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initial support for reading .ab1 trace files
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Wibowo Arindrarto authored and peterjc committed Aug 3, 2011
1 parent 9e17995 commit b7c7b27
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247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions Bio/SeqIO/
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# Copyright 2011 by Wibowo Arindrarto (
# This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its
# license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included
# as part of this package.

"""Bio.SeqIO parser for the ABIF format.
ABIF is the format used by Applied Biosystem's sequencing machines to store
sequencing results.
For more details on the format specification, visit:

__docformat__ = "epytext en"

import datetime
import struct

from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord

# dictionary for deciding which tags goes into SeqRecord annotation
# each key is tag_name + tag_number
# if a tag entry needs to be added, just add its key and its key
# for the annotations dictionary here
'TUBE1': 'sample well',
'MODL1': 'machine model',
'DySN1': 'dye',
'GTyp1': 'polymer',
'RUND1': 'run start date',
'RUND2': 'run finish date',
'RUND3': 'data collection start date',
'RUND4': 'data collection finish date',
'RUNT1': 'run start time',
'RUNT2': 'run finish time',
'RUNT3': 'data collection start time',
'RUNT4': 'data collection finish time',

# dictionary for data unpacking format
1: 'b', # byte
2: 's', # char
3: 'H', # word
4: 'h', # short
5: 'i', # long
6: '2i', # rational, legacy unsupported
7: 'f', # float
8: 'd', # double
10: 'h2B', # date
11: '4B', # time
12: '2i2b', # thumb
13: 'B', # bool
14: '2h', # point, legacy unsupported
15: '4h', # rect, legacy unsupported
16: '2i', # vPoint, legacy unsupported
17: '4i', # vRect, legacy unsupported
18: 's', # pString
19: 's', # cString
20: '2i', # tag, legacy unsupported

class _Dir(object):
"""Class representing directory content. (PRIVATE)"""
def __init__(self, tag_entry, handle):
"""Instantiates the _Dir object.
tag_entry - tag name, tag number, element type code, element size,
number of elements, data size, data offset,
directory handle, and tag start position
handle - the abif file object from which the tags would be unpacked
self.elem_code = tag_entry[2]
self.elem_num = tag_entry[4]
self.data_size = tag_entry[5]
self.data_offset = tag_entry[6]
self.tag_offset = tag_entry[8]

# if data size <= 4 bytes, data is stored inside tag
# so offset needs to be changed
if self.data_size <= 4:
self.data_offset = self.tag_offset + 20

self.tag_data = self._unpack_tag(handle)

def _unpack_tag(self, handle):
""""Returns tag data. (PRIVATE)
handle - the abif file object from which the tags would be unpacked
if self.elem_code in _BYTEFMT:

# because '>1s' unpack differently from '>s'
num = '' if self.elem_num == 1 else str(self.elem_num)
fmt = '>' + num + _BYTEFMT[self.elem_code]
fmt_size = struct.calcsize(fmt)
start = self.data_offset
data = struct.unpack(fmt,

# no need to use tuple if len(data) == 1
if self.elem_code not in [10, 11] and len(data) == 1:
data = data[0]

# account for different data types
if self.elem_code == 10:
return str(*data))
elif self.elem_code == 11:
return str(datetime.time(*data))
elif self.elem_code == 13:
return bool(data)
elif self.elem_code == 18:
return data[1:]
elif self.elem_code == 19:
return data[:-1]
return data
return None

def AbifIterator(handle, alphabet=IUPAC.unambiguous_dna, trim=False):
"""Iterator for the Abif file format.
file_id ='.ab1','')
annot = {}

if not == 'ABIF':
raise IOError('%s is not a valid ABIF file.' % file_id)
header = struct.unpack('>4sH4sI2H3I',

for entry in _abif_parse_header(header, handle):
key = entry.tag_name + str(entry.tag_num)
# PBAS2 is base-called sequence
if key == 'PBAS2':
seq = entry.tag_data
ambigs = 'KYWMRS'
if len(set(seq).intersection(ambigs)) > 0:
alphabet = IUPAC.ambiguous_dna
# PCON2 is quality values of base-called sequence
elif key == 'PCON2':
qual = [ord(val) for val in entry.tag_data]
# SMPL1 is sample id entered before sequencing run
elif key == 'SMPL1':
sample_id = entry.tag_data
if key in _EXTRACT:
annot[_EXTRACT[key]] = entry.tag_data
raise KeyError('The %s tag can not be found.' % key)

record = SeqRecord(Seq(seq, alphabet),
id=file_id, name=sample_id,
letter_annotations={'phred_quality': qual}

if not trim:
yield record
yield _abif_trim(record)

def _AbifTrimIterator(handle):
"""Iterator for the Abif file format that yields trimmed SeqRecord objects.
return AbifIterator(handle, alphabet=IUPAC.unambiguous_dna, trim=True)

def _abif_parse_header(header, handle):
"""Generator that returns directory contents.
# header structure:
# file type, file version, tag name, tag number,
# element type code, element size, number of elements
# data size, data offset, handle (not file handle)
head_elem_size = header[5]
head_elem_num = header[6]
head_offset = header[8]
index = 0

while index < head_elem_num:
start = head_offset + index * head_elem_size
# add directory offset to tuple
# to handle directories with data size <= 4 bytes
dir_content = struct.unpack('>4sI2H4I', + (start,)
index += 1
yield _Dir(dir_content, handle)

def _abif_trim(seq_record):
"""Trims the sequence using Richard Mott's modified trimming algorithm.
seq_record - SeqRecord object to be trimmed.
Trimmed bases are determined from their segment score, which is a
cumulative sum of each base's score. Base scores are calculated from
their quality values.
More about the trimming algorithm:

start = False # flag for starting position of trimmed seq_recorduence
segment = 20 # minimum seq_recorduence length
trim_start = 0 # init start index
cutoff = 0.05 # default cutoff value for calculating base score

if len(seq_record) <= segment:
raise ValueError('Sequence not trimmed because length is shorter than \
minimum required length (20).')
# calculate base score
score_list = [cutoff - (10 ** (qual/-10.0)) for qual in

# calculate cummulative score
# if cummulative value < 0, set it to 0
# first value is set to 0, because of the assumption that
# the first base will always be trimmed out
cummul_score = [0]
for i in xrange(1, len(score_list)):
score = cummul_score[-1] + score_list[i]
if score < 0:
if not start:
# trim_start = value when cummulative score is first > 0
trim_start = i
start = True

# trim_finish = index of highest cummulative score,
# marking the end of sequence segment with highest cummulative score
trim_finish = cummul_score.index(max(cummul_score))

return seq_record[trim_start:trim_finish]

if __name__ == '__main__':
print "Self-testing AbifIO..."
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions Bio/SeqIO/
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When specifying the file format, use lowercase strings. The same format
names are also used in Bio.AlignIO and include the following:
- abif - Applied Biosystem's sequencing trace format
- ace - Reads the contig sequences from an ACE assembly file.
- embl - The EMBL flat file format. Uses Bio.GenBank internally.
- fasta - The generic sequence file format where each record starts with
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from Bio.Align.Generic import Alignment
from Bio.Alphabet import Alphabet, AlphabetEncoder, _get_base_alphabet

import AbifIO
import AceIO
import FastaIO
import IgIO #IntelliGenetics or MASE format
import InsdcIO #EMBL and GenBank
import PhdIO
import PirIO
import SeqXMLIO
import SffIO
import SwissIO
import TabIO
import QualityIO #FastQ and qual files
import UniprotIO
import SeqXmlIO

#Convention for format names is "mainname-subtype" in lower case.
#Please use the same names as BioPerl or EMBOSS where possible.
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"sff-trim": SffIO._SffTrimIterator,
"uniprot-xml": UniprotIO.UniprotIterator,
"seqxml" : SeqXmlIO.SeqXmlIterator,
"abif": AbifIO.AbifIterator,
"abif-trim": AbifIO._AbifTrimIterator,

_FormatToWriter = {"fasta" : FastaIO.FastaWriter,
Expand All @@ -372,7 +377,7 @@
"seqxml" : SeqXmlIO.SeqXmlWriter,

_BinaryFormats = ["sff", "sff-trim"]
_BinaryFormats = ["sff", "sff-trim", "abif", "abif-trim"]

def write(sequences, handle, format):
"""Write complete set of sequences to a file.
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