handle_generic(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_m_d(month, day, time_tokens, options); end + def self.handle_o_r_g_r(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_o_r_s_r(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_od_rm(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_od_rmn(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_od_rmn_sy(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_orr(tokens, outer_span, options); end + def self.handle_p_s_r(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_r(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_r_g_r(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_rdn_od(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_rdn_rmn_od(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_rdn_rmn_od_sy(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_rdn_rmn_sd(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_rdn_rmn_sd_sy(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_rmn_od(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_rmn_od_on(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_rmn_od_sy(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_rmn_sd(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_rmn_sd_on(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_rmn_sd_sy(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_rmn_sy(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_s_r_a_s_r_p_a(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_s_r_p(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_s_r_p_a(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_sd_rmn(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_sd_rmn_sy(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_sd_sm(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_sd_sm_sy(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_sm_rmn_sy(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_sm_sd(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_sm_sd_sy(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_sm_sy(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_srp(tokens, span, options); end + def self.handle_sy_rmn_od(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_sy_sm(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_sy_sm_sd(tokens, options); end + def self.handle_year_and_month(year, month); end + def self.month_overflow?(year, month, day); end + def self.time_with_rollover(year, month, day); end + def time_with_rollover(year, month, day); end +end +class Chronic::Parser + def definitions(options = nil); end + def guess(span, mode = nil); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def now; end + def now=(arg0); end + def options; end + def parse(text); end + def pre_normalize(text); end + def tokenize(text, options); end + def tokens_to_span(tokens, options); end + include Chronic::Handlers +end +class Chronic::Date + def self.could_be_day?(day); end + def self.could_be_month?(month); end + def self.could_be_year?(year); end + def self.make_year(year, bias); end + def self.month_overflow?(year, month, day); end +end +class Chronic::Time + def self.could_be_hour?(hour); end + def self.could_be_minute?(minute); end + def self.could_be_second?(second); end + def self.could_be_subsecond?(subsecond); end + def self.normalize_offset(offset); end +end +class Chronic::Handler + def ==(other); end + def handler_method; end + def initialize(pattern, handler_method); end + def invoke(type, tokens, parser, options); end + def match(tokens, definitions); end + def pattern; end + def tags_match?(name, tokens, token_index); end +end +class Chronic::MiniDate + def day; end + def day=(arg0); end + def equals?(other); end + def initialize(month, day); end + def is_between?(md_start, md_end); end + def month; end + def month=(arg0); end + def self.from_time(time); end +end +class Chronic::Tag + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def self.scan_for(token, klass, items = nil, options = nil); end + def start=(time); end + def type; end + def type=(arg0); end +end +class Chronic::Span < Range + def +(seconds); end + def -(seconds); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::Token + def get_tag(tag_class); end + def initialize(word); end + def inspect; end + def tag(new_tag); end + def tagged?; end + def tags; end + def tags=(arg0); end + def to_s; end + def untag(tag_class); end + def word; end + def word=(arg0); end +end +class Chronic::Grabber < Chronic::Tag + def self.scan(tokens, options); end + def self.scan_for_all(token); end + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::Pointer < Chronic::Tag + def self.scan(tokens, options); end + def self.scan_for_all(token); end + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::Scalar < Chronic::Tag + def self.scan(tokens, options); end + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::ScalarSubsecond < Chronic::Scalar + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::ScalarSecond < Chronic::Scalar + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::ScalarMinute < Chronic::Scalar + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::ScalarHour < Chronic::Scalar + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::ScalarDay < Chronic::Scalar + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::ScalarMonth < Chronic::Scalar + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::ScalarYear < Chronic::Scalar + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::Ordinal < Chronic::Tag + def self.scan(tokens, options); end + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::OrdinalDay < Chronic::Ordinal + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::OrdinalMonth < Chronic::Ordinal + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::OrdinalYear < Chronic::Ordinal + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::Separator < Chronic::Tag + def self.scan(tokens, options); end + def self.scan_for_and(token); end + def self.scan_for_at(token); end + def self.scan_for_colon(token); end + def self.scan_for_commas(token); end + def self.scan_for_dash(token); end + def self.scan_for_dots(token); end + def self.scan_for_in(token); end + def self.scan_for_on(token); end + def self.scan_for_quote(token); end + def self.scan_for_slash(token); end + def self.scan_for_space(token); end + def self.scan_for_t(token); end + def self.scan_for_w(token); end + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SeparatorComma < Chronic::Separator + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SeparatorDot < Chronic::Separator + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SeparatorColon < Chronic::Separator + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SeparatorSpace < Chronic::Separator + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SeparatorSlash < Chronic::Separator + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SeparatorDash < Chronic::Separator + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SeparatorQuote < Chronic::Separator + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SeparatorAt < Chronic::Separator + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SeparatorIn < Chronic::Separator + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SeparatorOn < Chronic::Separator + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SeparatorAnd < Chronic::Separator + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SeparatorT < Chronic::Separator + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SeparatorW < Chronic::Separator + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::Sign < Chronic::Tag + def self.scan(tokens, options); end + def self.scan_for_minus(token); end + def self.scan_for_plus(token); end + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SignPlus < Chronic::Sign + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::SignMinus < Chronic::Sign + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::TimeZone < Chronic::Tag + def self.scan(tokens, options); end + def self.scan_for_all(token); end + def to_s; end +end +class Chronic::Numerizer + def self.andition(string); end + def self.numerize(string); end +end +class Chronic::Season + def end; end + def initialize(start_date, end_date); end + def self.find_next_season(season, pointer); end + def self.season_after(season); end + def self.season_before(season); end + def start; end +end +class Chronic::Repeater < Chronic::Tag + def <=>(other); end + def next(pointer); end + def self.scan(tokens, options); end + def self.scan_for_day_names(token, options = nil); end + def self.scan_for_day_portions(token, options = nil); end + def self.scan_for_month_names(token, options = nil); end + def self.scan_for_season_names(token, options = nil); end + def self.scan_for_times(token, options = nil); end + def self.scan_for_units(token, options = nil); end + def this(pointer); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterYear < Chronic::Repeater + def build_offset_time(time, amount, direction); end + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def month_days(year, month); end + def next(pointer); end + def offset(span, amount, pointer); end + def this(pointer = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterSeason < Chronic::Repeater + def construct_season(start, finish); end + def find_current_season(md); end + def find_next_season_span(direction, next_season); end + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def next(pointer); end + def num_seconds_til(goal, direction); end + def num_seconds_til_end(season_symbol, direction); end + def num_seconds_til_start(season_symbol, direction); end + def offset(span, amount, pointer); end + def offset_by(time, amount, pointer); end + def this(pointer = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterSeasonName < Chronic::RepeaterSeason + def next(pointer); end + def offset(span, amount, pointer); end + def offset_by(time, amount, pointer); end + def this(pointer = nil); end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterMonth < Chronic::Repeater + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def month_days(year, month); end + def next(pointer); end + def offset(span, amount, pointer); end + def offset_by(time, amount, pointer); end + def this(pointer = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterMonthName < Chronic::Repeater + def index; end + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def next(pointer); end + def this(pointer = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterFortnight < Chronic::Repeater + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def next(pointer); end + def offset(span, amount, pointer); end + def this(pointer = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterWeek < Chronic::Repeater + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def next(pointer); end + def offset(span, amount, pointer); end + def this(pointer = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterWeekend < Chronic::Repeater + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def next(pointer); end + def offset(span, amount, pointer); end + def this(pointer = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterWeekday < Chronic::Repeater + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def is_weekday?(day); end + def is_weekend?(day); end + def next(pointer); end + def offset(span, amount, pointer); end + def symbol_to_number(sym); end + def this(pointer = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterDay < Chronic::Repeater + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def next(pointer); end + def offset(span, amount, pointer); end + def this(pointer = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterDayName < Chronic::Repeater + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def next(pointer); end + def symbol_to_number(sym); end + def this(pointer = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterDayPortion < Chronic::Repeater + def construct_date_from_reference_and_offset(reference, offset = nil); end + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def next(pointer); end + def offset(span, amount, pointer); end + def this(context = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterHour < Chronic::Repeater + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def next(pointer); end + def offset(span, amount, pointer); end + def this(pointer = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterMinute < Chronic::Repeater + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def next(pointer = nil); end + def offset(span, amount, pointer); end + def this(pointer = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterSecond < Chronic::Repeater + def initialize(type, options = nil); end + def next(pointer = nil); end + def offset(span, amount, pointer); end + def this(pointer = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterTime < Chronic::Repeater + def initialize(time, options = nil); end + def next(pointer); end + def this(context = nil); end + def to_s; end + def width; end +end +class Chronic::RepeaterTime::Tick + def *(other); end + def ambiguous?; end + def initialize(time, ambiguous = nil); end + def time; end + def time=(arg0); end + def to_f; end + def to_s; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/coderay.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/coderay.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f7c20c8e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/coderay.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# coderay-1.1.2 +module CodeRay + def self.coderay_path(*path); end + def self.encode(code, lang, format, options = nil); end + def self.encode_file(filename, format, options = nil); end + def self.encode_tokens(tokens, format, options = nil); end + def self.encoder(format, options = nil); end + def self.get_scanner_options(options); end + def self.highlight(code, lang, options = nil, format = nil); end + def self.highlight_file(filename, options = nil, format = nil); end + def self.scan(code, lang, options = nil, &block); end + def self.scan_file(filename, lang = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def self.scanner(lang, options = nil, &block); end +end +module CodeRay::PluginHost + def [](id, *args, &blk); end + def all_plugins; end + def const_missing(const); end + def default(id = nil); end + def list; end + def load(id, *args, &blk); end + def load_all; end + def load_plugin_map; end + def make_plugin_hash; end + def map(hash); end + def path_to(plugin_id); end + def plugin_hash; end + def plugin_path(*args); end + def register(plugin, id); end + def self.extended(mod); end + def validate_id(id); end +end +class CodeRay::PluginHost::PluginNotFound < LoadError +end +class CodeRay::PluginHost::HostNotFound < LoadError +end +module CodeRay::Encoders + extend CodeRay::PluginHost +end +module CodeRay::Plugin + def aliases; end + def plugin_host(host = nil); end + def plugin_id; end + def register_for(id); end + def title(title = nil); end +end +class CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder + def <<(token); end + def begin_group(kind); end + def begin_line(kind); end + def compile(tokens, options = nil); end + def encode(code, lang, options = nil); end + def encode_tokens(tokens, options = nil); end + def end_group(kind); end + def end_line(kind); end + def file_extension; end + def finish(options); end + def get_output(options); end + def highlight(code, lang, options = nil); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def options; end + def options=(arg0); end + def output(data); end + def scanner; end + def scanner=(arg0); end + def self.const_missing(sym); end + def self.file_extension; end + def setup(options); end + def text_token(text, kind); end + def token(content, kind); end + def tokens(tokens, options = nil); end + extend CodeRay::Plugin +end +class CodeRay::Encoders::Terminal < CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder + def begin_group(kind); end + def begin_line(kind); end + def end_group(kind); end + def end_line(kind); end + def open_token(kind); end + def setup(options); end + def text_token(text, kind); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/concurrent-ruby.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/concurrent-ruby.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1a7a12871 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/concurrent-ruby.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,1587 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# concurrent-ruby-1.1.5 +module Concurrent + def abort_transaction; end + def atomically; end + def call_dataflow(method, executor, *inputs, &block); end + def dataflow!(*inputs, &block); end + def dataflow(*inputs, &block); end + def dataflow_with!(executor, *inputs, &block); end + def dataflow_with(executor, *inputs, &block); end + def leave_transaction; end + def monotonic_time; end + def self.abort_transaction; end + def self.atomically; end + def self.call_dataflow(method, executor, *inputs, &block); end + def self.create_simple_logger(level = nil, output = nil); end + def self.create_stdlib_logger(level = nil, output = nil); end + def self.dataflow!(*inputs, &block); end + def self.dataflow(*inputs, &block); end + def self.dataflow_with!(executor, *inputs, &block); end + def self.dataflow_with(executor, *inputs, &block); end + def self.disable_at_exit_handlers!; end + def self.executor(executor_identifier); end + def self.global_fast_executor; end + def self.global_immediate_executor; end + def self.global_io_executor; end + def self.global_logger; end + def self.global_logger=(value); end + def self.global_timer_set; end + def self.leave_transaction; end + def self.monotonic_time; end + def self.new_fast_executor(opts = nil); end + def self.new_io_executor(opts = nil); end + def self.physical_processor_count; end + def self.processor_count; end + def self.processor_counter; end + def self.use_simple_logger(level = nil, output = nil); end + def self.use_stdlib_logger(level = nil, output = nil); end + extend Concurrent::Concern::Logging + extend Concurrent::Utility::EngineDetector + extend Concurrent::Utility::NativeExtensionLoader +end +module Concurrent::Utility +end +module Concurrent::Utility::EngineDetector + def on_cruby?; end + def on_jruby?; end + def on_jruby_9000?; end + def on_linux?; end + def on_osx?; end + def on_rbx?; end + def on_truffleruby?; end + def on_windows?; end + def ruby_engine; end + def ruby_version(version = nil, comparison, major, minor, patch); end +end +module Concurrent::Synchronization +end +class Concurrent::Synchronization::AbstractObject + def full_memory_barrier; end + def initialize; end + def self.attr_volatile(*names); end +end +module Concurrent::Utility::NativeExtensionLoader + def allow_c_extensions?; end + def c_extensions_loaded?; end + def java_extensions_loaded?; end + def load_error_path(error); end + def load_native_extensions; end + def set_c_extensions_loaded; end + def set_java_extensions_loaded; end + def try_load_c_extension(path); end +end +module Concurrent::Synchronization::MriAttrVolatile + def full_memory_barrier; end + def self.included(base); end +end +module Concurrent::Synchronization::MriAttrVolatile::ClassMethods + def attr_volatile(*names); end +end +class Concurrent::Synchronization::MriObject < Concurrent::Synchronization::AbstractObject + def initialize; end + extend Concurrent::Synchronization::MriAttrVolatile::ClassMethods + include Concurrent::Synchronization::MriAttrVolatile +end +module Concurrent::Synchronization::RbxAttrVolatile + def full_memory_barrier; end + def self.included(base); end +end +module Concurrent::Synchronization::RbxAttrVolatile::ClassMethods + def attr_volatile(*names); end +end +class Concurrent::Synchronization::RbxObject < Concurrent::Synchronization::AbstractObject + def initialize; end + extend Concurrent::Synchronization::RbxAttrVolatile::ClassMethods + include Concurrent::Synchronization::RbxAttrVolatile +end +module Concurrent::Synchronization::TruffleRubyAttrVolatile + def full_memory_barrier; end + def self.included(base); end +end +module Concurrent::Synchronization::TruffleRubyAttrVolatile::ClassMethods + def attr_volatile(*names); end +end +class Concurrent::Synchronization::TruffleRubyObject < Concurrent::Synchronization::AbstractObject + def initialize; end + extend Concurrent::Synchronization::TruffleRubyAttrVolatile::ClassMethods + include Concurrent::Synchronization::TruffleRubyAttrVolatile +end +class Concurrent::Synchronization::Object < Concurrent::Synchronization::MriObject + def __initialize_atomic_fields__; end + def initialize; end + def self.atomic_attribute?(name); end + def self.atomic_attributes(inherited = nil); end + def self.attr_atomic(*names); end + def self.define_initialize_atomic_fields; end + def self.ensure_safe_initialization_when_final_fields_are_present; end + def self.safe_initialization!; end + def self.safe_initialization?; end +end +class Concurrent::Synchronization::AbstractLockableObject < Concurrent::Synchronization::Object + def ns_broadcast; end + def ns_signal; end + def ns_wait(timeout = nil); end + def ns_wait_until(timeout = nil, &condition); end + def synchronize; end +end +module Concurrent::Synchronization::ConditionSignalling + def ns_broadcast; end + def ns_signal; end +end +class Concurrent::Synchronization::MutexLockableObject < Concurrent::Synchronization::AbstractLockableObject + def initialize(*defaults); end + def ns_wait(timeout = nil); end + def*args, &block); end + def synchronize; end + include Concurrent::Synchronization::ConditionSignalling +end +class Concurrent::Synchronization::MonitorLockableObject < Concurrent::Synchronization::AbstractLockableObject + def initialize(*defaults); end + def ns_wait(timeout = nil); end + def*args, &block); end + def synchronize; end + include Concurrent::Synchronization::ConditionSignalling +end +class Concurrent::Synchronization::RbxLockableObject < Concurrent::Synchronization::AbstractLockableObject + def initialize(*defaults); end + def ns_broadcast; end + def ns_signal; end + def ns_wait(timeout = nil); end + def*args, &block); end + def synchronize(&block); end +end +class Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject < Concurrent::Synchronization::MutexLockableObject + def new_condition; end +end +class Concurrent::Synchronization::Condition < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def broadcast; end + def initialize(lock); end + def ns_broadcast; end + def ns_signal; end + def ns_wait(timeout = nil); end + def ns_wait_until(timeout = nil, &condition); end + def*args, &block); end + def self.private_new(*args, &block); end + def signal; end + def wait(timeout = nil); end + def wait_until(timeout = nil, &condition); end +end +class Concurrent::Synchronization::Lock < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def broadcast; end + def ns_broadcast; end + def ns_signal; end + def ns_wait(timeout = nil); end + def ns_wait_until(timeout = nil, &condition); end + def signal; end + def synchronize; end + def wait(timeout = nil); end + def wait_until(timeout = nil, &condition); end +end +module Concurrent::Collection +end +class Concurrent::Collection::NonConcurrentMapBackend + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def _get(key); end + def _set(key, value); end + def clear; end + def compute(key); end + def compute_if_absent(key); end + def compute_if_present(key); end + def delete(key); end + def delete_pair(key, value); end + def dupped_backend; end + def each_pair; end + def get_and_set(key, value); end + def get_or_default(key, default_value); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def key?(key); end + def merge_pair(key, value); end + def pair?(key, expected_value); end + def replace_if_exists(key, new_value); end + def replace_pair(key, old_value, new_value); end + def size; end + def store_computed_value(key, new_value); end +end +class Concurrent::Collection::MriMapBackend < Concurrent::Collection::NonConcurrentMapBackend + def []=(key, value); end + def clear; end + def compute(key); end + def compute_if_absent(key); end + def compute_if_present(key); end + def delete(key); end + def delete_pair(key, value); end + def get_and_set(key, value); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def merge_pair(key, value); end + def replace_if_exists(key, new_value); end + def replace_pair(key, old_value, new_value); end +end +class Concurrent::Map < Concurrent::Collection::MriMapBackend + def [](key); end + def each; end + def each_key; end + def each_pair; end + def each_value; end + def empty?; end + def fetch(key, default_value = nil); end + def fetch_or_store(key, default_value = nil); end + def get(key); end + def initialize(options = nil, &block); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def inspect; end + def key(value); end + def keys; end + def marshal_dump; end + def marshal_load(hash); end + def populate_from(hash); end + def put(key, value); end + def put_if_absent(key, value); end + def raise_fetch_no_key; end + def validate_options_hash!(options); end + def value?(value); end + def values; end +end +class Concurrent::Error < StandardError +end +class Concurrent::ConfigurationError < Concurrent::Error +end +class Concurrent::CancelledOperationError < Concurrent::Error +end +class Concurrent::LifecycleError < Concurrent::Error +end +class Concurrent::ImmutabilityError < Concurrent::Error +end +class Concurrent::IllegalOperationError < Concurrent::Error +end +class Concurrent::InitializationError < Concurrent::Error +end +class Concurrent::MaxRestartFrequencyError < Concurrent::Error +end +class Concurrent::MultipleAssignmentError < Concurrent::Error + def initialize(message = nil, inspection_data = nil); end + def inspect; end + def inspection_data; end +end +class Concurrent::RejectedExecutionError < Concurrent::Error +end +class Concurrent::ResourceLimitError < Concurrent::Error +end +class Concurrent::TimeoutError < Concurrent::Error +end +class Concurrent::MultipleErrors < Concurrent::Error + def errors; end + def initialize(errors, message = nil); end +end +class Concurrent::Event < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def initialize; end + def ns_initialize; end + def ns_set; end + def reset; end + def set; end + def set?; end + def try?; end + def wait(timeout = nil); end +end +module Concurrent::Concern +end +module Concurrent::Concern::Dereferenceable + def apply_deref_options(value); end + def deref; end + def ns_set_deref_options(opts); end + def set_deref_options(opts = nil); end + def value; end + def value=(value); end +end +module Concurrent::Concern::Obligation + def compare_and_set_state(next_state, *expected_current); end + def complete?; end + def event; end + def exception(*args); end + def fulfilled?; end + def get_arguments_from(opts = nil); end + def if_state(*expected_states); end + def incomplete?; end + def init_obligation; end + def no_error!(timeout = nil); end + def ns_check_state?(expected); end + def ns_set_state(value); end + def pending?; end + def realized?; end + def reason; end + def rejected?; end + def set_state(success, value, reason); end + def state; end + def state=(value); end + def unscheduled?; end + def value!(timeout = nil); end + def value(timeout = nil); end + def wait!(timeout = nil); end + def wait(timeout = nil); end + include Concurrent::Concern::Dereferenceable +end +module Concurrent::Concern::Logging + def log(level, progname, message = nil, &block); end + include Logger::Severity +end +module Concurrent::ExecutorService + def <<(task); end + def can_overflow?; end + def post(*args, &task); end + def serialized?; end + include Concurrent::Concern::Logging +end +class Concurrent::AtExitImplementation < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def add(handler_id = nil, &handler); end + def delete(handler_id); end + def enabled=(value); end + def enabled?; end + def handler?(handler_id); end + def handlers; end + def initialize(*args); end + def install; end + def ns_initialize(enabled = nil); end + def run; end + def runner; end + include Logger::Severity +end +class Concurrent::AbstractExecutorService < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def auto_terminate=(value); end + def auto_terminate?; end + def fallback_policy; end + def handle_fallback(*args); end + def initialize(*args, &block); end + def kill; end + def ns_auto_terminate=(value); end + def ns_auto_terminate?; end + def ns_execute(*args, &task); end + def ns_kill_execution; end + def ns_shutdown_execution; end + def running?; end + def shutdown; end + def shutdown?; end + def shuttingdown?; end + def terminate_at_exit; end + def wait_for_termination(timeout = nil); end + include Concurrent::ExecutorService +end +module Concurrent::SerialExecutorService + def serialized?; end + include Concurrent::ExecutorService +end +class Concurrent::ImmediateExecutor < Concurrent::AbstractExecutorService + def <<(task); end + def initialize; end + def kill; end + def post(*args, &task); end + def running?; end + def shutdown; end + def shutdown?; end + def shuttingdown?; end + def wait_for_termination(timeout = nil); end + include Concurrent::SerialExecutorService +end +class Concurrent::Delay < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def execute_task_once; end + def initialize(opts = nil, &block); end + def ns_initialize(opts, &block); end + def reconfigure(&block); end + def value!(timeout = nil); end + def value(timeout = nil); end + def wait(timeout = nil); end + include Concurrent::Concern::Obligation +end +module Concurrent::AtomicNumericCompareAndSetWrapper + def compare_and_set(old_value, new_value); end +end +class Concurrent::MutexAtomicReference < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def _compare_and_set(old_value, new_value); end + def compare_and_swap(old_value, new_value); end + def get; end + def get_and_set(new_value); end + def initialize(value = nil); end + def ns_initialize(value); end + def set(new_value); end + def swap(new_value); end + def value; end + def value=(new_value); end + include Concurrent::AtomicDirectUpdate + include Concurrent::AtomicNumericCompareAndSetWrapper +end +module Concurrent::AtomicDirectUpdate + def try_update!; end + def try_update; end + def update; end +end +class Concurrent::ConcurrentUpdateError < ThreadError +end +class Concurrent::AtomicReference < Concurrent::MutexAtomicReference + def inspect; end + def to_s; end +end +class Concurrent::RubyExecutorService < Concurrent::AbstractExecutorService + def initialize(*args, &block); end + def kill; end + def ns_running?; end + def ns_shutdown?; end + def ns_shutdown_execution; end + def ns_shuttingdown?; end + def post(*args, &task); end + def shutdown; end + def stop_event; end + def stopped_event; end + def wait_for_termination(timeout = nil); end +end +class Concurrent::RubyThreadPoolExecutor < Concurrent::RubyExecutorService + def can_overflow?; end + def completed_task_count; end + def idletime; end + def initialize(opts = nil); end + def largest_length; end + def length; end + def max_length; end + def max_queue; end + def min_length; end + def ns_add_busy_worker; end + def ns_assign_worker(*args, &task); end + def ns_enqueue(*args, &task); end + def ns_execute(*args, &task); end + def ns_initialize(opts); end + def ns_kill_execution; end + def ns_limited_queue?; end + def ns_prune_pool; end + def ns_ready_worker(worker, success = nil); end + def ns_remove_busy_worker(worker); end + def ns_reset_if_forked; end + def ns_shutdown_execution; end + def ns_worker_died(worker); end + def ns_worker_not_old_enough(worker); end + def queue_length; end + def ready_worker(worker); end + def remaining_capacity; end + def remove_busy_worker(worker); end + def scheduled_task_count; end + def worker_died(worker); end + def worker_not_old_enough(worker); end + def worker_task_completed; end +end +class Concurrent::RubyThreadPoolExecutor::Worker + def <<(message); end + def create_worker(queue, pool, idletime); end + def initialize(pool); end + def kill; end + def run_task(pool, task, args); end + def stop; end + include Concurrent::Concern::Logging +end +class Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor < Concurrent::RubyThreadPoolExecutor +end +class Concurrent::CachedThreadPool < Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor + def initialize(opts = nil); end + def ns_initialize(opts); end +end +class Concurrent::Utility::ProcessorCounter + def compute_physical_processor_count; end + def compute_processor_count; end + def initialize; end + def physical_processor_count; end + def processor_count; end +end +class Concurrent::MutexAtomicBoolean < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def false?; end + def initialize(initial = nil); end + def make_false; end + def make_true; end + def ns_initialize(initial); end + def ns_make_value(value); end + def true?; end + def value; end + def value=(value); end +end +class Concurrent::AtomicBoolean < Concurrent::MutexAtomicBoolean + def inspect; end + def to_s; end +end +module Concurrent::Utility::NativeInteger + def ensure_integer(value); end + def ensure_integer_and_bounds(value); end + def ensure_lower_bound(value); end + def ensure_positive(value); end + def ensure_positive_and_no_zero(value); end + def ensure_upper_bound(value); end + extend Concurrent::Utility::NativeInteger +end +class Concurrent::MutexAtomicFixnum < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def compare_and_set(expect, update); end + def decrement(delta = nil); end + def down(delta = nil); end + def increment(delta = nil); end + def initialize(initial = nil); end + def ns_initialize(initial); end + def ns_set(value); end + def up(delta = nil); end + def update; end + def value; end + def value=(value); end +end +class Concurrent::AtomicFixnum < Concurrent::MutexAtomicFixnum + def inspect; end + def to_s; end +end +class Concurrent::CyclicBarrier < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def broken?; end + def initialize(parties, &block); end + def ns_generation_done(generation, status, continue = nil); end + def ns_initialize(parties, &block); end + def ns_next_generation; end + def number_waiting; end + def parties; end + def reset; end + def wait(timeout = nil); end +end +class Concurrent::CyclicBarrier::Generation < Struct + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def status; end + def status=(_); end +end +class Concurrent::MutexCountDownLatch < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def count; end + def count_down; end + def initialize(count = nil); end + def ns_initialize(count); end + def wait(timeout = nil); end +end +class Concurrent::CountDownLatch < Concurrent::MutexCountDownLatch +end +class Concurrent::ReadWriteLock < Concurrent::Synchronization::Object + def acquire_read_lock; end + def acquire_write_lock; end + def has_waiters?; end + def initialize; end + def max_readers?(c = nil); end + def max_writers?(c = nil); end + def release_read_lock; end + def release_write_lock; end + def running_readers(c = nil); end + def running_readers?(c = nil); end + def running_writer?(c = nil); end + def*args, &block); end + def waiting_writer?(c = nil); end + def waiting_writers(c = nil); end + def with_read_lock; end + def with_write_lock; end + def write_locked?; end +end +class Concurrent::AbstractThreadLocalVar + def allocate_storage; end + def bind(value, &block); end + def default; end + def initialize(default = nil, &default_block); end + def value; end + def value=(value); end +end +class Concurrent::RubyThreadLocalVar < Concurrent::AbstractThreadLocalVar + def allocate_storage; end + def default_for(thread); end + def get_threadlocal_array(thread = nil); end + def self.thread_finalizer(array); end + def self.threadlocal_finalizer(index); end + def set_threadlocal_array(array, thread = nil); end + def value; end + def value=(value); end + def value_for(thread); end +end +class Concurrent::ThreadLocalVar < Concurrent::RubyThreadLocalVar +end +class Concurrent::ReentrantReadWriteLock < Concurrent::Synchronization::Object + def acquire_read_lock; end + def acquire_write_lock; end + def initialize; end + def max_readers?(c = nil); end + def max_writers?(c = nil); end + def release_read_lock; end + def release_write_lock; end + def running_readers(c = nil); end + def running_readers?(c = nil); end + def running_writer?(c = nil); end + def*args, &block); end + def try_read_lock; end + def try_write_lock; end + def waiting_or_running_writer?(c = nil); end + def waiting_writers(c = nil); end + def with_read_lock; end + def with_write_lock; end +end +class Concurrent::MutexSemaphore < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def acquire(permits = nil); end + def available_permits; end + def drain_permits; end + def initialize(count); end + def ns_initialize(count); end + def reduce_permits(reduction); end + def release(permits = nil); end + def try_acquire(permits = nil, timeout = nil); end + def try_acquire_now(permits); end + def try_acquire_timed(permits, timeout); end +end +class Concurrent::Semaphore < Concurrent::MutexSemaphore +end +class Concurrent::FixedThreadPool < Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor + def initialize(num_threads, opts = nil); end +end +class Concurrent::SimpleExecutorService < Concurrent::RubyExecutorService + def <<(task); end + def kill; end + def ns_initialize; end + def post(*args, &task); end + def running?; end + def self.<<(task); end + def*args); end + def shutdown; end + def shutdown?; end + def shuttingdown?; end + def wait_for_termination(timeout = nil); end +end +class Concurrent::IndirectImmediateExecutor < Concurrent::ImmediateExecutor + def initialize; end + def post(*args, &task); end +end +class Concurrent::RubySingleThreadExecutor < Concurrent::RubyThreadPoolExecutor + def initialize(opts = nil); end +end +class Concurrent::SafeTaskExecutor < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def execute(*args); end + def initialize(task, opts = nil); end +end +class Concurrent::SerializedExecution < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def call_job(job); end + def initialize; end + def ns_initialize; end + def post(executor, *args, &task); end + def posts(posts); end + def work(job); end + include Concurrent::Concern::Logging +end +class Concurrent::SerializedExecution::Job < Struct + def args; end + def args=(_); end + def block; end + def block=(_); end + def call; end + def executor; end + def executor=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class Concurrent::SerializedExecutionDelegator < SimpleDelegator + def initialize(executor); end + def post(*args, &task); end + include Concurrent::SerialExecutorService +end +class Concurrent::SingleThreadExecutor < Concurrent::RubySingleThreadExecutor +end +class Concurrent::Collection::CopyOnWriteObserverSet < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def add_observer(observer = nil, func = nil, &block); end + def clear_observers_and_return_old; end + def count_observers; end + def delete_observer(observer); end + def delete_observers; end + def initialize; end + def notify_and_delete_observers(*args, &block); end + def notify_observers(*args, &block); end + def notify_to(observers, *args); end + def ns_initialize; end + def observers; end + def observers=(new_set); end +end +class Concurrent::Collection::CopyOnNotifyObserverSet < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def add_observer(observer = nil, func = nil, &block); end + def count_observers; end + def delete_observer(observer); end + def delete_observers; end + def duplicate_and_clear_observers; end + def duplicate_observers; end + def initialize; end + def notify_and_delete_observers(*args, &block); end + def notify_observers(*args, &block); end + def notify_to(observers, *args); end + def ns_initialize; end +end +module Concurrent::Concern::Observable + def add_observer(observer = nil, func = nil, &block); end + def count_observers; end + def delete_observer(observer); end + def delete_observers; end + def observers; end + def observers=(arg0); end + def with_observer(observer = nil, func = nil, &block); end +end +class Concurrent::IVar < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def add_observer(observer = nil, func = nil, &block); end + def check_for_block_or_value!(block_given, value); end + def complete(success, value, reason); end + def complete_without_notification(success, value, reason); end + def fail(reason = nil); end + def initialize(value = nil, opts = nil, &block); end + def notify_observers(value, reason); end + def ns_complete_without_notification(success, value, reason); end + def ns_initialize(value, opts); end + def safe_execute(task, args = nil); end + def set(value = nil); end + def try_set(value = nil, &block); end + include Concurrent::Concern::Obligation + include Concurrent::Concern::Observable +end +module Concurrent::Options + def self.executor(executor_identifier); end + def self.executor_from_options(opts = nil); end +end +class Concurrent::ScheduledTask < Concurrent::IVar + def <=>(other); end + def cancel; end + def cancelled?; end + def execute; end + def executor; end + def fail(reason = nil); end + def initial_delay; end + def initialize(delay, opts = nil, &task); end + def ns_reschedule(delay); end + def ns_schedule(delay); end + def process_task; end + def processing?; end + def reschedule(delay); end + def reset; end + def schedule_time; end + def self.execute(delay, opts = nil, &task); end + def set(value = nil); end + def try_set(value = nil, &block); end + include Comparable +end +class Concurrent::Collection::RubyNonConcurrentPriorityQueue + def <<(item); end + def clear; end + def delete(item); end + def deq; end + def empty?; end + def enq(item); end + def has_priority?(item); end + def include?(item); end + def initialize(opts = nil); end + def length; end + def ordered?(x, y); end + def peek; end + def pop; end + def push(item); end + def self.from_list(list, opts = nil); end + def shift; end + def sink(k); end + def size; end + def swap(x, y); end + def swim(k); end +end +class Concurrent::Collection::NonConcurrentPriorityQueue < Concurrent::Collection::RubyNonConcurrentPriorityQueue + def <<(item); end + def deq; end + def enq(item); end + def has_priority?(item); end + def shift; end + def size; end +end +class Concurrent::TimerSet < Concurrent::RubyExecutorService + def <<(task); end + def initialize(opts = nil); end + def kill; end + def ns_initialize(opts); end + def ns_post_task(task); end + def ns_reset_if_forked; end + def ns_shutdown_execution; end + def post(delay, *args, &task); end + def post_task(task); end + def process_tasks; end + def remove_task(task); end +end +class Concurrent::AtomicMarkableReference < Concurrent::Synchronization::Object + def __initialize_atomic_fields__; end + def compare_and_set(expected_val, new_val, expected_mark, new_mark); end + def compare_and_set_reference(expected, value); end + def compare_and_swap(expected_val, new_val, expected_mark, new_mark); end + def get; end + def immutable_array(*args); end + def initialize(value = nil, mark = nil); end + def mark; end + def marked?; end + def reference; end + def reference=(value); end + def*args, &block); end + def set(new_val, new_mark); end + def swap_reference(value); end + def try_update!; end + def try_update; end + def update; end + def update_reference(&block); end + def value; end +end +class Concurrent::Agent < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def <<(action); end + def await; end + def await_for!(timeout); end + def await_for(timeout); end + def deref; end + def enqueue_action_job(action, args, executor); end + def enqueue_await_job(latch); end + def error; end + def error_mode; end + def execute_next_job; end + def failed?; end + def handle_error(error); end + def initialize(initial, opts = nil); end + def ns_enqueue_job(job, index = nil); end + def ns_find_last_job_for_thread; end + def ns_initialize(initial, opts); end + def ns_post_next_job; end + def ns_validate(value); end + def post(*args, &action); end + def reason; end + def restart(new_value, opts = nil); end + def self.await(*agents); end + def self.await_for!(timeout, *agents); end + def self.await_for(timeout, *agents); end + def send!(*args, &action); end + def send(*args, &action); end + def send_off!(*args, &action); end + def send_off(*args, &action); end + def send_via!(executor, *args, &action); end + def send_via(executor, *args, &action); end + def stopped?; end + def value; end + def wait(timeout = nil); end + include Concurrent::Concern::Observable +end +class Concurrent::Agent::Job < Struct + def action; end + def action=(_); end + def args; end + def args=(_); end + def caller; end + def caller=(_); end + def executor; end + def executor=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class Concurrent::Agent::Error < StandardError + def initialize(message = nil); end +end +class Concurrent::Agent::ValidationError < Concurrent::Agent::Error + def initialize(message = nil); end +end +class Concurrent::Atom < Concurrent::Synchronization::Object + def __initialize_atomic_fields__; end + def compare_and_set(old_value, new_value); end + def compare_and_set_value(expected, value); end + def deref; end + def initialize(value, opts = nil); end + def reset(new_value); end + def*args, &block); end + def swap(*args); end + def swap_value(value); end + def update_value(&block); end + def valid?(new_value); end + def value; end + def value=(value); end + include Concurrent::Concern::Observable +end +module Concurrent::ThreadSafe +end +module Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util +end +class Concurrent::Array < Array +end +class Concurrent::Hash < Hash +end +class Concurrent::Set < Set +end +class Concurrent::Tuple + def cas(i, old_value, new_value); end + def compare_and_set(i, old_value, new_value); end + def each; end + def get(i); end + def initialize(size); end + def set(i, value); end + def size; end + def volatile_get(i); end + def volatile_set(i, value); end + include Enumerable +end +module Concurrent::Async + def async; end + def await; end + def call; end + def cast; end + def init_synchronization; end + def self.included(base); end + def self.validate_argc(obj, method, *args); end +end +module Concurrent::Async::ClassMethods + def new(*args, &block); end +end +class Concurrent::Async::AsyncDelegator < Concurrent::Synchronization::LockableObject + def initialize(delegate); end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + def perform; end + def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = nil); end +end +class Concurrent::Async::AwaitDelegator + def initialize(delegate); end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = nil); end +end +class Concurrent::Future < Concurrent::IVar + def cancel; end + def cancelled?; end + def execute; end + def initialize(opts = nil, &block); end + def ns_initialize(value, opts); end + def self.execute(opts = nil, &block); end + def set(value = nil, &block); end + def wait_or_cancel(timeout); end +end +class Concurrent::DependencyCounter + def initialize(count, &block); end + def update(time, value, reason); end +end +class Concurrent::Maybe < Concurrent::Synchronization::Object + def <=>(other); end + def fulfilled?; end + def initialize(just, nothing); end + def just; end + def just?; end + def nothing; end + def nothing?; end + def or(other); end + def reason; end + def rejected?; end + def self.from(*args); end + def self.just(value); end + def*args, &block); end + def self.nothing(error = nil); end + def value; end + include Comparable +end +class Concurrent::AbstractExchanger < Concurrent::Synchronization::Object + def do_exchange(value, timeout); end + def exchange!(value, timeout = nil); end + def exchange(value, timeout = nil); end + def initialize; end + def try_exchange(value, timeout = nil); end +end +class Concurrent::RubyExchanger < Concurrent::AbstractExchanger + def __initialize_atomic_fields__; end + def compare_and_set_slot(expected, value); end + def do_exchange(value, timeout); end + def initialize; end + def*args, &block); end + def slot; end + def slot=(value); end + def swap_slot(value); end + def update_slot(&block); end +end +class Concurrent::RubyExchanger::Node < Concurrent::Synchronization::Object + def __initialize_atomic_fields__; end + def compare_and_set_value(expected, value); end + def initialize(item); end + def item; end + def latch; end + def*args, &block); end + def swap_value(value); end + def update_value(&block); end + def value; end + def value=(value); end +end +class Concurrent::Exchanger < Concurrent::RubyExchanger +end +module Concurrent::Synchronization::AbstractStruct + def initialize(*values); end + def length; end + def members; end + def ns_each; end + def ns_each_pair; end + def ns_equality(other); end + def ns_get(member); end + def ns_inspect; end + def ns_merge(other, &block); end + def ns_select; end + def ns_to_h; end + def ns_values; end + def ns_values_at(indexes); end + def pr_underscore(clazz); end + def self.define_struct_class(parent, base, name, members, &block); end + def size; end +end +module Concurrent::ImmutableStruct + def ==(other); end + def [](member); end + def each(&block); end + def each_pair(&block); end + def inspect; end + def merge(other, &block); end + def select(&block); end + def self.included(base); end + def*args, &block); end + def to_a; end + def to_h; end + def to_s; end + def values; end + def values_at(*indexes); end + include Concurrent::Synchronization::AbstractStruct +end +module Concurrent::MutableStruct + def ==(other); end + def [](member); end + def []=(member, value); end + def each(&block); end + def each_pair(&block); end + def inspect; end + def merge(other, &block); end + def select(&block); end + def*args, &block); end + def to_a; end + def to_h; end + def to_s; end + def values; end + def values_at(*indexes); end + include Concurrent::Synchronization::AbstractStruct +end +class Concurrent::MVar < Concurrent::Synchronization::Object + def borrow(timeout = nil); end + def empty?; end + def full?; end + def initialize(value = nil, opts = nil); end + def modify!; end + def modify(timeout = nil); end + def put(value, timeout = nil); end + def*args, &block); end + def set!(value); end + def synchronize(&block); end + def take(timeout = nil); end + def try_put!(value); end + def try_take!; end + def unlocked_empty?; end + def unlocked_full?; end + def wait_for_empty(timeout); end + def wait_for_full(timeout); end + def wait_while(condition, timeout); end + include Concurrent::Concern::Dereferenceable +end +class Concurrent::PromiseExecutionError < StandardError +end +class Concurrent::Promise < Concurrent::IVar + def catch(&block); end + def complete(success, value, reason); end + def execute; end + def fail(reason = nil); end + def flat_map(&block); end + def initialize(opts = nil, &block); end + def notify_child(child); end + def ns_initialize(value, opts); end + def on_error(&block); end + def on_fulfill(result); end + def on_reject(reason); end + def on_success(&block); end + def realize(task); end + def rescue(&block); end + def root?; end + def self.aggregate(method, *promises); end + def self.all?(*promises); end + def self.any?(*promises); end + def self.execute(opts = nil, &block); end + def self.fulfill(value, opts = nil); end + def self.reject(reason, opts = nil); end + def*promises); end + def set(value = nil, &block); end + def set_pending; end + def set_state!(success, value, reason); end + def synchronized_set_state!(success, value, reason); end + def then(*args, &block); end + def zip(*others); end +end +module Concurrent::SettableStruct + def ==(other); end + def [](member); end + def []=(member, value); end + def each(&block); end + def each_pair(&block); end + def inspect; end + def merge(other, &block); end + def select(&block); end + def*args, &block); end + def to_a; end + def to_h; end + def to_s; end + def values; end + def values_at(*indexes); end + include Concurrent::Synchronization::AbstractStruct +end +class Concurrent::TimerTask < Concurrent::RubyExecutorService + def <<(task); end + def execute; end + def execute_task(completion); end + def execution_interval; end + def execution_interval=(value); end + def initialize(opts = nil, &task); end + def ns_initialize(opts, &task); end + def ns_kill_execution; end + def ns_shutdown_execution; end + def post(*args, &task); end + def running?; end + def schedule_next_task(interval = nil); end + def self.execute(opts = nil, &task); end + def timeout_interval; end + def timeout_interval=(value); end + def timeout_task(completion); end + include Concurrent::Concern::Dereferenceable + include Concurrent::Concern::Observable +end +class Concurrent::TVar < Concurrent::Synchronization::Object + def initialize(value); end + def*args, &block); end + def unsafe_increment_version; end + def unsafe_lock; end + def unsafe_value; end + def unsafe_value=(value); end + def unsafe_version; end + def value; end + def value=(value); end +end +class Concurrent::Transaction + def abort; end + def commit; end + def initialize; end + def read(tvar); end + def self.current; end + def self.current=(transaction); end + def unlock; end + def valid?; end + def write(tvar, value); end +end +class Concurrent::Transaction::ReadLogEntry < Struct + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def tvar; end + def tvar=(_); end + def version; end + def version=(_); end +end +class Concurrent::Transaction::AbortError < StandardError +end +class Concurrent::Transaction::LeaveError < StandardError +end +class Concurrent::LockFreeStack < Concurrent::Synchronization::Object + def __initialize_atomic_fields__; end + def clear; end + def clear_each(&block); end + def clear_if(head); end + def compare_and_clear(head); end + def compare_and_pop(head); end + def compare_and_push(head, value); end + def compare_and_set_head(expected, value); end + def each(head = nil); end + def empty?(head = nil); end + def head; end + def head=(value); end + def initialize(head = nil); end + def inspect; end + def peek; end + def pop; end + def push(value); end + def replace_if(head, new_head); end + def*args, &block); end + def self.of1(value); end + def self.of2(value1, value2); end + def swap_head(value); end + def to_s; end + def update_head(&block); end + include Enumerable +end +class Concurrent::LockFreeStack::Node + def initialize(value, next_node); end + def next_node; end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def value; end + def value=(arg0); end +end +module Concurrent::ReInclude + def extended(base); end + def include(*modules); end + def included(base); end +end +module Concurrent::Promises + extend Concurrent::Promises::FactoryMethods +end +module Concurrent::Promises::FactoryMethods + def any(*futures_and_or_events); end + def any_event(*futures_and_or_events); end + def any_event_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events); end + def any_fulfilled_future(*futures_and_or_events); end + def any_fulfilled_future_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events); end + def any_resolved_future(*futures_and_or_events); end + def any_resolved_future_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events); end + def delay(*args, &task); end + def delay_on(default_executor, *args, &task); end + def fulfilled_future(value, default_executor = nil); end + def future(*args, &task); end + def future_on(default_executor, *args, &task); end + def make_future(argument = nil, default_executor = nil); end + def rejected_future(reason, default_executor = nil); end + def resolvable_event; end + def resolvable_event_on(default_executor = nil); end + def resolvable_future; end + def resolvable_future_on(default_executor = nil); end + def resolved_event(default_executor = nil); end + def resolved_future(fulfilled, value, reason, default_executor = nil); end + def schedule(intended_time, *args, &task); end + def schedule_on(default_executor, intended_time, *args, &task); end + def zip(*futures_and_or_events); end + def zip_events(*futures_and_or_events); end + def zip_events_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events); end + def zip_futures(*futures_and_or_events); end + def zip_futures_on(default_executor, *futures_and_or_events); end + extend Concurrent::Promises::FactoryMethods + extend Concurrent::Promises::FactoryMethods::Configuration + extend Concurrent::ReInclude + include Concurrent::Promises::FactoryMethods::Configuration +end +module Concurrent::Promises::FactoryMethods::Configuration + def default_executor; end +end +module Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates +end +class Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::State + def resolved?; end + def to_sym; end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::Pending < Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::State + def resolved?; end + def to_sym; end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::Reserved < Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::Pending +end +class Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::ResolvedWithResult < Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::State + def apply; end + def fulfilled?; end + def reason; end + def resolved?; end + def result; end + def to_sym; end + def value; end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::Fulfilled < Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::ResolvedWithResult + def apply(args, block); end + def fulfilled?; end + def initialize(value); end + def reason; end + def to_sym; end + def value; end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::FulfilledArray < Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::Fulfilled + def apply(args, block); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::Rejected < Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::ResolvedWithResult + def apply(args, block); end + def fulfilled?; end + def initialize(reason); end + def reason; end + def to_sym; end + def value; end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::PartiallyRejected < Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates::ResolvedWithResult + def apply(args, block); end + def fulfilled?; end + def initialize(value, reason); end + def reason; end + def to_sym; end + def value; end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::AbstractEventFuture < Concurrent::Synchronization::Object + def __initialize_atomic_fields__; end + def add_callback(method, *args); end + def add_callback_clear_delayed_node(node); end + def add_callback_notify_blocked(promise, index); end + def async_callback_on_resolution(state, executor, args, callback); end + def blocks; end + def call_callback(method, state, args); end + def call_callbacks(state); end + def callback_clear_delayed_node(state, node); end + def callback_notify_blocked(state, promise, index); end + def callbacks; end + def chain(*args, &task); end + def chain_on(executor, *args, &task); end + def chain_resolvable(resolvable); end + def compare_and_set_internal_state(expected, value); end + def default_executor; end + def initialize(promise, default_executor); end + def inspect; end + def internal_state; end + def internal_state=(value); end + def on_resolution!(*args, &callback); end + def on_resolution(*args, &callback); end + def on_resolution_using(executor, *args, &callback); end + def pending?; end + def promise; end + def resolve_with(state, raise_on_reassign = nil, reserved = nil); end + def resolved?; end + def*args, &block); end + def state; end + def swap_internal_state(value); end + def tangle(resolvable); end + def to_s; end + def touch; end + def touched?; end + def update_internal_state(&block); end + def wait(timeout = nil); end + def wait_until_resolved(timeout); end + def waiting_threads; end + def with_async(executor, *args, &block); end + def with_default_executor(executor); end + def with_hidden_resolvable; end + include Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates +end +class Concurrent::Promises::Event < Concurrent::Promises::AbstractEventFuture + def &(other); end + def any(event_or_future); end + def callback_on_resolution(state, args, callback); end + def delay; end + def rejected_resolution(raise_on_reassign, state); end + def schedule(intended_time); end + def then(*args, &task); end + def to_event; end + def to_future; end + def with_default_executor(executor); end + def zip(other); end + def |(event_or_future); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::Future < Concurrent::Promises::AbstractEventFuture + def &(other); end + def any(event_or_future); end + def apply(args, block); end + def async_callback_on_fulfillment(state, executor, args, callback); end + def async_callback_on_rejection(state, executor, args, callback); end + def callback_on_fulfillment(state, args, callback); end + def callback_on_rejection(state, args, callback); end + def callback_on_resolution(state, args, callback); end + def delay; end + def exception(*args); end + def flat(level = nil); end + def flat_event; end + def flat_future(level = nil); end + def fulfilled?; end + def inspect; end + def on_fulfillment!(*args, &callback); end + def on_fulfillment(*args, &callback); end + def on_fulfillment_using(executor, *args, &callback); end + def on_rejection!(*args, &callback); end + def on_rejection(*args, &callback); end + def on_rejection_using(executor, *args, &callback); end + def reason(timeout = nil, timeout_value = nil); end + def rejected?; end + def rejected_resolution(raise_on_reassign, state); end + def rescue(*args, &task); end + def rescue_on(executor, *args, &task); end + def result(timeout = nil); end + def run(run_test = nil); end + def run_test(v); end + def schedule(intended_time); end + def then(*args, &task); end + def then_on(executor, *args, &task); end + def to_event; end + def to_future; end + def to_s; end + def value!(timeout = nil, timeout_value = nil); end + def value(timeout = nil, timeout_value = nil); end + def wait!(timeout = nil); end + def wait_until_resolved!(timeout = nil); end + def with_default_executor(executor); end + def zip(other); end + def |(event_or_future); end +end +module Concurrent::Promises::Resolvable + include Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates +end +class Concurrent::Promises::ResolvableEvent < Concurrent::Promises::Event + def resolve(raise_on_reassign = nil, reserved = nil); end + def wait(timeout = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil); end + def with_hidden_resolvable; end + include Concurrent::Promises::Resolvable +end +class Concurrent::Promises::ResolvableFuture < Concurrent::Promises::Future + def evaluate_to!(*args, &block); end + def evaluate_to(*args, &block); end + def fulfill(value, raise_on_reassign = nil, reserved = nil); end + def reason(timeout = nil, timeout_value = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil); end + def reject(reason, raise_on_reassign = nil, reserved = nil); end + def resolve(fulfilled = nil, value = nil, reason = nil, raise_on_reassign = nil, reserved = nil); end + def result(timeout = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil); end + def value!(timeout = nil, timeout_value = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil); end + def value(timeout = nil, timeout_value = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil); end + def wait!(timeout = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil); end + def wait(timeout = nil, resolve_on_timeout = nil); end + def with_hidden_resolvable; end + include Concurrent::Promises::Resolvable +end +class Concurrent::Promises::AbstractPromise < Concurrent::Synchronization::Object + def default_executor; end + def delayed_because; end + def evaluate_to(*args, block); end + def event; end + def future; end + def initialize(future); end + def inspect; end + def resolve_with(new_state, raise_on_reassign = nil); end + def*args, &block); end + def state; end + def to_s; end + def touch; end + include Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates +end +class Concurrent::Promises::ResolvableEventPromise < Concurrent::Promises::AbstractPromise + def initialize(default_executor); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::ResolvableFuturePromise < Concurrent::Promises::AbstractPromise + def evaluate_to(*args, block); end + def initialize(default_executor); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::InnerPromise < Concurrent::Promises::AbstractPromise +end +class Concurrent::Promises::BlockedPromise < Concurrent::Promises::InnerPromise + def blocked_by; end + def clear_and_propagate_touch(stack_or_element = nil); end + def delayed_because; end + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, future); end + def on_blocker_resolution(future, index); end + def on_resolvable(resolved_future, index); end + def process_on_blocker_resolution(future, index); end + def resolvable?(countdown, future, index); end + def self.add_delayed(delayed1, delayed2); end + def*args, &block); end + def self.new_blocked_by(blockers, *args, &block); end + def self.new_blocked_by1(blocker, *args, &block); end + def self.new_blocked_by2(blocker1, blocker2, *args, &block); end + def touch; end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::BlockedTaskPromise < Concurrent::Promises::BlockedPromise + def executor; end + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, default_executor, executor, args, &task); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::ThenPromise < Concurrent::Promises::BlockedTaskPromise + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, default_executor, executor, args, &task); end + def on_resolvable(resolved_future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::RescuePromise < Concurrent::Promises::BlockedTaskPromise + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, default_executor, executor, args, &task); end + def on_resolvable(resolved_future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::ChainPromise < Concurrent::Promises::BlockedTaskPromise + def on_resolvable(resolved_future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::ImmediateEventPromise < Concurrent::Promises::InnerPromise + def initialize(default_executor); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::ImmediateFuturePromise < Concurrent::Promises::InnerPromise + def initialize(default_executor, fulfilled, value, reason); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::AbstractFlatPromise < Concurrent::Promises::BlockedPromise + def add_delayed_of(future); end + def initialize(delayed_because, blockers_count, event_or_future); end + def on_resolvable(resolved_future, index); end + def resolvable?(countdown, future, index); end + def touch; end + def touched?; end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::FlatEventPromise < Concurrent::Promises::AbstractFlatPromise + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, default_executor); end + def process_on_blocker_resolution(future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::FlatFuturePromise < Concurrent::Promises::AbstractFlatPromise + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, levels, default_executor); end + def process_on_blocker_resolution(future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::RunFuturePromise < Concurrent::Promises::AbstractFlatPromise + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, default_executor, run_test); end + def process_on_blocker_resolution(future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::ZipEventEventPromise < Concurrent::Promises::BlockedPromise + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, default_executor); end + def on_resolvable(resolved_future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::ZipFutureEventPromise < Concurrent::Promises::BlockedPromise + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, default_executor); end + def on_resolvable(resolved_future, index); end + def process_on_blocker_resolution(future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::EventWrapperPromise < Concurrent::Promises::BlockedPromise + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, default_executor); end + def on_resolvable(resolved_future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::FutureWrapperPromise < Concurrent::Promises::BlockedPromise + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, default_executor); end + def on_resolvable(resolved_future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::ZipFuturesPromise < Concurrent::Promises::BlockedPromise + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, default_executor); end + def on_resolvable(resolved_future, index); end + def process_on_blocker_resolution(future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::ZipEventsPromise < Concurrent::Promises::BlockedPromise + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, default_executor); end + def on_resolvable(resolved_future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::AbstractAnyPromise < Concurrent::Promises::BlockedPromise +end +class Concurrent::Promises::AnyResolvedEventPromise < Concurrent::Promises::AbstractAnyPromise + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, default_executor); end + def on_resolvable(resolved_future, index); end + def resolvable?(countdown, future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::AnyResolvedFuturePromise < Concurrent::Promises::AbstractAnyPromise + def initialize(delayed, blockers_count, default_executor); end + def on_resolvable(resolved_future, index); end + def resolvable?(countdown, future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::AnyFulfilledFuturePromise < Concurrent::Promises::AnyResolvedFuturePromise + def resolvable?(countdown, future, index); end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::DelayPromise < Concurrent::Promises::InnerPromise + def delayed_because; end + def initialize(default_executor); end + def touch; end +end +class Concurrent::Promises::ScheduledPromise < Concurrent::Promises::InnerPromise + def initialize(default_executor, intended_time); end + def inspect; end + def intended_time; end +end +class Concurrent::SynchronizedDelegator < SimpleDelegator + def initialize(obj); end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + def setup; end + def teardown; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/crack.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/crack.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e5efcd093 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/crack.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# crack-0.4.3 +class REXMLUtiliyNodeString < String + def attributes; end + def attributes=(arg0); end +end +class REXMLUtilityNode + def add_node(node); end + def attributes; end + def attributes=(arg0); end + def children; end + def children=(arg0); end + def initialize(name, normalized_attributes = nil); end + def inner_html; end + def name; end + def name=(arg0); end + def self.available_typecasts; end + def self.available_typecasts=(obj); end + def self.typecasts; end + def self.typecasts=(obj); end + def to_hash; end + def to_html; end + def to_s; end + def type; end + def type=(arg0); end + def typecast_value(value); end + def undasherize_keys(params); end + def unnormalize_xml_entities(value); end +end +module Crack +end +class Crack::REXMLParser + def self.parse(xml); end +end +class Crack::XML + def self.parse(xml); end + def self.parser; end + def self.parser=(parser); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/crass.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/crass.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4316bef44 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/crass.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# crass-1.0.4 +module Crass + def self.parse(input, options = nil); end + def self.parse_properties(input, options = nil); end +end +class Crass::TokenScanner + def collect; end + def consume; end + def current; end + def initialize(tokens); end + def peek; end + def pos; end + def reconsume; end + def reset; end + def tokens; end +end +class Crass::Scanner + def consume; end + def consume_rest; end + def current; end + def eos?; end + def initialize(input); end + def mark; end + def marked; end + def marker; end + def marker=(arg0); end + def peek(length = nil); end + def pos; end + def pos=(arg0); end + def reconsume; end + def reset; end + def scan(pattern); end + def scan_until(pattern); end + def string; end +end +class Crass::Tokenizer + def consume; end + def consume_bad_url; end + def consume_comments; end + def consume_escaped; end + def consume_ident; end + def consume_name; end + def consume_number; end + def consume_numeric; end + def consume_string(ending = nil); end + def consume_unicode_range; end + def consume_url; end + def convert_string_to_number(str); end + def create_token(type, properties = nil); end + def initialize(input, options = nil); end + def preprocess(input); end + def self.tokenize(input, options = nil); end + def start_identifier?(text = nil); end + def start_number?(text = nil); end + def tokenize; end + def valid_escape?(text = nil); end +end +class Crass::Parser + def consume_at_rule(input = nil); end + def consume_component_value(input = nil); end + def consume_declaration(input = nil); end + def consume_declarations(input = nil, options = nil); end + def consume_function(input = nil); end + def consume_qualified_rule(input = nil); end + def consume_rules(flags = nil); end + def consume_simple_block(input = nil); end + def create_node(type, properties = nil); end + def create_selector(input); end + def create_style_rule(rule); end + def initialize(input, options = nil); end + def parse_component_value(input = nil); end + def parse_component_values(input = nil); end + def parse_declaration(input = nil); end + def parse_declarations(input = nil, options = nil); end + def parse_properties(input = nil); end + def parse_rule(input = nil); end + def parse_value(nodes); end + def self.parse_properties(input, options = nil); end + def self.parse_rules(input, options = nil); end + def self.parse_stylesheet(input, options = nil); end + def self.stringify(nodes, options = nil); end + def tokens; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/cucumber-rails.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/cucumber-rails.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25cfbd892 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/cucumber-rails.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# cucumber-rails-1.7.0 +class Rails::Application < Rails::Engine + def __cucumber_orig_initialize__(group = nil); end +end +class ActionController::Base < ActionController::Metal + def allow_rescue; end + def allow_rescue=(obj); end + def self.allow_rescue; end + def self.allow_rescue=(obj); end +end +class ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions + def __cucumber_orig_call__(env); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/dalli.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dalli.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7d634e245 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/dalli.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# dalli-2.7.10 +module Dalli + def self.default_logger; end + def self.logger; end + def self.logger=(logger); end + def self.rails_logger; end +end +class Dalli::Compressor + def self.compress(data); end + def self.decompress(data); end +end +class Dalli::GzipCompressor + def self.compress(data); end + def self.decompress(data); end +end +class Dalli::Client + def add(key, value, ttl = nil, options = nil); end + def alive!; end + def append(key, value); end + def cas!(key, ttl = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def cas(key, ttl = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def cas_core(key, always_set, ttl = nil, options = nil); end + def close; end + def decr(key, amt = nil, ttl = nil, default = nil); end + def delete(key); end + def fetch(key, ttl = nil, options = nil); end + def flush(delay = nil); end + def flush_all(delay = nil); end + def get(key, options = nil); end + def get_multi(*keys); end + def get_multi_yielder(keys); end + def groups_for_keys(*keys); end + def incr(key, amt = nil, ttl = nil, default = nil); end + def initialize(servers = nil, options = nil); end + def key_with_namespace(key); end + def key_without_namespace(key); end + def make_multi_get_requests(groups); end + def mapped_keys(keys); end + def multi; end + def namespace; end + def normalize_options(opts); end + def normalize_servers(servers); end + def perform(*all_args); end + def perform_multi_response_start(servers); end + def prepend(key, value); end + def replace(key, value, ttl = nil, options = nil); end + def reset; end + def reset_stats; end + def ring; end + def set(key, value, ttl = nil, options = nil); end + def stats(type = nil); end + def touch(key, ttl = nil); end + def ttl_or_default(ttl); end + def validate_key(key); end + def version; end + def with; end +end +class Dalli::Ring + def binary_search(ary, value); end + def continuum; end + def continuum=(arg0); end + def entry_count_for(server, total_servers, total_weight); end + def hash_for(key); end + def initialize(servers, options); end + def lock; end + def server_for_key(key); end + def servers; end + def servers=(arg0); end + def threadsafe!; end +end +class Dalli::Ring::Entry + def initialize(val, srv); end + def server; end + def value; end +end +class Dalli::Server + def add(key, value, ttl, options); end + def alive?; end + def append(key, value); end + def cas(key); end + def cas_response; end + def close; end + def compressor; end + def connect; end + def data_cas_response; end + def decr(key, count, ttl, default); end + def decr_incr(opcode, key, count, ttl, default); end + def delete(key, cas); end + def deserialize(value, flags); end + def down!; end + def failure!(exception); end + def flush(ttl); end + def generic_response(unpack = nil, cache_nils = nil); end + def get(key, options = nil); end + def guard_max_value(key, value); end + def hostname; end + def hostname=(arg0); end + def incr(key, count, ttl, default); end + def initialize(attribs, options = nil); end + def keyvalue_response; end + def lock!; end + def multi?; end + def multi_response; end + def multi_response_abort; end + def multi_response_completed?; end + def multi_response_nonblock; end + def multi_response_start; end + def name; end + def need_auth?; end + def noop; end + def options; end + def options=(arg0); end + def parse_hostname(str); end + def password; end + def port; end + def port=(arg0); end + def prepend(key, value); end + def read(count); end + def read_header; end + def reconnect!(message); end + def replace(key, value, ttl, cas, options); end + def request(op, *args); end + def reset_stats; end + def sanitize_ttl(ttl); end + def sasl_authentication; end + def send_multiget(keys); end + def serialize(key, value, options = nil); end + def serializer; end + def set(key, value, ttl, cas, options); end + def sock; end + def socket_type; end + def split(n); end + def stats(info = nil); end + def touch(key, ttl); end + def unlock!; end + def up!; end + def username; end + def verify_state; end + def version; end + def weight; end + def weight=(arg0); end + def write(bytes); end + def write_append_prepend(opcode, key, value); end + def write_generic(bytes); end + def write_noop; end +end +class Dalli::Server::NilObject +end +module Dalli::Server::TCPSocketOptions + def setsockopts(sock, options); end +end +class Dalli::Server::KSocket < Kgio::Socket + def kgio_wait_readable; end + def kgio_wait_writable; end + def options; end + def options=(arg0); end + def read_available; end + def readfull(count); end + def server; end + def server=(arg0); end + def write(arg0); end +end +class Dalli::Server::KSocket::TCP < Dalli::Server::KSocket + def, port, server, options = nil); end + extend Dalli::Server::TCPSocketOptions +end +class Dalli::Server::KSocket::UNIX < Dalli::Server::KSocket + def, server, options = nil); end +end +module Dalli::Threadsafe + def alive?; end + def close; end + def init_threadsafe; end + def lock!; end + def multi_response_abort; end + def multi_response_nonblock; end + def multi_response_start; end + def request(op, *args); end + def self.extended(obj); end + def unlock!; end +end +class Dalli::Railtie < Rails::Railtie +end +class Dalli::DalliError < RuntimeError +end +class Dalli::NetworkError < Dalli::DalliError +end +class Dalli::RingError < Dalli::DalliError +end +class Dalli::MarshalError < Dalli::DalliError +end +class Dalli::UnmarshalError < Dalli::DalliError +end +class Dalli::ValueOverMaxSize < RuntimeError +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/debug_inspector.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/debug_inspector.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..525b21ba1 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/debug_inspector.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# debug_inspector-0.0.3 +class RubyVM::DebugInspector + def backtrace_locations; end + def frame_binding(arg0); end + def frame_class(arg0); end + def frame_iseq(arg0); end + def frame_self(arg0); end + def; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/docile.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/docile.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f71e3227d --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/docile.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# docile-1.3.1 +module Docile + def dsl_eval(dsl, *args, &block); end + def dsl_eval_immutable(dsl, *args, &block); end + def dsl_eval_with_block_return(dsl, *args, &block); end + def self.dsl_eval(dsl, *args, &block); end + def self.dsl_eval_immutable(dsl, *args, &block); end + def self.dsl_eval_with_block_return(dsl, *args, &block); end + extend Docile::Execution +end +module Docile::Execution + def exec_in_proxy_context(dsl, proxy_type, *args, &block); end + def self.exec_in_proxy_context(dsl, proxy_type, *args, &block); end +end +class Docile::FallbackContextProxy + def initialize(receiver, fallback); end + def instance_variables; end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end +end +class Docile::ChainingFallbackContextProxy < Docile::FallbackContextProxy + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/domain_name.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/domain_name.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1f95efb74 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/domain_name.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# domain_name-0.5.20180417 +class DomainName + def <(other); end + def <=(other); end + def <=>(other); end + def ==(other); end + def >(other); end + def >=(other); end + def canonical?; end + def canonical_tld?; end + def cookie_domain?(domain, host_only = nil); end + def domain; end + def domain_idn; end + def hostname; end + def hostname_idn; end + def idn; end + def initialize(hostname); end + def inspect; end + def ipaddr; end + def ipaddr?; end + def self.etld_data; end + def self.normalize(domain); end + def superdomain; end + def tld; end + def tld_idn; end + def to_s; end + def to_str; end + def uri_host; end +end +module DomainName::Punycode + def self.decode(string); end + def self.decode_hostname(hostname); end + def self.encode(string); end + def self.encode_hostname(hostname); end +end +class DomainName::Punycode::ArgumentError < ArgumentError +end +class DomainName::Punycode::BufferOverflowError < DomainName::Punycode::ArgumentError +end +class Object < BasicObject + def DomainName(hostname); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/erubi.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/erubi.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8d32af62d --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/erubi.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# erubi-1.8.0 +module Erubi + def self.h(value); end +end +class Erubi::Engine + def add_code(code); end + def add_expression(indicator, code); end + def add_expression_result(code); end + def add_expression_result_escaped(code); end + def add_postamble(postamble); end + def add_text(text); end + def bufvar; end + def filename; end + def handle(indicator, code, tailch, rspace, lspace); end + def initialize(input, properties = nil); end + def src; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/execjs.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/execjs.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a8ab30725 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/execjs.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# execjs-2.7.0 +module ExecJS + def self.compile(source, options = nil); end + def self.cygwin?; end + def self.eval(source, options = nil); end + def self.exec(source, options = nil); end + def self.root; end + def self.runtime; end + def self.runtime=(runtime); end + def self.runtimes; end + def; end +end +class ExecJS::Error < StandardError +end +class ExecJS::RuntimeError < ExecJS::Error +end +class ExecJS::ProgramError < ExecJS::Error +end +class ExecJS::RuntimeUnavailable < ExecJS::RuntimeError +end +module ExecJS::Encoding + def encode(string); end +end +class ExecJS::Runtime + def available?; end + def compile(source, options = nil); end + def context_class; end + def deprecated?; end + def eval(source, options = nil); end + def exec(source, options = nil); end + def name; end +end +class ExecJS::Runtime::Context + def call(properties, *args); end + def eval(source, options = nil); end + def exec(source, options = nil); end + def initialize(runtime, source = nil, options = nil); end + include ExecJS::Encoding +end +class ExecJS::DisabledRuntime < ExecJS::Runtime + def available?; end + def compile(source, options = nil); end + def deprecated?; end + def eval(source, options = nil); end + def exec(source, options = nil); end + def name; end +end +class ExecJS::DuktapeRuntime < ExecJS::Runtime + def available?; end + def name; end +end +class ExecJS::DuktapeRuntime::Context < ExecJS::Runtime::Context + def call(identifier, *args); end + def eval(source, options = nil); end + def exec(source, options = nil); end + def initialize(runtime, source = nil, options = nil); end + def wrap_error(e); end +end +class ExecJS::ExternalRuntime < ExecJS::Runtime + def available?; end + def binary; end + def deprecated?; end + def encode_source(source); end + def encode_unicode_codepoints(str); end + def exec_runtime(filename); end + def exec_runtime_error(output); end + def generate_compile_method(path); end + def initialize(options); end + def json2_source; end + def locate_executable(command); end + def name; end + def which(command); end +end +class ExecJS::ExternalRuntime::Context < ExecJS::Runtime::Context + def call(identifier, *args); end + def create_tempfile(basename); end + def eval(source, options = nil); end + def exec(source, options = nil); end + def extract_result(output, filename); end + def initialize(runtime, source = nil, options = nil); end + def write_to_tempfile(contents); end +end +class ExecJS::RubyRacerRuntime < ExecJS::Runtime + def available?; end + def name; end +end +class ExecJS::RubyRacerRuntime::Context < ExecJS::Runtime::Context + def call(properties, *args); end + def eval(source, options = nil); end + def exec(source, options = nil); end + def initialize(runtime, source = nil, options = nil); end + def lock; end + def unbox(value); end + def wrap_error(e); end +end +class ExecJS::RubyRhinoRuntime < ExecJS::Runtime + def available?; end + def name; end +end +class ExecJS::RubyRhinoRuntime::Context < ExecJS::Runtime::Context + def call(properties, *args); end + def eval(source, options = nil); end + def exec(source, options = nil); end + def fix_memory_limit!(context); end + def initialize(runtime, source = nil, options = nil); end + def unbox(value); end + def wrap_error(e); end +end +class ExecJS::MiniRacerRuntime < ExecJS::Runtime + def available?; end + def name; end +end +class ExecJS::MiniRacerRuntime::Context < ExecJS::Runtime::Context + def call(identifier, *args); end + def eval(source, options = nil); end + def exec(source, options = nil); end + def initialize(runtime, source = nil, options = nil); end + def strip_functions!(value); end + def translate; end +end +module ExecJS::Runtimes + def self.autodetect; end + def self.best_available; end + def self.from_environment; end + def self.names; end + def self.runtimes; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/faraday.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/faraday.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..369c08c80 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/faraday.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,511 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# faraday-0.15.4 +module Faraday + def self.const_missing(name); end + def self.default_adapter; end + def self.default_adapter=(adapter); end + def self.default_connection; end + def self.default_connection=(arg0); end + def self.default_connection_options; end + def self.default_connection_options=(options); end + def self.ignore_env_proxy; end + def self.ignore_env_proxy=(arg0); end + def self.lib_path; end + def self.lib_path=(arg0); end + def self.method_missing(name, *args, &block); end + def = nil, options = nil); end + def self.require_lib(*libs); end + def self.require_libs(*libs); end + def self.respond_to?(symbol, include_private = nil); end + def self.root_path; end + def self.root_path=(arg0); end +end +module Faraday::Utils + def URI(url); end + def build_nested_query(params); end + def build_query(params); end + def deep_merge!(target, hash); end + def deep_merge(source, hash); end + def default_params_encoder; end + def default_uri_parser; end + def default_uri_parser=(parser); end + def escape(s); end + def normalize_params(params, name, v = nil); end + def normalize_path(url); end + def parse_nested_query(query); end + def parse_query(query); end + def self.default_params_encoder=(arg0); end + def sort_query_params(query); end + def unescape(s); end + extend Faraday::Utils +end +class Faraday::Utils::Headers < Hash + def [](k); end + def []=(k, v); end + def delete(k); end + def fetch(k, *args, &block); end + def has_key?(k); end + def include?(k); end + def initialize(hash = nil); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def initialize_names; end + def key?(k); end + def member?(k); end + def merge!(other); end + def merge(other); end + def names; end + def parse(header_string); end + def replace(other); end + def self.allocate; end + def self.from(value); end + def to_hash; end + def update(other); end +end +class Faraday::Utils::ParamsHash < Hash + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def convert_key(key); end + def delete(key); end + def has_key?(key); end + def include?(key); end + def key?(key); end + def member?(key); end + def merge!(params); end + def merge(params); end + def merge_query(query, encoder = nil); end + def replace(other); end + def to_query(encoder = nil); end + def update(params); end +end +class Faraday::Options < Struct + def [](key); end + def clear; end + def deep_dup; end + def delete(key); end + def each; end + def each_key; end + def each_value; end + def empty?; end + def fetch(key, *args); end + def has_key?(key); end + def has_value?(value); end + def inspect; end + def key?(key); end + def keys; end + def merge!(other); end + def merge(other); end + def self.attribute_options; end + def self.fetch_error_class; end + def self.from(value); end + def self.inherited(subclass); end + def self.memoized(key); end + def self.memoized_attributes; end + def self.options(mapping); end + def self.options_for(key); end + def symbolized_key_set; end + def to_hash; end + def update(obj); end + def value?(value); end + def values_at(*keys); end +end +class Anonymous_Faraday_Options_10 < Faraday::Options + def bind; end + def bind=(_); end + def boundary; end + def boundary=(_); end + def context; end + def context=(_); end + def oauth; end + def oauth=(_); end + def open_timeout; end + def open_timeout=(_); end + def params_encoder; end + def params_encoder=(_); end + def proxy; end + def proxy=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def timeout; end + def timeout=(_); end + def write_timeout; end + def write_timeout=(_); end +end +class Faraday::RequestOptions < Anonymous_Faraday_Options_10 + def []=(key, value); end +end +class Anonymous_Faraday_Options_11 < Faraday::Options + def ca_file; end + def ca_file=(_); end + def ca_path; end + def ca_path=(_); end + def cert_store; end + def cert_store=(_); end + def certificate; end + def certificate=(_); end + def client_cert; end + def client_cert=(_); end + def client_key; end + def client_key=(_); end + def max_version; end + def max_version=(_); end + def min_version; end + def min_version=(_); end + def private_key; end + def private_key=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def verify; end + def verify=(_); end + def verify_depth; end + def verify_depth=(_); end + def verify_mode; end + def verify_mode=(_); end + def version; end + def version=(_); end +end +class Faraday::SSLOptions < Anonymous_Faraday_Options_11 + def disable?; end + def verify?; end +end +class Anonymous_Faraday_Options_12 < Faraday::Options + def password; end + def password=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def uri; end + def uri=(_); end + def user; end + def user=(_); end +end +class Faraday::ProxyOptions < Anonymous_Faraday_Options_12 + def host(*args, &block); end + def host=(*args, &block); end + def password; end + def path(*args, &block); end + def path=(*args, &block); end + def port(*args, &block); end + def port=(*args, &block); end + def scheme(*args, &block); end + def scheme=(*args, &block); end + def self.from(value); end + def user; end + extend Forwardable +end +class Anonymous_Faraday_Options_13 < Faraday::Options + def builder; end + def builder=(_); end + def builder_class; end + def builder_class=(_); end + def headers; end + def headers=(_); end + def parallel_manager; end + def parallel_manager=(_); end + def params; end + def params=(_); end + def proxy; end + def proxy=(_); end + def request; end + def request=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def ssl; end + def ssl=(_); end + def url; end + def url=(_); end +end +class Faraday::ConnectionOptions < Anonymous_Faraday_Options_13 + def builder_class; end + def new_builder(block); end + def request; end + def ssl; end +end +class Anonymous_Faraday_Options_14 < Faraday::Options + def body; end + def body=(_); end + def method; end + def method=(_); end + def parallel_manager; end + def parallel_manager=(_); end + def params; end + def params=(_); end + def reason_phrase; end + def reason_phrase=(_); end + def request; end + def request=(_); end + def request_headers; end + def request_headers=(_); end + def response; end + def response=(_); end + def response_headers; end + def response_headers=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def ssl; end + def ssl=(_); end + def status; end + def status=(_); end + def url; end + def url=(_); end +end +class Faraday::Env < Anonymous_Faraday_Options_14 + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def clear_body; end + def custom_members; end + def in_member_set?(key); end + def inspect; end + def needs_body?; end + def parallel?; end + def params_encoder(*args, &block); end + def parse_body?; end + def self.from(value); end + def self.member_set; end + def success?; end + extend Forwardable +end +class Faraday::Connection + def adapter(*args, &block); end + def app(*args, &block); end + def authorization(type, token); end + def basic_auth(login, pass); end + def build(*args, &block); end + def build_exclusive_url(url = nil, params = nil, params_encoder = nil); end + def build_request(method); end + def build_url(url = nil, extra_params = nil); end + def builder; end + def default_parallel_manager; end + def default_parallel_manager=(arg0); end + def delete(url = nil, params = nil, headers = nil); end + def dup; end + def find_default_proxy; end + def get(url = nil, params = nil, headers = nil); end + def head(url = nil, params = nil, headers = nil); end + def headers; end + def headers=(hash); end + def host(*args, &block); end + def host=(*args, &block); end + def in_parallel(manager = nil); end + def in_parallel?; end + def initialize(url = nil, options = nil); end + def options; end + def parallel_manager; end + def params; end + def params=(hash); end + def patch(url = nil, body = nil, headers = nil, &block); end + def path_prefix(*args, &block); end + def path_prefix=(value); end + def port(*args, &block); end + def port=(*args, &block); end + def post(url = nil, body = nil, headers = nil, &block); end + def proxy(arg = nil); end + def proxy=(new_value); end + def proxy_for_request(url); end + def proxy_from_env(url); end + def put(url = nil, body = nil, headers = nil, &block); end + def request(*args, &block); end + def response(*args, &block); end + def run_request(method, url, body, headers); end + def scheme(*args, &block); end + def scheme=(*args, &block); end + def set_authorization_header(header_type, *args); end + def ssl; end + def token_auth(token, options = nil); end + def url_prefix; end + def url_prefix=(url, encoder = nil); end + def use(*args, &block); end + def with_uri_credentials(uri); end + extend Forwardable +end +class Faraday::RackBuilder + def ==(other); end + def [](idx); end + def adapter(key, *args, &block); end + def adapter_set?; end + def app; end + def assert_index(index); end + def build(options = nil); end + def build_env(connection, request); end + def build_response(connection, request); end + def delete(handler); end + def dup; end + def handlers; end + def handlers=(arg0); end + def initialize(handlers = nil); end + def insert(index, *args, &block); end + def insert_after(index, *args, &block); end + def insert_before(index, *args, &block); end + def inserting_after_adapter?(index); end + def is_adapter?(handler); end + def lock!; end + def locked?; end + def raise_if_locked; end + def request(key, *args, &block); end + def response(key, *args, &block); end + def swap(index, *args, &block); end + def to_app(inner_app); end + def use(klass, *args, &block); end + def use_symbol(mod, key, *args, &block); end + def warn_middleware_after_adapter; end +end +class Faraday::RackBuilder::StackLocked < RuntimeError +end +class Faraday::RackBuilder::Handler + def ==(other); end + def build(app); end + def initialize(klass, *args, &block); end + def inspect; end + def klass; end + def name; end +end +module Faraday::NestedParamsEncoder + def self.decode(query); end + def self.dehash(hash, depth); end + def self.encode(params); end + def self.escape(*args, &block); end + def self.unescape(*args, &block); end +end +module Faraday::FlatParamsEncoder + def self.decode(query); end + def self.encode(params); end + def self.escape(*args, &block); end + def self.unescape(*args, &block); end +end +class Faraday::Middleware + def initialize(app = nil); end + def self.dependency(lib = nil); end + def self.inherited(subclass); end + def self.load_error; end + def self.load_error=(arg0); end + def self.loaded?; end + def*arg0); end + extend Faraday::MiddlewareRegistry +end +class Faraday::Adapter < Faraday::Middleware + def call(env); end + def initialize(app = nil, opts = nil, &block); end + def save_response(env, status, body, headers = nil, reason_phrase = nil); end + extend Faraday::Adapter::Parallelism + extend Faraday::AutoloadHelper +end +module Faraday::Adapter::Parallelism + def inherited(subclass); end + def supports_parallel=(arg0); end + def supports_parallel?; end +end +class Anonymous_Struct_15 < Struct + def body; end + def body=(_); end + def headers; end + def headers=(_); end + def method; end + def method=(_); end + def options; end + def options=(_); end + def params; end + def params=(_); end + def path; end + def path=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class Faraday::Request < Anonymous_Struct_15 + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def headers=(hash); end + def marshal_dump; end + def marshal_load(serialised); end + def params=(hash); end + def self.create(request_method); end + def to_env(connection); end + def url(path, params = nil); end + extend Faraday::AutoloadHelper + extend Faraday::MiddlewareRegistry +end +class Faraday::Response + def [](*args, &block); end + def apply_request(request_env); end + def body; end + def env; end + def finish(env); end + def finished?; end + def headers; end + def initialize(env = nil); end + def marshal_dump; end + def marshal_load(env); end + def on_complete; end + def reason_phrase; end + def status; end + def success?; end + def to_hash(*args, &block); end + extend Faraday::AutoloadHelper + extend Faraday::MiddlewareRegistry + extend Forwardable +end +class Faraday::Response::Middleware < Faraday::Middleware + def call(env); end + def on_complete(env); end +end +class Faraday::CompositeReadIO + def advance_io; end + def close; end + def current_io; end + def ensure_open_and_readable; end + def initialize(*parts); end + def length; end + def read(length = nil, outbuf = nil); end + def rewind; end +end +class Faraday::Error < StandardError +end +class Faraday::ClientError < Faraday::Error + def backtrace; end + def initialize(ex, response = nil); end + def inspect; end + def response; end + def wrapped_exception; end +end +class Faraday::ConnectionFailed < Faraday::ClientError +end +class Faraday::ResourceNotFound < Faraday::ClientError +end +class Faraday::ParsingError < Faraday::ClientError +end +class Faraday::TimeoutError < Faraday::ClientError + def initialize(ex = nil); end +end +class Faraday::SSLError < Faraday::ClientError +end +class Faraday::RetriableResponse < Faraday::ClientError +end +module Faraday::AutoloadHelper + def all_loaded_constants; end + def autoload_all(prefix, options); end + def load_autoloaded_constants; end +end +module Faraday::MiddlewareRegistry + def fetch_middleware(key); end + def load_middleware(key); end + def lookup_middleware(key); end + def middleware_mutex(&block); end + def register_middleware(autoload_path = nil, mapping = nil); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/gds-api-adapters.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/gds-api-adapters.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..47d78039d --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/gds-api-adapters.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,630 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# gds-api-adapters-59.5.1 +module GdsApi + def self.asset_manager(options = nil); end + def self.calendars(options = nil); end + def self.content_store(options = nil); end + def self.email_alert_api(options = nil); end + def self.imminence(options = nil); end + def self.licence_application(options = nil); end + def self.link_checker_api(options = nil); end + def self.local_links_manager(options = nil); end + def self.mapit(options = nil); end + def self.maslow(options = nil); end + def self.organisations(options = nil); end + def self.publishing_api(options = nil); end + def self.publishing_api_v2(options = nil); end + def self.router(options = nil); end + def self.rummager(options = nil); end + def = nil); end + def = nil); end + def self.support_api(options = nil); end + def self.worldwide(options = nil); end +end +class GdsApi::GovukHeaders + def self.clear_headers; end + def self.header_data; end + def self.headers; end + def self.set_header(header_name, value); end +end +class GdsApi::GovukHeaderSniffer + def call(env); end + def initialize(app, header_name); end + def readable_name; end +end +class GdsApi::Railtie < Rails::Railtie +end +class GdsApi::BaseError < StandardError + def raven_context; end +end +class GdsApi::EndpointNotFound < GdsApi::BaseError +end +class GdsApi::TimedOutException < GdsApi::BaseError +end +class GdsApi::InvalidUrl < GdsApi::BaseError +end +class GdsApi::SocketErrorException < GdsApi::BaseError +end +class GdsApi::HTTPErrorResponse < GdsApi::BaseError + def code; end + def code=(arg0); end + def error_details; end + def error_details=(arg0); end + def initialize(code, message = nil, error_details = nil, request_body = nil); end +end +class GdsApi::HTTPClientError < GdsApi::HTTPErrorResponse +end +class GdsApi::HTTPIntermittentClientError < GdsApi::HTTPClientError +end +class GdsApi::HTTPNotFound < GdsApi::HTTPClientError +end +class GdsApi::HTTPGone < GdsApi::HTTPClientError +end +class GdsApi::HTTPPayloadTooLarge < GdsApi::HTTPClientError +end +class GdsApi::HTTPUnauthorized < GdsApi::HTTPClientError +end +class GdsApi::HTTPForbidden < GdsApi::HTTPClientError +end +class GdsApi::HTTPConflict < GdsApi::HTTPClientError +end +class GdsApi::HTTPUnprocessableEntity < GdsApi::HTTPClientError +end +class GdsApi::HTTPTooManyRequests < GdsApi::HTTPIntermittentClientError +end +class GdsApi::HTTPServerError < GdsApi::HTTPErrorResponse +end +class GdsApi::HTTPIntermittentServerError < GdsApi::HTTPServerError +end +class GdsApi::HTTPInternalServerError < GdsApi::HTTPServerError +end +class GdsApi::HTTPBadGateway < GdsApi::HTTPIntermittentServerError +end +class GdsApi::HTTPUnavailable < GdsApi::HTTPIntermittentServerError +end +class GdsApi::HTTPGatewayTimeout < GdsApi::HTTPIntermittentServerError +end +module GdsApi::ExceptionHandling + def build_specific_http_error(error, url, details = nil, request_body = nil); end + def error_class_for_code(code); end +end +class GdsApi::Response + def <=>(*args, &block); end + def [](*args, &block); end + def blank?; end + def cache_control; end + def code; end + def dig(*args, &block); end + def each(*args, &block); end + def expires_at; end + def expires_in; end + def headers; end + def initialize(http_response, options = nil); end + def parsed_content; end + def present?; end + def raw_response_body; end + def to_hash; end + def transform_parsed(value); end + extend Forwardable + include Enumerable +end +class GdsApi::JsonClient + def delete_json(url, params = nil, additional_headers = nil); end + def do_json_request(method, url, params = nil, additional_headers = nil, &create_response); end + def do_raw_request(method, url, params = nil); end + def do_request(method, url, params = nil, additional_headers = nil); end + def get_json(url, additional_headers = nil, &create_response); end + def get_raw!(url); end + def get_raw(url); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def logger; end + def logger=(arg0); end + def options; end + def options=(arg0); end + def patch_json(url, params, additional_headers = nil); end + def post_json(url, params = nil, additional_headers = nil); end + def post_multipart(url, params); end + def put_json(url, params, additional_headers = nil); end + def put_multipart(url, params); end + def self.default_request_headers; end + def self.default_request_with_json_body_headers; end + def self.json_body_headers; end + def with_auth_options(method_params); end + def with_headers(method_params, default_headers, additional_headers); end + def with_ssl_options(method_params); end + def with_timeout(method_params); end + include GdsApi::ExceptionHandling +end +class GdsApi::ListResponse < GdsApi::Response + def each(*args, &block); end + def has_next_page?; end + def has_previous_page?; end + def initialize(response, api_client, options = nil); end + def link_header; end + def next_page; end + def page_link(rel); end + def previous_page; end + def results; end + def to_ary(*args, &block); end + def with_subsequent_pages; end +end +class GdsApi::Base + def client; end + def create_client; end + def delete_json(*args, &block); end + def endpoint; end + def endpoint=(arg0); end + def get_json(*args, &block); end + def get_list(url); end + def get_raw!(*args, &block); end + def get_raw(*args, &block); end + def initialize(endpoint_url, options = nil); end + def options; end + def patch_json(*args, &block); end + def post_json(*args, &block); end + def post_multipart(*args, &block); end + def put_json(*args, &block); end + def put_multipart(*args, &block); end + def query_string(params); end + def self.default_options; end + def self.default_options=(arg0); end + def self.logger; end + def self.logger=(arg0); end + def url_for_slug(slug, options = nil); end + extend Forwardable +end +class GdsApi::Base::InvalidAPIURL < StandardError +end +class GdsApi::AssetManager < GdsApi::Base + def asset(id); end + def base_url; end + def create_asset(asset); end + def create_whitehall_asset(asset); end + def delete_asset(id); end + def restore_asset(id); end + def update_asset(id, asset); end + def whitehall_asset(legacy_url_path); end +end +class GdsApi::Calendars < GdsApi::Base + def bank_holidays(division = nil); end +end +class GdsApi::ContentStore < GdsApi::Base + def content_item(base_path); end + def content_item_url(base_path); end + def self.redirect_for_path(content_item, request_path, request_query = nil); end +end +class GdsApi::ContentStore::ItemNotFound < GdsApi::HTTPNotFound + def self.build_from(http_error); end +end +class GdsApi::ContentStore::RedirectResolver + def call; end + def content_item; end + def initialize(content_item, request_path, request_query = nil); end + def prefix_destination(redirect, path, query); end + def redirect_for_path(path); end + def redirects_by_segments; end + def request_path; end + def request_query; end + def resolve_destination(redirect, path, query); end + def route_prefix_match?(prefix_path, path_to_match); end + def*args); end + def*arg0); end + def status_code(redirect); end +end +class GdsApi::ContentStore::UnresolvedRedirect < GdsApi::BaseError +end +class GdsApi::EmailAlertApi < GdsApi::Base + def change_subscriber(id:, new_address:); end + def change_subscription(id:, frequency:); end + def create_auth_token(address:, destination:, redirect: nil); end + def create_subscriber_list(attributes); end + def find_or_create_subscriber_list(attributes); end + def find_subscriber_list(attributes); end + def get_latest_matching_subscription(id); end + def get_subscriber_list(slug:); end + def get_subscription(id); end + def get_subscriptions(id:); end + def nested_query_string(params); end + def send_alert(publication, headers = nil); end + def send_unpublish_message(message); end + def subscribe(subscriber_list_id:, address:, frequency: nil); end + def topic_matches(attributes); end + def unsubscribe(uuid); end + def unsubscribe_subscriber(id); end +end +class GdsApi::Imminence < GdsApi::Base + def api_url(type, params); end + def areas_for_postcode(postcode); end + def areas_for_type(type); end + def places(type, lat, lon, limit = nil); end + def places_for_postcode(type, postcode, limit = nil); end + def places_kml(type); end + def self.extract_address_hash(place_hash); end + def self.extract_location_hash(location); end + def self.parse_place_hash(place_hash); end +end +class GdsApi::LicenceApplication < GdsApi::Base + def all_licences; end + def build_licence_url(id, snac_code); end + def details_for_licence(id, snac_code = nil); end +end +class GdsApi::LinkCheckerApi < GdsApi::Base + def check(uri, synchronous: nil, checked_within: nil); end + def create_batch(uris, checked_within: nil, webhook_uri: nil, webhook_secret_token: nil); end + def get_batch(id); end + def upsert_resource_monitor(links, app, reference); end +end +class GdsApi::LinkCheckerApi::MonitorReport < SimpleDelegator + def id; end +end +class GdsApi::LinkCheckerApi::LinkReport < SimpleDelegator + def checked; end + def errors; end + def problem_summary; end + def status; end + def suggested_fix; end + def uri; end + def warnings; end +end +class GdsApi::LinkCheckerApi::BatchReport < SimpleDelegator + def completed_at; end + def id; end + def links; end + def status; end + def totals; end +end +class GdsApi::LocalLinksManager < GdsApi::Base + def local_authority(authority_slug); end + def local_link(authority_slug, lgsl, lgil); end +end +class GdsApi::Mapit < GdsApi::Base + def area_for_code(code_type, code); end + def areas_for_type(type); end + def base_url; end + def location_for_postcode(postcode); end +end +class GdsApi::Mapit::Location + def areas; end + def initialize(response); end + def lat; end + def lon; end + def postcode; end + def response; end +end +class GdsApi::Maslow < GdsApi::Base + def need_page_url(content_id); end +end +class GdsApi::Organisations < GdsApi::Base + def base_url; end + def organisation(organisation_slug); end + def organisations; end +end +class GdsApi::PublishingApi < GdsApi::Base + def destroy_intent(base_path); end + def intent_url(base_path); end + def paths_url(base_path); end + def put_intent(base_path, payload); end + def unreserve_path(base_path, publishing_app); end + def unreserve_url(base_path); end +end +class GdsApi::PublishingApiV2 < GdsApi::Base + def content_url(content_id, params = nil); end + def discard_draft(content_id, options = nil); end + def discard_url(content_id); end + def get_content(content_id, params = nil); end + def get_content_items(params); end + def get_content_items_enum(params); end + def get_editions(params = nil); end + def get_editions_url(params); end + def get_expanded_links(content_id, locale: nil, with_drafts: nil, generate: nil); end + def get_linkables(document_type: nil); end + def get_linked_items(content_id, params = nil); end + def get_links(content_id); end + def get_links_changes(params); end + def get_links_for_content_ids(content_ids); end + def get_paged_editions(params = nil); end + def import(content_id, locale, content_items); end + def links_changes_url(params = nil); end + def links_url(content_id); end + def lookup_content_id(base_path:, exclude_document_types: nil, exclude_unpublishing_types: nil, with_drafts: nil); end + def lookup_content_ids(base_paths:, exclude_document_types: nil, exclude_unpublishing_types: nil, with_drafts: nil); end + def merge_optional_keys(params, options, optional_keys); end + def patch_links(content_id, params); end + def publish(content_id, update_type = nil, options = nil); end + def publish_url(content_id); end + def put_content(content_id, payload); end + def put_path(base_path, payload); end + def republish(content_id, options = nil); end + def republish_url(content_id); end + def unpublish(content_id, type:, explanation: nil, alternative_path: nil, discard_drafts: nil, allow_draft: nil, previous_version: nil, locale: nil, unpublished_at: nil, redirects: nil); end + def unpublish_url(content_id); end + def validate_content_id(content_id); end +end +class GdsApi::Router < GdsApi::Base + def add_backend(id, url); end + def add_gone_route(path, type, options = nil); end + def add_redirect_route(path, type, destination, redirect_type = nil, options = nil); end + def add_route(path, type, backend_id, options = nil); end + def commit_routes; end + def delete_backend(id); end + def delete_route(path, hard_delete: nil, commit: nil); end + def get_backend(id); end + def get_route(path); end +end +class GdsApi::Search < GdsApi::Base + def add_document(*args); end + def advanced_search(args); end + def base_url; end + def batch_search(searches, additional_headers = nil); end + def delete_content(base_path); end + def delete_document(*args); end + def documents_url; end + def get_content(base_path); end + def initialize(endpoint_url, options = nil); end + def search(args, additional_headers = nil); end + def search_enum(args, page_size: nil, additional_headers: nil); end +end +class GdsApi::Search::V1 < SimpleDelegator + def add_document(type, id, document); end + def delete_document(type, id); end +end +class GdsApi::Search::V2 < SimpleDelegator + def add_document(id, document, index_name); end + def delete_document(id, index_name); end +end +class GdsApi::Search::V2::InvalidIndex < StandardError +end +class GdsApi::Search::UnknownAPIVersion < StandardError +end +class GdsApi::Rummager < GdsApi::Search + def initialize(*args); end +end +class GdsApi::Support < GdsApi::Base + def base_url; end + def create_foi_request(request_details); end + def create_named_contact(request_details); end + def feedback_url(slug); end +end +class GdsApi::SupportApi < GdsApi::Base + def anonymous_feedback(params = nil); end + def create_anonymous_long_form_contact(request_details); end + def create_content_improvement_feedback(params); end + def create_feedback_export_request(request_details); end + def create_global_export_request(request_details); end + def create_page_improvement(params); end + def create_problem_report(request_details); end + def create_service_feedback(request_details); end + def document_type_list; end + def document_type_summary(document_type, options = nil); end + def feedback_by_day(date, page = nil, per_page = nil); end + def feedback_export_request(id); end + def mark_reviewed_for_spam(request_details); end + def organisation(organisation_slug); end + def organisation_summary(organisation_slug, options = nil); end + def organisations_list; end + def problem_report_daily_totals_for(date); end + def problem_reports(options = nil); end +end +class GdsApi::Worldwide < GdsApi::Base + def base_url; end + def organisations_for_world_location(location_slug); end + def world_location(location_slug); end + def world_locations; end +end +module GdsApi::TestHelpers +end +module GdsApi::TestHelpers::ContentItemHelpers + def content_item_for_base_path(base_path); end + def gone_content_item_for_base_path(base_path); end + def titleize_base_path(base_path, options = nil); end +end +module GdsApi::TestHelpers::ContentStore + def content_item_for_base_path(base_path); end + def content_store_does_not_have_item(base_path, options = nil); end + def content_store_endpoint(draft = nil); end + def content_store_has_gone_item(base_path, body = nil, options = nil); end + def content_store_has_incoming_links(base_path, links); end + def content_store_has_item(base_path, body = nil, options = nil); end + def content_store_isnt_available; end + def stub_content_store_does_not_have_item(base_path, options = nil); end + def stub_content_store_endpoint(draft = nil); end + def stub_content_store_has_gone_item(base_path, body = nil, options = nil); end + def stub_content_store_has_incoming_links(base_path, links); end + def stub_content_store_has_item(base_path, body = nil, options = nil); end + def stub_content_store_isnt_available; end + include GdsApi::TestHelpers::ContentItemHelpers +end +module GdsApi::TestHelpers::EmailAlertApi + def apply_subscription_defaults(subscription); end + def assert_email_alert_sent(attributes = nil); end + def assert_subscribed(subscriber_list_id, address, frequency = nil); end + def assert_unsubscribed(uuid); end + def build_subscriber_lists_url(attributes = nil); end + def email_alert_api_accepts_alert; end + def email_alert_api_accepts_unpublishing_message; end + def email_alert_api_creates_a_subscription(subscriber_list_id, address, frequency, returned_subscription_id); end + def email_alert_api_creates_an_auth_token(subscriber_id, address); end + def email_alert_api_creates_an_existing_subscription(subscriber_list_id, address, frequency, returned_subscription_id); end + def email_alert_api_creates_subscriber_list(attributes); end + def email_alert_api_does_not_have_subscriber_list(attributes); end + def email_alert_api_does_not_have_subscriber_list_by_slug(slug:); end + def email_alert_api_does_not_have_subscriber_subscriptions(id); end + def email_alert_api_does_not_have_updated_subscriber(id); end + def email_alert_api_does_not_have_updated_subscription(subscription_id); end + def email_alert_api_has_no_subscriber(subscriber_id); end + def email_alert_api_has_no_subscription_for_uuid(uuid); end + def email_alert_api_has_notification(notification); end + def email_alert_api_has_notifications(notifications, start_at = nil); end + def email_alert_api_has_subscriber_list(attributes); end + def email_alert_api_has_subscriber_list_by_slug(slug:, returned_attributes:); end + def email_alert_api_has_subscriber_subscriptions(id, address); end + def email_alert_api_has_subscription(id, frequency, title: nil, subscriber_id: nil, subscriber_list_id: nil, ended: nil); end + def email_alert_api_has_subscriptions(subscriptions); end + def email_alert_api_has_updated_subscriber(id, new_address); end + def email_alert_api_has_updated_subscription(subscription_id, frequency); end + def email_alert_api_refuses_to_create_subscriber_list; end + def email_alert_api_refuses_to_create_subscription(subscriber_list_id, address, frequency); end + def email_alert_api_unsubscribes_a_subscriber(subscriber_id); end + def email_alert_api_unsubscribes_a_subscription(uuid); end + def get_latest_matching(params, subscriptions); end + def get_subscriber_list_response(attributes); end + def get_subscriber_response(id, address); end + def get_subscriber_subscriptions_response(id, address); end + def get_subscription_response(id, frequency: nil, title: nil, subscriber_id: nil, subscriber_list_id: nil, ended: nil); end + def post_alert_response; end + def stub_any_email_alert_api_call; end + def stub_email_alert_api_accepts_alert; end + def stub_email_alert_api_accepts_unpublishing_message; end + def stub_email_alert_api_creates_a_subscription(subscriber_list_id, address, frequency, returned_subscription_id); end + def stub_email_alert_api_creates_an_auth_token(subscriber_id, address); end + def stub_email_alert_api_creates_an_existing_subscription(subscriber_list_id, address, frequency, returned_subscription_id); end + def stub_email_alert_api_creates_subscriber_list(attributes); end + def stub_email_alert_api_does_not_have_subscriber_list(attributes); end + def stub_email_alert_api_does_not_have_subscriber_list_by_slug(slug:); end + def stub_email_alert_api_does_not_have_subscriber_subscriptions(id); end + def stub_email_alert_api_does_not_have_updated_subscriber(id); end + def stub_email_alert_api_does_not_have_updated_subscription(subscription_id); end + def stub_email_alert_api_has_no_subscriber(subscriber_id); end + def stub_email_alert_api_has_no_subscription_for_uuid(uuid); end + def stub_email_alert_api_has_notification(notification); end + def stub_email_alert_api_has_notifications(notifications, start_at = nil); end + def stub_email_alert_api_has_subscriber_list(attributes); end + def stub_email_alert_api_has_subscriber_list_by_slug(slug:, returned_attributes:); end + def stub_email_alert_api_has_subscriber_subscriptions(id, address); end + def stub_email_alert_api_has_subscription(id, frequency, title: nil, subscriber_id: nil, subscriber_list_id: nil, ended: nil); end + def stub_email_alert_api_has_subscriptions(subscriptions); end + def stub_email_alert_api_has_updated_subscriber(id, new_address); end + def stub_email_alert_api_has_updated_subscription(subscription_id, frequency); end + def stub_email_alert_api_refuses_to_create_subscriber_list; end + def stub_email_alert_api_refuses_to_create_subscription(subscriber_list_id, address, frequency); end + def stub_email_alert_api_unsubscribes_a_subscriber(subscriber_id); end + def stub_email_alert_api_unsubscribes_a_subscription(uuid); end +end +module DocumentHelper + def aaib_reports_search_results; end + def all_cma_case_documents_json; end + def all_content_manuals_results_json; end + def all_content_results_json; end + def all_documents_json; end + def alpabetical_services_json; end + def apply_date_filter; end + def assert_cma_cases_are_filtered_by_date; end + def business_readiness_results_json; end + def content_store_has_all_content_finder; end + def content_store_has_business_finder_qa; end + def content_store_has_business_readiness_email_signup; end + def content_store_has_business_readiness_finder; end + def content_store_has_government_finder; end + def content_store_has_government_finder_with_10_items; end + def content_store_has_mosw_reports_finder; end + def content_store_has_mosw_reports_finder_with_no_facets; end + def content_store_has_news_and_communications_finder; end + def content_store_has_policy_and_engagement_finder; end + def content_store_has_qa_finder; end + def content_store_has_services_finder; end + def content_store_has_statistics_finder; end + def documents_with_bad_data_json; end + def filtered_business_readiness_results_json; end + def filtered_by_manual_all_content_results_json; end + def filtered_by_organisation_all_content_results_json; end + def filtered_cma_case_documents_json; end + def government_document_results_json(start_at = nil); end + def government_documents_json; end + def government_documents_page_2_json; end + def govuk_content_schema_example(name, format = nil); end + def hopscotch_reports_json; end + def keyword_search_results; end + def newest_news_and_communication_json; end + def no_results_json; end + def policy_and_engagement_results_for_policy_papers_and_closed_consultations_json; end + def policy_and_engagement_results_for_policy_papers_json; end + def policy_and_engagement_results_json; end + def popular_news_and_communication_json; end + def popular_services_json; end + def rummager_0_documents_params; end + def rummager_10_documents_page_2_params; end + def rummager_10_documents_params; end + def rummager_all_cma_case_documents_params; end + def rummager_all_documents_params; end + def rummager_alphabetical_services_params; end + def rummager_business_readiness_url; end + def rummager_document_other_page_search_params(page_number); end + def rummager_filtered_business_readiness_url(filter_params); end + def rummager_filtered_cma_case_documents_params; end + def rummager_hopscotch_walks_params; end + def rummager_keyword_business_readiness_search_url; end + def rummager_keyword_search_params; end + def rummager_newest_news_and_communications_params; end + def rummager_popular_news_and_communications_params; end + def rummager_popular_services_params; end + def search_params(params = nil); end + def statistics_results_for_statistics_json; end + def stub_all_rummager_api_requests_with_news_and_communication_results; end + def stub_content_store_with_a_taxon_tagged_finder; end + def stub_content_store_with_cma_cases_finder; end + def stub_content_store_with_cma_cases_finder_for_supergroup_checkbox_filter; end + def stub_content_store_with_cma_cases_finder_with_description; end + def stub_content_store_with_cma_cases_finder_with_no_index; end + def stub_keyword_business_readiness_search_api_request; end + def stub_keyword_search_api_request; end + def stub_rummager_api_request; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_10_government_results; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_10_government_results_page_2; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_422_response(page_number); end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_all_content_results; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_bad_data; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_business_readiness_results; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_filtered_business_readiness_results(filter_params); end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_filtered_policy_papers_results; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_filtered_research_and_statistics_results; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_government_results; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_manual_filter_all_content_results; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_news_and_communication_results; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_no_results; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_organisation_filter_all_content_results; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_policy_papers_results; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_qa_finder_results; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_query_param_no_results(query); end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_research_and_statistics_results; end + def stub_rummager_api_request_with_services_results; end + def stub_rummager_with_cma_cases; end + def stub_rummager_with_cma_cases_for_supergroups_checkbox; end + def stub_rummager_with_cma_cases_for_supergroups_checkbox_and_date; end + def stub_taxonomy_api_request; end + def stub_whitehall_api_world_location_request; end + def upcoming_statistics_results_for_statistics_json; end + def visit_cma_cases_finder; end + def visit_filtered_finder(facets = nil); end + def whitehall_admin_world_locations_api_url; end + def world_locations_json; end + include GdsApi::TestHelpers::ContentStore + include GdsApi::TestHelpers::ContentStore + include GdsApi::TestHelpers::EmailAlertApi + include GovukContentSchemaExamples + include RegistrySpecHelper + include TaxonomySpecHelper +end +module RummagerUrlHelper + def all_content_params; end + def base_search_fields; end + def base_search_params; end + def business_readiness_fields; end + def business_readiness_params; end + def cma_case_search_fields; end + def cma_case_search_params; end + def mosw_search_fields; end + def mosw_search_params; end + def mosw_search_params_no_facets; end + def news_and_communications_search_params; end + def policy_papers_params; end + def rummager_url(params); end + def services_search_params; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk-content-schema-test-helpers.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk-content-schema-test-helpers.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..191da9682 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk-content-schema-test-helpers.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# govuk-content-schema-test-helpers-1.6.1 +module GovukContentSchemaTestHelpers + def self.configuration; end + def self.configuration=(config); end + def self.configure; end +end +class GovukContentSchemaTestHelpers::ConfigurationError < StandardError +end +class GovukContentSchemaTestHelpers::Configuration + def project_root; end + def project_root=(arg0); end + def schema_type; end + def schema_type=(arg0); end +end +class GovukContentSchemaTestHelpers::Examples + def check_an_example_file_exists(path, legacy_path); end + def example_path(format, example_name); end + def get(format, example_name); end + def get_all_for_format(schema_name); end + def get_all_for_formats(schema_names); end + def initialize; end + def legacy_example_path(format, example_name); end +end +class GovukContentSchemaTestHelpers::ImproperlyConfiguredError < RuntimeError +end +module GovukContentSchemaTestHelpers::Util + def self.check_govuk_content_schemas_path!; end + def self.formats; end + def self.govuk_content_schemas_path; end +end +class GovukContentSchemaTestHelpers::Validator + def errors; end + def initialize(schema_name, variant, document); end + def schema_path; end + def valid?; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk-lint.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk-lint.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..94faf5101 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk-lint.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# govuk-lint-3.11.2 +module Govuk +end +module Govuk::Lint +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_ab_testing.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_ab_testing.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1723d2a90 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_ab_testing.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# govuk_ab_testing-2.4.1 +module GovukAbTesting + def self.configuration; end + def self.configure; end +end +class GovukAbTesting::Configuration + def acceptance_test_framework; end + def acceptance_test_framework=(framework); end + def config; end + def config=(arg0); end + def framework_class; end + def initialize; end +end +class GovukAbTesting::RequestedVariant + def ab_test; end + def analytics_meta_tag; end + def configure_response(response); end + def initialize(ab_test, request_headers, dimension); end + def request_headers; end + def variant?(name); end + def variant_a?; end + def variant_b?; end + def variant_name; end +end +class GovukAbTesting::AbTest + def ab_test_name; end + def allowed_variants; end + def control_variant; end + def dimension; end + def initialize(ab_test_name, dimension:, allowed_variants: nil, control_variant: nil); end + def meta_tag_name; end + def name; end + def request_header; end + def requested_variant(request_headers); end + def response_header; end +end +module GovukAbTesting::MinitestAssertions + def assert_contains_substring(string:, substring:, error_message:); end + def assert_does_not_contain_substring(string:, substring:, error_message:); end + def assert_has_size(enumerable:, size:, error_message:); end + def assert_is_empty(enumerable:, error_message:); end + def assert_is_equal(expected:, actual:, error_message:); end + def assert_not_blank(string:, error_message:); end +end +module GovukAbTesting::RspecAssertions + def assert_contains_substring(string:, substring:, error_message:); end + def assert_does_not_contain_substring(string:, substring:, error_message:); end + def assert_has_size(enumerable:, size:, error_message:); end + def assert_is_empty(enumerable:, error_message:); end + def assert_is_equal(expected:, actual:, error_message:); end + def assert_not_blank(string:, error_message:); end +end +module GovukAbTesting::AbstractHelpers + def acceptance_test_framework; end + def assert_page_not_tracked_in_ab_test(ab_test_name); end + def assert_page_tracked_in_ab_test(ab_test_name, variant, dimension); end + def assert_response_is_cached_by_variant(ab_test_name); end + def assert_response_not_modified_for_ab_test(ab_test_name); end + def setup_ab_variant(ab_test_name, variant, dimension = nil); end + def with_variant(args); end +end +module GovukAbTesting::MinitestHelpers + include GovukAbTesting::AbstractHelpers + include GovukAbTesting::MinitestAssertions +end +module GovukAbTesting::RspecHelpers + include GovukAbTesting::AbstractHelpers + include GovukAbTesting::RspecAssertions +end +module GovukAbTesting::AcceptanceTests +end +class GovukAbTesting::AcceptanceTests::MetaTag + def content; end + def dimension; end + def for_ab_test?(ab_test_name); end + def initialize(content:, dimension:); end +end +class GovukAbTesting::AcceptanceTests::Capybara + def analytics_meta_tags; end + def analytics_meta_tags_for_test(ab_test_name); end + def capybara_page; end + def initialize(scope); end + def request; end + def request_headers; end + def set_header(name, value); end + def vary_header(*arg0); end +end +class GovukAbTesting::AcceptanceTests::ActiveSupport + def analytics_meta_tags; end + def analytics_meta_tags_for_test(ab_test_name); end + def initialize(scope); end + def request; end + def request_headers; end + def response; end + def scope; end + def set_header(name, value); end + def vary_header; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_app_config.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_app_config.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..49af3774a --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_app_config.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# govuk_app_config-1.19.0 +module GovukAppConfig +end +module GovukStatsd + def self.batch(*args, &block); end + def self.client; end + def self.count(*args, &block); end + def self.decrement(*args, &block); end + def self.gauge(*args, &block); end + def self.increment(*args, &block); end + def self.set(*args, &block); end + def self.time(*args, &block); end + def self.timing(*args, &block); end + extend SingleForwardable +end +module GovukError + def self.configure; end + def self.notify(exception_or_message, args = nil); end +end +module GovukLogging + def self.configure; end +end +module GovukHealthcheck + def self.healthcheck(checks); end + def self.rack_response(*checks); end +end +class GovukHealthcheck::Checkup + def all_components; end + def build_component_status(check); end + def checks; end + def component_statuses; end + def details(check); end + def initialize(checks); end + def run; end + def status?(status); end + def worst_status; end +end +class GovukHealthcheck::ActiveRecord + def name; end + def status; end +end +class GovukHealthcheck::SidekiqRedis + def name; end + def status; end +end +class GovukHealthcheck::ThresholdCheck + def critical_threshold; end + def details; end + def message; end + def status; end + def total; end + def value; end + def warning_threshold; end +end +class GovukHealthcheck::SidekiqQueueCheck + def critical_threshold(queue:); end + def details; end + def message; end + def queues; end + def status; end + def warning_threshold(queue:); end +end +class GovukHealthcheck::SidekiqQueueLatencyCheck < GovukHealthcheck::SidekiqQueueCheck + def name; end + def queues; end +end +class GovukHealthcheck::SidekiqQueueSizeCheck < GovukHealthcheck::SidekiqQueueCheck + def name; end + def queues; end +end +class GovukHealthcheck::SidekiqRetrySizeCheck < GovukHealthcheck::ThresholdCheck + def name; end + def value; end +end +module GovukUnicorn + def self.configure(config); end +end +module GovukXRay + def self.initialize(app); end + def self.start; end +end +class GovukAppConfig::Railtie < Rails::Railtie +end +module GovukContentSecurityPolicy + def self.build_policy(policy); end + def self.configure; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_document_types.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_document_types.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7178663c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_document_types.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# govuk_document_types-0.9.1 +module GovukDocumentTypes + def self.subgroup_document_types(*subgroup_ids); end + def self.supergroup_document_types(*supergroup_ids); end + def self.supergroup_subgroups(*supergroup_ids); end + def self.supergroups(ids:); end + def self.supertypes(document_type:); end +end +class GovukDocumentTypes::TranslationsRailtie < Rails::Railtie + def self.add(pattern); end + def self.pattern_from(args); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_frontend_toolkit.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_frontend_toolkit.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e50219326 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_frontend_toolkit.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# govuk_frontend_toolkit-8.2.0 +module GovUKFrontendToolkit +end +class GovUKFrontendToolkit::Engine < Rails::Engine +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_publishing_components.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_publishing_components.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..788f4ceab --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_publishing_components.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,627 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# govuk_publishing_components-17.4.0 +module GovukPublishingComponents + def self.configure; end + def self.railtie_helpers_paths; end + def self.railtie_namespace; end + def self.railtie_routes_url_helpers(include_path_helpers = nil); end + def self.render(component, options = nil); end + def self.table_name_prefix; end + def self.use_relative_model_naming?; end +end +module GovukPublishingComponents::Config + def application_javascript; end + def application_javascript=(obj); end + def application_print_stylesheet; end + def application_print_stylesheet=(obj); end + def application_stylesheet; end + def application_stylesheet=(obj); end + def component_guide_title; end + def component_guide_title=(obj); end + def self.application_javascript; end + def self.application_javascript=(obj); end + def self.application_print_stylesheet; end + def self.application_print_stylesheet=(obj); end + def self.application_stylesheet; end + def self.application_stylesheet=(obj); end + def self.component_directory_name; end + def self.component_guide_title; end + def self.component_guide_title=(obj); end + def self.gem_directory; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Engine < Rails::Engine +end +module GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::SharedHelper + def get_heading_level; end + def get_margin_bottom; end + def heading_level; end + def initialize(local_assigns); end + def margin_bottom; end + def options; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::Attachment + def alternative_format_contact_email; end + def attachment_data; end + def content_type; end + def content_type_abbr; end + def content_type_name; end + def document?(*args, &block); end + def file_size; end + def initialize(attachment_data); end + def number_of_pages; end + def opendocument?(*args, &block); end + def spreadsheet?(*args, &block); end + def title; end + def url; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::Attachment::SupportedContentType + def abbr; end + def content_type; end + def content_type_data; end + def document?; end + def initialize(content_type_data); end + def name; end + def opendocument?; end + def self.find(content_type, extension = nil); end + def spreadsheet?; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::Attachment::UnsupportedContentType + def abbr; end + def content_type; end + def document?; end + def initialize(content_type:); end + def name; end + def opendocument?; end + def spreadsheet?; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::Breadcrumbs + def breadcrumbs; end + def initialize(breadcrumbs, request_path); end + def item_list_element; end + def request_path; end + def structured_data; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::Breadcrumb + def [](*args, &block); end + def aria_current; end + def crumb; end + def index; end + def initialize(crumb, index); end + def is_link?; end + def item_list_element(request_path); end + def list_item_item(request_path); end + def path; end + def tracking_data(breadcrumbs_length); end + extend Forwardable +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::ButtonHelper + def button_type; end + def css_classes; end + def data_attributes; end + def destructive; end + def href; end + def html_options; end + def info_text; end + def initialize(local_assigns); end + def inline_layout; end + def link?; end + def margin_bottom; end + def rel; end + def secondary; end + def secondary_quiet; end + def start; end + def target; end + def text; end + def title; end + def type; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::ContextualNavigation + def breadcrumbs; end + def content_has_curated_related_items?; end + def content_is_a_specialist_document?; end + def content_is_tagged_to_a_live_taxon?; end + def content_item; end + def content_tagged_to_a_finder?; end + def content_tagged_to_a_reasonable_number_of_step_by_steps?; end + def content_tagged_to_current_step_by_step?; end + def content_tagged_to_mainstream_browse_pages?; end + def content_tagged_to_other_step_by_steps?; end + def initialize(content_item, request); end + def query_parameters; end + def request_path; end + def simple_smart_answer?; end + def step_nav_helper; end + def taxon_breadcrumbs; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::RelatedNavigationHelper + def calculate_section_link_limit(links); end + def construct_section_heading(section_title); end + def content_item_details_for(key); end + def content_item_links_for(key, only: nil); end + def detailed_guide?; end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def related_contacts; end + def related_document_collections; end + def related_external_links; end + def related_guides; end + def related_items; end + def related_legacy_topics; end + def related_mainstream_content; end + def related_navigation; end + def related_navigation?; end + def related_statistical_data_sets; end + def related_taxons; end + def related_topical_events; end + def related_topics; end + def related_world_locations; end + def remaining_link_count(links); end + def section_css_class(css_class, section_title, link = nil); end + def section_data_track_count(section_title); end + def section_heading_level; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::StepByStepNavHelper + def create_context(context); end + def create_list_item_content(link); end + def debug_missing_translation; end + def debug_missing_translation=(obj); end + def external_url?(href); end + def generate_step_nav_id(step_title); end + def get_list_element(style); end + def get_list_style(style); end + def link_active(active); end + def link_href(active, href); end + def link_text(active, text); end + def link_with_step_nav_query_parameter(href); end + def list(element); end + def paragraph(text); end + def render_step_nav_element(element, options); end + def self.debug_missing_translation; end + def self.debug_missing_translation=(obj); end + extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods + include ActionView::Context + include ActionView::Helpers + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::PageWithStepByStepNavigation + def active_step_by_step; end + def active_step_by_step?; end + def active_step_nav_content_id; end + def also_part_of_step_nav; end + def configure_for_sidebar(step_nav_content); end + def content_item; end + def current_path; end + def current_step_nav; end + def format_related_links(step_by_step_navs); end + def header; end + def initialize(content_store_response, current_path, query_parameters = nil); end + def parsed_related_to_step_navs; end + def parsed_secondary_to_step_navs; end + def parsed_step_navs; end + def primary_step_by_steps?; end + def related_links; end + def related_to_step_navs; end + def secondary_step_by_step; end + def secondary_step_by_step?; end + def secondary_step_by_steps; end + def show_also_part_of_step_nav?; end + def show_header?; end + def show_related_links?; end + def show_related_links_for_secondary_step_by_steps?; end + def show_secondary_step_by_step?; end + def show_sidebar?; end + def sidebar; end + def step_navs; end + def step_navs_combined_list; end + def steps; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::StepByStepModel + def base_path; end + def content; end + def content_id; end + def content_item; end + def initialize(content_item); end + def steps; end + def title; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::ContentBreadcrumbsBasedOnParent + def all_parents; end + def breadcrumbs; end + def content_item; end + def initialize(content_item); end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::ContentBreadcrumbsBasedOnTaxons + def all_parents; end + def breadcrumbs; end + def content_item; end + def initialize(content_item); end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::CheckboxesHelper + def checkbox_markup(checkbox, index); end + def css_classes; end + def debug_missing_translation; end + def debug_missing_translation=(obj); end + def error; end + def fieldset_describedby; end + def has_conditional; end + def has_nested; end + def heading_markup; end + def hint_text; end + def id; end + def initialize(options); end + def items; end + def list_classes; end + def name; end + def self.debug_missing_translation; end + def self.debug_missing_translation=(obj); end + def should_have_fieldset; end + extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods + include ActionView::Context + include ActionView::Helpers + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::SelectHelper + def data_tracking?; end + def get_options; end + def initialize(options); end + def option_markup; end + def options; end + def options_data_attribute(attributes); end + def selected_option; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::MetaTags + def add_core_tags(meta_tags); end + def add_organisation_tags(meta_tags); end + def add_political_tags(meta_tags); end + def add_step_by_step_tags(meta_tags); end + def add_taxonomy_tags(meta_tags); end + def content_item; end + def details; end + def has_content_history?; end + def initialize(content_item, local_assigns); end + def links; end + def local_assigns; end + def meta_tags; end + def root_taxon_slugs(content_item); end + def should_strip_dates_pii?(content_item, local_assigns); end + def should_strip_postcode_pii?(content_item, local_assigns); end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::ContentItem + def ==(other); end + def as_taxonomy_sidebar_link; end + def base_path; end + def content_id; end + def content_store_response; end + def curated_taxonomy_sidebar_links; end + def description; end + def eql?(other); end + def external_links; end + def filter_link_type(links, type); end + def hash; end + def initialize(content_store_response); end + def mainstream_browse_pages; end + def parent; end + def parent_taxon; end + def parent_taxons; end + def phase_is_live?(taxon); end + def quick_links; end + def related_collections; end + def related_links; end + def related_ordered_items; end + def related_organisations; end + def related_other_contacts; end + def related_statistical_data_sets; end + def related_topical_events; end + def related_topics; end + def related_world_locations; end + def related_worldwide_organisations; end + def taxon_links; end + def title; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::TranslationNavHelper + def has_translations?; end + def initialize(local_assigns); end + def margin_class; end + def tracking_is_present?; end + def translations; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::SubscriptionLinksHelper + def component_data_is_valid?; end + def email_signup_link; end + def email_signup_link_data_attributes; end + def email_signup_link_text; end + def feed_box_id; end + def feed_link; end + def feed_link_box_value; end + def feed_link_data_attributes; end + def feed_link_text; end + def initialize(local_assigns); end + def tracking_is_present?; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::Page + def base_path; end + def body; end + def canonical_url; end + def content_item; end + def description; end + def document_type; end + def has_image?; end + def image_alt_text; end + def image_placeholders; end + def image_url; end + def initialize(local_assigns); end + def local_assigns; end + def logo_url; end + def schema; end + def title; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::ArticleSchema + def body; end + def initialize(page); end + def page; end + def search_action; end + def search_description; end + def structured_data; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::CreativeWorkSchema + def about; end + def author_schema; end + def collection_pages(linked_type); end + def document_collections; end + def fetch_collection_pages(linked_type); end + def has_part; end + def image_schema; end + def initialize(page); end + def is_part_of; end + def linked_page(step_by_step); end + def linked_taxons; end + def live_taxons; end + def page; end + def presenter; end + def publishing_organisation; end + def structured_data; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::HasPartSchema + def has_part_url; end + def initialize(has_part_url); end + def structured_data; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::IsPartOfSchema + def initialize(is_part_of_url); end + def structured_data; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::NewsArticleSchema + def initialize(page); end + def structured_data; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::OrganisationSchema + def initialize(page); end + def linked_org(url); end + def members; end + def minister_url(minister); end + def ministers; end + def ministers_with_grouped_roles; end + def organisation_facet_params; end + def page; end + def parent_organisations; end + def person_schema_for_minister(minister); end + def related_organisations(link_type, schema_name); end + def role_for_minister(minister); end + def role_url(minister); end + def search_action; end + def search_description; end + def slug; end + def structured_data; end + def sub_organisations; end + def website_root; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::PersonSchema + def image_schema; end + def initialize(page); end + def page; end + def presenter; end + def structured_data; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::PotentialSearchActionSchema + def description; end + def facet_params; end + def initialize(facet_params, description); end + def search_template; end + def structured_data; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::SearchResultsPageSchema + def initialize(page); end + def structured_data; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::SchemaOrg + def initialize(page); end + def page; end + def structured_data; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::HeadingHelper + def classes; end + def heading_tag; end + def id; end + def initialize(options); end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::ContentsListHelper + def wrap_numbers_with_spans(content_item_link); end + extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::ImageCardHelper + def context; end + def debug_missing_translation; end + def debug_missing_translation=(obj); end + def description; end + def extra_links; end + def extra_links_no_indent; end + def heading_text; end + def href; end + def href_data_attributes; end + def image; end + def initialize(local_assigns); end + def is_tracking?; end + def large; end + def metadata; end + def self.debug_missing_translation; end + def self.debug_missing_translation=(obj); end + extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods + include ActionView::Context + include ActionView::Helpers + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::OrganisationLogoHelper + def crest; end + def debug_missing_translation; end + def debug_missing_translation=(obj); end + def image; end + def initialize(local_assigns); end + def logo_container_class; end + def logo_content; end + def logo_image_alt; end + def logo_image_src; end + def name; end + def self.debug_missing_translation; end + def self.debug_missing_translation=(obj); end + def url; end + extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + extend ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods + include ActionView::Context + include ActionView::Helpers + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::HighlightBoxesHelper + def data_tracking?; end + def initialize(options); end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::TaxonomyListHelper + def image_card_data; end + def initialize(image_cards); end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::CookieBannerHelper + def initialize(local_assigns); end + def local_assigns; end + def message; end +end +module GovukPublishingComponents::AppHelpers +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::AppHelpers::TaxonBreadcrumbs + def all_parents; end + def breadcrumbs; end + def content_item; end + def initialize(content_item); end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::AppHelpers::TaxonBreadcrumbs::ContentItem + def base_path; end + def content_item; end + def initialize(content_item); end + def parent_taxon; end + def phase_is_live?(taxon); end + def title; end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::AppHelpers::TableHelper + def self.helper(context, caption = nil, opt = nil); end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::AppHelpers::TableHelper::TableBuilder + def body; end + def cell(str, opt = nil); end + def head; end + def header(str, opt = nil); end + def initialize(tag); end + def row; end + def tag; end + extend ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::AppHelpers::BrandHelper + def border_color_class; end + def brand_class; end + def color_class; end + def initialize(brand); end +end +class GovukPublishingComponents::AppHelpers::Environment + def self.current_acceptance_environment; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_schemas.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_schemas.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7548adc1a --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_schemas.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# govuk_schemas-3.2.0 +module GovukSchemas +end +class GovukSchemas::Schema + def self.all(schema_type: nil); end + def self.find(schema); end + def self.location_for_schema_name(schema); end + def self.random_schema(schema_type:); end + def self.schema_names; end +end +module GovukSchemas::Utils + def self.parameterize(string); end + def self.stringify_keys(hash); end +end +module GovukSchemas::Random + def self.anchor; end + def self.base_path; end + def self.bool; end + def self.govuk_subdomain_url; end + def self.random_identifier(separator:); end + def self.string(minimum_chars = nil, maximum_chars = nil); end + def self.string_for_regex(pattern); end + def self.string_for_type(type); end + def self.time; end + def self.uri; end +end +class GovukSchemas::RandomItemGenerator + def generate_random_array(props); end + def generate_random_object(subschema); end + def generate_random_string(props); end + def generate_value(props); end + def initialize(schema:); end + def lookup_json_pointer(ref); end + def payload; end +end +class GovukSchemas::RandomExample + def error_message(item, errors, customised = nil); end + def initialize(schema:); end + def payload; end + def self.for_schema(schema_key_value, &block); end + def validation_errors_for(item); end +end +class GovukSchemas::DocumentTypes + def self.valid_document_types; end +end +class GovukSchemas::Example + def self.examples_path(schema_name); end + def self.find(schema_name, example_name:); end + def self.find_all(schema_name); end +end +class GovukSchemas::InvalidContentGenerated < Exception +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_test.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_test.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1192a4895 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/govuk_test.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# govuk_test-0.5.0 +module GovukTest + def self.configure(options = nil); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/hashdiff.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/hashdiff.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00e018e6c --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/hashdiff.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# hashdiff-0.4.0 +module Hashdiff + def self.any_hash_or_array?(obja, objb); end + def self.best_diff(obj1, obj2, options = nil, &block); end + def self.comparable?(obj1, obj2, strict = nil); end + def self.compare_values(obj1, obj2, options = nil); end + def self.count_diff(diffs); end + def self.count_nodes(obj); end + def self.custom_compare(method, key, obj1, obj2); end + def self.decode_property_path(path, delimiter = nil); end + def self.diff(obj1, obj2, options = nil, &block); end + def self.diff_array_lcs(arraya, arrayb, options = nil); end + def self.lcs(arraya, arrayb, options = nil); end + def self.node(hash, parts); end + def self.patch!(obj, changes, options = nil); end + def self.prefix_append_array_index(prefix, array_index, opts); end + def self.prefix_append_key(prefix, key, opts); end + def self.similar?(obja, objb, options = nil); end + def self.unpatch!(obj, changes, options = nil); end +end +class Hashdiff::CompareHashes + def, obj2, opts = nil); end +end +class Hashdiff::LcsCompareArrays + def, obj2, opts = nil); end +end +class Hashdiff::LinearCompareArray + def additions; end + def append_addition(item, index); end + def append_addititions_before_match(match_index); end + def append_deletion(item, index); end + def append_deletions_before_match(match_index); end + def append_differences(difference); end + def call; end + def changes; end + def compare_at_index; end + def deletions; end + def differences; end + def expected_additions; end + def expected_additions=(arg0); end + def extra_items_in_new_array?; end + def extra_items_in_old_array?; end + def index_of_match_after_additions; end + def index_of_match_after_deletions; end + def initialize(old_array, new_array, options); end + def item_difference(old_item, new_item, item_index); end + def iterated_through_both_arrays?; end + def new_array; end + def new_index; end + def new_index=(arg0); end + def old_array; end + def old_index; end + def old_index=(arg0); end + def options; end + def, new_array, options = nil); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/http-cookie.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/http-cookie.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9bc39cac8 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/http-cookie.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# http-cookie-1.0.3 +module HTTP +end +class HTTP::Cookie + def <=>(other); end + def acceptable?; end + def acceptable_from_uri?(uri); end + def accessed_at; end + def accessed_at=(arg0); end + def cookie_value; end + def created_at; end + def created_at=(arg0); end + def domain; end + def domain=(domain); end + def domain_name; end + def dot_domain; end + def encode_with(coder); end + def expire!; end + def expired?(time = nil); end + def expires; end + def expires=(t); end + def expires_at; end + def expires_at=(t); end + def for_domain; end + def for_domain=(arg0); end + def for_domain?; end + def httponly; end + def httponly=(arg0); end + def httponly?; end + def init_with(coder); end + def initialize(*args); end + def inspect; end + def max_age; end + def max_age=(sec); end + def name; end + def name=(name); end + def origin; end + def origin=(origin); end + def path; end + def path=(path); end + def secure; end + def secure=(arg0); end + def secure?; end + def self.cookie_value(cookies); end + def self.cookie_value_to_hash(cookie_value); end + def self.parse(set_cookie, origin, options = nil, &block); end + def self.path_match?(base_path, target_path); end + def session; end + def session?; end + def set_cookie_value; end + def to_s; end + def to_yaml_properties; end + def valid_for_uri?(uri); end + def value; end + def value=(value); end + def yaml_initialize(tag, map); end + include Comparable +end +class Array +end +class Hash +end +class String +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/i18n.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/i18n.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f48fe1d6d --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/i18n.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# i18n-1.6.0 +module I18n + def self.interpolate(string, values); end + def self.interpolate_hash(string, values); end + def self.new_double_nested_cache; end + extend I18n::Base +end +class I18n::ExceptionHandler + def call(exception, _locale, _key, _options); end +end +class I18n::ArgumentError < ArgumentError +end +class I18n::Disabled < I18n::ArgumentError + def initialize(method); end +end +class I18n::InvalidLocale < I18n::ArgumentError + def initialize(locale); end + def locale; end +end +class I18n::InvalidLocaleData < I18n::ArgumentError + def filename; end + def initialize(filename, exception_message); end +end +class I18n::MissingTranslation < I18n::ArgumentError + include I18n::MissingTranslation::Base +end +module I18n::MissingTranslation::Base + def initialize(locale, key, options = nil); end + def key; end + def keys; end + def locale; end + def message; end + def options; end + def to_exception; end + def to_s; end +end +class I18n::MissingTranslationData < I18n::ArgumentError + include I18n::MissingTranslation::Base +end +class I18n::InvalidPluralizationData < I18n::ArgumentError + def count; end + def entry; end + def initialize(entry, count, key); end + def key; end +end +class I18n::MissingInterpolationArgument < I18n::ArgumentError + def initialize(key, values, string); end + def key; end + def string; end + def values; end +end +class I18n::ReservedInterpolationKey < I18n::ArgumentError + def initialize(key, string); end + def key; end + def string; end +end +class I18n::UnknownFileType < I18n::ArgumentError + def filename; end + def initialize(type, filename); end + def type; end +end +module I18n::Base + def available_locales; end + def available_locales=(value); end + def available_locales_initialized?; end + def backend; end + def backend=(value); end + def config; end + def config=(value); end + def default_locale; end + def default_locale=(value); end + def default_separator; end + def default_separator=(value); end + def eager_load!; end + def enforce_available_locales!(locale); end + def enforce_available_locales; end + def enforce_available_locales=(value); end + def exception_handler; end + def exception_handler=(value); end + def exists?(key, _locale = nil, locale: nil); end + def handle_exception(handling, exception, locale, key, options); end + def l(object, locale: nil, format: nil, **options); end + def load_path; end + def load_path=(value); end + def locale; end + def locale=(value); end + def locale_available?(locale); end + def localize(object, locale: nil, format: nil, **options); end + def normalize_key(key, separator); end + def normalize_keys(locale, key, scope, separator = nil); end + def reload!; end + def t!(key, options = nil); end + def t(key = nil, *arg1, throw: nil, raise: nil, locale: nil, **options); end + def translate!(key, options = nil); end + def translate(key = nil, *arg1, throw: nil, raise: nil, locale: nil, **options); end + def transliterate(key, *arg1, throw: nil, raise: nil, locale: nil, replacement: nil, **options); end + def with_locale(tmp_locale = nil); end +end +class I18n::Config + def available_locales; end + def available_locales=(locales); end + def available_locales_initialized?; end + def available_locales_set; end + def backend; end + def backend=(backend); end + def clear_available_locales_set; end + def default_locale; end + def default_locale=(locale); end + def default_separator; end + def default_separator=(separator); end + def enforce_available_locales; end + def enforce_available_locales=(enforce_available_locales); end + def exception_handler; end + def exception_handler=(exception_handler); end + def interpolation_patterns; end + def interpolation_patterns=(interpolation_patterns); end + def load_path; end + def load_path=(load_path); end + def locale; end + def locale=(locale); end + def missing_interpolation_argument_handler; end + def missing_interpolation_argument_handler=(exception_handler); end +end +module I18n::Backend +end +module I18n::HashRefinements +end +module I18n::Backend::Transliterator + def self.get(rule = nil); end + def transliterate(locale, string, replacement = nil); end +end +class I18n::Backend::Transliterator::ProcTransliterator + def initialize(rule); end + def transliterate(string, replacement = nil); end +end +class I18n::Backend::Transliterator::HashTransliterator + def add(hash); end + def add_default_approximations; end + def approximations; end + def initialize(rule = nil); end + def transliterate(string, replacement = nil); end +end +module I18n::Backend::Base + def available_locales; end + def deep_interpolate(locale, data, values = nil); end + def default(locale, object, subject, options = nil); end + def eager_load!; end + def eager_loaded?; end + def exists?(locale, key); end + def interpolate(locale, subject, values = nil); end + def load_file(filename); end + def load_json(filename); end + def load_rb(filename); end + def load_translations(*filenames); end + def load_yaml(filename); end + def load_yml(filename); end + def localize(locale, object, format = nil, options = nil); end + def lookup(locale, key, scope = nil, options = nil); end + def pluralization_key(entry, count); end + def pluralize(locale, entry, count); end + def reload!; end + def resolve(locale, object, subject, options = nil); end + def store_translations(locale, data, options = nil); end + def subtrees?; end + def translate(locale, key, options = nil); end + def translate_localization_format(locale, object, format, options); end + include I18n::Backend::Transliterator +end +class I18n::Backend::Simple + include I18n::Backend::Simple::Implementation +end +module I18n::Backend::Simple::Implementation + def available_locales; end + def eager_load!; end + def init_translations; end + def initialized?; end + def lookup(locale, key, scope = nil, options = nil); end + def reload!; end + def store_translations(locale, data, options = nil); end + def translations(do_init: nil); end + include I18n::Backend::Base +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/jasmine-core.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/jasmine-core.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a8f1d99b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/jasmine-core.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# jasmine-core-3.4.0 +module Jasmine +end +module Jasmine::Core + def self.boot_dir; end + def self.boot_files; end + def self.core_spec_files; end + def self.css_files; end + def self.html_spec_files; end + def self.images_dir; end + def self.js_files; end + def self.node_boot_files; end + def self.node_spec_files; end + def self.path; end + def self.spec_files(type); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/jasmine-rails.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/jasmine-rails.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7108cee63 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/jasmine-rails.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# jasmine-rails-0.15.0 +module JasmineRails + def self.css_dir; end + def self.css_files; end + def self.each_dir(root, &block); end + def self.each_spec_dir(&block); end + def self.filter_files(root_dir, patterns); end + def self.force_ssl; end + def self.include_dir; end + def self.initialize_jasmine_config_if_absent(path); end + def self.jasmine_config; end + def self.phantom_options; end + def self.railtie_helpers_paths; end + def self.railtie_namespace; end + def self.railtie_routes_url_helpers(include_path_helpers = nil); end + def self.reload_jasmine_config; end + def self.reporter_files(types_string); end + def self.route_path; end + def self.spec_dir; end + def self.spec_files; end + def self.src_dir; end + def self.table_name_prefix; end + def self.tmp_dir; end + def self.use_phantom_gem?; end + def self.use_relative_model_naming?; end +end +class JasmineRails::Engine < Rails::Engine +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/json-schema.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/json-schema.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..29f23f6df --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/json-schema.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,405 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# json-schema-2.8.1 +class ArraySet < Array + def convert_to_float_if_numeric(value); end + def include?(obj); end +end +module JSON +end +module JSON::Util +end +module JSON::Util::URI + def self.absolutize_ref(ref, base); end + def self.clear_cache; end + def self.file_uri(uri); end + def self.normalize_ref(ref, base); end + def self.normalized_uri(uri, base_path = nil); end + def self.parse(uri); end + def self.strip_fragment(uri); end + def self.unescape_uri(uri); end + def self.unescaped_path(uri); end +end +class JSON::Schema + def initialize(schema, uri, parent_validator = nil); end + def schema; end + def schema=(arg0); end + def self.stringify(schema); end + def to_array_schema; end + def to_s; end + def uri; end + def uri=(arg0); end + def validate(data, fragments, processor, options = nil); end + def validator; end + def validator=(arg0); end +end +class JSON::Schema::ReadError < StandardError + def initialize(location, type); end + def location; end + def type; end + def type_string; end +end +class JSON::Schema::ReadRefused < JSON::Schema::ReadError + def error_message; end +end +class JSON::Schema::ReadFailed < JSON::Schema::ReadError + def error_message; end +end +class JSON::Schema::Reader + def accept_file?(pathname); end + def accept_uri?(uri); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def read(location); end + def read_file(pathname); end + def read_uri(uri); end +end +class JSON::Schema::SchemaError < StandardError +end +class JSON::Schema::SchemaParseError < JSON::ParserError +end +class JSON::Schema::JsonLoadError < StandardError +end +class JSON::Schema::JsonParseError < StandardError +end +class JSON::Util::UUID < Struct + def <=>(other); end + def ==(other); end + def guid; end + def raw_bytes; end + def raw_bytes=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.create(clock = nil, time = nil, mac_addr = nil); end + def self.create_md5(str, namespace); end + def self.create_random; end + def self.create_sha1(str, namespace); end + def self.create_v1(clock = nil, time = nil, mac_addr = nil); end + def self.create_v3(str, namespace); end + def self.create_v4; end + def self.create_v5(str, namespace); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.mask(v, str); end + def self.mask18(v, str); end + def self.mask19(v, str); end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def self.pack(tl, tm, th, ch, cl, n); end + def self.parse(obj); end + def self.read_state(fp); end + def self.write_state(fp, c, m); end + def to_i; end + def to_int; end + def to_s; end + def to_uri; end + def unpack; end + def urn; end + def version; end + include Comparable +end +class JSON::Validator + def build_schemas(parent_schema); end + def custom_open(uri); end + def fake_uuid(schema); end + def handle_schema(parent_schema, obj); end + def initialize(schema_data, data, opts = nil); end + def initialize_data(data); end + def initialize_schema(schema); end + def load_ref_schema(parent_schema, ref); end + def schema_from_fragment(base_schema, fragment); end + def self.add_schema(schema); end + def self.cache_schemas=(val); end + def self.clear_cache; end + def self.default_validator; end + def self.deregister_format_validator(format, versions = nil); end + def self.fully_validate(schema, data, opts = nil); end + def self.fully_validate_json(schema, data, opts = nil); end + def self.fully_validate_schema(schema, opts = nil); end + def self.fully_validate_uri(schema, data, opts = nil); end + def self.json_backend; end + def self.json_backend=(backend); end + def self.merge_missing_values(source, destination); end + def self.parse(s); end + def self.register_default_validator(v); end + def self.register_format_validator(format, validation_proc, versions = nil); end + def self.register_validator(v); end + def self.restore_default_formats(versions = nil); end + def self.schema_for_uri(uri); end + def self.schema_key_for(uri); end + def self.schema_loaded?(schema_uri); end + def self.schema_reader; end + def self.schema_reader=(reader); end + def self.schemas; end + def self.validate!(schema, data, opts = nil); end + def self.validate(schema, data, opts = nil); end + def self.validate2(schema, data, opts = nil); end + def self.validate_json!(schema, data, opts = nil); end + def self.validate_json(schema, data, opts = nil); end + def self.validate_uri!(schema, data, opts = nil); end + def self.validate_uri(schema, data, opts = nil); end + def self.validator_for(schema_uri); end + def self.validator_for_name(schema_name, raise_not_found = nil); end + def self.validator_for_uri(schema_uri, raise_not_found = nil); end + def self.validators; end + def serialize(schema); end + def validate; end + def validation_error(error); end + def validation_errors; end +end +class JSON::Schema::ValidationError < StandardError + def failed_attribute; end + def failed_attribute=(arg0); end + def fragments; end + def fragments=(arg0); end + def initialize(message, fragments, failed_attribute, schema); end + def message; end + def message=(arg0); end + def message_with_schema; end + def schema; end + def schema=(arg0); end + def sub_errors; end + def sub_errors=(arg0); end + def to_hash; end + def to_string(subschema_level = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.build_fragment(fragments); end + def self.data_valid_for_type?(data, type); end + def self.type_of_data(data); end + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end + def self.validation_error(processor, message, fragments, current_schema, failed_attribute, record_errors); end + def self.validation_errors(validator); end +end +class JSON::Schema::RefAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.get_referenced_uri_and_schema(s, current_schema, validator); end + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::ExtendsAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.get_extended_uri_and_schema(s, current_schema, validator); end + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::AdditionalPropertiesAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.remove_valid_properties(extra_properties, current_schema, validator); end + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::ItemsAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::DependenciesAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.accept_value?(value); end + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end + def self.validate_dependency(schema, data, property, value, fragments, processor, attribute, options); end +end +class JSON::Schema::EnumAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::MaxDecimalAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::FormatAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::DateFormat < JSON::Schema::FormatAttribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::DateTimeV4Format < JSON::Schema::FormatAttribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::DateTimeFormat < JSON::Schema::FormatAttribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::IPFormat < JSON::Schema::FormatAttribute + def self.ip_version; end + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::IP4Format < JSON::Schema::IPFormat + def self.ip_version; end +end +class JSON::Schema::IP6Format < JSON::Schema::IPFormat + def self.ip_version; end +end +class JSON::Schema::UriError < StandardError +end +class JSON::Schema::UriFormat < JSON::Schema::FormatAttribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::CustomFormatError < StandardError +end +class JSON::Schema::CustomFormat < JSON::Schema::FormatAttribute + def initialize(validation_proc); end + def validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::TimeFormat < JSON::Schema::FormatAttribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::AnyOfAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::PatternPropertiesAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::DivisibleByAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.keyword; end + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::AllOfAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::NotAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::LimitAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.acceptable_type; end + def self.error_message(schema); end + def self.exclusive?(schema); end + def self.invalid?(schema, data); end + def self.limit(schema); end + def self.limit_name; end + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end + def self.value(data); end +end +class JSON::Schema::ItemsLimitAttribute < JSON::Schema::LimitAttribute + def self.acceptable_type; end + def self.value(data); end +end +class JSON::Schema::LengthLimitAttribute < JSON::Schema::LimitAttribute + def self.acceptable_type; end + def self.value(data); end +end +class JSON::Schema::MinLengthAttribute < JSON::Schema::LengthLimitAttribute + def self.error_message(schema); end + def self.limit_name; end +end +class JSON::Schema::NumericLimitAttribute < JSON::Schema::LimitAttribute + def self.acceptable_type; end + def self.error_message(schema); end +end +class JSON::Schema::MaximumAttribute < JSON::Schema::NumericLimitAttribute + def self.exclusive?(schema); end + def self.limit_name; end +end +class JSON::Schema::MinimumAttribute < JSON::Schema::NumericLimitAttribute + def self.exclusive?(schema); end + def self.limit_name; end +end +class JSON::Schema::MaximumInclusiveAttribute < JSON::Schema::MaximumAttribute + def self.exclusive?(schema); end +end +class JSON::Schema::MaxItemsAttribute < JSON::Schema::ItemsLimitAttribute + def self.error_message(schema); end + def self.limit_name; end +end +class JSON::Schema::PropertiesLimitAttribute < JSON::Schema::LimitAttribute + def self.acceptable_type; end + def self.value(data); end +end +class JSON::Schema::MinPropertiesAttribute < JSON::Schema::PropertiesLimitAttribute + def self.error_message(schema); end + def self.limit_name; end +end +class JSON::Schema::MaxPropertiesAttribute < JSON::Schema::PropertiesLimitAttribute + def self.error_message(schema); end + def self.limit_name; end +end +class JSON::Schema::MinimumInclusiveAttribute < JSON::Schema::MinimumAttribute + def self.exclusive?(schema); end +end +class JSON::Schema::MaxLengthAttribute < JSON::Schema::LengthLimitAttribute + def self.error_message(schema); end + def self.limit_name; end +end +class JSON::Schema::MinItemsAttribute < JSON::Schema::ItemsLimitAttribute + def self.error_message(schema); end + def self.limit_name; end +end +class JSON::Schema::UniqueItemsAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::PropertiesOptionalAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::PatternAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::MultipleOfAttribute < JSON::Schema::DivisibleByAttribute + def self.keyword; end +end +class JSON::Schema::TypeAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.list_types(types); end + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::AdditionalItemsAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::OneOfAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::RequiredAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::DependenciesV4Attribute < JSON::Schema::DependenciesAttribute + def self.accept_value?(value); end +end +class JSON::Schema::TypeV4Attribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::PropertiesAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.required?(schema, options); end + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::DisallowAttribute < JSON::Schema::Attribute + def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, validator, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::PropertiesV4Attribute < JSON::Schema::PropertiesAttribute + def self.required?(schema, options); end +end +class JSON::Schema::Validator + def attributes; end + def attributes=(arg0); end + def default_formats; end + def extend_schema_definition(schema_uri); end + def formats; end + def formats=(arg0); end + def initialize; end + def metaschema; end + def names; end + def names=(arg0); end + def uri; end + def uri=(arg0); end + def validate(current_schema, data, fragments, processor, options = nil); end +end +class JSON::Schema::Draft1 < JSON::Schema::Validator + def initialize; end +end +class JSON::Schema::Draft2 < JSON::Schema::Validator + def initialize; end +end +class JSON::Schema::Draft3 < JSON::Schema::Validator + def initialize; end +end +class JSON::Schema::Draft4 < JSON::Schema::Validator + def initialize; end +end +class JSON::Schema::Draft6 < JSON::Schema::Validator + def initialize; end +end +class JSON::Schema::HyperDraft1 < JSON::Schema::Draft1 + def initialize; end +end +class JSON::Schema::HyperDraft2 < JSON::Schema::Draft2 + def initialize; end +end +class JSON::Schema::HyperDraft3 < JSON::Schema::Draft3 + def initialize; end +end +class JSON::Schema::HyperDraft4 < JSON::Schema::Draft4 + def initialize; end +end +class JSON::Schema::HyperDraft6 < JSON::Schema::Draft6 + def initialize; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/kgio.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/kgio.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f6ca825f --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/kgio.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# kgio-2.11.2 +module Kgio::SocketMethods + def kgio_addr!; end + def kgio_addr; end + def kgio_addr=(arg0); end + def kgio_autopush=(arg0); end + def kgio_autopush?; end + def kgio_peek(*arg0); end + def kgio_read!(*arg0); end + def kgio_read(*arg0); end + def kgio_syssend(arg0, arg1); end + def kgio_trypeek(*arg0); end + def kgio_tryread(*arg0); end + def kgio_trywrite(arg0); end + def kgio_trywritev(arg0); end + def kgio_write(arg0); end + def kgio_writev(arg0); end +end +module Kgio::DefaultWaiters + def kgio_wait_readable(*arg0); end + def kgio_wait_writable(*arg0); end +end +module Kgio + def self.accept_class; end + def self.accept_class=(arg0); end + def self.accept_cloexec=(arg0); end + def self.accept_cloexec?; end + def self.accept_nonblock=(arg0); end + def self.accept_nonblock?; end + def self.autopush=(arg0); end + def self.autopush?; end + def self.poll(*arg0); end + def self.trypeek(*arg0); end + def self.tryread(*arg0); end + def self.trywrite(arg0, arg1); end + def self.trywritev(arg0, arg1); end +end +module Kgio::PipeMethods + def kgio_read!(*arg0); end + def kgio_read(*arg0); end + def kgio_tryread(*arg0); end + def kgio_trywrite(arg0); end + def kgio_trywritev(arg0); end + def kgio_write(arg0); end + def kgio_writev(arg0); end +end +class Kgio::Socket < Socket + def self.connect(arg0); end + def*arg0); end + def self.start(arg0); end +end +class Kgio::TCPSocket < TCPSocket + def, arg1); end + def self.start(arg0, arg1); end +end +class Kgio::UNIXSocket < UNIXSocket + def; end + def self.start(arg0); end +end +class Kgio::UNIXServer < UNIXServer + def kgio_accept(*arg0); end + def kgio_tryaccept(*arg0); end +end +class Kgio::TCPServer < TCPServer + def kgio_accept(*arg0); end + def kgio_tryaccept(*arg0); end +end +class Kgio::File < File + def self.tryopen(*arg0); end +end +class Kgio::Pipe < IO + def*arg0); end + include Kgio::PipeMethods +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/kramdown.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/kramdown.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4ed9950b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/kramdown.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: ignore +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# kramdown-2.1.0 +module Kramdown + def self.data_dir; end +end +class Kramdown::Element + def attr; end + def children; end + def children=(arg0); end + def initialize(type, value = nil, attr = nil, options = nil); end + def inspect; end + def options; end + def self.category(el); end + def type; end + def type=(arg0); end + def value; end + def value=(arg0); end +end +class Kramdown::Error < RuntimeError +end +module Kramdown::Parser +end +module Kramdown::Utils + def self.camelize(name); end + def self.deep_const_get(str); end + def self.snake_case(name); end +end +module Kramdown::Utils::Configurable + def configurable(name); end +end +module Kramdown::Converter + def self.add_math_engine(data, *args, &block); end + def self.add_syntax_highlighter(data, *args, &block); end + def self.configurables; end + def self.math_engine(data); end + def self.syntax_highlighter(data); end + extend Kramdown::Utils::Configurable +end +module Kramdown::Options + def self.defaults; end + def self.define(name, type, default, desc, &block); end + def self.defined?(name); end + def self.definitions; end + def self.merge(hash); end + def self.parse(name, data); end + def self.simple_array_validator(val, name, size = nil); end + def self.simple_hash_validator(val, name); end + def self.str_to_sym(data); end +end +class Kramdown::Options::Boolean + def self.===(other); end +end +class Kramdown::Options::Definition < Struct + def default; end + def default=(_); end + def desc; end + def desc=(_); end + def name; end + def name=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def type; end + def type=(_); end + def validator; end + def validator=(_); end +end +class Kramdown::Document + def initialize(source, options = nil); end + def inspect; end + def method_missing(id, *attr, &block); end + def options; end + def root; end + def root=(arg0); end + def try_require(type, name); end + def warnings; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/launchy.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/launchy.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..56cb0d192 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/launchy.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# launchy-2.4.3 +module Launchy + def self.app_for_uri(uri); end + def self.app_for_uri_string(s); end + def self.application; end + def self.application=(app); end + def self.bug_report_message; end + def self.debug=(d); end + def self.debug?; end + def self.dry_run=(dry_run); end + def self.dry_run?; end + def self.extract_global_options(options); end + def self.host_os; end + def self.host_os=(host_os); end + def self.log(msg); end + def, options = nil, &error_block); end + def self.reset_global_options; end + def self.ruby_engine; end + def self.ruby_engine=(ruby_engine); end + def self.string_to_uri(s); end + def self.to_bool(arg); end +end +module Launchy::Version + def self.to_a; end + def self.to_s; end +end +class Launchy::Argv + def ==(other); end + def [](idx); end + def argv; end + def blank?; end + def executable?; end + def initialize(*args); end + def to_s; end + def to_str; end + def valid?; end +end +class Launchy::Cli + def error_output(error); end + def good_run(argv, env); end + def initialize; end + def options; end + def parse(argv, env); end + def parser; end + def run(argv = nil, env = nil); end +end +module Launchy::DescendantTracker + def children; end + def find_child(method, *args); end + def inherited(klass); end +end +class Launchy::Error < StandardError +end +class Launchy::ApplicationNotFoundError < Launchy::Error +end +class Launchy::CommandNotFoundError < Launchy::Error +end +class Launchy::ArgumentError < Launchy::Error +end +class Launchy::Application + def find_executable(bin, *paths); end + def host_os_family; end + def initialize; end + def ruby_engine; end + def run(cmd, *args); end + def runner; end + def self.find_executable(bin, *paths); end + def self.handling(uri); end + extend Launchy::DescendantTracker +end +class Launchy::Application::Browser < Launchy::Application + def app_list; end + def browser_cmdline; end + def browser_env; end + def cmd_and_args(uri, options = nil); end + def cygwin_app_list; end + def darwin_app_list; end + def nix_app_list; end + def open(uri, options = nil); end + def self.handles?(uri); end + def self.schemes; end + def windows_app_list; end +end +module Launchy::Detect +end +class Launchy::Detect::HostOs + def default_host_os; end + def host_os; end + def initialize(host_os = nil); end + def override_host_os; end + def to_s; end + def to_str; end +end +class Launchy::Detect::HostOsFamily + def cygwin?; end + def darwin?; end + def host_os; end + def initialize(host_os = nil); end + def nix?; end + def self.cygwin?; end + def self.darwin?; end + def self.detect(host_os = nil); end + def self.matches?(host_os); end + def self.nix?; end + def; end + def windows?; end + extend Launchy::DescendantTracker +end +class Launchy::Detect::HostOsFamily::NotFoundError < Launchy::Error +end +class Launchy::Detect::HostOsFamily::Windows < Launchy::Detect::HostOsFamily + def app_list(app); end + def self.matching_regex; end +end +class Launchy::Detect::HostOsFamily::Darwin < Launchy::Detect::HostOsFamily + def app_list(app); end + def self.matching_regex; end +end +class Launchy::Detect::HostOsFamily::Nix < Launchy::Detect::HostOsFamily + def app_list(app); end + def self.matching_regex; end +end +class Launchy::Detect::HostOsFamily::Cygwin < Launchy::Detect::HostOsFamily + def app_list(app); end + def self.matching_regex; end +end +class Launchy::Detect::RubyEngine + def initialize(ruby_engine = nil); end + def ruby_engine; end + def self.detect(ruby_engine = nil); end + def self.is_current_engine?(ruby_engine); end + def self.jruby?; end + def self.macruby?; end + def self.mri?; end + def self.rbx?; end + def self.ruby_engine_error_message(ruby_engine); end + def to_s; end + extend Launchy::DescendantTracker +end +class Launchy::Detect::RubyEngine::NotFoundError < Launchy::Error +end +class Launchy::Detect::RubyEngine::Mri < Launchy::Detect::RubyEngine + def self.engine_name; end + def self.is_current_engine?(ruby_engine); end +end +class Launchy::Detect::RubyEngine::Jruby < Launchy::Detect::RubyEngine + def self.engine_name; end +end +class Launchy::Detect::RubyEngine::Rbx < Launchy::Detect::RubyEngine + def self.engine_name; end +end +class Launchy::Detect::RubyEngine::MacRuby < Launchy::Detect::RubyEngine + def self.engine_name; end +end +class Launchy::Detect::NixDesktopEnvironment + def self.browsers; end + def self.detect; end + def self.fallback_browsers; end + extend Launchy::DescendantTracker +end +class Launchy::Detect::NixDesktopEnvironment::NotFoundError < Launchy::Error +end +class Launchy::Detect::NixDesktopEnvironment::Kde < Launchy::Detect::NixDesktopEnvironment + def self.browser; end + def self.is_current_desktop_environment?; end +end +class Launchy::Detect::NixDesktopEnvironment::Gnome < Launchy::Detect::NixDesktopEnvironment + def self.browser; end + def self.is_current_desktop_environment?; end +end +class Launchy::Detect::NixDesktopEnvironment::Xfce < Launchy::Detect::NixDesktopEnvironment + def self.browser; end + def self.is_current_desktop_environment?; end +end +class Launchy::Detect::NixDesktopEnvironment::Xdg < Launchy::Detect::NixDesktopEnvironment + def self.browser; end + def self.is_current_desktop_environment?; end +end +class Launchy::Detect::NixDesktopEnvironment::NotFound < Launchy::Detect::NixDesktopEnvironment + def self.browser; end + def self.is_current_desktop_environment?; end +end +class Launchy::Detect::Runner + def commandline_normalize(cmdline); end + def dry_run(cmd, *args); end + def run(cmd, *args); end + def self.detect; end + def shell_commands(cmd, args); end + extend Launchy::DescendantTracker +end +class Launchy::Detect::Runner::NotFoundError < Launchy::Error +end +class Launchy::Detect::Runner::Windows < Launchy::Detect::Runner + def all_args(cmd, *args); end + def dry_run(cmd, *args); end + def shell_commands(cmd, *args); end + def wet_run(cmd, *args); end +end +class Launchy::Detect::Runner::Jruby < Launchy::Detect::Runner + def wet_run(cmd, *args); end +end +class Launchy::Detect::Runner::Forkable < Launchy::Detect::Runner + def child_pid; end + def close_file_descriptors; end + def exec_or_raise(cmd, *args); end + def wet_run(cmd, *args); end +end +class Launchy::Browser + def _warn(msg = nil); end + def find_caller_context(stack); end + def report_caller_context(stack); end + def*args); end + def visit(url); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/link_header.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/link_header.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27c870ed6 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/link_header.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# link_header-0.0.8 +class LinkHeader + def <<(link); end + def find_link(*attr_pairs); end + def initialize(links = nil); end + def links; end + def self.parse(link_header); end + def to_a; end + def to_html(separator = nil); end + def to_s; end +end +class LinkHeader::Link + def [](key); end + def attr_pairs; end + def attrs; end + def href; end + def initialize(href, attr_pairs); end + def to_a; end + def to_html; end + def to_s; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/logstasher.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/logstasher.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a4ad49ff2 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/logstasher.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# logstasher-1.2.2 +module LogStasher + def add_custom_fields(&block); end + def add_custom_fields_to_request_context(&block); end + def add_default_fields_to_payload(payload, request); end + def add_default_fields_to_request_context(request); end + def backtrace; end + def backtrace=(arg0); end + def build_logstash_event(data, tags); end + def called_as_console?; end + def called_as_rake?; end + def clear_request_context; end + def configured_to_suppress_app_logs?(config); end + def controller_monkey_patch; end + def controller_monkey_patch=(arg0); end + def debug(message = nil, additional_fields = nil); end + def default_source; end + def enabled; end + def enabled=(arg0); end + def enabled?; end + def error(message = nil, additional_fields = nil); end + def fatal(message = nil, additional_fields = nil); end + def field_renaming; end + def field_renaming=(arg0); end + def has_active_job?; end + def info(message = nil, additional_fields = nil); end + def log(severity, message, additional_fields = nil); end + def log_controller_parameters; end + def log_controller_parameters=(arg0); end + def logger; end + def logger=(arg0); end + def logger_path; end + def logger_path=(arg0); end + def new_logger(path); end + def process_config(config, yml_config); end + def remove_existing_log_subscriptions; end + def request_context; end + def set_data_for_console; end + def set_data_for_rake; end + def setup(config); end + def setup_before(config); end + def source; end + def source=(arg0); end + def store; end + def suppress_app_logs(config); end + def unknown(message = nil, additional_fields = nil); end + def unsubscribe(component, subscriber); end + def warn(message = nil, additional_fields = nil); end + def watch(event, opts = nil, &block); end + extend LogStasher +end +module LogStasher::CustomFields + def self.add(*fields); end + def self.clear; end + def self.custom_fields; end + def self.custom_fields=(val); end +end +module LogStasher::CustomFields::LogSubscriber + def extract_custom_fields(data); end +end +module LogStasher::ActiveSupport +end +class LogStasher::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber < ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber + include LogStasher::CustomFields::LogSubscriber +end +class LogStasher::ActiveSupport::MailerLogSubscriber < ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber +end +module LogStasher::ActionView +end +class LogStasher::ActionView::LogSubscriber < ActionView::LogSubscriber + include LogStasher::CustomFields::LogSubscriber +end +module LogStasher::ActionController +end +module LogStasher::ActionController::Instrumentation + def add_custom_fields_to_store; end + def append_info_to_payload(payload); end + def process_action(*args); end +end +class LogStasher::Railtie < Rails::Railtie +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/loofah.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/loofah.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..82d2571bd --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/loofah.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# loofah-2.2.3 +module Loofah + def self.document(*args, &block); end + def self.fragment(*args, &block); end + def self.remove_extraneous_whitespace(string); end + def self.scrub_document(string_or_io, method); end + def self.scrub_fragment(string_or_io, method); end + def self.scrub_xml_document(string_or_io, method); end + def self.scrub_xml_fragment(string_or_io, method); end + def self.xml_document(*args, &block); end + def self.xml_fragment(*args, &block); end +end +module Loofah::MetaHelpers + def self.add_downcased_set_members_to_all_set_constants(mojule); end +end +module Loofah::Elements +end +module Loofah::HTML5 +end +module Loofah::HTML5::WhiteList +end +module Loofah::LibxmlWorkarounds +end +module Loofah::HTML5::Scrub + def self.allowed_element?(element_name); end + def self.force_correct_attribute_escaping!(node); end + def self.scrub_attributes(node); end + def self.scrub_css(style); end + def self.scrub_css_attribute(node); end +end +class Loofah::ScrubberNotFound < RuntimeError +end +class Loofah::Scrubber + def append_attribute(node, attribute, value); end + def block; end + def direction; end + def html5lib_sanitize(node); end + def initialize(options = nil, &block); end + def scrub(node); end + def traverse(node); end + def traverse_conditionally_bottom_up(node); end + def traverse_conditionally_top_down(node); end +end +module Loofah::Scrubbers + def self.scrubber_symbols; end +end +class Loofah::Scrubbers::Strip < Loofah::Scrubber + def initialize; end + def scrub(node); end +end +class Loofah::Scrubbers::Prune < Loofah::Scrubber + def initialize; end + def scrub(node); end +end +class Loofah::Scrubbers::Escape < Loofah::Scrubber + def initialize; end + def scrub(node); end +end +class Loofah::Scrubbers::Whitewash < Loofah::Scrubber + def initialize; end + def scrub(node); end +end +class Loofah::Scrubbers::NoFollow < Loofah::Scrubber + def initialize; end + def scrub(node); end +end +class Loofah::Scrubbers::NoOpener < Loofah::Scrubber + def initialize; end + def scrub(node); end +end +class Loofah::Scrubbers::NewlineBlockElements < Loofah::Scrubber + def initialize; end + def scrub(node); end +end +class Loofah::Scrubbers::Unprintable < Loofah::Scrubber + def initialize; end + def scrub(node); end +end +module Loofah::ScrubBehavior + def self.resolve_scrubber(scrubber); end +end +module Loofah::ScrubBehavior::Node + def scrub!(scrubber); end +end +module Loofah::ScrubBehavior::NodeSet + def scrub!(scrubber); end +end +module Loofah::TextBehavior + def inner_text(options = nil); end + def text(options = nil); end + def to_str(options = nil); end + def to_text(options = nil); end +end +module Loofah::DocumentDecorator + def initialize(*args, &block); end +end +module Loofah::XML +end +class Loofah::XML::Document < Nokogiri::XML::Document + include Loofah::DocumentDecorator + include Loofah::ScrubBehavior::Node +end +class Loofah::XML::DocumentFragment < Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment + def self.parse(tags); end +end +module Loofah::HTML +end +class Loofah::HTML::Document < Nokogiri::HTML::Document + def serialize_root; end + include Loofah::DocumentDecorator + include Loofah::ScrubBehavior::Node + include Loofah::TextBehavior +end +class Loofah::HTML::DocumentFragment < Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment + def self.parse(tags, encoding = nil); end + def serialize; end + def serialize_root; end + def to_s; end + include Loofah::TextBehavior +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/method_source.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/method_source.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c670d66a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/method_source.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# method_source-0.9.2 +module MethodSource + def self.comment_helper(source_location, name = nil); end + def self.extract_code(source_location); end + def self.lines_for(file_name, name = nil); end + def self.source_helper(source_location, name = nil); end + def self.valid_expression?(str); end + extend MethodSource::CodeHelpers +end +module MethodSource::ReeSourceLocation + def source_location; end +end +module MethodSource::SourceLocation +end +module MethodSource::SourceLocation::MethodExtensions + def source_location; end + def trace_func(event, file, line, id, binding, classname); end +end +module MethodSource::SourceLocation::ProcExtensions + def source_location; end +end +module MethodSource::SourceLocation::UnboundMethodExtensions + def source_location; end +end +module MethodSource::CodeHelpers + def comment_describing(file, line_number); end + def complete_expression?(str); end + def expression_at(file, line_number, options = nil); end + def extract_first_expression(lines, consume = nil, &block); end + def extract_last_comment(lines); end +end +module MethodSource::CodeHelpers::IncompleteExpression + def self.===(ex); end + def self.rbx?; end +end +class MethodSource::SourceNotFoundError < StandardError +end +module MethodSource::MethodExtensions + def comment; end + def self.included(klass); end + def source; end +end +class Method + include MethodSource::MethodExtensions + include MethodSource::SourceLocation::MethodExtensions +end +class UnboundMethod + include MethodSource::MethodExtensions + include MethodSource::SourceLocation::UnboundMethodExtensions +end +class Proc + include MethodSource::MethodExtensions + include MethodSource::SourceLocation::ProcExtensions +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/mime-types-data.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/mime-types-data.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..657bb25d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/mime-types-data.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# mime-types-data-3.2019.0331 +module MIME +end +class MIME::Types +end +module MIME::Types::Data +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/mime-types.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/mime-types.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9eb709d2b --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/mime-types.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# mime-types-3.2.2 +module MIME +end +class MIME::Type + def <=>(other); end + def add_extensions(*extensions); end + def ascii?; end + def binary?; end + def complete?; end + def content_type; end + def content_type=(type_string); end + def default_encoding; end + def docs; end + def docs=(arg0); end + def encode_with(coder); end + def encoding; end + def encoding=(enc); end + def eql?(other); end + def extensions; end + def extensions=(value); end + def friendly(lang = nil); end + def i18n_key; end + def init_with(coder); end + def initialize(content_type); end + def inspect; end + def like?(other); end + def media_type; end + def obsolete; end + def obsolete=(arg0); end + def obsolete?; end + def preferred_extension; end + def preferred_extension=(value); end + def priority_compare(other); end + def raw_media_type; end + def raw_sub_type; end + def registered; end + def registered=(arg0); end + def registered?; end + def self.i18n_key(content_type); end + def self.match(content_type); end + def self.simplified(content_type, remove_x_prefix: nil); end + def self.simplify_matchdata(matchdata, remove_x = nil, joiner: nil); end + def signature; end + def signature=(arg0); end + def signature?; end + def simplified; end + def sub_type; end + def to_h; end + def to_json(*args); end + def to_s; end + def to_str; end + def use_instead; end + def use_instead=(arg0); end + def xref_map(values, helper); end + def xref_url_for_draft(value); end + def xref_url_for_person(value); end + def xref_url_for_rfc(value); end + def xref_url_for_rfc_errata(value); end + def xref_url_for_template(value); end + def xref_urls; end + def xrefs; end + def xrefs=(x); end + include Comparable +end +class MIME::Type::InvalidContentType < ArgumentError + def initialize(type_string); end + def to_s; end +end +class MIME::Type::InvalidEncoding < ArgumentError + def initialize(encoding); end + def to_s; end +end +class MIME::Types::Cache < Struct + def data; end + def data=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.load(cache_file = nil); end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def = nil, cache_file = nil); end + def version; end + def version=(_); end +end +class MIME::Types::Container + def ==(*args, &block); end + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def add(key, value); end + def container; end + def container=(arg0); end + def count(*args, &block); end + def each(*args, &block); end + def each_value(*args, &block); end + def empty?(*args, &block); end + def encode_with(coder); end + def flat_map(*args, &block); end + def init_with(coder); end + def initialize(hash = nil); end + def keys(*args, &block); end + def marshal_dump; end + def marshal_load(hash); end + def merge!(other); end + def merge(other); end + def normalize; end + def select(*args, &block); end + def to_hash; end + def values(*args, &block); end + extend Forwardable +end +class MIME::Types + def [](type_id, complete: nil, registered: nil); end + def add(*types); end + def add_type(type, quiet = nil); end + def add_type_variant!(mime_type); end + def count; end + def each; end + def index_extensions!(mime_type); end + def initialize; end + def inspect; end + def match(pattern); end + def of(filename); end + def prune_matches(matches, complete, registered); end + def reindex_extensions!(mime_type); end + def self.[](type_id, complete: nil, registered: nil); end + def self.__instances__; end + def self.__types__; end + def self.add(*types); end + def self.count; end + def self.each; end + def self.lazy_load?; end + def self.load_default_mime_types(mode = nil); end + def self.load_mode; end + def self.logger; end + def self.logger=(arg0); end + def*arg0); end + def self.of(filename); end + def self.reindex_extensions(type); end + def self.type_for(filename); end + def type_for(filename); end + include Enumerable +end +class MIME::Types::Loader + def columnar_path; end + def container; end + def initialize(path = nil, container = nil); end + def json_path; end + def load(options = nil); end + def load_columnar; end + def load_json; end + def load_yaml; end + def path; end + def self.load(options = nil); end + def self.load_from_json(filename); end + def self.load_from_yaml(filename); end + def self.read_file(filename); end + def yaml_path; end +end +class MIME::Types::WarnLogger < Logger + def initialize(_1, _2 = nil, _3 = nil); end +end +class MIME::Types::WarnLogger::WarnLogDevice < Logger::LogDevice + def close; end + def initialize(*arg0); end + def write(m); end +end +class MIME::Type::Columnar < MIME::Type + def docs(*args); end + def docs=(*args); end + def encode_with(coder); end + def encoding(*args); end + def encoding=(*args); end + def friendly(*args); end + def initialize(container, content_type, extensions); end + def obsolete(*args); end + def obsolete=(*args); end + def obsolete?(*args); end + def preferred_extension(*args); end + def preferred_extension=(*args); end + def registered(*args); end + def registered=(*args); end + def registered?(*args); end + def signature(*args); end + def signature=(*args); end + def signature?(*args); end + def use_instead(*args); end + def use_instead=(*args); end + def xref_urls(*args); end + def xrefs(*args); end + def xrefs=(*args); end +end +module MIME::Types::Columnar + def arr(line); end + def dict(line, array: nil); end + def each_file_line(name, lookup = nil); end + def flag(line); end + def load_base_data(path); end + def load_docs; end + def load_encoding; end + def load_flags; end + def load_friendly; end + def load_preferred_extension; end + def load_use_instead; end + def load_xrefs; end + def opt(line); end + def self.extended(obj); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/mini_mime.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/mini_mime.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7e4790322 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/mini_mime.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# mini_mime-1.0.1 +module MiniMime + def self.lookup_by_content_type(mime); end + def self.lookup_by_extension(extension); end + def self.lookup_by_filename(filename); end +end +class MiniMime::Info + def [](idx); end + def binary?; end + def content_type; end + def content_type=(arg0); end + def encoding; end + def encoding=(arg0); end + def extension; end + def extension=(arg0); end + def initialize(buffer); end +end +class MiniMime::Db + def initialize; end + def lookup_by_content_type(content_type); end + def lookup_by_extension(extension); end + def self.lookup_by_content_type(content_type); end + def self.lookup_by_extension(extension); end + def self.lookup_by_filename(filename); end +end +class MiniMime::Db::Cache + def []=(key, val); end + def fetch(key, &blk); end + def initialize(size); end +end +class MiniMime::Db::RandomAccessDb + def initialize(name, sort_order); end + def lookup(val); end + def lookup_uncached(val); end + def resolve(row); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/minitest.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/minitest.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a7a59a1e --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/minitest.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# minitest-5.11.3 +module Minitest + def self.__run(reporter, options); end + def self.after_run(&block); end + def self.autorun; end + def self.backtrace_filter; end + def self.backtrace_filter=(arg0); end + def self.clock_time; end + def self.extensions; end + def self.extensions=(arg0); end + def self.filter_backtrace(bt); end + def self.info_signal; end + def self.info_signal=(arg0); end + def self.init_plugins(options); end + def self.load_plugins; end + def self.parallel_executor; end + def self.parallel_executor=(arg0); end + def self.process_args(args = nil); end + def self.reporter; end + def self.reporter=(arg0); end + def = nil); end + def self.run_one_method(klass, method_name); end +end +module Minitest::Parallel +end +class Minitest::Parallel::Executor + def <<(work); end + def initialize(size); end + def shutdown; end + def size; end + def start; end +end +module Minitest::Parallel::Test + def _synchronize; end +end +module Minitest::Parallel::Test::ClassMethods + def run_one_method(klass, method_name, reporter); end + def test_order; end +end +module Minitest::Assertions + def _synchronize; end + def assert(test, msg = nil); end + def assert_empty(obj, msg = nil); end + def assert_equal(exp, act, msg = nil); end + def assert_in_delta(exp, act, delta = nil, msg = nil); end + def assert_in_epsilon(exp, act, epsilon = nil, msg = nil); end + def assert_includes(collection, obj, msg = nil); end + def assert_instance_of(cls, obj, msg = nil); end + def assert_kind_of(cls, obj, msg = nil); end + def assert_match(matcher, obj, msg = nil); end + def assert_nil(obj, msg = nil); end + def assert_operator(o1, op, o2 = nil, msg = nil); end + def assert_output(stdout = nil, stderr = nil); end + def assert_predicate(o1, op, msg = nil); end + def assert_raises(*exp); end + def assert_respond_to(obj, meth, msg = nil); end + def assert_same(exp, act, msg = nil); end + def assert_send(send_ary, m = nil); end + def assert_silent; end + def assert_throws(sym, msg = nil); end + def capture_io; end + def capture_subprocess_io; end + def diff(exp, act); end + def exception_details(e, msg); end + def flunk(msg = nil); end + def message(msg = nil, ending = nil, &default); end + def mu_pp(obj); end + def mu_pp_for_diff(obj); end + def pass(_msg = nil); end + def refute(test, msg = nil); end + def refute_empty(obj, msg = nil); end + def refute_equal(exp, act, msg = nil); end + def refute_in_delta(exp, act, delta = nil, msg = nil); end + def refute_in_epsilon(a, b, epsilon = nil, msg = nil); end + def refute_includes(collection, obj, msg = nil); end + def refute_instance_of(cls, obj, msg = nil); end + def refute_kind_of(cls, obj, msg = nil); end + def refute_match(matcher, obj, msg = nil); end + def refute_nil(obj, msg = nil); end + def refute_operator(o1, op, o2 = nil, msg = nil); end + def refute_predicate(o1, op, msg = nil); end + def refute_respond_to(obj, meth, msg = nil); end + def refute_same(exp, act, msg = nil); end + def self.diff; end + def self.diff=(o); end + def skip(msg = nil, bt = nil); end + def skipped?; end +end +class Minitest::Unit + def self.after_tests(&b); end + def self.autorun; end +end +class Minitest::Unit::TestCase < Minitest::Test + def self.inherited(klass); end +end +class Minitest::Test < Minitest::Runnable + def capture_exceptions; end + def class_name; end + def run; end + def self.i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent!; end + def self.io_lock; end + def self.io_lock=(arg0); end + def self.make_my_diffs_pretty!; end + def self.parallelize_me!; end + def self.runnable_methods; end + def self.test_order; end + def with_info_handler(&block); end + extend Minitest::Guard + include Minitest::Assertions + include Minitest::Guard + include Minitest::Reportable + include Minitest::Test::LifecycleHooks +end +module Minitest::Test::LifecycleHooks + def after_setup; end + def after_teardown; end + def before_setup; end + def before_teardown; end + def setup; end + def teardown; end +end +class Minitest::Runnable + def assertions; end + def assertions=(arg0); end + def failure; end + def failures; end + def failures=(arg0); end + def initialize(name); end + def marshal_dump; end + def marshal_load(ary); end + def name; end + def name=(o); end + def passed?; end + def result_code; end + def run; end + def self.inherited(klass); end + def self.methods_matching(re); end + def self.on_signal(name, action); end + def self.reset; end + def, options = nil); end + def self.run_one_method(klass, method_name, reporter); end + def self.runnable_methods; end + def self.runnables; end + def self.with_info_handler(reporter, &block); end + def skipped?; end + def time; end + def time=(arg0); end + def time_it; end +end +module Minitest::Reportable + def class_name; end + def error?; end + def location; end + def passed?; end + def result_code; end + def skipped?; end +end +class Minitest::Result < Minitest::Runnable + def class_name; end + def klass; end + def klass=(arg0); end + def self.from(runnable); end + def source_location; end + def source_location=(arg0); end + def to_s; end + include Minitest::Reportable +end +class Minitest::AbstractReporter + def lock; end + def locked?; end + def passed?; end + def prerecord(klass, name); end + def record(result); end + def report; end + def start; end + def synchronize(&block); end + def try_lock; end + def unlock; end + include Mutex_m +end +class Minitest::Reporter < Minitest::AbstractReporter + def initialize(io = nil, options = nil); end + def io; end + def io=(arg0); end + def options; end + def options=(arg0); end +end +class Minitest::ProgressReporter < Minitest::Reporter + def prerecord(klass, name); end + def record(result); end +end +class Minitest::StatisticsReporter < Minitest::Reporter + def assertions; end + def assertions=(arg0); end + def count; end + def count=(arg0); end + def errors; end + def errors=(arg0); end + def failures; end + def failures=(arg0); end + def initialize(io = nil, options = nil); end + def passed?; end + def record(result); end + def report; end + def results; end + def results=(arg0); end + def skips; end + def skips=(arg0); end + def start; end + def start_time; end + def start_time=(arg0); end + def total_time; end + def total_time=(arg0); end +end +class Minitest::SummaryReporter < Minitest::StatisticsReporter + def aggregated_results(io); end + def binary_string; end + def old_sync; end + def old_sync=(arg0); end + def report; end + def start; end + def statistics; end + def summary; end + def sync; end + def sync=(arg0); end + def to_s; end +end +class Minitest::CompositeReporter < Minitest::AbstractReporter + def <<(reporter); end + def initialize(*reporters); end + def io; end + def passed?; end + def prerecord(klass, name); end + def record(result); end + def report; end + def reporters; end + def reporters=(arg0); end + def start; end +end +class Minitest::Assertion < Exception + def error; end + def location; end + def result_code; end + def result_label; end +end +class Minitest::Skip < Minitest::Assertion + def result_label; end +end +class Minitest::UnexpectedError < Minitest::Assertion + def backtrace; end + def error; end + def exception; end + def exception=(arg0); end + def initialize(exception); end + def message; end + def result_label; end +end +module Minitest::Guard + def jruby?(platform = nil); end + def maglev?(platform = nil); end + def mri?(platform = nil); end + def rubinius?(platform = nil); end + def windows?(platform = nil); end +end +class Minitest::BacktraceFilter + def filter(bt); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/multi_json.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/multi_json.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0903290e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/multi_json.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# multi_json-1.13.1 +module MultiJson + def adapter; end + def adapter=(new_adapter); end + def cached_options(*arg0); end + def current_adapter(options = nil); end + def decode(string, options = nil); end + def default_adapter; end + def default_engine; end + def default_options; end + def default_options=(value); end + def dump(object, options = nil); end + def encode(object, options = nil); end + def engine; end + def engine=(new_adapter); end + def load(string, options = nil); end + def load_adapter(new_adapter); end + def load_adapter_from_string_name(name); end + def reset_cached_options!(*arg0); end + def use(new_adapter); end + def with_adapter(new_adapter); end + def with_engine(new_adapter); end + extend MultiJson + include MultiJson::Options +end +module MultiJson::Options + def default_dump_options; end + def default_load_options; end + def dump_options(*args); end + def dump_options=(options); end + def get_options(options, *args); end + def load_options(*args); end + def load_options=(options); end +end +class MultiJson::Version + def self.to_s; end +end +class MultiJson::AdapterError < ArgumentError + def cause; end + def; end +end +class MultiJson::ParseError < StandardError + def cause; end + def data; end + def, data); end +end +module MultiJson::OptionsCache + def fetch(type, key); end + def reset; end + def write(cache, key); end + extend MultiJson::OptionsCache +end +class MultiJson::Adapter + def self.allocate; end + def self.blank?(input); end + def self.cached_dump_options(options); end + def self.cached_load_options(options); end + def self.defaults(action, value); end + def self.dump(object, options = nil); end + def self.instance; end + def self.load(string, options = nil); end + def*arg0); end + extend MultiJson::Options + extend Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + include Singleton +end +module MultiJson::Adapters +end +class MultiJson::Adapters::Oj < MultiJson::Adapter + def dump(object, options = nil); end + def load(string, options = nil); end + def self.default_dump_options; end + def self.default_load_options; end + def self.instance; end +end +class MultiJson::Adapters::Oj::ParseError < SyntaxError + def self.===(exception); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/multipart-post.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/multipart-post.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1a6af6553 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/multipart-post.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# multipart-post-2.1.1 +class CompositeReadIO + def advance_io; end + def current_io; end + def initialize(*ios); end + def read(length = nil, outbuf = nil); end + def rewind; end +end +class UploadIO + def content_type; end + def initialize(filename_or_io, content_type, filename = nil, opts = nil); end + def io; end + def local_path; end + def method_missing(*args); end + def opts; end + def original_filename; end + def respond_to?(meth, include_all = nil); end + def self.convert!(io, content_type, original_filename, local_path); end +end +module Parts +end +module Parts::Part + def length; end + def self.file?(value); end + def, name, value, headers = nil); end + def to_io; end +end +class Parts::ParamPart + def build_part(boundary, name, value, headers = nil); end + def initialize(boundary, name, value, headers = nil); end + def length; end + include Parts::Part +end +class Parts::FilePart + def build_head(boundary, name, filename, type, content_len, opts = nil); end + def initialize(boundary, name, io, headers = nil); end + def length; end + include Parts::Part +end +class Parts::EpiloguePart + def initialize(boundary); end + include Parts::Part +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/netrc.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/netrc.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..61efd2d99 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/netrc.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# netrc-0.11.0 +class Netrc + def [](k); end + def []=(k, info); end + def delete(key); end + def each(&block); end + def initialize(path, data); end + def length; end + def new_item(m, l, p); end + def new_item_prefix; end + def new_item_prefix=(arg0); end + def save; end + def self.check_permissions(path); end + def self.config; end + def self.configure; end + def self.default_path; end + def self.home_path; end + def self.lex(lines); end + def self.netrc_filename; end + def self.parse(ts); end + def = nil); end + def self.skip?(s); end + def unparse; end +end +class Netrc::TokenArray < Array + def readto; end + def take; end +end +class Netrc::Entry < Struct + def login; end + def login=(_); end + def password; end + def password=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def to_ary; end +end +class Netrc::Error < StandardError +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/nokogiri.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/nokogiri.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..39378df12 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/nokogiri.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,1010 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# nokogiri-1.10.3 +class Nokogiri::XML::Document < Nokogiri::XML::Node + def <<(node_or_tags); end + def add_child(node_or_tags); end + def canonicalize(*arg0); end + def clone(*arg0); end + def collect_namespaces; end + def create_cdata(string, &block); end + def create_comment(string, &block); end + def create_element(name, *args, &block); end + def create_entity(*arg0); end + def create_text_node(string, &block); end + def decorate(node); end + def decorators(key); end + def document; end + def dup(*arg0); end + def encoding; end + def encoding=(arg0); end + def errors; end + def errors=(arg0); end + def fragment(tags = nil); end + def initialize(*args); end + def inspect_attributes; end + def name; end + def namespaces; end + def remove_namespaces!; end + def root; end + def root=(arg0); end + def self.empty_doc?(string_or_io); end + def*arg0); end + def self.parse(string_or_io, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil); end + def self.read_io(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end + def self.read_memory(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end + def self.wrap(document); end + def slop!; end + def to_java; end + def to_xml(*args, &block); end + def url; end + def validate; end + def version; end +end +class Nokogiri::HTML::Document < Nokogiri::XML::Document + def fragment(tags = nil); end + def meta_content_type; end + def meta_encoding; end + def meta_encoding=(encoding); end + def*arg0); end + def self.parse(string_or_io, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil); end + def self.read_io(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end + def self.read_memory(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end + def serialize(options = nil); end + def set_metadata_element(element); end + def title; end + def title=(text); end + def type; end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::Node + def <<(node_or_tags); end + def <=>(other); end + def ==(other); end + def >(selector); end + def [](name); end + def []=(name, value); end + def accept(visitor); end + def add_child(node_or_tags); end + def add_child_node(arg0); end + def add_child_node_and_reparent_attrs(node); end + def add_class(name); end + def add_namespace(arg0, arg1); end + def add_namespace_definition(arg0, arg1); end + def add_next_sibling(node_or_tags); end + def add_next_sibling_node(arg0); end + def add_previous_sibling(node_or_tags); end + def add_previous_sibling_node(arg0); end + def add_sibling(next_or_previous, node_or_tags); end + def after(node_or_tags); end + def ancestors(selector = nil); end + def append_class(name); end + def attr(name); end + def attribute(arg0); end + def attribute_nodes; end + def attribute_with_ns(arg0, arg1); end + def attributes; end + def before(node_or_tags); end + def blank?; end + def canonicalize(mode = nil, inclusive_namespaces = nil, with_comments = nil); end + def cdata?; end + def child; end + def children; end + def children=(node_or_tags); end + def classes; end + def clone(*arg0); end + def coerce(data); end + def comment?; end + def compare(arg0); end + def content; end + def content=(string); end + def create_external_subset(arg0, arg1, arg2); end + def create_internal_subset(arg0, arg1, arg2); end + def css_path; end + def decorate!; end + def default_namespace=(url); end + def delete(name); end + def description; end + def do_xinclude(options = nil); end + def document; end + def document?; end + def dump_html; end + def dup(*arg0); end + def each; end + def elem?; end + def element?; end + def element_children; end + def elements; end + def encode_special_chars(arg0); end + def external_subset; end + def first_element_child; end + def fragment(tags); end + def fragment?; end + def get(arg0); end + def get_attribute(name); end + def has_attribute?(arg0); end + def html?; end + def in_context(arg0, arg1); end + def initialize(name, document); end + def inner_html(*args); end + def inner_html=(node_or_tags); end + def inner_text; end + def inspect_attributes; end + def internal_subset; end + def key?(arg0); end + def keys; end + def lang; end + def lang=(arg0); end + def last_element_child; end + def line; end + def matches?(selector); end + def name; end + def name=(arg0); end + def namespace; end + def namespace=(ns); end + def namespace_definitions; end + def namespace_scopes; end + def namespaced_key?(arg0, arg1); end + def namespaces; end + def native_content=(arg0); end + def native_write_to(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end + def next; end + def next=(node_or_tags); end + def next_element; end + def next_sibling; end + def node_name; end + def node_name=(arg0); end + def node_type; end + def parent; end + def parent=(parent_node); end + def parse(string_or_io, options = nil); end + def path; end + def pointer_id; end + def prepend_child(node_or_tags); end + def previous; end + def previous=(node_or_tags); end + def previous_element; end + def previous_sibling; end + def process_xincludes(arg0); end + def processing_instruction?; end + def read_only?; end + def remove; end + def remove_attribute(name); end + def remove_class(name = nil); end + def replace(node_or_tags); end + def replace_node(arg0); end + def*arg0); end + def serialize(*args, &block); end + def set(arg0, arg1); end + def set_attribute(name, value); end + def set_namespace(arg0); end + def swap(node_or_tags); end + def text; end + def text?; end + def to_format(save_option, options); end + def to_html(options = nil); end + def to_s; end + def to_str; end + def to_xhtml(options = nil); end + def to_xml(options = nil); end + def traverse(&block); end + def type; end + def unlink; end + def values; end + def wrap(html); end + def write_format_to(save_option, io, options); end + def write_html_to(io, options = nil); end + def write_to(io, *options); end + def write_xhtml_to(io, options = nil); end + def write_xml_to(io, options = nil); end + def xml?; end + include Enumerable + include Nokogiri::XML::PP::Node + include Nokogiri::XML::Searchable +end +class Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment < Nokogiri::XML::Node + def coerce(data); end + def css(*args); end + def dup; end + def errors; end + def errors=(things); end + def initialize(document, tags = nil, ctx = nil); end + def name; end + def namespace_declarations(ctx); end + def search(*rules); end + def*arg0); end + def self.parse(tags); end + def serialize; end + def to_html(*args); end + def to_s; end + def to_xhtml(*args); end + def to_xml(*args); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::Text < Nokogiri::XML::CharacterData + def content=(string); end + def*arg0); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::CDATA < Nokogiri::XML::Text + def name; end + def*arg0); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::ProcessingInstruction < Nokogiri::XML::Node + def initialize(document, name, content); end + def*arg0); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::Attr < Nokogiri::XML::Node + def content=(arg0); end + def inspect_attributes; end + def*arg0); end + def to_s; end + def value; end + def value=(arg0); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::EntityReference < Nokogiri::XML::Node + def children; end + def inspect_attributes; end + def*arg0); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::Comment < Nokogiri::XML::CharacterData + def*arg0); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet + def %(*args); end + def &(arg0); end + def +(arg0); end + def -(arg0); end + def <<(arg0); end + def ==(other); end + def >(selector); end + def [](*arg0); end + def add_class(name); end + def after(datum); end + def append_class(name); end + def at(*args); end + def attr(key, value = nil, &block); end + def attribute(key, value = nil, &block); end + def before(datum); end + def children; end + def clone; end + def css(*args); end + def delete(arg0); end + def document; end + def document=(arg0); end + def dup; end + def each; end + def empty?; end + def filter(expr); end + def first(n = nil); end + def include?(arg0); end + def index(node = nil); end + def initialize(document, list = nil); end + def inner_html(*args); end + def inner_text; end + def inspect; end + def last; end + def length; end + def pop; end + def push(arg0); end + def remove; end + def remove_attr(name); end + def remove_attribute(name); end + def remove_class(name = nil); end + def reverse; end + def set(key, value = nil, &block); end + def shift; end + def size; end + def slice(*arg0); end + def text; end + def to_a; end + def to_ary; end + def to_html(*args); end + def to_s; end + def to_xhtml(*args); end + def to_xml(*args); end + def unlink; end + def wrap(html); end + def xpath(*args); end + def |(arg0); end + include Enumerable + include Nokogiri::XML::Searchable +end +class Nokogiri::XML::XPathContext + def evaluate(*arg0); end + def register_namespaces(namespaces); end + def register_ns(arg0, arg1); end + def register_variable(arg0, arg1); end + def; end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::SAX::ParserContext + def column; end + def line; end + def parse_with(arg0); end + def recovery; end + def recovery=(arg0); end + def replace_entities; end + def replace_entities=(arg0); end + def self.file(arg0); end + def, arg1); end + def self.memory(arg0); end + def, encoding = nil); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::SAX::PushParser + def <<(chunk, last_chunk = nil); end + def document; end + def document=(arg0); end + def finish; end + def initialize(doc = nil, file_name = nil, encoding = nil); end + def initialize_native(arg0, arg1); end + def native_write(arg0, arg1); end + def options; end + def options=(arg0); end + def replace_entities; end + def replace_entities=(arg0); end + def write(chunk, last_chunk = nil); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::Reader + def attr_nodes; end + def attribute(arg0); end + def attribute_at(arg0); end + def attribute_count; end + def attribute_nodes; end + def attributes; end + def attributes?; end + def base_uri; end + def default?; end + def depth; end + def each; end + def empty_element?; end + def encoding; end + def errors; end + def errors=(arg0); end + def initialize(source, url = nil, encoding = nil); end + def inner_xml; end + def lang; end + def local_name; end + def name; end + def namespace_uri; end + def namespaces; end + def node_type; end + def outer_xml; end + def prefix; end + def read; end + def self.from_io(*arg0); end + def self.from_memory(*arg0); end + def self_closing?; end + def source; end + def state; end + def value; end + def value?; end + def xml_version; end + include Enumerable +end +class Nokogiri::XML::DTD < Nokogiri::XML::Node + def attributes; end + def each; end + def elements; end + def entities; end + def external_id; end + def html5_dtd?; end + def html_dtd?; end + def keys; end + def notations; end + def system_id; end + def validate(arg0); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::ElementContent + def c1; end + def c2; end + def children; end + def document; end + def name; end + def occur; end + def prefix; end + def type; end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::AttributeDecl < Nokogiri::XML::Node + def attribute_type; end + def default; end + def enumeration; end + def inspect; end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::ElementDecl < Nokogiri::XML::Node + def content; end + def element_type; end + def inspect; end + def prefix; end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl < Nokogiri::XML::Node + def content; end + def entity_type; end + def external_id; end + def inspect; end + def original_content; end + def, doc, *args); end + def system_id; end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::Namespace + def document; end + def href; end + def inspect_attributes; end + def prefix; end + include Nokogiri::XML::PP::Node +end +class Nokogiri::HTML::SAX::ParserContext < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::ParserContext + def parse_with(arg0); end + def self.file(arg0, arg1); end + def self.memory(arg0, arg1); end + def, encoding = nil); end +end +class Nokogiri::HTML::SAX::PushParser < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::PushParser + def <<(chunk, last_chunk = nil); end + def document; end + def document=(arg0); end + def finish; end + def initialize(doc = nil, file_name = nil, encoding = nil); end + def initialize_native(arg0, arg1, arg2); end + def native_write(arg0, arg1); end + def write(chunk, last_chunk = nil); end +end +class Nokogiri::XSLT::Stylesheet + def apply_to(document, params = nil); end + def self.parse_stylesheet_doc(arg0); end + def serialize(arg0); end + def transform(*arg0); end +end +module Nokogiri::XSLT + def self.parse(string, modules = nil); end + def self.quote_params(params); end + def self.register(arg0, arg1); end +end +class Nokogiri::HTML::EntityLookup + def [](name); end + def get(arg0); end +end +class Nokogiri::HTML::ElementDescription + def block?; end + def default_desc; end + def default_sub_element; end + def deprecated?; end + def deprecated_attributes; end + def description; end + def empty?; end + def implied_end_tag?; end + def implied_start_tag?; end + def inline?; end + def inspect; end + def name; end + def optional_attributes; end + def required_attributes; end + def save_end_tag?; end + def self.[](arg0); end + def sub_elements; end + def to_s; end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::Schema + def errors; end + def errors=(arg0); end + def self.from_document(arg0); end + def; end + def self.read_memory(arg0); end + def valid?(thing); end + def validate(thing); end + def validate_document(arg0); end + def validate_file(arg0); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::RelaxNG < Nokogiri::XML::Schema + def self.from_document(arg0); end + def self.read_memory(arg0); end + def validate_document(arg0); end +end +class Nokogiri::EncodingHandler + def name; end + def self.[](arg0); end + def self.alias(arg0, arg1); end + def self.clear_aliases!; end + def self.delete(arg0); end +end +module Nokogiri + def self.HTML(thing, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def self.Slop(*args, &block); end + def self.XML(thing, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def self.XSLT(stylesheet, modules = nil); end + def self.install_default_aliases; end + def self.jruby?; end + def self.make(input = nil, opts = nil, &blk); end + def self.parse(string, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil); end + def self.uses_libxml?; end +end +class Nokogiri::VersionInfo + def compiled_parser_version; end + def engine; end + def jruby?; end + def libxml2?; end + def libxml2_using_packaged?; end + def libxml2_using_system?; end + def loaded_parser_version; end + def self.instance; end + def to_hash; end + def to_markdown; end + def warnings; end +end +class Nokogiri::SyntaxError < StandardError +end +module Nokogiri::XML + def self.Reader(string_or_io, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil); end + def self.RelaxNG(string_or_io); end + def self.Schema(string_or_io); end + def self.fragment(string); end + def self.parse(thing, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil, &block); end +end +module Nokogiri::XML::PP +end +module Nokogiri::XML::PP::Node + def inspect; end + def pretty_print(pp); end +end +module Nokogiri::XML::PP::CharacterData + def inspect; end + def pretty_print(pp); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions + def compact; end + def compact?; end + def default_html; end + def default_html?; end + def default_xml; end + def default_xml?; end + def dtdattr; end + def dtdattr?; end + def dtdload; end + def dtdload?; end + def dtdvalid; end + def dtdvalid?; end + def huge; end + def huge?; end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def inspect; end + def nobasefix; end + def nobasefix?; end + def noblanks; end + def noblanks?; end + def nocdata; end + def nocdata?; end + def nocompact; end + def nodefault_html; end + def nodefault_xml; end + def nodict; end + def nodict?; end + def nodtdattr; end + def nodtdload; end + def nodtdvalid; end + def noent; end + def noent?; end + def noerror; end + def noerror?; end + def nohuge; end + def nonet; end + def nonet?; end + def nonobasefix; end + def nonoblanks; end + def nonocdata; end + def nonodict; end + def nonoent; end + def nonoerror; end + def nononet; end + def nonowarning; end + def nonoxincnode; end + def nonsclean; end + def noold10; end + def nopedantic; end + def norecover; end + def nosax1; end + def nowarning; end + def nowarning?; end + def noxinclude; end + def noxincnode; end + def noxincnode?; end + def nsclean; end + def nsclean?; end + def old10; end + def old10?; end + def options; end + def options=(arg0); end + def pedantic; end + def pedantic?; end + def recover; end + def recover?; end + def sax1; end + def sax1?; end + def strict; end + def strict?; end + def to_i; end + def xinclude; end + def xinclude?; end +end +module Nokogiri::XML::SAX +end +class Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document + def cdata_block(string); end + def characters(string); end + def comment(string); end + def end_document; end + def end_element(name); end + def end_element_namespace(name, prefix = nil, uri = nil); end + def error(string); end + def processing_instruction(name, content); end + def start_document; end + def start_element(name, attrs = nil); end + def start_element_namespace(name, attrs = nil, prefix = nil, uri = nil, ns = nil); end + def warning(string); end + def xmldecl(version, encoding, standalone); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser + def check_encoding(encoding); end + def document; end + def document=(arg0); end + def encoding; end + def encoding=(arg0); end + def initialize(doc = nil, encoding = nil); end + def parse(thing, &block); end + def parse_file(filename); end + def parse_io(io, encoding = nil); end + def parse_memory(data); end +end +class Anonymous_Struct_7 < Struct + def localname; end + def localname=(_); end + def prefix; end + def prefix=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def uri; end + def uri=(_); end + def value; end + def value=(_); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser::Attribute < Anonymous_Struct_7 +end +module Nokogiri::XML::Searchable + def %(*args); end + def /(*args); end + def at(*args); end + def at_css(*args); end + def at_xpath(*args); end + def css(*args); end + def css_internal(node, rules, handler, ns); end + def css_rules_to_xpath(rules, ns); end + def extract_params(params); end + def search(*args); end + def xpath(*args); end + def xpath_impl(node, path, handler, ns, binds); end + def xpath_internal(node, paths, handler, ns, binds); end + def xpath_query_from_css_rule(rule, ns); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions + def as_html; end + def as_html?; end + def as_xhtml; end + def as_xhtml?; end + def as_xml; end + def as_xml?; end + def default_html; end + def default_html?; end + def default_xhtml; end + def default_xhtml?; end + def default_xml; end + def default_xml?; end + def format; end + def format?; end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def no_declaration; end + def no_declaration?; end + def no_empty_tags; end + def no_empty_tags?; end + def no_xhtml; end + def no_xhtml?; end + def options; end + def to_i; end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::CharacterData < Nokogiri::XML::Node + include Nokogiri::XML::PP::CharacterData +end +class Nokogiri::XML::SyntaxError < Nokogiri::SyntaxError + def code; end + def column; end + def domain; end + def error?; end + def fatal?; end + def file; end + def int1; end + def level; end + def level_to_s; end + def line; end + def location_to_s; end + def nil_or_zero?(attribute); end + def none?; end + def str1; end + def str2; end + def str3; end + def to_s; end + def warning?; end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::XPath + def document; end + def document=(arg0); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::XPath::SyntaxError < Nokogiri::XML::SyntaxError + def to_s; end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::Builder + def <<(string); end + def [](ns); end + def arity; end + def arity=(arg0); end + def cdata(string); end + def comment(string); end + def context; end + def context=(arg0); end + def doc; end + def doc=(arg0); end + def initialize(options = nil, root = nil, &block); end + def insert(node, &block); end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + def parent; end + def parent=(arg0); end + def self.with(root, &block); end + def text(string); end + def to_xml(*args); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::Builder::NodeBuilder + def [](k); end + def []=(k, v); end + def initialize(node, doc_builder); end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end +end +class Anonymous_Struct_8 < Struct + def name; end + def name=(_); end + def public_id; end + def public_id=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def system_id; end + def system_id=(_); end +end +class Nokogiri::XML::Notation < Anonymous_Struct_8 +end +module Nokogiri::HTML + def self.fragment(string, encoding = nil); end + def self.parse(thing, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil, &block); end +end +class Anonymous_Struct_9 < Struct + def description; end + def description=(_); end + def name; end + def name=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def value; end + def value=(_); end +end +class Nokogiri::HTML::EntityDescription < Anonymous_Struct_9 +end +class Nokogiri::HTML::Document::EncodingFound < StandardError + def found_encoding; end + def initialize(encoding); end +end +class Nokogiri::HTML::Document::EncodingReader + def encoding_found; end + def initialize(io); end + def read(len); end + def self.detect_encoding(chunk); end + def self.detect_encoding_for_jruby_without_fix(chunk); end + def self.is_jruby_without_fix?; end +end +class Nokogiri::HTML::Document::EncodingReader::SAXHandler < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document + def encoding; end + def initialize; end + def start_element(name, attrs = nil); end +end +class Nokogiri::HTML::Document::EncodingReader::JumpSAXHandler < Nokogiri::HTML::Document::EncodingReader::SAXHandler + def initialize(jumptag); end + def start_element(name, attrs = nil); end +end +class Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment < Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment + def initialize(document, tags = nil, ctx = nil); end + def self.parse(tags, encoding = nil); end +end +module Nokogiri::HTML::SAX +end +class Nokogiri::HTML::SAX::Parser < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser + def parse_file(filename, encoding = nil); end + def parse_io(io, encoding = nil); end + def parse_memory(data, encoding = nil); end +end +class Struct::HTMLElementDescription < Struct + def attrs_depr; end + def attrs_depr=(_); end + def attrs_opt; end + def attrs_opt=(_); end + def attrs_req; end + def attrs_req=(_); end + def defaultsubelt; end + def defaultsubelt=(_); end + def depr; end + def depr=(_); end + def desc; end + def desc=(_); end + def dtd; end + def dtd=(_); end + def empty; end + def empty=(_); end + def endTag; end + def endTag=(_); end + def isinline; end + def isinline=(_); end + def name; end + def name=(_); end + def saveEndTag; end + def saveEndTag=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def startTag; end + def startTag=(_); end + def subelts; end + def subelts=(_); end +end +module Nokogiri::Decorators +end +module Nokogiri::Decorators::Slop + def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end + def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = nil); end +end +module Nokogiri::CSS + def self.parse(selector); end + def self.xpath_for(selector, options = nil); end +end +class Nokogiri::CSS::Node + def accept(visitor); end + def find_by_type(types); end + def initialize(type, value); end + def to_a; end + def to_type; end + def to_xpath(prefix = nil, visitor = nil); end + def type; end + def type=(arg0); end + def value; end + def value=(arg0); end +end +class Nokogiri::CSS::XPathVisitor + def accept(node); end + def is_of_type_pseudo_class?(node); end + def nth(node, options = nil); end + def read_a_and_positive_b(values); end + def visit_attribute_condition(node); end + def visit_child_selector(node); end + def visit_class_condition(node); end + def visit_combinator(node); end + def visit_conditional_selector(node); end + def visit_descendant_selector(node); end + def visit_direct_adjacent_selector(node); end + def visit_element_name(node); end + def visit_following_selector(node); end + def visit_function(node); end + def visit_id(node); end + def visit_not(node); end + def visit_pseudo_class(node); end +end +class Nokogiri::CSS::Parser < Racc::Parser + def _reduce_1(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_11(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_12(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_13(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_14(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_15(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_16(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_18(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_2(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_20(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_21(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_22(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_23(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_25(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_26(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_27(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_28(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_29(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_3(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_30(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_31(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_32(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_33(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_34(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_35(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_36(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_37(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_4(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_40(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_41(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_42(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_43(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_44(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_45(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_48(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_49(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_5(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_50(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_51(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_52(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_58(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_59(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_6(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_60(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_61(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_63(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_64(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_65(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_66(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_67(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_68(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_69(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_7(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_70(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_8(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_9(val, _values, result); end + def _reduce_none(val, _values, result); end + def initialize(namespaces = nil); end + def next_token; end + def on_error(error_token_id, error_value, value_stack); end + def parse(string); end + def self.[](string); end + def self.[]=(string, value); end + def self.cache_on; end + def self.cache_on=(arg0); end + def self.cache_on?; end + def self.clear_cache; end + def self.parse(selector); end + def self.set_cache(arg0); end + def self.without_cache(&block); end + def unescape_css_identifier(identifier); end + def unescape_css_string(str); end + def xpath_for(string, options = nil); end +end +class Nokogiri::CSS::Tokenizer + def _next_token; end + def action; end + def filename; end + def lineno; end + def load_file(filename); end + def next_token; end + def scan(str); end + def scan_file(filename); end + def scan_setup(str); end + def scan_str(str); end + def state; end + def state=(arg0); end +end +class Nokogiri::CSS::Tokenizer::ScanError < StandardError +end +class Nokogiri::CSS::SyntaxError < Nokogiri::SyntaxError +end +class Nokogiri::HTML::Builder < Nokogiri::XML::Builder + def to_html; end +end +class Object < BasicObject + def Nokogiri(*args, &block); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/null_logger.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/null_logger.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7c4d28424 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/null_logger.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# null_logger-0.0.1 +module NullLogger + def self.instance; end + def self.reset!; end +end +class NullLogger::Logger + def <<(*args); end + def add(*args); end + def close(*args); end + def datetime_format(*args); end + def datetime_format=(*args); end + def debug(*args); end + def debug?(*args); end + def error(*args); end + def error?(*args); end + def fatal(*args); end + def fatal?(*args); end + def formatter(*args); end + def formatter=(*args); end + def info(*args); end + def info?(*args); end + def level(*args); end + def level=(*args); end + def log(*args); end + def progname(*args); end + def progname=(*args); end + def sev_threshold(*args); end + def sev_threshold=(*args); end + def unknown(*args); end + def warn(*args); end + def warn?(*args); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/oj.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/oj.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..535b47594 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/oj.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# oj-3.7.12 +module Oj + def add_to_json(*arg0); end + def compat_load(*arg0); end + def default_options; end + def default_options=(arg0); end + def dump(*arg0); end + def fast_generate(*arg0); end + def generate(*arg0); end + def load(*arg0); end + def load_file(*arg0); end + def mimic_JSON(*arg0); end + def object_load(*arg0); end + def optimize_rails; end + def register_odd(*arg0); end + def register_odd_raw(*arg0); end + def remove_to_json(*arg0); end + def safe_load(arg0); end + def saj_parse(*arg0); end + def sc_parse(*arg0); end + def self.add_to_json(*arg0); end + def self.compat_load(*arg0); end + def self.default_options; end + def self.default_options=(arg0); end + def self.dump(*arg0); end + def self.fast_generate(*arg0); end + def self.generate(*arg0); end + def self.load(*arg0); end + def self.load_file(*arg0); end + def self.mimic_JSON(*arg0); end + def self.mimic_loaded(mimic_paths = nil); end + def self.object_load(*arg0); end + def self.optimize_rails; end + def self.register_odd(*arg0); end + def self.register_odd_raw(*arg0); end + def self.remove_to_json(*arg0); end + def self.safe_load(arg0); end + def self.saj_parse(*arg0); end + def self.sc_parse(*arg0); end + def self.strict_load(*arg0); end + def self.to_file(*arg0); end + def self.to_json(*arg0); end + def self.to_stream(*arg0); end + def self.wab_load(*arg0); end + def strict_load(*arg0); end + def to_file(*arg0); end + def to_json(*arg0); end + def to_stream(*arg0); end + def wab_load(*arg0); end +end +class Oj::Bag + def ==(other); end + def eql?(other); end + def initialize(args = nil); end + def method_missing(m, *args, &block); end + def respond_to?(m); end + def self.define_class(classname); end +end +class Oj::EasyHash < Hash + def [](key); end + def initialize; end + def method_missing(m, *args, &block); end + def respond_to?(m); end +end +class Oj::Error < StandardError +end +class Oj::ParseError < Oj::Error +end +class Oj::DepthError < Oj::Error +end +class Oj::LoadError < Oj::Error +end +class Oj::MimicError < Oj::Error +end +class Oj::MimicDumpOption < Hash + def []=(key, value); end + def initialize; end +end +class String + def self.json_create(obj); end + def to_json_raw(*arg0); end + def to_json_raw_object; end +end +class Oj::Saj + def add_value(value, key); end + def array_end(key); end + def array_start(key); end + def error(message, line, column); end + def hash_end(key); end + def hash_start(key); end + def initialize; end +end +class Oj::ScHandler + def add_value(value); end + def array_append(a, value); end + def array_end; end + def array_start; end + def hash_end; end + def hash_key(key); end + def hash_set(h, key, value); end + def hash_start; end + def initialize; end +end +class Oj::StringWriter + def new(*arg0); end + def pop; end + def pop_all; end + def push_array(*arg0); end + def push_json(*arg0); end + def push_key(arg0); end + def push_object(*arg0); end + def push_value(*arg0); end + def reset; end + def*arg0); end + def to_s; end +end +class Oj::StreamWriter + def flush; end + def new(*arg0); end + def pop; end + def pop_all; end + def push_array(*arg0); end + def push_json(*arg0); end + def push_key(arg0); end + def push_object(*arg0); end + def push_value(*arg0); end + def*arg0); end +end +module Oj::Rails + def deoptimize(*arg0); end + def encode(*arg0); end + def mimic_JSON; end + def optimize(*arg0); end + def optimized?(arg0); end + def self.deoptimize(*arg0); end + def self.encode(*arg0); end + def self.mimic_JSON; end + def self.optimize(*arg0); end + def self.optimized?(arg0); end + def self.set_decoder; end + def self.set_encoder; end + def set_decoder; end + def set_encoder; end +end +class Oj::Rails::Encoder + def deoptimize(*arg0); end + def encode(arg0); end + def new(*arg0); end + def optimize(*arg0); end + def optimized?(arg0); end + def*arg0); end +end +class Oj::Doc + def clone; end + def close; end + def dump(*arg0); end + def dup; end + def each_child(*arg0); end + def each_leaf(*arg0); end + def each_value(*arg0); end + def fetch(*arg0); end + def home; end + def local_key; end + def move(arg0); end + def; end + def self.open_file(arg0); end + def self.parse(arg0); end + def size; end + def type(*arg0); end + def where?; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/plek.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/plek.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d465e1fb --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/plek.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# plek-3.0.0 +class Plek + def asset_root; end + def asset_uri; end + def defined_service_uri_for(service); end + def env_var_or_dev_fallback(var_name, fallback_str = nil); end + def external_domain; end + def external_domain=(arg0); end + def external_url_for(service, options = nil); end + def find(service, options = nil); end + def find_uri(*args); end + def initialize(domain_to_use = nil, external_domain = nil); end + def name_for(service); end + def parent_domain; end + def parent_domain=(arg0); end + def public_asset_host; end + def self.current(*arg0); end + def self.find(*args); end + def self.find_uri(*args); end + def website_root; end + def website_uri; end +end +class Plek::NoConfigurationError < StandardError +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/pry-byebug.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/pry-byebug.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e35926b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/pry-byebug.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# pry-byebug-3.7.0 +module PryByebug + def check_file_context(target, msg = nil); end + def current_remote_server; end + def current_remote_server=(arg0); end + def file_context?(target); end + def self.check_file_context(target, msg = nil); end + def self.file_context?(target); end +end +module Byebug +end +class Byebug::PryProcessor < Byebug::CommandProcessor + def at_breakpoint(breakpoint); end + def at_end; end + def at_line; end + def at_return(_return_value); end + def bold(*args, &block); end + def n_hits(breakpoint); end + def output(*args, &block); end + def perform(action, options = nil); end + def perform_backtrace(_options); end + def perform_down(options); end + def perform_finish(*arg0); end + def perform_frame(options); end + def perform_next(options); end + def perform_step(options); end + def perform_up(options); end + def pry; end + def pry=(arg0); end + def resume_pry; end + def run(&_block); end + def self.start; end + extend Forwardable +end +class Pry + def self.start_with_pry_byebug(target = nil, options = nil); end + def self.start_without_pry_byebug(target = nil, options = nil); end +end +module PryByebug::Helpers +end +module PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation + def breakout_navigation(action, options = nil); end +end +class PryByebug::BacktraceCommand < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end + include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation +end +module PryByebug::Helpers::Multiline + def check_multiline_context; end +end +class PryByebug::NextCommand < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end + include PryByebug::Helpers::Multiline + include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation +end +class PryByebug::StepCommand < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end + include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation +end +module PryByebug::Helpers::Breakpoints + def bold_puts(msg); end + def breakpoints; end + def current_file; end + def max_width; end + def print_breakpoints_header; end + def print_full_breakpoint(breakpoint); end + def print_short_breakpoint(breakpoint); end +end +class PryByebug::ContinueCommand < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end + include PryByebug::Helpers::Breakpoints + include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation +end +class PryByebug::FinishCommand < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end + include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation +end +class PryByebug::UpCommand < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end + include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation +end +class PryByebug::DownCommand < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end + include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation +end +class PryByebug::FrameCommand < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end + include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation +end +module Pry::Byebug +end +module Pry::Byebug::Breakpoints + def add_file(file, line, expression = nil); end + def add_method(method, expression = nil); end + def breakpoints; end + def change(id, expression = nil); end + def change_status(id, enabled = nil); end + def delete(id); end + def delete_all; end + def disable(id); end + def disable_all; end + def each(&block); end + def enable(id); end + def find_by_id(id); end + def last; end + def size; end + def to_a; end + def validate_expression(exp); end + extend Enumerable + extend Pry::Byebug::Breakpoints +end +class Pry::Byebug::Breakpoints::FileBreakpoint < SimpleDelegator + def source_code; end + def to_s; end +end +class Pry::Byebug::Breakpoints::MethodBreakpoint < SimpleDelegator + def initialize(byebug_bp, method); end + def source_code; end + def to_s; end +end +class PryByebug::BreakCommand < Pry::ClassCommand + def add_breakpoint(place, condition); end + def new_breakpoint; end + def option_to_method(option); end + def options(opt); end + def print_all; end + def process; end + def process_condition; end + def process_delete; end + def process_delete_all; end + def process_disable; end + def process_disable_all; end + def process_enable; end + def process_show; end + include PryByebug::Helpers::Breakpoints + include PryByebug::Helpers::Multiline +end +class PryByebug::ExitAllCommand < Pry::Command::ExitAll + def process; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/pry.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/pry.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dc14c4f38 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/pry.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,1964 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# pry-0.12.2 +class Pry + def add_sticky_local(name, &block); end + def backtrace; end + def backtrace=(arg0); end + def binding_stack; end + def binding_stack=(arg0); end + def color; end + def color=(value); end + def command_state; end + def commands; end + def commands=(value); end + def complete(str); end + def config; end + def current_binding; end + def current_context; end + def custom_completions; end + def custom_completions=(arg0); end + def editor; end + def editor=(value); end + def ensure_correct_encoding!(val); end + def eval(line, options = nil); end + def eval_string; end + def eval_string=(arg0); end + def evaluate_ruby(code); end + def exception_handler; end + def exception_handler=(value); end + def exec_hook(name, *args, &block); end + def exit_value; end + def extra_sticky_locals; end + def extra_sticky_locals=(value); end + def generate_prompt(prompt_proc, conf); end + def handle_line(line, options); end + def hooks; end + def hooks=(value); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def inject_local(name, value, b); end + def inject_sticky_locals!; end + def input; end + def input=(value); end + def input_array; end + def input_ring; end + def last_dir; end + def last_dir=(arg0); end + def last_exception; end + def last_exception=(e); end + def last_file; end + def last_file=(arg0); end + def last_result; end + def last_result=(arg0); end + def last_result_is_exception?; end + def memory_size; end + def memory_size=(size); end + def output; end + def output=(value); end + def output_array; end + def output_ring; end + def pager; end + def pager=(value); end + def pop_prompt; end + def print; end + def print=(value); end + def process_command(val); end + def process_command_safely(val); end + def prompt; end + def prompt=(new_prompt); end + def prompt_stack; end + def push_binding(object); end + def push_initial_binding(target = nil); end + def push_prompt(new_prompt); end + def quiet?; end + def raise_up!(*args); end + def raise_up(*args); end + def raise_up_common(force, *args); end + def repl(target = nil); end + def reset_eval_string; end + def run_command(val); end + def select_prompt; end + def self.Code(obj); end + def self.Method(obj); end + def self.WrappedModule(obj); end + def self.auto_resize!; end + def self.binding_for(target); end + def self.cli; end + def self.cli=(arg0); end + def self.color; end + def self.color=(value); end + def self.commands; end + def self.commands=(value); end + def self.config; end + def self.config=(arg0); end + def self.configure; end + def self.critical_section; end + def self.current; end + def self.current_line; end + def self.current_line=(arg0); end + def self.custom_completions; end + def self.custom_completions=(arg0); end + def self.default_editor_for_platform; end + def self.editor; end + def self.editor=(value); end + def self.eval_path; end + def self.eval_path=(arg0); end + def self.exception_handler; end + def self.exception_handler=(value); end + def self.extra_sticky_locals; end + def self.extra_sticky_locals=(value); end + def self.final_session_setup; end + def self.history; end + def self.history=(arg0); end + def self.hooks; end + def self.hooks=(value); end + def self.in_critical_section?; end + def self.init; end + def self.initial_session?; end + def self.initial_session_setup; end + def self.input; end + def self.input=(value); end + def self.last_internal_error; end + def self.last_internal_error=(arg0); end + def self.lazy(&block); end + def self.line_buffer; end + def self.line_buffer=(arg0); end + def self.load_file_at_toplevel(file); end + def self.load_file_through_repl(file_name); end + def self.load_history; end + def self.load_plugins(*args, &block); end + def self.load_rc_files; end + def self.load_requires; end + def self.load_traps; end + def self.load_win32console; end + def self.locate_plugins(*args, &block); end + def self.main; end + def self.memory_size; end + def self.memory_size=(value); end + def self.output; end + def self.output=(value); end + def self.pager; end + def self.pager=(value); end + def self.plugins(*args, &block); end + def self.print; end + def self.print=(value); end + def self.prompt; end + def self.prompt=(value); end + def self.quiet; end + def self.quiet=(arg0); end + def self.rc_files_to_load; end + def self.real_path_to(file); end + def self.reset_defaults; end + def self.run_command(command_string, options = nil); end + def self.start(target = nil, options = nil); end + def self.toplevel_binding; end + def self.toplevel_binding=(binding); end + def self.view_clip(obj, options = nil); end + def set_last_result(result, code = nil); end + def should_print?; end + def show_result(result); end + def sticky_locals; end + def suppress_output; end + def suppress_output=(arg0); end + def update_input_history(code); end + extend Pry::Config::Convenience +end +module Pry::Forwardable + def def_private_delegators(target, *private_delegates); end + include Forwardable +end +class Pry::InputLock + def __with_ownership(&block); end + def enter_interruptible_region; end + def initialize; end + def interruptible_region(&block); end + def leave_interruptible_region; end + def self.for(input); end + def self.global_lock; end + def self.global_lock=(arg0); end + def self.input_locks; end + def self.input_locks=(arg0); end + def with_ownership(&block); end +end +class Pry::InputLock::Interrupt < Exception +end +module Pry::RescuableException + def self.===(exception); end +end +module Pry::TooSafeException + def self.===(exception); end +end +module Pry::UserError +end +module Pry::FrozenObjectException + def self.===(exception); end +end +class Pry::CommandError < StandardError +end +class Pry::MethodNotFound < Pry::CommandError +end +class Pry::ObsoleteError < StandardError +end +module Pry::ExtendCommandBundle +end +module Pry::Platform + def jruby?; end + def jruby_19?; end + def linux?; end + def mac_osx?; end + def mri?; end + def mri_19?; end + def mri_2?; end + def windows?; end + def windows_ansi?; end + extend Pry::Platform +end +module Pry::Helpers + def self.tablify(things, line_length, config = nil); end + def self.tablify_or_one_line(heading, things, config = nil); end + def self.tablify_to_screen_width(things, options, config = nil); end +end +module Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers + def colorize_code(code); end + def command_dependencies_met?(options); end + def find_command(name, set = nil); end + def heading(text); end + def highlight(string, regexp, highlight_color = nil); end + def jruby?; end + def jruby_19?; end + def linux?; end + def mac_osx?; end + def mri?; end + def mri_19?; end + def mri_2?; end + def not_a_real_file?(file); end + def safe_send(obj, method, *args, &block); end + def silence_warnings; end + def stagger_output(text, _out = nil); end + def use_ansi_codes?; end + def windows?; end + def windows_ansi?; end + extend Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers +end +class Pry::Hooks + def add_hook(event_name, hook_name, callable = nil, &block); end + def clear_event_hooks(event_name); end + def delete_hook(event_name, hook_name); end + def errors; end + def exec_hook(event_name, *args, &block); end + def get_hook(event_name, hook_name); end + def get_hooks(event_name); end + def hook_count(event_name); end + def hook_exists?(event_name, hook_name); end + def hooks; end + def initialize; end + def initialize_copy(_orig); end + def merge!(other); end + def merge(other); end +end +class Pry::Slop + def [](key); end + def add_callback(label, &block); end + def autocreate(items, index); end + def banner(banner = nil); end + def banner=(banner); end + def build_option(objects, &block); end + def clean(object); end + def command(command, options = nil, &block); end + def commands_to_help; end + def config; end + def description(desc = nil); end + def description=(desc); end + def each(&block); end + def execute_multiple_switches(option, argument, index); end + def execute_option(option, argument, index, item = nil); end + def extract_long_flag(objects, config); end + def extract_option(flag); end + def extract_short_flag(objects, config); end + def fetch_command(command); end + def fetch_option(key); end + def get(key); end + def help; end + def initialize(config = nil, &block); end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + def missing; end + def on(*objects, &block); end + def opt(*objects, &block); end + def option(*objects, &block); end + def options; end + def parse!(items = nil, &block); end + def parse(items = nil, &block); end + def present?(*keys); end + def process_item(items, index, &block); end + def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_all = nil); end + def run(callable = nil, &block); end + def self.optspec(string, config = nil); end + def self.parse!(items = nil, config = nil, &block); end + def self.parse(items = nil, config = nil, &block); end + def separator(text); end + def strict?; end + def to_h(include_commands = nil); end + def to_hash(include_commands = nil); end + def to_s; end + include Enumerable +end +class Pry::Slop::Option + def accepts_optional_argument?; end + def argument?; end + def argument_in_value; end + def argument_in_value=(arg0); end + def as?; end + def autocreated?; end + def call(*objects); end + def callback?; end + def config; end + def count; end + def count=(arg0); end + def default?; end + def delimiter?; end + def description; end + def expects_argument?; end + def help; end + def initialize(slop, short, long, description, config = nil, &block); end + def inspect; end + def key; end + def limit?; end + def long; end + def match?; end + def optional?; end + def optional_argument?; end + def required?; end + def short; end + def tail?; end + def to_s; end + def types; end + def value; end + def value=(new_value); end + def value_to_float(value); end + def value_to_integer(value); end + def value_to_range(value); end +end +class Pry::Slop::Commands + def [](key); end + def arguments; end + def banner(banner = nil); end + def banner=(arg0); end + def commands; end + def config; end + def default(config = nil, &block); end + def each(&block); end + def execute_arguments!(items); end + def execute_global_opts!(items); end + def get(key); end + def global(config = nil, &block); end + def help; end + def initialize(config = nil, &block); end + def inspect; end + def on(command, config = nil, &block); end + def parse!(items = nil); end + def parse(items = nil); end + def present?(key); end + def to_hash; end + def to_s; end + include Enumerable +end +class Pry::Slop::Error < StandardError +end +class Pry::Slop::MissingArgumentError < Pry::Slop::Error +end +class Pry::Slop::MissingOptionError < Pry::Slop::Error +end +class Pry::Slop::InvalidArgumentError < Pry::Slop::Error +end +class Pry::Slop::InvalidOptionError < Pry::Slop::Error +end +class Pry::Slop::InvalidCommandError < Pry::Slop::Error +end +class Pry::REPL + def calculate_overhang(current_prompt, original_val, indented_val); end + def coolline_available?; end + def epilogue; end + def handle_read_errors; end + def initialize(pry, options = nil); end + def input(*args, &block); end + def input_readline(*args); end + def output(*args, &block); end + def piping?; end + def prologue; end + def pry; end + def pry=(arg0); end + def read; end + def read_line(current_prompt); end + def readline_available?; end + def repl; end + def self.start(options); end + def set_readline_output; end + def start; end + extend Pry::Forwardable +end +class Pry::Code + def <<(line, lineno = nil); end + def ==(other); end + def after(lineno, lines = nil); end + def alter(&block); end + def around(lineno, lines = nil); end + def before(lineno, lines = nil); end + def between(start_line, end_line = nil); end + def code_type; end + def code_type=(arg0); end + def comment_describing(line_number); end + def expression_at(line_number, consume = nil); end + def grep(pattern); end + def highlighted; end + def initialize(lines = nil, start_line = nil, code_type = nil); end + def inspect; end + def length; end + def max_lineno_width; end + def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end + def nesting_at(line_number); end + def print_to_output(output, color = nil); end + def push(line, lineno = nil); end + def raw; end + def respond_to_missing?(name, include_all = nil); end + def select(&block); end + def self.from_file(filename, code_type = nil); end + def self.from_method(meth, start_line = nil); end + def self.from_module(mod, candidate_rank = nil, start_line = nil); end + def take_lines(start_line, num_lines); end + def to_s; end + def with_indentation(spaces = nil); end + def with_line_numbers(y_n = nil); end + def with_marker(lineno = nil); end +end +class Pry::Code::LOC + def ==(other); end + def add_line_number(max_width = nil, color = nil); end + def add_marker(marker_lineno); end + def colorize(code_type); end + def dup; end + def handle_multiline_entries_from_edit_command(line, max_width); end + def indent(distance); end + def initialize(line, lineno); end + def line; end + def lineno; end + def tuple; end +end +class Pry::Code::CodeRange + def end_line; end + def find_end_index(lines); end + def find_start_index(lines); end + def force_set_end_line; end + def indices(lines); end + def indices_range(lines); end + def initialize(start_line, end_line = nil); end + def set_end_line_from_range; end + def start_line; end +end +class Pry::CodeFile + def abs_path; end + def code; end + def code_path; end + def code_type; end + def from_load_path; end + def from_pry_init_pwd; end + def from_pwd; end + def initialize(filename, code_type = nil); end + def readable?(path); end + def type_from_filename(filename, default = nil); end +end +class Pry::Ring + def <<(value); end + def [](index); end + def clear; end + def count; end + def initialize(max_size); end + def max_size; end + def size; end + def to_a; end +end +module Pry::Helpers::OptionsHelpers + def method_object; end + def method_options(opt); end + def self.method_object; end + def self.method_options(opt); end +end +module Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers + def absolute_index_number(line_number, array_length); end + def absolute_index_range(range_or_number, array_length); end + def command_error(message, omit_help, klass = nil); end + def get_method_or_raise(name, target, opts = nil, omit_help = nil); end + def internal_binding?(target); end + def one_index_number(line_number); end + def one_index_range(range); end + def one_index_range_or_number(range_or_number); end + def restrict_to_lines(content, lines); end + def self.absolute_index_number(line_number, array_length); end + def self.absolute_index_range(range_or_number, array_length); end + def self.command_error(message, omit_help, klass = nil); end + def self.get_method_or_raise(name, target, opts = nil, omit_help = nil); end + def self.internal_binding?(target); end + def self.one_index_number(line_number); end + def self.one_index_range(range); end + def self.one_index_range_or_number(range_or_number); end + def self.restrict_to_lines(content, lines); end + def self.set_file_and_dir_locals(file_name, _pry_ = nil, target = nil); end + def self.temp_file(ext = nil); end + def self.unindent(text, left_padding = nil); end + def set_file_and_dir_locals(file_name, _pry_ = nil, target = nil); end + def temp_file(ext = nil); end + def unindent(text, left_padding = nil); end + include Pry::Helpers::OptionsHelpers +end +module Pry::Helpers::Text + def black(text); end + def black_on_black(text); end + def black_on_blue(text); end + def black_on_cyan(text); end + def black_on_green(text); end + def black_on_magenta(text); end + def black_on_purple(text); end + def black_on_red(text); end + def black_on_white(text); end + def black_on_yellow(text); end + def blue(text); end + def blue_on_black(text); end + def blue_on_blue(text); end + def blue_on_cyan(text); end + def blue_on_green(text); end + def blue_on_magenta(text); end + def blue_on_purple(text); end + def blue_on_red(text); end + def blue_on_white(text); end + def blue_on_yellow(text); end + def bold(text); end + def bright_black(text); end + def bright_black_on_black(text); end + def bright_black_on_blue(text); end + def bright_black_on_cyan(text); end + def bright_black_on_green(text); end + def bright_black_on_magenta(text); end + def bright_black_on_purple(text); end + def bright_black_on_red(text); end + def bright_black_on_white(text); end + def bright_black_on_yellow(text); end + def bright_blue(text); end + def bright_blue_on_black(text); end + def bright_blue_on_blue(text); end + def bright_blue_on_cyan(text); end + def bright_blue_on_green(text); end + def bright_blue_on_magenta(text); end + def bright_blue_on_purple(text); end + def bright_blue_on_red(text); end + def bright_blue_on_white(text); end + def bright_blue_on_yellow(text); end + def bright_cyan(text); end + def bright_cyan_on_black(text); end + def bright_cyan_on_blue(text); end + def bright_cyan_on_cyan(text); end + def bright_cyan_on_green(text); end + def bright_cyan_on_magenta(text); end + def bright_cyan_on_purple(text); end + def bright_cyan_on_red(text); end + def bright_cyan_on_white(text); end + def bright_cyan_on_yellow(text); end + def bright_green(text); end + def bright_green_on_black(text); end + def bright_green_on_blue(text); end + def bright_green_on_cyan(text); end + def bright_green_on_green(text); end + def bright_green_on_magenta(text); end + def bright_green_on_purple(text); end + def bright_green_on_red(text); end + def bright_green_on_white(text); end + def bright_green_on_yellow(text); end + def bright_magenta(text); end + def bright_magenta_on_black(text); end + def bright_magenta_on_blue(text); end + def bright_magenta_on_cyan(text); end + def bright_magenta_on_green(text); end + def bright_magenta_on_magenta(text); end + def bright_magenta_on_purple(text); end + def bright_magenta_on_red(text); end + def bright_magenta_on_white(text); end + def bright_magenta_on_yellow(text); end + def bright_purple(text); end + def bright_purple_on_black(text); end + def bright_purple_on_blue(text); end + def bright_purple_on_cyan(text); end + def bright_purple_on_green(text); end + def bright_purple_on_magenta(text); end + def bright_purple_on_purple(text); end + def bright_purple_on_red(text); end + def bright_purple_on_white(text); end + def bright_purple_on_yellow(text); end + def bright_red(text); end + def bright_red_on_black(text); end + def bright_red_on_blue(text); end + def bright_red_on_cyan(text); end + def bright_red_on_green(text); end + def bright_red_on_magenta(text); end + def bright_red_on_purple(text); end + def bright_red_on_red(text); end + def bright_red_on_white(text); end + def bright_red_on_yellow(text); end + def bright_white(text); end + def bright_white_on_black(text); end + def bright_white_on_blue(text); end + def bright_white_on_cyan(text); end + def bright_white_on_green(text); end + def bright_white_on_magenta(text); end + def bright_white_on_purple(text); end + def bright_white_on_red(text); end + def bright_white_on_white(text); end + def bright_white_on_yellow(text); end + def bright_yellow(text); end + def bright_yellow_on_black(text); end + def bright_yellow_on_blue(text); end + def bright_yellow_on_cyan(text); end + def bright_yellow_on_green(text); end + def bright_yellow_on_magenta(text); end + def bright_yellow_on_purple(text); end + def bright_yellow_on_red(text); end + def bright_yellow_on_white(text); end + def bright_yellow_on_yellow(text); end + def cyan(text); end + def cyan_on_black(text); end + def cyan_on_blue(text); end + def cyan_on_cyan(text); end + def cyan_on_green(text); end + def cyan_on_magenta(text); end + def cyan_on_purple(text); end + def cyan_on_red(text); end + def cyan_on_white(text); end + def cyan_on_yellow(text); end + def default(text); end + def green(text); end + def green_on_black(text); end + def green_on_blue(text); end + def green_on_cyan(text); end + def green_on_green(text); end + def green_on_magenta(text); end + def green_on_purple(text); end + def green_on_red(text); end + def green_on_white(text); end + def green_on_yellow(text); end + def indent(text, chars); end + def magenta(text); end + def magenta_on_black(text); end + def magenta_on_blue(text); end + def magenta_on_cyan(text); end + def magenta_on_green(text); end + def magenta_on_magenta(text); end + def magenta_on_purple(text); end + def magenta_on_red(text); end + def magenta_on_white(text); end + def magenta_on_yellow(text); end + def no_color; end + def no_pager; end + def purple(text); end + def purple_on_black(text); end + def purple_on_blue(text); end + def purple_on_cyan(text); end + def purple_on_green(text); end + def purple_on_magenta(text); end + def purple_on_purple(text); end + def purple_on_red(text); end + def purple_on_white(text); end + def purple_on_yellow(text); end + def red(text); end + def red_on_black(text); end + def red_on_blue(text); end + def red_on_cyan(text); end + def red_on_green(text); end + def red_on_magenta(text); end + def red_on_purple(text); end + def red_on_red(text); end + def red_on_white(text); end + def red_on_yellow(text); end + def strip_color(text); end + def white(text); end + def white_on_black(text); end + def white_on_blue(text); end + def white_on_cyan(text); end + def white_on_green(text); end + def white_on_magenta(text); end + def white_on_purple(text); end + def white_on_red(text); end + def white_on_white(text); end + def white_on_yellow(text); end + def with_line_numbers(text, offset, color = nil); end + def yellow(text); end + def yellow_on_black(text); end + def yellow_on_blue(text); end + def yellow_on_cyan(text); end + def yellow_on_green(text); end + def yellow_on_magenta(text); end + def yellow_on_purple(text); end + def yellow_on_red(text); end + def yellow_on_white(text); end + def yellow_on_yellow(text); end + extend Pry::Helpers::Text +end +class Pry::Helpers::Table + def ==(other); end + def _max_width(things); end + def _rebuild_colorless_cache; end + def _recall_color_for(thing); end + def _recolumn; end + def column_count; end + def column_count=(n); end + def columns; end + def fits_on_line?(line_length); end + def initialize(items, args, config = nil); end + def items; end + def items=(items); end + def rows_to_s(style = nil); end + def to_a; end + def to_s; end +end +module Pry::Helpers::Platform + def self.jruby?; end + def self.jruby_19?; end + def self.linux?; end + def self.mac_osx?; end + def self.mri?; end + def self.mri_19?; end + def self.mri_2?; end + def; end + def self.windows_ansi?; end +end +class Pry::CodeObject + def _pry_; end + def _pry_=(arg0); end + def command_lookup; end + def default_lookup; end + def empty_lookup; end + def initialize(str, _pry_, options = nil); end + def looks_like_an_instance_method?(str); end + def lookup_super(obj, super_level); end + def method_or_class_lookup; end + def safe_to_evaluate?(str); end + def self.lookup(str, _pry_, options = nil); end + def sourcable_object?(obj); end + def str; end + def str=(arg0); end + def super_level; end + def super_level=(arg0); end + def target; end + def target=(arg0); end + def target_self; end + include Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers +end +module Pry::CodeObject::Helpers + def c_method?; end + def c_module?; end + def command?; end + def module_with_yard_docs?; end + def real_method_object?; end +end +module Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers + def get_comment_content(comment); end + def process_comment_markup(comment); end + def process_rdoc(comment); end + def process_yardoc(comment); end + def process_yardoc_tag(comment, tag); end + def self.get_comment_content(comment); end + def self.process_comment_markup(comment); end + def self.process_rdoc(comment); end + def self.process_yardoc(comment); end + def self.process_yardoc_tag(comment, tag); end + def self.strip_comments_from_c_code(code); end + def self.strip_leading_whitespace(text); end + def strip_comments_from_c_code(code); end + def strip_leading_whitespace(text); end +end +class Pry::Method + def ==(obj); end + def alias?; end + def aliases; end + def bound_method?; end + def c_source; end + def comment; end + def doc; end + def dynamically_defined?; end + def initialize(method, known_info = nil); end + def is_a?(klass); end + def kind_of?(klass); end + def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block); end + def method_name_from_first_line(first_ln); end + def name; end + def name_with_owner; end + def original_name; end + def pry_doc_info; end + def pry_method?; end + def redefine(source); end + def respond_to?(method_name, include_all = nil); end + def ruby_source; end + def self.all_from_class(klass, include_super = nil); end + def self.all_from_common(obj, _method_type = nil, include_super = nil); end + def self.all_from_obj(obj, include_super = nil); end + def self.from_binding(b); end + def self.from_class(klass, name, target = nil); end + def self.from_module(klass, name, target = nil); end + def self.from_obj(obj, name, target = nil); end + def self.from_str(name, target = nil, options = nil); end + def self.instance_method_definition?(name, definition_line); end + def self.instance_resolution_order(klass); end + def self.lookup_method_via_binding(obj, method_name, method_type, target = nil); end + def self.method_definition?(name, definition_line); end + def self.resolution_order(obj); end + def self.singleton_class_of(obj); end + def self.singleton_class_resolution_order(klass); end + def self.singleton_method_definition?(name, definition_line); end + def signature; end + def singleton_method?; end + def source; end + def source?; end + def source_file; end + def source_line; end + def source_range; end + def source_type; end + def super(times = nil); end + def super_using_ancestors(ancestors, times = nil); end + def unbound_method?; end + def undefined?; end + def visibility; end + def wrapped; end + def wrapped_owner; end + extend Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers + include Pry::CodeObject::Helpers + include Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers + include Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers +end +class Pry::Method::WeirdMethodLocator + def all_methods_for(obj); end + def expanded_source_location(sl); end + def find_method_in_superclass; end + def find_renamed_method; end + def get_method; end + def index_to_line_number(index); end + def initialize(method, target); end + def lines_for_file(file); end + def lost_method?; end + def method; end + def method=(arg0); end + def normal_method?(method); end + def pry_file?; end + def renamed_method_source_location; end + def self.normal_method?(method, b); end + def self.weird_method?(method, b); end + def skip_superclass_search?; end + def target; end + def target=(arg0); end + def target_file; end + def target_line; end + def target_self; end + def valid_file?(file); end +end +class Pry::Method::Disowned < Pry::Method + def initialize(receiver, method_name); end + def method_missing(meth_name, *args, &block); end + def name; end + def owner; end + def receiver; end + def source?; end + def undefined?; end +end +class Pry::Method::Patcher + def cache_key; end + def definition_for_owner(line); end + def initialize(method); end + def method; end + def method=(arg0); end + def patch_in_ram(source); end + def redefine(source); end + def self.code_for(filename); end + def with_method_transaction; end + def wrap(source); end + def wrap_for_nesting(source); end + def wrap_for_owner(source); end +end +class Pry::WrappedModule + def all_methods_for(mod); end + def all_relevant_methods_for(mod); end + def all_source_locations_by_popularity; end + def candidate(rank); end + def candidates; end + def class?; end + def constants(inherit = nil); end + def doc; end + def file; end + def initialize(mod); end + def line; end + def lines_for_file(file); end + def method_candidates; end + def method_defined_by_forwardable_module?(method); end + def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block); end + def method_prefix; end + def module?; end + def nested_module?(parent, name); end + def nonblank_name; end + def number_of_candidates; end + def primary_candidate; end + def respond_to?(method_name, include_all = nil); end + def self.from_str(mod_name, target = nil); end + def self.safe_to_evaluate?(str, target); end + def singleton_class?; end + def singleton_instance; end + def source; end + def source_file; end + def source_line; end + def source_location; end + def super(times = nil); end + def wrapped; end + def yard_doc; end + def yard_docs?; end + def yard_file; end + def yard_line; end + include Pry::CodeObject::Helpers + include Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers +end +class Pry::WrappedModule::Candidate + def class?(*args, &block); end + def class_regexes; end + def doc; end + def file; end + def first_line_of_module_definition(file, line); end + def first_method_source_location; end + def initialize(wrapper, rank); end + def last_method_source_location; end + def line; end + def lines_for_file(*a, &b); end + def method_candidates(*a, &b); end + def module?(*args, &block); end + def name(*a, &b); end + def nonblank_name(*args, &block); end + def number_of_candidates(*args, &block); end + def number_of_lines_in_first_chunk; end + def source; end + def source_file; end + def source_line; end + def source_location; end + def wrapped(*args, &block); end + def yard_docs?(*a, &b); end + extend Pry::Forwardable + include Pry::CodeObject::Helpers + include Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers +end +class Pry::History + def <<(line); end + def clear; end + def clear_readline; end + def clearer; end + def clearer=(arg0); end + def filter(history); end + def history_file; end + def history_file_path; end + def history_line_count; end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def invalid_readline_line?(line); end + def load; end + def loader; end + def loader=(arg0); end + def original_lines; end + def push(line); end + def push_to_readline(line); end + def pusher; end + def pusher=(arg0); end + def read_from_file; end + def restore_default_behavior; end + def save_to_file(line); end + def saver; end + def saver=(arg0); end + def session_line_count; end + def should_ignore?(line); end + def to_a; end +end +class Pry::Command + def _pry_; end + def _pry_=(arg0); end + def after_hooks; end + def arg_string; end + def arg_string=(arg0); end + def before_hooks; end + def block; end + def call_safely(*args); end + def call_with_hooks(*args); end + def captures; end + def captures=(arg0); end + def check_for_command_collision(command_match, arg_string); end + def command_block; end + def command_block=(arg0); end + def command_name; end + def command_options; end + def command_set; end + def command_set=(arg0); end + def commands; end + def complete(_search); end + def context; end + def context=(arg0); end + def correct_arg_arity(arity, args); end + def dependencies_met?; end + def description; end + def eval_string; end + def eval_string=(arg0); end + def find_hooks(event); end + def hooks; end + def hooks=(arg0); end + def initialize(context = nil); end + def interpolate_string(str); end + def match; end + def name; end + def output; end + def output=(arg0); end + def pass_block(arg_string); end + def process_line(line); end + def run(command_string, *args); end + def self.banner(arg = nil); end + def self.block; end + def self.block=(arg0); end + def self.command_name; end + def self.command_options(arg = nil); end + def self.command_options=(arg0); end + def self.command_regex; end + def self.convert_to_regex(obj); end + def self.default_options(match); end + def self.description(arg = nil); end + def self.description=(arg0); end + def self.doc; end + def self.file; end + def = nil); end + def self.hooks; end + def self.inspect; end + def self.line; end + def self.match(arg = nil); end + def self.match=(arg0); end + def self.match_score(val); end + def self.matches?(val); end + def; end + def self.options(arg = nil); end + def self.options=(arg0); end + def self.source; end + def self.source_file; end + def self.source_line; end + def self.subclass(match, description, options, helpers, &block); end + def source; end + def state; end + def target; end + def target=(arg0); end + def target_self; end + def text; end + def tokenize(val); end + def use_unpatched_symbol; end + def void; end + extend Pry::CodeObject::Helpers + extend Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers + include Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers + include Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers + include Pry::Helpers::Text +end +class Pry::BlockCommand < Pry::Command + def call(*args); end + def help; end + def opts; end +end +class Pry::ClassCommand < Pry::Command + def args; end + def args=(arg0); end + def call(*args); end + def complete(search); end + def help; end + def options(opt); end + def opts; end + def opts=(arg0); end + def process; end + def self.doc; end + def self.file; end + def self.inherited(klass); end + def self.line; end + def self.source; end + def self.source_file; end + def self.source_line; end + def self.source_location; end + def self.source_object; end + def setup; end + def slop; end + def subcommands(cmd); end +end +class Pry::NoCommandError < StandardError + def initialize(match, owner); end +end +class Pry::CommandSet + def [](pattern); end + def []=(pattern, command); end + def add_command(command); end + def alias_command(match, action, options = nil); end + def block_command(match, description = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def command(match, description = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def complete(search, context = nil); end + def create_command(match, description = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def delete(*searches); end + def desc(search, description = nil); end + def disabled_command(name_of_disabled_command, message, matcher = nil); end + def each(&block); end + def find_command(pattern); end + def find_command_by_match_or_listing(match_or_listing); end + def find_command_for_help(search); end + def helper_module; end + def helpers(&block); end + def import(*sets); end + def import_from(set, *matches); end + def initialize(*imported_sets, &block); end + def keys; end + def list_commands; end + def process_line(val, context = nil); end + def rename_command(new_match, search, options = nil); end + def run_command(context, match, *args); end + def to_h; end + def to_hash; end + def valid_command?(val); end + include Enumerable + include Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers +end +class Pry::Result + def command?; end + def initialize(is_command, retval = nil); end + def retval; end + def void_command?; end +end +class Pry::Command::Bang < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::Whereami < Pry::ClassCommand + def bad_option_combination?; end + def class_code; end + def code; end + def code?; end + def code_window; end + def default_code; end + def expand_path(f); end + def handle_internal_binding; end + def initialize(*arg0); end + def location; end + def marker; end + def method_code; end + def nothing_to_do?; end + def options(opt); end + def process; end + def self.method_size_cutoff; end + def self.method_size_cutoff=(arg0); end + def setup; end + def small_method?; end + def target_class; end + def top_level?; end + def use_line_numbers?; end + def valid_method?; end + def window_size; end +end +class Pry::Command::Cd < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::ShowInput < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::GemOpen < Pry::ClassCommand + def complete(str); end + def process(gem); end +end +class Pry::Command::ShellMode < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::Help < Pry::ClassCommand + def command_groups; end + def display_command(command); end + def display_filtered_commands(search); end + def display_filtered_search_results(search); end + def display_index(groups); end + def display_search(search); end + def group_sort_key(group_name); end + def help_text_for_commands(name, commands); end + def normalize(key); end + def process; end + def search_hash(search, hash); end + def sorted_commands(commands); end + def sorted_group_names(groups); end + def visible_commands; end +end +class Pry::Command::GemStat < Pry::ClassCommand + def format_dependencies(rdeps); end + def format_gem(h); end + def process(name); end +end +class Pry::Command::Exit < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end + def process_pop_and_return; end +end +class Pry::Command::InstallCommand < Pry::ClassCommand + def process(name); end +end +class Pry::Command::ExitAll < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::Gist < Pry::ClassCommand + def clipboard_content(content); end + def comment_expression_result_for_gist(result); end + def gist_content(content, filename); end + def input_content; end + def options(opt); end + def process; end + def setup; end +end +class Pry::Command::Stat < Pry::ClassCommand + def options(opt); end + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::ClearScreen < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::ListInspectors < Pry::ClassCommand + def inspector_map; end + def process; end + def selected_inspector?(inspector); end + def selected_text; end +end +class Pry::Command::Version < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::GemReadme < Pry::ClassCommand + def process(name); end +end +class Pry::Command::RaiseUp < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::Ri < Pry::ClassCommand + def process(spec); end +end +class Pry::Command::Edit < Pry::ClassCommand + def apply_runtime_patch; end + def bad_option_combination?; end + def code_object; end + def ensure_file_name_is_valid(file_name); end + def file_and_line; end + def file_and_line_for_current_exception; end + def file_based_exception?; end + def file_edit; end + def filename_argument; end + def initial_temp_file_content; end + def input_expression; end + def never_reload?; end + def options(opt); end + def patch_exception?; end + def previously_patched?(code_object); end + def probably_a_file?(str); end + def process; end + def pry_method?(code_object); end + def reload?(file_name = nil); end + def reloadable?; end + def repl_edit; end + def repl_edit?; end + def runtime_patch?; end +end +class Pry::Command::Edit::ExceptionPatcher + def _pry_; end + def _pry_=(arg0); end + def file_and_line; end + def file_and_line=(arg0); end + def initialize(_pry_, state, exception_file_and_line); end + def perform_patch; end + def state; end + def state=(arg0); end +end +module Pry::Command::Edit::FileAndLineLocator + def self.from_binding(target); end + def self.from_code_object(code_object, filename_argument); end + def self.from_exception(exception, backtrace_level); end + def self.from_filename_argument(filename_argument); end +end +class Pry::Command::CodeCollector + def _pry_; end + def args; end + def bad_option_combination?; end + def code_object; end + def code_object_doc; end + def code_object_source_or_file; end + def content; end + def convert_to_range(n); end + def could_not_locate(name); end + def file; end + def file=(arg0); end + def file_content; end + def initialize(args, opts, _pry_); end + def line_range; end + def obj_name; end + def opts; end + def pry_array_content_as_string(array, ranges, &block); end + def pry_input_content; end + def pry_output_content; end + def restrict_to_lines(content, range); end + def self.inject_options(opt); end + def self.input_expression_ranges; end + def self.input_expression_ranges=(arg0); end + def self.output_result_ranges; end + def self.output_result_ranges=(arg0); end + include Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers +end +class Pry::Command::SaveFile < Pry::ClassCommand + def display_content; end + def file_name; end + def mode; end + def options(opt); end + def process; end + def save_file; end +end +class Pry::Command::Play < Pry::ClassCommand + def code_object; end + def content; end + def content_after_options; end + def content_at_expression; end + def default_file; end + def file_content; end + def options(opt); end + def perform_play; end + def process; end + def should_use_default_file?; end + def show_input; end +end +class Pry::Command::ToggleColor < Pry::ClassCommand + def color_toggle; end + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::FindMethod < Pry::ClassCommand + def additional_info(header, method); end + def content_search(namespace); end + def matched_method_lines(header, method); end + def name_search(namespace); end + def options(opt); end + def pattern; end + def print_matches(matches); end + def print_matches_for_class(klass, grouped); end + def process; end + def recurse_namespace(klass, done = nil, &block); end + def search_all_methods(namespace); end + def search_class; end + def show_search_results(matches); end + extend Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers +end +class Pry::Command::ShowInfo < Pry::ClassCommand + def code_object_header(code_object, line_num); end + def code_object_with_accessible_source(code_object); end + def complete(input); end + def content_and_header_for_code_object(code_object); end + def content_and_headers_for_all_module_candidates(mod); end + def file_and_line_for(code_object); end + def header(code_object); end + def header_options; end + def initialize(*arg0); end + def method_header(code_object, line_num); end + def method_sections(code_object); end + def module_header(code_object, line_num); end + def no_definition_message; end + def obj_name; end + def options(opt); end + def process; end + def show_all_modules?(code_object); end + def start_line_for(code_object); end + def use_line_numbers?; end + def valid_superclass?(code_object); end + extend Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers +end +class Pry::Command::ShowSource < Pry::Command::ShowInfo + def content_for(code_object); end + def options(opt); end + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::Ls < Pry::ClassCommand + def error_list; end + def no_user_opts?; end + def options(opt); end + def process; end + def raise_errors_if_arguments_are_weird; end +end +class Pry::Command::Ls::Grep + def initialize(grep_regexp); end + def regexp; end +end +class Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter + def _pry_; end + def color(type, str); end + def correct_opts?; end + def format_value(value); end + def grep; end + def grep=(arg0); end + def initialize(_pry_); end + def output_section(heading, body); end + def output_self; end + def write_out; end +end +class Pry::Command::Ls::Globals < Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter + def format(globals); end + def initialize(opts, _pry_); end + def output_self; end +end +module Pry::Command::Ls::Interrogatable + def interrogatee_mod; end + def interrogating_a_module?; end +end +class Pry::Command::Ls::Constants < Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter + def correct_opts?; end + def format(mod, constants); end + def initialize(interrogatee, no_user_opts, opts, _pry_); end + def output_self; end + def show_deprecated_constants?; end + include Pry::Command::Ls::Interrogatable +end +module Pry::Command::Ls::JRubyHacks + def rubbishness(name); end + def trim_jruby_aliases(methods); end +end +module Pry::Command::Ls::MethodsHelper + def all_methods(instance_methods = nil); end + def format(methods); end + def resolution_order; end + include Pry::Command::Ls::JRubyHacks +end +class Pry::Command::Ls::Methods < Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter + def below_ceiling; end + def correct_opts?; end + def initialize(interrogatee, no_user_opts, opts, _pry_); end + def output_self; end + include Pry::Command::Ls::Interrogatable + include Pry::Command::Ls::MethodsHelper +end +class Pry::Command::Ls::SelfMethods < Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter + def correct_opts?; end + def initialize(interrogatee, no_user_opts, opts, _pry_); end + def output_self; end + include Pry::Command::Ls::Interrogatable + include Pry::Command::Ls::MethodsHelper +end +class Pry::Command::Ls::InstanceVars < Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter + def correct_opts?; end + def format(type, vars); end + def initialize(interrogatee, no_user_opts, opts, _pry_); end + def output_self; end + include Pry::Command::Ls::Interrogatable +end +class Pry::Command::Ls::LocalNames < Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter + def correct_opts?; end + def format(locals); end + def initialize(no_user_opts, args, _pry_); end + def output_self; end +end +class Pry::Command::Ls::LocalVars < Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter + def colorized_assignment_style(lhs, rhs, desired_width = nil); end + def format(name_value_pairs); end + def initialize(opts, _pry_); end + def output_self; end +end +class Pry::Command::Ls::LsEntity + def _pry_; end + def constants; end + def entities; end + def entities_table; end + def globals; end + def grep(entity); end + def initialize(opts); end + def instance_vars; end + def local_names; end + def local_vars; end + def methods; end + def self_methods; end +end +class Pry::Command::Cat < Pry::ClassCommand + def complete(search); end + def load_path_completions; end + def options(opt); end + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::Cat::AbstractFormatter + def between_lines; end + def code_type; end + def decorate(content); end + def use_line_numbers?; end + include Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers + include Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers +end +class Pry::Command::Cat::InputExpressionFormatter < Pry::Command::Cat::AbstractFormatter + def format; end + def initialize(input_expressions, opts); end + def input_expressions; end + def input_expressions=(arg0); end + def normalized_expression_range; end + def numbered_input_items; end + def opts; end + def opts=(arg0); end + def selected_input_items; end +end +class Pry::Command::Cat::ExceptionFormatter < Pry::Command::Cat::AbstractFormatter + def _pry_; end + def backtrace_file; end + def backtrace_level; end + def backtrace_line; end + def check_for_errors; end + def code_window_size; end + def ex; end + def format; end + def header; end + def increment_backtrace_level; end + def initialize(exception, _pry_, opts); end + def opts; end + def start_and_end_line_for_code_window; end + include Pry::Helpers::Text +end +class Pry::Command::Cat::FileFormatter < Pry::Command::Cat::AbstractFormatter + def _pry_; end + def code_type; end + def code_window_size; end + def decorate(content); end + def detect_code_type_from_file(file_name); end + def file_and_line; end + def file_name; end + def file_with_embedded_line; end + def format; end + def initialize(file_with_embedded_line, _pry_, opts); end + def line_number; end + def opts; end +end +class Pry::Command::GemList < Pry::ClassCommand + def process(pattern = nil); end +end +class Pry::Command::ChangeInspector < Pry::ClassCommand + def inspector_map; end + def process(inspector); end +end +class Pry::Command::ExitProgram < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::ShowDoc < Pry::Command::ShowInfo + def content_for(code_object); end + def docs_for(code_object); end + def header_options; end + def render_doc_markup_for(code_object); end + def start_line_for(code_object); end + include Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers +end +class Pry::Command::Reset < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::DisablePry < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::ImportSet < Pry::ClassCommand + def process(_command_set_name); end +end +class Pry::Command::FixIndent < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::Wtf < Pry::ClassCommand + def backtrace; end + def exception; end + def options(opt); end + def process; end + def size_of_backtrace; end + def with_line_numbers(bt); end +end +class Pry::Command::WatchExpression < Pry::ClassCommand + def add_expression(_arguments); end + def add_hook; end + def delete(index); end + def eval_and_print_changed(output); end + def expressions; end + def list; end + def options(opt); end + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::WatchExpression::Expression + def _pry_; end + def changed?; end + def eval!; end + def initialize(_pry_, target, source); end + def previous_value; end + def source; end + def target; end + def target_eval(target, source); end + def to_s; end + def value; end +end +class Pry::Command::AmendLine < Pry::ClassCommand + def amend_input; end + def delete_from_array(array, range); end + def insert_into_array(array, range); end + def line_count; end + def line_range; end + def process; end + def replace_in_array(array, range); end + def start_and_end_line_number; end + def zero_indexed_range_from_one_indexed_numbers(start_line_number, end_line_number); end +end +class Pry::Command::BangPry < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::ReloadCode < Pry::ClassCommand + def check_for_reloadability(code_object, identifier); end + def current_file; end + def process; end + def reload_current_file; end + def reload_object(identifier); end +end +class Pry::Command::Nesting < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::Command::ShellCommand < Pry::ClassCommand + def cd_path_env; end + def cd_path_exists?; end + def parse_destination(dest); end + def path_from_cd_path(dest); end + def process(cmd); end + def process_cd(dest); end + def special_case_path?(dest); end +end +class Pry::Command::GemCd < Pry::ClassCommand + def complete(str); end + def process(gem); end +end +class Pry::Command::JumpTo < Pry::ClassCommand + def process(break_level); end +end +class Pry::Command::ChangePrompt < Pry::ClassCommand + def change_prompt(prompt); end + def list_prompts; end + def options(opt); end + def process(prompt); end +end +class Pry::Command::SwitchTo < Pry::ClassCommand + def process(selection); end +end +class Pry::Command::GemSearch < Pry::ClassCommand + def list_as_string(gems, limit = nil); end + def options(opt); end + def process(str); end + def setup; end +end +class Pry::Command::GemInstall < Pry::ClassCommand + def process(gem); end + def setup; end +end +class Pry::Command::Hist < Pry::ClassCommand + def check_for_juxtaposed_replay(replay_sequence); end + def find_history; end + def options(opt); end + def process; end + def process_clear; end + def process_display; end + def process_replay; end + def process_save; end +end +class Pry::Command::PryBacktrace < Pry::ClassCommand + def process; end +end +class Pry::PluginManager + def gem_list; end + def initialize; end + def load_plugins; end + def locate_plugins; end + def plugin_located?(plugin); end + def plugins; end +end +class Pry::PluginManager::NoPlugin + def initialize(name); end + def method_missing(*_args); end +end +class Pry::PluginManager::Plugin + def activate!; end + def active; end + def active=(arg0); end + def active?; end + def disable!; end + def enable!; end + def enabled; end + def enabled=(arg0); end + def enabled?; end + def gem_name; end + def gem_name=(arg0); end + def initialize(name, gem_name, spec, enabled); end + def load_cli_options; end + def name; end + def name=(arg0); end + def spec; end + def spec=(arg0); end + def supported?; end +end +class Object < BasicObject + def __binding__; end + def pry(object = nil, hash = nil); end +end +class BasicObject + def __binding__; end +end +class Pry::BasicObject < BasicObject + include Kernel +end +class Pry::Config < Pry::BasicObject + def self.shortcuts; end + extend Pry::Config::Behavior::Builder + include Pry::Config::Behavior +end +module Pry::Config::Behavior + def ==(other); end + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def __clip_inspect(obj); end + def __dup(value); end + def __push(key, value); end + def __remove(key); end + def __try_convert_to_hash(obj); end + def clear; end + def default; end + def eager_load!; end + def eql?(other); end + def forget(key); end + def initialize(default = nil); end + def inspect; end + def key?(key); end + def keys; end + def last_default; end + def merge!(other); end + def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end + def pretty_print(q); end + def respond_to_missing?(key, include_all = nil); end + def self.included(klass); end + def to_h; end + def to_hash; end +end +class Pry::Config::Behavior::ReservedKeyError < RuntimeError +end +module Pry::Config::Behavior::Builder + def assign(attributes, default = nil); end + def from_hash(attributes, default = nil); end +end +module Pry::Config::Memoization + def memoized_methods; end + def self.included(mod); end +end +module Pry::Config::Memoization::ClassMethods + def def_memoized(method_table); end +end +class Pry::Config::Default + def auto_indent; end + def collision_warning; end + def color; end + def command_completions; end + def command_prefix; end + def commands; end + def completer; end + def control_d_handler; end + def correct_indent; end + def default_window_size; end + def disable_auto_reload; end + def editor; end + def exception_handler; end + def exception_whitelist; end + def exec_string; end + def extra_sticky_locals; end + def file_completions; end + def gist; end + def history; end + def hooks; end + def initialize; end + def input; end + def lazy_readline; end + def ls; end + def memory_size; end + def output; end + def output_prefix; end + def pager; end + def print; end + def prompt; end + def prompt_name; end + def prompt_safe_contexts; end + def quiet; end + def requires; end + def should_load_local_rc; end + def should_load_plugins; end + def should_load_rc; end + def should_load_requires; end + def should_trap_interrupts; end + def system; end + def windows_console_warning; end + extend Pry::Config::Behavior::Builder + extend Pry::Config::Memoization::ClassMethods + include Pry::Config::Behavior + include Pry::Config::Memoization +end +module Pry::Config::Convenience + def config_shortcut(*names); end +end +class Pry::Config::Lazy + def call; end + def initialize(&block); end +end +class Pry::CLI + def self.add_option_processor(&block); end + def self.add_options(&block); end + def self.add_plugin_options; end + def self.input_args; end + def self.input_args=(arg0); end + def self.option_processors; end + def self.option_processors=(arg0); end + def self.options; end + def self.options=(arg0); end + def self.parse_options(args = nil); end + def self.reset; end + def self.start(opts); end +end +class Pry::CLI::NoOptionsError < StandardError +end +class Pry::ColorPrinter < PP + def highlight_object_literal(object_literal); end + def pp(obj); end + def self.pp(obj, out = nil, width = nil, newline = nil); end + def text(str, width = nil); end +end +class Pry::Terminal + def self.actual_screen_size; end + def self.height!; end + def self.nonzero_column?(size); end + def self.screen_size; end + def self.screen_size_according_to_ansicon_env; end + def self.screen_size_according_to_env; end + def self.screen_size_according_to_io_console; end + def self.screen_size_according_to_readline; end + def self.size!(default = nil); end + def self.width!; end +end +class Pry::Pager + def _pry_; end + def best_available; end + def enabled?; end + def initialize(_pry_); end + def open; end + def output; end + def page(text); end +end +class Pry::Pager::StopPaging < StandardError +end +class Pry::Pager::NullPager + def <<(str); end + def close; end + def height; end + def initialize(out); end + def print(str); end + def puts(str); end + def width; end + def write(str); end +end +class Pry::Pager::SimplePager < Pry::Pager::NullPager + def initialize(*arg0); end + def write(str); end +end +class Pry::Pager::SystemPager < Pry::Pager::NullPager + def close; end + def initialize(*arg0); end + def invoked_pager?; end + def pager; end + def self.available?; end + def self.default_pager; end + def write(str); end + def write_to_pager(text); end +end +class Pry::Pager::PageTracker + def initialize(rows, cols); end + def line_length(line); end + def page?; end + def record(str); end + def reset; end +end +class Pry::Editor + def _pry_; end + def blocking_flag_for_editor(blocking); end + def build_editor_invocation_string(file, line, blocking); end + def edit_tempfile_with_content(initial_content, line = nil); end + def editor_name; end + def initialize(_pry_); end + def invoke_editor(file, line, blocking = nil); end + def open_editor(editor_invocation); end + def open_editor_on_jruby(editor_invocation); end + def start_line_syntax_for_editor(file_name, line_number); end + include Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers +end +module Pry::Rubygem + def self.complete(so_far); end + def self.install(name); end + def self.installed?(name); end + def self.list(pattern = nil); end + def self.spec(name); end +end +class Pry::Indent + def correct_indentation(prompt, code, overhang = nil); end + def current_prefix; end + def end_of_statement?(last_token, last_kind); end + def in_string?; end + def indent(input); end + def indent_level; end + def indentation_delta(tokens); end + def initialize; end + def module_nesting; end + def open_delimiters; end + def open_delimiters_line; end + def reset; end + def self.indent(str); end + def self.nesting_at(str, line_number); end + def stack; end + def tokenize(string); end + def track_delimiter(token); end + def track_module_nesting(token, kind); end + def track_module_nesting_end(token, kind = nil); end + include Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers +end +class Pry::Indent::UnparseableNestingError < StandardError +end +class Pry::LastException < BasicObject + def bt_index; end + def bt_index=(arg0); end + def bt_source_location_for(index); end + def file; end + def inc_bt_index; end + def initialize(e); end + def line; end + def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end + def respond_to_missing?(name, include_all = nil); end + def wrapped_exception; end +end +module Pry::Prompt + def self.[](prompt_name); end + def self.add(prompt_name, description = nil, separators = nil); end + def self.all; end + def self.prompt_name(name); end +end +class Pry::Inspector +end +class Pry::ObjectPath + def complete?(segment); end + def handle_failure(context, err); end + def initialize(path_string, current_stack); end + def resolve; end +end +class Pry::Output + def <<(*objs); end + def _pry_; end + def decolorize_maybe(str); end + def initialize(_pry_); end + def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end + def print(*objs); end + def puts(*objs); end + def respond_to_missing?(m, include_all = nil); end + def tty?; end + def write(*objs); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/public_suffix.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/public_suffix.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fdc939f49 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/public_suffix.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# public_suffix-3.1.0 +module PublicSuffix + def self.decompose(name, rule); end + def self.domain(name, **options); end + def self.normalize(name); end + def self.parse(name, list: nil, default_rule: nil, ignore_private: nil); end + def self.valid?(name, list: nil, default_rule: nil, ignore_private: nil); end +end +class PublicSuffix::Domain + def domain; end + def domain?; end + def initialize(*args); end + def name; end + def self.name_to_labels(name); end + def sld; end + def subdomain; end + def subdomain?; end + def tld; end + def to_a; end + def to_s; end + def trd; end +end +class PublicSuffix::Error < StandardError +end +class PublicSuffix::DomainInvalid < PublicSuffix::Error +end +class PublicSuffix::DomainNotAllowed < PublicSuffix::DomainInvalid +end +module PublicSuffix::Rule + def self.default; end + def self.factory(content, private: nil); end +end +class PublicSuffix::Rule::Entry < Struct + def length; end + def length=(_); end + def private; end + def private=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def type; end + def type=(_); end +end +class PublicSuffix::Rule::Base + def ==(other); end + def decompose(*arg0); end + def eql?(other); end + def initialize(value:, length: nil, private: nil); end + def length; end + def match?(name); end + def parts; end + def private; end + def, private: nil); end + def value; end +end +class PublicSuffix::Rule::Normal < PublicSuffix::Rule::Base + def decompose(domain); end + def parts; end + def rule; end +end +class PublicSuffix::Rule::Wildcard < PublicSuffix::Rule::Base + def decompose(domain); end + def initialize(value:, length: nil, private: nil); end + def parts; end + def rule; end + def, private: nil); end +end +class PublicSuffix::Rule::Exception < PublicSuffix::Rule::Base + def decompose(domain); end + def parts; end + def rule; end + def, private: nil); end +end +class PublicSuffix::List + def <<(rule); end + def ==(other); end + def add(rule); end + def clear; end + def default_rule; end + def each(&block); end + def empty?; end + def entry_to_rule(entry, value); end + def eql?(other); end + def find(name, default: nil, **options); end + def initialize; end + def rule_to_entry(rule); end + def rules; end + def select(name, ignore_private: nil); end + def self.default(**options); end + def self.default=(value); end + def self.parse(input, private_domains: nil); end + def size; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/puma.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/puma.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..639937d7e --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/puma.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# puma-3.12.1 +module Puma + def self.stats; end + def self.stats_object=(val); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rack-cache.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rack-cache.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bcc8c8423 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rack-cache.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# rack-cache-1.9.0 +module Rack::Cache + def, options = nil, &b); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rack-test.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rack-test.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a9c201b20 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rack-test.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# rack-test-1.1.0 +module Rack +end +class Rack::MockSession + def after_request(&block); end + def clear_cookies; end + def cookie_jar; end + def cookie_jar=(arg0); end + def default_host; end + def initialize(app, default_host = nil); end + def last_request; end + def last_response; end + def request(uri, env); end + def set_cookie(cookie, uri = nil); end +end +module Rack::Test + def self.encoding_aware_strings?; end +end +class Rack::Test::Cookie + def <=>(other); end + def default_uri; end + def domain; end + def empty?; end + def expired?; end + def expires; end + def http_only?; end + def initialize(raw, uri = nil, default_host = nil); end + def matches?(uri); end + def name; end + def path; end + def raw; end + def replaces?(other); end + def secure?; end + def to_h; end + def to_hash; end + def valid?(uri); end + def value; end + include Rack::Utils +end +class Rack::Test::CookieJar + def <<(new_cookie); end + def [](name); end + def []=(name, value); end + def delete(name); end + def for(uri); end + def get_cookie(name); end + def hash_for(uri = nil); end + def initialize(cookies = nil, default_host = nil); end + def merge(raw_cookies, uri = nil); end + def to_hash; end +end +class Rack::Test::MockDigestRequest + def initialize(params); end + def method; end + def method_missing(sym); end + def response(password); end +end +module Rack::Test::Utils + def build_file_part(parameter_name, uploaded_file); end + def build_multipart(params, first = nil, multipart = nil); end + def build_nested_query(value, prefix = nil); end + def build_parts(parameters); end + def build_primitive_part(parameter_name, value); end + def get_parts(parameters); end + def self.build_file_part(parameter_name, uploaded_file); end + def self.build_multipart(params, first = nil, multipart = nil); end + def self.build_nested_query(value, prefix = nil); end + def self.build_parts(parameters); end + def self.build_primitive_part(parameter_name, value); end + def self.get_parts(parameters); end + extend Rack::Utils + include Rack::Utils +end +module Rack::Test::Methods + def _current_session_names; end + def authorize(*args, &block); end + def basic_authorize(*args, &block); end + def build_rack_mock_session; end + def build_rack_test_session(name); end + def clear_cookies(*args, &block); end + def current_session; end + def custom_request(*args, &block); end + def delete(*args, &block); end + def digest_authorize(*args, &block); end + def env(*args, &block); end + def follow_redirect!(*args, &block); end + def get(*args, &block); end + def head(*args, &block); end + def header(*args, &block); end + def last_request(*args, &block); end + def last_response(*args, &block); end + def options(*args, &block); end + def patch(*args, &block); end + def post(*args, &block); end + def put(*args, &block); end + def rack_mock_session(name = nil); end + def rack_test_session(name = nil); end + def request(*args, &block); end + def set_cookie(*args, &block); end + def with_session(name); end + extend Forwardable +end +class Rack::Test::UploadedFile + def content_type; end + def content_type=(arg0); end + def initialize(content, content_type = nil, binary = nil, original_filename: nil); end + def initialize_from_file_path(path); end + def initialize_from_stringio(stringio, original_filename); end + def local_path; end + def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block); end + def original_filename; end + def path; end + def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = nil); end + def self.actually_finalize(file); end + def self.finalize(file); end + def tempfile; end +end +class Rack::Test::Error < StandardError +end +class Rack::Test::Session + def authorize(username, password); end + def basic_authorize(username, password); end + def clear_cookies(*args, &block); end + def custom_request(verb, uri, params = nil, env = nil, &block); end + def default_env; end + def delete(uri, params = nil, env = nil, &block); end + def digest_auth_configured?; end + def digest_auth_header; end + def digest_authorize(username, password); end + def env(name, value); end + def env_for(uri, env); end + def follow_redirect!; end + def get(uri, params = nil, env = nil, &block); end + def head(uri, params = nil, env = nil, &block); end + def header(name, value); end + def headers_for_env; end + def initialize(mock_session); end + def last_request(*args, &block); end + def last_response(*args, &block); end + def options(uri, params = nil, env = nil, &block); end + def params_to_string(params); end + def parse_uri(path, env); end + def patch(uri, params = nil, env = nil, &block); end + def post(uri, params = nil, env = nil, &block); end + def process_request(uri, env); end + def put(uri, params = nil, env = nil, &block); end + def request(uri, env = nil, &block); end + def retry_with_digest_auth?(env); end + def set_cookie(*args, &block); end + extend Forwardable + include Rack::Test::Utils +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rack.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rack.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41a5d82de --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rack.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,564 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# rack-2.0.7 +module Rack + def self.release; end + def self.version; end +end +module Rack::Auth +end +module Rack::Auth::Digest +end +module Rack::Session +end +class Rack::QueryParser + def initialize(params_class, key_space_limit, param_depth_limit); end + def key_space_limit; end + def make_params; end + def new_depth_limit(param_depth_limit); end + def new_space_limit(key_space_limit); end + def normalize_params(params, name, v, depth); end + def param_depth_limit; end + def params_hash_has_key?(hash, key); end + def params_hash_type?(obj); end + def parse_nested_query(qs, d = nil); end + def parse_query(qs, d = nil, &unescaper); end + def self.make_default(key_space_limit, param_depth_limit); end + def unescape(s); end +end +class Rack::QueryParser::ParameterTypeError < TypeError +end +class Rack::QueryParser::InvalidParameterError < ArgumentError +end +class Rack::QueryParser::Params + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def initialize(limit); end + def key?(key); end + def to_params_hash; end +end +module Rack::Utils + def add_cookie_to_header(header, key, value); end + def add_remove_cookie_to_header(header, key, value = nil); end + def best_q_match(q_value_header, available_mimes); end + def build_nested_query(value, prefix = nil); end + def build_query(params); end + def byte_ranges(env, size); end + def clean_path_info(path_info); end + def clock_time; end + def delete_cookie_header!(header, key, value = nil); end + def escape(s); end + def escape_html(string); end + def escape_path(s); end + def get_byte_ranges(http_range, size); end + def make_delete_cookie_header(header, key, value); end + def parse_cookies(env); end + def parse_cookies_header(header); end + def parse_nested_query(qs, d = nil); end + def parse_query(qs, d = nil, &unescaper); end + def q_values(q_value_header); end + def rfc2109(time); end + def rfc2822(time); end + def secure_compare(a, b); end + def select_best_encoding(available_encodings, accept_encoding); end + def self.add_cookie_to_header(header, key, value); end + def self.add_remove_cookie_to_header(header, key, value = nil); end + def self.best_q_match(q_value_header, available_mimes); end + def self.build_nested_query(value, prefix = nil); end + def self.build_query(params); end + def self.byte_ranges(env, size); end + def self.clean_path_info(path_info); end + def self.clock_time; end + def self.default_query_parser; end + def self.default_query_parser=(arg0); end + def self.delete_cookie_header!(header, key, value = nil); end + def self.escape(s); end + def self.escape_html(string); end + def self.escape_path(s); end + def self.get_byte_ranges(http_range, size); end + def self.key_space_limit; end + def self.key_space_limit=(v); end + def self.make_delete_cookie_header(header, key, value); end + def self.multipart_part_limit; end + def self.multipart_part_limit=(arg0); end + def self.param_depth_limit; end + def self.param_depth_limit=(v); end + def self.parse_cookies(env); end + def self.parse_cookies_header(header); end + def self.parse_nested_query(qs, d = nil); end + def self.parse_query(qs, d = nil, &unescaper); end + def self.q_values(q_value_header); end + def self.rfc2109(time); end + def self.rfc2822(time); end + def self.secure_compare(a, b); end + def self.select_best_encoding(available_encodings, accept_encoding); end + def self.set_cookie_header!(header, key, value); end + def self.status_code(status); end + def self.unescape(s, encoding = nil); end + def self.unescape_path(s); end + def self.valid_path?(path); end + def set_cookie_header!(header, key, value); end + def status_code(status); end + def unescape(s, encoding = nil); end + def unescape_path(s); end + def valid_path?(path); end +end +class Rack::Utils::Context + def app; end + def call(env); end + def context(env, app = nil); end + def for; end + def initialize(app_f, app_r); end + def recontext(app); end +end +class Rack::Utils::HeaderHash < Hash + def [](k); end + def []=(k, v); end + def delete(k); end + def each; end + def has_key?(k); end + def include?(k); end + def initialize(hash = nil); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def key?(k); end + def member?(k); end + def merge!(other); end + def merge(other); end + def names; end + def replace(other); end + def = nil); end + def to_hash; end +end +class Rack::MediaType + def self.params(content_type); end + def self.strip_doublequotes(str); end + def self.type(content_type); end +end +class Rack::Request + def delete_param(k); end + def initialize(env); end + def params; end + def update_param(k, v); end + include Rack::Request::Env + include Rack::Request::Helpers +end +module Rack::Request::Env + def add_header(key, v); end + def delete_header(name); end + def each_header(&block); end + def env; end + def fetch_header(name, &block); end + def get_header(name); end + def has_header?(name); end + def initialize(env); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def set_header(name, v); end +end +module Rack::Request::Helpers + def GET; end + def POST; end + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def accept_encoding; end + def accept_language; end + def authority; end + def base_url; end + def body; end + def content_charset; end + def content_length; end + def content_type; end + def cookies; end + def default_session; end + def delete?; end + def delete_param(k); end + def form_data?; end + def forwarded_scheme; end + def fullpath; end + def get?; end + def head?; end + def host; end + def host_with_port; end + def ip; end + def link?; end + def logger; end + def media_type; end + def media_type_params; end + def multithread?; end + def options?; end + def params; end + def parse_http_accept_header(header); end + def parse_multipart; end + def parse_query(qs, d = nil); end + def parseable_data?; end + def patch?; end + def path; end + def path_info; end + def path_info=(s); end + def port; end + def post?; end + def put?; end + def query_parser; end + def query_string; end + def referer; end + def referrer; end + def reject_trusted_ip_addresses(ip_addresses); end + def request_method; end + def scheme; end + def script_name; end + def script_name=(s); end + def session; end + def session_options; end + def split_ip_addresses(ip_addresses); end + def ssl?; end + def trace?; end + def trusted_proxy?(ip); end + def unlink?; end + def update_param(k, v); end + def url; end + def user_agent; end + def values_at(*keys); end + def xhr?; end +end +class Rack::BodyProxy + def close; end + def closed?; end + def each; end + def initialize(body, &block); end + def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block); end + def respond_to?(method_name, include_all = nil); end +end +class Rack::Response + def [](key); end + def []=(key, v); end + def body; end + def body=(arg0); end + def chunked?; end + def close; end + def delete_header(key); end + def each(&callback); end + def empty?; end + def finish(&block); end + def get_header(key); end + def has_header?(key); end + def header; end + def headers; end + def initialize(body = nil, status = nil, header = nil); end + def length; end + def length=(arg0); end + def redirect(target, status = nil); end + def set_header(key, v); end + def status; end + def status=(arg0); end + def to_a(&block); end + def to_ary(&block); end + def write(str); end + include Rack::Response::Helpers +end +module Rack::Response::Helpers + def accepted?; end + def add_header(key, v); end + def bad_request?; end + def cache_control; end + def cache_control=(v); end + def client_error?; end + def content_length; end + def content_type; end + def created?; end + def delete_cookie(key, value = nil); end + def etag; end + def etag=(v); end + def forbidden?; end + def include?(header); end + def informational?; end + def invalid?; end + def location; end + def location=(location); end + def media_type; end + def media_type_params; end + def method_not_allowed?; end + def moved_permanently?; end + def no_content?; end + def not_found?; end + def ok?; end + def precondition_failed?; end + def redirect?; end + def redirection?; end + def server_error?; end + def set_cookie(key, value); end + def set_cookie_header; end + def set_cookie_header=(v); end + def successful?; end + def unauthorized?; end + def unprocessable?; end +end +class Rack::Response::Raw + def delete_header(key); end + def get_header(key); end + def has_header?(key); end + def headers; end + def initialize(status, headers); end + def set_header(key, v); end + def status; end + def status=(arg0); end + include Rack::Response::Helpers +end +module Rack::Session::Abstract +end +class Rack::Session::Abstract::SessionHash + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def clear; end + def delete(key); end + def destroy; end + def each(&block); end + def empty?; end + def exists?; end + def fetch(key, default = nil, &block); end + def has_key?(key); end + def id; end + def id=(arg0); end + def include?(key); end + def initialize(store, req); end + def inspect; end + def key?(key); end + def keys; end + def load!; end + def load_for_read!; end + def load_for_write!; end + def loaded?; end + def merge!(hash); end + def options; end + def replace(hash); end + def self.find(req); end + def self.set(req, session); end + def self.set_options(req, options); end + def store(key, value); end + def stringify_keys(other); end + def to_hash; end + def update(hash); end + def values; end + include Enumerable +end +class Rack::Session::Abstract::Persisted + def call(env); end + def commit_session(req, res); end + def commit_session?(req, session, options); end + def context(env, app = nil); end + def current_session_id(req); end + def default_options; end + def delete_session(req, sid, options); end + def extract_session_id(request); end + def find_session(env, sid); end + def force_options?(options); end + def forced_session_update?(session, options); end + def generate_sid(secure = nil); end + def initialize(app, options = nil); end + def initialize_sid; end + def key; end + def load_session(req); end + def loaded_session?(session); end + def make_request(env); end + def prepare_session(req); end + def security_matches?(request, options); end + def session_class; end + def session_exists?(req); end + def set_cookie(request, res, cookie); end + def sid_secure; end + def write_session(req, sid, session, options); end +end +class Rack::Session::Abstract::ID < Rack::Session::Abstract::Persisted + def delete_session(req, sid, options); end + def find_session(req, sid); end + def self.inherited(klass); end + def write_session(req, sid, session, options); end +end +class Rack::Chunked + def call(env); end + def chunkable_version?(ver); end + def initialize(app); end + include Rack::Utils +end +class Rack::Chunked::Body + def close; end + def each; end + def initialize(body); end + include Rack::Utils +end +class Rack::Runtime + def call(env); end + def initialize(app, name = nil); end +end +module Rack::Mime + def match?(value, matcher); end + def mime_type(ext, fallback = nil); end + def self.match?(value, matcher); end + def self.mime_type(ext, fallback = nil); end +end +class Rack::Head + def call(env); end + def initialize(app); end +end +class Rack::File + def call(env); end + def fail(status, body, headers = nil); end + def filesize(path); end + def get(env); end + def initialize(root, headers = nil, default_mime = nil); end + def make_body(request, path, range); end + def mime_type(path, default_mime); end + def response_body; end + def root; end + def serving(request, path); end +end +class Rack::File::Iterator + def close; end + def each; end + def initialize(path, range); end + def path; end + def range; end + def to_path; end +end +class Rack::Sendfile + def call(env); end + def initialize(app, variation = nil, mappings = nil); end + def map_accel_path(env, path); end + def variation(env); end +end +class Rack::MethodOverride + def allowed_methods; end + def call(env); end + def initialize(app); end + def method_override(env); end + def method_override_param(req); end +end +class Rack::ConditionalGet + def call(env); end + def etag_matches?(none_match, headers); end + def fresh?(env, headers); end + def initialize(app); end + def modified_since?(modified_since, headers); end + def to_rfc2822(since); end +end +class Rack::ETag + def call(env); end + def digest_body(body); end + def etag_body?(body); end + def etag_status?(status); end + def initialize(app, no_cache_control = nil, cache_control = nil); end + def skip_caching?(headers); end +end +class Rack::TempfileReaper + def call(env); end + def initialize(app); end +end +class Rack::Lint + def _call(env); end + def call(env = nil); end + def check_content_length(status, headers); end + def check_content_type(status, headers); end + def check_env(env); end + def check_error(error); end + def check_headers(header); end + def check_hijack(env); end + def check_hijack_response(headers, env); end + def check_input(input); end + def check_status(status); end + def close; end + def each; end + def initialize(app); end + def verify_content_length(bytes); end + include Rack::Lint::Assertion +end +class Rack::Lint::LintError < RuntimeError +end +module Rack::Lint::Assertion + def assert(message); end +end +class Rack::Lint::InputWrapper + def close(*args); end + def each(*args); end + def gets(*args); end + def initialize(input); end + def read(*args); end + def rewind(*args); end + include Rack::Lint::Assertion +end +class Rack::Lint::ErrorWrapper + def close(*args); end + def flush; end + def initialize(error); end + def puts(str); end + def write(str); end + include Rack::Lint::Assertion +end +class Rack::Lint::HijackWrapper + def close(*args, &block); end + def close_read(*args, &block); end + def close_write(*args, &block); end + def closed?(*args, &block); end + def flush(*args, &block); end + def initialize(io); end + def read(*args, &block); end + def read_nonblock(*args, &block); end + def write(*args, &block); end + def write_nonblock(*args, &block); end + extend Forwardable + include Rack::Lint::Assertion +end +class Rack::MockRequest + def delete(uri, opts = nil); end + def get(uri, opts = nil); end + def head(uri, opts = nil); end + def initialize(app); end + def options(uri, opts = nil); end + def patch(uri, opts = nil); end + def post(uri, opts = nil); end + def put(uri, opts = nil); end + def request(method = nil, uri = nil, opts = nil); end + def self.env_for(uri = nil, opts = nil); end + def self.parse_uri_rfc2396(uri); end +end +class Rack::MockRequest::FatalWarning < RuntimeError +end +class Rack::MockRequest::FatalWarner + def flush; end + def puts(warning); end + def string; end + def write(warning); end +end +class Rack::MockResponse < Rack::Response + def =~(other); end + def body; end + def empty?; end + def errors; end + def errors=(arg0); end + def initialize(status, headers, body, errors = nil); end + def match(other); end + def original_headers; end +end +class Rack::Builder + def call(env); end + def generate_map(default_app, mapping); end + def initialize(default_app = nil, &block); end + def map(path, &block); end + def run(app); end + def = nil, &block); end + def self.new_from_string(builder_script, file = nil); end + def self.parse_file(config, opts = nil); end + def to_app; end + def use(middleware, *args, &block); end + def warmup(prc = nil, &block); end +end +class Rack::URLMap + def call(env); end + def casecmp?(v1, v2); end + def initialize(map = nil); end + def remap(map); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-controller-testing.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-controller-testing.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..733c0fc82 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-controller-testing.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# rails-controller-testing-1.0.4 +module Rails +end +module Rails::Controller +end +module Rails::Controller::Testing + def self.install; end +end +module Rails::Controller::Testing::TestProcess + def assigns(key = nil); end +end +module Rails::Controller::Testing::Integration + def delete(*args); end + def get(*args); end + def get_via_redirect(*args); end + def head(*args); end + def patch(*args); end + def post(*args); end + def post_via_redirect(*args); end + def put(*args); end +end +module Rails::Controller::Testing::TemplateAssertions + def assert_template(options = nil, message = nil); end + def process(*args); end + def reset_template_assertion; end + def setup_subscriptions; end + def teardown_subscriptions; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +class Rails::Controller::Testing::Railtie < Rails::Railtie +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-dom-testing.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-dom-testing.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b55a130df --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-dom-testing.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# rails-dom-testing-2.0.3 +module Rails +end +module Rails::Dom +end +module Rails::Dom::Testing +end +module Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions::DomAssertions + include Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions::SelectorAssertions +end +module Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions::DomAssertions + def assert_dom_equal(expected, actual, message = nil); end + def assert_dom_not_equal(expected, actual, message = nil); end + def compare_doms(expected, actual); end + def equal_attribute?(attr, other_attr); end + def equal_attribute_nodes?(nodes, other_nodes); end + def equal_children?(child, other_child); end + def fragment(text); end +end +module Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions::SelectorAssertions + def assert_select(*args, &block); end + def assert_select_email(&block); end + def assert_select_encoded(element = nil, &block); end + def assert_size_match!(size, equals, css_selector, message = nil); end + def css_select(*args); end + def document_root_element; end + def nest_selection(selection); end + def nodeset(node); end + include Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions::SelectorAssertions::CountDescribable +end +module Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions::SelectorAssertions::CountDescribable + def count_description(min, max, count); end + def pluralize_element(quantity); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +class SubstitutionContext + def initialize; end + def match(matches, attribute, matcher); end + def matcher_for(value, format_for_presentation); end + def substitutable?(value); end + def substitute!(selector, values, format_for_presentation = nil); end +end +class HTMLSelector + def context; end + def css_selector; end + def extract_equality_tests; end + def extract_root(previous_selection, root_fallback); end + def extract_selectors; end + def filter(matches); end + def initialize(values, previous_selection = nil, &root_fallback); end + def message; end + def select; end + def selecting_no_body?; end + def self.context; end + def tests; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-html-sanitizer.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-html-sanitizer.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d3a635114 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rails-html-sanitizer.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# rails-html-sanitizer-1.0.4 +module Rails +end +module Rails::Html +end +class Rails::Html::Sanitizer + def properly_encode(fragment, options); end + def remove_xpaths(node, xpaths); end + def sanitize(html, options = nil); end + def self.full_sanitizer; end + def self.link_sanitizer; end + def self.white_list_sanitizer; end +end +class Rails::Html::PermitScrubber < Loofah::Scrubber + def allowed_node?(node); end + def attributes; end + def attributes=(attributes); end + def initialize; end + def keep_node?(node); end + def scrub(node); end + def scrub_attribute(node, attr_node); end + def scrub_attribute?(name); end + def scrub_attributes(node); end + def scrub_css_attribute(node); end + def scrub_node(node); end + def skip_node?(node); end + def tags; end + def tags=(tags); end + def validate!(var, name); end +end +class Rails::Html::TargetScrubber < Rails::Html::PermitScrubber + def allowed_node?(node); end + def scrub_attribute?(name); end +end +class Rails::Html::TextOnlyScrubber < Loofah::Scrubber + def initialize; end + def scrub(node); end +end +class Rails::Html::FullSanitizer < Rails::Html::Sanitizer + def sanitize(html, options = nil); end +end +class Rails::Html::LinkSanitizer < Rails::Html::Sanitizer + def initialize; end + def sanitize(html, options = nil); end +end +class Rails::Html::WhiteListSanitizer < Rails::Html::Sanitizer + def allowed_attributes(options); end + def allowed_tags(options); end + def initialize; end + def sanitize(html, options = nil); end + def sanitize_css(style_string); end + def self.allowed_attributes; end + def self.allowed_attributes=(arg0); end + def self.allowed_tags; end + def self.allowed_tags=(arg0); end +end +module ActionView +end +module ActionView::Helpers +end +module ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper +end +module ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods + def deprecate_option(name); end + def sanitized_allowed_attributes=(attributes); end + def sanitized_allowed_css_keywords; end + def sanitized_allowed_css_keywords=(_); end + def sanitized_allowed_css_properties; end + def sanitized_allowed_css_properties=(_); end + def sanitized_allowed_protocols; end + def sanitized_allowed_protocols=(_); end + def sanitized_allowed_tags=(tags); end + def sanitized_bad_tags; end + def sanitized_bad_tags=(_); end + def sanitized_protocol_separator; end + def sanitized_protocol_separator=(_); end + def sanitized_shorthand_css_properties; end + def sanitized_shorthand_css_properties=(_); end + def sanitized_uri_attributes; end + def sanitized_uri_attributes=(_); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/railties.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/railties.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f3e69f3fc --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/railties.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,508 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# railties-5.2.3 +module Rails + def self.app_class; end + def self.app_class=(arg0); end + def self.application; end + def self.application=(arg0); end + def self.backtrace_cleaner; end + def self.cache; end + def self.cache=(arg0); end + def self.configuration; end + def self.env; end + def self.env=(environment); end + def self.gem_version; end + def self.groups(*groups); end + def self.initialize!(*args, &block); end + def self.initialized?(*args, &block); end + def self.logger; end + def self.logger=(arg0); end + def self.public_path; end + def self.root; end + def self.version; end + extend ActiveSupport::Autoload +end +module Rails::Initializable + def initializers; end + def run_initializers(group = nil, *args); end + def self.included(base); end +end +class Rails::Initializable::Initializer + def after; end + def before; end + def belongs_to?(group); end + def bind(context); end + def block; end + def context_class; end + def initialize(name, context, options, &block); end + def name; end + def run(*args); end +end +class Rails::Initializable::Collection < Array + def +(other); end + def tsort_each_child(initializer, &block); end + def tsort_each_node; end + include TSort +end +module Rails::Initializable::ClassMethods + def initializer(name, opts = nil, &blk); end + def initializers; end + def initializers_chain; end + def initializers_for(binding); end +end +class Rails::Railtie + def config; end + def configure(&block); end + def each_registered_block(type, &block); end + def initialize; end + def railtie_name(*args, &block); end + def railtie_namespace; end + def run_console_blocks(app); end + def run_generators_blocks(app); end + def run_runner_blocks(app); end + def run_tasks_blocks(app); end + def self.abstract_railtie?; end + def self.config(*args, &block); end + def self.configure(&block); end + def self.console(&blk); end + def self.generate_railtie_name(string); end + def self.generators(&blk); end + def self.inherited(base); end + def self.instance; end + def self.method_missing(name, *args, &block); end + def*arg0); end + def self.railtie_name(name = nil); end + def self.rake_tasks(&blk); end + def self.register_block_for(type, &blk); end + def self.respond_to_missing?(name, _); end + def self.runner(&blk); end + def self.subclasses; end + extend Rails::Initializable::ClassMethods + include Rails::Initializable +end +class Rails::Engine < Rails::Railtie + def _all_autoload_once_paths; end + def _all_autoload_paths; end + def _all_load_paths; end + def app; end + def build_middleware; end + def build_request(env); end + def call(env); end + def config; end + def default_middleware_stack; end + def eager_load!; end + def endpoint; end + def engine_name(*args, &block); end + def env_config; end + def has_migrations?; end + def helpers; end + def helpers_paths; end + def initialize; end + def isolated?(*args, &block); end + def load_config_initializer(initializer); end + def load_console(app = nil); end + def load_generators(app = nil); end + def load_runner(app = nil); end + def load_seed; end + def load_tasks(app = nil); end + def middleware(*args, &block); end + def paths(*args, &block); end + def railties; end + def root(*args, &block); end + def routes; end + def routes?; end + def run_tasks_blocks(*arg0); end + def self.called_from; end + def self.called_from=(arg0); end + def self.eager_load!(*args, &block); end + def self.endpoint(endpoint = nil); end + def self.engine_name(name = nil); end + def self.find(path); end + def self.find_root(from); end + def self.find_root_with_flag(flag, root_path, default = nil); end + def self.inherited(base); end + def self.isolate_namespace(mod); end + def self.isolated; end + def self.isolated=(arg0); end + def self.isolated?; end + def with_inline_jobs; end +end +class Rails::Engine::Railties + def -(others); end + def _all; end + def each(*args, &block); end + def initialize; end + include Enumerable +end +class Rails::Secrets + def self.decrypt(data); end + def self.encrypt(data); end + def self.encryptor; end + def self.handle_missing_key; end + def self.key; end + def self.key_path; end + def self.parse(paths, env:); end + def self.path; end + def self.preprocess(path); end + def; end + def self.read_for_editing(&block); end + def self.read_key_file; end + def self.root=(arg0); end + def self.write(contents); end + def self.writing(contents); end +end +class Rails::Secrets::MissingKeyError < RuntimeError + def initialize; end +end +class Rails::Application < Rails::Engine + def assets; end + def assets=(arg0); end + def build_middleware; end + def build_middleware_stack; end + def build_request(env); end + def config; end + def config=(configuration); end + def config_for(name, env: nil); end + def console(&blk); end + def credentials; end + def default_middleware_stack; end + def default_url_options(*args, &block); end + def default_url_options=(arg); end + def encrypted(path, key_path: nil, env_key: nil); end + def env_config; end + def executor; end + def generate_development_secret; end + def generators(&blk); end + def helpers_paths; end + def initialize!; end + def initialize(initial_variable_values = nil, &block); end + def initialized?; end + def initializer(name, opts = nil, &block); end + def initializers; end + def isolate_namespace(mod); end + def key_generator; end + def message_verifier(verifier_name); end + def migration_railties; end + def ordered_railties; end + def railties_initializers(current); end + def rake_tasks(&block); end + def reload_routes!; end + def reloader; end + def reloaders; end + def require_environment!; end + def routes_reloader; end + def run_console_blocks(app); end + def run_generators_blocks(app); end + def run_load_hooks!; end + def run_runner_blocks(app); end + def run_tasks_blocks(app); end + def runner(&blk); end + def sandbox; end + def sandbox=(arg0); end + def sandbox?; end + def secret_key_base; end + def secrets; end + def secrets=(secrets); end + def self.add_lib_to_load_path!(root); end + def self.create(initial_variable_values = nil, &block); end + def self.find_root(from); end + def self.inherited(base); end + def self.instance; end + def*arg0); end + def to_app; end + def validate_secret_key_base(secret_key_base); end + def watchable_args; end +end +module Rails::VERSION +end +module Rails::Paths +end +class Rails::Paths::Root + def [](path); end + def []=(path, value); end + def add(path, options = nil); end + def all_paths; end + def autoload_once; end + def autoload_paths; end + def eager_load; end + def filter_by(&block); end + def initialize(path); end + def keys; end + def load_paths; end + def path; end + def path=(arg0); end + def values; end + def values_at(*list); end +end +class Rails::Paths::Path + def <<(path); end + def absolute_current; end + def autoload!; end + def autoload?; end + def autoload_once!; end + def autoload_once?; end + def children; end + def concat(paths); end + def each(&block); end + def eager_load!; end + def eager_load?; end + def existent; end + def existent_directories; end + def expanded; end + def extensions; end + def first; end + def glob; end + def glob=(arg0); end + def initialize(root, current, paths, options = nil); end + def last; end + def load_path!; end + def load_path?; end + def push(path); end + def skip_autoload!; end + def skip_autoload_once!; end + def skip_eager_load!; end + def skip_load_path!; end + def to_a; end + def to_ary; end + def unshift(*paths); end + include Enumerable +end +module Rails::Rack +end +module Rails::Configuration +end +class Rails::Configuration::MiddlewareStackProxy + def +(other); end + def delete(*args, &block); end + def delete_operations; end + def initialize(operations = nil, delete_operations = nil); end + def insert(*args, &block); end + def insert_after(*args, &block); end + def insert_before(*args, &block); end + def merge_into(other); end + def operations; end + def swap(*args, &block); end + def unshift(*args, &block); end + def use(*args, &block); end +end +class Rails::Configuration::Generators + def aliases; end + def aliases=(arg0); end + def api_only; end + def api_only=(arg0); end + def colorize_logging; end + def colorize_logging=(arg0); end + def fallbacks; end + def fallbacks=(arg0); end + def hidden_namespaces; end + def hide_namespace(namespace); end + def initialize; end + def initialize_copy(source); end + def method_missing(method, *args); end + def options; end + def options=(arg0); end + def templates; end + def templates=(arg0); end +end +class Rails::Railtie::Configuration + def after_initialize(&block); end + def app_generators; end + def app_middleware; end + def before_configuration(&block); end + def before_eager_load(&block); end + def before_initialize(&block); end + def eager_load_namespaces; end + def initialize; end + def method_missing(name, *args, &blk); end + def respond_to?(name, include_private = nil); end + def self.eager_load_namespaces; end + def to_prepare(&blk); end + def to_prepare_blocks; end + def watchable_dirs; end + def watchable_files; end +end +class Rails::Engine::Configuration < Rails::Railtie::Configuration + def autoload_once_paths; end + def autoload_once_paths=(arg0); end + def autoload_paths; end + def autoload_paths=(arg0); end + def eager_load_paths; end + def eager_load_paths=(arg0); end + def generators; end + def initialize(root = nil); end + def middleware; end + def middleware=(arg0); end + def paths; end + def root; end + def root=(value); end +end +class SourceAnnotationExtractor + def display(results, options = nil); end + def extract_annotations_from(file, pattern); end + def find(dirs); end + def find_in(dir); end + def initialize(tag); end + def self.enumerate(tag, options = nil); end + def tag; end +end +class SourceAnnotationExtractor::Annotation < Struct + def line; end + def line=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.directories; end + def self.extensions; end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def self.register_directories(*dirs); end + def self.register_extensions(*exts, &block); end + def tag; end + def tag=(_); end + def text; end + def text=(_); end + def to_s(options = nil); end +end +class Rails::Application::Configuration < Rails::Engine::Configuration + def allow_concurrency; end + def allow_concurrency=(arg0); end + def annotations; end + def api_only; end + def api_only=(value); end + def asset_host; end + def asset_host=(arg0); end + def autoflush_log; end + def autoflush_log=(arg0); end + def beginning_of_week; end + def beginning_of_week=(arg0); end + def cache_classes; end + def cache_classes=(arg0); end + def cache_store; end + def cache_store=(arg0); end + def colorize_logging; end + def colorize_logging=(val); end + def consider_all_requests_local; end + def consider_all_requests_local=(arg0); end + def console; end + def console=(arg0); end + def content_security_policy(&block); end + def content_security_policy_nonce_generator; end + def content_security_policy_nonce_generator=(arg0); end + def content_security_policy_report_only; end + def content_security_policy_report_only=(arg0); end + def database_configuration; end + def debug_exception_response_format; end + def debug_exception_response_format=(value); end + def eager_load; end + def eager_load=(arg0); end + def enable_dependency_loading; end + def enable_dependency_loading=(arg0); end + def encoding; end + def encoding=(value); end + def exceptions_app; end + def exceptions_app=(arg0); end + def file_watcher; end + def file_watcher=(arg0); end + def filter_parameters; end + def filter_parameters=(arg0); end + def filter_redirect; end + def filter_redirect=(arg0); end + def force_ssl; end + def force_ssl=(arg0); end + def helpers_paths; end + def helpers_paths=(arg0); end + def initialize(*arg0); end + def load_defaults(target_version); end + def loaded_config_version; end + def log_formatter; end + def log_formatter=(arg0); end + def log_level; end + def log_level=(arg0); end + def log_tags; end + def log_tags=(arg0); end + def logger; end + def logger=(arg0); end + def paths; end + def public_file_server; end + def public_file_server=(arg0); end + def railties_order; end + def railties_order=(arg0); end + def read_encrypted_secrets; end + def read_encrypted_secrets=(arg0); end + def relative_url_root; end + def relative_url_root=(arg0); end + def reload_classes_only_on_change; end + def reload_classes_only_on_change=(arg0); end + def require_master_key; end + def require_master_key=(arg0); end + def secret_key_base; end + def secret_key_base=(arg0); end + def secret_token; end + def secret_token=(arg0); end + def session_options; end + def session_options=(arg0); end + def session_store(new_session_store = nil, **options); end + def session_store?; end + def ssl_options; end + def ssl_options=(arg0); end + def time_zone; end + def time_zone=(arg0); end + def x; end + def x=(arg0); end +end +class Rails::Application::Configuration::Custom + def initialize; end + def method_missing(method, *args); end + def respond_to_missing?(symbol, *arg1); end +end +module Rails::Application::Bootstrap + extend Rails::Initializable::ClassMethods + include Rails::Initializable +end +module Rails::Application::Finisher + extend Rails::Initializable::ClassMethods + include Rails::Initializable +end +class Rails::Application::Finisher::MutexHook + def complete(_state); end + def initialize(mutex = nil); end + def run; end +end +module Rails::Application::Finisher::InterlockHook + def self.complete(_state); end + def; end +end +class Rails::Application::RoutesReloader + def clear!; end + def eager_load; end + def eager_load=(arg0); end + def execute(*args, &block); end + def execute_if_updated(*args, &block); end + def finalize!; end + def initialize; end + def load_paths; end + def paths; end + def reload!; end + def revert; end + def route_sets; end + def updated?(*args, &block); end + def updater; end +end +class Rails::Application::DefaultMiddlewareStack + def app; end + def build_stack; end + def config; end + def initialize(app, config, paths); end + def load_rack_cache; end + def paths; end + def show_exceptions_app; end +end +class Rails::Rack::Logger < ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rake.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rake.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..31c166c7b --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rake.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,660 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# rake-12.3.2 +module Rake + def self.add_rakelib(*files); end + def self.application; end + def self.application=(app); end + def self.each_dir_parent(dir); end + def self.from_pathname(path); end + def self.load_rakefile(path); end + def self.original_dir; end + def self.suggested_thread_count; end + def self.with_application(block_application = nil); end + extend Rake::FileUtilsExt +end +module Rake::Version +end +class Module + def rake_extension(method); end +end +class String + def ext(newext = nil); end + def pathmap(spec = nil, &block); end + def pathmap_explode; end + def pathmap_partial(n); end + def pathmap_replace(patterns, &block); end +end +module Rake::Win32 + def self.normalize(path); end + def self.win32_system_dir; end + def; end +end +class Rake::Win32::Win32HomeError < RuntimeError +end +class Rake::LinkedList + def ==(other); end + def conj(item); end + def each; end + def empty?; end + def head; end + def initialize(head, tail = nil); end + def inspect; end + def self.cons(head, tail); end + def self.empty; end + def self.make(*args); end + def tail; end + def to_s; end + include Enumerable +end +class Rake::LinkedList::EmptyLinkedList < Rake::LinkedList + def empty?; end + def initialize; end + def self.cons(head, tail); end +end +class Rake::CpuCounter + def count; end + def count_with_default(default = nil); end + def self.count; end +end +class Rake::Scope < Rake::LinkedList + def path; end + def path_with_task_name(task_name); end + def trim(n); end +end +class Rake::Scope::EmptyScope < Rake::LinkedList::EmptyLinkedList + def path; end + def path_with_task_name(task_name); end +end +class Rake::TaskArgumentError < ArgumentError +end +class Rake::RuleRecursionOverflowError < StandardError + def add_target(target); end + def initialize(*args); end + def message; end +end +module Rake::TaskManager + def [](task_name, scopes = nil); end + def add_location(task); end + def attempt_rule(task_name, task_pattern, args, extensions, block, level); end + def clear; end + def create_rule(*args, &block); end + def current_scope; end + def define_task(task_class, *args, &block); end + def enhance_with_matching_rule(task_name, level = nil); end + def find_location; end + def generate_did_you_mean_suggestions(task_name); end + def generate_message_for_undefined_task(task_name); end + def generate_name; end + def get_description(task); end + def in_namespace(name); end + def initialize; end + def intern(task_class, task_name); end + def last_description; end + def last_description=(arg0); end + def lookup(task_name, initial_scope = nil); end + def lookup_in_scope(name, scope); end + def make_sources(task_name, task_pattern, extensions); end + def resolve_args(args); end + def resolve_args_with_dependencies(args, hash); end + def resolve_args_without_dependencies(args); end + def self.record_task_metadata; end + def self.record_task_metadata=(arg0); end + def synthesize_file_task(task_name); end + def tasks; end + def tasks_in_scope(scope); end + def trace_rule(level, message); end +end +module Rake::Cloneable + def initialize_copy(source); end +end +module FileUtils + def create_shell_runner(cmd); end + def ruby(*args, &block); end + def safe_ln(*args); end + def set_verbose_option(options); end + def sh(*cmd, &block); end + def sh_show_command(cmd); end + def split_all(path); end +end +module Rake::FileUtilsExt + def cd(*args, &block); end + def chdir(*args, &block); end + def chmod(*args, &block); end + def chmod_R(*args, &block); end + def chown(*args, &block); end + def chown_R(*args, &block); end + def copy(*args, &block); end + def cp(*args, &block); end + def cp_lr(*args, &block); end + def cp_r(*args, &block); end + def install(*args, &block); end + def link(*args, &block); end + def ln(*args, &block); end + def ln_s(*args, &block); end + def ln_sf(*args, &block); end + def makedirs(*args, &block); end + def mkdir(*args, &block); end + def mkdir_p(*args, &block); end + def mkpath(*args, &block); end + def move(*args, &block); end + def mv(*args, &block); end + def nowrite(value = nil); end + def rake_check_options(options, *optdecl); end + def rake_merge_option(args, defaults); end + def rake_output_message(message); end + def remove(*args, &block); end + def rm(*args, &block); end + def rm_f(*args, &block); end + def rm_r(*args, &block); end + def rm_rf(*args, &block); end + def rmdir(*args, &block); end + def rmtree(*args, &block); end + def safe_unlink(*args, &block); end + def self.nowrite_flag; end + def self.nowrite_flag=(arg0); end + def self.verbose_flag; end + def self.verbose_flag=(arg0); end + def symlink(*args, &block); end + def touch(*args, &block); end + def verbose(value = nil); end + def when_writing(msg = nil); end + extend Rake::FileUtilsExt + include FileUtils +end +class Rake::FileList + def &(*args, &block); end + def *(other); end + def +(*args, &block); end + def -(*args, &block); end + def <<(obj); end + def <=>(*args, &block); end + def ==(array); end + def [](*args, &block); end + def []=(*args, &block); end + def add(*filenames); end + def add_matching(pattern); end + def all?(*args, &block); end + def any?(*args, &block); end + def append(*args, &block); end + def assoc(*args, &block); end + def at(*args, &block); end + def bsearch(*args, &block); end + def bsearch_index(*args, &block); end + def chain(*args, &block); end + def chunk(*args, &block); end + def chunk_while(*args, &block); end + def clear(*args, &block); end + def clear_exclude; end + def collect!(*args, &block); end + def collect(*args, &block); end + def collect_concat(*args, &block); end + def combination(*args, &block); end + def compact!(*args, &block); end + def compact(*args, &block); end + def concat(*args, &block); end + def count(*args, &block); end + def cycle(*args, &block); end + def delete(*args, &block); end + def delete_at(*args, &block); end + def delete_if(*args, &block); end + def detect(*args, &block); end + def difference(*args, &block); end + def dig(*args, &block); end + def drop(*args, &block); end + def drop_while(*args, &block); end + def each(*args, &block); end + def each_cons(*args, &block); end + def each_entry(*args, &block); end + def each_index(*args, &block); end + def each_slice(*args, &block); end + def each_with_index(*args, &block); end + def each_with_object(*args, &block); end + def egrep(pattern, *options); end + def empty?(*args, &block); end + def entries(*args, &block); end + def exclude(*patterns, &block); end + def exclude?(*args, &block); end + def excluded_from_list?(fn); end + def existing!; end + def existing; end + def ext(newext = nil); end + def extract_options!(*args, &block); end + def fetch(*args, &block); end + def fifth(*args, &block); end + def fill(*args, &block); end + def filter!(*args, &block); end + def filter(*args, &block); end + def find(*args, &block); end + def find_all(*args, &block); end + def find_index(*args, &block); end + def first(*args, &block); end + def flat_map(*args, &block); end + def flatten!(*args, &block); end + def flatten(*args, &block); end + def forty_two(*args, &block); end + def fourth(*args, &block); end + def from(*args, &block); end + def grep(*args, &block); end + def grep_v(*args, &block); end + def group_by(*args, &block); end + def gsub!(pat, rep); end + def gsub(pat, rep); end + def import(array); end + def include(*filenames); end + def include?(*args, &block); end + def index(*args, &block); end + def index_by(*args, &block); end + def initialize(*patterns); end + def inject(*args, &block); end + def insert(*args, &block); end + def inspect(*args, &block); end + def is_a?(klass); end + def join(*args, &block); end + def keep_if(*args, &block); end + def kind_of?(klass); end + def last(*args, &block); end + def lazy(*args, &block); end + def length(*args, &block); end + def many?(*args, &block); end + def map!(*args, &block); end + def map(*args, &block); end + def max(*args, &block); end + def max_by(*args, &block); end + def member?(*args, &block); end + def min(*args, &block); end + def min_by(*args, &block); end + def minmax(*args, &block); end + def minmax_by(*args, &block); end + def none?(*args, &block); end + def one?(*args, &block); end + def pack(*args, &block); end + def partition(&block); end + def pathmap(spec = nil, &block); end + def permutation(*args, &block); end + def pluck(*args, &block); end + def pop(*args, &block); end + def prepend(*args, &block); end + def product(*args, &block); end + def push(*args, &block); end + def rassoc(*args, &block); end + def reduce(*args, &block); end + def reject!(*args, &block); end + def reject(*args, &block); end + def repeated_combination(*args, &block); end + def repeated_permutation(*args, &block); end + def replace(*args, &block); end + def resolve; end + def resolve_add(fn); end + def resolve_exclude; end + def reverse!(*args, &block); end + def reverse(*args, &block); end + def reverse_each(*args, &block); end + def rindex(*args, &block); end + def rotate!(*args, &block); end + def rotate(*args, &block); end + def sample(*args, &block); end + def second(*args, &block); end + def second_to_last(*args, &block); end + def select!(*args, &block); end + def select(*args, &block); end + def self.[](*args); end + def self.glob(pattern, *args); end + def shelljoin(*args, &block); end + def shift(*args, &block); end + def shuffle!(*args, &block); end + def shuffle(*args, &block); end + def size(*args, &block); end + def slice!(*args, &block); end + def slice(*args, &block); end + def slice_after(*args, &block); end + def slice_before(*args, &block); end + def slice_when(*args, &block); end + def sort!(*args, &block); end + def sort(*args, &block); end + def sort_by!(*args, &block); end + def sort_by(*args, &block); end + def sub!(pat, rep); end + def sub(pat, rep); end + def sum(*args, &block); end + def take(*args, &block); end + def take_while(*args, &block); end + def third(*args, &block); end + def third_to_last(*args, &block); end + def to(*args, &block); end + def to_a; end + def to_ary; end + def to_default_s(*args, &block); end + def to_formatted_s(*args, &block); end + def to_h(*args, &block); end + def to_s; end + def to_sentence(*args, &block); end + def to_set(*args, &block); end + def to_xml(*args, &block); end + def transpose(*args, &block); end + def union(*args, &block); end + def uniq!(*args, &block); end + def uniq(*args, &block); end + def unshift(*args, &block); end + def values_at(*args, &block); end + def without(*args, &block); end + def zip(*args, &block); end + def |(*args, &block); end + include Rake::Cloneable +end +class Rake::Promise + def chore; end + def complete?; end + def discard; end + def error?; end + def initialize(args, &block); end + def recorder; end + def recorder=(arg0); end + def result?; end + def stat(*args); end + def value; end + def work; end +end +class Rake::ThreadPool + def __queue__; end + def future(*args, &block); end + def gather_history; end + def history; end + def initialize(thread_count); end + def join; end + def process_queue_item; end + def safe_thread_count; end + def start_thread; end + def stat(event, data = nil); end + def statistics; end +end +module Rake::PrivateReader + def self.included(base); end +end +module Rake::PrivateReader::ClassMethods + def private_reader(*names); end +end +class Rake::ThreadHistoryDisplay + def initialize(stats); end + def items; end + def rename(hash, key, renames); end + def show; end + def stats; end + def threads; end + extend Rake::PrivateReader::ClassMethods + include Rake::PrivateReader +end +module Rake::TraceOutput + def trace_on(out, *strings); end +end +class Rake::CommandLineOptionError < StandardError +end +class Rake::Application + def add_import(fn); end + def add_loader(ext, loader); end + def collect_command_line_tasks(args); end + def default_task_name; end + def deprecate(old_usage, new_usage, call_site); end + def display_cause_details(ex); end + def display_error_message(ex); end + def display_exception_backtrace(ex); end + def display_exception_details(ex); end + def display_exception_details_seen; end + def display_exception_message_details(ex); end + def display_prerequisites; end + def display_tasks_and_comments; end + def dynamic_width; end + def dynamic_width_stty; end + def dynamic_width_tput; end + def exit_because_of_exception(ex); end + def find_rakefile_location; end + def glob(path, &block); end + def handle_options(argv); end + def has_cause?(ex); end + def has_chain?(exception); end + def have_rakefile; end + def init(app_name = nil, argv = nil); end + def initialize; end + def invoke_task(task_string); end + def load_imports; end + def load_rakefile; end + def name; end + def options; end + def original_dir; end + def parse_task_string(string); end + def print_rakefile_directory(location); end + def rake_require(file_name, paths = nil, loaded = nil); end + def rakefile; end + def rakefile_location(backtrace = nil); end + def raw_load_rakefile; end + def run(argv = nil); end + def run_with_threads; end + def select_tasks_to_show(options, show_tasks, value); end + def select_trace_output(options, trace_option, value); end + def set_default_options; end + def sort_options(options); end + def standard_exception_handling; end + def standard_rake_options; end + def standard_system_dir; end + def system_dir; end + def terminal_columns; end + def terminal_columns=(arg0); end + def terminal_width; end + def thread_pool; end + def top_level; end + def top_level_tasks; end + def trace(*strings); end + def truncate(string, width); end + def truncate_output?; end + def tty_output=(arg0); end + def tty_output?; end + def unix?; end + def windows?; end + include Rake::TaskManager + include Rake::TraceOutput +end +class Rake::PseudoStatus + def >>(n); end + def exited?; end + def exitstatus; end + def initialize(code = nil); end + def stopped?; end + def to_i; end +end +class Rake::TaskArguments + def [](index); end + def each(&block); end + def extras; end + def fetch(*args, &block); end + def has_key?(key); end + def initialize(names, values, parent = nil); end + def inspect; end + def key?(key); end + def lookup(name); end + def method_missing(sym, *args); end + def names; end + def new_scope(names); end + def to_a; end + def to_hash; end + def to_s; end + def values_at(*keys); end + def with_defaults(defaults); end + include Enumerable +end +class Rake::InvocationChain < Rake::LinkedList + def append(invocation); end + def member?(invocation); end + def prefix; end + def self.append(invocation, chain); end + def to_s; end +end +class Rake::InvocationChain::EmptyInvocationChain < Rake::LinkedList::EmptyLinkedList + def append(invocation); end + def member?(obj); end + def to_s; end +end +module Rake::InvocationExceptionMixin + def chain; end + def chain=(value); end +end +class Rake::Task + def actions; end + def add_chain_to(exception, new_chain); end + def add_comment(comment); end + def add_description(description); end + def all_prerequisite_tasks; end + def already_invoked; end + def application; end + def application=(arg0); end + def arg_description; end + def arg_names; end + def clear; end + def clear_actions; end + def clear_args; end + def clear_comments; end + def clear_prerequisites; end + def collect_prerequisites(seen); end + def comment; end + def comment=(comment); end + def enhance(deps = nil, &block); end + def execute(args = nil); end + def first_sentence(string); end + def format_trace_flags; end + def full_comment; end + def initialize(task_name, app); end + def inspect; end + def investigation; end + def invoke(*args); end + def invoke_prerequisites(task_args, invocation_chain); end + def invoke_prerequisites_concurrently(task_args, invocation_chain); end + def invoke_with_call_chain(task_args, invocation_chain); end + def locations; end + def lookup_prerequisite(prerequisite_name); end + def name; end + def name_with_args; end + def needed?; end + def prereqs; end + def prerequisite_tasks; end + def prerequisites; end + def reenable; end + def scope; end + def self.[](task_name); end + def self.clear; end + def self.create_rule(*args, &block); end + def self.define_task(*args, &block); end + def self.scope_name(scope, task_name); end + def self.task_defined?(task_name); end + def self.tasks; end + def set_arg_names(args); end + def source; end + def sources; end + def sources=(arg0); end + def timestamp; end + def to_s; end + def transform_comments(separator, &block); end +end +class Rake::EarlyTime + def <=>(other); end + def self.allocate; end + def self.instance; end + def*arg0); end + def to_s; end + extend Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + include Comparable + include Singleton +end +class Rake::FileTask < Rake::Task + def needed?; end + def out_of_date?(stamp); end + def self.scope_name(scope, task_name); end + def timestamp; end +end +class Rake::FileCreationTask < Rake::FileTask + def needed?; end + def timestamp; end +end +class Rake::MultiTask < Rake::Task + def invoke_prerequisites(task_args, invocation_chain); end +end +module Rake::DSL + def cd(*args, &block); end + def chdir(*args, &block); end + def chmod(*args, &block); end + def chmod_R(*args, &block); end + def chown(*args, &block); end + def chown_R(*args, &block); end + def copy(*args, &block); end + def cp(*args, &block); end + def cp_lr(*args, &block); end + def cp_r(*args, &block); end + def desc(description); end + def directory(*args, &block); end + def file(*args, &block); end + def file_create(*args, &block); end + def import(*fns); end + def install(*args, &block); end + def link(*args, &block); end + def ln(*args, &block); end + def ln_s(*args, &block); end + def ln_sf(*args, &block); end + def makedirs(*args, &block); end + def mkdir(*args, &block); end + def mkdir_p(*args, &block); end + def mkpath(*args, &block); end + def move(*args, &block); end + def multitask(*args, &block); end + def mv(*args, &block); end + def namespace(name = nil, &block); end + def nowrite(value = nil); end + def rake_check_options(options, *optdecl); end + def rake_merge_option(args, defaults); end + def rake_output_message(message); end + def remove(*args, &block); end + def rm(*args, &block); end + def rm_f(*args, &block); end + def rm_r(*args, &block); end + def rm_rf(*args, &block); end + def rmdir(*args, &block); end + def rmtree(*args, &block); end + def ruby(*args, &block); end + def rule(*args, &block); end + def safe_ln(*args); end + def safe_unlink(*args, &block); end + def sh(*cmd, &block); end + def split_all(path); end + def symlink(*args, &block); end + def task(*args, &block); end + def touch(*args, &block); end + def verbose(value = nil); end + def when_writing(msg = nil); end + include Rake::FileUtilsExt +end +class Rake::DefaultLoader + def load(fn); end +end +class Rake::LateTime + def <=>(other); end + def self.allocate; end + def self.instance; end + def*arg0); end + def to_s; end + extend Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + include Comparable + include Singleton +end +class Rake::NameSpace + def [](name); end + def initialize(task_manager, scope_list); end + def scope; end + def tasks; end +end +module Rake::Backtrace + def self.collapse(backtrace); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/regexp_parser.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/regexp_parser.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..758f1deb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/regexp_parser.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,906 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# regexp_parser-1.5.1 +class Regexp +end +class Regexp::Parser + def active_opts; end + def anchor(token); end + def assign_effective_number(exp); end + def assign_referenced_expressions; end + def backref(token); end + def captured_group_count_at_level; end + def captured_group_counts; end + def captured_group_counts=(arg0); end + def close_completed_character_set_range; end + def close_group; end + def close_set; end + def conditional(token); end + def conditional_nesting; end + def conditional_nesting=(arg0); end + def count_captured_group; end + def decrease_nesting; end + def escape(token); end + def free_space(token); end + def group(token); end + def intersection(token); end + def interval(target_node, token); end + def keep(token); end + def meta(token); end + def negate_set; end + def nest(exp); end + def nest_conditional(exp); end + def nesting; end + def nesting=(arg0); end + def node; end + def node=(arg0); end + def open_group(token); end + def open_set(token); end + def options_from_input(input); end + def options_group(token); end + def options_stack; end + def options_stack=(arg0); end + def parse(input, syntax = nil, &block); end + def parse_token(token); end + def posixclass(token); end + def property(token); end + def quantifier(token); end + def range(token); end + def root; end + def root=(arg0); end + def self.parse(input, syntax = nil, &block); end + def sequence_operation(klass, token); end + def set(token); end + def switching_options; end + def switching_options=(arg0); end + def total_captured_group_count; end + def type(token); end + def update_transplanted_subtree(exp, new_parent); end + include Regexp::Expression + include Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty + include Regexp::Syntax +end +class Regexp::Token < Struct + def conditional_level; end + def conditional_level=(_); end + def length; end + def level; end + def level=(_); end + def next; end + def next=(arg0); end + def offset; end + def previous; end + def previous=(arg0); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def set_level; end + def set_level=(_); end + def te; end + def te=(_); end + def text; end + def text=(_); end + def token; end + def token=(_); end + def ts; end + def ts=(_); end + def type; end + def type=(_); end +end +class Regexp::Scanner + def append_literal(data, ts, te); end + def block; end + def block=(arg0); end + def conditional_stack; end + def conditional_stack=(arg0); end + def copy(data, range); end + def emit(type, token, text, ts, te); end + def emit_literal; end + def emit_meta_control_sequence(data, ts, te, token); end + def emit_options(text, ts, te); end + def free_spacing; end + def free_spacing=(arg0); end + def group_depth; end + def group_depth=(arg0); end + def in_group?; end + def in_set?; end + def literal; end + def literal=(arg0); end + def scan(input_object, &block); end + def self.long_prop_map; end + def self.scan(input_object, &block); end + def self.short_prop_map; end + def set_depth; end + def set_depth=(arg0); end + def spacing_stack; end + def spacing_stack=(arg0); end + def text(data, ts, te, soff = nil); end + def tokens; end + def tokens=(arg0); end + def validation_error(type, what, reason); end +end +class Regexp::Scanner::ScannerError < StandardError +end +class Regexp::Scanner::ValidationError < StandardError + def initialize(reason); end +end +class Regexp::Scanner::PrematureEndError < Regexp::Scanner::ScannerError + def initialize(where = nil); end +end +class Regexp::Scanner::InvalidSequenceError < Regexp::Scanner::ValidationError + def initialize(what = nil, where = nil); end +end +class Regexp::Scanner::InvalidGroupError < Regexp::Scanner::ValidationError + def initialize(what, reason); end +end +class Regexp::Scanner::InvalidGroupOption < Regexp::Scanner::ValidationError + def initialize(option, text); end +end +class Regexp::Scanner::InvalidBackrefError < Regexp::Scanner::ValidationError + def initialize(what, reason); end +end +class Regexp::Scanner::UnknownUnicodePropertyError < Regexp::Scanner::ValidationError + def initialize(name); end +end +module Regexp::Syntax + def comparable_version(name); end + def const_missing(const_name); end + def fallback_version_class(version); end + def inherit_from_version(parent_version, new_version); end + def new(name); end + def self.comparable_version(name); end + def self.const_missing(const_name); end + def self.fallback_version_class(version); end + def self.inherit_from_version(parent_version, new_version); end + def; end + def self.specified_versions; end + def self.supported?(name); end + def self.version_class(version); end + def self.version_const_name(version_string); end + def self.warn_if_future_version(const_name); end + def specified_versions; end + def supported?(name); end + def version_class(version); end + def version_const_name(version_string); end + def warn_if_future_version(const_name); end +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Anchor +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Assertion +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Backreference +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::SubexpressionCall +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::PosixClass +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::CharacterSet +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::CharacterType +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Conditional +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Escape +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Group +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Keep +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Meta +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Quantifier +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Category +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Literal +end +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::FreeSpace +end +class Regexp::Syntax::NotImplementedError < SyntaxError + def initialize(syntax, type, token); end +end +class Regexp::Syntax::Base + def check!(type, token); end + def check?(type, token); end + def excludes(type, tokens); end + def features; end + def implementations(type); end + def implements!(type, token); end + def implements(type, tokens); end + def implements?(type, token); end + def initialize; end + def normalize(type, token); end + def normalize_backref(type, token); end + def normalize_group(type, token); end + def self.inspect; end + include Regexp::Syntax::Token +end +class Regexp::Syntax::Any < Regexp::Syntax::Base + def implements!(type, token); end + def implements?(type, token); end + def initialize; end +end +class Regexp::Syntax::InvalidVersionNameError < SyntaxError + def initialize(name); end +end +class Regexp::Syntax::UnknownSyntaxNameError < SyntaxError + def initialize(name); end +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V1_8_6 < Regexp::Syntax::Base + def initialize; end +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V1_9_1 < Regexp::Syntax::V1_8_6 + def initialize; end +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V1_9_3 < Regexp::Syntax::V1_9_1 + def initialize; end +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V1_9 < Regexp::Syntax::V1_9_3 +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V2_0_0 < Regexp::Syntax::V1_9 + def initialize; end +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V2_1 < Regexp::Syntax::V2_0_0 +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V2_2_0 < Regexp::Syntax::V2_1 + def initialize; end +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V2_2 < Regexp::Syntax::V2_2_0 +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V2_3_0 < Regexp::Syntax::V2_2 + def initialize; end +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V2_3 < Regexp::Syntax::V2_3_0 +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V2_4_0 < Regexp::Syntax::V2_3 + def initialize; end +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V2_4_1 < Regexp::Syntax::V2_4_0 + def initialize; end +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V2_4 < Regexp::Syntax::V2_4_1 +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V2_5_0 < Regexp::Syntax::V2_4 + def initialize; end +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V2_5 < Regexp::Syntax::V2_5_0 +end +class Regexp::Syntax::V2_6_0 < Regexp::Syntax::V2_5 + def initialize; end +end +class Regexp::Syntax::SyntaxError < StandardError +end +class Regexp::Lexer + def ascend(type, token); end + def break_codepoint_list(token); end + def break_literal(token); end + def conditional_nesting; end + def conditional_nesting=(arg0); end + def descend(type, token); end + def lex(input, syntax = nil, &block); end + def merge_condition(current); end + def nesting; end + def nesting=(arg0); end + def self.lex(input, syntax = nil, &block); end + def self.scan(input, syntax = nil, &block); end + def set_nesting; end + def set_nesting=(arg0); end + def shift; end + def shift=(arg0); end + def tokens; end + def tokens=(arg0); end +end +module Regexp::Expression + def self.parsed(exp); end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Quantifier + def greedy?; end + def initialize(token, text, min, max, mode); end + def initialize_clone(orig); end + def lazy?; end + def max; end + def min; end + def mode; end + def possessive?; end + def reluctant?; end + def text; end + def to_h; end + def to_s; end + def to_str; end + def token; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Subexpression < Regexp::Expression::Base + def <<(exp); end + def [](*args, &block); end + def at(*args, &block); end + def dig(*indices); end + def each(*args, &block); end + def each_expression(include_self = nil, &block); end + def empty?(*args, &block); end + def expressions; end + def expressions=(arg0); end + def fetch(*args, &block); end + def flat_map(include_self = nil, &block); end + def index(*args, &block); end + def initialize(token, options = nil); end + def initialize_clone(orig); end + def inner_match_length; end + def join(*args, &block); end + def last(*args, &block); end + def length(*args, &block); end + def match_length; end + def strfre_tree(format = nil, include_self = nil, separator = nil); end + def strfregexp_tree(format = nil, include_self = nil, separator = nil); end + def te; end + def to_h; end + def to_s(format = nil); end + def traverse(include_self = nil, &block); end + def values_at(*args, &block); end + def walk(include_self = nil, &block); end + include Enumerable +end +class Regexp::Expression::Sequence < Regexp::Expression::Subexpression + def initialize(*args); end + def quantify(token, text, min = nil, max = nil, mode = nil); end + def self.add_to(subexpression, params = nil, active_opts = nil); end + def self.at_levels(level, set_level, conditional_level); end + def starts_at; end + def ts; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::SequenceOperation < Regexp::Expression::Subexpression + def <<(exp); end + def add_sequence(active_opts = nil); end + def operands; end + def operator; end + def sequences; end + def starts_at; end + def to_s(format = nil); end + def ts; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Alternative < Regexp::Expression::Sequence +end +class Regexp::Expression::Alternation < Regexp::Expression::SequenceOperation + def alternatives; end + def match_length; end +end +module Regexp::Expression::Anchor +end +class Regexp::Expression::Anchor::Base < Regexp::Expression::Base + def match_length; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Anchor::BeginningOfLine < Regexp::Expression::Anchor::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::Anchor::EndOfLine < Regexp::Expression::Anchor::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::Anchor::BeginningOfString < Regexp::Expression::Anchor::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::Anchor::EndOfString < Regexp::Expression::Anchor::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::Anchor::EndOfStringOrBeforeEndOfLine < Regexp::Expression::Anchor::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::Anchor::WordBoundary < Regexp::Expression::Anchor::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::Anchor::NonWordBoundary < Regexp::Expression::Anchor::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::Anchor::MatchStart < Regexp::Expression::Anchor::Base +end +module Regexp::Expression::Backreference +end +class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Base < Regexp::Expression::Base + def match_length; end + def referenced_expression; end + def referenced_expression=(arg0); end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Number < Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Base + def initialize(token, options = nil); end + def number; end + def reference; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Name < Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Base + def initialize(token, options = nil); end + def name; end + def reference; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NumberRelative < Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Number + def effective_number; end + def effective_number=(arg0); end + def reference; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NumberCall < Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Number +end +class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NameCall < Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Name +end +class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NumberCallRelative < Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NumberRelative +end +class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NumberRecursionLevel < Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Number + def initialize(token, options = nil); end + def recursion_level; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NameRecursionLevel < Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Name + def initialize(token, options = nil); end + def recursion_level; end +end +module Regexp::Expression::Conditional +end +class Regexp::Expression::Conditional::TooManyBranches < StandardError + def initialize; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Conditional::Condition < Regexp::Expression::Base + def match_length; end + def reference; end + def referenced_expression; end + def referenced_expression=(arg0); end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Conditional::Branch < Regexp::Expression::Sequence +end +class Regexp::Expression::Conditional::Expression < Regexp::Expression::Subexpression + def <<(exp); end + def add_sequence(active_opts = nil); end + def branch(active_opts = nil); end + def branches; end + def condition; end + def condition=(exp); end + def match_length; end + def reference; end + def referenced_expression; end + def referenced_expression=(arg0); end + def to_s(format = nil); end +end +module Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base < Regexp::Expression::Base + def char; end + def codepoint; end + def match_length; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Literal < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base + def char; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::AsciiEscape < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Backspace < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Bell < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::FormFeed < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Newline < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Return < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Tab < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::VerticalTab < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Hex < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Codepoint < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::CodepointList < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base + def char; end + def chars; end + def codepoint; end + def codepoints; end + def match_length; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Octal < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base + def char; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::AbstractMetaControlSequence < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base + def char; end + def control_sequence_to_s(control_sequence); end + def meta_char_to_codepoint(meta_char); end +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Control < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::AbstractMetaControlSequence + def codepoint; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Meta < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::AbstractMetaControlSequence + def codepoint; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::MetaControl < Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::AbstractMetaControlSequence + def codepoint; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::FreeSpace < Regexp::Expression::Base + def match_length; end + def quantify(token, text, min = nil, max = nil, mode = nil); end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Comment < Regexp::Expression::FreeSpace +end +class Regexp::Expression::WhiteSpace < Regexp::Expression::FreeSpace + def merge(exp); end +end +module Regexp::Expression::Group +end +class Regexp::Expression::Group::Base < Regexp::Expression::Subexpression + def capturing?; end + def comment?; end + def to_s(format = nil); end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Group::Atomic < Regexp::Expression::Group::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::Group::Passive < Regexp::Expression::Group::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::Group::Absence < Regexp::Expression::Group::Base + def match_length; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Group::Options < Regexp::Expression::Group::Base + def option_changes; end + def option_changes=(arg0); end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Group::Capture < Regexp::Expression::Group::Base + def capturing?; end + def identifier; end + def number; end + def number=(arg0); end + def number_at_level; end + def number_at_level=(arg0); end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Group::Named < Regexp::Expression::Group::Capture + def identifier; end + def initialize(token, options = nil); end + def initialize_clone(orig); end + def name; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Group::Comment < Regexp::Expression::Group::Base + def comment?; end + def to_s(_format = nil); end +end +module Regexp::Expression::Assertion +end +class Regexp::Expression::Assertion::Base < Regexp::Expression::Group::Base + def match_length; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Assertion::Lookahead < Regexp::Expression::Assertion::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::Assertion::NegativeLookahead < Regexp::Expression::Assertion::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::Assertion::Lookbehind < Regexp::Expression::Assertion::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::Assertion::NegativeLookbehind < Regexp::Expression::Assertion::Base +end +module Regexp::Expression::Keep +end +class Regexp::Expression::Keep::Mark < Regexp::Expression::Base + def match_length; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::Literal < Regexp::Expression::Base + def match_length; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::PosixClass < Regexp::Expression::Base + def match_length; end + def name; end + def negative?; end +end +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base < Regexp::Expression::Base + def match_length; end + def name; end + def negative?; end + def shortcut; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Alnum < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Alpha < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Ascii < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Blank < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Cntrl < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Digit < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Graph < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Lower < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Print < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punct < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Space < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Upper < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Word < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Xdigit < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::XPosixPunct < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Newline < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Any < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Assigned < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Any < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Cased < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Uppercase < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Lowercase < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Titlecase < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Modifier < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Other < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base +end +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Base < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Any < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Combining < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Nonspacing < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Spacing < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Enclosing < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Base +end +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Base < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Any < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Decimal < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Letter < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Other < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Base +end +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Any < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Connector < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Dash < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Open < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Close < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Initial < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Final < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Other < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base +end +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Base < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Any < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Space < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Line < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Paragraph < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Base +end +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Base < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Any < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Math < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Currency < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Modifier < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Other < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Base +end +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Base < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Any < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Control < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Format < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Surrogate < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::PrivateUse < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Unassigned < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Age < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Derived < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Emoji < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Script < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Block < Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::Root < Regexp::Expression::Subexpression + def initialize(*args); end + def = nil); end + def self.build_token; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterSet < Regexp::Expression::Subexpression + def close; end + def closed; end + def closed=(arg0); end + def closed?; end + def initialize(token, options = nil); end + def match_length; end + def negate; end + def negated?; end + def negative; end + def negative=(arg0); end + def negative?; end + def to_s(format = nil); end +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterSet::IntersectedSequence < Regexp::Expression::Sequence + def match_length; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterSet::Intersection < Regexp::Expression::SequenceOperation + def match_length; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterSet::Range < Regexp::Expression::Subexpression + def <<(exp); end + def complete?; end + def match_length; end + def starts_at; end + def to_s(_format = nil); end + def ts; end +end +module Regexp::Expression::CharacterType +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Base < Regexp::Expression::Base + def match_length; end +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Any < Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Digit < Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::NonDigit < Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Hex < Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::NonHex < Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Word < Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::NonWord < Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Space < Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::NonSpace < Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Linebreak < Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::ExtendedGrapheme < Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Base +end +class Regexp::Expression::Base + def =~(string, offset = nil); end + def a?; end + def ascii_classes?; end + def attributes; end + def case_insensitive?; end + def coded_offset; end + def conditional_level; end + def conditional_level=(arg0); end + def d?; end + def default_classes?; end + def extended?; end + def free_spacing?; end + def full_length; end + def greedy?; end + def i?; end + def ignore_case?; end + def initialize(token, options = nil); end + def initialize_clone(orig); end + def is?(test_token, test_type = nil); end + def lazy?; end + def level; end + def level=(arg0); end + def m?; end + def match(string, offset = nil); end + def match?(string); end + def matches?(string); end + def multiline?; end + def nesting_level; end + def nesting_level=(arg0); end + def offset; end + def one_of?(scope, top = nil); end + def options; end + def options=(arg0); end + def possessive?; end + def quantified?; end + def quantifier; end + def quantifier=(arg0); end + def quantifier_affix(expression_format); end + def quantify(token, text, min = nil, max = nil, mode = nil); end + def quantity; end + def reluctant?; end + def repetitions; end + def set_level; end + def set_level=(arg0); end + def starts_at; end + def strfre(format = nil, indent_offset = nil, index = nil); end + def strfregexp(format = nil, indent_offset = nil, index = nil); end + def terminal?; end + def text; end + def text=(arg0); end + def to_h; end + def to_re(format = nil); end + def to_s(format = nil); end + def token; end + def token=(arg0); end + def ts; end + def ts=(arg0); end + def type; end + def type=(arg0); end + def type?(test_type); end + def u?; end + def unicode_classes?; end + def unquantified_clone; end + def x?; end +end +class Regexp::MatchLength + def base_max; end + def base_max=(arg0); end + def base_min; end + def base_min=(arg0); end + def each(opts = nil); end + def endless_each(&block); end + def exp_class; end + def exp_class=(arg0); end + def fixed?; end + def include?(length); end + def initialize(exp, opts = nil); end + def inspect; end + def max; end + def max_rep; end + def max_rep=(arg0); end + def min; end + def min_rep; end + def min_rep=(arg0); end + def minmax; end + def reify; end + def reify=(arg0); end + def self.of(obj); end + def test_regexp; end + def to_re; end + include Enumerable +end +class Regexp::Parser::ParserError < StandardError +end +class Regexp::Parser::UnknownTokenTypeError < Regexp::Parser::ParserError + def initialize(type, token); end +end +class Regexp::Parser::UnknownTokenError < Regexp::Parser::ParserError + def initialize(type, token); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/request_store.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/request_store.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb482e3de --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/request_store.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# request_store-1.4.1 +module RequestStore + def self.[](key); end + def self.[]=(key, value); end + def; end + def self.begin!; end + def self.clear!; end + def self.delete(key, &block); end + def self.end!; end + def self.exist?(key); end + def self.fetch(key); end + def; end + def; end + def self.write(key, value); end +end +class RequestStore::Middleware + def call(env); end + def initialize(app); end +end +class RequestStore::Railtie < Rails::Railtie +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rest-client.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rest-client.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a469d7d49 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rest-client.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,443 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# rest-client-2.0.2 +module RestClient + def self.add_before_execution_proc(&proc); end + def self.before_execution_procs; end + def self.create_log(param); end + def self.delete(url, headers = nil, &block); end + def self.get(url, headers = nil, &block); end + def self.head(url, headers = nil, &block); end + def self.log; end + def self.log=(log); end + def self.options(url, headers = nil, &block); end + def self.patch(url, payload, headers = nil, &block); end + def, payload, headers = nil, &block); end + def self.proxy; end + def self.proxy=(value); end + def self.proxy_set?; end + def self.put(url, payload, headers = nil, &block); end + def self.reset_before_execution_procs; end + def self.version; end +end +module RestClient::Platform + def self.architecture; end + def self.default_user_agent; end + def self.jruby?; end + def self.mac_mri?; end + def self.ruby_agent_version; end + def; end +end +class RestClient::Exception < RuntimeError + def default_message; end + def http_body; end + def http_code; end + def http_headers; end + def initialize(response = nil, initial_response_code = nil); end + def message; end + def message=(arg0); end + def original_exception; end + def original_exception=(arg0); end + def response; end + def response=(arg0); end + def to_s; end +end +class RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse < RestClient::Exception +end +class RestClient::RequestFailed < RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse + def default_message; end + def to_s; end +end +module RestClient::Exceptions +end +class RestClient::Continue < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::SwitchingProtocols < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::Processing < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::OK < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::Created < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::Accepted < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::NonAuthoritativeInformation < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::NoContent < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::ResetContent < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::PartialContent < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::MultiStatus < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::AlreadyReported < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::IMUsed < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::MultipleChoices < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::MovedPermanently < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::Found < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::SeeOther < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::NotModified < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::UseProxy < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::SwitchProxy < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::TemporaryRedirect < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::PermanentRedirect < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::BadRequest < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::Unauthorized < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::PaymentRequired < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::Forbidden < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::NotFound < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::MethodNotAllowed < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::NotAcceptable < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::ProxyAuthenticationRequired < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::RequestTimeout < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::Conflict < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::Gone < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::LengthRequired < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::PreconditionFailed < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::PayloadTooLarge < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::URITooLong < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::UnsupportedMediaType < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::RangeNotSatisfiable < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::ExpectationFailed < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::ImATeapot < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::TooManyConnectionsFromThisIP < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::UnprocessableEntity < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::Locked < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::FailedDependency < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::UnorderedCollection < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::UpgradeRequired < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::PreconditionRequired < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::TooManyRequests < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::RetryWith < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::BlockedByWindowsParentalControls < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::InternalServerError < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::NotImplemented < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::BadGateway < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::ServiceUnavailable < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::GatewayTimeout < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::HTTPVersionNotSupported < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::VariantAlsoNegotiates < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::InsufficientStorage < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::LoopDetected < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::BandwidthLimitExceeded < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::NotExtended < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::NetworkAuthenticationRequired < RestClient::RequestFailed + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::Exceptions::Timeout < RestClient::RequestTimeout + def initialize(message = nil, original_exception = nil); end +end +class RestClient::Exceptions::OpenTimeout < RestClient::Exceptions::Timeout + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::Exceptions::ReadTimeout < RestClient::Exceptions::Timeout + def default_message; end +end +class RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection < RestClient::Exception + def initialize(message = nil); end +end +class RestClient::SSLCertificateNotVerified < RestClient::Exception + def initialize(message = nil); end +end +module RestClient::Utils + def self._cgi_parseparam(s); end + def self.cgi_parse_header(line); end + def self.encode_query_string(object); end + def self.escape(string); end + def self.flatten_params(object, uri_escape = nil, parent_key = nil); end + def self.get_encoding_from_headers(headers); end +end +class RestClient::Request + def args; end + def cookie_jar; end + def cookies; end + def default_headers; end + def execute(&block); end + def fetch_body(http_response); end + def headers; end + def initialize(args); end + def inspect; end + def log_request; end + def log_response(res); end + def make_cookie_header; end + def make_headers(user_headers); end + def max_redirects; end + def maybe_convert_extension(ext); end + def method; end + def net_http_do_request(http, req, body = nil, &block); end + def net_http_object(hostname, port); end + def net_http_request_class(method); end + def normalize_method(method); end + def normalize_url(url); end + def open_timeout; end + def parse_url_with_auth!(url); end + def parser; end + def password; end + def payload; end + def print_verify_callback_warnings; end + def process_cookie_args!(uri, headers, args); end + def process_result(res, &block); end + def process_url_params(url, headers); end + def processed_headers; end + def proxy; end + def proxy_uri; end + def raw_response; end + def read_timeout; end + def redacted_uri; end + def redacted_url; end + def redirection_history; end + def redirection_history=(arg0); end + def self.decode(content_encoding, body); end + def self.default_ssl_cert_store; end + def self.execute(args, &block); end + def setup_credentials(req); end + def ssl_ca_file; end + def ssl_ca_path; end + def ssl_cert_store; end + def ssl_ciphers; end + def ssl_client_cert; end + def ssl_client_key; end + def ssl_opts; end + def ssl_verify_callback; end + def ssl_verify_callback_warnings; end + def ssl_version; end + def stringify_headers(headers); end + def transmit(uri, req, payload, &block); end + def uri; end + def url; end + def use_ssl?; end + def user; end + def verify_ssl; end +end +module RestClient::AbstractResponse + def _follow_redirection(new_args, &block); end + def check_max_redirects; end + def code; end + def cookie_jar; end + def cookies; end + def description; end + def exception_with_response; end + def follow_get_redirection(&block); end + def follow_redirection(&block); end + def headers; end + def history; end + def inspect; end + def net_http_res; end + def raw_headers; end + def request; end + def response_set_vars(net_http_res, request); end + def return!(&block); end + def self.beautify_headers(headers); end + def to_i; end +end +class RestClient::Response < String + def body; end + def body_truncated(length); end + def inspect; end + def self.create(body, net_http_res, request); end + def self.fix_encoding(response); end + def to_s; end + def to_str; end + include RestClient::AbstractResponse +end +class RestClient::RawResponse + def file; end + def initialize(tempfile, net_http_res, request); end + def inspect; end + def request; end + def size; end + def to_s; end + include RestClient::AbstractResponse +end +class RestClient::Resource + def [](suburl, &new_block); end + def block; end + def concat_urls(url, suburl); end + def delete(additional_headers = nil, &block); end + def get(additional_headers = nil, &block); end + def head(additional_headers = nil, &block); end + def headers; end + def initialize(url, options = nil, backwards_compatibility = nil, &block); end + def open_timeout; end + def options; end + def password; end + def patch(payload, additional_headers = nil, &block); end + def post(payload, additional_headers = nil, &block); end + def put(payload, additional_headers = nil, &block); end + def read_timeout; end + def to_s; end + def url; end + def user; end +end +class RestClient::ParamsArray + def each(*args, &blk); end + def empty?; end + def initialize(array); end + def process_input(array); end + def process_pair(pair); end + include Enumerable +end +module RestClient::Payload + def _has_file?(obj); end + def generate(params); end + def has_file?(params); end + extend RestClient::Payload +end +class RestClient::Payload::Base + def build_stream(params); end + def close; end + def headers; end + def initialize(params); end + def length; end + def read(*args); end + def short_inspect; end + def size; end + def to_s; end + def to_s_inspect; end +end +class RestClient::Payload::Streamed < RestClient::Payload::Base + def build_stream(params = nil); end + def length; end + def size; end +end +class RestClient::Payload::UrlEncoded < RestClient::Payload::Base + def build_stream(params = nil); end + def headers; end +end +class RestClient::Payload::Multipart < RestClient::Payload::Base + def boundary; end + def build_stream(params); end + def close; end + def create_file_field(s, k, v); end + def create_regular_field(s, k, v); end + def handle_key(key); end + def headers; end + def mime_for(path); end +end +module RestClient::Windows +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-core.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-core.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..159cadb4d --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-core.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,1688 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# rspec-core-3.8.0 +module RSpec + def self.clear_examples; end + def self.configuration; end + def self.configuration=(arg0); end + def self.configure; end + def self.const_missing(name); end + def self.context(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.current_example; end + def self.current_example=(example); end + def self.describe(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.example_group(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.fcontext(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.fdescribe(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.reset; end + def self.shared_context(name, *args, &block); end + def self.shared_examples(name, *args, &block); end + def self.shared_examples_for(name, *args, &block); end + def; end + def; end + def self.xcontext(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.xdescribe(*args, &example_group_block); end + extend RSpec::Core::Warnings +end +module RSpec::Core + def self.path_to_executable; end +end +module RSpec::Core::Version +end +module RSpec::Core::Warnings + def deprecate(deprecated, data = nil); end + def warn_deprecation(message, opts = nil); end + def warn_with(message, options = nil); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Set + def <<(key); end + def clear; end + def delete(key); end + def each(&block); end + def empty?; end + def include?(key); end + def initialize(array = nil); end + def merge(values); end + include Enumerable +end +module RSpec::Core::FlatMap + def flat_map(array, &block); end + def self.flat_map(array, &block); end +end +class RSpec::Core::FilterManager + def add_ids(rerun_path, scoped_ids); end + def add_location(file_path, line_numbers); end + def add_path_to_arrays_filter(filter_key, path, values); end + def empty?; end + def exclude(*args); end + def exclude_only(*args); end + def exclude_with_low_priority(*args); end + def exclusions; end + def file_scoped_include?(ex_metadata, ids, locations); end + def include(*args); end + def include_only(*args); end + def include_with_low_priority(*args); end + def inclusions; end + def initialize; end + def prune(examples); end + def prune_conditionally_filtered_examples(examples); end +end +class RSpec::Core::FilterRules + def [](key); end + def add(updated); end + def add_with_low_priority(updated); end + def clear; end + def delete(key); end + def description; end + def each_pair(&block); end + def empty?; end + def fetch(*args, &block); end + def include_example?(example); end + def initialize(rules = nil); end + def opposite; end + def opposite=(arg0); end + def rules; end + def; end + def use_only(updated); end +end +class RSpec::Core::InclusionRules < RSpec::Core::FilterRules + def add(*args); end + def add_with_low_priority(*args); end + def apply_standalone_filter(updated); end + def include_example?(example); end + def is_standalone_filter?(rules); end + def replace_filters(new_rules); end + def split_file_scoped_rules; end + def standalone?; end +end +module RSpec::Core::DSL + def self.change_global_dsl(&changes); end + def self.example_group_aliases; end + def self.expose_example_group_alias(name); end + def self.expose_example_group_alias_globally(method_name); end + def self.expose_globally!; end + def self.exposed_globally?; end + def self.remove_globally!; end + def self.top_level; end + def self.top_level=(arg0); end +end +module RSpec::Core::Formatters + def self.register(formatter_class, *notifications); end +end +module RSpec::Core::Formatters::ConsoleCodes + def config_colors_to_methods; end + def console_code_for(code_or_symbol); end + def self.config_colors_to_methods; end + def self.console_code_for(code_or_symbol); end + def self.wrap(text, code_or_symbol); end + def wrap(text, code_or_symbol); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::SnippetExtractor + def beginning_line_number; end + def expression_lines; end + def expression_node; end + def expression_outmost_node?(node); end + def initialize(source, beginning_line_number, max_line_count = nil); end + def line_range_of_expression; end + def line_range_of_location_nodes_in_expression; end + def location_nodes_at_beginning_line; end + def max_line_count; end + def self.extract_expression_lines_at(file_path, beginning_line_number, max_line_count = nil); end + def self.extract_line_at(file_path, line_number); end + def self.least_indentation_from(lines); end + def self.source_from_file(path); end + def source; end + def unclosed_tokens_in_line_range(line_range); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::SnippetExtractor::NoSuchFileError < StandardError +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::SnippetExtractor::NoSuchLineError < StandardError +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::SnippetExtractor::NoExpressionAtLineError < StandardError +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::SyntaxHighlighter + def color_enabled_implementation; end + def highlight(lines); end + def implementation; end + def initialize(configuration); end + def self.attempt_to_add_rspec_terms_to_coderay_keywords; end +end +module RSpec::Core::Formatters::SyntaxHighlighter::CodeRayImplementation + def self.highlight_syntax(lines); end +end +module RSpec::Core::Formatters::SyntaxHighlighter::NoSyntaxHighlightingImplementation + def self.highlight_syntax(lines); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter + def add_shared_group_lines(lines, colorizer); end + def backtrace_formatter; end + def colorized_formatted_backtrace(colorizer = nil); end + def colorized_message_lines(colorizer = nil); end + def description; end + def detail_formatter; end + def encoded_string(string); end + def encoding_of(string); end + def example; end + def exception; end + def exception_backtrace; end + def exception_class_name(exception = nil); end + def exception_lines; end + def extra_detail_formatter; end + def extra_failure_lines; end + def failure_lines; end + def failure_slash_error_lines; end + def final_exception(exception, previous = nil); end + def find_failed_line; end + def formatted_backtrace(exception = nil); end + def formatted_cause(exception); end + def formatted_message_and_backtrace(colorizer); end + def fully_formatted(failure_number, colorizer = nil); end + def fully_formatted_lines(failure_number, colorizer); end + def indent_lines(lines, failure_number); end + def initialize(exception, example, options = nil); end + def message_color; end + def message_lines; end + def read_failed_lines; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter::Factory + def build; end + def initialize(example); end + def multiple_exception_summarizer(exception, prior_detail_formatter, color); end + def multiple_exceptions_error?(exception); end + def options; end + def pending_options; end + def sub_failure_list_formatter(exception, message_color); end + def with_multiple_error_options_as_needed(exception, options); end +end +module RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter::Factory::EmptyBacktraceFormatter + def self.format_backtrace(*arg0); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter::Factory::CommonBacktraceTruncater + def initialize(parent); end + def with_truncated_backtrace(child); end +end +class RSpec::Core::MultipleExceptionError < StandardError + def aggregation_block_label; end + def aggregation_metadata; end + def all_exceptions; end + def exception_count_description; end + def failures; end + def initialize(*exceptions); end + def message; end + def other_errors; end + def summary; end + include RSpec::Core::MultipleExceptionError::InterfaceTag +end +module RSpec::Core::MultipleExceptionError::InterfaceTag + def add(exception); end + def self.for(ex); end +end +module RSpec::Core::ShellEscape + def conditionally_quote(id); end + def escape(shell_command); end + def quote(argument); end + def self.conditionally_quote(id); end + def self.escape(shell_command); end + def self.quote(argument); end + def self.shell_allows_unquoted_ids?; end + def shell_allows_unquoted_ids?; end +end +module RSpec::Core::Formatters::Helpers + def self.format_duration(duration); end + def self.format_seconds(float, precision = nil); end + def self.organize_ids(ids); end + def self.pluralize(count, string); end + def self.strip_trailing_zeroes(string); end +end +module RSpec::Core::Notifications +end +module RSpec::Core::Notifications::NullColorizer + def self.wrap(line, _code_or_symbol); end + def wrap(line, _code_or_symbol); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::StartNotification < Struct + def count; end + def count=(_); end + def load_time; end + def load_time=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::ExampleNotification < Struct + def example; end + def example=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.for(example); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::ExamplesNotification + def examples; end + def failed_examples; end + def failure_notifications; end + def format_examples(examples); end + def fully_formatted_failed_examples(colorizer = nil); end + def fully_formatted_pending_examples(colorizer = nil); end + def initialize(reporter); end + def notifications; end + def pending_examples; end + def pending_notifications; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::FailedExampleNotification < RSpec::Core::Notifications::ExampleNotification + def colorized_formatted_backtrace(colorizer = nil); end + def colorized_message_lines(colorizer = nil); end + def description; end + def exception; end + def formatted_backtrace; end + def fully_formatted(failure_number, colorizer = nil); end + def fully_formatted_lines(failure_number, colorizer = nil); end + def initialize(example, exception_presenter = nil); end + def message_lines; end + def*arg0); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::PendingExampleFixedNotification < RSpec::Core::Notifications::FailedExampleNotification +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::PendingExampleFailedAsExpectedNotification < RSpec::Core::Notifications::FailedExampleNotification +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::SkippedExampleNotification < RSpec::Core::Notifications::ExampleNotification + def fully_formatted(pending_number, colorizer = nil); end + def*arg0); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::GroupNotification < Struct + def group; end + def group=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::MessageNotification < Struct + def message; end + def message=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::SeedNotification < Struct + def fully_formatted; end + def seed; end + def seed=(_); end + def seed_used?; end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def used; end + def used=(_); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::SummaryNotification < Struct + def colorized_rerun_commands(colorizer = nil); end + def colorized_totals_line(colorizer = nil); end + def duplicate_rerun_locations; end + def duration; end + def duration=(_); end + def errors_outside_of_examples_count; end + def errors_outside_of_examples_count=(_); end + def example_count; end + def examples; end + def examples=(_); end + def failed_examples; end + def failed_examples=(_); end + def failure_count; end + def formatted_duration; end + def formatted_load_time; end + def fully_formatted(colorizer = nil); end + def load_time; end + def load_time=(_); end + def pending_count; end + def pending_examples; end + def pending_examples=(_); end + def rerun_argument_for(example); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def totals_line; end + include RSpec::Core::ShellEscape +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::ProfileNotification + def calculate_slowest_groups; end + def duration; end + def examples; end + def initialize(duration, examples, number_of_examples, example_groups); end + def number_of_examples; end + def percentage; end + def slow_duration; end + def slowest_examples; end + def slowest_groups; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::DeprecationNotification < Struct + def call_site; end + def call_site=(_); end + def deprecated; end + def deprecated=(_); end + def message; end + def message=(_); end + def replacement; end + def replacement=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.from_hash(data); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::NullNotification +end +class RSpec::Core::Notifications::CustomNotification < Struct + def self.for(options = nil); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Reporter + def abort_with(msg, exit_status); end + def close; end + def close_after; end + def deprecation(hash); end + def ensure_listeners_ready; end + def example_failed(example); end + def example_finished(example); end + def example_group_finished(group); end + def example_group_started(group); end + def example_passed(example); end + def example_pending(example); end + def example_started(example); end + def examples; end + def fail_fast_limit_met?; end + def failed_examples; end + def finish; end + def initialize(configuration); end + def message(message); end + def mute_profile_output?; end + def notify(event, notification); end + def notify_non_example_exception(exception, context_description); end + def pending_examples; end + def prepare_default(loader, output_stream, deprecation_stream); end + def publish(event, options = nil); end + def register_listener(listener, *notifications); end + def registered_listeners(notification); end + def report(expected_example_count); end + def seed_used?; end + def start(expected_example_count, time = nil); end + def stop; end +end +class RSpec::Core::NullReporter + def self.method_missing(*arg0); end +end +module RSpec::Core::Hooks + def after(*args, &block); end + def append_after(*args, &block); end + def append_before(*args, &block); end + def around(*args, &block); end + def before(*args, &block); end + def hooks; end + def prepend_after(*args, &block); end + def prepend_before(*args, &block); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Hooks::Hook < Struct + def block; end + def block=(_); end + def options; end + def options=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Hooks::BeforeHook < RSpec::Core::Hooks::Hook + def run(example); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Hooks::AfterHook < RSpec::Core::Hooks::Hook + def run(example); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Hooks::AfterContextHook < RSpec::Core::Hooks::Hook + def run(example); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Hooks::AroundHook < RSpec::Core::Hooks::Hook + def execute_with(example, procsy); end + def hook_description; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Hooks::HookCollections + def all_hooks_for(position, scope); end + def ensure_hooks_initialized_for(position, scope); end + def extract_scope_from(args); end + def hooks_for(position, scope); end + def initialize(owner, filterable_item_repo_class); end + def known_scope?(scope); end + def matching_hooks_for(position, scope, example_or_group); end + def normalized_scope_for(scope); end + def owner_parent_groups; end + def process(host, parent_groups, globals, position, scope); end + def processable_hooks_for(position, scope, host); end + def register(prepend_or_append, position, *args, &block); end + def register_global_singleton_context_hooks(example, globals); end + def register_globals(host, globals); end + def run(position, scope, example_or_group); end + def run_around_example_hooks_for(example); end + def run_example_hooks_for(example, position, each_method); end + def run_owned_hooks_for(position, scope, example_or_group); end + def scope_and_options_from(*args); end +end +module RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers + def __init_memoized; end + def __memoized; end + def initialize(*arg0); end + def is_expected; end + def self.define_helpers_on(example_group); end + def self.get_constant_or_yield(example_group, name); end + def self.module_for(example_group); end + def should(matcher = nil, message = nil); end + def should_not(matcher = nil, message = nil); end + def subject; end +end +class RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers::ThreadsafeMemoized + def fetch_or_store(key); end + def initialize; end +end +class RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers::NonThreadSafeMemoized + def fetch_or_store(key); end + def initialize; end +end +class RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers::ContextHookMemoized + def self.fetch_or_store(key, &_block); end + def self.isolate_for_context_hook(example_group_instance); end +end +class RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers::ContextHookMemoized::Before < RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers::ContextHookMemoized + def self.article; end + def self.hook_expression; end + def self.hook_intention; end +end +class RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers::ContextHookMemoized::After < RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers::ContextHookMemoized + def self.article; end + def self.hook_expression; end + def self.hook_intention; end +end +module RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers::ClassMethods + def let!(name, &block); end + def let(name, &block); end + def subject!(name = nil, &block); end + def subject(name = nil, &block); end +end +module RSpec::Core::Metadata + def self.ascend(metadata); end + def self.ascending(metadata); end + def self.build_hash_from(args, warn_about_example_group_filtering = nil); end + def self.deep_hash_dup(object); end + def self.id_from(metadata); end + def self.location_tuple_from(metadata); end + def self.relative_path(line); end + def self.relative_path_regex; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Metadata::HashPopulator + def block; end + def build_description_from(parent_description = nil, my_description = nil); end + def build_scoped_id_for(file_path); end + def description_args; end + def description_separator(parent_part, child_part); end + def ensure_valid_user_keys; end + def file_path_and_line_number_from(backtrace); end + def initialize(metadata, user_metadata, index_provider, description_args, block); end + def metadata; end + def populate; end + def populate_location_attributes; end + def user_metadata; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Metadata::ExampleHash < RSpec::Core::Metadata::HashPopulator + def described_class; end + def full_description; end + def self.create(group_metadata, user_metadata, index_provider, description, block); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Metadata::ExampleGroupHash < RSpec::Core::Metadata::HashPopulator + def described_class; end + def full_description; end + def self.backwards_compatibility_default_proc(&example_group_selector); end + def self.create(parent_group_metadata, user_metadata, example_group_index, *args, &block); end + def self.hash_with_backwards_compatibility_default_proc; end +end +module RSpec::Core::HashImitatable + def <(*args, &block); end + def <=(*args, &block); end + def >(*args, &block); end + def >=(*args, &block); end + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def all?(*args, &block); end + def any?(*args, &block); end + def assert_valid_keys(*args, &block); end + def assoc(*args, &block); end + def chain(*args, &block); end + def chunk(*args, &block); end + def chunk_while(*args, &block); end + def clear(*args, &block); end + def collect(*args, &block); end + def collect_concat(*args, &block); end + def compact!(*args, &block); end + def compact(*args, &block); end + def compare_by_identity(*args, &block); end + def compare_by_identity?(*args, &block); end + def count(*args, &block); end + def cycle(*args, &block); end + def deep_merge!(*args, &block); end + def deep_merge(*args, &block); end + def deep_stringify_keys!(*args, &block); end + def deep_stringify_keys(*args, &block); end + def deep_symbolize_keys!(*args, &block); end + def deep_symbolize_keys(*args, &block); end + def deep_transform_keys!(*args, &block); end + def deep_transform_keys(*args, &block); end + def default(*args, &block); end + def default=(*args, &block); end + def default_proc(*args, &block); end + def default_proc=(*args, &block); end + def delete(*args, &block); end + def delete_if(*args, &block); end + def detect(*args, &block); end + def dig(*args, &block); end + def directly_supports_attribute?(name); end + def drop(*args, &block); end + def drop_while(*args, &block); end + def each(*args, &block); end + def each_cons(*args, &block); end + def each_entry(*args, &block); end + def each_key(*args, &block); end + def each_pair(*args, &block); end + def each_slice(*args, &block); end + def each_value(*args, &block); end + def each_with_index(*args, &block); end + def each_with_object(*args, &block); end + def empty?(*args, &block); end + def entries(*args, &block); end + def except!(*args, &block); end + def except(*args, &block); end + def exclude?(*args, &block); end + def extra_hash_attributes; end + def extract!(*args, &block); end + def extractable_options?(*args, &block); end + def fetch(*args, &block); end + def fetch_values(*args, &block); end + def filter!(*args, &block); end + def filter(*args, &block); end + def find(*args, &block); end + def find_all(*args, &block); end + def find_index(*args, &block); end + def first(*args, &block); end + def flat_map(*args, &block); end + def flatten(*args, &block); end + def get_value(name); end + def grep(*args, &block); end + def grep_v(*args, &block); end + def group_by(*args, &block); end + def has_key?(*args, &block); end + def has_value?(*args, &block); end + def hash_for_delegation; end + def include?(*args, &block); end + def index(*args, &block); end + def index_by(*args, &block); end + def inject(*args, &block); end + def invert(*args, &block); end + def issue_deprecation(_method_name, *_args); end + def keep_if(*args, &block); end + def key(*args, &block); end + def key?(*args, &block); end + def keys(*args, &block); end + def lazy(*args, &block); end + def length(*args, &block); end + def many?(*args, &block); end + def map(*args, &block); end + def max(*args, &block); end + def max_by(*args, &block); end + def member?(*args, &block); end + def merge!(*args, &block); end + def merge(*args, &block); end + def min(*args, &block); end + def min_by(*args, &block); end + def minmax(*args, &block); end + def minmax_by(*args, &block); end + def nested_under_indifferent_access(*args, &block); end + def none?(*args, &block); end + def one?(*args, &block); end + def partition(*args, &block); end + def pluck(*args, &block); end + def rassoc(*args, &block); end + def reduce(*args, &block); end + def rehash(*args, &block); end + def reject!(*args, &block); end + def reject(*args, &block); end + def replace(*args, &block); end + def reverse_each(*args, &block); end + def reverse_merge!(*args, &block); end + def reverse_merge(*args, &block); end + def reverse_update(*args, &block); end + def select!(*args, &block); end + def select(*args, &block); end + def self.included(klass); end + def set_value(name, value); end + def shift(*args, &block); end + def size(*args, &block); end + def slice!(*args, &block); end + def slice(*args, &block); end + def slice_after(*args, &block); end + def slice_before(*args, &block); end + def slice_when(*args, &block); end + def sort(*args, &block); end + def sort_by(*args, &block); end + def store(*args, &block); end + def stringify_keys!(*args, &block); end + def stringify_keys(*args, &block); end + def sum(*args, &block); end + def symbolize_keys!(*args, &block); end + def symbolize_keys(*args, &block); end + def take(*args, &block); end + def take_while(*args, &block); end + def to_a(*args, &block); end + def to_h; end + def to_hash(*args, &block); end + def to_options!(*args, &block); end + def to_options(*args, &block); end + def to_proc(*args, &block); end + def to_set(*args, &block); end + def to_xml(*args, &block); end + def transform_keys!(*args, &block); end + def transform_keys(*args, &block); end + def transform_values!(*args, &block); end + def transform_values(*args, &block); end + def uniq(*args, &block); end + def update(*args, &block); end + def value?(*args, &block); end + def values(*args, &block); end + def values_at(*args, &block); end + def with_defaults!(*args, &block); end + def with_defaults(*args, &block); end + def with_indifferent_access(*args, &block); end + def without(*args, &block); end + def zip(*args, &block); end +end +module RSpec::Core::HashImitatable::ClassMethods + def attr_accessor(*names); end + def hash_attribute_names; end +end +class RSpec::Core::LegacyExampleGroupHash + def directly_supports_attribute?(name); end + def get_value(name); end + def initialize(metadata); end + def set_value(name, value); end + def to_h; end + extend RSpec::Core::HashImitatable::ClassMethods + include RSpec::Core::HashImitatable +end +module RSpec::Core::MetadataFilter + def self.apply?(predicate, filters, metadata); end + def self.filter_applies?(key, filter_value, metadata); end + def self.filter_applies_to_any_value?(key, value, metadata); end + def self.filters_apply?(key, value, metadata); end + def self.id_filter_applies?(rerun_paths_to_scoped_ids, metadata); end + def self.location_filter_applies?(locations, metadata); end + def self.proc_filter_applies?(key, proc, metadata); end + def self.silence_metadata_example_group_deprecations; end +end +module RSpec::Core::FilterableItemRepository +end +class RSpec::Core::FilterableItemRepository::UpdateOptimized + def append(item, metadata); end + def delete(item, metadata); end + def initialize(applies_predicate); end + def items_and_filters; end + def items_for(request_meta); end + def prepend(item, metadata); end +end +class RSpec::Core::FilterableItemRepository::QueryOptimized < RSpec::Core::FilterableItemRepository::UpdateOptimized + def append(item, metadata); end + def applicable_metadata_from(metadata); end + def delete(item, metadata); end + def find_items_for(request_meta); end + def handle_mutation(metadata); end + def initialize(applies_predicate); end + def items_for(metadata); end + def prepend(item, metadata); end + def proc_keys_from(metadata); end + def reconstruct_caches; end +end +module RSpec::Core::Pending + def pending(message = nil); end + def self.mark_fixed!(example); end + def self.mark_pending!(example, message_or_bool); end + def self.mark_skipped!(example, message_or_bool); end + def skip(message = nil); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Pending::SkipDeclaredInExample < StandardError + def argument; end + def initialize(argument); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Pending::PendingExampleFixedError < StandardError +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::Loader + def add(formatter_to_use, *paths); end + def built_in_formatter(key); end + def custom_formatter(formatter_ref); end + def default_formatter; end + def default_formatter=(arg0); end + def duplicate_formatter_exists?(new_formatter); end + def existing_formatter_implements?(notification); end + def find_formatter(formatter_to_use); end + def formatters; end + def initialize(reporter); end + def notifications_for(formatter_class); end + def open_stream(path_or_wrapper); end + def path_for(const_ref); end + def prepare_default(output_stream, deprecation_stream); end + def register(formatter, notifications); end + def reporter; end + def self.formatters; end + def setup_default(output_stream, deprecation_stream); end + def string_const?(str); end + def underscore(camel_cased_word); end + def underscore_with_fix_for_non_standard_rspec_naming(string); end +end +module RSpec::Core::Ordering +end +class RSpec::Core::Ordering::Identity + def order(items); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Ordering::Random + def initialize(configuration); end + def jenkins_hash_digest(string); end + def order(items); end + def used?; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Ordering::Custom + def initialize(callable); end + def order(list); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Ordering::Registry + def fetch(name, &fallback); end + def initialize(configuration); end + def register(sym, strategy); end + def used_random_seed?; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Ordering::ConfigurationManager + def force(hash); end + def initialize; end + def order=(type); end + def ordering_registry; end + def register_ordering(name, strategy = nil); end + def seed; end + def seed=(seed); end + def seed_used?; end +end +class RSpec::Core::World + def all_example_groups; end + def all_examples; end + def announce_exclusion_filter(announcements); end + def announce_filters; end + def announce_inclusion_filter(announcements); end + def descending_declaration_line_numbers_by_file; end + def everything_filtered_message; end + def example_count(groups = nil); end + def example_groups; end + def exclusion_filter; end + def fail_if_config_and_cli_options_invalid; end + def filter_manager; end + def filtered_examples; end + def inclusion_filter; end + def initialize(configuration = nil); end + def non_example_failure; end + def non_example_failure=(arg0); end + def num_example_groups_defined_in(file); end + def ordered_example_groups; end + def preceding_declaration_line(absolute_file_name, filter_line); end + def prepare_example_filtering; end + def record(example_group); end + def registered_example_group_files; end + def report_filter_message(message); end + def reporter; end + def reset; end + def shared_example_group_registry; end + def source_from_file(path); end + def syntax_highlighter; end + def traverse_example_group_trees_until(&block); end + def wants_to_quit; end + def wants_to_quit=(arg0); end +end +module RSpec::Core::World::Null + def self.all_example_groups; end + def self.example_groups; end + def self.non_example_failure; end + def self.non_example_failure=(_); end + def self.registered_example_group_files; end + def self.traverse_example_group_trees_until; end +end +class RSpec::Core::BacktraceFormatter + def backtrace_line(line); end + def exclude?(line); end + def exclusion_patterns; end + def exclusion_patterns=(arg0); end + def filter_gem(gem_name); end + def format_backtrace(backtrace, options = nil); end + def full_backtrace=(arg0); end + def full_backtrace?; end + def inclusion_patterns; end + def inclusion_patterns=(arg0); end + def initialize; end + def matches?(patterns, line); end +end +module RSpec::Core::RubyProject + def add_dir_to_load_path(dir); end + def add_to_load_path(*dirs); end + def ascend_until; end + def determine_root; end + def find_first_parent_containing(dir); end + def root; end + def self.add_dir_to_load_path(dir); end + def self.add_to_load_path(*dirs); end + def self.ascend_until; end + def self.determine_root; end + def self.find_first_parent_containing(dir); end + def self.root; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::DeprecationFormatter + def count; end + def deprecation(notification); end + def deprecation_message_for(data); end + def deprecation_stream; end + def deprecation_summary(_notification); end + def initialize(deprecation_stream, summary_stream); end + def output; end + def printer; end + def summary_stream; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::DeprecationFormatter::SpecifiedDeprecationMessage < Struct + def deprecation_type_for(data); end + def initialize(data); end + def output_formatted(str); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def to_s; end + def too_many_warnings_message; end + def type; end + def type=(_); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::DeprecationFormatter::GeneratedDeprecationMessage < Struct + def initialize(data); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def to_s; end + def too_many_warnings_message; end + def type; end + def type=(_); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::DeprecationFormatter::ImmediatePrinter + def deprecation_formatter; end + def deprecation_stream; end + def deprecation_summary; end + def initialize(deprecation_stream, summary_stream, deprecation_formatter); end + def print_deprecation_message(data); end + def summary_stream; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::DeprecationFormatter::DelayedPrinter + def deprecation_formatter; end + def deprecation_stream; end + def deprecation_summary; end + def initialize(deprecation_stream, summary_stream, deprecation_formatter); end + def print_deferred_deprecation_warnings; end + def print_deprecation_message(data); end + def stash_deprecation_message(deprecation_message); end + def summary_stream; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::DeprecationFormatter::RaiseErrorStream + def puts(message); end + def summarize(summary_stream, deprecation_count); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::DeprecationFormatter::FileStream + def initialize(file); end + def puts(*args); end + def summarize(summary_stream, deprecation_count); end +end +class RSpec::Core::DeprecationError < StandardError +end +class RSpec::Core::OutputWrapper + def <<(*args, &block); end + def advise(*args, &block); end + def as_json(*args, &block); end + def autoclose=(*args, &block); end + def autoclose?(*args, &block); end + def binmode(*args, &block); end + def binmode?(*args, &block); end + def bytes(*args, &block); end + def chars(*args, &block); end + def close(*args, &block); end + def close_on_exec=(*args, &block); end + def close_on_exec?(*args, &block); end + def close_read(*args, &block); end + def close_write(*args, &block); end + def closed?(*args, &block); end + def codepoints(*args, &block); end + def each(*args, &block); end + def each_byte(*args, &block); end + def each_char(*args, &block); end + def each_codepoint(*args, &block); end + def each_line(*args, &block); end + def eof(*args, &block); end + def eof?(*args, &block); end + def external_encoding(*args, &block); end + def fcntl(*args, &block); end + def fdatasync(*args, &block); end + def fileno(*args, &block); end + def flush(*args, &block); end + def fsync(*args, &block); end + def getbyte(*args, &block); end + def getc(*args, &block); end + def gets(*args, &block); end + def initialize(output); end + def inspect(*args, &block); end + def internal_encoding(*args, &block); end + def ioctl(*args, &block); end + def isatty(*args, &block); end + def lineno(*args, &block); end + def lineno=(*args, &block); end + def lines(*args, &block); end + def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end + def nonblock(*args, &block); end + def nonblock=(*args, &block); end + def nonblock?(*args, &block); end + def nread(*args, &block); end + def output; end + def output=(arg0); end + def pathconf(*args, &block); end + def pid(*args, &block); end + def pos(*args, &block); end + def pos=(*args, &block); end + def pread(*args, &block); end + def print(*args, &block); end + def printf(*args, &block); end + def putc(*args, &block); end + def puts(*args, &block); end + def pwrite(*args, &block); end + def read(*args, &block); end + def read_nonblock(*args, &block); end + def readbyte(*args, &block); end + def readchar(*args, &block); end + def readline(*args, &block); end + def readlines(*args, &block); end + def readpartial(*args, &block); end + def ready?(*args, &block); end + def reopen(*args, &block); end + def respond_to?(name, priv = nil); end + def rewind(*args, &block); end + def seek(*args, &block); end + def set_encoding(*args, &block); end + def stat(*args, &block); end + def sync(*args, &block); end + def sync=(*args, &block); end + def sysread(*args, &block); end + def sysseek(*args, &block); end + def syswrite(*args, &block); end + def tell(*args, &block); end + def to_i(*args, &block); end + def to_io(*args, &block); end + def tty?(*args, &block); end + def ungetbyte(*args, &block); end + def ungetc(*args, &block); end + def wait(*args, &block); end + def wait_readable(*args, &block); end + def wait_writable(*args, &block); end + def write(*args, &block); end + def write_nonblock(*args, &block); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Configuration + def absolute_pattern?(pattern); end + def add_formatter(formatter, output = nil); end + def add_hook_to_existing_matching_groups(meta, scope, &block); end + def add_setting(name, opts = nil); end + def after(scope = nil, *meta, &block); end + def alias_example_group_to(new_name, *args); end + def alias_example_to(name, *args); end + def alias_it_behaves_like_to(new_name, report_label = nil); end + def alias_it_should_behave_like_to(new_name, report_label = nil); end + def append_after(scope = nil, *meta, &block); end + def append_before(scope = nil, *meta, &block); end + def apply_derived_metadata_to(metadata); end + def around(scope = nil, *meta, &block); end + def assert_no_example_groups_defined(config_option); end + def backtrace_exclusion_patterns; end + def backtrace_exclusion_patterns=(patterns); end + def backtrace_formatter; end + def backtrace_inclusion_patterns; end + def backtrace_inclusion_patterns=(patterns); end + def before(scope = nil, *meta, &block); end + def bisect_runner; end + def bisect_runner=(value); end + def bisect_runner_class; end + def clear_values_derived_from_example_status_persistence_file_path; end + def color; end + def color=(arg0); end + def color_enabled?(output = nil); end + def color_mode; end + def color_mode=(arg0); end + def command; end + def conditionally_disable_expectations_monkey_patching; end + def conditionally_disable_mocks_monkey_patching; end + def configure_example(example, example_hooks); end + def configure_expectation_framework; end + def configure_group(group); end + def configure_group_with(group, module_list, application_method); end + def configure_mock_framework; end + def default_color; end + def default_color=(arg0); end + def default_color?; end + def default_formatter; end + def default_formatter=(value); end + def default_path; end + def default_path=(path); end + def default_path?; end + def define_built_in_hooks; end + def define_derived_metadata(*filters, &block); end + def define_mixed_in_module(mod, filters, mod_list, config_method, &block); end + def deprecation_stream; end + def deprecation_stream=(value); end + def detail_color; end + def detail_color=(arg0); end + def detail_color?; end + def disable_monkey_patching!; end + def disable_monkey_patching; end + def disable_monkey_patching=(arg0); end + def drb; end + def drb=(arg0); end + def drb?; end + def drb_port; end + def drb_port=(arg0); end + def drb_port?; end + def dry_run; end + def dry_run=(arg0); end + def dry_run?; end + def error_stream; end + def error_stream=(arg0); end + def error_stream?; end + def example_status_persistence_file_path; end + def example_status_persistence_file_path=(value); end + def exclude_pattern; end + def exclude_pattern=(value); end + def exclusion_filter; end + def exclusion_filter=(filter); end + def expect_with(*frameworks); end + def expectation_framework=(framework); end + def expectation_frameworks; end + def expose_current_running_example_as(method_name); end + def expose_dsl_globally=(value); end + def expose_dsl_globally?; end + def extend(mod, *filters); end + def extract_location(path); end + def fail_fast; end + def fail_fast=(arg0); end + def fail_fast?; end + def fail_if_no_examples; end + def fail_if_no_examples=(arg0); end + def fail_if_no_examples?; end + def failure_color; end + def failure_color=(arg0); end + def failure_color?; end + def failure_exit_code; end + def failure_exit_code=(arg0); end + def failure_exit_code?; end + def file_glob_from(path, pattern); end + def files_or_directories_to_run=(*files); end + def files_to_run; end + def files_to_run=(arg0); end + def filter; end + def filter=(filter); end + def filter_gems_from_backtrace(*gem_names); end + def filter_manager; end + def filter_manager=(arg0); end + def filter_run(*args); end + def filter_run_excluding(*args); end + def filter_run_including(*args); end + def filter_run_when_matching(*args); end + def fixed_color; end + def fixed_color=(arg0); end + def fixed_color?; end + def force(hash); end + def format_docstrings(&block); end + def format_docstrings_block; end + def formatter=(formatter, output = nil); end + def formatter_loader; end + def formatters; end + def full_backtrace=(true_or_false); end + def full_backtrace?; end + def full_description; end + def full_description=(description); end + def gather_directories(path); end + def get_files_to_run(paths); end + def get_matching_files(path, pattern); end + def handle_suite_hook(scope, meta); end + def hooks; end + def in_project_source_dir_regex; end + def include(mod, *filters); end + def include_context(shared_group_name, *filters); end + def inclusion_filter; end + def inclusion_filter=(filter); end + def initialize; end + def last_run_statuses; end + def libs; end + def libs=(libs); end + def load_file_handling_errors(method, file); end + def load_spec_files; end + def loaded_spec_files; end + def max_displayed_failure_line_count; end + def max_displayed_failure_line_count=(arg0); end + def max_displayed_failure_line_count?; end + def metadata_applies_to_group?(meta, group); end + def mock_framework; end + def mock_framework=(framework); end + def mock_with(framework); end + def on_example_group_definition(&block); end + def on_example_group_definition_callbacks; end + def on_existing_matching_groups(meta); end + def only_failures; end + def only_failures?; end + def only_failures_but_not_configured?; end + def order=(*args, &block); end + def ordering_manager; end + def ordering_registry(*args, &block); end + def output_stream; end + def output_stream=(value); end + def output_to_tty?(output = nil); end + def output_wrapper; end + def paths_to_check(paths); end + def pattern; end + def pattern=(value); end + def pattern_might_load_specs_from_vendored_dirs?; end + def pending_color; end + def pending_color=(arg0); end + def pending_color?; end + def prepend(mod, *filters); end + def prepend_after(scope = nil, *meta, &block); end + def prepend_before(scope = nil, *meta, &block); end + def profile_examples; end + def profile_examples=(arg0); end + def profile_examples?; end + def project_source_dirs; end + def project_source_dirs=(arg0); end + def project_source_dirs?; end + def raise_errors_for_deprecations!; end + def raise_on_warning=(value); end + def register_ordering(*args, &block); end + def reporter; end + def requires; end + def requires=(paths); end + def reset; end + def reset_filters; end + def reset_reporter; end + def rspec_expectations_loaded?; end + def rspec_mocks_loaded?; end + def run_all_when_everything_filtered; end + def run_all_when_everything_filtered=(arg0); end + def run_all_when_everything_filtered?; end + def run_suite_hooks(hook_description, hooks); end + def safe_extend(mod, host); end + def safe_include(mod, host); end + def safe_prepend(mod, host); end + def seed(*args, &block); end + def seed=(*args, &block); end + def seed_used?(*args, &block); end + def self.add_read_only_setting(name, opts = nil); end + def self.add_setting(name, opts = nil); end + def self.define_aliases(name, alias_name); end + def self.define_predicate_for(*names); end + def self.define_reader(name); end + def self.delegate_to_ordering_manager(*methods); end + def shared_context_metadata_behavior; end + def shared_context_metadata_behavior=(value); end + def silence_filter_announcements; end + def silence_filter_announcements=(arg0); end + def silence_filter_announcements?; end + def spec_files_with_failures; end + def start_time; end + def start_time=(arg0); end + def start_time?; end + def static_config_filter_manager; end + def static_config_filter_manager=(arg0); end + def success_color; end + def success_color=(arg0); end + def success_color?; end + def threadsafe; end + def threadsafe=(arg0); end + def threadsafe?; end + def treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values=(_value); end + def tty; end + def tty=(arg0); end + def tty?; end + def update_pattern_attr(name, value); end + def value_for(key); end + def warnings=(value); end + def warnings?; end + def when_first_matching_example_defined(*filters); end + def with_suite_hooks; end + def world; end + def world=(arg0); end + include RSpec::Core::Configuration::Readers + include RSpec::Core::Hooks +end +module RSpec::Core::Configuration::Readers + def default_color; end + def default_path; end + def deprecation_stream; end + def detail_color; end + def drb; end + def drb_port; end + def dry_run; end + def error_stream; end + def example_status_persistence_file_path; end + def exclude_pattern; end + def fail_fast; end + def fail_if_no_examples; end + def failure_color; end + def failure_exit_code; end + def fixed_color; end + def libs; end + def max_displayed_failure_line_count; end + def only_failures; end + def output_stream; end + def pattern; end + def pending_color; end + def profile_examples; end + def project_source_dirs; end + def requires; end + def run_all_when_everything_filtered; end + def shared_context_metadata_behavior; end + def silence_filter_announcements; end + def start_time; end + def success_color; end + def threadsafe; end + def tty; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Configuration::MustBeConfiguredBeforeExampleGroupsError < StandardError +end +class RSpec::Core::Configuration::DeprecationReporterBuffer + def deprecation(*args); end + def initialize; end + def play_onto(reporter); end +end +module RSpec::Core::Configuration::ExposeCurrentExample +end +class RSpec::Core::Parser + def add_tag_filter(options, filter_type, tag_name, value = nil); end + def configure_only_failures(options); end + def initialize(original_args); end + def original_args; end + def parse(source = nil); end + def parser(options); end + def self.parse(args, source = nil); end + def set_fail_fast(options, value); end +end +class RSpec::Core::ConfigurationOptions + def args; end + def args_from_options_file(path); end + def command_line_options; end + def configure(config); end + def configure_filter_manager(filter_manager); end + def custom_options; end + def custom_options_file; end + def env_options; end + def file_options; end + def force?(key); end + def global_options; end + def global_options_file; end + def home_options_file_path; end + def initialize(args); end + def load_formatters_into(config); end + def local_options; end + def local_options_file; end + def options; end + def options_file_as_erb_string(path); end + def options_from(path); end + def order(keys); end + def organize_options; end + def parse_args_ignoring_files_or_dirs_to_run(args, source); end + def process_options_into(config); end + def project_options; end + def project_options_file; end + def resolve_xdg_config_home; end + def xdg_options_file_if_exists; end + def xdg_options_file_path; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Runner + def configuration; end + def configure(err, out); end + def initialize(options, configuration = nil, world = nil); end + def options; end + def persist_example_statuses; end + def run(err, out); end + def run_specs(example_groups); end + def self.autorun; end + def self.autorun_disabled?; end + def self.disable_autorun!; end + def self.handle_interrupt; end + def self.installed_at_exit?; end + def self.invoke; end + def self.perform_at_exit; end + def, err = nil, out = nil); end + def self.running_in_drb?; end + def self.trap_interrupt; end + def setup(err, out); end + def world; end +end +module RSpec::Core::Invocations +end +class RSpec::Core::Invocations::InitializeProject + def call(*_args); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Invocations::DRbWithFallback + def call(options, err, out); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Invocations::Bisect + def bisect_formatter_klass_for(argument); end + def call(options, err, out); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Invocations::PrintVersion + def call(_options, _err, out); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Invocations::PrintHelp < Struct + def call(_options, _err, out); end + def hidden_options; end + def hidden_options=(_); end + def parser; end + def parser=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Example + def assign_generated_description; end + def clock; end + def clock=(arg0); end + def description; end + def display_exception; end + def display_exception=(ex); end + def duplicate_with(metadata_overrides = nil); end + def example_group; end + def example_group_instance; end + def exception; end + def execution_result; end + def fail_with_exception(reporter, exception); end + def file_path; end + def finish(reporter); end + def full_description; end + def generate_description; end + def hooks; end + def id; end + def initialize(example_group_class, description, user_metadata, example_block = nil); end + def inspect; end + def inspect_output; end + def instance_exec(*args, &block); end + def location; end + def location_description; end + def location_rerun_argument; end + def metadata; end + def mocks_need_verification?; end + def pending; end + def pending?; end + def record_finished(status, reporter); end + def reporter; end + def rerun_argument; end + def run(example_group_instance, reporter); end + def run_after_example; end + def run_before_example; end + def self.delegate_to_metadata(key); end + def self.parse_id(id); end + def set_aggregate_failures_exception(exception); end + def set_exception(exception); end + def skip; end + def skip_with_exception(reporter, exception); end + def skipped?; end + def start(reporter); end + def to_s; end + def update_inherited_metadata(updates); end + def verify_mocks; end + def with_around_and_singleton_context_hooks; end + def with_around_example_hooks; end +end +class RSpec::Core::Example::Procsy + def <<(*a, &b); end + def ===(*a, &b); end + def >>(*a, &b); end + def [](*a, &b); end + def arity(*a, &b); end + def binding(*a, &b); end + def call(*args, &block); end + def clock(*a, &b); end + def clock=(*a, &b); end + def clone(*a, &b); end + def curry(*a, &b); end + def description(*a, &b); end + def dup(*a, &b); end + def duplicate_with(*a, &b); end + def example; end + def example_group(*a, &b); end + def example_group_instance(*a, &b); end + def exception(*a, &b); end + def executed?; end + def execution_result(*a, &b); end + def file_path(*a, &b); end + def full_description(*a, &b); end + def hash(*a, &b); end + def id(*a, &b); end + def initialize(example, &block); end + def inspect; end + def inspect_output(*a, &b); end + def lambda?(*a, &b); end + def location(*a, &b); end + def location_rerun_argument(*a, &b); end + def metadata(*a, &b); end + def parameters(*a, &b); end + def pending(*a, &b); end + def pending?(*a, &b); end + def reporter(*a, &b); end + def rerun_argument(*a, &b); end + def run(*args, &block); end + def skip(*a, &b); end + def skipped?(*a, &b); end + def source_location(*a, &b); end + def to_proc; end + def update_inherited_metadata(*a, &b); end + def wrap(&block); end + def yield(*a, &b); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Example::ExecutionResult + def calculate_run_time(finished_at); end + def ensure_timing_set(clock); end + def example_skipped?; end + def exception; end + def exception=(arg0); end + def finished_at; end + def finished_at=(arg0); end + def get_value(name); end + def hash_for_delegation; end + def issue_deprecation(_method_name, *_args); end + def pending_exception; end + def pending_exception=(arg0); end + def pending_fixed; end + def pending_fixed=(arg0); end + def pending_fixed?; end + def pending_message; end + def pending_message=(arg0); end + def record_finished(status, finished_at); end + def run_time; end + def run_time=(arg0); end + def set_value(name, value); end + def started_at; end + def started_at=(arg0); end + def status; end + def status=(arg0); end + extend RSpec::Core::HashImitatable::ClassMethods + include RSpec::Core::HashImitatable +end +class RSpec::Core::SuiteHookContext < RSpec::Core::Example + def initialize(hook_description, reporter); end + def set_exception(exception); end +end +class RSpec::Core::SharedExampleGroupModule < Module + def definition; end + def include_in(klass, inclusion_line, args, customization_block); end + def included(klass); end + def initialize(description, definition, metadata); end + def inspect; end + def to_s; end +end +module RSpec::Core::SharedExampleGroup + def shared_context(name, *args, &block); end + def shared_examples(name, *args, &block); end + def shared_examples_for(name, *args, &block); end +end +module RSpec::Core::SharedExampleGroup::TopLevelDSL + def self.definitions; end + def self.expose_globally!; end + def self.exposed_globally?; end + def self.remove_globally!; end +end +class RSpec::Core::SharedExampleGroup::Registry + def add(context, name, *metadata_args, &block); end + def ensure_block_has_source_location(_block); end + def find(lookup_contexts, name); end + def formatted_location(block); end + def legacy_add(context, name, *metadata_args, &block); end + def shared_example_groups; end + def valid_name?(candidate); end + def warn_if_key_taken(context, key, new_block); end +end +class RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup + def described_class; end + def initialize(inspect_output = nil); end + def inspect; end + def method_missing(name, *args); end + def self.add_example(example); end + def self.before_context_ivars; end + def self.children; end + def self.context(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.currently_executing_a_context_hook?; end + def self.declaration_locations; end + def self.define_example_group_method(name, metadata = nil); end + def self.define_example_method(name, extra_options = nil); end + def self.define_nested_shared_group_method(new_name, report_label = nil); end + def self.delegate_to_metadata(*names); end + def self.descendant_filtered_examples; end + def self.descendants; end + def self.describe(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.described_class; end + def self.description; end + def self.each_instance_variable_for_example(group); end + def self.ensure_example_groups_are_configured; end + def self.example(*all_args, &block); end + def self.example_group(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.examples; end + def self.fcontext(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.fdescribe(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.fexample(*all_args, &block); end + def self.file_path; end + def self.filtered_examples; end + def self.find_and_eval_shared(label, name, inclusion_location, *args, &customization_block); end + def*all_args, &block); end + def self.focus(*all_args, &block); end + def self.for_filtered_examples(reporter, &block); end + def self.fspecify(*all_args, &block); end + def; end + def self.idempotently_define_singleton_method(name, &definition); end + def self.include_context(name, *args, &block); end + def self.include_examples(name, *args, &block); end + def*all_args, &block); end + def self.it_behaves_like(name, *args, &customization_block); end + def self.it_should_behave_like(name, *args, &customization_block); end + def self.location; end + def self.metadata; end + def self.method_missing(name, *args); end + def self.next_runnable_index_for(file); end + def self.ordering_strategy; end + def self.parent_groups; end + def self.pending(*all_args, &block); end + def self.remove_example(example); end + def self.reset_memoized; end + def = nil); end + def self.run_after_context_hooks(example_group_instance); end + def self.run_before_context_hooks(example_group_instance); end + def self.run_examples(reporter); end + def self.set_it_up(description, args, registration_collection, &example_group_block); end + def self.set_ivars(instance, ivars); end + def self.skip(*all_args, &block); end + def self.specify(*all_args, &block); end + def self.store_before_context_ivars(example_group_instance); end + def self.subclass(parent, description, args, registration_collection, &example_group_block); end + def self.superclass_before_context_ivars; end + def self.superclass_metadata; end + def self.top_level?; end + def self.top_level_description; end + def self.traverse_tree_until(&block); end + def self.update_inherited_metadata(updates); end + def self.with_replaced_metadata(meta); end + def self.xcontext(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.xdescribe(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.xexample(*all_args, &block); end + def self.xit(*all_args, &block); end + def self.xspecify(*all_args, &block); end + extend RSpec::Core::Hooks + extend RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers::ClassMethods + extend RSpec::Core::SharedExampleGroup + include RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers + include RSpec::Core::Pending +end +class RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::WrongScopeError < NoMethodError +end +class RSpec::Core::AnonymousExampleGroup < RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup + def self.metadata; end +end +class RSpec::Core::SharedExampleGroupInclusionStackFrame + def description; end + def formatted_inclusion_location; end + def inclusion_location; end + def initialize(shared_group_name, inclusion_location); end + def self.current_backtrace; end + def self.shared_example_group_inclusions; end + def self.with_frame(name, location); end + def shared_group_name; end +end +module RSpec::ExampleGroups + def self.assign_const(group); end + def self.base_name_for(group); end + def self.constant_scope_for(group); end + def self.disambiguate(name, const_scope); end + def self.remove_all_constants; end + extend RSpec::Support::RecursiveConstMethods +end +module RSpec::Support + def self.require_rspec_core(f); end +end +class RSpec::Core::Time + def; end +end +class Module + def context(*a, &b); end + def describe(*a, &b); end + def example_group(*a, &b); end + def fcontext(*a, &b); end + def fdescribe(*a, &b); end + def shared_context(name, *args, &block); end + def shared_examples(name, *args, &block); end + def shared_examples_for(name, *args, &block); end + def xcontext(*a, &b); end + def xdescribe(*a, &b); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-expectations.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-expectations.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e70361bf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-expectations.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,495 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# rspec-expectations-3.8.2 +module RSpec +end +module RSpec::Matchers + def a_block_changing(*args, &block); end + def a_block_outputting(*args, &block); end + def a_block_raising(*args, &block); end + def a_block_throwing(*args, &block); end + def a_block_yielding_control(*args, &block); end + def a_block_yielding_successive_args(*args, &block); end + def a_block_yielding_with_args(*args, &block); end + def a_block_yielding_with_no_args(*args, &block); end + def a_collection_containing_exactly(*args, &block); end + def a_collection_ending_with(*args, &block); end + def a_collection_including(*args, &block); end + def a_collection_starting_with(*args, &block); end + def a_falsey_value(*args, &block); end + def a_falsy_value(*args, &block); end + def a_hash_including(*args, &block); end + def a_kind_of(*args, &block); end + def a_nil_value(*args, &block); end + def a_range_covering(*args, &block); end + def a_string_ending_with(*args, &block); end + def a_string_including(*args, &block); end + def a_string_matching(*args, &block); end + def a_string_starting_with(*args, &block); end + def a_truthy_value(*args, &block); end + def a_value(*args, &block); end + def a_value_between(*args, &block); end + def a_value_within(*args, &block); end + def aggregate_failures(label = nil, metadata = nil, &block); end + def all(expected); end + def an_instance_of(*args, &block); end + def an_object_eq_to(*args, &block); end + def an_object_eql_to(*args, &block); end + def an_object_equal_to(*args, &block); end + def an_object_existing(*args, &block); end + def an_object_having_attributes(*args, &block); end + def an_object_matching(*args, &block); end + def an_object_responding_to(*args, &block); end + def an_object_satisfying(*args, &block); end + def be(*args); end + def be_a(klass); end + def be_a_kind_of(expected); end + def be_an(klass); end + def be_an_instance_of(expected); end + def be_between(min, max); end + def be_falsey; end + def be_falsy(*args, &block); end + def be_instance_of(expected); end + def be_kind_of(expected); end + def be_nil; end + def be_truthy; end + def be_within(delta); end + def change(receiver = nil, message = nil, &block); end + def changing(*args, &block); end + def contain_exactly(*items); end + def containing_exactly(*args, &block); end + def cover(*values); end + def covering(*args, &block); end + def end_with(*expected); end + def ending_with(*args, &block); end + def eq(expected); end + def eq_to(*args, &block); end + def eql(expected); end + def eql_to(*args, &block); end + def equal(expected); end + def equal_to(*args, &block); end + def exist(*args); end + def existing(*args, &block); end + def expect(value = nil, &block); end + def have_attributes(expected); end + def having_attributes(*args, &block); end + def include(*expected); end + def including(*args, &block); end + def match(expected); end + def match_array(items); end + def match_regex(*args, &block); end + def matching(*args, &block); end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + def output(expected = nil); end + def raise_error(error = nil, message = nil, &block); end + def raise_exception(error = nil, message = nil, &block); end + def raising(*args, &block); end + def respond_to(*names); end + def respond_to_missing?(method, *arg1); end + def responding_to(*args, &block); end + def satisfy(description = nil, &block); end + def satisfying(*args, &block); end + def self.alias_matcher(*args, &block); end + def self.clear_generated_description; end + def self.configuration; end + def self.generated_description; end + def self.is_a_describable_matcher?(obj); end + def self.is_a_matcher?(obj); end + def self.last_description; end + def self.last_expectation_handler; end + def self.last_expectation_handler=(arg0); end + def self.last_matcher; end + def self.last_matcher=(arg0); end + def start_with(*expected); end + def starting_with(*args, &block); end + def throw_symbol(expected_symbol = nil, expected_arg = nil); end + def throwing(*args, &block); end + def within(*args, &block); end + def yield_control; end + def yield_successive_args(*args); end + def yield_with_args(*args); end + def yield_with_no_args; end + def yielding_control(*args, &block); end + def yielding_successive_args(*args, &block); end + def yielding_with_args(*args, &block); end + def yielding_with_no_args(*args, &block); end + extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL +end +module RSpec::Matchers::EnglishPhrasing + def self.list(obj); end + def self.split_words(sym); end +end +module RSpec::Matchers::Composable + def &(matcher); end + def ===(value); end + def and(matcher); end + def description_of(object); end + def or(matcher); end + def self.should_enumerate?(item); end + def self.surface_descriptions_in(item); end + def self.unreadable_io?(object); end + def should_enumerate?(item); end + def surface_descriptions_in(item); end + def unreadable_io?(object); end + def values_match?(expected, actual); end + def with_matchers_cloned(object); end + def |(matcher); end +end +class RSpec::Matchers::Composable::DescribableItem < Struct + def inspect; end + def item; end + def item=(_); end + def pretty_print(pp); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn +end +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def actual; end + def actual_formatted; end + def assert_ivars(*expected_ivars); end + def description; end + def diffable?; end + def expected; end + def expected_formatted; end + def expects_call_stack_jump?; end + def initialize(expected = nil); end + def match_unless_raises(*exceptions); end + def matcher_name; end + def matcher_name=(arg0); end + def matches?(actual); end + def present_ivars; end + def rescued_exception; end + def self.matcher_name; end + def self.underscore(camel_cased_word); end + def supports_block_expectations?; end + include RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages + include RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::HashFormatting + include RSpec::Matchers::Composable +end +module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::HashFormatting + def improve_hash_formatting(inspect_string); end + def self.improve_hash_formatting(inspect_string); end +end +module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def self.has_default_failure_messages?(matcher); end +end +module RSpec::Matchers::DSL + def alias_matcher(new_name, old_name, options = nil, &description_override); end + def define(name, &declarations); end + def define_negated_matcher(negated_name, base_name, &description_override); end + def matcher(name, &declarations); end + def warn_about_block_args(name, declarations); end +end +module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros + def assign_attributes(attr_names); end + def chain(method_name, *attr_names, &definition); end + def define_user_override(method_name, user_def, &our_def); end + def description(&definition); end + def diffable; end + def failure_message(&definition); end + def failure_message_when_negated(&definition); end + def match(options = nil, &match_block); end + def match_unless_raises(expected_exception = nil, &match_block); end + def match_when_negated(&match_block); end + def supports_block_expectations; end +end +module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros::Deprecated + def failure_message_for_should(&definition); end + def failure_message_for_should_not(&definition); end + def match_for_should(&definition); end + def match_for_should_not(&definition); end +end +module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::DefaultImplementations + def chained_method_clause_sentences; end + def description; end + def diffable?; end + def expects_call_stack_jump?; end + def supports_block_expectations?; end + include RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages +end +class RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher + def actual; end + def actual_arg_for(block); end + def block_arg; end + def expected; end + def expected_as_array; end + def initialize(name, declarations, matcher_execution_context, *expected, &block_arg); end + def inspect; end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + def name; end + def rescued_exception; end + def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = nil); end + extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros + extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros::Deprecated + include RSpec::Matchers + include RSpec::Matchers::Composable + include RSpec::Matchers::DSL::DefaultImplementations +end +class RSpec::Matchers::MatcherDelegator + def base_matcher; end + def initialize(base_matcher); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def method_missing(*args, &block); end + def respond_to_missing?(name, include_all = nil); end + include RSpec::Matchers::Composable +end +class RSpec::Matchers::AliasedMatcher < RSpec::Matchers::MatcherDelegator + def description; end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(base_matcher, description_block); end + def method_missing(*arg0); end +end +class RSpec::Matchers::AliasedMatcherWithOperatorSupport < RSpec::Matchers::AliasedMatcher +end +class RSpec::Matchers::AliasedNegatedMatcher < RSpec::Matchers::AliasedMatcher + def does_not_match?(*args, &block); end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def matches?(*args, &block); end + def optimal_failure_message(same, inverted); end +end +class RSpec::Matchers::ExpectedsForMultipleDiffs + def diffs(differ, actual); end + def initialize(expected_list); end + def message_with_diff(message, differ, actual); end + def self.diff_label_for(matcher); end + def self.for_many_matchers(matchers); end + def self.from(expected); end + def self.truncated(description); end +end +module RSpec::Support + def self.require_rspec_expectations(f); end + def self.require_rspec_matchers(f); end +end +module RSpec::Expectations + def self.configuration; end + def self.differ; end + def self.fail_with(message, expected = nil, actual = nil); end +end +class RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget + def initialize(value); end + def self.for(value, block); end + def target; end + include RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget::InstanceMethods +end +module RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget::UndefinedValue +end +module RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget::InstanceMethods + def not_to(matcher = nil, message = nil, &block); end + def prevent_operator_matchers(verb); end + def to(matcher = nil, message = nil, &block); end + def to_not(matcher = nil, message = nil, &block); end +end +class RSpec::Expectations::BlockExpectationTarget < RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget + def enforce_block_expectation(matcher); end + def not_to(matcher, message = nil, &block); end + def supports_block_expectations?(matcher); end + def to(matcher, message = nil, &block); end + def to_not(matcher, message = nil, &block); end +end +module RSpec::Expectations::Syntax + def default_should_host; end + def disable_expect(syntax_host = nil); end + def disable_should(syntax_host = nil); end + def enable_expect(syntax_host = nil); end + def enable_should(syntax_host = nil); end + def expect_enabled?(syntax_host = nil); end + def self.default_should_host; end + def self.disable_expect(syntax_host = nil); end + def self.disable_should(syntax_host = nil); end + def self.enable_expect(syntax_host = nil); end + def self.enable_should(syntax_host = nil); end + def self.expect_enabled?(syntax_host = nil); end + def self.should_enabled?(syntax_host = nil); end + def self.warn_about_should!; end + def self.warn_about_should_unless_configured(method_name); end + def should_enabled?(syntax_host = nil); end + def warn_about_should!; end + def warn_about_should_unless_configured(method_name); end +end +class BasicObject + def should(matcher = nil, message = nil, &block); end + def should_not(matcher = nil, message = nil, &block); end +end +class RSpec::Expectations::Configuration + def add_should_and_should_not_to(*modules); end + def backtrace_formatter; end + def backtrace_formatter=(arg0); end + def color?; end + def false_positives_handler; end + def include_chain_clauses_in_custom_matcher_descriptions=(arg0); end + def include_chain_clauses_in_custom_matcher_descriptions?; end + def initialize; end + def max_formatted_output_length=(length); end + def on_potential_false_positives; end + def on_potential_false_positives=(behavior); end + def reset_syntaxes_to_default; end + def syntax; end + def syntax=(values); end + def warn_about_potential_false_positives=(boolean); end + def warn_about_potential_false_positives?; end +end +module RSpec::Expectations::Configuration::NullBacktraceFormatter + def self.format_backtrace(backtrace); end +end +class InvalidName___Class_0x00___Differ_19 +end +module RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationHelper + def self.check_message(msg); end + def self.handle_failure(matcher, message, failure_message_method); end + def self.modern_matcher_from(matcher); end + def self.with_matcher(handler, matcher, message); end +end +class RSpec::Expectations::PositiveExpectationHandler + def self.handle_matcher(actual, initial_matcher, message = nil, &block); end + def self.opposite_should_method; end + def self.should_method; end + def self.verb; end +end +class RSpec::Expectations::NegativeExpectationHandler + def self.does_not_match?(matcher, actual, &block); end + def self.handle_matcher(actual, initial_matcher, message = nil, &block); end + def self.opposite_should_method; end + def self.should_method; end + def self.verb; end +end +class RSpec::Expectations::LegacyMatcherAdapter < RSpec::Matchers::MatcherDelegator + def initialize(matcher); end + def self.wrap(matcher); end +end +class RSpec::Expectations::LegacyMatcherAdapter::RSpec2 < RSpec::Expectations::LegacyMatcherAdapter + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def self.interface_matches?(matcher); end +end +class RSpec::Expectations::LegacyMatcherAdapter::RSpec1 < RSpec::Expectations::LegacyMatcherAdapter + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def self.interface_matches?(matcher); end +end +module RSpec::Expectations::Version +end +class RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError < Exception +end +class RSpec::Expectations::MultipleExpectationsNotMetError < RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError +end +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeTruthy < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def match(_, actual); end +end +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeFalsey < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def match(_, actual); end +end +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeNil < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def match(_, actual); end +end +module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeHelpers + def args_to_s; end + def args_to_sentence; end + def expected_to_sentence; end + def inspected_args; end + def parenthesize(string); end +end +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Be < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def <(operand); end + def <=(operand); end + def ==(operand); end + def ===(operand); end + def =~(operand); end + def >(operand); end + def >=(operand); end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(*args); end + def match(_, actual); end + include RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeHelpers +end +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeComparedTo < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def description; end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(operand, operator); end + def matches?(actual); end + include RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeHelpers +end +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BePredicate < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def description; end + def does_not_match?(actual, &block); end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_expecting(value); end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(*args, &block); end + def matches?(actual, &block); end + def parse_expected(expected); end + def predicate; end + def predicate_accessible?; end + def predicate_matches?; end + def prefix_and_expected(symbol); end + def prefix_to_sentence; end + def present_tense_predicate; end + def private_predicate?; end + def validity_message; end + include RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeHelpers +end +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def compound_failure_message; end + def description; end + def diffable?; end + def diffable_matcher_list; end + def diffable_matcher_list_for(matcher); end + def does_not_match?(_actual); end + def evaluator; end + def expected; end + def expects_call_stack_jump?; end + def indent_multiline_message(message); end + def initialize(matcher_1, matcher_2); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def match(_expected, actual); end + def matcher_1; end + def matcher_1_matches?; end + def matcher_2; end + def matcher_2_matches?; end + def matcher_is_diffable?(matcher); end + def matcher_supports_block_expectations?(matcher); end + def supports_block_expectations?; end +end +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound::SequentialEvaluator + def initialize(actual, *arg1); end + def matcher_matches?(matcher); end +end +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound::NestedEvaluator + def initialize(actual, matcher_1, matcher_2); end + def inner_matcher_block(outer_args); end + def matcher_matches?(matcher); end + def order_block_matchers; end + def self.matcher_expects_call_stack_jump?(matcher); end +end +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound::And < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound + def conjunction; end + def failure_message; end + def match(*arg0); end +end +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound::Or < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound + def conjunction; end + def failure_message; end + def match(*arg0); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-rails.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-rails.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff80038c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-rails.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,422 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# rspec-rails-3.8.2 +module RSpec + def self.feature(*args, &example_group_block); end +end +module RSpec::Rails + def self.add_test_type_configurations(config); end + def self.disable_testunit_autorun; end + def self.initialize_configuration(config); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::FeatureCheck + def can_check_pending_migrations?; end + def can_maintain_test_schema?; end + def has_1_9_hash_syntax?; end + def has_action_mailer?; end + def has_action_mailer_preview?; end + def has_action_mailer_show_preview?; end + def has_active_job?; end + def has_active_record?; end + def has_active_record_migration?; end + def has_file_fixture?; end + def self.can_check_pending_migrations?; end + def self.can_maintain_test_schema?; end + def self.has_1_9_hash_syntax?; end + def self.has_action_mailer?; end + def self.has_action_mailer_preview?; end + def self.has_action_mailer_show_preview?; end + def self.has_active_job?; end + def self.has_active_record?; end + def self.has_active_record_migration?; end + def self.has_file_fixture?; end + def self.type_metatag(type); end + def type_metatag(type); end +end +class RSpec::Rails::Railtie < Rails::Railtie + def config_default_preview_path(options); end + def config_preview_path?(options); end + def setup_preview_path(app); end + def supports_action_mailer_previews?(config); end +end +class RSpec::Rails::AssertionDelegator < Module + def initialize(*assertion_modules); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::MinitestLifecycleAdapter + def after_setup; end + def after_teardown; end + def before_setup; end + def before_teardown; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module RSpec::Rails::MinitestCounters + def assertions; end + def assertions=(arg0); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::SetupAndTeardownAdapter + def initialize(*args); end + def method_name; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module RSpec::Rails::SetupAndTeardownAdapter::ClassMethods + def setup(*methods, &block); end + def teardown(*methods, &block); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::MinitestAssertionAdapter + def assertion_delegator; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module RSpec::Rails::MinitestAssertionAdapter::ClassMethods + def assertion_method_names; end + def define_assertion_delegators; end + def test_unit_specific_methods; end +end +class RSpec::Rails::MinitestAssertionAdapter::AssertionDelegator + include Minitest::Assertions + include RSpec::Rails::MinitestCounters +end +module RSpec::Rails::ViewRendering + def controller; end + def controller=(arg0); end + def render_views?; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module RSpec::Rails::ViewRendering::ClassMethods + def render_views(true_or_false = nil); end + def render_views?; end +end +class RSpec::Rails::ViewRendering::EmptyTemplateResolver + def; end + def self.nullify_template_rendering(templates); end +end +class RSpec::Rails::ViewRendering::EmptyTemplateResolver::ResolverDecorator + def initialize(resolver); end + def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end + def nullify_templates(collection); end +end +class RSpec::Rails::ViewRendering::EmptyTemplateResolver::FileSystemResolver < ActionView::FileSystemResolver + def find_templates(*args); end +end +class RSpec::Rails::ViewRendering::EmptyTemplateHandler + def; end +end +module RSpec::Rails::ViewRendering::EmptyTemplates + def _path_decorator(*paths); end + def append_view_path(new_path); end + def prepend_view_path(new_path); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::Matchers + def be_a_new(model_class); end + def be_new_record; end + def be_valid(*args); end + def have_http_status(target); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RenderTemplate + def have_rendered(options, message = nil); end + def render_template(options, message = nil); end +end +class RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RenderTemplate::RenderTemplateMatcher < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def check_redirect; end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(scope, expected, message = nil); end + def matches?(*arg0); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RedirectTo + def redirect_to(target); end +end +class RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RedirectTo::RedirectTo < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(scope, expected); end + def matches?(_); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RoutingMatchers + def be_routable; end + def route_to(*expected); end + extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL +end +class RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RoutingMatchers::RouteToMatcher < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def description; end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(scope, *expected); end + def matches?(verb_to_path_map); end +end +class RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RoutingMatchers::BeRoutableMatcher < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def description; end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(scope); end + def matches?(path); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RoutingMatchers::RouteHelpers + def delete(path); end + def get(path); end + def head(path); end + def options(path); end + def patch(path); end + def post(path); end + def put(path); end +end +class RSpec::Rails::Matchers::BeANewRecord < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def matches?(actual); end +end +class RSpec::Rails::Matchers::BeANew < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def attributes; end + def attributes_match?(actual); end + def failure_message; end + def initialize(expected); end + def matches?(actual); end + def unmatched_attributes; end + def with(expected_attributes); end +end +class RSpec::Rails::Matchers::BeValid < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Be + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(*args); end + def matches?(actual); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::Matchers::HaveHttpStatus + def as_test_response(obj); end + def invalid_response_type_message; end + def self.as_test_response(obj); end + def self.matcher_for_status(target); end +end +class RSpec::Rails::Matchers::HaveHttpStatus::NumericCode < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def description; end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(code); end + def matches?(response); end + include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::HaveHttpStatus +end +class RSpec::Rails::Matchers::HaveHttpStatus::SymbolicStatus < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def actual_status; end + def compute_status_from(code); end + def description; end + def expected_status; end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(status); end + def matches?(response); end + def pp_actual; end + def pp_expected; end + def pp_status(status, code); end + def set_expected_code!; end + include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::HaveHttpStatus +end +class RSpec::Rails::Matchers::HaveHttpStatus::GenericStatus < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + def check_expected_status(test_response, expected); end + def description; end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(type); end + def matches?(response); end + def self.valid_statuses; end + def type_codes; end + def type_message; end + include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::HaveHttpStatus +end +module RSpec::Rails::FixtureSupport +end +module RSpec::Rails::FileFixtureSupport + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActiveSupport::Testing::FileFixtures +end +module RSpec::Rails::FixtureFileUploadSupport + def fixture_file_upload(*args, &block); end + def rails_fixture_file_wrapper; end +end +class RSpec::Rails::FixtureFileUploadSupport::RailsFixtureFileWrapper + def self.fixture_path; end + def self.fixture_path=(value); end + def self.instance; end + include ActionDispatch::TestProcess +end +module RSpec::Rails::RailsExampleGroup + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include RSpec::Rails::FixtureSupport + include RSpec::Rails::MinitestAssertionAdapter + include RSpec::Rails::MinitestLifecycleAdapter + include RSpec::Rails::SetupAndTeardownAdapter +end +module RSpec::Rails::ControllerAssertionDelegator + def assert_generates(*args, &block); end + def assert_recognizes(*args, &block); end + def assert_routing(*args, &block); end + def assertion_instance; end + def build_assertion_instance; end + def with_routing(*args, &block); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::ControllerExampleGroup + def bypass_rescue; end + def controller; end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + def route_available?(method); end + def route_defined?(routes, method); end + def routes; end + def routes=(routes); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionController::TestCase::Behavior + include RSpec::Rails::ControllerAssertionDelegator + include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RedirectTo + include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RenderTemplate + include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RoutingMatchers + include RSpec::Rails::RailsExampleGroup + include RSpec::Rails::ViewRendering +end +module RSpec::Rails::ControllerExampleGroup::ClassMethods + def controller(base_class = nil, &body); end + def controller_class; end + def routes; end +end +module RSpec::Rails::ControllerExampleGroup::BypassRescue + def rescue_with_handler(exception); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::RequestExampleGroup + def app; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionController::TemplateAssertions + include ActionDispatch::Assertions + include ActionDispatch::Integration::Runner + include ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest::Behavior + include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RedirectTo + include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RenderTemplate + include RSpec::Rails::RailsExampleGroup +end +module RSpec::Rails::ViewAssigns + def _assigns; end + def _encapsulated_assigns; end + def assign(key, value); end + def view_assigns; end +end +module RSpec::Rails::HelperExampleGroup + def _controller_path(example); end + def helper; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionView::TestCase::Behavior + include RSpec::Rails::RailsExampleGroup + include RSpec::Rails::ViewAssigns +end +module RSpec::Rails::HelperExampleGroup::ClassMethods + def determine_constant_from_test_name(_ignore); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::ViewSpecMethods + def add_to(klass); end + def remove_from(klass); end + def self.add_to(klass); end + def self.remove_from(klass); end +end +class RSpec::Rails::ViewPathBuilder + def initialize(route_set); end + def path_for(path_params); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::ViewExampleGroup + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionView::TestCase::Behavior + include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RenderTemplate + include RSpec::Rails::RailsExampleGroup + include RSpec::Rails::ViewAssigns +end +module RSpec::Rails::ViewExampleGroup::StubResolverCache + def self.resolver_for(hash); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::ViewExampleGroup::ClassMethods + def _default_helper; end + def _default_helpers; end +end +module RSpec::Rails::ViewExampleGroup::ExampleMethods + def _controller_path; end + def _default_render_options; end + def _include_controller_helpers; end + def _inferred_action; end + def _path_parts; end + def params; end + def render(options = nil, local_assigns = nil, &block); end + def response; end + def stub_template(hash); end + def template; end + def view; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern +end +module RSpec::Rails::MailerExampleGroup +end +module RSpec::Rails::RoutingAssertionDelegator + def assert_generates(*args, &block); end + def assert_recognizes(*args, &block); end + def assert_routing(*args, &block); end + def assertion_instance; end + def build_assertion_instance; end + def with_routing(*args, &block); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::RoutingExampleGroup + def method_missing(m, *args, &block); end + def routes; end + def routes=(routes); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RoutingMatchers + include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RoutingMatchers::RouteHelpers + include RSpec::Rails::RailsExampleGroup + include RSpec::Rails::RoutingAssertionDelegator +end +module RSpec::Rails::RoutingExampleGroup::ClassMethods + def routes; end +end +module RSpec::Rails::ModelExampleGroup + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include RSpec::Rails::RailsExampleGroup +end +module RSpec::Rails::JobExampleGroup +end +module RSpec::Rails::FeatureExampleGroup + def visit(*arg0); end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include RSpec::Rails::RailsExampleGroup +end +class RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup + def self.feature(*args, &example_group_block); end + def self.scenario(*all_args, &block); end + def self.xscenario(*all_args, &block); end +end +class Module + def feature(*a, &b); end +end +module RSpec::Rails::SystemExampleGroup + def app; end + def method_name; end + def passed?; end + extend ActiveSupport::Concern + include ActionController::TemplateAssertions + include ActionDispatch::Assertions + include ActionDispatch::Integration::Runner + include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RedirectTo + include RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RenderTemplate + include RSpec::Rails::RailsExampleGroup +end +module RSpec::Rails::SystemExampleGroup::BlowAwayAfterTeardownHook + def after_teardown; end +end +class RSpec::Rails::Configuration +end +module RSpec::Core::Configuration::Readers + def file_fixture_path; end + def fixture_path; end + def global_fixtures; end + def infer_base_class_for_anonymous_controllers; end + def rendering_views; end + def use_instantiated_fixtures; end + def use_transactional_fixtures; end +end +class RSpec::Rails::ActiveRecordConfiguration + def self.initialize_activerecord_configuration(config); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-support.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-support.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..30fa5b11a --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-support.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# rspec-support-3.8.0 +module RSpec + extend RSpec::Support::Warnings +end +module RSpec::Support + def self.class_of(object); end + def self.define_optimized_require_for_rspec(lib, &require_relative); end + def self.deregister_matcher_definition(&block); end + def self.failure_notifier; end + def self.failure_notifier=(callable); end + def self.is_a_matcher?(object); end + def self.matcher_definitions; end + def self.method_handle_for(object, method_name); end + def self.notify_failure(failure, options = nil); end + def self.register_matcher_definition(&block); end + def self.require_rspec_support(f); end + def self.rspec_description_for_object(object); end + def self.thread_local_data; end + def self.warning_notifier; end + def self.warning_notifier=(arg0); end + def self.with_failure_notifier(callable); end +end +module RSpec::Support::Version +end +class RSpec::Support::ComparableVersion + def <=>(other); end + def initialize(string); end + def segments; end + def string; end + include Comparable +end +module RSpec::Support::OS + def; end + def self.windows_file_path?; end + def windows?; end + def windows_file_path?; end +end +module RSpec::Support::Ruby + def jruby?; end + def jruby_9000?; end + def jruby_version; end + def mri?; end + def non_mri?; end + def rbx?; end + def self.jruby?; end + def self.jruby_9000?; end + def self.jruby_version; end + def self.mri?; end + def self.non_mri?; end + def self.rbx?; end +end +module RSpec::Support::RubyFeatures + def caller_locations_supported?; end + def fork_supported?; end + def kw_args_supported?; end + def module_prepends_supported?; end + def module_refinement_supported?; end + def optional_and_splat_args_supported?; end + def required_kw_args_supported?; end + def ripper_supported?; end + def self.caller_locations_supported?; end + def self.fork_supported?; end + def self.kw_args_supported?; end + def self.module_prepends_supported?; end + def self.module_refinement_supported?; end + def self.optional_and_splat_args_supported?; end + def self.required_kw_args_supported?; end + def self.ripper_supported?; end + def self.supports_exception_cause?; end + def self.supports_rebinding_module_methods?; end + def supports_exception_cause?; end + def supports_rebinding_module_methods?; end +end +module RSpec::Support::AllExceptionsExceptOnesWeMustNotRescue + def self.===(exception); end +end +class RSpec::CallerFilter + def self.first_non_rspec_line(skip_frames = nil, increment = nil); end +end +module RSpec::Support::Warnings + def deprecate(deprecated, options = nil); end + def warn_deprecation(message, options = nil); end + def warn_with(message, options = nil); end + def warning(text, options = nil); end +end +class RSpec::Support::EncodedString + def <<(string); end + def ==(*args, &block); end + def detect_source_encoding(string); end + def empty?(*args, &block); end + def encoding(*args, &block); end + def eql?(*args, &block); end + def initialize(string, encoding = nil); end + def lines(*args, &block); end + def matching_encoding(string); end + def remove_invalid_bytes(string); end + def self.pick_encoding(source_a, source_b); end + def source_encoding; end + def split(regex_or_string); end + def to_s; end + def to_str; end +end +class RSpec::Support::ReentrantMutex + def enter; end + def exit; end + def initialize; end + def synchronize; end +end +class RSpec::Support::DirectoryMaker + def self.directory_exists?(dirname); end + def self.generate_path(stack, part); end + def self.generate_stack(path); end + def self.mkdir_p(path); end +end +module RSpec::Support::RecursiveConstMethods + def const_defined_on?(mod, const_name); end + def constants_defined_on(mod); end + def get_const_defined_on(mod, const_name); end + def normalize_const_name(const_name); end + def recursive_const_defined?(const_name); end + def recursive_const_get(const_name); end +end +class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter + def format(object); end + def initialize(max_formatted_output_length = nil); end + def max_formatted_output_length; end + def max_formatted_output_length=(arg0); end + def prepare_array(array); end + def prepare_element(element); end + def prepare_for_inspection(object); end + def prepare_hash(input_hash); end + def recursive_structure?(object); end + def self.default_instance; end + def self.format(object); end + def self.prepare_for_inspection(object); end + def sort_hash_keys(input_hash); end + def truncate_string(str, start_index, end_index); end + def with_entering_structure(structure); end +end +class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::InspectableItem < Struct + def inspect; end + def pretty_print(pp); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def text; end + def text=(_); end +end +class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector < Struct + def formatter; end + def formatter=(_); end + def inspect; end + def object; end + def object=(_); end + def pretty_print(pp); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.can_inspect?(_object); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::TimeInspector < RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector + def inspect; end + def self.can_inspect?(object); end +end +class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::DateTimeInspector < RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector + def inspect; end + def self.can_inspect?(object); end +end +class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BigDecimalInspector < RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector + def inspect; end + def self.can_inspect?(object); end +end +class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::DescribableMatcherInspector < RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector + def inspect; end + def self.can_inspect?(object); end +end +class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::UninspectableObjectInspector < RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector + def inspect; end + def klass; end + def native_object_id; end + def self.can_inspect?(object); end +end +class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::DelegatorInspector < RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector + def inspect; end + def self.can_inspect?(object); end +end +class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::InspectableObjectInspector < RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector + def inspect; end + def self.can_inspect?(object); end +end +module RSpec::Support::FuzzyMatcher + def self.arrays_match?(expected_list, actual_list); end + def self.hashes_match?(expected_hash, actual_hash); end + def self.values_match?(expected, actual); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubyzip.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubyzip.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2838df188 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubyzip.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,532 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# rubyzip-1.2.3 +module Zip + def case_insensitive_match; end + def case_insensitive_match=(arg0); end + def continue_on_exists_proc; end + def continue_on_exists_proc=(arg0); end + def default_compression; end + def default_compression=(arg0); end + def force_entry_names_encoding; end + def force_entry_names_encoding=(arg0); end + def on_exists_proc; end + def on_exists_proc=(arg0); end + def reset!; end + def setup; end + def sort_entries; end + def sort_entries=(arg0); end + def unicode_names; end + def unicode_names=(arg0); end + def warn_invalid_date; end + def warn_invalid_date=(arg0); end + def write_zip64_support; end + def write_zip64_support=(arg0); end + extend Zip +end +class Zip::DOSTime < Time + def dos_equals(other); end + def self.parse_binary_dos_format(binaryDosDate, binaryDosTime); end + def to_binary_dos_date; end + def to_binary_dos_time; end +end +module Zip::IOExtras + def self.copy_stream(ostream, istream); end + def self.copy_stream_n(ostream, istream, nbytes); end +end +module Zip::IOExtras::AbstractInputStream + def each(a_sep_string = nil); end + def each_line(a_sep_string = nil); end + def flush; end + def gets(a_sep_string = nil, number_of_bytes = nil); end + def initialize; end + def lineno; end + def lineno=(arg0); end + def pos; end + def read(number_of_bytes = nil, buf = nil); end + def readline(a_sep_string = nil); end + def readlines(a_sep_string = nil); end + def ungetc(byte); end + include Enumerable + include Zip::IOExtras::FakeIO +end +module Zip::IOExtras::AbstractOutputStream + def print(*params); end + def printf(a_format_string, *params); end + def putc(an_object); end + def puts(*params); end + def write(data); end + include Zip::IOExtras::FakeIO +end +module Zip::IOExtras::FakeIO + def kind_of?(object); end +end +class Zip::Entry + def <=>(other); end + def ==(other); end + def calculate_local_header_size; end + def cdir_header_size; end + def check_c_dir_entry_comment_size; end + def check_c_dir_entry_signature; end + def check_c_dir_entry_static_header_length(buf); end + def check_name(name); end + def clean_up; end + def comment; end + def comment=(arg0); end + def comment_size; end + def compressed_size; end + def compressed_size=(arg0); end + def compression_method; end + def compression_method=(arg0); end + def crc; end + def crc=(arg0); end + def create_directory(dest_path); end + def create_file(dest_path, _continue_on_exists_proc = nil); end + def create_symlink(dest_path); end + def data_descriptor_size; end + def directory?; end + def dirty; end + def dirty=(arg0); end + def external_file_attributes; end + def external_file_attributes=(arg0); end + def extra; end + def extra=(arg0); end + def extra_size; end + def extract(dest_path = nil, &block); end + def file?; end + def file_stat(path); end + def file_type_is?(type); end + def filepath; end + def follow_symlinks; end + def follow_symlinks=(arg0); end + def fstype; end + def fstype=(arg0); end + def ftype; end + def gather_fileinfo_from_srcpath(src_path); end + def get_extra_attributes_from_path(path); end + def get_input_stream(&block); end + def get_raw_input_stream(&block); end + def gp_flags; end + def gp_flags=(arg0); end + def header_signature; end + def header_signature=(arg0); end + def initialize(*args); end + def internal_file_attributes; end + def internal_file_attributes=(arg0); end + def local_entry_offset; end + def local_header_offset; end + def local_header_offset=(arg0); end + def mtime; end + def name; end + def name=(arg0); end + def name_is_directory?; end + def name_safe?; end + def name_size; end + def next_header_offset; end + def pack_c_dir_entry; end + def pack_local_entry; end + def parent_as_string; end + def parse_zip64_extra(for_local_header); end + def prep_zip64_extra(for_local_header); end + def read_c_dir_entry(io); end + def read_c_dir_extra_field(io); end + def read_local_entry(io); end + def restore_ownership; end + def restore_ownership=(arg0); end + def restore_permissions; end + def restore_permissions=(arg0); end + def restore_times; end + def restore_times=(arg0); end + def self.read_c_dir_entry(io); end + def self.read_local_entry(io); end + def self.read_zip_64_long(io); end + def self.read_zip_long(io); end + def self.read_zip_short(io); end + def set_default_vars_values; end + def set_extra_attributes_on_path(dest_path); end + def set_ftype_from_c_dir_entry; end + def set_time(binary_dos_date, binary_dos_time); end + def set_unix_permissions_on_path(dest_path); end + def size; end + def size=(arg0); end + def symlink?; end + def time; end + def time=(value); end + def to_s; end + def unix_gid; end + def unix_gid=(arg0); end + def unix_perms; end + def unix_perms=(arg0); end + def unix_uid; end + def unix_uid=(arg0); end + def unpack_c_dir_entry(buf); end + def unpack_local_entry(buf); end + def verify_local_header_size!; end + def write_c_dir_entry(io); end + def write_local_entry(io, rewrite = nil); end + def write_to_zip_output_stream(zip_output_stream); end + def zipfile; end + def zipfile=(arg0); end +end +class Zip::ExtraField::Generic + def ==(other); end + def initial_parse(binstr); end + def; end + def self.register_map; end + def to_c_dir_bin; end + def to_local_bin; end +end +class Zip::ExtraField::UniversalTime < Zip::ExtraField::Generic + def ==(other); end + def atime; end + def atime=(arg0); end + def ctime; end + def ctime=(arg0); end + def flag; end + def flag=(arg0); end + def initialize(binstr = nil); end + def merge(binstr); end + def mtime; end + def mtime=(arg0); end + def pack_for_c_dir; end + def pack_for_local; end +end +class Zip::ExtraField::OldUnix < Zip::ExtraField::Generic + def ==(other); end + def atime; end + def atime=(arg0); end + def gid; end + def gid=(arg0); end + def initialize(binstr = nil); end + def merge(binstr); end + def mtime; end + def mtime=(arg0); end + def pack_for_c_dir; end + def pack_for_local; end + def uid; end + def uid=(arg0); end +end +class Zip::ExtraField::IUnix < Zip::ExtraField::Generic + def ==(other); end + def gid; end + def gid=(arg0); end + def initialize(binstr = nil); end + def merge(binstr); end + def pack_for_c_dir; end + def pack_for_local; end + def uid; end + def uid=(arg0); end +end +class Zip::ExtraField::Zip64 < Zip::ExtraField::Generic + def ==(other); end + def compressed_size; end + def compressed_size=(arg0); end + def disk_start_number; end + def disk_start_number=(arg0); end + def extract(size, format); end + def initialize(binstr = nil); end + def merge(binstr); end + def original_size; end + def original_size=(arg0); end + def pack_for_c_dir; end + def pack_for_local; end + def parse(original_size, compressed_size, relative_header_offset = nil, disk_start_number = nil); end + def relative_header_offset; end + def relative_header_offset=(arg0); end +end +class Zip::ExtraField::Zip64Placeholder < Zip::ExtraField::Generic + def initialize(_binstr = nil); end + def pack_for_local; end +end +class Zip::ExtraField::NTFS < Zip::ExtraField::Generic + def ==(other); end + def atime; end + def atime=(arg0); end + def ctime; end + def ctime=(arg0); end + def from_ntfs_time(ntfs_time); end + def initialize(binstr = nil); end + def merge(binstr); end + def mtime; end + def mtime=(arg0); end + def pack_for_c_dir; end + def pack_for_local; end + def parse_tags(content); end + def to_ntfs_time(time); end +end +class Zip::ExtraField < Hash + def c_dir_size; end + def create(name); end + def create_unknown_item; end + def extra_field_type_exist(binstr, id, len, i); end + def extra_field_type_unknown(binstr, len, i); end + def initialize(binstr = nil); end + def length; end + def local_size; end + def merge(binstr); end + def ordered_values; end + def size; end + def to_c_dir_bin; end + def to_local_bin; end + def to_s; end +end +class Zip::EntrySet + def <<(entry); end + def ==(other); end + def delete(entry); end + def dup; end + def each; end + def entries; end + def entry_order; end + def entry_order=(arg0); end + def entry_set; end + def entry_set=(arg0); end + def find_entry(entry); end + def glob(pattern, flags = nil); end + def include?(entry); end + def initialize(an_enumerable = nil); end + def length; end + def parent(entry); end + def push(entry); end + def size; end + def sorted_entries; end + def to_key(entry); end + include Enumerable +end +class Zip::CentralDirectory + def ==(other); end + def comment; end + def each(&proc); end + def entries; end + def get_64_e_o_c_d(buf); end + def get_e_o_c_d(buf); end + def initialize(entries = nil, comment = nil); end + def read_64_e_o_c_d(buf); end + def read_central_directory_entries(io); end + def read_e_o_c_d(buf); end + def read_from_stream(io); end + def self.read_from_stream(io); end + def size; end + def start_buf(io); end + def write_64_e_o_c_d(io, offset, cdir_size); end + def write_64_eocd_locator(io, zip64_eocd_offset); end + def write_e_o_c_d(io, offset, cdir_size); end + def write_to_stream(io); end + def zip64_file?(buf); end + include Enumerable +end +class Zip::File < Zip::CentralDirectory + def add(entry, src_path, &continue_on_exists_proc); end + def check_entry_exists(entryName, continue_on_exists_proc, procedureName); end + def check_file(path); end + def close; end + def comment; end + def comment=(arg0); end + def commit; end + def commit_required?; end + def directory?(newEntry, srcPath); end + def extract(entry, dest_path, &block); end + def find_entry(entry_name); end + def get_entry(entry); end + def get_input_stream(entry, &aProc); end + def get_output_stream(entry, permission_int = nil, comment = nil, extra = nil, compressed_size = nil, crc = nil, compression_method = nil, size = nil, time = nil, &aProc); end + def glob(*args, &block); end + def initialize(file_name, create = nil, buffer = nil, options = nil); end + def mkdir(entryName, permissionInt = nil); end + def name; end + def on_success_replace; end + def read(entry); end + def remove(entry); end + def rename(entry, new_name, &continue_on_exists_proc); end + def replace(entry, srcPath); end + def restore_ownership; end + def restore_ownership=(arg0); end + def restore_permissions; end + def restore_permissions=(arg0); end + def restore_times; end + def restore_times=(arg0); end + def self.add_buffer; end + def self.foreach(aZipFileName, &block); end + def self.get_partial_zip_file_name(zip_file_name, partial_zip_file_name); end + def self.get_segment_count_for_split(zip_file_size, segment_size); end + def self.get_segment_size_for_split(segment_size); end + def, create = nil); end + def self.open_buffer(io, options = nil); end + def self.put_split_signature(szip_file, segment_size); end + def self.save_splited_part(zip_file, partial_zip_file_name, zip_file_size, szip_file_index, segment_size, segment_count); end + def self.split(zip_file_name, segment_size = nil, delete_zip_file = nil, partial_zip_file_name = nil); end + def to_s; end + def write_buffer(io = nil); end +end +class Zip::InputStream + def close; end + def eof; end + def eof?; end + def get_decompressor; end + def get_io(io_or_file, offset = nil); end + def get_next_entry; end + def initialize(context, offset = nil, decrypter = nil); end + def input_finished?; end + def open_entry; end + def produce_input; end + def rewind; end + def, offset = nil, decrypter = nil); end + def self.open_buffer(filename_or_io, offset = nil); end + def sysread(number_of_bytes = nil, buf = nil); end + include Zip::IOExtras::AbstractInputStream +end +class Zip::OutputStream + def <<(data); end + def close; end + def close_buffer; end + def comment; end + def comment=(arg0); end + def copy_raw_entry(entry); end + def finalize_current_entry; end + def finish; end + def get_compressor(entry, level); end + def init_next_entry(entry, level = nil); end + def initialize(file_name, stream = nil, encrypter = nil); end + def put_next_entry(entry_name, comment = nil, extra = nil, compression_method = nil, level = nil); end + def, encrypter = nil); end + def self.write_buffer(io = nil, encrypter = nil); end + def update_local_headers; end + def write_central_directory; end + include Zip::IOExtras::AbstractOutputStream +end +class Zip::Decompressor + def initialize(input_stream); end +end +class Zip::Compressor + def finish; end +end +module Zip::NullDecompressor + def eof; end + def eof?; end + def input_finished?; end + def produce_input; end + def self.eof; end + def self.input_finished?; end + def self.produce_input; end + def self.sysread(_numberOfBytes = nil, _buf = nil); end + def sysread(_numberOfBytes = nil, _buf = nil); end +end +class Zip::NullCompressor < Zip::Compressor + def <<(_data); end + def compressed_size; end + def self.allocate; end + def self.instance; end + def*arg0); end + def size; end + extend Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + include Singleton +end +module Zip::NullInputStream + include Zip::IOExtras::AbstractInputStream + include Zip::NullDecompressor +end +class Zip::PassThruCompressor < Zip::Compressor + def <<(data); end + def crc; end + def initialize(outputStream); end + def size; end +end +class Zip::PassThruDecompressor < Zip::Decompressor + def eof; end + def eof?; end + def initialize(input_stream, chars_to_read); end + def input_finished?; end + def produce_input; end + def sysread(number_of_bytes = nil, buf = nil); end +end +class Zip::Encrypter +end +class Zip::Decrypter +end +module Zip::NullEncryption + def gp_flags; end + def header_bytesize; end +end +class Zip::NullEncrypter < Zip::Encrypter + def data_descriptor(_crc32, _compressed_size, _uncomprssed_size); end + def encrypt(data); end + def header(_mtime); end + def reset!; end + include Zip::NullEncryption +end +class Zip::NullDecrypter < Zip::Decrypter + def decrypt(data); end + def reset!(_header); end + include Zip::NullEncryption +end +module Zip::TraditionalEncryption + def decrypt_byte; end + def gp_flags; end + def header_bytesize; end + def initialize(password); end + def reset_keys!; end + def update_keys(n); end +end +class Zip::TraditionalEncrypter < Zip::Encrypter + def data_descriptor(crc32, compressed_size, uncomprssed_size); end + def encode(n); end + def encrypt(data); end + def header(mtime); end + def reset!; end + include Zip::TraditionalEncryption +end +class Zip::TraditionalDecrypter < Zip::Decrypter + def decode(n); end + def decrypt(data); end + def reset!(header); end + include Zip::TraditionalEncryption +end +class Zip::Inflater < Zip::Decompressor + def eof; end + def eof?; end + def initialize(input_stream, decrypter = nil); end + def input_finished?; end + def internal_input_finished?; end + def internal_produce_input(buf = nil); end + def produce_input; end + def sysread(number_of_bytes = nil, buf = nil); end + def value_when_finished; end +end +class Zip::Deflater < Zip::Compressor + def <<(data); end + def crc; end + def finish; end + def initialize(output_stream, level = nil, encrypter = nil); end + def size; end +end +class Zip::StreamableStream < Anonymous_Delegator_18 + def clean_up; end + def get_input_stream; end + def get_output_stream; end + def initialize(entry); end + def write_to_zip_output_stream(aZipOutputStream); end +end +class Zip::StreamableDirectory < Zip::Entry + def initialize(zipfile, entry, srcPath = nil, permissionInt = nil); end +end +class Zip::Error < StandardError +end +class Zip::EntryExistsError < Zip::Error +end +class Zip::DestinationFileExistsError < Zip::Error +end +class Zip::CompressionMethodError < Zip::Error +end +class Zip::EntryNameError < Zip::Error +end +class Zip::InternalError < Zip::Error +end +class Zip::GPFBit3Error < Zip::Error +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/sass-rails.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/sass-rails.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7a3a6218 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/sass-rails.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# sass-rails-5.0.7 +module Sass +end +module Sass::Rails +end +module Sprockets +end +module Sprockets::SassProcessor::Functions +end +module Sass::Script::Functions + include Sprockets::SassProcessor::Functions +end +class Sass::Script::Functions::EvaluationContext + include Sass::Script::Functions +end +class Sass::Rails::SassImporter < Sass::Importers::Filesystem + def extensions; end + include Sass::Rails::SassImporter::Deprecated + include Sass::Rails::SassImporter::ERB + include Sass::Rails::SassImporter::Globbing +end +module Sass::Rails::SassImporter::Globbing + def each_globbed_file(base, glob, context); end + def find(name, options); end + def find_relative(name, base, options); end + def glob_imports(base, glob, options); end +end +module Sass::Rails::SassImporter::ERB + def erb_extensions; end + def extensions; end + def find(*args); end + def find_relative(*args); end + def process_erb_engine(engine); end +end +module Sass::Rails::SassImporter::Deprecated + def deprecate_extra_css_extension(engine); end + def extensions; end + def find(*args); end + def find_relative(*args); end +end +class Sass::Rails::CacheStore < Sass::CacheStores::Base + def _retrieve(key, version, sha); end + def _store(key, version, sha, contents); end + def environment; end + def initialize(environment); end + def path_to(key); end +end +class Sass::Rails::SassTemplate < Tilt::Template + def evaluate(context, locals, &block); end + def importer_class; end + def initialize_engine; end + def prepare; end + def self.default_mime_type; end + def self.engine_initialized?; end + def syntax; end +end +class Sass::Rails::ScssTemplate < Sass::Rails::SassTemplate + def syntax; end +end +class Sass::Rails::Logger < Sass::Logger::Base + def _log(level, message); end +end +class Sass::Rails::Railtie < Rails::Railtie +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/sass.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/sass.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e4d0a6ad2 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/sass.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,2307 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# sass-3.7.4 +module Sass + def self.compile(contents, options = nil); end + def self.compile_file(filename, *args); end + def self.load_paths; end + def self.logger; end + def self.logger=(l); end + def self.tests_running; end + def self.tests_running=(arg0); end + extend Sass::Features + extend Sass::Version +end +module Sass::Util + def abstract(obj); end + def ap_geq?(version); end + def ap_geq_3?; end + def array_minus(minuend, subtrahend); end + def atomic_create_and_write_file(filename, perms = nil); end + def av_template_class(name); end + def caller_info(entry = nil); end + def check_range(name, range, value, unit = nil); end + def check_sass_encoding(str); end + def cleanpath(path); end + def deprecated(obj, message = nil); end + def destructure(val); end + def downcase(string); end + def encode_vlq(value); end + def escaped_char(escape); end + def extract!(array); end + def extract_values(arr); end + def file_uri_from_path(path); end + def find_encoding_error(str); end + def flatten_vertically(arrs); end + def glob(path); end + def inject_values(str, values); end + def inspect_obj(obj); end + def intersperse(enum, val); end + def ironruby?; end + def jruby?; end + def jruby_version; end + def json_escape_string(s); end + def json_value_of(v); end + def lcs(x, y, &block); end + def lcs_backtrace(c, x, y, i, j, &block); end + def lcs_table(x, y); end + def map_hash(hash); end + def map_keys(hash); end + def map_vals(hash); end + def max(val1, val2); end + def merge_adjacent_strings(arr); end + def min(val1, val2); end + def normalize_ident_escapes(ident, start: nil); end + def pathname(path); end + def paths(arrs); end + def powerset(arr); end + def rails_env; end + def rails_root; end + def rbx?; end + def realpath(path); end + def relative_path_from(path, from); end + def replace_subseq(arr, subseq, replacement); end + def restrict(value, range); end + def retry_on_windows; end + def round(value); end + def rstrip_except_escapes(string); end + def ruby2_4?; end + def sass_warn(msg); end + def scope(file); end + def self.abstract(obj); end + def self.ap_geq?(version); end + def self.ap_geq_3?; end + def self.array_minus(minuend, subtrahend); end + def self.atomic_create_and_write_file(filename, perms = nil); end + def self.av_template_class(name); end + def self.caller_info(entry = nil); end + def self.check_range(name, range, value, unit = nil); end + def self.check_sass_encoding(str); end + def self.cleanpath(path); end + def self.deprecated(obj, message = nil); end + def self.destructure(val); end + def self.downcase(string); end + def self.encode_vlq(value); end + def self.escaped_char(escape); end + def self.extract!(array); end + def self.extract_values(arr); end + def self.file_uri_from_path(path); end + def self.flatten_vertically(arrs); end + def self.glob(path); end + def self.inject_values(str, values); end + def self.inspect_obj(obj); end + def self.intersperse(enum, val); end + def self.ironruby?; end + def self.jruby?; end + def self.jruby_version; end + def self.json_escape_string(s); end + def self.json_value_of(v); end + def self.lcs(x, y, &block); end + def self.map_hash(hash); end + def self.map_keys(hash); end + def self.map_vals(hash); end + def self.max(val1, val2); end + def self.merge_adjacent_strings(arr); end + def self.min(val1, val2); end + def self.normalize_ident_escapes(ident, start: nil); end + def self.pathname(path); end + def self.paths(arrs); end + def self.powerset(arr); end + def self.rails_env; end + def self.rails_root; end + def self.rbx?; end + def self.realpath(path); end + def self.relative_path_from(path, from); end + def self.replace_subseq(arr, subseq, replacement); end + def self.restrict(value, range); end + def self.retry_on_windows; end + def self.round(value); end + def self.rstrip_except_escapes(string); end + def self.ruby2_4?; end + def self.sass_warn(msg); end + def self.scope(file); end + def self.silence_sass_warnings; end + def self.slice_by(enum); end + def self.sourcemap_name(css); end + def self.strip_except_escapes(string); end + def self.strip_string_array(arr); end + def self.subsequence?(seq1, seq2); end + def self.substitute(ary, from, to); end + def self.undefined_conversion_error_char(e); end + def self.upcase(string); end + def self.version_geq(v1, v2); end + def self.version_gt(v1, v2); end + def; end + def self.with_extracted_values(arr); end + def silence_sass_warnings; end + def slice_by(enum); end + def sourcemap_name(css); end + def strip_except_escapes(string); end + def strip_string_array(arr); end + def subsequence?(seq1, seq2); end + def substitute(ary, from, to); end + def undefined_conversion_error_char(e); end + def upcase(string); end + def version_geq(v1, v2); end + def version_gt(v1, v2); end + def windows?; end + def with_extracted_values(arr); end + extend Sass::Util +end +class Sass::Util::SubsetMap + def [](set); end + def []=(set, value); end + def each_value; end + def empty?; end + def get(set); end + def initialize; end +end +class Sass::Util::MultibyteStringScanner < StringScanner + def _forward(str); end + def _match(str); end + def _matched(res); end + def _size(str); end + def byte_matched_size; end + def byte_pos; end + def check(pattern); end + def check_until(pattern); end + def clear; end + def get_byte; end + def getbyte; end + def getch; end + def initialize(str); end + def match?(pattern); end + def matched_size; end + def peek(len); end + def peep(len); end + def pointer; end + def pos; end + def pos=(n); end + def reset; end + def rest_size; end + def scan(pattern); end + def scan_full(pattern, advance_pointer_p, return_string_p); end + def scan_until(pattern); end + def search_full(pattern, advance_pointer_p, return_string_p); end + def; end + def skip(pattern); end + def skip_until(pattern); end + def string=(str); end + def terminate; end + def unscan; end +end +class Sass::Util::NormalizedMap + def [](k); end + def []=(k, v); end + def as_stored; end + def delete(k); end + def denormalize(key); end + def dup; end + def each; end + def empty?; end + def has_key?(k); end + def initialize(map = nil); end + def keys; end + def map; end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + def normalize(key); end + def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = nil); end + def size; end + def sort_by; end + def to_a; end + def to_hash; end + def update(map); end + def values; end +end +class Sass::Util::StaticConditionalContext + def initialize(set); end + def method_missing(name, *args); end +end +module Sass::Version + def revision_number; end + def version; end + def version_date; end +end +module Sass::Logger +end +module Sass::Logger::LogLevel + def self.included(base); end +end +module Sass::Logger::LogLevel::ClassMethods + def define_logger(name, options = nil); end + def inherited(subclass); end + def log_level(name, options = nil); end + def log_level?(level, min_level); end + def log_levels; end + def log_levels=(arg0); end +end +class Sass::Logger::Base + def _log(level, message); end + def capture; end + def debug(message); end + def disabled; end + def disabled=(arg0); end + def error(message); end + def info(message); end + def initialize(log_level = nil, io = nil); end + def io; end + def io=(arg0); end + def log(level, message); end + def log_level; end + def log_level=(arg0); end + def logging_level?(level); end + def trace(message); end + def warn(message); end + extend Sass::Logger::LogLevel::ClassMethods + include Sass::Logger::LogLevel +end +class Sass::Logger::Delayed < Sass::Logger::Base + def _log(level, message); end + def flush; end + def initialize(inner); end + def self.install!; end + def uninstall!; end +end +module Sass::CacheStores +end +class Sass::CacheStores::Base + def _retrieve(key, version, sha); end + def _store(key, version, sha, contents); end + def key(sass_dirname, sass_basename); end + def retrieve(key, sha); end + def store(key, sha, root); end +end +class Sass::CacheStores::Filesystem < Sass::CacheStores::Base + def _retrieve(key, version, sha); end + def _store(key, version, sha, contents); end + def cache_location; end + def cache_location=(arg0); end + def initialize(cache_location); end + def path_to(key); end +end +class Sass::CacheStores::Memory < Sass::CacheStores::Base + def _dump(depth); end + def initialize; end + def reset!; end + def retrieve(key, sha); end + def self._load(repr); end + def store(key, sha, obj); end +end +class Sass::CacheStores::Chain < Sass::CacheStores::Base + def initialize(*caches); end + def retrieve(key, sha); end + def store(key, sha, obj); end +end +class Sass::Deprecation + def initialize; end + def self.allow_double_warnings; end + def warn(filename, line, column_or_message, message = nil); end +end +module Sass::Source +end +class Sass::Source::Position + def after(str); end + def initialize(line, offset); end + def inspect; end + def line; end + def line=(arg0); end + def offset; end + def offset=(arg0); end +end +class Sass::Source::Range + def end_pos; end + def end_pos=(arg0); end + def file; end + def file=(arg0); end + def importer; end + def importer=(arg0); end + def initialize(start_pos, end_pos, file, importer = nil); end + def inspect; end + def start_pos; end + def start_pos=(arg0); end +end +class Sass::Source::Map + def add(input, output); end + def data; end + def initialize; end + def shift_output_lines(delta); end + def shift_output_offsets(delta); end + def to_json(options); end + def write_json_field(out, name, value, is_first = nil); end +end +class Anonymous_Struct_16 < Struct + def input; end + def input=(_); end + def output; end + def output=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class Sass::Source::Map::Mapping < Anonymous_Struct_16 + def inspect; end +end +module Sass::Tree +end +class Sass::Tree::Node + def <<(child); end + def ==(other); end + def balance(*args); end + def bubbles?; end + def children; end + def children=(children); end + def css; end + def css_with_sourcemap; end + def deep_copy; end + def each; end + def filename; end + def filename=(arg0); end + def has_children; end + def has_children=(arg0); end + def initialize; end + def inspect; end + def invisible?; end + def line; end + def line=(arg0); end + def options; end + def options=(options); end + def self.inherited(base); end + def source_range; end + def source_range=(arg0); end + def style; end + def to_sass(options = nil); end + def to_scss(options = nil); end + include Enumerable +end +class Sass::Tree::RootNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def css_tree; end + def initialize(template); end + def render; end + def render_with_sourcemap; end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end + def template; end +end +class Sass::Tree::RuleNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def ==(other); end + def add_rules(node); end + def continued?; end + def debug_info; end + def filename=(filename); end + def group_end; end + def group_end=(arg0); end + def initialize(rule, selector_source_range = nil); end + def invisible?; end + def line=(line); end + def parsed_rules; end + def parsed_rules=(arg0); end + def resolved_rules; end + def resolved_rules=(arg0); end + def rule; end + def rule=(arg0); end + def selector_source_range; end + def selector_source_range=(arg0); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end + def stack_trace; end + def stack_trace=(arg0); end + def tabs; end + def tabs=(arg0); end + def try_to_parse_non_interpolated_rules; end +end +class Sass::Tree::CommentNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def ==(other); end + def initialize(value, type); end + def invisible?; end + def lines; end + def normalize_indentation(str); end + def resolved_value; end + def resolved_value=(arg0); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end + def type; end + def type=(arg0); end + def value; end + def value=(arg0); end +end +class Sass::Tree::PropNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def ==(other); end + def check!; end + def custom_property?; end + def declaration(opts = nil, fmt = nil); end + def initialize(name, value, prop_syntax); end + def invisible?; end + def name; end + def name=(arg0); end + def name_source_range; end + def name_source_range=(arg0); end + def pseudo_class_selector_message; end + def resolved_name; end + def resolved_name=(arg0); end + def resolved_value; end + def resolved_value=(arg0); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end + def tabs; end + def tabs=(arg0); end + def value; end + def value=(arg0); end + def value_needs_parens?; end + def value_source_range; end + def value_source_range=(arg0); end +end +class Sass::Tree::DirectiveNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def bubbles?; end + def group_end; end + def group_end=(arg0); end + def initialize(value); end + def name; end + def normalized_name; end + def resolved_value; end + def resolved_value=(arg0); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.resolved(value); end + def self.visit_method; end + def tabs; end + def tabs=(arg0); end + def value; end + def value=(arg0); end +end +class Sass::Tree::MediaNode < Sass::Tree::DirectiveNode + def initialize(query); end + def invisible?; end + def name; end + def query; end + def query=(arg0); end + def resolved_query; end + def resolved_query=(arg0); end + def resolved_value; end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end + def value; end +end +class Sass::Tree::SupportsNode < Sass::Tree::DirectiveNode + def condition; end + def condition=(arg0); end + def initialize(name, condition); end + def invisible?; end + def name; end + def name=(arg0); end + def resolved_value; end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end + def value; end +end +class Sass::Tree::CssImportNode < Sass::Tree::DirectiveNode + def initialize(uri, query = nil, supports_condition = nil); end + def query; end + def query=(arg0); end + def resolved_query; end + def resolved_query=(arg0); end + def resolved_uri; end + def resolved_uri=(arg0); end + def resolved_value; end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.resolved(uri); end + def self.visit_method; end + def supports_condition; end + def supports_condition=(arg0); end + def uri; end + def uri=(arg0); end + def value; end +end +class Sass::Tree::VariableNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def expr; end + def expr=(arg0); end + def global; end + def guarded; end + def initialize(name, expr, guarded, global); end + def name; end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end +end +class Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def args; end + def args=(arg0); end + def has_content; end + def has_content=(arg0); end + def initialize(name, args, splat); end + def name; end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end + def splat; end + def splat=(arg0); end +end +class Sass::Tree::MixinNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def args; end + def args=(arg0); end + def initialize(name, args, keywords, splat, kwarg_splat); end + def keywords; end + def keywords=(arg0); end + def kwarg_splat; end + def kwarg_splat=(arg0); end + def name; end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end + def splat; end + def splat=(arg0); end +end +class Sass::Tree::TraceNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def initialize(name); end + def name; end + def self.from_node(name, node); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end +end +class Sass::Tree::ContentNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end +end +class Sass::Tree::FunctionNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def args; end + def args=(arg0); end + def initialize(name, args, splat); end + def name; end + def normalized_name; end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end + def splat; end + def splat=(arg0); end +end +class Sass::Tree::ReturnNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def expr; end + def expr=(arg0); end + def initialize(expr); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end +end +class Sass::Tree::ExtendNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def initialize(selector, optional, selector_source_range); end + def optional?; end + def resolved_selector; end + def resolved_selector=(arg0); end + def selector; end + def selector=(arg0); end + def selector_source_range; end + def selector_source_range=(arg0); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end +end +class Sass::Tree::IfNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def _dump(f); end + def add_else(node); end + def else; end + def else=(arg0); end + def expr; end + def expr=(arg0); end + def initialize(expr); end + def self._load(data); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end +end +class Sass::Tree::WhileNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def expr; end + def expr=(arg0); end + def initialize(expr); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end +end +class Sass::Tree::ForNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def exclusive; end + def from; end + def from=(arg0); end + def initialize(var, from, to, exclusive); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end + def to; end + def to=(arg0); end + def var; end +end +class Sass::Tree::EachNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def initialize(vars, list); end + def list; end + def list=(arg0); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end + def vars; end +end +class Sass::Tree::DebugNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def expr; end + def expr=(arg0); end + def initialize(expr); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end +end +class Sass::Tree::WarnNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def expr; end + def expr=(arg0); end + def initialize(expr); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end +end +class Sass::Tree::ImportNode < Sass::Tree::RootNode + def css_import?; end + def import; end + def imported_file; end + def imported_file=(arg0); end + def imported_filename; end + def initialize(imported_filename); end + def invisible?; end + def options_for_importer; end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end +end +class Sass::Tree::CharsetNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def initialize(name); end + def invisible?; end + def name; end + def name=(arg0); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end +end +class Sass::Tree::AtRootNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def bubbles?; end + def exclude?(directive); end + def exclude_node?(node); end + def group_end; end + def group_end=(arg0); end + def initialize(query = nil); end + def query; end + def query=(arg0); end + def resolved_type; end + def resolved_type=(arg0); end + def resolved_value; end + def resolved_value=(arg0); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end + def tabs; end + def tabs=(arg0); end +end +class Sass::Tree::KeyframeRuleNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def initialize(resolved_value); end + def resolved_value; end + def resolved_value=(arg0); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end +end +class Sass::Tree::ErrorNode < Sass::Tree::Node + def expr; end + def expr=(arg0); end + def initialize(expr); end + def self.invalid_child_method_name; end + def self.invalid_parent_method_name; end + def self.node_name; end + def self.visit_method; end +end +module Sass::Tree::Visitors +end +class Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base + def self.node_name(node); end + def self.visit(root); end + def visit(node); end + def visit_children(parent); end + def visit_if(node); end +end +class Sass::Tree::Visitors::Perform < Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base + def handle_import_loop!(node); end + def initialize(env); end + def run_interp(text); end + def run_interp_no_strip(text); end + def self.arg_hash(map); end + def self.perform_arguments(callable, args, splat, environment); end + def self.perform_splat(splat, performed_keywords, kwarg_splat, environment); end + def self.visit(root, environment = nil); end + def visit(node); end + def visit_atroot(node); end + def visit_children(parent); end + def visit_comment(node); end + def visit_content(node); end + def visit_cssimport(node); end + def visit_debug(node); end + def visit_directive(node); end + def visit_each(node); end + def visit_error(node); end + def visit_extend(node); end + def visit_for(node); end + def visit_function(node); end + def visit_if(node); end + def visit_import(node); end + def visit_media(node); end + def visit_mixin(node); end + def visit_mixindef(node); end + def visit_prop(node); end + def visit_return(node); end + def visit_root(node); end + def visit_rule(node); end + def visit_supports(node); end + def visit_variable(node); end + def visit_warn(node); end + def visit_while(node); end + def with_environment(env); end +end +class Sass::Tree::Visitors::Cssize < Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base + def bubblable?(node); end + def bubble(node); end + def debubble(children, parent = nil); end + def initialize; end + def parent; end + def self.visit(root); end + def visit(node); end + def visit_atroot(node); end + def visit_children(parent); end + def visit_children_without_parent(node); end + def visit_directive(node); end + def visit_extend(node); end + def visit_import(node); end + def visit_keyframerule(node); end + def visit_media(node); end + def visit_prop(node); end + def visit_root(node); end + def visit_rule(node); end + def visit_supports(node); end + def visit_trace(node); end + def with_parent(parent); end +end +class Sass::Tree::Visitors::Cssize::Extend < Struct + def directives; end + def directives=(_); end + def extender; end + def extender=(_); end + def node; end + def node=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def success; end + def success=(_); end + def target; end + def target=(_); end +end +class Sass::Tree::Visitors::Cssize::Bubble + def bubbles?; end + def group_end; end + def group_end=(arg0); end + def initialize(node); end + def inspect; end + def node; end + def node=(arg0); end + def tabs; end + def tabs=(arg0); end +end +class Sass::Tree::Visitors::Extend < Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base + def initialize(extends); end + def self.check_extends_fired!(extends); end + def self.visit(root, extends); end + def visit(node); end + def visit_children(parent); end + def visit_rule(node); end +end +class Sass::Tree::Visitors::Convert < Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base + def dasherize(s); end + def initialize(options, format); end + def interp_to_src(interp); end + def query_interp_to_src(interp); end + def selector_to_sass(sel); end + def selector_to_scss(sel); end + def selector_to_src(sel); end + def self.visit(root, options, format); end + def semi; end + def tab_str; end + def visit_atroot(node); end + def visit_charset(node); end + def visit_children(parent); end + def visit_comment(node); end + def visit_content(node); end + def visit_cssimport(node); end + def visit_debug(node); end + def visit_directive(node); end + def visit_each(node); end + def visit_error(node); end + def visit_extend(node); end + def visit_for(node); end + def visit_function(node); end + def visit_if(node); end + def visit_import(node); end + def visit_keyframerule(node); end + def visit_media(node); end + def visit_mixin(node); end + def visit_mixindef(node); end + def visit_prop(node); end + def visit_return(node); end + def visit_root(node); end + def visit_rule(node); end + def visit_rule_level(nodes); end + def visit_supports(node); end + def visit_variable(node); end + def visit_warn(node); end + def visit_while(node); end +end +class Sass::Tree::Visitors::ToCss < Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base + def debug_info_rule(debug_info, options); end + def erase!(chars); end + def for_node(node, attr_prefix = nil); end + def format_custom_property_value(node); end + def initialize(build_source_mapping = nil); end + def lstrip; end + def output(s); end + def prepend!(prefix); end + def rstrip!; end + def source_mapping; end + def trailing_semicolon?; end + def visit(node); end + def visit_charset(node); end + def visit_comment(node); end + def visit_cssimport(node); end + def visit_directive(node); end + def visit_keyframerule(node); end + def visit_media(node); end + def visit_prop(node); end + def visit_root(node); end + def visit_rule(node); end + def visit_supports(node); end + def with_tabs(tabs); end +end +class Sass::Tree::Visitors::DeepCopy < Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base + def visit(node); end + def visit_children(parent); end + def visit_debug(node); end + def visit_directive(node); end + def visit_each(node); end + def visit_error(node); end + def visit_extend(node); end + def visit_for(node); end + def visit_function(node); end + def visit_if(node); end + def visit_media(node); end + def visit_mixin(node); end + def visit_mixindef(node); end + def visit_prop(node); end + def visit_return(node); end + def visit_rule(node); end + def visit_supports(node); end + def visit_variable(node); end + def visit_warn(node); end + def visit_while(node); end +end +class Sass::Tree::Visitors::SetOptions < Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base + def initialize(options); end + def self.visit(root, options); end + def visit(node); end + def visit_comment(node); end + def visit_cssimport(node); end + def visit_debug(node); end + def visit_directive(node); end + def visit_each(node); end + def visit_error(node); end + def visit_extend(node); end + def visit_for(node); end + def visit_function(node); end + def visit_if(node); end + def visit_import(node); end + def visit_media(node); end + def visit_mixin(node); end + def visit_mixindef(node); end + def visit_prop(node); end + def visit_return(node); end + def visit_rule(node); end + def visit_supports(node); end + def visit_variable(node); end + def visit_warn(node); end + def visit_while(node); end +end +class Sass::Tree::Visitors::CheckNesting < Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base + def initialize; end + def invalid_charset_parent?(parent, child); end + def invalid_content_parent?(parent, child); end + def invalid_extend_parent?(parent, child); end + def invalid_function_child?(parent, child); end + def invalid_function_parent?(parent, child); end + def invalid_import_parent?(parent, child); end + def invalid_mixindef_parent?(parent, child); end + def invalid_prop_child?(parent, child); end + def invalid_prop_parent?(parent, child); end + def invalid_return_parent?(parent, child); end + def is_any_of?(val, classes); end + def transparent_parent?(parent, grandparent); end + def try_send(method, *args); end + def visit(node); end + def visit_children(parent); end + def visit_import(node); end + def visit_mixindef(node); end + def visit_root(node); end +end +module Sass::Selector +end +class Sass::Selector::Simple + def ==(other); end + def eql?(other); end + def equality_key; end + def filename; end + def filename=(arg0); end + def hash; end + def inspect; end + def line; end + def line=(arg0); end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def unify(sels); end + def unify_namespaces(ns1, ns2); end + def unique?; end +end +class Sass::Selector::AbstractSequence + def ==(other); end + def _specificity(arr); end + def eql?(other); end + def filename; end + def filename=(filename); end + def hash; end + def invisible?; end + def line; end + def line=(line); end + def specificity; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end +end +class Sass::Selector::CommaSequence < Sass::Selector::AbstractSequence + def _eql?(other); end + def _hash; end + def contains_parent_ref?; end + def do_extend(extends, parent_directives = nil, replace = nil, seen = nil, original = nil); end + def initialize(seqs); end + def inspect; end + def members; end + def populate_extends(extends, extendee, extend_node = nil, parent_directives = nil, allow_compound_target = nil); end + def resolve_parent_refs(super_cseq, implicit_parent = nil); end + def superselector?(cseq); end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def to_sass_script; end + def unify(other); end +end +class Sass::Selector::Pseudo < Sass::Selector::Simple + def arg; end + def initialize(syntactic_type, name, arg, selector); end + def invisible?; end + def name; end + def normalized_name; end + def selector; end + def specificity; end + def superselector?(their_sseq, parents = nil); end + def syntactic_type; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def type; end + def unify(sels); end + def unique?; end + def with_selector(new_selector); end +end +class Sass::Selector::Sequence < Sass::Selector::AbstractSequence + def _eql?(other); end + def _hash; end + def _sources(seq); end + def _superselector?(seq1, seq2); end + def add_sources!(sources); end + def chunks(seq1, seq2); end + def contains_parent_ref?; end + def do_extend(extends, parent_directives, replace, seen, original); end + def extended_not_expanded_to_s(extended_not_expanded); end + def filename=(filename); end + def group_selectors(seq); end + def has_root?(sseq); end + def initialize(seqs_and_ops); end + def inspect; end + def line=(line); end + def members; end + def merge_final_ops(seq1, seq2, res = nil); end + def merge_initial_ops(seq1, seq2); end + def must_unify?(seq1, seq2); end + def parent_superselector?(seq1, seq2); end + def path_has_two_subjects?(path); end + def resolve_parent_refs(super_cseq, implicit_parent); end + def subjectless; end + def subweave(seq1, seq2); end + def superselector?(seq); end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def trim(seqses); end + def unify(other); end + def weave(path); end +end +class Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence < Sass::Selector::AbstractSequence + def _eql?(other); end + def _hash; end + def base; end + def check_directives_match!(extend, parent_directives); end + def do_extend(extends, parent_directives, replace, seen); end + def initialize(selectors, subject, source_range = nil); end + def inspect; end + def members; end + def members=(arg0); end + def pseudo_elements; end + def resolve_parent_refs(super_cseq); end + def rest; end + def selector_pseudo_classes; end + def source_range; end + def source_range=(arg0); end + def sources; end + def sources=(arg0); end + def subject=(arg0); end + def subject?; end + def superselector?(their_sseq, parents = nil); end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def unify(other); end + def with_more_sources(sources); end +end +class Sass::Selector::Parent < Sass::Selector::Simple + def initialize(suffix = nil); end + def suffix; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def unify(sels); end +end +class Sass::Selector::Class < Sass::Selector::Simple + def initialize(name); end + def name; end + def specificity; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end +end +class Sass::Selector::Id < Sass::Selector::Simple + def initialize(name); end + def name; end + def specificity; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def unify(sels); end + def unique?; end +end +class Sass::Selector::Placeholder < Sass::Selector::Simple + def initialize(name); end + def name; end + def specificity; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end +end +class Sass::Selector::Universal < Sass::Selector::Simple + def initialize(namespace); end + def namespace; end + def specificity; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def unify(sels); end +end +class Sass::Selector::Element < Sass::Selector::Simple + def initialize(name, namespace); end + def name; end + def namespace; end + def specificity; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def unify(sels); end +end +class Sass::Selector::Attribute < Sass::Selector::Simple + def flags; end + def initialize(name, namespace, operator, value, flags); end + def name; end + def namespace; end + def operator; end + def specificity; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def value; end +end +class Sass::BaseEnvironment + def _function(name); end + def _mixin(name); end + def _var(name); end + def caller; end + def caller=(arg0); end + def content; end + def content=(arg0); end + def function(name); end + def global?; end + def global_env; end + def initialize(parent = nil, options = nil); end + def is_function_global?(name); end + def is_mixin_global?(name); end + def is_var_global?(name); end + def mixin(name); end + def options; end + def selector; end + def selector=(arg0); end + def self.inherited_hash_accessor(name); end + def self.inherited_hash_reader(name); end + def self.inherited_hash_writer(name); end + def stack; end + def var(name); end +end +class Sass::Environment < Sass::BaseEnvironment + def parent; end + def set_function(name, value); end + def set_global_function(name, value); end + def set_global_mixin(name, value); end + def set_global_var(name, value); end + def set_local_function(name, value); end + def set_local_mixin(name, value); end + def set_local_var(name, value); end + def set_mixin(name, value); end + def set_var(name, value); end + def try_set_function(name, value); end + def try_set_mixin(name, value); end + def try_set_var(name, value); end +end +class Sass::ReadOnlyEnvironment < Sass::BaseEnvironment + def caller; end + def content; end + def initialize(parent = nil, options = nil); end +end +class Sass::SemiGlobalEnvironment < Sass::Environment + def try_set_var(name, value); end +end +module Sass::SCSS +end +module Sass::SCSS::RX + def self.escape_char(c); end + def self.escape_ident(str); end + def self.quote(str, flags = nil); end +end +module Sass::Script::Value +end +module Sass::Script::Value::Helpers + def bool(value); end + def calc?(literal); end + def hex_color(value, alpha = nil); end + def hsl_color(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha = nil); end + def identifier(str); end + def list(*elements, separator: nil, bracketed: nil); end + def map(hash); end + def normalize_selector(value, name); end + def null; end + def number(number, unit_string = nil); end + def parse_complex_selector(value, name = nil, allow_parent_ref = nil); end + def parse_compound_selector(value, name = nil, allow_parent_ref = nil); end + def parse_selector(value, name = nil, allow_parent_ref = nil); end + def parse_unit_string(unit_string); end + def quoted_string(str); end + def rgb_color(red, green, blue, alpha = nil); end + def selector_to_str(value); end + def special_number?(literal); end + def unquoted_string(str); end + def var?(literal); end +end +module Sass::Script + def self.const_missing(name); end + def self.parse(value, line, offset, options = nil); end +end +module Sass::Script::Functions + def _adjust(color, amount, attr, range, op, units = nil); end + def abs(number); end + def adjust_color(color, kwargs); end + def adjust_hue(color, degrees); end + def alpha(*args); end + def append(list, val, separator = nil); end + def blue(color); end + def call(name, *args); end + def ceil(number); end + def change_color(color, kwargs); end + def comparable(number1, number2); end + def complement(color); end + def content_exists; end + def counter(*args); end + def counters(*args); end + def darken(color, amount); end + def desaturate(color, amount); end + def fade_in(color, amount); end + def fade_out(color, amount); end + def feature_exists(feature); end + def floor(number); end + def function_exists(name); end + def get_function(name, kwargs = nil); end + def global_variable_exists(name); end + def grayscale(color); end + def green(color); end + def hsl(hue, saturation = nil, lightness = nil); end + def hsla(hue, saturation = nil, lightness = nil, alpha = nil); end + def hue(color); end + def ie_hex_str(color); end + def if(condition, if_true, if_false); end + def index(list, value); end + def inspect(value); end + def invert(color, weight = nil); end + def is_bracketed(list); end + def is_superselector(sup, sub); end + def join(list1, list2, separator = nil, bracketed = nil, kwargs = nil, *rest); end + def keywords(args); end + def length(list); end + def lighten(color, amount); end + def lightness(color); end + def list_separator(list); end + def map_get(map, key); end + def map_has_key(map, key); end + def map_keys(map); end + def map_merge(map1, map2); end + def map_remove(map, *keys); end + def map_values(map); end + def max(*values); end + def min(*numbers); end + def mix(color1, color2, weight = nil); end + def mixin_exists(name); end + def nth(list, n); end + def numeric_transformation(value); end + def opacify(color, amount); end + def opacity(color); end + def percentage(number); end + def percentage_or_unitless(number, max, name); end + def quote(string); end + def random(limit = nil); end + def red(color); end + def rgb(red, green = nil, blue = nil); end + def rgba(*args); end + def round(number); end + def saturate(color, amount = nil); end + def saturation(color); end + def scale_color(color, kwargs); end + def selector_append(*selectors); end + def selector_extend(selector, extendee, extender); end + def selector_nest(*selectors); end + def selector_parse(selector); end + def selector_replace(selector, original, replacement); end + def selector_unify(selector1, selector2); end + def self.callable?(*arg0); end + def self.declare(method_name, args, options = nil); end + def self.include(*args); end + def self.random_number_generator; end + def self.random_seed=(seed); end + def self.signature(method_name, arg_arity, kwarg_arity); end + def set_nth(list, n, value); end + def simple_selectors(selector); end + def str_index(string, substring); end + def str_insert(original, insert, index); end + def str_length(string); end + def str_slice(string, start_at, end_at = nil); end + def to_lower_case(string); end + def to_upper_case(string); end + def transparentize(color, amount); end + def type_of(value); end + def unique_id; end + def unit(number); end + def unitless(number); end + def unquote(string); end + def variable_exists(name); end + def zip(*lists); end +end +class Sass::Script::Functions::Signature < Struct + def args; end + def args=(_); end + def delayed_args; end + def delayed_args=(_); end + def deprecated; end + def deprecated=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def var_args; end + def var_args=(_); end + def var_kwargs; end + def var_kwargs=(_); end +end +class Sass::Script::Functions::EvaluationContext + def assert_integer(number, name = nil); end + def assert_type(value, type, name = nil); end + def assert_unit(number, unit, name = nil); end + def environment; end + def initialize(environment); end + def options; end + def perform(node, env = nil); end + include Sass::Script::Functions + include Sass::Script::Value::Helpers +end +class Sass::Script::Lexer + def _variable(rx); end + def after_interpolation?; end + def char(pos = nil); end + def color; end + def done?; end + def expected!(name); end + def id; end + def ident; end + def ident_op; end + def initialize(str, line, offset, options); end + def line; end + def next; end + def next_char; end + def number; end + def offset; end + def op; end + def peek; end + def range(start_pos, end_pos = nil); end + def raw(rx); end + def read_token; end + def scan(re); end + def selector; end + def self.string_re(open, close); end + def source_position; end + def special_fun; end + def special_fun_body(parens, prefix = nil); end + def special_val; end + def str; end + def string(re, open); end + def token; end + def try; end + def unpeek!; end + def variable; end + def whitespace; end + def whitespace?(tok = nil); end + include Sass::SCSS::RX +end +class Sass::Script::Lexer::Token < Struct + def pos; end + def pos=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def source_range; end + def source_range=(_); end + def type; end + def type=(_); end + def value; end + def value=(_); end +end +class Sass::Script::Parser + def and_expr; end + def arglist(subexpr, description); end + def array_to_interpolation(array); end + def assert_done; end + def assert_expr(name, expected = nil); end + def assert_tok(name); end + def assert_toks(*names); end + def check_for_interpolation(node); end + def css_min_max; end + def declaration_value; end + def defn_arglist!(must_have_parens); end + def eq_or_neq; end + def equals; end + def expr; end + def fn_arglist; end + def funcall; end + def ident; end + def initialize(str, line, offset, options = nil); end + def interpolation(first: nil, inner: nil); end + def interpolation_deprecation(interpolation); end + def is_safe_value?(expr); end + def is_unsafe_before?(expr, char_before); end + def lexer_class; end + def line; end + def list(first, start_pos); end + def literal; end + def literal_node(value, source_range_or_start_pos, end_pos = nil); end + def map; end + def map_pair(key = nil); end + def min_max_calc; end + def min_max_contents(allow_comma: nil); end + def min_max_function; end + def min_max_interpolation; end + def min_max_parens; end + def mixin_arglist; end + def nested_min_max; end + def node(node, source_range_or_start_pos, end_pos = nil); end + def number; end + def offset; end + def or_expr; end + def paren; end + def parse; end + def parse_function_definition_arglist; end + def parse_interpolated(warn_for_color = nil); end + def parse_mixin_definition_arglist; end + def parse_mixin_include_arglist; end + def parse_string; end + def parse_until(tokens); end + def peek_tok(name); end + def peek_toks(*names); end + def plus_or_minus; end + def range(start_pos, end_pos = nil); end + def raw; end + def relational; end + def selector; end + def self.associative?(op); end + def self.parse(*args); end + def self.precedence_of(op); end + def self.production(name, sub, *ops); end + def self.unary(op, sub); end + def source_position; end + def space; end + def special_fun; end + def square_list; end + def string; end + def times_div_or_mod; end + def try_op_before_interp(op, prev = nil, after_interp = nil); end + def try_ops_after_interp(ops, name, prev = nil); end + def try_tok(name); end + def try_toks(*names); end + def unary_div; end + def unary_minus; end + def unary_not; end + def unary_plus; end + def variable; end + def without_stop_at; end +end +module Sass::Script::Tree +end +class Sass::Script::Tree::Node + def _perform(environment); end + def children; end + def dasherize(s, opts); end + def deep_copy; end + def filename; end + def filename=(arg0); end + def force_division!; end + def line; end + def line=(arg0); end + def options; end + def options=(options); end + def opts(value); end + def perform(environment); end + def source_range; end + def source_range=(arg0); end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end +end +class Sass::Script::Tree::Variable < Sass::Script::Tree::Node + def _perform(environment); end + def children; end + def deep_copy; end + def initialize(name); end + def inspect(opts = nil); end + def name; end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end + def underscored_name; end +end +class Sass::Script::Tree::Funcall < Sass::Script::Tree::Node + def _perform(environment); end + def args; end + def callable; end + def children; end + def construct_ruby_args(name, args, splat, environment); end + def deep_copy; end + def initialize(name_or_callable, args, keywords, splat, kwarg_splat); end + def inspect; end + def keywords; end + def kwarg_splat; end + def kwarg_splat=(arg0); end + def name; end + def perform_arg(argument, environment, name); end + def perform_sass_fn(function, args, splat, environment); end + def reformat_argument_error(e); end + def ruby_name; end + def signature; end + def splat; end + def splat=(arg0); end + def to_literal(args); end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end + def to_value(args); end + def without_original(value); end +end +class Sass::Script::Tree::Operation < Sass::Script::Tree::Node + def _perform(environment); end + def children; end + def deep_copy; end + def initialize(operand1, operand2, operator); end + def inspect; end + def operand1; end + def operand2; end + def operand_to_sass(op, side, opts); end + def operator; end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end + def warn_for_color_arithmetic(value1, value2); end + def warn_for_unitless_equals(value1, value2, result); end +end +class Sass::Script::Tree::UnaryOperation < Sass::Script::Tree::Node + def _perform(environment); end + def children; end + def deep_copy; end + def initialize(operand, operator); end + def inspect; end + def operand; end + def operator; end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end +end +class Sass::Script::Tree::Interpolation < Sass::Script::Tree::Node + def _perform(environment); end + def after; end + def before; end + def children; end + def concat(string_or_interp1, string_or_interp2); end + def deep_copy; end + def deprecation; end + def initialize(before, mid, after, wb, wa, opts = nil); end + def inspect; end + def mid; end + def originally_text; end + def string_literal(string); end + def to_quoted_equivalent; end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end + def to_string_interpolation(node_or_interp); end + def warn_for_color; end + def whitespace_after; end + def whitespace_before; end +end +class Sass::Script::Tree::StringInterpolation < Sass::Script::Tree::Node + def _perform(environment); end + def _to_sass(string_or_interp, opts); end + def after; end + def before; end + def children; end + def deep_copy; end + def initialize(before, mid, after); end + def inspect; end + def mid; end + def quote; end + def quote_for(string_or_interp); end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end + def type; end +end +class Sass::Script::Tree::Literal < Sass::Script::Tree::Node + def _perform(environment); end + def children; end + def deep_copy; end + def force_division!; end + def initialize(value); end + def inspect; end + def options=(options); end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end + def value; end +end +class Sass::Script::Tree::ListLiteral < Sass::Script::Tree::Node + def _perform(environment); end + def bracketed; end + def children; end + def deep_copy; end + def element_needs_parens?(element); end + def elements; end + def force_division!; end + def initialize(elements, separator: nil, bracketed: nil); end + def inspect; end + def is_literal_number?(value); end + def sep_str(opts = nil); end + def separator; end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end +end +class Sass::Script::Tree::MapLiteral < Sass::Script::Tree::Node + def _perform(environment); end + def children; end + def deep_copy; end + def initialize(pairs); end + def inspect(opts = nil); end + def pairs; end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end +end +class Sass::Script::Tree::Selector < Sass::Script::Tree::Node + def _perform(environment); end + def children; end + def deep_copy; end + def initialize; end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end +end +class Sass::Script::Value::Base + def ==(other); end + def _perform(environment); end + def assert_int!; end + def bracketed; end + def div(other); end + def eq(other); end + def eql?(other); end + def hash; end + def initialize(value = nil); end + def inspect; end + def minus(other); end + def neq(other); end + def null?; end + def options; end + def options=(arg0); end + def plus(other); end + def separator; end + def single_eq(other); end + def source_range; end + def source_range=(arg0); end + def to_a; end + def to_bool; end + def to_h; end + def to_i; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end + def unary_div; end + def unary_minus; end + def unary_not; end + def unary_plus; end + def value; end + def with_contents(contents, separator: nil, bracketed: nil); end +end +class Sass::Script::Value::String < Sass::Script::Value::Base + def check_deprecated_interp; end + def initialize(value, type = nil, deprecated_interp_equivalent = nil); end + def inspect; end + def plus(other); end + def self.quote(contents, opts = nil); end + def self.value(contents); end + def separator; end + def to_a; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end + def type; end + def value; end +end +class Sass::Script::Value::Number < Sass::Script::Value::Base + def basically_equal?(num1, num2); end + def coerce(num_units, den_units); end + def coercion_factor(from_units, to_units); end + def comparable_to?(other); end + def compute_units(this, other, operation); end + def conversion_factor(from_unit, to_unit); end + def convertable?(units); end + def denominator_units; end + def div(other); end + def eq(other); end + def eql?(other); end + def gt(other); end + def gte(other); end + def hash; end + def initialize(value, numerator_units = nil, denominator_units = nil); end + def inspect(opts = nil); end + def int?; end + def is_unit?(unit); end + def legal_units?; end + def lt(other); end + def lte(other); end + def minus(other); end + def mod(other); end + def normalize!; end + def numerator_units; end + def operate(other, operation); end + def original; end + def original=(arg0); end + def plus(other); end + def sans_common_units(units1, units2); end + def self.basically_equal?(num1, num2); end + def self.epsilon; end + def self.precision; end + def self.precision=(digits); end + def self.precision_factor; end + def self.round(num); end + def times(other); end + def to_i; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end + def unary_minus; end + def unary_plus; end + def unit_str; end + def unitless?; end + def value; end +end +class Sass::Script::Value::Color < Sass::Script::Value::Base + def alpha; end + def alpha?; end + def blue; end + def div(other); end + def eq(other); end + def green; end + def hash; end + def hex_str; end + def hsl; end + def hsl_to_rgb!; end + def hsla; end + def hue; end + def hue_to_rgb(m1, m2, h); end + def initialize(attrs, representation = nil, allow_both_rgb_and_hsl = nil); end + def inspect; end + def lightness; end + def minus(other); end + def mod(other); end + def name; end + def operation_name(operation); end + def piecewise(other, operation); end + def plus(other); end + def red; end + def representation; end + def rgb; end + def rgb_to_hsl!; end + def rgba; end + def rgba_str; end + def saturation; end + def self.from_hex(hex_string, alpha = nil); end + def self.int_to_rgba(color); end + def smallest; end + def times(other); end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end + def with(attrs); end +end +class Sass::Script::Value::Bool < Sass::Script::Value::Base + def; end + def to_bool; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end + def value; end +end +class Sass::Script::Value::Null < Sass::Script::Value::Base + def inspect; end + def null?; end + def; end + def to_bool; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end +end +class Sass::Script::Value::List < Sass::Script::Value::Base + def bracketed; end + def element_needs_parens?(element); end + def eq(other); end + def hash; end + def initialize(value, separator: nil, bracketed: nil); end + def inspect; end + def options=(options); end + def self.assert_valid_index(list, n); end + def sep_str(opts = nil); end + def separator; end + def to_a; end + def to_h; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end + def value; end +end +class Sass::Script::Value::ArgList < Sass::Script::Value::List + def initialize(value, keywords, separator); end + def keywords; end + def keywords_accessed; end + def keywords_accessed=(arg0); end +end +class Sass::Script::Value::Map < Sass::Script::Value::Base + def eq(other); end + def hash; end + def initialize(hash); end + def inspect(opts = nil); end + def options=(options); end + def separator; end + def to_a; end + def to_h; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def to_sass(opts = nil); end + def value; end +end +class Sass::Script::Value::Callable < Sass::Script::Value::Base + def initialize(callable); end + def inspect; end + def to_s(opts = nil); end + def to_sass; end +end +class Sass::Script::Value::Function < Sass::Script::Value::Callable + def initialize(function); end + def to_sass; end +end +class Sass::SCSS::Parser + def _interp_string(type); end + def _moz_document_directive(start_pos); end + def almost_any_value; end + def almost_any_value_token; end + def at_root_directive(start_pos); end + def at_root_directive_list; end + def at_root_query; end + def block(node, context); end + def block_child(context); end + def block_contents(node, context); end + def catch_error(&block); end + def charset_directive(start_pos); end + def content_directive(start_pos); end + def css_variable_declaration(name, name_start_pos, name_end_pos); end + def debug_directive(start_pos); end + def declaration; end + def declaration_or_ruleset; end + def declaration_value(top_level: nil); end + def declaration_value_token(top_level); end + def deprefix(str); end + def directive; end + def directive_body(value, start_pos); end + def each_directive(start_pos); end + def else_block(node); end + def else_directive(start_pos); end + def err(msg); end + def error_directive(start_pos); end + def expected(name); end + def expr!(name); end + def expr(allow_var = nil); end + def extend_directive(start_pos); end + def for_directive(start_pos); end + def function(allow_var); end + def function_directive(start_pos); end + def has_children?(child_or_array); end + def ident!; end + def ident; end + def if_directive(start_pos); end + def import_arg; end + def import_directive(start_pos); end + def import_supports_condition; end + def include_directive(start_pos); end + def init_scanner!; end + def initialize(str, filename, importer, line = nil, offset = nil); end + def interp_ident; end + def interp_ident_or_var; end + def interp_string; end + def interp_uri; end + def interpolation(warn_for_color = nil); end + def media_directive(start_pos); end + def media_expr; end + def media_query; end + def media_query_list; end + def merge(arr); end + def mixin_directive(start_pos); end + def moz_document_function; end + def name!; end + def name; end + def nested_properties!(node); end + def node(node, start_pos, end_pos = nil); end + def offset; end + def offset=(arg0); end + def operator; end + def parse; end + def parse_at_root_query; end + def parse_declaration_value; end + def parse_interp_ident; end + def parse_media_query_list; end + def parse_supports_clause; end + def parse_supports_condition; end + def prefixed_directive(name, start_pos); end + def process_comment(text, node); end + def query_expr; end + def range(start_pos, end_pos = nil); end + def rethrow(err); end + def return_directive(start_pos); end + def ruleset; end + def s(node); end + def sass_script(*args); end + def self.expected(scanner, expected, line); end + def self.sass_script_parser; end + def self.sass_script_parser=(arg0); end + def source_position; end + def special_directive(name, start_pos); end + def ss; end + def ss_comments(node); end + def str; end + def str?; end + def string; end + def stylesheet; end + def supports_clause; end + def supports_condition; end + def supports_condition_in_parens; end + def supports_declaration; end + def supports_directive(name, start_pos); end + def supports_interpolation; end + def supports_negation; end + def supports_operator; end + def term(allow_var); end + def throw_error; end + def tok!(rx); end + def tok(rx); end + def tok?(rx); end + def try_declaration; end + def use_css_import?; end + def value!; end + def var_expr; end + def variable; end + def warn_directive(start_pos); end + def while_directive(start_pos); end + def whitespace; end + include Sass::SCSS::RX +end +class Sass::Script::CssLexer < Sass::Script::Lexer + def important; end + def string(re, *args); end + def token; end +end +class Sass::Script::CssParser < Sass::Script::Parser + def div; end + def interpolation(first: nil, inner: nil); end + def lexer_class; end + def or_expr; end + def paren; end + def string; end + def unary_div; end +end +class Sass::SCSS::StaticParser < Sass::SCSS::Parser + def a_n_plus_b; end + def attrib; end + def attrib_name!; end + def class_selector; end + def combinator; end + def element_name; end + def id_selector; end + def initialize(str, filename, importer, line = nil, offset = nil, allow_parent_ref = nil); end + def interp_ident; end + def interp_string; end + def interp_uri; end + def interpolation(warn_for_color = nil); end + def keyframes_selector; end + def keyframes_selector_component; end + def moz_document_function; end + def parent_selector; end + def parse_keyframes_selector; end + def parse_selector; end + def parse_static_at_root_query; end + def placeholder_selector; end + def prefixed_selector_pseudo; end + def pseudo; end + def qualified_name(allow_star_name = nil); end + def reference_combinator; end + def script_value; end + def selector; end + def selector_comma_sequence; end + def selector_string; end + def simple_selector_sequence; end + def special_directive(name, start_pos); end + def use_css_import?; end + def var_expr; end + def variable; end +end +class Sass::SCSS::CssParser < Sass::SCSS::StaticParser + def block_child(context); end + def block_contents(node, context); end + def interpolation(warn_for_color = nil); end + def keyframes_ruleset; end + def nested_properties!(node); end + def parent_selector; end + def placeholder_selector; end + def ruleset; end + def use_css_import?; end +end +class Sass::Stack + def frames; end + def initialize; end + def to_s; end + def with_base(filename, line); end + def with_directive(filename, line, name); end + def with_frame(filename, line, type, name = nil); end + def with_function(filename, line, name); end + def with_import(filename, line); end + def with_mixin(filename, line, name); end +end +class Sass::Stack::Frame + def filename; end + def initialize(filename, line, type, name = nil); end + def is_base?; end + def is_import?; end + def is_mixin?; end + def line; end + def name; end + def type; end +end +class Sass::SyntaxError < StandardError + def add_backtrace(attrs); end + def backtrace; end + def initialize(msg, attrs = nil); end + def modify_backtrace(attrs); end + def sass_backtrace; end + def sass_backtrace=(arg0); end + def sass_backtrace_str(default_filename = nil); end + def sass_filename; end + def sass_line; end + def sass_mixin; end + def sass_template; end + def sass_template=(arg0); end + def self.exception_to_css(e, line_offset = nil); end + def self.header_string(e, line_offset); end + def to_s; end +end +class Sass::UnitConversionError < Sass::SyntaxError +end +module Sass::Importers +end +class Sass::Importers::Base + def directories_to_watch; end + def find(uri, options); end + def find_relative(uri, base, options); end + def key(uri, options); end + def mtime(uri, options); end + def public_url(uri, sourcemap_directory); end + def to_s; end + def watched_file?(filename); end +end +class Sass::Importers::Filesystem < Sass::Importers::Base + def _find(dir, name, options); end + def directories_to_watch; end + def eql?(other); end + def escape_glob_characters(name); end + def extensions; end + def find(name, options); end + def find_real_file(dir, name, options); end + def find_relative(name, base, options); end + def hash; end + def initialize(root); end + def key(name, options); end + def mtime(name, options); end + def possible_files(name); end + def public_url(name, sourcemap_directory); end + def remove_root(name); end + def root; end + def root=(arg0); end + def split(name); end + def to_s; end + def watched_file?(filename); end +end +class Sass::Importers::DeprecatedPath < Sass::Importers::Filesystem + def deprecation_warning; end + def directories_to_watch; end + def find(*args); end + def initialize(root); end + def to_s; end +end +module Sass::Shared + def balance(scanner, start, finish, count = nil); end + def handle_interpolation(str); end + def human_indentation(indentation, was = nil); end + extend Sass::Shared +end +module Sass::Media + def self._interp_to_src(interp, options); end +end +class Sass::Media::QueryList + def deep_copy; end + def initialize(queries); end + def merge(other); end + def queries; end + def queries=(arg0); end + def to_a; end + def to_css; end + def to_src(options); end +end +class Sass::Media::Query + def deep_copy; end + def expressions; end + def expressions=(arg0); end + def initialize(modifier, type, expressions); end + def merge(other); end + def modifier; end + def modifier=(arg0); end + def resolved_modifier; end + def resolved_type; end + def to_a; end + def to_css; end + def to_src(options); end + def type; end + def type=(arg0); end +end +module Sass::Supports +end +class Sass::Supports::Condition + def deep_copy; end + def options=(options); end + def perform(environment); end + def to_css; end + def to_src(options); end +end +class Sass::Supports::Operator < Sass::Supports::Condition + def deep_copy; end + def initialize(left, right, op); end + def left; end + def left=(arg0); end + def op; end + def op=(arg0); end + def options=(options); end + def parens(condition, str); end + def perform(env); end + def right; end + def right=(arg0); end + def to_css; end + def to_src(options); end +end +class Sass::Supports::Negation < Sass::Supports::Condition + def condition; end + def condition=(arg0); end + def deep_copy; end + def initialize(condition); end + def options=(options); end + def parens(str); end + def perform(env); end + def to_css; end + def to_src(options); end +end +class Sass::Supports::Declaration < Sass::Supports::Condition + def deep_copy; end + def initialize(name, value); end + def name; end + def name=(arg0); end + def options=(options); end + def perform(env); end + def resolved_name; end + def resolved_name=(arg0); end + def resolved_value; end + def resolved_value=(arg0); end + def to_css; end + def to_src(options); end + def value; end + def value=(arg0); end +end +class Sass::Supports::Interpolation < Sass::Supports::Condition + def deep_copy; end + def initialize(value); end + def options=(options); end + def perform(env); end + def resolved_value; end + def resolved_value=(arg0); end + def to_css; end + def to_src(options); end + def value; end + def value=(arg0); end +end +class Sass::Callable < Struct + def args; end + def args=(_); end + def environment; end + def environment=(_); end + def has_content; end + def has_content=(_); end + def name; end + def name=(_); end + def origin; end + def origin=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def splat; end + def splat=(_); end + def tree; end + def tree=(_); end + def type; end + def type=(_); end +end +class Sass::Engine + def _dependencies(seen, engines); end + def _render_with_sourcemap(sourcemap_uri); end + def _to_tree; end + def append_children(parent, children, root); end + def build_tree(parent, line, root = nil); end + def check_encoding!; end + def check_for_no_children(node); end + def dependencies; end + def format_comment_text(text, silent); end + def full_line_range(line); end + def initialize(template, options = nil); end + def options; end + def parse_at_root_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_charset_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_comment(line); end + def parse_content_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_debug_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_directive(parent, line, root); end + def parse_each_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_else_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_error_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_extend_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_for_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_function_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_if_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_import_arg(scanner, offset); end + def parse_import_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_include_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_interp(text, offset = nil); end + def parse_line(parent, line, root); end + def parse_media_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_mixin_definition(line); end + def parse_mixin_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_mixin_include(line, root); end + def parse_property(name, parsed_name, value, prop, line, start_offset); end + def parse_property_or_rule(line); end + def parse_return_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_script(script, options = nil); end + def parse_variable(line); end + def parse_warn_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def parse_while_directive(parent, line, root, value, offset); end + def render; end + def render_with_sourcemap(sourcemap_uri); end + def sassc_key; end + def self.for_file(filename, options); end + def self.normalize_options(options); end + def self.parse_interp(text, line, offset, options); end + def source_encoding; end + def tabulate(string); end + def to_css; end + def to_parser_offset(offset); end + def to_tree; end + def tree(arr, i = nil); end + def try_comment(line, last, tab_str, comment_tab_str, index); end + def validate_and_append_child(parent, child, line, root); end +end +class Anonymous_Struct_17 < Struct + def children; end + def children=(_); end + def comment_tab_str; end + def comment_tab_str=(_); end + def filename; end + def filename=(_); end + def index; end + def index=(_); end + def offset; end + def offset=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def tabs; end + def tabs=(_); end + def text; end + def text=(_); end +end +class Sass::Engine::Line < Anonymous_Struct_17 + def comment?; end +end +module Sass::Features + def add_feature(feature_name); end + def has_feature?(feature_name); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/selenium-webdriver.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/selenium-webdriver.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1ef9e6f10 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/selenium-webdriver.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,1042 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# selenium-webdriver-3.142.3 +module Selenium +end +module Selenium::WebDriver + def self.for(*args); end + def self.logger; end + def self.root; end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::Error + def self.const_missing(const_name); end + def self.for_code(code); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError < StandardError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::IndexOutOfBoundsError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoCollectionError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoStringError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoStringLengthError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoStringWrapperError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchDriverError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchElementError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchFrameError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownCommandError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::StaleElementReferenceError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotVisibleError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::InvalidElementStateError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ExpectedError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotSelectableError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchDocumentError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::JavascriptError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoScriptResultError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::XPathLookupError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchCollectionError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeOutError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NullPointerError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchWindowError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::InvalidCookieDomainError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnableToSetCookieError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnhandledAlertError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchAlertError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoAlertPresentError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchAlertError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ScriptTimeOutError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::InvalidElementCoordinatesError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::IMENotAvailableError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::IMEEngineActivationFailedError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::InvalidSelectorError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::SessionNotCreatedError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::InvalidXpathSelectorError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::InvalidXpathSelectorReturnTyperError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotInteractableError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::InsecureCertificateError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::InvalidArgumentError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchCookieError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnableToCaptureScreenError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::InvalidSessionIdError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnexpectedAlertOpenError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownMethodError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementClickInterceptedError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnsupportedOperationError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ScriptTimeoutError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ScriptTimeOutError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeoutError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeOutError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoAlertOpenError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoAlertPresentError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ObsoleteElementError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::StaleElementReferenceError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnhandledError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnexpectedJavascriptError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::JavascriptError +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotDisplayedError < Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotVisibleError +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::Platform + def assert_executable(path); end + def assert_file(path); end + def bitsize; end + def ci; end + def cygwin?; end + def cygwin_path(path, **opts); end + def engine; end + def exit_hook; end + def find_binary(*binary_names); end + def find_in_program_files(*binary_names); end + def home; end + def interfaces; end + def ip; end + def jruby?; end + def linux?; end + def localhost; end + def mac?; end + def make_writable(file); end + def null_device; end + def os; end + def ruby_version; end + def self.assert_executable(path); end + def self.assert_file(path); end + def self.bitsize; end + def; end + def self.cygwin?; end + def self.cygwin_path(path, **opts); end + def self.engine; end + def self.exit_hook; end + def self.find_binary(*binary_names); end + def self.find_in_program_files(*binary_names); end + def self.home; end + def self.interfaces; end + def self.ip; end + def self.jruby?; end + def self.linux?; end + def self.localhost; end + def self.mac?; end + def self.make_writable(file); end + def self.null_device; end + def self.os; end + def self.ruby_version; end + def self.unix_path(path); end + def; end + def self.windows_path(path); end + def self.wrap_in_quotes_if_necessary(str); end + def self.wsl?; end + def unix_path(path); end + def windows?; end + def windows_path(path); end + def wrap_in_quotes_if_necessary(str); end + def wsl?; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy + def ==(other); end + def as_json(*arg0); end + def auto_detect; end + def auto_detect=(bool); end + def eql?(other); end + def ftp; end + def ftp=(value); end + def http; end + def http=(value); end + def initialize(opts = nil); end + def no_proxy; end + def no_proxy=(value); end + def pac; end + def pac=(url); end + def self.json_create(data); end + def socks; end + def socks=(value); end + def socks_password; end + def socks_password=(value); end + def socks_username; end + def socks_username=(value); end + def socks_version; end + def socks_version=(value); end + def ssl; end + def ssl=(value); end + def to_json(*arg0); end + def type; end + def type=(type); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::LogEntry + def as_json(*arg0); end + def initialize(level, timestamp, message); end + def level; end + def message; end + def time; end + def timestamp; end + def to_s; end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::FileReaper + def self.<<(file); end + def self.reap!; end + def self.reap(file); end + def self.reap=(arg0); end + def self.reap?; end + def self.tmp_files; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Service + def binary_path(path = nil); end + def build_process(*command); end + def cannot_connect_error_text; end + def connect_to_server; end + def connect_until_stable; end + def executable_path; end + def extract_service_args(driver_opts); end + def find_free_port; end + def host; end + def host=(arg0); end + def initialize(path: nil, port: nil, args: nil); end + def process_exited?; end + def process_running?; end + def**opts); end + def self.default_port; end + def self.driver_path; end + def self.driver_path=(path); end + def self.edge(**opts); end + def self.executable; end + def self.firefox(**opts); end + def**opts); end + def self.internet_explorer(**opts); end + def self.missing_text; end + def self.safari(**opts); end + def self.shutdown_supported; end + def socket_lock; end + def start; end + def start_process; end + def stop; end + def stop_process; end + def stop_server; end + def uri; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::SocketLock + def can_lock?; end + def current_time; end + def did_lock?; end + def initialize(port, timeout); end + def lock; end + def locked; end + def release; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::SocketPoller + def closed?; end + def conn_completed?(sock); end + def connected?; end + def current_time; end + def initialize(host, port, timeout = nil, interval = nil); end + def listening?; end + def socket_writable?(sock); end + def with_timeout; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::PortProber + def self.above(port); end + def; end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::Zipper + def self.add_zip_entry(zip, file, entry_name); end + def self.unzip(path); end + def self.with_tmp_zip(&blk); end + def; end + def self.zip_file(path); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Wait + def current_time; end + def initialize(opts = nil); end + def until; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Alert + def accept; end + def dismiss; end + def initialize(bridge); end + def send_keys(keys); end + def text; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Mouse + def assert_element(element); end + def click(element = nil); end + def context_click(element = nil); end + def double_click(element = nil); end + def down(element = nil); end + def initialize(bridge); end + def move_by(right_by, down_by); end + def move_if_needed(element); end + def move_to(element, right_by = nil, down_by = nil); end + def up(element = nil); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Keyboard + def assert_modifier(key); end + def initialize(bridge); end + def press(key); end + def release(key); end + def send_keys(*keys); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::TouchScreen + def assert_element(element); end + def coords_from(x, y); end + def double_tap(element); end + def down(x, y = nil); end + def flick(*args); end + def initialize(bridge); end + def long_press(element); end + def move(x, y = nil); end + def scroll(*args); end + def single_tap(element); end + def up(x, y = nil); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::TargetLocator + def active_element; end + def alert; end + def default_content; end + def frame(id); end + def initialize(bridge); end + def parent_frame; end + def window(id); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Navigation + def back; end + def forward; end + def initialize(bridge); end + def refresh; end + def to(url); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Timeouts + def implicit_wait=(seconds); end + def initialize(bridge); end + def page_load=(seconds); end + def script_timeout=(seconds); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Window + def full_screen; end + def initialize(bridge); end + def maximize; end + def minimize; end + def move_to(x, y); end + def position; end + def position=(point); end + def rect; end + def rect=(rectangle); end + def resize_to(width, height); end + def size; end + def size=(dimension); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Logger + def close(*args, &block); end + def create_logger(output); end + def debug(*args, &block); end + def debug?(*args, &block); end + def default_level; end + def deprecate(old, new = nil); end + def error(*args, &block); end + def error?(*args, &block); end + def fatal(*args, &block); end + def fatal?(*args, &block); end + def info(*args, &block); end + def info?(*args, &block); end + def initialize; end + def io; end + def level(*args, &block); end + def level=(*args, &block); end + def output=(io); end + def warn(*args, &block); end + def warn?(*args, &block); end + extend Forwardable +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Logs + def available_types; end + def get(type); end + def initialize(bridge); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Manager + def add_cookie(opts = nil); end + def all_cookies; end + def convert_cookie(cookie); end + def cookie_named(name); end + def datetime_at(int); end + def delete_all_cookies; end + def delete_cookie(name); end + def initialize(bridge); end + def logs; end + def new_window(type = nil); end + def seconds_from(obj); end + def strip_port(str); end + def timeouts; end + def window; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::W3CManager < Selenium::WebDriver::Manager + def cookie_named(name); end + def delete_all_cookies; end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::SearchContext + def extract_args(args); end + def find_element(*args); end + def find_elements(*args); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::ActionBuilder + def click(element = nil); end + def click_and_hold(element = nil); end + def context_click(element = nil); end + def double_click(element = nil); end + def drag_and_drop(source, target); end + def drag_and_drop_by(source, right_by, down_by); end + def initialize(mouse, keyboard); end + def key_down(*args); end + def key_up(*args); end + def move_by(right_by, down_by); end + def move_to(element, right_by = nil, down_by = nil); end + def perform; end + def release(element = nil); end + def send_keys(*args); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::KeyActions + def key_action(*args, action: nil, device: nil); end + def key_down(*args, device: nil); end + def key_up(*args, device: nil); end + def send_keys(*args, device: nil); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::PointerActions + def button_action(button, action: nil, device: nil); end + def click(element = nil, device: nil); end + def click_and_hold(element = nil, device: nil); end + def context_click(element = nil, device: nil); end + def default_move_duration; end + def default_move_duration=(arg0); end + def double_click(element = nil, device: nil); end + def drag_and_drop(source, target, device: nil); end + def drag_and_drop_by(source, right_by, down_by, device: nil); end + def get_pointer(device = nil); end + def move_by(right_by, down_by, device: nil); end + def move_to(element, right_by = nil, down_by = nil, device: nil); end + def move_to_location(x, y, device: nil); end + def pointer_down(button, device: nil); end + def pointer_up(button, device: nil); end + def release(device: nil); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::W3CActionBuilder + def add_input(device); end + def add_key_input(name); end + def add_pointer_input(kind, name); end + def clear_all_actions; end + def devices; end + def get_device(name); end + def initialize(bridge, mouse, keyboard, async = nil); end + def key_inputs; end + def pause(device, duration = nil); end + def pauses(device, number, duration = nil); end + def perform; end + def pointer_inputs; end + def release_actions; end + def tick(*action_devices); end + include Selenium::WebDriver::KeyActions + include Selenium::WebDriver::PointerActions +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::TouchActionBuilder < Selenium::WebDriver::ActionBuilder + def double_tap(element); end + def down(x, y = nil); end + def flick(*args); end + def initialize(mouse, keyboard, touch_screen); end + def long_press(element); end + def move(x, y = nil); end + def scroll(*args); end + def single_tap(element); end + def up(x, y = nil); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::HTML5 +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::HTML5::SharedWebStorage + def each; end + def empty?; end + def fetch(key); end + def has_key?(key); end + def key?(key); end + def member?(key); end + include Enumerable +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::HTML5::LocalStorage + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def clear; end + def delete(key); end + def initialize(bridge); end + def keys; end + def size; end + include Selenium::WebDriver::HTML5::SharedWebStorage +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::HTML5::SessionStorage + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def clear; end + def delete(key); end + def initialize(bridge); end + def keys; end + def size; end + include Enumerable + include Selenium::WebDriver::HTML5::SharedWebStorage +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::TakesScreenshot + def save_screenshot(png_path); end + def screenshot_as(format); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::Rotatable + def orientation; end + def rotate(orientation); end + def rotation=(orientation); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasWebStorage + def local_storage; end + def session_storage; end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::DownloadsFiles + def download_path=(path); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasLocation + def location; end + def location=(loc); end + def set_location(lat, lon, alt); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasSessionId + def session_id; end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasTouchScreen + def touch; end + def touch_screen; end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasRemoteStatus + def remote_status; end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasNetworkConditions + def network_conditions; end + def network_conditions=(conditions); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasNetworkConnection + def network_connection_type; end + def network_connection_type=(connection_type); end + def type_to_values; end + def valid_type?(type); end + def values_to_type; end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasPermissions + def permissions; end + def permissions=(permissions); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasDebugger + def attach_debugger; end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::UploadsFiles + def file_detector=(detector); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasAddons + def install_addon(path, temporary = nil); end + def uninstall_addon(id); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions + def self.key(name); end + def self.none(name = nil); end + def self.pointer(kind, **kwargs); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::InputDevice + def actions; end + def add_action(action); end + def clear_actions; end + def create_pause(duration = nil); end + def initialize(name = nil); end + def name; end + def no_actions?; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::Interaction + def initialize(source); end + def source; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::Pause < Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::Interaction + def encode; end + def initialize(source, duration = nil); end + def type; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::NoneInput < Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::InputDevice + def encode; end + def type; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::KeyInput < Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::InputDevice + def create_key_down(key); end + def create_key_up(key); end + def encode; end + def type; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::KeyInput::TypingInteraction < Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::Interaction + def assert_type(type); end + def encode; end + def initialize(source, type, key); end + def type; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerInput < Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::InputDevice + def assert_kind(pointer); end + def create_pointer_cancel; end + def create_pointer_down(button); end + def create_pointer_move(duration: nil, x: nil, y: nil, element: nil, origin: nil); end + def create_pointer_up(button); end + def encode; end + def initialize(kind, name: nil); end + def kind; end + def type; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerPress < Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::Interaction + def assert_button(button); end + def assert_direction(direction); end + def encode; end + def initialize(source, direction, button); end + def type; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove < Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::Interaction + def encode; end + def initialize(source, duration, x, y, element: nil, origin: nil); end + def type; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerCancel < Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::Interaction + def encode; end + def type; end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::Keys + def self.[](key); end + def self.encode(keys); end + def self.encode_key(key); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::BridgeHelper + def element_id_from(id); end + def parse_cookie_string(str); end + def unwrap_script_result(arg); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::ProfileHelper + def as_json(*arg0); end + def create_tmp_copy(directory); end + def self.included(base); end + def to_json(*arg0); end + def verify_model(model); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::ProfileHelper::ClassMethods + def from_json(json); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Driver + def [](sel); end + def action; end + def all(*args); end + def bridge; end + def browser; end + def capabilities; end + def close; end + def current_url; end + def execute_async_script(script, *args); end + def execute_script(script, *args); end + def first(*args); end + def get(url); end + def initialize(bridge, listener: nil); end + def inspect; end + def keyboard; end + def manage; end + def mouse; end + def navigate; end + def page_source; end + def quit; end + def ref; end + def script(script, *args); end + def self.for(browser, opts = nil); end + def service_url(opts); end + def switch_to; end + def title; end + def window_handle; end + def window_handles; end + include Selenium::WebDriver::SearchContext +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Element + def ==(other); end + def [](name); end + def all(*args); end + def as_json(*arg0); end + def attribute(name); end + def bridge; end + def clear; end + def click; end + def css_value(prop); end + def displayed?; end + def enabled?; end + def eql?(other); end + def first(*args); end + def hash; end + def initialize(bridge, id); end + def inspect; end + def location; end + def location_once_scrolled_into_view; end + def property(name); end + def rect; end + def ref; end + def selectable?; end + def selected?; end + def send_key(*args); end + def send_keys(*args); end + def size; end + def style(prop); end + def submit; end + def tag_name; end + def text; end + def to_json(*arg0); end + include Selenium::WebDriver::SearchContext +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::Atoms + def execute_atom(function_name, *arguments); end + def read_atom(function); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Point < Struct + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def x; end + def x=(_); end + def y; end + def y=(_); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Dimension < Struct + def height; end + def height=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def width; end + def width=(_); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Rectangle < Struct + def height; end + def height=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def width; end + def width=(_); end + def x; end + def x=(_); end + def y; end + def y=(_); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Location < Struct + def altitude; end + def altitude=(_); end + def latitude; end + def latitude=(_); end + def longitude; end + def longitude=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome + def self.driver_path; end + def self.driver_path=(path); end + def self.path; end + def self.path=(path); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Bridge + def commands(command); end + def network_conditions; end + def network_conditions=(conditions); end + def send_command(command_params); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Driver < Selenium::WebDriver::Driver + def browser; end + def create_capabilities(opts); end + def execute_cdp(cmd, **params); end + def initialize(opts = nil); end + def quit; end + include Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::DownloadsFiles + include Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasLocation + include Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasNetworkConditions + include Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasTouchScreen + include Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasWebStorage + include Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::TakesScreenshot +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Profile + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def add_encoded_extension(encoded); end + def add_extension(path); end + def as_json(*arg0); end + def directory; end + def initialize(model = nil); end + def layout_on_disk; end + def prefs; end + def prefs_file_for(dir); end + def read_model_prefs; end + def write_prefs_to(dir); end + extend Selenium::WebDriver::ProfileHelper::ClassMethods + include Selenium::WebDriver::ProfileHelper +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options + def add_argument(arg); end + def add_emulation(device_name: nil, device_metrics: nil, user_agent: nil); end + def add_encoded_extension(encoded); end + def add_extension(path); end + def add_option(name, value); end + def add_preference(name, value); end + def args; end + def as_json(*arg0); end + def binary; end + def binary=(arg0); end + def emulation; end + def encoded_extensions; end + def extensions; end + def headless!; end + def initialize(**opts); end + def options; end + def prefs; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Service < Selenium::WebDriver::Service + def extract_service_args(driver_opts); end + def self.driver_path=(path); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox + def self.driver_path; end + def self.driver_path=(path); end + def self.path=(path); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Driver + def self.marionette?(opts); end + def**opts); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Util + def app_data_path; end + def self.app_data_path; end + def self.stringified?(str); end + def stringified?(str); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Extension + def create_root; end + def initialize(path); end + def read_id(directory); end + def read_id_from_install_rdf(directory); end + def read_id_from_manifest_json(directory); end + def write_to(extensions_dir); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Binary + def execute(*extra_args); end + def modify_link_library_path(profile_path); end + def quit; end + def self.macosx_path; end + def self.path; end + def self.path=(path); end + def self.reset_path!; end + def self.version; end + def self.windows_path; end + def self.windows_registry_path; end + def start_with(profile, profile_path, *args); end + def wait; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::ProfilesIni + def [](name); end + def initialize; end + def parse; end + def path_for(name, is_relative, path); end + def refresh; end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile + def []=(key, value); end + def add_extension(path, name = nil); end + def add_webdriver_extension; end + def assume_untrusted_certificate_issuer=(bool); end + def assume_untrusted_certificate_issuer?; end + def delete_extensions_cache(directory); end + def delete_lock_files(directory); end + def encoded; end + def extension_name_for(path); end + def initialize(model = nil); end + def install_extensions(directory); end + def layout_on_disk; end + def load_no_focus_lib=(arg0); end + def load_no_focus_lib?; end + def log_file; end + def log_file=(file); end + def name; end + def native_events=(arg0); end + def native_events?; end + def port=(port); end + def proxy=(proxy); end + def read_model_prefs; end + def read_user_prefs(path); end + def secure_ssl=(arg0); end + def secure_ssl?; end + def self.default_preferences; end + def self.from_name(name); end + def self.ini; end + def set_manual_proxy_preference(key, value); end + def update_user_prefs_in(directory); end + def write_prefs(prefs, path); end + extend Selenium::WebDriver::ProfileHelper::ClassMethods + include Selenium::WebDriver::ProfileHelper +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Launcher + def assert_profile; end + def connect_until_stable; end + def create_profile; end + def fetch_profile; end + def find_free_port; end + def initialize(binary, port, profile = nil); end + def launch; end + def quit; end + def socket_lock; end + def start; end + def url; end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Legacy +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Legacy::Driver < Selenium::WebDriver::Driver + def browser; end + def initialize(opts = nil); end + def quit; end + include Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::TakesScreenshot +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Marionette +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Marionette::Bridge + def commands(command); end + def install_addon(path, temporary); end + def uninstall_addon(id); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Marionette::Driver < Selenium::WebDriver::Driver + def browser; end + def create_capabilities(opts); end + def initialize(opts = nil); end + def quit; end + include Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasAddons + include Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasWebStorage + include Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::TakesScreenshot +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Options + def add_argument(arg); end + def add_option(name, value); end + def add_preference(name, value); end + def args; end + def as_json(*arg0); end + def binary; end + def binary=(arg0); end + def headless!; end + def initialize(**opts); end + def log_level; end + def log_level=(arg0); end + def options; end + def prefs; end + def process_profile(profile); end + def profile; end + def profile=(profile); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Service < Selenium::WebDriver::Service + def extract_service_args(driver_opts); end +end +module Selenium::WebDriver::IE + def self.driver_path; end + def self.driver_path=(path); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::IE::Driver < Selenium::WebDriver::Driver + def browser; end + def create_capabilities(opts); end + def initialize(opts = nil); end + def quit; end + include Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasWebStorage + include Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::TakesScreenshot +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::IE::Options + def add_argument(arg); end + def add_option(name, value); end + def args; end + def as_json(*arg0); end + def browser_attach_timeout; end + def browser_attach_timeout=(value); end + def element_scroll_behavior; end + def element_scroll_behavior=(value); end + def ensure_clean_session; end + def ensure_clean_session=(value); end + def file_upload_dialog_timeout; end + def file_upload_dialog_timeout=(value); end + def force_create_process_api; end + def force_create_process_api=(value); end + def force_shell_windows_api; end + def force_shell_windows_api=(value); end + def full_page_screenshot; end + def full_page_screenshot=(value); end + def ignore_protected_mode_settings; end + def ignore_protected_mode_settings=(value); end + def ignore_zoom_level; end + def ignore_zoom_level=(value); end + def initial_browser_url; end + def initial_browser_url=(value); end + def initialize(**opts); end + def native_events; end + def native_events=(value); end + def options; end + def persistent_hover; end + def persistent_hover=(value); end + def require_window_focus; end + def require_window_focus=(value); end + def use_per_process_proxy; end + def use_per_process_proxy=(value); end + def validate_cookie_document_type; end + def validate_cookie_document_type=(value); end +end +class Selenium::WebDriver::IE::Service < Selenium::WebDriver::Service + def extract_service_args(driver_opts); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/sentry-raven.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/sentry-raven.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0dfbc4ffb --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/sentry-raven.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,577 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# sentry-raven-2.7.4 +module Raven + def self.annotate(*args, &block); end + def self.annotateException(*args, &block); end + def self.annotate_exception(*args, &block); end + def self.breadcrumbs(*args, &block); end + def self.capture(*args, &block); end + def self.captureException(*args, &block); end + def self.captureMessage(*args, &block); end + def self.capture_exception(*args, &block); end + def self.capture_message(*args, &block); end + def self.capture_type(*args, &block); end + def self.client(*args, &block); end + def self.client=(*args, &block); end + def self.configuration(*args, &block); end + def self.configuration=(*args, &block); end + def self.configure(*args, &block); end + def self.context(*args, &block); end + def self.extra_context(*args, &block); end + def self.inject; end + def self.inject_only(*only_integrations); end + def self.inject_without(*exclude_integrations); end + def self.instance; end + def self.last_event_id(*args, &block); end + def self.load_integration(integration); end + def self.logger(*args, &block); end + def self.rack_context(*args, &block); end + def self.report_ready(*args, &block); end + def self.report_status(*args, &block); end + def self.safely_prepend(module_name, opts = nil); end + def self.send_event(*args, &block); end + def self.sys_command(command); end + def self.tags_context(*args, &block); end + def self.user_context(*args, &block); end +end +class Raven::Backtrace + def ==(other); end + def initialize(lines); end + def inspect; end + def lines; end + def lines=(arg0); end + def self.parse(backtrace, opts = nil); end + def to_s; end +end +class Raven::Backtrace::Line + def ==(other); end + def file; end + def file=(arg0); end + def in_app; end + def initialize(file, number, method, module_name); end + def inspect; end + def method; end + def method=(arg0); end + def module_name; end + def module_name=(arg0); end + def number; end + def number=(arg0); end + def self.in_app_pattern; end + def self.parse(unparsed_line); end + def to_s; end +end +class Raven::Breadcrumb + def category; end + def category=(arg0); end + def data; end + def data=(arg0); end + def initialize; end + def level; end + def level=(arg0); end + def message; end + def message=(arg0); end + def timestamp; end + def timestamp=(arg0); end + def to_hash; end + def type; end + def type=(arg0); end +end +class Raven::BreadcrumbBuffer + def buffer; end + def buffer=(arg0); end + def each(&block); end + def empty?; end + def initialize(size = nil); end + def members; end + def peek; end + def record(crumb = nil); end + def self.clear!; end + def self.current; end + def to_hash; end + include Enumerable +end +class Raven::Processor + def initialize(client = nil); end + def process(_data); end +end +class Raven::Processor::SanitizeData < Raven::Processor + def fields_re; end + def initialize(client); end + def matches_regexes?(k, v); end + def parse_json_or_nil(string); end + def process(value, key = nil); end + def sanitize_credit_cards; end + def sanitize_credit_cards=(arg0); end + def sanitize_fields; end + def sanitize_fields=(arg0); end + def sanitize_fields_excluded; end + def sanitize_fields_excluded=(arg0); end + def sanitize_query_string(query_string); end + def special_characters?(string); end + def use_boundary?(string); end + def utf8_processor; end +end +class Raven::Processor::RemoveCircularReferences < Raven::Processor + def process(value, visited = nil); end +end +class Raven::Processor::UTF8Conversion < Raven::Processor + def process(value); end + def remove_invalid_bytes(string); end +end +class Raven::Processor::Cookies < Raven::Processor + def process(data); end + def process_if_string_keys(data); end + def process_if_symbol_keys(data); end +end +class Raven::Processor::PostData < Raven::Processor + def process(data); end + def process_if_string_keys(data); end + def process_if_symbol_keys(data); end +end +class Raven::Processor::HTTPHeaders < Raven::Processor + def fields_re; end + def initialize(client); end + def matches_regexes?(k); end + def process(data); end + def process_if_string_keys(data); end + def process_if_symbol_keys(data); end + def sanitize_http_headers; end + def sanitize_http_headers=(arg0); end + def special_characters?(string); end + def use_boundary?(string); end +end +class Raven::Configuration + def [](option); end + def app_dirs_pattern; end + def app_dirs_pattern=(arg0); end + def async; end + def async=(value); end + def async?; end + def capture_allowed?(message_or_exc = nil); end + def capture_allowed_by_callback?(message_or_exc); end + def capture_in_current_environment?; end + def context_lines; end + def context_lines=(arg0); end + def current_environment; end + def current_environment=(environment); end + def current_environment_from_env; end + def detect_project_root; end + def detect_release; end + def detect_release_from_capistrano; end + def detect_release_from_git; end + def detect_release_from_heroku; end + def dsn=(value); end + def encoding; end + def encoding=(encoding); end + def environments; end + def environments=(arg0); end + def error_messages; end + def errors; end + def exception_class_allowed?(exc); end + def exclude_loggers; end + def exclude_loggers=(arg0); end + def excluded_exception?(exc); end + def excluded_exceptions; end + def excluded_exceptions=(arg0); end + def faraday_builder; end + def faraday_builder=(arg0); end + def get_exception_class(x); end + def heroku_dyno_metadata_message; end + def host; end + def host=(arg0); end + def http_adapter; end + def http_adapter=(arg0); end + def initialize; end + def linecache; end + def linecache=(arg0); end + def logger; end + def logger=(arg0); end + def open_timeout; end + def open_timeout=(arg0); end + def path; end + def path=(arg0); end + def port; end + def port=(arg0); end + def processors; end + def processors=(arg0); end + def project_id; end + def project_id=(arg0); end + def project_root; end + def project_root=(root_dir); end + def proxy; end + def proxy=(arg0); end + def public_key; end + def public_key=(arg0); end + def qualified_const_get(x); end + def rails_activesupport_breadcrumbs; end + def rails_activesupport_breadcrumbs=(arg0); end + def rails_report_rescued_exceptions; end + def rails_report_rescued_exceptions=(arg0); end + def release; end + def release=(arg0); end + def resolve_hostname; end + def running_on_heroku?; end + def sample_allowed?; end + def sample_rate; end + def sample_rate=(arg0); end + def sanitize_credit_cards; end + def sanitize_credit_cards=(arg0); end + def sanitize_fields; end + def sanitize_fields=(arg0); end + def sanitize_fields_excluded; end + def sanitize_fields_excluded=(arg0); end + def sanitize_http_headers; end + def sanitize_http_headers=(arg0); end + def scheme; end + def scheme=(arg0); end + def secret_key; end + def secret_key=(arg0); end + def send_modules; end + def send_modules=(arg0); end + def sending_allowed?(message_or_exc = nil); end + def server; end + def server=(value); end + def server_name; end + def server_name=(arg0); end + def server_name_from_env; end + def should_capture; end + def should_capture=(value); end + def silence_ready; end + def silence_ready=(arg0); end + def ssl; end + def ssl=(arg0); end + def ssl_ca_file; end + def ssl_ca_file=(arg0); end + def ssl_verification; end + def ssl_verification=(arg0); end + def tags; end + def tags=(arg0); end + def timeout; end + def timeout=(arg0); end + def transport_failure_callback; end + def transport_failure_callback=(value); end + def valid?; end +end +class Raven::Context + def extra; end + def extra=(arg0); end + def initialize; end + def rack_env; end + def rack_env=(arg0); end + def runtime; end + def runtime=(arg0); end + def self.clear!; end + def self.current; end + def self.os_context; end + def self.runtime_context; end + def server_os; end + def server_os=(arg0); end + def tags; end + def tags=(arg0); end + def transaction; end + def transaction=(arg0); end + def user; end + def user=(arg0); end +end +class Raven::Client + def configuration; end + def configuration=(arg0); end + def encode(event); end + def failed_send(e, event); end + def generate_auth_header; end + def get_log_message(event); end + def initialize(configuration); end + def send_event(event); end + def successful_send; end + def transport; end +end +class Raven::ClientState + def failed?; end + def failure(retry_after = nil); end + def initialize; end + def reset; end + def should_try?; end + def success; end +end +class Raven::Event + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def add_exception_interface(exc); end + def add_rack_context; end + def async_json_processors; end + def backtrace; end + def backtrace=(arg0); end + def breadcrumbs; end + def breadcrumbs=(arg0); end + def calculate_real_ip_from_rack; end + def checksum; end + def checksum=(arg0); end + def configuration; end + def configuration=(arg0); end + def context; end + def context=(arg0); end + def copy_initial_state; end + def environment; end + def environment=(arg0); end + def event_id; end + def exception_chain_to_array(exc); end + def extra; end + def extra=(arg0); end + def fingerprint; end + def fingerprint=(arg0); end + def id; end + def id=(arg0); end + def initialize(init = nil); end + def interface(name, value = nil, &block); end + def level; end + def level=(new_level); end + def list_gem_specs; end + def logger; end + def logger=(arg0); end + def message; end + def message=(args); end + def modules; end + def modules=(arg0); end + def platform; end + def platform=(arg0); end + def release; end + def release=(arg0); end + def runtime; end + def runtime=(arg0); end + def sdk; end + def sdk=(arg0); end + def self.captureException(exc, options = nil, &block); end + def self.captureMessage(message, options = nil); end + def self.capture_exception(exc, options = nil, &block); end + def self.capture_message(message, options = nil); end + def self.from_exception(exc, options = nil, &block); end + def self.from_message(message, options = nil); end + def server_name; end + def server_name=(arg0); end + def server_os; end + def server_os=(arg0); end + def set_core_attributes_from_configuration; end + def set_core_attributes_from_context; end + def stacktrace_interface_from(backtrace); end + def tags; end + def tags=(arg0); end + def time_spent; end + def time_spent=(time); end + def timestamp; end + def timestamp=(time); end + def to_hash; end + def to_json_compatible; end + def transaction; end + def transaction=(arg0); end + def user; end + def user=(arg0); end +end +class Raven::LineCache + def get_file_context(filename, lineno, context); end + def getline(path, n); end + def getlines(path); end + def initialize; end + def valid_path?(path); end +end +class Raven::Logger < Logger + def initialize(*arg0); end +end +class Raven::Interface + def initialize(attributes = nil); end + def self.inherited(klass); end + def self.registered; end + def to_hash; end +end +class Raven::MessageInterface < Raven::Interface + def initialize(*arguments); end + def message; end + def message=(arg0); end + def params; end + def params=(arg0); end + def self.sentry_alias; end + def unformatted_message; end +end +class Raven::ExceptionInterface < Raven::Interface + def self.sentry_alias; end + def to_hash(*args); end + def values; end + def values=(arg0); end +end +class Raven::SingleExceptionInterface < Raven::Interface + def module; end + def module=(arg0); end + def stacktrace; end + def stacktrace=(arg0); end + def to_hash(*args); end + def type; end + def type=(arg0); end + def value; end + def value=(arg0); end +end +class Raven::StacktraceInterface < Raven::Interface + def frames; end + def frames=(arg0); end + def initialize(*arguments); end + def self.sentry_alias; end + def to_hash(*args); end +end +class Raven::StacktraceInterface::Frame < Raven::Interface + def abs_path; end + def abs_path=(arg0); end + def context_line; end + def context_line=(arg0); end + def filename; end + def function; end + def function=(arg0); end + def in_app; end + def in_app=(arg0); end + def initialize(*arguments); end + def lineno; end + def lineno=(arg0); end + def longest_load_path; end + def module; end + def module=(arg0); end + def post_context; end + def post_context=(arg0); end + def pre_context; end + def pre_context=(arg0); end + def project_root; end + def to_hash(*args); end + def under_project_root?; end + def vars; end + def vars=(arg0); end +end +class Raven::HttpInterface < Raven::Interface + def cookies; end + def cookies=(arg0); end + def data; end + def data=(arg0); end + def env; end + def env=(arg0); end + def headers; end + def headers=(arg0); end + def initialize(*arguments); end + def method; end + def method=(arg0); end + def query_string; end + def query_string=(arg0); end + def self.sentry_alias; end + def url; end + def url=(arg0); end + include Raven::RackInterface +end +module Raven::Transports +end +class Raven::Transports::Transport + def configuration; end + def configuration=(arg0); end + def initialize(configuration); end + def send_event; end +end +class Raven::Transports::HTTP < Raven::Transports::Transport + def adapter; end + def adapter=(arg0); end + def conn; end + def conn=(arg0); end + def faraday_opts; end + def initialize(*args); end + def send_event(auth_header, data, options = nil); end + def set_conn; end + def ssl_configuration; end +end +module Raven::Utils +end +module Raven::Utils::DeepMergeHash + def self.deep_merge!(hash, other_hash, &block); end + def self.deep_merge(hash, other_hash, &block); end +end +class Raven::Utils::RealIp + def calculate_ip; end + def filter_local_addresses(ips); end + def initialize(ip_addresses); end + def ip; end + def ip=(arg0); end + def ip_addresses; end + def ip_addresses=(arg0); end + def ips_from(header); end +end +class Raven::Instance + def annotate_exception(exc, options = nil); end + def breadcrumbs; end + def capture(options = nil); end + def capture_exception(obj, options = nil); end + def capture_message(obj, options = nil); end + def capture_type(obj, options = nil); end + def client; end + def client=(arg0); end + def configuration; end + def configuration=(arg0); end + def configure; end + def context; end + def extra_context(options = nil); end + def initialize(context = nil, config = nil); end + def install_at_exit_hook(options); end + def last_event_id; end + def logger; end + def rack_context(env); end + def report_status; end + def send_event(event); end + def tags_context(options = nil); end + def user_context(options = nil); end +end +class Raven::Error < StandardError +end +class Raven::Rails < Rails::Railtie +end +module Raven::Rails::Overrides +end +module Raven::Rails::Overrides::StreamingReporter + def log_error(exception); end +end +module Raven::Rails::Overrides::OldStreamingReporter + def log_error_with_raven(exception); end + def self.included(base); end +end +module Raven::Rails::ControllerMethods + def capture_exception(exception, options = nil); end + def capture_message(message, options = nil); end +end +module Raven::Rails::ControllerTransaction + def self.included(base); end +end +class Raven::Rack + def call(env); end + def initialize(app); end + def self.capture_exception(exception, env, options = nil); end + def self.capture_message(exception, env, options = nil); end + def self.capture_type(exception, env, options = nil); end +end +module Raven::RackInterface + def format_env_for_sentry(env_hash); end + def format_headers_for_sentry(env_hash); end + def from_rack(env_hash); end + def read_data_from(request); end +end +class Raven::CLI + def self.test(dsn = nil, silent = nil, config = nil); end +end +module Rake +end +class Rake::Application + def orig_display_error_messsage(ex); end +end +module Raven::Rails::Overrides::DebugExceptionsCatcher + def render_exception(env_or_request, exception); end +end +module Raven::Rails::Overrides::OldDebugExceptionsCatcher + def render_exception_with_raven(env_or_request, exception); end + def self.included(base); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov-html.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov-html.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..75e60a90b --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov-html.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# simplecov-html-0.10.2 +module SimpleCov +end +module SimpleCov::Formatter +end +class SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter + def asset_output_path; end + def assets_path(name); end + def coverage_css_class(covered_percent); end + def format(result); end + def formatted_file_list(title, source_files); end + def formatted_source_file(source_file); end + def id(source_file); end + def link_to_source_file(source_file); end + def output_message(result); end + def output_path; end + def shortened_filename(source_file); end + def strength_css_class(covered_strength); end + def template(name); end + def timeago(time); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a315c2ec1 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# simplecov-0.16.1 +module SimpleCov + def self.add_not_loaded_files(result); end + def self.clear_result; end + def self.exit_exception; end + def self.exit_status_from_exception; end + def self.filtered(files); end + def self.grouped(files); end + def self.load_adapter(name); end + def self.load_profile(name); end + def; end + def; end + def self.process_result(result, exit_status); end + def self.result; end + def self.result?; end + def self.result_exit_status(result, covered_percent); end + def self.run_exit_tasks!; end + def self.running; end + def self.running=(arg0); end + def self.set_exit_exception; end + def self.start(profile = nil, &block); end + def self.usable?; end + def self.write_last_run(covered_percent); end + extend SimpleCov::Configuration +end +module SimpleCov::Formatter +end +class SimpleCov::Formatter::MultiFormatter + def self.[](*args); end + def = nil); end +end +module SimpleCov::Formatter::MultiFormatter::InstanceMethods + def format(result); end +end +module SimpleCov::Configuration + def adapters; end + def add_filter(filter_argument = nil, &filter_proc); end + def add_group(group_name, filter_argument = nil, &filter_proc); end + def at_exit(&block); end + def command_name(name = nil); end + def configure(&block); end + def coverage_dir(dir = nil); end + def coverage_path; end + def filters; end + def filters=(arg0); end + def formatter(formatter = nil); end + def formatter=(arg0); end + def formatters; end + def formatters=(formatters); end + def groups; end + def groups=(arg0); end + def maximum_coverage_drop(coverage_drop = nil); end + def merge_timeout(seconds = nil); end + def minimum_coverage(coverage = nil); end + def minimum_coverage_by_file(coverage = nil); end + def nocov_token(nocov_token = nil); end + def parse_filter(filter_argument = nil, &filter_proc); end + def profiles; end + def project_name(new_name = nil); end + def refuse_coverage_drop; end + def root(root = nil); end + def skip_token(nocov_token = nil); end + def track_files(glob); end + def tracked_files; end + def use_merging(use = nil); end +end +module SimpleCov::ExitCodes +end +class SimpleCov::Profiles < Hash + def define(name, &blk); end + def load(name); end +end +class SimpleCov::SourceFile + def build_lines; end + def coverage; end + def coverage_exceeding_source_warn; end + def covered_lines; end + def covered_percent; end + def covered_strength; end + def filename; end + def initialize(filename, coverage); end + def line(number); end + def lines; end + def lines_of_code; end + def lines_strength; end + def missed_lines; end + def never_lines; end + def no_lines?; end + def process_skipped_lines(lines); end + def project_filename; end + def relevant_lines; end + def round_float(float, places); end + def skipped_lines; end + def source; end + def source_lines; end + def src; end +end +class SimpleCov::SourceFile::Line + def coverage; end + def covered?; end + def initialize(src, line_number, coverage); end + def line; end + def line_number; end + def missed?; end + def never?; end + def number; end + def skipped!; end + def skipped; end + def skipped?; end + def source; end + def src; end + def status; end +end +class SimpleCov::FileList < Array + def covered_lines; end + def covered_percent; end + def covered_percentages; end + def covered_strength; end + def least_covered_file; end + def lines_of_code; end + def missed_lines; end + def never_lines; end + def skipped_lines; end +end +class SimpleCov::Result + def command_name; end + def command_name=(arg0); end + def coverage; end + def covered_lines(*args, &block); end + def covered_percent(*args, &block); end + def covered_percentages(*args, &block); end + def covered_strength(*args, &block); end + def created_at; end + def created_at=(arg0); end + def filenames; end + def files; end + def filter!; end + def format!; end + def groups; end + def initialize(original_result); end + def least_covered_file(*args, &block); end + def missed_lines(*args, &block); end + def original_result; end + def self.from_hash(hash); end + def source_files; end + def to_hash; end + def total_lines(*args, &block); end + extend Forwardable +end +class SimpleCov::Filter + def filter_argument; end + def initialize(filter_argument); end + def matches?(_); end + def passes?(source_file); end + def self.build_filter(filter_argument); end + def self.class_for_argument(filter_argument); end +end +class SimpleCov::StringFilter < SimpleCov::Filter + def matches?(source_file); end +end +class SimpleCov::RegexFilter < SimpleCov::Filter + def matches?(source_file); end +end +class SimpleCov::BlockFilter < SimpleCov::Filter + def matches?(source_file); end +end +class SimpleCov::ArrayFilter < SimpleCov::Filter + def initialize(filter_argument); end + def matches?(source_files_list); end +end +class SimpleCov::Formatter::SimpleFormatter + def format(result); end +end +module SimpleCov::LastRun + def self.last_run_path; end + def; end + def self.write(json); end +end +class SimpleCov::LinesClassifier + def classify(lines); end + def self.no_cov_line; end + def self.no_cov_line?(line); end + def self.whitespace_line?(line); end +end +module SimpleCov::RawCoverage + def merge_file_coverage(file1, file2); end + def merge_line_coverage(count1, count2); end + def merge_results(*results); end + def merge_resultsets(result1, result2); end + def self.merge_file_coverage(file1, file2); end + def self.merge_line_coverage(count1, count2); end + def self.merge_results(*results); end + def self.merge_resultsets(result1, result2); end +end +module SimpleCov::ResultMerger + def self.clear_resultset; end + def self.merge_results(*results); end + def self.merged_result; end + def self.results; end + def self.resultset; end + def self.resultset_path; end + def self.resultset_writelock; end + def self.store_result(result); end + def self.stored_data; end + def self.synchronize_resultset; end +end +module SimpleCov::CommandGuesser + def self.from_command_line_options; end + def self.from_defined_constants; end + def self.from_env; end + def self.guess; end + def self.original_run_command; end + def self.original_run_command=(arg0); end +end +class SimpleCov::Railtie < Rails::Railtie +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/slimmer.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/slimmer.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..031ea5865 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/slimmer.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# slimmer-13.1.0 +module Slimmer + def self.cache; end +end +class Slimmer::Railtie < Rails::Railtie +end +class Slimmer::NoCache + def fetch(*arg0); end +end +module Slimmer::Processors +end +class Slimmer::TemplateNotFoundException < StandardError +end +class Slimmer::CouldNotRetrieveTemplate < StandardError +end +class Slimmer::GovukRequestId + def self.value; end + def self.value=(new_id); end +end +class Slimmer::App + def call(env); end + def content_length(rewritten_body); end + def in_development?; end + def initialize(app, *args, &block); end + def logger; end + def logger=(arg0); end + def response_can_be_rewritten?(status, headers); end + def rewrite_response(env, response); end + def s(body); end + def skip_slimmer?(env, response); end + def skip_slimmer_header?(response); end + def skip_slimmer_param?(env); end + def strip_slimmer_headers(headers); end +end +class Slimmer::Skin + def asset_host; end + def asset_host=(arg0); end + def context(html, error); end + def error(template_name, body, rack_env); end + def ignorable?(error); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def load_template(template_name); end + def logger; end + def logger=(arg0); end + def options; end + def options=(arg0); end + def parse_html(html, description_for_error_message); end + def process(processors, body, template, rack_env); end + def report_parse_errors_if_strict!(nokogiri_doc, description_for_error_message); end + def strict; end + def strict=(arg0); end + def success(source_request, response, body); end + def template(template_name); end + def template_url(template_name); end +end +module Slimmer::Headers + def set_slimmer_headers(hash); end +end +class Slimmer::Headers::InvalidHeader < RuntimeError +end +module Slimmer::Template + def self.included(into); end + def slimmer_template(template_name); end +end +module Slimmer::Template::ClassMethods + def slimmer_template(template_name); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/sorbet-runtime.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/sorbet-runtime.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ae6a024f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/sorbet-runtime.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,634 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# sorbet-runtime-0.4.4259 +module T::Configuration + def self.call_validation_error_handler(signature, opts); end + def self.call_validation_error_handler=(value); end + def self.call_validation_error_handler_default(signature, opts); end + def self.hard_assert_handler(str, extra); end + def self.hard_assert_handler=(value); end + def self.hard_assert_handler_default(str, _); end + def self.inline_type_error_handler(error); end + def self.inline_type_error_handler=(value); end + def self.inline_type_error_handler_default(error); end + def self.log_info_handler(str, extra); end + def self.log_info_handler=(value); end + def self.log_info_handler_default(str, extra); end + def self.scalar_types; end + def self.scalar_types=(values); end + def self.sig_builder_error_handler(error, location); end + def self.sig_builder_error_handler=(value); end + def self.sig_builder_error_handler_default(error, location); end + def self.sig_validation_error_handler(error, opts); end + def self.sig_validation_error_handler=(value); end + def self.sig_validation_error_handler_default(error, opts); end + def self.soft_assert_handler(str, extra); end + def self.soft_assert_handler=(value); end + def self.soft_assert_handler_default(str, extra); end + def self.validate_lambda_given!(value); end +end +module T::Profile + def self.reset; end + def self.typecheck_count_estimate; end + def self.typecheck_duration; end + def self.typecheck_duration=(arg0); end + def self.typecheck_duration_estimate; end + def self.typecheck_sample_attempts; end + def self.typecheck_sample_attempts=(arg0); end + def self.typecheck_samples; end + def self.typecheck_samples=(arg0); end +end +module T +end +module T::Array +end +module T::Hash +end +module T::Enumerable +end +module T::Enumerator + def self.[](type); end +end +module T::Range +end +module T::Set +end +module T::CFGExport +end +class T::Private::DeclState + def active_declaration; end + def active_declaration=(arg0); end + def reset!; end + def self.current; end + def self.current=(other); end +end +module T::Utils + def self.DANGER_enable_checking_in_tests; end + def self.arity(method); end + def self.coerce(val); end + def self.methods_excluding_object(mod); end + def self.register_forwarder(from_method, to_method, remove_first_param: nil); end + def self.run_all_sig_blocks; end + def self.signature_for_instance_method(mod, method_name); end + def self.string_truncate_middle(str, start_len, end_len, ellipsis = nil); end + def self.unwrap_nilable(type); end + def self.validate_sigs; end + def self.wrap_method_with_call_validation_if_needed(mod, method_sig, original_method); end +end +class T::Utils::RuntimeProfiled +end +module T::Private::ClassUtils + def self.replace_method(mod, name, &blk); end + def self.visibility_method_name(mod, name); end +end +class T::Private::ClassUtils::ReplacedMethod + def bind(obj); end + def initialize(mod, old_method, new_method, overwritten, visibility); end + def restore; end + def to_s; end +end +module T::Private::ErrorHandler + def self.handle_call_validation_error(signature, opts = nil); end + def self.handle_inline_type_error(type_error); end + def self.handle_sig_builder_error(error, location); end + def self.handle_sig_validation_error(error, opts = nil); end +end +module T::Private::RuntimeLevels + def self._toggle_checking_tests(checked); end + def self.check_tests?; end + def self.enable_checking_in_tests; end +end +module T::Private::Methods + def self._on_method_added(hook_mod, method_name, is_singleton_method: nil); end + def self.build_sig(hook_mod, method_name, original_method, current_declaration, loc); end + def self.declare_sig(mod, &blk); end + def self.finalize_proc(decl); end + def self.has_sig_block_for_key(key); end + def self.has_sig_block_for_method(method); end + def self.install_hooks(mod); end + def self.install_singleton_method_added_hook(singleton_klass); end + def self.key_to_method(key); end + def self.maybe_run_sig_block_for_key(key); end + def self.maybe_run_sig_block_for_method(method); end + def self.method_to_key(method); end + def self.register_forwarder(from_method, to_method, mode: nil, remove_first_param: nil); end + def self.run_all_sig_blocks; end + def self.run_builder(declaration_block); end + def self.run_sig(hook_mod, method_name, original_method, declaration_block); end + def self.run_sig_block_for_key(key); end + def self.run_sig_block_for_method(method); end + def self.sig_error(loc, message); end + def self.signature_for_key(key); end + def self.signature_for_method(method); end + def self.start_proc; end + def self.unwrap_method(hook_mod, signature, original_method); end +end +class T::Private::Methods::DeclarationBlock < Struct + def blk; end + def blk=(_); end + def loc; end + def loc=(_); end + def mod; end + def mod=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +module T::Sig + def sig(&blk); end +end +module T::Sig::WithoutRuntime +end +module T::Helpers + def abstract!; end + def interface!; end + def mixes_in_class_methods(mod); end +end +module T::Types +end +class T::Types::Base + def self.method_added(method_name); end +end +class T::Types::TypedEnumerable < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Types::ClassOf < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Types::Enum < T::Types::Base + def self.method_added(name); end + def self.singleton_method_added(name); end + extend T::Sig +end +class T::Types::FixedArray < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Types::FixedHash < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Types::Intersection < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Types::NoReturn < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Types::Proc < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Types::SelfType < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Types::Simple < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Types::TypeParameter < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Types::TypedArray < T::Types::TypedEnumerable +end +class T::Types::TypedEnumerator < T::Types::TypedEnumerable +end +class T::Types::TypedHash < T::Types::TypedEnumerable +end +class T::Types::TypedRange < T::Types::TypedEnumerable +end +class T::Types::TypedSet < T::Types::TypedEnumerable +end +class T::Types::Union < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Types::Untyped < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Private::Types::NotTyped < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Private::Types::Void < T::Types::Base +end +module T::Private::Types::Void::VOID +end +class T::Private::Types::StringHolder < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Types::TypeVariable < T::Types::Base +end +class T::Types::TypeMember < T::Types::TypeVariable +end +class T::Types::TypeTemplate < T::Types::TypeVariable +end +module T::Private::Methods::Modes + def self.abstract; end + def self.implementation; end + def self.overridable; end + def self.overridable_implementation; end + def self.override; end + def self.standard; end + def self.untyped; end +end +module T::Private::Methods::CallValidation + def self.create_validator_method(mod, original_method, method_sig, original_visibility); end + def self.create_validator_method_fast(mod, original_method, method_sig); end + def self.create_validator_method_fast0(mod, original_method, method_sig, return_type); end + def self.create_validator_method_fast1(mod, original_method, method_sig, return_type, arg0_type); end + def self.create_validator_method_fast2(mod, original_method, method_sig, return_type, arg0_type, arg1_type); end + def self.create_validator_method_fast3(mod, original_method, method_sig, return_type, arg0_type, arg1_type, arg2_type); end + def self.create_validator_method_fast4(mod, original_method, method_sig, return_type, arg0_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type); end + def self.create_validator_procedure_fast(mod, original_method, method_sig); end + def self.create_validator_procedure_fast0(mod, original_method, method_sig); end + def self.create_validator_procedure_fast1(mod, original_method, method_sig, arg0_type); end + def self.create_validator_procedure_fast2(mod, original_method, method_sig, arg0_type, arg1_type); end + def self.create_validator_procedure_fast3(mod, original_method, method_sig, arg0_type, arg1_type, arg2_type); end + def self.create_validator_procedure_fast4(mod, original_method, method_sig, arg0_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type); end + def self.create_validator_slow(mod, original_method, method_sig); end + def self.disable_fast_path; end + def self.is_allowed_to_have_fast_path; end + def self.report_error(method_sig, error_message, kind, name, type, value, caller_offset: nil); end + def self.validate_call(instance, original_method, method_sig, args, blk); end + def self.visibility_method_name(mod, name); end + def self.wrap_method_if_needed(mod, method_sig, original_method); end +end +module T::Private::Methods::SignatureValidation + def self.base_override_loc_str(signature, super_signature); end + def self.method_loc_str(method); end + def self.pretty_mode(signature); end + def self.validate(signature); end + def self.validate_non_override_mode(signature); end + def self.validate_override_mode(signature, super_signature); end + def self.validate_override_shape(signature, super_signature); end + def self.validate_override_types(signature, super_signature); end +end +module T::AbstractUtils + def self.abstract_method?(method); end + def self.abstract_methods_for(mod); end + def self.abstract_module?(mod); end + def self.declared_abstract_methods_for(mod); end +end +module T::Private::Abstract::Validate + def self.describe_method(method, show_owner: nil); end + def self.validate_abstract_module(mod); end + def self.validate_interface(mod); end + def self.validate_interface_all_abstract(mod, method_names); end + def self.validate_interface_all_public(mod, method_names); end + def self.validate_subclass(mod); end +end +module T::Generic + def [](*types); end + def type_member(variance = nil, fixed: nil); end + def type_template(variance = nil, fixed: nil); end + include Kernel + include T::Helpers +end +class T::InterfaceWrapper + def __interface_mod_DO_NOT_USE; end + def __target_obj_DO_NOT_USE; end + def initialize(target_obj, interface_mod); end + def is_a?(other); end + def kind_of?(other); end + def self.dynamic_cast(obj, mod); end + def self.method_added(name); end + def*arg0); end + def self.self_methods; end + def self.singleton_method_added(name); end + def self.wrap_instance(obj, interface_mod); end + def self.wrap_instances(*args, &blk); end + def self.wrapped_dynamic_cast(obj, mod); end + extend T::Sig +end +module T::InterfaceWrapper::Helpers + def wrap_instance(obj); end + def wrap_instances(arr); end +end +module T::Private::Abstract::Declare + def self.declare_abstract(mod, type:); end +end +module T::Private::Abstract::Hooks + def append_features(other); end + def extend_object(other); end + def inherited(other); end + def prepended(other); end +end +module T::Private +end +module T::Private::Casts + def self.cast(value, type, cast_method:); end +end +class T::Private::Methods::Declaration < Struct + def bind; end + def bind=(_); end + def checked; end + def checked=(_); end + def finalized; end + def finalized=(_); end + def generated; end + def generated=(_); end + def mod; end + def mod=(_); end + def mode; end + def mode=(_); end + def override_allow_incompatible; end + def override_allow_incompatible=(_); end + def params; end + def params=(_); end + def returns; end + def returns=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end + def soft_notify; end + def soft_notify=(_); end + def type_parameters; end + def type_parameters=(_); end +end +class T::Private::Methods::DeclBuilder + def abstract; end + def bind(type); end + def check_live!; end + def checked(level); end + def decl; end + def finalize!; end + def generated; end + def implementation; end + def initialize(mod); end + def overridable; end + def override(allow_incompatible: nil); end + def params(params); end + def returns(type); end + def soft(notify:); end + def type_parameters(*names); end + def void; end +end +class T::Private::Methods::DeclBuilder::BuilderError < StandardError +end +class T::Private::Methods::Signature + def arg_count; end + def arg_types; end + def bind; end + def block_name; end + def block_type; end + def check_level; end + def dsl_method; end + def each_args_value_type(args); end + def ever_failed; end + def generated; end + def has_keyrest; end + def has_rest; end + def initialize(method:, method_name:, raw_arg_types:, raw_return_type:, bind:, mode:, check_level:, soft_notify:, parameters: nil, generated: nil, override_allow_incompatible: nil); end + def keyrest_name; end + def keyrest_type; end + def kwarg_names; end + def kwarg_types; end + def mark_failed; end + def method; end + def method_desc; end + def method_name; end + def mode; end + def override_allow_incompatible; end + def owner; end + def parameters; end + def req_arg_count; end + def req_kwarg_names; end + def rest_name; end + def rest_type; end + def return_type; end + def self.new_untyped(method:, mode: nil, parameters: nil); end + def soft_notify; end +end +module T::Utils::Props + def self.merge_serialized_optional_rule(prop_rules); end + def self.optional_prop?(prop_rules); end + def self.required_prop?(prop_rules); end +end +module T::Utils::Nilable + def self.get_type_info(prop_type); end + def self.get_underlying_type(prop_type); end + def self.get_underlying_type_object(prop_type); end + def self.is_union_with_nilclass(prop_type); end +end +class T::Utils::Nilable::TypeInfo < Struct + def is_union_type; end + def is_union_type=(_); end + def non_nilable_type; end + def non_nilable_type=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +module T::Private::Abstract::Data + def self.get(mod, key); end + def self.key?(mod, key); end + def self.set(mod, key, value); end + def self.set_default(mod, key, default); end +end +module T::Private::MixesInClassMethods + def included(other); end +end +module T::Private::Mixins + def self.declare_mixes_in_class_methods(mixin, class_methods); end +end +module T::Props + extend T::Helpers +end +module T::Props::ClassMethods + def const(*args, &blk); end + def decorator; end + def decorator_class; end + def extended(child); end + def included(child); end + def inherited(child); end + def plugin(mod); end + def plugins; end + def prepended(child); end + def prop(name, cls, rules = nil); end + def props; end + def reload_decorator!; end + def self.method_added(name); end + def self.singleton_method_added(name); end + def validate_prop_value(prop, val); end + extend T::Helpers + extend T::Sig +end +module T::Props::CustomType + def deserialize(_mongo_scalar); end + def instance?(_value); end + def self.included(_base); end + def self.scalar_type?(val); end + def self.valid_serialization?(val, type = nil); end + def serialize(_instance); end + def valid?(value); end + include Kernel +end +class T::Props::Decorator + def add_prop_definition(*args, &blk); end + def all_props(*args, &blk); end + def array_subdoc_type(*args, &blk); end + def check_prop_type(*args, &blk); end + def convert_type_to_class(*args, &blk); end + def decorated_class(*args, &blk); end + def define_foreign_method(*args, &blk); end + def define_getter_and_setter(*args, &blk); end + def foreign_prop_get(*args, &blk); end + def get(*args, &blk); end + def handle_foreign_hint_only_option(*args, &blk); end + def handle_foreign_option(*args, &blk); end + def handle_redaction_option(*args, &blk); end + def hash_key_custom_type(*args, &blk); end + def hash_value_subdoc_type(*args, &blk); end + def initialize(*args, &blk); end + def is_nilable?(*args, &blk); end + def model_inherited(*args, &blk); end + def mutate_prop_backdoor!(*args, &blk); end + def plugin(arg0, &blk); end + def prop_defined(*args, &blk); end + def prop_get(*args, &blk); end + def prop_rules(*args, &blk); end + def prop_set(*args, &blk); end + def prop_validate_definition!(*args, &blk); end + def props(*args, &blk); end + def self.method_added(name); end + def self.singleton_method_added(name); end + def set(*args, &blk); end + def shallow_clone_ok(*args, &blk); end + def smart_coerce(*args, &blk); end + def valid_props(*args, &blk); end + def validate_foreign_option(*args, &blk); end + def validate_not_missing_sensitivity(*args, &blk); end + def validate_prop_name(name); end + def validate_prop_value(*args, &blk); end + extend T::Sig +end +class T::Props::Decorator::NoRulesError < StandardError +end +module T::Props::Decorator::Private + def self.apply_class_methods(plugin, target); end + def self.apply_decorator_methods(plugin, target); end +end +class T::Props::Error < StandardError +end +class T::Props::InvalidValueError < T::Props::Error +end +class T::Props::ImmutableProp < T::Props::Error +end +module T::Props::Plugin + extend T::Helpers + extend T::Props::ClassMethods + include T::Props +end +module T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + def included(child); end +end +module T::Props::Utils + def self.deep_clone_object(what, freeze: nil); end + def self.need_nil_read_check?(prop_rules); end + def self.need_nil_write_check?(prop_rules); end +end +module T::Props::Optional + extend T::Props::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + include T::Props::Plugin +end +module T::Props::Optional::DecoratorMethods + def add_prop_definition(prop, rules); end + def get_default(rules, instance_class); end + def has_default?(rules); end + def prop_optional?(prop); end + def prop_validate_definition!(name, cls, rules, type); end + def valid_props; end +end +module T::Props::WeakConstructor + def initialize(hash = nil); end + extend T::Props::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + include T::Props::Optional +end +module T::Props::Constructor + def initialize(hash = nil); end + extend T::Props::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + include T::Props::WeakConstructor +end +module T::Props::PrettyPrintable + def inspect; end + def pretty_inspect; end + extend T::Props::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + include T::Props::Plugin +end +module T::Props::PrettyPrintable::DecoratorMethods + def inspect_instance(*args, &blk); end + def inspect_instance_components(*args, &blk); end + def inspect_prop_value(*args, &blk); end + def join_props_with_pretty_values(*args, &blk); end + def self.method_added(name); end + def self.singleton_method_added(name); end + def valid_props(*args, &blk); end + extend T::Sig +end +module T::Props::Serializable + def deserialize(hash, strict = nil); end + def recursive_stringify_keys(obj); end + def required_prop_missing_from_deserialize(prop); end + def required_prop_missing_from_deserialize?(prop); end + def serialize(strict = nil); end + def with(changed_props); end + def with_existing_hash(changed_props, existing_hash:); end + extend T::Props::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + include T::Props::Optional + include T::Props::Plugin + include T::Props::PrettyPrintable +end +module T::Props::Serializable::DecoratorMethods + def add_prop_definition(prop, rules); end + def extra_props(instance); end + def from_hash(hash, strict = nil); end + def get_id(instance); end + def inspect_instance_components(instance, multiline:, indent:); end + def prop_by_serialized_forms; end + def prop_dont_store?(prop); end + def prop_serialized_form(prop); end + def prop_validate_definition!(name, cls, rules, type); end + def required_props; end + def serialized_form_prop(serialized_form); end + def valid_props; end +end +module T::Props::Serializable::ClassMethods + def from_hash!(hash); end + def from_hash(hash, strict = nil); end + def prop_by_serialized_forms; end +end +module T::Props::TypeValidation + extend T::Props::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + include T::Props::Plugin +end +class T::Props::TypeValidation::UnderspecifiedType < ArgumentError +end +module T::Props::TypeValidation::DecoratorMethods + def find_invalid_subtype(*args, &blk); end + def prop_validate_definition!(*args, &blk); end + def self.method_added(name); end + def self.singleton_method_added(name); end + def type_error_message(*args, &blk); end + def valid_props(*args, &blk); end + def validate_type(*args, &blk); end + extend T::Sig +end +class T::Struct + extend T::Props::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Plugin::ClassMethods + extend T::Props::Serializable::ClassMethods + include T::Props + include T::Props::Constructor + include T::Props::Serializable +end +module T::Private::Abstract +end +module T::Private::Types +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/sprockets-rails.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/sprockets-rails.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc7a2bdaf --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/sprockets-rails.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# sprockets-rails-3.2.1 +module Sprockets +end +module Sprockets::Rails +end +module Sprockets::Rails::Context + def compute_asset_path(path, options = nil); end + def self.included(klass); end + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper +end +module Sprockets::Rails::Utils + def using_sprockets4?; end +end +module Sprockets::Rails::Helper + def asset_digest_path(path, options = nil); end + def asset_integrity(path, options = nil); end + def asset_resolver_strategies; end + def compute_asset_path(path, options = nil); end + def compute_integrity?(options); end + def javascript_include_tag(*sources); end + def legacy_debug_path(path, debug); end + def lookup_debug_asset(path, options = nil); end + def path_with_extname(path, options); end + def request_debug_assets?; end + def resolve_asset; end + def resolve_asset_path(path, allow_non_precompiled = nil); end + def secure_subresource_integrity_context?; end + def self.extended(obj); end + def self.included(klass); end + def stylesheet_link_tag(*sources); end + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include Sprockets::Rails::Utils +end +class Sprockets::Rails::Helper::AssetNotFound < StandardError +end +class Sprockets::Rails::Helper::AssetNotPrecompiled < StandardError + def initialize(source); end + include Sprockets::Rails::Utils +end +module Sprockets::Rails::HelperAssetResolvers + def self.[](name); end +end +class Sprockets::Rails::HelperAssetResolvers::Manifest + def asset_path(path, digest, allow_non_precompiled = nil); end + def digest_path(path, allow_non_precompiled = nil); end + def find_debug_asset(path); end + def initialize(view); end + def integrity(path); end + def metadata(path); end +end +class Sprockets::Rails::HelperAssetResolvers::Environment + def asset_path(path, digest, allow_non_precompiled = nil); end + def digest_path(path, allow_non_precompiled = nil); end + def find_asset(path, options = nil); end + def find_debug_asset(path); end + def initialize(view); end + def integrity(path); end + def precompiled?(path); end + def raise_unless_precompiled_asset(path); end +end +class Sprockets::Rails::QuietAssets + def call(env); end + def initialize(app); end +end +module Sprockets::Rails::RouteWrapper + def internal?; end + def internal_assets_path?; end + def self.included(klass); end +end +module Rails +end +class Rails::Application < Rails::Engine + def asset_precompiled?(logical_path); end + def assets_manifest; end + def assets_manifest=(arg0); end + def precompiled_assets(clear_cache = nil); end +end +class Rails::Application::Configuration < Rails::Engine::Configuration +end +class Rails::Engine < Rails::Railtie +end +class Sprockets::Railtie < Rails::Railtie + def build_environment(app, initialized = nil); end + def self.build_manifest(app); end + include Sprockets::Rails::Utils +end +class Sprockets::Railtie::ManifestNeededError < StandardError + def initialize; end +end +class Sprockets::Railtie::OrderedOptions < ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions + def configure(&block); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/sprockets.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/sprockets.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c21171b90 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/sprockets.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,659 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# sprockets-3.7.2 +module Sprockets + extend Sprockets::Configuration + extend Sprockets::ProcessorUtils +end +module Sprockets::DigestUtils + def detect_digest_class(bytes); end + def digest(obj); end + def digest_class; end + def hexdigest_integrity_uri(hexdigest); end + def integrity_uri(digest); end + def pack_base64digest(bin); end + def pack_hexdigest(bin); end + def pack_urlsafe_base64digest(bin); end + def unpack_hexdigest(hex); end + extend Sprockets::DigestUtils +end +class Sprockets::Cache + def expand_key(key); end + def fetch(key); end + def get(key, local = nil); end + def get_cache_wrapper(cache); end + def initialize(cache = nil, logger = nil); end + def inspect; end + def peek_key(key); end + def self.default_logger; end + def set(key, value, local = nil); end +end +class Anonymous_Struct_6 < Struct + def cache; end + def cache=(_); end + def self.[](*arg0); end + def self.inspect; end + def self.members; end + def*arg0); end +end +class Sprockets::Cache::Wrapper < Anonymous_Struct_6 +end +class Sprockets::Cache::GetWrapper < Sprockets::Cache::Wrapper + def get(key); end + def set(key, value); end +end +class Sprockets::Cache::HashWrapper < Sprockets::Cache::Wrapper + def get(key); end + def set(key, value); end +end +class Sprockets::Cache::ReadWriteWrapper < Sprockets::Cache::Wrapper + def get(key); end + def set(key, value); end +end +class Sprockets::Asset + def ==(other); end + def base64digest; end + def bytesize; end + def charset; end + def content_type; end + def dependencies; end + def digest; end + def digest_path; end + def each; end + def eql?(other); end + def etag; end + def filename; end + def hash; end + def hexdigest; end + def id; end + def included; end + def initialize(environment, attributes = nil); end + def inspect; end + def integrity; end + def length; end + def links; end + def logical_path; end + def metadata; end + def mtime; end + def pathname; end + def source; end + def to_a; end + def to_hash; end + def to_s; end + def uri; end + def write_to(filename); end +end +module Sprockets::Bower + def read_bower_main(dirname, filename); end + def resolve_alternates(load_path, logical_path); end +end +module Sprockets::Utils + def concat_javascript_sources(buf, source); end + def dfs(initial); end + def dfs_paths(path); end + def duplicable?(obj); end + def hash_reassoc(hash, *keys, &block); end + def hash_reassoc1(hash, key); end + def module_include(base, mod); end + def normalize_extension(extension); end + def string_end_with_semicolon?(str); end + extend Sprockets::Utils +end +module Sprockets::Compressing + def compressors; end + def css_compressor; end + def css_compressor=(compressor); end + def gzip=(gzip); end + def gzip?; end + def js_compressor; end + def js_compressor=(compressor); end + def register_compressor(mime_type, sym, klass); end + def skip_gzip?; end + include Sprockets::Utils +end +module Sprockets::PathUtils + def absolute_path?(path); end + def atomic_write(filename); end + def directory?(path); end + def entries(path); end + def file?(path); end + def find_upwards(basename, path, root = nil); end + def match_path_extname(path, extensions); end + def path_extnames(path); end + def path_parents(path, root = nil); end + def paths_split(paths, filename); end + def relative_path?(path); end + def split_subpath(path, subpath); end + def stat(path); end + def stat_directory(dir); end + def stat_sorted_tree(dir, &block); end + def stat_tree(dir, &block); end + extend Sprockets::PathUtils +end +module Sprockets::PathDigestUtils + def file_digest(path); end + def files_digest(paths); end + def stat_digest(path, stat); end + include Sprockets::DigestUtils +end +module Sprockets::URIUtils + def build_asset_uri(path, params = nil); end + def build_file_digest_uri(path); end + def encode_uri_query_params(params); end + def join_file_uri(scheme, host, path, query); end + def join_uri(scheme, userinfo, host, port, registry, path, opaque, query, fragment); end + def parse_asset_uri(uri); end + def parse_file_digest_uri(uri); end + def parse_uri_query_params(query); end + def split_file_uri(uri); end + def split_uri(uri); end + def valid_asset_uri?(str); end + extend Sprockets::URIUtils +end +module Sprockets::Dependencies + def add_dependency(uri); end + def depend_on(uri); end + def dependencies; end + def dependency_resolvers; end + def register_dependency_resolver(scheme, &block); end + def resolve_dependency(str); end + include Sprockets::DigestUtils +end +class Sprockets::LegacyTiltProcessor < Delegator + def __getobj__; end + def call(input); end + def initialize(klass); end +end +module Sprockets::Engines + def engine_mime_types; end + def engines; end + def register_engine(ext, klass, options = nil); end + include Sprockets::Utils +end +module Sprockets::EncodingUtils + def base64(str); end + def charlock_detect(str); end + def deflate(str); end + def detect(str); end + def detect_css(str); end + def detect_html(str); end + def detect_unicode(str); end + def detect_unicode_bom(str); end + def gzip(str); end + def scan_css_charset(str); end + def unmarshaled_deflated(str, window_bits = nil); end + extend Sprockets::EncodingUtils +end +module Sprockets::HTTPUtils + def find_best_mime_type_match(q_value_header, available); end + def find_best_q_match(q_values, available, &matcher); end + def find_mime_type_matches(q_value_header, available); end + def find_q_matches(q_values, available, &matcher); end + def match_mime_type?(value, matcher); end + def match_mime_type_keys(hash, mime_type); end + def parse_q_values(values); end + extend Sprockets::HTTPUtils +end +module Sprockets::Mime + def compute_extname_map; end + def extname_map; end + def mime_exts; end + def mime_type_charset_detecter(mime_type); end + def mime_types; end + def read_file(filename, content_type = nil); end + def register_mime_type(mime_type, options = nil); end + include Sprockets::HTTPUtils +end +module Sprockets::Paths + def append_path(path); end + def clear_paths; end + def each_file; end + def paths; end + def prepend_path(path); end + def root; end + def root=(path); end + include Sprockets::PathUtils +end +class Sprockets::FileReader + def; end +end +class Sprockets::LegacyProcProcessor < Delegator + def __getobj__; end + def call(input); end + def initialize(name, proc); end + def name; end + def to_s; end +end +module Sprockets::ProcessorUtils + def call_processor(processor, input); end + def call_processors(processors, input); end + def compose_processors(*processors); end + def processor_cache_key(processor); end + def processors_cache_keys(processors); end + def valid_processor_metadata_value?(value); end + def validate_processor_result!(result); end + extend Sprockets::ProcessorUtils +end +module Sprockets::Processing + def build_processors_uri(type, file_type, engine_extnames, pipeline); end + def bundle_processors; end + def default_processors_for(type, file_type, engine_extnames); end + def deprecate_legacy_processor_interface(interface); end + def pipelines; end + def postprocessors; end + def preprocessors; end + def processors; end + def processors_for(type, file_type, engine_extnames, pipeline); end + def register_bundle_metadata_reducer(mime_type, key, *args, &block); end + def register_bundle_processor(*args, &block); end + def register_config_processor(type, mime_type, klass, proc = nil, &block); end + def register_pipeline(name, proc = nil, &block); end + def register_postprocessor(*args, &block); end + def register_preprocessor(*args, &block); end + def register_processor(*args, &block); end + def resolve_processors_cache_key_uri(uri); end + def self_processors_for(type, file_type, engine_extnames); end + def unregister_bundle_processor(*args); end + def unregister_config_processor(type, mime_type, klass); end + def unregister_postprocessor(*args); end + def unregister_preprocessor(*args); end + def unregister_processor(*args); end + def wrap_processor(klass, proc); end + include Sprockets::ProcessorUtils +end +module Sprockets::Transformers + def compose_transformers(transformers, types); end + def compute_transformers!; end + def expand_transform_accepts(parsed_accepts); end + def register_transformer(from, to, proc); end + def resolve_transform_type(type, accept); end + def transformers; end + include Sprockets::HTTPUtils +end +module Sprockets::Configuration + def computed_config; end + def computed_config=(arg0); end + def config; end + def config=(config); end + def context_class; end + def digest_class; end + def digest_class=(klass); end + def initialize_configuration(parent); end + def logger; end + def logger=(arg0); end + def version; end + def version=(version); end + include Sprockets::Paths +end +class Sprockets::Error < StandardError +end +class Sprockets::ArgumentError < Sprockets::Error +end +class Sprockets::ContentTypeMismatch < Sprockets::Error +end +class Sprockets::NotImplementedError < Sprockets::Error +end +class Sprockets::NotFound < Sprockets::Error +end +class Sprockets::ConversionError < Sprockets::NotFound +end +class Sprockets::FileNotFound < Sprockets::NotFound +end +class Sprockets::FileOutsidePaths < Sprockets::NotFound +end +module Sprockets::PathDependencyUtils + def entries_with_dependencies(path); end + def file_digest_dependency_set(path); end + def stat_directory_with_dependencies(dir); end + def stat_sorted_tree_with_dependencies(dir); end + include Sprockets::PathUtils + include Sprockets::URIUtils +end +module Sprockets::Resolve + def dirname_matches(dirname, basename); end + def parse_accept_options(mime_type, types); end + def parse_path_extnames(path); end + def path_matches(load_path, logical_name, logical_basename); end + def resolve!(path, options = nil); end + def resolve(path, options = nil); end + def resolve_absolute_path(paths, filename, accept); end + def resolve_alternates(load_path, logical_name); end + def resolve_asset_uri(uri); end + def resolve_logical_path(paths, logical_path, accept); end + def resolve_relative_path(paths, path, dirname, accept); end + def resolve_under_paths(paths, logical_name, accepts); end + include Sprockets::HTTPUtils +end +class Sprockets::URITar + def absolute_path?; end + def compress; end + def compressed_path; end + def expand; end + def initialize(uri, env); end + def path; end + def root; end + def scheme; end +end +class Sprockets::UnloadedAsset + def asset_key; end + def compressed_path; end + def dependency_history_key; end + def digest_key(digest); end + def file_digest_key(stat); end + def filename; end + def initialize(uri, env); end + def load_file_params; end + def params; end + def uri; end +end +module Sprockets::Loader + def asset_from_cache(key); end + def fetch_asset_from_dependency_cache(unloaded, limit = nil); end + def load(uri); end + def load_from_unloaded(unloaded); end + def resolve_dependencies(uris); end + def store_asset(asset, unloaded); end + include Sprockets::DigestUtils + include Sprockets::Engines +end +module Sprockets::Server + def body_only?(env); end + def cache_headers(env, etag); end + def call(env); end + def css_exception_response(exception); end + def escape_css_content(content); end + def forbidden_request?(path); end + def forbidden_response(env); end + def head_request?(env); end + def headers(env, asset, length); end + def javascript_exception_response(exception); end + def method_not_allowed_response; end + def not_found_response(env); end + def not_modified_response(env, etag); end + def ok_response(asset, env); end + def path_fingerprint(path); end + def precondition_failed_response(env); end +end +class Sprockets::Base + def [](*args); end + def cache; end + def cache=(cache); end + def cache_get(key); end + def cache_set(key, value); end + def cached; end + def compress_from_root(uri); end + def each_logical_path(*args, &block); end + def expand_from_root(uri); end + def file_digest(path); end + def find_all_linked_assets(path, options = nil); end + def find_asset(path, options = nil); end + def index; end + def inspect; end + def logical_paths; end + def matches_filter(filters, logical_path, filename); end + def normalize_logical_path(path); end + def resolve(path, options = nil); end + def resolve_with_compat(path, options = nil); end + def resolve_without_compat(path, options = nil); end + def unescape(str); end + include Sprockets::Bower + include Sprockets::Configuration + include Sprockets::PathUtils + include Sprockets::Resolve + include Sprockets::Resolve + include Sprockets::Server +end +class Sprockets::Cache::MemoryStore + def get(key); end + def initialize(max_size = nil); end + def inspect; end + def set(key, value); end +end +class Sprockets::CachedEnvironment < Sprockets::Base + def _entries(path); end + def _load(uri); end + def _processor_cache_key(processor); end + def _resolve_dependency(str); end + def _stat(path); end + def cached; end + def config=(config); end + def entries(path); end + def index; end + def initialize(environment); end + def load(uri); end + def processor_cache_key(str); end + def resolve_dependency(str); end + def stat(path); end +end +class Sprockets::Environment < Sprockets::Base + def cached; end + def find_all_linked_assets(*args, &block); end + def find_asset(*args); end + def index; end + def initialize(root = nil); end + def load(*args); end +end +module Sprockets::ManifestUtils + def find_directory_manifest(dirname); end + def generate_manifest_path; end + extend Sprockets::ManifestUtils +end +class Sprockets::Utils::Gzip + def can_compress?(mime_types); end + def cannot_compress?(mime_types); end + def compress(target); end + def initialize(asset); end +end +class Sprockets::Manifest + def assets; end + def clean(count = nil, age = nil); end + def clobber; end + def compile(*args); end + def dir; end + def directory; end + def environment; end + def filename; end + def files; end + def filter_logical_paths(*args); end + def find(*args); end + def find_logical_paths(*args); end + def find_sources(*args); end + def initialize(*args); end + def json_decode(obj); end + def json_encode(obj); end + def logger; end + def path; end + def remove(filename); end + def save; end + def self.compile_match_filter(filter); end + def self.compute_alias_logical_path(path); end + def self.simple_logical_path?(str); end + include Sprockets::ManifestUtils +end +class Sprockets::Deprecation + def _extract_callstack; end + def behavior; end + def behavior=(behavior); end + def callstack; end + def deprecation_caller_message; end + def deprecation_message(message = nil); end + def extract_callstack; end + def ignored_callstack(path); end + def initialize(callstack = nil); end + def self.silence(&block); end + def warn(message); end +end +class Sprockets::Context + def __LINE__; end + def __LINE__=(arg0); end + def asset_data_uri(path); end + def asset_path(path, options = nil); end + def audio_path(path); end + def content_type; end + def depend_on(path); end + def depend_on_asset(path); end + def environment; end + def filename; end + def font_path(path); end + def image_path(path); end + def initialize(input); end + def javascript_path(path); end + def link_asset(path); end + def load(uri); end + def load_path; end + def logical_path; end + def metadata; end + def pathname; end + def require_asset(path); end + def resolve(path, options = nil); end + def resolve_with_compat(path, options = nil); end + def resolve_without_compat(path, options = nil); end + def root_path; end + def stub_asset(path); end + def stylesheet_path(path); end + def video_path(path); end +end +class Sprockets::DirectiveProcessor + def _call(input); end + def call(input); end + def compile_header_pattern(comments); end + def expand_accept_shorthand(accept); end + def expand_relative_dirname(directive, path); end + def extract_directives(header); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def link_paths(paths, deps, accept); end + def load(uri); end + def process_depend_on_asset_directive(path); end + def process_depend_on_directive(path); end + def process_directives(directives); end + def process_link_directive(path); end + def process_link_directory_directive(path = nil, accept = nil); end + def process_link_tree_directive(path = nil, accept = nil); end + def process_require_directive(path); end + def process_require_directory_directive(path = nil); end + def process_require_self_directive; end + def process_require_tree_directive(path = nil); end + def process_source(source); end + def process_stub_directive(path); end + def require_paths(paths, deps); end + def resolve(path, options = nil); end + def resolve_paths(paths, deps, options = nil); end + def; end + def self.instance; end +end +class Sprockets::Bundle + def; end + def self.process_bundle_reducers(assets, reducers); end +end +module Sprockets::Autoload +end +class Sprockets::ClosureCompressor + def cache_key; end + def call(input); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def self.cache_key; end + def; end + def self.instance; end +end +class Sprockets::SassCompressor + def cache_key; end + def call(input); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def self.cache_key; end + def; end + def self.instance; end +end +class Sprockets::UglifierCompressor + def cache_key; end + def call(input); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def self.cache_key; end + def; end + def self.instance; end +end +class Sprockets::YUICompressor + def cache_key; end + def call(input); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def self.cache_key; end + def; end + def self.instance; end +end +module Sprockets::CoffeeScriptProcessor + def self.cache_key; end + def; end +end +module Sprockets::EcoProcessor + def self.cache_key; end + def; end +end +module Sprockets::EjsProcessor + def self.cache_key; end + def; end +end +class Sprockets::JstProcessor + def call(input); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def; end + def self.default_namespace; end + def self.instance; end +end +class Sprockets::SassProcessor + def build_cache_store(input, version); end + def cache_key; end + def call(input); end + def initialize(options = nil, &block); end + def self.cache_key; end + def; end + def self.instance; end + def self.syntax; end +end +module Sprockets::SassProcessor::Functions + def asset_data_url(path); end + def asset_path(path, options = nil); end + def asset_url(path, options = nil); end + def audio_path(path); end + def audio_url(path); end + def font_path(path); end + def font_url(path); end + def image_path(path); end + def image_url(path); end + def javascript_path(path); end + def javascript_url(path); end + def sprockets_context; end + def sprockets_dependencies; end + def sprockets_environment; end + def stylesheet_path(path); end + def stylesheet_url(path); end + def video_path(path); end + def video_url(path); end +end +class Sprockets::ScssProcessor < Sprockets::SassProcessor + def self.syntax; end +end +class Sprockets::ERBProcessor + def call(input); end + def initialize(&block); end + def; end + def self.instance; end +end +class Sprockets::Cache::FileStore + def compute_size(caches); end + def find_caches; end + def gc!; end + def get(key); end + def initialize(root, max_size = nil, logger = nil); end + def inspect; end + def safe_open(path, &block); end + def safe_stat(fn); end + def self.default_logger; end + def set(key, value); end + def size; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/statsd-ruby.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/statsd-ruby.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8d7bbb84 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/statsd-ruby.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# statsd-ruby-1.4.0 +class Statsd + def batch(&block); end + def batch_byte_size; end + def batch_byte_size=(arg0); end + def batch_size; end + def batch_size=(arg0); end + def connect; end + def count(stat, count, sample_rate = nil); end + def decrement(stat, sample_rate = nil); end + def delimiter; end + def delimiter=(delimiter); end + def gauge(stat, value, sample_rate = nil); end + def host; end + def host=(host); end + def increment(stat, sample_rate = nil); end + def initialize(host = nil, port = nil, protocol = nil); end + def namespace; end + def namespace=(namespace); end + def port; end + def port=(port); end + def postfix; end + def postfix=(pf); end + def prefix; end + def self.logger; end + def self.logger=(arg0); end + def send_stats(stat, delta, type, sample_rate = nil); end + def send_to_socket(message); end + def set(stat, value, sample_rate = nil); end + def socket; end + def time(stat, sample_rate = nil); end + def timing(stat, ms, sample_rate = nil); end +end +class Statsd::Batch < Statsd + def batch_byte_size; end + def batch_byte_size=(arg0); end + def batch_size; end + def batch_size=(arg0); end + def delimiter(*args, &block); end + def delimiter=(*args, &block); end + def easy; end + def flush; end + def host(*args, &block); end + def host=(*args, &block); end + def initialize(statsd); end + def namespace(*args, &block); end + def namespace=(*args, &block); end + def port(*args, &block); end + def port=(*args, &block); end + def postfix(*args, &block); end + def prefix(*args, &block); end + def send_to_socket(message); end + extend Forwardable +end +class Statsd::Admin + def connect; end + def counters; end + def delcounters(item); end + def delete_metric(name, item); end + def delgauges(item); end + def deltimers(item); end + def gauges; end + def host; end + def host=(host); end + def initialize(host = nil, port = nil); end + def port; end + def port=(port); end + def read_from_socket; end + def read_metric(name); end + def self.logger; end + def self.logger=(arg0); end + def send_to_socket(message); end + def stats; end + def timers; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/thread_safe.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/thread_safe.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3bf3a5362 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/thread_safe.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# thread_safe-0.3.6 +module ThreadSafe +end +module Threadsafe + def self.const_missing(name); end +end +class SynchronizedDelegator < SimpleDelegator + def initialize(obj); end + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + def setup; end + def teardown; end +end +class ThreadSafe::NonConcurrentCacheBackend + def [](key); end + def []=(key, value); end + def _get(key); end + def _set(key, value); end + def clear; end + def compute(key); end + def compute_if_absent(key); end + def compute_if_present(key); end + def delete(key); end + def delete_pair(key, value); end + def dupped_backend; end + def each_pair; end + def get_and_set(key, value); end + def get_or_default(key, default_value); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def key?(key); end + def merge_pair(key, value); end + def pair?(key, expected_value); end + def replace_if_exists(key, new_value); end + def replace_pair(key, old_value, new_value); end + def size; end + def store_computed_value(key, new_value); end + def value?(value); end +end +class ThreadSafe::MriCacheBackend < ThreadSafe::NonConcurrentCacheBackend + def []=(key, value); end + def clear; end + def compute(key); end + def compute_if_absent(key); end + def compute_if_present(key); end + def delete(key); end + def delete_pair(key, value); end + def get_and_set(key, value); end + def merge_pair(key, value); end + def replace_if_exists(key, new_value); end + def replace_pair(key, old_value, new_value); end +end +class ThreadSafe::Cache < ThreadSafe::MriCacheBackend + def [](key); end + def each_key; end + def each_value; end + def empty?; end + def fetch(key, default_value = nil); end + def fetch_or_store(key, default_value = nil); end + def get(key); end + def initialize(options = nil, &block); end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def key(value); end + def keys; end + def marshal_dump; end + def marshal_load(hash); end + def populate_from(hash); end + def put(key, value); end + def put_if_absent(key, value); end + def raise_fetch_no_key; end + def validate_options_hash!(options); end + def values; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/tilt.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/tilt.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6728b4480 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/tilt.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# tilt-2.0.9 +class Tilt::Dummy +end +module Tilt + def self.[](file); end + def self.current_template; end + def self.default_mapping; end + def self.lazy_map; end + def, line = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def self.prefer(template_class, *extensions); end + def self.register(template_class, *extensions); end + def self.register_lazy(class_name, file, *extensions); end + def self.registered?(ext); end + def self.template_for(file); end + def self.templates_for(file); end +end +class Tilt::Mapping + def [](file); end + def constant_defined?(name); end + def extensions_for(template_class); end + def initialize; end + def initialize_copy(other); end + def lazy?(ext); end + def lazy_load(pattern); end + def lazy_map; end + def lookup(ext); end + def new(file, line = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def register(template_class, *extensions); end + def register_lazy(class_name, file, *extensions); end + def registered?(ext); end + def split(file); end + def template_for(file); end + def template_map; end + def templates_for(file); end +end +module Tilt::CompiledTemplates +end +class Tilt::Template + def basename(suffix = nil); end + def binary(string); end + def compile_template_method(local_keys); end + def compiled_method(locals_keys); end + def data; end + def default_encoding; end + def eval_file; end + def evaluate(scope, locals, &block); end + def extract_encoding(script); end + def extract_magic_comment(script); end + def file; end + def initialize(file = nil, line = nil, options = nil, &block); end + def line; end + def local_extraction(local_keys); end + def metadata; end + def name; end + def options; end + def precompiled(local_keys); end + def precompiled_postamble(local_keys); end + def precompiled_preamble(local_keys); end + def precompiled_template(local_keys); end + def prepare; end + def read_template_file; end + def render(scope = nil, locals = nil, &block); end + def self.default_mime_type; end + def self.default_mime_type=(value); end + def self.metadata; end + def unbind_compiled_method(method_name); end +end +class Tilt::Cache + def clear; end + def fetch(*key); end + def initialize; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/timecop.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/timecop.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3f07b62eb --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/timecop.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# timecop-0.9.1 +class Time + def self.mock_time; end + def*args); end + def self.new_with_mock_time(*args); end + def self.new_without_mock_time(*arg0); end + def self.now_with_mock_time; end + def self.now_without_mock_time; end +end +class Date + def self.closest_wday(wday); end + def self.mock_date; end + def self.mocked_time_stack_item; end + def self.parse_with_mock_date(*args); end + def self.parse_without_mock_date(*arg0); end + def self.strptime_with_mock_date(str = nil, fmt = nil, start = nil); end + def self.strptime_without_mock_date(*arg0); end + def self.today_with_mock_date; end + def self.today_without_mock_date(*arg0); end +end +class DateTime < Date + def self.mock_time; end + def self.mocked_time_stack_item; end + def self.now_with_mock_time; end + def self.now_without_mock_time(*arg0); end + def self.parse_with_mock_date(*args); end + def self.parse_without_mock_date(*arg0); end +end +class Timecop + def baseline; end + def baseline=(b); end + def initialize; end + def return(&block); end + def return_to_baseline; end + def self.allocate; end + def self.baseline; end + def self.baseline=(baseline); end + def self.freeze(*args, &block); end + def self.frozen?; end + def self.instance; end + def*arg0); end + def self.return(&block); end + def self.return_to_baseline; end + def self.safe_mode=(safe); end + def self.safe_mode?; end + def self.scale(*args, &block); end + def self.send_travel(mock_type, *args, &block); end + def self.thread_safe; end + def self.thread_safe=(t); end + def self.top_stack_item; end + def*args, &block); end + def set_baseline(b); end + def set_stack(s); end + def stack; end + def thread_safe; end + def thread_safe=(t); end + def travel(mock_type, *args, &block); end + def unmock!; end + extend Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + include Singleton +end +class Timecop::TimeStackItem + def compute_travel_offset; end + def date(date_klass = nil); end + def datetime(datetime_klass = nil); end + def day; end + def hour; end + def initialize(mock_type, *args); end + def min; end + def mock_type; end + def month; end + def parse_time(*args); end + def rational_to_utc_offset(rational); end + def scaled_time; end + def scaling_factor; end + def sec; end + def time(time_klass = nil); end + def time_klass; end + def times_are_equal_within_epsilon(t1, t2, epsilon_in_seconds); end + def travel_offset; end + def travel_offset_days; end + def utc_offset; end + def utc_offset_to_rational(utc_offset); end + def year; end +end +class Timecop::SafeModeException < StandardError + def initialize; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/tzinfo.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/tzinfo.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..33a23d766 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/tzinfo.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,407 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# tzinfo-1.2.5 +module TZInfo +end +module TZInfo::RubyCoreSupport + def self.datetime_new!(ajd = nil, of = nil, sg = nil); end + def self.datetime_new(y = nil, m = nil, d = nil, h = nil, min = nil, s = nil, of = nil, sg = nil); end + def self.force_encoding(str, encoding); end + def self.open_file(file_name, mode, opts, &block); end + def self.rational_new!(numerator, denominator = nil); end + def self.time_nsec(time); end + def self.time_supports_64bit; end + def self.time_supports_negative; end +end +module TZInfo::OffsetRationals + def rational_for_offset(offset); end + def self.rational_for_offset(offset); end +end +class TZInfo::TimeOrDateTime + def +(seconds); end + def -(seconds); end + def <=>(timeOrDateTime); end + def add_with_convert(seconds); end + def day; end + def eql?(todt); end + def hash; end + def hour; end + def initialize(timeOrDateTime); end + def inspect; end + def mday; end + def min; end + def mon; end + def month; end + def sec; end + def self.wrap(timeOrDateTime); end + def to_datetime; end + def to_i; end + def to_orig; end + def to_s; end + def to_time; end + def usec; end + def year; end + include Comparable +end +module TZInfo::TimezoneDefinition + def self.append_features(base); end +end +module TZInfo::TimezoneDefinition::ClassMethods + def get; end + def linked_timezone(identifier, link_to_identifier); end + def timezone(identifier); end +end +class TZInfo::TimezoneOffset + def ==(toi); end + def abbreviation; end + def dst?; end + def eql?(toi); end + def hash; end + def initialize(utc_offset, std_offset, abbreviation); end + def inspect; end + def std_offset; end + def to_local(utc); end + def to_utc(local); end + def utc_offset; end + def utc_total_offset; end +end +class TZInfo::TimezoneTransition + def ==(tti); end + def at; end + def datetime; end + def eql?(tti); end + def hash; end + def initialize(offset, previous_offset); end + def inspect; end + def local_end; end + def local_end_at; end + def local_end_time; end + def local_start; end + def local_start_at; end + def local_start_time; end + def offset; end + def previous_offset; end + def raise_not_implemented(method_name); end + def time; end +end +class TZInfo::TimezoneTransitionDefinition < TZInfo::TimezoneTransition + def at; end + def denominator; end + def eql?(tti); end + def hash; end + def initialize(offset, previous_offset, numerator_or_timestamp, denominator_or_numerator = nil, denominator = nil); end + def numerator_or_time; end +end +module TZInfo::TimezoneIndexDefinition + def self.append_features(base); end +end +module TZInfo::TimezoneIndexDefinition::ClassMethods + def data_timezones; end + def linked_timezone(identifier); end + def linked_timezones; end + def timezone(identifier); end + def timezones; end +end +class TZInfo::TimezoneInfo + def create_timezone; end + def identifier; end + def initialize(identifier); end + def inspect; end + def raise_not_implemented(method_name); end +end +class TZInfo::DataTimezoneInfo < TZInfo::TimezoneInfo + def create_timezone; end + def period_for_utc(utc); end + def periods_for_local(local); end + def raise_not_implemented(method_name); end + def transitions_up_to(utc_to, utc_from = nil); end +end +class TZInfo::LinkedTimezoneInfo < TZInfo::TimezoneInfo + def create_timezone; end + def initialize(identifier, link_to_identifier); end + def inspect; end + def link_to_identifier; end +end +class TZInfo::NoOffsetsDefined < StandardError +end +class TZInfo::TransitionDataTimezoneInfo < TZInfo::DataTimezoneInfo + def initialize(identifier); end + def offset(id, utc_offset, std_offset, abbreviation); end + def period_for_utc(utc); end + def periods_for_local(local); end + def transition(year, month, offset_id, numerator_or_timestamp, denominator_or_numerator = nil, denominator = nil); end + def transition_after_start(index); end + def transition_before_end(index); end + def transition_index(year, month); end + def transitions_up_to(utc_to, utc_from = nil); end +end +class TZInfo::InvalidZoneinfoFile < StandardError +end +class TZInfo::ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo < TZInfo::TransitionDataTimezoneInfo + def check_read(file, bytes); end + def define_offset(index, offset); end + def derive_offsets(transitions, offsets); end + def initialize(identifier, file_path); end + def make_signed_int32(long); end + def make_signed_int64(high, low); end + def parse(file); end +end +class TZInfo::InvalidDataSource < StandardError +end +class TZInfo::DataSourceNotFound < StandardError +end +class TZInfo::DataSource + def country_codes; end + def data_timezone_identifiers; end + def inspect; end + def linked_timezone_identifiers; end + def load_country_info(code); end + def load_timezone_info(identifier); end + def raise_invalid_data_source(method_name); end + def self.create_default_data_source; end + def self.get; end + def self.set(data_source_or_type, *args); end + def timezone_identifiers; end + def to_s; end +end +class TZInfo::RubyDataSource < TZInfo::DataSource + def country_codes; end + def data_timezone_identifiers; end + def linked_timezone_identifiers; end + def load_country_index; end + def load_country_info(code); end + def load_timezone_index; end + def load_timezone_info(identifier); end + def require_data(*file); end + def require_definition(identifier); end + def self.load_country_index; end + def self.load_timezone_index; end + def self.require_data(*file); end + def self.require_index(name); end + def timezone_identifiers; end + def to_s; end +end +class TZInfo::InvalidZoneinfoDirectory < StandardError +end +class TZInfo::ZoneinfoDirectoryNotFound < StandardError +end +class TZInfo::ZoneinfoDataSource < TZInfo::DataSource + def country_codes; end + def data_timezone_identifiers; end + def dms_to_rational(sign, degrees, minutes, seconds = nil); end + def enum_timezones(dir, exclude = nil, &block); end + def find_zoneinfo_dir; end + def initialize(zoneinfo_dir = nil, alternate_iso3166_tab_path = nil); end + def inspect; end + def linked_timezone_identifiers; end + def load_country_index(iso3166_tab_path, zone_tab_path); end + def load_country_info(code); end + def load_timezone_index; end + def load_timezone_info(identifier); end + def resolve_tab_path(zoneinfo_path, standard_names, tab_name); end + def self.alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path; end + def self.alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path=(alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path); end + def self.process_search_path(path, default); end + def self.search_path; end + def self.search_path=(search_path); end + def timezone_identifiers; end + def to_s; end + def validate_zoneinfo_dir(path, iso3166_tab_path = nil); end + def zoneinfo_dir; end +end +class TZInfo::TimezonePeriod + def ==(p); end + def abbreviation; end + def dst?; end + def end_transition; end + def eql?(p); end + def hash; end + def initialize(start_transition, end_transition, offset = nil); end + def inspect; end + def local_after_start?(local); end + def local_before_end?(local); end + def local_end; end + def local_end_time; end + def local_start; end + def local_start_time; end + def offset; end + def start_transition; end + def std_offset; end + def to_local(utc); end + def to_utc(local); end + def utc_after_start?(utc); end + def utc_before_end?(utc); end + def utc_end; end + def utc_end_time; end + def utc_offset; end + def utc_start; end + def utc_start_time; end + def utc_total_offset; end + def utc_total_offset_rational; end + def valid_for_local?(local); end + def valid_for_utc?(utc); end + def zone_identifier; end +end +class TZInfo::AmbiguousTime < StandardError +end +class TZInfo::PeriodNotFound < StandardError +end +class TZInfo::InvalidTimezoneIdentifier < StandardError +end +class TZInfo::UnknownTimezone < StandardError +end +class TZInfo::Timezone + def <=>(tz); end + def _dump(limit); end + def canonical_identifier; end + def canonical_zone; end + def current_period; end + def current_period_and_time; end + def current_time_and_period; end + def eql?(tz); end + def friendly_identifier(skip_first_part = nil); end + def hash; end + def identifier; end + def inspect; end + def local_to_utc(local, dst = nil); end + def name; end + def now; end + def offsets_up_to(utc_to, utc_from = nil); end + def period_for_local(local, dst = nil); end + def period_for_utc(utc); end + def periods_for_local(local); end + def raise_unknown_timezone; end + def self._load(data); end + def self.all; end + def self.all_country_zone_identifiers; end + def self.all_country_zones; end + def self.all_data_zone_identifiers; end + def self.all_data_zones; end + def self.all_identifiers; end + def self.all_linked_zone_identifiers; end + def self.all_linked_zones; end + def self.data_source; end + def self.default_dst; end + def self.default_dst=(value); end + def self.get(identifier); end + def self.get_proxies(identifiers); end + def self.get_proxy(identifier); end + def self.init_loaded_zones; end + def = nil); end + def self.us_zone_identifiers; end + def self.us_zones; end + def strftime(format, utc = nil); end + def to_s; end + def transitions_up_to(utc_to, utc_from = nil); end + def utc_to_local(utc); end + include Comparable +end +class TZInfo::InfoTimezone < TZInfo::Timezone + def identifier; end + def info; end + def; end + def setup(info); end +end +class TZInfo::DataTimezone < TZInfo::InfoTimezone + def canonical_zone; end + def period_for_utc(utc); end + def periods_for_local(local); end + def transitions_up_to(utc_to, utc_from = nil); end +end +class TZInfo::LinkedTimezone < TZInfo::InfoTimezone + def canonical_zone; end + def period_for_utc(utc); end + def periods_for_local(local); end + def setup(info); end + def transitions_up_to(utc_to, utc_from = nil); end +end +class TZInfo::TimezoneProxy < TZInfo::Timezone + def _dump(limit); end + def canonical_zone; end + def identifier; end + def period_for_utc(utc); end + def periods_for_local(local); end + def real_timezone; end + def self._load(data); end + def; end + def setup(identifier); end + def transitions_up_to(to, from = nil); end +end +module TZInfo::CountryIndexDefinition + def self.append_features(base); end +end +module TZInfo::CountryIndexDefinition::ClassMethods + def countries; end + def country(code, name, &block); end +end +class TZInfo::CountryInfo + def code; end + def initialize(code, name); end + def inspect; end + def name; end + def raise_not_implemented(method_name); end + def zone_identifiers; end + def zones; end +end +class TZInfo::RubyCountryInfo < TZInfo::CountryInfo + def initialize(code, name, &block); end + def zone_identifiers; end + def zones; end +end +class TZInfo::RubyCountryInfo::Zones + def initialize; end + def list; end + def timezone(identifier, latitude_numerator, latitude_denominator, longitude_numerator, longitude_denominator, description = nil); end +end +class TZInfo::ZoneinfoCountryInfo < TZInfo::CountryInfo + def initialize(code, name, zones); end + def zone_identifiers; end + def zones; end +end +class TZInfo::InvalidCountryCode < StandardError +end +class TZInfo::Country + def <=>(c); end + def _dump(limit); end + def code; end + def eql?(c); end + def hash; end + def inspect; end + def name; end + def self._load(data); end + def self.all; end + def self.all_codes; end + def self.data_source; end + def self.get(identifier); end + def self.init_countries; end + def; end + def setup(info); end + def to_s; end + def zone_identifiers; end + def zone_info; end + def zone_names; end + def zones; end + include Comparable +end +class TZInfo::CountryTimezone + def ==(ct); end + def description; end + def description_or_friendly_identifier; end + def eql?(ct); end + def hash; end + def identifier; end + def initialize(identifier, latitude_numerator, latitude_denominator, longitude_numerator, longitude_denominator, description = nil); end + def inspect; end + def latitude; end + def longitude; end + def!(*arg0); end + def, latitude, longitude, description = nil); end + def timezone; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/uglifier.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/uglifier.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1a33a13bd --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/uglifier.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# uglifier-4.1.20 +class Uglifier + def comment_options; end + def comment_setting; end + def compile(source); end + def compile_with_map(source); end + def compress(source); end + def compressor_options; end + def conditional_option(value, defaults, overrides = nil); end + def enclose_options; end + def encode_regexp(regexp); end + def error_message(result); end + def extract_source_mapping_url(source); end + def harmony?; end + def ie8?; end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def input_source_map(source, generate_map); end + def keep_fnames?(type); end + def mangle_options; end + def mangle_properties_options; end + def migrate_braces(options); end + def negate_iife_block; end + def output_options; end + def parse_options; end + def parse_result(result, generate_map); end + def parse_source_map_options; end + def quote_style; end + def read_source(source); end + def run_uglifyjs(input, generate_map); end + def sanitize_map_root(map); end + def self.compile(source, options = nil); end + def self.compile_with_map(source, options = nil); end + def source_map_comments; end + def source_map_options(input_map); end + def source_with(path); end +end +class Uglifier::Error < StandardError +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/unf.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/unf.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..081a08457 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/unf.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# unf-0.1.4 +module UNF +end +class String + def to_nfc; end + def to_nfd; end + def to_nfkc; end + def to_nfkd; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/webdrivers.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/webdrivers.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a9fff0ab --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/webdrivers.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# webdrivers-4.0.0 +module Webdrivers + def self.cache_time; end + def self.cache_time=(arg0); end + def self.configure; end + def self.install_dir; end + def self.install_dir=(arg0); end + def self.logger; end + def self.net_http_ssl_fix; end + def self.proxy_addr; end + def self.proxy_addr=(arg0); end + def self.proxy_pass; end + def self.proxy_pass=(arg0); end + def self.proxy_port; end + def self.proxy_port=(arg0); end + def self.proxy_user; end + def self.proxy_user=(arg0); end +end +class Webdrivers::Logger + def create_logger(output); end + def debug(*args, &block); end + def debug?(*args, &block); end + def deprecate(old, new); end + def error(*args, &block); end + def error?(*args, &block); end + def fatal(*args, &block); end + def fatal?(*args, &block); end + def info(*args, &block); end + def info?(*args, &block); end + def initialize; end + def io; end + def level(*args, &block); end + def level=(severity); end + def output=(io); end + def warn(*args, &block); end + def warn?(*args, &block); end + extend Forwardable + include Logger::Severity +end +class Webdrivers::Network + def self.get(url, limit = nil); end + def self.get_response(url, limit = nil); end + def self.get_url(url, limit = nil); end + def self.http; end + def self.using_proxy; end +end +class Webdrivers::System + def self.bitsize; end + def self.cache_version(file_name, version); end + def self.cached_version(file_name); end + def; end + def self.decompress_file(tempfile, file_name, target); end + def self.delete(file); end + def, target); end + def self.download_file(url, target); end + def self.exists?(file); end + def self.install_dir; end + def self.platform; end + def self.untarbz2_file(filename); end + def self.untargz_file(source, target); end + def self.unzip_file(filename); end + def self.valid_cache?(file_name); end +end +class Webdrivers::ConnectionError < StandardError +end +class Webdrivers::VersionError < StandardError +end +class Webdrivers::NetworkError < StandardError +end +class Webdrivers::Common + def self.binary_version; end + def self.correct_binary?; end + def self.download_url; end + def self.driver_path; end + def self.exists?; end + def self.normalize_version(version); end + def self.remove; end + def self.required_version; end + def self.required_version=(arg0); end + def self.sufficient_binary?; end + def self.update; end + def self.with_cache(file_name); end +end +class Webdrivers::ChromeFinder + def self.linux_location; end + def self.linux_version(location); end + def self.mac_location; end + def self.mac_version(location); end + def self.version; end + def self.win_location; end + def self.win_version(location); end +end +class Webdrivers::Chromedriver < Webdrivers::Common + def self.base_url; end + def self.chrome_version; end + def self.current_version; end + def self.download_url; end + def self.file_name; end + def self.latest_point_release(version); end + def self.latest_version; end + def self.release_version; end + def self.sufficient_binary?; end +end +class Webdrivers::Geckodriver < Webdrivers::Common + def self.base_url; end + def self.current_version; end + def self.direct_url(version); end + def self.download_url; end + def self.file_name; end + def self.latest_version; end + def self.platform_ext; end +end +class Webdrivers::IEdriver < Webdrivers::Common + def self.base_url; end + def self.current_version; end + def self.downloads; end + def self.file_name; end + def self.latest_version; end +end +class Webdrivers::Railtie < Rails::Railtie +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/webmock.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/webmock.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f1f1e3be8 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/webmock.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,521 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# webmock-3.6.0 +module WebMock + def after_request(*args, &block); end + def allow_net_connect!(*args, &block); end + def disable_net_connect!(*args, &block); end + def net_connect_allowed?(*args, &block); end + def registered_request?(*args, &block); end + def reset_callbacks(*args, &block); end + def reset_webmock(*args, &block); end + def self.after_request(options = nil, &block); end + def self.allow_net_connect!(options = nil); end + def self.disable!(options = nil); end + def self.disable_net_connect!(options = nil); end + def self.disallow_net_connect!(options = nil); end + def self.enable!; end + def self.enable_net_connect!(options = nil); end + def self.globally_stub_request(&block); end + def self.hide_body_diff!; end + def self.hide_stubbing_instructions!; end + def self.included(clazz); end + def self.net_connect_allowed?(uri = nil); end + def self.net_connect_explicit_allowed?(allowed, uri = nil); end + def self.print_executed_requests; end + def self.registered_request?(request_signature); end + def self.request(method, uri); end + def self.reset!; end + def self.reset_callbacks; end + def self.reset_webmock; end + def self.show_body_diff!; end + def self.show_body_diff?; end + def self.show_stubbing_instructions!; end + def self.show_stubbing_instructions?; end + def self.version; end + extend WebMock::API + include WebMock::API +end +class WebMock::Deprecation + def self.warning(message); end +end +class WebMock::NetConnectNotAllowedError < Exception + def initialize(request_signature); end +end +module WebMock::Util +end +class WebMock::Util::QueryMapper + def self.collect_query_hash(query_array, empty_accumulator, options); end + def self.collect_query_parts(query); end + def self.dehash(hash); end + def self.fill_accumulator_for_dot(accumulator, key, value); end + def self.fill_accumulator_for_flat(accumulator, key, value); end + def self.fill_accumulator_for_flat_array(accumulator, key, value); end + def self.fill_accumulator_for_subscript(accumulator, key, value); end + def self.normalize_query_hash(query_hash, empty_accumulator, options); end + def self.query_to_values(query, options = nil); end + def self.to_query(parent, value, options = nil); end + def self.values_to_query(new_query_values, options = nil); end +end +class WebMock::Util::URI + def self.encode_unsafe_chars_in_userinfo(userinfo); end + def self.heuristic_parse(uri); end + def self.is_uri_localhost?(uri); end + def self.normalize_uri(uri); end + def self.sort_query_values(query_values); end + def self.strip_default_port_from_uri_string(uri_string); end + def self.uris_encoded_and_unencoded(uris); end + def self.uris_with_inferred_port_and_without(uris); end + def self.uris_with_scheme_and_without(uris); end + def self.uris_with_trailing_slash_and_without(uris); end + def self.variations_of_uri_as_strings(uri_object, only_with_scheme: nil); end +end +module WebMock::Util::URI::CharacterClasses +end +class WebMock::Util::Headers + def self.basic_auth_header(*credentials); end + def self.decode_userinfo_from_header(header); end + def self.normalize_headers(headers); end + def self.pp_headers_string(headers); end + def self.sorted_headers_string(headers); end +end +class WebMock::Util::HashCounter + def each(&block); end + def get(key); end + def hash; end + def hash=(arg0); end + def initialize; end + def put(key, num = nil); end + def select(&block); end +end +class WebMock::Util::HashKeysStringifier + def self.stringify_keys!(arg, options = nil); end +end +class WebMock::Util::ValuesStringifier + def self.stringify_values(value); end +end +class WebMock::Util::JSON + def self.convert_json_to_yaml(json); end + def self.parse(json); end + def self.unescape(str); end +end +class WebMock::Util::JSON::ParseError < StandardError +end +class WebMock::VersionChecker + def check_version!; end + def colorize(text, color_code); end + def compare_version; end + def initialize(library_name, library_version, min_patch_level, max_minor_version = nil, unsupported_versions = nil); end + def parse_version(version); end + def too_high?; end + def too_low?; end + def unsupported_version?; end + def version_requirement; end + def warn_about_too_high; end + def warn_about_too_low; end + def warn_about_unsupported_version; end + def warn_in_red(text); end +end +class WebMock::HashValidator + def initialize(hash); end + def validate_keys(*valid_keys); end +end +module WebMock::Matchers + def have_been_made; end + def have_been_requested; end + def have_not_been_made; end + def have_not_requested(method, uri); end + def have_requested(method, uri); end +end +class WebMock::Matchers::HashArgumentMatcher + def ==(_actual, &block); end + def initialize(expected); end + def self.from_rspec_matcher(matcher); end +end +class WebMock::Matchers::HashExcludingMatcher < WebMock::Matchers::HashArgumentMatcher + def ==(actual); end + def inspect; end +end +class WebMock::Matchers::HashIncludingMatcher < WebMock::Matchers::HashArgumentMatcher + def ==(actual); end + def inspect; end +end +class WebMock::Matchers::AnyArgMatcher + def ==(other); end + def initialize(ignore); end +end +module WebMock::RSpecMatcherDetector + def rSpecHashExcludingMatcher?(matcher); end + def rSpecHashIncludingMatcher?(matcher); end +end +class WebMock::RequestPattern + def assign_options(options); end + def body_pattern; end + def create_uri_pattern(uri); end + def headers_pattern; end + def initialize(method, uri, options = nil); end + def matches?(request_signature); end + def method_pattern; end + def set_basic_auth_as_headers!(options); end + def to_s; end + def uri_pattern; end + def validate_basic_auth!(basic_auth); end + def with(options = nil, &block); end +end +class WebMock::MethodPattern + def initialize(pattern); end + def matches?(method); end + def to_s; end +end +class WebMock::URIPattern + def add_query_params(query_params); end + def initialize(pattern); end + def to_s; end + include WebMock::RSpecMatcherDetector +end +class WebMock::URIRegexpPattern < WebMock::URIPattern + def matches?(uri); end + def to_s; end +end +class WebMock::URIAddressablePattern < WebMock::URIPattern + def add_query_params(query_params); end + def matches?(uri); end + def matches_with_variations?(uri); end + def to_s; end +end +class WebMock::URIStringPattern < WebMock::URIPattern + def add_query_params(query_params); end + def matches?(uri); end + def to_s; end +end +class WebMock::BodyPattern + def assert_non_multipart_body(content_type); end + def body_as_hash(body, content_type); end + def empty_string?(string); end + def initialize(pattern); end + def matches?(body, content_type = nil); end + def matching_body_hashes?(query_parameters, pattern, content_type); end + def normalize_hash(hash); end + def pattern; end + def to_s; end + def url_encoded_body?(content_type); end + include WebMock::RSpecMatcherDetector +end +class WebMock::HeadersPattern + def empty_headers?(headers); end + def initialize(pattern); end + def matches?(headers); end + def pp_to_s; end + def to_s; end +end +class WebMock::RequestSignature + def ==(other); end + def assign_options(options); end + def body; end + def body=(arg0); end + def eql?(other); end + def hash; end + def headers; end + def headers=(headers); end + def initialize(method, uri, options = nil); end + def json_headers?; end + def method; end + def method=(arg0); end + def to_s; end + def uri; end + def uri=(arg0); end + def url_encoded?; end +end +class WebMock::ResponsesSequence + def end?; end + def increase_position; end + def initialize(responses); end + def next_response; end + def times_to_repeat; end + def times_to_repeat=(arg0); end +end +class WebMock::RequestStub + def and_raise(*exceptions); end + def and_return(*response_hashes, &block); end + def and_timeout; end + def has_responses?; end + def initialize(method, uri); end + def matches?(request_signature); end + def request_pattern; end + def request_pattern=(arg0); end + def response; end + def self.from_request_signature(signature); end + def then; end + def times(number); end + def to_rack(app, options = nil); end + def to_raise(*exceptions); end + def to_return(*response_hashes, &block); end + def to_s; end + def to_timeout; end + def with(params = nil, &block); end +end +class WebMock::ResponseFactory + def self.response_for(options); end +end +class WebMock::Response + def ==(other); end + def assert_valid_body!; end + def body; end + def body=(body); end + def evaluate(request_signature); end + def exception; end + def exception=(exception); end + def headers; end + def headers=(headers); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def options=(options); end + def raise_error_if_any; end + def read_raw_response(raw_response); end + def should_timeout; end + def status; end + def status=(status); end + def stringify_body!; end +end +class WebMock::Response::InvalidBody < StandardError +end +class WebMock::DynamicResponse < WebMock::Response + def evaluate(request_signature); end + def initialize(responder); end + def responder; end + def responder=(arg0); end +end +class WebMock::RackResponse < WebMock::Response + def body_from_rack_response(response); end + def build_rack_env(request); end + def evaluate(request); end + def initialize(app); end + def session; end + def session_options; end +end +class WebMock::StubRequestSnippet + def body_pattern; end + def initialize(request_stub); end + def to_s(with_response = nil); end +end +class WebMock::RequestSignatureSnippet + def add_body_diff(stub, text); end + def initialize(request_signature); end + def pretty_print_to_string(string_to_print); end + def request_params; end + def request_signature; end + def request_stub; end + def request_stubs; end + def signature_stub_body_diff(stub); end + def stubbing_instructions; end +end +class WebMock::RequestBodyDiff + def body_diff; end + def initialize(request_signature, request_stub); end + def parseable_json?(body_pattern); end + def request_signature; end + def request_signature_body_hash; end + def request_signature_diffable?; end + def request_signature_parseable_json?; end + def request_stub; end + def request_stub_body; end + def request_stub_body_hash; end + def request_stub_diffable?; end + def request_stub_parseable_json?; end +end +class WebMock::AssertionFailure + def self.error_class; end + def self.error_class=(arg0); end + def self.failure(message); end +end +class WebMock::RequestExecutionVerifier + def at_least_times_executed; end + def at_least_times_executed=(arg0); end + def at_most_times_executed; end + def at_most_times_executed=(arg0); end + def description; end + def does_not_match?; end + def expected_times_executed; end + def expected_times_executed=(arg0); end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_phrase(is_negated = nil); end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(request_pattern = nil, expected_times_executed = nil, at_least_times_executed = nil, at_most_times_executed = nil); end + def matches?; end + def quantity_phrase(is_negated = nil); end + def request_pattern; end + def request_pattern=(arg0); end + def self.executed_requests_message; end + def times(times); end + def times_executed; end + def times_executed=(arg0); end +end +class WebMock::Config + def allow; end + def allow=(arg0); end + def allow_localhost; end + def allow_localhost=(arg0); end + def allow_net_connect; end + def allow_net_connect=(arg0); end + def initialize; end + def net_http_connect_on_start; end + def net_http_connect_on_start=(arg0); end + def query_values_notation; end + def query_values_notation=(arg0); end + def self.allocate; end + def self.instance; end + def*arg0); end + def show_body_diff; end + def show_body_diff=(arg0); end + def show_stubbing_instructions; end + def show_stubbing_instructions=(arg0); end + extend Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + include Singleton +end +class WebMock::CallbackRegistry + def self.add_callback(options, block); end + def self.any_callbacks?; end + def self.callbacks; end + def self.invoke_callbacks(options, request_signature, response); end + def self.reset; end +end +class WebMock::RequestRegistry + def initialize; end + def requested_signatures; end + def requested_signatures=(arg0); end + def reset!; end + def self.allocate; end + def self.instance; end + def*arg0); end + def times_executed(request_pattern); end + def to_s; end + extend Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + include Singleton +end +class WebMock::StubRegistry + def evaluate_response_for_request(response, request_signature); end + def global_stubs; end + def initialize; end + def register_global_stub(&block); end + def register_request_stub(stub); end + def registered_request?(request_signature); end + def remove_request_stub(stub); end + def request_stub_for(request_signature); end + def request_stubs; end + def request_stubs=(arg0); end + def reset!; end + def response_for_request(request_signature); end + def self.allocate; end + def self.instance; end + def*arg0); end + extend Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + include Singleton +end +module WebMock::API + def a_request(method, uri); end + def anythingize_lonely_keys(*args); end + def assert_not_requested(*args, &block); end + def assert_request_not_requested(request, options = nil); end + def assert_request_requested(request, options = nil); end + def assert_requested(*args, &block); end + def convert_uri_method_and_options_to_request_and_options(method, uri, options, &block); end + def hash_excluding(*args); end + def hash_including(*args); end + def refute_requested(*args, &block); end + def remove_request_stub(stub); end + def reset_executed_requests!; end + def self.request(method, uri); end + def stub_http_request(method, uri); end + def stub_request(method, uri); end + extend WebMock::API +end +class WebMock::HttpLibAdapterRegistry + def each_adapter(&block); end + def http_lib_adapters; end + def http_lib_adapters=(arg0); end + def initialize; end + def register(lib, adapter); end + def self.allocate; end + def self.instance; end + def*arg0); end + extend Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + include Singleton +end +class WebMock::HttpLibAdapter + def self.adapter_for(lib); end +end +module Net +end +module Net::WebMockHTTPResponse + def read_body(dest = nil, &block); end +end +module WebMock::HttpLibAdapters +end +class WebMock::HttpLibAdapters::NetHttpAdapter < WebMock::HttpLibAdapter + def self.disable!; end + def self.enable!; end +end +class PatchedStringIO < StringIO + def orig_read_nonblock(*arg0); end + def read_nonblock(size, *args); end +end +class StubSocket + def close; end + def closed?; end + def continue_timeout; end + def continue_timeout=(arg0); end + def initialize(*args); end + def read_timeout; end + def read_timeout=(arg0); end + def readuntil(*args); end +end +class Net::WebMockNetBufferedIO < Net::BufferedIO + def initialize(io, *args); end + def rbuf_fill; end +end +module WebMock::NetHTTPUtility + def self.check_right_http_connection; end + def self.puts_warning_for_right_http_if_needed; end + def self.request_signature_from_request(net_http, request, body = nil); end + def self.validate_headers(headers); end +end +class WebMock::RequestPatternMatcher + def at_least_once; end + def at_least_times(times); end + def at_least_twice; end + def at_most_once; end + def at_most_times(times); end + def at_most_twice; end + def description; end + def does_not_match?(request_pattern); end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize; end + def matches?(request_pattern); end + def negative_failure_message; end + def once; end + def times(times); end + def twice; end +end +class WebMock::WebMockMatcher + def at_least_once; end + def at_least_times(times); end + def at_least_twice; end + def description; end + def does_not_match?(webmock); end + def failure_message; end + def failure_message_when_negated; end + def initialize(method, uri); end + def matches?(webmock); end + def negative_failure_message; end + def once; end + def times(times); end + def twice; end + def with(options = nil, &block); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/whenever.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/whenever.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c55f05919 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/whenever.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: strong +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# whenever-1.0.0 +class Numeric + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + def respond_to?(method, include_private = nil); end +end +module Whenever + def self.bin_rails?; end + def self.bundler?; end + def self.cron(options); end + def self.path; end + def self.script_rails?; end + def self.seconds(number, units); end +end +class Whenever::NumericSeconds + def day; end + def days; end + def hour; end + def hours; end + def initialize(number); end + def minute; end + def minutes; end + def month; end + def months; end + def number; end + def second; end + def seconds; end + def self.seconds(number, units); end + def week; end + def weeks; end + def year; end + def years; end +end +class Whenever::JobList + def combine(entries); end + def cron_jobs; end + def cron_jobs_of_time(time, jobs); end + def env(variable, value); end + def environment_variables; end + def every(frequency, options = nil); end + def generate_cron_output; end + def initialize(options); end + def job_type(name, template); end + def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end + def pre_set(variable_string = nil); end + def roles; end + def self.respond_to?(name, include_private = nil); end + def set(variable, value); end +end +class Whenever::Job + def at; end + def escape_double_quotes(str); end + def escape_single_quotes(str); end + def has_role?(role); end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def mailto; end + def output; end + def process_template(template, options); end + def roles; end +end +class Whenever::CommandLine + def comment_base(include_timestamp = nil); end + def comment_close(include_timestamp = nil); end + def comment_close_regex; end + def comment_open(include_timestamp = nil); end + def comment_open_regex; end + def default_identifier; end + def initialize(options = nil); end + def prepare(contents); end + def read_crontab; end + def run; end + def self.execute(options = nil); end + def timestamp_regex; end + def updated_crontab; end + def whenever_cron; end + def write_crontab(contents); end +end +module Whenever::Output +end +class Whenever::Output::Cron + def comma_separated_timing(frequency, max, start = nil); end + def day_given?; end + def initialize(time = nil, task = nil, at = nil, options = nil); end + def output; end + def parse_as_string; end + def parse_symbol; end + def parse_time; end + def range_or_integer(at, valid_range, name); end + def self.enumerate(item, detect_cron = nil); end + def self.output(times, job, options = nil); end + def task; end + def task=(arg0); end + def time; end + def time=(arg0); end + def time_in_cron_syntax; end +end +class Whenever::Output::Redirection + def initialize(output); end + def redirect_from_hash; end + def redirect_from_string; end + def stderr; end + def stdout; end + def to_s; end +end +module Whenever::OS + def self.solaris?; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/xpath.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/xpath.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7c9d91c82 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/xpath.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi gems + +# typed: true +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: +# +# +# +# xpath-3.2.0 +module XPath + extend XPath::DSL + include XPath::DSL +end +module XPath::DSL + def !(*args); end + def !=(rhs); end + def %(rhs); end + def &(rhs); end + def *(rhs); end + def +(*expressions); end + def /(rhs); end + def <(rhs); end + def <=(rhs); end + def ==(rhs); end + def >(rhs); end + def >=(rhs); end + def [](expression); end + def ancestor(*element_names); end + def ancestor_or_self(*element_names); end + def and(rhs); end + def anywhere(*expressions); end + def attr(expression); end + def attribute(*element_names); end + def axis(name, *element_names); end + def binary_operator(name, rhs); end + def boolean(*args); end + def ceiling(*args); end + def child(*expressions); end + def concat(*args); end + def contains(*args); end + def contains_word(word); end + def count(*args); end + def css(selector); end + def current; end + def descendant(*expressions); end + def descendant_or_self(*element_names); end + def divide(rhs); end + def ends_with(suffix); end + def equals(rhs); end + def false(*args); end + def floor(*args); end + def following(*element_names); end + def following_sibling(*element_names); end + def function(name, *arguments); end + def gt(rhs); end + def gte(rhs); end + def id(*args); end + def inverse(*args); end + def is(expression); end + def lang(*args); end + def last; end + def local_name(*args); end + def lowercase; end + def lt(rhs); end + def lte(rhs); end + def method(name, *arguments); end + def minus(rhs); end + def mod(rhs); end + def multiply(rhs); end + def n(*args); end + def namespace(*element_names); end + def namespace_uri(*args); end + def next_sibling(*expressions); end + def normalize(*args); end + def normalize_space(*args); end + def not(*args); end + def not_equals(rhs); end + def number(*args); end + def one_of(*expressions); end + def or(rhs); end + def parent(*element_names); end + def plus(rhs); end + def position; end + def preceding(*element_names); end + def preceding_sibling(*element_names); end + def previous_sibling(*expressions); end + def qname; end + def round(*args); end + def self(*element_names); end + def self_axis(*element_names); end + def starts_with(*args); end + def string(*args); end + def string_length(*args); end + def substring(*args); end + def substring_after(*args); end + def substring_before(*args); end + def sum(*args); end + def text; end + def translate(*args); end + def true(*args); end + def union(*expressions); end + def uppercase; end + def where(expression); end + def |(rhs); end + def ~(*args); end +end +class XPath::Expression + def arguments; end + def arguments=(arg0); end + def current; end + def expression; end + def expression=(arg0); end + def initialize(expression, *arguments); end + def to_s(type = nil); end + def to_xpath(type = nil); end + include XPath::DSL +end +class XPath::Literal + def initialize(value); end + def value; end +end +class XPath::Union + def arguments; end + def each(&block); end + def expression; end + def expressions; end + def initialize(*expressions); end + def method_missing(*args); end + def to_s(type = nil); end + def to_xpath(type = nil); end + include Enumerable +end +class XPath::Renderer + def anywhere(element_names); end + def attribute(current, name); end + def axis(current, name, element_names); end + def binary_operator(name, left, right); end + def child(current, element_names); end + def convert_argument(argument); end + def css(current, selector); end + def descendant(current, element_names); end + def function(name, *arguments); end + def initialize(type); end + def is(one, two); end + def literal(node); end + def render(node); end + def self.render(node, type); end + def string_literal(string); end + def text(current); end + def this_node; end + def union(*expressions); end + def valid_xml_name?(name); end + def variable(name); end + def where(on, condition); end + def with_element_conditions(expression, element_names); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/hidden-definitions/errors.txt b/sorbet/rbi/hidden-definitions/errors.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..08eb6fc01 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/hidden-definitions/errors.txt @@ -0,0 +1,11627 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi hidden-definitions + +# typed: autogenerated + +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name > +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name > +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name > +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Abbrev +# uninitialized constant Abbrev +# uninitialized constant ActionController::API::ACTION_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant ActionController::API::CALLBACK_FILTER_TYPES +# uninitialized constant ActionController::API::DEFAULT_PROTECTED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES +# uninitialized constant ActionController::API::DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_DISPOSITION +# uninitialized constant ActionController::API::DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_TYPE +# uninitialized constant ActionController::API::EXCLUDE_PARAMETERS +# uninitialized constant ActionController::API::REDIRECT_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant ActionController::API::RENDERERS +# uninitialized constant ActionController::API::RENDER_FORMATS_IN_PRIORITY +# uninitialized constant ActionController::API::URL_OPTIONS +# wrong constant name __callbacks +# wrong constant name __callbacks? +# wrong constant name _process_action_callbacks +# wrong constant name _renderers +# wrong constant name _renderers= +# wrong constant name _renderers? +# wrong constant name _run_process_action_callbacks +# wrong constant name _view_paths +# wrong constant name _view_paths= +# wrong constant name _view_paths? +# wrong constant name _wrapper_options +# wrong constant name _wrapper_options= +# wrong constant name _wrapper_options? +# wrong constant name default_url_options +# wrong constant name default_url_options= +# wrong constant name default_url_options? +# wrong constant name etaggers +# wrong constant name etaggers= +# wrong constant name etaggers? +# wrong constant name logger +# wrong constant name logger= +# wrong constant name rescue_handlers +# wrong constant name rescue_handlers= +# wrong constant name rescue_handlers? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name __callbacks +# wrong constant name __callbacks= +# wrong constant name __callbacks? +# wrong constant name _process_action_callbacks +# wrong constant name _process_action_callbacks= +# wrong constant name _renderers +# wrong constant name _renderers= +# wrong constant name _renderers? +# wrong constant name _view_paths +# wrong constant name _view_paths= +# wrong constant name _view_paths? +# wrong constant name _wrapper_options +# wrong constant name _wrapper_options= +# wrong constant name _wrapper_options? +# wrong constant name default_url_options +# wrong constant name default_url_options= +# wrong constant name default_url_options? +# wrong constant name etaggers +# wrong constant name etaggers= +# wrong constant name etaggers? +# wrong constant name logger +# wrong constant name logger= +# wrong constant name rescue_handlers +# wrong constant name rescue_handlers= +# wrong constant name rescue_handlers? +# wrong constant name without_modules +# wrong constant name render_to_body +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActionController::Base::ACTION_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant ActionController::Base::AUTHENTICITY_TOKEN_LENGTH +# uninitialized constant ActionController::Base::CALLBACK_FILTER_TYPES +# uninitialized constant ActionController::Base::DEFAULT_PROTECTED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES +# uninitialized constant ActionController::Base::DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_DISPOSITION +# uninitialized constant ActionController::Base::DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_TYPE +# uninitialized constant ActionController::Base::EXCLUDE_PARAMETERS +# uninitialized constant ActionController::Base::NULL_ORIGIN_MESSAGE +# uninitialized constant ActionController::Base::REDIRECT_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant ActionController::Base::RENDERERS +# uninitialized constant ActionController::Base::RENDER_FORMATS_IN_PRIORITY +# uninitialized constant ActionController::Base::URL_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant ActionController::LogSubscriber::BLACK +# uninitialized constant ActionController::LogSubscriber::BLUE +# uninitialized constant ActionController::LogSubscriber::BOLD +# uninitialized constant ActionController::LogSubscriber::CLEAR +# uninitialized constant ActionController::LogSubscriber::CYAN +# uninitialized constant ActionController::LogSubscriber::GREEN +# uninitialized constant ActionController::LogSubscriber::MAGENTA +# uninitialized constant ActionController::LogSubscriber::RED +# uninitialized constant ActionController::LogSubscriber::WHITE +# uninitialized constant ActionController::LogSubscriber::YELLOW +# wrong constant name exist_fragment? +# wrong constant name expire_fragment +# wrong constant name expire_page +# wrong constant name halted_callback +# wrong constant name process_action +# wrong constant name read_fragment +# wrong constant name redirect_to +# wrong constant name send_data +# wrong constant name send_file +# wrong constant name start_processing +# wrong constant name unpermitted_parameters +# wrong constant name write_fragment +# wrong constant name write_page +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::ACTION_DISPATCH_REQUEST_ID +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::BROWSER_LIKE_ACCEPTS +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::DEFAULT_PARSERS +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::DEFAULT_PORTS +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::ENV_MATCH +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::ENV_METHODS +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::FORM_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::HOST_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::HTTP_METHODS +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::HTTP_METHOD_LOOKUP +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::IP_HOST_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::KV_RE +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::LOCALHOST +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::NONCE +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::NONCE_GENERATOR +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::NULL_ENV_FILTER +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::NULL_PARAM_FILTER +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::PAIR_RE +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::PARAMETERS_KEY +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::PARSEABLE_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::POLICY +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::POLICY_REPORT_ONLY +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::PROTOCOL_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::RFC2518 +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::RFC2616 +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::RFC3253 +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::RFC3648 +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::RFC3744 +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::RFC4791 +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::RFC5323 +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestRequest::RFC5789 +# uninitialized constant ActionController::TestSession::Unspecified +# wrong constant name code +# wrong constant name code_and_name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Integration::Runner::RESPONSE_PREDICATES +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Integration::Session::E +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Integration::Session::RESPONSE_PREDICATES +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Integration::Session::UNDEFINED +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser::Racc_Main_Parsing_Routine +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Core_Id_C +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Core_Revision +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Core_Revision_C +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Core_Revision_R +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Core_Version +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Core_Version_C +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Core_Version_R +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Revision +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Type +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Version +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser::Racc_YY_Parse_Method +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::Dot::DISPATCH_CACHE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::Each::DISPATCH_CACHE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::String::DISPATCH_CACHE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::BROWSER_LIKE_ACCEPTS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::DEFAULT_PARSERS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::DEFAULT_PORTS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::ENV_MATCH +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::FORM_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::HOST_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::IP_HOST_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::KV_RE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::NONCE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::NONCE_GENERATOR +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::NULL_ENV_FILTER +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::NULL_PARAM_FILTER +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::PAIR_RE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::PARAMETERS_KEY +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::PARSEABLE_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::POLICY +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::POLICY_REPORT_ONLY +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Request::PROTOCOL_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Response::DATE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Response::DEFAULT_CACHE_CONTROL +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Response::FILTERED +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Response::LAST_MODIFIED +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Response::MUST_REVALIDATE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Response::NO_CACHE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Response::PRIVATE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Response::PUBLIC +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Response::SPECIAL_KEYS +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::CANONICAL_ACTIONS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::POISON +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::RESOURCE_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::VALID_ON_OPTIONS +# wrong constant name _govuk_publishing_components +# wrong constant name _jasmine_rails +# wrong constant name _main_app +# wrong constant name govuk_publishing_components +# wrong constant name jasmine_rails +# wrong constant name main_app +# wrong constant name assets_prefix +# wrong constant name assets_prefix= +# wrong constant name assets_prefix? +# wrong constant name assets_prefix +# wrong constant name assets_prefix= +# wrong constant name assets_prefix? +# wrong constant name _routes +# wrong constant name default_url_options +# wrong constant name default_url_options= +# wrong constant name default_url_options? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name routes +# wrong constant name routes= +# wrong constant name scope +# wrong constant name scope= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name default_url_options +# wrong constant name default_url_options= +# wrong constant name default_url_options? +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name default_hsts_options +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Session::AbstractStore::DEFAULT_OPTIONS +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Session::CacheStore::DEFAULT_OPTIONS +# wrong constant name delete_session +# wrong constant name write_session +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name generate_sid +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore::DEFAULT_OPTIONS +# wrong constant name delete_session +# wrong constant name load_session +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Session::MemCacheStore::DEFAULT_DALLI_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::Session::MemCacheStore::DEFAULT_OPTIONS +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name loaded_session? +# wrong constant name prepare_session +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name extract_session_id +# wrong constant name load_session +# wrong constant name stale_session_check! +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase::APP_SESSIONS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase::CALLBACK_FILTER_TYPES +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase::DEFAULT_HOST +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase::E +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase::METHODS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase::PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase::RESPONSE_PREDICATES +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase::SIGNALS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase::TEARDOWN_METHODS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase::UNDEFINED +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase::UNTRACKED +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name driven_by +# wrong constant name driver +# wrong constant name driver= +# wrong constant name driver? +# wrong constant name start_application +# wrong constant name take_failed_screenshot +# wrong constant name take_screenshot +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name after_teardown +# wrong constant name before_setup +# wrong constant name host! +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::ACTION_DISPATCH_REQUEST_ID +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::BROWSER_LIKE_ACCEPTS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::DEFAULT_PARSERS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::DEFAULT_PORTS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::ENV_MATCH +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::ENV_METHODS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::FORM_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::HOST_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::HTTP_METHODS +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::HTTP_METHOD_LOOKUP +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::IP_HOST_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::KV_RE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::LOCALHOST +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::NONCE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::NONCE_GENERATOR +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::NULL_ENV_FILTER +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::NULL_PARAM_FILTER +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::PAIR_RE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::PARAMETERS_KEY +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::PARSEABLE_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::POLICY +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::POLICY_REPORT_ONLY +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::PROTOCOL_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::RFC2518 +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::RFC2616 +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::RFC3253 +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::RFC3648 +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::RFC3744 +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::RFC4791 +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::RFC5323 +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestRequest::RFC5789 +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::CONTENT_TYPE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::CONTENT_TYPE_PARSER +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::DATE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::DEFAULT_CACHE_CONTROL +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::FILTERED +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::LAST_MODIFIED +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::LOCATION +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::MUST_REVALIDATE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::NO_CACHE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::NO_CONTENT_CODES +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::NullContentTypeHeader +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::PRIVATE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::PUBLIC +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::SET_COOKIE +# uninitialized constant ActionDispatch::TestResponse::SPECIAL_KEYS +# wrong constant name error? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name missing? +# wrong constant name parsed_body +# wrong constant name success? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name from_response +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::ASSET_EXTENSIONS +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::ASSET_PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::BUTTON_TAG_METHOD_VERBS +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::CONTROLLER_DELEGATES +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::HTML_ESCAPE +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::HTML_ESCAPE_ONCE_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::JOIN +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::JSON_ESCAPE +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::JSON_ESCAPE_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::JS_ESCAPE_MAP +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::MINUTES_IN_QUARTER_YEAR +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::MINUTES_IN_THREE_QUARTERS_YEAR +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::MINUTES_IN_YEAR +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::NEW +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::STRINGIFIED_COMMON_METHODS +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::TAG_PREFIXES +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::URI_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::VIEW_ACCESSORS +# wrong constant name assets_environment +# wrong constant name assets_environment= +# wrong constant name assets_environment? +# wrong constant name assets_manifest +# wrong constant name assets_manifest= +# wrong constant name assets_manifest? +# wrong constant name assets_precompile +# wrong constant name assets_precompile= +# wrong constant name assets_precompile? +# wrong constant name assets_prefix +# wrong constant name assets_prefix= +# wrong constant name assets_prefix? +# wrong constant name check_precompiled_asset +# wrong constant name check_precompiled_asset= +# wrong constant name check_precompiled_asset? +# wrong constant name debug_assets +# wrong constant name debug_assets= +# wrong constant name debug_assets? +# wrong constant name digest_assets +# wrong constant name digest_assets= +# wrong constant name digest_assets? +# wrong constant name precompiled_asset_checker +# wrong constant name precompiled_asset_checker= +# wrong constant name precompiled_asset_checker? +# wrong constant name resolve_assets_with +# wrong constant name resolve_assets_with= +# wrong constant name resolve_assets_with? +# wrong constant name unknown_asset_fallback +# wrong constant name unknown_asset_fallback= +# wrong constant name unknown_asset_fallback? +# wrong constant name assets_environment +# wrong constant name assets_environment= +# wrong constant name assets_environment? +# wrong constant name assets_manifest +# wrong constant name assets_manifest= +# wrong constant name assets_manifest? +# wrong constant name assets_precompile +# wrong constant name assets_precompile= +# wrong constant name assets_precompile? +# wrong constant name assets_prefix +# wrong constant name assets_prefix= +# wrong constant name assets_prefix? +# wrong constant name check_precompiled_asset +# wrong constant name check_precompiled_asset= +# wrong constant name check_precompiled_asset? +# wrong constant name debug_assets +# wrong constant name debug_assets= +# wrong constant name debug_assets? +# wrong constant name digest_assets +# wrong constant name digest_assets= +# wrong constant name digest_assets? +# wrong constant name precompiled_asset_checker +# wrong constant name precompiled_asset_checker= +# wrong constant name precompiled_asset_checker? +# wrong constant name resolve_assets_with +# wrong constant name resolve_assets_with= +# wrong constant name resolve_assets_with? +# wrong constant name unknown_asset_fallback +# wrong constant name unknown_asset_fallback= +# wrong constant name unknown_asset_fallback? +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActionView::LogSubscriber::BLACK +# uninitialized constant ActionView::LogSubscriber::BLUE +# uninitialized constant ActionView::LogSubscriber::BOLD +# uninitialized constant ActionView::LogSubscriber::CLEAR +# uninitialized constant ActionView::LogSubscriber::CYAN +# uninitialized constant ActionView::LogSubscriber::GREEN +# uninitialized constant ActionView::LogSubscriber::MAGENTA +# uninitialized constant ActionView::LogSubscriber::RED +# uninitialized constant ActionView::LogSubscriber::WHITE +# uninitialized constant ActionView::LogSubscriber::YELLOW +# wrong constant name render_collection +# wrong constant name render_partial +# wrong constant name render_template +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActionView::OutputBuffer::BLANK_RE +# uninitialized constant ActionView::OutputBuffer::ENCODED_BLANKS +# uninitialized constant ActionView::OutputBuffer::UNSAFE_STRING_METHODS +# wrong constant name append= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name safe_append= +# wrong constant name safe_expr_append= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name append +# wrong constant name append! +# wrong constant name content +# wrong constant name get +# wrong constant name set +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name cache_hits +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name lookup_context +# wrong constant name lookup_context= +# wrong constant name render +# wrong constant name render_body +# wrong constant name render_partial +# wrong constant name render_template +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name default_url_options= +# wrong constant name default_url_options= +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name append= +# wrong constant name concat +# wrong constant name html_safe +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name safe_append= +# wrong constant name safe_concat +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name annoted_source_code +# wrong constant name file_name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name line_number +# wrong constant name source_extract +# wrong constant name sub_template_message +# wrong constant name sub_template_of +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name formats +# wrong constant name identifier +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name render +# wrong constant name to_str +# wrong constant name type +# wrong constant name type= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name formats +# wrong constant name identifier +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name render +# wrong constant name to_str +# wrong constant name type +# wrong constant name type= +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::ASSET_EXTENSIONS +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::ASSET_PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::BUTTON_TAG_METHOD_VERBS +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::CALLBACK_FILTER_TYPES +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::CONTROLLER_DELEGATES +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::E +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::INTERNAL_IVARS +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::JOIN +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::JS_ESCAPE_MAP +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::MINUTES_IN_QUARTER_YEAR +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::MINUTES_IN_THREE_QUARTERS_YEAR +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::MINUTES_IN_YEAR +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::NEW +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::RESPONSE_PREDICATES +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::SIGNALS +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::STRINGIFIED_COMMON_METHODS +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::TAG_PREFIXES +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::TEARDOWN_METHODS +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::UNDEFINED +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::UNTRACKED +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::URI_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::Behavior::JOIN +# uninitialized constant ActionView::TestCase::Behavior::NEW +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_filter +# wrong constant name add_silencer +# wrong constant name clean +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name remove_filters! +# wrong constant name remove_silencers! +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name stats +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name build_mem_cache +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes::CALLBACK_FILTER_TYPES +# wrong constant name __callbacks +# wrong constant name __callbacks? +# wrong constant name _reset_callbacks +# wrong constant name _run_reset_callbacks +# wrong constant name attributes +# wrong constant name attributes= +# wrong constant name reset +# wrong constant name set +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name __callbacks +# wrong constant name __callbacks= +# wrong constant name __callbacks? +# wrong constant name _reset_callbacks +# wrong constant name _reset_callbacks= +# wrong constant name attribute +# wrong constant name clear_all +# wrong constant name instance +# wrong constant name reset +# wrong constant name reset_all +# wrong constant name resets +# wrong constant name set +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Deprecation::RAILS_GEM_ROOT +# wrong constant name deprecation_horizon +# wrong constant name deprecation_horizon= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name hash_digest_class +# wrong constant name hash_digest_class= +# wrong constant name hexdigest +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name mode +# wrong constant name mode= +# wrong constant name parse! +# wrong constant name parts +# wrong constant name scanner +# wrong constant name sign +# wrong constant name sign= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name serialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name execute +# wrong constant name execute_if_updated +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name updated? +# wrong constant name existing_parent +# wrong constant name filter_out_descendants +# wrong constant name longest_common_subpath +# wrong constant name normalize_extension +# wrong constant name xpath +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::ExecutionWrapper::CALLBACK_FILTER_TYPES +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Gzip::Stream::Elem +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name compress +# wrong constant name decompress +# wrong constant name colorize_logging +# wrong constant name colorize_logging= +# wrong constant name debug +# wrong constant name error +# wrong constant name fatal +# wrong constant name info +# wrong constant name logger +# wrong constant name unknown +# wrong constant name warn +# wrong constant name <=> +# wrong constant name =~ +# wrong constant name acts_like_string? +# wrong constant name capitalize +# wrong constant name capitalize! +# wrong constant name compose +# wrong constant name decompose +# wrong constant name downcase +# wrong constant name downcase! +# wrong constant name grapheme_length +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name limit +# wrong constant name method_missing +# wrong constant name normalize +# wrong constant name reverse +# wrong constant name reverse! +# wrong constant name slice! +# wrong constant name split +# wrong constant name swapcase +# wrong constant name tidy_bytes +# wrong constant name tidy_bytes! +# wrong constant name titlecase +# wrong constant name titleize +# wrong constant name to_str +# wrong constant name upcase +# wrong constant name upcase! +# wrong constant name wrapped_string +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name consumes? +# wrong constant name execute +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name namespace +# wrong constant name namespace= +# wrong constant name namespace? +# wrong constant name number +# wrong constant name opts +# wrong constant name validate_float +# wrong constant name validate_float= +# wrong constant name validate_float? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name namespace +# wrong constant name namespace= +# wrong constant name namespace? +# wrong constant name validate_float +# wrong constant name validate_float= +# wrong constant name validate_float? +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToCurrencyConverter::DEFAULTS +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToDelimitedConverter::DEFAULTS +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToHumanConverter::DEFAULTS +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToHumanSizeConverter::DEFAULTS +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToPercentageConverter::DEFAULTS +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToPhoneConverter::DEFAULTS +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToRoundedConverter::DEFAULTS +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name digit_count +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name round +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::OrderedHash::Elem +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::OrderedHash::K +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::OrderedHash::V +# wrong constant name encode_with +# wrong constant name reject +# wrong constant name select +# wrong constant name to_yaml_type +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name raise +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer::BLANK_RE +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer::ENCODED_BLANKS +# wrong constant name finish +# wrong constant name patterns +# wrong constant name start +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::TestCase::CALLBACK_FILTER_TYPES +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::TestCase::E +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::TestCase::PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::TestCase::SIGNALS +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::TestCase::TEARDOWN_METHODS +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::TestCase::UNDEFINED +# uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::TestCase::UNTRACKED +# wrong constant name connect_internal +# uninitialized constant AliasedNegatedMatcher +# uninitialized constant AliasedNegatedMatcher +# undefined method `[]$2' for class `Array' +# undefined method `[]=$2' for class `Array' +# undefined method `concat$1' for class `Array' +# undefined method `fetch$2' for class `Array' +# undefined method `fill$2' for class `Array' +# undefined method `flatten$1' for class `Array' +# undefined method `index$2' for class `Array' +# undefined method `initialize$2' for class `Array' +# Did you mean? initialize +# undefined method `insert$1' for class `Array' +# Did you mean? inspect +# undefined method `join$1' for class `Array' +# undefined method `last$2' for class `Array' +# undefined method `permutation$2' for class `Array' +# undefined method `pop$2' for class `Array' +# undefined method `rindex$2' for class `Array' +# undefined method `rotate$1' for class `Array' +# undefined method `rotate!$1' for class `Array' +# undefined method `sample$2' for class `Array' +# undefined method `shift$2' for class `Array' +# undefined method `shuffle$1' for class `Array' +# undefined method `shuffle!$1' for class `Array' +# undefined method `slice$2' for class `Array' +# undefined method `slice!$2' for class `Array' +# undefined method `sum$2' for class `Array' +# undefined method `to_s$1' for class `Array' +# Did you mean? to_s +# wrong constant name []$2 +# wrong constant name []=$2 +# wrong constant name append +# wrong constant name bsearch +# wrong constant name bsearch_index +# wrong constant name collect! +# wrong constant name concat$1 +# wrong constant name difference +# wrong constant name dig +# wrong constant name fetch$2 +# wrong constant name fill$2 +# wrong constant name filter! +# wrong constant name flatten$1 +# wrong constant name flatten! +# wrong constant name index$2 +# wrong constant name initialize$2 +# wrong constant name insert$1 +# wrong constant name join$1 +# wrong constant name last$2 +# wrong constant name pack +# wrong constant name permutation$2 +# wrong constant name pop$2 +# wrong constant name prepend +# wrong constant name replace +# wrong constant name rindex$2 +# wrong constant name rotate$1 +# wrong constant name rotate!$1 +# wrong constant name sample$2 +# wrong constant name shelljoin +# wrong constant name shift$2 +# wrong constant name shuffle$1 +# wrong constant name shuffle!$1 +# wrong constant name slice$2 +# wrong constant name slice!$2 +# wrong constant name sum$2 +# wrong constant name to_csv +# wrong constant name to_h +# wrong constant name to_s$1 +# wrong constant name union +# wrong constant name try_convert +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name item +# wrong constant name list +# wrong constant name report +# wrong constant name width +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name item +# wrong constant name list +# wrong constant name report +# wrong constant name * +# wrong constant name + +# wrong constant name - +# wrong constant name / +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name add! +# wrong constant name cstime +# wrong constant name cutime +# wrong constant name format +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name label +# wrong constant name memberwise +# wrong constant name real +# wrong constant name stime +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name total +# wrong constant name utime +# undefined method `_dump$1' for class `BigDecimal' +# undefined method `div$2' for class `BigDecimal' +# undefined method `power$2' for class `BigDecimal' +# uninitialized constant BigDecimal::EXABYTE +# uninitialized constant BigDecimal::GIGABYTE +# uninitialized constant BigDecimal::KILOBYTE +# uninitialized constant BigDecimal::MEGABYTE +# uninitialized constant BigDecimal::PETABYTE +# uninitialized constant BigDecimal::TERABYTE +# wrong constant name _dump$1 +# wrong constant name clone +# wrong constant name div$2 +# wrong constant name power$2 +# wrong constant name to_d +# wrong constant name to_digits +# wrong constant name _load +# wrong constant name double_fig +# wrong constant name limit +# wrong constant name mode +# wrong constant name new +# wrong constant name save_exception_mode +# wrong constant name save_limit +# wrong constant name save_rounding_mode +# wrong constant name clone +# wrong constant name irb +# wrong constant name local_variable_defined? +# wrong constant name local_variable_get +# wrong constant name local_variable_set +# wrong constant name receiver +# wrong constant name source_location +# uninitialized constant BuiltIn +# uninitialized constant BuiltIn +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name environment +# wrong constant name report +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name github_https? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name fetch_spec +# wrong constant name fetchers +# wrong constant name http_proxy +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name specs +# wrong constant name specs_with_retry +# wrong constant name uri +# wrong constant name use_api +# wrong constant name user_agent +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name api_fetcher? +# wrong constant name available? +# wrong constant name display_uri +# wrong constant name downloader +# wrong constant name fetch_uri +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name remote +# wrong constant name remote_uri +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name available? +# wrong constant name fetch_spec +# wrong constant name specs +# wrong constant name specs_for_names +# uninitialized constant Bundler::Fetcher::CompactIndex::ClientFetcher::Elem +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name fetcher +# wrong constant name fetcher= +# wrong constant name ui +# wrong constant name ui= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name compact_index_request +# wrong constant name dependency_api_uri +# wrong constant name dependency_specs +# wrong constant name get_formatted_specs_and_deps +# wrong constant name specs +# wrong constant name unmarshalled_dep_gems +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name connection +# wrong constant name fetch +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name redirect_limit +# wrong constant name request +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name fetch_spec +# wrong constant name specs +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name api_timeout +# wrong constant name api_timeout= +# wrong constant name disable_endpoint +# wrong constant name disable_endpoint= +# wrong constant name max_retries +# wrong constant name max_retries= +# wrong constant name redirect_limit +# wrong constant name redirect_limit= +# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemHelper::DEFAULT +# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemHelper::LN_SUPPORTED +# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemHelper::LOW_METHODS +# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemHelper::METHODS +# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemHelper::OPT_TABLE +# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemHelper::RUBY +# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemHelper::VERSION +# wrong constant name allowed_push_host +# wrong constant name already_tagged? +# wrong constant name base +# wrong constant name build_gem +# wrong constant name built_gem_path +# wrong constant name clean? +# wrong constant name committed? +# wrong constant name gem_key +# wrong constant name gem_push? +# wrong constant name gem_push_host +# wrong constant name gemspec +# wrong constant name git_push +# wrong constant name guard_clean +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name install +# wrong constant name install_gem +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name perform_git_push +# wrong constant name rubygem_push +# wrong constant name sh +# wrong constant name sh_with_code +# wrong constant name spec_path +# wrong constant name tag_version +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name version_tag +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name gemspec +# wrong constant name install_tasks +# wrong constant name instance +# wrong constant name instance= +# uninitialized constant Bundler::GemRemoteFetcher::BASE64_URI_TRANSLATE +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name level +# wrong constant name level= +# wrong constant name locked_specs +# wrong constant name major? +# wrong constant name minor? +# wrong constant name prerelease_specified +# wrong constant name prerelease_specified= +# wrong constant name sort_versions +# wrong constant name strict +# wrong constant name strict= +# wrong constant name unlock_gems +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name edge_options +# wrong constant name groups +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name node_options +# wrong constant name output_file +# wrong constant name output_format +# wrong constant name relations +# wrong constant name viz +# wrong constant name g +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name run +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name inject +# wrong constant name remove +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name inject +# wrong constant name remove +# wrong constant name generate_bundler_executable_stubs +# wrong constant name generate_standalone_bundler_executable_stubs +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name post_install_messages +# wrong constant name run +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name ambiguous_gems +# wrong constant name ambiguous_gems= +# wrong constant name install +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name app_cache_dirname +# wrong constant name app_cache_path +# wrong constant name bundler_plugin_api_source? +# wrong constant name cache +# wrong constant name cached! +# wrong constant name can_lock? +# wrong constant name dependency_names +# wrong constant name dependency_names= +# wrong constant name double_check_for +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name fetch_gemspec_files +# wrong constant name gem_install_dir +# wrong constant name hash +# wrong constant name include? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name install +# wrong constant name install_path +# wrong constant name installed? +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name options_to_lock +# wrong constant name post_install +# wrong constant name remote! +# wrong constant name root +# wrong constant name specs +# wrong constant name to_lock +# wrong constant name to_s +# wrong constant name unlock! +# wrong constant name unmet_deps +# wrong constant name uri +# wrong constant name uri_hash +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Bundler::Plugin::DSL::VALID_KEYS +# uninitialized constant Bundler::Plugin::DSL::VALID_PLATFORMS +# wrong constant name _gem +# wrong constant name inferred_plugins +# wrong constant name plugin +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name defined_event? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name command_plugin +# wrong constant name commands +# wrong constant name global_index_file +# wrong constant name hook_plugins +# wrong constant name index_file +# wrong constant name installed? +# wrong constant name load_paths +# wrong constant name local_index_file +# wrong constant name plugin_path +# wrong constant name register_plugin +# wrong constant name source? +# wrong constant name source_plugin +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name install +# wrong constant name install_definition +# uninitialized constant Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Git::DEFAULT_GLOB +# wrong constant name generate_bin +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Rubygems::API_REQUEST_LIMIT +# uninitialized constant Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Rubygems::API_REQUEST_SIZE +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name lock +# wrong constant name attempt +# wrong constant name attempts +# wrong constant name current_run +# wrong constant name current_run= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name name= +# wrong constant name total_runs +# wrong constant name total_runs= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name attempts +# wrong constant name default_attempts +# wrong constant name default_retries +# uninitialized constant Bundler::RubyGemsGemInstaller::ENV_PATHS +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name fallback_timeout +# wrong constant name fallback_timeout= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name uri +# wrong constant name uri= +# wrong constant name valid? +# wrong constant name validate! +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name for +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name description +# wrong constant name fail! +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name k +# wrong constant name set +# wrong constant name validate! +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name validate! +# wrong constant name add_color +# wrong constant name ask +# wrong constant name confirm +# wrong constant name debug +# wrong constant name debug? +# wrong constant name error +# wrong constant name info +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name level +# wrong constant name level= +# wrong constant name no? +# wrong constant name quiet? +# wrong constant name shell= +# wrong constant name silence +# wrong constant name trace +# wrong constant name unprinted_warnings +# wrong constant name warn +# wrong constant name yes? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Bundler::VersionRanges::NEq::Elem +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name version= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# uninitialized constant Bundler::VersionRanges::ReqR::Elem +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name cover? +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name left +# wrong constant name left= +# wrong constant name right +# wrong constant name right= +# wrong constant name single? +# uninitialized constant Bundler::VersionRanges::ReqR::Endpoint::Elem +# wrong constant name inclusive +# wrong constant name inclusive= +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name version= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name for +# wrong constant name for_many +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant CGI::RFC822_DAYS +# uninitialized constant CGI::RFC822_MONTHS +# uninitialized constant CGI::TABLE_FOR_ESCAPE_HTML__ +# wrong constant name a +# wrong constant name base +# wrong constant name blockquote +# wrong constant name caption +# wrong constant name checkbox +# wrong constant name checkbox_group +# wrong constant name file_field +# wrong constant name form +# wrong constant name hidden +# wrong constant name html +# wrong constant name image_button +# wrong constant name img +# wrong constant name multipart_form +# wrong constant name password_field +# wrong constant name popup_menu +# wrong constant name radio_button +# wrong constant name radio_group +# wrong constant name reset +# wrong constant name scrolling_list +# wrong constant name submit +# wrong constant name text_field +# wrong constant name textarea +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name assert_all_of_selectors +# wrong constant name assert_ancestor +# wrong constant name assert_any_of_selectors +# wrong constant name assert_button +# wrong constant name assert_checked_field +# wrong constant name assert_content +# wrong constant name assert_css +# wrong constant name assert_current_path +# wrong constant name assert_field +# wrong constant name assert_link +# wrong constant name assert_matches_css +# wrong constant name assert_matches_selector +# wrong constant name assert_matches_style +# wrong constant name assert_matches_xpath +# wrong constant name assert_no_ancestor +# wrong constant name assert_no_button +# wrong constant name assert_no_checked_field +# wrong constant name assert_no_content +# wrong constant name assert_no_css +# wrong constant name assert_no_current_path +# wrong constant name assert_no_field +# wrong constant name assert_no_link +# wrong constant name assert_no_select +# wrong constant name assert_no_selector +# wrong constant name assert_no_sibling +# wrong constant name assert_no_table +# wrong constant name assert_no_text +# wrong constant name assert_no_title +# wrong constant name assert_no_unchecked_field +# wrong constant name assert_no_xpath +# wrong constant name assert_none_of_selectors +# wrong constant name assert_not_matches_css +# wrong constant name assert_not_matches_selector +# wrong constant name assert_not_matches_xpath +# wrong constant name assert_select +# wrong constant name assert_selector +# wrong constant name assert_sibling +# wrong constant name assert_table +# wrong constant name assert_text +# wrong constant name assert_title +# wrong constant name assert_unchecked_field +# wrong constant name assert_xpath +# wrong constant name refute_ancestor +# wrong constant name refute_button +# wrong constant name refute_checked_field +# wrong constant name refute_content +# wrong constant name refute_css +# wrong constant name refute_current_path +# wrong constant name refute_field +# wrong constant name refute_link +# wrong constant name refute_matches_css +# wrong constant name refute_matches_selector +# wrong constant name refute_matches_xpath +# wrong constant name refute_select +# wrong constant name refute_selector +# wrong constant name refute_sibling +# wrong constant name refute_table +# wrong constant name refute_text +# wrong constant name refute_title +# wrong constant name refute_unchecked_field +# wrong constant name refute_xpath +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Capybara::Node::Element::CAPTURE_FILE_ELEMENT_SCRIPT +# uninitialized constant Capybara::Node::Element::DATALIST_OPTIONS_SCRIPT +# uninitialized constant Capybara::Node::Element::RESET_STYLE_SCRIPT +# uninitialized constant Capybara::Node::Element::UPDATE_STYLE_SCRIPT +# uninitialized constant Capybara::Queries::SelectorQuery::COUNT_KEYS +# uninitialized constant Capybara::Selenium::SafariNode::GET_XPATH_SCRIPT +# uninitialized constant Capybara::Selenium::SafariNode::OBSCURED_OR_OFFSET_SCRIPT +# uninitialized constant Chalk +# uninitialized constant Chalk +# uninitialized constant Chronic::RepeaterSeasonName::SEASONS +# undefined method `initialize$2' for class `Class' +# Did you mean? initialize +# uninitialized constant Class::DELEGATION_RESERVED_KEYWORDS +# uninitialized constant Class::DELEGATION_RESERVED_METHOD_NAMES +# uninitialized constant Class::RUBY_RESERVED_KEYWORDS +# wrong constant name initialize$2 +# wrong constant name json_creatable? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name encode +# wrong constant name encoder +# wrong constant name format +# wrong constant name format= +# wrong constant name highlight +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name lang +# wrong constant name lang= +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name options= +# wrong constant name scanner +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# CodeRay::Encoders could not load plugin "default_options": cannot load such file -- /Users/William/.rbenv/versions/2.6.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/coderay-1.1.2/lib/coderay/encoders/default_options.rb +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name fetch +# wrong constant name type_from_shebang +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name binary_string +# wrong constant name column +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name file_extension +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name lang +# wrong constant name line +# wrong constant name raise_inspect +# wrong constant name raise_inspect_arguments +# wrong constant name reset_instance +# wrong constant name scan_rest +# wrong constant name scan_tokens +# wrong constant name scanner_state_info +# wrong constant name set_string_from_source +# wrong constant name set_tokens_from_options +# wrong constant name setup +# wrong constant name state +# wrong constant name state= +# wrong constant name string= +# wrong constant name tokenize +# wrong constant name tokens +# wrong constant name tokens_last +# wrong constant name tokens_size +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name encode_with_encoding +# wrong constant name encoding +# wrong constant name file_extension +# wrong constant name guess_encoding +# wrong constant name lang +# wrong constant name normalize +# wrong constant name to_unix +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Tokens::Elem +# wrong constant name begin_group +# wrong constant name begin_line +# wrong constant name count +# wrong constant name encode +# wrong constant name end_group +# wrong constant name end_line +# wrong constant name method_missing +# wrong constant name scanner +# wrong constant name scanner= +# wrong constant name split_into_parts +# wrong constant name text_token +# wrong constant name to_s +# wrong constant name tokens +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name block +# wrong constant name block= +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name encode +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name input +# wrong constant name input= +# wrong constant name lang +# wrong constant name lang= +# wrong constant name method_missing +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name options= +# wrong constant name scanner +# wrong constant name tokens +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name polar +# wrong constant name rect +# wrong constant name rectangular +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::AbstractExecutorService::DEBUG +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::AbstractExecutorService::ERROR +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::AbstractExecutorService::FATAL +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::AbstractExecutorService::INFO +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::AbstractExecutorService::UNKNOWN +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::AbstractExecutorService::WARN +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::RubyThreadPoolExecutor::DEBUG +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::RubyThreadPoolExecutor::ERROR +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::RubyThreadPoolExecutor::FALLBACK_POLICIES +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::RubyThreadPoolExecutor::FATAL +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::RubyThreadPoolExecutor::INFO +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::RubyThreadPoolExecutor::UNKNOWN +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::RubyThreadPoolExecutor::WARN +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::TimerTask::DEBUG +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::TimerTask::ERROR +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::TimerTask::FALLBACK_POLICIES +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::TimerTask::FATAL +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::TimerTask::INFO +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::TimerTask::UNKNOWN +# uninitialized constant Concurrent::TimerTask::WARN +# uninitialized constant Configatron +# uninitialized constant Configatron +# undefined singleton method `result$1' for `Coverage' +# undefined singleton method `start$1' for `Coverage' +# wrong constant name line_stub +# wrong constant name peek_result +# wrong constant name result$1 +# wrong constant name running? +# wrong constant name start$1 +# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Date' +# Did you mean? initialize +# undefined method `to_s$1' for class `Date' +# Did you mean? to_s +# undefined method `to_time$1' for class `Date' +# uninitialized constant Date::DAYS_INTO_WEEK +# uninitialized constant Date::WEEKEND_DAYS +# wrong constant name initialize$1 +# wrong constant name to_s$1 +# wrong constant name to_time$1 +# uninitialized constant Date::Infinity::EXABYTE +# uninitialized constant Date::Infinity::GIGABYTE +# uninitialized constant Date::Infinity::KILOBYTE +# uninitialized constant Date::Infinity::MEGABYTE +# uninitialized constant Date::Infinity::PETABYTE +# uninitialized constant Date::Infinity::TERABYTE +# wrong constant name initialize +# undefined singleton method `_parse$1' for `Date' +# undefined singleton method `strptime$1' for `Date' +# undefined singleton method `today$1' for `Date' +# wrong constant name _parse$1 +# wrong constant name strptime$1 +# wrong constant name today$1 +# undefined singleton method `now$1' for `DateTime' +# wrong constant name now$1 +# wrong constant name != +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name __getobj__ +# wrong constant name __setobj__ +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name marshal_dump +# wrong constant name marshal_load +# wrong constant name method_missing +# wrong constant name methods +# wrong constant name protected_methods +# wrong constant name public_methods +# wrong constant name const_missing +# wrong constant name delegating_block +# wrong constant name public_api +# wrong constant name class_name +# wrong constant name class_names +# wrong constant name corrections +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name scopes +# wrong constant name corrections +# wrong constant name original_message +# wrong constant name spell_checker +# wrong constant name to_s +# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::Formatter +# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::Formatter +# wrong constant name distance +# wrong constant name distance +# wrong constant name corrections +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name distance +# wrong constant name min3 +# wrong constant name corrections +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name method_name +# wrong constant name method_names +# wrong constant name receiver +# wrong constant name NameErrorCheckers$1 +# wrong constant name NameErrorCheckers$1 +# wrong constant name corrections +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name message_for +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name correct +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name corrections +# wrong constant name cvar_names +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name ivar_names +# wrong constant name lvar_names +# wrong constant name method_names +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name formatter +# wrong constant name formatter= +# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Dir' +# Did you mean? initialize +# wrong constant name children +# wrong constant name each_child +# wrong constant name initialize$1 +# undefined singleton method `[]$2' for `Dir' +# undefined singleton method `chdir$2' for `Dir' +# undefined singleton method `entries$1' for `Dir' +# undefined singleton method `foreach$2' for `Dir' +# undefined singleton method `glob$2' for `Dir' +# undefined singleton method `home$1' for `Dir' +# undefined singleton method `mkdir$1' for `Dir' +# undefined singleton method `mktmpdir$2' for `Dir' +# undefined singleton method `open$2' for `Dir' +# wrong constant name []$2 +# wrong constant name chdir$2 +# wrong constant name children +# wrong constant name each_child +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name entries$1 +# wrong constant name exists? +# wrong constant name foreach$2 +# wrong constant name glob$2 +# wrong constant name home$1 +# wrong constant name mkdir$1 +# wrong constant name mktmpdir$2 +# wrong constant name open$2 +# wrong constant name tmpdir +# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `ERB' +# Did you mean? initialize +# wrong constant name def_method +# wrong constant name def_module +# wrong constant name initialize$1 +# wrong constant name result_with_hash +# wrong constant name _dump +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name convpath +# wrong constant name destination_encoding +# wrong constant name finish +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name insert_output +# wrong constant name last_error +# wrong constant name primitive_convert +# wrong constant name primitive_errinfo +# wrong constant name putback +# wrong constant name replacement +# wrong constant name replacement= +# wrong constant name source_encoding +# wrong constant name asciicompat_encoding +# wrong constant name search_convpath +# wrong constant name destination_encoding +# wrong constant name destination_encoding_name +# wrong constant name error_bytes +# wrong constant name incomplete_input? +# wrong constant name readagain_bytes +# wrong constant name source_encoding +# wrong constant name source_encoding_name +# wrong constant name destination_encoding +# wrong constant name destination_encoding_name +# wrong constant name error_char +# wrong constant name source_encoding +# wrong constant name source_encoding_name +# wrong constant name _load +# wrong constant name locale_charmap +# undefined method `all?$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `any?$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `count$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `cycle$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `detect$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `each_with_index$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `entries$1' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `find$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `find_index$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `first$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `inject$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `max$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `max_by$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `min$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `min_by$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `none?$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `one?$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `reduce$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `reverse_each$2' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `to_a$1' for module `Enumerable' +# undefined method `to_h$1' for module `Enumerable' +# wrong constant name all?$2 +# wrong constant name any?$2 +# wrong constant name chain +# wrong constant name chunk +# wrong constant name chunk_while +# wrong constant name count$2 +# wrong constant name cycle$2 +# wrong constant name detect$2 +# wrong constant name each_entry +# wrong constant name each_with_index$2 +# wrong constant name each_with_object +# wrong constant name entries$1 +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name find$2 +# wrong constant name find_index$2 +# wrong constant name first$2 +# wrong constant name grep_v +# wrong constant name inject$2 +# wrong constant name lazy +# wrong constant name max$2 +# wrong constant name max_by$2 +# wrong constant name min$2 +# wrong constant name min_by$2 +# wrong constant name none?$2 +# wrong constant name one?$2 +# wrong constant name reduce$2 +# wrong constant name reverse_each$2 +# wrong constant name slice_after +# wrong constant name slice_before +# wrong constant name slice_when +# wrong constant name sum +# wrong constant name to_a$1 +# wrong constant name to_h$1 +# wrong constant name to_set +# wrong constant name uniq +# wrong constant name zip +# undefined method `each$2' for class `Enumerator' +# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Enumerator' +# Did you mean? initialize +# undefined method `with_index$2' for class `Enumerator' +# wrong constant name + +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name each$2 +# wrong constant name initialize$1 +# wrong constant name with_index$2 +# uninitialized constant Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence::Elem +# wrong constant name begin +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name end +# wrong constant name exclude_end? +# wrong constant name last +# wrong constant name step +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Enumerator::Chain::Elem +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name chunk +# wrong constant name chunk_while +# wrong constant name force +# wrong constant name slice_when +# undefined method `yield$1' for class `Enumerator::Yielder' +# Did you mean? yield +# wrong constant name yield$1 +# wrong constant name EADV$1 +# wrong constant name EADV$1 +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name EBADE$1 +# wrong constant name EBADE$1 +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name EBADFD$1 +# wrong constant name EBADFD$1 +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name EBADR$1 +# wrong constant name EBADR$1 +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name EBADRQC$1 +# wrong constant name EBADRQC$1 +# wrong constant name EBADSLT$1 +# wrong constant name EBADSLT$1 +# wrong constant name EBFONT$1 +# wrong constant name EBFONT$1 +# wrong constant name ECHRNG$1 +# wrong constant name ECHRNG$1 +# wrong constant name ECOMM$1 +# wrong constant name ECOMM$1 +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name EDOTDOT$1 +# wrong constant name EDOTDOT$1 +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name EHWPOISON$1 +# wrong constant name EHWPOISON$1 +# wrong constant name EISNAM$1 +# wrong constant name EISNAM$1 +# wrong constant name EKEYEXPIRED$1 +# wrong constant name EKEYEXPIRED$1 +# wrong constant name EKEYREJECTED$1 +# wrong constant name EKEYREJECTED$1 +# wrong constant name EKEYREVOKED$1 +# wrong constant name EKEYREVOKED$1 +# wrong constant name EL2HLT$1 +# wrong constant name EL2HLT$1 +# wrong constant name EL2NSYNC$1 +# wrong constant name EL2NSYNC$1 +# wrong constant name EL3HLT$1 +# wrong constant name EL3HLT$1 +# wrong constant name EL3RST$1 +# wrong constant name EL3RST$1 +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name ELIBACC$1 +# wrong constant name ELIBACC$1 +# wrong constant name ELIBBAD$1 +# wrong constant name ELIBBAD$1 +# wrong constant name ELIBEXEC$1 +# wrong constant name ELIBEXEC$1 +# wrong constant name ELIBMAX$1 +# wrong constant name ELIBMAX$1 +# wrong constant name ELIBSCN$1 +# wrong constant name ELIBSCN$1 +# wrong constant name ELNRNG$1 +# wrong constant name ELNRNG$1 +# wrong constant name EMEDIUMTYPE$1 +# wrong constant name EMEDIUMTYPE$1 +# wrong constant name ENAVAIL$1 +# wrong constant name ENAVAIL$1 +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name ENOANO$1 +# wrong constant name ENOANO$1 +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name ENOCSI$1 +# wrong constant name ENOCSI$1 +# wrong constant name ENOKEY$1 +# wrong constant name ENOKEY$1 +# wrong constant name ENOMEDIUM$1 +# wrong constant name ENOMEDIUM$1 +# wrong constant name ENONET$1 +# wrong constant name ENONET$1 +# wrong constant name ENOPKG$1 +# wrong constant name ENOPKG$1 +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name ENOTNAM$1 +# wrong constant name ENOTNAM$1 +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name ENOTUNIQ$1 +# wrong constant name ENOTUNIQ$1 +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name EREMCHG$1 +# wrong constant name EREMCHG$1 +# wrong constant name EREMOTEIO$1 +# wrong constant name EREMOTEIO$1 +# wrong constant name ERESTART$1 +# wrong constant name ERESTART$1 +# wrong constant name ERFKILL$1 +# wrong constant name ERFKILL$1 +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name ESRMNT$1 +# wrong constant name ESRMNT$1 +# wrong constant name ESTRPIPE$1 +# wrong constant name ESTRPIPE$1 +# wrong constant name EUCLEAN$1 +# wrong constant name EUCLEAN$1 +# wrong constant name EUNATCH$1 +# wrong constant name EUNATCH$1 +# wrong constant name EWOULDBLOCK$1 +# wrong constant name EWOULDBLOCK$1 +# wrong constant name EXFULL$1 +# wrong constant name EXFULL$1 +# wrong constant name gid +# wrong constant name gid= +# wrong constant name mem +# wrong constant name mem= +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name name= +# wrong constant name passwd +# wrong constant name passwd= +# uninitialized constant Etc::Group::Elem +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name change +# wrong constant name change= +# wrong constant name dir +# wrong constant name dir= +# wrong constant name expire +# wrong constant name expire= +# wrong constant name gecos +# wrong constant name gecos= +# wrong constant name gid +# wrong constant name gid= +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name name= +# wrong constant name passwd +# wrong constant name passwd= +# wrong constant name shell +# wrong constant name shell= +# wrong constant name uclass +# wrong constant name uclass= +# wrong constant name uid +# wrong constant name uid= +# uninitialized constant Etc::Passwd::Elem +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name confstr +# wrong constant name endgrent +# wrong constant name endpwent +# wrong constant name getgrent +# wrong constant name getgrgid +# wrong constant name getgrnam +# wrong constant name getlogin +# wrong constant name getpwent +# wrong constant name getpwnam +# wrong constant name getpwuid +# wrong constant name group +# wrong constant name nprocessors +# wrong constant name passwd +# wrong constant name setgrent +# wrong constant name setpwent +# wrong constant name sysconf +# wrong constant name sysconfdir +# wrong constant name systmpdir +# wrong constant name uname +# undefined method `exception$1' for class `Exception' +# Did you mean? exception +# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Exception' +# Did you mean? initialize +# wrong constant name exception$1 +# wrong constant name full_message +# wrong constant name initialize$1 +# wrong constant name exception +# wrong constant name to_tty? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name bind +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Exception2MessageMapper::Fail +# uninitialized constant Exception2MessageMapper::Raise +# wrong constant name def_e2message +# wrong constant name def_exception +# wrong constant name e2mm_message +# wrong constant name extend_object +# wrong constant name message +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name align +# wrong constant name alignment +# wrong constant name clear +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name layout +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name null? +# wrong constant name offset_of +# wrong constant name offsets +# wrong constant name order +# wrong constant name pointer +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name to_ptr +# wrong constant name values +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name align +# wrong constant name aligned +# wrong constant name alignment +# wrong constant name alloc_in +# wrong constant name alloc_inout +# wrong constant name alloc_out +# wrong constant name auto_ptr +# wrong constant name by_ref +# wrong constant name by_value +# wrong constant name callback +# wrong constant name enclosing_module +# wrong constant name find_field_type +# wrong constant name find_type +# wrong constant name in +# wrong constant name layout +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name new_in +# wrong constant name new_inout +# wrong constant name new_out +# wrong constant name offset_of +# wrong constant name offsets +# wrong constant name out +# wrong constant name pack +# wrong constant name packed +# wrong constant name ptr +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name size= +# wrong constant name val +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name builder +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Faraday::Adapter::EMHttp::CONTENT_LENGTH +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name create_request +# wrong constant name error_message +# wrong constant name parallel? +# wrong constant name perform_request +# wrong constant name perform_single_request +# wrong constant name raise_error +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name check_finished +# wrong constant name perform_request +# wrong constant name reset +# wrong constant name run +# wrong constant name running? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name configure_compression +# wrong constant name configure_proxy +# wrong constant name configure_socket +# wrong constant name configure_ssl +# wrong constant name configure_timeout +# wrong constant name connection_config +# wrong constant name read_body +# wrong constant name request_config +# wrong constant name request_options +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name setup_parallel_manager +# uninitialized constant Faraday::Adapter::EMSynchrony::CONTENT_LENGTH +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name create_request +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name run +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name setup_parallel_manager +# uninitialized constant Faraday::Adapter::Excon::CONTENT_LENGTH +# wrong constant name create_connection +# wrong constant name read_body +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Faraday::Adapter::HTTPClient::CONTENT_LENGTH +# wrong constant name client +# wrong constant name configure_client +# wrong constant name configure_proxy +# wrong constant name configure_socket +# wrong constant name configure_ssl +# wrong constant name configure_timeouts +# wrong constant name ssl_cert_store +# wrong constant name ssl_verify_mode +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp::CONTENT_LENGTH +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Faraday::Adapter::NetHttpPersistent::CONTENT_LENGTH +# uninitialized constant Faraday::Adapter::NetHttpPersistent::NET_HTTP_EXCEPTIONS +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Faraday::Adapter::Patron::CONTENT_LENGTH +# wrong constant name configure_ssl +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Faraday::Adapter::Rack::CONTENT_LENGTH +# wrong constant name execute_request +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Faraday::Adapter::Test::CONTENT_LENGTH +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name configure +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name stubs +# wrong constant name stubs= +# wrong constant name headers_match? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name params_match? +# wrong constant name path_match? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name delete +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name get +# wrong constant name head +# wrong constant name match +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name new_stub +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name patch +# wrong constant name post +# wrong constant name put +# wrong constant name verify_stubbed_calls +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Faraday::Adapter::Typhoeus::CONTENT_LENGTH +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name build_hash +# wrong constant name header +# uninitialized constant Faraday::Request::BasicAuthentication::KEY +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name header +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Faraday::Request::Multipart::CONTENT_TYPE +# wrong constant name create_multipart +# wrong constant name has_multipart? +# wrong constant name process_params +# wrong constant name unique_boundary +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name build_exception_matcher +# wrong constant name calculate_sleep_amount +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Faraday::Request::TokenAuthentication::KEY +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name header +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name match_content_type +# wrong constant name process_request? +# wrong constant name request_type +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name mime_type +# wrong constant name mime_type= +# wrong constant name debug +# wrong constant name error +# wrong constant name fatal +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name info +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name warn +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name response_values +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name resume +# wrong constant name transfer +# wrong constant name current +# wrong constant name yield +# wrong constant name size? +# undefined singleton method `absolute_path$1' for `File' +# undefined singleton method `basename$1' for `File' +# undefined singleton method `chmod$1' for `File' +# undefined singleton method `chown$1' for `File' +# undefined singleton method `expand_path$1' for `File' +# undefined singleton method `fnmatch$1' for `File' +# undefined singleton method `fnmatch?$1' for `File' +# undefined singleton method `lchmod$1' for `File' +# undefined singleton method `lchown$1' for `File' +# undefined singleton method `realdirpath$1' for `File' +# undefined singleton method `realpath$1' for `File' +# undefined singleton method `umask$1' for `File' +# undefined singleton method `utime$1' for `File' +# wrong constant name absolute_path$1 +# wrong constant name basename$1 +# wrong constant name chmod$1 +# wrong constant name chown$1 +# wrong constant name exists? +# wrong constant name expand_path$1 +# wrong constant name fnmatch$1 +# wrong constant name fnmatch?$1 +# wrong constant name lchmod$1 +# wrong constant name lchown$1 +# wrong constant name lutime +# wrong constant name mkfifo +# wrong constant name probe_stat_in +# wrong constant name realdirpath$1 +# wrong constant name realpath$1 +# wrong constant name umask$1 +# wrong constant name utime$1 +# wrong constant name blockdev? +# wrong constant name chardev? +# wrong constant name directory? +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name executable? +# wrong constant name executable_real? +# wrong constant name exist? +# wrong constant name exists? +# wrong constant name file? +# wrong constant name grpowned? +# wrong constant name identical? +# wrong constant name owned? +# wrong constant name pipe? +# wrong constant name readable? +# wrong constant name readable_real? +# wrong constant name setgid? +# wrong constant name setuid? +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name size? +# wrong constant name socket? +# wrong constant name sticky? +# wrong constant name symlink? +# wrong constant name world_readable? +# wrong constant name world_writable? +# wrong constant name writable? +# wrong constant name writable_real? +# wrong constant name zero? +# uninitialized constant FileUtils::DryRun::LN_SUPPORTED +# uninitialized constant FileUtils::DryRun::RUBY +# uninitialized constant FileUtils::DryRun::VERSION +# wrong constant name blockdev? +# wrong constant name chardev? +# wrong constant name chmod +# wrong constant name chown +# wrong constant name copy +# wrong constant name copy_file +# wrong constant name copy_metadata +# wrong constant name dereference? +# wrong constant name directory? +# wrong constant name door? +# wrong constant name entries +# wrong constant name exist? +# wrong constant name file? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name link +# wrong constant name lstat +# wrong constant name lstat! +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name pipe? +# wrong constant name platform_support +# wrong constant name postorder_traverse +# wrong constant name prefix +# wrong constant name preorder_traverse +# wrong constant name rel +# wrong constant name remove +# wrong constant name remove_dir1 +# wrong constant name remove_file +# wrong constant name socket? +# wrong constant name stat +# wrong constant name stat! +# wrong constant name symlink? +# wrong constant name traverse +# wrong constant name wrap_traverse +# uninitialized constant FileUtils::NoWrite::LN_SUPPORTED +# uninitialized constant FileUtils::NoWrite::RUBY +# uninitialized constant FileUtils::NoWrite::VERSION +# uninitialized constant FileUtils::Verbose::LN_SUPPORTED +# uninitialized constant FileUtils::Verbose::RUBY +# uninitialized constant FileUtils::Verbose::VERSION +# undefined singleton method `cp_r$1' for `FileUtils' +# undefined singleton method `mkdir_p$1' for `FileUtils' +# wrong constant name cd +# wrong constant name chdir +# wrong constant name chmod +# wrong constant name chmod_R +# wrong constant name chown +# wrong constant name chown_R +# wrong constant name cmp +# wrong constant name collect_method +# wrong constant name commands +# wrong constant name compare_file +# wrong constant name compare_stream +# wrong constant name copy +# wrong constant name copy_entry +# wrong constant name copy_file +# wrong constant name copy_stream +# wrong constant name cp +# wrong constant name cp_lr +# wrong constant name cp_r$1 +# wrong constant name getwd +# wrong constant name have_option? +# wrong constant name identical? +# wrong constant name install +# wrong constant name link +# wrong constant name link_entry +# wrong constant name ln +# wrong constant name ln_s +# wrong constant name ln_sf +# wrong constant name makedirs +# wrong constant name mkdir +# wrong constant name mkdir_p$1 +# wrong constant name mkpath +# wrong constant name move +# wrong constant name mv +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name options_of +# wrong constant name private_module_function +# wrong constant name pwd +# wrong constant name remove +# wrong constant name remove_dir +# wrong constant name remove_entry +# wrong constant name remove_entry_secure +# wrong constant name remove_file +# wrong constant name rm +# wrong constant name rm_f +# wrong constant name rm_rf +# wrong constant name rmdir +# wrong constant name rmtree +# wrong constant name safe_unlink +# wrong constant name symlink +# wrong constant name uptodate? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name find +# wrong constant name prune +# undefined method `rationalize$2' for class `Float' +# Did you mean? Rational +# uninitialized constant Float::EXABYTE +# uninitialized constant Float::GIGABYTE +# uninitialized constant Float::KILOBYTE +# uninitialized constant Float::MEGABYTE +# uninitialized constant Float::PETABYTE +# uninitialized constant Float::TERABYTE +# wrong constant name rationalize$2 +# wrong constant name to_d +# wrong constant name def_delegator +# wrong constant name def_delegators +# wrong constant name def_instance_delegator +# wrong constant name def_instance_delegators +# wrong constant name delegate +# wrong constant name instance_delegate +# wrong constant name _compile_method +# wrong constant name _delegator_method +# wrong constant name _valid_method? +# wrong constant name debug +# wrong constant name debug= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name garbage_collect +# undefined singleton method `report$1' for `GC::Profiler' +# wrong constant name report$1 +# undefined singleton method `start$1' for `GC' +# undefined singleton method `stat$2' for `GC' +# wrong constant name latest_gc_info +# wrong constant name start$1 +# wrong constant name stat$2 +# wrong constant name stress= +# wrong constant name verify_internal_consistency +# wrong constant name verify_transient_heap_internal_consistency +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name << +# uninitialized constant Gem::AvailableSet::Elem +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name all_specs +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name each_spec +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name find_all +# wrong constant name inject_into_list +# wrong constant name match_platform! +# wrong constant name pick_best! +# wrong constant name prefetch +# wrong constant name remote +# wrong constant name remote= +# wrong constant name remove_installed! +# wrong constant name set +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name sorted +# wrong constant name source_for +# wrong constant name to_request_set +# uninitialized constant Gem::AvailableSet::Tuple::Elem +# wrong constant name source +# wrong constant name source= +# wrong constant name spec +# wrong constant name spec= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name activated? +# wrong constant name base_dir +# wrong constant name base_dir= +# wrong constant name contains_requirable_file? +# wrong constant name datadir +# wrong constant name default_gem? +# wrong constant name extension_dir +# wrong constant name extension_dir= +# wrong constant name extensions_dir +# wrong constant name full_gem_path +# wrong constant name full_gem_path= +# wrong constant name full_name +# wrong constant name full_require_paths +# wrong constant name gem_build_complete_path +# wrong constant name gem_dir +# wrong constant name gems_dir +# wrong constant name ignored= +# wrong constant name internal_init +# wrong constant name lib_dirs_glob +# wrong constant name loaded_from +# wrong constant name loaded_from= +# wrong constant name matches_for_glob +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name platform +# wrong constant name raw_require_paths +# wrong constant name require_paths +# wrong constant name source_paths +# wrong constant name stubbed? +# wrong constant name this +# wrong constant name to_fullpath +# wrong constant name to_spec +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name default_specifications_dir +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name bundler_version +# wrong constant name bundler_version_with_reason +# wrong constant name compatible? +# wrong constant name filter! +# wrong constant name missing_version_message +# wrong constant name add_extra_args +# wrong constant name add_option +# wrong constant name arguments +# wrong constant name begins? +# wrong constant name command +# wrong constant name defaults +# wrong constant name defaults= +# wrong constant name defaults_str +# wrong constant name description +# wrong constant name execute +# wrong constant name get_all_gem_names +# wrong constant name get_all_gem_names_and_versions +# wrong constant name get_one_gem_name +# wrong constant name get_one_optional_argument +# wrong constant name handle_options +# wrong constant name handles? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name invoke +# wrong constant name invoke_with_build_args +# wrong constant name merge_options +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name program_name +# wrong constant name program_name= +# wrong constant name remove_option +# wrong constant name show_help +# wrong constant name show_lookup_failure +# wrong constant name summary +# wrong constant name summary= +# wrong constant name usage +# wrong constant name when_invoked +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_common_option +# wrong constant name add_specific_extra_args +# wrong constant name build_args +# wrong constant name build_args= +# wrong constant name common_options +# wrong constant name extra_args +# wrong constant name extra_args= +# wrong constant name specific_extra_args +# wrong constant name specific_extra_args_hash +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name api_keys +# wrong constant name args +# wrong constant name backtrace +# wrong constant name backtrace= +# wrong constant name bulk_threshold +# wrong constant name bulk_threshold= +# wrong constant name cert_expiration_length_days +# wrong constant name cert_expiration_length_days= +# wrong constant name check_credentials_permissions +# wrong constant name concurrent_downloads +# wrong constant name concurrent_downloads= +# wrong constant name config_file_name +# wrong constant name credentials_path +# wrong constant name disable_default_gem_server +# wrong constant name disable_default_gem_server= +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name handle_arguments +# wrong constant name home +# wrong constant name home= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name load_api_keys +# wrong constant name load_file +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name path= +# wrong constant name really_verbose +# wrong constant name rubygems_api_key +# wrong constant name rubygems_api_key= +# wrong constant name set_api_key +# wrong constant name sources +# wrong constant name sources= +# wrong constant name ssl_ca_cert +# wrong constant name ssl_ca_cert= +# wrong constant name ssl_client_cert +# wrong constant name ssl_verify_mode +# wrong constant name to_yaml +# wrong constant name unset_api_key! +# wrong constant name update_sources +# wrong constant name update_sources= +# wrong constant name verbose +# wrong constant name verbose= +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name conflicts +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name target +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name ui +# wrong constant name ui= +# wrong constant name use_ui +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name ui +# wrong constant name ui= +# wrong constant name use_ui +# wrong constant name <=> +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name === +# wrong constant name =~ +# wrong constant name all_sources +# wrong constant name all_sources= +# wrong constant name encode_with +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name groups +# wrong constant name groups= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name latest_version? +# wrong constant name match? +# wrong constant name matches_spec? +# wrong constant name matching_specs +# wrong constant name merge +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name name= +# wrong constant name prerelease= +# wrong constant name prerelease? +# wrong constant name requirement +# wrong constant name requirements_list +# wrong constant name runtime? +# wrong constant name source +# wrong constant name source= +# wrong constant name specific? +# wrong constant name to_lock +# wrong constant name to_spec +# wrong constant name to_specs +# wrong constant name to_yaml_properties +# wrong constant name type +# wrong constant name _deprecated_add_found_dependencies +# wrong constant name _deprecated_gather_dependencies +# wrong constant name add_found_dependencies +# wrong constant name available_set_for +# wrong constant name consider_local? +# wrong constant name consider_remote? +# wrong constant name document +# wrong constant name errors +# wrong constant name find_gems_with_sources +# wrong constant name find_spec_by_name_and_version +# wrong constant name gather_dependencies +# wrong constant name in_background +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name install +# wrong constant name install_development_deps +# wrong constant name installed_gems +# wrong constant name resolve_dependencies +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Gem::DependencyList::Elem +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name clear +# wrong constant name dependency_order +# wrong constant name development +# wrong constant name development= +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name find_name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name ok? +# wrong constant name ok_to_remove? +# wrong constant name remove_by_name +# wrong constant name remove_specs_unsatisfied_by +# wrong constant name spec_predecessors +# wrong constant name specs +# wrong constant name tsort_each_node +# wrong constant name why_not_ok? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name from_specs +# wrong constant name conflict +# wrong constant name conflicting_dependencies +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name deprecate +# wrong constant name skip +# wrong constant name skip= +# wrong constant name skip_during +# wrong constant name _deprecated_source_exception +# wrong constant name source_exception +# wrong constant name source_exception= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name build_args +# wrong constant name build_args= +# wrong constant name build_error +# wrong constant name build_extension +# wrong constant name build_extensions +# wrong constant name builder_for +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name write_gem_make_out +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name class_name +# wrong constant name make +# wrong constant name redirector +# wrong constant name run +# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::CmakeBuilder::CHDIR_MONITOR +# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::CmakeBuilder::CHDIR_MUTEX +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name build +# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::ConfigureBuilder::CHDIR_MONITOR +# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::ConfigureBuilder::CHDIR_MUTEX +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name build +# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::ExtConfBuilder::CHDIR_MONITOR +# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::ExtConfBuilder::CHDIR_MUTEX +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name build +# wrong constant name get_relative_path +# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::RakeBuilder::CHDIR_MONITOR +# uninitialized constant Gem::Ext::RakeBuilder::CHDIR_MUTEX +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name build +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name directory +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name file_path +# wrong constant name file_path= +# wrong constant name spec +# wrong constant name spec= +# wrong constant name build_message +# wrong constant name conflicts +# wrong constant name dependency +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name request +# wrong constant name _deprecated_extension_build_error +# wrong constant name app_script_text +# wrong constant name bin_dir +# wrong constant name build_extensions +# wrong constant name build_root +# wrong constant name check_executable_overwrite +# wrong constant name check_that_user_bin_dir_is_in_path +# wrong constant name default_spec_file +# wrong constant name dir +# wrong constant name ensure_dependencies_met +# wrong constant name ensure_dependency +# wrong constant name ensure_loadable_spec +# wrong constant name ensure_required_ruby_version_met +# wrong constant name ensure_required_rubygems_version_met +# wrong constant name extension_build_error +# wrong constant name extract_bin +# wrong constant name extract_files +# wrong constant name formatted_program_filename +# wrong constant name gem +# wrong constant name gem_dir +# wrong constant name gem_home +# wrong constant name generate_bin +# wrong constant name generate_bin_script +# wrong constant name generate_bin_symlink +# wrong constant name generate_windows_script +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name install +# wrong constant name installation_satisfies_dependency? +# wrong constant name installed_specs +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name pre_install_checks +# wrong constant name process_options +# wrong constant name run_post_build_hooks +# wrong constant name run_post_install_hooks +# wrong constant name run_pre_install_hooks +# wrong constant name shebang +# wrong constant name spec +# wrong constant name spec_file +# wrong constant name unpack +# wrong constant name verify_gem_home +# wrong constant name verify_spec +# wrong constant name windows_stub_script +# wrong constant name write_build_info_file +# wrong constant name write_cache_file +# wrong constant name write_default_spec +# wrong constant name write_spec +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name at +# wrong constant name exec_format +# wrong constant name exec_format= +# wrong constant name for_spec +# wrong constant name install_lock +# wrong constant name path_warning +# wrong constant name path_warning= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name match? +# wrong constant name suggestions +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name prepend +# wrong constant name tail +# wrong constant name tail= +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name value +# wrong constant name value= +# wrong constant name prepend +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name name= +# wrong constant name requirement +# wrong constant name requirement= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name specs +# wrong constant name <=> +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name full_name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name match_platform? +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name platform +# wrong constant name prerelease? +# wrong constant name spec_name +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name from_list +# wrong constant name null +# wrong constant name to_basic +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_checksums +# wrong constant name add_contents +# wrong constant name add_files +# wrong constant name add_metadata +# wrong constant name build +# wrong constant name build_time +# wrong constant name build_time= +# wrong constant name checksums +# wrong constant name contents +# wrong constant name copy_to +# wrong constant name data_mode +# wrong constant name data_mode= +# wrong constant name digest +# wrong constant name dir_mode +# wrong constant name dir_mode= +# wrong constant name extract_files +# wrong constant name extract_tar_gz +# wrong constant name file_mode +# wrong constant name files +# wrong constant name gzip_to +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name install_location +# wrong constant name load_spec +# wrong constant name mkdir_p_safe +# wrong constant name normalize_path +# wrong constant name open_tar_gz +# wrong constant name prog_mode +# wrong constant name prog_mode= +# wrong constant name read_checksums +# wrong constant name security_policy +# wrong constant name security_policy= +# wrong constant name setup_signer +# wrong constant name spec +# wrong constant name spec= +# wrong constant name verify +# wrong constant name verify_checksums +# wrong constant name verify_entry +# wrong constant name verify_files +# wrong constant name verify_gz +# wrong constant name digests +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name wrap +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name start +# wrong constant name with_read_io +# wrong constant name with_write_io +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name io +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name start +# wrong constant name with_read_io +# wrong constant name with_write_io +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name extract_files +# wrong constant name file_list +# wrong constant name read_until_dashes +# wrong constant name skip_ruby +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name checksum +# wrong constant name devmajor +# wrong constant name devminor +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name gid +# wrong constant name gname +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name linkname +# wrong constant name magic +# wrong constant name mode +# wrong constant name mtime +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name prefix +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name typeflag +# wrong constant name uid +# wrong constant name uname +# wrong constant name update_checksum +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name from +# wrong constant name strict_oct +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Gem::Package::TarReader::Elem +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name each_entry +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name rewind +# wrong constant name seek +# wrong constant name bytes_read +# wrong constant name check_closed +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name closed? +# wrong constant name directory? +# wrong constant name eof? +# wrong constant name file? +# wrong constant name full_name +# wrong constant name getc +# wrong constant name header +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name length +# wrong constant name pos +# wrong constant name read +# wrong constant name readpartial +# wrong constant name rewind +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name symlink? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name new +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_file +# wrong constant name add_file_digest +# wrong constant name add_file_signed +# wrong constant name add_file_simple +# wrong constant name add_symlink +# wrong constant name check_closed +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name closed? +# wrong constant name flush +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name mkdir +# wrong constant name split_name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name limit +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name written +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name new +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name build +# wrong constant name new +# wrong constant name home +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name spec_cache_dir +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name === +# wrong constant name =~ +# wrong constant name cpu +# wrong constant name cpu= +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name os +# wrong constant name os= +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name version= +# wrong constant name installable? +# wrong constant name local +# wrong constant name match +# wrong constant name new +# wrong constant name add_platform +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name platforms +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name wordy +# wrong constant name cache_update_path +# wrong constant name close_all +# wrong constant name correct_for_windows_path +# wrong constant name download +# wrong constant name download_to_cache +# wrong constant name fetch_file +# wrong constant name fetch_http +# wrong constant name fetch_https +# wrong constant name fetch_path +# wrong constant name fetch_s3 +# wrong constant name fetch_size +# wrong constant name headers +# wrong constant name headers= +# wrong constant name https? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name request +# wrong constant name s3_expiration +# wrong constant name sign_s3_url +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name fetcher +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name cert_files +# wrong constant name connection_for +# wrong constant name fetch +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name perform_request +# wrong constant name proxy_uri +# wrong constant name reset +# wrong constant name user_agent +# wrong constant name close_all +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name pool_for +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name client +# wrong constant name client= +# wrong constant name cert_files +# wrong constant name checkin +# wrong constant name checkout +# wrong constant name close_all +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name proxy_uri +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name configure_connection_for_https +# wrong constant name create_with_proxy +# wrong constant name get_cert_files +# wrong constant name get_proxy_from_env +# wrong constant name proxy_uri +# wrong constant name verify_certificate +# wrong constant name verify_certificate_message +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name always_install +# wrong constant name always_install= +# wrong constant name dependencies +# wrong constant name development +# wrong constant name development= +# wrong constant name development_shallow +# wrong constant name development_shallow= +# wrong constant name errors +# wrong constant name gem +# wrong constant name git_set +# wrong constant name ignore_dependencies +# wrong constant name ignore_dependencies= +# wrong constant name import +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name install +# wrong constant name install_dir +# wrong constant name install_from_gemdeps +# wrong constant name install_hooks +# wrong constant name install_into +# wrong constant name load_gemdeps +# wrong constant name prerelease +# wrong constant name prerelease= +# wrong constant name remote +# wrong constant name remote= +# wrong constant name resolve +# wrong constant name resolve_current +# wrong constant name resolver +# wrong constant name sets +# wrong constant name soft_missing +# wrong constant name soft_missing= +# wrong constant name sorted_requests +# wrong constant name source_set +# wrong constant name specs +# wrong constant name specs_in +# wrong constant name tsort_each_node +# wrong constant name vendor_set +# wrong constant name dependencies +# wrong constant name find_gemspec +# wrong constant name gem +# wrong constant name gem_deps_file +# wrong constant name gem_git_reference +# wrong constant name gemspec +# wrong constant name git +# wrong constant name git_set +# wrong constant name git_source +# wrong constant name group +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name installing= +# wrong constant name load +# wrong constant name platform +# wrong constant name platforms +# wrong constant name requires +# wrong constant name ruby +# wrong constant name source +# wrong constant name vendor_set +# wrong constant name without_groups +# wrong constant name without_groups= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_DEPENDENCIES +# wrong constant name add_GEM +# wrong constant name add_GIT +# wrong constant name add_PATH +# wrong constant name add_PLATFORMS +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name platforms +# wrong constant name relative_path_from +# wrong constant name spec_groups +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name column +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name line +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name get +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name parse_DEPENDENCIES +# wrong constant name parse_GEM +# wrong constant name parse_GIT +# wrong constant name parse_PATH +# wrong constant name parse_PLATFORMS +# wrong constant name parse_dependency +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name make_parser +# wrong constant name next_token +# wrong constant name peek +# wrong constant name shift +# wrong constant name skip +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name token_pos +# wrong constant name unshift +# uninitialized constant Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile::Tokenizer::Token::Elem +# wrong constant name column +# wrong constant name column= +# wrong constant name line +# wrong constant name line= +# wrong constant name type +# wrong constant name type= +# wrong constant name value +# wrong constant name value= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name from_file +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name build +# wrong constant name requests_to_deps +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name === +# wrong constant name =~ +# wrong constant name _tilde_requirements +# wrong constant name as_list +# wrong constant name concat +# wrong constant name encode_with +# wrong constant name exact? +# wrong constant name for_lockfile +# wrong constant name init_with +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name marshal_dump +# wrong constant name marshal_load +# wrong constant name none? +# wrong constant name prerelease? +# wrong constant name requirements +# wrong constant name satisfied_by? +# wrong constant name specific? +# wrong constant name to_yaml_properties +# wrong constant name yaml_initialize +# wrong constant name create +# wrong constant name default +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name source_set +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name activation_request +# wrong constant name development +# wrong constant name development= +# wrong constant name development_shallow +# wrong constant name development_shallow= +# wrong constant name explain +# wrong constant name explain_list +# wrong constant name find_possible +# wrong constant name ignore_dependencies +# wrong constant name ignore_dependencies= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name missing +# wrong constant name requests +# wrong constant name resolve +# wrong constant name select_local_platforms +# wrong constant name skip_gems +# wrong constant name skip_gems= +# wrong constant name soft_missing +# wrong constant name soft_missing= +# wrong constant name stats +# wrong constant name dep_uri +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name prefetch_now +# wrong constant name source +# wrong constant name uri +# wrong constant name versions +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name development? +# wrong constant name download +# wrong constant name full_name +# wrong constant name full_spec +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name installed? +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name others_possible? +# wrong constant name parent +# wrong constant name request +# wrong constant name spec +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name pick_sets +# wrong constant name replace_failed_api_set +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name prerelease= +# wrong constant name remote= +# wrong constant name sets +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name activated +# wrong constant name conflicting_dependencies +# wrong constant name dependency +# wrong constant name explain +# wrong constant name explanation +# wrong constant name failed_dep +# wrong constant name for_spec? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name request_path +# wrong constant name requester +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name dependency +# wrong constant name development? +# wrong constant name explicit? +# wrong constant name implicit? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name match? +# wrong constant name matches_spec? +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name request_context +# wrong constant name requester +# wrong constant name requirement +# wrong constant name type +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_git_gem +# wrong constant name add_git_spec +# wrong constant name need_submodules +# wrong constant name repositories +# wrong constant name root_dir +# wrong constant name root_dir= +# wrong constant name specs +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name add_dependency +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_always_install +# wrong constant name add_local +# wrong constant name always_install +# wrong constant name consider_local? +# wrong constant name consider_remote? +# wrong constant name ignore_dependencies +# wrong constant name ignore_dependencies= +# wrong constant name ignore_installed +# wrong constant name ignore_installed= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name load_spec +# wrong constant name local? +# wrong constant name prerelease= +# wrong constant name remote= +# wrong constant name remote_set +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name load_spec +# wrong constant name specs +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_dependency +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name sources +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name dependencies +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name activated +# wrong constant name conflicts +# wrong constant name depth +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name possibilities +# wrong constant name requirement +# wrong constant name requirements +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name allow_missing? +# wrong constant name dependencies_for +# wrong constant name name_for +# wrong constant name name_for_explicit_dependency_source +# wrong constant name name_for_locking_dependency_source +# wrong constant name requirement_satisfied_by? +# wrong constant name search_for +# wrong constant name sort_dependencies +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Elem +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_child_vertex +# wrong constant name add_edge +# wrong constant name add_vertex +# wrong constant name delete_edge +# wrong constant name detach_vertex_named +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name log +# wrong constant name rewind_to +# wrong constant name root_vertex_named +# wrong constant name set_payload +# wrong constant name tag +# wrong constant name to_dot +# wrong constant name tsort_each_child +# wrong constant name vertex_named +# wrong constant name vertices +# wrong constant name down +# wrong constant name next +# wrong constant name next= +# wrong constant name previous +# wrong constant name previous= +# wrong constant name up +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name action_name +# wrong constant name destination +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name make_edge +# wrong constant name origin +# wrong constant name requirement +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name payload +# wrong constant name root +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name destination_name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name make_edge +# wrong constant name origin_name +# wrong constant name requirement +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Edge::Elem +# wrong constant name destination +# wrong constant name destination= +# wrong constant name origin +# wrong constant name origin= +# wrong constant name requirement +# wrong constant name requirement= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name add_edge_no_circular +# wrong constant name add_vertex +# wrong constant name delete_edge +# wrong constant name detach_vertex_named +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name pop! +# wrong constant name reverse_each +# wrong constant name rewind_to +# wrong constant name set_payload +# wrong constant name tag +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Log::Elem +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name payload +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name down +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name tag +# wrong constant name up +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name ancestor? +# wrong constant name descendent? +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name explicit_requirements +# wrong constant name incoming_edges +# wrong constant name incoming_edges= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name is_reachable_from? +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name name= +# wrong constant name outgoing_edges +# wrong constant name outgoing_edges= +# wrong constant name path_to? +# wrong constant name payload +# wrong constant name payload= +# wrong constant name predecessors +# wrong constant name recursive_predecessors +# wrong constant name recursive_successors +# wrong constant name requirements +# wrong constant name root +# wrong constant name root= +# wrong constant name root? +# wrong constant name shallow_eql? +# wrong constant name successors +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name tsort +# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyState::Elem +# wrong constant name pop_possibility_state +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name dependency +# wrong constant name dependency= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name required_by +# wrong constant name required_by= +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::PossibilityState::Elem +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::ResolutionState::Elem +# wrong constant name activated +# wrong constant name activated= +# wrong constant name conflicts +# wrong constant name conflicts= +# wrong constant name depth +# wrong constant name depth= +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name name= +# wrong constant name possibilities +# wrong constant name possibilities= +# wrong constant name requirement +# wrong constant name requirement= +# wrong constant name requirements +# wrong constant name requirements= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name empty +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name resolve +# wrong constant name resolver_ui +# wrong constant name specification_provider +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name base +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name iteration_rate= +# wrong constant name original_requested +# wrong constant name resolve +# wrong constant name resolver_ui +# wrong constant name specification_provider +# wrong constant name started_at= +# wrong constant name states= +# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Resolver::Resolution::Conflict::Elem +# wrong constant name activated_by_name +# wrong constant name activated_by_name= +# wrong constant name existing +# wrong constant name existing= +# wrong constant name locked_requirement +# wrong constant name locked_requirement= +# wrong constant name possibility +# wrong constant name possibility= +# wrong constant name requirement +# wrong constant name requirement= +# wrong constant name requirement_trees +# wrong constant name requirement_trees= +# wrong constant name requirements +# wrong constant name requirements= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name allow_missing? +# wrong constant name dependencies_for +# wrong constant name name_for +# wrong constant name name_for_explicit_dependency_source +# wrong constant name name_for_locking_dependency_source +# wrong constant name requirement_satisfied_by? +# wrong constant name search_for +# wrong constant name sort_dependencies +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name after_resolution +# wrong constant name before_resolution +# wrong constant name debug +# wrong constant name debug? +# wrong constant name indicate_progress +# wrong constant name output +# wrong constant name progress_rate +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name conflicts +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::RequirementList::Elem +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name next5 +# wrong constant name remove +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name errors +# wrong constant name errors= +# wrong constant name find_all +# wrong constant name prefetch +# wrong constant name prerelease +# wrong constant name prerelease= +# wrong constant name remote +# wrong constant name remote= +# wrong constant name remote? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_source_gem +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name dependencies +# wrong constant name download +# wrong constant name fetch_development_dependencies +# wrong constant name full_name +# wrong constant name install +# wrong constant name installable_platform? +# wrong constant name local? +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name platform +# wrong constant name set +# wrong constant name source +# wrong constant name spec +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name backtracking! +# wrong constant name display +# wrong constant name iteration! +# wrong constant name record_depth +# wrong constant name record_requirements +# wrong constant name requirement! +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_vendor_gem +# wrong constant name load_spec +# wrong constant name specs +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name compose_sets +# wrong constant name for_current_gems +# wrong constant name suggestion +# wrong constant name suggestion= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name digest +# wrong constant name hexdigest +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name check_cert +# wrong constant name check_chain +# wrong constant name check_data +# wrong constant name check_key +# wrong constant name check_root +# wrong constant name check_trust +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name only_signed +# wrong constant name only_signed= +# wrong constant name only_trusted +# wrong constant name only_trusted= +# wrong constant name subject +# wrong constant name verify +# wrong constant name verify_chain +# wrong constant name verify_chain= +# wrong constant name verify_data +# wrong constant name verify_data= +# wrong constant name verify_root +# wrong constant name verify_root= +# wrong constant name verify_signatures +# wrong constant name verify_signer +# wrong constant name verify_signer= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name cert_chain +# wrong constant name cert_chain= +# wrong constant name digest_algorithm +# wrong constant name digest_name +# wrong constant name extract_name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name key +# wrong constant name key= +# wrong constant name load_cert_chain +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name re_sign_key +# wrong constant name sign +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name re_sign_cert +# wrong constant name cert_path +# wrong constant name dir +# wrong constant name each_certificate +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name issuer_of +# wrong constant name load_certificate +# wrong constant name name_path +# wrong constant name trust_cert +# wrong constant name verify +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name alt_name_or_x509_entry +# wrong constant name create_cert +# wrong constant name create_cert_email +# wrong constant name create_cert_self_signed +# wrong constant name create_key +# wrong constant name email_to_name +# wrong constant name re_sign +# wrong constant name reset +# wrong constant name sign +# wrong constant name trust_dir +# wrong constant name trusted_certificates +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name <=> +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name cache_dir +# wrong constant name dependency_resolver_set +# wrong constant name download +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name fetch_spec +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name load_specs +# wrong constant name update_cache? +# wrong constant name uri +# uninitialized constant Gem::Source::Git::FILES +# wrong constant name base_dir +# wrong constant name cache +# wrong constant name checkout +# wrong constant name dir_shortref +# wrong constant name download +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name install_dir +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name need_submodules +# wrong constant name reference +# wrong constant name remote +# wrong constant name remote= +# wrong constant name repo_cache_dir +# wrong constant name repository +# wrong constant name rev_parse +# wrong constant name root_dir +# wrong constant name root_dir= +# wrong constant name specs +# wrong constant name uri_hash +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Gem::Source::Installed::FILES +# wrong constant name download +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Gem::Source::Local::FILES +# wrong constant name download +# wrong constant name fetch_spec +# wrong constant name find_gem +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Gem::Source::Lock::FILES +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name wrapped +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Gem::Source::SpecificFile::FILES +# wrong constant name fetch_spec +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name load_specs +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name spec +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Gem::Source::Vendor::FILES +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name error +# wrong constant name exception +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name source +# wrong constant name wordy +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name == +# uninitialized constant Gem::SourceList::Elem +# wrong constant name clear +# wrong constant name delete +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name each_source +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name first +# wrong constant name include? +# wrong constant name replace +# wrong constant name sources +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name to_ary +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name from +# wrong constant name available_specs +# wrong constant name detect +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name latest_specs +# wrong constant name prerelease_specs +# wrong constant name search_for_dependency +# wrong constant name sources +# wrong constant name spec_for_dependency +# wrong constant name specs +# wrong constant name suggest_gems_from_name +# wrong constant name tuples_for +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name fetcher +# wrong constant name fetcher= +# wrong constant name errors +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name <=> +# wrong constant name == +# uninitialized constant Gem::Specification::GENERICS +# uninitialized constant Gem::Specification::GENERIC_CACHE +# wrong constant name _deprecated_default_executable +# wrong constant name _deprecated_default_executable= +# wrong constant name _deprecated_has_rdoc +# wrong constant name _deprecated_has_rdoc= +# wrong constant name _deprecated_has_rdoc? +# wrong constant name _dump +# wrong constant name abbreviate +# wrong constant name activate +# wrong constant name activate_dependencies +# wrong constant name activated +# wrong constant name activated= +# wrong constant name add_bindir +# wrong constant name add_dependency +# wrong constant name add_development_dependency +# wrong constant name add_runtime_dependency +# wrong constant name add_self_to_load_path +# wrong constant name author +# wrong constant name author= +# wrong constant name authors +# wrong constant name authors= +# wrong constant name autorequire +# wrong constant name autorequire= +# wrong constant name bin_dir +# wrong constant name bin_file +# wrong constant name bindir +# wrong constant name bindir= +# wrong constant name build_args +# wrong constant name build_extensions +# wrong constant name build_info_dir +# wrong constant name build_info_file +# wrong constant name cache_dir +# wrong constant name cache_file +# wrong constant name cert_chain +# wrong constant name cert_chain= +# wrong constant name conficts_when_loaded_with? +# wrong constant name conflicts +# wrong constant name date +# wrong constant name date= +# wrong constant name default_executable +# wrong constant name default_executable= +# wrong constant name default_value +# wrong constant name dependencies +# wrong constant name dependent_gems +# wrong constant name dependent_specs +# wrong constant name description +# wrong constant name description= +# wrong constant name development_dependencies +# wrong constant name doc_dir +# wrong constant name email +# wrong constant name email= +# wrong constant name encode_with +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name executable +# wrong constant name executable= +# wrong constant name executables +# wrong constant name executables= +# wrong constant name extensions +# wrong constant name extensions= +# wrong constant name extra_rdoc_files +# wrong constant name extra_rdoc_files= +# wrong constant name file_name +# wrong constant name files +# wrong constant name files= +# wrong constant name for_cache +# wrong constant name git_version +# wrong constant name groups +# wrong constant name has_conflicts? +# wrong constant name has_rdoc +# wrong constant name has_rdoc= +# wrong constant name has_rdoc? +# wrong constant name has_test_suite? +# wrong constant name has_unit_tests? +# wrong constant name homepage +# wrong constant name homepage= +# wrong constant name init_with +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name installed_by_version +# wrong constant name installed_by_version= +# wrong constant name keep_only_files_and_directories +# wrong constant name lib_files +# wrong constant name license +# wrong constant name license= +# wrong constant name licenses +# wrong constant name licenses= +# wrong constant name load_paths +# wrong constant name location +# wrong constant name location= +# wrong constant name mark_version +# wrong constant name metadata +# wrong constant name metadata= +# wrong constant name method_missing +# wrong constant name missing_extensions? +# wrong constant name name= +# wrong constant name name_tuple +# wrong constant name nondevelopment_dependencies +# wrong constant name normalize +# wrong constant name original_name +# wrong constant name original_platform +# wrong constant name original_platform= +# wrong constant name platform= +# wrong constant name post_install_message +# wrong constant name post_install_message= +# wrong constant name raise_if_conflicts +# wrong constant name rdoc_options +# wrong constant name rdoc_options= +# wrong constant name relative_loaded_from +# wrong constant name relative_loaded_from= +# wrong constant name remote +# wrong constant name remote= +# wrong constant name require_path +# wrong constant name require_path= +# wrong constant name require_paths= +# wrong constant name required_ruby_version +# wrong constant name required_ruby_version= +# wrong constant name required_rubygems_version +# wrong constant name required_rubygems_version= +# wrong constant name requirements +# wrong constant name requirements= +# wrong constant name reset_nil_attributes_to_default +# wrong constant name rg_extension_dir +# wrong constant name rg_full_gem_path +# wrong constant name rg_loaded_from +# wrong constant name ri_dir +# wrong constant name rubyforge_project= +# wrong constant name rubygems_version +# wrong constant name rubygems_version= +# wrong constant name runtime_dependencies +# wrong constant name sanitize +# wrong constant name sanitize_string +# wrong constant name satisfies_requirement? +# wrong constant name signing_key +# wrong constant name signing_key= +# wrong constant name sort_obj +# wrong constant name source +# wrong constant name source= +# wrong constant name spec_dir +# wrong constant name spec_file +# wrong constant name spec_name +# wrong constant name specification_version +# wrong constant name specification_version= +# wrong constant name summary +# wrong constant name summary= +# wrong constant name test_file +# wrong constant name test_file= +# wrong constant name test_files +# wrong constant name test_files= +# wrong constant name to_gemfile +# wrong constant name to_ruby +# wrong constant name to_ruby_for_cache +# wrong constant name to_yaml +# wrong constant name traverse +# wrong constant name validate +# wrong constant name validate_dependencies +# wrong constant name validate_metadata +# wrong constant name validate_permissions +# wrong constant name version= +# wrong constant name yaml_initialize +# uninitialized constant Gem::Specification::Elem +# wrong constant name _all +# wrong constant name _clear_load_cache +# wrong constant name _latest_specs +# wrong constant name _load +# wrong constant name _resort! +# wrong constant name add_spec +# wrong constant name add_specs +# wrong constant name all +# wrong constant name all= +# wrong constant name all_names +# wrong constant name array_attributes +# wrong constant name attribute_names +# wrong constant name dirs +# wrong constant name dirs= +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name each_gemspec +# wrong constant name each_spec +# wrong constant name find_active_stub_by_path +# wrong constant name find_all_by_full_name +# wrong constant name find_all_by_name +# wrong constant name find_by_name +# wrong constant name find_by_path +# wrong constant name find_in_unresolved +# wrong constant name find_in_unresolved_tree +# wrong constant name find_inactive_by_path +# wrong constant name from_yaml +# wrong constant name latest_specs +# wrong constant name load +# wrong constant name load_defaults +# wrong constant name non_nil_attributes +# wrong constant name normalize_yaml_input +# wrong constant name outdated +# wrong constant name outdated_and_latest_version +# wrong constant name remove_spec +# wrong constant name required_attribute? +# wrong constant name required_attributes +# wrong constant name reset +# wrong constant name stubs +# wrong constant name stubs_for +# wrong constant name unresolved_deps +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name packaging +# wrong constant name packaging= +# wrong constant name validate +# wrong constant name validate_dependencies +# wrong constant name validate_metadata +# wrong constant name validate_permissions +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name _deprecated_debug +# wrong constant name _gets_noecho +# wrong constant name alert +# wrong constant name alert_error +# wrong constant name alert_warning +# wrong constant name ask +# wrong constant name ask_for_password +# wrong constant name ask_yes_no +# wrong constant name backtrace +# wrong constant name choose_from_list +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name debug +# wrong constant name download_reporter +# wrong constant name errs +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name ins +# wrong constant name outs +# wrong constant name progress_reporter +# wrong constant name require_io_console +# wrong constant name say +# wrong constant name terminate_interaction +# wrong constant name tty? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name build_extensions +# wrong constant name extensions +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name missing_extensions? +# wrong constant name valid? +# wrong constant name extensions +# wrong constant name full_name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name platform +# wrong constant name require_paths +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name default_gemspec_stub +# wrong constant name gemspec_stub +# wrong constant name exit_code +# wrong constant name exit_code= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name clean_text +# wrong constant name format_text +# wrong constant name levenshtein_distance +# wrong constant name min3 +# wrong constant name truncate_text +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name spec +# wrong constant name spec= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name dependency +# wrong constant name errors +# wrong constant name errors= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name escape +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name normalize +# wrong constant name unescape +# wrong constant name uri +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name alert +# wrong constant name alert_error +# wrong constant name alert_warning +# wrong constant name ask +# wrong constant name ask_for_password +# wrong constant name ask_yes_no +# wrong constant name choose_from_list +# wrong constant name say +# wrong constant name terminate_interaction +# wrong constant name verbose +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name glob_files_in_dir +# wrong constant name gunzip +# wrong constant name gzip +# wrong constant name inflate +# wrong constant name popen +# wrong constant name silent_system +# wrong constant name traverse_parents +# wrong constant name <=> +# wrong constant name _segments +# wrong constant name _split_segments +# wrong constant name _version +# wrong constant name approximate_recommendation +# wrong constant name bump +# wrong constant name canonical_segments +# wrong constant name encode_with +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name init_with +# wrong constant name marshal_dump +# wrong constant name marshal_load +# wrong constant name prerelease? +# wrong constant name release +# wrong constant name segments +# wrong constant name to_yaml_properties +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name yaml_initialize +# wrong constant name correct? +# wrong constant name create +# wrong constant name new +# undefined singleton method `bin_path$1' for `Gem' +# wrong constant name _deprecated_detect_gemdeps +# wrong constant name _deprecated_gunzip +# wrong constant name _deprecated_gzip +# wrong constant name _deprecated_inflate +# wrong constant name activate_bin_path +# wrong constant name bin_path$1 +# wrong constant name default_ext_dir_for +# wrong constant name default_gems_use_full_paths? +# wrong constant name default_spec_cache_dir +# wrong constant name deflate +# wrong constant name detect_gemdeps +# wrong constant name dir +# wrong constant name done_installing +# wrong constant name done_installing_hooks +# wrong constant name ensure_default_gem_subdirectories +# wrong constant name ensure_gem_subdirectories +# wrong constant name ensure_subdirectories +# wrong constant name env_requirement +# wrong constant name extension_api_version +# wrong constant name find_files +# wrong constant name find_files_from_load_path +# wrong constant name find_latest_files +# wrong constant name find_unresolved_default_spec +# wrong constant name finish_resolve +# wrong constant name gemdeps +# wrong constant name gunzip +# wrong constant name gzip +# wrong constant name host +# wrong constant name host= +# wrong constant name inflate +# wrong constant name install +# wrong constant name install_extension_in_lib +# wrong constant name latest_rubygems_version +# wrong constant name latest_spec_for +# wrong constant name latest_version_for +# wrong constant name load_env_plugins +# wrong constant name load_path_insert_index +# wrong constant name load_plugin_files +# wrong constant name load_plugins +# wrong constant name load_yaml +# wrong constant name loaded_specs +# wrong constant name location_of_caller +# wrong constant name marshal_version +# wrong constant name needs +# wrong constant name operating_system_defaults +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name path_separator +# wrong constant name paths +# wrong constant name paths= +# wrong constant name platform_defaults +# wrong constant name platforms +# wrong constant name platforms= +# wrong constant name post_build +# wrong constant name post_build_hooks +# wrong constant name post_install +# wrong constant name post_install_hooks +# wrong constant name post_reset +# wrong constant name post_reset_hooks +# wrong constant name post_uninstall +# wrong constant name post_uninstall_hooks +# wrong constant name pre_install +# wrong constant name pre_install_hooks +# wrong constant name pre_reset +# wrong constant name pre_reset_hooks +# wrong constant name pre_uninstall +# wrong constant name pre_uninstall_hooks +# wrong constant name prefix +# wrong constant name read_binary +# wrong constant name refresh +# wrong constant name register_default_spec +# wrong constant name remove_unresolved_default_spec +# wrong constant name ruby +# wrong constant name ruby_api_version +# wrong constant name ruby_engine +# wrong constant name ruby_version +# wrong constant name rubygems_version +# wrong constant name sources +# wrong constant name sources= +# wrong constant name spec_cache_dir +# wrong constant name suffix_pattern +# wrong constant name suffixes +# wrong constant name time +# wrong constant name try_activate +# wrong constant name ui +# wrong constant name use_gemdeps +# wrong constant name use_paths +# wrong constant name user_dir +# wrong constant name user_home +# wrong constant name vendor_dir +# wrong constant name win_platform? +# wrong constant name write_binary +# wrong constant name toolkit_version +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant HTTP::Cookie::Scanner::Id +# uninitialized constant HTTP::Cookie::Scanner::Version +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name parse_cookie_date +# wrong constant name scan_cookie +# wrong constant name scan_dquoted +# wrong constant name scan_name +# wrong constant name scan_name_value +# wrong constant name scan_set_cookie +# wrong constant name scan_value +# wrong constant name skip_wsp +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name quote +# wrong constant name << +# no implicit conversion of nil into String +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name cleanup +# wrong constant name clear +# wrong constant name cookies +# wrong constant name delete +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name load +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name save +# wrong constant name store +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name const_missing +# undefined method `default$2' for class `Hash' +# undefined method `fetch$2' for class `Hash' +# undefined method `initialize$2' for class `Hash' +# Did you mean? initialize +# undefined method `merge$2' for class `Hash' +# wrong constant name < +# wrong constant name <= +# wrong constant name > +# wrong constant name >= +# wrong constant name compact +# wrong constant name compact! +# wrong constant name default$2 +# wrong constant name default_proc +# wrong constant name default_proc= +# wrong constant name dig +# wrong constant name fetch$2 +# wrong constant name fetch_values +# wrong constant name filter! +# wrong constant name flatten +# wrong constant name index +# wrong constant name initialize$2 +# wrong constant name merge$2 +# wrong constant name merge! +# wrong constant name replace +# wrong constant name slice +# wrong constant name to_h +# wrong constant name to_proc +# wrong constant name transform_keys +# wrong constant name transform_keys! +# wrong constant name transform_values +# wrong constant name transform_values! +# wrong constant name update +# wrong constant name try_convert +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name _fetch +# wrong constant name cache_key +# wrong constant name fetch +# wrong constant name translate +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name load_file +# wrong constant name normalized_path +# wrong constant name path_roots +# wrong constant name path_roots= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name lookup +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant I18n::Backend::Chain::DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHAR +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant I18n::Backend::Chain::Implementation::DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHAR +# wrong constant name available_locales +# wrong constant name backends +# wrong constant name backends= +# wrong constant name eager_load! +# wrong constant name exists? +# wrong constant name init_translations +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name initialized? +# wrong constant name localize +# wrong constant name namespace_lookup? +# wrong constant name reload! +# wrong constant name store_translations +# wrong constant name translate +# wrong constant name translations +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name exists? +# wrong constant name extract_non_symbol_default! +# wrong constant name translate +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name escape_default_separator +# wrong constant name find_link +# wrong constant name flatten_keys +# wrong constant name flatten_translations +# wrong constant name links +# wrong constant name normalize_flat_keys +# wrong constant name resolve_link +# wrong constant name store_link +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name escape_default_separator +# wrong constant name normalize_flat_keys +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name load_po +# wrong constant name normalize +# wrong constant name normalize_pluralization +# wrong constant name parse +# uninitialized constant I18n::Backend::Gettext::PoData::Elem +# uninitialized constant I18n::Backend::Gettext::PoData::K +# uninitialized constant I18n::Backend::Gettext::PoData::V +# wrong constant name set_comment +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name compile_all_strings_in +# wrong constant name interpolate +# wrong constant name store_translations +# wrong constant name compile_if_an_interpolation +# wrong constant name compile_interpolation_token +# wrong constant name compiled_interpolation_body +# wrong constant name direct_key +# wrong constant name escape_key_sym +# wrong constant name escape_plain_str +# wrong constant name handle_interpolation_token +# wrong constant name interpolate_key +# wrong constant name interpolate_or_raise_missing +# wrong constant name interpolated_str? +# wrong constant name missing_key +# wrong constant name nil_key +# wrong constant name reserved_key +# wrong constant name tokenize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant I18n::Backend::KeyValue::DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHAR +# uninitialized constant I18n::Backend::KeyValue::FLATTEN_SEPARATOR +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant I18n::Backend::KeyValue::SEPARATOR_ESCAPE_CHAR +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant I18n::Backend::KeyValue::Implementation::DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHAR +# uninitialized constant I18n::Backend::KeyValue::Implementation::FLATTEN_SEPARATOR +# uninitialized constant I18n::Backend::KeyValue::Implementation::SEPARATOR_ESCAPE_CHAR +# wrong constant name available_locales +# wrong constant name init_translations +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name initialized? +# wrong constant name lookup +# wrong constant name pluralize +# wrong constant name store +# wrong constant name store= +# wrong constant name store_translations +# wrong constant name subtrees? +# wrong constant name translations +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name has_key? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name instance_of? +# wrong constant name is_a? +# wrong constant name kind_of? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name available_locales +# wrong constant name eager_load! +# wrong constant name lookup +# wrong constant name memoized_lookup +# wrong constant name reload! +# wrong constant name reset_memoizations! +# wrong constant name store_translations +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name interpolate +# wrong constant name pluralize +# wrong constant name translate +# wrong constant name with_metadata +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name included +# wrong constant name pluralize +# wrong constant name pluralizer +# wrong constant name pluralizers +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant I18n::Gettext::Helpers::N_ +# wrong constant name _ +# wrong constant name gettext +# wrong constant name n_ +# wrong constant name ngettext +# wrong constant name np_ +# wrong constant name npgettext +# wrong constant name ns_ +# wrong constant name nsgettext +# wrong constant name p_ +# wrong constant name pgettext +# wrong constant name s_ +# wrong constant name sgettext +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name extract_scope +# wrong constant name plural_keys +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant I18n::Locale::Fallbacks::Elem +# uninitialized constant I18n::Locale::Fallbacks::K +# uninitialized constant I18n::Locale::Fallbacks::V +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name compute +# wrong constant name defaults +# wrong constant name defaults= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name map +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name parent +# wrong constant name parents +# wrong constant name self_and_parents +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_sym +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name match +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name parser +# wrong constant name parser= +# wrong constant name tag +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name subtags +# wrong constant name tag +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name to_sym +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name tag +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name implementation +# wrong constant name implementation= +# wrong constant name tag +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name included +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name cache_key_digest +# wrong constant name cache_key_digest= +# wrong constant name cache_namespace +# wrong constant name cache_namespace= +# wrong constant name cache_store +# wrong constant name cache_store= +# wrong constant name fallbacks +# wrong constant name fallbacks= +# wrong constant name perform_caching? +# undefined method `advise$1' for class `IO' +# undefined method `each$2' for class `IO' +# undefined method `each_line$2' for class `IO' +# undefined method `fcntl$1' for class `IO' +# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `IO' +# Did you mean? initialize +# undefined method `ioctl$1' for class `IO' +# undefined method `lines$2' for class `IO' +# undefined method `read$1' for class `IO' +# Did you mean? read +# undefined method `read_nonblock$2' for class `IO' +# undefined method `readpartial$2' for class `IO' +# undefined method `reopen$2' for class `IO' +# undefined method `seek$1' for class `IO' +# undefined method `set_encoding$2' for class `IO' +# undefined method `sysread$1' for class `IO' +# undefined method `sysseek$1' for class `IO' +# undefined method `write$1' for class `IO' +# Did you mean? write +# wrong constant name advise$1 +# wrong constant name each$2 +# wrong constant name each_line$2 +# wrong constant name external_encoding +# wrong constant name fcntl$1 +# wrong constant name initialize$1 +# wrong constant name ioctl$1 +# wrong constant name lines$2 +# wrong constant name nonblock +# wrong constant name nonblock= +# wrong constant name nonblock? +# wrong constant name nread +# wrong constant name pathconf +# wrong constant name pread +# wrong constant name pwrite +# wrong constant name read$1 +# wrong constant name read_nonblock$2 +# wrong constant name readpartial$2 +# wrong constant name ready? +# wrong constant name reopen$2 +# wrong constant name seek$1 +# wrong constant name set_encoding$2 +# wrong constant name sysread$1 +# wrong constant name sysseek$1 +# wrong constant name wait +# wrong constant name wait_readable +# wrong constant name wait_writable +# wrong constant name write$1 +# wrong constant name write_nonblock +# undefined singleton method `binread$1' for `IO' +# undefined singleton method `binwrite$1' for `IO' +# undefined singleton method `copy_stream$1' for `IO' +# undefined singleton method `for_fd$1' for `IO' +# undefined singleton method `read$1' for `IO' +# undefined singleton method `sysopen$1' for `IO' +# undefined singleton method `write$1' for `IO' +# wrong constant name binread$1 +# wrong constant name binwrite$1 +# wrong constant name copy_stream$1 +# wrong constant name for_fd$1 +# wrong constant name foreach +# wrong constant name open +# wrong constant name pipe +# wrong constant name read$1 +# wrong constant name sysopen$1 +# wrong constant name write$1 +# wrong constant name & +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name <=> +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name === +# wrong constant name >> +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name family +# wrong constant name hton +# wrong constant name include? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name ip6_arpa +# wrong constant name ip6_int +# wrong constant name ipv4? +# wrong constant name ipv4_compat +# wrong constant name ipv4_compat? +# wrong constant name ipv4_mapped +# wrong constant name ipv4_mapped? +# wrong constant name ipv6? +# wrong constant name link_local? +# wrong constant name loopback? +# wrong constant name mask +# wrong constant name mask! +# wrong constant name native +# wrong constant name prefix +# wrong constant name prefix= +# wrong constant name private? +# wrong constant name reverse +# wrong constant name set +# wrong constant name succ +# wrong constant name to_i +# wrong constant name to_range +# wrong constant name to_string +# wrong constant name | +# wrong constant name ~ +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name new_ntoh +# wrong constant name ntop +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name __exit__ +# wrong constant name __inspect__ +# wrong constant name __to_s__ +# wrong constant name ap_name +# wrong constant name ap_name= +# wrong constant name auto_indent_mode +# wrong constant name auto_indent_mode= +# wrong constant name back_trace_limit +# wrong constant name back_trace_limit= +# wrong constant name debug? +# wrong constant name debug_level +# wrong constant name debug_level= +# wrong constant name echo +# wrong constant name echo= +# wrong constant name echo? +# wrong constant name eval_history= +# wrong constant name evaluate +# wrong constant name exit +# wrong constant name file_input? +# wrong constant name ignore_eof +# wrong constant name ignore_eof= +# wrong constant name ignore_eof? +# wrong constant name ignore_sigint +# wrong constant name ignore_sigint= +# wrong constant name ignore_sigint? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name inspect? +# wrong constant name inspect_last_value +# wrong constant name inspect_mode +# wrong constant name inspect_mode= +# wrong constant name io +# wrong constant name io= +# wrong constant name irb +# wrong constant name irb= +# wrong constant name irb_name +# wrong constant name irb_name= +# wrong constant name irb_path +# wrong constant name irb_path= +# wrong constant name last_value +# wrong constant name load_modules +# wrong constant name load_modules= +# wrong constant name main +# wrong constant name prompt_c +# wrong constant name prompt_c= +# wrong constant name prompt_i +# wrong constant name prompt_i= +# wrong constant name prompt_mode +# wrong constant name prompt_mode= +# wrong constant name prompt_n +# wrong constant name prompt_n= +# wrong constant name prompt_s +# wrong constant name prompt_s= +# wrong constant name prompting? +# wrong constant name rc +# wrong constant name rc= +# wrong constant name rc? +# wrong constant name return_format +# wrong constant name return_format= +# wrong constant name save_history= +# wrong constant name set_last_value +# wrong constant name thread +# wrong constant name use_loader= +# wrong constant name use_readline +# wrong constant name use_readline= +# wrong constant name use_readline? +# wrong constant name use_tracer= +# wrong constant name verbose +# wrong constant name verbose= +# wrong constant name verbose? +# wrong constant name workspace +# wrong constant name workspace= +# wrong constant name workspace_home +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name def_extend_command +# wrong constant name install_extend_commands +# uninitialized constant IRB::DefaultEncodings::Elem +# wrong constant name external +# wrong constant name external= +# wrong constant name internal +# wrong constant name internal= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name install_alias_method +# wrong constant name irb +# wrong constant name irb_change_workspace +# wrong constant name irb_context +# wrong constant name irb_current_working_workspace +# wrong constant name irb_exit +# wrong constant name irb_fg +# wrong constant name irb_help +# wrong constant name irb_jobs +# wrong constant name irb_kill +# wrong constant name irb_load +# wrong constant name irb_pop_workspace +# wrong constant name irb_push_workspace +# wrong constant name irb_require +# wrong constant name irb_source +# wrong constant name irb_workspaces +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name def_extend_command +# wrong constant name extend_object +# wrong constant name install_extend_commands +# wrong constant name irb_original_method_name +# wrong constant name encoding +# wrong constant name eof? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name file_name +# wrong constant name gets +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name prompt +# wrong constant name prompt= +# wrong constant name readable_after_eof? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name init +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name inspect_value +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name def_inspector +# wrong constant name keys_with_inspector +# wrong constant name context +# wrong constant name eval_input +# wrong constant name handle_exception +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name output_value +# wrong constant name prompt +# wrong constant name run +# wrong constant name scanner +# wrong constant name scanner= +# wrong constant name signal_handle +# wrong constant name signal_status +# wrong constant name suspend_context +# wrong constant name suspend_input_method +# wrong constant name suspend_name +# wrong constant name suspend_workspace +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant IRB::Locale::String +# wrong constant name encoding +# wrong constant name find +# wrong constant name format +# wrong constant name gets +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name lang +# wrong constant name load +# wrong constant name modifier +# wrong constant name print +# wrong constant name printf +# wrong constant name puts +# wrong constant name readline +# wrong constant name require +# wrong constant name territory +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name def_post_proc +# wrong constant name def_pre_proc +# wrong constant name new_alias_name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant IRB::Notifier::Fail +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant IRB::Notifier::Raise +# wrong constant name exec_if +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name notify? +# wrong constant name ppx +# wrong constant name prefix +# wrong constant name print +# wrong constant name printf +# wrong constant name printn +# wrong constant name puts +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name def_notifier +# wrong constant name level +# wrong constant name level= +# wrong constant name level_notifier +# wrong constant name level_notifier= +# wrong constant name notifiers +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name <=> +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name level +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name def_notifier +# wrong constant name included +# uninitialized constant IRB::OutputMethod::Fail +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant IRB::OutputMethod::Raise +# wrong constant name parse_printf_format +# wrong constant name ppx +# wrong constant name print +# wrong constant name printf +# wrong constant name printn +# wrong constant name puts +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name included +# uninitialized constant IRB::ReadlineInputMethod::FILENAME_COMPLETION_PROC +# uninitialized constant IRB::ReadlineInputMethod::HISTORY +# uninitialized constant IRB::ReadlineInputMethod::USERNAME_COMPLETION_PROC +# uninitialized constant IRB::ReadlineInputMethod::VERSION +# wrong constant name encoding +# wrong constant name eof? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name line +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant IRB::SLex::Fail +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant IRB::SLex::Raise +# wrong constant name create +# wrong constant name def_rule +# wrong constant name def_rules +# wrong constant name match +# wrong constant name postproc +# wrong constant name preproc +# wrong constant name search +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name create_subnode +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name match +# wrong constant name match_io +# wrong constant name postproc +# wrong constant name postproc= +# wrong constant name preproc +# wrong constant name preproc= +# wrong constant name search +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name included +# wrong constant name encoding +# wrong constant name eof? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name line +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name code_around_binding +# wrong constant name evaluate +# wrong constant name filter_backtrace +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name local_variable_get +# wrong constant name local_variable_set +# wrong constant name main +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant IRB::CurrentContext +# wrong constant name conf +# wrong constant name default_src_encoding +# wrong constant name delete_caller +# wrong constant name init_config +# wrong constant name init_error +# wrong constant name irb_abort +# wrong constant name irb_at_exit +# wrong constant name irb_exit +# wrong constant name load_modules +# wrong constant name parse_opts +# wrong constant name rc_file +# wrong constant name rc_file_generators +# wrong constant name run_config +# wrong constant name setup +# wrong constant name start +# wrong constant name version +# undefined method `chr$2' for class `Integer' +# undefined method `inspect$1' for class `Integer' +# Did you mean? inspect +# undefined method `rationalize$2' for class `Integer' +# Did you mean? Rational +# uninitialized constant Integer::EXABYTE +# uninitialized constant Integer::GIGABYTE +# uninitialized constant Integer::KILOBYTE +# uninitialized constant Integer::MEGABYTE +# uninitialized constant Integer::PETABYTE +# uninitialized constant Integer::TERABYTE +# wrong constant name allbits? +# wrong constant name anybits? +# wrong constant name chr$2 +# wrong constant name digits +# wrong constant name inspect$1 +# wrong constant name nobits? +# wrong constant name pow +# wrong constant name rationalize$2 +# wrong constant name to_bn +# wrong constant name to_d +# wrong constant name sqrt +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_json +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_json +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_json +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_json +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_json +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_json +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_json +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_json +# wrong constant name to_json_raw +# wrong constant name to_json_raw_object +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_json +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name allow_nan? +# wrong constant name array_nl +# wrong constant name array_nl= +# wrong constant name ascii_only? +# wrong constant name buffer_initial_length +# wrong constant name buffer_initial_length= +# wrong constant name check_circular? +# wrong constant name configure +# wrong constant name depth +# wrong constant name depth= +# wrong constant name generate +# wrong constant name indent +# wrong constant name indent= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name max_nesting +# wrong constant name max_nesting= +# wrong constant name merge +# wrong constant name object_nl +# wrong constant name object_nl= +# wrong constant name space +# wrong constant name space= +# wrong constant name space_before +# wrong constant name space_before= +# wrong constant name to_h +# wrong constant name to_hash +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name from_state +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name source +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant JSON::Schema::DateFormat::TYPE_CLASS_MAPPINGS +# uninitialized constant JSON::Schema::DateTimeFormat::TYPE_CLASS_MAPPINGS +# uninitialized constant JSON::Schema::TimeFormat::TYPE_CLASS_MAPPINGS +# undefined singleton method `dump$1' for `JSON' +# undefined singleton method `generate$1' for `JSON' +# undefined singleton method `pretty_generate$1' for `JSON' +# wrong constant name dump$1 +# wrong constant name generate$1 +# wrong constant name pretty_generate$1 +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name jasmine2? +# wrong constant name jasmine_boot_file +# wrong constant name jasmine_css_files +# wrong constant name jasmine_js_files +# wrong constant name +# undefined method `clone$1' for module `Kernel' +# Did you mean? clone +# undefined method `define_singleton_method$2' for module `Kernel' +# Did you mean? define_singleton_method +# undefined method `display$1' for module `Kernel' +# Did you mean? display +# undefined method `enum_for$2' for module `Kernel' +# Did you mean? enum_for +# undefined method `exit$2' for module `Kernel' +# Did you mean? exit +# exit! +# undefined method `extend$1' for module `Kernel' +# Did you mean? extend +# extended +# undefined method `methods$1' for module `Kernel' +# Did you mean? methods +# method +# method +# undefined method `private_methods$1' for module `Kernel' +# Did you mean? private_methods +# undefined method `protected_methods$1' for module `Kernel' +# Did you mean? protected_methods +# undefined method `public_methods$1' for module `Kernel' +# Did you mean? public_methods +# public_method +# undefined method `public_send$1' for module `Kernel' +# Did you mean? public_send +# undefined method `send$2' for module `Kernel' +# Did you mean? send +# undefined method `singleton_methods$1' for module `Kernel' +# Did you mean? singleton_methods +# singleton_method +# undefined method `to_enum$2' for module `Kernel' +# Did you mean? to_enum +# wrong constant name class +# wrong constant name clone$1 +# wrong constant name define_singleton_method$2 +# wrong constant name display$1 +# wrong constant name enum_for$2 +# wrong constant name exit$2 +# wrong constant name extend$1 +# wrong constant name gem +# wrong constant name itself +# wrong constant name methods$1 +# wrong constant name object_id +# wrong constant name pretty_inspect +# wrong constant name private_methods$1 +# wrong constant name protected_methods$1 +# wrong constant name public_methods$1 +# wrong constant name public_send$1 +# wrong constant name respond_to? +# wrong constant name send$2 +# wrong constant name singleton_methods$1 +# wrong constant name then +# wrong constant name to_enum$2 +# wrong constant name yield_self +# wrong constant name ` +# wrong constant name at_exit +# wrong constant name load +# wrong constant name require +# wrong constant name key +# wrong constant name receiver +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::ALT_SEPARATOR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::APPEND +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::BINARY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::CREAT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::DSYNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::EXCL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::FNM_CASEFOLD +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::FNM_DOTMATCH +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::FNM_EXTGLOB +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::FNM_NOESCAPE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::FNM_PATHNAME +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::FNM_SHORTNAME +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::FNM_SYSCASE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::LOCK_EX +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::LOCK_NB +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::LOCK_SH +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::LOCK_UN +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::NOCTTY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::NOFOLLOW +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::NONBLOCK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::NULL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::PATH_SEPARATOR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::RDONLY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::RDWR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::SEEK_CUR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::SEEK_DATA +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::SEEK_END +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::SEEK_HOLE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::SEEK_SET +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::SEPARATOR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::SHARE_DELETE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::SYNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::Separator +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::TRUNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::File::WRONLY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::APPEND +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::BINARY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::CREAT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::DSYNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::EXCL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::FNM_CASEFOLD +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::FNM_DOTMATCH +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::FNM_EXTGLOB +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::FNM_NOESCAPE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::FNM_PATHNAME +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::FNM_SHORTNAME +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::FNM_SYSCASE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::LOCK_EX +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::LOCK_NB +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::LOCK_SH +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::LOCK_UN +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::NOCTTY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::NOFOLLOW +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::NONBLOCK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::NULL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::RDONLY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::RDWR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::SEEK_CUR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::SEEK_DATA +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::SEEK_END +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::SEEK_HOLE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::SEEK_SET +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::SHARE_DELETE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::SYNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::TRUNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Pipe::WRONLY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_APPLETALK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_CCITT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_CHAOS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_CNT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_COIP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_DATAKIT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_DLI +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_E164 +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_ECMA +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_HYLINK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_IMPLINK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_INET +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_INET6 +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_IPX +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_ISDN +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_ISO +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_LAT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_LINK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_LOCAL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_MAX +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_NATM +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_NDRV +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_NETBIOS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_NS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_OSI +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_PPP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_PUP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_ROUTE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_SIP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_SNA +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_SYSTEM +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_UNIX +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AF_UNSPEC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AI_ADDRCONFIG +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AI_ALL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AI_CANONNAME +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AI_DEFAULT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AI_MASK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AI_NUMERICHOST +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AI_NUMERICSERV +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AI_PASSIVE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AI_V4MAPPED +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::AI_V4MAPPED_CFG +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::APPEND +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::BINARY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::CREAT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::DSYNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_ADDRFAMILY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_AGAIN +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_BADFLAGS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_BADHINTS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_FAIL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_FAMILY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_MAX +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_MEMORY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_NODATA +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_NONAME +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_OVERFLOW +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_PROTOCOL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_SERVICE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_SOCKTYPE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EAI_SYSTEM +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::EXCL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::FNM_CASEFOLD +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::FNM_DOTMATCH +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::FNM_EXTGLOB +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::FNM_NOESCAPE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::FNM_PATHNAME +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::FNM_SHORTNAME +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::FNM_SYSCASE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_ALLMULTI +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_ALTPHYS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_BROADCAST +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_DEBUG +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_LINK0 +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_LINK1 +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_LINK2 +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_LOOPBACK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_MULTICAST +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_NOARP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_NOTRAILERS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_OACTIVE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_POINTOPOINT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_PROMISC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_RUNNING +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_SIMPLEX +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFF_UP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IFNAMSIZ +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IF_NAMESIZE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::INADDR_ALLHOSTS_GROUP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::INADDR_ANY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::INADDR_BROADCAST +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::INADDR_LOOPBACK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::INADDR_MAX_LOCAL_GROUP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::INADDR_NONE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::INADDR_UNSPEC_GROUP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::INET6_ADDRSTRLEN +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::INET_ADDRSTRLEN +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPORT_RESERVED +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPORT_USERRESERVED +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_AH +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_DSTOPTS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_EGP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_EON +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_ESP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_FRAGMENT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_GGP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_HELLO +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_HOPOPTS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_ICMP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_ICMPV6 +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_IDP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_IGMP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_IP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_IPV6 +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_MAX +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_ND +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_NONE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_PUP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_RAW +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_ROUTING +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_TCP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_TP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_UDP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPPROTO_XTP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_CHECKSUM +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_DONTFRAG +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_DSTOPTS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_HOPLIMIT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_HOPOPTS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_JOIN_GROUP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_MULTICAST_IF +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_NEXTHOP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_PATHMTU +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_PKTINFO +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_RECVPATHMTU +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_RECVPKTINFO +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_RECVRTHDR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_RECVTCLASS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_RTHDR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0 +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_TCLASS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IPV6_V6ONLY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_BLOCK_SOURCE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_HDRINCL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_IPSEC_POLICY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_MSFILTER +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_MULTICAST_IF +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_MULTICAST_LOOP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_MULTICAST_TTL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_PKTINFO +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_PORTRANGE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_RECVDSTADDR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_RECVIF +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_RECVOPTS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_RECVRETOPTS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_RECVTOS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_RECVTTL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_RETOPTS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_TOS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_TTL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::LOCAL_PEERCRED +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::LOCK_EX +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::LOCK_NB +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::LOCK_SH +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::LOCK_UN +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MCAST_EXCLUDE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MCAST_INCLUDE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MCAST_JOIN_GROUP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MSG_CTRUNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MSG_DONTROUTE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MSG_DONTWAIT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MSG_EOF +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MSG_EOR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MSG_FLUSH +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MSG_HAVEMORE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MSG_HOLD +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MSG_OOB +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MSG_PEEK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MSG_RCVMORE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MSG_SEND +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MSG_TRUNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::MSG_WAITALL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::NI_DGRAM +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::NI_MAXHOST +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::NI_MAXSERV +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::NI_NAMEREQD +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::NI_NOFQDN +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::NI_NUMERICHOST +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::NI_NUMERICSERV +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::NOCTTY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::NOFOLLOW +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::NONBLOCK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::NULL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_APPLETALK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_CCITT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_CHAOS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_CNT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_COIP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_DATAKIT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_DLI +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_ECMA +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_HYLINK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_IMPLINK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_INET +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_INET6 +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_IPX +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_ISDN +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_ISO +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_KEY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_LAT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_LINK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_LOCAL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_MAX +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_NATM +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_NDRV +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_NETBIOS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_NS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_OSI +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_PIP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_PPP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_PUP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_ROUTE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_RTIP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_SIP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_SNA +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_SYSTEM +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_UNIX +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_UNSPEC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::PF_XTP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::RDONLY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::RDWR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SCM_CREDS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SCM_RIGHTS +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SCM_TIMESTAMP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SEEK_CUR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SEEK_DATA +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SEEK_END +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SEEK_HOLE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SEEK_SET +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SHARE_DELETE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SHUT_RD +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SHUT_RDWR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SHUT_WR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SOCK_DGRAM +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SOCK_RAW +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SOCK_RDM +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SOCK_SEQPACKET +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SOCK_STREAM +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SOL_SOCKET +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SOMAXCONN +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_ACCEPTCONN +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_BROADCAST +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_DEBUG +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_DONTROUTE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_DONTTRUNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_ERROR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_KEEPALIVE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_LINGER +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_NKE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_NOSIGPIPE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_NREAD +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_OOBINLINE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_RCVBUF +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_RCVLOWAT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_RCVTIMEO +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_REUSEADDR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_REUSEPORT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_SNDBUF +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_SNDLOWAT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_SNDTIMEO +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_TIMESTAMP +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_TYPE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_USELOOPBACK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_WANTMORE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SO_WANTOOBFLAG +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::SYNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::TCP_FASTOPEN +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::TCP_KEEPCNT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::TCP_KEEPINTVL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::TCP_MAXSEG +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::TCP_NODELAY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::TCP_NOOPT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::TCP_NOPUSH +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::TRUNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::Socket::WRONLY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::APPEND +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::BINARY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::CREAT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::DSYNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::EXCL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::FNM_CASEFOLD +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::FNM_DOTMATCH +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::FNM_EXTGLOB +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::FNM_NOESCAPE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::FNM_PATHNAME +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::FNM_SHORTNAME +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::FNM_SYSCASE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::LOCK_EX +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::LOCK_NB +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::LOCK_SH +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::LOCK_UN +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::NOCTTY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::NOFOLLOW +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::NONBLOCK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::NULL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::RDONLY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::RDWR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::SEEK_CUR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::SEEK_DATA +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::SEEK_END +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::SEEK_HOLE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::SEEK_SET +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::SHARE_DELETE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::SYNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::TRUNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::TCPSocket::WRONLY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::APPEND +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::BINARY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::CREAT +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::DSYNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::EXCL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::FNM_CASEFOLD +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::FNM_DOTMATCH +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::FNM_EXTGLOB +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::FNM_NOESCAPE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::FNM_PATHNAME +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::FNM_SHORTNAME +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::FNM_SYSCASE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::LOCK_EX +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::LOCK_NB +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::LOCK_SH +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::LOCK_UN +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::NOCTTY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::NOFOLLOW +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::NONBLOCK +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::NULL +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::RDONLY +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::RDWR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::SEEK_CUR +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::SEEK_DATA +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::SEEK_END +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::SEEK_HOLE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::SEEK_SET +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::SHARE_DELETE +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::SYNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::TRUNC +# uninitialized constant Kgio::UNIXSocket::WRONLY +# wrong constant name apply_template_after? +# wrong constant name apply_template_before? +# wrong constant name basic_generate_id +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name data +# wrong constant name extract_code_language +# wrong constant name extract_code_language! +# wrong constant name format_math +# wrong constant name generate_id +# wrong constant name highlight_code +# wrong constant name in_toc? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name output_header_level +# wrong constant name root +# wrong constant name smart_quote_entity +# wrong constant name warning +# wrong constant name warnings +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name apply_template +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name get_template +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::HashAST::SMART_QUOTE_INDICES +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::ESCAPE_ALL_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::ESCAPE_ATTRIBUTE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::ESCAPE_MAP +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::ESCAPE_RE_FROM_TYPE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::ESCAPE_TEXT_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_ATTRIBUTE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_BLOCK_ELEMENTS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_COMMENT_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_BLOCK +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_RAW +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_SPAN +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_DOCTYPE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_ELEMENT +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_BODY +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_ENTITY_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_INSTRUCTION_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_SPAN_ELEMENTS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_TAG_CLOSE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::HTML_TAG_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Html::SMART_QUOTE_INDICES +# wrong constant name add_syntax_highlighter_to_class_attr +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name convert_a +# wrong constant name convert_abbreviation +# wrong constant name convert_blank +# wrong constant name convert_blockquote +# wrong constant name convert_br +# wrong constant name convert_codeblock +# wrong constant name convert_codespan +# wrong constant name convert_comment +# wrong constant name convert_dd +# wrong constant name convert_dl +# wrong constant name convert_dt +# wrong constant name convert_em +# wrong constant name convert_entity +# wrong constant name convert_footnote +# wrong constant name convert_header +# wrong constant name convert_hr +# wrong constant name convert_html_element +# wrong constant name convert_img +# wrong constant name convert_li +# wrong constant name convert_math +# wrong constant name convert_ol +# wrong constant name convert_p +# wrong constant name convert_raw +# wrong constant name convert_root +# wrong constant name convert_smart_quote +# wrong constant name convert_standalone_image +# wrong constant name convert_strong +# wrong constant name convert_table +# wrong constant name convert_tbody +# wrong constant name convert_td +# wrong constant name convert_text +# wrong constant name convert_tfoot +# wrong constant name convert_thead +# wrong constant name convert_tr +# wrong constant name convert_typographic_sym +# wrong constant name convert_ul +# wrong constant name convert_xml_comment +# wrong constant name convert_xml_pi +# wrong constant name fix_for_toc_entry +# wrong constant name footnote_content +# wrong constant name format_as_block_html +# wrong constant name format_as_indented_block_html +# wrong constant name format_as_span_html +# wrong constant name generate_toc_tree +# wrong constant name indent +# wrong constant name indent= +# wrong constant name inner +# wrong constant name obfuscate +# wrong constant name remove_footnotes +# wrong constant name unwrap_links +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Kramdown::ESCAPE_ALL_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Kramdown::ESCAPE_ATTRIBUTE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Kramdown::ESCAPE_MAP +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Kramdown::ESCAPE_RE_FROM_TYPE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Kramdown::ESCAPE_TEXT_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Kramdown::SMART_QUOTE_INDICES +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name convert_a +# wrong constant name convert_abbreviation +# wrong constant name convert_blank +# wrong constant name convert_blockquote +# wrong constant name convert_br +# wrong constant name convert_codeblock +# wrong constant name convert_codespan +# wrong constant name convert_comment +# wrong constant name convert_dd +# wrong constant name convert_dl +# wrong constant name convert_dt +# wrong constant name convert_em +# wrong constant name convert_entity +# wrong constant name convert_footnote +# wrong constant name convert_header +# wrong constant name convert_hr +# wrong constant name convert_html_element +# wrong constant name convert_img +# wrong constant name convert_li +# wrong constant name convert_math +# wrong constant name convert_ol +# wrong constant name convert_p +# wrong constant name convert_raw +# wrong constant name convert_root +# wrong constant name convert_smart_quote +# wrong constant name convert_strong +# wrong constant name convert_table +# wrong constant name convert_tbody +# wrong constant name convert_td +# wrong constant name convert_text +# wrong constant name convert_tfoot +# wrong constant name convert_thead +# wrong constant name convert_tr +# wrong constant name convert_typographic_sym +# wrong constant name convert_ul +# wrong constant name convert_xml_comment +# wrong constant name convert_xml_pi +# wrong constant name create_abbrev_defs +# wrong constant name create_footnote_defs +# wrong constant name create_link_defs +# wrong constant name ial_for_element +# wrong constant name inner +# wrong constant name parse_title +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Latex::SMART_QUOTE_INDICES +# wrong constant name attribute_list +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name convert_a +# wrong constant name convert_abbreviation +# wrong constant name convert_blank +# wrong constant name convert_blockquote +# wrong constant name convert_br +# wrong constant name convert_codeblock +# wrong constant name convert_codespan +# wrong constant name convert_comment +# wrong constant name convert_dd +# wrong constant name convert_dl +# wrong constant name convert_dt +# wrong constant name convert_em +# wrong constant name convert_entity +# wrong constant name convert_footnote +# wrong constant name convert_header +# wrong constant name convert_hr +# wrong constant name convert_html_element +# wrong constant name convert_img +# wrong constant name convert_li +# wrong constant name convert_math +# wrong constant name convert_ol +# wrong constant name convert_p +# wrong constant name convert_raw +# wrong constant name convert_root +# wrong constant name convert_smart_quote +# wrong constant name convert_standalone_image +# wrong constant name convert_strong +# wrong constant name convert_table +# wrong constant name convert_tbody +# wrong constant name convert_td +# wrong constant name convert_text +# wrong constant name convert_tfoot +# wrong constant name convert_thead +# wrong constant name convert_tr +# wrong constant name convert_typographic_sym +# wrong constant name convert_ul +# wrong constant name convert_xml_comment +# wrong constant name convert_xml_pi +# wrong constant name entity_to_latex +# wrong constant name escape +# wrong constant name inner +# wrong constant name latex_environment +# wrong constant name latex_link_target +# wrong constant name normalize_abbreviation_key +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Man::SMART_QUOTE_INDICES +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::RemoveHtmlTags::SMART_QUOTE_INDICES +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Converter::Toc::SMART_QUOTE_INDICES +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name adapt_source +# wrong constant name add_text +# wrong constant name extract_string +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name root +# wrong constant name source +# wrong constant name warning +# wrong constant name warnings +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::HTML_ATTRIBUTE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::HTML_BLOCK_ELEMENTS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::HTML_COMMENT_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_BLOCK +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_RAW +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_SPAN +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::HTML_DOCTYPE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::HTML_ELEMENT +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::HTML_ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_BODY +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::HTML_ENTITY_RE +# uninitialized constant 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Kramdown::Parser::Html::ElementConverter::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_RAW +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::ElementConverter::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_SPAN +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::ElementConverter::HTML_DOCTYPE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::ElementConverter::HTML_ELEMENT +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::ElementConverter::HTML_ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_BODY +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::ElementConverter::HTML_ENTITY_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::ElementConverter::HTML_INSTRUCTION_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::ElementConverter::HTML_SPAN_ELEMENTS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::ElementConverter::HTML_TAG_CLOSE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::ElementConverter::HTML_TAG_RE +# wrong constant name convert_a +# wrong constant name convert_b +# wrong constant name convert_code +# wrong constant name convert_em +# wrong constant name convert_h1 +# wrong constant name convert_h2 +# wrong constant name convert_h3 +# wrong constant name convert_h4 +# wrong constant name convert_h5 +# wrong constant name convert_h6 +# wrong constant name convert_i +# wrong constant name convert_pre +# wrong constant name convert_script +# wrong constant name convert_strong +# wrong constant name convert_table +# wrong constant name convert_textarea +# wrong constant name extract_text +# wrong constant name handle_math_tag +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name is_math_tag? +# wrong constant name is_simple_table? +# wrong constant name process +# wrong constant name process_children +# wrong constant name process_html_element +# wrong constant name process_text +# wrong constant name remove_text_children +# wrong constant name remove_whitespace_children +# wrong constant name set_basics +# wrong constant name strip_whitespace +# wrong constant name wrap_text_children +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name convert +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_ATTRIBUTE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_BLOCK_ELEMENTS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_COMMENT_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_BLOCK +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_RAW +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_SPAN +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_DOCTYPE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_ELEMENT +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_BODY +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_ENTITY_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_INSTRUCTION_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_SPAN_ELEMENTS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_TAG_CLOSE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser::HTML_TAG_RE +# wrong constant name handle_html_start_tag +# wrong constant name handle_raw_html_tag +# wrong constant name parse_html_attributes +# wrong constant name parse_raw_html +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_ATTRIBUTE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_BLOCK_ELEMENTS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_COMMENT_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_BLOCK +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_RAW +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_SPAN +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_DOCTYPE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_ELEMENT +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_BODY +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_ENTITY_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_INSTRUCTION_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_RAW_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_SPAN_ELEMENTS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_TAG_CLOSE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::HTML_TAG_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::VERSION +# wrong constant name add_header +# wrong constant name add_link +# wrong constant name after_block_boundary? +# wrong constant name before_block_boundary? +# wrong constant name configure_parser +# wrong constant name correct_abbreviations_attributes +# wrong constant name handle_extension +# wrong constant name handle_kramdown_html_tag +# wrong constant name new_block_el +# wrong constant name normalize_link_id +# wrong constant name paragraph_end +# wrong constant name parse_abbrev_definition +# wrong constant name parse_attribute_list +# wrong constant name parse_atx_header +# wrong constant name parse_autolink +# wrong constant name parse_blank_line +# wrong constant name parse_block_extensions +# wrong constant name parse_block_html +# wrong constant name parse_block_math +# wrong constant name parse_blockquote +# wrong constant name parse_blocks +# wrong constant name parse_codeblock +# wrong constant name parse_codeblock_fenced +# wrong constant name parse_codespan +# wrong constant name parse_definition_list +# wrong constant name parse_emphasis +# wrong constant name parse_eob_marker +# wrong constant name parse_escaped_chars +# wrong constant name parse_extension_start_tag +# wrong constant name parse_first_list_line +# wrong constant name parse_footnote_definition +# wrong constant name parse_footnote_marker +# wrong constant name parse_header_contents +# wrong constant name parse_horizontal_rule +# wrong constant name parse_html_entity +# wrong constant name parse_inline_math +# wrong constant name parse_line_break +# wrong constant name parse_link +# wrong constant name parse_link_definition +# wrong constant name parse_list +# wrong constant name parse_paragraph +# wrong constant name parse_setext_header +# wrong constant name parse_smart_quotes +# wrong constant name parse_span_extensions +# wrong constant name parse_span_html +# wrong constant name parse_spans +# wrong constant name parse_table +# wrong constant name parse_typographic_syms +# wrong constant name replace_abbreviations +# wrong constant name reset_env +# wrong constant name restore_env +# wrong constant name save_env +# wrong constant name span_parser_regexps +# wrong constant name update_attr_with_ial +# wrong constant name update_ial_with_ial +# wrong constant name update_link_definitions +# wrong constant name update_raw_text +# wrong constant name update_tree +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::Data::Elem +# wrong constant name method +# wrong constant name method= +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name name= +# wrong constant name span_start +# wrong constant name span_start= +# wrong constant name start_re +# wrong constant name start_re= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name define_parser +# wrong constant name has_parser? +# wrong constant name parser +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::ABBREV_DEFINITION_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::ACHARS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::ALD_ANY_CHARS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::ALD_CLASS_NAME +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::ALD_ID_CHARS +# uninitialized constant 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Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::BLOCK_EXTENSIONS_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::BLOCK_MATH_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::CODEBLOCK_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::CODESPAN_DELIMITER +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::DEFINITION_LIST_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::EMPHASIS_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::EOB_MARKER +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::ESCAPED_CHARS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::EXT_BLOCK_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::EXT_BLOCK_STOP_STR +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::EXT_SPAN_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::EXT_START_STR +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::EXT_STOP_STR +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::FENCED_CODEBLOCK_MATCH +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::FENCED_CODEBLOCK_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::FOOTNOTE_DEFINITION_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::FOOTNOTE_MARKER_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HEADER_ID +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HR_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_ATTRIBUTE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_BLOCK_ELEMENTS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_BLOCK_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_COMMENT_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_BLOCK +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_RAW +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_SPAN +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_DOCTYPE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_ELEMENT +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_BODY +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_ENTITY_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_INSTRUCTION_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_MARKDOWN_ATTR_MAP +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_RAW_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_SPAN_ELEMENTS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_SPAN_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_TAG_CLOSE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::HTML_TAG_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::IAL_BLOCK +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::IAL_BLOCK_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::IAL_CLASS_ATTR +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::INDENT +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::INLINE_MATH_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::LAZY_END_HTML_SPAN_ELEMENTS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::LAZY_END_HTML_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::LAZY_END_HTML_STOP +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::LINE_BREAK +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::LINK_BRACKET_STOP_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::LINK_DEFINITION_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::LINK_INLINE_ID_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::LINK_INLINE_TITLE_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::LINK_PAREN_STOP_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::LINK_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::LIST_ITEM_IAL_CHECK +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::LIST_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::LIST_START_OL +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::LIST_START_UL +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::OPT_SPACE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::PARAGRAPH_MATCH +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::PARAGRAPH_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::PARSE_FIRST_LIST_LINE_REGEXP_CACHE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::SETEXT_HEADER_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::SMART_QUOTES_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::SPAN_EXTENSIONS_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::SQ_CLOSE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::SQ_PUNCT +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::SQ_RULES +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::SQ_SUBSTS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::TABLE_FSEP_LINE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::TABLE_HSEP_ALIGN +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::TABLE_LINE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::TABLE_PIPE_CHECK +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::TABLE_ROW_LINE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::TABLE_SEP_LINE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::TABLE_START +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::TRAILING_WHITESPACE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS_RE +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS_SUBST +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Parser::Markdown::VERSION +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name entity +# wrong constant name entity_to_str +# wrong constant name escape_html +# wrong constant name html_attributes +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Utils::StringScanner::Id +# uninitialized constant Kramdown::Utils::StringScanner::Version +# wrong constant name current_line_number +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name pos= +# wrong constant name revert_pos +# wrong constant name save_pos +# wrong constant name start_line_number +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name exit_value +# wrong constant name reason +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::BLACK +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::BLUE +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::BOLD +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::CLEAR +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::CYAN +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::GREEN +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::MAGENTA +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::RED +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::WHITE +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::YELLOW +# wrong constant name process_action +# wrong constant name redirect_to +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::MailerLogSubscriber::BLACK +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::MailerLogSubscriber::BLUE +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::MailerLogSubscriber::BOLD +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::MailerLogSubscriber::CLEAR +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::MailerLogSubscriber::CYAN +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::MailerLogSubscriber::GREEN +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::MailerLogSubscriber::MAGENTA +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::MailerLogSubscriber::RED +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::MailerLogSubscriber::WHITE +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::ActiveSupport::MailerLogSubscriber::YELLOW +# wrong constant name deliver +# wrong constant name process +# wrong constant name receive +# uninitialized constant LogStasher::Railtie::ABSTRACT_RAILTIES +# uninitialized constant Logger::LogDevice::SiD +# uninitialized constant MIME::Types::Elem +# undefined singleton method `dump$2' for `Marshal' +# undefined singleton method `load$1' for `Marshal' +# wrong constant name dump$2 +# wrong constant name load$1 +# wrong constant name restore +# undefined method `[]$2' for class `MatchData' +# wrong constant name []$2 +# wrong constant name named_captures +# undefined singleton method `log$1' for `Math' +# wrong constant name log$1 +# uninitialized constant MessagePack +# uninitialized constant MessagePack +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name === +# wrong constant name >> +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name arity +# wrong constant name clone +# wrong constant name curry +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name original_name +# wrong constant name owner +# wrong constant name parameters +# wrong constant name receiver +# wrong constant name super_method +# wrong constant name unbind +# uninitialized constant Minitest::Test::E +# uninitialized constant Minitest::Test::SIGNALS +# uninitialized constant Minitest::Test::UNDEFINED +# undefined method `class_eval$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? class_eval +# undefined method `class_variables$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? class_variables +# class_variable_set +# class_variable_get +# undefined method `const_defined?$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? const_defined? +# undefined method `const_get$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? const_get +# const_set +# undefined method `constants$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? constants +# undefined method `define_method$2' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? define_method +# undefined method `instance_methods$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? instance_methods +# instance_method +# undefined method `method_defined?$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? method_defined? +# method_undefined +# undefined method `module_eval$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? module_eval +# undefined method `private_instance_methods$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? private_instance_methods +# undefined method `private_method_defined?$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? private_method_defined? +# undefined method `protected_instance_methods$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? protected_instance_methods +# undefined method `protected_method_defined?$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? protected_method_defined? +# undefined method `public_instance_methods$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? public_instance_methods +# public_instance_method +# undefined method `public_method_defined?$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? public_method_defined? +# undefined method `remove_method$1' for class `Module' +# Did you mean? remove_method +# wrong constant name class_eval$1 +# wrong constant name class_variables$1 +# wrong constant name const_defined?$1 +# wrong constant name const_get$1 +# wrong constant name constants$1 +# wrong constant name define_method$2 +# wrong constant name deprecate_constant +# wrong constant name instance_methods$1 +# wrong constant name method_defined?$1 +# wrong constant name module_eval$1 +# wrong constant name private_instance_methods$1 +# wrong constant name private_method_defined?$1 +# wrong constant name protected_instance_methods$1 +# wrong constant name protected_method_defined?$1 +# wrong constant name public_instance_methods$1 +# wrong constant name public_method_defined?$1 +# wrong constant name remove_method$1 +# wrong constant name undef_method +# wrong constant name used_modules +# wrong constant name enter +# wrong constant name exit +# wrong constant name try_enter +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name mon_enter +# wrong constant name mon_exit +# wrong constant name mon_locked? +# wrong constant name mon_owned? +# wrong constant name mon_synchronize +# wrong constant name mon_try_enter +# wrong constant name new_cond +# wrong constant name synchronize +# wrong constant name try_mon_enter +# wrong constant name broadcast +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name signal +# wrong constant name wait +# wrong constant name wait_until +# wrong constant name wait_while +# wrong constant name extend_object +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name receiver +# undefined method `<<$1' for class `Net::BufferedIO' +# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Net::BufferedIO' +# Did you mean? initialize +# undefined method `write$1' for class `Net::BufferedIO' +# wrong constant name <<$1 +# wrong constant name initialize$1 +# wrong constant name write$1 +# wrong constant name write_timeout +# wrong constant name write_timeout= +# uninitialized constant Net::FTP +# uninitialized constant Net::FTP +# uninitialized constant Net::FTPConnectionError +# uninitialized constant Net::FTPConnectionError +# uninitialized constant Net::FTPError +# uninitialized constant Net::FTPError +# uninitialized constant Net::FTPPermError +# uninitialized constant Net::FTPPermError +# uninitialized constant Net::FTPProtoError +# uninitialized constant Net::FTPProtoError +# uninitialized constant Net::FTPReplyError +# uninitialized constant Net::FTPReplyError +# uninitialized constant Net::FTPTempError +# uninitialized constant Net::FTPTempError +# wrong constant name max_retries +# wrong constant name max_retries= +# wrong constant name max_version +# wrong constant name max_version= +# wrong constant name min_version +# wrong constant name min_version= +# wrong constant name write_timeout +# wrong constant name write_timeout= +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTP::DigestAuth +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTP::DigestAuth +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTP::Persistent +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTP::Persistent +# undefined singleton method `new$1' for `Net::HTTP' +# wrong constant name new$1 +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPAlreadyReported::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPAlreadyReported::CODE_TO_OBJ +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPEarlyHints::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPEarlyHints::CODE_TO_OBJ +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name HTTPGatewayTimeOut$1 +# wrong constant name HTTPGatewayTimeOut$1 +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPGatewayTimeout::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPGatewayTimeout::CODE_TO_OBJ +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPLoopDetected::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPLoopDetected::CODE_TO_OBJ +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPMisdirectedRequest::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPMisdirectedRequest::CODE_TO_OBJ +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPNotExtended::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPNotExtended::CODE_TO_OBJ +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPPayloadTooLarge::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPPayloadTooLarge::CODE_TO_OBJ +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPProcessing::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPProcessing::CODE_TO_OBJ +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPRangeNotSatisfiable::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPRangeNotSatisfiable::CODE_TO_OBJ +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge$1 +# wrong constant name HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge$1 +# wrong constant name HTTPRequestTimeOut$1 +# wrong constant name HTTPRequestTimeOut$1 +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPRequestTimeout::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPRequestTimeout::CODE_TO_OBJ +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name HTTPRequestURITooLong$1 +# wrong constant name HTTPRequestURITooLong$1 +# wrong constant name HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable$1 +# wrong constant name HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable$1 +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPURITooLong::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPURITooLong::CODE_TO_OBJ +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ +# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates::CODE_TO_OBJ +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Net::IMAP +# uninitialized constant Net::IMAP +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name io +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTP +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTP +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPAuthenticationError +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPAuthenticationError +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPError +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPError +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPFatalError +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPFatalError +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPServerBusy +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPServerBusy +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPSyntaxError +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPSyntaxError +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPUnknownError +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPUnknownError +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPUnsupportedCommand +# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPUnsupportedCommand +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name io +# wrong constant name +# undefined method `rationalize$1' for class `NilClass' +# Did you mean? Rational +# wrong constant name rationalize$1 +# wrong constant name to_d +# wrong constant name to_i +# wrong constant name args +# wrong constant name private_call? +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::CSS::Parser::Racc_Main_Parsing_Routine +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::CSS::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Core_Id_C +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::CSS::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Core_Revision +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::CSS::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Core_Revision_C +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::CSS::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Core_Revision_R +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::CSS::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Core_Version +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::CSS::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Core_Version_C +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::CSS::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Core_Version_R +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::CSS::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Revision +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::CSS::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Type +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::CSS::Parser::Racc_Runtime_Version +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::CSS::Parser::Racc_YY_Parse_Method +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::ATTRIBUTE_DECL +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::ATTRIBUTE_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::CDATA_SECTION_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::COMMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::DOCB_DOCUMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::DOCUMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::DTD_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::ELEMENT_DECL +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::ELEMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::ENTITY_DECL +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::ENTITY_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::ENTITY_REF_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::LOOKS_LIKE_XPATH +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::NAMESPACE_DECL +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::NOTATION_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::PI_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::TEXT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::XINCLUDE_END +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Document::XINCLUDE_START +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::ATTRIBUTE_DECL +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::ATTRIBUTE_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::CDATA_SECTION_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::COMMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::DOCB_DOCUMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::DOCUMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::DTD_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::ELEMENT_DECL +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::ELEMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::ENTITY_DECL +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::ENTITY_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::ENTITY_REF_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::Elem +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::IMPLIED_XPATH_CONTEXTS +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::LOOKS_LIKE_XPATH +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::NAMESPACE_DECL +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::NOTATION_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::PI_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::TEXT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::XINCLUDE_END +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Element::XINCLUDE_START +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::ATTRIBUTE_DECL +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::ATTRIBUTE_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::CDATA_SECTION_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::COMMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::DOCB_DOCUMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::DOCUMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::DTD_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::ELEMENT_DECL +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::ELEMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::ENTITY_DECL +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::ENTITY_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::ENTITY_REF_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::IMPLIED_XPATH_CONTEXTS +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::LOOKS_LIKE_XPATH +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::NAMESPACE_DECL +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::NOTATION_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::PI_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::TEXT_NODE +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::XINCLUDE_END +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl::XINCLUDE_START +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::Node::LOOKS_LIKE_XPATH +# uninitialized constant Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet::LOOKS_LIKE_XPATH +# undefined method `ceil$2' for class `Numeric' +# undefined method `floor$2' for class `Numeric' +# undefined method `round$1' for class `Numeric' +# undefined method `step$2' for class `Numeric' +# undefined method `truncate$1' for class `Numeric' +# wrong constant name ceil$2 +# wrong constant name finite? +# wrong constant name floor$2 +# wrong constant name infinite? +# wrong constant name negative? +# wrong constant name positive? +# wrong constant name round$1 +# wrong constant name step$2 +# wrong constant name truncate$1 +# uninitialized constant RUBYGEMS_ACTIVATION_MONITOR +# wrong constant name dclone +# wrong constant name to_yaml +# wrong constant name yaml_tag +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name internal_object_id +# wrong constant name type +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name each_key +# wrong constant name each_pair +# wrong constant name each_value +# wrong constant name key? +# wrong constant name keys +# wrong constant name length +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name values +# undefined singleton method `each_object$2' for `ObjectSpace' +# wrong constant name allocation_class_path +# wrong constant name allocation_generation +# wrong constant name allocation_method_id +# wrong constant name allocation_sourcefile +# wrong constant name allocation_sourceline +# wrong constant name count_imemo_objects +# wrong constant name count_nodes +# wrong constant name count_objects +# wrong constant name count_objects_size +# wrong constant name count_symbols +# wrong constant name count_tdata_objects +# wrong constant name define_finalizer +# wrong constant name dump +# wrong constant name dump_all +# wrong constant name each_object$2 +# wrong constant name garbage_collect +# wrong constant name internal_class_of +# wrong constant name internal_super_of +# wrong constant name memsize_of +# wrong constant name memsize_of_all +# wrong constant name reachable_objects_from +# wrong constant name reachable_objects_from_root +# wrong constant name trace_object_allocations +# wrong constant name trace_object_allocations_clear +# wrong constant name trace_object_allocations_debug_start +# wrong constant name trace_object_allocations_start +# wrong constant name trace_object_allocations_stop +# wrong constant name undefine_finalizer +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name indefinite_length +# wrong constant name indefinite_length= +# wrong constant name +@ +# wrong constant name -@ +# wrong constant name / +# wrong constant name negative? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name pbkdf2_hmac +# wrong constant name signed? +# uninitialized constant OpenSSL::PKCS5::PKCS5Error +# uninitialized constant OpenSSL::PKCS5::PKCS5Error +# undefined method `to_bn$1' for class `OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point' +# wrong constant name to_bn$1 +# wrong constant name to_octet_string +# wrong constant name sign_pss +# wrong constant name verify_pss +# wrong constant name add_certificate +# wrong constant name alpn_protocols +# wrong constant name alpn_protocols= +# wrong constant name alpn_select_cb +# wrong constant name alpn_select_cb= +# wrong constant name enable_fallback_scsv +# wrong constant name max_version= +# wrong constant name min_version= +# wrong constant name accept_nonblock +# uninitialized constant OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket::BLOCK_SIZE +# wrong constant name alpn_protocol +# wrong constant name tmp_key +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name to_utf8 +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name to_der +# wrong constant name fips_mode +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name io +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name io +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name uri +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name base_uri +# wrong constant name base_uri= +# wrong constant name charset +# wrong constant name content_encoding +# wrong constant name content_type +# wrong constant name content_type_parse +# wrong constant name last_modified +# wrong constant name meta +# wrong constant name meta_add_field +# wrong constant name meta_add_field2 +# wrong constant name meta_setup_encoding +# wrong constant name metas +# wrong constant name status +# wrong constant name status= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name init +# wrong constant name open +# wrong constant name read +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name check_options +# wrong constant name open_http +# wrong constant name open_loop +# wrong constant name open_uri +# wrong constant name redirectable? +# wrong constant name scan_open_optional_arguments +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name abort +# wrong constant name accept +# wrong constant name add_officious +# wrong constant name banner +# wrong constant name banner= +# wrong constant name base +# wrong constant name candidate +# wrong constant name compsys +# wrong constant name def_head_option +# wrong constant name def_option +# wrong constant name def_tail_option +# wrong constant name default_argv +# wrong constant name default_argv= +# wrong constant name define +# wrong constant name define_head +# wrong constant name define_tail +# wrong constant name environment +# wrong constant name getopts +# wrong constant name help +# wrong constant name inc +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name load +# wrong constant name make_switch +# wrong constant name new +# wrong constant name on +# wrong constant name on_head +# wrong constant name on_tail +# wrong constant name order +# wrong constant name order! +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name parse! +# wrong constant name permute +# wrong constant name permute! +# wrong constant name program_name +# wrong constant name program_name= +# wrong constant name reject +# wrong constant name release +# wrong constant name release= +# wrong constant name remove +# wrong constant name separator +# wrong constant name set_banner +# wrong constant name set_program_name +# wrong constant name set_summary_indent +# wrong constant name set_summary_width +# wrong constant name summarize +# wrong constant name summary_indent +# wrong constant name summary_indent= +# wrong constant name summary_width +# wrong constant name summary_width= +# wrong constant name terminate +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name top +# wrong constant name ver +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name version= +# wrong constant name warn +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name getopts +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name options= +# wrong constant name order! +# wrong constant name parse! +# wrong constant name permute! +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name extend_object +# uninitialized constant OptionParser::CompletingHash::Elem +# uninitialized constant OptionParser::CompletingHash::K +# uninitialized constant OptionParser::CompletingHash::V +# wrong constant name match +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name candidate +# wrong constant name complete +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name candidate +# wrong constant name regexp +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name accept +# wrong constant name add_banner +# wrong constant name append +# wrong constant name atype +# wrong constant name complete +# wrong constant name compsys +# wrong constant name each_option +# wrong constant name list +# wrong constant name long +# wrong constant name prepend +# wrong constant name reject +# wrong constant name search +# wrong constant name short +# wrong constant name summarize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant OptionParser::OptionMap::Elem +# uninitialized constant OptionParser::OptionMap::K +# uninitialized constant OptionParser::OptionMap::V +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name args +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name reason +# wrong constant name reason= +# wrong constant name recover +# wrong constant name set_backtrace +# wrong constant name set_option +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name filter_backtrace +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_banner +# wrong constant name arg +# wrong constant name block +# wrong constant name compsys +# wrong constant name conv +# wrong constant name desc +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name long +# wrong constant name match_nonswitch? +# wrong constant name pattern +# wrong constant name short +# wrong constant name summarize +# wrong constant name switch_name +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name incompatible_argument_styles +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name guess +# wrong constant name incompatible_argument_styles +# wrong constant name pattern +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name accept +# wrong constant name getopts +# wrong constant name inc +# wrong constant name reject +# wrong constant name terminate +# wrong constant name top +# wrong constant name with +# uninitialized constant Opus +# uninitialized constant Opus +# undefined method `basename$1' for class `Pathname' +# undefined method `binread$1' for class `Pathname' +# undefined method `binwrite$1' for class `Pathname' +# undefined method `each_line$2' for class `Pathname' +# undefined method `expand_path$1' for class `Pathname' +# undefined method `find$2' for class `Pathname' +# undefined method `fnmatch$1' for class `Pathname' +# undefined method `mkdir$1' for class `Pathname' +# undefined method `open$2' for class `Pathname' +# Did you mean? open +# undefined method `opendir$2' for class `Pathname' +# undefined method `read$1' for class `Pathname' +# undefined method `realdirpath$1' for class `Pathname' +# undefined method `realpath$1' for class `Pathname' +# undefined method `symlink?$2' for class `Pathname' +# undefined method `sysopen$1' for class `Pathname' +# undefined method `write$1' for class `Pathname' +# wrong constant name basename$1 +# wrong constant name binread$1 +# wrong constant name binwrite$1 +# wrong constant name each_line$2 +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name expand_path$1 +# wrong constant name find$2 +# wrong constant name fnmatch$1 +# wrong constant name fnmatch? +# wrong constant name glob +# wrong constant name make_symlink +# wrong constant name mkdir$1 +# wrong constant name open$2 +# wrong constant name opendir$2 +# wrong constant name read$1 +# wrong constant name realdirpath$1 +# wrong constant name realpath$1 +# wrong constant name symlink?$2 +# wrong constant name sysopen$1 +# wrong constant name write$1 +# undefined singleton method `glob$1' for `Pathname' +# wrong constant name glob$1 +# undefined method `curry$1' for class `Proc' +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name === +# wrong constant name >> +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name clone +# wrong constant name curry$1 +# wrong constant name lambda? +# wrong constant name yield +# uninitialized constant Proc0 +# uninitialized constant Proc0 +# uninitialized constant Proc1 +# uninitialized constant Proc1 +# uninitialized constant Proc10 +# uninitialized constant Proc10 +# uninitialized constant Proc2 +# uninitialized constant Proc2 +# uninitialized constant Proc3 +# uninitialized constant Proc3 +# uninitialized constant Proc4 +# uninitialized constant Proc4 +# uninitialized constant Proc5 +# uninitialized constant Proc5 +# uninitialized constant Proc6 +# uninitialized constant Proc6 +# uninitialized constant Proc7 +# uninitialized constant Proc7 +# uninitialized constant Proc8 +# uninitialized constant Proc8 +# uninitialized constant Proc9 +# uninitialized constant Proc9 +# undefined singleton method `setresgid$1' for `Process::Sys' +# undefined singleton method `setresuid$1' for `Process::Sys' +# wrong constant name getegid +# wrong constant name setresgid$1 +# wrong constant name setresuid$1 +# wrong constant name cstime +# wrong constant name cstime= +# wrong constant name cutime +# wrong constant name cutime= +# wrong constant name stime +# wrong constant name stime= +# wrong constant name utime +# wrong constant name utime= +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# undefined singleton method `clock_getres$1' for `Process' +# undefined singleton method `clock_gettime$1' for `Process' +# undefined singleton method `daemon$1' for `Process' +# undefined singleton method `getsid$1' for `Process' +# undefined singleton method `kill$1' for `Process' +# undefined singleton method `setrlimit$1' for `Process' +# undefined singleton method `wait$1' for `Process' +# undefined singleton method `wait2$1' for `Process' +# undefined singleton method `waitpid$1' for `Process' +# undefined singleton method `waitpid2$1' for `Process' +# wrong constant name clock_getres$1 +# wrong constant name clock_gettime$1 +# wrong constant name daemon$1 +# wrong constant name getsid$1 +# wrong constant name kill$1 +# wrong constant name last_status +# wrong constant name setpgrp +# wrong constant name setrlimit$1 +# wrong constant name wait$1 +# wrong constant name wait2$1 +# wrong constant name waitpid$1 +# wrong constant name waitpid2$1 +# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::COLORS +# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::GemSearch::COLORS +# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::GemSearch::VOID_VALUE +# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::GemStat::COLORS +# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::GemStat::VOID_VALUE +# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Ls::COLORS +# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Ls::VOID_VALUE +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name big_decimal +# wrong constant name complex +# wrong constant name date +# wrong constant name date_time +# wrong constant name exception +# wrong constant name load +# wrong constant name object +# wrong constant name psych_omap +# wrong constant name psych_set +# wrong constant name range +# wrong constant name rational +# wrong constant name regexp +# wrong constant name struct +# wrong constant name symbol +# wrong constant name symbolize +# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::BIG_DECIMAL +# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::CACHE +# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::COMPLEX +# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::DATE +# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::DATE_TIME +# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::EXCEPTION +# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::OBJECT +# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::PSYCH_OMAP +# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::PSYCH_SET +# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::RANGE +# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::RATIONAL +# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::REGEXP +# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::STRUCT +# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::SYMBOL +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name implicit +# wrong constant name implicit= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name map +# wrong constant name map= +# wrong constant name object +# wrong constant name object= +# wrong constant name represent_map +# wrong constant name represent_object +# wrong constant name represent_scalar +# wrong constant name represent_seq +# wrong constant name scalar +# wrong constant name scalar= +# wrong constant name seq +# wrong constant name seq= +# wrong constant name style +# wrong constant name style= +# wrong constant name tag +# wrong constant name tag= +# wrong constant name type +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Emitter::EVENTS +# uninitialized constant Psych::Emitter::OPTIONS +# wrong constant name alias +# wrong constant name canonical +# wrong constant name canonical= +# wrong constant name end_document +# wrong constant name indentation +# wrong constant name indentation= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name line_width +# wrong constant name line_width= +# wrong constant name scalar +# wrong constant name start_document +# wrong constant name start_mapping +# wrong constant name start_sequence +# wrong constant name start_stream +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name alias +# wrong constant name empty +# wrong constant name end_document +# wrong constant name end_mapping +# wrong constant name end_sequence +# wrong constant name end_stream +# wrong constant name event_location +# wrong constant name scalar +# wrong constant name start_document +# wrong constant name start_mapping +# wrong constant name start_sequence +# wrong constant name start_stream +# wrong constant name streaming? +# wrong constant name canonical +# wrong constant name canonical= +# wrong constant name indentation +# wrong constant name indentation= +# wrong constant name line_width +# wrong constant name line_width= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Handlers::DocumentStream::EVENTS +# uninitialized constant Psych::Handlers::DocumentStream::OPTIONS +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name visit_DateTime +# wrong constant name visit_String +# wrong constant name visit_Symbol +# wrong constant name visit_Time +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::Stream::DISPATCH +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::Stream::Emitter::EVENTS +# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::Stream::Emitter::OPTIONS +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::TreeBuilder::EVENTS +# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::TreeBuilder::OPTIONS +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name end_document +# wrong constant name scalar +# wrong constant name start_document +# wrong constant name start_mapping +# wrong constant name start_sequence +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Alias::Elem +# wrong constant name anchor +# wrong constant name anchor= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Document::Elem +# wrong constant name implicit +# wrong constant name implicit= +# wrong constant name implicit_end +# wrong constant name implicit_end= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name root +# wrong constant name tag_directives +# wrong constant name tag_directives= +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name version= +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Mapping::Elem +# wrong constant name anchor +# wrong constant name anchor= +# wrong constant name implicit +# wrong constant name implicit= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name style +# wrong constant name style= +# wrong constant name tag= +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Node::Elem +# wrong constant name alias? +# wrong constant name children +# wrong constant name document? +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name end_column +# wrong constant name end_column= +# wrong constant name end_line +# wrong constant name end_line= +# wrong constant name mapping? +# wrong constant name scalar? +# wrong constant name sequence? +# wrong constant name start_column +# wrong constant name start_column= +# wrong constant name start_line +# wrong constant name start_line= +# wrong constant name stream? +# wrong constant name tag +# wrong constant name to_ruby +# wrong constant name to_yaml +# wrong constant name transform +# wrong constant name yaml +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Scalar::Elem +# wrong constant name anchor +# wrong constant name anchor= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name plain +# wrong constant name plain= +# wrong constant name quoted +# wrong constant name quoted= +# wrong constant name style +# wrong constant name style= +# wrong constant name tag= +# wrong constant name value +# wrong constant name value= +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Sequence::Elem +# wrong constant name anchor +# wrong constant name anchor= +# wrong constant name implicit +# wrong constant name implicit= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name style +# wrong constant name style= +# wrong constant name tag= +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Stream::Elem +# wrong constant name encoding +# wrong constant name encoding= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Omap::Elem +# uninitialized constant Psych::Omap::K +# uninitialized constant Psych::Omap::V +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name external_encoding= +# wrong constant name handler +# wrong constant name handler= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name mark +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name class_loader +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name parse_int +# wrong constant name parse_time +# wrong constant name tokenize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Set::Elem +# uninitialized constant Psych::Set::K +# uninitialized constant Psych::Set::V +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Stream::DISPATCH +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Stream::Emitter::EVENTS +# uninitialized constant Psych::Stream::Emitter::OPTIONS +# wrong constant name end_document +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name start +# wrong constant name new +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name column +# wrong constant name context +# wrong constant name file +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name line +# wrong constant name offset +# wrong constant name problem +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::TreeBuilder::EVENTS +# uninitialized constant Psych::TreeBuilder::OPTIONS +# wrong constant name end_document +# wrong constant name root +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::DepthFirst::DISPATCH +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::Emitter::DISPATCH +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Alias +# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Document +# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping +# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar +# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Sequence +# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Stream +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::JSONTree::DISPATCH +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name create +# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::NoAliasRuby::DISPATCH +# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::NoAliasRuby::SHOVEL +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::ToRuby::DISPATCH +# wrong constant name class_loader +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Alias +# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Document +# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping +# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar +# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Sequence +# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Stream +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name create +# wrong constant name accept +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name << +# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree::DISPATCH +# wrong constant name finish +# wrong constant name finished +# wrong constant name finished? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name push +# wrong constant name start +# wrong constant name started +# wrong constant name started? +# wrong constant name tree +# wrong constant name visit_Array +# wrong constant name visit_BasicObject +# wrong constant name visit_BigDecimal +# wrong constant name visit_Class +# wrong constant name visit_Complex +# wrong constant name visit_Date +# wrong constant name visit_DateTime +# wrong constant name visit_Delegator +# wrong constant name visit_Encoding +# wrong constant name visit_Enumerator +# wrong constant name visit_Exception +# wrong constant name visit_FalseClass +# wrong constant name visit_Float +# wrong constant name visit_Hash +# wrong constant name visit_Integer +# wrong constant name visit_Module +# wrong constant name visit_NameError +# wrong constant name visit_NilClass +# wrong constant name visit_Object +# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Omap +# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Set +# wrong constant name visit_Range +# wrong constant name visit_Rational +# wrong constant name visit_Regexp +# wrong constant name visit_String +# wrong constant name visit_Struct +# wrong constant name visit_Symbol +# wrong constant name visit_Time +# wrong constant name visit_TrueClass +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name create +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_builtin_type +# wrong constant name add_domain_type +# wrong constant name add_tag +# wrong constant name domain_types +# wrong constant name domain_types= +# wrong constant name dump +# wrong constant name dump_stream +# wrong constant name dump_tags +# wrong constant name dump_tags= +# wrong constant name libyaml_version +# wrong constant name load +# wrong constant name load_file +# wrong constant name load_stream +# wrong constant name load_tags +# wrong constant name load_tags= +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name parse_file +# wrong constant name parse_stream +# wrong constant name parser +# wrong constant name remove_type +# wrong constant name safe_load +# wrong constant name to_json +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name binder +# wrong constant name config +# wrong constant name connected_port +# wrong constant name delete_pidfile +# wrong constant name events +# wrong constant name halt +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name phased_restart +# wrong constant name restart +# wrong constant name restart_args +# wrong constant name restart_dir +# wrong constant name run +# wrong constant name stats +# wrong constant name stop +# wrong constant name write_pid +# wrong constant name write_state +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::CGI_VER +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::CHUNKED +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::CHUNK_SIZE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::CLOSE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::CLOSE_CHUNKED +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::CODE_NAME +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::COLON +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::CONNECTION_CLOSE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::CONTENT_LENGTH +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::CONTENT_LENGTH2 +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::CONTENT_LENGTH_S +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::CONTINUE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::EARLY_HINTS +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::ERROR_400_RESPONSE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::ERROR_404_RESPONSE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::ERROR_408_RESPONSE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::ERROR_500_RESPONSE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::ERROR_503_RESPONSE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::FAST_TRACK_KA_TIMEOUT +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::FIRST_DATA_TIMEOUT +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::GATEWAY_INTERFACE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HALT_COMMAND +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HEAD +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HIJACK +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HIJACK_IO +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HIJACK_P +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HTTP +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HTTPS +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HTTPS_KEY +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HTTP_10_200 +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HTTP_11 +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HTTP_11_100 +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HTTP_11_200 +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HTTP_CONNECTION +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HTTP_EXPECT +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HTTP_HOST +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HTTP_VERSION +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::KEEP_ALIVE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::LINE_END +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::LOCALHOST +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::LOCALHOST_ADDR +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::LOCALHOST_IP +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::MAX_BODY +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::MAX_HEADER +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::NEWLINE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::PATH_INFO +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::PERSISTENT_TIMEOUT +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::PORT_443 +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::PORT_80 +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::PUMA_CONFIG +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::PUMA_PEERCERT +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::PUMA_SERVER_STRING +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::PUMA_SOCKET +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::PUMA_TMP_BASE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::PUMA_VERSION +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::QUERY_STRING +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::RACK_AFTER_REPLY +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::RACK_INPUT +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::RACK_URL_SCHEME +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::REMOTE_ADDR +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::REQUEST_METHOD +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::REQUEST_PATH +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::REQUEST_URI +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::RESTART_COMMAND +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::SERVER_NAME +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::SERVER_PORT +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::SERVER_PROTOCOL +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::SERVER_SOFTWARE +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::STOP_COMMAND +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::TRANSFER_ENCODING +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::TRANSFER_ENCODING2 +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::TRANSFER_ENCODING_CHUNKED +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::VERSION +# uninitialized constant Puma::Server::WRITE_TIMEOUT +# wrong constant name add_ssl_listener +# wrong constant name add_tcp_listener +# wrong constant name add_unix_listener +# wrong constant name app +# wrong constant name app= +# wrong constant name auto_trim_time +# wrong constant name auto_trim_time= +# wrong constant name backlog +# wrong constant name begin_restart +# wrong constant name binder +# wrong constant name binder= +# wrong constant name closed_socket? +# wrong constant name connected_port +# wrong constant name cork_socket +# wrong constant name default_server_port +# wrong constant name early_hints +# wrong constant name early_hints= +# wrong constant name events +# wrong constant name first_data_timeout +# wrong constant name first_data_timeout= +# wrong constant name graceful_shutdown +# wrong constant name halt +# wrong constant name handle_check +# wrong constant name handle_request +# wrong constant name handle_servers +# wrong constant name handle_servers_lopez_mode +# wrong constant name inherit_binder +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name leak_stack_on_error +# wrong constant name leak_stack_on_error= +# wrong constant name lowlevel_error +# wrong constant name max_threads +# wrong constant name max_threads= +# wrong constant name min_threads +# wrong constant name min_threads= +# wrong constant name normalize_env +# wrong constant name persistent_timeout +# wrong constant name persistent_timeout= +# wrong constant name pool_capacity +# wrong constant name process_client +# wrong constant name read_body +# wrong constant name reaping_time +# wrong constant name reaping_time= +# wrong constant name run +# wrong constant name run_lopez_mode +# wrong constant name running +# wrong constant name shutting_down? +# wrong constant name stop +# wrong constant name tcp_mode! +# wrong constant name thread +# wrong constant name uncork_socket +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name current +# wrong constant name jruby? +# wrong constant name windows? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant REXML::AttlistDecl::Elem +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name element_name +# wrong constant name include? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name node_type +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# uninitialized constant REXML::Attribute::NAME +# uninitialized constant REXML::Attribute::NAMECHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Attribute::NAMESPLIT +# uninitialized constant REXML::Attribute::NAME_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Attribute::NAME_START_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Attribute::NAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Attribute::NCNAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Attribute::NMTOKEN +# uninitialized constant REXML::Attribute::NMTOKENS +# uninitialized constant REXML::Attribute::REFERENCE +# wrong constant name clone +# wrong constant name doctype +# wrong constant name element +# wrong constant name element= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name namespace +# wrong constant name node_type +# wrong constant name normalized= +# wrong constant name remove +# wrong constant name to_s +# wrong constant name to_string +# wrong constant name value +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name xpath +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name << +# uninitialized constant REXML::Attributes::Elem +# uninitialized constant REXML::Attributes::K +# uninitialized constant REXML::Attributes::V +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name delete +# wrong constant name delete_all +# wrong constant name each_attribute +# wrong constant name get_attribute +# wrong constant name get_attribute_ns +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name namespaces +# wrong constant name prefixes +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant REXML::CData::EREFERENCE +# uninitialized constant REXML::CData::NEEDS_A_SECOND_CHECK +# uninitialized constant REXML::CData::NUMERICENTITY +# uninitialized constant REXML::CData::REFERENCE +# uninitialized constant REXML::CData::SETUTITSBUS +# uninitialized constant REXML::CData::SLAICEPS +# uninitialized constant REXML::CData::SPECIALS +# uninitialized constant REXML::CData::SUBSTITUTES +# uninitialized constant REXML::CData::VALID_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::CData::VALID_XML_CHARS +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name bytes +# wrong constant name document +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name next_sibling +# wrong constant name next_sibling= +# wrong constant name parent +# wrong constant name parent= +# wrong constant name previous_sibling +# wrong constant name previous_sibling= +# wrong constant name remove +# wrong constant name replace_with +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name <=> +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name clone +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name node_type +# wrong constant name string +# wrong constant name string= +# wrong constant name to_s +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name to_s +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant REXML::DocType::Elem +# uninitialized constant REXML::DocType::NAME +# uninitialized constant REXML::DocType::NAMECHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::DocType::NAME_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::DocType::NAME_START_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::DocType::NAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::DocType::NCNAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::DocType::NMTOKEN +# uninitialized constant REXML::DocType::NMTOKENS +# uninitialized constant REXML::DocType::REFERENCE +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name attribute_of +# wrong constant name attributes_of +# wrong constant name clone +# wrong constant name context +# wrong constant name entities +# wrong constant name entity +# wrong constant name external_id +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name namespaces +# wrong constant name node_type +# wrong constant name notation +# wrong constant name notations +# wrong constant name public +# wrong constant name system +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name << +# uninitialized constant REXML::Document::Elem +# uninitialized constant REXML::Document::NAME +# uninitialized constant REXML::Document::NAMECHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Document::NAMESPLIT +# uninitialized constant REXML::Document::NAME_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Document::NAME_START_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Document::NAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Document::NCNAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Document::NMTOKEN +# uninitialized constant REXML::Document::NMTOKENS +# uninitialized constant REXML::Document::REFERENCE +# uninitialized constant REXML::Document::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name add_element +# wrong constant name doctype +# wrong constant name encoding +# wrong constant name entity_expansion_count +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name record_entity_expansion +# wrong constant name stand_alone? +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name xml_decl +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name entity_expansion_limit +# wrong constant name entity_expansion_limit= +# wrong constant name entity_expansion_text_limit +# wrong constant name entity_expansion_text_limit= +# wrong constant name parse_stream +# uninitialized constant REXML::Element::Elem +# uninitialized constant REXML::Element::NAME +# uninitialized constant REXML::Element::NAMECHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Element::NAMESPLIT +# uninitialized constant REXML::Element::NAME_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Element::NAME_START_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Element::NAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Element::NCNAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Element::NMTOKEN +# uninitialized constant REXML::Element::NMTOKENS +# uninitialized constant REXML::Element::REFERENCE +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name add_attribute +# wrong constant name add_attributes +# wrong constant name add_element +# wrong constant name add_namespace +# wrong constant name add_text +# wrong constant name attribute +# wrong constant name attributes +# wrong constant name cdatas +# wrong constant name clone +# wrong constant name comments +# wrong constant name context +# wrong constant name context= +# wrong constant name delete_attribute +# wrong constant name delete_element +# wrong constant name delete_namespace +# wrong constant name each_element +# wrong constant name each_element_with_attribute +# wrong constant name each_element_with_text +# wrong constant name elements +# wrong constant name get_elements +# wrong constant name get_text +# wrong constant name has_attributes? +# wrong constant name has_elements? +# wrong constant name has_text? +# wrong constant name ignore_whitespace_nodes +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name instructions +# wrong constant name namespace +# wrong constant name namespaces +# wrong constant name next_element +# wrong constant name node_type +# wrong constant name prefixes +# wrong constant name previous_element +# wrong constant name raw +# wrong constant name root +# wrong constant name root_node +# wrong constant name text +# wrong constant name text= +# wrong constant name texts +# wrong constant name whitespace +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name xpath +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name << +# uninitialized constant REXML::Elements::Elem +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name collect +# wrong constant name delete +# wrong constant name delete_all +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name index +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name inject +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name decode +# wrong constant name encode +# wrong constant name encoding +# wrong constant name encoding= +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant REXML::Entity::NAME +# uninitialized constant REXML::Entity::NAMECHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Entity::NAME_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Entity::NAME_START_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Entity::NAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Entity::NCNAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Entity::NMTOKEN +# uninitialized constant REXML::Entity::NMTOKENS +# uninitialized constant REXML::Entity::REFERENCE +# wrong constant name external +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name ndata +# wrong constant name normalized +# wrong constant name pubid +# wrong constant name ref +# wrong constant name to_s +# wrong constant name unnormalized +# wrong constant name value +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name to_s +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name write_cdata +# wrong constant name write_comment +# wrong constant name write_document +# wrong constant name write_element +# wrong constant name write_instruction +# wrong constant name write_text +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name compact +# wrong constant name compact= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name width +# wrong constant name width= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name boolean +# wrong constant name ceiling +# wrong constant name compare_language +# wrong constant name concat +# wrong constant name contains +# wrong constant name context= +# wrong constant name count +# wrong constant name false +# wrong constant name floor +# wrong constant name get_namespace +# wrong constant name id +# wrong constant name lang +# wrong constant name last +# wrong constant name local_name +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name namespace_context +# wrong constant name namespace_context= +# wrong constant name namespace_uri +# wrong constant name normalize_space +# wrong constant name not +# wrong constant name number +# wrong constant name position +# wrong constant name processing_instruction +# wrong constant name round +# wrong constant name send +# wrong constant name singleton_method_added +# wrong constant name starts_with +# wrong constant name string +# wrong constant name string_length +# wrong constant name string_value +# wrong constant name substring +# wrong constant name substring_after +# wrong constant name substring_before +# wrong constant name sum +# wrong constant name text +# wrong constant name translate +# wrong constant name true +# wrong constant name variables +# wrong constant name variables= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name clone +# wrong constant name content +# wrong constant name content= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name node_type +# wrong constant name target +# wrong constant name target= +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name =~ +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name children +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name has_name? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name local_name +# wrong constant name local_name= +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name name= +# wrong constant name namespace +# wrong constant name namespace= +# wrong constant name node_type +# wrong constant name parent +# wrong constant name parent= +# wrong constant name prefix +# wrong constant name root +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name text= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant REXML::Namespace::NAME +# uninitialized constant REXML::Namespace::NAMECHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Namespace::NAME_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Namespace::NAME_START_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Namespace::NAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Namespace::NCNAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Namespace::NMTOKEN +# uninitialized constant REXML::Namespace::NMTOKENS +# uninitialized constant REXML::Namespace::REFERENCE +# wrong constant name expanded_name +# wrong constant name fully_expanded_name +# wrong constant name has_name? +# wrong constant name local_name +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name name= +# wrong constant name prefix +# wrong constant name prefix= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name each_recursive +# wrong constant name find_first_recursive +# wrong constant name indent +# wrong constant name index_in_parent +# wrong constant name next_sibling_node +# wrong constant name parent? +# wrong constant name previous_sibling_node +# wrong constant name to_s +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name public +# wrong constant name public= +# wrong constant name system +# wrong constant name system= +# wrong constant name to_s +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name << +# uninitialized constant REXML::Parent::Elem +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name children +# wrong constant name deep_clone +# wrong constant name delete +# wrong constant name delete_at +# wrong constant name delete_if +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name each_child +# wrong constant name each_index +# wrong constant name index +# wrong constant name insert_after +# wrong constant name insert_before +# wrong constant name length +# wrong constant name push +# wrong constant name replace_child +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name unshift +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name context +# wrong constant name continued_exception +# wrong constant name continued_exception= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name line +# wrong constant name parser +# wrong constant name parser= +# wrong constant name position +# wrong constant name source +# wrong constant name source= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_listener +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name entity +# wrong constant name has_next? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name normalize +# wrong constant name peek +# wrong constant name position +# wrong constant name pull +# wrong constant name source +# wrong constant name stream= +# wrong constant name unnormalize +# wrong constant name unshift +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_listener +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_listener +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant REXML::Parsers::XPathParser::NAME +# uninitialized constant REXML::Parsers::XPathParser::NAMECHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Parsers::XPathParser::NAME_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Parsers::XPathParser::NAME_START_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Parsers::XPathParser::NAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Parsers::XPathParser::NCNAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::Parsers::XPathParser::NMTOKEN +# uninitialized constant REXML::Parsers::XPathParser::NMTOKENS +# uninitialized constant REXML::Parsers::XPathParser::REFERENCE +# wrong constant name abbreviate +# wrong constant name expand +# wrong constant name namespaces= +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name predicate +# wrong constant name predicate_to_string +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name entity_expansion_limit +# wrong constant name entity_expansion_limit= +# wrong constant name entity_expansion_text_limit +# wrong constant name entity_expansion_text_limit= +# wrong constant name buffer +# wrong constant name consume +# wrong constant name current_line +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name encoding= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name line +# wrong constant name match +# wrong constant name match_to +# wrong constant name match_to_consume +# wrong constant name position +# wrong constant name read +# wrong constant name scan +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name create_from +# uninitialized constant REXML::SyncEnumerator::Elem +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name length +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name <=> +# wrong constant name clone +# wrong constant name doctype +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name indent_text +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name node_type +# wrong constant name parent= +# wrong constant name raw +# wrong constant name raw= +# wrong constant name to_s +# wrong constant name value +# wrong constant name value= +# wrong constant name wrap +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name write_with_substitution +# wrong constant name xpath +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name check +# wrong constant name expand +# wrong constant name normalize +# wrong constant name read_with_substitution +# wrong constant name unnormalize +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name clone +# wrong constant name dowrite +# wrong constant name encoding= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name node_type +# wrong constant name nowrite +# wrong constant name old_enc= +# wrong constant name stand_alone? +# wrong constant name standalone +# wrong constant name standalone= +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name version= +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name writeencoding +# wrong constant name writethis +# wrong constant name xmldecl +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name default +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant REXML::XPath::INTERNAL_METHODS +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name first +# wrong constant name match +# wrong constant name context +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name position +# wrong constant name raw_node +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant REXML::XPathParser::NAME +# uninitialized constant REXML::XPathParser::NAMECHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::XPathParser::NAME_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::XPathParser::NAME_START_CHAR +# uninitialized constant REXML::XPathParser::NAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::XPathParser::NCNAME_STR +# uninitialized constant REXML::XPathParser::NMTOKEN +# uninitialized constant REXML::XPathParser::NMTOKENS +# uninitialized constant REXML::XPathParser::REFERENCE +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name first +# wrong constant name get_first +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name match +# wrong constant name namespaces= +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name predicate +# wrong constant name variables= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name RSPEC_NAMESPACE$1 +# wrong constant name RSPEC_NAMESPACE$1 +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::NO_REASON_GIVEN +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name persist +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name load_from +# wrong constant name persist +# wrong constant name example_failed +# wrong constant name example_finished +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name start_dump +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name inherited +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name example_group +# wrong constant name example_group= +# wrong constant name example_group_started +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name output +# wrong constant name start +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name dump_failures +# wrong constant name dump_pending +# wrong constant name dump_summary +# wrong constant name message +# wrong constant name seed +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name notify_results +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name example_failed +# wrong constant name example_group_finished +# wrong constant name example_passed +# wrong constant name example_pending +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name message +# wrong constant name output +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name dump_summary +# wrong constant name example_failed +# wrong constant name example_passed +# wrong constant name example_pending +# wrong constant name example_started +# wrong constant name start_dump +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name dump_profile +# wrong constant name dump_profile_slowest_example_groups +# wrong constant name dump_profile_slowest_examples +# wrong constant name dump_summary +# wrong constant name message +# wrong constant name output_hash +# wrong constant name seed +# wrong constant name stop +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name dump_profile +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name output +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name example_failed +# wrong constant name example_passed +# wrong constant name example_pending +# wrong constant name start_dump +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name example_group_finished +# wrong constant name example_group_started +# wrong constant name example_groups +# wrong constant name example_started +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name __shared_context_recordings +# wrong constant name after +# wrong constant name append_after +# wrong constant name append_before +# wrong constant name around +# wrong constant name before +# wrong constant name context +# wrong constant name describe +# wrong constant name hooks +# wrong constant name included +# wrong constant name let +# wrong constant name let! +# wrong constant name prepend_after +# wrong constant name prepend_before +# wrong constant name subject +# wrong constant name subject! +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Core::SharedContext::Recording::Elem +# wrong constant name args +# wrong constant name args= +# wrong constant name block +# wrong constant name block= +# wrong constant name method_name +# wrong constant name method_name= +# wrong constant name playback_onto +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name record +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name body_content_lines +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name method_name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor::BlockLocator::Elem +# wrong constant name beginning_line_number +# wrong constant name beginning_line_number= +# wrong constant name body_content_locations +# wrong constant name method_call_location +# wrong constant name method_name +# wrong constant name method_name= +# wrong constant name source +# wrong constant name source= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor::BlockTokenExtractor::Elem +# wrong constant name beginning_line_number +# wrong constant name beginning_line_number= +# wrong constant name body_tokens +# wrong constant name method_name +# wrong constant name method_name= +# wrong constant name source +# wrong constant name source= +# wrong constant name state +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name try_extracting_single_line_body_of +# wrong constant name aggregate +# wrong constant name block_label +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name failures +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name metadata +# wrong constant name other_errors +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name aggregation_block_label +# wrong constant name aggregation_metadata +# wrong constant name all_exceptions +# wrong constant name exception_count_description +# wrong constant name failures +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name other_errors +# wrong constant name summary +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::All::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name failed_objects +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name matcher +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeAKindOf::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeAnInstanceOf::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeBetween::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name exclusive +# wrong constant name inclusive +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeWithin::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name of +# wrong constant name percent_of +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Change::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name by +# wrong constant name by_at_least +# wrong constant name by_at_most +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name from +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name to +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::ContainExactly::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name actual_to_expected_matched_indexes +# wrong constant name expected_to_actual_matched_indexes +# wrong constant name find_best_solution +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name solution +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name worse_than? +# wrong constant name + +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::ContainExactly::PairingsMaximizer::Solution::Elem +# wrong constant name candidate? +# wrong constant name ideal? +# wrong constant name indeterminate_actual_indexes +# wrong constant name indeterminate_actual_indexes= +# wrong constant name indeterminate_expected_indexes +# wrong constant name indeterminate_expected_indexes= +# wrong constant name unmatched_actual_indexes +# wrong constant name unmatched_actual_indexes= +# wrong constant name unmatched_expected_indexes +# wrong constant name unmatched_expected_indexes= +# wrong constant name unmatched_item_count +# wrong constant name worse_than? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Cover::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::EndWith::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Eq::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Eql::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Equal::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Exist::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name actual_exists? +# wrong constant name valid_test? +# wrong constant name validity_message +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Has::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::HaveAttributes::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name respond_to_failed +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Include::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name expecteds +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Match::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name with_captures +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name __delegate_operator +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name != +# wrong constant name !~ +# wrong constant name < +# wrong constant name <= +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name === +# wrong constant name =~ +# wrong constant name > +# wrong constant name >= +# wrong constant name description +# wrong constant name fail_with_message +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name get +# wrong constant name register +# wrong constant name registry +# wrong constant name unregister +# wrong constant name use_custom_matcher_or_delegate +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Output::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name to_stderr +# wrong constant name to_stderr_from_any_process +# wrong constant name to_stdout +# wrong constant name to_stdout_from_any_process +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name __delegate_operator +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name description +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name expects_call_stack_jump? +# wrong constant name failure_message +# wrong constant name failure_message_when_negated +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name supports_block_expectations? +# wrong constant name with_message +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::RespondTo::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name and_any_keywords +# wrong constant name and_keywords +# wrong constant name and_unlimited_arguments +# wrong constant name argument +# wrong constant name arguments +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name with +# wrong constant name with_any_keywords +# wrong constant name with_keywords +# wrong constant name with_unlimited_arguments +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Satisfy::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::StartOrEndWith::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::StartWith::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name description +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name expects_call_stack_jump? +# wrong constant name failure_message +# wrong constant name failure_message_when_negated +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name supports_block_expectations? +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldControl::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name at_least +# wrong constant name at_most +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name exactly +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name once +# wrong constant name thrice +# wrong constant name times +# wrong constant name twice +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldSuccessiveArgs::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldWithArgs::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldWithNoArgs::UNDEFINED +# wrong constant name does_not_match? +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher::BE_PREDICATE_REGEX +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher::DYNAMIC_MATCHER_REGEX +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher::HAS_REGEX +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Rails::Matchers::HaveHttpStatus::GenericStatus::UNDEFINED +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Rails::SystemExampleGroup::APP_SESSIONS +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Rails::SystemExampleGroup::RESPONSE_PREDICATES +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RSpec::Support::BlockSignature::INFINITY +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name color? +# wrong constant name diff +# wrong constant name diff_as_object +# wrong constant name diff_as_string +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name has_kw_args_in? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name invalid_kw_args_from +# wrong constant name missing_kw_args_from +# wrong constant name non_kw_args_arity_description +# wrong constant name valid_non_kw_args? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name arbitrary_kw_args? +# wrong constant name classify_arity +# wrong constant name classify_parameters +# wrong constant name could_contain_kw_args? +# wrong constant name description +# wrong constant name has_kw_args_in? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name invalid_kw_args_from +# wrong constant name max_non_kw_args +# wrong constant name min_non_kw_args +# wrong constant name missing_kw_args_from +# wrong constant name non_kw_args_arity_description +# wrong constant name optional_kw_args +# wrong constant name required_kw_args +# wrong constant name unlimited_args? +# wrong constant name valid_non_kw_args? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name expect_arbitrary_keywords +# wrong constant name expect_arbitrary_keywords= +# wrong constant name expect_unlimited_arguments +# wrong constant name expect_unlimited_arguments= +# wrong constant name keywords +# wrong constant name keywords= +# wrong constant name max_count +# wrong constant name max_count= +# wrong constant name min_count +# wrong constant name min_count= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name error_message +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name kw_args +# wrong constant name max_non_kw_args +# wrong constant name min_non_kw_args +# wrong constant name non_kw_args +# wrong constant name valid? +# wrong constant name with_expectation +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name realm +# wrong constant name realm= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name params +# wrong constant name parts +# wrong constant name provided? +# wrong constant name request +# wrong constant name scheme +# wrong constant name valid? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# uninitialized constant Rack::Auth::Basic::Request::AUTHORIZATION_KEYS +# wrong constant name basic? +# wrong constant name credentials +# wrong constant name username +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name opaque +# wrong constant name opaque= +# wrong constant name passwords_hashed= +# wrong constant name passwords_hashed? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name digest +# wrong constant name fresh? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name stale? +# wrong constant name valid? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name private_key +# wrong constant name private_key= +# wrong constant name time_limit +# wrong constant name time_limit= +# uninitialized constant Rack::Auth::Digest::Params::Elem +# uninitialized constant Rack::Auth::Digest::Params::K +# uninitialized constant Rack::Auth::Digest::Params::V +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name quote +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name dequote +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name split_header_value +# uninitialized constant Rack::Auth::Digest::Request::AUTHORIZATION_KEYS +# wrong constant name correct_uri? +# wrong constant name digest? +# wrong constant name method +# wrong constant name method_missing +# wrong constant name nonce +# wrong constant name respond_to? +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Rack::Cache::CacheControl::Elem +# uninitialized constant Rack::Cache::CacheControl::K +# uninitialized constant Rack::Cache::CacheControl::V +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name max_age +# wrong constant name must_revalidate? +# wrong constant name no_cache? +# wrong constant name no_store? +# wrong constant name private? +# wrong constant name proxy_revalidate? +# wrong constant name public? +# wrong constant name r_maxage +# wrong constant name reverse_max_age +# wrong constant name s_maxage +# wrong constant name shared_max_age +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name backend +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name call! +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name trace +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name allow_reload +# wrong constant name allow_reload= +# wrong constant name allow_reload? +# wrong constant name allow_revalidate +# wrong constant name allow_revalidate= +# wrong constant name allow_revalidate? +# wrong constant name cache_key +# wrong constant name cache_key= +# wrong constant name cache_key? +# wrong constant name default_ttl +# wrong constant name default_ttl= +# wrong constant name default_ttl? +# wrong constant name entitystore +# wrong constant name entitystore= +# wrong constant name entitystore? +# wrong constant name ignore_headers +# wrong constant name ignore_headers= +# wrong constant name ignore_headers? +# wrong constant name metastore +# wrong constant name metastore= +# wrong constant name metastore? +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name options= +# wrong constant name private_headers +# wrong constant name private_headers= +# wrong constant name private_headers? +# wrong constant name set +# wrong constant name storage +# wrong constant name storage= +# wrong constant name storage? +# wrong constant name use_native_ttl +# wrong constant name use_native_ttl= +# wrong constant name use_native_ttl? +# wrong constant name verbose +# wrong constant name verbose= +# wrong constant name verbose? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name option_accessor +# uninitialized constant Rack::Cache::Request::DEFAULT_PORTS +# uninitialized constant Rack::Cache::Request::FORM_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Rack::Cache::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST +# uninitialized constant Rack::Cache::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT +# uninitialized constant Rack::Cache::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO +# uninitialized constant Rack::Cache::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME +# uninitialized constant Rack::Cache::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL +# uninitialized constant Rack::Cache::Request::PARSEABLE_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Rack::Cache::Request::SCHEME_WHITELIST +# wrong constant name cache_control +# wrong constant name no_cache? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name age +# wrong constant name body +# wrong constant name body= +# wrong constant name cache_control= +# wrong constant name cacheable? +# wrong constant name client_ttl= +# wrong constant name date +# wrong constant name expire! +# wrong constant name expires +# wrong constant name fresh? +# wrong constant name headers +# wrong constant name headers= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name last_modified +# wrong constant name max_age +# wrong constant name max_age= +# wrong constant name must_revalidate? +# wrong constant name not_modified! +# wrong constant name now +# wrong constant name private= +# wrong constant name reverse_max_age= +# wrong constant name shared_max_age= +# wrong constant name status +# wrong constant name status= +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name ttl +# wrong constant name ttl= +# wrong constant name validateable? +# wrong constant name vary +# wrong constant name vary? +# wrong constant name vary_header_names +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name clear +# wrong constant name resolve_entitystore_uri +# wrong constant name resolve_metastore_uri +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name instance +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name apps +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name include? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Rack::Chunked::Body::COMMON_SEP +# uninitialized constant Rack::Chunked::Body::DEFAULT_SEP +# uninitialized constant Rack::Chunked::Body::ESCAPE_HTML +# uninitialized constant Rack::Chunked::Body::ESCAPE_HTML_PATTERN +# uninitialized constant Rack::Chunked::Body::HTTP_STATUS_CODES +# uninitialized constant Rack::Chunked::Body::NULL_BYTE +# uninitialized constant Rack::Chunked::Body::PATH_SEPS +# uninitialized constant Rack::Chunked::Body::STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY +# uninitialized constant Rack::Chunked::Body::SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentLength::COMMON_SEP +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentLength::DEFAULT_SEP +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentLength::ESCAPE_HTML +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentLength::ESCAPE_HTML_PATTERN +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentLength::HTTP_STATUS_CODES +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentLength::NULL_BYTE +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentLength::PATH_SEPS +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentLength::STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentLength::SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentType::COMMON_SEP +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentType::DEFAULT_SEP +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentType::ESCAPE_HTML +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentType::ESCAPE_HTML_PATTERN +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentType::HTTP_STATUS_CODES +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentType::NULL_BYTE +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentType::PATH_SEPS +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentType::STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY +# uninitialized constant Rack::ContentType::SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name check_bad_request +# wrong constant name check_forbidden +# wrong constant name entity_not_found +# wrong constant name filesize_format +# wrong constant name get +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name list_directory +# wrong constant name list_path +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name root +# wrong constant name stat +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name env +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name url +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name run +# wrong constant name send_body +# wrong constant name send_headers +# wrong constant name serve +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name run +# wrong constant name shutdown +# wrong constant name valid_options +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name default +# wrong constant name get +# wrong constant name pick +# wrong constant name register +# wrong constant name try_require +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name dump +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Rack::Multipart::MultipartPartLimitError::Errno +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name on_read +# wrong constant name result +# wrong constant name state +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name read +# wrong constant name rewind +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Rack::Multipart::Parser::Collector::Elem +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name on_mime_body +# wrong constant name on_mime_finish +# wrong constant name on_mime_head +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name file? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name get_data +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name file? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Rack::Multipart::Parser::MultipartInfo::Elem +# wrong constant name params +# wrong constant name params= +# wrong constant name tmp_files +# wrong constant name tmp_files= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name parse_boundary +# wrong constant name content_type +# wrong constant name content_type= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name local_path +# wrong constant name method_missing +# wrong constant name original_filename +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name respond_to? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name build_multipart +# wrong constant name extract_multipart +# wrong constant name parse_multipart +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name datetime_format +# wrong constant name datetime_format= +# wrong constant name debug +# wrong constant name debug? +# wrong constant name error +# wrong constant name error? +# wrong constant name fatal +# wrong constant name fatal? +# wrong constant name formatter +# wrong constant name formatter= +# wrong constant name info +# wrong constant name info? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name level +# wrong constant name level= +# wrong constant name progname +# wrong constant name progname= +# wrong constant name sev_threshold +# wrong constant name sev_threshold= +# wrong constant name unknown +# wrong constant name warn +# wrong constant name warn? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name _call +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name include +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name reload! +# wrong constant name safe_load +# wrong constant name figure_path +# wrong constant name rotation +# wrong constant name safe_stat +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Rack::Request::DEFAULT_PORTS +# uninitialized constant Rack::Request::FORM_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Rack::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST +# uninitialized constant Rack::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT +# uninitialized constant Rack::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO +# uninitialized constant Rack::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME +# uninitialized constant Rack::Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL +# uninitialized constant Rack::Request::PARSEABLE_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name app +# wrong constant name default_options +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name middleware +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name options= +# wrong constant name server +# wrong constant name start +# wrong constant name handler_opts +# wrong constant name parse! +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name default_middleware_by_environment +# wrong constant name logging_middleware +# wrong constant name middleware +# wrong constant name start +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Rack::Session::Cookie::DEFAULT_OPTIONS +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name coder +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name decode +# wrong constant name encode +# wrong constant name encode +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name encode +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name decode +# wrong constant name encode +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Rack::Session::Dalli::DEFAULT_OPTIONS +# wrong constant name destroy_session +# wrong constant name find_session +# wrong constant name get_session +# wrong constant name mutex +# wrong constant name pool +# wrong constant name set_session +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name delete_session +# wrong constant name find_session +# wrong constant name generate_sid +# wrong constant name mutex +# wrong constant name pool +# wrong constant name with_lock +# wrong constant name write_session +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name dump_exception +# wrong constant name h +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name prefers_plaintext? +# wrong constant name pretty +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name h +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_index_root? +# wrong constant name applicable_rules +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name can_serve +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name overwrite_file_path +# wrong constant name route_file +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Rails::Application::ABSTRACT_RAILTIES +# uninitialized constant Rails::ApplicationController::ACTION_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant Rails::ApplicationController::AUTHENTICITY_TOKEN_LENGTH +# uninitialized constant Rails::ApplicationController::CALLBACK_FILTER_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Rails::ApplicationController::DEFAULT_PROTECTED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES +# uninitialized constant Rails::ApplicationController::DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_DISPOSITION +# uninitialized constant Rails::ApplicationController::DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_TYPE +# uninitialized constant Rails::ApplicationController::EXCLUDE_PARAMETERS +# uninitialized constant Rails::ApplicationController::MODULES +# uninitialized constant Rails::ApplicationController::NULL_ORIGIN_MESSAGE +# uninitialized constant Rails::ApplicationController::PROTECTED_IVARS +# uninitialized constant Rails::ApplicationController::REDIRECT_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant Rails::ApplicationController::RENDERERS +# uninitialized constant Rails::ApplicationController::RENDER_FORMATS_IN_PRIORITY +# uninitialized constant Rails::ApplicationController::URL_OPTIONS +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name properties +# wrong constant name properties= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name properties +# wrong constant name properties= +# wrong constant name property +# wrong constant name to_html +# uninitialized constant Rails::InfoController::ACTION_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant Rails::InfoController::AUTHENTICITY_TOKEN_LENGTH +# uninitialized constant Rails::InfoController::CALLBACK_FILTER_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Rails::InfoController::DEFAULT_PROTECTED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES +# uninitialized constant Rails::InfoController::DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_DISPOSITION +# uninitialized constant Rails::InfoController::DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_TYPE +# uninitialized constant Rails::InfoController::EXCLUDE_PARAMETERS +# uninitialized constant Rails::InfoController::MODULES +# uninitialized constant Rails::InfoController::NULL_ORIGIN_MESSAGE +# uninitialized constant Rails::InfoController::PROTECTED_IVARS +# uninitialized constant Rails::InfoController::REDIRECT_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant Rails::InfoController::RENDERERS +# uninitialized constant Rails::InfoController::RENDER_FORMATS_IN_PRIORITY +# uninitialized constant Rails::InfoController::URL_OPTIONS +# wrong constant name _layout_from_proc +# wrong constant name index +# wrong constant name properties +# wrong constant name routes +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Rails::MailersController::ACTION_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant Rails::MailersController::AUTHENTICITY_TOKEN_LENGTH +# uninitialized constant Rails::MailersController::CALLBACK_FILTER_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Rails::MailersController::DEFAULT_PROTECTED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES +# uninitialized constant Rails::MailersController::DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_DISPOSITION +# uninitialized constant Rails::MailersController::DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_TYPE +# uninitialized constant Rails::MailersController::EXCLUDE_PARAMETERS +# uninitialized constant Rails::MailersController::MODULES +# uninitialized constant Rails::MailersController::NULL_ORIGIN_MESSAGE +# uninitialized constant Rails::MailersController::PROTECTED_IVARS +# uninitialized constant Rails::MailersController::REDIRECT_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant Rails::MailersController::RENDERERS +# uninitialized constant Rails::MailersController::RENDER_FORMATS_IN_PRIORITY +# uninitialized constant Rails::MailersController::URL_OPTIONS +# wrong constant name index +# wrong constant name preview +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Rails::Rack::Logger::BLACK +# uninitialized constant Rails::Rack::Logger::BLUE +# uninitialized constant Rails::Rack::Logger::BOLD +# uninitialized constant Rails::Rack::Logger::CLEAR +# uninitialized constant Rails::Rack::Logger::CYAN +# uninitialized constant Rails::Rack::Logger::GREEN +# uninitialized constant Rails::Rack::Logger::MAGENTA +# uninitialized constant Rails::Rack::Logger::RED +# uninitialized constant Rails::Rack::Logger::WHITE +# uninitialized constant Rails::Rack::Logger::YELLOW +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# uninitialized constant Rails::WelcomeController::ACTION_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant Rails::WelcomeController::AUTHENTICITY_TOKEN_LENGTH +# uninitialized constant Rails::WelcomeController::CALLBACK_FILTER_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Rails::WelcomeController::DEFAULT_PROTECTED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES +# uninitialized constant Rails::WelcomeController::DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_DISPOSITION +# uninitialized constant Rails::WelcomeController::DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_TYPE +# uninitialized constant Rails::WelcomeController::EXCLUDE_PARAMETERS +# uninitialized constant Rails::WelcomeController::MODULES +# uninitialized constant Rails::WelcomeController::NULL_ORIGIN_MESSAGE +# uninitialized constant Rails::WelcomeController::PROTECTED_IVARS +# uninitialized constant Rails::WelcomeController::REDIRECT_OPTIONS +# uninitialized constant Rails::WelcomeController::RENDERERS +# uninitialized constant Rails::WelcomeController::RENDER_FORMATS_IN_PRIORITY +# uninitialized constant Rails::WelcomeController::URL_OPTIONS +# wrong constant name index +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Rake::DSL::DEFAULT +# uninitialized constant Rake::DSL::LN_SUPPORTED +# uninitialized constant Rake::DSL::LOW_METHODS +# uninitialized constant Rake::DSL::METHODS +# uninitialized constant Rake::DSL::OPT_TABLE +# uninitialized constant Rake::DSL::RUBY +# uninitialized constant Rake::DSL::VERSION +# uninitialized constant Rake::FileUtilsExt::LN_SUPPORTED +# uninitialized constant Rake::FileUtilsExt::LOW_METHODS +# uninitialized constant Rake::FileUtilsExt::METHODS +# uninitialized constant Rake::FileUtilsExt::OPT_TABLE +# uninitialized constant Rake::FileUtilsExt::RUBY +# uninitialized constant Rake::FileUtilsExt::VERSION +# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Random' +# Did you mean? initialize +# uninitialized constant Random::ALPHANUMERIC +# wrong constant name initialize$1 +# undefined method `rand$2' for module `Random::Formatter' +# Did you mean? rand +# undefined method `random_number$2' for module `Random::Formatter' +# wrong constant name alphanumeric +# wrong constant name rand$2 +# wrong constant name random_number$2 +# wrong constant name bytes +# wrong constant name urandom +# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Range' +# Did you mean? initialize +# undefined method `last$2' for class `Range' +# wrong constant name % +# uninitialized constant Range::RANGE_FORMATS +# wrong constant name entries +# wrong constant name initialize$1 +# wrong constant name last$2 +# wrong constant name to_a +# undefined method `rationalize$2' for class `Rational' +# Did you mean? Rational +# uninitialized constant Rational::EXABYTE +# uninitialized constant Rational::GIGABYTE +# uninitialized constant Rational::KILOBYTE +# uninitialized constant Rational::MEGABYTE +# uninitialized constant Rational::PETABYTE +# uninitialized constant Rational::TERABYTE +# wrong constant name rationalize$2 +# wrong constant name to_d +# uninitialized constant Raven::Logger::DEBUG +# uninitialized constant Raven::Logger::ERROR +# uninitialized constant Raven::Logger::FATAL +# uninitialized constant Raven::Logger::INFO +# uninitialized constant Raven::Logger::ProgName +# uninitialized constant Raven::Logger::SEV_LABEL +# uninitialized constant Raven::Logger::UNKNOWN +# uninitialized constant Raven::Logger::VERSION +# uninitialized constant Raven::Logger::WARN +# uninitialized constant Raven::Processor::HTTPHeaders::INT_MASK +# uninitialized constant Raven::Processor::HTTPHeaders::REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS +# uninitialized constant Raven::Processor::HTTPHeaders::STRING_MASK +# uninitialized constant Raven::Processor::SanitizeData::INT_MASK +# uninitialized constant Raven::Processor::SanitizeData::REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS +# uninitialized constant Raven::Processor::SanitizeData::STRING_MASK +# uninitialized constant Raven::Processor::UTF8Conversion::INT_MASK +# uninitialized constant Raven::Processor::UTF8Conversion::REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS +# uninitialized constant Raven::Processor::UTF8Conversion::STRING_MASK +# wrong constant name expand +# wrong constant name fire_update! +# wrong constant name ruby +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name basic_quote_characters +# wrong constant name basic_quote_characters= +# wrong constant name basic_word_break_characters +# wrong constant name basic_word_break_characters= +# wrong constant name completer_quote_characters +# wrong constant name completer_quote_characters= +# wrong constant name completer_word_break_characters +# wrong constant name completer_word_break_characters= +# wrong constant name completion_append_character +# wrong constant name completion_append_character= +# wrong constant name completion_case_fold +# wrong constant name completion_case_fold= +# wrong constant name completion_proc +# wrong constant name completion_proc= +# wrong constant name completion_quote_character +# wrong constant name delete_text +# wrong constant name emacs_editing_mode +# wrong constant name emacs_editing_mode? +# wrong constant name filename_quote_characters +# wrong constant name filename_quote_characters= +# wrong constant name get_screen_size +# wrong constant name input= +# wrong constant name insert_text +# wrong constant name line_buffer +# wrong constant name output= +# wrong constant name point +# wrong constant name point= +# wrong constant name pre_input_hook +# wrong constant name pre_input_hook= +# wrong constant name quoting_detection_proc +# wrong constant name quoting_detection_proc= +# wrong constant name redisplay +# wrong constant name refresh_line +# wrong constant name set_screen_size +# wrong constant name special_prefixes +# wrong constant name special_prefixes= +# wrong constant name vi_editing_mode +# wrong constant name vi_editing_mode? +# undefined method `initialize$2' for class `Regexp' +# Did you mean? initialize +# undefined method `match$1' for class `Regexp' +# wrong constant name initialize$2 +# wrong constant name match$1 +# wrong constant name match? +# uninitialized constant Regexp::Parser::VERSION_CONST_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant Regexp::Parser::VERSION_FORMAT +# uninitialized constant Regexp::Parser::VERSION_REGEXP +# undefined singleton method `compile$2' for `Regexp' +# undefined singleton method `last_match$2' for `Regexp' +# wrong constant name compile$2 +# wrong constant name last_match$2 +# wrong constant name union +# uninitialized constant Ripper +# uninitialized constant Ripper +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RubyLex::EXPR_ARG +# uninitialized constant RubyLex::EXPR_BEG +# uninitialized constant RubyLex::EXPR_CLASS +# uninitialized constant RubyLex::EXPR_DOT +# uninitialized constant RubyLex::EXPR_END +# uninitialized constant RubyLex::EXPR_FNAME +# uninitialized constant RubyLex::EXPR_MID +# uninitialized constant RubyLex::Fail +# uninitialized constant RubyLex::Raise +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RubyLex::TkReading2Token +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RubyLex::TkSymbol2Token +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant RubyLex::TokenDefinitions +# wrong constant name char_no +# wrong constant name each_top_level_statement +# wrong constant name eof? +# wrong constant name exception_on_syntax_error +# wrong constant name exception_on_syntax_error= +# wrong constant name get_readed +# wrong constant name getc +# wrong constant name getc_of_rests +# wrong constant name gets +# wrong constant name identify_comment +# wrong constant name identify_gvar +# wrong constant name identify_here_document +# wrong constant name identify_identifier +# wrong constant name identify_number +# wrong constant name identify_quotation +# wrong constant name identify_string +# wrong constant name identify_string_dvar +# wrong constant name indent +# wrong constant name initialize_input +# wrong constant name lex +# wrong constant name lex_init +# wrong constant name lex_int2 +# wrong constant name line_no +# wrong constant name peek +# wrong constant name peek_equal? +# wrong constant name peek_match? +# wrong constant name prompt +# wrong constant name read_escape +# wrong constant name readed_auto_clean_up +# wrong constant name readed_auto_clean_up= +# wrong constant name seek +# wrong constant name set_input +# wrong constant name set_prompt +# wrong constant name skip_space +# wrong constant name skip_space= +# wrong constant name token +# wrong constant name ungetc +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name debug? +# wrong constant name debug_level +# wrong constant name debug_level= +# wrong constant name included +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# 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name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name node +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name op +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name name= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name value +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name char_no +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name line_no +# wrong constant name seek +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name def_token +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name children +# wrong constant name first_column +# wrong constant name first_lineno +# wrong constant name last_column +# wrong constant name last_lineno +# wrong constant name pretty_print_children +# wrong constant name type +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name of +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name parse_file +# wrong constant name absolute_path +# wrong constant name base_label +# wrong constant name disasm +# wrong constant name disassemble +# wrong constant name each_child +# wrong constant name eval +# wrong constant name first_lineno +# wrong constant name label +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name to_binary +# wrong constant name trace_points +# wrong constant name compile +# wrong constant name compile_file +# wrong constant name compile_option +# wrong constant name compile_option= +# wrong constant name disasm +# wrong constant name disassemble +# wrong constant name load_from_binary +# wrong constant name load_from_binary_extra_data +# wrong constant name of +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name enabled? +# wrong constant name pause +# wrong constant name resume +# wrong constant name resolve_feature_path +# wrong constant name stat +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::ANY +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::CDC +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::CDO +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::COMMENT +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::DASHMATCH +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::DOMAIN +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::ESCAPE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::FUNCTION +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::GREATER +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::H +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::HASH +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::HEXCOLOR +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::IDENT +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::IDENT_HYPHEN_INTERP +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::IDENT_START +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::IMPORTANT +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::INCLUDES +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::INTERP_START +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::NAME +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::NL +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::NMCHAR +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::NMSTART +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::NONASCII +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::NOT +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::NUMBER +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::OPTIONAL +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::PERCENTAGE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::PLUS +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::PREFIXMATCH +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::RANGE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::S +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::STATIC_COMPONENT +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::STATIC_SELECTOR +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::STATIC_VALUE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::STRING +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::STRING1 +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::STRING1_NOINTERP +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::STRING2 +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::STRING2_NOINTERP +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::STRING_NOINTERP +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::SUBSTRINGMATCH +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::SUFFIXMATCH +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::TILDE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::UNICODE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::UNICODERANGE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::UNIT +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::UNITLESS_NUMBER +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::URI +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::URL +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::URLCHAR +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::URL_PREFIX +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::VARIABLE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::Parser::W +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::ANY +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::CDC +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::CDO +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::COMMENT +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::DASHMATCH +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::DIRECTIVES +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::DOMAIN +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::ESCAPE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::EXPR_NAMES +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::FUNCTION +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::GREATER +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::H +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::HASH +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::HEXCOLOR +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::IDENT +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::IDENT_HYPHEN_INTERP +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::IDENT_START +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::IMPORTANT +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::INCLUDES +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::INTERP_START +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::NAME +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::NEWLINE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::NL +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::NMCHAR +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::NMSTART +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::NONASCII +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::NOT +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::NUMBER +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::OPTIONAL +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::PERCENTAGE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::PLUS +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::PREFIXED_DIRECTIVES +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::PREFIXMATCH +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::RANGE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::S +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::STATIC_COMPONENT +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::STATIC_SELECTOR +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::STATIC_VALUE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::STRING +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::STRING1 +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::STRING1_NOINTERP +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::STRING2 +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::STRING2_NOINTERP +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::STRING_NOINTERP +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::SUBSTRINGMATCH +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::SUFFIXMATCH +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::TILDE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::TOK_NAMES +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::UNICODE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::UNICODERANGE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::UNIT +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::UNITLESS_NUMBER +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::URI +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::URL +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::URLCHAR +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::URL_PREFIX +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::VARIABLE +# uninitialized constant Sass::SCSS::StaticParser::W +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Functions::EvaluationContext::VALID_UNIT +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::ANY +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::CDC +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::CDO +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::COMMENT +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::DASHMATCH +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::DOMAIN +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::ESCAPE +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::FUNCTION +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::GREATER +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::H +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::HASH +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::HEXCOLOR +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::IDENT +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::IDENT_HYPHEN_INTERP +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::IDENT_START +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::IMPORTANT +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::INCLUDES +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::INTERP_START +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::NAME +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::NL +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::NMCHAR +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::NMSTART +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::NONASCII +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::NOT +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::NUMBER +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::OPTIONAL +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::PERCENTAGE +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::PLUS +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::PREFIXMATCH +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::RANGE +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::S +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::STATIC_COMPONENT +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::STATIC_SELECTOR +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::STATIC_VALUE +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::STRING +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::STRING1 +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::STRING1_NOINTERP +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::STRING2 +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::STRING2_NOINTERP +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::STRING_NOINTERP +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::SUBSTRINGMATCH +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::SUFFIXMATCH +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::TILDE +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::UNICODE +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::UNICODERANGE +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::UNIT +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::UNITLESS_NUMBER +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::URI +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::URL +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::URLCHAR +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::URL_PREFIX +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::VARIABLE +# uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Lexer::W +# wrong constant name default_url_options +# wrong constant name default_url_options= +# wrong constant name default_url_options? +# wrong constant name _routes +# wrong constant name default_url_options +# wrong constant name default_url_options= +# wrong constant name default_url_options? +# wrong constant name bytes +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name commands +# wrong constant name maximize_window +# wrong constant name reposition_window +# wrong constant name resize_window +# wrong constant name send_keys_to_active_element +# wrong constant name window_handle +# wrong constant name window_position +# wrong constant name window_size +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Edge::Driver::FINDERS +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_extension_path +# wrong constant name as_json +# wrong constant name extension_paths +# wrong constant name in_private +# wrong constant name in_private= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name start_page +# wrong constant name start_page= +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Edge::Service::SOCKET_LOCK_TIMEOUT +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Edge::Service::START_TIMEOUT +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Edge::Service::STOP_TIMEOUT +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name driver_path +# wrong constant name driver_path= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove::PAUSE +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerPress::PAUSE +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name browser +# wrong constant name capabilities +# wrong constant name context +# wrong constant name context= +# wrong constant name create_session +# wrong constant name dialect +# wrong constant name file_detector +# wrong constant name file_detector= +# wrong constant name http +# wrong constant name http= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name session_id +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name handshake +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name as_json +# wrong constant name browser_name +# wrong constant name browser_name= +# wrong constant name capabilities +# wrong constant name css_selectors_enabled +# wrong constant name css_selectors_enabled= +# wrong constant name css_selectors_enabled? +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name firefox_profile +# wrong constant name firefox_profile= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name javascript_enabled +# wrong constant name javascript_enabled= +# wrong constant name javascript_enabled? +# wrong constant name merge! +# wrong constant name native_events +# wrong constant name native_events= +# wrong constant name native_events? +# wrong constant name platform +# wrong constant name platform= +# wrong constant name proxy +# wrong constant name proxy= +# wrong constant name rotatable +# wrong constant name rotatable= +# wrong constant name rotatable? +# wrong constant name takes_screenshot +# wrong constant name takes_screenshot= +# wrong constant name takes_screenshot? +# wrong constant name to_json +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name version= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name chrome +# wrong constant name edge +# wrong constant name firefox +# wrong constant name firefox_legacy +# wrong constant name htmlunit +# wrong constant name htmlunitwithjs +# wrong constant name ie +# wrong constant name internet_explorer +# wrong constant name json_create +# wrong constant name phantomjs +# wrong constant name safari +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Driver::FINDERS +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Driver::ORIENTATIONS +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name quit_errors +# wrong constant name server_url= +# wrong constant name timeout +# wrong constant name timeout= +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Default::CONTENT_TYPE +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Default::DEFAULT_HEADERS +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Default::MAX_REDIRECTS +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name open_timeout +# wrong constant name open_timeout= +# wrong constant name proxy= +# wrong constant name read_timeout +# wrong constant name read_timeout= +# wrong constant name timeout= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::OSS::Bridge::PORT +# wrong constant name accept_alert +# wrong constant name action +# wrong constant name active_element +# wrong constant name add_cookie +# wrong constant name alert= +# wrong constant name alert_text +# wrong constant name authentication +# wrong constant name available_log_types +# wrong constant name clear_element +# wrong constant name clear_local_storage +# wrong constant name clear_session_storage +# wrong constant name click +# wrong constant name click_element +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name context_click +# wrong constant name cookies +# wrong constant name delete_all_cookies +# wrong constant name delete_cookie +# wrong constant name dismiss_alert +# wrong constant name double_click +# wrong constant name drag_element +# wrong constant name element_attribute +# wrong constant name element_displayed? +# wrong constant name element_enabled? +# wrong constant name element_location +# wrong constant name element_location_once_scrolled_into_view +# wrong constant name element_property +# wrong constant name element_rect +# wrong constant name element_selected? +# wrong constant name element_size +# wrong constant name element_tag_name +# wrong constant name element_text +# wrong constant name element_value +# wrong constant name element_value_of_css_property +# wrong constant name execute_async_script +# wrong constant name execute_script +# wrong constant name find_element_by +# wrong constant name find_elements_by +# wrong constant name get +# wrong constant name go_back +# wrong constant name go_forward +# wrong constant name implicit_wait_timeout= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name keyboard +# wrong constant name local_storage_item +# wrong constant name local_storage_keys +# wrong constant name local_storage_size +# wrong constant name location +# wrong constant name log +# wrong constant name manage +# wrong constant name maximize_window +# wrong constant name mouse +# wrong constant name mouse_down +# wrong constant name mouse_move_to +# wrong constant name mouse_up +# wrong constant name network_connection +# wrong constant name network_connection= +# wrong constant name page_source +# wrong constant name quit +# wrong constant name refresh +# wrong constant name remove_local_storage_item +# wrong constant name remove_session_storage_item +# wrong constant name reposition_window +# wrong constant name resize_window +# wrong constant name screen_orientation +# wrong constant name screen_orientation= +# wrong constant name screenshot +# wrong constant name script_timeout= +# wrong constant name send_keys_to_active_element +# wrong constant name send_keys_to_element +# wrong constant name session_capabilities +# wrong constant name session_storage_item +# wrong constant name session_storage_keys +# wrong constant name session_storage_size +# wrong constant name set_location +# wrong constant name status +# wrong constant name submit_element +# wrong constant name switch_to_active_element +# wrong constant name switch_to_default_content +# wrong constant name switch_to_frame +# wrong constant name switch_to_parent_frame +# wrong constant name switch_to_window +# wrong constant name timeout +# wrong constant name title +# wrong constant name touch_double_tap +# wrong constant name touch_down +# wrong constant name touch_element_flick +# wrong constant name touch_flick +# wrong constant name touch_long_press +# wrong constant name touch_move +# wrong constant name touch_scroll +# wrong constant name touch_single_tap +# wrong constant name touch_up +# wrong constant name upload +# wrong constant name url +# wrong constant name window_handle +# wrong constant name window_handles +# wrong constant name window_position +# wrong constant name window_size +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name code +# wrong constant name error +# wrong constant name error_message +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name payload +# wrong constant name payload= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::W3C::Bridge::PORT +# wrong constant name accept_alert +# wrong constant name action +# wrong constant name actions +# wrong constant name active_element +# wrong constant name add_cookie +# wrong constant name alert= +# wrong constant name alert_text +# wrong constant name clear_element +# wrong constant name clear_local_storage +# wrong constant name clear_session_storage +# wrong constant name click_element +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name cookie +# wrong constant name cookies +# wrong constant name delete_all_cookies +# wrong constant name delete_cookie +# wrong constant name dismiss_alert +# wrong constant name drag_element +# wrong constant name element_attribute +# wrong constant name element_displayed? +# wrong constant name element_enabled? +# wrong constant name element_location +# wrong constant name element_location_once_scrolled_into_view +# wrong constant name element_property +# wrong constant name element_rect +# wrong constant name element_selected? +# wrong constant name element_size +# wrong constant name element_tag_name +# wrong constant name element_text +# wrong constant name element_value +# wrong constant name element_value_of_css_property +# wrong constant name execute_async_script +# wrong constant name execute_script +# wrong constant name find_element_by +# wrong constant name find_elements_by +# wrong constant name full_screen_window +# wrong constant name get +# wrong constant name go_back +# wrong constant name go_forward +# wrong constant name implicit_wait_timeout= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name keyboard +# wrong constant name local_storage_item +# wrong constant name local_storage_keys +# wrong constant name local_storage_size +# wrong constant name location +# wrong constant name manage +# wrong constant name maximize_window +# wrong constant name minimize_window +# wrong constant name mouse +# wrong constant name network_connection +# wrong constant name network_connection= +# wrong constant name new_window +# wrong constant name page_source +# wrong constant name quit +# wrong constant name refresh +# wrong constant name release_actions +# wrong constant name remove_local_storage_item +# wrong constant name remove_session_storage_item +# wrong constant name reposition_window +# wrong constant name resize_window +# wrong constant name screen_orientation +# wrong constant name screen_orientation= +# wrong constant name screenshot +# wrong constant name script_timeout= +# wrong constant name send_actions +# wrong constant name send_keys_to_element +# wrong constant name session_storage_item +# wrong constant name session_storage_keys +# wrong constant name session_storage_size +# wrong constant name set_location +# wrong constant name set_window_rect +# wrong constant name status +# wrong constant name submit_element +# wrong constant name switch_to_active_element +# wrong constant name switch_to_default_content +# wrong constant name switch_to_frame +# wrong constant name switch_to_parent_frame +# wrong constant name switch_to_window +# wrong constant name timeout +# wrong constant name title +# wrong constant name touch_double_tap +# wrong constant name touch_down +# wrong constant name touch_element_flick +# wrong constant name touch_flick +# wrong constant name touch_long_press +# wrong constant name touch_move +# wrong constant name touch_scroll +# wrong constant name touch_single_tap +# wrong constant name touch_up +# wrong constant name upload +# wrong constant name url +# wrong constant name window_handle +# wrong constant name window_handles +# wrong constant name window_position +# wrong constant name window_rect +# wrong constant name window_size +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name accept_insecure_certs +# wrong constant name accept_insecure_certs= +# wrong constant name accessibility_checks +# wrong constant name accessibility_checks= +# wrong constant name as_json +# wrong constant name browser_name +# wrong constant name browser_name= +# wrong constant name browser_version +# wrong constant name browser_version= +# wrong constant name capabilities +# wrong constant name device +# wrong constant name device= +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name implicit_timeout +# wrong constant name implicit_timeout= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name merge! +# wrong constant name page_load_strategy +# wrong constant name page_load_strategy= +# wrong constant name page_load_timeout +# wrong constant name page_load_timeout= +# wrong constant name platform +# wrong constant name platform= +# wrong constant name platform_name +# wrong constant name platform_name= +# wrong constant name proxy +# wrong constant name proxy= +# wrong constant name remote_session_id +# wrong constant name remote_session_id= +# wrong constant name script_timeout +# wrong constant name script_timeout= +# wrong constant name set_window_rect +# wrong constant name set_window_rect= +# wrong constant name strict_file_interactability +# wrong constant name strict_file_interactability= +# wrong constant name timeouts +# wrong constant name timeouts= +# wrong constant name to_json +# wrong constant name unhandled_prompt_behavior +# wrong constant name unhandled_prompt_behavior= +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name version= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name edge +# wrong constant name ff +# wrong constant name firefox +# wrong constant name from_oss +# wrong constant name json_create +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name attach_debugger +# wrong constant name commands +# wrong constant name permissions +# wrong constant name permissions= +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Safari::Driver::FINDERS +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name as_json +# wrong constant name automatic_inspection +# wrong constant name automatic_inspection= +# wrong constant name automatic_profiling +# wrong constant name automatic_profiling= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Safari::Service::SOCKET_LOCK_TIMEOUT +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Safari::Service::START_TIMEOUT +# uninitialized constant Selenium::WebDriver::Safari::Service::STOP_TIMEOUT +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name driver_path +# wrong constant name driver_path= +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name path= +# wrong constant name technology_preview +# wrong constant name technology_preview! +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name after_change_value_of +# wrong constant name after_click +# wrong constant name after_close +# wrong constant name after_execute_script +# wrong constant name after_find +# wrong constant name after_navigate_back +# wrong constant name after_navigate_forward +# wrong constant name after_navigate_to +# wrong constant name after_quit +# wrong constant name before_change_value_of +# wrong constant name before_click +# wrong constant name before_close +# wrong constant name before_execute_script +# wrong constant name before_find +# wrong constant name before_navigate_back +# wrong constant name before_navigate_forward +# wrong constant name before_navigate_to +# wrong constant name before_quit +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name method_missing +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name alpha +# wrong constant name blue +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name green +# wrong constant name hex +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name red +# wrong constant name rgb +# wrong constant name rgba +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name from_hsl +# wrong constant name from_string +# wrong constant name hue_to_rgb +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name escape +# wrong constant name clear_element +# wrong constant name click_element +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name execute_script +# wrong constant name find_element_by +# wrong constant name find_elements_by +# wrong constant name get +# wrong constant name go_back +# wrong constant name go_forward +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name quit +# wrong constant name send_keys_to_element +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name deselect_all +# wrong constant name deselect_by +# wrong constant name first_selected_option +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name multiple? +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name select_all +# wrong constant name select_by +# wrong constant name selected_options +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name === +# wrong constant name compare_by_identity +# wrong constant name compare_by_identity? +# wrong constant name divide +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name filter! +# wrong constant name flatten_merge +# wrong constant name pretty_print +# wrong constant name pretty_print_cycle +# wrong constant name reset +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name escape +# wrong constant name join +# wrong constant name shellescape +# wrong constant name shelljoin +# wrong constant name shellsplit +# wrong constant name shellwords +# wrong constant name split +# wrong constant name signm +# wrong constant name signo +# wrong constant name def_delegator +# wrong constant name def_delegators +# wrong constant name def_single_delegator +# wrong constant name def_single_delegators +# wrong constant name delegate +# wrong constant name single_delegate +# wrong constant name _dump +# wrong constant name clone +# wrong constant name dup +# wrong constant name _load +# wrong constant name clone +# wrong constant name __init__ +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name get +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name match_conditional_comments +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name proposition_header_block +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_hidden_input +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name parse_search_parameters +# wrong constant name search_parameters +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name search_scope +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name include_tag? +# wrong constant name move_tags +# wrong constant name tag_fingerprint +# wrong constant name wrap_node +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name insert_title +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Socket::APPEND +# uninitialized constant Socket::BINARY +# uninitialized constant Socket::CREAT +# uninitialized constant Socket::DSYNC +# uninitialized constant Socket::EXCL +# uninitialized constant Socket::FNM_CASEFOLD +# uninitialized constant Socket::FNM_DOTMATCH +# uninitialized constant Socket::FNM_EXTGLOB +# uninitialized constant Socket::FNM_NOESCAPE +# uninitialized constant Socket::FNM_PATHNAME +# uninitialized constant Socket::FNM_SHORTNAME +# uninitialized constant Socket::FNM_SYSCASE +# uninitialized constant Socket::LOCK_EX +# uninitialized constant Socket::LOCK_NB +# uninitialized constant Socket::LOCK_SH +# uninitialized constant Socket::LOCK_UN +# uninitialized constant Socket::NOCTTY +# uninitialized constant Socket::NOFOLLOW +# uninitialized constant Socket::NONBLOCK +# uninitialized constant Socket::NULL +# uninitialized constant Socket::RDONLY +# uninitialized constant Socket::RDWR +# uninitialized constant Socket::SEEK_CUR +# uninitialized constant Socket::SEEK_DATA +# uninitialized constant Socket::SEEK_END +# uninitialized constant Socket::SEEK_HOLE +# uninitialized constant Socket::SEEK_SET +# uninitialized constant Socket::SHARE_DELETE +# uninitialized constant Socket::SYNC +# uninitialized constant Socket::TRUNC +# uninitialized constant Socket::WRONLY +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name all_module_aliases +# wrong constant name all_module_names +# wrong constant name all_named_modules +# wrong constant name class_by_name +# wrong constant name name_by_class +# uninitialized constant Sorbet::Private::ConstantLookupCache::ConstantEntry::Elem +# wrong constant name aliases +# wrong constant name aliases= +# wrong constant name const +# wrong constant name const= +# wrong constant name const_name +# wrong constant name const_name= +# wrong constant name found_name +# wrong constant name found_name= +# wrong constant name owner +# wrong constant name owner= +# wrong constant name primary_name +# wrong constant name primary_name= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name main +# wrong constant name output_file +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name fetch_sorbet_typed +# wrong constant name main +# wrong constant name matching_version_directories +# wrong constant name output_file +# wrong constant name paths_for_gem_version +# wrong constant name paths_for_ruby_version +# wrong constant name vendor_rbis_within_paths +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name main +# wrong constant name output_file +# wrong constant name paths_within_gem_sources +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Sorbet::Private::GemGeneratorTracepoint::ClassDefinition::Elem +# wrong constant name defs +# wrong constant name defs= +# wrong constant name id +# wrong constant name id= +# wrong constant name klass +# wrong constant name klass= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name serialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name add_to_context +# wrong constant name disable_tracepoints +# wrong constant name finish +# wrong constant name install_tracepoints +# wrong constant name method_added +# wrong constant name module_created +# wrong constant name module_extended +# wrong constant name module_included +# wrong constant name pre_cache_module_methods +# wrong constant name register_delegate_class +# wrong constant name start +# wrong constant name trace +# wrong constant name trace_results +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name main +# wrong constant name output_file +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name my_require +# wrong constant name require_all_gems +# wrong constant name require_gem +# wrong constant name all_modules_and_aliases +# wrong constant name capture_stderr +# wrong constant name constant_cache +# wrong constant name gen_source_rbi +# wrong constant name looks_like_stub_name +# wrong constant name main +# wrong constant name mk_dir +# wrong constant name read_constants +# wrong constant name real_name +# wrong constant name require_everything +# wrong constant name rm_dir +# wrong constant name serialize_alias +# wrong constant name serialize_class +# wrong constant name serialize_constants +# wrong constant name symbols_id_to_name +# wrong constant name write_constants +# wrong constant name write_diff +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name main +# wrong constant name output_file +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name cyan +# wrong constant name emojify +# wrong constant name main +# wrong constant name make_step +# wrong constant name parse_command +# wrong constant name yellow +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name real_ancestors +# wrong constant name real_autoload? +# wrong constant name real_const_get +# wrong constant name real_constants +# wrong constant name real_eqeq +# wrong constant name real_hash +# wrong constant name real_instance_methods +# wrong constant name real_is_a? +# wrong constant name real_name +# wrong constant name real_object_id +# wrong constant name real_private_instance_methods +# wrong constant name real_singleton_class +# wrong constant name real_singleton_methods +# wrong constant name real_spaceship +# wrong constant name real_superclass +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name excluded_rails_files +# wrong constant name load_bundler +# wrong constant name load_rails +# wrong constant name my_require +# wrong constant name patch_kernel +# wrong constant name rails? +# wrong constant name require_all_files +# wrong constant name require_everything +# wrong constant name alias +# wrong constant name ancestor_has_method +# wrong constant name blacklisted_method +# wrong constant name class_or_module +# wrong constant name comparable? +# wrong constant name constant +# wrong constant name from_method +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name serialize_method +# wrong constant name serialize_sig +# wrong constant name to_sig +# wrong constant name valid_class_name +# wrong constant name valid_method_name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name header +# uninitialized constant Sorbet::Private::Static +# uninitialized constant Sorbet::Private::Static +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name done +# wrong constant name say +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name main +# wrong constant name output_file +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name main +# wrong constant name output_file +# wrong constant name suggest_typed +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name main +# wrong constant name output_file +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant SortedSet::InspectKey +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name setup +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Base::DIGEST_SIZES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Base::HASH_ALGORITHMS +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Base::POSSIBLE_BOWER_JSONS +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Base::SEPARATOR_PATTERN +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Base::UNBOUND_METHODS_BIND_TO_ANY_OBJECT +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Base::VALID_METADATA_COMPOUND_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Base::VALID_METADATA_COMPOUND_TYPES_HASH +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Base::VALID_METADATA_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Base::VALID_METADATA_VALUE_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Base::VALID_METADATA_VALUE_TYPES_HASH +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name get +# wrong constant name set +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name cache_key +# wrong constant name call +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Configuration::DIGEST_SIZES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Configuration::HASH_ALGORITHMS +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Configuration::SEPARATOR_PATTERN +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Configuration::UNBOUND_METHODS_BIND_TO_ANY_OBJECT +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Configuration::VALID_METADATA_COMPOUND_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Configuration::VALID_METADATA_COMPOUND_TYPES_HASH +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Configuration::VALID_METADATA_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Configuration::VALID_METADATA_VALUE_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Configuration::VALID_METADATA_VALUE_TYPES_HASH +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Dependencies::DIGEST_SIZES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Dependencies::HASH_ALGORITHMS +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Dependencies::SEPARATOR_PATTERN +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name cache_key +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name cache_key +# wrong constant name call +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Loader::DIGEST_SIZES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Loader::HASH_ALGORITHMS +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Loader::SEPARATOR_PATTERN +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Loader::UNBOUND_METHODS_BIND_TO_ANY_OBJECT +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Loader::VALID_METADATA_COMPOUND_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Loader::VALID_METADATA_COMPOUND_TYPES_HASH +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Loader::VALID_METADATA_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Loader::VALID_METADATA_VALUE_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Loader::VALID_METADATA_VALUE_TYPES_HASH +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Mime::UNBOUND_METHODS_BIND_TO_ANY_OBJECT +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::PathDigestUtils::DIGEST_SIZES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::PathDigestUtils::HASH_ALGORITHMS +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::PathDigestUtils::SEPARATOR_PATTERN +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Paths::SEPARATOR_PATTERN +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Paths::UNBOUND_METHODS_BIND_TO_ANY_OBJECT +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Processing::UNBOUND_METHODS_BIND_TO_ANY_OBJECT +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Processing::VALID_METADATA_COMPOUND_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Processing::VALID_METADATA_COMPOUND_TYPES_HASH +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Processing::VALID_METADATA_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Processing::VALID_METADATA_VALUE_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Processing::VALID_METADATA_VALUE_TYPES_HASH +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Rails::Helper::ASSET_EXTENSIONS +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Rails::Helper::ASSET_PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Rails::Helper::BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Rails::Helper::PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Rails::Helper::TAG_PREFIXES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Rails::Helper::URI_REGEXP +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Railtie::ABSTRACT_RAILTIES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Resolve::SEPARATOR_PATTERN +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name path_to +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name call +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Transformers::UNBOUND_METHODS_BIND_TO_ANY_OBJECT +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Transformers::VALID_METADATA_COMPOUND_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Transformers::VALID_METADATA_COMPOUND_TYPES_HASH +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Transformers::VALID_METADATA_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Transformers::VALID_METADATA_VALUE_TYPES +# uninitialized constant Sprockets::Transformers::VALID_METADATA_VALUE_TYPES_HASH +# wrong constant name result +# undefined method `[]$2' for class `String' +# undefined method `byteslice$2' for class `String' +# undefined method `capitalize$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `capitalize!$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `center$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `chomp$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `chomp!$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `concat$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `count$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `delete$1' for class `String' +# Did you mean? delegate +# undefined method `delete!$1' for class `String' +# Did you mean? delegate +# undefined method `downcase$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `downcase!$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `each_line$2' for class `String' +# undefined method `gsub$2' for class `String' +# undefined method `gsub!$2' for class `String' +# undefined method `index$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `String' +# Did you mean? initialize +# undefined method `lines$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `ljust$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `match$2' for class `String' +# undefined method `prepend$1' for class `String' +# Did you mean? prepend +# prepended +# undefined method `rindex$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `rjust$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `scrub$2' for class `String' +# undefined method `scrub!$2' for class `String' +# undefined method `slice$2' for class `String' +# undefined method `slice!$2' for class `String' +# undefined method `split$2' for class `String' +# undefined method `squeeze$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `squeeze!$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `sub$2' for class `String' +# undefined method `sub!$2' for class `String' +# undefined method `sum$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `swapcase$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `swapcase!$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `to_i$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `upcase$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `upcase!$1' for class `String' +# undefined method `upto$2' for class `String' +# wrong constant name +@ +# wrong constant name -@ +# wrong constant name []$2 +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name byteslice$2 +# wrong constant name capitalize$1 +# wrong constant name capitalize!$1 +# wrong constant name casecmp? +# wrong constant name center$1 +# wrong constant name chomp$1 +# wrong constant name chomp!$1 +# wrong constant name concat$1 +# wrong constant name count$1 +# wrong constant name delete$1 +# wrong constant name delete!$1 +# wrong constant name delete_prefix +# wrong constant name delete_prefix! +# wrong constant name delete_suffix +# wrong constant name delete_suffix! +# wrong constant name downcase$1 +# wrong constant name downcase!$1 +# wrong constant name each_grapheme_cluster +# wrong constant name each_line$2 +# wrong constant name encode +# wrong constant name encode! +# wrong constant name grapheme_clusters +# wrong constant name gsub$2 +# wrong constant name gsub!$2 +# wrong constant name index$1 +# wrong constant name initialize$1 +# wrong constant name lines$1 +# wrong constant name ljust$1 +# wrong constant name match$2 +# wrong constant name match? +# wrong constant name parse_csv +# wrong constant name prepend$1 +# wrong constant name reverse! +# wrong constant name rindex$1 +# wrong constant name rjust$1 +# wrong constant name scrub$2 +# wrong constant name scrub!$2 +# wrong constant name shellescape +# wrong constant name shellsplit +# wrong constant name slice$2 +# wrong constant name slice!$2 +# wrong constant name split$2 +# wrong constant name squeeze$1 +# wrong constant name squeeze!$1 +# wrong constant name sub$2 +# wrong constant name sub!$2 +# wrong constant name succ! +# wrong constant name sum$1 +# wrong constant name swapcase$1 +# wrong constant name swapcase!$1 +# wrong constant name to_d +# wrong constant name to_i$1 +# wrong constant name undump +# wrong constant name unicode_normalize +# wrong constant name unicode_normalize! +# wrong constant name unicode_normalized? +# wrong constant name unpack1 +# wrong constant name upcase$1 +# wrong constant name upcase!$1 +# wrong constant name upto$2 +# undefined method `each$2' for class `StringIO' +# undefined method `each_line$2' for class `StringIO' +# undefined method `fcntl$1' for class `StringIO' +# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `StringIO' +# Did you mean? initialize +# undefined method `lines$2' for class `StringIO' +# undefined method `read$1' for class `StringIO' +# undefined method `reopen$2' for class `StringIO' +# undefined method `seek$1' for class `StringIO' +# undefined method `set_encoding$2' for class `StringIO' +# undefined method `write$1' for class `StringIO' +# wrong constant name each$2 +# wrong constant name each_line$2 +# wrong constant name fcntl$1 +# wrong constant name initialize$1 +# wrong constant name length +# wrong constant name lines$2 +# wrong constant name read$1 +# wrong constant name reopen$2 +# wrong constant name seek$1 +# wrong constant name set_encoding$2 +# wrong constant name truncate +# wrong constant name write$1 +# undefined singleton method `open$1' for `StringIO' +# wrong constant name open$1 +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name beginning_of_line? +# wrong constant name bol? +# wrong constant name captures +# wrong constant name charpos +# wrong constant name check +# wrong constant name check_until +# wrong constant name clear +# wrong constant name concat +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name exist? +# wrong constant name get_byte +# wrong constant name getbyte +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name match? +# wrong constant name matched +# wrong constant name matched? +# wrong constant name matched_size +# wrong constant name peek +# wrong constant name peep +# wrong constant name pointer +# wrong constant name pointer= +# wrong constant name pos +# wrong constant name pos= +# wrong constant name post_match +# wrong constant name pre_match +# wrong constant name reset +# wrong constant name rest +# wrong constant name rest? +# wrong constant name rest_size +# wrong constant name restsize +# wrong constant name scan_full +# wrong constant name scan_until +# wrong constant name search_full +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name skip +# wrong constant name skip_until +# wrong constant name string +# wrong constant name string= +# wrong constant name terminate +# wrong constant name unscan +# wrong constant name values_at +# wrong constant name must_C_version +# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Struct' +# Did you mean? initialize +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name dig +# wrong constant name each_pair +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name initialize$1 +# wrong constant name length +# wrong constant name members +# wrong constant name select +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name to_h +# wrong constant name values +# wrong constant name values_at +# undefined method `[]$2' for class `Symbol' +# undefined method `capitalize$1' for class `Symbol' +# undefined method `downcase$1' for class `Symbol' +# undefined method `match$1' for class `Symbol' +# undefined method `slice$2' for class `Symbol' +# undefined method `swapcase$1' for class `Symbol' +# undefined method `upcase$1' for class `Symbol' +# wrong constant name []$2 +# wrong constant name capitalize$1 +# wrong constant name casecmp? +# wrong constant name downcase$1 +# wrong constant name match$1 +# wrong constant name match? +# wrong constant name next +# wrong constant name slice$2 +# wrong constant name swapcase$1 +# wrong constant name upcase$1 +# wrong constant name errno +# wrong constant name status +# wrong constant name success? +# wrong constant name T.noreturn +# wrong constant name T.noreturn +# wrong constant name T.untyped +# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Tempfile' +# Did you mean? initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name _close +# wrong constant name initialize$1 +# wrong constant name inspect +# wrong constant name call +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name abort_on_exception +# wrong constant name abort_on_exception= +# wrong constant name add_trace_func +# wrong constant name backtrace +# wrong constant name backtrace_locations +# wrong constant name exit +# wrong constant name fetch +# wrong constant name group +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name join +# wrong constant name key? +# wrong constant name keys +# wrong constant name name +# wrong constant name name= +# wrong constant name pending_interrupt? +# wrong constant name priority +# wrong constant name priority= +# wrong constant name report_on_exception +# wrong constant name report_on_exception= +# wrong constant name run +# wrong constant name safe_level +# wrong constant name status +# wrong constant name stop? +# wrong constant name terminate +# wrong constant name thread_variable? +# wrong constant name thread_variable_get +# wrong constant name thread_variable_set +# wrong constant name thread_variables +# wrong constant name value +# wrong constant name wakeup +# wrong constant name broadcast +# wrong constant name marshal_dump +# wrong constant name signal +# wrong constant name wait +# wrong constant name lock +# wrong constant name locked? +# wrong constant name owned? +# wrong constant name synchronize +# wrong constant name try_lock +# wrong constant name unlock +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name clear +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name closed? +# wrong constant name deq +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name enq +# wrong constant name length +# wrong constant name marshal_dump +# wrong constant name num_waiting +# wrong constant name pop +# wrong constant name push +# wrong constant name shift +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name enq +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name max +# wrong constant name max= +# wrong constant name push +# wrong constant name abort_on_exception +# wrong constant name abort_on_exception= +# wrong constant name exclusive +# wrong constant name exit +# wrong constant name fork +# wrong constant name handle_interrupt +# wrong constant name kill +# wrong constant name list +# wrong constant name pass +# wrong constant name pending_interrupt? +# wrong constant name report_on_exception +# wrong constant name report_on_exception= +# wrong constant name start +# wrong constant name stop +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name enclose +# wrong constant name enclosed? +# wrong constant name list +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name clear +# wrong constant name compute +# wrong constant name compute_if_absent +# wrong constant name compute_if_present +# wrong constant name delete +# wrong constant name delete_pair +# wrong constant name each_pair +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name get_and_set +# wrong constant name get_or_default +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name key? +# wrong constant name merge_pair +# wrong constant name replace_if_exists +# wrong constant name replace_pair +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name key +# wrong constant name key? +# wrong constant name locked? +# wrong constant name matches? +# wrong constant name pure_hash +# wrong constant name try_await_lock +# wrong constant name try_lock_via_hash +# wrong constant name unlock_via_hash +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name locked_hash? +# uninitialized constant ThreadSafe::AtomicReferenceCacheBackend::Table::Elem +# wrong constant name cas_new_node +# wrong constant name delete_node_at +# wrong constant name try_lock_via_hash +# wrong constant name try_to_cas_in_computed +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ThreadSafe::SynchronizedCacheBackend::VERSION +# wrong constant name lock +# wrong constant name locked? +# wrong constant name synchronize +# wrong constant name try_lock +# wrong constant name unlock +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ThreadSafe::Util::Adder::THREAD_LOCAL_KEY +# wrong constant name add +# wrong constant name decrement +# wrong constant name increment +# wrong constant name reset +# wrong constant name sum +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name compare_and_set +# wrong constant name get +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name set +# wrong constant name value +# wrong constant name value= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name cas_mutex +# wrong constant name compare_and_set_mutex +# wrong constant name lazy_set_mutex +# wrong constant name mutex +# wrong constant name mutex= +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ThreadSafe::Util::PowerOfTwoTuple::Elem +# wrong constant name hash_to_index +# wrong constant name next_in_size_table +# wrong constant name volatile_get_by_hash +# wrong constant name volatile_set_by_hash +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name busy? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name retry_update +# wrong constant name cas +# wrong constant name cas_computed +# wrong constant name padding_ +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name attr_volatile +# wrong constant name +# uninitialized constant ThreadSafe::Util::VolatileTuple::Elem +# wrong constant name cas +# wrong constant name compare_and_set +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name volatile_get +# wrong constant name volatile_set +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name get +# wrong constant name xorshift +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name precompiled_postamble +# wrong constant name precompiled_template +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name precompiled +# wrong constant name precompiled_template +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name engine +# wrong constant name precompiled +# wrong constant name precompiled_postamble +# wrong constant name precompiled_preamble +# wrong constant name precompiled_template +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name default_output_variable +# wrong constant name default_output_variable= +# wrong constant name precompiled_template +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name precompiled +# wrong constant name precompiled_template +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name allows_script? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name evaluate +# wrong constant name precompiled_postamble +# wrong constant name precompiled_preamble +# wrong constant name precompiled_template +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name allows_script? +# wrong constant name markup +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name allows_script? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name filename +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name from_filenames +# wrong constant name dependencies +# wrong constant name filename +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name render +# wrong constant name source_map +# wrong constant name template +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name setup +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name options= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name setup +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name imports +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name path= +# wrong constant name source +# wrong constant name source= +# wrong constant name source_map_path +# wrong constant name source_map_path= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name _context_get_included_files +# wrong constant name _make_data_context +# wrong constant name boolean_get_value +# wrong constant name color_get_a +# wrong constant name color_get_b +# wrong constant name color_get_g +# wrong constant name color_get_r +# wrong constant name color_set_a +# wrong constant name color_set_b +# wrong constant name color_set_g +# wrong constant name color_set_r +# wrong constant name compile_data_context +# wrong constant name compile_file_context +# wrong constant name compiler_get_last_import +# wrong constant name context_get_error_column +# wrong constant name context_get_error_file +# wrong constant name context_get_error_json +# wrong constant name context_get_error_line +# wrong constant name context_get_error_message +# wrong constant name context_get_error_status +# wrong constant name context_get_options +# wrong constant name context_get_output_string +# wrong constant name context_get_source_map_string +# wrong constant name data_context_get_context +# wrong constant name data_context_get_options +# wrong constant name data_context_set_options +# wrong constant name delete_data_context +# wrong constant name delete_file_context +# wrong constant name error_get_message +# wrong constant name error_set_message +# wrong constant name file_context_get_context +# wrong constant name file_context_get_options +# wrong constant name file_context_set_options +# wrong constant name function_get_cookie +# wrong constant name function_get_function +# wrong constant name function_get_list_entry +# wrong constant name function_get_signature +# wrong constant name function_set_list_entry +# wrong constant name import_get_abs_path +# wrong constant name import_get_imp_path +# wrong constant name import_get_source +# wrong constant name import_set_list_entry +# wrong constant name list_get_length +# wrong constant name list_get_value +# wrong constant name list_set_value +# wrong constant name make_boolean +# wrong constant name make_color +# wrong constant name make_error +# wrong constant name make_file_context +# wrong constant name make_function +# wrong constant name make_function_list +# wrong constant name make_import_entry +# wrong constant name make_import_list +# wrong constant name make_importer +# wrong constant name make_list +# wrong constant name make_map +# wrong constant name make_number +# wrong constant name make_options +# wrong constant name make_qstring +# wrong constant name make_string +# wrong constant name map_get_key +# wrong constant name map_get_length +# wrong constant name map_get_value +# wrong constant name map_set_key +# wrong constant name map_set_value +# wrong constant name number_get_unit +# wrong constant name number_get_value +# wrong constant name option_get_c_functions +# wrong constant name option_get_include_path +# wrong constant name option_get_input_path +# wrong constant name option_get_is_indented_syntax_src +# wrong constant name option_get_omit_source_map_url +# wrong constant name option_get_output_path +# wrong constant name option_get_output_style +# wrong constant name option_get_precision +# wrong constant name option_get_source_comments +# wrong constant name option_get_source_map_contents +# wrong constant name option_get_source_map_embed +# wrong constant name option_get_source_map_file +# wrong constant name option_set_c_functions +# wrong constant name option_set_c_importers +# wrong constant name option_set_include_path +# wrong constant name option_set_input_path +# wrong constant name option_set_is_indented_syntax_src +# wrong constant name option_set_omit_source_map_url +# wrong constant name option_set_output_path +# wrong constant name option_set_output_style +# wrong constant name option_set_precision +# wrong constant name option_set_source_comments +# wrong constant name option_set_source_map_contents +# wrong constant name option_set_source_map_embed +# wrong constant name option_set_source_map_file +# wrong constant name sass2scss +# wrong constant name string_get_value +# wrong constant name string_is_quoted +# wrong constant name value_get_tag +# wrong constant name value_is_null +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name malloc +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name malloc +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name _context_get_included_files +# wrong constant name _make_data_context +# wrong constant name attach_function +# wrong constant name boolean_get_value +# wrong constant name color_get_a +# wrong constant name color_get_b +# wrong constant name color_get_g +# wrong constant name color_get_r +# wrong constant name color_set_a +# wrong constant name color_set_b +# wrong constant name color_set_g +# wrong constant name color_set_r +# wrong constant name compile_data_context +# wrong constant name compile_file_context +# wrong constant name compiler_get_last_import +# wrong constant name context_get_error_column +# wrong constant name context_get_error_file +# wrong constant name context_get_error_json +# wrong constant name context_get_error_line +# wrong constant name context_get_error_message +# wrong constant name context_get_error_status +# wrong constant name context_get_included_files +# wrong constant name context_get_options +# wrong constant name context_get_output_string +# wrong constant name context_get_source_map_string +# wrong constant name data_context_get_context +# wrong constant name data_context_get_options +# wrong constant name data_context_set_options +# wrong constant name delete_data_context +# wrong constant name delete_file_context +# wrong constant name error_get_message +# wrong constant name error_set_message +# wrong constant name file_context_get_context +# wrong constant name file_context_get_options +# wrong constant name file_context_set_options +# wrong constant name function_get_cookie +# wrong constant name function_get_function +# wrong constant name function_get_list_entry +# wrong constant name function_get_signature +# wrong constant name function_set_list_entry +# wrong constant name import_get_abs_path +# wrong constant name import_get_imp_path +# wrong constant name import_get_source +# wrong constant name import_set_list_entry +# wrong constant name list_get_length +# wrong constant name list_get_value +# wrong constant name list_set_value +# wrong constant name make_boolean +# wrong constant name make_color +# wrong constant name make_data_context +# wrong constant name make_error +# wrong constant name make_file_context +# wrong constant name make_function +# wrong constant name make_function_list +# wrong constant name make_import_entry +# wrong constant name make_import_list +# wrong constant name make_importer +# wrong constant name make_list +# wrong constant name make_map +# wrong constant name make_number +# wrong constant name make_options +# wrong constant name make_qstring +# wrong constant name make_string +# wrong constant name map_get_key +# wrong constant name map_get_length +# wrong constant name map_get_value +# wrong constant name map_set_key +# wrong constant name map_set_value +# wrong constant name native_string +# wrong constant name number_get_unit +# wrong constant name number_get_value +# wrong constant name option_get_c_functions +# wrong constant name option_get_include_path +# wrong constant name option_get_input_path +# wrong constant name option_get_is_indented_syntax_src +# wrong constant name option_get_omit_source_map_url +# wrong constant name option_get_output_path +# wrong constant name option_get_output_style +# wrong constant name option_get_precision +# wrong constant name option_get_source_comments +# wrong constant name option_get_source_map_contents +# wrong constant name option_get_source_map_embed +# wrong constant name option_get_source_map_file +# wrong constant name option_set_c_functions +# wrong constant name option_set_c_importers +# wrong constant name option_set_include_path +# wrong constant name option_set_input_path +# wrong constant name option_set_is_indented_syntax_src +# wrong constant name option_set_omit_source_map_url +# wrong constant name option_set_output_path +# wrong constant name option_set_output_style +# wrong constant name option_set_precision +# wrong constant name option_set_source_comments +# wrong constant name option_set_source_map_contents +# wrong constant name option_set_source_map_embed +# wrong constant name option_set_source_map_file +# wrong constant name return_string_array +# wrong constant name sass2scss +# wrong constant name string_get_type +# wrong constant name string_get_value +# wrong constant name string_is_quoted +# wrong constant name value_get_tag +# wrong constant name value_is_null +# wrong constant name version +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name convert +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name _perform +# wrong constant name assert_int! +# wrong constant name bracketed +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name null? +# wrong constant name options +# wrong constant name options= +# wrong constant name separator +# wrong constant name source_range +# wrong constant name source_range= +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name to_bool +# wrong constant name to_h +# wrong constant name to_i +# wrong constant name to_s +# wrong constant name to_sass +# wrong constant name value +# wrong constant name with_contents +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name new +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name alpha +# wrong constant name alpha_string +# wrong constant name blue +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name green +# wrong constant name hlsa? +# wrong constant name hue +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name lightness +# wrong constant name red +# wrong constant name rgba? +# wrong constant name saturation +# wrong constant name to_s +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name eq +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name options= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name assert_valid_index +# wrong constant name eq +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name inspect +# wrong constant name options= +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name coerce +# wrong constant name comparable_to? +# wrong constant name denominator_units +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name inspect +# wrong constant name int? +# wrong constant name is_unit? +# wrong constant name legal_units? +# wrong constant name numerator_units +# wrong constant name original +# wrong constant name original= +# wrong constant name unit_str +# wrong constant name unitless? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name basically_equal? +# wrong constant name epsilon +# wrong constant name precision +# wrong constant name precision= +# wrong constant name precision_factor +# wrong constant name round +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name plus +# wrong constant name type +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name quote +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_native +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_native +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_native +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_native +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_native +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name to_native +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name from_native +# wrong constant name to_native +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name custom_functions +# wrong constant name formatted_function_name +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name sass_backtrace +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name [] +# wrong constant name []= +# wrong constant name as_stored +# wrong constant name delete +# wrong constant name denormalize +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name empty? +# wrong constant name has_key? +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name keys +# wrong constant name map +# wrong constant name method_missing +# wrong constant name normalize +# wrong constant name size +# wrong constant name sort_by +# wrong constant name to_a +# wrong constant name to_hash +# wrong constant name update +# wrong constant name values +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name allows_script? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name precompiled +# wrong constant name precompiled_template +# wrong constant name +# undefined method `getlocal$1' for class `Time' +# undefined method `initialize$1' for class `Time' +# Did you mean? initialize +# undefined method `localtime$1' for class `Time' +# undefined method `round$1' for class `Time' +# undefined method `to_s$1' for class `Time' +# Did you mean? to_s +# uninitialized constant Time::DAYS_INTO_WEEK +# uninitialized constant Time::WEEKEND_DAYS +# wrong constant name getlocal$1 +# wrong constant name initialize$1 +# wrong constant name localtime$1 +# wrong constant name round$1 +# wrong constant name to_s$1 +# undefined singleton method `at$2' for `Time' +# undefined singleton method `gm$1' for `Time' +# undefined singleton method `local$1' for `Time' +# undefined singleton method `mktime$1' for `Time' +# undefined singleton method `utc$1' for `Time' +# undefined singleton method `zone_offset$1' for `Time' +# wrong constant name at$2 +# wrong constant name gm$1 +# wrong constant name local$1 +# wrong constant name mktime$1 +# wrong constant name utc$1 +# wrong constant name zone_offset$1 +# undefined singleton method `catch$1' for `Timeout::Error' +# wrong constant name catch$1 +# undefined method `enable$2' for class `TracePoint' +# wrong constant name __enable +# wrong constant name enable$2 +# wrong constant name eval_script +# wrong constant name event +# wrong constant name instruction_sequence +# wrong constant name parameters +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name normalize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name instance +# wrong constant name normalize +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name decode +# wrong constant name encode +# wrong constant name escape +# wrong constant name unescape +# wrong constant name buffer_open +# wrong constant name set_typecode +# wrong constant name typecode +# wrong constant name typecode= +# wrong constant name new2 +# uninitialized constant URI::File::ABS_PATH +# uninitialized constant URI::File::ABS_URI +# uninitialized constant URI::File::ABS_URI_REF +# uninitialized constant URI::File::DEFAULT_PARSER +# uninitialized constant URI::File::ESCAPED +# uninitialized constant URI::File::FRAGMENT +# uninitialized constant URI::File::HOST +# uninitialized constant URI::File::OPAQUE +# uninitialized constant URI::File::PORT +# uninitialized constant URI::File::QUERY +# uninitialized constant URI::File::REGISTRY +# uninitialized constant URI::File::REL_PATH +# uninitialized constant URI::File::REL_URI +# uninitialized constant URI::File::REL_URI_REF +# uninitialized constant URI::File::RFC3986_PARSER +# uninitialized constant URI::File::SCHEME +# uninitialized constant URI::File::TBLDECWWWCOMP_ +# uninitialized constant URI::File::TBLENCWWWCOMP_ +# uninitialized constant URI::File::UNSAFE +# uninitialized constant URI::File::URI_REF +# uninitialized constant URI::File::USERINFO +# uninitialized constant URI::File::USE_REGISTRY +# uninitialized constant URI::File::VERSION +# uninitialized constant URI::File::VERSION_CODE +# uninitialized constant URI::File::WEB_ENCODINGS_ +# wrong constant name check_password +# wrong constant name check_user +# wrong constant name check_userinfo +# wrong constant name set_userinfo +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name + +# wrong constant name - +# wrong constant name == +# wrong constant name absolute +# wrong constant name absolute? +# wrong constant name coerce +# wrong constant name component +# wrong constant name component_ary +# wrong constant name default_port +# wrong constant name eql? +# wrong constant name find_proxy +# wrong constant name fragment +# wrong constant name fragment= +# wrong constant name hierarchical? +# wrong constant name host +# wrong constant name host= +# wrong constant name hostname +# wrong constant name hostname= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name merge +# wrong constant name merge! +# wrong constant name normalize +# wrong constant name normalize! +# wrong constant name opaque +# wrong constant name opaque= +# wrong constant name parser +# wrong constant name password +# wrong constant name password= +# wrong constant name path +# wrong constant name path= +# wrong constant name port +# wrong constant name port= +# wrong constant name query +# wrong constant name query= +# wrong constant name registry +# wrong constant name registry= +# wrong constant name relative? +# wrong constant name route_from +# wrong constant name route_to +# wrong constant name scheme +# wrong constant name scheme= +# wrong constant name select +# wrong constant name set_host +# wrong constant name set_opaque +# wrong constant name set_password +# wrong constant name set_path +# wrong constant name set_port +# wrong constant name set_registry +# wrong constant name set_scheme +# wrong constant name set_user +# wrong constant name set_userinfo +# wrong constant name user +# wrong constant name user= +# wrong constant name userinfo +# wrong constant name userinfo= +# wrong constant name build +# wrong constant name build2 +# wrong constant name component +# wrong constant name default_port +# wrong constant name use_proxy? +# wrong constant name use_registry +# wrong constant name buffer_open +# wrong constant name request_uri +# wrong constant name attributes +# wrong constant name attributes= +# wrong constant name dn +# wrong constant name dn= +# wrong constant name extensions +# wrong constant name extensions= +# wrong constant name filter +# wrong constant name filter= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name scope +# wrong constant name scope= +# wrong constant name set_attributes +# wrong constant name set_dn +# wrong constant name set_extensions +# wrong constant name set_filter +# wrong constant name set_scope +# wrong constant name headers +# wrong constant name headers= +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name set_headers +# wrong constant name set_to +# wrong constant name to +# wrong constant name to= +# wrong constant name to_mailtext +# wrong constant name to_rfc822text +# wrong constant name escape +# wrong constant name extract +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name join +# wrong constant name make_regexp +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name pattern +# wrong constant name regexp +# wrong constant name split +# wrong constant name unescape +# wrong constant name join +# wrong constant name parse +# wrong constant name regexp +# wrong constant name split +# wrong constant name make_components_hash +# wrong constant name decode_www_form +# wrong constant name encode_www_form +# wrong constant name encode_www_form_component +# wrong constant name get_encoding +# wrong constant name clone +# wrong constant name original_name +# wrong constant name tag +# wrong constant name value +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name warn +# wrong constant name generate +# uninitialized constant XRay::Rack::Middleware::TRACE_HEADER +# uninitialized constant XRay::Rack::Middleware::TRACE_HEADER_PROXY +# uninitialized constant Zip::File::END_OF_CDS +# uninitialized constant Zip::File::MAX_END_OF_CDS_SIZE +# uninitialized constant Zip::File::STATIC_EOCD_SIZE +# uninitialized constant Zip::File::ZIP64_END_OF_CDS +# uninitialized constant Zip::File::ZIP64_EOCD_LOCATOR +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name deflate +# wrong constant name flush +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name params +# wrong constant name set_dictionary +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name deflate +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name closed? +# wrong constant name comment +# wrong constant name crc +# wrong constant name finish +# wrong constant name level +# wrong constant name mtime +# wrong constant name orig_name +# wrong constant name os_code +# wrong constant name sync +# wrong constant name sync= +# wrong constant name to_io +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name input +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name wrap +# uninitialized constant Zlib::GzipReader::Elem +# wrong constant name bytes +# wrong constant name each +# wrong constant name each_byte +# wrong constant name each_char +# wrong constant name each_line +# wrong constant name eof +# wrong constant name eof? +# wrong constant name external_encoding +# wrong constant name getbyte +# wrong constant name getc +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name lineno +# wrong constant name lineno= +# wrong constant name lines +# wrong constant name pos +# wrong constant name read +# wrong constant name readbyte +# wrong constant name readchar +# wrong constant name readpartial +# wrong constant name rewind +# wrong constant name tell +# wrong constant name ungetbyte +# wrong constant name ungetc +# wrong constant name unused +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name open +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name comment= +# wrong constant name flush +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name mtime= +# wrong constant name orig_name= +# wrong constant name pos +# wrong constant name tell +# wrong constant name write +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name open +# wrong constant name << +# wrong constant name add_dictionary +# wrong constant name inflate +# wrong constant name initialize +# wrong constant name set_dictionary +# wrong constant name sync +# wrong constant name sync_point? +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name inflate +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name adler +# wrong constant name avail_in +# wrong constant name avail_out +# wrong constant name avail_out= +# wrong constant name close +# wrong constant name closed? +# wrong constant name data_type +# wrong constant name end +# wrong constant name ended? +# wrong constant name finish +# wrong constant name finished? +# wrong constant name flush_next_in +# wrong constant name flush_next_out +# wrong constant name reset +# wrong constant name stream_end? +# wrong constant name total_in +# wrong constant name total_out +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name +# wrong constant name adler32 +# wrong constant name adler32_combine +# wrong constant name crc32 +# wrong constant name crc32_combine +# wrong constant name crc_table +# wrong constant name deflate +# wrong constant name gunzip +# wrong constant name gzip +# wrong constant name inflate +# wrong constant name zlib_version diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/hidden-definitions/hidden.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/hidden-definitions/hidden.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..38104f33c --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/hidden-definitions/hidden.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,31623 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi hidden-definitions + +# typed: autogenerated + +module AbstractController::AssetPaths + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::Caching::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::Caching::ConfigMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::Caching::Fragments::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::Caching::Fragments + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::Caching + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::Callbacks::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::Callbacks + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::Collector + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class AbstractController::DoubleRenderError + DEFAULT_MESSAGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module AbstractController::Helpers::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::Helpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::Logger + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::Railties::RoutesHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::Railties + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::Rendering + DEFAULT_PROTECTED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module AbstractController::Rendering + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::Translation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::UrlFor::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController::UrlFor + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AbstractController + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionController::API + include ::ActionView::ViewPaths + include ::AbstractController::Rendering + include ::ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor + include ::ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes + include ::AbstractController::UrlFor + include ::ActionController::UrlFor + include ::AbstractController::Logger + include ::ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable + include ::ActionController::Redirecting + include ::ActionController::ApiRendering + include ::ActionController::Rendering + include ::ActionController::Renderers + include ::ActionController::Renderers::All + include ::ActionController::ConditionalGet + include ::ActionController::Head + include ::ActionController::BasicImplicitRender + include ::ActiveSupport::Rescuable + include ::ActionController::StrongParameters + include ::ActiveSupport::Callbacks + include ::AbstractController::Callbacks + include ::ActionController::ForceSSL + include ::ActionController::DataStreaming + include ::ActionController::Rescue + include ::ActionController::Instrumentation + include ::ActionController::ParamsWrapper + include ::ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::MountedHelpers + include ::Raven::Rails::ControllerMethods + include ::Raven::Rails::ControllerTransaction + def __callbacks(); end + + def __callbacks?(); end + + def _process_action_callbacks(); end + + def _renderers(); end + + def _renderers=(val); end + + def _renderers?(); end + + def _run_process_action_callbacks(&block); end + + def _view_paths(); end + + def _view_paths=(val); end + + def _view_paths?(); end + + def _wrapper_options(); end + + def _wrapper_options=(val); end + + def _wrapper_options?(); end + + def default_url_options(); end + + def default_url_options=(val); end + + def default_url_options?(); end + + def etaggers(); end + + def etaggers=(val); end + + def etaggers?(); end + + def logger(); end + + def logger=(value); end + + def rescue_handlers(); end + + def rescue_handlers=(val); end + + def rescue_handlers?(); end + MODULES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionController::API + extend ::AbstractController::UrlFor::ClassMethods + extend ::ActionController::Rendering::ClassMethods + extend ::ActionController::Renderers::ClassMethods + extend ::ActionController::ConditionalGet::ClassMethods + extend ::AbstractController::Callbacks::ClassMethods + extend ::ActionController::ForceSSL::ClassMethods + extend ::ActionController::Instrumentation::ClassMethods + extend ::ActionController::ParamsWrapper::ClassMethods + extend ::ActionController::Railties::Helpers + def self.__callbacks(); end + + def self.__callbacks=(val); end + + def self.__callbacks?(); end + + def self._process_action_callbacks(); end + + def self._process_action_callbacks=(value); end + + def self._renderers(); end + + def self._renderers=(val); end + + def self._renderers?(); end + + def self._view_paths(); end + + def self._view_paths=(val); end + + def self._view_paths?(); end + + def self._wrapper_options(); end + + def self._wrapper_options=(val); end + + def self._wrapper_options?(); end + + def self.default_url_options(); end + + def self.default_url_options=(val); end + + def self.default_url_options?(); end + + def self.etaggers(); end + + def self.etaggers=(val); end + + def self.etaggers?(); end + + def self.logger(); end + + def self.logger=(value); end + + def self.rescue_handlers(); end + + def self.rescue_handlers=(val); end + + def self.rescue_handlers?(); end + + def self.without_modules(*modules); end +end + +module ActionController::ApiRendering + def render_to_body(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module ActionController::ApiRendering + extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionController::Base + include ::ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::MountedHelpers + include ::Raven::Rails::ControllerMethods + include ::Raven::Rails::ControllerTransaction + MODULES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PROTECTED_IVARS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionController::Base + extend ::ActionController::Railties::Helpers +end + +module ActionController::BasicImplicitRender + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Caching + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::ConditionalGet::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::ConditionalGet + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::ContentSecurityPolicy::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::ContentSecurityPolicy + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Cookies + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::DataStreaming + DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_DISPOSITION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_SEND_FILE_TYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionController::DataStreaming + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::EtagWithFlash + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::EtagWithTemplateDigest + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Flash::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Flash + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::ForceSSL + ACTION_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REDIRECT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + URL_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionController::ForceSSL::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::ForceSSL + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::FormBuilder::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::FormBuilder + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Head + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Helpers::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Helpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic::ControllerMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Digest::ControllerMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Digest + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Token + AUTHN_PAIR_DELIMITERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TOKEN_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TOKEN_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Token::ControllerMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Token + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::HttpAuthentication + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::ImplicitRender + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Instrumentation::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Instrumentation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Live + include ::Raven::Rails::Overrides::StreamingReporter +end + +module ActionController::Live::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionController::Live::SSE + WHITELISTED_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionController::Live + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionController::LogSubscriber + def exist_fragment?(event); end + + def expire_fragment(event); end + + def expire_page(event); end + + def halted_callback(event); end + + def process_action(event); end + + def read_fragment(event); end + + def redirect_to(event); end + + def send_data(event); end + + def send_file(event); end + + def start_processing(event); end + + def unpermitted_parameters(event); end + + def write_fragment(event); end + + def write_page(event); end + INTERNAL_PARAMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionController::MiddlewareStack + EXCLUDE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INCLUDE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NULL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionController::MimeResponds + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::ParameterEncoding::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::ParameterEncoding + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionController::Parameters + EMPTY_ARRAY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EMPTY_HASH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PERMITTED_SCALAR_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionController::ParamsWrapper + EXCLUDE_PARAMETERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionController::ParamsWrapper::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::ParamsWrapper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Railties::Helpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Railties + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Redirecting + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionController::Renderer + DEFAULTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IDENTITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_KEY_TRANSLATION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_VALUE_TRANSLATION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionController::Renderers + RENDERERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionController::Renderers::All + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Renderers::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Renderers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Rendering + RENDER_FORMATS_IN_PRIORITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionController::Rendering::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Rendering + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection + AUTHENTICITY_TOKEN_LENGTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NULL_ORIGIN_MESSAGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection::ProtectionMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Rescue + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionController::SessionOverflowError + DEFAULT_MESSAGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionController::Streaming + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::StrongParameters + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::TemplateAssertions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::TestCase::Behavior::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::TestCase::Behavior + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionController::TestRequest + DEFAULT_ENV = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENCODER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionController::TestSession + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionController::Testing::Functional + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::Testing + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController::UrlFor + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionController + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::AssertionResponse + def code(); end + + def code_and_name(); end + + def initialize(code_or_name); end + + def name(); end + GENERIC_RESPONSE_CODES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::AssertionResponse +end + +module ActionDispatch::Assertions::ResponseAssertions + RESPONSE_PREDICATES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Assertions::ResponseAssertions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Assertions::RoutingAssertions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Assertions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::ContentSecurityPolicy::Middleware + CONTENT_TYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + POLICY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + POLICY_REPORT_ONLY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::ContentSecurityPolicy::Request + NONCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NONCE_GENERATOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + POLICY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + POLICY_REPORT_ONLY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::ContentSecurityPolicy::Request + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Cookies + AUTHENTICATED_ENCRYPTED_COOKIE_SALT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COOKIES_DIGEST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COOKIES_ROTATIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COOKIES_SERIALIZER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENCRYPTED_COOKIE_CIPHER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENCRYPTED_COOKIE_SALT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENCRYPTED_SIGNED_COOKIE_SALT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GENERATOR_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_COOKIE_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SECRET_KEY_BASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SECRET_TOKEN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SIGNED_COOKIE_DIGEST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SIGNED_COOKIE_SALT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + USE_AUTHENTICATED_COOKIE_ENCRYPTION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Cookies::ChainedCookieJars + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar + include ::ActionDispatch::Cookies::ChainedCookieJars + DOMAIN_REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Cookies::SerializedCookieJars + MARSHAL_SIGNATURE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +ActionDispatch::Cookies::SerializedCookieJars::SERIALIZER = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor::NullSerializer + +module ActionDispatch::Cookies::SerializedCookieJars + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions + include ::Raven::Rails::Overrides::DebugExceptionsCatcher + RESCUES_TEMPLATE_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::DebugLocks + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app, path=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class ActionDispatch::DebugLocks +end + +class ActionDispatch::Flash + KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Flash::RequestMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::Cache::Request + HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::Cache::Request + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::Cache::Response + DATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_CACHE_CONTROL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LAST_MODIFIED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MUST_REVALIDATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NO_CACHE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PRIVATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUBLIC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SPECIAL_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::Cache::Response + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::Cache + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::FilterParameters + ENV_MATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KV_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NULL_ENV_FILTER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NULL_PARAM_FILTER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PAIR_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::FilterParameters + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::FilterRedirect + FILTERED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::FilterRedirect + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Http::Headers + CGI_VARIABLES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::MimeNegotiation + BROWSER_LIKE_ACCEPTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::MimeNegotiation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Http::ParameterFilter + FILTERED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters + DEFAULT_PARSERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARAMETERS_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::URL + HOST_REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IP_HOST_REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PROTOCOL_REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http::URL + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Http + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Integration::RequestHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Integration::Runner + APP_SESSIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Integration::Runner + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Integration::Session + include ::ActionDispatch::Assertions + include ::ActionDispatch::Assertions::ResponseAssertions + include ::ActionDispatch::Assertions::RoutingAssertions + include ::ActionDispatch::Integration::RequestHelpers + DEFAULT_HOST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Integration + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest::Behavior::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest::Behavior + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest::UrlOptions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Format + ESCAPE_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPE_SEGMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Journey::Formatter::RegexCaseComparator + DEFAULT_INPUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Journey::Formatter::RegexCaseComparator + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Journey::GTG::Builder + DUMMY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Journey::GTG + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Journey::NFA::Dot + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Journey::NFA + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Symbol + DEFAULT_EXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Parser + Racc_arg = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_debug_parser = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_token_to_s_table = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Journey::Path + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers + VERBS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERB_TO_CLASS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Journey::Route::VerbMatchers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Router::Utils + ENCODER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Router::Utils::UriEncoder + ALPHA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEC2HEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DIGIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EMPTY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENCODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FRAGMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SEGMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SUB_DELIMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNRESERVED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + US_ASCII = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTF_8 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::Dot + INSTANCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::Each + INSTANCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::FunctionalVisitor + DISPATCH_CACHE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::String + INSTANCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::Visitor + DISPATCH_CACHE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Journey + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::RemoteIp + TRUSTED_PROXIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::Request + include ::ActionDispatch::Flash::RequestMethods + ACTION_DISPATCH_REQUEST_ID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENV_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_METHOD_LOOKUP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCALHOST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RFC2518 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RFC2616 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RFC3253 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RFC3648 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RFC3744 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RFC4791 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RFC5323 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RFC5789 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::RequestId + X_REQUEST_ID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::Response + CONTENT_TYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CONTENT_TYPE_PARSER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCATION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NO_CONTENT_CODES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NullContentTypeHeader = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SET_COOKIE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing + HTTP_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SEPARATORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper + URL_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Base + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Concerns + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Constraints + CALL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SERVE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::CustomUrls + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::HttpHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Mapping + ANCHOR_CHARACTERS_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + JOINED_SEPARATORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPTIONAL_FORMAT_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Resources + CANONICAL_ACTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESOURCE_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_ON_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Resources + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Scope + NULL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESOURCE_METHOD_SCOPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESOURCE_SCOPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Scoping + POISON = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Scoping + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Routing::PathRedirect + URL_PARTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing::Redirection + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet + DEFAULT_CONFIG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESERVED_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNKNOWN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::Generator + PARAMETERIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::MountedHelpers + def _govuk_publishing_components(); end + + def _jasmine_rails(); end + + def _main_app(); end + + def govuk_publishing_components(); end + + def jasmine_rails(); end + + def main_app(); end +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::MountedHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteWrapper + include ::Sprockets::Rails::RouteWrapper + def assets_prefix(); end + + def assets_prefix=(val); end + + def assets_prefix?(); end +end + +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteWrapper + def self.assets_prefix(); end + + def self.assets_prefix=(val); end + + def self.assets_prefix?(); end +end + +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RoutesProxy + include ::ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor + include ::ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes + def _routes(); end + + def default_url_options(); end + + def default_url_options=(val); end + + def default_url_options?(); end + + def initialize(routes, scope, helpers, script_namer=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def routes(); end + + def routes=(routes); end + + def scope(); end + + def scope=(scope); end +end + +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RoutesProxy + def self.default_url_options(); end + + def self.default_url_options=(val); end + + def self.default_url_options?(); end +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Routing + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::SSL + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app, redirect: T.unsafe(nil), hsts: T.unsafe(nil), secure_cookies: T.unsafe(nil)); end + HSTS_EXPIRES_IN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::SSL + def self.default_hsts_options(); end +end + +class ActionDispatch::Session::AbstractStore + include ::ActionDispatch::Session::Compatibility + include ::ActionDispatch::Session::StaleSessionCheck + include ::ActionDispatch::Session::SessionObject +end + +class ActionDispatch::Session::AbstractStore +end + +class ActionDispatch::Session::CacheStore + def delete_session(env, sid, options); end + + def write_session(env, sid, session, options); end +end + +class ActionDispatch::Session::CacheStore +end + +module ActionDispatch::Session::Compatibility + def generate_sid(); end + + def initialize(app, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module ActionDispatch::Session::Compatibility + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore + def delete_session(req, session_id, options); end + + def load_session(req); end +end + +class ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore +end + +class ActionDispatch::Session::MemCacheStore + include ::ActionDispatch::Session::Compatibility + include ::ActionDispatch::Session::StaleSessionCheck + include ::ActionDispatch::Session::SessionObject +end + +class ActionDispatch::Session::MemCacheStore +end + +module ActionDispatch::Session::SessionObject + def loaded_session?(session); end + + def prepare_session(req); end +end + +module ActionDispatch::Session::SessionObject + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Session::StaleSessionCheck + def extract_session_id(env); end + + def load_session(env); end + + def stale_session_check!(); end +end + +module ActionDispatch::Session::StaleSessionCheck + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::Session + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions + FAILSAFE_RESPONSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase + include ::Capybara::DSL + include ::Capybara::DSLRSpecProxyInstaller + include ::Capybara::Minitest::Assertions + include ::ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown + include ::ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper + include ::ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::TestHelpers::UndefMethods +end + +class ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase + def self.driven_by(driver, using: T.unsafe(nil), screen_size: T.unsafe(nil), options: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.driver(); end + + def self.driver=(val); end + + def self.driver?(); end + + def self.start_application(); end +end + +module ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper + def take_failed_screenshot(); end + + def take_screenshot(); end +end + +module ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown + def after_teardown(); end + + def before_setup(); end + + def host!(host); end + DEFAULT_HOST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::TestHelpers::UndefMethods + METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::TestHelpers::UndefMethods + extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::TestProcess::FixtureFile + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionDispatch::TestProcess + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionDispatch::TestRequest + DEFAULT_ENV = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionDispatch::TestResponse + def error?(); end + + def initialize(*_); end + + def missing?(); end + + def parsed_body(); end + + def success?(); end +end + +class ActionDispatch::TestResponse + def self.from_response(response); end +end + +module ActionDispatch + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionPack::VERSION + MAJOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MINOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PRE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TINY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionPack::VERSION + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionPack + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView + ENCODING_FLAG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionView::ActionViewError +end + +class ActionView::ActionViewError +end + +class ActionView::Base + include ::ActionView::Context + include ::ActionView::CompiledTemplates + include ::ERB::Util + include ::Sprockets::Rails::Helper + include ::Sprockets::Rails::Utils + def assets_environment(); end + + def assets_environment=(val); end + + def assets_environment?(); end + + def assets_manifest(); end + + def assets_manifest=(val); end + + def assets_manifest?(); end + + def assets_precompile(); end + + def assets_precompile=(val); end + + def assets_precompile?(); end + + def assets_prefix(); end + + def assets_prefix=(val); end + + def assets_prefix?(); end + + def check_precompiled_asset(); end + + def check_precompiled_asset=(val); end + + def check_precompiled_asset?(); end + + def debug_assets(); end + + def debug_assets=(val); end + + def debug_assets?(); end + + def digest_assets(); end + + def digest_assets=(val); end + + def digest_assets?(); end + + def precompiled_asset_checker(); end + + def precompiled_asset_checker=(val); end + + def precompiled_asset_checker?(); end + + def resolve_assets_with(); end + + def resolve_assets_with=(val); end + + def resolve_assets_with?(); end + + def unknown_asset_fallback(); end + + def unknown_asset_fallback=(val); end + + def unknown_asset_fallback?(); end +end + +class ActionView::Base + def self.assets_environment(); end + + def self.assets_environment=(val); end + + def self.assets_environment?(); end + + def self.assets_manifest(); end + + def self.assets_manifest=(val); end + + def self.assets_manifest?(); end + + def self.assets_precompile(); end + + def self.assets_precompile=(val); end + + def self.assets_precompile?(); end + + def self.assets_prefix(); end + + def self.assets_prefix=(val); end + + def self.assets_prefix?(); end + + def self.check_precompiled_asset(); end + + def self.check_precompiled_asset=(val); end + + def self.check_precompiled_asset?(); end + + def self.debug_assets(); end + + def self.debug_assets=(val); end + + def self.debug_assets?(); end + + def self.digest_assets(); end + + def self.digest_assets=(val); end + + def self.digest_assets?(); end + + def self.precompiled_asset_checker(); end + + def self.precompiled_asset_checker=(val); end + + def self.precompiled_asset_checker?(); end + + def self.resolve_assets_with(); end + + def self.resolve_assets_with=(val); end + + def self.resolve_assets_with?(); end + + def self.unknown_asset_fallback(); end + + def self.unknown_asset_fallback=(val); end + + def self.unknown_asset_fallback?(); end +end + +module ActionView::CollectionCaching + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::CompiledTemplates + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Context + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionView::DependencyTracker::ERBTracker + EXPLICIT_DEPENDENCY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IDENTIFIER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LAYOUT_DEPENDENCY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LAYOUT_HASH_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARTIAL_HASH_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RENDER_ARGUMENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VARIABLE_OR_METHOD_CHAIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::Digestor::PerExecutionDigestCacheExpiry + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionView::EncodingError +end + +class ActionView::EncodingError +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::ActiveModelHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper + ASSET_EXTENSIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ASSET_PUBLIC_DIRECTORIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + URI_REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::CacheHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::ControllerHelper + CONTROLLER_DELEGATES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::ControllerHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::CspHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::CsrfHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper + MINUTES_IN_QUARTER_YEAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MINUTES_IN_THREE_QUARTERS_YEAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MINUTES_IN_YEAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::DebugHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper + JS_ESCAPE_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::RecordTagHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::RenderingHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TAG_PREFIXES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + BUTTON_TAG_METHOD_VERBS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRINGIFIED_COMMON_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Helpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::Layouts + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionView::LogSubscriber + def render_collection(event); end + + def render_partial(event); end + + def render_template(event); end + EMPTY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VIEWS_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::LookupContext::Accessors + DEFAULT_PROCS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::LookupContext::Accessors + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::LookupContext::DetailsCache + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::LookupContext::ViewPaths + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionView::MissingTemplate + def initialize(paths, path, prefixes, partial, details, *_); end + + def path(); end +end + +class ActionView::MissingTemplate +end + +module ActionView::ModelNaming + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionView::OutputBuffer + def append=(value); end + + def initialize(*_); end + + def safe_append=(value); end + + def safe_expr_append=(val); end +end + +class ActionView::OutputBuffer +end + +class ActionView::OutputFlow + def append(key, value); end + + def append!(key, value); end + + def content(); end + + def get(key); end + + def set(key, value); end +end + +class ActionView::OutputFlow +end + +class ActionView::PartialRenderer + IDENTIFIER_ERROR_MESSAGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPTION_AS_ERROR_MESSAGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PREFIXED_PARTIAL_NAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionView::PathResolver + DEFAULT_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTENSIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::RecordIdentifier + JOIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NEW = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::RecordIdentifier + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionView::Renderer + def cache_hits(); end + + def initialize(lookup_context); end + + def lookup_context(); end + + def lookup_context=(lookup_context); end + + def render(context, options); end + + def render_body(context, options); end + + def render_partial(context, options, &block); end + + def render_template(context, options); end +end + +class ActionView::Renderer +end + +module ActionView::Rendering + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionView::Resolver::Cache + KEY_BLOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NAME_BLOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NO_TEMPLATES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARTIAL_BLOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PREFIX_BLOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::RoutingUrlFor + include ::ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor + include ::ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes + def default_url_options=(obj); end +end + +module ActionView::RoutingUrlFor + extend ::T::Sig + def self.default_url_options=(obj); end +end + +class ActionView::StreamingBuffer + def <<(value); end + + def append=(value); end + + def concat(value); end + + def html_safe(); end + + def initialize(block); end + + def safe_append=(value); end + + def safe_concat(value); end +end + +class ActionView::StreamingBuffer +end + +class ActionView::StreamingFlow + def initialize(view, fiber); end +end + +class ActionView::StreamingFlow +end + +class ActionView::StreamingTemplateRenderer::Body + include ::Raven::Rails::Overrides::StreamingReporter +end + +class ActionView::Template + Finalizer = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionView::Template::Error + def annoted_source_code(); end + + def file_name(); end + + def initialize(template); end + + def line_number(); end + + def source_extract(indentation=T.unsafe(nil), output=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def sub_template_message(); end + + def sub_template_of(template_path); end + SOURCE_CODE_RADIUS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionView::Template::Error +end + +class ActionView::Template::HTML + def formats(); end + + def identifier(); end + + def initialize(string, type=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def render(*args); end + + def to_str(); end + + def type(); end + + def type=(type); end +end + +class ActionView::Template::HTML +end + +class ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB + ENCODING_TAG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB::Erubi + BLOCK_EXPR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::Template::Handlers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionView::Template::Text + def formats(); end + + def identifier(); end + + def initialize(string); end + + def render(*args); end + + def to_str(); end + + def type(); end + + def type=(type); end +end + +class ActionView::Template::Text +end + +class ActionView::Template::Types::Type + SET = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +ActionView::TemplateError = ActionView::Template::Error + +class ActionView::TestCase + include ::ActionDispatch::TestProcess + include ::ActionDispatch::TestProcess::FixtureFile + include ::ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor +end + +module ActionView::TestCase::Behavior + include ::ActionDispatch::TestProcess + include ::ActionDispatch::TestProcess::FixtureFile + include ::ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor + INTERNAL_IVARS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::TestCase::Behavior::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::TestCase::Behavior::Locals + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::TestCase::Behavior + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::VERSION + MAJOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MINOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PRE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TINY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActionView::VERSION + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActionView::ViewPaths + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActionView::WrongEncodingError + def initialize(string, encoding); end +end + +class ActionView::WrongEncodingError +end + +module ActionView + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Autoload + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::BacktraceCleaner + def add_filter(&block); end + + def add_silencer(&block); end + + def clean(backtrace, kind=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def filter(backtrace, kind=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def remove_filters!(); end + + def remove_silencers!(); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::BacktraceCleaner +end + +module ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::BigDecimalWithDefaultFormat + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Cache + UNIVERSAL_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry + DEFAULT_COMPRESS_LIMIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore + include ::ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache + DIR_FORMATTER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXCLUDED_DIRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FILENAME_MAX_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FILEPATH_MAX_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GITKEEP_FILES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore + include ::ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache + include ::ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore::LocalCacheWithRaw + def initialize(*addresses); end + + def stats(); end + ESCAPE_KEY_CHARS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore::LocalCacheWithRaw +end + +module ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore::LocalCacheWithRaw + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore + def self.build_mem_cache(*addresses); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore + PER_ENTRY_OVERHEAD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActiveSupport::Cache::NullStore + include ::ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache +end + +class ActiveSupport::Cache::NullStore +end + +module ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Cache + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Callbacks + CALLBACK_FILTER_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::Callbacks + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::CompareWithRange + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Concern + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Concurrency + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Configurable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes + include ::ActiveSupport::Callbacks + def __callbacks(); end + + def __callbacks?(); end + + def _reset_callbacks(); end + + def _run_reset_callbacks(&block); end + + def attributes(); end + + def attributes=(attributes); end + + def reset(); end + + def set(set_attributes); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes + extend ::ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker + def self.__callbacks(); end + + def self.__callbacks=(val); end + + def self.__callbacks?(); end + + def self._reset_callbacks(); end + + def self._reset_callbacks=(value); end + + def self.attribute(*names); end + + def self.clear_all(); end + + def self.instance(); end + + def self.reset(*args, &block); end + + def self.reset_all(); end + + def self.resets(&block); end + + def self.set(*args, &block); end +end + +module ActiveSupport::Dependencies + Reference = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Blamable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Dependencies::ModuleConstMissing + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Dependencies + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::Deprecation + def deprecation_horizon(); end + + def deprecation_horizon=(deprecation_horizon); end + + def initialize(deprecation_horizon=T.unsafe(nil), gem_name=T.unsafe(nil)); end + DEFAULT_BEHAVIORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::Behavior + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::DeprecatedConstantAccessor + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator::OverrideDelegators + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::MethodWrapper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::Reporting + RAILS_GEM_ROOT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::Deprecation::Reporting + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::Deprecation + extend ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation::InstanceDelegator::OverrideDelegators +end + +module ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::Digest +end + +class ActiveSupport::Digest + def self.hash_digest_class(); end + + def self.hash_digest_class=(klass); end + + def self.hexdigest(arg); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::Duration + PARTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARTS_IN_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SECONDS_PER_DAY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SECONDS_PER_HOUR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SECONDS_PER_MONTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SECONDS_PER_WEEK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SECONDS_PER_YEAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActiveSupport::Duration::ISO8601Parser + def initialize(string); end + + def mode(); end + + def mode=(mode); end + + def parse!(); end + + def parts(); end + + def scanner(); end + + def sign(); end + + def sign=(sign); end + COMMA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DATE_COMPONENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DATE_COMPONENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DATE_MARKER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DATE_TO_PART = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PERIOD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PERIOD_OR_COMMA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SIGN_MARKER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TIME_COMPONENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TIME_COMPONENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TIME_MARKER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TIME_TO_PART = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActiveSupport::Duration::ISO8601Parser::ParsingError +end + +class ActiveSupport::Duration::ISO8601Parser::ParsingError +end + +class ActiveSupport::Duration::ISO8601Parser +end + +class ActiveSupport::Duration::ISO8601Serializer + def initialize(duration, precision: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def serialize(); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::Duration::ISO8601Serializer +end + +module ActiveSupport::EachTimeWithZone + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::EncryptedFile + CIPHER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActiveSupport::EventedFileUpdateChecker + def execute(); end + + def execute_if_updated(); end + + def initialize(files, dirs=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def updated?(); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::EventedFileUpdateChecker::PathHelper + def existing_parent(dir); end + + def filter_out_descendants(dirs); end + + def longest_common_subpath(paths); end + + def normalize_extension(ext); end + + def xpath(path); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::EventedFileUpdateChecker::PathHelper +end + +class ActiveSupport::EventedFileUpdateChecker +end + +class ActiveSupport::ExecutionWrapper + Null = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::Gzip +end + +class ActiveSupport::Gzip::Stream +end + +class ActiveSupport::Gzip::Stream +end + +module ActiveSupport::Gzip + extend ::T::Sig + def self.compress(source, level=T.unsafe(nil), strategy=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.decompress(source); end +end + +module ActiveSupport::IncludeTimeWithZone + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Inflector + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::JSON + DATETIME_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DATE_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::JSON + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::LazyLoadHooks + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::LegacyKeyGenerator + SECRET_MIN_LENGTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber + def colorize_logging(); end + + def colorize_logging=(obj); end + + def debug(progname=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def error(progname=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def fatal(progname=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def info(progname=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def logger(); end + + def unknown(progname=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def warn(progname=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + BLACK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BLUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BOLD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CLEAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CYAN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GREEN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAGENTA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WHITE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + YELLOW = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::LoggerThreadSafeLevel + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::MarshalWithAutoloading + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor + include ::ActiveSupport::Messages::Rotator::Encryptor + include ::ActiveSupport::Messages::Rotator +end + +module ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor::NullSerializer + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor::NullVerifier + extend ::T::Sig +end + +ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor::OpenSSLCipherError = OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError + +class ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier + include ::ActiveSupport::Messages::Rotator::Verifier + include ::ActiveSupport::Messages::Rotator +end + +module ActiveSupport::Messages::Rotator::Encryptor + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Messages::Rotator::Verifier + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Messages::Rotator + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Messages + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars + include ::Comparable + def =~(*args, &block); end + + def acts_like_string?(*args, &block); end + + def capitalize(); end + + def capitalize!(*args); end + + def compose(); end + + def decompose(); end + + def downcase(); end + + def downcase!(*args); end + + def grapheme_length(); end + + def initialize(string); end + + def limit(limit); end + + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + + def normalize(form=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def reverse(); end + + def reverse!(*args); end + + def slice!(*args); end + + def split(*args); end + + def swapcase(); end + + def tidy_bytes(force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def tidy_bytes!(*args); end + + def titlecase(); end + + def titleize(); end + + def to_str(); end + + def upcase(); end + + def upcase!(*args); end + + def wrapped_string(); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars + def self.consumes?(string); end +end + +module ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode + HANGUL_LBASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_LCOUNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_NCOUNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_SBASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_SCOUNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_SLAST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_TBASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_TCOUNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_VBASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_VCOUNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NORMALIZATION_FORMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODE_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode::UnicodeDatabase + ATTRIBUTES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Multibyte + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout::Subscribers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Notifications + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberConverter + def execute(); end + + def initialize(number, options); end + + def namespace(); end + + def namespace=(val); end + + def namespace?(); end + + def number(); end + + def opts(); end + + def validate_float(); end + + def validate_float=(val); end + + def validate_float?(); end + DEFAULTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberConverter + def self.convert(number, options); end + + def self.namespace(); end + + def self.namespace=(val); end + + def self.namespace?(); end + + def self.validate_float(); end + + def self.validate_float=(val); end + + def self.validate_float?(); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToCurrencyConverter + def convert(); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToCurrencyConverter +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToDelimitedConverter + def convert(); end + DEFAULT_DELIMITER_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToDelimitedConverter +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToHumanConverter + def convert(); end + DECIMAL_UNITS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INVERTED_DECIMAL_UNITS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToHumanConverter +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToHumanSizeConverter + def convert(); end + STORAGE_UNITS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToHumanSizeConverter +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToPercentageConverter + def convert(); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToPercentageConverter +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToPhoneConverter + def convert(); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToPhoneConverter +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToRoundedConverter + def convert(); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToRoundedConverter +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::RoundingHelper + def digit_count(number); end + + def initialize(options); end + + def options(); end + + def round(number); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::RoundingHelper +end + +module ActiveSupport::NumberHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::NumericWithFormat + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::OrderedHash + def encode_with(coder); end + + def reject(*args, &block); end + + def select(*args, &block); end + + def to_yaml_type(); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::OrderedHash +end + +module ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::ProxyObject + def raise(*args); end +end + +class ActiveSupport::ProxyObject +end + +module ActiveSupport::RangeWithFormat + RANGE_FORMATS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::RangeWithFormat + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Rescuable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer + UNSAFE_STRING_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::Subscriber + def finish(name, id, payload); end + + def patterns(); end + + def start(name, id, payload); end +end + +module ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging::Formatter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::TestCase + include ::ActiveSupport::Testing::SetupAndTeardown +end + +module ActiveSupport::Testing::Assertions + UNTRACKED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::Testing::Assertions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantLookup + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Testing::Declarative + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Testing::Deprecation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Testing::FileFixtures + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation::Forking + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation::Subprocess + ORIG_ARGV = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation::Subprocess + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Testing::SetupAndTeardown + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Testing::TaggedLogging + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Testing + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone + include ::DateAndTime::Compatibility + PRECISIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ActiveSupport::TimeZone + MAPPING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTC_OFFSET_WITHOUT_COLON = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTC_OFFSET_WITH_COLON = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::Tryable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::VERSION + MAJOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MINOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PRE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TINY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::VERSION + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ActiveSupport::XMLConverter + DISALLOWED_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::XmlMini + DEFAULT_ENCODINGS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FORMATTING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARSING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_NAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::XmlMini::FileLike + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::XmlMini + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport::XmlMini_REXML + CONTENT_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ActiveSupport::XmlMini_REXML + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ActiveSupport + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Addressable::IDNA + ACE_MAX_LENGTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ACE_PREFIX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COMPOSITION_TABLE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_LBASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_LCOUNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_NCOUNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_SBASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_SCOUNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_TBASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_TCOUNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_VBASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HANGUL_VCOUNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUNYCODE_BASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUNYCODE_DAMP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUNYCODE_DELIMITER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUNYCODE_INITIAL_BIAS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUNYCODE_INITIAL_N = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUNYCODE_MAXINT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUNYCODE_PRINT_ASCII = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUNYCODE_SKEW = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUNYCODE_TMAX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUNYCODE_TMIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODE_DATA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODE_DATA_CANONICAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODE_DATA_COMBINING_CLASS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODE_DATA_COMPATIBILITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODE_DATA_EXCLUSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODE_DATA_LOWERCASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODE_DATA_TITLECASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODE_DATA_UPPERCASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODE_MAX_LENGTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODE_TABLE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTF8_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTF8_REGEX_MULTIBYTE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Addressable::IDNA + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Addressable::Template + EXPRESSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + JOINERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LEADERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESERVED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNRESERVED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VARIABLE_LIST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VARNAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VARSPEC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Addressable::URI + EMPTY_STR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NORMPATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PORT_MAPPING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RULE_2A = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RULE_2B_2C = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RULE_2D = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RULE_PREFIXED_PARENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SELF_REF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SLASH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + URIREGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses + ALPHA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AUTHORITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DIGIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FRAGMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GEN_DELIMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HOST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PCHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + QUERY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESERVED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SCHEME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SUB_DELIMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNRESERVED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Addressable::VERSION + MAJOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MINOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TINY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Addressable::VERSION + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Addressable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Addrinfo + def connect_internal(local_addrinfo, timeout=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Addrinfo + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AdvancedSearchParams + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ApplicationHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ArgumentError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Array + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + include ::JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Array + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def append(*_); end + + def bsearch(); end + + def bsearch_index(); end + + def collect!(); end + + def difference(*_); end + + def dig(*_); end + + def filter!(); end + + def flatten!(*_); end + + def pack(*_); end + + def prepend(*_); end + + def replace(_); end + + def shelljoin(); end + + def to_csv(**options); end + + def to_h(); end + + def union(*_); end +end + +class Array + extend ::T::Sig + def self.try_convert(_); end +end + +Assertions = Minitest::Assertions + +module AwesomeMethodArray + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AwesomePrint::ActionView + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AwesomePrint::ActiveSupport + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AwesomePrint::Colorize + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class AwesomePrint::Formatter + CORE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class AwesomePrint::Formatters::BaseFormatter + DEFAULT_LIMIT_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module AwesomePrint::Formatters + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class AwesomePrint::Inspector + AP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module AwesomePrint::Logger + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AwesomePrint::Nokogiri + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AwesomePrint::OpenStruct + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module AwesomePrint + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Base64 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +BasicObject::BasicObject = BasicObject + +class BasicObject + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class BasicSocket + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Benchmark::Job + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def initialize(width); end + + def item(label=T.unsafe(nil), &blk); end + + def list(); end + + def report(label=T.unsafe(nil), &blk); end + + def width(); end +end + +class Benchmark::Job + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Benchmark::Report + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def initialize(width=T.unsafe(nil), format=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def item(label=T.unsafe(nil), *format, &blk); end + + def list(); end + + def report(label=T.unsafe(nil), *format, &blk); end +end + +class Benchmark::Report + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Benchmark::Tms + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def *(x); end + + def +(other); end + + def -(other); end + + def /(x); end + + def add(&blk); end + + def add!(&blk); end + + def cstime(); end + + def cutime(); end + + def format(format=T.unsafe(nil), *args); end + + def initialize(utime=T.unsafe(nil), stime=T.unsafe(nil), cutime=T.unsafe(nil), cstime=T.unsafe(nil), real=T.unsafe(nil), label=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def label(); end + + def memberwise(op, x); end + + def real(); end + + def stime(); end + + def to_a(); end + + def total(); end + + def utime(); end +end + +class Benchmark::Tms + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Benchmark + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module BetterErrors + POSSIBLE_EDITOR_PRESETS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class BetterErrors::CodeFormatter + FILE_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class BetterErrors::Middleware + ALLOWED_IPS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module BetterErrors::REPL + PROVIDERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module BetterErrors::REPL + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module BetterErrors + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class BigDecimal + include ::ActiveSupport::NumericWithFormat + include ::ActiveSupport::BigDecimalWithDefaultFormat + def clone(); end + + def to_d(); end + + def to_digits(); end + EXCEPTION_NaN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SIGN_NaN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class BigDecimal + extend ::T::Sig + def self._load(_); end + + def self.double_fig(); end + + def self.limit(*_); end + + def self.mode(*_); end + + def*args, **kwargs); end + + def self.save_exception_mode(); end + + def self.save_limit(); end + + def self.save_rounding_mode(); end +end + +module BigMath + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Binding + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def clone(); end + + def irb(); end + + def local_variable_defined?(_); end + + def local_variable_get(_); end + + def local_variable_set(_, _1); end + + def receiver(); end + + def source_location(); end +end + +class Binding + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module BindingOfCaller::BindingExtensions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module BindingOfCaller + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::BuildMetadata + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Bundler::Deprecate = Gem::Deprecate + +class Bundler::Env +end + +class Bundler::Env + def self.environment(); end + + def; end + + def self.write(io); end +end + +class Bundler::FeatureFlag + def github_https?(); end +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher + def fetch_spec(spec); end + + def fetchers(); end + + def http_proxy(); end + + def initialize(remote); end + + def specs(gem_names, source); end + + def specs_with_retry(gem_names, source); end + + def uri(); end + + def use_api(); end + + def user_agent(); end + FAIL_ERRORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FETCHERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_ERRORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NET_ERRORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::AuthenticationRequiredError + def initialize(remote_uri); end +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::AuthenticationRequiredError +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::BadAuthenticationError + def initialize(remote_uri); end +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::BadAuthenticationError +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::Base + def api_fetcher?(); end + + def available?(); end + + def display_uri(); end + + def downloader(); end + + def fetch_uri(); end + + def initialize(downloader, remote, display_uri); end + + def remote(); end + + def remote_uri(); end +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::Base +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::CertificateFailureError + def initialize(remote_uri); end +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::CertificateFailureError +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::CompactIndex + def available?(*args, &blk); end + + def fetch_spec(*args, &blk); end + + def specs(*args, &blk); end + + def specs_for_names(gem_names); end +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::CompactIndex::ClientFetcher + def call(path, headers); end + + def fetcher(); end + + def fetcher=(_); end + + def ui(); end + + def ui=(_); end +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::CompactIndex::ClientFetcher + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::CompactIndex + def self.compact_index_request(method_name); end +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::Dependency + def dependency_api_uri(gem_names=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def dependency_specs(gem_names); end + + def get_formatted_specs_and_deps(gem_list); end + + def specs(gem_names, full_dependency_list=T.unsafe(nil), last_spec_list=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def unmarshalled_dep_gems(gem_names); end +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::Dependency +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::Downloader + def connection(); end + + def fetch(uri, headers=T.unsafe(nil), counter=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def initialize(connection, redirect_limit); end + + def redirect_limit(); end + + def request(uri, headers); end +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::Downloader +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::FallbackError +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::FallbackError +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::Index + def fetch_spec(spec); end + + def specs(_gem_names); end +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::Index +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::NetworkDownError +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::NetworkDownError +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::SSLError + def initialize(msg=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher::SSLError +end + +class Bundler::Fetcher + def self.api_timeout(); end + + def self.api_timeout=(api_timeout); end + + def self.disable_endpoint(); end + + def self.disable_endpoint=(disable_endpoint); end + + def self.max_retries(); end + + def self.max_retries=(max_retries); end + + def self.redirect_limit(); end + + def self.redirect_limit=(redirect_limit); end +end + +module Bundler::FileUtils::DryRun + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::FileUtils::LowMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::FileUtils::NoWrite + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::FileUtils::Verbose + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::FileUtils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Bundler::GemHelper + include ::Rake::DSL + include ::Rake::FileUtilsExt + include ::FileUtils + include ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + def allowed_push_host(); end + + def already_tagged?(); end + + def base(); end + + def build_gem(); end + + def built_gem_path(); end + + def clean?(); end + + def committed?(); end + + def gem_key(); end + + def gem_push?(); end + + def gem_push_host(); end + + def gemspec(); end + + def git_push(remote=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def guard_clean(); end + + def initialize(base=T.unsafe(nil), name=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def install(); end + + def install_gem(built_gem_path=T.unsafe(nil), local=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def name(); end + + def perform_git_push(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def rubygem_push(path); end + + def sh(cmd, &block); end + + def sh_with_code(cmd, &block); end + + def spec_path(); end + + def tag_version(); end + + def version(); end + + def version_tag(); end +end + +class Bundler::GemHelper + def self.gemspec(&block); end + + def self.install_tasks(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.instance(); end + + def self.instance=(instance); end +end + +module Bundler::GemHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Bundler::GemRemoteFetcher +end + +class Bundler::GemRemoteFetcher +end + +class Bundler::GemVersionPromoter + def initialize(locked_specs=T.unsafe(nil), unlock_gems=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def level(); end + + def level=(value); end + + def locked_specs(); end + + def major?(); end + + def minor?(); end + + def prerelease_specified(); end + + def prerelease_specified=(prerelease_specified); end + + def sort_versions(dep, spec_groups); end + + def strict(); end + + def strict=(strict); end + + def unlock_gems(); end + DEBUG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Bundler::GemVersionPromoter +end + +class Bundler::Graph + def edge_options(); end + + def groups(); end + + def initialize(env, output_file, show_version=T.unsafe(nil), show_requirements=T.unsafe(nil), output_format=T.unsafe(nil), without=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def node_options(); end + + def output_file(); end + + def output_format(); end + + def relations(); end + + def viz(); end + GRAPH_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Bundler::Graph::GraphVizClient + def g(); end + + def initialize(graph_instance); end + + def run(); end +end + +class Bundler::Graph::GraphVizClient +end + +class Bundler::Graph +end + +class Bundler::Injector + def initialize(deps, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def inject(gemfile_path, lockfile_path); end + + def remove(gemfile_path, lockfile_path); end + INJECTED_GEMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Bundler::Injector + def self.inject(new_deps, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.remove(gems, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Bundler::Installer + def generate_bundler_executable_stubs(spec, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def generate_standalone_bundler_executable_stubs(spec); end + + def initialize(root, definition); end + + def post_install_messages(); end + + def run(options); end +end + +class Bundler::Installer + def self.ambiguous_gems(); end + + def self.ambiguous_gems=(ambiguous_gems); end + + def self.install(root, definition, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module Bundler::MatchPlatform + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::Molinillo::Compatibility + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::Molinillo::Delegates::ResolutionState + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::Molinillo::Delegates::SpecificationProvider + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::Molinillo::Delegates + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::Molinillo::SpecificationProvider + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::Molinillo::UI + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::Molinillo + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::Plugin::API::Source + def ==(other); end + + def app_cache_dirname(); end + + def app_cache_path(custom_path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def bundler_plugin_api_source?(); end + + def cache(spec, custom_path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def cached!(); end + + def can_lock?(spec); end + + def dependency_names(); end + + def dependency_names=(dependency_names); end + + def double_check_for(*_); end + + def eql?(other); end + + def fetch_gemspec_files(); end + + def gem_install_dir(); end + + def hash(); end + + def include?(other); end + + def initialize(opts); end + + def install(spec, opts); end + + def install_path(); end + + def installed?(); end + + def name(); end + + def options(); end + + def options_to_lock(); end + + def post_install(spec, disable_exts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def remote!(); end + + def root(); end + + def specs(); end + + def to_lock(); end + + def to_s(); end + + def unlock!(); end + + def unmet_deps(); end + + def uri(); end + + def uri_hash(); end +end + +module Bundler::Plugin::API::Source + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::DSL + def _gem(name, *args); end + + def inferred_plugins(); end + + def plugin(name, *args); end +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::DSL::PluginGemfileError +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::DSL::PluginGemfileError +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::DSL +end + +module Bundler::Plugin::Events + GEM_AFTER_INSTALL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GEM_AFTER_INSTALL_ALL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GEM_BEFORE_INSTALL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GEM_BEFORE_INSTALL_ALL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Bundler::Plugin::Events + extend ::T::Sig + def self.defined_event?(event); end +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::Index + def command_plugin(command); end + + def commands(); end + + def global_index_file(); end + + def hook_plugins(event); end + + def index_file(); end + + def installed?(name); end + + def load_paths(name); end + + def local_index_file(); end + + def plugin_path(name); end + + def register_plugin(name, path, load_paths, commands, sources, hooks); end + + def source?(source); end + + def source_plugin(name); end +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::Index::CommandConflict + def initialize(plugin, commands); end +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::Index::CommandConflict +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::Index::SourceConflict + def initialize(plugin, sources); end +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::Index::SourceConflict +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::Index +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::Installer + def install(names, options); end + + def install_definition(definition); end +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Git + def generate_bin(spec, disable_extensions=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Git +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Rubygems +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Rubygems +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::Installer +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::SourceList +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::SourceList +end + +module Bundler::Plugin + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Bundler::ProcessLock +end + +class Bundler::ProcessLock + def self.lock(bundle_path=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Bundler::Retry + def attempt(&block); end + + def attempts(&block); end + + def current_run(); end + + def current_run=(current_run); end + + def initialize(name, exceptions=T.unsafe(nil), retries=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def name(); end + + def name=(name); end + + def total_runs(); end + + def total_runs=(total_runs); end +end + +class Bundler::Retry + def self.attempts(); end + + def self.default_attempts(); end + + def self.default_retries(); end +end + +module Bundler::RubyDsl + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Bundler::RubyGemsGemInstaller +end + +class Bundler::RubyGemsGemInstaller +end + +class Bundler::Settings::Mirror + def ==(other); end + + def fallback_timeout(); end + + def fallback_timeout=(timeout); end + + def initialize(uri=T.unsafe(nil), fallback_timeout=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def uri(); end + + def uri=(uri); end + + def valid?(); end + + def validate!(probe=T.unsafe(nil)); end + DEFAULT_FALLBACK_TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Bundler::Settings::Mirror +end + +class Bundler::Settings::Mirrors + def each(); end + + def for(uri); end + + def initialize(prober=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def parse(key, value); end +end + +class Bundler::Settings::Mirrors +end + +class Bundler::Settings::Validator +end + +class Bundler::Settings::Validator::Rule + def description(); end + + def fail!(key, value, *reasons); end + + def initialize(keys, description, &validate); end + + def k(key); end + + def set(settings, key, value, *reasons); end + + def validate!(key, value, settings); end +end + +class Bundler::Settings::Validator::Rule +end + +class Bundler::Settings::Validator + def self.validate!(key, value, settings); end +end + +module Bundler::SharedHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Bundler::UI::RGProxy +end + +class Bundler::UI::Shell + def add_color(string, *color); end + + def ask(msg); end + + def confirm(msg, newline=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def debug(msg, newline=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def debug?(); end + + def error(msg, newline=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def info(msg, newline=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def initialize(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def level(name=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def level=(level); end + + def no?(); end + + def quiet?(); end + + def shell=(shell); end + + def silence(&blk); end + + def trace(e, newline=T.unsafe(nil), force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def unprinted_warnings(); end + + def warn(msg, newline=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def yes?(msg); end + LEVELS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Bundler::UI::Shell +end + +module Bundler::UI + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::URICredentialsFilter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Bundler::VersionRanges +end + +class Bundler::VersionRanges::NEq + def version(); end + + def version=(_); end +end + +class Bundler::VersionRanges::NEq + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class Bundler::VersionRanges::ReqR + def cover?(v); end + + def empty?(); end + + def left(); end + + def left=(_); end + + def right(); end + + def right=(_); end + + def single?(); end + INFINITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNIVERSAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ZERO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Bundler::VersionRanges::ReqR::Endpoint + def inclusive(); end + + def inclusive=(_); end + + def version(); end + + def version=(_); end +end + +class Bundler::VersionRanges::ReqR::Endpoint + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class Bundler::VersionRanges::ReqR + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +module Bundler::VersionRanges + extend ::T::Sig + def self.empty?(ranges, neqs); end + + def self.for(requirement); end + + def self.for_many(requirements); end +end + +module Bundler + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Byebug + PORT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Byebug::AutoirbSetting + DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Byebug::AutolistSetting + DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Byebug::AutoprySetting + DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Byebug::AutosaveSetting + DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Byebug::CallstyleSetting + DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Byebug::Command + extend ::Byebug::Helpers::StringHelper +end + +class Byebug::Context + extend ::Byebug::Helpers::PathHelper +end + +class Byebug::FullpathSetting + DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Byebug::Helpers::BinHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Byebug::Helpers::EvalHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Byebug::Helpers::FileHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Byebug::Helpers::FrameHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Byebug::Helpers::ParseHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Byebug::Helpers::PathHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Byebug::Helpers::ReflectionHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Byebug::Helpers::StringHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Byebug::Helpers::ThreadHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Byebug::Helpers::ToggleHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Byebug::Helpers::VarHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Byebug::Helpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Byebug::HistfileSetting + DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Byebug::HistsizeSetting + DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Byebug::ListsizeSetting + DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Byebug::LocalInterface + EOF_ALIAS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Byebug::Printers::Base + SEPARATOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Byebug::Printers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Byebug::Remote + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Byebug::SavefileSetting + DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Byebug::Setting + DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Byebug::Subcommands::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Byebug::Subcommands + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Byebug::ThreadsTable +end + +class Byebug::ThreadsTable +end + +class Byebug::WidthSetting + DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Byebug + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class CGI + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class CGI::Cookie + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class CGI::Cookie + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module CGI::Escape + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module CGI::HtmlExtension + def a(href=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def base(href=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def blockquote(cite=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def caption(align=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def checkbox(name=T.unsafe(nil), value=T.unsafe(nil), checked=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def checkbox_group(name=T.unsafe(nil), *values); end + + def file_field(name=T.unsafe(nil), size=T.unsafe(nil), maxlength=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def form(method=T.unsafe(nil), action=T.unsafe(nil), enctype=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def hidden(name=T.unsafe(nil), value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def html(attributes=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def image_button(src=T.unsafe(nil), name=T.unsafe(nil), alt=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def img(src=T.unsafe(nil), alt=T.unsafe(nil), width=T.unsafe(nil), height=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def multipart_form(action=T.unsafe(nil), enctype=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def password_field(name=T.unsafe(nil), value=T.unsafe(nil), size=T.unsafe(nil), maxlength=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def popup_menu(name=T.unsafe(nil), *values); end + + def radio_button(name=T.unsafe(nil), value=T.unsafe(nil), checked=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def radio_group(name=T.unsafe(nil), *values); end + + def reset(value=T.unsafe(nil), name=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def scrolling_list(name=T.unsafe(nil), *values); end + + def submit(value=T.unsafe(nil), name=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def text_field(name=T.unsafe(nil), value=T.unsafe(nil), size=T.unsafe(nil), maxlength=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def textarea(name=T.unsafe(nil), cols=T.unsafe(nil), rows=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module CGI::HtmlExtension + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class CGI::InvalidEncoding + include ::BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension +end + +class CGI::InvalidEncoding + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module CGI::QueryExtension + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module CGI::Util + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class CGI + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Capybara::Config + OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Capybara::DSL + include ::Capybara::DSLRSpecProxyInstaller +end + +module Capybara::DSL + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::DSLRSpecProxyInstaller + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::Driver + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::Helpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::Minitest +end + +module Capybara::Minitest::Assertions + def assert_all_of_selectors(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_ancestor(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_any_of_selectors(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_button(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_checked_field(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_content(*args); end + + def assert_css(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_current_path(*args); end + + def assert_field(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_link(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_matches_css(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_matches_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_matches_style(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_matches_xpath(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_no_ancestor(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_no_button(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_no_checked_field(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_no_content(*args); end + + def assert_no_css(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_no_current_path(*args); end + + def assert_no_field(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_no_link(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_no_select(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_no_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_no_sibling(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_no_table(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_no_text(*args); end + + def assert_no_title(*args); end + + def assert_no_unchecked_field(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_no_xpath(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_none_of_selectors(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_not_matches_css(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_not_matches_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_not_matches_xpath(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_select(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_sibling(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_table(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_text(*args); end + + def assert_title(*args); end + + def assert_unchecked_field(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def assert_xpath(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_ancestor(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_button(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_checked_field(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_content(*args); end + + def refute_css(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_current_path(*args); end + + def refute_field(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_link(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_matches_css(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_matches_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_matches_xpath(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_select(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_selector(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_sibling(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_table(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_text(*args); end + + def refute_title(*args); end + + def refute_unchecked_field(*args, &optional_filter_block); end + + def refute_xpath(*args, &optional_filter_block); end +end + +module Capybara::Minitest::Assertions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::Minitest + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::Node::Actions + CAPTURE_FILE_ELEMENT_SCRIPT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DATALIST_OPTIONS_SCRIPT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESET_STYLE_SCRIPT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UPDATE_STYLE_SCRIPT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Capybara::Node::Actions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::Node::DocumentMatchers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Capybara::Node::Element + STYLE_SCRIPT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Capybara::Node::Finders + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::Node::Matchers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Capybara::Node::Simple + VISIBILITY_XPATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Capybara::Node + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Capybara::Queries::BaseQuery + COUNT_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Capybara::Queries::SelectorQuery + VALID_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_MATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Capybara::Queries + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::RSpecMatcherProxies + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::RSpecMatcherProxyInstaller::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::RSpecMatcherProxyInstaller + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::RSpecMatchers::CountSugar + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::Compound::Synchronizer + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers::Compound + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::RSpecMatchers::Matchers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::RSpecMatchers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Capybara::RackTest::Driver + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Capybara::RackTest::Errors + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Capybara::RackTest::Node + BLOCK_ELEMENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DISABLED_BY_FIELDSET_XPATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPTION_OWNER_XPATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Capybara::RackTest + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Capybara::Selector::CSS + ESCAPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + H = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NMSTART = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NONASCII = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + S = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Capybara::Selector::Filters + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Capybara::Selenium::Driver + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SPECIAL_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Capybara::Selenium::Driver::ChromeDriver + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::Selenium::Driver::FirefoxDriver + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::Selenium::Driver::InternetExplorerDriver + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::Selenium::Driver::SafariDriver + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::Selenium::Driver::W3CFirefoxDriver + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::Selenium::Find + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Capybara::Selenium::Node + GET_XPATH_SCRIPT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OBSCURED_OR_OFFSET_SCRIPT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Capybara::Selenium::Node::Html5Drag + ATTACH_FILE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DROP_FILE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DROP_STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML5_DRAG_DROP_SCRIPT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MOUSEDOWN_TRACKER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Capybara::Selenium::Node::Html5Drag + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Capybara::Selenium::SafariNode + MODIFIER_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Capybara::Selenium::Scroll + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara::Selenium + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Capybara::Server::AnimationDisabler + DISABLE_MARKUP_TEMPLATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Capybara::Server::Checker + TRY_HTTPS_ERRORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Capybara::Session + DOCUMENT_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DSL_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MODAL_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NODE_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SESSION_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Capybara::SessionConfig + OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Capybara::SessionMatchers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Capybara + extend ::Capybara::DSLRSpecProxyInstaller + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ChildProcess + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ChildProcess::AbstractProcess + POLL_INTERVAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ChildProcess::Unix + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ChildProcess + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Chronic + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::Date + DAYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DAY_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FORTNIGHT_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MONTHS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MONTH_DAYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MONTH_DAYS_LEAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MONTH_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SEASON_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WEEKEND_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WEEK_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + YEAR_MONTHS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + YEAR_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Chronic::Handlers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Chronic::Numerizer + BIG_PREFIXES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DIRECT_NUMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ORDINALS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TEN_PREFIXES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::Parser + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterDay + DAY_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterDayName + DAY_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterDayPortion + PORTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterFortnight + FORTNIGHT_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterHour + HOUR_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterMinute + MINUTE_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterMonth + MONTH_DAYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MONTH_DAYS_LEAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MONTH_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + YEAR_MONTHS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterMonthName + MONTHS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MONTH_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterSeason + SEASONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SEASON_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterSeasonName + DAY_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SEASON_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterSecond + SECOND_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterWeek + WEEK_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterWeekday + DAYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DAY_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterWeekend + WEEKEND_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::RepeaterYear + YEAR_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::Scalar + DAY_PORTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Chronic::Time + HOUR_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MINUTE_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SECOND_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SUBSECOND_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Chronic + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Class + def json_creatable?(); end +end + +class Class + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ClosedQueueError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module CodeRay + CODERAY_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TokenKinds = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class CodeRay::Duo + def call(code, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def encode(code, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def encoder(); end + + def format(); end + + def format=(format); end + + def highlight(code, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def initialize(lang=T.unsafe(nil), format=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def lang(); end + + def lang=(lang); end + + def options(); end + + def options=(options); end + + def scanner(); end +end + +class CodeRay::Duo + def self.[](*_); end +end + +class CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder::PLUGIN_HOST = CodeRay::Encoders + +class CodeRay::Encoders::Terminal + TOKEN_COLORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module CodeRay::Encoders + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module CodeRay::FileType + TypeFromExt = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TypeFromName = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TypeFromShebang = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class CodeRay::FileType::UnknownFileType +end + +class CodeRay::FileType::UnknownFileType +end + +module CodeRay::FileType + extend ::T::Sig + def self.[](filename, read_shebang=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.fetch(filename, default=T.unsafe(nil), read_shebang=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.type_from_shebang(filename); end +end + +module CodeRay::Plugin + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module CodeRay::PluginHost + PLUGIN_HOSTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PLUGIN_HOSTS_BY_ID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module CodeRay::PluginHost + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module CodeRay::Scanners +end + +class CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner + include ::Enumerable + def binary_string(); end + + def column(pos=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def each(&block); end + + def file_extension(); end + + def initialize(code=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def lang(); end + + def line(pos=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def raise_inspect(message, tokens, state=T.unsafe(nil), ambit=T.unsafe(nil), backtrace=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def raise_inspect_arguments(message, tokens, state, ambit); end + + def reset_instance(); end + + def scan_rest(); end + + def scan_tokens(tokens, options); end + + def scanner_state_info(state); end + + def set_string_from_source(source); end + + def set_tokens_from_options(options); end + + def setup(); end + + def state(); end + + def state=(state); end + + def string=(code); end + + def tokenize(source=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def tokens(); end + + def tokens_last(tokens, n); end + + def tokens_size(tokens); end + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KINDS_NOT_LOC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SCANNER_STATE_INFO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner::PLUGIN_HOST = CodeRay::Scanners + +class CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner::ScanError +end + +class CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner::ScanError +end + +class CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner + extend ::CodeRay::Plugin + def self.encode_with_encoding(code, target_encoding); end + + def self.encoding(name=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.file_extension(extension=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.guess_encoding(s); end + + def self.lang(); end + + def self.normalize(code); end + + def self.to_unix(code); end +end + +module CodeRay::Scanners + extend ::CodeRay::PluginHost + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module CodeRay::Styles +end + +class CodeRay::Styles::Style + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +CodeRay::Styles::Style::PLUGIN_HOST = CodeRay::Styles + +class CodeRay::Styles::Style + extend ::CodeRay::Plugin +end + +module CodeRay::Styles + extend ::CodeRay::PluginHost + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class CodeRay::Tokens + def begin_group(kind); end + + def begin_line(kind); end + + def count(); end + + def encode(encoder, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def end_group(kind); end + + def end_line(kind); end + + def method_missing(meth, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def scanner(); end + + def scanner=(scanner); end + + def split_into_parts(*sizes); end + + def text_token(*_); end + + def to_s(); end + + def tokens(*_); end +end + +class CodeRay::Tokens +end + +class CodeRay::TokensProxy + def block(); end + + def block=(block); end + + def each(*args, &blk); end + + def encode(encoder, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def initialize(input, lang, options=T.unsafe(nil), block=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def input(); end + + def input=(input); end + + def lang(); end + + def lang=(lang); end + + def method_missing(method, *args, &blk); end + + def options(); end + + def options=(options); end + + def scanner(); end + + def tokens(); end +end + +class CodeRay::TokensProxy +end + +module CodeRay + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Comparable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Complex + extend ::T::Sig + def self.polar(*_); end + + def self.rect(*_); end + + def self.rectangular(*_); end +end + +Composable = RSpec::Matchers::Composable + +module Concurrent + AtExit = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NULL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NULL_LOGGER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Concurrent::AbstractExecutorService + FALLBACK_POLICIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Concurrent::Async + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::AtomicDirectUpdate + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::AtomicNumericCompareAndSetWrapper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Concurrent::Collection::MapImplementation = Concurrent::Collection::MriMapBackend + +module Concurrent::Collection + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Concern::Dereferenceable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Concern::Logging + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Concern::Obligation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Concern::Observable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Concern + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Concurrent::ConcurrentUpdateError + CONC_UP_ERR_BACKTRACE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Concurrent::ExecutorService + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::ImmutableStruct + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Concurrent::LockFreeStack + EMPTY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Concurrent::MVar + EMPTY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Concurrent::Maybe + NONE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Concurrent::MutableStruct + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Options + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Promises::FactoryMethods::Configuration + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Promises::FactoryMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates + PENDING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESERVED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESOLVED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Concurrent::Promises::InternalStates + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Promises::Resolvable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Promises + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::ReInclude + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Concurrent::ReadWriteLock + MAX_READERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_WRITERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUNNING_WRITER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WAITING_WRITER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Concurrent::ReentrantReadWriteLock + MAX_READERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_WRITERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + READER_BITS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + READ_LOCK_MASK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUNNING_WRITER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WAITING_WRITER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WRITER_BITS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WRITE_LOCK_HELD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WRITE_LOCK_MASK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Concurrent::RubyThreadPoolExecutor + DEFAULT_MAX_POOL_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_MIN_POOL_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_THREAD_IDLETIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Concurrent::SerialExecutorService + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::SettableStruct + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Synchronization::AbstractStruct + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Synchronization::ConditionSignalling + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Synchronization::MriAttrVolatile + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Synchronization::RbxAttrVolatile::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Synchronization::RbxAttrVolatile + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Synchronization::TruffleRubyAttrVolatile::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Synchronization::TruffleRubyAttrVolatile + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Concurrent::Synchronization::Volatile = Concurrent::Synchronization::MriAttrVolatile + +module Concurrent::Synchronization + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util + CPU_COUNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FIXNUM_BIT_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_INT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Concurrent::ThreadSafe::Util + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::ThreadSafe + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Concurrent::TimerTask + EXECUTION_INTERVAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Concurrent::Transaction + ABORTED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Concurrent::Utility::EngineDetector + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Utility::NativeExtensionLoader + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Utility::NativeInteger + MAX_VALUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MIN_VALUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Concurrent::Utility::NativeInteger + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent::Utility + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Concurrent + extend ::T::Sig +end + +ConditionVariable = Thread::ConditionVariable + +module Coverage + extend ::T::Sig + def self.line_stub(file); end + + def self.peek_result(); end + + def self.running?(); end + +end + +module Crack + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Crass::Parser + BLOCK_END_TOKENS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Crass::Tokenizer + RE_COMMENT_CLOSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_DIGIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_ESCAPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_HEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_NAME_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_NON_PRINTABLE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_NUMBER_DECIMAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_NUMBER_EXPONENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_NUMBER_SIGN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_NUMBER_STR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_QUOTED_URL_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_UNICODE_RANGE_END = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_UNICODE_RANGE_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_WHITESPACE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_WHITESPACE_ANCHORED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Crass + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Cucumber::Rails + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Cucumber + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Dalli + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Dalli::Client + CACHE_NILS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Dalli::Ring + POINTS_PER_SERVER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Dalli::Server + CAS_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_PORT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_WEIGHT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FLAG_COMPRESSED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FLAG_SERIALIZED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FORMAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KV_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_ACCEPTABLE_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NORMAL_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOT_FOUND = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPCODES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OP_FORMAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REQUEST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESPONSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESPONSE_CODES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Dalli::Server::TCPSocketOptions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Dalli::Threadsafe + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Dalli + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Data + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Data + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Date + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + DATE_FORMATS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Date::Infinity + def initialize(d=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Date::Infinity + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Date + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module DateAndTime::Calculations + DAYS_INTO_WEEK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WEEKEND_DAYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module DateAndTime::Calculations + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module DateAndTime::Compatibility + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module DateAndTime::Zones + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module DateAndTime + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class DateTime + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Delegator + def !=(obj); end + + def ==(obj); end + + def __getobj__(); end + + def __setobj__(obj); end + + def eql?(obj); end + + def initialize(obj); end + + def marshal_dump(); end + + def marshal_load(data); end + + def method_missing(m, *args, &block); end + + def methods(all=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def protected_methods(all=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def public_methods(all=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Delegator + extend ::T::Sig + def self.const_missing(n); end + + def self.delegating_block(mid); end + + def self.public_api(); end +end + +class DidYouMean::ClassNameChecker + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def class_name(); end + + def class_names(); end + + def corrections(); end + + def initialize(exception); end + + def scopes(); end +end + +class DidYouMean::ClassNameChecker + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module DidYouMean::Correctable + def corrections(); end + + def original_message(); end + + def spell_checker(); end + + def to_s(); end +end + +module DidYouMean::Correctable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module DidYouMean::Jaro + extend ::T::Sig + def self.distance(str1, str2); end +end + +module DidYouMean::JaroWinkler + extend ::T::Sig + def self.distance(str1, str2); end +end + +class DidYouMean::KeyErrorChecker + def corrections(); end + + def initialize(key_error); end +end + +class DidYouMean::KeyErrorChecker +end + +module DidYouMean::Levenshtein + extend ::T::Sig + def self.distance(str1, str2); end + + def self.min3(a, b, c); end +end + +class DidYouMean::MethodNameChecker + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def corrections(); end + + def initialize(exception); end + + def method_name(); end + + def method_names(); end + + def receiver(); end + RB_RESERVED_WORDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class DidYouMean::MethodNameChecker + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class DidYouMean::NullChecker + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def corrections(); end + + def initialize(*_); end +end + +class DidYouMean::NullChecker + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class DidYouMean::PlainFormatter + def message_for(corrections); end +end + +class DidYouMean::PlainFormatter +end + +class DidYouMean::SpellChecker + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def correct(input); end + + def initialize(dictionary:); end +end + +class DidYouMean::SpellChecker + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class DidYouMean::VariableNameChecker + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def corrections(); end + + def cvar_names(); end + + def initialize(exception); end + + def ivar_names(); end + + def lvar_names(); end + + def method_names(); end + + def name(); end + RB_RESERVED_WORDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class DidYouMean::VariableNameChecker + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module DidYouMean + extend ::T::Sig + def self.formatter(); end + + def self.formatter=(formatter); end +end + +class Digest::Base + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Digest::Class + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Digest::Class + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Digest::Instance + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Digest::MD5 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Digest::SHA1 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Digest::SHA2 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Digest::SHA256 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Digest::SHA384 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Digest::SHA512 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Digest + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Dir + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def children(); end + + def each_child(); end + +end + +module Dir::Tmpname + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Dir + extend ::T::Sig + def self.children(*_); end + + def self.each_child(*_); end + + def self.empty?(_); end + + def self.exists?(_); end + + def self.tmpdir(); end +end + +module Docile + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Docile::Execution + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Docile::FallbackContextProxy + NON_PROXIED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NON_PROXIED_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Docile + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module DocumentHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class DomainName + DOT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ETLD_DATA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ETLD_DATA_DATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module DomainName::Punycode + BASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CUTOFF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DAMP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DECODE_DIGIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DELIMITER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DOT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENCODE_DIGIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INITIAL_BIAS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INITIAL_N = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOBASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAXINT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PREFIX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_NONBASIC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SKEW = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TMAX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TMIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module DomainName::Punycode + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class EOFError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ERB + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def def_method(mod, methodname, fname=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def def_module(methodname=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def result_with_hash(hash); end +end + +class ERB::Compiler + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class ERB::Compiler::Buffer + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class ERB::Compiler::Buffer + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ERB::Compiler::ExplicitScanner + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ERB::Compiler::PercentLine + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class ERB::Compiler::PercentLine + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ERB::Compiler::Scanner + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + DEFAULT_ETAGS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_STAGS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ERB::Compiler::Scanner + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ERB::Compiler::SimpleScanner + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ERB::Compiler::TrimScanner + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ERB::Compiler + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ERB::DefMethod + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ERB::Util + HTML_ESCAPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_ESCAPE_ONCE_REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + JSON_ESCAPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + JSON_ESCAPE_REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ERB::Util + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ERB + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Emitter = Psych::Stream::Emitter + +class Encoding + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def _dump(*_); end +end + +class Encoding::CompatibilityError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Encoding::Converter + def convert(_); end + + def convpath(); end + + def destination_encoding(); end + + def finish(); end + + def initialize(*_); end + + def insert_output(_); end + + def last_error(); end + + def primitive_convert(*_); end + + def primitive_errinfo(); end + + def putback(*_); end + + def replacement(); end + + def replacement=(replacement); end + + def source_encoding(); end +end + +class Encoding::Converter + extend ::T::Sig + def self.asciicompat_encoding(_); end + + def self.search_convpath(*_); end +end + +class Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError + def destination_encoding(); end + + def destination_encoding_name(); end + + def error_bytes(); end + + def incomplete_input?(); end + + def readagain_bytes(); end + + def source_encoding(); end + + def source_encoding_name(); end +end + +class Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Encoding::UndefinedConversionError + def destination_encoding(); end + + def destination_encoding_name(); end + + def error_char(); end + + def source_encoding(); end + + def source_encoding_name(); end +end + +class Encoding::UndefinedConversionError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Encoding + extend ::T::Sig + def self._load(_); end + + def self.locale_charmap(); end +end + +class EncodingError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Enumerable + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def chain(*_); end + + def chunk(); end + + def chunk_while(); end + + def each_entry(*_); end + + def each_with_object(_); end + + def filter(); end + + def grep_v(_); end + + def lazy(); end + + def slice_after(*_); end + + def slice_before(*_); end + + def slice_when(); end + + def sum(identity=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def to_set(klass=T.unsafe(nil), *args, &block); end + + def uniq(); end + + def zip(*_); end +end + +module Enumerable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Enumerator + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def +(_); end + +end + +class Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence + def begin(); end + + def each(); end + + def end(); end + + def exclude_end?(); end + + def last(*_); end + + def step(); end +end + +class Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence +end + +class Enumerator::Chain +end + +class Enumerator::Chain +end + +class Enumerator::Generator + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def each(*_); end + + def initialize(*_); end +end + +class Enumerator::Generator + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Enumerator::Lazy + def chunk(*_); end + + def chunk_while(*_); end + + def force(*_); end + + def slice_when(*_); end +end + +class Enumerator::Lazy + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Enumerator::Yielder + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Enumerator::Yielder + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Enumerator + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::E2BIG + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EACCES + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EADDRINUSE + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EAFNOSUPPORT + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EAGAIN + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EALREADY + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EAUTH + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::EAUTH +end + +class Errno::EBADARCH + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::EBADARCH +end + +class Errno::EBADEXEC + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::EBADEXEC +end + +class Errno::EBADF + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EBADMACHO + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::EBADMACHO +end + +class Errno::EBADMSG + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EBADRPC + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::EBADRPC +end + +class Errno::EBUSY + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ECANCELED + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Errno::ECAPMODE = Errno::NOERROR + +class Errno::ECHILD + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ECONNABORTED + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ECONNREFUSED + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ECONNRESET + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EDEADLK + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Errno::EDEADLOCK = Errno::NOERROR + +class Errno::EDESTADDRREQ + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EDEVERR + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::EDEVERR +end + +class Errno::EDOM + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Errno::EDOOFUS = Errno::NOERROR + +class Errno::EDQUOT + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EEXIST + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EFAULT + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EFBIG + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EFTYPE + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::EFTYPE +end + +class Errno::EHOSTDOWN + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EHOSTUNREACH + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EIDRM + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EILSEQ + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EINPROGRESS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EINTR + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EINVAL + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EIO + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Errno::EIPSEC = Errno::NOERROR + +class Errno::EISCONN + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EISDIR + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ELAST + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::ELAST +end + +class Errno::ELOOP + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EMFILE + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EMLINK + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EMSGSIZE + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EMULTIHOP + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENAMETOOLONG + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENEEDAUTH + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::ENEEDAUTH +end + +class Errno::ENETDOWN + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENETRESET + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENETUNREACH + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENFILE + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOATTR + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::ENOATTR +end + +class Errno::ENOBUFS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENODATA + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENODEV + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOENT + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOEXEC + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOLCK + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOLINK + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOMEM + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOMSG + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOPOLICY + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::ENOPOLICY +end + +class Errno::ENOPROTOOPT + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOSPC + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOSR + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOSTR + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOSYS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOTBLK + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Errno::ENOTCAPABLE = Errno::NOERROR + +class Errno::ENOTCONN + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOTDIR + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOTEMPTY + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOTRECOVERABLE + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOTSOCK + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENOTSUP + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::ENOTSUP +end + +class Errno::ENOTTY + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ENXIO + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EOPNOTSUPP + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EOVERFLOW + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EOWNERDEAD + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EPERM + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EPFNOSUPPORT + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EPIPE + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EPROCLIM + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::EPROCLIM +end + +class Errno::EPROCUNAVAIL + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::EPROCUNAVAIL +end + +class Errno::EPROGMISMATCH + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::EPROGMISMATCH +end + +class Errno::EPROGUNAVAIL + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::EPROGUNAVAIL +end + +class Errno::EPROTO + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EPROTONOSUPPORT + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EPROTOTYPE + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EPWROFF + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::EPWROFF +end + +Errno::EQFULL = Errno::ELAST + +class Errno::ERANGE + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EREMOTE + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EROFS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ERPCMISMATCH + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::ERPCMISMATCH +end + +class Errno::ESHLIBVERS + Errno = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Errno::ESHLIBVERS +end + +class Errno::ESHUTDOWN + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ESOCKTNOSUPPORT + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ESPIPE + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ESRCH + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ESTALE + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ETIME + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ETIMEDOUT + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ETOOMANYREFS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::ETXTBSY + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EUSERS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::EXDEV + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Errno::NOERROR + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Errno + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Erubi + RANGE_ALL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RANGE_FIRST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RANGE_LAST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TEXT_END = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Erubi + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Etc::Group + def gid(); end + + def gid=(_); end + + def mem(); end + + def mem=(_); end + + def name(); end + + def name=(_); end + + def passwd(); end + + def passwd=(_); end +end + +class Etc::Group + extend ::T::Sig + extend ::Enumerable + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.each(); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class Etc::Passwd + def change(); end + + def change=(_); end + + def dir(); end + + def dir=(_); end + + def expire(); end + + def expire=(_); end + + def gecos(); end + + def gecos=(_); end + + def gid(); end + + def gid=(_); end + + def name(); end + + def name=(_); end + + def passwd(); end + + def passwd=(_); end + + def shell(); end + + def shell=(_); end + + def uclass(); end + + def uclass=(_); end + + def uid(); end + + def uid=(_); end +end + +class Etc::Passwd + extend ::T::Sig + extend ::Enumerable + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.each(); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +module Etc + extend ::T::Sig + def self.confstr(_); end + + def self.endgrent(); end + + def self.endpwent(); end + + def self.getgrent(); end + + def self.getgrgid(*_); end + + def self.getgrnam(_); end + + def self.getlogin(); end + + def self.getpwent(); end + + def self.getpwnam(_); end + + def self.getpwuid(*_); end + + def; end + + def self.nprocessors(); end + + def self.passwd(); end + + def self.setgrent(); end + + def self.setpwent(); end + + def self.sysconf(_); end + + def self.sysconfdir(); end + + def self.systmpdir(); end + + def self.uname(); end +end + +module EuExitFinderHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Exception + include ::BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def full_message(*_); end + +end + +class Exception + extend ::T::Sig + def self.exception(*_); end + + def self.to_tty?(); end +end + +module Exception2MessageMapper + def bind(cl); end +end + +Exception2MessageMapper::E2MM = Exception2MessageMapper + +class Exception2MessageMapper::ErrNotRegisteredException +end + +class Exception2MessageMapper::ErrNotRegisteredException +end + +module Exception2MessageMapper + extend ::T::Sig + def self.Fail(klass=T.unsafe(nil), err=T.unsafe(nil), *rest); end + + def self.Raise(klass=T.unsafe(nil), err=T.unsafe(nil), *rest); end + + def self.def_e2message(k, c, m); end + + def self.def_exception(k, n, m, s=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.e2mm_message(klass, exp); end + + def self.extend_object(cl); end + + def self.message(klass, exp); end +end + +module ExecJS + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ExecJS::Encoding + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ExecJS::Runtimes + Disabled = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Duktape = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + JScript = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + JavaScriptCore = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MiniRacer = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Node = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RubyRacer = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RubyRhino = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SpiderMonkey = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Spidermonkey = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + V8 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ExecJS::Runtimes + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ExecJS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ExitCalledError +end + +class ExitCalledError +end + +class FFI::Struct + def [](_); end + + def []=(_, _1); end + + def align(); end + + def alignment(); end + + def clear(); end + + def initialize(*_); end + + def layout(); end + + def members(); end + + def null?(); end + + def offset_of(name); end + + def offsets(); end + + def order(*_); end + + def pointer(); end + + def size(); end + + def to_ptr(); end + + def values(); end +end + +class FFI::Struct + def self.align(alignment=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.aligned(alignment=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.alignment(); end + + def self.alloc_in(*_); end + + def self.alloc_inout(*_); end + + def self.alloc_out(*_); end + + def self.auto_ptr(); end + + def self.by_ref(flags=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.by_value(); end + + def self.callback(params, ret); end + + def self.enclosing_module(); end + + def self.find_field_type(type, mod=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.find_type(type, mod=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def; end + + def self.layout(*spec); end + + def self.members(); end + + def self.new_in(*_); end + + def self.new_inout(*_); end + + def self.new_out(*_); end + + def self.offset_of(name); end + + def self.offsets(); end + + def self.out(); end + + def self.pack(packed=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.packed(packed=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.ptr(flags=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.size(); end + + def self.size=(size); end + + def self.val(); end +end + +class FFI::Union +end + +class FFI::Union + def self.builder(); end +end + +module FacetParser + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class FalseClass + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + include ::JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::FalseClass + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class FalseClass + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Faraday + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Faraday::Adapter + CONTENT_LENGTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::EMHttp + include ::Faraday::Adapter::EMHttp::Options + def create_request(env); end + + def error_message(client); end + + def parallel?(env); end + + def perform_request(env); end + + def perform_single_request(env); end + + def raise_error(msg); end +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::EMHttp::Manager + def add(); end + + def check_finished(); end + + def perform_request(); end + + def reset(); end + + def run(); end + + def running?(); end +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::EMHttp::Manager +end + +module Faraday::Adapter::EMHttp::Options + def configure_compression(options, env); end + + def configure_proxy(options, env); end + + def configure_socket(options, env); end + + def configure_ssl(options, env); end + + def configure_timeout(options, env); end + + def connection_config(env); end + + def read_body(env); end + + def request_config(env); end + + def request_options(env); end +end + +module Faraday::Adapter::EMHttp::Options + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::EMHttp + def self.setup_parallel_manager(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::EMSynchrony + include ::Faraday::Adapter::EMHttp::Options + def create_request(env); end +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::EMSynchrony::ParallelManager + def add(request, method, *args, &block); end + + def run(); end +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::EMSynchrony::ParallelManager +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::EMSynchrony + def self.setup_parallel_manager(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Excon + def create_connection(env, opts); end + + def read_body(env); end +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Excon +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::HTTPClient + def client(); end + + def configure_client(); end + + def configure_proxy(proxy); end + + def configure_socket(bind); end + + def configure_ssl(ssl); end + + def configure_timeouts(req); end + + def ssl_cert_store(ssl); end + + def ssl_verify_mode(ssl); end +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::HTTPClient +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp + NET_HTTP_EXCEPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::NetHttpPersistent +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::NetHttpPersistent +end + +module Faraday::Adapter::Parallelism + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Patron + def configure_ssl(session, ssl); end + CURL_TIMEOUT_MESSAGES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Patron +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Rack + def execute_request(env, rack_env); end + + def initialize(faraday_app, rack_app); end + SPECIAL_HEADERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Rack +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Test + def configure(); end + + def initialize(app, stubs=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def stubs(); end + + def stubs=(stubs); end +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stub + def headers_match?(request_headers); end + + def initialize(host, full, headers, body, block); end + + def matches?(request_host, request_uri, request_headers, request_body); end + + def params_match?(request_params); end + + def path_match?(request_path, meta); end +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stub +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stubs + def delete(path, headers=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def empty?(); end + + def get(path, headers=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def head(path, headers=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def match(request_method, host, path, headers, body); end + + def matches?(stack, host, path, headers, body); end + + def new_stub(request_method, path, headers=T.unsafe(nil), body=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def options(path, headers=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def patch(path, body=T.unsafe(nil), headers=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def post(path, body=T.unsafe(nil), headers=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def put(path, body=T.unsafe(nil), headers=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def verify_stubbed_calls(); end +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stubs::NotFound +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stubs::NotFound +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stubs +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Test +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Typhoeus + def call(); end +end + +class Faraday::Adapter::Typhoeus +end + +module Faraday::AutoloadHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Faraday::Connection + METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Faraday::Env + ContentLength = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MethodsWithBodies = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + StatusesWithoutBody = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SuccessfulStatuses = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +Faraday::Error::ClientError = Faraday::ClientError + +Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed = Faraday::ConnectionFailed + +Faraday::Error::ParsingError = Faraday::ParsingError + +Faraday::Error::ResourceNotFound = Faraday::ResourceNotFound + +Faraday::Error::RetriableResponse = Faraday::RetriableResponse + +Faraday::Error::SSLError = Faraday::SSLError + +Faraday::Error::TimeoutError = Faraday::TimeoutError + +module Faraday::FlatParamsEncoder + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Faraday::MiddlewareRegistry + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Faraday::NestedParamsEncoder + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Faraday::Parts = Parts + +class Faraday::Request::Authorization + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app, type, token); end + KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Faraday::Request::Authorization + def self.build_hash(type, hash); end + + def self.header(type, token); end +end + +class Faraday::Request::BasicAuthentication +end + +class Faraday::Request::BasicAuthentication + def self.header(login, pass); end +end + +class Faraday::Request::Instrumentation + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Faraday::Request::Instrumentation::Options +end + +class Faraday::Request::Instrumentation::Options +end + +class Faraday::Request::Instrumentation +end + +class Faraday::Request::Multipart + def create_multipart(env, params); end + + def has_multipart?(obj); end + + def process_params(params, prefix=T.unsafe(nil), pieces=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def unique_boundary(); end + DEFAULT_BOUNDARY_PREFIX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Faraday::Request::Multipart +end + +class Faraday::Request::Retry + def build_exception_matcher(exceptions); end + + def calculate_sleep_amount(retries, env); end + + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + DEFAULT_EXCEPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IDEMPOTENT_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Faraday::Request::Retry::Options + DEFAULT_CHECK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Faraday::Request::Retry::Options +end + +class Faraday::Request::Retry +end + +class Faraday::Request::TokenAuthentication + def initialize(app, token, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Faraday::Request::TokenAuthentication + def self.header(token, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded + def call(env); end + + def match_content_type(env); end + + def process_request?(env); end + + def request_type(env); end + CONTENT_TYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded + def self.mime_type(); end + + def self.mime_type=(mime_type); end +end + +class Faraday::Response::Logger + def debug(*args, &block); end + + def error(*args, &block); end + + def fatal(*args, &block); end + + def filter(filter_word, filter_replacement); end + + def info(*args, &block); end + + def initialize(app, logger=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def warn(*args, &block); end + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Faraday::Response::Logger + extend ::Forwardable +end + +class Faraday::Response::RaiseError + def response_values(env); end + ClientErrorStatuses = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Faraday::Response::RaiseError +end + +Faraday::Timer = Timeout + +Faraday::UploadIO = UploadIO + +module Faraday::Utils + DEFAULT_SEP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPE_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Faraday::Utils::Headers + KeyMap = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Faraday::Utils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Faraday + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Fcntl + FD_CLOEXEC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + F_DUPFD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + F_GETFD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + F_GETFL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + F_GETLK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + F_RDLCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + F_SETFD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + F_SETFL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + F_SETLK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + F_SETLKW = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + F_UNLCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + F_WRLCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + O_ACCMODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + O_APPEND = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + O_CREAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + O_EXCL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + O_NDELAY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + O_NOCTTY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + O_NONBLOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + O_RDONLY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + O_RDWR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + O_TRUNC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + O_WRONLY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Fcntl + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Fiber + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def resume(*_); end + + def transfer(*_); end +end + +class Fiber + extend ::T::Sig + def self.current(); end + + def self.yield(*_); end +end + +class FiberError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class File + Separator = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module File::Constants + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class File::Stat + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def size?(); end +end + +class File::Stat + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class File + extend ::T::Sig + def self.exists?(_); end + + def self.lutime(*_); end + + def self.mkfifo(*_); end + + def self.probe_stat_in(dir); end + +end + +FileList = Rake::FileList + +module FileTest + extend ::T::Sig + def self.blockdev?(_); end + + def self.chardev?(_); end + + def; end + + def self.empty?(_); end + + def self.executable?(_); end + + def self.executable_real?(_); end + + def self.exist?(_); end + + def self.exists?(_); end + + def self.file?(_); end + + def self.grpowned?(_); end + + def self.identical?(_, _1); end + + def self.owned?(_); end + + def self.pipe?(_); end + + def self.readable?(_); end + + def self.readable_real?(_); end + + def self.setgid?(_); end + + def self.setuid?(_); end + + def self.size(_); end + + def self.size?(_); end + + def self.socket?(_); end + + def self.sticky?(_); end + + def self.symlink?(_); end + + def self.world_readable?(_); end + + def self.world_writable?(_); end + + def self.writable?(_); end + + def self.writable_real?(_); end + + def; end +end + +module FileUtils + include ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + LN_SUPPORTED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module FileUtils::DryRun + include ::FileUtils::LowMethods + include ::FileUtils + include ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ +end + +module FileUtils::DryRun + extend ::T::Sig + extend ::FileUtils::DryRun + extend ::FileUtils::LowMethods + extend ::FileUtils + extend ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ +end + +class FileUtils::Entry_ + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def blockdev?(); end + + def chardev?(); end + + def chmod(mode); end + + def chown(uid, gid); end + + def copy(dest); end + + def copy_file(dest); end + + def copy_metadata(path); end + + def dereference?(); end + + def directory?(); end + + def door?(); end + + def entries(); end + + def exist?(); end + + def file?(); end + + def initialize(a, b=T.unsafe(nil), deref=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def link(dest); end + + def lstat(); end + + def lstat!(); end + + def path(); end + + def pipe?(); end + + def platform_support(); end + + def postorder_traverse(); end + + def prefix(); end + + def preorder_traverse(); end + + def rel(); end + + def remove(); end + + def remove_dir1(); end + + def remove_file(); end + + def socket?(); end + + def stat(); end + + def stat!(); end + + def symlink?(); end + + def traverse(); end + + def wrap_traverse(pre, post); end +end + +class FileUtils::Entry_ + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module FileUtils::LowMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module FileUtils::NoWrite + include ::FileUtils::LowMethods + include ::FileUtils + include ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ +end + +module FileUtils::NoWrite + extend ::T::Sig + extend ::FileUtils::NoWrite + extend ::FileUtils::LowMethods + extend ::FileUtils + extend ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ +end + +module FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module FileUtils::Verbose + include ::FileUtils + include ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ +end + +module FileUtils::Verbose + extend ::T::Sig + extend ::FileUtils::Verbose + extend ::FileUtils + extend ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ +end + +module FileUtils + extend ::T::Sig + extend ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + def, verbose: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def self.chdir(dir, verbose: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def self.chmod(mode, list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.chmod_R(mode, list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), force: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.chown(user, group, list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.chown_R(user, group, list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), force: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.cmp(a, b); end + + def self.collect_method(opt); end + + def self.commands(); end + + def self.compare_file(a, b); end + + def self.compare_stream(a, b); end + + def self.copy(src, dest, preserve: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.copy_entry(src, dest, preserve=T.unsafe(nil), dereference_root=T.unsafe(nil), remove_destination=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.copy_file(src, dest, preserve=T.unsafe(nil), dereference=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.copy_stream(src, dest); end + + def self.cp(src, dest, preserve: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.cp_lr(src, dest, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), dereference_root: T.unsafe(nil), remove_destination: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.getwd(); end + + def self.have_option?(mid, opt); end + + def self.identical?(a, b); end + + def self.install(src, dest, mode: T.unsafe(nil), owner: T.unsafe(nil), group: T.unsafe(nil), preserve: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def, dest, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.link_entry(src, dest, dereference_root=T.unsafe(nil), remove_destination=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.ln(src, dest, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.ln_s(src, dest, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.ln_sf(src, dest, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.makedirs(list, mode: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.mkdir(list, mode: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.mkpath(list, mode: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.move(src, dest, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), secure: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def, dest, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), secure: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.options(); end + + def self.options_of(mid); end + + def self.private_module_function(name); end + + def self.pwd(); end + + def self.remove(list, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.remove_dir(path, force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.remove_entry(path, force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.remove_entry_secure(path, force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.remove_file(path, force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.rm(list, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.rm_f(list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.rm_rf(list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), secure: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.rmdir(list, parents: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.rmtree(list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), secure: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.safe_unlink(list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.symlink(src, dest, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.uptodate?(new, old_list); end +end + +module Filters + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Find +end + +module Find + extend ::T::Sig + def self.find(*paths, ignore_error: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.prune(); end +end + +module FinderFrontend + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module FinderTopResultAbTestable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module FixturesHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Float + include ::ActiveSupport::NumericWithFormat + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + include ::JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Float + def to_d(precision=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Float + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class FloatDomainError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Forwardable + def def_delegator(accessor, method, ali=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def def_delegators(accessor, *methods); end + + def def_instance_delegator(accessor, method, ali=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def def_instance_delegators(accessor, *methods); end + + def delegate(hash); end + + def instance_delegate(hash); end + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Forwardable + extend ::T::Sig + def self._compile_method(src, file, line); end + + def self._delegator_method(obj, accessor, method, ali); end + + def self._valid_method?(method); end + + def self.debug(); end + + def self.debug=(debug); end +end + +class FrozenError +end + +class FrozenError +end + +module GC + def garbage_collect(*_); end +end + +module GC::Profiler + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GC + extend ::T::Sig + def self.latest_gc_info(*_); end + + def self.stress=(stress); end + + def self.verify_internal_consistency(); end + + def self.verify_transient_heap_internal_consistency(); end +end + +module GdsApi + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module GdsApi::ExceptionHandling + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class GdsApi::JsonClient + DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class GdsApi::Search + API_VERSIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_API_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module GdsApi::TestHelpers::ContentItemHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GdsApi::TestHelpers::ContentStore + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GdsApi::TestHelpers::EmailAlertApi + EMAIL_ALERT_API_ENDPOINT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module GdsApi::TestHelpers::EmailAlertApi + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GdsApi::TestHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GdsApi + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Gem + ConfigMap = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RbConfigPriorities = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RubyGemsPackageVersion = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RubyGemsVersion = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + USE_BUNDLER_FOR_GEMDEPS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::AvailableSet + include ::Enumerable + def <<(o); end + + def add(spec, source); end + + def all_specs(); end + + def each(); end + + def each_spec(); end + + def empty?(); end + + def find_all(req); end + + def inject_into_list(dep_list); end + + def match_platform!(); end + + def pick_best!(); end + + def prefetch(reqs); end + + def remote(); end + + def remote=(remote); end + + def remove_installed!(dep); end + + def set(); end + + def size(); end + + def sorted(); end + + def source_for(spec); end + + def to_request_set(development=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Gem::AvailableSet::Tuple + def source(); end + + def source=(_); end + + def spec(); end + + def spec=(_); end +end + +class Gem::AvailableSet::Tuple + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class Gem::AvailableSet +end + +class Gem::BasicSpecification + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def activated?(); end + + def base_dir(); end + + def base_dir=(base_dir); end + + def contains_requirable_file?(file); end + + def datadir(); end + + def default_gem?(); end + + def extension_dir(); end + + def extension_dir=(extension_dir); end + + def extensions_dir(); end + + def full_gem_path(); end + + def full_gem_path=(full_gem_path); end + + def full_name(); end + + def full_require_paths(); end + + def gem_build_complete_path(); end + + def gem_dir(); end + + def gems_dir(); end + + def ignored=(ignored); end + + def internal_init(); end + + def lib_dirs_glob(); end + + def loaded_from(); end + + def loaded_from=(loaded_from); end + + def matches_for_glob(glob); end + + def name(); end + + def platform(); end + + def raw_require_paths(); end + + def require_paths(); end + + def source_paths(); end + + def stubbed?(); end + + def this(); end + + def to_fullpath(path); end + + def to_spec(); end + + def version(); end +end + +class Gem::BasicSpecification + extend ::T::Sig + def self.default_specifications_dir(); end +end + +module Gem::BundlerVersionFinder +end + +module Gem::BundlerVersionFinder + extend ::T::Sig + def self.bundler_version(); end + + def self.bundler_version_with_reason(); end + + def self.compatible?(spec); end + + def self.filter!(specs); end + + def self.missing_version_message(); end +end + +class Gem::Command + include ::Gem::UserInteraction + include ::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + include ::Gem::Text + def add_extra_args(args); end + + def add_option(*opts, &handler); end + + def arguments(); end + + def begins?(long, short); end + + def command(); end + + def defaults(); end + + def defaults=(defaults); end + + def defaults_str(); end + + def description(); end + + def execute(); end + + def get_all_gem_names(); end + + def get_all_gem_names_and_versions(); end + + def get_one_gem_name(); end + + def get_one_optional_argument(); end + + def handle_options(args); end + + def handles?(args); end + + def initialize(command, summary=T.unsafe(nil), defaults=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def invoke(*args); end + + def invoke_with_build_args(args, build_args); end + + def merge_options(new_options); end + + def options(); end + + def program_name(); end + + def program_name=(program_name); end + + def remove_option(name); end + + def show_help(); end + + def show_lookup_failure(gem_name, version, errors, domain, required_by=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def summary(); end + + def summary=(summary); end + + def usage(); end + + def when_invoked(&block); end + HELP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Command + def self.add_common_option(*args, &handler); end + + def self.add_specific_extra_args(cmd, args); end + + def self.build_args(); end + + def self.build_args=(value); end + + def self.common_options(); end + + def self.extra_args(); end + + def self.extra_args=(value); end + + def self.specific_extra_args(cmd); end + + def self.specific_extra_args_hash(); end +end + +class Gem::CommandLineError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Gem::Commands +end + +module Gem::Commands + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::ConfigFile + include ::Gem::UserInteraction + include ::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + include ::Gem::Text + def ==(other); end + + def [](key); end + + def []=(key, value); end + + def api_keys(); end + + def args(); end + + def backtrace(); end + + def backtrace=(backtrace); end + + def bulk_threshold(); end + + def bulk_threshold=(bulk_threshold); end + + def cert_expiration_length_days(); end + + def cert_expiration_length_days=(cert_expiration_length_days); end + + def check_credentials_permissions(); end + + def concurrent_downloads(); end + + def concurrent_downloads=(concurrent_downloads); end + + def config_file_name(); end + + def credentials_path(); end + + def disable_default_gem_server(); end + + def disable_default_gem_server=(disable_default_gem_server); end + + def each(&block); end + + def handle_arguments(arg_list); end + + def home(); end + + def home=(home); end + + def initialize(args); end + + def load_api_keys(); end + + def load_file(filename); end + + def path(); end + + def path=(path); end + + def really_verbose(); end + + def rubygems_api_key(); end + + def rubygems_api_key=(api_key); end + + def set_api_key(host, api_key); end + + def sources(); end + + def sources=(sources); end + + def ssl_ca_cert(); end + + def ssl_ca_cert=(ssl_ca_cert); end + + def ssl_client_cert(); end + + def ssl_verify_mode(); end + + def to_yaml(); end + + def unset_api_key!(); end + + def update_sources(); end + + def update_sources=(update_sources); end + + def verbose(); end + + def verbose=(verbose); end + + def write(); end + DEFAULT_BACKTRACE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_BULK_THRESHOLD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_CERT_EXPIRATION_LENGTH_DAYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_UPDATE_SOURCES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPERATING_SYSTEM_DEFAULTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PLATFORM_DEFAULTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SYSTEM_WIDE_CONFIG_FILE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::ConfigFile +end + +class Gem::ConflictError + def conflicts(); end + + def initialize(target, conflicts); end + + def target(); end +end + +class Gem::ConflictError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::ConsoleUI + def initialize(); end +end + +class Gem::ConsoleUI +end + +module Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + include ::Gem::Text + def ui(); end + + def ui=(new_ui); end + + def use_ui(new_ui, &block); end +end + +module Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + extend ::T::Sig + def self.ui(); end + + def self.ui=(new_ui); end + + def self.use_ui(new_ui); end +end + +class Gem::Dependency + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def ==(other); end + + def ===(other); end + + def =~(other); end + + def all_sources(); end + + def all_sources=(all_sources); end + + def encode_with(coder); end + + def eql?(other); end + + def groups(); end + + def groups=(groups); end + + def initialize(name, *requirements); end + + def latest_version?(); end + + def match?(obj, version=T.unsafe(nil), allow_prerelease=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def matches_spec?(spec); end + + def matching_specs(platform_only=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def merge(other); end + + def name(); end + + def name=(name); end + + def prerelease=(prerelease); end + + def prerelease?(); end + + def requirement(); end + + def requirements_list(); end + + def runtime?(); end + + def source(); end + + def source=(source); end + + def specific?(); end + + def to_lock(); end + + def to_spec(); end + + def to_specs(); end + + def to_yaml_properties(); end + + def type(); end +end + +class Gem::Dependency + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::DependencyError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::DependencyInstaller + include ::Gem::UserInteraction + include ::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + include ::Gem::Text + def _deprecated_add_found_dependencies(to_do, dependency_list); end + + def _deprecated_gather_dependencies(); end + + def add_found_dependencies(*args, &block); end + + def available_set_for(dep_or_name, version); end + + def consider_local?(); end + + def consider_remote?(); end + + def document(); end + + def errors(); end + + def find_gems_with_sources(dep, best_only=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def find_spec_by_name_and_version(gem_name, version=T.unsafe(nil), prerelease=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def gather_dependencies(*args, &block); end + + def in_background(what); end + + def initialize(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def install(dep_or_name, version=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def install_development_deps(); end + + def installed_gems(); end + + def resolve_dependencies(dep_or_name, version); end + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::DependencyInstaller + extend ::Gem::Deprecate +end + +class Gem::DependencyList + include ::Enumerable + include ::TSort + def add(*gemspecs); end + + def clear(); end + + def dependency_order(); end + + def development(); end + + def development=(development); end + + def each(&block); end + + def find_name(full_name); end + + def initialize(development=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def ok?(); end + + def ok_to_remove?(full_name, check_dev=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def remove_by_name(full_name); end + + def remove_specs_unsatisfied_by(dependencies); end + + def spec_predecessors(); end + + def specs(); end + + def tsort_each_node(&block); end + + def why_not_ok?(quick=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Gem::DependencyList + def self.from_specs(); end +end + +class Gem::DependencyRemovalException + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::DependencyResolutionError + def conflict(); end + + def conflicting_dependencies(); end + + def initialize(conflict); end +end + +class Gem::DependencyResolutionError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Gem::Deprecate + extend ::T::Sig + def self.deprecate(name, repl, year, month); end + + def self.skip(); end + + def self.skip=(v); end + + def self.skip_during(); end +end + +class Gem::DocumentError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::EndOfYAMLException + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::ErrorReason + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Gem::ErrorReason + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::Exception + def _deprecated_source_exception(); end + + def source_exception(*args, &block); end + + def source_exception=(source_exception); end +end + +class Gem::Exception + extend ::T::Sig + extend ::Gem::Deprecate +end + +module Gem::Ext +end + +class Gem::Ext::BuildError +end + +class Gem::Ext::BuildError +end + +class Gem::Ext::Builder + include ::Gem::UserInteraction + include ::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + include ::Gem::Text + def build_args(); end + + def build_args=(build_args); end + + def build_error(build_dir, output, backtrace=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def build_extension(extension, dest_path); end + + def build_extensions(); end + + def builder_for(extension); end + + def initialize(spec, build_args=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def write_gem_make_out(output); end + CHDIR_MONITOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CHDIR_MUTEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Ext::Builder + def self.class_name(); end + + def self.make(dest_path, results); end + + def self.redirector(); end + + def, results, command_name=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Gem::Ext::CmakeBuilder +end + +class Gem::Ext::CmakeBuilder + def, dest_path, results, args=T.unsafe(nil), lib_dir=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Gem::Ext::ConfigureBuilder +end + +class Gem::Ext::ConfigureBuilder + def, dest_path, results, args=T.unsafe(nil), lib_dir=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Gem::Ext::ExtConfBuilder +end + +Gem::Ext::ExtConfBuilder::FileEntry = FileUtils::Entry_ + +class Gem::Ext::ExtConfBuilder + def, dest_path, results, args=T.unsafe(nil), lib_dir=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.get_relative_path(path); end +end + +class Gem::Ext::RakeBuilder +end + +class Gem::Ext::RakeBuilder + def, dest_path, results, args=T.unsafe(nil), lib_dir=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module Gem::Ext + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::FilePermissionError + def directory(); end + + def initialize(directory); end +end + +class Gem::FilePermissionError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::FormatException + def file_path(); end + + def file_path=(file_path); end +end + +class Gem::FormatException + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::GemNotFoundException + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::GemNotInHomeException + def spec(); end + + def spec=(spec); end +end + +class Gem::GemNotInHomeException + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::ImpossibleDependenciesError + def build_message(); end + + def conflicts(); end + + def dependency(); end + + def initialize(request, conflicts); end + + def request(); end +end + +class Gem::ImpossibleDependenciesError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::InstallError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::Installer + include ::Gem::UserInteraction + include ::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + include ::Gem::Text + def _deprecated_extension_build_error(build_dir, output, backtrace=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def app_script_text(bin_file_name); end + + def bin_dir(); end + + def build_extensions(); end + + def build_root(); end + + def check_executable_overwrite(filename); end + + def check_that_user_bin_dir_is_in_path(); end + + def default_spec_file(); end + + def dir(); end + + def ensure_dependencies_met(); end + + def ensure_dependency(spec, dependency); end + + def ensure_loadable_spec(); end + + def ensure_required_ruby_version_met(); end + + def ensure_required_rubygems_version_met(); end + + def extension_build_error(*args, &block); end + + def extract_bin(); end + + def extract_files(); end + + def formatted_program_filename(filename); end + + def gem(); end + + def gem_dir(); end + + def gem_home(); end + + def generate_bin(); end + + def generate_bin_script(filename, bindir); end + + def generate_bin_symlink(filename, bindir); end + + def generate_windows_script(filename, bindir); end + + def initialize(package, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def install(); end + + def installation_satisfies_dependency?(dependency); end + + def installed_specs(); end + + def options(); end + + def pre_install_checks(); end + + def process_options(); end + + def run_post_build_hooks(); end + + def run_post_install_hooks(); end + + def run_pre_install_hooks(); end + + def shebang(bin_file_name); end + + def spec(); end + + def spec_file(); end + + def unpack(directory); end + + def verify_gem_home(unpack=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def verify_spec(); end + + def windows_stub_script(bindir, bin_file_name); end + + def write_build_info_file(); end + + def write_cache_file(); end + + def write_default_spec(); end + + def write_spec(); end + ENV_PATHS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Installer + extend ::Gem::Deprecate + def, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.exec_format(); end + + def self.exec_format=(exec_format); end + + def self.for_spec(spec, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.install_lock(); end + + def self.path_warning(); end + + def self.path_warning=(path_warning); end +end + +class Gem::InvalidSpecificationException + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::Licenses + EXCEPTION_IDENTIFIERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LICENSE_IDENTIFIERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NONSTANDARD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Licenses + extend ::Gem::Text + def self.match?(license); end + + def self.suggestions(license); end +end + +class Gem::List + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def each(); end + + def initialize(value=T.unsafe(nil), tail=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def prepend(value); end + + def tail(); end + + def tail=(tail); end + + def to_a(); end + + def value(); end + + def value=(value); end +end + +class Gem::List + extend ::T::Sig + def self.prepend(list, value); end +end + +class Gem::LoadError + def name(); end + + def name=(name); end + + def requirement(); end + + def requirement=(requirement); end +end + +class Gem::LoadError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::MissingSpecError + def initialize(name, requirement); end +end + +class Gem::MissingSpecError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::MissingSpecVersionError + def initialize(name, requirement, specs); end + + def specs(); end +end + +class Gem::MissingSpecVersionError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::NameTuple + include ::Comparable + def ==(other); end + + def eql?(other); end + + def full_name(); end + + def initialize(name, version, platform=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def match_platform?(); end + + def name(); end + + def platform(); end + + def prerelease?(); end + + def spec_name(); end + + def to_a(); end + + def version(); end +end + +class Gem::NameTuple + def self.from_list(list); end + + def self.null(); end + + def self.to_basic(list); end +end + +class Gem::OperationNotSupportedError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::Package + include ::Gem::UserInteraction + include ::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + include ::Gem::Text + def add_checksums(tar); end + + def add_contents(tar); end + + def add_files(tar); end + + def add_metadata(tar); end + + def build(skip_validation=T.unsafe(nil), strict_validation=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def build_time(); end + + def build_time=(build_time); end + + def checksums(); end + + def contents(); end + + def copy_to(path); end + + def data_mode(); end + + def data_mode=(data_mode); end + + def digest(entry); end + + def dir_mode(); end + + def dir_mode=(dir_mode); end + + def extract_files(destination_dir, pattern=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def extract_tar_gz(io, destination_dir, pattern=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def file_mode(mode); end + + def files(); end + + def gzip_to(io); end + + def initialize(gem, security_policy); end + + def install_location(filename, destination_dir); end + + def load_spec(entry); end + + def mkdir_p_safe(mkdir, mkdir_options, destination_dir, file_name); end + + def normalize_path(pathname); end + + def open_tar_gz(io); end + + def prog_mode(); end + + def prog_mode=(prog_mode); end + + def read_checksums(gem); end + + def security_policy(); end + + def security_policy=(security_policy); end + + def setup_signer(signer_options: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def spec(); end + + def spec=(spec); end + + def verify(); end + + def verify_checksums(digests, checksums); end + + def verify_entry(entry); end + + def verify_files(gem); end + + def verify_gz(entry); end +end + +class Gem::Package::DigestIO + def digests(); end + + def initialize(io, digests); end + + def write(data); end +end + +class Gem::Package::DigestIO + def self.wrap(io, digests); end +end + +class Gem::Package::Error +end + +class Gem::Package::Error +end + +class Gem::Package::FileSource + def initialize(path); end + + def path(); end + + def start(); end + + def with_read_io(&block); end + + def with_write_io(&block); end +end + +class Gem::Package::FileSource +end + +class Gem::Package::FormatError + def initialize(message, source=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def path(); end +end + +class Gem::Package::FormatError +end + +class Gem::Package::IOSource + def initialize(io); end + + def io(); end + + def path(); end + + def start(); end + + def with_read_io(); end + + def with_write_io(); end +end + +class Gem::Package::IOSource +end + +class Gem::Package::NonSeekableIO +end + +class Gem::Package::NonSeekableIO +end + +class Gem::Package::Old + def extract_files(destination_dir); end + + def file_list(io); end + + def read_until_dashes(io); end + + def skip_ruby(io); end +end + +class Gem::Package::Old +end + +class Gem::Package::PathError + def initialize(destination, destination_dir); end +end + +class Gem::Package::PathError +end + +class Gem::Package::Source +end + +class Gem::Package::Source +end + +class Gem::Package::TarHeader + def ==(other); end + + def checksum(); end + + def devmajor(); end + + def devminor(); end + + def empty?(); end + + def gid(); end + + def gname(); end + + def initialize(vals); end + + def linkname(); end + + def magic(); end + + def mode(); end + + def mtime(); end + + def name(); end + + def prefix(); end + + def size(); end + + def typeflag(); end + + def uid(); end + + def uname(); end + + def update_checksum(); end + + def version(); end + EMPTY_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FIELDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PACK_FORMAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNPACK_FORMAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Package::TarHeader + def self.from(stream); end + + def self.strict_oct(str); end +end + +class Gem::Package::TarInvalidError +end + +class Gem::Package::TarInvalidError +end + +class Gem::Package::TarReader + include ::Enumerable + def close(); end + + def each(); end + + def each_entry(); end + + def initialize(io); end + + def rewind(); end + + def seek(name); end +end + +class Gem::Package::TarReader::Entry + def bytes_read(); end + + def check_closed(); end + + def close(); end + + def closed?(); end + + def directory?(); end + + def eof?(); end + + def file?(); end + + def full_name(); end + + def getc(); end + + def header(); end + + def initialize(header, io); end + + def length(); end + + def pos(); end + + def read(len=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def readpartial(maxlen=T.unsafe(nil), outbuf=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def rewind(); end + + def size(); end + + def symlink?(); end +end + +class Gem::Package::TarReader::Entry +end + +class Gem::Package::TarReader::UnexpectedEOF +end + +class Gem::Package::TarReader::UnexpectedEOF +end + +class Gem::Package::TarReader + def; end +end + +class Gem::Package::TarWriter + def add_file(name, mode); end + + def add_file_digest(name, mode, digest_algorithms); end + + def add_file_signed(name, mode, signer); end + + def add_file_simple(name, mode, size); end + + def add_symlink(name, target, mode); end + + def check_closed(); end + + def close(); end + + def closed?(); end + + def flush(); end + + def initialize(io); end + + def mkdir(name, mode); end + + def split_name(name); end +end + +class Gem::Package::TarWriter::BoundedStream + def initialize(io, limit); end + + def limit(); end + + def write(data); end + + def written(); end +end + +class Gem::Package::TarWriter::BoundedStream +end + +class Gem::Package::TarWriter::FileOverflow +end + +class Gem::Package::TarWriter::FileOverflow +end + +class Gem::Package::TarWriter::RestrictedStream + def initialize(io); end + + def write(data); end +end + +class Gem::Package::TarWriter::RestrictedStream +end + +class Gem::Package::TarWriter + def; end +end + +class Gem::Package::TooLongFileName +end + +class Gem::Package::TooLongFileName +end + +class Gem::Package + def, skip_validation=T.unsafe(nil), strict_validation=T.unsafe(nil), file_name=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def, security_policy=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Gem::PathSupport + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def home(); end + + def initialize(env); end + + def path(); end + + def spec_cache_dir(); end +end + +class Gem::PathSupport + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::Platform + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def ==(other); end + + def ===(other); end + + def =~(other); end + + def cpu(); end + + def cpu=(cpu); end + + def eql?(other); end + + def initialize(arch); end + + def os(); end + + def os=(os); end + + def to_a(); end + + def version(); end + + def version=(version); end + JAVA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MINGW = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MSWIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MSWIN64 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + X64_MINGW = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Platform + extend ::T::Sig + def self.installable?(spec); end + + def self.local(); end + + def self.match(platform); end + + def; end +end + +class Gem::PlatformMismatch + def add_platform(platform); end + + def initialize(name, version); end + + def name(); end + + def platforms(); end + + def version(); end + + def wordy(); end +end + +class Gem::PlatformMismatch + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::RemoteError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::RemoteFetcher + include ::Gem::UserInteraction + include ::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + include ::Gem::Text + def cache_update_path(uri, path=T.unsafe(nil), update=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def close_all(); end + + def correct_for_windows_path(path); end + + def download(spec, source_uri, install_dir=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def download_to_cache(dependency); end + + def fetch_file(uri, *_); end + + def fetch_http(uri, last_modified=T.unsafe(nil), head=T.unsafe(nil), depth=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def fetch_https(uri, last_modified=T.unsafe(nil), head=T.unsafe(nil), depth=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def fetch_path(uri, mtime=T.unsafe(nil), head=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def fetch_s3(uri, mtime=T.unsafe(nil), head=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def fetch_size(uri); end + + def headers(); end + + def headers=(headers); end + + def https?(uri); end + + def initialize(proxy=T.unsafe(nil), dns=T.unsafe(nil), headers=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def request(uri, request_class, last_modified=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def s3_expiration(); end + + def sign_s3_url(uri, expiration=T.unsafe(nil)); end + BASE64_URI_TRANSLATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::RemoteFetcher + def self.fetcher(); end +end + +class Gem::RemoteInstallationCancelled + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::RemoteInstallationSkipped + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::RemoteSourceException + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::Request + include ::Gem::UserInteraction + include ::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + include ::Gem::Text + def cert_files(); end + + def connection_for(uri); end + + def fetch(); end + + def initialize(uri, request_class, last_modified, pool); end + + def perform_request(request); end + + def proxy_uri(); end + + def reset(connection); end + + def user_agent(); end +end + +class Gem::Request::ConnectionPools + def close_all(); end + + def initialize(proxy_uri, cert_files); end + + def pool_for(uri); end +end + +class Gem::Request::ConnectionPools + def self.client(); end + + def self.client=(client); end +end + +class Gem::Request::HTTPPool + def cert_files(); end + + def checkin(connection); end + + def checkout(); end + + def close_all(); end + + def initialize(http_args, cert_files, proxy_uri); end + + def proxy_uri(); end +end + +class Gem::Request::HTTPPool +end + +class Gem::Request::HTTPSPool +end + +class Gem::Request::HTTPSPool +end + +class Gem::Request + extend ::Gem::UserInteraction + extend ::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + extend ::Gem::Text + def self.configure_connection_for_https(connection, cert_files); end + + def self.create_with_proxy(uri, request_class, last_modified, proxy); end + + def self.get_cert_files(); end + + def self.get_proxy_from_env(scheme=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.proxy_uri(proxy); end + + def self.verify_certificate(store_context); end + + def self.verify_certificate_message(error_number, cert); end +end + +class Gem::RequestSet + include ::TSort + def always_install(); end + + def always_install=(always_install); end + + def dependencies(); end + + def development(); end + + def development=(development); end + + def development_shallow(); end + + def development_shallow=(development_shallow); end + + def errors(); end + + def gem(name, *reqs); end + + def git_set(); end + + def ignore_dependencies(); end + + def ignore_dependencies=(ignore_dependencies); end + + def import(deps); end + + def initialize(*deps); end + + def install(options, &block); end + + def install_dir(); end + + def install_from_gemdeps(options, &block); end + + def install_hooks(requests, options); end + + def install_into(dir, force=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def load_gemdeps(path, without_groups=T.unsafe(nil), installing=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def prerelease(); end + + def prerelease=(prerelease); end + + def remote(); end + + def remote=(remote); end + + def resolve(set=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def resolve_current(); end + + def resolver(); end + + def sets(); end + + def soft_missing(); end + + def soft_missing=(soft_missing); end + + def sorted_requests(); end + + def source_set(); end + + def specs(); end + + def specs_in(dir); end + + def tsort_each_node(&block); end + + def vendor_set(); end +end + +class Gem::RequestSet::GemDependencyAPI + def dependencies(); end + + def find_gemspec(name, path); end + + def gem(name, *requirements); end + + def gem_deps_file(); end + + def gem_git_reference(options); end + + def gemspec(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def git(repository); end + + def git_set(); end + + def git_source(name, &callback); end + + def group(*groups); end + + def initialize(set, path); end + + def installing=(installing); end + + def load(); end + + def platform(*platforms); end + + def platforms(*platforms); end + + def requires(); end + + def ruby(version, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def source(url); end + + def vendor_set(); end + + def without_groups(); end + + def without_groups=(without_groups); end + ENGINE_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PLATFORM_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WINDOWS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::RequestSet::GemDependencyAPI +end + +class Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile + def add_DEPENDENCIES(out); end + + def add_GEM(out, spec_groups); end + + def add_GIT(out, git_requests); end + + def add_PATH(out, path_requests); end + + def add_PLATFORMS(out); end + + def initialize(request_set, gem_deps_file, dependencies); end + + def platforms(); end + + def relative_path_from(dest, base); end + + def spec_groups(); end + + def write(); end +end + +class Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile::ParseError + def column(); end + + def initialize(message, column, line, path); end + + def line(); end + + def path(); end +end + +class Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile::ParseError +end + +class Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile::Parser + def get(expected_types=T.unsafe(nil), expected_value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def initialize(tokenizer, set, platforms, filename=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def parse(); end + + def parse_DEPENDENCIES(); end + + def parse_GEM(); end + + def parse_GIT(); end + + def parse_PATH(); end + + def parse_PLATFORMS(); end + + def parse_dependency(name, op); end +end + +class Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile::Parser +end + +class Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile::Tokenizer + def empty?(); end + + def initialize(input, filename=T.unsafe(nil), line=T.unsafe(nil), pos=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def make_parser(set, platforms); end + + def next_token(); end + + def peek(); end + + def shift(); end + + def skip(type); end + + def to_a(); end + + def token_pos(byte_offset); end + + def unshift(token); end + EOF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile::Tokenizer::Token + def column(); end + + def column=(_); end + + def line(); end + + def line=(_); end + + def type(); end + + def type=(_); end + + def value(); end + + def value=(_); end +end + +class Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile::Tokenizer::Token + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile::Tokenizer + def self.from_file(file); end +end + +class Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile + def, gem_deps_file, dependencies=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.requests_to_deps(requests); end +end + +class Gem::RequestSet +end + +class Gem::Requirement + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def ==(other); end + + def ===(version); end + + def =~(version); end + + def _tilde_requirements(); end + + def as_list(); end + + def concat(new); end + + def encode_with(coder); end + + def exact?(); end + + def for_lockfile(); end + + def init_with(coder); end + + def initialize(*requirements); end + + def marshal_dump(); end + + def marshal_load(array); end + + def none?(); end + + def prerelease?(); end + + def requirements(); end + + def satisfied_by?(version); end + + def specific?(); end + + def to_yaml_properties(); end + + def yaml_initialize(tag, vals); end + DefaultRequirement = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Requirement::BadRequirementError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::Requirement + extend ::T::Sig + def self.create(*inputs); end + + def self.default(); end + + def self.parse(obj); end + + def self.source_set(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver + include ::Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::UI + include ::Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::SpecificationProvider + def activation_request(dep, possible); end + + def development(); end + + def development=(development); end + + def development_shallow(); end + + def development_shallow=(development_shallow); end + + def explain(stage, *data); end + + def explain_list(stage); end + + def find_possible(dependency); end + + def ignore_dependencies(); end + + def ignore_dependencies=(ignore_dependencies); end + + def initialize(needed, set=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def missing(); end + + def requests(s, act, reqs=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def resolve(); end + + def select_local_platforms(specs); end + + def skip_gems(); end + + def skip_gems=(skip_gems); end + + def soft_missing(); end + + def soft_missing=(soft_missing); end + + def stats(); end + DEBUG_RESOLVER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Resolver::APISet + def dep_uri(); end + + def initialize(dep_uri=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def prefetch_now(); end + + def source(); end + + def uri(); end + + def versions(name); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::APISet +end + +class Gem::Resolver::APISpecification + def ==(other); end + + def initialize(set, api_data); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::APISpecification +end + +class Gem::Resolver::ActivationRequest + def ==(other); end + + def development?(); end + + def download(path); end + + def full_name(); end + + def full_spec(); end + + def initialize(spec, request, others_possible=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def installed?(); end + + def name(); end + + def others_possible?(); end + + def parent(); end + + def request(); end + + def spec(); end + + def version(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::ActivationRequest +end + +class Gem::Resolver::BestSet + def initialize(sources=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def pick_sets(); end + + def replace_failed_api_set(error); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::BestSet +end + +class Gem::Resolver::ComposedSet + def initialize(*sets); end + + def prerelease=(allow_prerelease); end + + def remote=(remote); end + + def sets(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::ComposedSet +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Conflict + def ==(other); end + + def activated(); end + + def conflicting_dependencies(); end + + def dependency(); end + + def explain(); end + + def explanation(); end + + def failed_dep(); end + + def for_spec?(spec); end + + def initialize(dependency, activated, failed_dep=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def request_path(current); end + + def requester(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Conflict +end + +class Gem::Resolver::CurrentSet +end + +class Gem::Resolver::CurrentSet +end + +Gem::Resolver::DependencyConflict = Gem::Resolver::Conflict + +class Gem::Resolver::DependencyRequest + def ==(other); end + + def dependency(); end + + def development?(); end + + def explicit?(); end + + def implicit?(); end + + def initialize(dependency, requester); end + + def match?(spec, allow_prerelease=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def matches_spec?(spec); end + + def name(); end + + def request_context(); end + + def requester(); end + + def requirement(); end + + def type(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::DependencyRequest +end + +class Gem::Resolver::GitSet + def add_git_gem(name, repository, reference, submodules); end + + def add_git_spec(name, version, repository, reference, submodules); end + + def need_submodules(); end + + def repositories(); end + + def root_dir(); end + + def root_dir=(root_dir); end + + def specs(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::GitSet +end + +class Gem::Resolver::GitSpecification + def ==(other); end + + def add_dependency(dependency); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::GitSpecification +end + +class Gem::Resolver::IndexSet + def initialize(source=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::IndexSet +end + +class Gem::Resolver::IndexSpecification + def initialize(set, name, version, source, platform); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::IndexSpecification +end + +class Gem::Resolver::InstalledSpecification + def ==(other); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::InstalledSpecification +end + +class Gem::Resolver::InstallerSet + def add_always_install(dependency); end + + def add_local(dep_name, spec, source); end + + def always_install(); end + + def consider_local?(); end + + def consider_remote?(); end + + def ignore_dependencies(); end + + def ignore_dependencies=(ignore_dependencies); end + + def ignore_installed(); end + + def ignore_installed=(ignore_installed); end + + def initialize(domain); end + + def load_spec(name, ver, platform, source); end + + def local?(dep_name); end + + def prerelease=(allow_prerelease); end + + def remote=(remote); end + + def remote_set(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::InstallerSet +end + +class Gem::Resolver::LocalSpecification +end + +class Gem::Resolver::LocalSpecification +end + +class Gem::Resolver::LockSet + def add(name, version, platform); end + + def initialize(sources); end + + def load_spec(name, version, platform, source); end + + def specs(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::LockSet +end + +class Gem::Resolver::LockSpecification + def add_dependency(dependency); end + + def initialize(set, name, version, sources, platform); end + + def sources(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::LockSpecification +end + +module Gem::Resolver::Molinillo + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::CircularDependencyError + def dependencies(); end + + def initialize(nodes); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::CircularDependencyError +end + +module Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Delegates +end + +module Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Delegates::ResolutionState + def activated(); end + + def conflicts(); end + + def depth(); end + + def name(); end + + def possibilities(); end + + def requirement(); end + + def requirements(); end +end + +module Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Delegates::ResolutionState + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Delegates::SpecificationProvider + def allow_missing?(dependency); end + + def dependencies_for(specification); end + + def name_for(dependency); end + + def name_for_explicit_dependency_source(); end + + def name_for_locking_dependency_source(); end + + def requirement_satisfied_by?(requirement, activated, spec); end + + def search_for(dependency); end + + def sort_dependencies(dependencies, activated, conflicts); end +end + +module Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Delegates::SpecificationProvider + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Delegates + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph + include ::Enumerable + include ::TSort + def ==(other); end + + def add_child_vertex(name, payload, parent_names, requirement); end + + def add_edge(origin, destination, requirement); end + + def add_vertex(name, payload, root=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def delete_edge(edge); end + + def detach_vertex_named(name); end + + def each(); end + + def log(); end + + def rewind_to(tag); end + + def root_vertex_named(name); end + + def set_payload(name, payload); end + + def tag(tag); end + + def to_dot(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def tsort_each_child(vertex, &block); end + + def vertex_named(name); end + + def vertices(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Action + def down(graph); end + + def next(); end + + def next=(_); end + + def previous(); end + + def previous=(previous); end + + def up(graph); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Action + def self.action_name(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::AddEdgeNoCircular + def destination(); end + + def initialize(origin, destination, requirement); end + + def make_edge(graph); end + + def origin(); end + + def requirement(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::AddEdgeNoCircular +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::AddVertex + def initialize(name, payload, root); end + + def name(); end + + def payload(); end + + def root(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::AddVertex +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::DeleteEdge + def destination_name(); end + + def initialize(origin_name, destination_name, requirement); end + + def make_edge(graph); end + + def origin_name(); end + + def requirement(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::DeleteEdge +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::DetachVertexNamed + def initialize(name); end + + def name(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::DetachVertexNamed +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Edge + def destination(); end + + def destination=(_); end + + def origin(); end + + def origin=(_); end + + def requirement(); end + + def requirement=(_); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Edge + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Log + def add_edge_no_circular(graph, origin, destination, requirement); end + + def add_vertex(graph, name, payload, root); end + + def delete_edge(graph, origin_name, destination_name, requirement); end + + def detach_vertex_named(graph, name); end + + def each(); end + + def pop!(graph); end + + def reverse_each(); end + + def rewind_to(graph, tag); end + + def set_payload(graph, name, payload); end + + def tag(graph, tag); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Log + extend ::Enumerable +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::SetPayload + def initialize(name, payload); end + + def name(); end + + def payload(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::SetPayload +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Tag + def down(_graph); end + + def initialize(tag); end + + def tag(); end + + def up(_graph); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Tag +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Vertex + def ==(other); end + + def ancestor?(other); end + + def descendent?(other); end + + def eql?(other); end + + def explicit_requirements(); end + + def incoming_edges(); end + + def incoming_edges=(incoming_edges); end + + def initialize(name, payload); end + + def is_reachable_from?(other); end + + def name(); end + + def name=(name); end + + def outgoing_edges(); end + + def outgoing_edges=(outgoing_edges); end + + def path_to?(other); end + + def payload(); end + + def payload=(payload); end + + def predecessors(); end + + def recursive_predecessors(); end + + def recursive_successors(); end + + def requirements(); end + + def root(); end + + def root=(root); end + + def root?(); end + + def shallow_eql?(other); end + + def successors(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Vertex +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph + def self.tsort(vertices); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyState + def pop_possibility_state(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyState +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::NoSuchDependencyError + def dependency(); end + + def dependency=(dependency); end + + def initialize(dependency, required_by=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def required_by(); end + + def required_by=(required_by); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::NoSuchDependencyError +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::PossibilityState +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::PossibilityState +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::ResolutionState + def activated(); end + + def activated=(_); end + + def conflicts(); end + + def conflicts=(_); end + + def depth(); end + + def depth=(_); end + + def name(); end + + def name=(_); end + + def possibilities(); end + + def possibilities=(_); end + + def requirement(); end + + def requirement=(_); end + + def requirements(); end + + def requirements=(_); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::ResolutionState + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.empty(); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Resolver + def initialize(specification_provider, resolver_ui); end + + def resolve(requested, base=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def resolver_ui(); end + + def specification_provider(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Resolver::Resolution + include ::Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Delegates::ResolutionState + include ::Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Delegates::SpecificationProvider + def base(); end + + def initialize(specification_provider, resolver_ui, requested, base); end + + def iteration_rate=(iteration_rate); end + + def original_requested(); end + + def resolve(); end + + def resolver_ui(); end + + def specification_provider(); end + + def started_at=(started_at); end + + def states=(states); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Resolver::Resolution::Conflict + def activated_by_name(); end + + def activated_by_name=(_); end + + def existing(); end + + def existing=(_); end + + def locked_requirement(); end + + def locked_requirement=(_); end + + def possibility(); end + + def possibility=(_); end + + def requirement(); end + + def requirement=(_); end + + def requirement_trees(); end + + def requirement_trees=(_); end + + def requirements(); end + + def requirements=(_); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Resolver::Resolution::Conflict + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Resolver::Resolution +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::Resolver +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::ResolverError +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::ResolverError +end + +module Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::SpecificationProvider + def allow_missing?(dependency); end + + def dependencies_for(specification); end + + def name_for(dependency); end + + def name_for_explicit_dependency_source(); end + + def name_for_locking_dependency_source(); end + + def requirement_satisfied_by?(requirement, activated, spec); end + + def search_for(dependency); end + + def sort_dependencies(dependencies, activated, conflicts); end +end + +module Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::SpecificationProvider + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::UI + def after_resolution(); end + + def before_resolution(); end + + def debug(depth=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def debug?(); end + + def indicate_progress(); end + + def output(); end + + def progress_rate(); end +end + +module Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::UI + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::VersionConflict + def conflicts(); end + + def initialize(conflicts); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::VersionConflict +end + +module Gem::Resolver::Molinillo + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::Resolver::RequirementList + include ::Enumerable + def add(req); end + + def each(); end + + def empty?(); end + + def next5(); end + + def remove(); end + + def size(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::RequirementList +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Set + def errors(); end + + def errors=(errors); end + + def find_all(req); end + + def prefetch(reqs); end + + def prerelease(); end + + def prerelease=(prerelease); end + + def remote(); end + + def remote=(remote); end + + def remote?(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Set +end + +class Gem::Resolver::SourceSet + def add_source_gem(name, source); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::SourceSet +end + +class Gem::Resolver::SpecSpecification + def initialize(set, spec, source=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::SpecSpecification +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Specification + def dependencies(); end + + def download(options); end + + def fetch_development_dependencies(); end + + def full_name(); end + + def install(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def installable_platform?(); end + + def local?(); end + + def name(); end + + def platform(); end + + def set(); end + + def source(); end + + def spec(); end + + def version(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Specification +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Stats + def backtracking!(); end + + def display(); end + + def iteration!(); end + + def record_depth(stack); end + + def record_requirements(reqs); end + + def requirement!(); end + PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Resolver::Stats +end + +class Gem::Resolver::VendorSet + def add_vendor_gem(name, directory); end + + def load_spec(name, version, platform, source); end + + def specs(); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::VendorSet +end + +class Gem::Resolver::VendorSpecification + def ==(other); end +end + +class Gem::Resolver::VendorSpecification +end + +class Gem::Resolver + def self.compose_sets(*sets); end + + def self.for_current_gems(needed); end +end + +class Gem::RubyVersionMismatch + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::RuntimeRequirementNotMetError + def suggestion(); end + + def suggestion=(suggestion); end +end + +class Gem::RuntimeRequirementNotMetError +end + +module Gem::Security + AlmostNoSecurity = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DIGEST_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTENSIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HighSecurity = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KEY_CIPHER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KEY_LENGTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LowSecurity = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MediumSecurity = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NoSecurity = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ONE_DAY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ONE_YEAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Policies = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SigningPolicy = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Security::DIGEST_ALGORITHM + def initialize(data=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Gem::Security::DIGEST_ALGORITHM + def self.digest(data); end + + def self.hexdigest(data); end +end + +class Gem::Security::Exception +end + +class Gem::Security::Exception +end + +Gem::Security::KEY_ALGORITHM = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA + +class Gem::Security::Policy + include ::Gem::UserInteraction + include ::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + include ::Gem::Text + def check_cert(signer, issuer, time); end + + def check_chain(chain, time); end + + def check_data(public_key, digest, signature, data); end + + def check_key(signer, key); end + + def check_root(chain, time); end + + def check_trust(chain, digester, trust_dir); end + + def initialize(name, policy=T.unsafe(nil), opt=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def name(); end + + def only_signed(); end + + def only_signed=(only_signed); end + + def only_trusted(); end + + def only_trusted=(only_trusted); end + + def subject(certificate); end + + def verify(chain, key=T.unsafe(nil), digests=T.unsafe(nil), signatures=T.unsafe(nil), full_name=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def verify_chain(); end + + def verify_chain=(verify_chain); end + + def verify_data(); end + + def verify_data=(verify_data); end + + def verify_root(); end + + def verify_root=(verify_root); end + + def verify_signatures(spec, digests, signatures); end + + def verify_signer(); end + + def verify_signer=(verify_signer); end +end + +class Gem::Security::Policy +end + +class Gem::Security::Signer + include ::Gem::UserInteraction + include ::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + include ::Gem::Text + def cert_chain(); end + + def cert_chain=(cert_chain); end + + def digest_algorithm(); end + + def digest_name(); end + + def extract_name(cert); end + + def initialize(key, cert_chain, passphrase=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def key(); end + + def key=(key); end + + def load_cert_chain(); end + + def options(); end + + def re_sign_key(expiration_length: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def sign(data); end + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Security::Signer + def self.re_sign_cert(expired_cert, expired_cert_path, private_key); end +end + +class Gem::Security::TrustDir + def cert_path(certificate); end + + def dir(); end + + def each_certificate(); end + + def initialize(dir, permissions=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def issuer_of(certificate); end + + def load_certificate(certificate_file); end + + def name_path(name); end + + def trust_cert(certificate); end + + def verify(); end + DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Security::TrustDir +end + +module Gem::Security + extend ::T::Sig + def self.alt_name_or_x509_entry(certificate, x509_entry); end + + def self.create_cert(subject, key, age=T.unsafe(nil), extensions=T.unsafe(nil), serial=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.create_cert_email(email, key, age=T.unsafe(nil), extensions=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.create_cert_self_signed(subject, key, age=T.unsafe(nil), extensions=T.unsafe(nil), serial=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.create_key(length=T.unsafe(nil), algorithm=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.email_to_name(email_address); end + + def self.re_sign(expired_certificate, private_key, age=T.unsafe(nil), extensions=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.reset(); end + + def self.sign(certificate, signing_key, signing_cert, age=T.unsafe(nil), extensions=T.unsafe(nil), serial=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.trust_dir(); end + + def self.trusted_certificates(&block); end + + def self.write(pemmable, path, permissions=T.unsafe(nil), passphrase=T.unsafe(nil), cipher=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Gem::SilentUI + def initialize(); end +end + +class Gem::SilentUI +end + +class Gem::Source + include ::Comparable + def ==(other); end + + def cache_dir(uri); end + + def dependency_resolver_set(); end + + def download(spec, dir=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def eql?(other); end + + def fetch_spec(name_tuple); end + + def initialize(uri); end + + def load_specs(type); end + + def update_cache?(); end + + def uri(); end + FILES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Source::Git + def base_dir(); end + + def cache(); end + + def checkout(); end + + def dir_shortref(); end + + def download(full_spec, path); end + + def initialize(name, repository, reference, submodules=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def install_dir(); end + + def name(); end + + def need_submodules(); end + + def reference(); end + + def remote(); end + + def remote=(remote); end + + def repo_cache_dir(); end + + def repository(); end + + def rev_parse(); end + + def root_dir(); end + + def root_dir=(root_dir); end + + def specs(); end + + def uri_hash(); end +end + +class Gem::Source::Git +end + +class Gem::Source::Installed + def download(spec, path); end + + def initialize(); end +end + +class Gem::Source::Installed +end + +class Gem::Source::Local + def download(spec, cache_dir=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def fetch_spec(name); end + + def find_gem(gem_name, version=T.unsafe(nil), prerelease=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def initialize(); end +end + +class Gem::Source::Local +end + +class Gem::Source::Lock + def initialize(source); end + + def wrapped(); end +end + +class Gem::Source::Lock +end + +class Gem::Source::SpecificFile + def fetch_spec(name); end + + def initialize(file); end + + def load_specs(*a); end + + def path(); end + + def spec(); end +end + +class Gem::Source::SpecificFile +end + +class Gem::Source::Vendor + def initialize(path); end +end + +class Gem::Source::Vendor +end + +class Gem::Source +end + +class Gem::SourceFetchProblem + def error(); end + + def exception(); end + + def initialize(source, error); end + + def source(); end + + def wordy(); end +end + +class Gem::SourceFetchProblem + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::SourceList + include ::Enumerable + def <<(obj); end + + def ==(other); end + + def clear(); end + + def delete(source); end + + def each(); end + + def each_source(&b); end + + def empty?(); end + + def first(); end + + def include?(other); end + + def replace(other); end + + def sources(); end + + def to_a(); end + + def to_ary(); end +end + +class Gem::SourceList + def self.from(ary); end +end + +class Gem::SpecFetcher + include ::Gem::UserInteraction + include ::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + include ::Gem::Text + def available_specs(type); end + + def detect(type=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def initialize(sources=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def latest_specs(); end + + def prerelease_specs(); end + + def search_for_dependency(dependency, matching_platform=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def sources(); end + + def spec_for_dependency(dependency, matching_platform=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def specs(); end + + def suggest_gems_from_name(gem_name, type=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def tuples_for(source, type, gracefully_ignore=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Gem::SpecFetcher + def self.fetcher(); end + + def self.fetcher=(fetcher); end +end + +class Gem::SpecificGemNotFoundException + def errors(); end + + def initialize(name, version, errors=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def name(); end + + def version(); end +end + +class Gem::SpecificGemNotFoundException + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::Specification + include ::Bundler::MatchPlatform + include ::Bundler::GemHelpers + def ==(other); end + + def _deprecated_default_executable(); end + + def _deprecated_default_executable=(_deprecated_default_executable); end + + def _deprecated_has_rdoc(); end + + def _deprecated_has_rdoc=(ignored); end + + def _deprecated_has_rdoc?(*args, &block); end + + def _dump(limit); end + + def abbreviate(); end + + def activate(); end + + def activate_dependencies(); end + + def activated(); end + + def activated=(activated); end + + def add_bindir(executables); end + + def add_dependency(gem, *requirements); end + + def add_development_dependency(gem, *requirements); end + + def add_runtime_dependency(gem, *requirements); end + + def add_self_to_load_path(); end + + def author(); end + + def author=(o); end + + def authors(); end + + def authors=(value); end + + def autorequire(); end + + def autorequire=(autorequire); end + + def bin_dir(); end + + def bin_file(name); end + + def bindir(); end + + def bindir=(bindir); end + + def build_args(); end + + def build_extensions(); end + + def build_info_dir(); end + + def build_info_file(); end + + def cache_dir(); end + + def cache_file(); end + + def cert_chain(); end + + def cert_chain=(cert_chain); end + + def conficts_when_loaded_with?(list_of_specs); end + + def conflicts(); end + + def date(); end + + def date=(date); end + + def default_executable(*args, &block); end + + def default_executable=(*args, &block); end + + def default_value(name); end + + def dependencies(); end + + def dependent_gems(); end + + def dependent_specs(); end + + def description(); end + + def description=(str); end + + def development_dependencies(); end + + def doc_dir(type=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def email(); end + + def email=(email); end + + def encode_with(coder); end + + def eql?(other); end + + def executable(); end + + def executable=(o); end + + def executables(); end + + def executables=(value); end + + def extensions(); end + + def extensions=(extensions); end + + def extra_rdoc_files(); end + + def extra_rdoc_files=(files); end + + def file_name(); end + + def files(); end + + def files=(files); end + + def for_cache(); end + + def git_version(); end + + def groups(); end + + def has_conflicts?(); end + + def has_rdoc(*args, &block); end + + def has_rdoc=(*args, &block); end + + def has_rdoc?(*args, &block); end + + def has_test_suite?(); end + + def has_unit_tests?(); end + + def homepage(); end + + def homepage=(homepage); end + + def init_with(coder); end + + def initialize(name=T.unsafe(nil), version=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def installed_by_version(); end + + def installed_by_version=(version); end + + def keep_only_files_and_directories(); end + + def lib_files(); end + + def license(); end + + def license=(o); end + + def licenses(); end + + def licenses=(licenses); end + + def load_paths(); end + + def location(); end + + def location=(location); end + + def mark_version(); end + + def metadata(); end + + def metadata=(metadata); end + + def method_missing(sym, *a, &b); end + + def missing_extensions?(); end + + def name=(name); end + + def name_tuple(); end + + def nondevelopment_dependencies(); end + + def normalize(); end + + def original_name(); end + + def original_platform(); end + + def original_platform=(original_platform); end + + def platform=(platform); end + + def post_install_message(); end + + def post_install_message=(post_install_message); end + + def raise_if_conflicts(); end + + def rdoc_options(); end + + def rdoc_options=(options); end + + def relative_loaded_from(); end + + def relative_loaded_from=(relative_loaded_from); end + + def remote(); end + + def remote=(remote); end + + def require_path(); end + + def require_path=(path); end + + def require_paths=(val); end + + def required_ruby_version(); end + + def required_ruby_version=(req); end + + def required_rubygems_version(); end + + def required_rubygems_version=(req); end + + def requirements(); end + + def requirements=(req); end + + def reset_nil_attributes_to_default(); end + + def rg_extension_dir(); end + + def rg_full_gem_path(); end + + def rg_loaded_from(); end + + def ri_dir(); end + + def rubyforge_project=(rubyforge_project); end + + def rubygems_version(); end + + def rubygems_version=(rubygems_version); end + + def runtime_dependencies(); end + + def sanitize(); end + + def sanitize_string(string); end + + def satisfies_requirement?(dependency); end + + def signing_key(); end + + def signing_key=(signing_key); end + + def sort_obj(); end + + def source(); end + + def source=(source); end + + def spec_dir(); end + + def spec_file(); end + + def spec_name(); end + + def specification_version(); end + + def specification_version=(specification_version); end + + def summary(); end + + def summary=(str); end + + def test_file(); end + + def test_file=(file); end + + def test_files(); end + + def test_files=(files); end + + def to_gemfile(path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def to_ruby(); end + + def to_ruby_for_cache(); end + + def to_yaml(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def traverse(trail=T.unsafe(nil), visited=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def validate(packaging=T.unsafe(nil), strict=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def validate_dependencies(); end + + def validate_metadata(); end + + def validate_permissions(); end + + def version=(version); end + + def yaml_initialize(tag, vals); end + DateLike = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DateTimeFormat = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INITIALIZE_CODE_FOR_DEFAULTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::Specification + extend ::T::Sig + extend ::Enumerable + extend ::Gem::Deprecate + def self._all(); end + + def self._clear_load_cache(); end + + def self._latest_specs(specs, prerelease=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self._load(str); end + + def self._resort!(specs); end + + def self.add_spec(spec); end + + def self.add_specs(*specs); end + + def self.all(); end + + def self.all=(specs); end + + def self.all_names(); end + + def self.array_attributes(); end + + def self.attribute_names(); end + + def self.dirs(); end + + def self.dirs=(dirs); end + + def self.each(); end + + def self.each_gemspec(dirs); end + + def self.each_spec(dirs); end + + def self.find_active_stub_by_path(path); end + + def self.find_all_by_full_name(full_name); end + + def self.find_all_by_name(name, *requirements); end + + def self.find_by_name(name, *requirements); end + + def self.find_by_path(path); end + + def self.find_in_unresolved(path); end + + def self.find_in_unresolved_tree(path); end + + def self.find_inactive_by_path(path); end + + def self.from_yaml(input); end + + def self.latest_specs(prerelease=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.load(file); end + + def self.load_defaults(); end + + def self.non_nil_attributes(); end + + def self.normalize_yaml_input(input); end + + def self.outdated(); end + + def self.outdated_and_latest_version(); end + + def self.remove_spec(spec); end + + def self.required_attribute?(name); end + + def self.required_attributes(); end + + def self.reset(); end + + def self.stubs(); end + + def self.stubs_for(name); end + + def self.unresolved_deps(); end +end + +class Gem::SpecificationPolicy + def initialize(specification); end + + def packaging(); end + + def packaging=(packaging); end + + def validate(strict=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def validate_dependencies(); end + + def validate_metadata(); end + + def validate_permissions(); end + HOMEPAGE_URI_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LAZY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LAZY_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + METADATA_LINK_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SPECIAL_CHARACTERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_NAME_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_URI_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Gem::SpecificationPolicy +end + +class Gem::StreamUI + def _deprecated_debug(statement); end + + def _gets_noecho(); end + + def alert(statement, question=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def alert_error(statement, question=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def alert_warning(statement, question=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def ask(question); end + + def ask_for_password(question); end + + def ask_yes_no(question, default=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def backtrace(exception); end + + def choose_from_list(question, list); end + + def close(); end + + def debug(*args, &block); end + + def download_reporter(*args); end + + def errs(); end + + def initialize(in_stream, out_stream, err_stream=T.unsafe(nil), usetty=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def ins(); end + + def outs(); end + + def progress_reporter(*args); end + + def require_io_console(); end + + def say(statement=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def terminate_interaction(status=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def tty?(); end +end + +class Gem::StreamUI + extend ::Gem::Deprecate +end + +class Gem::StubSpecification + def build_extensions(); end + + def extensions(); end + + def initialize(filename, base_dir, gems_dir, default_gem); end + + def missing_extensions?(); end + + def valid?(); end +end + +class Gem::StubSpecification::StubLine + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def extensions(); end + + def full_name(); end + + def initialize(data, extensions); end + + def name(); end + + def platform(); end + + def require_paths(); end + + def version(); end +end + +class Gem::StubSpecification::StubLine + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::StubSpecification + extend ::T::Sig + def self.default_gemspec_stub(filename, base_dir, gems_dir); end + + def self.gemspec_stub(filename, base_dir, gems_dir); end +end + +class Gem::SystemExitException + def exit_code(); end + + def exit_code=(exit_code); end + + def initialize(exit_code); end +end + +class Gem::SystemExitException + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Gem::Text + def clean_text(text); end + + def format_text(text, wrap, indent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def levenshtein_distance(str1, str2); end + + def min3(a, b, c); end + + def truncate_text(text, description, max_length=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module Gem::Text + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::UninstallError + def spec(); end + + def spec=(spec); end +end + +class Gem::UninstallError +end + +Gem::UnsatisfiableDepedencyError = Gem::UnsatisfiableDependencyError + +class Gem::UnsatisfiableDependencyError + def dependency(); end + + def errors(); end + + def errors=(errors); end + + def initialize(dep, platform_mismatch=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def name(); end + + def version(); end +end + +class Gem::UnsatisfiableDependencyError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::UriFormatter + def escape(); end + + def initialize(uri); end + + def normalize(); end + + def unescape(); end + + def uri(); end +end + +class Gem::UriFormatter +end + +module Gem::UserInteraction + include ::Gem::DefaultUserInteraction + include ::Gem::Text + def alert(statement, question=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def alert_error(statement, question=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def alert_warning(statement, question=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def ask(question); end + + def ask_for_password(prompt); end + + def ask_yes_no(question, default=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def choose_from_list(question, list); end + + def say(statement=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def terminate_interaction(exit_code=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def verbose(msg=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module Gem::UserInteraction + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Gem::Util +end + +module Gem::Util + extend ::T::Sig + def self.glob_files_in_dir(glob, base_path); end + + def self.gunzip(data); end + + def self.gzip(data); end + + def self.inflate(data); end + + def self.popen(*command); end + + def self.silent_system(*command); end + + def self.traverse_parents(directory, &block); end +end + +class Gem::VerificationError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Gem::Version + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def _segments(); end + + def _split_segments(); end + + def _version(); end + + def approximate_recommendation(); end + + def bump(); end + + def canonical_segments(); end + + def encode_with(coder); end + + def eql?(other); end + + def init_with(coder); end + + def marshal_dump(); end + + def marshal_load(array); end + + def prerelease?(); end + + def release(); end + + def segments(); end + + def to_yaml_properties(); end + + def version(); end + + def yaml_initialize(tag, map); end +end + +Gem::Version::Requirement = Gem::Requirement + +class Gem::Version + extend ::T::Sig + def self.correct?(version); end + + def self.create(input); end + + def; end +end + +module Gem + extend ::T::Sig + def self._deprecated_detect_gemdeps(path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self._deprecated_gunzip(data); end + + def self._deprecated_gzip(data); end + + def self._deprecated_inflate(data); end + + def self.activate_bin_path(name, *args); end + + def self.default_ext_dir_for(base_dir); end + + def self.default_gems_use_full_paths?(); end + + def self.default_spec_cache_dir(); end + + def self.deflate(data); end + + def self.detect_gemdeps(*args, &block); end + + def self.dir(); end + + def self.done_installing(&hook); end + + def self.done_installing_hooks(); end + + def self.ensure_default_gem_subdirectories(dir=T.unsafe(nil), mode=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.ensure_gem_subdirectories(dir=T.unsafe(nil), mode=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.ensure_subdirectories(dir, mode, subdirs); end + + def self.env_requirement(gem_name); end + + def self.extension_api_version(); end + + def self.find_files(glob, check_load_path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.find_files_from_load_path(glob); end + + def self.find_latest_files(glob, check_load_path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.find_unresolved_default_spec(path); end + + def self.finish_resolve(*_); end + + def self.gemdeps(); end + + def self.gunzip(*args, &block); end + + def self.gzip(*args, &block); end + + def; end + + def; end + + def self.inflate(*args, &block); end + + def self.install(name, version=T.unsafe(nil), *options); end + + def self.install_extension_in_lib(); end + + def self.latest_rubygems_version(); end + + def self.latest_spec_for(name); end + + def self.latest_version_for(name); end + + def self.load_env_plugins(); end + + def self.load_path_insert_index(); end + + def self.load_plugin_files(plugins); end + + def self.load_plugins(); end + + def self.load_yaml(); end + + def self.loaded_specs(); end + + def self.location_of_caller(depth=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.marshal_version(); end + + def self.needs(); end + + def self.operating_system_defaults(); end + + def self.path(); end + + def self.path_separator(); end + + def self.paths(); end + + def self.paths=(env); end + + def self.platform_defaults(); end + + def self.platforms(); end + + def self.platforms=(platforms); end + + def self.post_build(&hook); end + + def self.post_build_hooks(); end + + def self.post_install(&hook); end + + def self.post_install_hooks(); end + + def self.post_reset(&hook); end + + def self.post_reset_hooks(); end + + def self.post_uninstall(&hook); end + + def self.post_uninstall_hooks(); end + + def self.pre_install(&hook); end + + def self.pre_install_hooks(); end + + def self.pre_reset(&hook); end + + def self.pre_reset_hooks(); end + + def self.pre_uninstall(&hook); end + + def self.pre_uninstall_hooks(); end + + def self.prefix(); end + + def self.read_binary(path); end + + def self.refresh(); end + + def self.register_default_spec(spec); end + + def self.remove_unresolved_default_spec(spec); end + + def self.ruby(); end + + def self.ruby_api_version(); end + + def self.ruby_engine(); end + + def self.ruby_version(); end + + def self.rubygems_version(); end + + def self.sources(); end + + def self.sources=(new_sources); end + + def self.spec_cache_dir(); end + + def self.suffix_pattern(); end + + def self.suffixes(); end + + def self.time(msg, width=T.unsafe(nil), display=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.try_activate(path); end + + def self.ui(); end + + def self.use_gemdeps(path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.use_paths(home, *paths); end + + def self.user_dir(); end + + def self.user_home(); end + + def self.vendor_dir(); end + + def self.win_platform?(); end + + def self.write_binary(path, data); end +end + +module GovUKFrontendToolkit + extend ::T::Sig + def self.toolkit_version(); end +end + +module Govuk::Lint + CONFIG_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Govuk::Lint + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Govuk + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukAbTesting + ANALYTICS_META_TAG_SELECTOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module GovukAbTesting::AbstractHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukAbTesting::AcceptanceTests + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class GovukAbTesting::Configuration + VALID_FRAMEWORKS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module GovukAbTesting::MinitestAssertions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukAbTesting::MinitestHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukAbTesting::RspecAssertions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukAbTesting::RspecHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukAbTesting + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukAppConfig + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module GovukAppConfig + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukContentSchemaExamples + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukContentSchemaTestHelpers::Util + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukContentSchemaTestHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukContentSecurityPolicy + GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_DOMAINS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GOVUK_DOMAINS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module GovukContentSecurityPolicy + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukDocumentTypes + SUPERGROUPS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SUPERTYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module GovukDocumentTypes + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukHealthcheck + CRITICAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STATUSES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WARNING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module GovukHealthcheck + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukLogging + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class GovukPublishingComponents::AppHelpers::Environment + GOVUK_ENVIRONMENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module GovukPublishingComponents::AppHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukPublishingComponents::Config + APP_COMPONENT_DIRECTORY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module GovukPublishingComponents::Config + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::Attachment::SupportedContentType + TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::PotentialSearchActionSchema + BASE_SEARCH_URL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::RelatedNavigationHelper + DEFINED_SECTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_SECTION_LENGTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukPublishingComponents + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukSchemas + CONTENT_SCHEMA_DIR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module GovukSchemas::Random + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukSchemas::Utils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukSchemas + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukStatsd + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukTest + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module GovukTest + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukUnicorn + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module GovukXRay + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class HTMLSelector + NO_STRIP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class HTTP::Cookie + MAX_COOKIES_PER_DOMAIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_COOKIES_TOTAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_LENGTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PERSISTENT_PROPERTIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNIX_EPOCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class HTTP::Cookie::Scanner + def initialize(string, logger=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def parse_cookie_date(s); end + + def scan_cookie(); end + + def scan_dquoted(); end + + def scan_name(); end + + def scan_name_value(comma_as_separator=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def scan_set_cookie(); end + + def scan_value(comma_as_separator=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def skip_wsp(); end + RE_BAD_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_COOKIE_COMMA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_WSP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class HTTP::Cookie::Scanner + def self.quote(s); end +end + +class HTTP::CookieJar + include ::Enumerable + def <<(cookie); end + + def add(cookie); end + + def cleanup(session=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def clear(); end + + def cookies(url=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def delete(cookie); end + + def each(uri=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def empty?(url=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def initialize(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def load(readable, *options); end + + def parse(set_cookie, origin, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def save(writable, *options); end + + def store(); end +end + +class HTTP::CookieJar + def self.const_missing(name); end +end + +module HTTP + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Hash + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + include ::JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Hash + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def <(_); end + + def <=(_); end + + def >(_); end + + def >=(_); end + + def compact(); end + + def compact!(); end + + def default_proc(); end + + def default_proc=(default_proc); end + + def dig(*_); end + + def fetch_values(*_); end + + def filter!(); end + + def flatten(*_); end + + def index(_); end + + def merge!(*_); end + + def replace(_); end + + def slice(*_); end + + def to_h(); end + + def to_proc(); end + + def transform_keys(); end + + def transform_keys!(); end + + def transform_values(); end + + def transform_values!(); end + + def update(*_); end +end + +class Hash + extend ::T::Sig + def self.try_convert(_); end +end + +HashDiff = Hashdiff + +HashWithIndifferentAccess = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess + +module Hashdiff + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Hashdiff + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Healthchecks + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n + DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_PATTERNS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EMPTY_HASH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INTERPOLATION_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESERVED_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESERVED_KEYS_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module I18n::Backend::Base + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Backend::Cache + def _fetch(cache_key, &block); end + + def cache_key(locale, key, options); end + + def fetch(cache_key, &block); end + + def translate(locale, key, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module I18n::Backend::Cache + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Backend::CacheFile + def load_file(filename); end + + def normalized_path(file); end + + def path_roots(); end + + def path_roots=(path_roots); end +end + +module I18n::Backend::CacheFile + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Backend::Cascade + def lookup(locale, key, scope=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module I18n::Backend::Cascade + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class I18n::Backend::Chain + include ::I18n::Backend::Chain::Implementation + include ::I18n::Backend::Base + include ::I18n::Backend::Transliterator +end + +module I18n::Backend::Chain::Implementation + include ::I18n::Backend::Base + include ::I18n::Backend::Transliterator + def available_locales(); end + + def backends(); end + + def backends=(backends); end + + def eager_load!(); end + + def exists?(locale, key); end + + def init_translations(); end + + def initialize(*backends); end + + def initialized?(); end + + def localize(locale, object, format=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def namespace_lookup?(result, options); end + + def reload!(); end + + def store_translations(locale, data, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def translate(locale, key, default_options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def translations(); end +end + +module I18n::Backend::Chain::Implementation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class I18n::Backend::Chain +end + +module I18n::Backend::Fallbacks + def exists?(locale, key); end + + def extract_non_symbol_default!(options); end + + def translate(locale, key, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module I18n::Backend::Fallbacks + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Backend::Flatten + def escape_default_separator(key); end + + def find_link(locale, key); end + + def flatten_keys(hash, escape, prev_key=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def flatten_translations(locale, data, escape, subtree); end + + def links(); end + + def normalize_flat_keys(locale, key, scope, separator); end + + def resolve_link(locale, key); end + + def store_link(locale, key, link); end + FLATTEN_SEPARATOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SEPARATOR_ESCAPE_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module I18n::Backend::Flatten + extend ::T::Sig + def self.escape_default_separator(key); end + + def self.normalize_flat_keys(locale, key, scope, separator); end +end + +module I18n::Backend::Gettext + def load_po(filename); end + + def normalize(locale, data); end + + def normalize_pluralization(locale, key, value); end + + def parse(filename); end +end + +class I18n::Backend::Gettext::PoData + def set_comment(msgid_or_sym, comment); end +end + +class I18n::Backend::Gettext::PoData +end + +module I18n::Backend::Gettext + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Backend::InterpolationCompiler + def compile_all_strings_in(data); end + + def interpolate(locale, string, values); end + + def store_translations(locale, data, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module I18n::Backend::InterpolationCompiler::Compiler + def compile_if_an_interpolation(string); end + + def compile_interpolation_token(key); end + + def compiled_interpolation_body(str); end + + def direct_key(key); end + + def escape_key_sym(key); end + + def escape_plain_str(str); end + + def handle_interpolation_token(interpolation, matchdata); end + + def interpolate_key(key); end + + def interpolate_or_raise_missing(key); end + + def interpolated_str?(str); end + + def missing_key(key); end + + def nil_key(key); end + + def reserved_key(key); end + + def tokenize(str); end + INTERPOLATION_SYNTAX_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TOKENIZER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module I18n::Backend::InterpolationCompiler::Compiler + extend ::I18n::Backend::InterpolationCompiler::Compiler + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Backend::InterpolationCompiler + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class I18n::Backend::KeyValue + include ::I18n::Backend::KeyValue::Implementation + include ::I18n::Backend::Flatten + include ::I18n::Backend::Base + include ::I18n::Backend::Transliterator +end + +module I18n::Backend::KeyValue::Implementation + include ::I18n::Backend::Flatten + include ::I18n::Backend::Base + include ::I18n::Backend::Transliterator + def available_locales(); end + + def init_translations(); end + + def initialize(store, subtrees=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def initialized?(); end + + def lookup(locale, key, scope=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def pluralize(locale, entry, count); end + + def store(); end + + def store=(store); end + + def store_translations(locale, data, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def subtrees?(); end + + def translations(); end +end + +module I18n::Backend::KeyValue::Implementation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class I18n::Backend::KeyValue::SubtreeProxy + def [](key); end + + def has_key?(key); end + + def initialize(master_key, store); end + + def instance_of?(klass); end + + def is_a?(klass); end + + def kind_of?(klass); end +end + +class I18n::Backend::KeyValue::SubtreeProxy +end + +class I18n::Backend::KeyValue +end + +module I18n::Backend::Memoize + def available_locales(); end + + def eager_load!(); end + + def lookup(locale, key, scope=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def memoized_lookup(); end + + def reload!(); end + + def reset_memoizations!(locale=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def store_translations(locale, data, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module I18n::Backend::Memoize + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Backend::Metadata + def interpolate(locale, entry, values=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def pluralize(locale, entry, count); end + + def translate(locale, key, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def with_metadata(metadata, &block); end +end + +module I18n::Backend::Metadata + extend ::T::Sig + def self.included(base); end +end + +module I18n::Backend::Pluralization + def pluralize(locale, entry, count); end + + def pluralizer(locale); end + + def pluralizers(); end +end + +module I18n::Backend::Pluralization + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Backend::Simple::Implementation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Backend::Transliterator + DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class I18n::Backend::Transliterator::HashTransliterator + DEFAULT_APPROXIMATIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module I18n::Backend::Transliterator + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Backend + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Base + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Gettext + CONTEXT_SEPARATOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PLURAL_SEPARATOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module I18n::Gettext::Helpers + def N_(msgsid); end + + def _(msgid, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def gettext(msgid, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def n_(msgid, msgid_plural, n=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def ngettext(msgid, msgid_plural, n=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def np_(msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def npgettext(msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def ns_(msgid, msgid_plural, n=T.unsafe(nil), separator=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def nsgettext(msgid, msgid_plural, n=T.unsafe(nil), separator=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def p_(msgctxt, msgid); end + + def pgettext(msgctxt, msgid); end + + def s_(msgid, separator=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def sgettext(msgid, separator=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module I18n::Gettext::Helpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Gettext + extend ::T::Sig + def self.extract_scope(msgid, separator); end + + def self.plural_keys(*args); end +end + +module I18n::HashRefinements + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Locale +end + +class I18n::Locale::Fallbacks + def [](locale); end + + def compute(tags, include_defaults=T.unsafe(nil), exclude=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def defaults(); end + + def defaults=(defaults); end + + def initialize(*mappings); end + + def map(mappings); end +end + +class I18n::Locale::Fallbacks +end + +module I18n::Locale::Tag + RFC4646_FORMATS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RFC4646_SUBTAGS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module I18n::Locale::Tag::Parents + def parent(); end + + def parents(); end + + def self_and_parents(); end +end + +module I18n::Locale::Tag::Parents + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class I18n::Locale::Tag::Rfc4646 + include ::I18n::Locale::Tag::Parents + def to_sym(); end +end + +module I18n::Locale::Tag::Rfc4646::Parser + PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module I18n::Locale::Tag::Rfc4646::Parser + extend ::T::Sig + def self.match(tag); end +end + +class I18n::Locale::Tag::Rfc4646 + def self.parser(); end + + def self.parser=(parser); end + + def self.tag(tag); end +end + +class I18n::Locale::Tag::Simple + include ::I18n::Locale::Tag::Parents + def initialize(*tag); end + + def subtags(); end + + def tag(); end + + def to_a(); end + + def to_sym(); end +end + +class I18n::Locale::Tag::Simple + def self.tag(tag); end +end + +module I18n::Locale::Tag + extend ::T::Sig + def self.implementation(); end + + def self.implementation=(implementation); end + + def self.tag(tag); end +end + +module I18n::Locale + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class I18n::Middleware + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app); end +end + +class I18n::Middleware +end + +module I18n::MissingTranslation::Base + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n::Tests +end + +module I18n::Tests::Localization +end + +module I18n::Tests::Localization + extend ::T::Sig + def self.included(base); end +end + +module I18n::Tests + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module I18n + extend ::T::Sig + def self.cache_key_digest(); end + + def self.cache_key_digest=(key_digest); end + + def self.cache_namespace(); end + + def self.cache_namespace=(namespace); end + + def self.cache_store(); end + + def self.cache_store=(store); end + + def self.fallbacks(); end + + def self.fallbacks=(fallbacks); end + + def self.perform_caching?(); end +end + +class IO + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def external_encoding(); end + + def nonblock(*_); end + + def nonblock=(nonblock); end + + def nonblock?(); end + + def nread(); end + + def pathconf(_); end + + def pread(*_); end + + def pwrite(_, _1); end + + def ready?(); end + + def wait(*_); end + + def wait_readable(*_); end + + def wait_writable(*_); end + + def write_nonblock(buf, exception: T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class IO::EAGAINWaitReadable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class IO::EAGAINWaitWritable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class IO::EINPROGRESSWaitReadable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class IO::EINPROGRESSWaitWritable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +IO::EWOULDBLOCKWaitReadable = IO::EAGAINWaitReadable + +IO::EWOULDBLOCKWaitWritable = IO::EAGAINWaitWritable + +module IO::WaitReadable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module IO::WaitWritable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class IO + extend ::T::Sig + def self.foreach(*_); end + + def*_); end + + def self.pipe(*_); end + +end + +class IOError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class IPAddr + include ::Comparable + def &(other); end + + def <<(num); end + + def ==(other); end + + def ===(other); end + + def >>(num); end + + def eql?(other); end + + def family(); end + + def hton(); end + + def include?(other); end + + def initialize(addr=T.unsafe(nil), family=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def ip6_arpa(); end + + def ip6_int(); end + + def ipv4?(); end + + def ipv4_compat(); end + + def ipv4_compat?(); end + + def ipv4_mapped(); end + + def ipv4_mapped?(); end + + def ipv6?(); end + + def link_local?(); end + + def loopback?(); end + + def mask(prefixlen); end + + def mask!(mask); end + + def native(); end + + def prefix(); end + + def prefix=(prefix); end + + def private?(); end + + def reverse(); end + + def set(addr, *family); end + + def succ(); end + + def to_i(); end + + def to_range(); end + + def to_string(); end + + def |(other); end + + def ~(); end + IN4MASK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IN6FORMAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IN6MASK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_IPV4ADDRLIKE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_IPV6ADDRLIKE_COMPRESSED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_IPV6ADDRLIKE_FULL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class IPAddr::AddressFamilyError +end + +class IPAddr::AddressFamilyError +end + +class IPAddr::Error +end + +class IPAddr::Error +end + +class IPAddr::InvalidAddressError +end + +class IPAddr::InvalidAddressError +end + +class IPAddr::InvalidPrefixError +end + +class IPAddr::InvalidPrefixError +end + +class IPAddr + def self.new_ntoh(addr); end + + def self.ntop(addr); end +end + +class IPSocket + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module IRB + IRBRC_EXT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MagicFile = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STDIN_FILE_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class IRB::Abort +end + +class IRB::Abort +end + +class IRB::Context + def __exit__(*_); end + + def __inspect__(); end + + def __to_s__(); end + + def ap_name(); end + + def ap_name=(ap_name); end + + def auto_indent_mode(); end + + def auto_indent_mode=(auto_indent_mode); end + + def back_trace_limit(); end + + def back_trace_limit=(back_trace_limit); end + + def debug?(); end + + def debug_level(); end + + def debug_level=(value); end + + def echo(); end + + def echo=(echo); end + + def echo?(); end + + def eval_history=(*opts, &b); end + + def evaluate(line, line_no, exception: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def exit(ret=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def file_input?(); end + + def ignore_eof(); end + + def ignore_eof=(ignore_eof); end + + def ignore_eof?(); end + + def ignore_sigint(); end + + def ignore_sigint=(ignore_sigint); end + + def ignore_sigint?(); end + + def initialize(irb, workspace=T.unsafe(nil), input_method=T.unsafe(nil), output_method=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def inspect?(); end + + def inspect_last_value(); end + + def inspect_mode(); end + + def inspect_mode=(opt); end + + def io(); end + + def io=(io); end + + def irb(); end + + def irb=(irb); end + + def irb_name(); end + + def irb_name=(irb_name); end + + def irb_path(); end + + def irb_path=(irb_path); end + + def last_value(); end + + def load_modules(); end + + def load_modules=(load_modules); end + + def main(); end + + def prompt_c(); end + + def prompt_c=(prompt_c); end + + def prompt_i(); end + + def prompt_i=(prompt_i); end + + def prompt_mode(); end + + def prompt_mode=(mode); end + + def prompt_n(); end + + def prompt_n=(prompt_n); end + + def prompt_s(); end + + def prompt_s=(prompt_s); end + + def prompting?(); end + + def rc(); end + + def rc=(rc); end + + def rc?(); end + + def return_format(); end + + def return_format=(return_format); end + + def save_history=(*opts, &b); end + + def set_last_value(value); end + + def thread(); end + + def use_loader=(*opts, &b); end + + def use_readline(); end + + def use_readline=(opt); end + + def use_readline?(); end + + def use_tracer=(*opts, &b); end + + def verbose(); end + + def verbose=(verbose); end + + def verbose?(); end + + def workspace(); end + + def workspace=(workspace); end + + def workspace_home(); end + IDNAME_IVARS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOPRINTING_IVARS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NO_INSPECTING_IVARS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class IRB::Context +end + +module IRB::ContextExtender +end + +IRB::ContextExtender::CE = IRB::ContextExtender + +module IRB::ContextExtender + extend ::T::Sig + def self.def_extend_command(cmd_name, load_file, *aliases); end + + def self.install_extend_commands(); end +end + +class IRB::DefaultEncodings + def external(); end + + def external=(_); end + + def internal(); end + + def internal=(_); end +end + +class IRB::DefaultEncodings + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +module IRB::ExtendCommandBundle + def install_alias_method(to, from, override=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def irb(*opts, &b); end + + def irb_change_workspace(*opts, &b); end + + def irb_context(); end + + def irb_current_working_workspace(*opts, &b); end + + def irb_exit(ret=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def irb_fg(*opts, &b); end + + def irb_help(*opts, &b); end + + def irb_jobs(*opts, &b); end + + def irb_kill(*opts, &b); end + + def irb_load(*opts, &b); end + + def irb_pop_workspace(*opts, &b); end + + def irb_push_workspace(*opts, &b); end + + def irb_require(*opts, &b); end + + def irb_source(*opts, &b); end + + def irb_workspaces(*opts, &b); end + NO_OVERRIDE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OVERRIDE_ALL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OVERRIDE_PRIVATE_ONLY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +IRB::ExtendCommandBundle::EXCB = IRB::ExtendCommandBundle + +module IRB::ExtendCommandBundle + extend ::T::Sig + def self.def_extend_command(cmd_name, cmd_class, load_file=T.unsafe(nil), *aliases); end + + def self.extend_object(obj); end + + def self.install_extend_commands(); end + + def self.irb_original_method_name(method_name); end +end + +class IRB::FileInputMethod + def encoding(); end + + def eof?(); end + + def initialize(file); end +end + +class IRB::FileInputMethod +end + +class IRB::InputMethod + def file_name(); end + + def gets(); end + + def initialize(file=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def prompt(); end + + def prompt=(prompt); end + + def readable_after_eof?(); end +end + +class IRB::InputMethod +end + +class IRB::Inspector + def init(); end + + def initialize(inspect_proc, init_proc=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def inspect_value(v); end + INSPECTORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class IRB::Inspector + def self.def_inspector(key, arg=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def self.keys_with_inspector(inspector); end +end + +class IRB::Irb + def context(); end + + def eval_input(); end + + def handle_exception(exc); end + + def initialize(workspace=T.unsafe(nil), input_method=T.unsafe(nil), output_method=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def output_value(); end + + def prompt(prompt, ltype, indent, line_no); end + + def run(conf=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def scanner(); end + + def scanner=(scanner); end + + def signal_handle(); end + + def signal_status(status); end + + def suspend_context(context); end + + def suspend_input_method(input_method); end + + def suspend_name(path=T.unsafe(nil), name=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def suspend_workspace(workspace); end + ATTR_PLAIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ATTR_TTY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class IRB::Irb +end + +class IRB::Locale + def String(mes); end + + def encoding(); end + + def find(file, paths=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def format(*opts); end + + def gets(*rs); end + + def initialize(locale=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def lang(); end + + def load(file, priv=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def modifier(); end + + def print(*opts); end + + def printf(*opts); end + + def puts(*opts); end + + def readline(*rs); end + + def require(file, priv=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def territory(); end + LOCALE_DIR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCALE_NAME_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class IRB::Locale +end + +module IRB::MethodExtender + def def_post_proc(base_method, extend_method); end + + def def_pre_proc(base_method, extend_method); end + + def new_alias_name(name, prefix=T.unsafe(nil), postfix=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module IRB::MethodExtender + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module IRB::Notifier + def Fail(err=T.unsafe(nil), *rest); end + + def Raise(err=T.unsafe(nil), *rest); end + D_NOMSG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class IRB::Notifier::AbstractNotifier + def exec_if(); end + + def initialize(prefix, base_notifier); end + + def notify?(); end + + def ppx(prefix, *objs); end + + def prefix(); end + + def print(*opts); end + + def printf(format, *opts); end + + def printn(*opts); end + + def puts(*objs); end +end + +class IRB::Notifier::AbstractNotifier +end + +class IRB::Notifier::CompositeNotifier + def def_notifier(level, prefix=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def level(); end + + def level=(value); end + + def level_notifier(); end + + def level_notifier=(value); end + + def notifiers(); end +end + +class IRB::Notifier::CompositeNotifier +end + +class IRB::Notifier::ErrUndefinedNotifier +end + +class IRB::Notifier::ErrUndefinedNotifier +end + +class IRB::Notifier::ErrUnrecognizedLevel +end + +class IRB::Notifier::ErrUnrecognizedLevel +end + +class IRB::Notifier::LeveledNotifier + include ::Comparable + def initialize(base, level, prefix); end + + def level(); end +end + +class IRB::Notifier::LeveledNotifier +end + +class IRB::Notifier::NoMsgNotifier + def initialize(); end +end + +class IRB::Notifier::NoMsgNotifier +end + +module IRB::Notifier + extend ::Exception2MessageMapper + extend ::T::Sig + def self.def_notifier(prefix=T.unsafe(nil), output_method=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.included(mod); end +end + +class IRB::OutputMethod + def Fail(err=T.unsafe(nil), *rest); end + + def Raise(err=T.unsafe(nil), *rest); end + + def parse_printf_format(format, opts); end + + def ppx(prefix, *objs); end + + def print(*opts); end + + def printf(format, *opts); end + + def printn(*opts); end + + def puts(*objs); end +end + +class IRB::OutputMethod::NotImplementedError +end + +class IRB::OutputMethod::NotImplementedError +end + +class IRB::OutputMethod + extend ::Exception2MessageMapper + def self.included(mod); end +end + +class IRB::ReadlineInputMethod + include ::Readline + def encoding(); end + + def eof?(); end + + def initialize(); end + + def line(line_no); end +end + +class IRB::ReadlineInputMethod +end + +class IRB::SLex + def Fail(err=T.unsafe(nil), *rest); end + + def Raise(err=T.unsafe(nil), *rest); end + + def create(token, preproc=T.unsafe(nil), postproc=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def def_rule(token, preproc=T.unsafe(nil), postproc=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def def_rules(*tokens, &block); end + + def match(token); end + + def postproc(token); end + + def preproc(token, proc); end + + def search(token); end + DOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + D_DEBUG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + D_DETAIL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + D_WARN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class IRB::SLex::ErrNodeAlreadyExists +end + +class IRB::SLex::ErrNodeAlreadyExists +end + +class IRB::SLex::ErrNodeNothing +end + +class IRB::SLex::ErrNodeNothing +end + +class IRB::SLex::Node + def create_subnode(chrs, preproc=T.unsafe(nil), postproc=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def initialize(preproc=T.unsafe(nil), postproc=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def match(chrs, op=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def match_io(io, op=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def postproc(); end + + def postproc=(postproc); end + + def preproc(); end + + def preproc=(preproc); end + + def search(chrs, opt=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class IRB::SLex::Node +end + +class IRB::SLex + extend ::Exception2MessageMapper + def self.included(mod); end +end + +class IRB::StdioInputMethod + def encoding(); end + + def eof?(); end + + def initialize(); end + + def line(line_no); end +end + +class IRB::StdioInputMethod +end + +class IRB::StdioOutputMethod +end + +class IRB::StdioOutputMethod +end + +class IRB::WorkSpace + def code_around_binding(); end + + def evaluate(context, statements, file=T.unsafe(nil), line=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def filter_backtrace(bt); end + + def initialize(*main); end + + def local_variable_get(name); end + + def local_variable_set(name, value); end + + def main(); end +end + +class IRB::WorkSpace +end + +module IRB + extend ::T::Sig + def self.CurrentContext(); end + + def self.Inspector(inspect, init=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.conf(); end + + def self.default_src_encoding(); end + + def self.delete_caller(); end + + def self.init_config(ap_path); end + + def self.init_error(); end + + def self.irb_abort(irb, exception=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.irb_at_exit(); end + + def self.irb_exit(irb, ret); end + + def self.load_modules(); end + + def self.parse_opts(argv: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.rc_file(ext=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.rc_file_generators(); end + + def self.run_config(); end + + def self.setup(ap_path, argv: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.start(ap_path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.version(); end +end + +class IndexError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Integer + include ::ActiveSupport::NumericWithFormat + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + include ::JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Integer + def allbits?(_); end + + def anybits?(_); end + + def digits(*_); end + + def nobits?(_); end + + def pow(*_); end + + def to_bn(); end + + def to_d(); end +end + +class Integer + extend ::T::Sig + def self.sqrt(_); end +end + +class Interrupt + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class JSON::CircularDatastructure + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module JSON::Ext +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Array + def to_json(*_); end +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Array + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::FalseClass + def to_json(*_); end +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::FalseClass + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Float + def to_json(*_); end +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Float + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Hash + def to_json(*_); end +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Hash + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Integer + def to_json(*_); end +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Integer + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::NilClass + def to_json(*_); end +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::NilClass + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Object + def to_json(*_); end +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Object + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::String + def to_json(*_); end + + def to_json_raw(*_); end + + def to_json_raw_object(); end +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::String + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::TrueClass + def to_json(*_); end +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::TrueClass + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class JSON::Ext::Generator::State + def [](_); end + + def []=(_, _1); end + + def allow_nan?(); end + + def array_nl(); end + + def array_nl=(array_nl); end + + def ascii_only?(); end + + def buffer_initial_length(); end + + def buffer_initial_length=(buffer_initial_length); end + + def check_circular?(); end + + def configure(_); end + + def depth(); end + + def depth=(depth); end + + def generate(_); end + + def indent(); end + + def indent=(indent); end + + def initialize(*_); end + + def max_nesting(); end + + def max_nesting=(max_nesting); end + + def merge(_); end + + def object_nl(); end + + def object_nl=(object_nl); end + + def space(); end + + def space=(space); end + + def space_before(); end + + def space_before=(space_before); end + + def to_h(); end + + def to_hash(); end +end + +class JSON::Ext::Generator::State + def self.from_state(_); end +end + +module JSON::Ext::Generator + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class JSON::Ext::Parser + def initialize(*_); end + + def parse(); end + + def source(); end +end + +class JSON::Ext::Parser +end + +module JSON::Ext + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class JSON::GeneratorError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class JSON::GenericObject + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class JSON::JSONError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class JSON::MissingUnicodeSupport + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class JSON::NestingError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +JSON::Parser = JSON::Ext::Parser + +class JSON::ParserError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class JSON::Schema::Attribute + TYPE_CLASS_MAPPINGS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class JSON::Schema::DateFormat + REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class JSON::Schema::DateTimeFormat + REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class JSON::Schema::TimeFormat + REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class JSON::Schema::ValidationError + INDENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +JSON::State = JSON::Ext::Generator::State + +JSON::UnparserError = JSON::GeneratorError + +module JSON::Util::URI + SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module JSON::Util::URI + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class JSON::Util::UUID + NameSpace_DNS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NameSpace_OID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NameSpace_URL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NameSpace_X500 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Nil = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module JSON::Util + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module JSON + extend ::T::Sig +end + +JSONTree = Psych::Visitors::JSONTree + +module Jasmine::Core + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Jasmine + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module JasmineRails + CONSOLE_REPORTERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_TMP_DIR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module JasmineRails::SpecRunnerHelper + def jasmine2?(); end + + def jasmine_boot_file(); end + + def jasmine_css_files(); end + + def jasmine_js_files(); end +end + +module JasmineRails::SpecRunnerHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module JasmineRails + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Kernel + def class(); end + + def gem(dep, *reqs); end + + def itself(); end + + def object_id(); end + + def pretty_inspect(); end + + def respond_to?(*_); end + + def then(); end + + def yield_self(); end +end + +module Kernel + extend ::T::Sig + def self.`(_); end + + def self.at_exit(); end + + def self.load(*_); end + + def self.require(_); end +end + +class KeyError + include ::DidYouMean::Correctable + def key(); end + + def receiver(); end +end + +class KeyError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Kgio + LOCALHOST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + POLLERR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + POLLHUP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + POLLIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + POLLNVAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + POLLOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + POLLPRI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SOCK_CLOEXEC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SOCK_NONBLOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WaitReadable = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WaitWritable = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Kgio::DefaultWaiters + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Kgio::File + include ::Kgio::PipeMethods + include ::Kgio::DefaultWaiters +end + +class Kgio::Pipe + include ::Kgio::DefaultWaiters +end + +module Kgio::PipeMethods + include ::Kgio::DefaultWaiters +end + +module Kgio::PipeMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Kgio::Socket + include ::Kgio::SocketMethods + include ::Kgio::DefaultWaiters +end + +module Kgio::SocketMethods + include ::Kgio::DefaultWaiters +end + +module Kgio::SocketMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Kgio::TCPSocket + include ::Kgio::SocketMethods + include ::Kgio::DefaultWaiters +end + +class Kgio::UNIXSocket + include ::Kgio::SocketMethods + include ::Kgio::DefaultWaiters +end + +module Kgio + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Kramdown + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::Base + def apply_template_after?(); end + + def apply_template_before?(); end + + def basic_generate_id(str); end + + def convert(_el); end + + def data(); end + + def extract_code_language(attr); end + + def extract_code_language!(attr); end + + def format_math(el, opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def generate_id(str); end + + def highlight_code(text, lang, type, opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def in_toc?(el); end + + def initialize(root, options); end + + def options(); end + + def output_header_level(level); end + + def root(); end + + def smart_quote_entity(el); end + + def warning(text); end + + def warnings(); end + SMART_QUOTE_INDICES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::Base + def self.apply_template(converter, body); end + + def self.convert(tree, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.get_template(template); end +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::HashAST + def convert(el); end +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::HashAST +end + +Kramdown::Converter::HashAst = Kramdown::Converter::HashAST + +class Kramdown::Converter::Html + include ::Kramdown::Utils::Html + include ::Kramdown::Parser::Html::Constants + def add_syntax_highlighter_to_class_attr(attr, lang=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def convert(el, indent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def convert_a(el, indent); end + + def convert_abbreviation(el, _indent); end + + def convert_blank(_el, _indent); end + + def convert_blockquote(el, indent); end + + def convert_br(_el, _indent); end + + def convert_codeblock(el, indent); end + + def convert_codespan(el, _indent); end + + def convert_comment(el, indent); end + + def convert_dd(el, indent); end + + def convert_dl(el, indent); end + + def convert_dt(el, indent); end + + def convert_em(el, indent); end + + def convert_entity(el, _indent); end + + def convert_footnote(el, _indent); end + + def convert_header(el, indent); end + + def convert_hr(el, indent); end + + def convert_html_element(el, indent); end + + def convert_img(el, _indent); end + + def convert_li(el, indent); end + + def convert_math(el, indent); end + + def convert_ol(el, indent); end + + def convert_p(el, indent); end + + def convert_raw(el, _indent); end + + def convert_root(el, indent); end + + def convert_smart_quote(el, _indent); end + + def convert_standalone_image(el, indent); end + + def convert_strong(el, indent); end + + def convert_table(el, indent); end + + def convert_tbody(el, indent); end + + def convert_td(el, indent); end + + def convert_text(el, _indent); end + + def convert_tfoot(el, indent); end + + def convert_thead(el, indent); end + + def convert_tr(el, indent); end + + def convert_typographic_sym(el, _indent); end + + def convert_ul(el, indent); end + + def convert_xml_comment(el, indent); end + + def convert_xml_pi(el, indent); end + + def fix_for_toc_entry(elements); end + + def footnote_content(); end + + def format_as_block_html(name, attr, body, indent); end + + def format_as_indented_block_html(name, attr, body, indent); end + + def format_as_span_html(name, attr, body); end + + def generate_toc_tree(toc, type, attr); end + + def indent(); end + + def indent=(indent); end + + def inner(el, indent); end + + def obfuscate(text); end + + def remove_footnotes(elements); end + + def unwrap_links(elements); end + DISPATCHER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENTITY_NBSP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FOOTNOTE_BACKLINK_FMT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::Html +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::Kramdown + include ::Kramdown::Utils::Html + def convert(el, opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def convert_a(el, opts); end + + def convert_abbreviation(el, _opts); end + + def convert_blank(_el, _opts); end + + def convert_blockquote(el, opts); end + + def convert_br(_el, _opts); end + + def convert_codeblock(el, _opts); end + + def convert_codespan(el, _opts); end + + def convert_comment(el, _opts); end + + def convert_dd(el, opts); end + + def convert_dl(el, opts); end + + def convert_dt(el, opts); end + + def convert_em(el, opts); end + + def convert_entity(el, _opts); end + + def convert_footnote(el, _opts); end + + def convert_header(el, opts); end + + def convert_hr(_el, _opts); end + + def convert_html_element(el, opts); end + + def convert_img(el, _opts); end + + def convert_li(el, opts); end + + def convert_math(el, _opts); end + + def convert_ol(el, opts); end + + def convert_p(el, opts); end + + def convert_raw(el, _opts); end + + def convert_root(el, opts); end + + def convert_smart_quote(el, _opts); end + + def convert_strong(el, opts); end + + def convert_table(el, opts); end + + def convert_tbody(el, opts); end + + def convert_td(el, opts); end + + def convert_text(el, opts); end + + def convert_tfoot(el, opts); end + + def convert_thead(el, opts); end + + def convert_tr(el, opts); end + + def convert_typographic_sym(el, _opts); end + + def convert_ul(el, opts); end + + def convert_xml_comment(el, _opts); end + + def convert_xml_pi(el, _opts); end + + def create_abbrev_defs(); end + + def create_footnote_defs(); end + + def create_link_defs(); end + + def ial_for_element(el); end + + def inner(el, opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def parse_title(attr); end + ESCAPED_CHAR_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_TAGS_WITH_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::Kramdown +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::Latex + def attribute_list(el); end + + def convert(el, opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def convert_a(el, opts); end + + def convert_abbreviation(el, _opts); end + + def convert_blank(_el, opts); end + + def convert_blockquote(el, opts); end + + def convert_br(_el, opts); end + + def convert_codeblock(el, _opts); end + + def convert_codespan(el, _opts); end + + def convert_comment(el, _opts); end + + def convert_dd(el, opts); end + + def convert_dl(el, opts); end + + def convert_dt(el, opts); end + + def convert_em(el, opts); end + + def convert_entity(el, _opts); end + + def convert_footnote(el, opts); end + + def convert_header(el, opts); end + + def convert_hr(el, _opts); end + + def convert_html_element(el, opts); end + + def convert_img(el, _opts); end + + def convert_li(el, opts); end + + def convert_math(el, _opts); end + + def convert_ol(el, opts); end + + def convert_p(el, opts); end + + def convert_raw(el, _opts); end + + def convert_root(el, opts); end + + def convert_smart_quote(el, opts); end + + def convert_standalone_image(el, _opts, img); end + + def convert_strong(el, opts); end + + def convert_table(el, opts); end + + def convert_tbody(el, opts); end + + def convert_td(el, opts); end + + def convert_text(el, _opts); end + + def convert_tfoot(el, opts); end + + def convert_thead(el, opts); end + + def convert_tr(el, opts); end + + def convert_typographic_sym(el, _opts); end + + def convert_ul(el, opts); end + + def convert_xml_comment(el, _opts); end + + def convert_xml_pi(_el, _opts); end + + def entity_to_latex(entity); end + + def escape(str); end + + def inner(el, opts); end + + def latex_environment(type, el, text); end + + def latex_link_target(el, add_label=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def normalize_abbreviation_key(key); end + ENTITY_CONV_TABLE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPE_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPE_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TABLE_ALIGNMENT_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::Latex +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::Man + def convert(el, opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + TABLE_CELL_ALIGNMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::Man +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::RemoveHtmlTags + def convert(el); end +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::RemoveHtmlTags +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::Toc + def convert(el); end +end + +class Kramdown::Converter::Toc +end + +module Kramdown::Converter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Kramdown::Element + CATEGORY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Kramdown::Options + ALLOWED_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Kramdown::Options + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Kramdown::Parser::Base + def adapt_source(source); end + + def add_text(text, tree=T.unsafe(nil), type=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def extract_string(range, strscan); end + + def initialize(source, options); end + + def options(); end + + def parse(); end + + def root(); end + + def source(); end + + def warning(text); end + + def warnings(); end +end + +class Kramdown::Parser::Base + def self.parse(source, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Kramdown::Parser::Html + include ::Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser + include ::Kramdown::Parser::Html::Constants +end + +module Kramdown::Parser::Html::Constants + HTML_ATTRIBUTE_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_BLOCK_ELEMENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_COMMENT_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_CONTENT_MODEL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_BLOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_RAW = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_CONTENT_MODEL_SPAN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_DOCTYPE_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_ELEMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_ENTITY_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_INSTRUCTION_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_SPAN_ELEMENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_TAG_CLOSE_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_TAG_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Kramdown::Parser::Html::Constants + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Kramdown::Parser::Html::ElementConverter + include ::Kramdown::Parser::Html::Constants + include ::Kramdown::Utils::Entities + def convert_a(el); end + + def convert_b(el); end + + def convert_code(el); end + + def convert_em(el); end + + def convert_h1(el); end + + def convert_h2(el); end + + def convert_h3(el); end + + def convert_h4(el); end + + def convert_h5(el); end + + def convert_h6(el); end + + def convert_i(el); end + + def convert_pre(el); end + + def convert_script(el); end + + def convert_strong(el); end + + def convert_table(el); end + + def convert_textarea(el); end + + def extract_text(el, raw); end + + def handle_math_tag(el); end + + def initialize(root); end + + def is_math_tag?(el); end + + def is_simple_table?(el); end + + def process(el, do_conversion=T.unsafe(nil), preserve_text=T.unsafe(nil), parent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def process_children(el, do_conversion=T.unsafe(nil), preserve_text=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def process_html_element(el, do_conversion=T.unsafe(nil), preserve_text=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def process_text(raw, preserve=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def remove_text_children(el); end + + def remove_whitespace_children(el); end + + def set_basics(el, type, opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def strip_whitespace(el); end + + def wrap_text_children(el); end + EMPHASIS_TYPE_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REMOVE_TEXT_CHILDREN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REMOVE_WHITESPACE_CHILDREN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SIMPLE_ELEMENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRIP_WHITESPACE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WRAP_TEXT_CHILDREN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Kramdown::Parser::Html::ElementConverter + def self.convert(root, el=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser + include ::Kramdown::Parser::Html::Constants + def handle_html_start_tag(line=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def handle_raw_html_tag(name); end + + def parse_html_attributes(str, line=T.unsafe(nil), in_html_tag=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def parse_raw_html(el, &block); end + HTML_RAW_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Kramdown::Parser::Html +end + +class Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown + include ::Kramdown + include ::Kramdown::Parser::Html::Parser + include ::Kramdown::Parser::Html::Constants + def add_header(level, text, id); end + + def add_link(el, href, title, alt_text=T.unsafe(nil), ial=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def after_block_boundary?(); end + + def before_block_boundary?(); end + + def configure_parser(); end + + def correct_abbreviations_attributes(); end + + def handle_extension(name, opts, body, type, line_no=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def handle_kramdown_html_tag(el, closed, handle_body); end + + def new_block_el(*args); end + + def normalize_link_id(id); end + + def paragraph_end(); end + + def parse_abbrev_definition(); end + + def parse_attribute_list(str, opts); end + + def parse_atx_header(); end + + def parse_autolink(); end + + def parse_blank_line(); end + + def parse_block_extensions(); end + + def parse_block_html(); end + + def parse_block_math(); end + + def parse_blockquote(); end + + def parse_blocks(el, text=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def parse_codeblock(); end + + def parse_codeblock_fenced(); end + + def parse_codespan(); end + + def parse_definition_list(); end + + def parse_emphasis(); end + + def parse_eob_marker(); end + + def parse_escaped_chars(); end + + def parse_extension_start_tag(type); end + + def parse_first_list_line(indentation, content); end + + def parse_footnote_definition(); end + + def parse_footnote_marker(); end + + def parse_header_contents(); end + + def parse_horizontal_rule(); end + + def parse_html_entity(); end + + def parse_inline_math(); end + + def parse_line_break(); end + + def parse_link(); end + + def parse_link_definition(); end + + def parse_list(); end + + def parse_paragraph(); end + + def parse_setext_header(); end + + def parse_smart_quotes(); end + + def parse_span_extensions(); end + + def parse_span_html(); end + + def parse_spans(el, stop_re=T.unsafe(nil), parsers=T.unsafe(nil), text_type=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def parse_table(); end + + def parse_typographic_syms(); end + + def replace_abbreviations(el, regexps=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def reset_env(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def restore_env(env); end + + def save_env(); end + + def span_parser_regexps(parsers=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def update_attr_with_ial(attr, ial); end + + def update_ial_with_ial(ial, opts); end + + def update_link_definitions(link_defs); end + + def update_raw_text(item); end + + def update_tree(element); end + ABBREV_DEFINITION_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ACHARS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALD_ANY_CHARS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALD_CLASS_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALD_ID_CHARS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALD_ID_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALD_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALD_TYPE_ANY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALD_TYPE_CLASS_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALD_TYPE_ID_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALD_TYPE_ID_OR_CLASS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALD_TYPE_ID_OR_CLASS_MULTI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALD_TYPE_KEY_VALUE_PAIR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALD_TYPE_REF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ATX_HEADER_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AUTOLINK_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AUTOLINK_START_STR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BLANK_LINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BLOCKQUOTE_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BLOCK_BOUNDARY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BLOCK_EXTENSIONS_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BLOCK_MATH_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CODEBLOCK_MATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CODEBLOCK_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CODESPAN_DELIMITER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFINITION_LIST_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EMPHASIS_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EOB_MARKER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPED_CHARS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXT_BLOCK_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXT_BLOCK_STOP_STR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXT_SPAN_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXT_START_STR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXT_STOP_STR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FENCED_CODEBLOCK_MATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FENCED_CODEBLOCK_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FOOTNOTE_DEFINITION_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FOOTNOTE_MARKER_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HEADER_ID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HR_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_BLOCK_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_MARKDOWN_ATTR_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_SPAN_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IAL_BLOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IAL_BLOCK_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IAL_CLASS_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IAL_SPAN_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INDENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INLINE_MATH_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LAZY_END = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LAZY_END_HTML_SPAN_ELEMENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LAZY_END_HTML_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LAZY_END_HTML_STOP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LINE_BREAK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LINK_BRACKET_STOP_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LINK_DEFINITION_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LINK_INLINE_ID_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LINK_INLINE_TITLE_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LINK_PAREN_STOP_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LINK_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LIST_ITEM_IAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LIST_ITEM_IAL_CHECK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LIST_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LIST_START_OL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LIST_START_UL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPT_SPACE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARAGRAPH_END = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARAGRAPH_MATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARAGRAPH_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARSE_FIRST_LIST_LINE_REGEXP_CACHE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SETEXT_HEADER_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SMART_QUOTES_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SPAN_EXTENSIONS_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SQ_CLOSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SQ_PUNCT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SQ_RULES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SQ_SUBSTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TABLE_FSEP_LINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TABLE_HSEP_ALIGN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TABLE_LINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TABLE_PIPE_CHECK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TABLE_ROW_LINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TABLE_SEP_LINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TABLE_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TRAILING_WHITESPACE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS_SUBST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::Data + def method(); end + + def method=(_); end + + def name(); end + + def name=(_); end + + def span_start(); end + + def span_start=(_); end + + def start_re(); end + + def start_re=(_); end +end + +class Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown::Data + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class Kramdown::Parser::Kramdown + def self.define_parser(name, start_re, span_start=T.unsafe(nil), meth_name=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.has_parser?(name); end + + def self.parser(name=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Kramdown::Parser::Markdown + BLOCK_BOUNDARY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CODEBLOCK_MATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTENDED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IAL_RAND_CHARS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IAL_RAND_STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IAL_SPAN_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LAZY_END = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LIST_ITEM_IAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARAGRAPH_END = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Kramdown::Parser::Markdown +end + +module Kramdown::Parser + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Kramdown::Utils::Configurable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Kramdown::Utils::Entities + ENTITY_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENTITY_TABLE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Kramdown::Utils::Entities + extend ::T::Sig + def self.entity(point_or_name); end +end + +module Kramdown::Utils::Html + def entity_to_str(e, original=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def escape_html(str, type=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def html_attributes(attr); end + ESCAPE_ALL_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPE_ATTRIBUTE_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPE_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPE_RE_FROM_TYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPE_TEXT_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Kramdown::Utils::Html + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Kramdown::Utils::LRUCache + def [](key); end + + def []=(key, value); end + + def initialize(size); end +end + +class Kramdown::Utils::LRUCache +end + +class Kramdown::Utils::StringScanner + def current_line_number(); end + + def initialize(string, start_line_number=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def pos=(pos); end + + def revert_pos(data); end + + def save_pos(); end + + def start_line_number(); end +end + +class Kramdown::Utils::StringScanner +end + +module Kramdown::Utils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Kramdown + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Launchy + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Launchy::DescendantTracker + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Launchy::Detect + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Launchy::Version + MAJOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MINOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Launchy::Version + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Launchy + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class LinkHeader + ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COMMA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HREF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + QUOTED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SEMI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TOKEN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class LoadError + def path(); end +end + +class LoadError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class LocalJumpError + def exit_value(); end + + def reason(); end +end + +class LocalJumpError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module LogStasher + REQUEST_CONTEXT_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STORE_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module LogStasher::ActionController::Instrumentation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module LogStasher::ActionController + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module LogStasher::ActionView + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class LogStasher::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber + def process_action(event); end + + def redirect_to(event); end +end + +class LogStasher::ActiveSupport::MailerLogSubscriber + def deliver(event); end + + def process(event); end + + def receive(event); end + MAILER_FIELDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module LogStasher::ActiveSupport + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module LogStasher::CustomFields::LogSubscriber + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module LogStasher::CustomFields + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class LogStasher::Railtie + LOGSTASHER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module LogStasher + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Logger + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + SEV_LABEL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Logger::Error + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Logger::Formatter + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + Format = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Logger::Formatter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Logger::LogDevice + include ::MonitorMixin + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Logger::LogDevice + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Logger::Period + SiD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Logger::Period + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Logger::Severity + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Logger::ShiftingError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Logger + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module LoggerSilence + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Loofah + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Loofah::DocumentDecorator + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Loofah::Elements + BLOCK_LEVEL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOOSE_BLOCK_LEVEL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRICT_BLOCK_LEVEL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRICT_BLOCK_LEVEL_HTML4 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRICT_BLOCK_LEVEL_HTML5 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Loofah::Elements + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Loofah::HTML + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Loofah::HTML5::Scrub + CONTROL_CHARACTERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CRASS_SEMICOLON = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CSS_KEYWORDISH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Loofah::HTML5::Scrub + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Loofah::HTML5::WhiteList + ACCEPTABLE_ATTRIBUTES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ACCEPTABLE_CSS_FUNCTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ACCEPTABLE_CSS_KEYWORDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ACCEPTABLE_CSS_PROPERTIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ACCEPTABLE_ELEMENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ACCEPTABLE_PROTOCOLS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ACCEPTABLE_SVG_PROPERTIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ACCEPTABLE_URI_DATA_MEDIATYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALLOWED_CSS_FUNCTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALLOWED_CSS_KEYWORDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALLOWED_CSS_PROPERTIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALLOWED_ELEMENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALLOWED_ELEMENTS_WITH_LIBXML2 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALLOWED_SVG_PROPERTIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALLOWED_URI_DATA_MEDIATYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ATTR_VAL_IS_URI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MATHML_ATTRIBUTES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MATHML_ELEMENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PROTOCOL_SEPARATOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SHORTHAND_CSS_PROPERTIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SVG_ALLOW_LOCAL_HREF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SVG_ATTRIBUTES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SVG_ATTR_VAL_ALLOWS_REF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SVG_ELEMENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TAGS_SAFE_WITH_LIBXML2 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VOID_ELEMENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Loofah::HTML5::WhiteList + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Loofah::HTML5 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Loofah::LibxmlWorkarounds + BROKEN_ESCAPING_ATTRIBUTES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BROKEN_ESCAPING_ATTRIBUTES_QUALIFYING_TAG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Loofah::LibxmlWorkarounds + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Loofah::MetaHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Loofah::ScrubBehavior::Node + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Loofah::ScrubBehavior::NodeSet + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Loofah::ScrubBehavior + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Loofah::Scrubber + CONTINUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STOP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Loofah::Scrubbers + MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Loofah::Scrubbers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Loofah::TextBehavior + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Loofah::XML + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Loofah + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class MIME::Type + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class MIME::Types + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module MIME::Types::Columnar + LOAD_MUTEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module MIME::Types::Columnar + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module MIME::Types::Data + PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module MIME::Types::Data + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class MIME::Types + extend ::Enumerable +end + +module MIME + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Marshal + extend ::T::Sig + extend ::ActiveSupport::MarshalWithAutoloading + def self.restore(*_); end +end + +class MatchData + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def named_captures(); end +end + +class MatchData + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Math::DomainError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Math + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Method + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def <<(_); end + + def ===(*_); end + + def >>(_); end + + def [](*_); end + + def arity(); end + + def clone(); end + + def curry(*_); end + + def name(); end + + def original_name(); end + + def owner(); end + + def parameters(); end + + def receiver(); end + + def super_method(); end + + def unbind(); end +end + +class Method + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module MethodSource + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module MethodSource::CodeHelpers::IncompleteExpression + GENERIC_REGEXPS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RBX_ONLY_REGEXPS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module MethodSource::CodeHelpers::IncompleteExpression + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module MethodSource::CodeHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module MethodSource::MethodExtensions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module MethodSource::ReeSourceLocation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module MethodSource::SourceLocation::MethodExtensions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module MethodSource::SourceLocation::ProcExtensions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module MethodSource::SourceLocation::UnboundMethodExtensions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module MethodSource::SourceLocation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module MethodSource + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Methods = T::Private::Methods + +module Mime + ALL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTENSION_LOOKUP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOOKUP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SET = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Mime + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module MiniMime + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class MiniMime::Db + LOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class MiniMime::Db::RandomAccessDb + MAX_CACHED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class MiniMime::Info + BINARY_ENCODINGS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module MiniMime + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Minitest +end + +MiniTest::Assertions = Minitest::Assertions + +MiniTest::Guard = Minitest::Guard + +MiniTest::Reportable = Minitest::Reportable + +MiniTest::Runnable = Minitest::Runnable + +MiniTest::Test = Minitest::Test + +module Minitest +end + +module Minitest + ENCS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Minitest::Assertions + E = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNDEFINED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Minitest::Assertions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Minitest::BacktraceFilter + MT_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Minitest::Guard + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Minitest::Parallel::Test::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Minitest::Parallel::Test + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Minitest::Parallel + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Minitest::Reportable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Minitest::Runnable + SIGNALS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Minitest::Test + PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TEARDOWN_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Minitest::Test::LifecycleHooks + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Minitest::Unit + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Minitest + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Module + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def deprecate_constant(*_); end + + def undef_method(*_); end + DELEGATION_RESERVED_KEYWORDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DELEGATION_RESERVED_METHOD_NAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY_RESERVED_KEYWORDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Module::Concerning + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Module + extend ::T::Sig + def self.used_modules(); end +end + +class Monitor + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def enter(); end + + def exit(); end + + def try_enter(); end +end + +class Monitor + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module MonitorMixin + def initialize(*args); end + + def mon_enter(); end + + def mon_exit(); end + + def mon_locked?(); end + + def mon_owned?(); end + + def mon_synchronize(); end + + def mon_try_enter(); end + + def new_cond(); end + + def synchronize(); end + + def try_mon_enter(); end +end + +class MonitorMixin::ConditionVariable + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def broadcast(); end + + def initialize(monitor); end + + def signal(); end + + def wait(timeout=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def wait_until(); end + + def wait_while(); end +end + +class MonitorMixin::ConditionVariable::Timeout + include ::BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension +end + +class MonitorMixin::ConditionVariable::Timeout + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class MonitorMixin::ConditionVariable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module MonitorMixin + extend ::T::Sig + def self.extend_object(obj); end +end + +module MultiJson + ALIASES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REQUIREMENT_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class MultiJson::Adapters::Oj::ParseError + WRAPPED_CLASSES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module MultiJson::Adapters + extend ::T::Sig +end + +MultiJson::DecodeError = MultiJson::ParseError + +MultiJson::LoadError = MultiJson::ParseError + +module MultiJson::Options + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module MultiJson::OptionsCache + MAX_CACHE_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module MultiJson::OptionsCache + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class MultiJson::Version + MAJOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MINOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PRE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module MultiJson + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Mutex = Thread::Mutex + +module Mutex_m + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Mutex_m + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class NameError + include ::DidYouMean::Correctable + def name(); end + + def receiver(); end +end + +class NameError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::BufferedIO + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def write_timeout(); end + + def write_timeout=(write_timeout); end +end + +class Net::BufferedIO + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP + def max_retries(); end + + def max_retries=(retries); end + + def max_version(); end + + def max_version=(max_version); end + + def min_version(); end + + def min_version=(min_version); end + + def write_timeout(); end + + def write_timeout=(sec); end + ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_IS_MULTIUSER_SAFE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Net::HTTP::Copy + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP::Delete + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP::Get + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP::Head + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP::Lock + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP::Mkcol + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP::Move + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP::Options + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP::Patch + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP::Post + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP::Propfind + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP::Proppatch + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Net::HTTP::ProxyDelta + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP::Put + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP::Trace + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP::Unlock + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPAccepted + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPAlreadyReported + HAS_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Net::HTTPAlreadyReported +end + +class Net::HTTPBadGateway + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPBadRequest + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPBadResponse + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Net::HTTPClientError::EXCEPTION_TYPE = Net::HTTPServerException + +class Net::HTTPClientError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Net::HTTPClientErrorCode = Net::HTTPClientError + +Net::HTTPClientException = Net::HTTPServerException + +class Net::HTTPConflict + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPContinue + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPCreated + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPEarlyHints + HAS_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Net::HTTPEarlyHints +end + +class Net::HTTPError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Net::HTTPExceptions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPExpectationFailed + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPFailedDependency + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPFatalError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Net::HTTPFatalErrorCode = Net::HTTPClientError + +class Net::HTTPForbidden + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPFound + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPGatewayTimeout + HAS_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Net::HTTPGatewayTimeout +end + +class Net::HTTPGenericRequest + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Net::HTTPGenericRequest::Chunker + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Net::HTTPGenericRequest::Chunker + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPGenericRequest + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPGone + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Net::HTTPHeader + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPIMUsed + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPInformation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPInformation +end + +Net::HTTPInformationCode::EXCEPTION_TYPE = Net::HTTPError + +class Net::HTTPInformation +end + +class Net::HTTPInsufficientStorage + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPInternalServerError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPLengthRequired + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPLocked + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPLoopDetected + HAS_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Net::HTTPLoopDetected +end + +class Net::HTTPMethodNotAllowed + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPMisdirectedRequest + HAS_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Net::HTTPMisdirectedRequest +end + +class Net::HTTPMovedPermanently + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Net::HTTPMovedTemporarily = Net::HTTPFound + +class Net::HTTPMultiStatus + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Net::HTTPMultipleChoice = Net::HTTPMultipleChoices + +class Net::HTTPMultipleChoices + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPNoContent + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPNotAcceptable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPNotExtended + HAS_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Net::HTTPNotExtended +end + +class Net::HTTPNotFound + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPNotImplemented + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPNotModified + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPOK + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPPartialContent + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPPayloadTooLarge + HAS_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Net::HTTPPayloadTooLarge +end + +class Net::HTTPPaymentRequired + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPPermanentRedirect + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPPreconditionFailed + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPPreconditionRequired + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPProcessing + HAS_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Net::HTTPProcessing +end + +class Net::HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPRangeNotSatisfiable + HAS_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Net::HTTPRangeNotSatisfiable +end + +Net::HTTPRedirection::EXCEPTION_TYPE = Net::HTTPRetriableError + +class Net::HTTPRedirection + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Net::HTTPRedirectionCode = Net::HTTPRedirection + +class Net::HTTPRequest + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPRequestTimeout + HAS_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Net::HTTPRequestTimeout +end + +Net::HTTPRequestURITooLarge = Net::HTTPURITooLong + +class Net::HTTPResetContent + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Net::HTTPResponceReceiver = Net::HTTPResponse + +class Net::HTTPResponse + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Net::HTTPResponse::Inflater + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Net::HTTPResponse::Inflater + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPResponse + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Net::HTTPRetriableCode = Net::HTTPRedirection + +class Net::HTTPRetriableError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPSeeOther + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Net::HTTPServerError::EXCEPTION_TYPE = Net::HTTPFatalError + +class Net::HTTPServerError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Net::HTTPServerErrorCode = Net::HTTPServerError + +class Net::HTTPServerException + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPServiceUnavailable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTP +end + +Net::HTTPSession::ProxyDelta = Net::HTTP::ProxyDelta + +Net::HTTPSession::ProxyMod = Net::HTTP::ProxyDelta + +class Net::HTTP +end + +Net::HTTPSuccess::EXCEPTION_TYPE = Net::HTTPError + +class Net::HTTPSuccess + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Net::HTTPSuccessCode = Net::HTTPSuccess + +class Net::HTTPSwitchProtocol + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPTemporaryRedirect + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPTooManyRequests + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPURITooLong + HAS_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Net::HTTPURITooLong +end + +class Net::HTTPUnauthorized + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Net::HTTPUnknownResponse::EXCEPTION_TYPE = Net::HTTPError + +class Net::HTTPUnknownResponse + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPUnprocessableEntity + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPUnsupportedMediaType + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPUpgradeRequired + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPUseProxy + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates + HAS_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Net::HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates +end + +class Net::HTTPVersionNotSupported + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::InternetMessageIO + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Net::NetPrivate::HTTPRequest = Net::HTTPRequest + +Net::NetPrivate::Socket = Net::InternetMessageIO + +module Net::NetPrivate + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::OpenTimeout + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::ProtoAuthError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::ProtoCommandError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::ProtoFatalError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::ProtoRetriableError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::ProtoServerError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::ProtoSyntaxError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::ProtoUnknownError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Net::ProtocRetryError = Net::ProtoRetriableError + +class Net::Protocol + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Net::Protocol + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::ProtocolError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::ReadAdapter + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Net::ReadAdapter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::ReadTimeout + def initialize(io=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def io(); end +end + +class Net::ReadTimeout + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Net::WebMockHTTPResponse + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::WriteAdapter + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Net::WriteAdapter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Net::WriteTimeout + def initialize(io=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def io(); end +end + +class Net::WriteTimeout +end + +module Net + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Netrc + CYGWIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WINDOWS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class NilClass + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + include ::JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::NilClass + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def to_d(); end + + def to_i(); end +end + +class NilClass + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class NoMemoryError + include ::BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension +end + +class NoMemoryError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class NoMethodError + include ::DidYouMean::Correctable + def args(); end + + def private_call?(); end +end + +class NoMethodError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Nokogiri + LIBXML_ICONV_ENABLED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LIBXML_PARSER_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LIBXML_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOKOGIRI_LIBXML2_PATCHES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOKOGIRI_LIBXML2_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOKOGIRI_LIBXSLT_PATCHES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOKOGIRI_LIBXSLT_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOKOGIRI_USE_PACKAGED_LIBRARIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION_INFO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Nokogiri::CSS::Node + ALLOW_COMBINATOR_ON_SELF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Nokogiri::CSS::Parser + Racc_arg = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_debug_parser = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_token_to_s_table = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Nokogiri::CSS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Nokogiri::Decorators::Slop + XPATH_PREFIX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Nokogiri::Decorators::Slop + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Nokogiri::Decorators + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Nokogiri::HTML + NamedCharacters = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Nokogiri::HTML::ElementDescription + ACTION_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALIGN_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALT_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + APPLET_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AREA_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + A_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BASEFONT_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BGCOLOR_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BLOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BLOCKLI_ELT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BODY_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BODY_CONTENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BODY_DEPR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BUTTON_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CELLHALIGN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CELLVALIGN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CLEAR_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COL_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COL_ELT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COMPACT_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COMPACT_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CONTENT_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COREATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CORE_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CORE_I18N_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DIR_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DL_CONTENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DefaultDescriptions = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EDIT_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EMBED_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EMPTY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EVENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FIELDSET_CONTENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FLOW = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FLOW_PARAM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FONTSTYLE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FONT_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FORMCTRL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FORM_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FORM_CONTENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FRAMESET_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FRAMESET_CONTENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FRAME_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HEADING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HEAD_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HEAD_CONTENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HREF_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HR_DEPR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_CDATA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_CONTENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_FLOW = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_INLINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_PCDATA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + I18N = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + I18N_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IFRAME_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IMG_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INLINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INLINE_P = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INPUT_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LABEL_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LABEL_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LANGUAGE_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LEGEND_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LINK_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LIST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LI_ELT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAP_CONTENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + META_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MODIFIER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NAME_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOFRAMES_CONTENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OBJECT_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OBJECT_CONTENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OBJECT_DEPR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OL_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPTGROUP_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPTION_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPTION_ELT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARAM_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PCDATA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PHRASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PRE_CONTENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PROMPT_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + QUOTE_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ROWS_COLS_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SCRIPT_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SELECT_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SELECT_CONTENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SPECIAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SRC_ALT_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STYLE_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TABLE_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TABLE_CONTENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TABLE_DEPR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TALIGN_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TARGET_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TEXTAREA_ATTRS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TH_TD_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TH_TD_DEPR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TR_CONTENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TR_ELT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UL_DEPR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WIDTH_ATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +Nokogiri::HTML::ElementDescription::Desc = Struct::HTMLElementDescription + +module Nokogiri::HTML::SAX + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Nokogiri::HTML + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Nokogiri::XML + XML_C14N_1_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + XML_C14N_1_1 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + XML_C14N_EXCLUSIVE_1_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Nokogiri::XML::Document + IMPLIED_XPATH_CONTEXTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NCNAME_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NCNAME_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NCNAME_START_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Nokogiri::XML::Element +end + +class Nokogiri::XML::Element +end + +class Nokogiri::XML::ElementContent + ELEMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ONCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PCDATA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PLUS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SEQ = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl + EXTERNAL_GENERAL_PARSED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTERNAL_GENERAL_UNPARSED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTERNAL_PARAMETER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INTERNAL_GENERAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INTERNAL_PARAMETER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INTERNAL_PREDEFINED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Nokogiri::XML::Node + ATTRIBUTE_DECL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ATTRIBUTE_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CDATA_SECTION_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COMMENT_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DOCB_DOCUMENT_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DOCUMENT_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DTD_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ELEMENT_DECL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ELEMENT_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENTITY_DECL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENTITY_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENTITY_REF_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IMPLIED_XPATH_CONTEXTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NAMESPACE_DECL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOTATION_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PI_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TEXT_NODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + XINCLUDE_END = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + XINCLUDE_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet + IMPLIED_XPATH_CONTEXTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Nokogiri::XML::PP::CharacterData + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Nokogiri::XML::PP::Node + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Nokogiri::XML::PP + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions + COMPACT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_HTML = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_XML = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DTDATTR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DTDLOAD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DTDVALID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HUGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOBASEFIX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOBLANKS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOCDATA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NODICT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOERROR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NONET = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOWARNING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOXINCNODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NSCLEAN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OLD10 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PEDANTIC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RECOVER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SAX1 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRICT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + XINCLUDE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Nokogiri::XML::Reader + TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_CDATA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_COMMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_DOCUMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_DOCUMENT_TYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_ELEMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_END_ELEMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_END_ENTITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_ENTITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_ENTITY_REFERENCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_NONE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_NOTATION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_TEXT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_WHITESPACE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPE_XML_DECLARATION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser + ENCODINGS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Nokogiri::XML::SAX + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Nokogiri::XML::Searchable + LOOKS_LIKE_XPATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Nokogiri::XML::Searchable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Nokogiri::XML + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Nokogiri::XSLT + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Nokogiri + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class NotImplementedError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module NullLogger + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module NullLogger + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Numeric + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def finite?(); end + + def infinite?(); end + + def negative?(); end + + def positive?(); end + + EXABYTE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GIGABYTE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KILOBYTE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MEGABYTE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PETABYTE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TERABYTE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Numeric + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Object + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + include ::PP::ObjectMixin + include ::JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Object + def dclone(); end + + def to_yaml(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + ARGF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ARGV = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CROSS_COMPILING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENV = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY_COPYRIGHT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY_DESCRIPTION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY_ENGINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY_PATCHLEVEL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY_PLATFORM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY_RELEASE_DATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY_REVISION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STDERR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STDIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STDOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TOPLEVEL_BINDING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Object + extend ::T::Sig + def self.yaml_tag(url); end +end + +class ObjectSpace::InternalObjectWrapper + def internal_object_id(); end + + def type(); end +end + +class ObjectSpace::InternalObjectWrapper +end + +class ObjectSpace::WeakMap + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def [](_); end + + def []=(_, _1); end + + def each(); end + + def each_key(); end + + def each_pair(); end + + def each_value(); end + + def key?(_); end + + def keys(); end + + def length(); end + + def size(); end + + def values(); end +end + +class ObjectSpace::WeakMap + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ObjectSpace + extend ::T::Sig + def self.allocation_class_path(_); end + + def self.allocation_generation(_); end + + def self.allocation_method_id(_); end + + def self.allocation_sourcefile(_); end + + def self.allocation_sourceline(_); end + + def self.count_imemo_objects(*_); end + + def self.count_nodes(*_); end + + def self.count_objects(*_); end + + def self.count_objects_size(*_); end + + def self.count_symbols(*_); end + + def self.count_tdata_objects(*_); end + + def self.define_finalizer(*_); end + + def self.dump(*_); end + + def self.dump_all(*_); end + + def self.garbage_collect(*_); end + + def self.internal_class_of(_); end + + def self.internal_super_of(_); end + + def self.memsize_of(_); end + + def self.memsize_of_all(*_); end + + def self.reachable_objects_from(_); end + + def self.reachable_objects_from_root(); end + + def self.trace_object_allocations(); end + + def self.trace_object_allocations_clear(); end + + def self.trace_object_allocations_debug_start(); end + + def self.trace_object_allocations_start(); end + + def self.trace_object_allocations_stop(); end + + def self.undefine_finalizer(_); end +end + +module Oj + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Oj::CStack +end + +class Oj::CStack +end + +module Oj::Rails + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Oj + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::ASN1Data + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def indefinite_length(); end + + def indefinite_length=(indefinite_length); end +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::ASN1Data + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::ASN1Error + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::BMPString + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::BitString + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::Boolean + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::Constructive + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::EndOfContent + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::Enumerated + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::GeneralString + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::GeneralizedTime + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::GraphicString + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::IA5String + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::ISO64String + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::Integer + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::Null + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::NumericString + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::ObjectId + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::OctetString + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::Primitive + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::PrintableString + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::Sequence + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::Set + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::T61String + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::UTCTime + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::UTF8String + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::UniversalString + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ASN1::VideotexString + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL::ASN1 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::BN + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def +@(); end + + def -@(); end + + def /(_); end + + def negative?(); end +end + +class OpenSSL::BN + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::BNError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL::Buffering + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Cipher + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::Cipher::AES + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Cipher::AES128 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Cipher::AES192 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Cipher::AES256 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Cipher::BF + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Cipher::CAST5 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Cipher::DES + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Cipher::IDEA + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Cipher::RC2 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Cipher::RC4 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Cipher::RC5 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Cipher + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Config + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::Config + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::ConfigError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Digest + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Engine + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::Engine::EngineError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Engine + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL::ExtConfig + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::HMAC + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::HMAC + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::HMACError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL::KDF +end + +class OpenSSL::KDF::KDFError +end + +class OpenSSL::KDF::KDFError +end + +module OpenSSL::KDF + extend ::T::Sig + def self.pbkdf2_hmac(*_); end +end + +class OpenSSL::Netscape::SPKI + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::Netscape::SPKI + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Netscape::SPKIError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL::Netscape + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::OCSP::BasicResponse + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::OCSP::BasicResponse + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::OCSP::CertificateId + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::OCSP::CertificateId + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::OCSP::OCSPError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::OCSP::Request + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def signed?(); end +end + +class OpenSSL::OCSP::Request + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::OCSP::Response + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::OCSP::Response + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::OCSP::SingleResponse + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::OCSP::SingleResponse + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL::OCSP + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::OpenSSLError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKCS12 + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::PKCS12::PKCS12Error + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKCS12 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL::PKCS5 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKCS7 + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::PKCS7::PKCS7Error + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKCS7::RecipientInfo + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::PKCS7::RecipientInfo + extend ::T::Sig +end + +OpenSSL::PKCS7::Signer = OpenSSL::PKCS7::SignerInfo + +class OpenSSL::PKCS7::SignerInfo + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::PKCS7::SignerInfo + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKCS7 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::DH + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::DHError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::DSA + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::DSAError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Group + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Group::Error + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Group + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def to_octet_string(_); end +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point::Error + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::EC + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::ECError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::PKey + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::PKey + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::RSA + def sign_pss(*_); end + + def verify_pss(*_); end +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::RSA + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::PKey::RSAError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL::PKey + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::Random::RandomError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL::Random + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL::SSL + OP_ALLOW_UNSAFE_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OP_CRYPTOPRO_TLSEXT_BUG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OP_SAFARI_ECDHE_ECDSA_BUG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OP_TLSEXT_PADDING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SSL2_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SSL3_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TLS1_1_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TLS1_2_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TLS1_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def add_certificate(*_); end + + def alpn_protocols(); end + + def alpn_protocols=(alpn_protocols); end + + def alpn_select_cb(); end + + def alpn_select_cb=(alpn_select_cb); end + + def enable_fallback_scsv(); end + + def max_version=(version); end + + def min_version=(version); end + DEFAULT_TMP_DH_CALLBACK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitWritable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::SSL::SSLServer + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def accept_nonblock(); end +end + +class OpenSSL::SSL::SSLServer + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def alpn_protocol(); end + + def tmp_key(); end +end + +class OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::SSL::Session + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::SSL::Session::SessionError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::SSL::Session + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL::SSL::SocketForwarder + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL::SSL + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL::X509 + V_FLAG_TRUSTED_FIRST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::Attribute + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def ==(other); end +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::Attribute + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::AttributeError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::CRL + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def ==(other); end +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::CRL + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::CRLError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::Certificate + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::Certificate + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::Extension + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def ==(other); end +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::Extension + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::Name + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def to_utf8(); end +end + +module OpenSSL::X509::Name::RFC2253DN + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::Name + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::NameError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::Request + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def ==(other); end +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::Request + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::RequestError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::Revoked + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def ==(other); end + + def to_der(); end +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::Revoked + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::RevokedError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::Store + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::Store + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::StoreContext + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::StoreContext + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OpenSSL::X509::StoreError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL::X509 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenSSL + extend ::T::Sig + def self.fips_mode(); end +end + +class OpenStruct + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class OpenStruct + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenURI + Options = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class OpenURI::Buffer + def <<(str); end + + def io(); end + + def size(); end + StringMax = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class OpenURI::Buffer +end + +class OpenURI::HTTPError + def initialize(message, io); end + + def io(); end +end + +class OpenURI::HTTPError +end + +class OpenURI::HTTPRedirect + def initialize(message, io, uri); end + + def uri(); end +end + +class OpenURI::HTTPRedirect +end + +module OpenURI::Meta + def base_uri(); end + + def base_uri=(base_uri); end + + def charset(); end + + def content_encoding(); end + + def content_type(); end + + def content_type_parse(); end + + def last_modified(); end + + def meta(); end + + def meta_add_field(name, value); end + + def meta_add_field2(name, values); end + + def meta_setup_encoding(); end + + def metas(); end + + def status(); end + + def status=(status); end + RE_LWS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_PARAMETERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_QUOTED_STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RE_TOKEN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module OpenURI::Meta + extend ::T::Sig + def self.init(obj, src=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module OpenURI::OpenRead + def open(*rest, &block); end + + def read(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module OpenURI::OpenRead + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module OpenURI + extend ::T::Sig + def self.check_options(options); end + + def self.open_http(buf, target, proxy, options); end + + def self.open_loop(uri, options); end + + def self.open_uri(name, *rest); end + + def self.redirectable?(uri1, uri2); end + + def self.scan_open_optional_arguments(*rest); end +end + +OptParse = OptionParser + +class OptionParser + def abort(mesg=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def accept(*args, &blk); end + + def add_officious(); end + + def banner(); end + + def banner=(banner); end + + def base(); end + + def candidate(word); end + + def compsys(to, name=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def def_head_option(*opts, &block); end + + def def_option(*opts, &block); end + + def def_tail_option(*opts, &block); end + + def default_argv(); end + + def default_argv=(default_argv); end + + def define(*opts, &block); end + + def define_head(*opts, &block); end + + def define_tail(*opts, &block); end + + def environment(env=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def getopts(*args); end + + def help(); end + + def inc(*args); end + + def initialize(banner=T.unsafe(nil), width=T.unsafe(nil), indent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def load(filename=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def make_switch(opts, block=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def new(); end + + def on(*opts, &block); end + + def on_head(*opts, &block); end + + def on_tail(*opts, &block); end + + def order(*argv, into: T.unsafe(nil), &nonopt); end + + def order!(argv=T.unsafe(nil), into: T.unsafe(nil), &nonopt); end + + def parse(*argv, into: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def parse!(argv=T.unsafe(nil), into: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def permute(*argv, into: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def permute!(argv=T.unsafe(nil), into: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def program_name(); end + + def program_name=(program_name); end + + def reject(*args, &blk); end + + def release(); end + + def release=(release); end + + def remove(); end + + def separator(string); end + + def set_banner(_); end + + def set_program_name(_); end + + def set_summary_indent(_); end + + def set_summary_width(_); end + + def summarize(to=T.unsafe(nil), width=T.unsafe(nil), max=T.unsafe(nil), indent=T.unsafe(nil), &blk); end + + def summary_indent(); end + + def summary_indent=(summary_indent); end + + def summary_width(); end + + def summary_width=(summary_width); end + + def terminate(arg=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def to_a(); end + + def top(); end + + def ver(); end + + def version(); end + + def version=(version); end + + def warn(mesg=T.unsafe(nil)); end + ArgumentStyle = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COMPSYS_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DecimalInteger = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DecimalNumeric = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DefaultList = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NO_ARGUMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NoArgument = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OctalInteger = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Officious = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OptionalArgument = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REQUIRED_ARGUMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RequiredArgument = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SPLAT_PROC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module OptionParser::Acceptables + DecimalInteger = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DecimalNumeric = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OctalInteger = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module OptionParser::Acceptables + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class OptionParser::AmbiguousArgument + Reason = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class OptionParser::AmbiguousArgument +end + +class OptionParser::AmbiguousOption + Reason = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class OptionParser::AmbiguousOption +end + +module OptionParser::Arguable + def getopts(*args); end + + def initialize(*args); end + + def options(); end + + def options=(opt); end + + def order!(&blk); end + + def parse!(); end + + def permute!(); end +end + +module OptionParser::Arguable + extend ::T::Sig + def self.extend_object(obj); end +end + +class OptionParser::CompletingHash + include ::OptionParser::Completion + def match(key); end +end + +class OptionParser::CompletingHash +end + +module OptionParser::Completion + def candidate(key, icase=T.unsafe(nil), pat=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def complete(key, icase=T.unsafe(nil), pat=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def convert(opt=T.unsafe(nil), val=T.unsafe(nil), *_); end +end + +module OptionParser::Completion + extend ::T::Sig + def self.candidate(key, icase=T.unsafe(nil), pat=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def self.regexp(key, icase); end +end + +class OptionParser::InvalidArgument + Reason = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class OptionParser::InvalidArgument +end + +class OptionParser::InvalidOption + Reason = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class OptionParser::InvalidOption +end + +class OptionParser::List + def accept(t, pat=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def add_banner(to); end + + def append(*args); end + + def atype(); end + + def complete(id, opt, icase=T.unsafe(nil), *pat, &block); end + + def compsys(*args, &block); end + + def each_option(&block); end + + def list(); end + + def long(); end + + def prepend(*args); end + + def reject(t); end + + def search(id, key); end + + def short(); end + + def summarize(*args, &block); end +end + +class OptionParser::List +end + +class OptionParser::MissingArgument + Reason = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class OptionParser::MissingArgument +end + +class OptionParser::NeedlessArgument + Reason = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class OptionParser::NeedlessArgument +end + +class OptionParser::OptionMap + include ::OptionParser::Completion +end + +class OptionParser::OptionMap +end + +class OptionParser::ParseError + def args(); end + + def initialize(*args); end + + def reason(); end + + def reason=(reason); end + + def recover(argv); end + + def set_backtrace(array); end + + def set_option(opt, eq); end + Reason = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class OptionParser::ParseError + def self.filter_backtrace(array); end +end + +class OptionParser::Switch + def add_banner(to); end + + def arg(); end + + def block(); end + + def compsys(sdone, ldone); end + + def conv(); end + + def desc(); end + + def initialize(pattern=T.unsafe(nil), conv=T.unsafe(nil), short=T.unsafe(nil), long=T.unsafe(nil), arg=T.unsafe(nil), desc=T.unsafe(nil), block=T.unsafe(nil), &_block); end + + def long(); end + + def match_nonswitch?(str); end + + def pattern(); end + + def short(); end + + def summarize(sdone=T.unsafe(nil), ldone=T.unsafe(nil), width=T.unsafe(nil), max=T.unsafe(nil), indent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def switch_name(); end +end + +class OptionParser::Switch::NoArgument + def parse(arg, argv); end +end + +class OptionParser::Switch::NoArgument + def self.incompatible_argument_styles(*_); end +end + +class OptionParser::Switch::OptionalArgument + def parse(arg, argv, &error); end +end + +class OptionParser::Switch::OptionalArgument +end + +class OptionParser::Switch::PlacedArgument + def parse(arg, argv, &error); end +end + +class OptionParser::Switch::PlacedArgument +end + +class OptionParser::Switch::RequiredArgument + def parse(arg, argv); end +end + +class OptionParser::Switch::RequiredArgument +end + +class OptionParser::Switch + def self.guess(arg); end + + def self.incompatible_argument_styles(arg, t); end + + def self.pattern(); end +end + +class OptionParser + def self.accept(*args, &blk); end + + def self.getopts(*args); end + + def, default=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.reject(*args, &blk); end + + def self.terminate(arg=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def; end + + def self.with(*args, &block); end +end + +module PP::ObjectMixin + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module PP::PPMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class PP::SingleLine + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class PP + extend ::T::Sig +end + +ParseError = Racc::ParseError + +module Parts::Part + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Parts + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Pathname + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def empty?(); end + + def fnmatch?(*_); end + + def glob(*_); end + + def make_symlink(_); end + +end + +class Pathname + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Plek + DEV_DOMAIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_DOMAINS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class PrettyPrint + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class PrettyPrint::Breakable + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class PrettyPrint::Breakable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class PrettyPrint::Group + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class PrettyPrint::Group + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class PrettyPrint::GroupQueue + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class PrettyPrint::GroupQueue + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class PrettyPrint::SingleLine + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class PrettyPrint::SingleLine + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class PrettyPrint::Text + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class PrettyPrint::Text + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class PrettyPrint + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Proc + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def <<(_); end + + def ===(*_); end + + def >>(_); end + + def [](*_); end + + def clone(); end + + def lambda?(); end + + def yield(*_); end +end + +class Proc + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Process + CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW_APPROX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW_APPROX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Process::GID + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Process::Status + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Process::Status + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Process::Sys + extend ::T::Sig + def self.getegid(); end + +end + +class Process::Tms + def cstime(); end + + def cstime=(_); end + + def cutime(); end + + def cutime=(_); end + + def stime(); end + + def stime=(_); end + + def utime(); end + + def utime=(_); end +end + +class Process::Tms + extend ::T::Sig + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +module Process::UID + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Process::Waiter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Process + extend ::T::Sig + def self.last_status(); end + + def self.setpgrp(); end + +end + +class Pry + BINDING_METHOD_IMPL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CLIPPED_PRINT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Commands = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_CONTROL_D_HANDLER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_HANDLER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_WHITELIST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_HOOKS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_PRINT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_SYSTEM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EMPTY_COMPLETIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HOME_RC_FILE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCAL_RC_FILE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SIMPLE_PRINT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +Pry::BasicObject::Kernel = Kernel + +Pry::BasicObject::Pry = Pry + +module Pry::Byebug::Breakpoints + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Byebug + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Pry::Code + extend ::MethodSource::CodeHelpers +end + +class Pry::CodeFile + DEFAULT_EXT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTENSIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FILES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INITIAL_PWD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Pry::CodeObject::Helpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Pry::ColorPrinter + OBJ_COLOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Pry::Command + VOID_VALUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Pry::Command::Edit::FileAndLineLocator + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Pry::Command::GemSearch + API_ENDPOINT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Pry::Command::GemStat + FAIL_WHALE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STAT_HOST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STAT_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STAT_PORT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Pry::Command::Ls + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Pry::Command::Ls::Constants + DEPRECATED_CONSTANTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Pry::Command::Ls::Globals + BUILTIN_GLOBALS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PSEUDO_GLOBALS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Pry::Command::Ls::Interrogatable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Command::Ls::JRubyHacks + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Command::Ls::MethodsHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Config::Behavior + ASSIGNMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INSPECT_REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NODUP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Pry::Config::Behavior::Builder + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Config::Behavior + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Config::Convenience + SHORTCUTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Pry::Config::Convenience + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Config::Memoization + MEMOIZED_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Pry::Config::Memoization::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Config::Memoization + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::ExtendCommandBundle + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Forwardable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::FrozenObjectException + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Helpers::OptionsHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Helpers::Platform + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Helpers::Text + COLORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Pry::Helpers::Text + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Helpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Pry::Indent + IGNORE_TOKENS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MIDWAY_TOKENS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPEN_TOKENS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPTIONAL_DO_TOKENS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SINGLELINE_TOKENS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SPACES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STATEMENT_END_TOKENS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Pry::Inspector + MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Pry::ObjectPath + SPECIAL_TERMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Pry::PluginManager + PRY_PLUGIN_PREFIX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Pry::Prompt + DEFAULT_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SAFE_CONTEXTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Pry::Prompt + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::RescuableException + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::Rubygem + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Pry::Slop + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Pry::Slop::Option + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Pry::TooSafeException + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Pry::UserError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module PryByebug::Helpers::Breakpoints + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module PryByebug::Helpers::Multiline + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module PryByebug::Helpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module PryByebug + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Psych + LIBYAML_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Psych::BadAlias +end + +class Psych::BadAlias +end + +class Psych::ClassLoader + def big_decimal(); end + + def complex(); end + + def date(); end + + def date_time(); end + + def exception(); end + + def load(klassname); end + + def object(); end + + def psych_omap(); end + + def psych_set(); end + + def range(); end + + def rational(); end + + def regexp(); end + + def struct(); end + + def symbol(); end + + def symbolize(sym); end + BIG_DECIMAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CACHE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COMPLEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DATE_TIME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXCEPTION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OBJECT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PSYCH_OMAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PSYCH_SET = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RANGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RATIONAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRUCT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SYMBOL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted + def initialize(classes, symbols); end +end + +class Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted +end + +class Psych::ClassLoader +end + +class Psych::Coder + def [](k); end + + def []=(k, v); end + + def add(k, v); end + + def implicit(); end + + def implicit=(implicit); end + + def initialize(tag); end + + def map(tag=T.unsafe(nil), style=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def map=(map); end + + def object(); end + + def object=(object); end + + def represent_map(tag, map); end + + def represent_object(tag, obj); end + + def represent_scalar(tag, value); end + + def represent_seq(tag, list); end + + def scalar(*args); end + + def scalar=(value); end + + def seq(); end + + def seq=(list); end + + def style(); end + + def style=(style); end + + def tag(); end + + def tag=(tag); end + + def type(); end +end + +class Psych::Coder +end + +class Psych::DisallowedClass + def initialize(klass_name); end +end + +class Psych::DisallowedClass +end + +class Psych::Emitter + def alias(_); end + + def canonical(); end + + def canonical=(canonical); end + + def end_document(_); end + + def indentation(); end + + def indentation=(indentation); end + + def initialize(*_); end + + def line_width(); end + + def line_width=(line_width); end + + def scalar(_, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5); end + + def start_document(_, _1, _2); end + + def start_mapping(_, _1, _2, _3); end + + def start_sequence(_, _1, _2, _3); end + + def start_stream(_); end +end + +class Psych::Emitter +end + +class Psych::Exception +end + +class Psych::Exception +end + +class Psych::Handler + def alias(anchor); end + + def empty(); end + + def end_document(implicit); end + + def end_mapping(); end + + def end_sequence(); end + + def end_stream(); end + + def event_location(start_line, start_column, end_line, end_column); end + + def scalar(value, anchor, tag, plain, quoted, style); end + + def start_document(version, tag_directives, implicit); end + + def start_mapping(anchor, tag, implicit, style); end + + def start_sequence(anchor, tag, implicit, style); end + + def start_stream(encoding); end + + def streaming?(); end + EVENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Psych::Handler::DumperOptions + def canonical(); end + + def canonical=(canonical); end + + def indentation(); end + + def indentation=(indentation); end + + def line_width(); end + + def line_width=(line_width); end +end + +class Psych::Handler::DumperOptions +end + +class Psych::Handler +end + +module Psych::Handlers +end + +class Psych::Handlers::DocumentStream + def initialize(&block); end +end + +class Psych::Handlers::DocumentStream +end + +module Psych::Handlers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Psych::JSON +end + +module Psych::JSON::RubyEvents + def visit_DateTime(o); end + + def visit_String(o); end + + def visit_Symbol(o); end + + def visit_Time(o); end +end + +module Psych::JSON::RubyEvents + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Psych::JSON::Stream + include ::Psych::Streaming +end + +class Psych::JSON::Stream::Emitter + include ::Psych::JSON::YAMLEvents +end + +class Psych::JSON::Stream::Emitter +end + +class Psych::JSON::Stream + extend ::Psych::Streaming::ClassMethods +end + +class Psych::JSON::TreeBuilder + include ::Psych::JSON::YAMLEvents +end + +class Psych::JSON::TreeBuilder +end + +module Psych::JSON::YAMLEvents + def end_document(implicit_end=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def scalar(value, anchor, tag, plain, quoted, style); end + + def start_document(version, tag_directives, implicit); end + + def start_mapping(anchor, tag, implicit, style); end + + def start_sequence(anchor, tag, implicit, style); end +end + +module Psych::JSON::YAMLEvents + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Psych::JSON + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Psych::Nodes +end + +class Psych::Nodes::Alias + def anchor(); end + + def anchor=(anchor); end + + def initialize(anchor); end +end + +class Psych::Nodes::Alias +end + +class Psych::Nodes::Document + def implicit(); end + + def implicit=(implicit); end + + def implicit_end(); end + + def implicit_end=(implicit_end); end + + def initialize(version=T.unsafe(nil), tag_directives=T.unsafe(nil), implicit=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def root(); end + + def tag_directives(); end + + def tag_directives=(tag_directives); end + + def version(); end + + def version=(version); end +end + +class Psych::Nodes::Document +end + +class Psych::Nodes::Mapping + def anchor(); end + + def anchor=(anchor); end + + def implicit(); end + + def implicit=(implicit); end + + def initialize(anchor=T.unsafe(nil), tag=T.unsafe(nil), implicit=T.unsafe(nil), style=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def style(); end + + def style=(style); end + + def tag=(tag); end + ANY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BLOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FLOW = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Psych::Nodes::Mapping +end + +class Psych::Nodes::Node + include ::Enumerable + def alias?(); end + + def children(); end + + def document?(); end + + def each(&block); end + + def end_column(); end + + def end_column=(end_column); end + + def end_line(); end + + def end_line=(end_line); end + + def mapping?(); end + + def scalar?(); end + + def sequence?(); end + + def start_column(); end + + def start_column=(start_column); end + + def start_line(); end + + def start_line=(start_line); end + + def stream?(); end + + def tag(); end + + def to_ruby(); end + + def to_yaml(io=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def transform(); end + + def yaml(io=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Psych::Nodes::Node +end + +class Psych::Nodes::Scalar + def anchor(); end + + def anchor=(anchor); end + + def initialize(value, anchor=T.unsafe(nil), tag=T.unsafe(nil), plain=T.unsafe(nil), quoted=T.unsafe(nil), style=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def plain(); end + + def plain=(plain); end + + def quoted(); end + + def quoted=(quoted); end + + def style(); end + + def style=(style); end + + def tag=(tag); end + + def value(); end + + def value=(value); end + ANY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DOUBLE_QUOTED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FOLDED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LITERAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PLAIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SINGLE_QUOTED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Psych::Nodes::Scalar +end + +class Psych::Nodes::Sequence + def anchor(); end + + def anchor=(anchor); end + + def implicit(); end + + def implicit=(implicit); end + + def initialize(anchor=T.unsafe(nil), tag=T.unsafe(nil), implicit=T.unsafe(nil), style=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def style(); end + + def style=(style); end + + def tag=(tag); end + ANY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BLOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FLOW = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Psych::Nodes::Sequence +end + +class Psych::Nodes::Stream + def encoding(); end + + def encoding=(encoding); end + + def initialize(encoding=T.unsafe(nil)); end + ANY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTF16BE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTF16LE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTF8 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Psych::Nodes::Stream +end + +module Psych::Nodes + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Psych::Omap +end + +class Psych::Omap +end + +class Psych::Parser + def external_encoding=(external_encoding); end + + def handler(); end + + def handler=(handler); end + + def initialize(handler=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def mark(); end + + def parse(*_); end + ANY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTF16BE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTF16LE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTF8 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Psych::Parser::Mark +end + +class Psych::Parser::Mark +end + +class Psych::Parser +end + +class Psych::ScalarScanner + def class_loader(); end + + def initialize(class_loader); end + + def parse_int(string); end + + def parse_time(string); end + + def tokenize(string); end + FLOAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INTEGER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TIME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Psych::ScalarScanner +end + +class Psych::Set +end + +class Psych::Set +end + +class Psych::Stream + include ::Psych::Streaming +end + +class Psych::Stream::Emitter + def end_document(implicit_end=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Psych::Stream::Emitter +end + +class Psych::Stream + extend ::Psych::Streaming::ClassMethods +end + +module Psych::Streaming + def start(encoding=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module Psych::Streaming::ClassMethods + def new(io); end +end + +module Psych::Streaming::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Psych::Streaming + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Psych::SyntaxError + def column(); end + + def context(); end + + def file(); end + + def initialize(file, line, col, offset, problem, context); end + + def line(); end + + def offset(); end + + def problem(); end +end + +class Psych::SyntaxError +end + +class Psych::TreeBuilder + def end_document(implicit_end=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def root(); end +end + +class Psych::TreeBuilder +end + +module Psych::Visitors +end + +class Psych::Visitors::DepthFirst + def initialize(block); end +end + +class Psych::Visitors::DepthFirst +end + +class Psych::Visitors::Emitter + def initialize(io, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def visit_Psych_Nodes_Alias(o); end + + def visit_Psych_Nodes_Document(o); end + + def visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping(o); end + + def visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar(o); end + + def visit_Psych_Nodes_Sequence(o); end + + def visit_Psych_Nodes_Stream(o); end +end + +class Psych::Visitors::Emitter +end + +class Psych::Visitors::JSONTree + include ::Psych::JSON::RubyEvents +end + +class Psych::Visitors::JSONTree + def self.create(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Psych::Visitors::NoAliasRuby +end + +class Psych::Visitors::NoAliasRuby +end + +class Psych::Visitors::ToRuby + def class_loader(); end + + def initialize(ss, class_loader); end + + def visit_Psych_Nodes_Alias(o); end + + def visit_Psych_Nodes_Document(o); end + + def visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping(o); end + + def visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar(o); end + + def visit_Psych_Nodes_Sequence(o); end + + def visit_Psych_Nodes_Stream(o); end + SHOVEL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Psych::Visitors::ToRuby + def self.create(); end +end + +class Psych::Visitors::Visitor + def accept(target); end + DISPATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Psych::Visitors::Visitor +end + +class Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree + def <<(object); end + + def finish(); end + + def finished(); end + + def finished?(); end + + def initialize(emitter, ss, options); end + + def push(object); end + + def start(encoding=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def started(); end + + def started?(); end + + def tree(); end + + def visit_Array(o); end + + def visit_BasicObject(o); end + + def visit_BigDecimal(o); end + + def visit_Class(o); end + + def visit_Complex(o); end + + def visit_Date(o); end + + def visit_DateTime(o); end + + def visit_Delegator(o); end + + def visit_Encoding(o); end + + def visit_Enumerator(o); end + + def visit_Exception(o); end + + def visit_FalseClass(o); end + + def visit_Float(o); end + + def visit_Hash(o); end + + def visit_Integer(o); end + + def visit_Module(o); end + + def visit_NameError(o); end + + def visit_NilClass(o); end + + def visit_Object(o); end + + def visit_Psych_Omap(o); end + + def visit_Psych_Set(o); end + + def visit_Range(o); end + + def visit_Rational(o); end + + def visit_Regexp(o); end + + def visit_String(o); end + + def visit_Struct(o); end + + def visit_Symbol(o); end + + def visit_Time(o); end + + def visit_TrueClass(o); end +end + +class Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree + def self.create(options=T.unsafe(nil), emitter=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module Psych::Visitors + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Psych + extend ::T::Sig + def self.add_builtin_type(type_tag, &block); end + + def self.add_domain_type(domain, type_tag, &block); end + + def self.add_tag(tag, klass); end + + def self.domain_types(); end + + def self.domain_types=(domain_types); end + + def self.dump(o, io=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.dump_stream(*objects); end + + def self.dump_tags(); end + + def self.dump_tags=(dump_tags); end + + def self.libyaml_version(); end + + def self.load(yaml, legacy_filename=T.unsafe(nil), filename: T.unsafe(nil), fallback: T.unsafe(nil), symbolize_names: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.load_file(filename, fallback: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.load_stream(yaml, legacy_filename=T.unsafe(nil), filename: T.unsafe(nil), fallback: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.load_tags(); end + + def self.load_tags=(load_tags); end + + def self.parse(yaml, legacy_filename=T.unsafe(nil), filename: T.unsafe(nil), fallback: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.parse_file(filename, fallback: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.parse_stream(yaml, legacy_filename=T.unsafe(nil), filename: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def self.parser(); end + + def self.remove_type(type_tag); end + + def self.safe_load(yaml, legacy_permitted_classes=T.unsafe(nil), legacy_permitted_symbols=T.unsafe(nil), legacy_aliases=T.unsafe(nil), legacy_filename=T.unsafe(nil), permitted_classes: T.unsafe(nil), permitted_symbols: T.unsafe(nil), aliases: T.unsafe(nil), filename: T.unsafe(nil), fallback: T.unsafe(nil), symbolize_names: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.to_json(object); end +end + +module PublicSuffix + BANG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DOT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class PublicSuffix::List + DEFAULT_LIST_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module PublicSuffix::Rule + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module PublicSuffix + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module PublicationsRoutes + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Puma + HTTP_STATUS_CODES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IS_JRUBY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IS_WINDOWS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Plugins = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Puma::Const + CGI_VER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CHUNKED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CHUNK_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CLOSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CLOSE_CHUNKED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CODE_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COLON = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CONNECTION_CLOSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CONTENT_LENGTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CONTENT_LENGTH2 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CONTENT_LENGTH_S = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CONTINUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EARLY_HINTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ERROR_400_RESPONSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ERROR_404_RESPONSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ERROR_408_RESPONSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ERROR_500_RESPONSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ERROR_503_RESPONSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FAST_TRACK_KA_TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FIRST_DATA_TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GATEWAY_INTERFACE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HALT_COMMAND = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HEAD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HIJACK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HIJACK_IO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HIJACK_P = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTPS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTPS_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_10_200 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_11 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_11_100 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_11_200 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_CONNECTION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_EXPECT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_HOST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KEEP_ALIVE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LINE_END = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCALHOST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCALHOST_ADDR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCALHOST_IP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NEWLINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PATH_INFO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PERSISTENT_TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PORT_443 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PORT_80 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUMA_CONFIG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUMA_PEERCERT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUMA_SERVER_STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUMA_SOCKET = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUMA_TMP_BASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUMA_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + QUERY_STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_AFTER_REPLY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_INPUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_URL_SCHEME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REMOTE_ADDR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REQUEST_METHOD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REQUEST_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REQUEST_URI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESTART_COMMAND = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SERVER_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SERVER_PORT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SERVER_PROTOCOL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SERVER_SOFTWARE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STOP_COMMAND = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TRANSFER_ENCODING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TRANSFER_ENCODING2 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TRANSFER_ENCODING_CHUNKED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WRITE_TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Puma::Const + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Puma::Launcher + def binder(); end + + def config(); end + + def connected_port(); end + + def delete_pidfile(); end + + def events(); end + + def halt(); end + + def initialize(conf, launcher_args=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def options(); end + + def phased_restart(); end + + def restart(); end + + def restart_args(); end + + def restart_dir(); end + + def run(); end + + def stats(); end + + def stop(); end + + def write_pid(); end + + def write_state(); end + KEYS_NOT_TO_PERSIST_IN_STATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Puma::Launcher +end + +class Puma::Server + include ::Puma::Const + def add_ssl_listener(*args, &block); end + + def add_tcp_listener(*args, &block); end + + def add_unix_listener(*args, &block); end + + def app(); end + + def app=(app); end + + def auto_trim_time(); end + + def auto_trim_time=(auto_trim_time); end + + def backlog(); end + + def begin_restart(); end + + def binder(); end + + def binder=(binder); end + + def closed_socket?(socket); end + + def connected_port(*args, &block); end + + def cork_socket(socket); end + + def default_server_port(env); end + + def early_hints(); end + + def early_hints=(early_hints); end + + def events(); end + + def first_data_timeout(); end + + def first_data_timeout=(first_data_timeout); end + + def graceful_shutdown(); end + + def halt(sync=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def handle_check(); end + + def handle_request(req, lines); end + + def handle_servers(); end + + def handle_servers_lopez_mode(); end + + def inherit_binder(bind); end + + def initialize(app, events=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def leak_stack_on_error(); end + + def leak_stack_on_error=(leak_stack_on_error); end + + def lowlevel_error(e, env); end + + def max_threads(); end + + def max_threads=(max_threads); end + + def min_threads(); end + + def min_threads=(min_threads); end + + def normalize_env(env, client); end + + def persistent_timeout(); end + + def persistent_timeout=(persistent_timeout); end + + def pool_capacity(); end + + def process_client(client, buffer); end + + def read_body(env, client, body, cl); end + + def reaping_time(); end + + def reaping_time=(reaping_time); end + + def run(background=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def run_lopez_mode(background=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def running(); end + + def shutting_down?(); end + + def stop(sync=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def tcp_mode!(); end + + def thread(); end + + def uncork_socket(socket); end + ThreadLocalKey = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Puma::Server + def self.current(); end +end + +module Puma + extend ::T::Sig + def self.jruby?(); end + + def; end +end + +module QAHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Queue = Thread::Queue + +module REXML + COPYRIGHT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Copyright = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REVISION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Version = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::AttlistDecl + include ::Enumerable + def [](key); end + + def each(&block); end + + def element_name(); end + + def include?(key); end + + def initialize(source); end + + def node_type(); end + + def write(out, indent=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class REXML::AttlistDecl +end + +class REXML::Attribute + include ::REXML::Node + include ::REXML::Namespace + include ::REXML::XMLTokens + def ==(other); end + + def clone(); end + + def doctype(); end + + def element(); end + + def element=(element); end + + def initialize(first, second=T.unsafe(nil), parent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def namespace(arg=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def node_type(); end + + def normalized=(normalized); end + + def remove(); end + + def to_s(); end + + def to_string(); end + + def value(); end + + def write(output, indent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def xpath(); end + NEEDS_A_SECOND_CHECK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::Attribute +end + +class REXML::Attributes + def <<(attribute); end + + def [](name); end + + def []=(name, value); end + + def add(attribute); end + + def delete(attribute); end + + def delete_all(name); end + + def each_attribute(); end + + def get_attribute(name); end + + def get_attribute_ns(namespace, name); end + + def initialize(element); end + + def namespaces(); end + + def prefixes(); end +end + +class REXML::Attributes +end + +class REXML::CData + def initialize(first, whitespace=T.unsafe(nil), parent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def write(output=T.unsafe(nil), indent=T.unsafe(nil), transitive=T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack=T.unsafe(nil)); end + ILLEGAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STOP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::CData +end + +class REXML::Child + include ::REXML::Node + def bytes(); end + + def document(); end + + def initialize(parent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def next_sibling(); end + + def next_sibling=(other); end + + def parent(); end + + def parent=(other); end + + def previous_sibling(); end + + def previous_sibling=(other); end + + def remove(); end + + def replace_with(child); end +end + +class REXML::Child +end + +class REXML::Comment + include ::Comparable + def ==(other); end + + def clone(); end + + def initialize(first, second=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def node_type(); end + + def string(); end + + def string=(string); end + + def to_s(); end + + def write(output, indent=T.unsafe(nil), transitive=T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack=T.unsafe(nil)); end + START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STOP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::Comment +end + +class REXML::Declaration + def initialize(src); end + + def to_s(); end + + def write(output, indent); end +end + +class REXML::Declaration +end + +class REXML::DocType + include ::REXML::XMLTokens + def add(child); end + + def attribute_of(element, attribute); end + + def attributes_of(element); end + + def clone(); end + + def context(); end + + def entities(); end + + def entity(name); end + + def external_id(); end + + def initialize(first, parent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def name(); end + + def namespaces(); end + + def node_type(); end + + def notation(name); end + + def notations(); end + + def public(); end + + def system(); end + + def write(output, indent=T.unsafe(nil), transitive=T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack=T.unsafe(nil)); end + DEFAULT_ENTITIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUBLIC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STOP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SYSTEM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::DocType +end + +class REXML::Document + def <<(child); end + + def add(child); end + + def add_element(arg=T.unsafe(nil), arg2=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def doctype(); end + + def encoding(); end + + def entity_expansion_count(); end + + def initialize(source=T.unsafe(nil), context=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def record_entity_expansion(); end + + def stand_alone?(); end + + def version(); end + + def write(*arguments); end + + def xml_decl(); end + DECLARATION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::Document + def self.entity_expansion_limit(); end + + def self.entity_expansion_limit=(val); end + + def self.entity_expansion_text_limit(); end + + def self.entity_expansion_text_limit=(val); end + + def self.parse_stream(source, listener); end +end + +class REXML::Element + include ::REXML::Namespace + include ::REXML::XMLTokens + def [](name_or_index); end + + def add_attribute(key, value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def add_attributes(hash); end + + def add_element(element, attrs=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def add_namespace(prefix, uri=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def add_text(text); end + + def attribute(name, namespace=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def attributes(); end + + def cdatas(); end + + def clone(); end + + def comments(); end + + def context(); end + + def context=(context); end + + def delete_attribute(key); end + + def delete_element(element); end + + def delete_namespace(namespace=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def each_element(xpath=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def each_element_with_attribute(key, value=T.unsafe(nil), max=T.unsafe(nil), name=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def each_element_with_text(text=T.unsafe(nil), max=T.unsafe(nil), name=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def elements(); end + + def get_elements(xpath); end + + def get_text(path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def has_attributes?(); end + + def has_elements?(); end + + def has_text?(); end + + def ignore_whitespace_nodes(); end + + def initialize(arg=T.unsafe(nil), parent=T.unsafe(nil), context=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def instructions(); end + + def namespace(prefix=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def namespaces(); end + + def next_element(); end + + def node_type(); end + + def prefixes(); end + + def previous_element(); end + + def raw(); end + + def root(); end + + def root_node(); end + + def text(path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def text=(text); end + + def texts(); end + + def whitespace(); end + + def write(output=T.unsafe(nil), indent=T.unsafe(nil), transitive=T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def xpath(); end + UNDEFINED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::Element +end + +class REXML::ElementDecl +end + +class REXML::ElementDecl +end + +class REXML::Elements + include ::Enumerable + def <<(element=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def [](index, name=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def []=(index, element); end + + def add(element=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def collect(xpath=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def delete(element); end + + def delete_all(xpath); end + + def each(xpath=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def empty?(); end + + def index(element); end + + def initialize(parent); end + + def inject(xpath=T.unsafe(nil), initial=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def size(); end + + def to_a(xpath=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class REXML::Elements +end + +module REXML::Encoding + def decode(string); end + + def encode(string); end + + def encoding(); end + + def encoding=(encoding); end +end + +module REXML::Encoding + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class REXML::Entity + include ::REXML::XMLTokens + def external(); end + + def initialize(stream, value=T.unsafe(nil), parent=T.unsafe(nil), reference=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def name(); end + + def ndata(); end + + def normalized(); end + + def pubid(); end + + def ref(); end + + def to_s(); end + + def unnormalized(); end + + def value(); end + + def write(out, indent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + ENTITYDECL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENTITYDEF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENTITYVALUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTERNALID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GEDECL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NDATADECL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PEDECL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PEDEF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PEREFERENCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PEREFERENCE_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUBIDCHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUBIDLITERAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SYSTEMLITERAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::Entity + def self.matches?(string); end +end + +module REXML::EntityConst + AMP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + APOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + QUOT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module REXML::EntityConst + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class REXML::ExternalEntity + def initialize(src); end + + def to_s(); end + + def write(output, indent); end +end + +class REXML::ExternalEntity +end + +module REXML::Formatters +end + +class REXML::Formatters::Default + def initialize(ie_hack=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def write(node, output); end + + def write_cdata(node, output); end + + def write_comment(node, output); end + + def write_document(node, output); end + + def write_element(node, output); end + + def write_instruction(node, output); end + + def write_text(node, output); end +end + +class REXML::Formatters::Default +end + +class REXML::Formatters::Pretty + def compact(); end + + def compact=(compact); end + + def initialize(indentation=T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def width(); end + + def width=(width); end +end + +class REXML::Formatters::Pretty +end + +module REXML::Formatters + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module REXML::Functions + INTERNAL_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module REXML::Functions + extend ::T::Sig + def self.boolean(object=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.ceiling(number); end + + def self.compare_language(lang1, lang2); end + + def self.concat(*objects); end + + def self.contains(string, test); end + + def self.context=(value); end + + def self.count(node_set); end + + def self.false(); end + + def self.floor(number); end + + def self.get_namespace(node_set=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def; end + + def self.lang(language); end + + def self.last(); end + + def self.local_name(node_set=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def; end + + def self.namespace_context(); end + + def self.namespace_context=(x); end + + def self.namespace_uri(node_set=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.normalize_space(string=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.not(object); end + + def self.number(object=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.position(); end + + def self.processing_instruction(node); end + + def self.round(number); end + + def self.send(name, *args); end + + def self.singleton_method_added(name); end + + def self.starts_with(string, test); end + + def self.string(object=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.string_length(string); end + + def self.string_value(o); end + + def self.substring(string, start, length=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.substring_after(string, test); end + + def self.substring_before(string, test); end + + def self.sum(nodes); end + + def self.text(); end + + def self.translate(string, tr1, tr2); end + + def self.true(); end + + def self.variables(); end + + def self.variables=(x); end +end + +class REXML::IOSource + def initialize(arg, block_size=T.unsafe(nil), encoding=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class REXML::IOSource +end + +class REXML::Instruction + def ==(other); end + + def clone(); end + + def content(); end + + def content=(content); end + + def initialize(target, content=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def node_type(); end + + def target(); end + + def target=(target); end + + def write(writer, indent=T.unsafe(nil), transitive=T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack=T.unsafe(nil)); end + START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STOP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::Instruction +end + +module REXML::Light +end + +class REXML::Light::Node + def <<(element); end + + def =~(path); end + + def [](reference, ns=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def []=(reference, ns, value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def children(); end + + def each(); end + + def has_name?(name, namespace=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def initialize(node=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def local_name(); end + + def local_name=(name_str); end + + def name(); end + + def name=(name_str, ns=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def namespace(prefix=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def namespace=(namespace); end + + def node_type(); end + + def parent(); end + + def parent=(node); end + + def prefix(namespace=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def root(); end + + def size(); end + + def text=(foo); end + NAMESPLIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::Light::Node +end + +module REXML::Light + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module REXML::Namespace + include ::REXML::XMLTokens + def expanded_name(); end + + def fully_expanded_name(); end + + def has_name?(other, ns=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def local_name(); end + + def name(); end + + def name=(name); end + + def prefix(); end + + def prefix=(prefix); end + NAMESPLIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module REXML::Namespace + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module REXML::Node + def each_recursive(&block); end + + def find_first_recursive(&block); end + + def indent(to, ind); end + + def index_in_parent(); end + + def next_sibling_node(); end + + def parent?(); end + + def previous_sibling_node(); end + + def to_s(indent=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module REXML::Node + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class REXML::NotationDecl + def initialize(name, middle, pub, sys); end + + def name(); end + + def public(); end + + def public=(public); end + + def system(); end + + def system=(system); end + + def to_s(); end + + def write(output, indent=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class REXML::NotationDecl +end + +class REXML::Output + include ::REXML::Encoding + def <<(content); end + + def initialize(real_IO, encd=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class REXML::Output +end + +class REXML::Parent + include ::Enumerable + def <<(object); end + + def [](index); end + + def []=(*args); end + + def add(object); end + + def children(); end + + def deep_clone(); end + + def delete(object); end + + def delete_at(index); end + + def delete_if(&block); end + + def each(&block); end + + def each_child(&block); end + + def each_index(&block); end + + def index(child); end + + def insert_after(child1, child2); end + + def insert_before(child1, child2); end + + def length(); end + + def push(object); end + + def replace_child(to_replace, replacement); end + + def size(); end + + def to_a(); end + + def unshift(object); end +end + +class REXML::Parent +end + +class REXML::ParseException + def context(); end + + def continued_exception(); end + + def continued_exception=(continued_exception); end + + def initialize(message, source=T.unsafe(nil), parser=T.unsafe(nil), exception=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def line(); end + + def parser(); end + + def parser=(parser); end + + def position(); end + + def source(); end + + def source=(source); end +end + +class REXML::ParseException +end + +module REXML::Parsers +end + +class REXML::Parsers::BaseParser + def add_listener(listener); end + + def empty?(); end + + def entity(reference, entities); end + + def has_next?(); end + + def initialize(source); end + + def normalize(input, entities=T.unsafe(nil), entity_filter=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def peek(depth=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def position(); end + + def pull(); end + + def source(); end + + def stream=(source); end + + def unnormalize(string, entities=T.unsafe(nil), filter=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def unshift(token); end + ATTDEF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ATTDEF_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ATTLISTDECL_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ATTLISTDECL_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ATTTYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ATTVALUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CDATA_END = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CDATA_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CDATA_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CLOSE_MATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COMBININGCHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COMMENT_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COMMENT_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULTDECL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_ENTITIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DIGIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DOCTYPE_END = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DOCTYPE_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DOCTYPE_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ELEMENTDECL_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ELEMENTDECL_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENCODING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENTITYDECL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENTITYDEF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENTITYVALUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENTITY_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENUMERATEDTYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENUMERATION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EREFERENCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTENDER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTERNALID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GEDECL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IDENTITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INSTRUCTION_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INSTRUCTION_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LETTER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NAMECHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NCNAME_STR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NDATADECL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NMTOKEN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NMTOKENS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOTATIONDECL_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOTATIONTYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PEDECL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PEDEF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PEREFERENCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUBIDCHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUBIDLITERAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUBLIC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + QNAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + QNAME_STR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REFERENCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REFERENCE_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STANDALONE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SYSTEM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SYSTEMENTITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SYSTEMLITERAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TAG_MATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TEXT_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNAME_STR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + XMLDECL_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + XMLDECL_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::Parsers::BaseParser +end + +class REXML::Parsers::StreamParser + def add_listener(listener); end + + def initialize(source, listener); end + + def parse(); end +end + +class REXML::Parsers::StreamParser +end + +class REXML::Parsers::TreeParser + def add_listener(listener); end + + def initialize(source, build_context=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def parse(); end +end + +class REXML::Parsers::TreeParser +end + +class REXML::Parsers::XPathParser + include ::REXML::XMLTokens + def abbreviate(path); end + + def expand(path); end + + def namespaces=(namespaces); end + + def parse(path); end + + def predicate(path); end + + def predicate_to_string(path, &block); end + AXIS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LITERAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCAL_NAME_WILDCARD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NODE_TYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NUMBER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PREFIX_WILDCARD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + QNAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VARIABLE_REFERENCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::Parsers::XPathParser +end + +module REXML::Parsers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module REXML::Security +end + +module REXML::Security + extend ::T::Sig + def self.entity_expansion_limit(); end + + def self.entity_expansion_limit=(val); end + + def self.entity_expansion_text_limit(); end + + def self.entity_expansion_text_limit=(val); end +end + +class REXML::Source + include ::REXML::Encoding + def buffer(); end + + def consume(pattern); end + + def current_line(); end + + def empty?(); end + + def encoding=(enc); end + + def initialize(arg, encoding=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def line(); end + + def match(pattern, cons=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def match_to(char, pattern); end + + def match_to_consume(char, pattern); end + + def position(); end + + def read(); end + + def scan(pattern, cons=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class REXML::Source +end + +class REXML::SourceFactory +end + +class REXML::SourceFactory + def self.create_from(arg); end +end + +class REXML::SyncEnumerator + include ::Enumerable + def each(); end + + def initialize(*enums); end + + def length(); end + + def size(); end +end + +class REXML::SyncEnumerator +end + +class REXML::Text + include ::Comparable + def <<(to_append); end + + def clone(); end + + def doctype(); end + + def empty?(); end + + def indent_text(string, level=T.unsafe(nil), style=T.unsafe(nil), indentfirstline=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def initialize(arg, respect_whitespace=T.unsafe(nil), parent=T.unsafe(nil), raw=T.unsafe(nil), entity_filter=T.unsafe(nil), illegal=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def node_type(); end + + def parent=(parent); end + + def raw(); end + + def raw=(raw); end + + def to_s(); end + + def value(); end + + def value=(val); end + + def wrap(string, width, addnewline=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def write(writer, indent=T.unsafe(nil), transitive=T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def write_with_substitution(out, input); end + + def xpath(); end + EREFERENCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NEEDS_A_SECOND_CHECK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NUMERICENTITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REFERENCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SETUTITSBUS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SLAICEPS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SPECIALS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SUBSTITUTES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_XML_CHARS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::Text + def self.check(string, pattern, doctype); end + + def self.expand(ref, doctype, filter); end + + def self.normalize(input, doctype=T.unsafe(nil), entity_filter=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.read_with_substitution(input, illegal=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.unnormalize(string, doctype=T.unsafe(nil), filter=T.unsafe(nil), illegal=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class REXML::UndefinedNamespaceException + def initialize(prefix, source, parser); end +end + +class REXML::UndefinedNamespaceException +end + +module REXML::Validation +end + +class REXML::Validation::ValidationException + def initialize(msg); end +end + +class REXML::Validation::ValidationException +end + +module REXML::Validation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class REXML::XMLDecl + include ::REXML::Encoding + def ==(other); end + + def clone(); end + + def dowrite(); end + + def encoding=(enc); end + + def initialize(version=T.unsafe(nil), encoding=T.unsafe(nil), standalone=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def node_type(); end + + def nowrite(); end + + def old_enc=(encoding); end + + def stand_alone?(); end + + def standalone(); end + + def standalone=(standalone); end + + def version(); end + + def version=(version); end + + def write(writer, indent=T.unsafe(nil), transitive=T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def writeencoding(); end + + def writethis(); end + + def xmldecl(version, encoding, standalone); end + DEFAULT_ENCODING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_STANDALONE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STOP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::XMLDecl + def self.default(); end +end + +module REXML::XMLTokens + NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NAMECHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NAME_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NAME_START_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NAME_STR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NCNAME_STR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NMTOKEN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NMTOKENS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REFERENCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module REXML::XMLTokens + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class REXML::XPath + include ::REXML::Functions + EMPTY_HASH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::XPath + def self.each(element, path=T.unsafe(nil), namespaces=T.unsafe(nil), variables=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def self.first(element, path=T.unsafe(nil), namespaces=T.unsafe(nil), variables=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.match(element, path=T.unsafe(nil), namespaces=T.unsafe(nil), variables=T.unsafe(nil), options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class REXML::XPathNode + def context(); end + + def initialize(node, context=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def position(); end + + def raw_node(); end +end + +class REXML::XPathNode +end + +class REXML::XPathParser + include ::REXML::XMLTokens + def []=(variable_name, value); end + + def first(path_stack, node); end + + def get_first(path, nodeset); end + + def initialize(strict: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def match(path_stack, nodeset); end + + def namespaces=(namespaces=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def parse(path, nodeset); end + + def predicate(path, nodeset); end + + def variables=(vars=T.unsafe(nil)); end + LITERAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class REXML::XPathParser +end + +module REXML + extend ::T::Sig +end + +RSPEC_CONFIGURER = RSpec + +module RSpec +end + +module RSpec::Core +end + +class RSpec::Core::Example +end + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Core::Example::AllExceptionsExcludingDangerousOnesOnRubiesThatAllowIt = RSpec::Support::AllExceptionsExceptOnesWeMustNotRescue + +class RSpec::Core::Example +end + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Core::ExclusionRules = RSpec::Core::FilterRules + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Core::FilterRules = RSpec::Core::FilterRules + +module RSpec::Core::Formatters +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::SyntaxHighlighter +end + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Core::Formatters::SyntaxHighlighter::NoSyntaxHighlightingImplementation = RSpec::Core::Formatters::SyntaxHighlighter::NoSyntaxHighlightingImplementation + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Core::Formatters::SyntaxHighlighter::WindowsImplementation = RSpec::Core::Formatters::SyntaxHighlighter::NoSyntaxHighlightingImplementation + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::SyntaxHighlighter +end + +module RSpec::Core::Formatters +end + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Core::SharedContext = RSpec::Core::SharedContext + +module RSpec::Core +end + +module RSpec::Expectations +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget +end + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Expectations::ExpectationTarget::InstanceMethods = RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget::InstanceMethods + +class RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget +end + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Expectations::LegacyMacherAdapter = RSpec::Expectations::LegacyMatcherAdapter + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Expectations::LegacyMatcherAdapter = RSpec::Expectations::LegacyMatcherAdapter + +module RSpec::Expectations +end + +module RSpec::Matchers +end + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Matchers::MatcherDelegator = RSpec::Matchers::MatcherDelegator + +module RSpec::Matchers +end + +module RSpec::Rails +end + +module RSpec::Rails::Matchers +end + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Rails::Matchers::RedirectTo = RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RedirectTo + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Rails::Matchers::RenderTemplate = RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RenderTemplate + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Rails::Matchers::RoutingMatchers = RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RoutingMatchers + +module RSpec::Rails::Matchers +end + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Rails::MinitestAssertionAdapter = RSpec::Rails::MinitestAssertionAdapter + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Rails::TestUnitAssertionAdapter = RSpec::Rails::MinitestAssertionAdapter + +module RSpec::Rails +end + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::SharedContext = RSpec::Core::SharedContext + +module RSpec::Support +end + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Support::AllExceptionsExceptOnesWeMustNotRescue = RSpec::Support::AllExceptionsExceptOnesWeMustNotRescue + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Support::MethodSignatureVerifier = RSpec::Support::MethodSignatureVerifier + +RSPEC_NAMESPACE::Support::StrictSignatureVerifier = RSpec::Support::MethodSignatureVerifier + +module RSpec::Support +end + +module RSpec +end + +module RSpec + MODULES_TO_AUTOLOAD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class RSpec::CallerFilter + ADDITIONAL_TOP_LEVEL_FILES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IGNORE_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LIB_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RSPEC_LIBS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class RSpec::Core::Configuration + DEFAULT_FORMATTER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FAILED_STATUS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MOCKING_ADAPTERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PASSED_STATUS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PENDING_STATUS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RAISE_ERROR_WARNING_NOTIFIER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNKNOWN_STATUS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_STATUSES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Core::Configuration::ExposeCurrentExample + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::Configuration::Readers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Core::ConfigurationOptions + OPTIONS_ORDER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNFORCED_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNPROCESSABLE_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Core::DSL + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup + INSTANCE_VARIABLE_TO_IGNORE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class RSpec::Core::ExampleStatusPersister + def initialize(examples, file_name); end + + def persist(); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::ExampleStatusPersister + def self.load_from(file_name); end + + def self.persist(examples, file_name); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::FilterRules + PROC_HEX_NUMBER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PROJECT_DIR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Core::FilterableItemRepository + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::FlatMap + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseBisectFormatter + def example_failed(notification); end + + def example_finished(notification); end + + def initialize(expected_failures); end + + def start_dump(_notification); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseBisectFormatter + def self.inherited(formatter); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseFormatter + def close(_notification); end + + def example_group(); end + + def example_group=(example_group); end + + def example_group_started(notification); end + + def initialize(output); end + + def output(); end + + def start(notification); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseFormatter +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseTextFormatter + def dump_failures(notification); end + + def dump_pending(notification); end + + def dump_summary(summary); end + + def message(notification); end + + def seed(notification); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseTextFormatter +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::BisectDRbFormatter + def initialize(_output); end + + def notify_results(results); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::BisectDRbFormatter +end + +module RSpec::Core::Formatters::ConsoleCodes + VT100_CODES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VT100_CODE_VALUES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Core::Formatters::ConsoleCodes + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::DeprecationFormatter + DEPRECATION_STREAM_NOTICE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RAISE_ERROR_CONFIG_NOTICE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TOO_MANY_WARNINGS_NOTICE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::DeprecationFormatter::DelayedPrinter + TOO_MANY_USES_LIMIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::DocumentationFormatter + def example_failed(failure); end + + def example_group_finished(_notification); end + + def example_passed(passed); end + + def example_pending(pending); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::DocumentationFormatter +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter + PENDING_DETAIL_FORMATTER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter::Factory::EmptyBacktraceFormatter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::FallbackMessageFormatter + def initialize(output); end + + def message(notification); end + + def output(); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::FallbackMessageFormatter +end + +module RSpec::Core::Formatters::Helpers + DEFAULT_PRECISION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SUB_SECOND_PRECISION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Core::Formatters::Helpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::HtmlFormatter + def dump_summary(summary); end + + def example_failed(failure); end + + def example_passed(passed); end + + def example_pending(pending); end + + def example_started(_notification); end + + def start_dump(_notification); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::HtmlFormatter +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::JsonFormatter + def dump_profile(profile); end + + def dump_profile_slowest_example_groups(profile); end + + def dump_profile_slowest_examples(profile); end + + def dump_summary(summary); end + + def message(notification); end + + def output_hash(); end + + def seed(notification); end + + def stop(notification); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::JsonFormatter +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ProfileFormatter + def dump_profile(profile); end + + def initialize(output); end + + def output(); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ProfileFormatter +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ProgressFormatter + def example_failed(_notification); end + + def example_passed(_notification); end + + def example_pending(_notification); end + + def start_dump(_notification); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ProgressFormatter +end + +module RSpec::Core::Formatters::SyntaxHighlighter::CodeRayImplementation + RESET_CODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Core::Formatters::SyntaxHighlighter::CodeRayImplementation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::Formatters::SyntaxHighlighter::NoSyntaxHighlightingImplementation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::Formatters + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::HashImitatable::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::HashImitatable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Core::Hooks::HookCollections + EMPTY_HOOK_ARRAY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HOOK_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SCOPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SCOPE_ALIASES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Core::Hooks + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::Invocations + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::Metadata + RESERVED_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Core::Metadata + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::MetadataFilter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::MultipleExceptionError::InterfaceTag + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::Notifications::NullColorizer + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::Notifications + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Core::Ordering::Random + MAX_32_BIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Core::Ordering + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::Pending + NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NO_REASON_GIVEN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Core::Pending + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Core::Profiler + def example_group_finished(notification); end + + def example_group_started(notification); end + + def example_groups(); end + + def example_started(notification); end + NOTIFICATIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class RSpec::Core::Profiler +end + +class RSpec::Core::Reporter + RSPEC_NOTIFICATIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Core::RubyProject + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::SharedContext + def __shared_context_recordings(); end + + def after(*args, &block); end + + def append_after(*args, &block); end + + def append_before(*args, &block); end + + def around(*args, &block); end + + def before(*args, &block); end + + def context(*args, &block); end + + def describe(*args, &block); end + + def hooks(*args, &block); end + + def included(group); end + + def let(*args, &block); end + + def let!(*args, &block); end + + def prepend_after(*args, &block); end + + def prepend_before(*args, &block); end + + def subject(*args, &block); end + + def subject!(*args, &block); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::SharedContext::Recording + def args(); end + + def args=(_); end + + def block(); end + + def block=(_); end + + def method_name(); end + + def method_name=(_); end + + def playback_onto(group); end +end + +class RSpec::Core::SharedContext::Recording + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +module RSpec::Core::SharedContext + extend ::T::Sig + def self.record(methods); end +end + +module RSpec::Core::SharedExampleGroup::TopLevelDSL + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::SharedExampleGroup + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::ShellEscape + SHELLS_ALLOWING_UNQUOTED_IDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Core::ShellEscape + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::Version + STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Core::Version + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::Warnings + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core::World::Null + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Core + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::ExampleGroups + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor + def body_content_lines(); end + + def initialize(proc, method_name); end + + def method_name(); end +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor::AmbiguousTargetError +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor::AmbiguousTargetError +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor::BlockLocator + def beginning_line_number(); end + + def beginning_line_number=(_); end + + def body_content_locations(); end + + def method_call_location(); end + + def method_name(); end + + def method_name=(_); end + + def source(); end + + def source=(_); end +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor::BlockLocator + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor::BlockTokenExtractor + def beginning_line_number(); end + + def beginning_line_number=(_); end + + def body_tokens(); end + + def method_name(); end + + def method_name=(_); end + + def source(); end + + def source=(_); end + + def state(); end +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor::BlockTokenExtractor + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor::Error +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor::Error +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor::TargetNotFoundError +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor::TargetNotFoundError +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::BlockSnippetExtractor + def self.try_extracting_single_line_body_of(proc, method_name); end +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::Configuration + FALSE_POSITIVE_BEHAVIOURS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Expectations::Configuration::NullBacktraceFormatter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget::InstanceMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget::UndefinedValue + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::FailureAggregator + def aggregate(); end + + def block_label(); end + + def call(failure, options); end + + def failures(); end + + def initialize(block_label, metadata); end + + def metadata(); end + + def other_errors(); end +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::FailureAggregator +end + +class RSpec::Expectations::MultipleExpectationsNotMetError + def aggregation_block_label(); end + + def aggregation_metadata(); end + + def all_exceptions(); end + + def exception_count_description(); end + + def failures(); end + + def initialize(failure_aggregator); end + + def other_errors(); end + + def summary(); end +end + +module RSpec::Expectations::Syntax + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Expectations::Version + STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Expectations::Version + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Expectations + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Matchers + include ::Capybara::RSpecMatcherProxyInstaller + BE_PREDICATE_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DYNAMIC_MATCHER_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HAS_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::All + def does_not_match?(_actual); end + + def failed_objects(); end + + def initialize(matcher); end + + def matcher(); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::All +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher + UNDEFINED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::HashFormatting + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeAKindOf +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeAKindOf +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeAnInstanceOf +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeAnInstanceOf +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeBetween + def exclusive(); end + + def inclusive(); end + + def initialize(min, max); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeBetween +end + +module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeWithin + def initialize(delta); end + + def of(expected); end + + def percent_of(expected); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeWithin +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Change + def by(expected_delta); end + + def by_at_least(minimum); end + + def by_at_most(maximum); end + + def does_not_match?(event_proc); end + + def from(value); end + + def initialize(receiver=T.unsafe(nil), message=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def matches?(event_proc); end + + def to(value); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Change +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::ContainExactly +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::ContainExactly::PairingsMaximizer + def actual_to_expected_matched_indexes(); end + + def expected_to_actual_matched_indexes(); end + + def find_best_solution(); end + + def initialize(expected_to_actual_matched_indexes, actual_to_expected_matched_indexes); end + + def solution(); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::ContainExactly::PairingsMaximizer::NullSolution +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::ContainExactly::PairingsMaximizer::NullSolution + def self.worse_than?(_other); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::ContainExactly::PairingsMaximizer::Solution + def +(derived_candidate_solution); end + + def candidate?(); end + + def ideal?(); end + + def indeterminate_actual_indexes(); end + + def indeterminate_actual_indexes=(_); end + + def indeterminate_expected_indexes(); end + + def indeterminate_expected_indexes=(_); end + + def unmatched_actual_indexes(); end + + def unmatched_actual_indexes=(_); end + + def unmatched_expected_indexes(); end + + def unmatched_expected_indexes=(_); end + + def unmatched_item_count(); end + + def worse_than?(other); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::ContainExactly::PairingsMaximizer::Solution + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::ContainExactly::PairingsMaximizer +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::ContainExactly +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Cover + def does_not_match?(range); end + + def initialize(*expected); end + + def matches?(range); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Cover +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::EndWith +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::EndWith +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Eq +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Eq +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Eql +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Eql +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Equal + LITERAL_SINGLETONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Equal +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Exist + def does_not_match?(actual); end + + def initialize(*expected); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Exist::ExistenceTest + def actual_exists?(); end + + def valid_test?(); end + + def validity_message(); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Exist::ExistenceTest +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Exist +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Has + def does_not_match?(actual, &block); end + + def initialize(method_name, *args, &block); end + + def matches?(actual, &block); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Has +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::HaveAttributes + def does_not_match?(actual); end + + def initialize(expected); end + + def respond_to_failed(); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::HaveAttributes +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Include + def does_not_match?(actual); end + + def expecteds(); end + + def initialize(*expecteds); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Include +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Match + def initialize(expected); end + + def with_captures(*captures); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Match +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::NegativeOperatorMatcher + def __delegate_operator(actual, operator, expected); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::NegativeOperatorMatcher +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::OperatorMatcher + def !=(_expected); end + + def !~(_expected); end + + def <(expected); end + + def <=(expected); end + + def ==(expected); end + + def ===(expected); end + + def =~(expected); end + + def >(expected); end + + def >=(expected); end + + def description(); end + + def fail_with_message(message); end + + def initialize(actual); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::OperatorMatcher + def self.get(klass, operator); end + + def self.register(klass, operator, matcher); end + + def self.registry(); end + + def self.unregister(klass, operator); end + + def self.use_custom_matcher_or_delegate(operator); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Output + def does_not_match?(block); end + + def initialize(expected); end + + def matches?(block); end + + def to_stderr(); end + + def to_stderr_from_any_process(); end + + def to_stdout(); end + + def to_stdout_from_any_process(); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Output +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::PositiveOperatorMatcher + def __delegate_operator(actual, operator, expected); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::PositiveOperatorMatcher +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::RaiseError + include ::RSpec::Matchers::Composable + def description(); end + + def does_not_match?(given_proc); end + + def expects_call_stack_jump?(); end + + def failure_message(); end + + def failure_message_when_negated(); end + + def initialize(expected_error_or_message=T.unsafe(nil), expected_message=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def matches?(given_proc, negative_expectation=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def supports_block_expectations?(); end + + def with_message(expected_message); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::RaiseError +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::RespondTo + def and_any_keywords(); end + + def and_keywords(*keywords); end + + def and_unlimited_arguments(); end + + def argument(); end + + def arguments(); end + + def does_not_match?(actual); end + + def initialize(*names); end + + def with(n); end + + def with_any_keywords(); end + + def with_keywords(*keywords); end + + def with_unlimited_arguments(); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::RespondTo +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Satisfy + def initialize(description=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def matches?(actual, &block); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Satisfy +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::StartOrEndWith + def initialize(*expected); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::StartOrEndWith +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::StartWith +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::StartWith +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::ThrowSymbol + include ::RSpec::Matchers::Composable + def description(); end + + def does_not_match?(given_proc); end + + def expects_call_stack_jump?(); end + + def failure_message(); end + + def failure_message_when_negated(); end + + def initialize(expected_symbol=T.unsafe(nil), expected_arg=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def matches?(given_proc); end + + def supports_block_expectations?(); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::ThrowSymbol +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldControl + def at_least(number); end + + def at_most(number); end + + def does_not_match?(block); end + + def exactly(number); end + + def initialize(); end + + def matches?(block); end + + def once(); end + + def thrice(); end + + def times(); end + + def twice(); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldControl +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldSuccessiveArgs + def does_not_match?(block); end + + def initialize(*args); end + + def matches?(block); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldSuccessiveArgs +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldWithArgs + def does_not_match?(block); end + + def initialize(*args); end + + def matches?(block); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldWithArgs +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldWithNoArgs + def does_not_match?(block); end + + def matches?(block); end +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldWithNoArgs +end + +module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Matchers::Composable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::DefaultImplementations + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros + RAISE_NOTIFIER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros::Deprecated + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher + include ::Capybara::RSpecMatcherProxyInstaller +end + +module RSpec::Matchers::DSL + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Matchers::EnglishPhrasing + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Matchers::ExpectedsForMultipleDiffs + DEFAULT_DIFF_LABEL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DESCRIPTION_MAX_LENGTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Matchers + extend ::Capybara::RSpecMatcherProxyInstaller::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails + DIRECTORY_MAPPINGS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ControllerAssertionDelegator + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ControllerExampleGroup::BypassRescue + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ControllerExampleGroup::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ControllerExampleGroup + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::FeatureCheck + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::FeatureExampleGroup + DEFAULT_HOST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Rails::FeatureExampleGroup + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::FileFixtureSupport + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::FixtureFileUploadSupport + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::FixtureSupport + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::HelperExampleGroup::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::HelperExampleGroup + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::JobExampleGroup + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::MailerExampleGroup + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Rails::Matchers::HaveHttpStatus::GenericStatus + RESPONSE_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Rails::Matchers::HaveHttpStatus + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RedirectTo + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RenderTemplate + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RoutingMatchers::RouteHelpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::Matchers::RoutingMatchers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::Matchers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::MinitestAssertionAdapter::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::MinitestAssertionAdapter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::MinitestCounters + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::MinitestLifecycleAdapter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ModelExampleGroup + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::RailsExampleGroup + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::RequestExampleGroup + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::RoutingAssertionDelegator + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::RoutingExampleGroup::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::RoutingExampleGroup + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::SetupAndTeardownAdapter::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::SetupAndTeardownAdapter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::SystemExampleGroup + CHARS_TO_TRANSLATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Rails::SystemExampleGroup::BlowAwayAfterTeardownHook + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::SystemExampleGroup + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ViewAssigns + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ViewExampleGroup::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ViewExampleGroup::ExampleMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ViewExampleGroup::StubResolverCache + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ViewExampleGroup + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ViewRendering + RESOLVER_CACHE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ViewRendering::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ViewRendering::EmptyTemplates + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ViewRendering + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails::ViewSpecMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Rails + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Support + DEFAULT_FAILURE_NOTIFIER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_WARNING_NOTIFIER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KERNEL_METHOD_METHOD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Support::AllExceptionsExceptOnesWeMustNotRescue + AVOID_RESCUING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Support::AllExceptionsExceptOnesWeMustNotRescue + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Support::BlockSignature +end + +class RSpec::Support::BlockSignature +end + +class RSpec::Support::Differ + def color?(); end + + def diff(actual, expected); end + + def diff_as_object(actual, expected); end + + def diff_as_string(actual, expected); end + + def initialize(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class RSpec::Support::Differ +end + +class RSpec::Support::EncodedString + ENCODE_NO_CONVERTER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENCODE_UNCONVERTABLE_BYTES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REPLACE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + US_ASCII = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTF_8 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Support::FuzzyMatcher + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Support::LooseSignatureVerifier +end + +class RSpec::Support::LooseSignatureVerifier::SignatureWithKeywordArgumentsMatcher + def has_kw_args_in?(args); end + + def initialize(signature); end + + def invalid_kw_args_from(_kw_args); end + + def missing_kw_args_from(_kw_args); end + + def non_kw_args_arity_description(); end + + def valid_non_kw_args?(*args); end +end + +class RSpec::Support::LooseSignatureVerifier::SignatureWithKeywordArgumentsMatcher +end + +class RSpec::Support::LooseSignatureVerifier +end + +class RSpec::Support::MethodSignature + def arbitrary_kw_args?(); end + + def classify_arity(arity=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def classify_parameters(); end + + def could_contain_kw_args?(args); end + + def description(); end + + def has_kw_args_in?(args); end + + def initialize(method); end + + def invalid_kw_args_from(given_kw_args); end + + def max_non_kw_args(); end + + def min_non_kw_args(); end + + def missing_kw_args_from(given_kw_args); end + + def non_kw_args_arity_description(); end + + def optional_kw_args(); end + + def required_kw_args(); end + + def unlimited_args?(); end + + def valid_non_kw_args?(positional_arg_count, optional_max_arg_count=T.unsafe(nil)); end + INFINITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class RSpec::Support::MethodSignature +end + +class RSpec::Support::MethodSignatureExpectation + def empty?(); end + + def expect_arbitrary_keywords(); end + + def expect_arbitrary_keywords=(expect_arbitrary_keywords); end + + def expect_unlimited_arguments(); end + + def expect_unlimited_arguments=(expect_unlimited_arguments); end + + def keywords(); end + + def keywords=(values); end + + def max_count(); end + + def max_count=(number); end + + def min_count(); end + + def min_count=(number); end +end + +class RSpec::Support::MethodSignatureExpectation +end + +class RSpec::Support::MethodSignatureVerifier + def error_message(); end + + def initialize(signature, args=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def kw_args(); end + + def max_non_kw_args(); end + + def min_non_kw_args(); end + + def non_kw_args(); end + + def valid?(); end + + def with_expectation(expectation); end +end + +class RSpec::Support::MethodSignatureVerifier +end + +module RSpec::Support::OS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter + ELLIPSIS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INSPECTOR_CLASSES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::DateTimeInspector + FORMAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::TimeInspector + FORMAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::UninspectableObjectInspector + OBJECT_ID_FORMAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Support::RecursiveConstMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Support::Ruby + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Support::RubyFeatures + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Support::Version + STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RSpec::Support::Version + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Support::Warnings + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec::Support + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RSpec + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Racc + Racc_No_Extensions = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Racc::CparseParams +end + +class Racc::CparseParams +end + +class Racc::ParseError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Racc::Parser + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + Racc_Main_Parsing_Routine = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_Runtime_Core_Id_C = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_Runtime_Core_Revision = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_Runtime_Core_Revision_C = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_Runtime_Core_Revision_R = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_Runtime_Core_Version = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_Runtime_Core_Version_C = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_Runtime_Core_Version_R = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_Runtime_Revision = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_Runtime_Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_Runtime_Version = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Racc_YY_Parse_Method = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Racc::Parser + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Racc + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rack + CACHE_CONTROL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CONTENT_LENGTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CONTENT_TYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DELETE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ETAG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GET = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HEAD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTPS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_COOKIE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_HOST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PATH_INFO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + POST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + QUERY_STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_ERRORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_HIJACK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_HIJACK_IO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_INPUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_IS_HIJACK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_LOGGER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_METHODOVERRIDE_ORIGINAL_METHOD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_MULTIPART_BUFFER_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_MULTIPART_TEMPFILE_FACTORY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_MULTIPROCESS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_MULTITHREAD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_RECURSIVE_INCLUDE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_REQUEST_COOKIE_HASH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_REQUEST_COOKIE_STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_REQUEST_FORM_HASH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_REQUEST_FORM_INPUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_REQUEST_FORM_VARS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_REQUEST_QUERY_HASH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_REQUEST_QUERY_STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_RUNONCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_SESSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_SESSION_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_SESSION_UNPACKED_COOKIE_DATA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_SHOWSTATUS_DETAIL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_TEMPFILES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_URL_SCHEME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RACK_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RELEASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REQUEST_METHOD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REQUEST_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SCRIPT_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SERVER_ADDR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SERVER_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SERVER_PORT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SERVER_PROTOCOL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SET_COOKIE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TRACE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TRANSFER_ENCODING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNLINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Auth::AbstractHandler + def initialize(app, realm=T.unsafe(nil), &authenticator); end + + def realm(); end + + def realm=(realm); end +end + +class Rack::Auth::AbstractHandler +end + +class Rack::Auth::AbstractRequest + def initialize(env); end + + def params(); end + + def parts(); end + + def provided?(); end + + def request(); end + + def scheme(); end + + def valid?(); end + AUTHORIZATION_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Auth::AbstractRequest +end + +class Rack::Auth::Basic + def call(env); end +end + +class Rack::Auth::Basic::Request + def basic?(); end + + def credentials(); end + + def username(); end +end + +class Rack::Auth::Basic::Request +end + +class Rack::Auth::Basic +end + +class Rack::Auth::Digest::MD5 + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app, realm=T.unsafe(nil), opaque=T.unsafe(nil), &authenticator); end + + def opaque(); end + + def opaque=(opaque); end + + def passwords_hashed=(passwords_hashed); end + + def passwords_hashed?(); end + QOP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Auth::Digest::MD5 +end + +class Rack::Auth::Digest::Nonce + def digest(); end + + def fresh?(); end + + def initialize(timestamp=T.unsafe(nil), given_digest=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def stale?(); end + + def valid?(); end +end + +class Rack::Auth::Digest::Nonce + def self.parse(string); end + + def self.private_key(); end + + def self.private_key=(private_key); end + + def self.time_limit(); end + + def self.time_limit=(time_limit); end +end + +class Rack::Auth::Digest::Params + def [](k); end + + def []=(k, v); end + + def initialize(); end + + def quote(str); end + UNQUOTED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Auth::Digest::Params + def self.dequote(str); end + + def self.parse(str); end + + def self.split_header_value(str); end +end + +class Rack::Auth::Digest::Request + def correct_uri?(); end + + def digest?(); end + + def method(); end + + def method_missing(sym, *args); end + + def nonce(); end + + def respond_to?(sym, *_); end +end + +class Rack::Auth::Digest::Request +end + +module Rack::Auth::Digest + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rack::Auth + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rack::Cache::CacheControl + def initialize(value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def max_age(); end + + def must_revalidate?(); end + + def no_cache?(); end + + def no_store?(); end + + def private?(); end + + def proxy_revalidate?(); end + + def public?(); end + + def r_maxage(); end + + def reverse_max_age(); end + + def s_maxage(); end + + def shared_max_age(); end +end + +class Rack::Cache::CacheControl +end + +class Rack::Cache::Context + include ::Rack::Cache::Options + def backend(); end + + def call(env); end + + def call!(env); end + + def initialize(backend, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def trace(); end +end + +class Rack::Cache::Context +end + +module Rack::Cache::Options + def allow_reload(); end + + def allow_reload=(value); end + + def allow_reload?(); end + + def allow_revalidate(); end + + def allow_revalidate=(value); end + + def allow_revalidate?(); end + + def cache_key(); end + + def cache_key=(value); end + + def cache_key?(); end + + def default_ttl(); end + + def default_ttl=(value); end + + def default_ttl?(); end + + def entitystore(); end + + def entitystore=(value); end + + def entitystore?(); end + + def ignore_headers(); end + + def ignore_headers=(value); end + + def ignore_headers?(); end + + def metastore(); end + + def metastore=(value); end + + def metastore?(); end + + def options(); end + + def options=(hash=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def private_headers(); end + + def private_headers=(value); end + + def private_headers?(); end + + def set(option, value=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def storage(); end + + def storage=(value); end + + def storage?(); end + + def use_native_ttl(); end + + def use_native_ttl=(value); end + + def use_native_ttl?(); end + + def verbose(); end + + def verbose=(value); end + + def verbose?(); end +end + +module Rack::Cache::Options + extend ::Rack::Cache::Options + extend ::T::Sig + def self.option_accessor(key); end +end + +class Rack::Cache::Request + def cache_control(); end + + def no_cache?(); end +end + +class Rack::Cache::Request +end + +class Rack::Cache::Response + include ::Rack::Response::Helpers + def age(); end + + def body(); end + + def body=(body); end + + def cache_control=(value); end + + def cacheable?(); end + + def client_ttl=(seconds); end + + def date(); end + + def expire!(); end + + def expires(); end + + def fresh?(); end + + def headers(); end + + def headers=(headers); end + + def initialize(status, headers, body); end + + def last_modified(); end + + def max_age(); end + + def max_age=(value); end + + def must_revalidate?(); end + + def not_modified!(); end + + def now(); end + + def private=(value); end + + def reverse_max_age=(value); end + + def shared_max_age=(value); end + + def status(); end + + def status=(status); end + + def to_a(); end + + def ttl(); end + + def ttl=(seconds); end + + def validateable?(); end + + def vary(); end + + def vary?(); end + + def vary_header_names(); end + CACHEABLE_RESPONSE_CODES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOT_MODIFIED_OMIT_HEADERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Cache::Response +end + +class Rack::Cache::Storage + def clear(); end + + def resolve_entitystore_uri(uri); end + + def resolve_metastore_uri(uri); end +end + +class Rack::Cache::Storage + def self.instance(); end +end + +module Rack::Cache + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rack::Cascade + def <<(app); end + + def add(app); end + + def apps(); end + + def call(env); end + + def include?(app); end + + def initialize(apps, catch=T.unsafe(nil)); end + NotFound = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Cascade +end + +class Rack::Chunked::Body + TAIL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TERM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::CommonLogger + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app, logger=T.unsafe(nil)); end + FORMAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::CommonLogger +end + +class Rack::Config + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app, &block); end +end + +class Rack::Config +end + +class Rack::ContentLength + include ::Rack::Utils + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app); end +end + +class Rack::ContentLength +end + +class Rack::ContentType + include ::Rack::Utils + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app, content_type=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Rack::ContentType +end + +class Rack::Deflater + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Rack::Deflater::GzipStream + def close(); end + + def each(&block); end + + def initialize(body, mtime); end + + def write(data); end +end + +class Rack::Deflater::GzipStream +end + +class Rack::Deflater +end + +class Rack::Directory + def call(env); end + + def check_bad_request(path_info); end + + def check_forbidden(path_info); end + + def entity_not_found(path_info); end + + def filesize_format(int); end + + def get(env); end + + def initialize(root, app=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def list_directory(path_info, path, script_name); end + + def list_path(env, path, path_info, script_name); end + + def path(); end + + def root(); end + + def stat(node); end + DIR_FILE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DIR_PAGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FILESIZE_FORMAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Directory::DirectoryBody +end + +class Rack::Directory::DirectoryBody +end + +class Rack::Directory +end + +class Rack::ETag + DEFAULT_CACHE_CONTROL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ETAG_STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::File + ALLOWED_VERBS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ALLOW_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::ForwardRequest + def env(); end + + def initialize(url, env=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def url(); end +end + +class Rack::ForwardRequest +end + +module Rack::Handler +end + +class Rack::Handler::CGI +end + +class Rack::Handler::CGI + def, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.send_body(body); end + + def self.send_headers(status, headers); end + + def self.serve(app); end +end + +class Rack::Handler::WEBrick + def initialize(server, app); end +end + +class Rack::Handler::WEBrick + def, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.shutdown(); end + + def self.valid_options(); end +end + +module Rack::Handler + extend ::T::Sig + def self.default(); end + + def self.get(server); end + + def self.pick(server_names); end + + def self.register(server, klass); end + + def self.try_require(prefix, const_name); end +end + +module Rack::Lint::Assertion + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rack::Lint::HijackWrapper + REQUIRED_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Lock + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app, mutex=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Rack::Lock +end + +class Rack::Logger + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app, level=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Rack::Logger +end + +class Rack::MediaType + SPLIT_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::MethodOverride + ALLOWED_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + METHOD_OVERRIDE_PARAM_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rack::Mime + MIME_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rack::Mime + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rack::MockRequest + DEFAULT_ENV = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rack::Multipart + ATTRIBUTE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ATTRIBUTE_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BROKEN_QUOTED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BROKEN_UNQUOTED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CONDISP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DISPPARM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EOL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTENDED_INITIAL_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTENDED_INITIAL_PARAMETER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTENDED_INITIAL_VALUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTENDED_OTHER_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTENDED_OTHER_PARAMETER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTENDED_OTHER_VALUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTENDED_PARAMETER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MULTIPART = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MULTIPART_BOUNDARY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MULTIPART_CONTENT_DISPOSITION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MULTIPART_CONTENT_ID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MULTIPART_CONTENT_TYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REGULAR_PARAMETER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REGULAR_PARAMETER_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RFC2183 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SECTION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TOKEN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Generator + def dump(); end + + def initialize(params, first=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Generator +end + +class Rack::Multipart::MultipartPartLimitError +end + +class Rack::Multipart::MultipartPartLimitError +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Parser + def initialize(boundary, tempfile, bufsize, query_parser); end + + def on_read(content); end + + def result(); end + + def state(); end + BUFSIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CHARSET = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EMPTY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TEMPFILE_FACTORY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TEXT_PLAIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Parser::BoundedIO + def initialize(io, content_length); end + + def read(size); end + + def rewind(); end +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Parser::BoundedIO +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Parser::Collector + include ::Enumerable + def each(); end + + def initialize(tempfile); end + + def on_mime_body(mime_index, content); end + + def on_mime_finish(mime_index); end + + def on_mime_head(mime_index, head, filename, content_type, name); end +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Parser::Collector::BufferPart + def close(); end + + def file?(); end +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Parser::Collector::BufferPart +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Parser::Collector::MimePart + def get_data(); end +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Parser::Collector::MimePart +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Parser::Collector::TempfilePart + def close(); end + + def file?(); end +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Parser::Collector::TempfilePart +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Parser::Collector +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Parser::MultipartInfo + def params(); end + + def params=(_); end + + def tmp_files(); end + + def tmp_files=(_); end +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Parser::MultipartInfo + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class Rack::Multipart::Parser + def self.parse(io, content_length, content_type, tmpfile, bufsize, qp); end + + def self.parse_boundary(content_type); end +end + +class Rack::Multipart::UploadedFile + def content_type(); end + + def content_type=(content_type); end + + def initialize(path, content_type=T.unsafe(nil), binary=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def local_path(); end + + def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block); end + + def original_filename(); end + + def path(); end + + def respond_to?(*args); end +end + +class Rack::Multipart::UploadedFile +end + +module Rack::Multipart + extend ::T::Sig + def self.build_multipart(params, first=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.extract_multipart(req, params=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.parse_multipart(env, params=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Rack::NullLogger + def <<(msg); end + + def add(severity, message=T.unsafe(nil), progname=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def call(env); end + + def close(); end + + def datetime_format(); end + + def datetime_format=(datetime_format); end + + def debug(progname=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def debug?(); end + + def error(progname=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def error?(); end + + def fatal(progname=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def fatal?(); end + + def formatter(); end + + def formatter=(formatter); end + + def info(progname=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def info?(); end + + def initialize(app); end + + def level(); end + + def level=(level); end + + def progname(); end + + def progname=(progname); end + + def sev_threshold(); end + + def sev_threshold=(sev_threshold); end + + def unknown(progname=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def warn(progname=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def warn?(); end +end + +class Rack::NullLogger +end + +class Rack::QueryParser + COMMON_SEP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_SEP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Recursive + def _call(env); end + + def call(env); end + + def include(env, path); end + + def initialize(app); end +end + +class Rack::Recursive +end + +class Rack::Reloader + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app, cooldown=T.unsafe(nil), backend=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def reload!(stderr=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def safe_load(file, mtime, stderr=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module Rack::Reloader::Stat + def figure_path(file, paths); end + + def rotation(); end + + def safe_stat(file); end +end + +module Rack::Reloader::Stat + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rack::Reloader +end + +class Rack::Request + SCHEME_WHITELIST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rack::Request::Env + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rack::Request::Helpers + DEFAULT_PORTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FORM_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARSEABLE_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rack::Request::Helpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rack::Response + CHUNKED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rack::Response::Helpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rack::Runtime + FORMAT_STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HEADER_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Server + def app(); end + + def default_options(); end + + def initialize(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def middleware(); end + + def options(); end + + def options=(options); end + + def server(); end + + def start(&blk); end +end + +class Rack::Server::Options + def handler_opts(options); end + + def parse!(args); end +end + +class Rack::Server::Options +end + +class Rack::Server + def self.default_middleware_by_environment(); end + + def self.logging_middleware(); end + + def self.middleware(); end + + def self.start(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Rack::Session::Abstract::Persisted + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Session::Abstract::SessionHash + Unspecified = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rack::Session::Abstract + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rack::Session::Cookie + def coder(); end +end + +class Rack::Session::Cookie::Base64 + def decode(str); end + + def encode(str); end +end + +class Rack::Session::Cookie::Base64::JSON + def encode(obj); end +end + +class Rack::Session::Cookie::Base64::JSON +end + +class Rack::Session::Cookie::Base64::Marshal +end + +class Rack::Session::Cookie::Base64::Marshal +end + +class Rack::Session::Cookie::Base64::ZipJSON + def encode(obj); end +end + +class Rack::Session::Cookie::Base64::ZipJSON +end + +class Rack::Session::Cookie::Base64 +end + +class Rack::Session::Cookie::Identity + def decode(str); end + + def encode(str); end +end + +class Rack::Session::Cookie::Identity +end + +class Rack::Session::Cookie +end + +class Rack::Session::Dalli + def destroy_session(env, session_id, options); end + + def find_session(req, sid); end + + def get_session(env, sid); end + + def mutex(); end + + def pool(); end + + def set_session(env, session_id, new_session, options); end + DEFAULT_DALLI_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Session::Dalli +end + +class Rack::Session::Pool + def delete_session(req, session_id, options); end + + def find_session(req, sid); end + + def generate_sid(); end + + def mutex(); end + + def pool(); end + + def with_lock(req); end + + def write_session(req, session_id, new_session, options); end + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Session::Pool +end + +module Rack::Session + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rack::ShowExceptions + def call(env); end + + def dump_exception(exception); end + + def h(obj); end + + def initialize(app); end + + def prefers_plaintext?(env); end + + def pretty(env, exception); end + CONTEXT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TEMPLATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::ShowExceptions +end + +class Rack::ShowStatus + def call(env); end + + def h(obj); end + + def initialize(app); end + TEMPLATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::ShowStatus +end + +class Rack::Static + def add_index_root?(path); end + + def applicable_rules(path); end + + def call(env); end + + def can_serve(path); end + + def initialize(app, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def overwrite_file_path(path); end + + def route_file(path); end +end + +class Rack::Static +end + +module Rack::Test + DEFAULT_HOST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MULTIPART_BOUNDARY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rack::Test::CookieJar + DELIMITER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rack::Test::Methods + METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rack::Test::Methods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rack::Test::Utils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rack::Test + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rack::URLMap + INFINITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NEGATIVE_INFINITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rack::Utils + COMMON_SEP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_SEP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPE_HTML = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPE_HTML_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_STATUS_CODES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NULL_BYTE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PATH_SEPS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +Rack::Utils::InvalidParameterError = Rack::QueryParser::InvalidParameterError + +Rack::Utils::KeySpaceConstrainedParams = Rack::QueryParser::Params + +Rack::Utils::ParameterTypeError = Rack::QueryParser::ParameterTypeError + +module Rack::Utils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rack + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rails::Application + INITIAL_VARIABLES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rails::ApplicationController +end + +class Rails::ApplicationController +end + +module Rails::Configuration + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rails::Controller::Testing + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rails::Controller::Testing::Integration + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rails::Controller::Testing::TemplateAssertions + RENDER_TEMPLATE_INSTANCE_VARIABLES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rails::Controller::Testing::TemplateAssertions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rails::Controller::Testing::TestProcess + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rails::Controller::Testing + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rails::Controller + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions::DomAssertions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions::SelectorAssertions::CountDescribable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions::SelectorAssertions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rails::Dom::Testing + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rails::Dom + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rails::Html + XPATHS_TO_REMOVE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rails::Html::Sanitizer + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rails::Html + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rails::Info + def properties(); end + + def properties=(obj); end +end + +module Rails::Info + extend ::T::Sig + def; end + + def; end + + def, value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.to_html(); end +end + +class Rails::InfoController + def _layout_from_proc(); end + + def index(); end + + def properties(); end + + def routes(); end +end + +class Rails::InfoController +end + +module Rails::Initializable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rails::MailersController + def index(); end + + def preview(); end +end + +class Rails::MailersController +end + +module Rails::Paths + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rails::Rack::Logger + def call(env); end + + def initialize(app, taggers=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module Rails::Rack + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rails::Railtie + ABSTRACT_RAILTIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rails::VERSION + MAJOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MINOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PRE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TINY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rails::VERSION + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rails::WelcomeController + def index(); end +end + +class Rails::WelcomeController +end + +module Rails + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rake + EARLY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EMPTY_TASK_ARGS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rake::Application + DEFAULT_RAKEFILES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rake::Backtrace + SUPPRESSED_PATHS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SUPPRESSED_PATHS_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SUPPRESS_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SYS_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SYS_PATHS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rake::Backtrace + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rake::Cloneable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rake::DSL + include ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ +end + +module Rake::DSL + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rake::FileList + ARRAY_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_IGNORE_PATTERNS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_IGNORE_PROCS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DELEGATING_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GLOB_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MUST_DEFINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MUST_NOT_DEFINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SPECIAL_RETURN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rake::FileUtilsExt + include ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rake::FileUtilsExt + extend ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rake::InvocationChain + EMPTY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rake::InvocationExceptionMixin + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rake::LinkedList + EMPTY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rake::PrivateReader::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rake::PrivateReader + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rake::Promise + NOT_SET = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Rake::Scope + EMPTY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rake::TaskManager + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rake::TraceOutput + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rake::Version + BUILD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAJOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MINOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NUMBERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OTHER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Rake::Version + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rake::Win32 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Rake + extend ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + extend ::T::Sig +end + +RakeFileUtils = Rake::FileUtilsExt + +class Random + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +module Random::Formatter + def alphanumeric(n=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + ALPHANUMERIC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Random::Formatter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Random + extend ::T::Sig + extend ::Random::Formatter + def self.bytes(_); end + + def self.urandom(_); end +end + +class Range + include ::ActiveSupport::EachTimeWithZone + include ::ActiveSupport::IncludeTimeWithZone + include ::ActiveSupport::CompareWithRange + include ::ActiveSupport::RangeWithFormat + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def %(_); end + + def entries(); end + + def to_a(); end +end + +class Range + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RangeError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Rational + def to_d(precision); end +end + +class Rational + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Raven + AVAILABLE_INTEGRATIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Raven::Backtrace + APP_DIRS_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Raven::Backtrace::Line + JAVA_INPUT_FORMAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RB_EXTENSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY_INPUT_FORMAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Raven::Client + CONTENT_TYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PROTOCOL_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + USER_AGENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Raven::Configuration + DEFAULT_PROCESSORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IGNORE_DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOG_PREFIX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MODULE_SEPARATOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Raven::Event + MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_IN_BYTES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SDK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Raven::Logger + LOG_PREFIX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PROGNAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Raven::Processor + INT_MASK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRING_MASK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Raven::Processor::HTTPHeaders + DEFAULT_FIELDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Raven::Processor::SanitizeData + CREDIT_CARD_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_FIELDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + JSON_STARTS_WITH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + QUERY_STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Raven::Processor::UTF8Conversion + REPLACE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Raven::RackInterface + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Raven::Rails::ControllerMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Raven::Rails::ControllerTransaction + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Raven::Rails::Overrides::DebugExceptionsCatcher + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Raven::Rails::Overrides::OldDebugExceptionsCatcher + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Raven::Rails::Overrides::OldStreamingReporter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Raven::Rails::Overrides::StreamingReporter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Raven::Rails::Overrides + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Raven::Transports + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Raven::Utils::DeepMergeHash + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Raven::Utils::RealIp + LOCAL_ADDRESSES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Raven::Utils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Raven + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RbConfig + extend ::T::Sig + def self.expand(val, config=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.fire_update!(key, val, mkconf=T.unsafe(nil), conf=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.ruby(); end +end + +module Readline + FILENAME_COMPLETION_PROC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HISTORY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + USERNAME_COMPLETION_PROC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Readline + extend ::T::Sig + def self.basic_quote_characters(); end + + def self.basic_quote_characters=(basic_quote_characters); end + + def self.basic_word_break_characters(); end + + def self.basic_word_break_characters=(basic_word_break_characters); end + + def self.completer_quote_characters(); end + + def self.completer_quote_characters=(completer_quote_characters); end + + def self.completer_word_break_characters(); end + + def self.completer_word_break_characters=(completer_word_break_characters); end + + def self.completion_append_character(); end + + def self.completion_append_character=(completion_append_character); end + + def self.completion_case_fold(); end + + def self.completion_case_fold=(completion_case_fold); end + + def self.completion_proc(); end + + def self.completion_proc=(completion_proc); end + + def self.completion_quote_character(); end + + def self.delete_text(*_); end + + def self.emacs_editing_mode(); end + + def self.emacs_editing_mode?(); end + + def self.filename_quote_characters(); end + + def self.filename_quote_characters=(filename_quote_characters); end + + def self.get_screen_size(); end + + def self.input=(input); end + + def self.insert_text(_); end + + def self.line_buffer(); end + + def self.output=(output); end + + def self.point(); end + + def self.point=(point); end + + def self.pre_input_hook(); end + + def self.pre_input_hook=(pre_input_hook); end + + def self.quoting_detection_proc(); end + + def self.quoting_detection_proc=(quoting_detection_proc); end + + def self.redisplay(); end + + def self.refresh_line(); end + + def self.set_screen_size(_, _1); end + + def self.special_prefixes(); end + + def self.special_prefixes=(special_prefixes); end + + def self.vi_editing_mode(); end + + def self.vi_editing_mode?(); end +end + +class Regexp + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def match?(*_); end + TOKEN_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +Regexp::Expression::Alternation::OPERAND = Regexp::Expression::Alternative + +Regexp::Expression::Anchor::BOL = Regexp::Expression::Anchor::BeginningOfLine + +Regexp::Expression::Anchor::BOS = Regexp::Expression::Anchor::BeginningOfString + +Regexp::Expression::Anchor::EOL = Regexp::Expression::Anchor::EndOfLine + +Regexp::Expression::Anchor::EOS = Regexp::Expression::Anchor::EndOfString + +Regexp::Expression::Anchor::EOSobEOL = Regexp::Expression::Anchor::EndOfStringOrBeforeEndOfLine + +module Regexp::Expression::Anchor + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Expression::Assertion + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Expression::Backreference + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Regexp::Expression::CharacterSet::Intersection::OPERAND = Regexp::Expression::CharacterSet::IntersectedSequence + +module Regexp::Expression::CharacterType + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Expression::Conditional + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Expression::Group + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Expression::Keep + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Regexp::Expression::MatchLength = Regexp::MatchLength + +class Regexp::Expression::Quantifier + MODES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Expression + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Regexp::Lexer + CLOSING_TOKENS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPENING_TOKENS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Regexp::Parser + ENC_FLAGS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MOD_FLAGS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Regexp::Scanner + PROP_MAPS_DIR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax + VERSION_CONST_REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION_FORMAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION_REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Map = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Types = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Anchor + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Basic = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Extended = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MatchStart = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + String = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Anchor + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Assertion + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Lookahead = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Lookbehind = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Assertion + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Backreference + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Name = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Number = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RecursionLevel = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Backreference + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::CharacterSet + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Basic = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Extended = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::CharacterSet + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::CharacterType + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Basic = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Clustered = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Extended = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Hex = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::CharacterType + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Conditional + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Condition = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Delimiters = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Separator = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Conditional + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Escape + ASCII = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Basic = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Control = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Hex = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Meta = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Octal = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Unicode = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Escape + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::FreeSpace + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::FreeSpace + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Group + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Atomic = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Basic = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Comment = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Extended = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Named = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Passive = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + V1_8_6 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + V2_4_1 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Group + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Keep + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Mark = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Keep + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Literal + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Literal + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Meta + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Basic = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Extended = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Meta + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::PosixClass + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Extensions = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NonType = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Standard = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::PosixClass + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Quantifier + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Greedy = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Interval = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IntervalAll = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IntervalPossessive = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IntervalReluctant = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Possessive = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Reluctant = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Quantifier + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::SubexpressionCall + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Name = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Number = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::SubexpressionCall + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty + Age = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Age_V1_9_3 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Age_V2_0_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Age_V2_2_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Age_V2_3_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Age_V2_4_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Age_V2_5_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Age_V2_6_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CharType_V1_9_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CharType_V2_5_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Derived = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Derived_V1_9_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Derived_V2_0_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Derived_V2_4_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Derived_V2_5_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Emoji = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Emoji_V2_5_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NonType = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + POSIX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Script = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Script_V1_9_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Script_V1_9_3 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Script_V2_0_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Script_V2_2_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Script_V2_3_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Script_V2_4_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Script_V2_5_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Script_V2_6_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Type = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UnicodeBlock = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UnicodeBlock_V1_9_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UnicodeBlock_V2_0_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UnicodeBlock_V2_2_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UnicodeBlock_V2_3_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UnicodeBlock_V2_4_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UnicodeBlock_V2_5_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UnicodeBlock_V2_6_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + V1_9_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + V1_9_3 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + V2_0_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + V2_2_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + V2_3_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + V2_4_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + V2_5_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + V2_6_0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Category + All = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Codepoint = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Letter = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Mark = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Number = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Punctuation = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Separator = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Symbol = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Category + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax::Token + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Regexp::Syntax + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Regexp + extend ::T::Sig + def self.union(*_); end +end + +class RegexpError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Registries::CacheableRegistry + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Registries + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RegistrySpecHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RequestStore + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RequestStore + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RestClient + STATUSES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STATUSES_COMPATIBILITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION_INFO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RestClient::AbstractResponse + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RestClient::Exceptions + EXCEPTIONS_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RestClient::Exceptions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RestClient::Payload::Multipart + EOL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module RestClient::Payload + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RestClient::Platform + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RestClient::Request + SSLOptionList = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +RestClient::RequestEntityTooLarge = RestClient::PayloadTooLarge + +RestClient::RequestURITooLong = RestClient::URITooLong + +RestClient::RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = RestClient::RangeNotSatisfiable + +RestClient::ResourceNotFound = RestClient::NotFound + +module RestClient::Utils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RestClient::Windows + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module RestClient + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ResultSetParser + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RubyLex + include ::RubyToken + def Fail(err=T.unsafe(nil), *rest); end + + def Raise(err=T.unsafe(nil), *rest); end + + def char_no(); end + + def each_top_level_statement(); end + + def eof?(); end + + def exception_on_syntax_error(); end + + def exception_on_syntax_error=(exception_on_syntax_error); end + + def get_readed(); end + + def getc(); end + + def getc_of_rests(); end + + def gets(); end + + def identify_comment(); end + + def identify_gvar(); end + + def identify_here_document(); end + + def identify_identifier(); end + + def identify_number(); end + + def identify_quotation(); end + + def identify_string(ltype, quoted=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def identify_string_dvar(); end + + def indent(); end + + def initialize_input(); end + + def lex(); end + + def lex_init(); end + + def lex_int2(); end + + def line_no(); end + + def peek(i=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def peek_equal?(str); end + + def peek_match?(regexp); end + + def prompt(); end + + def read_escape(); end + + def readed_auto_clean_up(); end + + def readed_auto_clean_up=(readed_auto_clean_up); end + + def seek(); end + + def set_input(io, p=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def set_prompt(p=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + def skip_space(); end + + def skip_space=(skip_space); end + + def token(); end + + def ungetc(c=T.unsafe(nil)); end + DEINDENT_CLAUSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DLtype2Token = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENINDENT_CLAUSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Ltype2Token = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PERCENT_LTYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PERCENT_PAREN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class RubyLex::AlreadyDefinedToken +end + +class RubyLex::AlreadyDefinedToken +end + +class RubyLex::SyntaxError +end + +class RubyLex::SyntaxError +end + +class RubyLex::TerminateLineInput +end + +class RubyLex::TerminateLineInput +end + +class RubyLex::TkReading2TokenDuplicateError +end + +class RubyLex::TkReading2TokenDuplicateError +end + +class RubyLex::TkReading2TokenNoKey +end + +class RubyLex::TkReading2TokenNoKey +end + +class RubyLex::TkSymbol2TokenNoKey +end + +class RubyLex::TkSymbol2TokenNoKey +end + +class RubyLex + extend ::Exception2MessageMapper + def self.debug?(); end + + def self.debug_level(); end + + def self.debug_level=(debug_level); end + + def self.included(mod); end +end + +module RubyToken + def Token(token, value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + EXPR_ARG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXPR_BEG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXPR_CLASS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXPR_DOT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXPR_END = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXPR_FNAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXPR_MID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TkReading2Token = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TkSymbol2Token = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TokenDefinitions = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class RubyToken::TkALIAS +end + +class RubyToken::TkALIAS +end + +class RubyToken::TkAMPER +end + +class RubyToken::TkAMPER +end + +class RubyToken::TkAND +end + +class RubyToken::TkAND +end + +class RubyToken::TkANDOP +end + +class RubyToken::TkANDOP +end + +class RubyToken::TkAREF +end + +class RubyToken::TkAREF +end + +class RubyToken::TkASET +end + +class RubyToken::TkASET +end + +class RubyToken::TkASSIGN +end + +class RubyToken::TkASSIGN +end + +class RubyToken::TkASSOC +end + +class RubyToken::TkASSOC +end + +class RubyToken::TkAT +end + +class RubyToken::TkAT +end + +class RubyToken::TkBACKQUOTE +end + +class RubyToken::TkBACKQUOTE +end + +class RubyToken::TkBACKSLASH +end + +class RubyToken::TkBACKSLASH +end + +class RubyToken::TkBACK_REF +end + +class RubyToken::TkBACK_REF +end + +class RubyToken::TkBEGIN +end + +class RubyToken::TkBEGIN +end + +class RubyToken::TkBITAND +end + +class RubyToken::TkBITAND +end + +class RubyToken::TkBITNOT +end + +class RubyToken::TkBITNOT +end + +class RubyToken::TkBITOR +end + +class RubyToken::TkBITOR +end + +class RubyToken::TkBITXOR +end + +class RubyToken::TkBITXOR +end + +class RubyToken::TkBREAK +end + +class RubyToken::TkBREAK +end + +class RubyToken::TkCASE +end + +class RubyToken::TkCASE +end + +class RubyToken::TkCLASS +end + +class RubyToken::TkCLASS +end + +class RubyToken::TkCMP +end + +class RubyToken::TkCMP +end + +class RubyToken::TkCOLON +end + +class RubyToken::TkCOLON +end + +class RubyToken::TkCOLON2 +end + +class RubyToken::TkCOLON2 +end + +class RubyToken::TkCOLON3 +end + +class RubyToken::TkCOLON3 +end + +class RubyToken::TkCOMMA +end + +class RubyToken::TkCOMMA +end + +class RubyToken::TkCOMMENT +end + +class RubyToken::TkCOMMENT +end + +class RubyToken::TkCONSTANT +end + +class RubyToken::TkCONSTANT +end + +class RubyToken::TkCVAR +end + +class RubyToken::TkCVAR +end + +class RubyToken::TkDEF +end + +class RubyToken::TkDEF +end + +class RubyToken::TkDEFINED +end + +class RubyToken::TkDEFINED +end + +class RubyToken::TkDIV +end + +class RubyToken::TkDIV +end + +class RubyToken::TkDO +end + +class RubyToken::TkDO +end + +class RubyToken::TkDOLLAR +end + +class RubyToken::TkDOLLAR +end + +class RubyToken::TkDOT +end + +class RubyToken::TkDOT +end + +class RubyToken::TkDOT2 +end + +class RubyToken::TkDOT2 +end + +class RubyToken::TkDOT3 +end + +class RubyToken::TkDOT3 +end + +class RubyToken::TkDREGEXP +end + +class RubyToken::TkDREGEXP +end + +class RubyToken::TkDSTRING +end + +class RubyToken::TkDSTRING +end + +class RubyToken::TkDXSTRING +end + +class RubyToken::TkDXSTRING +end + +class RubyToken::TkELSE +end + +class RubyToken::TkELSE +end + +class RubyToken::TkELSIF +end + +class RubyToken::TkELSIF +end + +class RubyToken::TkEND +end + +class RubyToken::TkEND +end + +class RubyToken::TkEND_OF_SCRIPT +end + +class RubyToken::TkEND_OF_SCRIPT +end + +class RubyToken::TkENSURE +end + +class RubyToken::TkENSURE +end + +class RubyToken::TkEQ +end + +class RubyToken::TkEQ +end + +class RubyToken::TkEQQ +end + +class RubyToken::TkEQQ +end + +class RubyToken::TkError +end + +class RubyToken::TkError +end + +class RubyToken::TkFALSE +end + +class RubyToken::TkFALSE +end + +class RubyToken::TkFID +end + +class RubyToken::TkFID +end + +class RubyToken::TkFLOAT +end + +class RubyToken::TkFLOAT +end + +class RubyToken::TkFOR +end + +class RubyToken::TkFOR +end + +class RubyToken::TkGEQ +end + +class RubyToken::TkGEQ +end + +class RubyToken::TkGT +end + +class RubyToken::TkGT +end + +class RubyToken::TkGVAR +end + +class RubyToken::TkGVAR +end + +class RubyToken::TkIDENTIFIER +end + +class RubyToken::TkIDENTIFIER +end + +class RubyToken::TkIF +end + +class RubyToken::TkIF +end + +class RubyToken::TkIF_MOD +end + +class RubyToken::TkIF_MOD +end + +class RubyToken::TkIN +end + +class RubyToken::TkIN +end + +class RubyToken::TkINTEGER +end + +class RubyToken::TkINTEGER +end + +class RubyToken::TkIVAR +end + +class RubyToken::TkIVAR +end + +class RubyToken::TkId + def initialize(seek, line_no, char_no, name); end + + def name(); end +end + +class RubyToken::TkId +end + +class RubyToken::TkLBRACE +end + +class RubyToken::TkLBRACE +end + +class RubyToken::TkLBRACK +end + +class RubyToken::TkLBRACK +end + +class RubyToken::TkLEQ +end + +class RubyToken::TkLEQ +end + +class RubyToken::TkLPAREN +end + +class RubyToken::TkLPAREN +end + +class RubyToken::TkLSHFT +end + +class RubyToken::TkLSHFT +end + +class RubyToken::TkLT +end + +class RubyToken::TkLT +end + +class RubyToken::TkMATCH +end + +class RubyToken::TkMATCH +end + +class RubyToken::TkMINUS +end + +class RubyToken::TkMINUS +end + +class RubyToken::TkMOD +end + +class RubyToken::TkMOD +end + +class RubyToken::TkMODULE +end + +class RubyToken::TkMODULE +end + +class RubyToken::TkMULT +end + +class RubyToken::TkMULT +end + +class RubyToken::TkNEQ +end + +class RubyToken::TkNEQ +end + +class RubyToken::TkNEXT +end + +class RubyToken::TkNEXT +end + +class RubyToken::TkNIL +end + +class RubyToken::TkNIL +end + +class RubyToken::TkNL +end + +class RubyToken::TkNL +end + +class RubyToken::TkNMATCH +end + +class RubyToken::TkNMATCH +end + +class RubyToken::TkNOT +end + +class RubyToken::TkNOT +end + +class RubyToken::TkNOTOP +end + +class RubyToken::TkNOTOP +end + +class RubyToken::TkNTH_REF +end + +class RubyToken::TkNTH_REF +end + +class RubyToken::TkNode + def node(); end +end + +class RubyToken::TkNode +end + +class RubyToken::TkOPASGN + def initialize(seek, line_no, char_no, op); end + + def op(); end +end + +class RubyToken::TkOPASGN +end + +class RubyToken::TkOR +end + +class RubyToken::TkOR +end + +class RubyToken::TkOROP +end + +class RubyToken::TkOROP +end + +class RubyToken::TkOp + def name(); end + + def name=(name); end +end + +class RubyToken::TkOp +end + +class RubyToken::TkPLUS +end + +class RubyToken::TkPLUS +end + +class RubyToken::TkPOW +end + +class RubyToken::TkPOW +end + +class RubyToken::TkQUESTION +end + +class RubyToken::TkQUESTION +end + +class RubyToken::TkRBRACE +end + +class RubyToken::TkRBRACE +end + +class RubyToken::TkRBRACK +end + +class RubyToken::TkRBRACK +end + +class RubyToken::TkRD_COMMENT +end + +class RubyToken::TkRD_COMMENT +end + +class RubyToken::TkREDO +end + +class RubyToken::TkREDO +end + +class RubyToken::TkREGEXP +end + +class RubyToken::TkREGEXP +end + +class RubyToken::TkRESCUE +end + +class RubyToken::TkRESCUE +end + +class RubyToken::TkRETRY +end + +class RubyToken::TkRETRY +end + +class RubyToken::TkRETURN +end + +class RubyToken::TkRETURN +end + +class RubyToken::TkRPAREN +end + +class RubyToken::TkRPAREN +end + +class RubyToken::TkRSHFT +end + +class RubyToken::TkRSHFT +end + +class RubyToken::TkSELF +end + +class RubyToken::TkSELF +end + +class RubyToken::TkSEMICOLON +end + +class RubyToken::TkSEMICOLON +end + +class RubyToken::TkSPACE +end + +class RubyToken::TkSPACE +end + +class RubyToken::TkSTAR +end + +class RubyToken::TkSTAR +end + +class RubyToken::TkSTRING +end + +class RubyToken::TkSTRING +end + +class RubyToken::TkSUPER +end + +class RubyToken::TkSUPER +end + +class RubyToken::TkSYMBEG +end + +class RubyToken::TkSYMBEG +end + +class RubyToken::TkSYMBOL +end + +class RubyToken::TkSYMBOL +end + +class RubyToken::TkTHEN +end + +class RubyToken::TkTHEN +end + +class RubyToken::TkTRUE +end + +class RubyToken::TkTRUE +end + +class RubyToken::TkUMINUS +end + +class RubyToken::TkUMINUS +end + +class RubyToken::TkUNDEF +end + +class RubyToken::TkUNDEF +end + +class RubyToken::TkUNLESS +end + +class RubyToken::TkUNLESS +end + +class RubyToken::TkUNLESS_MOD +end + +class RubyToken::TkUNLESS_MOD +end + +class RubyToken::TkUNTIL +end + +class RubyToken::TkUNTIL +end + +class RubyToken::TkUNTIL_MOD +end + +class RubyToken::TkUNTIL_MOD +end + +class RubyToken::TkUPLUS +end + +class RubyToken::TkUPLUS +end + +class RubyToken::TkUnknownChar + def initialize(seek, line_no, char_no, id); end + + def name(); end +end + +class RubyToken::TkUnknownChar +end + +class RubyToken::TkVal + def initialize(seek, line_no, char_no, value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def value(); end +end + +class RubyToken::TkVal +end + +class RubyToken::TkWHEN +end + +class RubyToken::TkWHEN +end + +class RubyToken::TkWHILE +end + +class RubyToken::TkWHILE +end + +class RubyToken::TkWHILE_MOD +end + +class RubyToken::TkWHILE_MOD +end + +class RubyToken::TkXSTRING +end + +class RubyToken::TkXSTRING +end + +class RubyToken::TkYIELD +end + +class RubyToken::TkYIELD +end + +class RubyToken::Tk__FILE__ +end + +class RubyToken::Tk__FILE__ +end + +class RubyToken::Tk__LINE__ +end + +class RubyToken::Tk__LINE__ +end + +class RubyToken::TkfLBRACE +end + +class RubyToken::TkfLBRACE +end + +class RubyToken::TkfLBRACK +end + +class RubyToken::TkfLBRACK +end + +class RubyToken::TkfLPAREN +end + +class RubyToken::TkfLPAREN +end + +class RubyToken::TklBEGIN +end + +class RubyToken::TklBEGIN +end + +class RubyToken::TklEND +end + +class RubyToken::TklEND +end + +class RubyToken::Token + def char_no(); end + + def initialize(seek, line_no, char_no); end + + def line_no(); end + + def seek(); end +end + +class RubyToken::Token +end + +module RubyToken + extend ::T::Sig + def self.def_token(token_n, super_token=T.unsafe(nil), reading=T.unsafe(nil), *opts); end +end + +class RubyVM + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +module RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree +end + +class RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node + def children(); end + + def first_column(); end + + def first_lineno(); end + + def last_column(); end + + def last_lineno(); end + + def pretty_print_children(q, names=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def type(); end +end + +class RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node +end + +module RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree + extend ::T::Sig + def self.of(_); end + + def self.parse(_); end + + def self.parse_file(_); end +end + +class RubyVM::InstructionSequence + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def absolute_path(); end + + def base_label(); end + + def disasm(); end + + def disassemble(); end + + def each_child(); end + + def eval(); end + + def first_lineno(); end + + def label(); end + + def path(); end + + def to_a(); end + + def to_binary(*_); end + + def trace_points(); end +end + +class RubyVM::InstructionSequence + extend ::T::Sig + def self.compile(*_); end + + def self.compile_file(*_); end + + def self.compile_option(); end + + def self.compile_option=(compile_option); end + + def self.disasm(_); end + + def self.disassemble(_); end + + def self.load_from_binary(_); end + + def self.load_from_binary_extra_data(_); end + + def self.of(_); end +end + +module RubyVM::MJIT +end + +module RubyVM::MJIT + extend ::T::Sig + def self.enabled?(); end + + def self.pause(*_); end + + def self.resume(); end +end + +class RubyVM + extend ::T::Sig + def self.resolve_feature_path(_); end + + def self.stat(*_); end +end + +module RummagerUrlHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class RuntimeError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass + ROOT_DIR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::CacheStores + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sass::Engine + COMMENT_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CONTENT_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CSS_COMMENT_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DIRECTIVES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DIRECTIVE_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPE_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FUNCTION_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MIXIN_DEFINITION_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MIXIN_DEF_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MIXIN_INCLUDE_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MIXIN_INCLUDE_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PROPERTY_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PROPERTY_OLD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SASS_COMMENT_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SASS_LOUD_COMMENT_CHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::Features + KNOWN_FEATURES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::Features + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sass::Importers::Filesystem + REDUNDANT_DIRECTORY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::Importers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Logger::LogLevel::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Logger::LogLevel + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Logger + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Media + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Rails + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::Rails::SassImporter::Deprecated + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Rails::SassImporter::ERB + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Rails::SassImporter::Globbing + GLOB = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::Rails::SassImporter::Globbing + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Rails + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sass::SCSS::Parser + DIRECTIVES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXPR_NAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NEWLINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PREFIXED_DIRECTIVES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TOK_NAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::SCSS::RX + ANY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CDC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CDO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COMMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DASHMATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DOMAIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FUNCTION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GREATER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + H = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HASH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HEXCOLOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IDENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IDENT_HYPHEN_INTERP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IDENT_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IMPORTANT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INCLUDES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INTERP_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NMCHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NMSTART = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NONASCII = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NUMBER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPTIONAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PERCENTAGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PLUS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PREFIXMATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RANGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + S = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STATIC_COMPONENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STATIC_SELECTOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STATIC_VALUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRING1 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRING1_NOINTERP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRING2 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRING2_NOINTERP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRING_NOINTERP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SUBSTRINGMATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SUFFIXMATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TILDE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODERANGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNITLESS_NUMBER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + URI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + URL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + URLCHAR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + URL_PREFIX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VARIABLE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + W = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::SCSS::RX + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sass::SCSS::StaticParser + PREFIXED_SELECTOR_PSEUDO_CLASSES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SELECTOR_PSEUDO_CLASSES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SELECTOR_PSEUDO_ELEMENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::SCSS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Script + CONST_RENAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALIDATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sass::Script::Functions::EvaluationContext + TYPE_NAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::Script::Functions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sass::Script::Lexer + IDENT_OP_NAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPERATORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPERATORS_REVERSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OP_NAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PARSEABLE_NUMBER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STRING_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TOKEN_NAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sass::Script::Parser + ASSOCIATIVE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXPR_NAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PRECEDENCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::Script::Tree + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sass::Script::Value::Bool + FALSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TRUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sass::Script::Value::Color + ALTERNATE_COLOR_NAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COLOR_NAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + COLOR_NAMES_REVERSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::Script::Value::Helpers + VALID_UNIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::Script::Value::Helpers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sass::Script::Value::Null + NULL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sass::Script::Value::Number + CONVERSION_TABLE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MUTUALLY_CONVERTIBLE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NO_UNITS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPERATIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::Script::Value + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Script + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Selector + SPECIFICITY_BASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sass::Selector::Pseudo + ACTUALLY_ELEMENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::Selector + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Shared + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Source + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Supports + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sass::Tree::RuleNode + PARENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sass::Tree::Visitors::CheckNesting + CONTROL_NODES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INVALID_IMPORT_PARENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SCRIPT_NODES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_EXTEND_PARENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_FUNCTION_CHILDREN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_PROP_CHILDREN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_PROP_PARENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sass::Tree::Visitors::ToCss + NEWLINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::Tree::Visitors + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Tree + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Util + ATOMIC_WRITE_MUTEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BASE64_DIGITS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BASE64_DIGIT_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CHARSET_REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY_ENGINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY_VERSION_COMPONENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTF_16BE_BOM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTF_16LE_BOM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UTF_8_BOM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VLQ_BASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VLQ_BASE_MASK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VLQ_BASE_SHIFT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sass::Util + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass::Version + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sass + extend ::T::Sig +end + +ScanError = StringScanner::Error + +class ScriptError + include ::BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension +end + +class ScriptError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class SearchParameters + include ::ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor + include ::ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes + def default_url_options(); end + + def default_url_options=(val); end + + def default_url_options?(); end +end + +class SearchParameters + def self._routes(); end + + def self.default_url_options(); end + + def self.default_url_options=(val); end + + def self.default_url_options?(); end +end + +module SecureRandom + BASE58_ALPHABET = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module SecureRandom + extend ::Random::Formatter + extend ::T::Sig + def self.bytes(n); end +end + +class SecurityError + include ::BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension +end + +class SecurityError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Atoms + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::BridgeHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Bridge + COMMANDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Bridge + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options + KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::DownloadsFiles + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasAddons + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasDebugger + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasLocation + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasNetworkConditions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasNetworkConnection + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasPermissions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasRemoteStatus + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasSessionId + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasTouchScreen + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasWebStorage + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::Rotatable + ORIENTATIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::Rotatable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::TakesScreenshot + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::UploadsFiles + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Edge +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Edge::Bridge + def commands(command); end + + def maximize_window(handle=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def reposition_window(x, y, handle=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def resize_window(width, height, handle=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def send_keys_to_active_element(key); end + + def window_handle(); end + + def window_position(handle=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def window_size(handle=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Edge::Bridge + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Edge::Driver + include ::Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::TakesScreenshot + def initialize(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Edge::Driver +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Edge::Options + def add_extension_path(path); end + + def as_json(*_); end + + def extension_paths(); end + + def in_private(); end + + def in_private=(in_private); end + + def initialize(**opts); end + + def start_page(); end + + def start_page=(start_page); end +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Edge::Options +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Edge::Service +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Edge::Service +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Edge + extend ::T::Sig + def self.driver_path(); end + + def self.driver_path=(path); end +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Error + DEPRECATED_ERRORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ERRORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ServerError + def initialize(response); end +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ServerError +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Error + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::FileReaper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox + DEFAULT_ASSUME_UNTRUSTED_ISSUER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_ENABLE_NATIVE_EVENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_LOAD_NO_FOCUS_LIB = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_PORT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_SECURE_SSL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Binary + NO_FOCUS_LIBRARIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NO_FOCUS_LIBRARY_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + QUIT_TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WAIT_TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Driver + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Extension + NAMESPACE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Launcher + SOCKET_LOCK_TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STABLE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Legacy + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Marionette::Bridge + COMMANDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Marionette::Bridge + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Marionette + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Options + KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile + VALID_PREFERENCE_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WEBDRIVER_EXTENSION_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WEBDRIVER_PREFS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Util + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::HTML5::SharedWebStorage + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::HTML5::SharedWebStorage + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::HTML5 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::IE::Options + CAPABILITIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SCROLL_BOTTOM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SCROLL_TOP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::IE + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions + KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NONE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + POINTER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SOURCE_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::Interaction + PAUSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::KeyInput + SUBTYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerInput + KIND = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove + ORIGINS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + POINTER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VIEWPORT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerPress + BUTTONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DIRECTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::KeyActions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Keyboard + MODIFIERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Keys + KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Keys + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Manager + SECONDS_PER_DAY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Platform + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::PointerActions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::PortProber + IGNORED_ERRORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::ProfileHelper::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::ProfileHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy + ALLOWED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Remote +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Bridge + include ::Selenium::WebDriver::Atoms + include ::Selenium::WebDriver::BridgeHelper + def browser(); end + + def capabilities(); end + + def context(); end + + def context=(context); end + + def create_session(desired_capabilities, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def dialect(); end + + def file_detector(); end + + def file_detector=(file_detector); end + + def http(); end + + def http=(http); end + + def initialize(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def session_id(); end + COMMANDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PORT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Bridge + def self.handshake(**opts); end +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities + def ==(other); end + + def [](key); end + + def []=(key, value); end + + def as_json(*_); end + + def browser_name(); end + + def browser_name=(value); end + + def capabilities(); end + + def css_selectors_enabled(); end + + def css_selectors_enabled=(value); end + + def css_selectors_enabled?(); end + + def eql?(other); end + + def firefox_profile(); end + + def firefox_profile=(value); end + + def initialize(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def javascript_enabled(); end + + def javascript_enabled=(value); end + + def javascript_enabled?(); end + + def merge!(other); end + + def native_events(); end + + def native_events=(value); end + + def native_events?(); end + + def platform(); end + + def platform=(value); end + + def proxy(); end + + def proxy=(proxy); end + + def rotatable(); end + + def rotatable=(value); end + + def rotatable?(); end + + def takes_screenshot(); end + + def takes_screenshot=(value); end + + def takes_screenshot?(); end + + def to_json(*_); end + + def version(); end + + def version=(value); end + DEFAULTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities + def; end + + def self.edge(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.firefox(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.firefox_legacy(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.htmlunit(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.htmlunitwithjs(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def; end + + def self.internet_explorer(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.json_create(data); end + + def self.phantomjs(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.safari(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Driver + include ::Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::UploadsFiles + include ::Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::TakesScreenshot + include ::Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasSessionId + include ::Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::Rotatable + include ::Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasRemoteStatus + include ::Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasWebStorage + def initialize(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Driver +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Common + def call(verb, url, command_hash); end + + def close(); end + + def quit_errors(); end + + def server_url=(server_url); end + + def timeout(); end + + def timeout=(timeout); end + CONTENT_TYPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_HEADERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_REDIRECTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Common +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Default + def initialize(open_timeout: T.unsafe(nil), read_timeout: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def open_timeout(); end + + def open_timeout=(open_timeout); end + + def proxy=(proxy); end + + def read_timeout(); end + + def read_timeout=(read_timeout); end + + def timeout=(value); end + MAX_RETRIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Default +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::OSS +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::OSS::Bridge + def accept_alert(); end + + def action(); end + + def active_element(); end + + def add_cookie(cookie); end + + def alert=(keys); end + + def alert_text(); end + + def authentication(credentials); end + + def available_log_types(); end + + def clear_element(element); end + + def clear_local_storage(); end + + def clear_session_storage(); end + + def click(); end + + def click_element(element); end + + def close(); end + + def context_click(); end + + def cookies(); end + + def delete_all_cookies(); end + + def delete_cookie(name); end + + def dismiss_alert(); end + + def double_click(); end + + def drag_element(element, right_by, down_by); end + + def element_attribute(element, name); end + + def element_displayed?(element); end + + def element_enabled?(element); end + + def element_location(element); end + + def element_location_once_scrolled_into_view(element); end + + def element_property(element, name); end + + def element_rect(element); end + + def element_selected?(element); end + + def element_size(element); end + + def element_tag_name(element); end + + def element_text(element); end + + def element_value(element); end + + def element_value_of_css_property(element, prop); end + + def execute_async_script(script, *args); end + + def execute_script(script, *args); end + + def find_element_by(how, what, parent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def find_elements_by(how, what, parent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def get(url); end + + def go_back(); end + + def go_forward(); end + + def implicit_wait_timeout=(milliseconds); end + + def initialize(capabilities, session_id, **opts); end + + def keyboard(); end + + def local_storage_item(key, value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def local_storage_keys(); end + + def local_storage_size(); end + + def location(); end + + def log(type); end + + def manage(); end + + def maximize_window(handle=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def mouse(); end + + def mouse_down(); end + + def mouse_move_to(element, x=T.unsafe(nil), y=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def mouse_up(); end + + def network_connection(); end + + def network_connection=(type); end + + def page_source(); end + + def quit(); end + + def refresh(); end + + def remove_local_storage_item(key); end + + def remove_session_storage_item(key); end + + def reposition_window(x, y, handle=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def resize_window(width, height, handle=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def screen_orientation(); end + + def screen_orientation=(orientation); end + + def screenshot(); end + + def script_timeout=(milliseconds); end + + def send_keys_to_active_element(key); end + + def send_keys_to_element(element, keys); end + + def session_capabilities(); end + + def session_storage_item(key, value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def session_storage_keys(); end + + def session_storage_size(); end + + def set_location(lat, lon, alt); end + + def status(); end + + def submit_element(element); end + + def switch_to_active_element(); end + + def switch_to_default_content(); end + + def switch_to_frame(id); end + + def switch_to_parent_frame(); end + + def switch_to_window(name); end + + def timeout(type, milliseconds); end + + def title(); end + + def touch_double_tap(element); end + + def touch_down(x, y); end + + def touch_element_flick(element, right_by, down_by, speed); end + + def touch_flick(xspeed, yspeed); end + + def touch_long_press(element); end + + def touch_move(x, y); end + + def touch_scroll(element, x, y); end + + def touch_single_tap(element); end + + def touch_up(x, y); end + + def upload(local_file); end + + def url(); end + + def window_handle(); end + + def window_handles(); end + + def window_position(handle=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def window_size(handle=T.unsafe(nil)); end + COMMANDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::OSS::Bridge +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::OSS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Response + def [](key); end + + def code(); end + + def error(); end + + def error_message(); end + + def initialize(code, payload=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def payload(); end + + def payload=(payload); end + STACKTRACE_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Response +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::W3C +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::W3C::Bridge + def accept_alert(); end + + def action(async=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def actions(async=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def active_element(); end + + def add_cookie(cookie); end + + def alert=(keys); end + + def alert_text(); end + + def clear_element(element); end + + def clear_local_storage(); end + + def clear_session_storage(); end + + def click_element(element); end + + def close(); end + + def cookie(name); end + + def cookies(); end + + def delete_all_cookies(); end + + def delete_cookie(name); end + + def dismiss_alert(); end + + def drag_element(element, right_by, down_by); end + + def element_attribute(element, name); end + + def element_displayed?(element); end + + def element_enabled?(element); end + + def element_location(element); end + + def element_location_once_scrolled_into_view(element); end + + def element_property(element, name); end + + def element_rect(element); end + + def element_selected?(element); end + + def element_size(element); end + + def element_tag_name(element); end + + def element_text(element); end + + def element_value(element); end + + def element_value_of_css_property(element, prop); end + + def execute_async_script(script, *args); end + + def execute_script(script, *args); end + + def find_element_by(how, what, parent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def find_elements_by(how, what, parent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def full_screen_window(); end + + def get(url); end + + def go_back(); end + + def go_forward(); end + + def implicit_wait_timeout=(milliseconds); end + + def initialize(capabilities, session_id, **opts); end + + def keyboard(); end + + def local_storage_item(key, value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def local_storage_keys(); end + + def local_storage_size(); end + + def location(); end + + def manage(); end + + def maximize_window(handle=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def minimize_window(); end + + def mouse(); end + + def network_connection(); end + + def network_connection=(_type); end + + def new_window(type); end + + def page_source(); end + + def quit(); end + + def refresh(); end + + def release_actions(); end + + def remove_local_storage_item(key); end + + def remove_session_storage_item(key); end + + def reposition_window(x, y); end + + def resize_window(width, height, handle=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def screen_orientation(); end + + def screen_orientation=(orientation); end + + def screenshot(); end + + def script_timeout=(milliseconds); end + + def send_actions(data); end + + def send_keys_to_element(element, keys); end + + def session_storage_item(key, value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def session_storage_keys(); end + + def session_storage_size(); end + + def set_location(_lat, _lon, _alt); end + + def set_window_rect(x: T.unsafe(nil), y: T.unsafe(nil), width: T.unsafe(nil), height: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def status(); end + + def submit_element(element); end + + def switch_to_active_element(); end + + def switch_to_default_content(); end + + def switch_to_frame(id); end + + def switch_to_parent_frame(); end + + def switch_to_window(name); end + + def timeout(type, milliseconds); end + + def title(); end + + def touch_double_tap(element); end + + def touch_down(x, y); end + + def touch_element_flick(element, right_by, down_by, speed); end + + def touch_flick(xspeed, yspeed); end + + def touch_long_press(element); end + + def touch_move(x, y); end + + def touch_scroll(element, x, y); end + + def touch_single_tap(element); end + + def touch_up(x, y); end + + def upload(local_file); end + + def url(); end + + def window_handle(); end + + def window_handles(); end + + def window_position(); end + + def window_rect(); end + + def window_size(handle=T.unsafe(nil)); end + COMMANDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ESCAPE_CSS_REGEXP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + QUIT_ERRORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNICODE_CODE_POINT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::W3C::Bridge +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::W3C::Capabilities + def ==(other); end + + def [](key); end + + def []=(key, value); end + + def accept_insecure_certs(); end + + def accept_insecure_certs=(value); end + + def accessibility_checks(); end + + def accessibility_checks=(value); end + + def as_json(*_); end + + def browser_name(); end + + def browser_name=(value); end + + def browser_version(); end + + def browser_version=(value); end + + def capabilities(); end + + def device(); end + + def device=(value); end + + def eql?(other); end + + def implicit_timeout(); end + + def implicit_timeout=(value); end + + def initialize(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def merge!(other); end + + def page_load_strategy(); end + + def page_load_strategy=(value); end + + def page_load_timeout(); end + + def page_load_timeout=(value); end + + def platform(); end + + def platform=(value); end + + def platform_name(); end + + def platform_name=(value); end + + def proxy(); end + + def proxy=(proxy); end + + def remote_session_id(); end + + def remote_session_id=(value); end + + def script_timeout(); end + + def script_timeout=(value); end + + def set_window_rect(); end + + def set_window_rect=(value); end + + def strict_file_interactability(); end + + def strict_file_interactability=(value); end + + def timeouts(); end + + def timeouts=(value); end + + def to_json(*_); end + + def unhandled_prompt_behavior(); end + + def unhandled_prompt_behavior=(value); end + + def version(); end + + def version=(value); end + EXTENSION_CAPABILITY_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KNOWN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::W3C::Capabilities + def self.edge(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.ff(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.firefox(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.from_oss(oss_capabilities); end + + def self.json_create(data); end +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::W3C + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Remote + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Safari +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Safari::Bridge + def attach_debugger(); end + + def commands(command); end + + def permissions(); end + + def permissions=(permissions); end + COMMANDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Safari::Bridge + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Safari::Driver + include ::Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasDebugger + include ::Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasPermissions + include ::Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::TakesScreenshot + def initialize(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Safari::Driver +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Safari::Options + def as_json(*_); end + + def automatic_inspection(); end + + def automatic_inspection=(automatic_inspection); end + + def automatic_profiling(); end + + def automatic_profiling=(automatic_profiling); end + + def initialize(**opts); end +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Safari::Options +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Safari::Service +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Safari::Service +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Safari + extend ::T::Sig + def self.driver_path(); end + + def self.driver_path=(path); end + + def self.path(); end + + def self.path=(path); end + + def self.technology_preview(); end + + def self.technology_preview!(); end +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::SearchContext + FINDERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::SearchContext + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Service + SOCKET_LOCK_TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + START_TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STOP_TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::SocketPoller + CONNECTED_ERRORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CONNECT_TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOT_CONNECTED_ERRORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Support +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Support::AbstractEventListener + def after_change_value_of(element, driver); end + + def after_click(element, driver); end + + def after_close(driver); end + + def after_execute_script(script, driver); end + + def after_find(by, what, driver); end + + def after_navigate_back(driver); end + + def after_navigate_forward(driver); end + + def after_navigate_to(url, driver); end + + def after_quit(driver); end + + def before_change_value_of(element, driver); end + + def before_click(element, driver); end + + def before_close(driver); end + + def before_execute_script(script, driver); end + + def before_find(by, what, driver); end + + def before_navigate_back(driver); end + + def before_navigate_forward(driver); end + + def before_navigate_to(url, driver); end + + def before_quit(driver); end +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Support::AbstractEventListener +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Support::BlockEventListener + def initialize(callback); end + + def method_missing(meth, *args); end +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Support::BlockEventListener +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Support::Color + def ==(other); end + + def alpha(); end + + def blue(); end + + def eql?(other); end + + def green(); end + + def hex(); end + + def initialize(red, green, blue, alpha=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def red(); end + + def rgb(); end + + def rgba(); end + HEX3_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HEX_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HSLA_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HSL_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RGBA_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RGBA_PCT_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RGB_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RGB_PCT_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Support::Color + def self.from_hsl(h, s, l, a); end + + def self.from_string(str); end + + def self.hue_to_rgb(lum1, lum2, hue); end +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Support::Escaper +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Support::Escaper + extend ::T::Sig + def self.escape(str); end +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Support::EventFiringBridge + def clear_element(ref); end + + def click_element(ref); end + + def close(); end + + def execute_script(script, *args); end + + def find_element_by(how, what, parent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def find_elements_by(how, what, parent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def get(url); end + + def go_back(); end + + def go_forward(); end + + def initialize(delegate, listener); end + + def quit(); end + + def send_keys_to_element(ref, keys); end +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Support::EventFiringBridge +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Support::Select + def deselect_all(); end + + def deselect_by(how, what); end + + def first_selected_option(); end + + def initialize(element); end + + def multiple?(); end + + def options(); end + + def select_all(); end + + def select_by(how, what); end + + def selected_options(); end +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Support::Select +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Support + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::TouchScreen + FLICK_SPEED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Selenium::WebDriver::Wait + DEFAULT_INTERVAL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Zipper + EXTENSIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver::Zipper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium::WebDriver + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Selenium + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Services + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Set + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def ==(other); end + + def ===(o); end + + def compare_by_identity(); end + + def compare_by_identity?(); end + + def divide(&func); end + + def eql?(o); end + + def filter!(&block); end + + def flatten_merge(set, seen=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def pretty_print(pp); end + + def pretty_print_cycle(pp); end + + def reset(); end + InspectKey = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Set + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Shellwords +end + +module Shellwords + extend ::T::Sig + def self.escape(str); end + + def self.join(array); end + + def self.shellescape(str); end + + def self.shelljoin(array); end + + def self.shellsplit(line); end + + def self.shellwords(line); end + + def self.split(line); end +end + +module Signal + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class SignalException + include ::BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension + def signm(); end + + def signo(); end +end + +class SignalException + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module SimpleCov + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module SimpleCov::CommandGuesser + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module SimpleCov::Configuration + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module SimpleCov::ExitCodes + EXCEPTION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAXIMUM_COVERAGE_DROP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MINIMUM_COVERAGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SUCCESS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module SimpleCov::ExitCodes + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module SimpleCov::Formatter::MultiFormatter::InstanceMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module SimpleCov::Formatter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module SimpleCov::LastRun + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class SimpleCov::LinesClassifier + COMMENT_LINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOT_RELEVANT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RELEVANT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WHITESPACE_LINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WHITESPACE_OR_COMMENT_LINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module SimpleCov::RawCoverage + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module SimpleCov::ResultMerger + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module SimpleCov + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class SimpleDelegator + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module SingleForwardable + def def_delegator(accessor, method, ali=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def def_delegators(accessor, *methods); end + + def def_single_delegator(accessor, method, ali=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def def_single_delegators(accessor, *methods); end + + def delegate(hash); end + + def single_delegate(hash); end +end + +module SingleForwardable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Singleton + def _dump(depth=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def clone(); end + + def dup(); end +end + +module Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + def _load(str); end + + def clone(); end +end + +module Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Singleton + extend ::T::Sig + def self.__init__(klass); end +end + +SizedQueue = Thread::SizedQueue + +module Slimmer + CACHE_TTL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Slimmer::HTTPClient +end + +class Slimmer::HTTPClient + def self.get(url); end +end + +module Slimmer::Headers + APPLICATION_NAME_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FORMAT_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HEADER_PREFIX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ORGANISATIONS_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PAGE_OWNER_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REMOVE_SEARCH_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RESULT_COUNT_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SEARCH_PARAMETERS_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SEARCH_PATH_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SKIP_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SLIMMER_HEADER_MAPPING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TEMPLATE_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WORLD_LOCATIONS_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Slimmer::Headers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::BodyClassCopier + def filter(src, dest); end +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::BodyClassCopier +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::BodyInserter + def filter(src, dest); end + + def initialize(source_id=T.unsafe(nil), destination_id=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::BodyInserter +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::ConditionalCommentMover + def filter(src, dest); end + + def match_conditional_comments(str); end +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::ConditionalCommentMover +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::FooterRemover + def filter(src, dest); end +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::FooterRemover +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::HeaderContextInserter + def filter(src, dest); end + + def initialize(path=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::HeaderContextInserter +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::InsideHeaderInserter + def filter(src, dest); end +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::InsideHeaderInserter +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::MetadataInserter + def filter(src, dest); end + + def initialize(response, app_name); end +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::MetadataInserter +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::NavigationMover + def filter(src, dest); end + + def initialize(skin); end + + def proposition_header_block(); end +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::NavigationMover +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::SearchParameterInserter + def add_hidden_input(search_form, name, value); end + + def filter(content_document, page_template); end + + def initialize(response); end + + def parse_search_parameters(); end + + def search_parameters(); end +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::SearchParameterInserter +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::SearchPathSetter + def filter(content_document, page_template); end + + def initialize(response); end + + def search_scope(); end +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::SearchPathSetter +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::SearchRemover + def filter(src, dest); end + + def initialize(headers); end +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::SearchRemover +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::TagMover + def filter(src, dest); end + + def include_tag?(node, min_attrs); end + + def move_tags(src, dest, type, opts); end + + def tag_fingerprint(node, attrs); end + + def wrap_node(src, node); end +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::TagMover +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::TitleInserter + def filter(src, dest); end + + def insert_title(title, head); end +end + +class Slimmer::Processors::TitleInserter +end + +module Slimmer::Processors + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Slimmer::Template + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Slimmer + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Socket + AF_CCITT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_CHAOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_CNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_COIP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_DATAKIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_DLI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_E164 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_ECMA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_HYLINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_IMPLINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_ISO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_LAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_LINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_NATM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_NDRV = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_NETBIOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_NS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_OSI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_PPP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_PUP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_SIP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_SYSTEM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AI_DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AI_MASK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AI_V4MAPPED_CFG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EAI_BADHINTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EAI_MAX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EAI_PROTOCOL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IFF_ALTPHYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IFF_LINK0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IFF_LINK1 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IFF_LINK2 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IFF_OACTIVE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IFF_SIMPLEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPPROTO_EON = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPPROTO_GGP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPPROTO_HELLO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPPROTO_MAX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPPROTO_ND = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPPROTO_XTP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPV6_DONTFRAG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPV6_PATHMTU = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPV6_RECVPATHMTU = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IP_PORTRANGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IP_RECVDSTADDR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IP_RECVIF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCAL_PEERCRED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MSG_EOF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MSG_FLUSH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MSG_HAVEMORE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MSG_HOLD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MSG_RCVMORE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MSG_SEND = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_CCITT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_CHAOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_CNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_COIP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_DATAKIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_DLI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_ECMA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_HYLINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_IMPLINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_ISO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_LAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_LINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_NATM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_NDRV = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_NETBIOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_NS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_OSI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_PIP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_PPP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_PUP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_RTIP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_SIP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_SYSTEM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_XTP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SCM_CREDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SO_DONTTRUNC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SO_NKE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SO_NOSIGPIPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SO_NREAD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SO_USELOOPBACK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SO_WANTMORE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SO_WANTOOBFLAG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TCP_NOOPT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TCP_NOPUSH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Socket::AncillaryData + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Socket::AncillaryData + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Socket::Constants + AF_CCITT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_CHAOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_CNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_COIP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_DATAKIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_DLI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_E164 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_ECMA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_HYLINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_IMPLINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_ISO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_LAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_LINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_NATM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_NDRV = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_NETBIOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_NS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_OSI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_PPP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_PUP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_SIP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AF_SYSTEM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AI_DEFAULT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AI_MASK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + AI_V4MAPPED_CFG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EAI_BADHINTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EAI_MAX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EAI_PROTOCOL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IFF_ALTPHYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IFF_LINK0 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IFF_LINK1 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IFF_LINK2 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IFF_OACTIVE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IFF_SIMPLEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPPROTO_EON = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPPROTO_GGP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPPROTO_HELLO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPPROTO_MAX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPPROTO_ND = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPPROTO_XTP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPV6_DONTFRAG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPV6_PATHMTU = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPV6_RECVPATHMTU = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IP_PORTRANGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IP_RECVDSTADDR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IP_RECVIF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCAL_PEERCRED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MSG_EOF = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MSG_FLUSH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MSG_HAVEMORE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MSG_HOLD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MSG_RCVMORE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MSG_SEND = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_CCITT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_CHAOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_CNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_COIP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_DATAKIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_DLI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_ECMA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_HYLINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_IMPLINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_ISO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_LAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_LINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_NATM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_NDRV = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_NETBIOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_NS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_OSI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_PIP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_PPP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_PUP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_RTIP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_SIP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_SYSTEM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PF_XTP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SCM_CREDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SO_DONTTRUNC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SO_NKE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SO_NOSIGPIPE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SO_NREAD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SO_USELOOPBACK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SO_WANTMORE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SO_WANTOOBFLAG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TCP_NOOPT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TCP_NOPUSH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Socket::Constants + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Socket::Ifaddr + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Socket::Option + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Socket::Option + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Socket::UDPSource + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Socket::UDPSource + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Socket + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class SocketError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sorbet + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Sorbet::Private::ConstantLookupCache + def all_module_aliases(); end + + def all_module_names(); end + + def all_named_modules(); end + + def class_by_name(name); end + + def name_by_class(klass); end + DEPRECATED_CONSTANTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sorbet::Private::ConstantLookupCache::ConstantEntry + def aliases(); end + + def aliases=(_); end + + def const(); end + + def const=(_); end + + def const_name(); end + + def const_name=(_); end + + def found_name(); end + + def found_name=(_); end + + def owner(); end + + def owner=(_); end + + def primary_name(); end + + def primary_name=(_); end +end + +class Sorbet::Private::ConstantLookupCache::ConstantEntry + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class Sorbet::Private::ConstantLookupCache +end + +class Sorbet::Private::CreateConfig + include ::Sorbet::Private::StepInterface + SORBET_CONFIG_FILE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SORBET_DIR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sorbet::Private::CreateConfig + def self.main(); end + + def self.output_file(); end +end + +class Sorbet::Private::FetchRBIs + include ::Sorbet::Private::StepInterface + HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RBI_CACHE_DIR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SORBET_CONFIG_FILE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SORBET_DIR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SORBET_RBI_LIST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SORBET_RBI_SORBET_TYPED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SORBET_TYPED_REPO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SORBET_TYPED_REVISION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + XDG_CACHE_HOME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sorbet::Private::FetchRBIs + def self.fetch_sorbet_typed(); end + + def self.main(); end + + def self.matching_version_directories(root, version); end + + def self.output_file(); end + + def self.paths_for_gem_version(gemspec); end + + def self.paths_for_ruby_version(ruby_version); end + + def self.vendor_rbis_within_paths(vendor_paths); end +end + +class Sorbet::Private::FindGemRBIs + include ::Sorbet::Private::StepInterface + GEM_DIR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RBI_CACHE_DIR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + XDG_CACHE_HOME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sorbet::Private::FindGemRBIs + def self.main(); end + + def self.output_file(); end + + def self.paths_within_gem_sources(gemspec); end +end + +module Sorbet::Private::GemGeneratorTracepoint + include ::Sorbet::Private::StepInterface + OUTPUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sorbet::Private::GemGeneratorTracepoint::ClassDefinition + def defs(); end + + def defs=(_); end + + def id(); end + + def id=(_); end + + def klass(); end + + def klass=(_); end +end + +class Sorbet::Private::GemGeneratorTracepoint::ClassDefinition + def self.[](*_); end + + def self.members(); end +end + +class Sorbet::Private::GemGeneratorTracepoint::TracepointSerializer + def initialize(files:, delegate_classes:); end + + def serialize(output_dir); end + BAD_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SPECIAL_METHOD_NAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sorbet::Private::GemGeneratorTracepoint::TracepointSerializer +end + +class Sorbet::Private::GemGeneratorTracepoint::Tracer +end + +class Sorbet::Private::GemGeneratorTracepoint::Tracer + def self.add_to_context(item); end + + def self.disable_tracepoints(); end + + def self.finish(); end + + def self.install_tracepoints(); end + + def self.method_added(mod, method, singleton); end + + def self.module_created(mod); end + + def self.module_extended(extended, extender); end + + def self.module_included(included, includer); end + + def self.pre_cache_module_methods(); end + + def self.register_delegate_class(klass, delegate); end + + def self.start(); end + + def self.trace(); end + + def self.trace_results(); end +end + +module Sorbet::Private::GemGeneratorTracepoint + extend ::T::Sig + def self.main(output_dir=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.output_file(); end +end + +class Sorbet::Private::GemLoader + GEM_LOADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NO_GEM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sorbet::Private::GemLoader + def self.my_require(gem); end + + def self.require_all_gems(); end + + def self.require_gem(gem); end +end + +class Sorbet::Private::HiddenMethodFinder + include ::Sorbet::Private::StepInterface + def all_modules_and_aliases(); end + + def capture_stderr(); end + + def constant_cache(); end + + def gen_source_rbi(classes, aliases); end + + def looks_like_stub_name(name); end + + def main(); end + + def mk_dir(); end + + def read_constants(); end + + def real_name(mod); end + + def require_everything(); end + + def rm_dir(); end + + def serialize_alias(source_entry, rbi_entry, my_klass, source_symbols, rbi_symbols); end + + def serialize_class(source_entry, rbi_entry, klass, source_symbols, rbi_symbols, source_by_name); end + + def serialize_constants(source, rbi, klass, is_singleton, source_symbols, rbi_symbols); end + + def symbols_id_to_name(entry, prefix); end + + def write_constants(); end + + def write_diff(source, rbi); end + BLACKLIST = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DIFF_RBI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ERRORS_RBI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HIDDEN_RBI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RBI_CONSTANTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RBI_CONSTANTS_ERR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SOURCE_CONSTANTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SOURCE_CONSTANTS_ERR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TMP_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TMP_RBI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sorbet::Private::HiddenMethodFinder + def self.main(); end + + def self.output_file(); end +end + +module Sorbet::Private::Main +end + +module Sorbet::Private::Main + extend ::T::Sig + def self.cyan(msg); end + + def self.emojify(emoji, msg); end + + def self.main(argv); end + + def self.make_step(step); end + + def self.parse_command(argv); end + + def self.yellow(msg); end +end + +module Sorbet::Private::RealStdlib +end + +module Sorbet::Private::RealStdlib + extend ::T::Sig + def self.real_ancestors(mod); end + + def self.real_autoload?(o, klass); end + + def self.real_const_get(obj, const, arg); end + + def self.real_constants(mod); end + + def self.real_eqeq(obj, other); end + + def self.real_hash(o); end + + def self.real_instance_methods(mod, arg); end + + def self.real_is_a?(o, klass); end + + def self.real_name(o); end + + def self.real_object_id(o); end + + def self.real_private_instance_methods(mod, arg); end + + def self.real_singleton_class(obj); end + + def self.real_singleton_methods(mod, arg); end + + def self.real_spaceship(obj, arg); end + + def self.real_superclass(o); end +end + +class Sorbet::Private::RequireEverything +end + +class Sorbet::Private::RequireEverything + def self.excluded_rails_files(); end + + def self.load_bundler(); end + + def self.load_rails(); end + + def self.my_require(abs_path, numerator, denominator); end + + def self.patch_kernel(); end + + def self.rails?(); end + + def self.require_all_files(); end + + def self.require_everything(); end +end + +class Sorbet::Private::Serialize + def alias(base, other_name); end + + def ancestor_has_method(method, klass); end + + def blacklisted_method(method); end + + def class_or_module(class_name); end + + def comparable?(value); end + + def constant(const, value); end + + def from_method(method); end + + def initialize(constant_cache); end + + def serialize_method(method, static=T.unsafe(nil), with_sig: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def serialize_sig(parameters); end + + def to_sig(kind, name); end + + def valid_class_name(name); end + + def valid_method_name(name); end + BLACKLIST_CONSTANTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KEYWORDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SPECIAL_METHOD_NAMES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sorbet::Private::Serialize + def self.header(typed=T.unsafe(nil), subcommand=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module Sorbet::Private::Status +end + +module Sorbet::Private::Status + extend ::T::Sig + def self.done(); end + + def self.say(message, print_without_tty: T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +module Sorbet::Private::StepInterface +end + +module Sorbet::Private::StepInterface + extend ::T::Sig + def self.main(); end + + def self.output_file(); end +end + +class Sorbet::Private::SuggestTyped + include ::Sorbet::Private::StepInterface +end + +class Sorbet::Private::SuggestTyped + def self.main(); end + + def self.output_file(); end + + def self.suggest_typed(); end +end + +class Sorbet::Private::TodoRBI + include ::Sorbet::Private::StepInterface + HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OUTPUT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sorbet::Private::TodoRBI + def self.main(); end + + def self.output_file(); end +end + +module Sorbet::Private + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sorbet + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class SortedSet + def initialize(*args, &block); end +end + +class SortedSet + extend ::T::Sig + def self.setup(); end +end + +module Sprockets + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +Sprockets::Autoload::Sass = Sass + +Sprockets::Autoload::Uglifier = Uglifier + +module Sprockets::Autoload + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sprockets::Base + include ::Sprockets::Dependencies + include ::Sprockets::Compressing + include ::Sprockets::Loader + include ::Sprockets::DigestUtils + include ::Sprockets::Transformers + include ::Sprockets::PathDependencyUtils + include ::Sprockets::Processing + include ::Sprockets::Mime + include ::Sprockets::Engines + include ::Sprockets::Utils + include ::Sprockets::URIUtils + include ::Sprockets::PathDigestUtils + include ::Sprockets::ProcessorUtils +end + +module Sprockets::Bower + POSSIBLE_BOWER_JSONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::Bower + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sprockets::Cache + PEEK_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sprockets::Cache::FileStore + DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sprockets::Cache::MemoryStore + DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sprockets::Cache::NullStore + def get(key); end + + def set(key, value); end +end + +class Sprockets::Cache::NullStore +end + +class Sprockets::ClosureCompressor + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::CoffeeScriptProcessor + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::CoffeeScriptProcessor + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::CoffeeScriptTemplate + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::CoffeeScriptTemplate + extend ::T::Sig + def self.cache_key(); end + + def*args); end +end + +module Sprockets::Compressing + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::Configuration + include ::Sprockets::Dependencies + include ::Sprockets::Compressing + include ::Sprockets::Processing + include ::Sprockets::Transformers + include ::Sprockets::Engines + include ::Sprockets::Mime + include ::Sprockets::Utils + include ::Sprockets::URIUtils + include ::Sprockets::PathDigestUtils + include ::Sprockets::ProcessorUtils + include ::Sprockets::HTTPUtils + include ::Sprockets::DigestUtils +end + +module Sprockets::Configuration + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::Dependencies + include ::Sprockets::URIUtils + include ::Sprockets::PathDigestUtils + include ::Sprockets::PathUtils +end + +module Sprockets::Dependencies + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::DigestUtils + DIGEST_SIZES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HASH_ALGORITHMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::DigestUtils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sprockets::DirectiveProcessor + DIRECTIVE_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sprockets::ERBTemplate + def call(*args); end +end + +class Sprockets::ERBTemplate +end + +module Sprockets::EcoProcessor + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::EcoProcessor + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::EcoTemplate + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::EcoTemplate + extend ::T::Sig + def self.cache_key(); end + + def*args); end +end + +module Sprockets::EjsProcessor + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::EjsProcessor + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::EjsTemplate + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::EjsTemplate + extend ::T::Sig + def self.cache_key(); end + + def*args); end +end + +module Sprockets::EncodingUtils + BOM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CHARSET_DETECT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CHARSET_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CHARSET_START = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::EncodingUtils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::Engines + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::HTTPUtils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Sprockets::Index = Sprockets::CachedEnvironment + +module Sprockets::Loader + include ::Sprockets::Transformers + include ::Sprockets::Resolve + include ::Sprockets::PathDependencyUtils + include ::Sprockets::PathUtils + include ::Sprockets::Processing + include ::Sprockets::Mime + include ::Sprockets::URIUtils + include ::Sprockets::ProcessorUtils + include ::Sprockets::HTTPUtils +end + +module Sprockets::Loader + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::ManifestUtils + LEGACY_MANIFEST_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MANIFEST_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::ManifestUtils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::Mime + include ::Sprockets::Utils +end + +module Sprockets::Mime + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::PathDependencyUtils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::PathDigestUtils + include ::Sprockets::PathUtils +end + +module Sprockets::PathDigestUtils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::PathUtils + SEPARATOR_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::PathUtils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::Paths + include ::Sprockets::Utils +end + +module Sprockets::Paths + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::Processing + include ::Sprockets::Utils + include ::Sprockets::URIUtils +end + +module Sprockets::Processing + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::ProcessorUtils + VALID_METADATA_COMPOUND_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_METADATA_COMPOUND_TYPES_HASH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_METADATA_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_METADATA_VALUE_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_METADATA_VALUE_TYPES_HASH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::ProcessorUtils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::Rails + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::Rails::Context + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::Rails::Helper + VIEW_ACCESSORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::Rails::Helper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::Rails::HelperAssetResolvers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::Rails::RouteWrapper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::Rails::Utils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::Rails + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sprockets::Railtie + LOOSE_APP_ASSETS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::Resolve + include ::Sprockets::PathDependencyUtils + include ::Sprockets::PathUtils + include ::Sprockets::URIUtils +end + +module Sprockets::Resolve + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sprockets::SassCompressor + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +Sprockets::SassFunctions = Sprockets::SassProcessor::Functions + +class Sprockets::SassProcessor::CacheStore + def initialize(cache, version); end + + def path_to(key); end + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sprockets::SassProcessor::CacheStore +end + +module Sprockets::SassProcessor::Functions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sprockets::SassTemplate +end + +class Sprockets::SassTemplate + def*args); end +end + +class Sprockets::ScssTemplate +end + +class Sprockets::ScssTemplate + def*args); end +end + +module Sprockets::Server + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::Transformers + include ::Sprockets::Utils + include ::Sprockets::ProcessorUtils +end + +module Sprockets::Transformers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Sprockets::URIUtils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sprockets::UglifierCompressor + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::Utils + UNBOUND_METHODS_BIND_TO_ANY_OBJECT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Sprockets::Utils::Gzip + COMPRESSABLE_MIME_TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets::Utils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Sprockets::YUICompressor + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Sprockets + extend ::Sprockets::Dependencies + extend ::Sprockets::Compressing + extend ::Sprockets::Processing + extend ::Sprockets::Transformers + extend ::Sprockets::Engines + extend ::Sprockets::Mime + extend ::Sprockets::Utils + extend ::Sprockets::URIUtils + extend ::Sprockets::PathDigestUtils + extend ::Sprockets::HTTPUtils + extend ::Sprockets::DigestUtils + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class StandardError + include ::BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension +end + +class StandardError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class StopIteration + def result(); end +end + +class StopIteration + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class String + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + include ::JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::String + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def +@(); end + + def -@(); end + + def []=(*_); end + + def casecmp?(_); end + + def delete_prefix(_); end + + def delete_prefix!(_); end + + def delete_suffix(_); end + + def delete_suffix!(_); end + + def each_grapheme_cluster(); end + + def encode(*_); end + + def encode!(*_); end + + def grapheme_clusters(); end + + def match?(*_); end + + def parse_csv(**options); end + + def reverse!(); end + + def shellescape(); end + + def shellsplit(); end + + def succ!(); end + + def to_d(); end + + def undump(); end + + def unicode_normalize(*_); end + + def unicode_normalize!(*_); end + + def unicode_normalized?(*_); end + + def unpack1(_); end + + BLANK_RE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENCODED_BLANKS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class String + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class StringIO + def length(); end + + def truncate(_); end + +end + +class StringIO + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class StringScanner + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def <<(_); end + + def [](_); end + + def beginning_of_line?(); end + + def bol?(); end + + def captures(); end + + def charpos(); end + + def check(_); end + + def check_until(_); end + + def clear(); end + + def concat(_); end + + def empty?(); end + + def exist?(_); end + + def get_byte(); end + + def getbyte(); end + + def initialize(*_); end + + def match?(_); end + + def matched(); end + + def matched?(); end + + def matched_size(); end + + def peek(_); end + + def peep(_); end + + def pointer(); end + + def pointer=(pointer); end + + def pos(); end + + def pos=(pos); end + + def post_match(); end + + def pre_match(); end + + def reset(); end + + def rest(); end + + def rest?(); end + + def rest_size(); end + + def restsize(); end + + def scan_full(_, _1, _2); end + + def scan_until(_); end + + def search_full(_, _1, _2); end + + def size(); end + + def skip(_); end + + def skip_until(_); end + + def string(); end + + def string=(string); end + + def terminate(); end + + def unscan(); end + + def values_at(*_); end + Id = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + Version = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class StringScanner::Error + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class StringScanner + extend ::T::Sig + def self.must_C_version(); end +end + +class Struct + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def [](_); end + + def []=(_, _1); end + + def dig(*_); end + + def each_pair(); end + + def filter(*_); end + + def length(); end + + def members(); end + + def select(*_); end + + def size(); end + + def to_a(); end + + def to_h(); end + + def values(); end + + def values_at(*_); end +end + +Struct::Group = Etc::Group + +Struct::Passwd = Etc::Passwd + +Struct::Tms = Process::Tms + +class Struct + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Symbol + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def casecmp?(_); end + + def match?(*_); end + + def next(); end + +end + +class Symbol + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class SyntaxError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class SystemCallError + def errno(); end +end + +class SystemCallError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class SystemExit + include ::BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension + def status(); end + + def success?(); end +end + +class SystemExit + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class SystemStackError + include ::BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension +end + +class SystemStackError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class TCPServer + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class TCPSocket + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class TSort::Cyclic + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module TSort + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module TZInfo::CountryIndexDefinition::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module TZInfo::CountryIndexDefinition + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module TZInfo::OffsetRationals + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module TZInfo::RubyCoreSupport + HALF_DAYS_IN_DAY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module TZInfo::RubyCoreSupport + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class TZInfo::RubyDataSource + REQUIRE_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module TZInfo::TimezoneDefinition::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module TZInfo::TimezoneDefinition + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module TZInfo::TimezoneIndexDefinition::ClassMethods + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module TZInfo::TimezoneIndexDefinition + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class TZInfo::ZoneinfoDataSource + DEFAULT_ALTERNATE_ISO3166_TAB_SEARCH_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_SEARCH_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class TZInfo::ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo + MAX_TIMESTAMP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MIN_TIMESTAMP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module TZInfo + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module TaxonomySpecHelper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Tempfile + def _close(); end + + def inspect(); end +end + +class Tempfile::Remover + def call(*args); end + + def initialize(tmpfile); end +end + +class Tempfile::Remover +end + +class Thread + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def abort_on_exception(); end + + def abort_on_exception=(abort_on_exception); end + + def add_trace_func(_); end + + def backtrace(*_); end + + def backtrace_locations(*_); end + + def exit(); end + + def fetch(*_); end + + def group(); end + + def initialize(*_); end + + def join(*_); end + + def key?(_); end + + def keys(); end + + def name(); end + + def name=(name); end + + def pending_interrupt?(*_); end + + def priority(); end + + def priority=(priority); end + + def report_on_exception(); end + + def report_on_exception=(report_on_exception); end + + def run(); end + + def safe_level(); end + + def status(); end + + def stop?(); end + + def terminate(); end + + def thread_variable?(_); end + + def thread_variable_get(_); end + + def thread_variable_set(_, _1); end + + def thread_variables(); end + + def value(); end + + def wakeup(); end +end + +class Thread::Backtrace + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Thread::Backtrace::Location + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class Thread::Backtrace::Location + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Thread::Backtrace + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Thread::ConditionVariable + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def broadcast(); end + + def marshal_dump(); end + + def signal(); end + + def wait(*_); end +end + +class Thread::ConditionVariable + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Thread::Mutex + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def lock(); end + + def locked?(); end + + def owned?(); end + + def synchronize(); end + + def try_lock(); end + + def unlock(); end +end + +class Thread::Mutex + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Thread::Queue + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def <<(_); end + + def clear(); end + + def close(); end + + def closed?(); end + + def deq(*_); end + + def empty?(); end + + def enq(_); end + + def length(); end + + def marshal_dump(); end + + def num_waiting(); end + + def pop(*_); end + + def push(_); end + + def shift(*_); end + + def size(); end +end + +class Thread::Queue + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Thread::SizedQueue + def <<(*_); end + + def enq(*_); end + + def initialize(_); end + + def max(); end + + def max=(max); end + + def push(*_); end +end + +class Thread::SizedQueue + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Thread + extend ::T::Sig + def self.abort_on_exception(); end + + def self.abort_on_exception=(abort_on_exception); end + + def self.exclusive(&block); end + + def self.exit(); end + + def self.fork(*_); end + + def self.handle_interrupt(_); end + + def self.kill(_); end + + def self.list(); end + + def self.pass(); end + + def self.pending_interrupt?(*_); end + + def self.report_on_exception(); end + + def self.report_on_exception=(report_on_exception); end + + def self.start(*_); end + + def self.stop(); end +end + +class ThreadError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ThreadGroup + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def add(_); end + + def enclose(); end + + def enclosed?(); end + + def list(); end + Default = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ThreadGroup + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ThreadSafe + NULL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +ThreadSafe::Array = Array + +class ThreadSafe::AtomicReferenceCacheBackend + def [](key); end + + def []=(key, value); end + + def clear(); end + + def compute(key); end + + def compute_if_absent(key); end + + def compute_if_present(key); end + + def delete(key); end + + def delete_pair(key, value); end + + def each_pair(); end + + def empty?(); end + + def get_and_set(key, value); end + + def get_or_default(key, else_value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def initialize(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def key?(key); end + + def merge_pair(key, value); end + + def replace_if_exists(key, new_value); end + + def replace_pair(key, old_value, new_value); end + + def size(); end + DEFAULT_CAPACITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HASH_BITS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCKED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_CAPACITY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MOVED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NOW_RESIZING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WAITING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ThreadSafe::AtomicReferenceCacheBackend::Node + include ::ThreadSafe::Util::CheapLockable + def initialize(hash, key, value, next_node=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def key(); end + + def key?(key); end + + def locked?(); end + + def matches?(key, hash); end + + def pure_hash(); end + + def try_await_lock(table, i); end + + def try_lock_via_hash(node_hash=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def unlock_via_hash(locked_hash, node_hash); end + HASH_BITS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCKED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MOVED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SPIN_LOCK_ATTEMPTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WAITING = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ThreadSafe::AtomicReferenceCacheBackend::Node + extend ::ThreadSafe::Util::Volatile + def self.locked_hash?(hash); end +end + +class ThreadSafe::AtomicReferenceCacheBackend::Table + def cas_new_node(i, hash, key, value); end + + def delete_node_at(i, node, predecessor_node); end + + def try_lock_via_hash(i, node, node_hash); end + + def try_to_cas_in_computed(i, hash, key); end +end + +class ThreadSafe::AtomicReferenceCacheBackend::Table +end + +class ThreadSafe::AtomicReferenceCacheBackend + extend ::ThreadSafe::Util::Volatile +end + +ThreadSafe::ConcurrentCacheBackend = ThreadSafe::MriCacheBackend + +ThreadSafe::Hash = Hash + +class ThreadSafe::MriCacheBackend + WRITE_LOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ThreadSafe::SynchronizedCacheBackend + include ::Mutex_m + def lock(); end + + def locked?(); end + + def synchronize(&block); end + + def try_lock(); end + + def unlock(); end +end + +class ThreadSafe::SynchronizedCacheBackend +end + +module ThreadSafe::Util + CPU_COUNT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FIXNUM_BIT_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_INT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ThreadSafe::Util::Adder + def add(x); end + + def decrement(); end + + def increment(); end + + def reset(); end + + def sum(); end +end + +class ThreadSafe::Util::Adder +end + +class ThreadSafe::Util::AtomicReference + def compare_and_set(old_value, new_value); end + + def get(); end + + def initialize(value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def set(new_value); end + + def value(); end + + def value=(new_value); end +end + +class ThreadSafe::Util::AtomicReference +end + +module ThreadSafe::Util::CheapLockable + def cas_mutex(old_value, new_value); end + + def compare_and_set_mutex(old_value, new_value); end + + def lazy_set_mutex(value); end + + def mutex(); end + + def mutex=(value); end +end + +module ThreadSafe::Util::CheapLockable + extend ::ThreadSafe::Util::Volatile + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ThreadSafe::Util::PowerOfTwoTuple + def hash_to_index(hash); end + + def next_in_size_table(); end + + def volatile_get_by_hash(hash); end + + def volatile_set_by_hash(hash, value); end +end + +class ThreadSafe::Util::PowerOfTwoTuple +end + +class ThreadSafe::Util::Striped64 + def busy?(); end + + def initialize(); end + + def retry_update(x, hash_code, was_uncontended); end + THREAD_LOCAL_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class ThreadSafe::Util::Striped64::Cell + def cas(old_value, new_value); end + + def cas_computed(); end + + def padding_(); end +end + +class ThreadSafe::Util::Striped64::Cell +end + +class ThreadSafe::Util::Striped64 + extend ::ThreadSafe::Util::Volatile +end + +module ThreadSafe::Util::Volatile + def attr_volatile(*attr_names); end +end + +module ThreadSafe::Util::Volatile + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class ThreadSafe::Util::VolatileTuple + include ::Enumerable + def cas(i, old_value, new_value); end + + def compare_and_set(i, old_value, new_value); end + + def each(); end + + def initialize(size); end + + def size(); end + + def volatile_get(i); end + + def volatile_set(i, value); end +end + +class ThreadSafe::Util::VolatileTuple +end + +module ThreadSafe::Util::XorShiftRandom + def get(); end + + def xorshift(x); end + MAX_XOR_SHIFTABLE_INT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module ThreadSafe::Util::XorShiftRandom + extend ::ThreadSafe::Util::XorShiftRandom + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ThreadSafe::Util + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module ThreadSafe + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Threadsafe + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Tilt + LOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Tilt::BuilderTemplate + def precompiled_postamble(locals); end + + def precompiled_template(locals); end +end + +class Tilt::BuilderTemplate +end + +class Tilt::CSVTemplate + def precompiled(locals); end + + def precompiled_template(locals); end +end + +class Tilt::CSVTemplate + def self.engine(); end +end + +module Tilt::CompiledTemplates + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Tilt::ERBTemplate + def precompiled(locals); end + + def precompiled_postamble(locals); end + + def precompiled_preamble(locals); end + + def precompiled_template(locals); end + SUPPORTS_KVARGS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Tilt::ERBTemplate + def self.default_output_variable(); end + + def self.default_output_variable=(name); end +end + +class Tilt::ErubiTemplate + def precompiled_template(locals); end +end + +class Tilt::ErubiTemplate +end + +class Tilt::EtanniTemplate + def precompiled(locals); end + + def precompiled_template(locals); end +end + +class Tilt::EtanniTemplate +end + +class Tilt::KramdownTemplate + def allows_script?(); end + DUMB_QUOTES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Tilt::KramdownTemplate +end + +class Tilt::Mapping + AUTOLOAD_IS_BROKEN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Tilt::NokogiriTemplate + def evaluate(scope, locals); end + + def precompiled_postamble(locals); end + + def precompiled_preamble(locals); end + + def precompiled_template(locals); end + DOCUMENT_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Tilt::NokogiriTemplate +end + +class Tilt::PlainTemplate +end + +class Tilt::PlainTemplate +end + +class Tilt::RDocTemplate + def allows_script?(); end + + def markup(); end +end + +class Tilt::RDocTemplate +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate + def allows_script?(); end +end + +module Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::BaseError +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::BaseError +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Dependency + def filename(); end + + def initialize(filename); end + + def options(); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Dependency + def self.from_filenames(filenames); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Engine + def dependencies(); end + + def filename(); end + + def initialize(template, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def options(); end + + def render(); end + + def source_map(); end + + def template(); end + OUTPUT_STYLES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Engine +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::FunctionsHandler + def initialize(options); end + + def setup(native_options); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::FunctionsHandler::FunctionWrapper +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::FunctionsHandler::FunctionWrapper + def self.options(); end + + def self.options=(options); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::FunctionsHandler +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::ImportHandler + def initialize(options); end + + def setup(native_options); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::ImportHandler +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Importer + def imports(path, parent_path); end + + def initialize(options); end + + def options(); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Importer::Import + def initialize(path, source: T.unsafe(nil), source_map_path: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def path(); end + + def path=(path); end + + def source(); end + + def source=(source); end + + def source_map_path(); end + + def source_map_path=(source_map_path); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Importer::Import +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Importer +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::InvalidStyleError +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::InvalidStyleError +end + +module Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native + def _context_get_included_files(*_); end + + def _make_data_context(*_); end + + def boolean_get_value(*_); end + + def color_get_a(*_); end + + def color_get_b(*_); end + + def color_get_g(*_); end + + def color_get_r(*_); end + + def color_set_a(*_); end + + def color_set_b(*_); end + + def color_set_g(*_); end + + def color_set_r(*_); end + + def compile_data_context(*_); end + + def compile_file_context(*_); end + + def compiler_get_last_import(*_); end + + def context_get_error_column(*_); end + + def context_get_error_file(*_); end + + def context_get_error_json(*_); end + + def context_get_error_line(*_); end + + def context_get_error_message(*_); end + + def context_get_error_status(*_); end + + def context_get_options(*_); end + + def context_get_output_string(*_); end + + def context_get_source_map_string(*_); end + + def data_context_get_context(*_); end + + def data_context_get_options(*_); end + + def data_context_set_options(*_); end + + def delete_data_context(*_); end + + def delete_file_context(*_); end + + def error_get_message(*_); end + + def error_set_message(*_); end + + def file_context_get_context(*_); end + + def file_context_get_options(*_); end + + def file_context_set_options(*_); end + + def function_get_cookie(*_); end + + def function_get_function(*_); end + + def function_get_list_entry(*_); end + + def function_get_signature(*_); end + + def function_set_list_entry(*_); end + + def import_get_abs_path(*_); end + + def import_get_imp_path(*_); end + + def import_get_source(*_); end + + def import_set_list_entry(*_); end + + def list_get_length(*_); end + + def list_get_value(*_); end + + def list_set_value(*_); end + + def make_boolean(*_); end + + def make_color(*_); end + + def make_error(*_); end + + def make_file_context(*_); end + + def make_function(*_); end + + def make_function_list(*_); end + + def make_import_entry(*_); end + + def make_import_list(*_); end + + def make_importer(*_); end + + def make_list(*_); end + + def make_map(*_); end + + def make_number(*_); end + + def make_options(*_); end + + def make_qstring(*_); end + + def make_string(*_); end + + def map_get_key(*_); end + + def map_get_length(*_); end + + def map_get_value(*_); end + + def map_set_key(*_); end + + def map_set_value(*_); end + + def number_get_unit(*_); end + + def number_get_value(*_); end + + def option_get_c_functions(*_); end + + def option_get_include_path(*_); end + + def option_get_input_path(*_); end + + def option_get_is_indented_syntax_src(*_); end + + def option_get_omit_source_map_url(*_); end + + def option_get_output_path(*_); end + + def option_get_output_style(*_); end + + def option_get_precision(*_); end + + def option_get_source_comments(*_); end + + def option_get_source_map_contents(*_); end + + def option_get_source_map_embed(*_); end + + def option_get_source_map_file(*_); end + + def option_set_c_functions(*_); end + + def option_set_c_importers(*_); end + + def option_set_include_path(*_); end + + def option_set_input_path(*_); end + + def option_set_is_indented_syntax_src(*_); end + + def option_set_omit_source_map_url(*_); end + + def option_set_output_path(*_); end + + def option_set_output_style(*_); end + + def option_set_precision(*_); end + + def option_set_source_comments(*_); end + + def option_set_source_map_contents(*_); end + + def option_set_source_map_embed(*_); end + + def option_set_source_map_file(*_); end + + def sass2scss(*_); end + + def string_get_value(*_); end + + def string_is_quoted(*_); end + + def value_get_tag(*_); end + + def value_is_null(*_); end + + def version(*_); end + SassInputStyle = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SassOutputStyle = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SassSeparator = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SassTag = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::LibC + def malloc(*_); end +end + +module Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::LibC + extend ::T::Sig + def self.malloc(*_); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassBoolean +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassBoolean +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassColor +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassColor +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassError +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassError +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassList +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassList +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassMap +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassMap +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassMapPair +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassMapPair +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassNull +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassNull +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassNumber +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassNumber +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassString +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassString +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassUnknown +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassUnknown +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassValue +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassValue +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassWarning +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::SassWarning +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::StringList +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native::StringList +end + +module Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Native + extend ::T::Sig + def self._context_get_included_files(*_); end + + def self._make_data_context(*_); end + + def self.attach_function(*args); end + + def self.boolean_get_value(*_); end + + def self.color_get_a(*_); end + + def self.color_get_b(*_); end + + def self.color_get_g(*_); end + + def self.color_get_r(*_); end + + def self.color_set_a(*_); end + + def self.color_set_b(*_); end + + def self.color_set_g(*_); end + + def self.color_set_r(*_); end + + def self.compile_data_context(*_); end + + def self.compile_file_context(*_); end + + def self.compiler_get_last_import(*_); end + + def self.context_get_error_column(*_); end + + def self.context_get_error_file(*_); end + + def self.context_get_error_json(*_); end + + def self.context_get_error_line(*_); end + + def self.context_get_error_message(*_); end + + def self.context_get_error_status(*_); end + + def self.context_get_included_files(*args); end + + def self.context_get_options(*_); end + + def self.context_get_output_string(*_); end + + def self.context_get_source_map_string(*_); end + + def self.data_context_get_context(*_); end + + def self.data_context_get_options(*_); end + + def self.data_context_set_options(*_); end + + def self.delete_data_context(*_); end + + def self.delete_file_context(*_); end + + def self.error_get_message(*_); end + + def self.error_set_message(*_); end + + def self.file_context_get_context(*_); end + + def self.file_context_get_options(*_); end + + def self.file_context_set_options(*_); end + + def self.function_get_cookie(*_); end + + def self.function_get_function(*_); end + + def self.function_get_list_entry(*_); end + + def self.function_get_signature(*_); end + + def self.function_set_list_entry(*_); end + + def self.import_get_abs_path(*_); end + + def self.import_get_imp_path(*_); end + + def self.import_get_source(*_); end + + def self.import_set_list_entry(*_); end + + def self.list_get_length(*_); end + + def self.list_get_value(*_); end + + def self.list_set_value(*_); end + + def self.make_boolean(*_); end + + def self.make_color(*_); end + + def self.make_data_context(data); end + + def self.make_error(*_); end + + def self.make_file_context(*_); end + + def self.make_function(*_); end + + def self.make_function_list(*_); end + + def self.make_import_entry(*_); end + + def self.make_import_list(*_); end + + def self.make_importer(*_); end + + def self.make_list(*_); end + + def self.make_map(*_); end + + def self.make_number(*_); end + + def self.make_options(*_); end + + def self.make_qstring(*_); end + + def self.make_string(*_); end + + def self.map_get_key(*_); end + + def self.map_get_length(*_); end + + def self.map_get_value(*_); end + + def self.map_set_key(*_); end + + def self.map_set_value(*_); end + + def self.native_string(string); end + + def self.number_get_unit(*_); end + + def self.number_get_value(*_); end + + def self.option_get_c_functions(*_); end + + def self.option_get_include_path(*_); end + + def self.option_get_input_path(*_); end + + def self.option_get_is_indented_syntax_src(*_); end + + def self.option_get_omit_source_map_url(*_); end + + def self.option_get_output_path(*_); end + + def self.option_get_output_style(*_); end + + def self.option_get_precision(*_); end + + def self.option_get_source_comments(*_); end + + def self.option_get_source_map_contents(*_); end + + def self.option_get_source_map_embed(*_); end + + def self.option_get_source_map_file(*_); end + + def self.option_set_c_functions(*_); end + + def self.option_set_c_importers(*_); end + + def self.option_set_include_path(*_); end + + def self.option_set_input_path(*_); end + + def self.option_set_is_indented_syntax_src(*_); end + + def self.option_set_omit_source_map_url(*_); end + + def self.option_set_output_path(*_); end + + def self.option_set_output_style(*_); end + + def self.option_set_precision(*_); end + + def self.option_set_source_comments(*_); end + + def self.option_set_source_map_contents(*_); end + + def self.option_set_source_map_embed(*_); end + + def self.option_set_source_map_file(*_); end + + def self.return_string_array(ptr); end + + def self.sass2scss(*_); end + + def self.string_get_type(native_value); end + + def self.string_get_value(*_); end + + def self.string_is_quoted(*_); end + + def self.value_get_tag(*_); end + + def self.value_is_null(*_); end + + def self.version(*_); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::NotRenderedError +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::NotRenderedError +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Sass2Scss +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Sass2Scss + def self.convert(sass); end +end + +module Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script +end + +module Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Functions +end + +module Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Functions + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Value + def ==(other); end + + def _perform(environment); end + + def assert_int!(); end + + def bracketed(); end + + def eql?(other); end + + def initialize(value=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def null?(); end + + def options(); end + + def options=(options); end + + def separator(); end + + def source_range(); end + + def source_range=(source_range); end + + def to_a(); end + + def to_bool(); end + + def to_h(); end + + def to_i(); end + + def to_s(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def to_sass(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def value(); end + + def with_contents(contents, separator: T.unsafe(nil), bracketed: T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Value::Bool + FALSE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TRUE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Value::Bool + def; end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Value::Color + def ==(other_color); end + + def alpha(); end + + def alpha_string(); end + + def blue(); end + + def eql?(other_color); end + + def green(); end + + def hlsa?(); end + + def hue(); end + + def initialize(red: T.unsafe(nil), green: T.unsafe(nil), blue: T.unsafe(nil), hue: T.unsafe(nil), saturation: T.unsafe(nil), lightness: T.unsafe(nil), alpha: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def lightness(); end + + def red(); end + + def rgba?(); end + + def saturation(); end + + def to_s(); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Value::Color +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Value::List + def eq(other); end + + def initialize(value, separator: T.unsafe(nil), bracketed: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def options=(options); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Value::List + def self.assert_valid_index(list, n); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Value::Map + def eq(other); end + + def initialize(hash); end + + def inspect(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def options=(options); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Value::Map +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Value::Number + def coerce(num_units, den_units); end + + def comparable_to?(other); end + + def denominator_units(); end + + def initialize(value, numerator_units=T.unsafe(nil), denominator_units=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def inspect(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def int?(); end + + def is_unit?(unit); end + + def legal_units?(); end + + def numerator_units(); end + + def original(); end + + def original=(original); end + + def unit_str(); end + + def unitless?(); end + CONVERSION_TABLE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MUTUALLY_CONVERTIBLE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NO_UNITS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPERATIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Value::Number + def self.basically_equal?(num1, num2); end + + def self.epsilon(); end + + def self.precision(); end + + def self.precision=(digits); end + + def self.precision_factor(); end + + def self.round(num); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Value::String + def initialize(value, type=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def plus(other); end + + def type(); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Value::String + def self.quote(contents, opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::Value +end + +module Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion + SEPARATORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion::Base + def initialize(value); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion::Base +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion::Bool + def to_native(); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion::Bool +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion::Color + def to_native(); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion::Color +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion::List + def to_native(); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion::List +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion::Map + def to_native(); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion::Map +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion::Number + def to_native(); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion::Number +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion::String + def to_native(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion::String +end + +module Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script::ValueConversion + extend ::T::Sig + def self.from_native(native_value, options); end + + def self.to_native(value); end +end + +module Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Script + extend ::T::Sig + def self.custom_functions(); end + + def self.formatted_function_name(function_name); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::SyntaxError + def initialize(message, filename: T.unsafe(nil), line: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def sass_backtrace(); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::SyntaxError +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::UnsupportedValue +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::UnsupportedValue +end + +module Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Util + RUBY_ENGINE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY_VERSION_COMPONENTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Util::NormalizedMap + def [](k); end + + def []=(k, v); end + + def as_stored(); end + + def delete(k); end + + def denormalize(key); end + + def each(); end + + def empty?(); end + + def has_key?(k); end + + def initialize(map=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def keys(); end + + def map(); end + + def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end + + def normalize(key); end + + def size(); end + + def sort_by(); end + + def to_a(); end + + def to_hash(); end + + def update(map); end + + def values(); end +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Util::NormalizedMap +end + +module Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Util + extend ::Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass::Util + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Tilt::SassTemplate::Sass + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Tilt::SassTemplate +end + +class Tilt::ScssTemplate +end + +class Tilt::ScssTemplate +end + +class Tilt::SigilTemplate + def allows_script?(); end +end + +class Tilt::SigilTemplate +end + +class Tilt::StringTemplate + def precompiled(locals); end + + def precompiled_template(locals); end +end + +class Tilt::StringTemplate +end + +Tilt::TOPOBJECT = Tilt::CompiledTemplates + +module Tilt + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Time + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + COMMON_YEAR_DAYS_IN_MONTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DATE_FORMATS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Time + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Timecop + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Timeout::Error + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Timeout + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class TracePoint + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def __enable(_, _1); end + + def eval_script(); end + + def event(); end + + def instruction_sequence(); end + + def parameters(); end +end + +class TracePoint + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class TrueClass + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + include ::JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::TrueClass + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class TrueClass + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class TypeError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class UDPSocket + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module UNF + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class UNF::Normalizer + include ::Singleton + def normalize(_, _1); end +end + +class UNF::Normalizer + extend ::Singleton::SingletonClassMethods + def self.instance(); end + + def self.normalize(string, form); end +end + +module UNF + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class UNIXServer + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class UNIXSocket + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module URI + include ::URI::RFC2396_REGEXP +end + +class URI::BadURIError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class URI::Error + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module URI::Escape + def decode(*arg); end + + def encode(*arg); end + + def escape(*arg); end + + def unescape(*arg); end +end + +module URI::Escape + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class URI::FTP + include ::OpenURI::OpenRead + def buffer_open(buf, proxy, options); end + + def set_typecode(v); end + + def typecode(); end + + def typecode=(typecode); end +end + +class URI::FTP + extend ::T::Sig + def self.new2(user, password, host, port, path, typecode=T.unsafe(nil), arg_check=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class URI::File + def check_password(user); end + + def check_user(user); end + + def check_userinfo(user); end + + def set_userinfo(v); end + COMPONENT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_PORT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class URI::File +end + +class URI::Generic + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def +(oth); end + + def -(oth); end + + def ==(oth); end + + def absolute(); end + + def absolute?(); end + + def coerce(oth); end + + def component(); end + + def component_ary(); end + + def default_port(); end + + def eql?(oth); end + + def find_proxy(env=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def fragment(); end + + def fragment=(v); end + + def hierarchical?(); end + + def host(); end + + def host=(v); end + + def hostname(); end + + def hostname=(v); end + + def initialize(scheme, userinfo, host, port, registry, path, opaque, query, fragment, parser=T.unsafe(nil), arg_check=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def merge(oth); end + + def merge!(oth); end + + def normalize(); end + + def normalize!(); end + + def opaque(); end + + def opaque=(v); end + + def parser(); end + + def password(); end + + def password=(password); end + + def path(); end + + def path=(v); end + + def port(); end + + def port=(v); end + + def query(); end + + def query=(v); end + + def registry(); end + + def registry=(v); end + + def relative?(); end + + def route_from(oth); end + + def route_to(oth); end + + def scheme(); end + + def scheme=(v); end + + def select(*components); end + + def set_host(v); end + + def set_opaque(v); end + + def set_password(v); end + + def set_path(v); end + + def set_port(v); end + + def set_registry(v); end + + def set_scheme(v); end + + def set_user(v); end + + def set_userinfo(user, password=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def user(); end + + def user=(user); end + + def userinfo(); end + + def userinfo=(userinfo); end +end + +class URI::Generic + extend ::T::Sig + def; end + + def self.build2(args); end + + def self.component(); end + + def self.default_port(); end + + def self.use_proxy?(hostname, addr, port, no_proxy); end + + def self.use_registry(); end +end + +class URI::HTTP + include ::OpenURI::OpenRead + def buffer_open(buf, proxy, options); end + + def request_uri(); end +end + +class URI::HTTP + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class URI::HTTPS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class URI::InvalidComponentError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class URI::InvalidURIError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class URI::LDAP + def attributes(); end + + def attributes=(val); end + + def dn(); end + + def dn=(val); end + + def extensions(); end + + def extensions=(val); end + + def filter(); end + + def filter=(val); end + + def initialize(*arg); end + + def scope(); end + + def scope=(val); end + + def set_attributes(val); end + + def set_dn(val); end + + def set_extensions(val); end + + def set_filter(val); end + + def set_scope(val); end +end + +class URI::LDAP + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class URI::LDAPS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class URI::MailTo + def headers(); end + + def headers=(v); end + + def initialize(*arg); end + + def set_headers(v); end + + def set_to(v); end + + def to(); end + + def to=(v); end + + def to_mailtext(); end + + def to_rfc822text(); end +end + +class URI::MailTo + extend ::T::Sig +end + +URI::Parser = URI::RFC2396_Parser + +URI::REGEXP = URI::RFC2396_REGEXP + +class URI::RFC2396_Parser + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def escape(str, unsafe=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def extract(str, schemes=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def initialize(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def join(*uris); end + + def make_regexp(schemes=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def parse(uri); end + + def pattern(); end + + def regexp(); end + + def split(uri); end + + def unescape(str, escaped=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class URI::RFC2396_Parser + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module URI::RFC2396_REGEXP::PATTERN + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module URI::RFC2396_REGEXP + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class URI::RFC3986_Parser + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def join(*uris); end + + def parse(uri); end + + def regexp(); end + + def split(uri); end + RFC3986_relative_ref = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class URI::RFC3986_Parser + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module URI::Util + extend ::T::Sig + def self.make_components_hash(klass, array_hash); end +end + +module URI + extend ::T::Sig + extend ::URI::Escape + def self.decode_www_form(str, enc=T.unsafe(nil), separator: T.unsafe(nil), use__charset_: T.unsafe(nil), isindex: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.encode_www_form(enum, enc=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.encode_www_form_component(str, enc=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + def self.get_encoding(label); end +end + +class Uglifier + DEFAULTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ES5FallbackPath = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EXTRA_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HarmonySourcePath = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MANGLE_PROPERTIES_DEFAULTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SOURCE_MAP_DEFAULTS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SourceMapPath = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SourcePath = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SplitFallbackPath = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UglifyJSWrapperPath = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class UnboundMethod + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder + def clone(); end + + def original_name(); end +end + +class UnboundMethod + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class UncaughtThrowError + def tag(); end + + def value(); end +end + +class UncaughtThrowError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module UnicodeNormalize +end + +module UnicodeNormalize + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Visitor = Psych::Visitors::Visitor + +class WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +class WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Warning + def warn(_); end +end + +module Warning + extend ::T::Sig + extend ::Warning +end + +module WebMock + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module WebMock::API + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class WebMock::BodyPattern + BODY_FORMATS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +WebMock::HttpLibAdapters::NetHttpAdapter::OriginalNetBufferedIO = Net::BufferedIO + +WebMock::HttpLibAdapters::NetHttpAdapter::OriginalNetHTTP = Net::HTTP + +module WebMock::HttpLibAdapters + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module WebMock::Matchers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module WebMock::NetHTTPUtility + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module WebMock::RSpecMatcherDetector + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class WebMock::Util::URI + ADDRESSABLE_URIS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NORMALIZED_URIS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module WebMock::Util::URI::CharacterClasses + USERINFO = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module WebMock::Util::URI::CharacterClasses + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module WebMock::Util + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module WebMock + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Webdrivers + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Webdrivers + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Whenever::OS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Whenever::Output::Cron + DAYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KEYWORDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MONTHS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Whenever::Output + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Whenever + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XPath::DSL + AXES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOWERCASE_LETTERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPERATORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UPPERCASE_LETTERS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module XPath::DSL + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XPath + extend ::T::Sig + def self.generate(); end +end + +module XRay + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class XRay::Configuration + CONFIG_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SEGMENT_NAME_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module XRay::Context + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class XRay::DefaultContext + CONTEXT_MISSING_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_STRATEGY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCAL_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SUPPORTED_STRATEGY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class XRay::DefaultSampler + DEFAULT_RULES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module XRay::DummyEntity + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::Emitter + DAEMON_ADDRESS_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module XRay::Emitter + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::Entity + HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HTTP_RESPONSE_KEY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module XRay::Entity + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::FacadeAnnotations + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::FacadeMetadata + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::Facets::Helper + TRACE_HEADER = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TRACE_HEADER_PROXY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module XRay::Facets::Helper + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::Facets + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::Logging + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::Patcher + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::Plugins::EC2 + AZ_ADDR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ID_ADDR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ORIGIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module XRay::Plugins::EC2 + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::Plugins::ECS + ORIGIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module XRay::Plugins::ECS + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::Plugins::ElasticBeanstalk + CONF_PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ORIGIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module XRay::Plugins::ElasticBeanstalk + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::Plugins + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class XRay::Rack::Middleware + X_FORWARD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module XRay::Rack + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::Rails + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::Sampler + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::SearchPattern + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::SegmentNaming + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay::Streamer + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module XRay + extend ::T::Sig +end + +YAML = Psych + +YAMLTree = Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree + +class ZeroDivisionError + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Zip + CDIR_ENTRY_STATIC_HEADER_LENGTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SIGNATURE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FILE_TYPE_DIR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FILE_TYPE_FILE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FILE_TYPE_SYMLINK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_ACORN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_AMIGA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_ATARI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_ATHEOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_BEOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_CPM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_FAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_HPFS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_MAC = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_MAC_OSX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_MVS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_NTFS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_QDOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_TANDEM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_THEOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_TOPS20 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_UNIX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_VFAT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_VMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_VM_CMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FSTYPE_Z_SYSTEM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCAL_ENTRY_SIGNATURE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCAL_ENTRY_STATIC_HEADER_LENGTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + LOCAL_ENTRY_TRAILING_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUNNING_ON_WINDOWS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION_MADE_BY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT_ZIP64 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Zip::CentralDirectory + END_OF_CDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_END_OF_CDS_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STATIC_EOCD_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ZIP64_END_OF_CDS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ZIP64_EOCD_LOCATOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Zip::Decompressor + CHUNK_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Zip::Entry + DEFLATED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + EFS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + STORED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Zip::ExtraField + ID_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Zip::ExtraField::IUnix + HEADER_ID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Zip::ExtraField::NTFS + HEADER_ID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SEC_TO_UNIX_EPOCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WINDOWS_TICK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Zip::ExtraField::OldUnix + HEADER_ID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Zip::ExtraField::UniversalTime + HEADER_ID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Zip::ExtraField::Zip64 + HEADER_ID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Zip::ExtraField::Zip64Placeholder + HEADER_ID = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Zip::File + CREATE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DATA_BUFFER_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + IO_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SPLIT_SIGNATURE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ZIP64_EOCD_SIGNATURE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Zip::IOExtras + CHUNK_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RANGE_ALL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +module Zip::IOExtras::AbstractInputStream + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +module Zip::IOExtras::AbstractInputStream + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Zip::IOExtras::AbstractOutputStream + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Zip::IOExtras::FakeIO + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Zip::IOExtras + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Zip::NullDecompressor + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Zip::NullEncryption + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Zip::NullInputStream + include ::ActiveSupport::ToJsonWithActiveSupportEncoder +end + +module Zip::NullInputStream + extend ::T::Sig +end + +class Zip::StreamableStream +end + +module Zip::TraditionalEncryption + extend ::T::Sig +end + +Zip::ZipCompressionMethodError = Zip::CompressionMethodError + +Zip::ZipDestinationFileExistsError = Zip::DestinationFileExistsError + +Zip::ZipEntryExistsError = Zip::EntryExistsError + +Zip::ZipEntryNameError = Zip::EntryNameError + +Zip::ZipError = Zip::Error + +Zip::ZipInternalError = Zip::InternalError + +module Zip + extend ::T::Sig +end + +module Zlib + ASCII = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BEST_COMPRESSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BEST_SPEED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BINARY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_COMPRESSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_STRATEGY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEF_MEM_LEVEL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FILTERED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FINISH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FIXED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + FULL_FLUSH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HUFFMAN_ONLY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_MEM_LEVEL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + MAX_WBITS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NO_COMPRESSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NO_FLUSH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_AMIGA = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_ATARI = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_CODE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_CPM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_MACOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_MSDOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_OS2 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_QDOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_RISCOS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_TOPS20 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_UNIX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_UNKNOWN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_VMCMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_VMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_WIN32 = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OS_ZSYSTEM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RLE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SYNC_FLUSH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TEXT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + UNKNOWN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ZLIB_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) +end + +class Zlib::BufError +end + +class Zlib::BufError +end + +class Zlib::DataError +end + +class Zlib::DataError +end + +class Zlib::Deflate + def <<(_); end + + def deflate(*_); end + + def flush(*_); end + + def initialize(*_); end + + def params(_, _1); end + + def set_dictionary(_); end +end + +class Zlib::Deflate + def self.deflate(*_); end +end + +class Zlib::Error +end + +class Zlib::Error +end + +class Zlib::GzipFile + def close(); end + + def closed?(); end + + def comment(); end + + def crc(); end + + def finish(); end + + def level(); end + + def mtime(); end + + def orig_name(); end + + def os_code(); end + + def sync(); end + + def sync=(sync); end + + def to_io(); end +end + +class Zlib::GzipFile::CRCError +end + +class Zlib::GzipFile::CRCError +end + +class Zlib::GzipFile::Error + def input(); end +end + +class Zlib::GzipFile::Error +end + +class Zlib::GzipFile::LengthError +end + +class Zlib::GzipFile::LengthError +end + +class Zlib::GzipFile::NoFooter +end + +class Zlib::GzipFile::NoFooter +end + +class Zlib::GzipFile + def self.wrap(*_); end +end + +class Zlib::GzipReader + include ::Enumerable + def bytes(); end + + def each(*_); end + + def each_byte(); end + + def each_char(); end + + def each_line(*_); end + + def eof(); end + + def eof?(); end + + def external_encoding(); end + + def getbyte(); end + + def getc(); end + + def initialize(*_); end + + def lineno(); end + + def lineno=(lineno); end + + def lines(*_); end + + def pos(); end + + def read(*_); end + + def readbyte(); end + + def readchar(); end + + def readpartial(*_); end + + def rewind(); end + + def tell(); end + + def ungetbyte(_); end + + def ungetc(_); end + + def unused(); end +end + +class Zlib::GzipReader + def*_); end +end + +class Zlib::GzipWriter + def <<(_); end + + def comment=(comment); end + + def flush(*_); end + + def initialize(*_); end + + def mtime=(mtime); end + + def orig_name=(orig_name); end + + def pos(); end + + def tell(); end + + def write(*_); end +end + +class Zlib::GzipWriter + def*_); end +end + +class Zlib::Inflate + def <<(_); end + + def add_dictionary(_); end + + def inflate(_); end + + def initialize(*_); end + + def set_dictionary(_); end + + def sync(_); end + + def sync_point?(); end +end + +class Zlib::Inflate + def self.inflate(_); end +end + +class Zlib::MemError +end + +class Zlib::MemError +end + +class Zlib::NeedDict +end + +class Zlib::NeedDict +end + +class Zlib::StreamEnd +end + +class Zlib::StreamEnd +end + +class Zlib::StreamError +end + +class Zlib::StreamError +end + +class Zlib::VersionError +end + +class Zlib::VersionError +end + +class Zlib::ZStream + def adler(); end + + def avail_in(); end + + def avail_out(); end + + def avail_out=(avail_out); end + + def close(); end + + def closed?(); end + + def data_type(); end + + def end(); end + + def ended?(); end + + def finish(); end + + def finished?(); end + + def flush_next_in(); end + + def flush_next_out(); end + + def reset(); end + + def stream_end?(); end + + def total_in(); end + + def total_out(); end +end + +class Zlib::ZStream +end + +module Zlib + extend ::T::Sig + def self.adler32(*_); end + + def self.adler32_combine(_, _1, _2); end + + def self.crc32(*_); end + + def self.crc32_combine(_, _1, _2); end + + def self.crc_table(); end + + def self.deflate(*_); end + + def self.gunzip(_); end + + def self.gzip(*_); end + + def self.inflate(_); end + + def self.zlib_version(); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/actionmailer/all/actionmailer.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/actionmailer/all/actionmailer.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..19cae930d --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/actionmailer/all/actionmailer.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi sorbet-typed +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please upstream any changes you make here: +# +# +# +# typed: strong + +class ActionMailer::Base + sig { params(headers: T.untyped).returns(Mail::Message) } + def mail(headers = nil, &block); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/actionpack/all/actionpack.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/actionpack/all/actionpack.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..46799354e --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/actionpack/all/actionpack.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi sorbet-typed +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please upstream any changes you make here: +# +# +# +# typed: strong + +class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet + sig {params(blk: T.proc.bind(ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper).void).void} + def draw(&blk); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/activerecord/all/activerecord.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/activerecord/all/activerecord.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..52d8458f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/activerecord/all/activerecord.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi sorbet-typed +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please upstream any changes you make here: +# +# +# +# typed: strong + +class ActiveRecord::Base + sig do + params( + model: Symbol, + autosave: T.nilable(T::Boolean), + class_name: T.nilable(String), + counter_cache: T.nilable(T.any(T::Boolean, Symbol)), + dependent: T.nilable(Symbol), + foreign_key: T.nilable(Symbol), + primary_key: T.nilable(Symbol), + inverse_of: T.nilable(Symbol), + polymorphic: T.nilable(T::Boolean), + touch: T.nilable(T.any(T::Boolean, Symbol)), + validate: T.nilable(T::Boolean), + optional: T.nilable(T::Boolean) + ).void + end + def self.belongs_to( + model, + autosave: nil, + class_name: nil, + counter_cache: nil, + dependent: nil, + foreign_key: nil, + primary_key: nil, + inverse_of: nil, + polymorphic: nil, + touch: nil, + validate: nil, + optional: nil + ); end +end + +class ActiveRecord::Schema + sig {params(info: Hash, blk: T.proc.bind(ActiveRecord::Schema).void).void} + def self.define(info = nil, &blk); end +end + +class ActiveRecord::Migration::Current < ActiveRecord::Migration + def change_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = nil); end + def create_table(table_name, options = nil); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/activerecord/~>5.2/activerecord.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/activerecord/~>5.2/activerecord.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..458306958 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/activerecord/~>5.2/activerecord.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi sorbet-typed +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please upstream any changes you make here: +# +#>5.2/activerecord.rbi +# +# typed: strong + +ActiveRecord::Migration::Compatibility::V5_2 = ActiveRecord::Migration::Current diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/activesupport/all/activesupport.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/activesupport/all/activesupport.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..070fbe071 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/activesupport/all/activesupport.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi sorbet-typed +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please upstream any changes you make here: +# +# +# +# typed: false + +module ActiveSupport + sig {params(kind: Symbol, blk: T.proc.bind(T.class_of(ActionController::Base)).void).void} + def self.on_load(kind, &blk); end +end + +class Object + sig { params(duck: T.any(String, Symbol)).returns(T::Boolean) } + def acts_like?(duck); end + + sig {returns(T::Boolean)} + def blank?; end + + sig { returns(T.self_type) } + def deep_dup; end + + sig { returns(TrueClass) } + def duplicable?; end + + sig {params(another_object: Object).returns(T::Boolean)} + def in?(another_object); end + + sig {returns(T::Hash[String, T.untyped])} + def instance_values; end + + sig {returns(T::Array[String])} + def instance_variable_names; end + + sig { returns(T.nilable(T.self_type)) } + def presence; end + + sig {returns(T::Boolean)} + def present?; end + + sig {returns(String)} + def to_param; end + + sig {params(key: String).returns(String)} + def to_query(key); end + + sig do + params( + method_name: T.any(Symbol, String, NilClass), + args: T.untyped, + b: T.nilable(T.proc.params(arg0: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped)) + ).returns(T.untyped) + end + def try(method_name = nil, *args, &b); end + + sig do + params( + method_name: T.any(Symbol, String, NilClass), + args: T.untyped, + b: T.nilable(T.proc.params(arg0: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped)) + ).returns(T.untyped) + end + def try!(method_name = nil, *args, &b); end + + sig do + params( + options: Hash, + block: T.nilable(T.proc.returns(T.untyped)) + ).returns(T.untyped) + end + def with_options(options, &block); end +end + +class FalseClass + sig { returns(NilClass) } + def presence; end +end + +class Method + sig { returns(FalseClass) } + def duplicable?; end +end + +class NilClass + sig { returns(T::Boolean) } + def duplicable?; end + + sig do + params( + method_name: T.any(Symbol, String, NilClass), + args: T.untyped, + b: T.nilable(T.proc.params(arg0: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped)) + ).returns(NilClass) + end + def try(method_name = nil, *args, &b) ; end + + sig do + params( + method_name: T.any(Symbol, String, NilClass), + args: T.untyped, + b: T.nilable(T.proc.params(arg0: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped)) + ).returns(NilClass) + end + def try!(method_name = nil, *args, &b) ; end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/bundler/all/bundler.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/bundler/all/bundler.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ad2a51016 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/bundler/all/bundler.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,8537 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi sorbet-typed +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please upstream any changes you make here: +# +# +# +# typed: true + +module Bundler + FREEBSD = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NULL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ORIGINAL_ENV = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SUDO_MUTEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WINDOWS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig do + params( + custom_path: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.app_cache(custom_path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.app_config_path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.bin_path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.bundle_path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.bundler_major_version(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.clean_env(); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.clean_exec(*args); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.clean_system(*args); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.clear_gemspec_cache(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.configure(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.configured_bundle_path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.current_ruby(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.default_bundle_dir(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.default_gemfile(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.default_lockfile(); end + + sig do + params( + unlock: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.definition(unlock=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.environment(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.feature_flag(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.frozen_bundle?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.git_present?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.home(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.install_path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.load(); end + + sig do + params( + file: ::T.untyped, + validate: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.load_gemspec(file, validate=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + file: ::T.untyped, + validate: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.load_gemspec_uncached(file, validate=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + data: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.load_marshal(data); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.local_platform(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.locked_gems(); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.mkdir_p(path, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.original_env(); end + + sig do + params( + file: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.read_file(file); end + + sig do + params( + groups: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.require(*groups); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.require_thor_actions(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.requires_sudo?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.reset!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.reset_paths!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.reset_rubygems!(); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm_rf(path); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.root(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.ruby_scope(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.rubygems(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.settings(); end + + sig do + params( + groups: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.setup(*groups); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.specs_path(); end + + sig do + params( + str: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.sudo(str); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.system_bindir(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.tmp(name=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + login: ::T.untyped, + warning: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.tmp_home_path(login, warning); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.ui(); end + + sig do + params( + ui: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.ui=(ui); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.use_system_gems?(); end + + sig do + params( + dir: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.user_bundle_path(dir=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.user_cache(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.user_home(); end + + sig do + params( + executable: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.which(executable); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.with_clean_env(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.with_original_env(); end +end + +class Bundler::APIResponseMismatchError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +module Bundler::BuildMetadata + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.built_at(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.git_commit_sha(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.release?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.to_h(); end +end + +class Bundler::BundlerError < StandardError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.all_errors(); end + + sig do + params( + code: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.status_code(code); end +end + +class Bundler::CurrentRuby + KNOWN_MAJOR_VERSIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KNOWN_MINOR_VERSIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KNOWN_PLATFORMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def jruby?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def jruby_18?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def jruby_19?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def jruby_1?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def jruby_20?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def jruby_21?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def jruby_22?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def jruby_23?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def jruby_24?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def jruby_25?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def jruby_26?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def jruby_2?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def maglev?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def maglev_18?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def maglev_19?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def maglev_1?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def maglev_20?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def maglev_21?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def maglev_22?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def maglev_23?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def maglev_24?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def maglev_25?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def maglev_26?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def maglev_2?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mingw?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mingw_18?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mingw_19?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mingw_1?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mingw_20?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mingw_21?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mingw_22?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mingw_23?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mingw_24?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mingw_25?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mingw_26?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mingw_2?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mri?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mri_18?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mri_19?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mri_1?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mri_20?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mri_21?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mri_22?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mri_23?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mri_24?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mri_25?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mri_26?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mri_2?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin64?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin64_18?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin64_19?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin64_1?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin64_20?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin64_21?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin64_22?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin64_23?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin64_24?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin64_25?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin64_26?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin64_2?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin_18?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin_19?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin_1?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin_20?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin_21?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin_22?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin_23?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin_24?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin_25?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin_26?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def mswin_2?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def on_18?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def on_19?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def on_1?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def on_20?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def on_21?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def on_22?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def on_23?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def on_24?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def on_25?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def on_26?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def on_2?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rbx?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rbx_18?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rbx_19?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rbx_1?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rbx_20?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rbx_21?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rbx_22?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rbx_23?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rbx_24?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rbx_25?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rbx_26?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rbx_2?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby_18?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby_19?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby_1?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby_20?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby_21?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby_22?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby_23?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby_24?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby_25?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby_26?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby_2?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def truffleruby?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def truffleruby_18?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def truffleruby_19?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def truffleruby_1?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def truffleruby_20?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def truffleruby_21?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def truffleruby_22?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def truffleruby_23?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def truffleruby_24?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def truffleruby_25?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def truffleruby_26?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def truffleruby_2?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def x64_mingw?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def x64_mingw_18?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def x64_mingw_19?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def x64_mingw_1?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def x64_mingw_20?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def x64_mingw_21?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def x64_mingw_22?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def x64_mingw_23?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def x64_mingw_24?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def x64_mingw_25?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def x64_mingw_26?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def x64_mingw_2?(); end +end + +class Bundler::CyclicDependencyError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::Definition + include ::Bundler::GemHelpers + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def add_current_platform(); end + + sig do + params( + platform: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add_platform(platform); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def current_dependencies(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependencies(); end + + sig do + params( + explicit_flag: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ensure_equivalent_gemfile_and_lockfile(explicit_flag=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + current_spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def find_indexed_specs(current_spec); end + + sig do + params( + current_spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def find_resolved_spec(current_spec); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def gem_version_promoter(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def gemfiles(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def groups(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def has_local_dependencies?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def has_rubygems_remotes?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def index(); end + + sig do + params( + lockfile: ::T.untyped, + dependencies: ::T.untyped, + sources: ::T.untyped, + unlock: ::T.untyped, + ruby_version: ::T.untyped, + optional_groups: ::T.untyped, + gemfiles: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(lockfile, dependencies, sources, unlock, ruby_version=T.unsafe(nil), optional_groups=T.unsafe(nil), gemfiles=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + file: ::T.untyped, + preserve_unknown_sections: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def lock(file, preserve_unknown_sections=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def locked_bundler_version(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def locked_deps(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def locked_gems(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def locked_ruby_version(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def locked_ruby_version_object(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def lockfile(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def missing_specs(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def missing_specs?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def new_platform?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def new_specs(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def nothing_changed?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def platforms(); end + + sig do + params( + platform: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def remove_platform(platform); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def removed_specs(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requested_specs(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requires(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def resolve(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def resolve_remotely!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def resolve_with_cache!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby_version(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def spec_git_paths(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def specs(); end + + sig do + params( + groups: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def specs_for(groups); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_lock(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def unlocking?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def validate_platforms!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def validate_ruby!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def validate_runtime!(); end + + sig do + params( + gemfile: ::T.untyped, + lockfile: ::T.untyped, + unlock: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def, lockfile, unlock); end +end + +class Bundler::DepProxy + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ==(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def __platform(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dep(); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def eql?(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def hash(); end + + sig do + params( + dep: ::T.untyped, + platform: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(dep, platform); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirement(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_s(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def type(); end +end + +class Bundler::Dependency < Gem::Dependency + PLATFORM_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + REVERSE_PLATFORM_MAP = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def autorequire(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def current_env?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def current_platform?(); end + + sig do + params( + valid_platforms: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def gem_platforms(valid_platforms); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def gemfile(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def groups(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + version: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + blk: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(name, version, options=T.unsafe(nil), &blk); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def platforms(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def should_include?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def specific?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_lock(); end +end + +class Bundler::DeprecatedError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::Dsl + include ::Bundler::RubyDsl + VALID_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + VALID_PLATFORMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependencies(); end + + sig do + params( + dependencies: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def dependencies=(dependencies); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def env(name); end + + sig do + params( + gemfile: ::T.untyped, + contents: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def eval_gemfile(gemfile, contents=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + args: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def gem(name, *args); end + + sig do + params( + opts: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def gemspec(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def gemspecs(); end + + sig do + params( + uri: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + blk: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def git(uri, options=T.unsafe(nil), &blk); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def git_source(name, &block); end + + sig do + params( + repo: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def github(repo, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + blk: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def group(*args, &blk); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def initialize(); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def install_if(*args); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + args: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def method_missing(name, *args); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + blk: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def path(path, options=T.unsafe(nil), &blk); end + + sig do + params( + platforms: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def platform(*platforms); end + + sig do + params( + platforms: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def platforms(*platforms); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def plugin(*args); end + + sig do + params( + source: ::T.untyped, + args: ::T.untyped, + blk: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def source(source, *args, &blk); end + + sig do + params( + lockfile: ::T.untyped, + unlock: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def to_definition(lockfile, unlock); end + + sig do + params( + gemfile: ::T.untyped, + lockfile: ::T.untyped, + unlock: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.evaluate(gemfile, lockfile, unlock); end +end + +class Bundler::Dsl::DSLError < Bundler::GemfileError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def backtrace(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def contents(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def description(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dsl_path(); end + + sig do + params( + description: ::T.untyped, + dsl_path: ::T.untyped, + backtrace: ::T.untyped, + contents: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(description, dsl_path, backtrace, contents=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_s(); end +end + +class Bundler::EndpointSpecification < Gem::Specification + ILLFORMED_MESSAGE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def __swap__(spec); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def _local_specification(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def bindir(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def checksum(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependencies(); end + + sig do + params( + dependencies: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def dependencies=(dependencies); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def executables(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def extensions(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def fetch_platform(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + version: ::T.untyped, + platform: ::T.untyped, + dependencies: ::T.untyped, + metadata: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(name, version, platform, dependencies, metadata=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def load_paths(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def platform(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def post_install_message(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def remote(); end + + sig do + params( + remote: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def remote=(remote); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def require_paths(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def required_ruby_version(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def required_rubygems_version(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def source(); end + + sig do + params( + source: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def source=(source); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def version(); end +end + +class Bundler::EnvironmentPreserver + BUNDLER_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BUNDLER_PREFIX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + INTENTIONALLY_NIL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def backup(); end + + sig do + params( + env: ::T.untyped, + keys: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(env, keys); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def restore(); end +end + +class Bundler::FeatureFlag + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def allow_bundler_dependency_conflicts?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def allow_offline_install?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def auto_clean_without_path?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def auto_config_jobs?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def bundler_10_mode?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def bundler_1_mode?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def bundler_2_mode?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def bundler_3_mode?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def bundler_4_mode?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def bundler_5_mode?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def bundler_6_mode?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def bundler_7_mode?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def bundler_8_mode?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def bundler_9_mode?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def cache_all?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def cache_command_is_package?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def console_command?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def default_cli_command(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def default_install_uses_path?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def deployment_means_frozen?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def disable_multisource?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def error_on_stderr?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def forget_cli_options?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def global_gem_cache?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def global_path_appends_ruby_scope?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def init_gems_rb?(); end + + sig do + params( + bundler_version: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(bundler_version); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def list_command?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def lockfile_uses_separate_rubygems_sources?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def only_update_to_newer_versions?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def path_relative_to_cwd?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def plugins?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def prefer_gems_rb?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def print_only_version_number?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def setup_makes_kernel_gem_public?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def skip_default_git_sources?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def specific_platform?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def suppress_install_using_messages?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def unlock_source_unlocks_spec?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def update_requires_all_flag?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def use_gem_version_promoter_for_major_updates?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def viz_command?(); end +end + +module Bundler::FileUtils + include ::Bundler::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + extend ::Bundler::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + LOW_METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + METHODS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPT_TABLE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig do + params( + dir: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def, verbose: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + sig do + params( + dir: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chdir(dir, verbose: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + sig do + params( + mode: ::T.untyped, + list: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chmod(mode, list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + mode: ::T.untyped, + list: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chmod_R(mode, list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), force: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + user: ::T.untyped, + group: ::T.untyped, + list: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chown(user, group, list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + user: ::T.untyped, + group: ::T.untyped, + list: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chown_R(user, group, list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), force: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + a: ::T.untyped, + b: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.cmp(a, b); end + + sig do + params( + opt: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.collect_method(opt); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.commands(); end + + sig do + params( + a: ::T.untyped, + b: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.compare_file(a, b); end + + sig do + params( + a: ::T.untyped, + b: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.compare_stream(a, b); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + preserve: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy(src, dest, preserve: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + preserve: ::T.untyped, + dereference_root: ::T.untyped, + remove_destination: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy_entry(src, dest, preserve=T.unsafe(nil), dereference_root=T.unsafe(nil), remove_destination=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + preserve: ::T.untyped, + dereference: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy_file(src, dest, preserve=T.unsafe(nil), dereference=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy_stream(src, dest); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + preserve: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.cp(src, dest, preserve: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + preserve: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + dereference_root: ::T.untyped, + remove_destination: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.cp_r(src, dest, preserve: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), dereference_root: T.unsafe(nil), remove_destination: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.getwd(); end + + sig do + params( + mid: ::T.untyped, + opt: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.have_option?(mid, opt); end + + sig do + params( + a: ::T.untyped, + b: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.identical?(a, b); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + mode: ::T.untyped, + owner: ::T.untyped, + group: ::T.untyped, + preserve: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.install(src, dest, mode: T.unsafe(nil), owner: T.unsafe(nil), group: T.unsafe(nil), preserve: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def, dest, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.ln(src, dest, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.ln_s(src, dest, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.ln_sf(src, dest, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + list: ::T.untyped, + mode: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.makedirs(list, mode: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + list: ::T.untyped, + mode: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.mkdir(list, mode: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + list: ::T.untyped, + mode: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.mkdir_p(list, mode: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + list: ::T.untyped, + mode: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.mkpath(list, mode: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + secure: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.move(src, dest, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), secure: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + secure: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def, dest, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), secure: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.options(); end + + sig do + params( + mid: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.options_of(mid); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.private_module_function(name); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.pwd(); end + + sig do + params( + list: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove(list, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_dir(path, force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_entry(path, force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_entry_secure(path, force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_file(path, force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + list: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm(list, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + list: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm_f(list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + list: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + secure: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm_r(list, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), secure: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + list: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + secure: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm_rf(list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), secure: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + list: ::T.untyped, + parents: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rmdir(list, parents: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + list: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + secure: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rmtree(list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), secure: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + list: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.safe_unlink(list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.symlink(src, dest, force: T.unsafe(nil), noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + list: ::T.untyped, + noop: ::T.untyped, + verbose: ::T.untyped, + mtime: ::T.untyped, + nocreate: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.touch(list, noop: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), mtime: T.unsafe(nil), nocreate: T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + new: ::T.untyped, + old_list: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.uptodate?(new, old_list); end +end + +module Bundler::FileUtils::DryRun + include ::Bundler::FileUtils::LowMethods + include ::Bundler::FileUtils + include ::Bundler::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + extend ::Bundler::FileUtils::DryRun + extend ::Bundler::FileUtils::LowMethods + extend ::Bundler::FileUtils + extend ::Bundler::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chdir(*_); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chmod(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chmod_R(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chown(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chown_R(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.cmp(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.compare_file(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.compare_stream(*_); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy_entry(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy_file(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy_stream(*_); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.cp(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.cp_r(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.getwd(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.identical?(*_); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.install(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.ln(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.ln_s(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.ln_sf(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.makedirs(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.mkdir(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.mkdir_p(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.mkpath(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.move(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.pwd(*_); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_dir(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_entry(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_entry_secure(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_file(*_); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm_f(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm_r(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm_rf(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rmdir(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rmtree(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.safe_unlink(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.symlink(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.touch(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.uptodate?(*_); end +end + +class Bundler::FileUtils::Entry_ + include ::Bundler::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + DIRECTORY_TERM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SYSCASE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + S_IF_DOOR = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def blockdev?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def chardev?(); end + + sig do + params( + mode: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def chmod(mode); end + + sig do + params( + uid: ::T.untyped, + gid: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def chown(uid, gid); end + + sig do + params( + dest: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def copy(dest); end + + sig do + params( + dest: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def copy_file(dest); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def copy_metadata(path); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dereference?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def directory?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def door?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def entries(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def exist?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def file?(); end + + sig do + params( + a: ::T.untyped, + b: ::T.untyped, + deref: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(a, b=T.unsafe(nil), deref=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def inspect(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def lstat(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def lstat!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def pipe?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def platform_support(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def postorder_traverse(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def prefix(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def preorder_traverse(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rel(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def remove(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def remove_dir1(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def remove_file(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def socket?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def stat(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def stat!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def symlink?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def traverse(); end + + sig do + params( + pre: ::T.untyped, + post: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def wrap_traverse(pre, post); end +end + +module Bundler::FileUtils::LowMethods +end + +module Bundler::FileUtils::NoWrite + include ::Bundler::FileUtils::LowMethods + include ::Bundler::FileUtils + include ::Bundler::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + extend ::Bundler::FileUtils::NoWrite + extend ::Bundler::FileUtils::LowMethods + extend ::Bundler::FileUtils + extend ::Bundler::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chdir(*_); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chmod(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chmod_R(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chown(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chown_R(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.cmp(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.compare_file(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.compare_stream(*_); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy_entry(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy_file(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy_stream(*_); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.cp(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.cp_r(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.getwd(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.identical?(*_); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.install(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.ln(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.ln_s(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.ln_sf(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.makedirs(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.mkdir(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.mkdir_p(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.mkpath(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.move(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.pwd(*_); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_dir(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_entry(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_entry_secure(*_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_file(*_); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm_f(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm_r(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm_rf(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rmdir(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rmtree(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.safe_unlink(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.symlink(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.touch(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.uptodate?(*_); end +end + +module Bundler::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ +end + +module Bundler::FileUtils::Verbose + include ::Bundler::FileUtils + include ::Bundler::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + extend ::Bundler::FileUtils::Verbose + extend ::Bundler::FileUtils + extend ::Bundler::FileUtils::StreamUtils_ + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chdir(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chmod(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chmod_R(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chown(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.chown_R(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + a: ::T.untyped, + b: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.cmp(a, b); end + + sig do + params( + a: ::T.untyped, + b: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.compare_file(a, b); end + + sig do + params( + a: ::T.untyped, + b: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.compare_stream(a, b); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + preserve: ::T.untyped, + dereference_root: ::T.untyped, + remove_destination: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy_entry(src, dest, preserve=T.unsafe(nil), dereference_root=T.unsafe(nil), remove_destination=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + preserve: ::T.untyped, + dereference: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy_file(src, dest, preserve=T.unsafe(nil), dereference=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + src: ::T.untyped, + dest: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.copy_stream(src, dest); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.cp(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.cp_r(*args, **options); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.getwd(); end + + sig do + params( + a: ::T.untyped, + b: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.identical?(a, b); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.install(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.ln(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.ln_s(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.ln_sf(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.makedirs(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.mkdir(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.mkdir_p(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.mkpath(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.move(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*args, **options); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.pwd(); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_dir(path, force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_entry(path, force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_entry_secure(path, force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.remove_file(path, force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm_f(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm_r(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rm_rf(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rmdir(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.rmtree(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.safe_unlink(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.symlink(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.touch(*args, **options); end + + sig do + params( + new: ::T.untyped, + old_list: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.uptodate?(new, old_list); end +end + +module Bundler::GemHelpers + GENERICS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GENERIC_CACHE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig do + params( + p: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.generic(p); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.generic_local_platform(); end + + sig do + params( + spec_platform: ::T.untyped, + user_platform: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.platform_specificity_match(spec_platform, user_platform); end + + sig do + params( + specs: ::T.untyped, + platform: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.select_best_platform_match(specs, platform); end +end + +class Bundler::GemHelpers::PlatformMatch < Struct + extend T::Generic + Elem = type_member(fixed: T.untyped) + + EXACT_MATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + WORST_MATCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def <=>(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def cpu_match(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def cpu_match=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def os_match(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def os_match=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def platform_version_match(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def platform_version_match=(_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.[](*_); end + + sig do + params( + spec_platform: ::T.untyped, + user_platform: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.cpu_match(spec_platform, user_platform); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.members(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*_); end + + sig do + params( + spec_platform: ::T.untyped, + user_platform: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.os_match(spec_platform, user_platform); end + + sig do + params( + spec_platform: ::T.untyped, + user_platform: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.platform_version_match(spec_platform, user_platform); end +end + +class Bundler::GemNotFound < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::GemRequireError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig do + params( + orig_exception: ::T.untyped, + msg: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(orig_exception, msg); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def orig_exception(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::GemfileError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::GemfileEvalError < Bundler::GemfileError +end + +class Bundler::GemfileLockNotFound < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::GemfileNotFound < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::GemspecError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::GenericSystemCallError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig do + params( + underlying_error: ::T.untyped, + message: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(underlying_error, message); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def underlying_error(); end +end + +class Bundler::GitError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::HTTPError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig do + params( + uri: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def filter_uri(uri); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::Index + include ::Enumerable + EMPTY_SEARCH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NULL = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def <<(spec); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ==(other); end + + sig do + params( + query: ::T.untyped, + base: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def [](query, base=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + index: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add_source(index); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def all_specs(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + other_spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def dependencies_eql?(spec, other_spec); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependency_names(); end + + sig do + params( + blk: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def each(&blk); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def empty?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def initialize(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def inspect(); end + + sig do + params( + query: ::T.untyped, + base: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def local_search(query, base=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + query: ::T.untyped, + base: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def search(query, base=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def search_all(name); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def size(); end + + sig do + params( + specs: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def sort_specs(specs); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def sources(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def spec_names(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def specs(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def unmet_dependency_names(); end + + sig do + params( + query: ::T.untyped, + base: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def unsorted_search(query, base); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + override_dupes: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def use(other, override_dupes=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def; end + + sig do + params( + specs: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.sort_specs(specs); end +end + +class Bundler::InstallError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::InstallHookError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::InvalidOption < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::LazySpecification + include ::Bundler::MatchPlatform + include ::Bundler::GemHelpers + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ==(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def __materialize__(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependencies(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def full_name(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def git_version(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def identifier(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + version: ::T.untyped, + platform: ::T.untyped, + source: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(name, version, platform, source=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def platform(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def remote(); end + + sig do + params( + remote: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def remote=(remote); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def respond_to?(*args); end + + sig do + params( + dependency: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def satisfies?(dependency); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def source(); end + + sig do + params( + source: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def source=(source); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_lock(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_s(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def version(); end +end + +class Bundler::LazySpecification::Identifier < Struct + include ::Comparable + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def <=>(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependencies(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def dependencies=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def name=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def platform(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def platform=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def platform_string(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def source(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def source=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def version(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def version=(_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.[](*_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.members(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*_); end +end + +class Bundler::LockfileError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::LockfileParser + BUNDLED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEPENDENCIES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + ENVIRONMENT_VERSION_SECTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GEM = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + GIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + KNOWN_SECTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NAME_VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PATH = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PLATFORMS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PLUGIN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + RUBY = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SECTIONS_BY_VERSION_INTRODUCED = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SOURCE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + SPECS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + TYPES = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def bundler_version(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependencies(); end + + sig do + params( + lockfile: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(lockfile); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def platforms(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby_version(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def sources(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def specs(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def warn_for_outdated_bundler_version(); end + + sig do + params( + lockfile_contents: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.sections_in_lockfile(lockfile_contents); end + + sig do + params( + base_version: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.sections_to_ignore(base_version=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + lockfile_contents: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.unknown_sections_in_lockfile(lockfile_contents); end +end + +class Bundler::MarshalError < StandardError +end + +module Bundler::MatchPlatform + include ::Bundler::GemHelpers + sig do + params( + p: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def match_platform(p); end + + sig do + params( + gemspec_platform: ::T.untyped, + local_platform: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.platforms_match?(gemspec_platform, local_platform); end +end + +module Bundler::Molinillo + VERSION = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::CircularDependencyError < Bundler::Molinillo::ResolverError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependencies(); end + + sig do + params( + vertices: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(vertices); end +end + +module Bundler::Molinillo::Compatibility + sig do + params( + enum: ::T.untyped, + blk: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.flat_map(enum, &blk); end +end + +module Bundler::Molinillo::Delegates +end + +module Bundler::Molinillo::Delegates::ResolutionState + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def activated(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def conflicts(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def depth(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def possibilities(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirement(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirements(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def unused_unwind_options(); end +end + +module Bundler::Molinillo::Delegates::SpecificationProvider + sig do + params( + dependency: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def allow_missing?(dependency); end + + sig do + params( + specification: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def dependencies_for(specification); end + + sig do + params( + dependency: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def name_for(dependency); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name_for_explicit_dependency_source(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name_for_locking_dependency_source(); end + + sig do + params( + requirement: ::T.untyped, + activated: ::T.untyped, + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def requirement_satisfied_by?(requirement, activated, spec); end + + sig do + params( + dependency: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def search_for(dependency); end + + sig do + params( + dependencies: ::T.untyped, + activated: ::T.untyped, + conflicts: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def sort_dependencies(dependencies, activated, conflicts); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph + include ::TSort + include ::Enumerable + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ==(other); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + payload: ::T.untyped, + parent_names: ::T.untyped, + requirement: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add_child_vertex(name, payload, parent_names, requirement); end + + sig do + params( + origin: ::T.untyped, + destination: ::T.untyped, + requirement: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add_edge(origin, destination, requirement); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + payload: ::T.untyped, + root: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add_vertex(name, payload, root=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + edge: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def delete_edge(edge); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def detach_vertex_named(name); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def each(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def initialize(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def inspect(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def log(); end + + sig do + params( + tag: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def rewind_to(tag); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def root_vertex_named(name); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + payload: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def set_payload(name, payload); end + + sig do + params( + tag: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def tag(tag); end + + sig do + params( + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def to_dot(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + vertex: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def tsort_each_child(vertex, &block); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def tsort_each_node(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def vertex_named(name); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def vertices(); end + + sig do + params( + vertices: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.tsort(vertices); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Action + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def down(graph); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def next(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def next=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def previous(); end + + sig do + params( + previous: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def previous=(previous); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def up(graph); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.action_name(); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::AddEdgeNoCircular < Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Action + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def destination(); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def down(graph); end + + sig do + params( + origin: ::T.untyped, + destination: ::T.untyped, + requirement: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(origin, destination, requirement); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def make_edge(graph); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def origin(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirement(); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def up(graph); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.action_name(); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::AddVertex < Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Action + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def down(graph); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + payload: ::T.untyped, + root: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(name, payload, root); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def payload(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def root(); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def up(graph); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.action_name(); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::DeleteEdge < Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Action + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def destination_name(); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def down(graph); end + + sig do + params( + origin_name: ::T.untyped, + destination_name: ::T.untyped, + requirement: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(origin_name, destination_name, requirement); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def make_edge(graph); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def origin_name(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirement(); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def up(graph); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.action_name(); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::DetachVertexNamed < Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Action + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def down(graph); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(name); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def up(graph); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.action_name(); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Edge < Struct + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def destination(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def destination=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def origin(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def origin=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirement(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def requirement=(_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.[](*_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.members(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*_); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Log + extend ::Enumerable + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + origin: ::T.untyped, + destination: ::T.untyped, + requirement: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add_edge_no_circular(graph, origin, destination, requirement); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + name: ::T.untyped, + payload: ::T.untyped, + root: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add_vertex(graph, name, payload, root); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + origin_name: ::T.untyped, + destination_name: ::T.untyped, + requirement: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def delete_edge(graph, origin_name, destination_name, requirement); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def detach_vertex_named(graph, name); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def each(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def initialize(); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def pop!(graph); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def reverse_each(); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + tag: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def rewind_to(graph, tag); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + name: ::T.untyped, + payload: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def set_payload(graph, name, payload); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + tag: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def tag(graph, tag); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::SetPayload < Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Action + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def down(graph); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + payload: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(name, payload); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def payload(); end + + sig do + params( + graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def up(graph); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.action_name(); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Tag < Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Action + sig do + params( + _graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def down(_graph); end + + sig do + params( + tag: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(tag); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def tag(); end + + sig do + params( + _graph: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def up(_graph); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.action_name(); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Vertex + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ==(other); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + visited: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def _path_to?(other, visited=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ancestor?(other); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def descendent?(other); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def eql?(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def explicit_requirements(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def hash(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def incoming_edges(); end + + sig do + params( + incoming_edges: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def incoming_edges=(incoming_edges); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + payload: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(name, payload); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def inspect(); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def is_reachable_from?(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def name=(name); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def outgoing_edges(); end + + sig do + params( + outgoing_edges: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def outgoing_edges=(outgoing_edges); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def path_to?(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def payload(); end + + sig do + params( + payload: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def payload=(payload); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def predecessors(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def recursive_predecessors(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def recursive_successors(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirements(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def root(); end + + sig do + params( + root: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def root=(root); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def root?(); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def shallow_eql?(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def successors(); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyState < Bundler::Molinillo::ResolutionState + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def pop_possibility_state(); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::NoSuchDependencyError < Bundler::Molinillo::ResolverError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependency(); end + + sig do + params( + dependency: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def dependency=(dependency); end + + sig do + params( + dependency: ::T.untyped, + required_by: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(dependency, required_by=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def message(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def required_by(); end + + sig do + params( + required_by: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def required_by=(required_by); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::PossibilityState < Bundler::Molinillo::ResolutionState +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::ResolutionState < Struct + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def activated(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def activated=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def conflicts(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def conflicts=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def depth(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def depth=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def name=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def possibilities(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def possibilities=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirement(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def requirement=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirements(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def requirements=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def unused_unwind_options(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def unused_unwind_options=(_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.[](*_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.empty(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.members(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*_); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::Resolver + sig do + params( + specification_provider: ::T.untyped, + resolver_ui: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(specification_provider, resolver_ui); end + + sig do + params( + requested: ::T.untyped, + base: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def resolve(requested, base=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def resolver_ui(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def specification_provider(); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::Resolver::Resolution + include ::Bundler::Molinillo::Delegates::SpecificationProvider + include ::Bundler::Molinillo::Delegates::ResolutionState + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def base(); end + + sig do + params( + specification_provider: ::T.untyped, + resolver_ui: ::T.untyped, + requested: ::T.untyped, + base: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(specification_provider, resolver_ui, requested, base); end + + sig do + params( + iteration_rate: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def iteration_rate=(iteration_rate); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def original_requested(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def resolve(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def resolver_ui(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def specification_provider(); end + + sig do + params( + started_at: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def started_at=(started_at); end + + sig do + params( + states: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def states=(states); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::Resolver::Resolution::Conflict < Struct + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def activated_by_name(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def activated_by_name=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def existing(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def existing=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def locked_requirement(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def locked_requirement=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def possibility(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def possibility_set(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def possibility_set=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirement(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def requirement=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirement_trees(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def requirement_trees=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirements(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def requirements=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def underlying_error(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def underlying_error=(_); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.[](*_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.members(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*_); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::Resolver::Resolution::PossibilitySet < Struct + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependencies(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def dependencies=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def latest_version(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def possibilities(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def possibilities=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_s(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.[](*_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.members(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*_); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::Resolver::Resolution::UnwindDetails < Struct + include ::Comparable + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def <=>(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def all_requirements(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def conflicting_requirements(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def conflicting_requirements=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirement_tree(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def requirement_tree=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirement_trees(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def requirement_trees=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requirements_unwound_to_instead(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def requirements_unwound_to_instead=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def reversed_requirement_tree_index(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def state_index(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def state_index=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def state_requirement(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def state_requirement=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def sub_dependencies_to_avoid(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def unwinding_to_primary_requirement?(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.[](*_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.members(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*_); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::ResolverError < StandardError +end + +module Bundler::Molinillo::SpecificationProvider + sig do + params( + dependency: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def allow_missing?(dependency); end + + sig do + params( + specification: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def dependencies_for(specification); end + + sig do + params( + dependency: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def name_for(dependency); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name_for_explicit_dependency_source(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name_for_locking_dependency_source(); end + + sig do + params( + requirement: ::T.untyped, + activated: ::T.untyped, + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def requirement_satisfied_by?(requirement, activated, spec); end + + sig do + params( + dependency: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def search_for(dependency); end + + sig do + params( + dependencies: ::T.untyped, + activated: ::T.untyped, + conflicts: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def sort_dependencies(dependencies, activated, conflicts); end +end + +module Bundler::Molinillo::UI + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def after_resolution(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def before_resolution(); end + + sig do + params( + depth: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def debug(depth=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def debug?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def indicate_progress(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def output(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def progress_rate(); end +end + +class Bundler::Molinillo::VersionConflict < Bundler::Molinillo::ResolverError + include ::Bundler::Molinillo::Delegates::SpecificationProvider + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def conflicts(); end + + sig do + params( + conflicts: ::T.untyped, + specification_provider: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(conflicts, specification_provider); end + + sig do + params( + opts: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def message_with_trees(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def specification_provider(); end +end + +class Bundler::NoSpaceOnDeviceError < Bundler::PermissionError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def message(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::OperationNotSupportedError < Bundler::PermissionError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def message(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::PathError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::PermissionError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def action(); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + permission_type: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(path, permission_type=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def message(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +module Bundler::Plugin + PLUGIN_FILE_NAME = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig do + params( + command: ::T.untyped, + cls: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.add_command(command, cls); end + + sig do + params( + event: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.add_hook(event, &block); end + + sig do + params( + source: ::T.untyped, + cls: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.add_source(source, cls); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.cache(); end + + sig do + params( + command: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.command?(command); end + + sig do + params( + command: ::T.untyped, + args: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.exec_command(command, args); end + + sig do + params( + gemfile: ::T.untyped, + inline: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.gemfile_install(gemfile=T.unsafe(nil), &inline); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.global_root(); end + + sig do + params( + event: ::T.untyped, + args: ::T.untyped, + arg_blk: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.hook(event, *args, &arg_blk); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.index(); end + + sig do + params( + names: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.install(names, options); end + + sig do + params( + plugin: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.installed?(plugin); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.local_root(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.reset!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.root(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.source(name); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.source?(name); end + + sig do + params( + locked_opts: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.source_from_lock(locked_opts); end +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::API + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def cache_dir(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + args: ::T.untyped, + blk: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def method_missing(name, *args, &blk); end + + sig do + params( + names: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def tmp(*names); end + + sig do + params( + command: ::T.untyped, + cls: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.command(command, cls=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + event: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.hook(event, &block); end + + sig do + params( + source: ::T.untyped, + cls: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.source(source, cls=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::MalformattedPlugin < Bundler::PluginError +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::UndefinedCommandError < Bundler::PluginError +end + +class Bundler::Plugin::UnknownSourceError < Bundler::PluginError +end + +class Bundler::PluginError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::ProductionError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::RemoteSpecification + include ::Comparable + include ::Bundler::MatchPlatform + include ::Bundler::GemHelpers + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def <=>(other); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def __swap__(spec); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependencies(); end + + sig do + params( + dependencies: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def dependencies=(dependencies); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def fetch_platform(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def full_name(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def git_version(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + version: ::T.untyped, + platform: ::T.untyped, + spec_fetcher: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(name, version, platform, spec_fetcher); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def platform(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def remote(); end + + sig do + params( + remote: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def remote=(remote); end + + sig do + params( + method: ::T.untyped, + include_all: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def respond_to?(method, include_all=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def sort_obj(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def source(); end + + sig do + params( + source: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def source=(source); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_s(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def version(); end +end + +class Bundler::Resolver + include ::Bundler::Molinillo::SpecificationProvider + include ::Bundler::Molinillo::UI + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def after_resolution(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def before_resolution(); end + + sig do + params( + depth: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def debug(depth=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def debug?(); end + + sig do + params( + specification: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def dependencies_for(specification); end + + sig do + params( + dependency: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def index_for(dependency); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def indicate_progress(); end + + sig do + params( + index: ::T.untyped, + source_requirements: ::T.untyped, + base: ::T.untyped, + gem_version_promoter: ::T.untyped, + additional_base_requirements: ::T.untyped, + platforms: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(index, source_requirements, base, gem_version_promoter, additional_base_requirements, platforms); end + + sig do + params( + dependency: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def name_for(dependency); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name_for_explicit_dependency_source(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name_for_locking_dependency_source(); end + + sig do + params( + vertex: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def relevant_sources_for_vertex(vertex); end + + sig do + params( + requirement: ::T.untyped, + activated: ::T.untyped, + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def requirement_satisfied_by?(requirement, activated, spec); end + + sig do + params( + dependency: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def search_for(dependency); end + + sig do + params( + dependencies: ::T.untyped, + activated: ::T.untyped, + conflicts: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def sort_dependencies(dependencies, activated, conflicts); end + + sig do + params( + requirements: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def start(requirements); end + + sig do + params( + platform: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.platform_sort_key(platform); end + + sig do + params( + requirements: ::T.untyped, + index: ::T.untyped, + source_requirements: ::T.untyped, + base: ::T.untyped, + gem_version_promoter: ::T.untyped, + additional_base_requirements: ::T.untyped, + platforms: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.resolve(requirements, index, source_requirements=T.unsafe(nil), base=T.unsafe(nil), gem_version_promoter=T.unsafe(nil), additional_base_requirements=T.unsafe(nil), platforms=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + platforms: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.sort_platforms(platforms); end +end + +class Bundler::Resolver::SpecGroup + include ::Bundler::GemHelpers + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ==(other); end + + sig do + params( + platform: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def activate_platform!(platform); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependencies_for_activated_platforms(); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def eql?(other); end + + sig do + params( + platform: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def for?(platform); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def hash(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ignores_bundler_dependencies(); end + + sig do + params( + ignores_bundler_dependencies: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ignores_bundler_dependencies=(ignores_bundler_dependencies); end + + sig do + params( + all_specs: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(all_specs); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def name=(name); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def source(); end + + sig do + params( + source: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def source=(source); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_s(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_specs(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def version(); end + + sig do + params( + version: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def version=(version); end +end + +module Bundler::RubyDsl + sig do + params( + ruby_version: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ruby(*ruby_version); end +end + +class Bundler::RubyVersion + PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ==(other); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def diff(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def engine(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def engine_gem_version(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def engine_versions(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def exact?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def gem_version(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def host(); end + + sig do + params( + versions: ::T.untyped, + patchlevel: ::T.untyped, + engine: ::T.untyped, + engine_version: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(versions, patchlevel, engine, engine_version); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def patchlevel(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def single_version_string(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_gem_version_with_patchlevel(); end + + sig do + params( + versions: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def to_s(versions=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def versions(); end + + sig do + params( + versions: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def versions_string(versions); end + + sig do + params( + string: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.from_string(string); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.system(); end +end + +class Bundler::RubyVersionMismatch < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::RubygemsIntegration + EXT_LOCK = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def backport_base_dir(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def backport_cache_file(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def backport_segment_generation(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def backport_spec_file(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def backport_yaml_initialize(); end + + sig do + params( + gem: ::T.untyped, + bin: ::T.untyped, + ver: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def bin_path(gem, bin, ver); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def binstubs_call_gem?(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + skip_validation: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def build(spec, skip_validation=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def build_args(); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def build_args=(args); end + + sig do + params( + gem_dir: ::T.untyped, + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def build_gem(gem_dir, spec); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def clear_paths(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def config_map(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def configuration(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + uri: ::T.untyped, + path: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def download_gem(spec, uri, path); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ext_lock(); end + + sig do + params( + remote: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def fetch_all_remote_specs(remote); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def fetch_prerelease_specs(); end + + sig do + params( + all: ::T.untyped, + pre: ::T.untyped, + blk: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def fetch_specs(all, pre, &blk); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def gem_bindir(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def gem_cache(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def gem_dir(); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + policy: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def gem_from_path(path, policy=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def gem_path(); end + + sig do + params( + obj: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def inflate(obj); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def initialize(); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def install_with_build_args(args); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def load_path_insert_index(); end + + sig do + params( + files: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def load_plugin_files(files); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def load_plugins(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def loaded_gem_paths(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def loaded_specs(name); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def mark_loaded(spec); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def marshal_spec_dir(); end + + sig do + params( + klass: ::T.untyped, + method: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def method_visibility(klass, method); end + + sig do + params( + obj: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def path(obj); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def path_separator(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def platforms(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def post_reset_hooks(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def preserve_paths(); end + + sig do + params( + req_str: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def provides?(req_str); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def read_binary(path); end + + sig do + params( + klass: ::T.untyped, + method: ::T.untyped, + unbound_method: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def redefine_method(klass, method, unbound_method=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + sig do + params( + specs: ::T.untyped, + specs_by_name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def replace_bin_path(specs, specs_by_name); end + + sig do + params( + specs: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def replace_entrypoints(specs); end + + sig do + params( + specs: ::T.untyped, + specs_by_name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def replace_gem(specs, specs_by_name); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def replace_refresh(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def repository_subdirectories(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def reset(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def reverse_rubygems_kernel_mixin(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ruby_engine(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def security_policies(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def security_policy_keys(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + installed_by_version: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def set_installed_by_version(spec, installed_by_version=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def sources(); end + + sig do + params( + val: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def sources=(val); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def spec_cache_dirs(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def spec_default_gem?(spec); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def spec_extension_dir(spec); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + policy: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def spec_from_gem(path, policy=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + glob: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def spec_matches_for_glob(spec, glob); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + default: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def spec_missing_extensions?(spec, default=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + stub: ::T.untyped, + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def stub_set_spec(stub, spec); end + + sig do + params( + specs: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def stub_source_index(specs); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def stubs_provide_full_functionality?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def suffix_pattern(); end + + sig do + params( + obj: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ui=(obj); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def undo_replacements(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def user_home(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def validate(spec); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def version(); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def with_build_args(args); end + + sig do + params( + req_str: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.provides?(req_str); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.version(); end +end + +class Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::AlmostModern < Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::Modern + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def preserve_paths(); end +end + +class Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::Ancient < Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::Legacy + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def initialize(); end +end + +class Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::Future < Bundler::RubygemsIntegration + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def all_specs(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + skip_validation: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def build(spec, skip_validation=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + uri: ::T.untyped, + path: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def download_gem(spec, uri, path); end + + sig do + params( + remote: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def fetch_all_remote_specs(remote); end + + sig do + params( + source: ::T.untyped, + remote: ::T.untyped, + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def fetch_specs(source, remote, name); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def find_name(name); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + policy: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def gem_from_path(path, policy=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def gem_remote_fetcher(); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def install_with_build_args(args); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def path_separator(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def repository_subdirectories(); end + + sig do + params( + specs: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def stub_rubygems(specs); end +end + +class Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::Legacy < Bundler::RubygemsIntegration + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def all_specs(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def find_name(name); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def initialize(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def post_reset_hooks(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def reset(); end + + sig do + params( + specs: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def stub_rubygems(specs); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def validate(spec); end +end + +class Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::Modern < Bundler::RubygemsIntegration + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def all_specs(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def find_name(name); end + + sig do + params( + specs: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def stub_rubygems(specs); end +end + +class Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::MoreFuture < Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::Future + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def all_specs(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def backport_ext_builder_monitor(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def binstubs_call_gem?(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def find_name(name); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def initialize(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def stubs_provide_full_functionality?(); end + + sig do + params( + gemfile: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def use_gemdeps(gemfile); end +end + +class Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::MoreModern < Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::Modern + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + skip_validation: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def build(spec, skip_validation=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::Transitional < Bundler::RubygemsIntegration::Legacy + sig do + params( + specs: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def stub_rubygems(specs); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def validate(spec); end +end + +class Bundler::Runtime + include ::Bundler::SharedHelpers + REQUIRE_ERRORS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig do + params( + custom_path: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def cache(custom_path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + dry_run: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def clean(dry_run=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def current_dependencies(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependencies(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def gems(); end + + sig do + params( + root: ::T.untyped, + definition: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(root, definition); end + + sig do + params( + opts: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def lock(opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + cache_path: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def prune_cache(cache_path); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requested_specs(); end + + sig do + params( + groups: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def require(*groups); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requires(); end + + sig do + params( + groups: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def setup(*groups); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def specs(); end +end + +class Bundler::SecurityError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::Settings + ARRAY_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + BOOL_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + CONFIG_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + DEFAULT_CONFIG = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NORMALIZE_URI_OPTIONS_PATTERN = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + NUMBER_KEYS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + PER_URI_OPTIONS = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def [](name); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def all(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def allow_sudo?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def app_cache_path(); end + + sig do + params( + uri: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def credentials_for(uri); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def gem_mirrors(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ignore_config?(); end + + sig do + params( + root: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(root=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + key: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def key_for(key); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def local_overrides(); end + + sig do + params( + key: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def locations(key); end + + sig do + params( + uri: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def mirror_for(uri); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def path(); end + + sig do + params( + exposed_key: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def pretty_values_for(exposed_key); end + + sig do + params( + key: ::T.untyped, + value: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def set_command_option(key, value); end + + sig do + params( + key: ::T.untyped, + value: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def set_command_option_if_given(key, value); end + + sig do + params( + key: ::T.untyped, + value: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def set_global(key, value); end + + sig do + params( + key: ::T.untyped, + value: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def set_local(key, value); end + + sig do + params( + update: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def temporary(update); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def validate!(); end + + sig do + params( + uri: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.normalize_uri(uri); end +end + +class Bundler::Settings::Path < Struct + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def append_ruby_scope(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def append_ruby_scope=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def base_path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def base_path_relative_to_pwd(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def default_install_uses_path(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def default_install_uses_path=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def explicit_path(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def explicit_path=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def system_path(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def system_path=(_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def use_system_gems?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def validate!(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.[](*_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def self.members(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def*_); end +end + +module Bundler::SharedHelpers + extend ::Bundler::SharedHelpers + sig do + params( + dir: ::T.untyped, + blk: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def chdir(dir, &blk); end + + sig do + params( + constant_name: ::T.untyped, + namespace: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def const_get_safely(constant_name, namespace); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def default_bundle_dir(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def default_gemfile(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def default_lockfile(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def digest(name); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + old_deps: ::T.untyped, + new_deps: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ensure_same_dependencies(spec, old_deps, new_deps); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + action: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def filesystem_access(path, action=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def in_bundle?(); end + + sig do + params( + major_version: ::T.untyped, + message: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def major_deprecation(major_version, message); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def md5_available?(); end + + sig do + params( + dep: ::T.untyped, + print_source: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def pretty_dependency(dep, print_source=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def print_major_deprecations!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def pwd(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def root(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def set_bundle_environment(); end + + sig do + params( + key: ::T.untyped, + value: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def set_env(key, value); end + + sig do + params( + signal: ::T.untyped, + override: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def trap(signal, override=T.unsafe(nil), &block); end + + sig do + params( + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def with_clean_git_env(&block); end + + sig do + params( + gemfile_path: ::T.untyped, + contents: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def write_to_gemfile(gemfile_path, contents); end +end + +class Bundler::Source + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def can_lock?(spec); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependency_names(); end + + sig do + params( + dependency_names: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def dependency_names=(dependency_names); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependency_names_to_double_check(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def double_check_for(*_); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def extension_cache_path(spec); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def include?(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def inspect(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def path?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def unmet_deps(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def version_message(spec); end +end + +class Bundler::Source::Gemspec < Bundler::Source::Path + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def as_path_source(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def gemspec(); end + + sig do + params( + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(options); end +end + +class Bundler::Source::Git < Bundler::Source::Path + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ==(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def allow_git_ops?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def app_cache_dirname(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def branch(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + custom_path: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def cache(spec, custom_path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def cache_path(); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def eql?(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def extension_dir_name(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def hash(); end + + sig do + params( + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(options); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def install(spec, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def install_path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def load_spec_files(); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def local_override!(path); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def options(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ref(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def revision(); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def specs(*_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def submodules(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_lock(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_s(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def unlock!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def uri(); end + + sig do + params( + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.from_lock(options); end +end + +class Bundler::Source::Git::GitCommandError < Bundler::GitError + sig do + params( + command: ::T.untyped, + path: ::T.untyped, + extra_info: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(command, path=T.unsafe(nil), extra_info=T.unsafe(nil)); end +end + +class Bundler::Source::Git::GitNotAllowedError < Bundler::GitError + sig do + params( + command: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(command); end +end + +class Bundler::Source::Git::GitNotInstalledError < Bundler::GitError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def initialize(); end +end + +class Bundler::Source::Git::GitProxy + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def branch(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def checkout(); end + + sig do + params( + commit: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def contains?(commit); end + + sig do + params( + destination: ::T.untyped, + submodules: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def copy_to(destination, submodules=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def full_version(); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + uri: ::T.untyped, + ref: ::T.untyped, + revision: ::T.untyped, + git: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(path, uri, ref, revision=T.unsafe(nil), git=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def path(); end + + sig do + params( + path: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def path=(path); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ref(); end + + sig do + params( + ref: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ref=(ref); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def revision(); end + + sig do + params( + revision: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def revision=(revision); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def uri(); end + + sig do + params( + uri: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def uri=(uri); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def version(); end +end + +class Bundler::Source::Git::MissingGitRevisionError < Bundler::GitError + sig do + params( + ref: ::T.untyped, + repo: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(ref, repo); end +end + +class Bundler::Source::Metadata < Bundler::Source + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ==(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def cached!(); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def eql?(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def hash(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + _opts: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def install(spec, _opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def options(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def remote!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def specs(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_s(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def version_message(spec); end +end + +class Bundler::Source::Path < Bundler::Source + DEFAULT_GLOB = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ==(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def app_cache_dirname(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + custom_path: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def cache(spec, custom_path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def cached!(); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def eql?(other); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def expanded_original_path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def hash(); end + + sig do + params( + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(options); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def install(spec, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + _: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def local_specs(*_); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def name=(name); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def options(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def original_path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def remote!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def root(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def root_path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def specs(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_lock(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_s(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def version(); end + + sig do + params( + version: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def version=(version); end + + sig do + params( + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.from_lock(options); end +end + +class Bundler::Source::Rubygems < Bundler::Source + API_REQUEST_LIMIT = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + API_REQUEST_SIZE = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ==(other); end + + sig do + params( + source: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add_remote(source); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def api_fetchers(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def builtin_gem?(spec); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + custom_path: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def cache(spec, custom_path=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def cache_path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def cached!(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def cached_built_in_gem(spec); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def cached_gem(spec); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def cached_path(spec); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def cached_specs(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def caches(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def can_lock?(spec); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def credless_remotes(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def dependency_names_to_double_check(); end + + sig do + params( + unmet_dependency_names: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def double_check_for(unmet_dependency_names); end + + sig do + params( + other: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def eql?(other); end + + sig do + params( + other_remotes: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def equivalent_remotes?(other_remotes); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def fetch_gem(spec); end + + sig do + params( + fetchers: ::T.untyped, + dependency_names: ::T.untyped, + index: ::T.untyped, + override_dupes: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def fetch_names(fetchers, dependency_names, index, override_dupes); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def fetchers(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def hash(); end + + sig do + params( + o: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def include?(o); end + + sig do + params( + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + opts: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def install(spec, opts=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def installed?(spec); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def installed_specs(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def loaded_from(spec); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def name(); end + + sig do + params( + uri: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def normalize_uri(uri); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def options(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def remote!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def remote_specs(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def remotes(); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def remotes_for_spec(spec); end + + sig do + params( + remote: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def remove_auth(remote); end + + sig do + params( + other_remotes: ::T.untyped, + allow_equivalent: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def replace_remotes(other_remotes, allow_equivalent=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def requires_sudo?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rubygems_dir(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def specs(); end + + sig do + params( + remote: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def suppress_configured_credentials(remote); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_lock(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_s(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def unmet_deps(); end + + sig do + params( + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.from_lock(options); end +end + +class Bundler::SourceList + sig do + params( + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add_git_source(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add_path_source(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + source: ::T.untyped, + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add_plugin_source(source, options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + uri: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add_rubygems_remote(uri); end + + sig do + params( + options: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add_rubygems_source(options=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def all_sources(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def cached!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def default_source(); end + + sig do + params( + source: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def get(source); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def git_sources(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def global_rubygems_source(); end + + sig do + params( + uri: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def global_rubygems_source=(uri); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def initialize(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def lock_sources(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def metadata_source(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def path_sources(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def plugin_sources(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def remote!(); end + + sig do + params( + replacement_sources: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def replace_sources!(replacement_sources); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rubygems_primary_remotes(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rubygems_remotes(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def rubygems_sources(); end +end + +class Bundler::SpecSet + include ::TSort + include ::Enumerable + extend ::Forwardable + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def <<(*args, &block); end + + sig do + params( + key: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def [](key); end + + sig do + params( + key: ::T.untyped, + value: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def []=(key, value); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add(*args, &block); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def each(*args, &block); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def empty?(*args, &block); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + platform: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def find_by_name_and_platform(name, platform); end + + sig do + params( + dependencies: ::T.untyped, + skip: ::T.untyped, + check: ::T.untyped, + match_current_platform: ::T.untyped, + raise_on_missing: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def for(dependencies, skip=T.unsafe(nil), check=T.unsafe(nil), match_current_platform=T.unsafe(nil), raise_on_missing=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + specs: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(specs); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def length(*args, &block); end + + sig do + params( + deps: ::T.untyped, + missing_specs: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def materialize(deps, missing_specs=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def materialized_for_all_platforms(); end + + sig do + params( + set: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def merge(set); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def remove(*args, &block); end + + sig do + params( + args: ::T.untyped, + block: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def size(*args, &block); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def sort!(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_a(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_hash(); end + + sig do + params( + deps: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def valid_for?(deps); end + + sig do + params( + spec: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def what_required(spec); end +end + +class Bundler::StubSpecification < Bundler::RemoteSpecification + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def activated(); end + + sig do + params( + activated: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def activated=(activated); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def default_gem(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def full_gem_path(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def full_require_paths(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def ignored(); end + + sig do + params( + ignored: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ignored=(ignored); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def load_paths(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def loaded_from(); end + + sig do + params( + glob: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def matches_for_glob(glob); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def missing_extensions?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def raw_require_paths(); end + + sig do + params( + source: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def source=(source); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def stub(); end + + sig do + params( + stub: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def stub=(stub); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def to_yaml(); end + + sig do + params( + stub: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.from_stub(stub); end +end + +class Bundler::SudoNotPermittedError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::TemporaryResourceError < Bundler::PermissionError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def message(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::ThreadCreationError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +module Bundler::UI +end + +class Bundler::UI::RGProxy < Gem::SilentUI + sig do + params( + ui: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(ui); end + + sig do + params( + message: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def say(message); end +end + +class Bundler::UI::Silent + sig do + params( + string: ::T.untyped, + color: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def add_color(string, color); end + + sig do + params( + message: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def ask(message); end + + sig do + params( + message: ::T.untyped, + newline: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def confirm(message, newline=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + message: ::T.untyped, + newline: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def debug(message, newline=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def debug?(); end + + sig do + params( + message: ::T.untyped, + newline: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def error(message, newline=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + message: ::T.untyped, + newline: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def info(message, newline=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def initialize(); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def level(name=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + name: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def level=(name); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def no?(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def quiet?(); end + + sig do + params( + shell: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def shell=(shell); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def silence(); end + + sig do + params( + message: ::T.untyped, + newline: ::T.untyped, + force: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def trace(message, newline=T.unsafe(nil), force=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def unprinted_warnings(); end + + sig do + params( + message: ::T.untyped, + newline: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def warn(message, newline=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig do + params( + msg: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def yes?(msg); end +end + +module Bundler::URICredentialsFilter + sig do + params( + str_to_filter: ::T.untyped, + uri: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.credential_filtered_string(str_to_filter, uri); end + + sig do + params( + uri_to_anonymize: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.credential_filtered_uri(uri_to_anonymize); end +end + +class Bundler::VersionConflict < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def conflicts(); end + + sig do + params( + conflicts: ::T.untyped, + msg: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(conflicts, msg=T.unsafe(nil)); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +class Bundler::VirtualProtocolError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def message(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end + +module Bundler::YAMLSerializer + ARRAY_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + HASH_REGEX = ::T.let(nil, ::T.untyped) + + sig do + params( + hash: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.dump(hash); end + + sig do + params( + str: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def self.load(str); end +end + +class Bundler::YamlSyntaxError < Bundler::BundlerError + sig do + params( + orig_exception: ::T.untyped, + msg: ::T.untyped, + ) + .returns(::T.untyped) + end + def initialize(orig_exception, msg); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def orig_exception(); end + + sig {returns(::T.untyped)} + def status_code(); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/railties/all/railties.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/railties/all/railties.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eb5ab8bc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/railties/all/railties.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi sorbet-typed +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please upstream any changes you make here: +# +# +# +# typed: strong + +module Rails + sig {returns(Rails::Application)} + def self.application; end +end + +class Rails::Application + sig {params(blk: T.proc.bind(Rails::Application).void).void} + def configure(&blk); end + + sig {returns(ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet)} + def routes; end +end + diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/ruby/all/open3.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/ruby/all/open3.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0fd5c352 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/ruby/all/open3.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi sorbet-typed +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please upstream any changes you make here: +# +# +# +# typed: strong + +module Open3 + sig do + params( + cmd: T.any(String, T::Array[String]), + opts: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped], + block: T.proc.params(stdin: IO, stdout: IO, stderr: IO, wait_thr: Thread).void + ).returns([IO, IO, IO, Thread]) + end + def self.popen3(*cmd, **opts, &block); end + + sig do + params( + cmd: T.any(String, T::Array[String]), + opts: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped], + block: T.proc.params(stdin: IO, stdout: IO, wait_thr: Thread).void + ).returns([IO, IO, Thread]) + end + def self.popen2(*cmd, **opts, &block); end + + sig do + params( + cmd: T.any(String, T::Array[String]), + opts: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped], + block: T.proc.params(stdin: IO, stdout_and_stderr: IO, wait_thr: Thread).void + ).returns([IO, IO, Thread]) + end + def self.popen2e(*cmd, **opts, &block); end + + sig do + params( + cmd: T.any(String, T::Array[String]), + stdin_data: T.nilable(String), + binmode: T.any(FalseClass, TrueClass), + opts: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped] + ).returns([String, String, Process::Status]) + end + def self.capture3(*cmd, stdin_data: '', binmode: false, **opts); end + + sig do + params( + cmd: T.any(String, T::Array[String]), + stdin_data: T.nilable(String), + binmode: T.any(FalseClass, TrueClass), + opts: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped] + ).returns([String, Process::Status]) + end + def self.capture2(*cmd, stdin_data: nil, binmode: false, **opts); end + + sig do + params( + cmd: T.any(String, T::Array[String]), + stdin_data: T.nilable(String), + binmode: T.any(FalseClass, TrueClass), + opts: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped] + ).returns([String, Process::Status]) + end + def self.capture2e(*cmd, stdin_data: nil, binmode: false, **opts); end + + sig do + params( + cmds: T.any(String, T::Array[String]), + opts: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped], + block: T.proc.params(first_stdin: IO, last_stdout: IO, wait_threads: T::Array[Thread]).void + ).returns([IO, IO, T::Array[Thread]]) + end + def self.pipeline_rw(*cmds, **opts, &block); end + + sig do + params( + cmds: T.any(String, T::Array[String]), + opts: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped], + block: T.proc.params(last_stdout: IO, wait_threads: T::Array[Thread]).void + ).returns([IO, T::Array[Thread]]) + end + def self.pipeline_r(*cmds, **opts, &block); end + + sig do + params( + cmds: T.any(String, T::Array[String]), + opts: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped], + block: T.proc.params(first_stdin: IO, wait_threads: T::Array[Thread]).void + ).returns([IO, T::Array[Thread]]) + end + def self.pipeline_w(*cmds, **opts, &block); end + + sig do + params( + cmds: T.any(String, T::Array[String]), + opts: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped], + block: T.proc.params(wait_threads: T::Array[Thread]).void + ).returns(T::Array[Thread]) + end + def self.pipeline_start(*cmds, **opts, &block); end + + sig do + params( + cmds: T.any(String, T::Array[String]), + opts: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped] + ).returns(T::Array[Process::Status]) + end + def self.pipeline(*cmds, **opts); end +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/ruby/all/resolv.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/ruby/all/resolv.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c43618c12 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/lib/ruby/all/resolv.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,543 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi sorbet-typed +# +# If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please upstream any changes you make here: +# +# +# +# typed: strong + +class Resolv + sig { params(name: String).returns(String) } + def self.getaddress(name); end + + sig { params(name: String).returns(T::Array[String]) } + def self.getaddresses(name); end + + sig { params(name: String, block: T.proc.params(address: String).void).void } + def self.each_address(name, &block); end + + sig { params(address: String).returns(String) } + def self.getname(address); end + + sig { params(address: String).returns(T::Array[String]) } + def self.getnames(address); end + + sig { params(address: String, proc: T.proc.params(name: String).void).void } + def self.each_name(address, &proc); end + + sig { params(resolvers: [Hosts, DNS]).void } + def initialize(resolvers=[,]); end + + sig { params(name: String).returns(String) } + def getaddress(name); end + + sig { params(name: String).returns(T::Array[String]) } + def getaddresses(name); end + + sig { params(name: String, block: T.proc.params(address: String).void).void } + def each_address(name, &block); end + + sig { params(address: String).returns(String) } + def getname(address); end + + sig { params(address: String).returns(T::Array[String]) } + def getnames(address); end + + sig { params(address: String, proc: T.proc.params(name: String).void).void } + def each_name(address, &proc); end + + class ResolvError < StandardError; end + class ResolvTimeout < Timeout::Error; end + + class Hosts + DefaultFileName = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + + sig { params(filename: String).void } + def initialize(filename = DefaultFileName); end + + sig { params(name: String).returns(String) } + def getaddress(name); end + + sig { params(name: String).returns(T::Array[String]) } + def getaddresses(name); end + + sig { params(name: String, block: T.proc.params(address: String).void).void } + def each_address(name, &block); end + + sig { params(address: String).returns(String) } + def getname(address); end + + sig { params(address: String).returns(T::Array[String]) } + def getnames(address); end + + sig { params(address: String, proc: T.proc.params(name: String).void).void } + def each_name(address, &proc); end + end + + class DNS + Port = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + + UDPSize = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + + sig do + params( + config_info: T.any( + NilClass, + String, + { nameserver: T.any(String, T::Array[String]), search: T::Array[String], ndots: Integer }, + { nameserver_port: T::Array[[String, Integer]], search: T::Array[String], ndots: Integer } + ) + ).returns(Resolv::DNS) + end + def = nil); end + + sig do + params( + config_info: T.any( + NilClass, + String, + { nameserver: T.any(String, T::Array[String]), search: T::Array[String], ndots: Integer }, + { nameserver_port: T::Array[[String, Integer]], search: T::Array[String], ndots: Integer } + ) + ).void + end + def initialize(config_info = nil); end + + sig { params(values: T.any(NilClass, Integer, T::Array[Integer])).void } + def timeouts=(values); end + + sig { void } + def close; end + + sig { params(name: String).returns(String) } + def getaddress(name); end + + sig { params(name: String).returns(T::Array[String]) } + def getaddresses(name); end + + sig { params(name: String, block: T.proc.params(address: String).void).void } + def each_address(name, &block); end + + sig { params(address: String).returns(String) } + def getname(address); end + + sig { params(address: String).returns(T::Array[String]) } + def getnames(address); end + + sig { params(address: String, proc: T.proc.params(name: String).void).void } + def each_name(address, &proc); end + + sig do + params( + name: T.any(String, Resolv::DNS::Name), + typeclass: T.class_of(Resolv::DNS::Resource) + ).returns(Resolv::DNS::Resource) + end + def getresource(name, typeclass); end + + sig do + params( + name: T.any(String, Resolv::DNS::Name), + typeclass: T.class_of(Resolv::DNS::Resource) + ).returns(T::Array[Resolv::DNS::Resource]) + end + def getresources(name, typeclass); end + + sig do + params( + name: T.any(String, Resolv::DNS::Name), + typeclass: T.class_of(Resolv::DNS::Resource), + proc: T.proc.params(resource: Resolv::DNS::Resource).void + ).void + end + def each_resource(name, typeclass, &proc); end + + class DecodeError < StandardError; end + class EncodeError < StandardError; end + + class Name + sig { params(arg: T.any(String, Resolv::DNS::Name)).returns(Resolv::DNS::Name) } + def self.create(arg); end + + sig { params(labels: T::Array[String], absolute: T.any(FalseClass, TrueClass)).void } + def initialize(labels, absolute=true); end + + sig { returns(T.any(FalseClass, TrueClass)) } + def absolute?; end + + sig { params(other: Resolv::DNS::Name).returns(T.any(FalseClass, TrueClass)) } + def subdomain_of?(other); end + end + + class Query; end + + class Resource < Query + sig { returns(T.nilable(Integer)) } + attr_reader :ttl + + sig { void } + def initialize + @ttl = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T.nilable(Integer)) + end + + class Generic < Resource + sig { params(data: T.untyped).void } + def initialize(data) + @data = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T.untyped) + end + + sig { returns(T.untyped) } + attr_reader :data + end + + class DomainName < Resource + sig { params(name: String).void } + def initialize(name) + @name = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + end + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :name + end + + class NS < DomainName; end + + class CNAME < DomainName; end + + class SOA < Resource + sig do + params( + mname: String, + rname: String, + serial: Integer, + refresh: Integer, + retry_: Integer, + expire: Integer, + minimum: Integer + ).void + end + def initialize(mname, rname, serial, refresh, retry_, expire, minimum) + @mname = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + @rname = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + @serial = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + @refresh = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + @retry = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + @expire = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + @minimum = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + end + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :mname + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :rname + + sig { returns(Integer) } + attr_reader :serial + + sig { returns(Integer) } + attr_reader :refresh + + sig { returns(Integer) } + attr_reader :retry + + sig { returns(Integer) } + attr_reader :expire + + sig { returns(Integer) } + attr_reader :minimum + end + + class PTR < DomainName; end + + class HINFO < Resource + sig { params(cpu: String, os: String).void } + def initialize(cpu, os) + @cpu = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + @os = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + end + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :cpu + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :os + end + + class MINFO < Resource + sig { params(rmailbx: String, emailbx: String).void } + def initialize(rmailbx, emailbx) + @rmailbx = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + @emailbx = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + end + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :rmailbx + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :emailbx + end + + class MX < Resource + sig { params(preference: Integer, exchange: String).void } + def initialize(preference, exchange) + @preference = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + @exchange = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + end + + sig { returns(Integer) } + attr_reader :preference + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :exchange + end + + class TXT < Resource + sig { params(first_string: String, rest_strings: String).void } + def initialize(first_string, *rest_strings) + @strings = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T::Array[String]) + end + + sig { returns(T::Array[String]) } + attr_reader :strings + + sig { returns(String) } + def data; end + end + + class LOC < Resource + sig do + params( + version: String, + ssize: T.any(String, Resolv::LOC::Size), + hprecision: T.any(String, Resolv::LOC::Size), + vprecision: T.any(String, Resolv::LOC::Size), + latitude: T.any(String, Resolv::LOC::Coord), + longitude: T.any(String, Resolv::LOC::Coord), + altitude: T.any(String, Resolv::LOC::Alt) + ).void + end + def initialize(version, ssize, hprecision, vprecision, latitude, longitude, altitude) + @version = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + @ssize = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Resolv::LOC::Size) + @hprecision = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Resolv::LOC::Size) + @vprecision = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Resolv::LOC::Size) + @latitude = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Resolv::LOC::Coord) + @longitude = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Resolv::LOC::Coord) + @altitude = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Resolv::LOC::Alt) + end + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :version + + sig { returns(Resolv::LOC::Size) } + attr_reader :ssize + + sig { returns(Resolv::LOC::Size) } + attr_reader :hprecision + + sig { returns(Resolv::LOC::Size) } + attr_reader :vprecision + + sig { returns(Resolv::LOC::Coord) } + attr_reader :latitude + + sig { returns(Resolv::LOC::Coord) } + attr_reader :longitude + + sig { returns(Resolv::LOC::Alt) } + attr_reader :altitude + end + + class ANY < Query; end + + module IN + class A < Resource + sig { params(address: String).void } + def initialize(address) + @address = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Resolv::IPv4) + end + + sig { returns(Resolv::IPv4) } + attr_reader :address + end + + class WKS < Resource + sig { params(address: String, protocol: Integer, bitmap: String).void } + def initialize(address, protocol, bitmap) + @address = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Resolv::IPv4) + @protocol = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + @bitmap = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + end + + sig { returns(Resolv::IPv4) } + attr_reader :address + + sig { returns(Integer) } + attr_reader :protocol + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :bitmap + end + + class AAAA < Resource + sig { params(address: String).void } + def initialize(address) + @address = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Resolv::IPv6) + end + + sig { returns(Resolv::IPv6) } + attr_reader :address + end + + class SRV < Resource + # Create a SRV resource record. + # + # See the documentation for #priority, #weight, #port and #target + # for +priority+, +weight+, +port and +target+ respectively. + + sig do + params( + priority: T.any(Integer, String), + weight: T.any(Integer, String), + port: T.any(Integer, String), + target: T.any(String, Resolv::DNS::Name) + ).void + end + def initialize(priority, weight, port, target) + @priority = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + @weight = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + @port = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + @target = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Resolv::DNS::Name) + end + + sig { returns(Integer) } + attr_reader :priority + + sig { returns(Integer) } + attr_reader :weight + + sig { returns(Integer) } + attr_reader :port + + sig { returns(Resolv::DNS::Name) } + attr_reader :target + end + end + end + end + + class IPv4 + Regex256 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + Regex = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + + sig { params(arg: T.any(String, Resolv::IPv4)).returns(Resolv::IPv4) } + def self.create(arg); end + + sig { params(address: String).void } + def initialize(address) + @address = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + end + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :address + + sig { returns(DNS::Name) } + def to_name; end + end + + class IPv6 + Regex_8Hex = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + Regex_CompressedHex = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + Regex_6Hex4Dec = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + Regex_CompressedHex4Dec = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + Regex = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + + sig { params(arg: T.any(String, Resolv::IPv6)).returns(Resolv::IPv6) } + def self.create(arg); end + + sig { params(address: String).void } + def initialize(address) + @address = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + end + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :address + + sig { returns(DNS::Name) } + def to_name; end + end + + class MDNS < DNS + Port = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer) + AddressV4 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + AddressV6 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + Addresses = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), [[String, Integer], [String, Integer]]) + + sig do + params( + config_info: T.any( + NilClass, + { nameserver: T.any(String, T::Array[String]), search: T::Array[String], ndots: Integer }, + { nameserver_port: T::Array[[String, Integer]], search: T::Array[String], ndots: Integer } + ) + ).void + end + def initialize(config_info = nil); end + end + + module LOC + class Size + Regex = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + + sig { params(arg: T.any(String, Resolv::LOC::Size)).returns(Resolv::LOC::Size) } + def self.create(arg); end + + sig { params(scalar: String).void } + def initialize(scalar) + @scalar = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + end + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :scalar + end + + class Coord + Regex = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + + sig { params(arg: T.any(String, Resolv::LOC::Coord)).returns(Resolv::LOC::Coord) } + def self.create(arg); end + + sig { params(coordinates: String, orientation: T.enum(%w[lat lon])).void } + def initialize(coordinates, orientation) + @coordinates = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + @orientation = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T.enum(%w[lat lon])) + end + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :coordinates + + sig { returns(T.enum(%w[lat lon])) } + attr_reader :orientation + end + + class Alt + Regex = Regex = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) + + sig { params(arg: T.any(String, Resolv::LOC::Alt)).returns(Resolv::LOC::Alt) } + def self.create(arg); end + + sig { params(altitude: String).void } + def initialize(altitude) + @altitude = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) + end + + sig { returns(String) } + attr_reader :altitude + end + end + + DefaultResolver = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Resolv) + AddressRegex = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) +end diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/todo.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/todo.rbi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4febe9c97 --- /dev/null +++ b/sorbet/rbi/todo.rbi @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: +# srb rbi todo + +# typed: strong +module ::Anonymous_Delegator_1; end +module ::Anonymous_Delegator_18; end +module ActionMailer::Base::Mail::Message; end +module Anonymous_Module_3::Anonymous_Module_4; end +module Anonymous_Module_3::Anonymous_Module_5; end +module Cucumber::Rails::Database; end +module GdsApi::TestHelpers::Rummager; end +module GdsApi::TestHelpers::Worldwide; end +module GdsApi::TestHelpers::Worldwide; end +module GdsApi::TestHelpers::Worldwide; end +module GdsApi::TestHelpers::Worldwide::WORLDWIDE_API_ENDPOINT; end diff --git a/spec/components/date_filter_spec.rb b/spec/components/date_filter_spec.rb index 836c80f7f..64c723ff9 100644 --- a/spec/components/date_filter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/components/date_filter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' describe 'components/_date-filter.html.erb', type: :view do diff --git a/spec/components/expander_spec.rb b/spec/components/expander_spec.rb index cf6242d5a..11b2ed7f8 100644 --- a/spec/components/expander_spec.rb +++ b/spec/components/expander_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' describe "expander", type: :view do diff --git a/spec/components/option_select_spec.rb b/spec/components/option_select_spec.rb index ceedb4eb6..7285eee74 100644 --- a/spec/components/option_select_spec.rb +++ b/spec/components/option_select_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' describe 'components/_option-select.html.erb', type: :view do diff --git a/spec/controllers/email_alert_subscriptions_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/email_alert_subscriptions_controller_spec.rb index 4c2300b82..459000706 100644 --- a/spec/controllers/email_alert_subscriptions_controller_spec.rb +++ b/spec/controllers/email_alert_subscriptions_controller_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require "helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper" require "helpers/registry_spec_helper" diff --git a/spec/controllers/finders_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/finders_controller_spec.rb index b5d098c6b..66f839f88 100644 --- a/spec/controllers/finders_controller_spec.rb +++ b/spec/controllers/finders_controller_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require 'gds_api/test_helpers/content_store' require 'gds_api/test_helpers/rummager' diff --git a/spec/controllers/healthcheck_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/healthcheck_spec.rb index 3a99fb4d8..67970e3dd 100644 --- a/spec/controllers/healthcheck_spec.rb +++ b/spec/controllers/healthcheck_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require 'json' diff --git a/spec/controllers/qa_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/qa_controller_spec.rb index c6f70438f..1a36df56b 100644 --- a/spec/controllers/qa_controller_spec.rb +++ b/spec/controllers/qa_controller_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require 'gds_api/test_helpers/content_store' diff --git a/spec/controllers/qa_to_content_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/qa_to_content_controller_spec.rb index 1f2f7efed..17dbc4312 100644 --- a/spec/controllers/qa_to_content_controller_spec.rb +++ b/spec/controllers/qa_to_content_controller_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require 'gds_api/test_helpers/content_store' diff --git a/spec/controllers/redirection_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/redirection_controller_spec.rb index 55b202396..58ee7579d 100644 --- a/spec/controllers/redirection_controller_spec.rb +++ b/spec/controllers/redirection_controller_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' describe RedirectionController, type: :controller do diff --git a/spec/controllers/search_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/search_controller_spec.rb index 198439886..4f6a08d07 100644 --- a/spec/controllers/search_controller_spec.rb +++ b/spec/controllers/search_controller_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require 'gds_api/test_helpers/content_store' diff --git a/spec/helpers/application_helper_spec.rb b/spec/helpers/application_helper_spec.rb index 914c19d2c..a9e611711 100644 --- a/spec/helpers/application_helper_spec.rb +++ b/spec/helpers/application_helper_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' describe ApplicationHelper, type: :helper do diff --git a/spec/helpers/registry_spec_helper.rb b/spec/helpers/registry_spec_helper.rb index 640c192c3..a0ece2465 100644 --- a/spec/helpers/registry_spec_helper.rb +++ b/spec/helpers/registry_spec_helper.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false module RegistrySpecHelper def stub_people_registry_request stub_request(:get, "") diff --git a/spec/helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper.rb b/spec/helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper.rb index 2c9a4087f..d34f23293 100644 --- a/spec/helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper.rb +++ b/spec/helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true require "gds_api/test_helpers/content_store" module TaxonomySpecHelper diff --git a/spec/lib/advanced_search_finder_api_spec.rb b/spec/lib/advanced_search_finder_api_spec.rb index e2bc854c5..a401e9926 100644 --- a/spec/lib/advanced_search_finder_api_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/advanced_search_finder_api_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe AdvancedSearchFinderApi do diff --git a/spec/lib/advanced_search_query_builder_spec.rb b/spec/lib/advanced_search_query_builder_spec.rb index 76a93a5a4..9d64ce972 100644 --- a/spec/lib/advanced_search_query_builder_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/advanced_search_query_builder_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe AdvancedSearchQueryBuilder do diff --git a/spec/lib/email_alert_list_title_builder_spec.rb b/spec/lib/email_alert_list_title_builder_spec.rb index 2d763dbef..0a5bab9a6 100644 --- a/spec/lib/email_alert_list_title_builder_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/email_alert_list_title_builder_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" require "email_alert_list_title_builder" diff --git a/spec/lib/email_alert_signup_api_spec.rb b/spec/lib/email_alert_signup_api_spec.rb index 8828e03dd..1ca878495 100644 --- a/spec/lib/email_alert_signup_api_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/email_alert_signup_api_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require 'email_alert_signup_api' require 'gds_api/test_helpers/email_alert_api' diff --git a/spec/lib/email_alert_title_builder_spec.rb b/spec/lib/email_alert_title_builder_spec.rb index 248042ee6..0e10c502d 100644 --- a/spec/lib/email_alert_title_builder_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/email_alert_title_builder_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require 'email_alert_title_builder' require "helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper" diff --git a/spec/lib/facet_extractor_spec.rb b/spec/lib/facet_extractor_spec.rb index 4177b00aa..a31a44d6e 100644 --- a/spec/lib/facet_extractor_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/facet_extractor_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' diff --git a/spec/lib/filters/date_filter_spec.rb b/spec/lib/filters/date_filter_spec.rb index 7d8a7ade0..0573ec151 100644 --- a/spec/lib/filters/date_filter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/filters/date_filter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe Filters::DateFilter do diff --git a/spec/lib/filters/official_documents_filter_spec.rb b/spec/lib/filters/official_documents_filter_spec.rb index 434bcbea9..87beb6518 100644 --- a/spec/lib/filters/official_documents_filter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/filters/official_documents_filter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe Filters::OfficialDocumentsFilter do diff --git a/spec/lib/filters/radio_filter_for_multiple_fields_spec.rb b/spec/lib/filters/radio_filter_for_multiple_fields_spec.rb index 5da72fded..865e9c09c 100644 --- a/spec/lib/filters/radio_filter_for_multiple_fields_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/filters/radio_filter_for_multiple_fields_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe Filters::RadioFilterForMultipleFields do diff --git a/spec/lib/filters/radio_filter_spec.rb b/spec/lib/filters/radio_filter_spec.rb index 6d01bfc55..a6ee41a0c 100644 --- a/spec/lib/filters/radio_filter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/filters/radio_filter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe Filters::RadioFilter do diff --git a/spec/lib/filters/research_and_statistics_filter_spec.rb b/spec/lib/filters/research_and_statistics_filter_spec.rb index f79632fbe..ad3c569ad 100644 --- a/spec/lib/filters/research_and_statistics_filter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/filters/research_and_statistics_filter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe Filters::ResearchAndStatisticsFilter do diff --git a/spec/lib/filters/text_filter_spec.rb b/spec/lib/filters/text_filter_spec.rb index e812f93a0..3e4e12db0 100644 --- a/spec/lib/filters/text_filter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/filters/text_filter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe Filters::TextFilter do diff --git a/spec/lib/finder_api_spec.rb b/spec/lib/finder_api_spec.rb index ad3308727..a5c76df31 100644 --- a/spec/lib/finder_api_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/finder_api_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe FinderApi do diff --git a/spec/lib/healthchecks/registries_cache_spec.rb b/spec/lib/healthchecks/registries_cache_spec.rb index 68693064d..ef9dcfd96 100644 --- a/spec/lib/healthchecks/registries_cache_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/healthchecks/registries_cache_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require "gds_api/test_helpers/worldwide" require "helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper" diff --git a/spec/lib/params_cleaner_spec.rb b/spec/lib/params_cleaner_spec.rb index 6f6af0ab7..081bbc011 100644 --- a/spec/lib/params_cleaner_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/params_cleaner_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe ParamsCleaner do diff --git a/spec/lib/registries/base_registries_spec.rb b/spec/lib/registries/base_registries_spec.rb index dc7d17552..5f0f8e46f 100644 --- a/spec/lib/registries/base_registries_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/registries/base_registries_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require "gds_api/test_helpers/worldwide" require "helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper" diff --git a/spec/lib/registries/full_topic_taxonomy_registry_spec.rb b/spec/lib/registries/full_topic_taxonomy_registry_spec.rb index 3e086f586..db8c5890a 100644 --- a/spec/lib/registries/full_topic_taxonomy_registry_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/registries/full_topic_taxonomy_registry_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "securerandom" require 'spec_helper' require "helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper" diff --git a/spec/lib/registries/manuals_registry_spec.rb b/spec/lib/registries/manuals_registry_spec.rb index bd6e88fea..165b220fd 100644 --- a/spec/lib/registries/manuals_registry_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/registries/manuals_registry_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Registries::ManualsRegistry do diff --git a/spec/lib/registries/organisations_registry_spec.rb b/spec/lib/registries/organisations_registry_spec.rb index 744a3d509..d67a3c684 100644 --- a/spec/lib/registries/organisations_registry_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/registries/organisations_registry_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require 'helpers/registry_spec_helper' diff --git a/spec/lib/registries/people_registry_spec.rb b/spec/lib/registries/people_registry_spec.rb index b83bff791..ddc62286a 100644 --- a/spec/lib/registries/people_registry_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/registries/people_registry_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Registries::PeopleRegistry do diff --git a/spec/lib/registries/registry_spec.rb b/spec/lib/registries/registry_spec.rb index 82e1bf90c..571b65302 100644 --- a/spec/lib/registries/registry_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/registries/registry_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Registries::Registry do diff --git a/spec/lib/registries/topic_taxonomy_registry_spec.rb b/spec/lib/registries/topic_taxonomy_registry_spec.rb index b17b618d6..5c1e3264a 100644 --- a/spec/lib/registries/topic_taxonomy_registry_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/registries/topic_taxonomy_registry_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "securerandom" require 'spec_helper' require "helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper" diff --git a/spec/lib/registries/world_locations_registry_spec.rb b/spec/lib/registries/world_locations_registry_spec.rb index c7e6160e3..095e5700e 100644 --- a/spec/lib/registries/world_locations_registry_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/registries/world_locations_registry_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "securerandom" require 'spec_helper' require "gds_api/test_helpers/worldwide" diff --git a/spec/lib/search_query_builder_spec.rb b/spec/lib/search_query_builder_spec.rb index bb70133ac..728405e4e 100644 --- a/spec/lib/search_query_builder_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/search_query_builder_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" require "search_query_builder" diff --git a/spec/lib/supergroups_spec.rb b/spec/lib/supergroups_spec.rb index 7e9265edd..fa68709de 100644 --- a/spec/lib/supergroups_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/supergroups_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe Supergroups do diff --git a/spec/lib/url_builder_spec.rb b/spec/lib/url_builder_spec.rb index 7e5887bf1..71db60d7f 100644 --- a/spec/lib/url_builder_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lib/url_builder_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe UrlBuilder do diff --git a/spec/models/checkbox_facet_spec.rb b/spec/models/checkbox_facet_spec.rb index ca6f03c98..9306619a1 100644 --- a/spec/models/checkbox_facet_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/checkbox_facet_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe CheckboxFacet do diff --git a/spec/models/content_item_spec.rb b/spec/models/content_item_spec.rb index 609cd150a..0b24d00b5 100644 --- a/spec/models/content_item_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/content_item_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe ContentItem do diff --git a/spec/models/date_facet_spec.rb b/spec/models/date_facet_spec.rb index 4aeb86600..31f199ac1 100644 --- a/spec/models/date_facet_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/date_facet_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe DateFacet do diff --git a/spec/models/document_spec.rb b/spec/models/document_spec.rb index fb6a3e177..f6fe07bcb 100644 --- a/spec/models/document_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/document_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe Document do diff --git a/spec/models/facet_collection_spec.rb b/spec/models/facet_collection_spec.rb index 1ef69e7b0..03b8b87f5 100644 --- a/spec/models/facet_collection_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/facet_collection_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require "helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper" diff --git a/spec/models/filterable_facet_spec.rb b/spec/models/filterable_facet_spec.rb index 85150d843..fed3496cf 100644 --- a/spec/models/filterable_facet_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/filterable_facet_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' describe FilterableFacet do diff --git a/spec/models/hidden_clearable_facet_spec.rb b/spec/models/hidden_clearable_facet_spec.rb index a0810ee95..d6152452f 100644 --- a/spec/models/hidden_clearable_facet_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/hidden_clearable_facet_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' describe HiddenClearableFacet do diff --git a/spec/models/hidden_facet_spec.rb b/spec/models/hidden_facet_spec.rb index 4a34ae70b..26e6dd783 100644 --- a/spec/models/hidden_facet_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/hidden_facet_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' describe HiddenFacet do diff --git a/spec/models/keyword_facet_spec.rb b/spec/models/keyword_facet_spec.rb index b09c1d006..7f92d9174 100644 --- a/spec/models/keyword_facet_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/keyword_facet_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe KeywordFacet do diff --git a/spec/models/option_select_facet_spec.rb b/spec/models/option_select_facet_spec.rb index 1fe1c22f2..092363926 100644 --- a/spec/models/option_select_facet_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/option_select_facet_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe OptionSelectFacet do diff --git a/spec/models/radio_facet_for_multiple_filters_spec.rb b/spec/models/radio_facet_for_multiple_filters_spec.rb index 1e5d5af46..5f33486eb 100644 --- a/spec/models/radio_facet_for_multiple_filters_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/radio_facet_for_multiple_filters_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe RadioFacetForMultipleFilters do diff --git a/spec/models/radio_facet_spec.rb b/spec/models/radio_facet_spec.rb index 962d5f56e..8f35ff47d 100644 --- a/spec/models/radio_facet_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/radio_facet_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe RadioFacet do diff --git a/spec/models/search_parameters_spec.rb b/spec/models/search_parameters_spec.rb index d7a50959e..0f303d872 100644 --- a/spec/models/search_parameters_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/search_parameters_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe SearchParameters do diff --git a/spec/models/taxon_facet_spec.rb b/spec/models/taxon_facet_spec.rb index 6feaddfc5..f0164109e 100644 --- a/spec/models/taxon_facet_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/taxon_facet_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" require "helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper" diff --git a/spec/models/topical_facet_spec.rb b/spec/models/topical_facet_spec.rb index e8a1a681c..438c30485 100644 --- a/spec/models/topical_facet_spec.rb +++ b/spec/models/topical_facet_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe TopicalFacet do diff --git a/spec/parsers/date_parser_spec.rb b/spec/parsers/date_parser_spec.rb index 0f7a890d1..000b6ecb5 100644 --- a/spec/parsers/date_parser_spec.rb +++ b/spec/parsers/date_parser_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe DateParser do diff --git a/spec/parsers/facet_parser_spec.rb b/spec/parsers/facet_parser_spec.rb index f682713c8..3c0025da9 100644 --- a/spec/parsers/facet_parser_spec.rb +++ b/spec/parsers/facet_parser_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' describe FacetParser do diff --git a/spec/parsers/result_set_parser_spec.rb b/spec/parsers/result_set_parser_spec.rb index 8e5e67127..4035104eb 100644 --- a/spec/parsers/result_set_parser_spec.rb +++ b/spec/parsers/result_set_parser_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' describe ResultSetParser do diff --git a/spec/presenters/advanced_search_finder_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/advanced_search_finder_presenter_spec.rb index fc4891a93..ae2f898a7 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/advanced_search_finder_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/advanced_search_finder_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe AdvancedSearchFinderPresenter do diff --git a/spec/presenters/advanced_search_result_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/advanced_search_result_presenter_spec.rb index 44782a4d1..f29583809 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/advanced_search_result_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/advanced_search_result_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe AdvancedSearchResultPresenter do diff --git a/spec/presenters/advanced_search_result_set_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/advanced_search_result_set_presenter_spec.rb index 3e7c5ea6a..4cf351898 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/advanced_search_result_set_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/advanced_search_result_set_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe AdvancedSearchResultSetPresenter do diff --git a/spec/presenters/atom_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/atom_presenter_spec.rb index 7ba2f7aa6..da2e23045 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/atom_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/atom_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe AtomPresenter do diff --git a/spec/presenters/facet_tag_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/facet_tag_presenter_spec.rb index 3cd5c93fd..5d3928782 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/facet_tag_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/facet_tag_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" describe FacetTagPresenter do diff --git a/spec/presenters/facet_tags_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/facet_tags_presenter_spec.rb index e9f05c10f..c78ae716c 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/facet_tags_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/facet_tags_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" require_relative './helpers/facets_helper' diff --git a/spec/presenters/finder_breadcrumbs_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/finder_breadcrumbs_presenter_spec.rb index cb56c03ef..7c5599ed0 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/finder_breadcrumbs_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/finder_breadcrumbs_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe FinderBreadcrumbsPresenter do diff --git a/spec/presenters/finder_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/finder_presenter_spec.rb index 55eea3a0f..3a517f51f 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/finder_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/finder_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require "helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper" diff --git a/spec/presenters/grouped_result_set_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/grouped_result_set_presenter_spec.rb index caa53c333..5989689ff 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/grouped_result_set_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/grouped_result_set_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe GroupedResultSetPresenter do diff --git a/spec/presenters/helpers/facets_helper.rb b/spec/presenters/helpers/facets_helper.rb index b8e545bab..1a44fb005 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/helpers/facets_helper.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/helpers/facets_helper.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" module FacetsHelper diff --git a/spec/presenters/metadata_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/metadata_presenter_spec.rb index 4533c9f08..1088edcbb 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/metadata_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/metadata_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe MetadataPresenter do diff --git a/spec/presenters/pagination_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/pagination_presenter_spec.rb index 336b44179..606dd4182 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/pagination_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/pagination_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' describe PaginationPresenter do diff --git a/spec/presenters/result_set_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/result_set_presenter_spec.rb index 7af9dcb70..6221e01d5 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/result_set_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/result_set_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require_relative './helpers/facets_helper' diff --git a/spec/presenters/screen_reader_filter_description_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/screen_reader_filter_description_presenter_spec.rb index 8e19b68e0..ebf214acd 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/screen_reader_filter_description_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/screen_reader_filter_description_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ScreenReaderFilterDescriptionPresenter do diff --git a/spec/presenters/search_result_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/search_result_presenter_spec.rb index 49e685ac8..46c870aa2 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/search_result_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/search_result_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe SearchResultPresenter do diff --git a/spec/presenters/sort_option_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/sort_option_presenter_spec.rb index f911b411c..487136232 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/sort_option_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/sort_option_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require "helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper" diff --git a/spec/presenters/sort_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/sort_presenter_spec.rb index dbcdbcd37..124e360e7 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/sort_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/sort_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' require "helpers/taxonomy_spec_helper" diff --git a/spec/presenters/statistics_metadata_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/statistics_metadata_presenter_spec.rb index b24e0c3f1..a8d56ca4a 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/statistics_metadata_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/statistics_metadata_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe StatisticsMetadataPresenter do diff --git a/spec/presenters/statistics_sort_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/statistics_sort_presenter_spec.rb index 4b9e8bcc8..80e55ddce 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/statistics_sort_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/statistics_sort_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe StatisticsSortPresenter do diff --git a/spec/presenters/subscriber_list_params_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/subscriber_list_params_presenter_spec.rb index 816989837..cda83247c 100644 --- a/spec/presenters/subscriber_list_params_presenter_spec.rb +++ b/spec/presenters/subscriber_list_params_presenter_spec.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe SubscriberListParamsPresenter do diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb index 8a8809dee..8a00f9357 100644 --- a/spec/spec_helper.rb +++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: false # This file is copied to spec/ when you run 'rails generate rspec:install' require 'simplecov' SimpleCov.start diff --git a/spec/support/fixtures_helper.rb b/spec/support/fixtures_helper.rb index 82851371d..d77290481 100644 --- a/spec/support/fixtures_helper.rb +++ b/spec/support/fixtures_helper.rb @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# typed: true module FixturesHelper def fixtures_path File.expand_path(Rails.root + "features/fixtures") From 6c0f54c324c5d8b2dd29fdd9a7882f9c572f514b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bill Franklin Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 00:30:15 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Make CacheableRegistry typed Kernel is included since we call 'raise' here and we must be explicit in where this comes from. --- app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb | 4 +++- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb b/app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb index ce17c4526..2d6573cf7 100644 --- a/app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb +++ b/app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ -# typed: false +# typed: true module Registries module CacheableRegistry + include Kernel + def can_refresh_cache? true end From cdeaeef6cd10b80f539086ff5ca624c188fbf8e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bill Franklin Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 00:52:17 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Make CacheableRegistry strictly typed This changes the typed mode for this module from 'true' to 'strict', which requires annotations for methods and variables. --- app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb | 9 ++++++++- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb b/app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb index 2d6573cf7..48e2aaae6 100644 --- a/app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb +++ b/app/lib/registries/cacheable_registry.rb @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ -# typed: true +# typed: strict module Registries module CacheableRegistry + extend T::Sig include Kernel + sig {returns(TrueClass)} def can_refresh_cache? true end + sig {returns(T::Boolean)} def refresh_cache Rails.cache.write(cache_key, cacheable_data) rescue GdsApi::HTTPServerError, GdsApi::HTTPBadGateway @@ -14,6 +17,7 @@ def refresh_cache false end + sig {returns(T::Hash)} def fetch_from_cache Rails.cache.fetch(cache_key) do cacheable_data @@ -23,14 +27,17 @@ def fetch_from_cache {} end + sig {void} def cacheable_data raise NotImplementedError, "Please supply a cacheable_data method" end + sig {void} def cache_key raise NotImplementedError, "Please supply a cache_key method" end + sig {void} def report_error raise NotImplementedError, "Please supply a report_error method" end