Go Bloom Filter
Gloom is a simple project written to learn how to build something useful in Go.
This repo contains a library and a simple REST API to use that library with HTTP requests.
Gloom is nothing more than a toy project, so do not use it for anything serious without at least reading the code.
I was always fascinated by Bloom Filters, it's a datastucture that combines many things I love: hashing functions, bit manipulations, simplicity, efficiency, etc.
I also thought that building a "Bloom Filter as a Service" would be something cool and not so common.
So it was the perfect project to learn Go.
go get github.com/biosan/gloom
go run github.com/biosan/gloom/api
NOTE: Remember to configure the server port. Default is
- Create a new BloomFilter
POST - /create
request = {
"number_of_hash_functions" : "3",
"size_in_bits" : "512"
response : 201
- Add an item
POST - /add
request : {
response : 201
- Query
POST - /query
request : {
response : {
"probably_in": "true"|"false"
import "github.com/biosan/gloom"
NOTE: Data added/queryed to the filter must be
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new bloom filter with
// 3 hash functions and a size of 1024-bit
bf := gloom.New(3, 1024)
// Convert string to byte slice
hi := []byte("hi")
hello := []byte("hello")
// Insert "hi" inside the filter
// Query the filter
query1 := bf.Query(hi)
query2 := bf.Query(hello)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", query1) // Prints "true"
fmt.Printf("%v\n", query2) // Prints "false"