diff --git a/core/src/main/java/bisq/core/locale/LanguageUtil.java b/core/src/main/java/bisq/core/locale/LanguageUtil.java index e335f1fafc1..fdb14f5d72c 100644 --- a/core/src/main/java/bisq/core/locale/LanguageUtil.java +++ b/core/src/main/java/bisq/core/locale/LanguageUtil.java @@ -33,11 +33,8 @@ public class LanguageUtil { "de", // German "el", // Greek "es", // Spanish - "pt", // Portuguese / Brazil - "sr", // Serbian + "pt", // Portuguese "zh", // Chinese - "hu", // Hungarian - "ro", // Romanian "ru", // Russian "fr", // French "vi", // Vietnamese @@ -45,6 +42,9 @@ public class LanguageUtil { "fa" // Persian /* // not translated yet + "sr", // Serbian + "hu", // Hungarian + "ro", // Romanian "tr" // Turkish "it", // Italian "ja", // Japanese diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_hu.properties b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_hu.properties deleted file mode 100644 index 885b613768a..00000000000 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_hu.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2475 +0,0 @@ -# Keep display strings organized by domain -# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces. -# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible. -# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description] -# In some cases we use enum values or constants to map to display strings - -# A annoying issue with property files is that we need to use 2 single quotes in display string -# containing variables (e.g. {0}), otherwise the variable will not be resolved. -# In display string which do not use a variable a single quote is ok. -# E.g. Don''t .... {1} - -# We use sometimes dynamic parts which are put together in the code and therefore sometimes use line breaks or spaces -# at the end of the string. Please never remove any line breaks or spaces. They are there with a purpose! -# To make longer strings with better readable you can make a line break with \ which does not result in a line break -# in the display but only in the editor. - -# Please use in all language files the exact same order of the entries, that way a comparison is easier. - -# Please try to keep the length of the translated string similar to English. If it is longer it might break layout or -# get truncated. We will need some adjustments in the UI code to support that but we want to keep effort at the minimum. - - -#################################################################### -# Shared -#################################################################### - -shared.readMore=Olvass tovább -shared.openHelp=Súgó megnyitása -shared.warning=Figyelem -shared.close=Bezárás -shared.cancel=Megszüntetés -shared.ok=Rendben -shared.yes=Igen -shared.no=Nem -shared.iUnderstand=Megértettem -shared.na=Nincs -shared.shutDown=Lekapcsol -shared.reportBug=Hiba jelentés a Github ügyekben -shared.buyBitcoin=Vásárolj bitcoint -shared.sellBitcoin=Árulj bitcoint -shared.buyCurrency=Vásárolj {0} -shared.sellCurrency=Árulj {0} -shared.buyingBTCWith=BTC vásárlása {0} -shared.sellingBTCFor=BTC eladása {0} -shared.buyingCurrency=Vásárlás {0} (BTC eladó) -shared.sellingCurrency=eladó {0} (BTC vásárlás) -shared.buy=vásárlolj -shared.sell=árulj -shared.buying=vásárlás -shared.selling=eladás -shared.P2P=P2P -shared.oneOffer=ajánlat -shared.multipleOffers=ajánlatok -shared.Offer=Ajánlat -shared.openOffers=nyitott ajánlatok -shared.trade=tranzakció -shared.trades=tranzakciók -shared.openTrades=nyílt tranzakciók -shared.dateTime=Dátum/Idő -shared.price=Ár -shared.priceWithCur=Ár {0}-ban -shared.priceInCurForCur=Ár {0}-ban 1 {1}-ért -shared.fixedPriceInCurForCur=Fix ár {0}-ban 1 {1}-ért -shared.amount=Összeg -shared.amountWithCur=Összeg {0}-ban -shared.volumeWithCur=Mennyiség {0}-ban -shared.currency=Valuta -shared.market=Piac -shared.paymentMethod=Fizetési mód -shared.tradeCurrency=Tranzakció valutája -shared.offerType=Ajánlat típusa -shared.details=Részletek -shared.address=Cím -shared.balanceWithCur=Egyenleg {0}-ban -shared.txId=Tranzakció azonosító -shared.confirmations=Konfirmációk -shared.revert=Visszaszállo Tx -shared.select=Választ -shared.usage=Használat -shared.state=Állapot -shared.tradeId=Tranzakció azonosító -shared.offerId=Ajánlat azonosító -shared.bankName=Bank neve -shared.acceptedBanks=Elfogadott bankok -shared.amountMinMax=Összeg (min - max) -shared.amountHelp=If an offer has a minimum and a maximum amount set, then you can trade any amount within this range. -shared.remove=Eltávolít -shared.goTo=Ugorj {0}-hoz -shared.BTCMinMax=BTC (min - max) -shared.removeOffer=Ajánlat eltávolítása -shared.dontRemoveOffer=Ne távolítsa el az ajánlatot -shared.editOffer=Ajánlat szerkesztése -shared.openLargeQRWindow=Nyiss egy nagy QR-kód ablakot -shared.tradingAccount=Tranzakció fiók -shared.faq=GYIK weboldal látogatása -shared.yesCancel=Igen, visszavonás -shared.nextStep=Következő lépés -shared.selectTradingAccount=Tranzakció fiók kiválasztása -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Pénzeszközök átutalása a Bisq pénztárcába -shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Nyissa meg külső pénztárcáját finanszírozáshoz -shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Nem sikerült megnyitni az alapértelmezett bitcoin pénztárca-alkalmazást. Talán nincs telepítve? -shared.distanceInPercent=Távolság %-ban a piaci ártól -shared.belowInPercent=Below % from market price -shared.aboveInPercent=Above % from market price -shared.enterPercentageValue=Írja be % értékét -shared.OR=VAGY -shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet.\nYou need {0} but you have only {1} in your Bisq wallet.\n\nPlease fund the trade from an external Bitcoin wallet or fund your Bisq wallet at \"Funds/Receive funds\". -shared.waitingForFunds=Várakozás finanszírozásra... -shared.depositTransactionId=Befizetési tranzakció azonosító -shared.TheBTCBuyer=A BTC vásárló -shared.You=Te -shared.reasonForPayment=Fizetés indoka -shared.sendingConfirmation=Visszaigazolás küldése... -shared.sendingConfirmationAgain=Kérjük, küldd újra a jóváhagyást -shared.exportCSV=Exportálás CSV-be -shared.exportJSON=Export to JSON -shared.noDateAvailable=Nincs elérhető dátum -shared.arbitratorsFee=Bíró díja -shared.noDetailsAvailable=Nincs adat -shared.notUsedYet=Még nincs használatban -shared.date=Dátum -shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving address: {2}.\nRequired transaction fee is: {3} ({4} satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {5} Kb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {6}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw this amount? -shared.copyToClipboard=Másolja a vágólapra -shared.language=Nyelv -shared.country=Ország -shared.applyAndShutDown=Alkalmazza és lezárás -shared.selectPaymentMethod=Válassz fizetési módot -shared.accountNameAlreadyUsed=Ez a fióknév már használtban van egy mentett fiókban.\nKérjük használjon másik nevet. -shared.askConfirmDeleteAccount=Tényleg törölni szeretnéd a kiválasztott fiókot? -shared.cannotDeleteAccount=Ezt a fiókot nem törölheted, mert nyílt ajánlattételben vagy váltásnál használják. -shared.noAccountsSetupYet=Még nincsenek beállítva fiókok -shared.manageAccounts=Fiókok kezelése -shared.addNewAccount=Új fiók hozzáadása -shared.ExportAccounts=Fiókok exportálása -shared.importAccounts=Fiókok importálása -shared.createNewAccount=Új fiók létrehozása -shared.saveNewAccount=Új fiók mentése -shared.selectedAccount=Kiválasztott fiók -shared.deleteAccount=Fiók törlése -shared.errorMessageInline=\nHiba üzenet: {0} -shared.errorMessage=Error message -shared.information=Információ -shared.name=Név -shared.id=Azonosító -shared.dashboard=Műszerfal -shared.accept=Elfogad -shared.balance=Egyenleg -shared.save=Mentés -shared.onionAddress=Onion cím -shared.supportTicket=Támogatási jegy -shared.dispute=Vita -shared.seller=eladó -shared.buyer=vásárló -shared.allEuroCountries=Minden európai ország -shared.acceptedTakerCountries=Vevő által elfogadott országok -shared.arbitrator=Selected arbitrator -shared.tradePrice=Tranzakció ára -shared.tradeAmount=Tranzakció összege -shared.tradeVolume=Tranzakció mennyisége -shared.invalidKey=A megadott kulcs nem volt helyes. -shared.enterPrivKey=Enter private key to unlock -shared.makerFeeTxId=Maker fee transaction ID -shared.takerFeeTxId=Taker fee transaction ID -shared.payoutTxId=Payout transaction ID -shared.contractAsJson=Contract in JSON format -shared.viewContractAsJson=Szerződés megtekintése JSON formátumban -shared.contract.title=Tranzakciói szerződés azonosítója: {0} -shared.paymentDetails=BTC {0} payment details -shared.securityDeposit=Kaució -shared.yourSecurityDeposit=Biztonsági letéted -shared.contract=Szerződés -shared.messageArrived=Üzenet érkezett. -shared.messageStoredInMailbox=Az üzenet postafiókban lett tárolva. -shared.messageSendingFailed=Üzenetküldés sikertelen. Hiba: {0} -shared.unlock=Felnyit -shared.toReceive=to receive -shared.toSpend=to spend -shared.btcAmount=BTC összeg: -shared.yourLanguage=Your languages -shared.addLanguage=Nyelv hozzáadása: -shared.total=Végösszeg -shared.totalsNeeded=Funds needed -shared.tradeWalletAddress=Trade wallet address -shared.tradeWalletBalance=Trade wallet balance -shared.makerTxFee=Ajánló: {0} -shared.takerTxFee=Vevő: {0} -shared.securityDepositBox.description=Kaució BTC-nak {0} -shared.iConfirm=Megerősítem -shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=bányászati díjként használt {0}-nak felel meg -shared.openURL=Open {0} -shared.fiat=Fiat -shared.crypto=Crypto -shared.all=All -shared.edit=Edit -shared.advancedOptions=Advanced options -shared.interval=Interval -shared.actions=Actions -shared.buyerUpperCase=Buyer -shared.sellerUpperCase=Seller -shared.new=NEW -shared.blindVoteTxId=Blind vote transaction ID - -#################################################################### -# UI views -#################################################################### - -#################################################################### -# MainView -#################################################################### - -mainView.menu.market=Piac -mainView.menu.buyBtc=BTC vétel -mainView.menu.sellBtc=BTC eladás -mainView.menu.portfolio=Portfolió -mainView.menu.funds=Pénzeszközök -mainView.menu.support=Támogatás -mainView.menu.settings=Beállítások -mainView.menu.account=Fiók -mainView.menu.dao=DASz - -mainView.marketPrice.provider=Price by -mainView.marketPrice.label=Market price -mainView.marketPriceWithProvider.label=Market price by {0} -mainView.marketPrice.bisqInternalPrice=Legújabb Bisq tranzakció ára -mainView.marketPrice.tooltip.bisqInternalPrice=A külső árelnyelő szolgáltatóktól nincs piaci ár.\nA megjelenített ár a legutóbbi Bisq tranzakciós ár az adott valutának. -mainView.marketPrice.tooltip=A piaci árat {0} {1} szolgáltatja\nUtolsó frissítés: {2}\nSzálgáltató csomópont URL-címe: {3} -mainView.marketPrice.tooltip.altcoinExtra=Ha az Altérme nem érhető el a Poloniex-en, akkor használd ezt a címet https://coinmarketcap.com -mainView.balance.available=Rendelkezésre álló egyenleg -mainView.balance.reserved=Fenntartva ajánlatokban -mainView.balance.locked=Zárolt tranzakciók -mainView.balance.reserved.short=Reserved -mainView.balance.locked.short=Locked - -mainView.footer.usingTor=(Tor használatával) -mainView.footer.localhostBitcoinNode=(localhost) -mainView.footer.btcInfo=Bitcoin hálózat társak: {0} / {1} {2} -mainView.footer.btcInfo.initializing=Connecting to Bitcoin network -mainView.footer.bsqInfo.synchronizing=/ Synchronizing DAO -mainView.footer.btcInfo.synchronizedWith=Synchronized with -mainView.footer.btcInfo.connectingTo=Connecting to -mainView.footer.btcInfo.connectionFailed=sikeretlen kapcsolat -mainView.footer.p2pInfo=P2P hálózat társak: {0} - -mainView.bootstrapState.connectionToTorNetwork=(1/4) Csatlakozás Tor hálózathoz... -mainView.bootstrapState.torNodeCreated=(2/4) Tor csomópont létrehozva -mainView.bootstrapState.hiddenServicePublished=(3/4) Rejtett Szolgáltatás megjelenítve -mainView.bootstrapState.initialDataReceived=(4/4) Kezdeti adatok megérkezve - -mainView.bootstrapWarning.noSeedNodesAvailable=Nincs elérhető mag csomópont -mainView.bootstrapWarning.noNodesAvailable=Nincs elérhető mag és társ csomópont -mainView.bootstrapWarning.bootstrappingToP2PFailed=Bootstrapping a P2P hálózathoz sikeretlen - -mainView.p2pNetworkWarnMsg.noNodesAvailable=Az adatkéréshez nem állnak rendelkezésre csomópontok vagy megmaradt társai.\nEllenőrizze az internetkapcsolatot vagy próbálja meg újraindítani az alkalmazást. -mainView.p2pNetworkWarnMsg.connectionToP2PFailed=A P2P hálózathoz való csatlakozás sikertelen (bejelentett hiba: {0}).\nEllenőrizze az internetkapcsolatot, vagy próbálja újraindítani az alkalmazást. - -mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.timeout=A bitcoin hálózathoz való csatlakozás egy időkorlát miatt sikertelen. -mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.connectionError=A bitcoin hálózathoz való csatlakozás egy hiba miatt sikertelen: {0} - -mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Elvesztette a kapcsolatot minden {0} hálózati társaival.\nLehet, hogy elvesztette az internetkapcsolatát, vagy a számítógép készenléti állapotra állt. -mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Elvesztette a kapcsolatot a helyi Bitcoin csomóponttal.\nKérjük indítsa újra a Bisq alkalmazást, hogy csatlakozhasson más Bitcoin csomópontokhoz, vagy indítsa újra a helyi Bitcoin csomópontot. -mainView.version.update=(Frissítés elérhető) - - -#################################################################### -# MarketView -#################################################################### - -market.tabs.offerBook=Ajánlati könyv -market.tabs.spread=Terjeszkedés -market.tabs.trades=Tranzakciók - -# OfferBookChartView -market.offerBook.chart.title=Ajánlati könyv {0}-nak: -market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=Vásárlás {0} (eladás {1}) -market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=Eladás {0} (vásárlás {1}) -market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=Vásárlás {0} -market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=Eladás {0} -market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Eladás {0} -market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Vásárlás {0} -market.offerBook.buy=Vásárolni szeretnék bitcoint -market.offerBook.sell=Eladni szeretnék bitcoint - -# SpreadView -market.spread.numberOfOffersColumn=Minden ajánlat ({0}) -market.spread.numberOfBuyOffersColumn=BTC vétel ({0}) -market.spread.numberOfSellOffersColumn=BTC eladás ({0}) -market.spread.totalAmountColumn=Végösszeg BTC ({0}) -market.spread.spreadColumn=Terjeszkedés - -# TradesChartsView -market.trades.nrOfTrades=Tranzakciók: {0} -market.trades.tooltip.volumeBar=Mennyiség: {0}\nTranzakciók száma: {1}\nDátum: {2} -market.trades.tooltip.candle.open=Nyitva: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.close=Zárt: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.high=Felső: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.low=Alsó: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.average=Átlagos: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.date=Dátum: - -#################################################################### -# OfferView -#################################################################### - -offerbook.createOffer=Ajánlat létrehozása -offerbook.takeOffer=Ajánlatot elfogadása -offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=Take offer to buy {0} -offerbook.takeOfferToSell=Take offer to sell {0} -offerbook.trader=Kereskedő -offerbook.offerersBankId=Ajánló bankazonosítója: {0} -offerbook.offerersBankName=Ajánló bank neve: {0} -offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Ajánló bank székhelyének országa: {0} -offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Banki székhelyek elfogadott országai (vevő): Minden Euró ország -offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=A banki országok elfogadott székhelye (vevő):\n {0} -offerbook.availableOffers=Érvényes ajánlatok -offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filter by currency -offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Szűrés fizetési mód szerint - -offerbook.nrOffers=Ajánlatok száma: {0} -offerbook.volume={0} (min - max) - -offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Create new offer to buy {0} -offerbook.createOfferToSell=Create new offer to sell {0} -offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=Create new offer to buy {0} with {1} -offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=Create new offer to sell {0} for {1} -offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=Create new offer to sell {0} (buy {1}) -offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=Create new offer to buy {0} (sell {1}) - -offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Ajánlat elfogadása {0} cserében -offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Igen, ajánlat létrehozása -offerbook.setupNewAccount=Új tranzakció fiók létrehozása -offerbook.removeOffer.success=Ajánlat eltávolítása sikeres volt. -offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Ajánlat eltávolítása sikertelen:\n{0} -offerbook.deactivateOffer.failed=Az ajánlat kikapcsolása sikertelen volt:\n{0} -offerbook.activateOffer.failed=Az ajánlat közzététele sikertelen volt:\n{0} -offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=A {0} képernyőn visszavonhatja a befizetett összegeket. - -offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=A kiválasztott valutának nincs tranzakció fiókja -offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=Nincs tranzakció fiókja a kiválasztott valutához.\nSzeretne létrehozni egy ajánlatot egy meglévő tranzakció fiókjával? -offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=Nincs megfelelő tranzakció fiókja. -offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Nincsen tranzakciós fiókja az adott ajánlathoz szükséges fizetési módnak.\nTranzakciós fiókot kell beállítania fizetési móddal, ha ezt az ajánlatot szeretné elfogadni.\nSzeretné ezt most végrehajtani? -offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Ez ajánlat eltérő protokol verziót igényel, mint az ön szoftver verziójában használt.\n\nEllenőrizze, hogy telepítette-e a legfrissebb verziót, ellenkező esetben az ajánlat létrehozója régebbi verziót használt.\n\nA felhasználók nem tudnak tranzakciókat kötni egy összeegyeztethetetlen tranzakciós protokollal. -offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Felhasználó Onion címé hozzáadva a mellőzött listához. -offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=Ezt az ajánlatot a Bisq fejlesztők blokkolták.\nValószínűleg egy rendezetlen hiba okoz problémát az ajánlat elfogadásakor. -offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=Az ajánlatban használt valutát blokkolták a Bisq fejlesztők.\nKérjük,látogasson el a Bisq Fórumra további információért. -offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=Az ajánlatban használt fizetési módot a Bisq fejlesztők letiltották.\nKérjük látogasson el a Bisq Fórumra további információért. -offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=Ezt az Onion címet a Bisq fejlesztők blokkolták.\nValószínűleg egy rendezetlen hiba okoz problémát az ajánlatok elfogadásaival szemben. -offerbook.warning.tradeLimitNotMatching=Fizetési fiókja {0} nappal ezelőtt lett létrehozva. A tranzakciós korlátai a fiók korhatárán alapulnak, és nem elegendőek e ajánlathoz.\n\nTranzakciós limitje: {1}\nAjánlat minimális tranzakciós összege: {2}.\n\nJelenleg nem tudja elfogadni ezt az ajánlatot. Miután fiókja régebbi, mint 2 hónap ez a korlátozás megszűnik. - - -offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=You will sell at market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.buyAtMarketPrice=You will buy at market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.sellBelowMarketPrice=You will get {0} less than the current market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.buyAboveMarketPrice=You will pay {0} more than the current market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=You will get {0} more than the current market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=You will pay {0} less than the current market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=You will buy at this fixed price. -offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=You will sell at this fixed price. -offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=Vita esetén vegye figyelembe, hogy az ajánlatra vonatkozó választottbírósági eljárás a {0} -ben történik. A nyelv jelenleg {1}. -offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=The amount was rounded to increase the privacy of your trade. - -#################################################################### -# Offerbook / Create offer -#################################################################### - -createOffer.amount.prompt=Írd be az összeget BTC-ban -createOffer.price.prompt=Írd be az árat -createOffer.volume.prompt=Írd be az összeget {0}-ban -createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=BTC összeg {0}-ra -createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Költenivaló {0} összeg -createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Kapnivaló {0} összeg -createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimális BTC összeg -createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Kaució -createOffer.fundsBox.title=Finanszírozd ajánlatodat -createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Tranzakció díj -createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee -createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Az ajánlat közzététele folyamatban van ... -createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bisq tranzakció {0} azonosítóval -createOffer.fundsBox.fundsStructure=({0} óvadék, {1} tranzakció díj, {2} bányászati díj) -createOffer.fundsBox.fundsStructure.BSQ=({0} security deposit, {1} mining fee) + {2} trade fee -createOffer.success.headline=Ajánlata nyilvánosítottva -createOffer.success.info=Nyitott ajánlataidat a következő helyen kezelheted: \"Portfolió/Nyílt ajánlataim\". -createOffer.info.sellAtMarketPrice=You will always sell at market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.info.buyAtMarketPrice=You will always buy at market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=You will always get {0}% more than the current market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=You will always pay {0}% less than the current market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.warning.sellBelowMarketPrice=You will always get {0}% less than the current market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.warning.buyAboveMarketPrice=You will always pay {0}% more than the current market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.tradeFee.descriptionBTCOnly=Tranzakció díj -createOffer.tradeFee.descriptionBSQEnabled=Select trade fee currency -createOffer.tradeFee.fiatAndPercent=≈ {0} / {1} of trade amount - -# new entries -createOffer.placeOfferButton=Áttekintés: Helyezd ajánlatodat {0} bitcoinért -createOffer.alreadyFunded=Már finanszírozta ezt az ajánlatot.\nA pénzeszközöket a helyi Bisq pénztárcájába kerültek és a \"Pénzeszközök/Pénzátutalás\" képernyőn elérhetőek visszavonásra. -createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Finanszírozd ajánlatodat -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Váltott összeg: {0} \n -createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.feesWithBSQ={0} and {1} -createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=Le kell raknia {0} előleget az ajánlat elfogadásához.\n\nEzeket az összegek a helyi pénztárcájában vannak lefoglalva, és a multisig címére lesznek lezárva, amint valaki elfogadja ajánlatát\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Kaució: {2}\n- Tranzakciói díj: {3}\n- Bányászati díj: {4}\n\nKét lehetőség közül választhat a tranzakció finanszírozásakor:\n- Használja a Bisq pénztárcáját (könnyebb, viszont a tranzakciók összekapcsolhatók) VAGY\n- Átutalás külső pénztárcából (lehetőleg privátabb)\n\nAz összes finanszírozási lehetőséget és részleteket a felugró bezárása után láthatja. - -# only first part "An error occurred when placing the offer:" has been used before. We added now the rest (need update in existing translations!) -createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=Hiba történt az ajánlat elhelyezésénél:\n\n{0}\n\nSemmilyen pénz nem hagyta el a tárcáját.\nKérjük indítsa újra az alkalmazást, és ellenőrizze a hálózati kapcsolatot. -createOffer.setAmountPrice=Állítsd be az összeget és az árat -createOffer.warnCancelOffer=Már finanszírozta ezt az ajánlatot.\nHa most megszünteti, a pénzeszközei átkerülnek a helyi Bisq pénztárcájába, és a \"Pénzeszközök/Pénzátutalás\" képernyőn elérhetőek visszavonásra.\nBiztosan szeretné megszüntetni? -createOffer.timeoutAtPublishing=Az ajánlat közzétételére időtúllépés történt. -createOffer.errorInfo=\n\nA létrehozó díj már ki lett fizetve. A legrosszabb esetben elvesztette ezt a díjat.\nKérjük próbálja meg újraindítani az alkalmazást, és ellenőrizze a hálózati kapcsolatot, hogy meg tudja-e oldani a problémát. -createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.warning=A kauciót alacsonyabb értékre állította, mint az ajánlott alapértelmezett {0} érték.\nBiztosan alacsonyabb értékű óvadékot szeretne használni? -createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.makerIsSeller=Kevesebb védelmet nyújt, ha váltótársa nem követi a tranzakció protokollt. -createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.makerIsBuyer=Kevesebb védelmet biztosít a váltótársának ha követi a tranzakció protokollt, mivel kevésbé kockáztatott. Más felhasználók szívesebben vehetnek más ajánlatokat a tiéd helyett. -createOffer.resetToDefault=Nem, visszaállás az alapértelmezett értékre -createOffer.useLowerValue=Igen, használj alacsonyabb értéket -createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=A megadott ár a megengedett piaci árnál legnagyobb eltérésen kívül esik.\nA megengedett legnagyobb eltérés {0}, és a preferenciákban állítható be. -createOffer.changePrice=Árváltozás -createOffer.tac=Ez ajánlat közzétételével egyetértek azzal, hogy minden olyan kereskedővel vállalok tranzakciózni, aki teljesíti a képernyőn meghatározott feltételeket. -createOffer.currencyForFee=Tranzakció díj -createOffer.setDeposit=Set buyer's security deposit (%) -createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Set my security deposit as buyer (%) -createOffer.securityDepositInfo=Your buyer''s security deposit will be {0} -createOffer.securityDepositInfoAsBuyer=Your security deposit as buyer will be {0} - - -#################################################################### -# Offerbook / Take offer -#################################################################### - -takeOffer.amount.prompt=Írjd be az összeget BTC-ban -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Eladandó BTC összeg -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Vásárolandó BTC összeg -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Per bitcoin ár {0}-ban -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Lehetséges összegtartomány -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=A beírt összeg meghaladja a megengedett tizedesek számát.\nAz összeg 4 tizedes pontossággal lett beállítva. -takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Az összeg nem lehet kisebb, mint az ajánlatban meghatározott minimális összeg. -takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=A beviteli összeg nem lehet magasabb az ajánlatban meghatározott összegnél. -takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmountMinusFee=Ez a beviteli mennyiség a BTC értékesítőjének porfelbontást okozna. -takeOffer.fundsBox.title=Finanszírozd tranzakciódat -takeOffer.fundsBox.isOfferAvailable=Ellenőrizd ha az ajánlat rendelkezésre áll-e ... -takeOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Amount to sell -takeOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Tranzakció díj -takeOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Total mining fees -takeOffer.fundsBox.takeOfferSpinnerInfo=Fogadó ajánlat folyamatban ... -takeOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bisq tranzakció {0} azonosítóval -takeOffer.fundsBox.fundsStructure=({0} óvadék, {1} tranzakció díj, {2} bányászati díj) -takeOffer.success.headline=Sikeresen fogadtál egy ajánlatot. -takeOffer.success.info=A tranzakció állapotát a \"Portfólió/Nyílt tranzakciók\" alatt láthatók. -takeOffer.error.message=Hiba történt az ajánlat elfogadásakor.\n\n{0} - -# new entries -takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Áttekintés: Fogadd ajánlatot {0} bitcoint -takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Ezt az ajánlatot nem veheti igénybe, mivel a piaci ár alapján százalékos árat alkalmaz, de nem áll rendelkezésre árcsatorna. -takeOffer.alreadyFunded.movedFunds=Már finanszírozta ezt az ajánlatot.\nA pénzeszközöket a helyi Bisq pénztárcájába lettek költöztettve és a \"Pénzeszközök/Pénzátutalás\" képernyőn elérhetőek visszavonásra. -takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Finanszírozd tranzakciódat -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Váltott összeg: {0} \n -takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=Le kell raknia {0} előleget az ajánlat elfogadásához.\n\nAz összeg:\n{1}- Kaució: {2}\n- Tranzakció díj: {3}\n- Teljes bányászati díjak: {4}\n\nKét lehetőség közül választhat a tranzakció finanszírozásakor:\n- Használja a Bisq pénztárcáját (kényelmes, de a tranzakciók összekapcsolhatók) VAGY\n- Átutalás külső pénztárcából (lehetőleg privátabb)\n\nAz összes finanszírozási lehetőséget és részleteket a felugró bezárása után láthatja. -takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=A már kifizetett pénzeszközöket a "Pénzeszközök/Pénzátutalás" képernyőn elérhetőek visszavonásra. -takeOffer.paymentInfo=Fizetési információ -takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Állítsd be az összeget -takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Már finanszírozta ezt az ajánlatot.\nHa most megszünteti, a pénzeszközei átkerülnek a helyi Bisq pénztárcájába, és a \"Pénzeszközök/Pénzátutalás\" képernyőn elérhetőek visszavonásra.\nBiztosan szeretné megszüntetni? -takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Az ajánlatkérés sikertelen, mert az ajánlat már nem elérhető. Talán egy másik kereskedő időközben átvette az ajánlatot. -takeOffer.failed.offerTaken=Ezt az ajánlatot nem veheted igénybe, egy másik kereskedő elfogadta. -takeOffer.failed.offerRemoved=Ezt az ajánlatot már nem fogadhatod el, mert időközben el lett távolítva. -takeOffer.failed.offererNotOnline=Az ajánlatkérés sikertelen, mert az ajánlója már nincs online. -takeOffer.failed.offererOffline=Nem fogadhatod el ezt az ajánlatot, mert az ajánló offline. -takeOffer.warning.connectionToPeerLost=Elvesztette a kapcsolatot a létrehozóval.\nLehet, hogy az illető offline vagy ez lezárta a kapcsolatot túl sok nyitott kapcsolaton miatt.\n\nHa továbbra is látni fogja ajánlatát az ajánlati könyvben, megpróbálhatja újra elfogadni azt. - -takeOffer.error.noFundsLost=\n\nSemmilyen pénz nem hagyta el a tárcáját.\nKérjük, próbálja meg újraindítani az alkalmazást, és ellenőrizze a hálózati kapcsolatot, hogy meg tudja-e oldani a problémát. -takeOffer.error.feePaid=\n\nA létrehozó díj már ki lett fizetve. A legrosszabb esetben elvesztette ezt a díjat.\nKérjük próbálja meg újraindítani az alkalmazást, és ellenőrizze a hálózati kapcsolatot, hogy meg tudja-e oldani a problémát. -takeOffer.error.depositPublished=\n\nA betét tranzakció már közzétett.\nKérjük, próbálja újraindítani az alkalmazást, és ellenőrizze a hálózati kapcsolatot, hogy meg tudja-e oldani a problémát.\nHa a probléma továbbra is fennáll, kérjük, forduljon a fejlesztőhöz támogatásért. -takeOffer.error.payoutPublished=\n\nA kifizetési tranzakció már közzétett.\nKérjük, próbálja meg újraindítani az alkalmazást, és ellenőrizze a hálózati kapcsolatot, hogy meg tudja-e oldani a problémát.\nHa a probléma továbbra is fennáll, kérjük forduljon a fejlesztőhöz támogatásért. -takeOffer.tac=Az ajánlat elfogadásával ugyanakkor elfogadom a jelen képernyőn meghatározott tranzakció feltételeket. - - -#################################################################### -# Offerbook / Edit offer -#################################################################### - -editOffer.setPrice=Állítsa be az árat -editOffer.confirmEdit=Jóváhagyás: Ajánlat szerkesztése -editOffer.publishOffer=Az ajánlat közzététele. -editOffer.failed=Az ajánlat szerkesztése sikertelen:\n{0} -editOffer.success=Ajánlatát sikeresen szerkesztettük. - -#################################################################### -# Portfolio -#################################################################### - -portfolio.tab.openOffers=Nyitott ajánlataim -portfolio.tab.pendingTrades=Nyílt tranzakciók -portfolio.tab.history=Történelem -portfolio.tab.failed=Sikertelen -portfolio.tab.editOpenOffer=Ajánlat szerkesztése - -portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Várás a blokklánc konfirmációjára -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Fizetés indítása -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.waitPaymentStarted=Várás a kifizetés megkezdésére -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.waitPaymentArrived=Várás a kifizetés megérkezésére -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmPaymentReceived=A kapott befizetés konfirmálása -portfolio.pending.step5.completed=Befejezve - -portfolio.pending.step1.info=A betét tranzakció közzétételre került.\n{0} meg kell várnia legalább egy blokklánc konfirmációt a fizetés megkezdése előtt. -portfolio.pending.step1.warn=A betét tranzakció még mindig nem lett konfirmálva.\nEz ritkán fordulhat elő, ha egy kereskedő finanszírozási díja a külső tárcájából túl alacsony volt. -portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=A betét tranzakció még mindig nem lett konfirmálva.\nEz ritkán fordulhat elő, ha egy kereskedő finanszírozási díja a külső tárcából túl alacsony volt.\nA tranzakció maximális időtartama lejárt.\n\nTovább várhat vagy kapcsolatba léphet a bíróval egy vita megnyitásához. - -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Tranzakciója elért legalább egy blokklánc konfirmációt.\n(További konfirmációkat várhat - 6 megerősítés tartott mint nagyon biztonságosnak.)\n\n - -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.copyPaste=(Az előugró ablak bezárása után másolhatja és illessze be az értékeket a fő képernyőn.) -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.refTextWarn=NE használjon semmilyen további értesítést a \"fizetés indoka\" szövegében, mint például Bitcoin, BTC vagy Bisq. -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.accountDetails=Itt találhatók a BTC eladó tranzakciói adatai:\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.tradeId=Kérjük, ne felejtse hozzáadni a tranzakciói azonosítót -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.assign=mint \"fizetés indoka\", így a befizető kiutalhatja fizetését erre a tranzakcióra.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees=Ha bankja díjakat kér, ugyancsak önnek kell ezeket fedeznie. -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin=Kérjük, küldje át a külső {0} pénztárcájából\n{1} a BTC eladónak.\n\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.cash=Kérjük menjen egy bankba és fizessen {0} a BTC eladónak.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.cash.extra=FONTOS KÖVETELMÉNY:\nMiután bevégezte a fizetést, írja le egy papírra: NINCS VISSZATÉRÍTÉS.\nAzután szakítsa 2 részbe, fényképezze le és küldje el ezt a BTC eladó e-mail címére. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGram=Please pay {0} to the BTC seller by using MoneyGram.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGram.extra=IMPORTANT REQUIREMENT:\nAfter you have done the payment send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller.\nThe receipt must clearly show the seller''s full name, country, state and the amount. The seller''s email is: {0}. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion=Kérjük fizessen {0} a BTC eladónak Western Union keresztűl.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=FONTOS KÖVETELMÉNYEK:\nMiután elvégezte a fizetést, küldje el az MTCN (nyomon követési számot) és a kézhezvételt tartalmazó fényképet e-mailben a BTC eladónak.\nAz átvételi elismervényen egyértelműen meg kell jelennie az eladó teljes neve, városa, országa illetve az összeg. Az eladó e-mailje: {0}. - -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Kérjük küldjön {0} a \"US Posta Pénz Rendeléssel\" a BTC eladónak.\n\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.bank=Kérjük navigáljon az online banki internetes oldalára és fizessen {0} a BTC eladónak.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=Please contact the BTC seller by the provided contact and arrange a meeting to pay {0}.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=Fizetést elindítása {0} használva -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=Amount to transfer -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=Seller''s {0} address -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.buyerAccount=Your payment account to be used -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=Fizetés elindítva -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.warn=Még nem tette meg a {0} kifizetését!\nKérjük vegye figyelembe, hogy a tranzakciót {1}-ig kell bevégezni, ellenkező esetben a tranzakció a bíróhoz kerül kivizsgálásra. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.openForDispute=Még nem fejezte be fizetését!\nA tranzakció max. időtartama eltelt.\n\nKérjük, forduljon a bíróhoz egy vita megnyitásához. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paperReceipt.headline=Elküldted a papírblokkot a BTC eladónak? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paperReceipt.msg=Ne feledje:\nMeg kell írnia a papíralapon: NINCS VISSZATÉRÍTÉS.\nAzután szakítsa 2 részbe, fényképezze le és küldje el ezt a BTC eladó e-mail címére. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGramMTCNInfo.headline=Send Authorisation number and receipt -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGramMTCNInfo.msg=You need to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller.\nThe receipt must clearly show the seller''s full name, country, state and the amount. The seller''s email is: {0}.\n\nDid you send the Authorisation number and contract to the seller? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnionMTCNInfo.headline=Küldj MTCN-t és nyugtát -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnionMTCNInfo.msg=El kell küldenie a MTCN (nyomon követési számot) és az átvételről készült fényképet e-mailben a BTC eladónak.\nA nyugtán egyértelműen meg kell jelennie az eladó teljes neve, város, ország és az összeg. Az eladó e-mailje: {0}.\n\nElküldted a MTCN-t és a szerződést az eladónak? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.halCashInfo.headline=Send HalCash code -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.halCashInfo.msg=You need to send a text message with the HalCash code as well as the trade ID ({0}) to the BTC seller.\nThe seller''s mobile nr. is {1}.\n\nDid you send the code to the seller? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fasterPaymentsHolderNameInfo=Some banks might require the receiver's name. The UK sort code and account number is sufficient for a Faster Payment transfer and the receivers name is not verified by any of the banks. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.confirmStart.headline=Konfirmálja, hogy elkezdte a kifizetést -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.confirmStart.msg=Kezdeményezte már a {0} fizetést a váltótársa számára? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.confirmStart.yes=Igen, elkezdtem a kifizetést - -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.waitPayment.headline=Várás fizetésre -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.f2fInfo.headline=Buyer's contact information -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.waitPayment.msg=A betét tranzakció legalább egy blokklánc konfirmaciót kapott.\nMeg kell várnia, amíg a BTC vevő el nem indítja a {0} fizetést. -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.warn=The BTC buyer still has not done the {0} payment.\nYou need to wait until they have started the payment.\nIf the trade has not been completed on {1} the arbitrator will investigate. -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.openForDispute=A BTC vevő még nem kezdte meg fizetését!\nA tranzakció maximális megengedett időtartama lejárt.\nVárakozhat hosszabb ideig, ezennel több időt adhatna váltótársának vagy kapcsolatba léphet a bíróval egy vita megnyitásához. - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.UNDEFINED=Határozatlan -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.SENT=Message sent -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.ARRIVED=Message arrived at peer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.STORED_IN_MAILBOX=Message stored in mailbox -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.ACKNOWLEDGED=Peer confirmed message receipt -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.FAILED=Sending message failed - -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.headline=Várja meg a BTC eladó fizetési visszaigazolását -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.info=Várakozás a BTC eladó {0} fizetés beérkezésének megerősítésére. -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.msgStateInfo.label=Payment started message status -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part1a=a {0} blokkláncon -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part1b=a fizetési szolgáltatódnál (például banknál) -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part2=A BTC eladó még mindig nem konfirmálta kifizetését!\nKérjük ellenőrizze ha a {0} átutálása sikeres volt.\nHa a BTC eladó nem igazolja a kifizetés beérkezését {1}-ig, a tranzakció a bíróhoz kerül vizsgálatra. -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.openForDispute=A BTC vevő még nem konfirmálta fizetését!\nA tranzakció maximális megengedett időtartama lejárt.\nVárakozhat hosszabb ideig, ezennel több időt adhatna váltótársának vagy kapcsolatba léphet a bíróval egy vita megnyitásához. -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.part=Your trading partner has confirmed that they have initiated the {0} payment.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.altcoin.explorer=on your favorite {0} blockchain explorer -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.altcoin.wallet=at your {0} wallet -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.altcoin={0}Please check {1} if the transaction to your receiving address\n{2}\nhas already sufficient blockchain confirmations.\nThe payment amount has to be {3}\n\nYou can copy & paste your {4} address from the main screen after closing that popup. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.postal={0}Kérjük ellenőrizze, hogy megkapta-e a {1} \"US Posta Pénz Rendeléssen\" keresztül a BTC vevőjétől.\n\nA tranzakció azonosítója (\"fizetés indoka\" szövege): \"{2}\" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.bank=Your trading partner has confirmed that they have initiated the {0} payment.\n\nPlease go to your online banking web page and check if you have received {1} from the BTC buyer.\n\nThe trade ID (\"reason for payment\" text) of the transaction is: \"{2}\"\n\n -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.cash=Because the payment is done via Cash Deposit the BTC buyer has to write \"NO REFUND\" on the paper receipt, tear it in 2 parts and send you a photo by email.\n\nTo avoid chargeback risk, only confirm if you received the email and if you are sure the paper receipt is valid.\nIf you are not sure, {0} -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.moneyGram=The buyer has to send you the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email.\nThe receipt must clearly show your full name, country, state and the amount. Please check your email if you received the Authorisation number.\n\nAfter closing that popup you will see the BTC buyer's name and address for picking up the money from MoneyGram.\n\nOnly confirm receipt after you have successfully picked up the money! -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.westernUnion=A vevőnek el kell küldenie az MTCN-t (nyomon követési számot) és egy átvételről készült fényképet e-mailen keresztül.\nAz átvételi elismervényen egyértelműen meg kell jelennie a teljes neve, városa, országa illetve az összeg. Kérjük ellenőrizze e-mailjét, hogy megkapta-e az MTCN-t.\n\nMiután lezárta a felugró ablakot, látni fogja a BTC vásárló nevét és címét, hogy felemelhesse Western Uniótól a pénzt.\n\nCsak azután fogadja el a kézhezvételt, miután sikeresen felemelte a pénzt! -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.halCash=The buyer has to send you the HalCash code as text message. Beside that you will receive a message from HalCash with the required information to withdraw the EUR from a HalCash supporting ATM.\n\nAfter you have picked up the money from the ATM please confirm here the receipt of the payment! - -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.bankCheck=\n\nKérjük ellenőrizze, hogy a bankszámlakivonatban szereplő feladó neve megegyezik-e a tranzakciói szerződésből származónak:\nFeladó neve: {0}\n\nHa a név nem egyezik az itt láthatóval, {1} -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.openDispute=Kérjük, ne konfirmálja hanem nyisson meg vitát \"alt + o\" vagy \"option + o\" beírásával. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmPaymentReceipt=Fizetési vevény konfirmálása -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.amountToReceive=Amount to receive -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.yourAddress=Your {0} address -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyersAddress=Buyers {0} address -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.yourAccount=Your trading account -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyersAccount=Buyers trading account -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmReceipt=Fizetési vevény konfirmálása -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyerStartedPayment=A BTC vevő megkezdte a {0} fizetést.\n{1} -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyerStartedPayment.altcoin=Ellenőrizze blokklánc konfirmációit az altérmék pénztárcájában vagy a blokkfelfedezőben, és konfirmálja a fizetést, ha elegendő blokklánc megerősítést kap. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyerStartedPayment.fiat=Ellenőrizze tranzakció fiókját (pl. bankszámla), és konfirmálja amikor megkapta a fizetést. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part1a=a {0} blokkláncon -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part1b=a fizetési szolgáltatódnál (például banknál) -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part2=Még mindig nem konfirmálta a befizetés beérkezését!\nKérjük ellenőrizze {0}, ha megkapta a befizetést.\nHa nem konfirmálja az átvételt {1}-íg, a tranzakció a bíróhoz kerül vizsgálatra. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.openForDispute=Még mindig nem konfirmálta a befizetés beérkezését!\nA tranzakció maximális időtartama lejárt.\nKérjük konfirmálja vagy forduljon a bíróhoz egy vita megnyitásához. -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.part1=Megkaptad a {0} kifizetést a váltótársadtól?\n\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.fiat=A tranzakció (\"Fizetés indoka\" szöveg) azonosítója: \"{0}\"\n\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.name=Kérjük ellenőrizze, hogy a bankszámlakivonatban szereplő feladó neve megegyezik-e a tranzakciói szerződésből származónak:\nFeladó neve: {0}\n\nHa a név nem egyezik az itt láthatóval, kérjük ne konfirmálja hanem nyisson meg egy vitát, beírva \"alt + o\" vagy \"option + o\".\n\n -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.note=Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy amint konfirmálja az átvételt, a zárolt tranzakciói összeg a BTC vevő részére lesz kiadva, és a kaució visszatérítésre kerül. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.headline=Konfirmálja, hogy megkapta a fizetést -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=Igen, megkaptam a fizetést - -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=Lezárult tranzakció összefoglalása -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeFee=Tranzakció díj -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.makersMiningFee=Mining fee -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=Total mining fees -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=Refunded security deposit -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=Bitcoin visszavonása -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=Amount to withdraw -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=Withdraw to address -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Pénzeszközök áthelyezése a Bisq pénztárcába -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=Visszavonás külső tárcába -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=A pénzeszközei már vissza voltak vonva.\nEllenőrizze a tranzakció előzményeit. -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=Visszavonási kérelem jóváhagyása -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=Az átutalás összege alacsonyabb, mint a tranzakciós díj és a minimális lehetséges tx érték (por). -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=Visszavonás befejeződött -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=Befejezett tranzakciói a \"Portfólió/Történelem\" alatt találhatók.\nAz összes bitcoin tranzakciót megtekintheti a \"Pénzeszközök/Tranzakciók\" alatt -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.bought=You have bought -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.paid=You have paid - -portfolio.pending.step5_seller.sold=You have sold -portfolio.pending.step5_seller.received=You have received - -tradeFeedbackWindow.title=Congratulations on completing your trade -tradeFeedbackWindow.msg.part1=We'd love to hear back from you about your experience. It'll help us to improve the software and to smooth out any rough edges. If you'd like to provide feedback, please fill out this short survey (no registration required) at: -tradeFeedbackWindow.msg.part2=If you have any questions, or experienced any problems, please get in touch with other users and contributors via the Bisq forum at: -tradeFeedbackWindow.msg.part3=Thanks for using Bisq! - - -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.title=Thank you for testing the Bisq DAO -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.msg.part1=Can you spare 3 minutes to do a quick survey? We're offering 20 BSQ for completed surveys.\nYour feedback is crucial to ensuring a smooth launch on mainnet. -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.surveyLinkLabel=Do survey -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.msg.part2=Questions, or other issues? Discuss with Bisq users and contributors on the forum: -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.forumLinkLabel=Visit forum -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.msg.part3=Thanks for using Bisq! - -portfolio.pending.role=Az én szerepem -portfolio.pending.tradeInformation=Tranzakció információ -portfolio.pending.remainingTime=Hátralévő idő -portfolio.pending.remainingTimeDetail={0} (amig {1}) -portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=Az első blocklánc megerősítést követően kezdődik a kereskedelmi időszak. Az alkalmazott fizetési módszer alapján eltérő maximálisan megengedett kereskedelmi időszakot alkalmaznak. -portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=Ha túllépik a határidőt, mindkét kereskedő vitát nyithat. -portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=A tranzakció nem fejeződött be időben ({0} -ig) -portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Tranzakció folyamat -portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=Ha nem biztos benne, hogy az üzenet a bíróhoz érkezett (például ha nem kapott választ 1 nap után), nyugodtan nyisson új vitát. -portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Vita újranyitása -portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Támogatási jegy nyitás -portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Kérjük használja ezt csak vészhelyzet esetén, ha nem jelenik meg a \"Támogatás nyitása\" vagy a \"Vita nyitása\" gomb.\n\nA támogatási jegy megnyitásakor a tranzakció meg lesz szakítva és a bíróhoz kerül kezelésre -portfolio.pending.notification=Figyelmeztetés -portfolio.pending.openDispute=Vita nyitása -portfolio.pending.disputeOpened=Vita nyitva -portfolio.pending.openSupport=Támogatási jegy nyitás -portfolio.pending.supportTicketOpened=Támogatási jegy megnyitva -portfolio.pending.requestSupport=Kérj támogatást -portfolio.pending.error.requestSupport=Kérjük jelentse be a problémát a bírójánál.\n\nEz továbbítani fogja az információkat a fejlesztőknek a probléma kivizsgálása céljában.\nA probléma elemzése után minden zárolt összeg vissza lesz térítve önhöz. -portfolio.pending.communicateWithArbitrator=Kérjük, kommunikáljon a \"Támogatás\" képernyőn a bíróval. -portfolio.pending.supportTicketOpenedMyUser=Már nyitott támogatási jegyet.\n{0} -portfolio.pending.disputeOpenedMyUser=Már megnyitottál egy vitát.\n{0} -portfolio.pending.disputeOpenedByPeer=Váltótársa vitát nyitott\n{0} -portfolio.pending.supportTicketOpenedByPeer=Váltótársa támogatási jegyet nyitott.\n{0} -portfolio.pending.noReceiverAddressDefined=Nincs meghatározva a fogadó címe -portfolio.pending.removeFailedTrade=Ha a bíró nem tudta bezárni ezt a tranzakciót, akkor saját maga is át tudja helyezni a sikertelen tranzakciók képernyőjére.\nEl szeretné távolítani a sikertelen tranzakciót a Függőben lévő tranzakciók képernyőjén? -portfolio.closed.completed=Befejezve -portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=A jegy lezárult -portfolio.closed.canceled=Megszüntetve -portfolio.failed.Failed=Sikertelen - - -#################################################################### -# Funds -#################################################################### - -funds.tab.deposit=Pénz részesedés -funds.tab.withdrawal=Pénzátutalás -funds.tab.reserved=Tartalék pénzeszközök -funds.tab.locked=Zárolt pénzeszközök -funds.tab.transactions=Tranzakciók - -funds.deposit.unused=Felhasználatlan -funds.deposit.usedInTx=Használt {0} tranzakcióban -funds.deposit.fundBisqWallet=Bisq pénztárca finanszírozása -funds.deposit.noAddresses=Befizetési cím még nem lett létrehozva -funds.deposit.fundWallet=Finanszírozd pénztárcádat -funds.deposit.withdrawFromWallet=Send funds from wallet -funds.deposit.amount=Amount in BTC (optional) -funds.deposit.generateAddress=Új cím generálása -funds.deposit.selectUnused=Kérjük, válasszon ki egy fel nem használt címet a fenti táblázatból, ne pedig egy újat generáljon. - -funds.withdrawal.arbitrationFee=Bírói díj -funds.withdrawal.inputs=Bemenetek kiválasztása -funds.withdrawal.useAllInputs=Összes rendelkezésre álló bemenetet használata -funds.withdrawal.useCustomInputs=Egyéni bevitelek használata -funds.withdrawal.receiverAmount=Vevő összege -funds.withdrawal.senderAmount=Küldő összege -funds.withdrawal.feeExcluded=Az összeg kizárja a bányászati díjat -funds.withdrawal.feeIncluded=Az összeg befoglalja a bányászati díjat -funds.withdrawal.fromLabel=Withdraw from address -funds.withdrawal.toLabel=Withdraw to address -funds.withdrawal.withdrawButton=Visszavonás kiválasztottakat -funds.withdrawal.noFundsAvailable=A visszavonáshoz nem állnak rendelkezésre pénzeszközök -funds.withdrawal.confirmWithdrawalRequest=Visszavonási kérelem megerősítése -funds.withdrawal.withdrawMultipleAddresses=Visszavonás több címről ({0}) -funds.withdrawal.withdrawMultipleAddresses.tooltip=Visszavonás több címről:\n{0} -funds.withdrawal.notEnoughFunds=Nincs elég pénzed a pénztárcádban. -funds.withdrawal.selectAddress=Válassz forráscímet a táblázatból -funds.withdrawal.setAmount=Add meg a visszavonni kívánt összeget -funds.withdrawal.fillDestAddress=Töltsd ki a célcímedet -funds.withdrawal.warn.noSourceAddressSelected=A fenti táblázatban egy forráscímet kell kiválasztania. -funds.withdrawal.warn.amountExceeds=Az összege meghaladja a kiválasztott címre rendelkezésre álló összeget.\nVegyen figyelembe több cím kiválasztását a fenti táblázatban, ha többet szeretne visszavonni. - -funds.reserved.noFunds=A nyílt ajánlatokban nincs pénz fenntartva -funds.reserved.reserved=Fenntartva a helyi pénztárcában azonosítóval: {0} - -funds.locked.noFunds=Semmilyen pénzeszközök nincsenek zárolva tranzakciókban -funds.locked.locked=Zárolt multisig tranzakció azonosítója: {0} - -funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Elküldve: -funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Fogadott: -funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=From Genesis tx: -funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Miner fee for BSQ tx -funds.tx.createOfferFee=Ajánló és tx díj: {0} -funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Vevő és tx díj: {0} -funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig letét: {0} -funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig kifizetése: {0} -funds.tx.disputePayout=Vita kifizetése: {0} -funds.tx.disputeLost=Elveszett vita ügye: {0} -funds.tx.unknown=Ismeretlen ok: {0} -funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Nincs visszatérítés a vitából -funds.tx.receivedFunds=Pénz részesedések -funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Visszavonva a pénztárcából -funds.tx.withdrawnFromBSQWallet=BTC withdrawn from BSQ wallet -funds.tx.noTxAvailable=Nincs hozzáférhető tranzakció -funds.tx.revert=Visszaszállás -funds.tx.txSent=Tranzakció sikeresen elküldve egy új címre a helyi Bisq pénztárcában. -funds.tx.direction.self=Küld saját magadnak. -funds.tx.daoTxFee=Miner fee for DAO tx -funds.tx.reimbursementRequestTxFee=Reimbursement request -funds.tx.compensationRequestTxFee=Kártérítési kérelem - - -#################################################################### -# Support -#################################################################### - -support.tab.support=Támogatási jegyek -support.tab.ArbitratorsSupportTickets=Biró támogatási jegyei -support.tab.TradersSupportTickets=Kereskedő támogatási jegyei -support.filter=Filter list -support.noTickets=Nincsenek nyitott jegyek -support.sendingMessage=Üzenet küldése ... -support.receiverNotOnline=A vevő nincs online. Az üzenet mentve lett a postaládájába. -support.sendMessageError=Sending message failed. Error: {0} -support.wrongVersion=A vitában szereplő ajánlat a Bisq régebbi verziójával jött létre.\nNem zárhatja be a vitát alkalmazása mostani verziójával.\n\nHasználjon egy régebbi verziót {0} protokoll verzióval -support.openFile=Nyiss fájlt mellékelni (legfeljebb fájlméret: {0} kb) -support.attachmentTooLarge=A mellékletek teljes mérete {0} kb, és meghaladja a {1} kB megengedett maximális üzenetméretet. -support.maxSize=A max. engedélyezett fájlméret {0} kB. -support.attachment=Mellékletet -support.tooManyAttachments=Nem küldhetsz több mint 3 mellékletet egy üzenetben. -support.save=Fájl mentése lemezre -support.messages=Üzenetek -support.input.prompt=Írd meg itt az üzenetedet a bíróhoz -support.send=Küldés -support.addAttachments=Mellékletek hozzáadása -support.closeTicket=Zárd le a jegyet -support.attachments=Mellékletek: -support.savedInMailbox=Üzenet mentve a vevő postafiókjában -support.arrived=Üzenet megérkezve a vevőhöz -support.acknowledged=Message arrival confirmed by receiver -support.error=Receiver could not process message. Error: {0} -support.buyerAddress=BTC vásárló címe -support.sellerAddress=BTC eladó címe -support.role=Szerep -support.state=Állapot -support.closed=Lezárva -support.open=Nyitva -support.buyerOfferer=BTC vevő/Ajánló -support.sellerOfferer=BTC eladó/Ajánló -support.buyerTaker=BTC vásárló/Vevő -support.sellerTaker=BTC eladó/Vevő -support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nIf there are disputes in the trade process (e.g. one trader does not follow the trade protocol) the application will display an \"Open dispute\" button after the trade period is over for contacting the arbitrator.\n\nIf there is an issue with the application, the software will try to detect it and, if possible, display an \"Open support ticket\" button to contact the arbitrator who will forward the issue to the developers.\n\nIf you are having an issue and did not see the \"Open support ticket\" button, you can open a support ticket manually by selecting the trade causing issues under \"Portfolio/Open trades\" and hitting \"alt + o\" or \"option + o\". Please use this method only if you are sure that the software is not working as expected. If you have problems or questions, please review the FAQ on the bisq.network web page or post in the Bisq forum in the Support section. - -support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the arbitrator's requests within 2 days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the arbitrator and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: https://bisq.network/docs/exchange/arbitration-system -support.systemMsg=Rendszerüzenet: {0} -support.youOpenedTicket=You opened a request for support.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1} -support.youOpenedDispute=You opened a request for a dispute.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1} -support.peerOpenedTicket=Your trading peer has requested support due technical problems.\n\n{0} -support.peerOpenedDispute=Váltótársa vitát kérelmezett.\n\n{0} - - -#################################################################### -# Settings -#################################################################### -settings.tab.preferences=Beállítások -settings.tab.network=Hálózati info -settings.tab.about=Névjegy - -setting.preferences.general=Általános beállítások -setting.preferences.explorer=Bitcoin block explorer -setting.preferences.deviation=Max. deviation from market price -setting.preferences.avoidStandbyMode=Avoid standby mode -setting.preferences.deviationToLarge=30% -nál magasabb értékek nem megengedettek. -setting.preferences.txFee=Withdrawal transaction fee (satoshis/byte) -setting.preferences.useCustomValue=Egyedi érték használata -setting.preferences.txFeeMin=A tranzakciós díjnak legalább 5 satoshi/byte-nak kell lennie -setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=A bevitele minden elfogadható érték fölött van (> 5000 satoshi/bájt). A tranzakciós díj általában 50-400 satoshi/bájt. -setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Ignore peers with onion address (comma sep.) -setting.preferences.refererId=Referral ID -setting.preferences.refererId.prompt=Optional referral ID -setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Pénznemek a piaci árlistában -setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Preferred currency -setting.preferences.displayFiat=Display national currencies -setting.preferences.noFiat=Nincsenek kiválasztott nemzeti valuták -setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Nem tudod eltávolítani a kiválasztott kedvelt megjelenítési pénznemet -setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Display altcoins -setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Nincsenek kiválasztott altérmék -setting.preferences.addFiat=Nemzeti valuta hozzáadása -setting.preferences.addAltcoin=Altérme hozzáadása -setting.preferences.displayOptions=Megjelenítési lehetőségek -setting.preferences.showOwnOffers=Show my own offers in offer book -setting.preferences.useAnimations=Use animations -setting.preferences.sortWithNumOffers=Sort market lists with no. of offers/trades -setting.preferences.resetAllFlags=Reset all \"Don't show again\" flags -setting.preferences.reset=Visszaállítás -settings.preferences.languageChange=Nyelvváltoztatás alkalmazása minden képernyőre újraindításhoz szükséges. -settings.preferences.arbitrationLanguageWarning=Vita esetén vegye figyelembe, hogy a választottbíráskodás a {0} -ben történik. -settings.preferences.selectCurrencyNetwork=Select network -setting.preferences.daoOptions=DAO options -setting.preferences.dao.resync.label=Rebuild DAO state from genesis tx -setting.preferences.dao.resync.button=Resync -setting.preferences.dao.resync.popup=After an application restart the BSQ consensus state will be rebuilt from the genesis transaction. -setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=Run Bisq as DAO full node -setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=RPC username -setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=RPC password -setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo=For running Bisq as DAO full node you need to have Bitcoin Core locally running and configured with RPC and other requirements which are documented in ''{0}''. -setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo.ok=Open docs page -setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo.cancel=No, I stick with lite node mode - -settings.net.btcHeader=Bitcoin hálózat -settings.net.p2pHeader=P2P hálózat -settings.net.onionAddressLabel=My onion address -settings.net.btcNodesLabel=Használj egyéni Bitcoin Core csomópontokat -settings.net.bitcoinPeersLabel=Connected peers -settings.net.useTorForBtcJLabel=Use Tor for Bitcoin network -settings.net.bitcoinNodesLabel=Bitcoin Core nodes to connect to -settings.net.useProvidedNodesRadio=Használd a megadott Bitcoin Core csomópontokat -settings.net.usePublicNodesRadio=Használd a nyilvános Bitcoin hálózatot -settings.net.useCustomNodesRadio=Használj egyéni Bitcoin Core csomópontokat -settings.net.warn.usePublicNodes=Ha a nyilvános Bitcoin hálózatot használja, súlyos adatvédelmi problémára van kitéve, amelyet a hibás szűrőtervezés és -végrehajtás okoz, amelyet az SPV pénztárcákhoz használnak, mint a BitcoinJ (a Bisq-ban használt). Bármely teljes csomópont amelyhez csatlakozik megtudhatja, hogy az összes pénztárca címei egy egységhez tartoznak.\n\nKérjük olvassa el a részleteket a következő címen: https://bisq.network/blog/privacy-in-bitsquare.\n\nBiztosan szeretné használni a nyilvános csomópontokat? -settings.net.warn.usePublicNodes.useProvided=Nem, használd a megadott csomópontokat -settings.net.warn.usePublicNodes.usePublic=Igen, használd a nyilvános hálózatot -settings.net.warn.useCustomNodes.B2XWarning=Please be sure that your Bitcoin node is a trusted Bitcoin Core node!\n\nConnecting to nodes which do not follow the Bitcoin Core consensus rules could corrupt your wallet and cause problems in the trade process.\n\nUsers who connect to nodes that violate consensus rules are responsible for any resulting damage. Any resulting disputes will be decided in favor of the other peer. No technical support will be given to users who ignore this warning and protection mechanisms! -settings.net.localhostBtcNodeInfo=(Background information: If you are running a local Bitcoin node (localhost) you can connect exclusively to it.) -settings.net.p2PPeersLabel=Connected peers -settings.net.onionAddressColumn=Onion cím -settings.net.creationDateColumn=Alapítva -settings.net.connectionTypeColumn=Be/Ki -settings.net.totalTrafficLabel=Total traffic -settings.net.roundTripTimeColumn=Körút -settings.net.sentBytesColumn=Elküldve: -settings.net.receivedBytesColumn=Fogadott: -settings.net.peerTypeColumn=Társ típusa -settings.net.openTorSettingsButton=Tor beállítások megnyitása - -settings.net.needRestart=Újra kell indítania az alkalmazást, hogy alkalmazza ezt a módosítást.\nSzeretné ezt most? -settings.net.notKnownYet=Még nem ismert... -settings.net.sentReceived=Elküldött: {0}, kapott: {1} -settings.net.ips=[IP cím:port | gazda neve:port | onion cím:port] (vesszővel elválasztott). A port elhagyható, ha az alapértelmezettet használt (8333). -settings.net.seedNode=Mag csomópont -settings.net.directPeer=Társ (direkt) -settings.net.peer=Társ -settings.net.inbound=bejövő -settings.net.outbound=kimenő -settings.net.reSyncSPVChainLabel=SPV lánc újraszinkronizálása -settings.net.reSyncSPVChainButton=Töröld az SPV fájlt és újraszinkronizálj -settings.net.reSyncSPVSuccess=The SPV chain file will be deleted on the next startup. You need to restart your application now.\n\nAfter the restart it can take a while to resync with the network and you will only see all transactions once the resync is completed.\n\nPlease restart again after the resync has completed because there are sometimes inconsistencies that result in incorrect balances to display. -settings.net.reSyncSPVAfterRestart=The SPV chain file has been deleted. Please be patient. It can take a while to resync with the network. -settings.net.reSyncSPVAfterRestartCompleted=Az újraszinkronizálás befejeződött. Kérjük, indítsa újra az alkalmazást. -settings.net.reSyncSPVFailed=Nem sikerült törölni az SPV-lánc fájlt.\nHiba: {0} -setting.about.aboutBisq=Bisq-ről -setting.about.about=Bisq is open-source software which facilitates the exchange of bitcoin with national currencies (and other cryptocurrencies) through a decentralized peer-to-peer network in a way that strongly protects user privacy. Learn more about Bisq on our project web page. -setting.about.web=Bisq honlap -setting.about.code=Forráskód -setting.about.agpl=AGPL licenc -setting.about.support=Támogasd Bisq-et -setting.about.def=Bisq is not a company—it is a project open to the community. If you want to participate or support Bisq please follow the links below. -setting.about.contribute=Hozzájárulás -setting.about.donate=Adományoz -setting.about.providers=Adatszolgáltatók -setting.about.apisWithFee=A Bisq 3. féltől származó API-kat használ a fiat és altérmék piaci áraira, valamint a bányászati díjbecslésre. -setting.about.apis=Bisq 3. féltől származó API-kat használ a Fiat és Altérmék piaci árak számára. -setting.about.pricesProvided=Market prices provided by -setting.about.pricesProviders={0}, {1} és {2} -setting.about.feeEstimation.label=Mining fee estimation provided by -setting.about.versionDetails=Verzió részletek -setting.about.version=Application version -setting.about.subsystems.label=Versions of subsystems -setting.about.subsystems.val=Hálózati verzió: {0}; P2P üzenet verziója: {1}; Helyi adatbázis verzió: {2}; Tranzakció protokollverzió: {3} - - -#################################################################### -# Account -#################################################################### - -account.tab.arbitratorRegistration=Bírói bejegyzés -account.tab.account=Fiók -account.info.headline=Üdvözöljük a Bisq-fiókodban -account.info.msg=Here you can add trading accounts for national currencies & altcoins, select arbitrators, and create a backup of your wallet & account data.\n\nA new Bitcoin wallet was created the first time you started Bisq.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you write down your Bitcoin wallet seed words (see tab on the top) and consider adding a password before funding. Bitcoin deposits and withdrawals are managed in the \"Funds\" section.\n\nPrivacy & security note: because Bisq is a decentralized exchange, all your data is kept on your computer. There are no servers, so we have no access to your personal info, your funds, or even your IP address. Data such as bank account numbers, altcoin & Bitcoin addresses, etc are only shared with your trading partner to fulfill trades you initiate (in case of a dispute the arbitrator will see the same data as your trading peer). - -account.menu.paymentAccount=Nemzeti valuta fiókok -account.menu.altCoinsAccountView=Altérmék fiókok -account.menu.password=Pénztárca-jelszó -account.menu.seedWords=Pénztárca mag -account.menu.backup=Biztonsági mentés -account.menu.notifications=Notifications - -account.arbitratorRegistration.pubKey=Public key - -account.arbitratorRegistration.register=Bíró regisztrálás -account.arbitratorRegistration.revoke=Regisztráció visszavonása -account.arbitratorRegistration.info.msg=Please note that you need to stay available for 15 days after revoking as there might be trades which are using you as arbitrator. The max. allowed trade period is 8 days and the dispute process might take up to 7 days. -account.arbitratorRegistration.warn.min1Language=Legalább 1 nyelvet kell beállítanod.\nHozzáadtuk az alapértelmezett nyelvet számodra. -account.arbitratorRegistration.removedSuccess=Sikeresen eltávolította bíróját a P2P hálózatból. -account.arbitratorRegistration.removedFailed=A bíró nem távolítható el.{0} -account.arbitratorRegistration.registerSuccess=Sikeresen regisztrálta bíróját a P2P hálózathon. -account.arbitratorRegistration.registerFailed=Nem sikerült regisztrálni a bírót.{0} - -account.arbitratorSelection.minOneArbitratorRequired=Legalább 1 nyelvet kell beállítanod.\nHozzáadtuk az alapértelmezett nyelvet számodra. -account.arbitratorSelection.whichLanguages=Milyen nyelveket beszélsz? -account.arbitratorSelection.whichDoYouAccept=Melyik bírót elfogadja el -account.arbitratorSelection.autoSelect=Az összes megfelelő nyelvvel rendelkező bíró automatikus kiválasa -account.arbitratorSelection.regDate=Regisztráció dátuma -account.arbitratorSelection.languages=Nyelvek -account.arbitratorSelection.cannotSelectHimself=Egy bíró nem választhatja saját magát tranzakcióra. -account.arbitratorSelection.noMatchingLang=Nincs megfelelő nyelv. -account.arbitratorSelection.noLang=Csak olyan bírákat választhat ki, akik legalább 1 közös nyelvet beszélnek. -account.arbitratorSelection.minOne=Legalább egy bírót kell választania. - -account.altcoin.yourAltcoinAccounts=Your altcoin accounts -account.altcoin.popup.wallet.msg=Please be sure that you follow the requirements for the usage of {0} wallets as described on the {1} web page.\nUsing wallets from centralized exchanges where (a) you don''t control your keys or (b) which don''t use compatible wallet software is risky: it can lead to loss of the traded funds!\nThe arbitrator is not a {2} specialist and cannot help in such cases. -account.altcoin.popup.wallet.confirm=Megértem és alátámasztom, hogy tudom, melyik pénztárcát kell használnom. -account.altcoin.popup.arq.msg=Trading ARQ on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nFor sending ARQ, you need to use either the official ArQmA GUI wallet or ArQmA CLI wallet with the store-tx-info flag enabled (default in new versions). Please be sure you can access the tx key as that would be required in case of a dispute.\narqma-wallet-cli (use the command get_tx_key)\narqma-wallet-gui (go to history tab and click on the (P) button for payment proof)\n\nAt normal block explorers the transfer is not verifiable.\n\nYou need to provide the arbitrator the following data in case of a dispute:\n- The tx private key\n- The transaction hash\n- The recipient's public address\n\nFailure to provide the above data, or if you used an incompatible wallet, will result in losing the dispute case. The ARQ sender is responsible for providing verification of the ARQ transfer to the arbitrator in case of a dispute.\n\nThere is no payment ID required, just the normal public address.\nIf you are not sure about that process visit ArQmA discord channel (https://discord.gg/s9BQpJT) or the ArQmA forum (https://labs.arqma.com) to find more information. -account.altcoin.popup.xmr.msg=Trading XMR on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nFor sending XMR, you need to use either the official Monero GUI wallet or Monero CLI wallet with the store-tx-info flag enabled (default in new versions). Please be sure you can access the tx key as that would be required in case of a dispute.\nmonero-wallet-cli (use the command get_tx_key)\nmonero-wallet-gui (go to history tab and click on the (P) button for payment proof)\n\nIn addition to XMR checktx tool (https://xmr.llcoins.net/checktx.html) verification can also be accomplished in-wallet.\nmonero-wallet-cli : using command (check_tx_key).\nmonero-wallet-gui : on the Advanced > Prove/Check page.\nAt normal block explorers the transfer is not verifiable.\n\nYou need to provide the arbitrator the following data in case of a dispute:\n- The tx private key\n- The transaction hash\n- The recipient's public address\n\nFailure to provide the above data, or if you used an incompatible wallet, will result in losing the dispute case. The XMR sender is responsible for providing verification of the XMR transfer to the arbitrator in case of a dispute.\n\nThere is no payment ID required, just the normal public address.\nIf you are not sure about that process visit (https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/prove-payment.html) or the Monero forum (https://forum.getmonero.org) to find more information. -account.altcoin.popup.blur.msg=Trading BLUR on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send BLUR you must use the Blur Network CLI or GUI Wallet. \n\nIf you are using the CLI wallet, a transaction hash (tx ID) will be displayed after a transfer is sent. You must save this information. Immediately after sending the transfer, you must use the command 'get_tx_key' to retrieve the transaction private key. If you fail to perform this step, you may not be able to retrieve the key later. \n\nIf you are using the Blur Network GUI Wallet, the transaction private key and transaction ID can be found conveniently in the "History" tab. Immediately after sending, locate the transaction of interest. Click the "?" symbol in the lower-right corner of the box containing the transaction. You must save this information. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an arbitrator: 1.) the transaction ID, 2.) the transaction private key, and 3.) the recipient's address. The arbitrator will then verify the BLUR transfer using the Blur Transaction Viewer (https://blur.cash/#tx-viewer).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the BLUR sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the Blur Network Discord (https://discord.gg/dMWaqVW). -account.altcoin.popup.cash2.msg=Trading CASH2 on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send CASH2 you must use the Cash2 Wallet version 3 or higher. \n\nAfter a transaction is sent, the transaction ID will be displayed. You must save this information. Immediately after sending the transaction, you must use the command 'getTxKey' in simplewallet to retrieve the transaction secret key. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an arbitrator: 1) the transaction ID, 2) the transaction secret key, and 3) the recipient's Cash2 address. The arbitrator will then verify the CASH2 transfer using the Cash2 Block Explorer (https://blocks.cash2.org).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the CASH2 sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the Cash2 Discord (https://discord.gg/FGfXAYN). -account.altcoin.popup.qwertycoin.msg=Trading Qwertycoin on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send QWC you must use the official QWC Wallet version 5.1.3 or higher. \n\nAfter a transaction is sent, the transaction ID will be displayed. You must save this information. Immediately after sending the transaction, you must use the command 'get_Tx_Key' in simplewallet to retrieve the transaction secret key. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an arbitrator: 1) the transaction ID, 2) the transaction secret key, and 3) the recipient's QWC address. The arbitrator will then verify the QWC transfer using the QWC Block Explorer (https://explorer.qwertycoin.org).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the QWC sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the QWC Discord (https://discord.gg/rUkfnpC). -account.altcoin.popup.drgl.msg=Trading Dragonglass on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nBecause of the privacy Dragonglass provides, a transaction is not verifiable on the public blockchain. If required, you can prove your payment through the use of your TXN-Private-Key.\nThe TXN-Private Key is a one-time key automatically generated for every transaction that can only be accessed from within your DRGL wallet.\nEither by DRGL-wallet GUI (inside transaction details dialog) or by the Dragonglass CLI simplewallet (using command "get_tx_key").\n\nDRGL version 'Oathkeeper' and higher are REQUIRED for both.\n\nIn case of a dispute, you must provide the arbitrator the following data:\n- The TXN-Private key\n- The transaction hash\n- The recipient's public address\n\nVerification of payment can be made using the above data as inputs at (http://drgl.info/#check_txn).\n\nFailure to provide the above data, or if you used an incompatible wallet, will result in losing the dispute case. The Dragonglass sender is responsible for providing verification of the DRGL transfer to the arbitrator in case of a dispute. Use of PaymentID is not required.\n\nIf you are unsure about any part of this process, visit Dragonglass on Discord (http://discord.drgl.info) for help. -account.altcoin.popup.ZEC.msg=When using Zcash you can only use the transparent addresses (starting with t) not the z-addresses (private), because the arbitrator would not be able to verify the transaction with z-addresses. -account.altcoin.popup.XZC.msg=When using Zcoin you can only use the transparent (traceable) addresses not the untraceable addresses, because the arbitrator would not be able to verify the transaction with untraceable addresses at a block explorer. -account.altcoin.popup.grin.msg=GRIN requires an interactive process between the sender and receiver to create the transaction. Be sure to follow the instructions from the GRIN project web page to reliably send and receive GRIN (the receiver needs to be online or at least be online during a certain time frame). \n\nBisq supports only the Grinbox (Wallet713) wallet URL format. \n\nThe GRIN sender is required to provide proof that they have sent GRIN successfully. If the wallet cannot provide that proof, a potential dispute will be resolved in favor of the GRIN receiver. Please be sure that you use the latest Grinbox software which supports the transaction proof and that you understand the process of transferring and receiving GRIN as well as how to create the proof. \n\nSee https://github.com/vault713/wallet713/blob/master/docs/usage.md#transaction-proofs-grinbox-only for more information about the Grinbox proof tool. -account.altcoin.popup.beam.msg=BEAM requires an interactive process between the sender and receiver to create the transaction. \n\nBe sure to follow the instructions from the BEAM project web page to reliably send and receive BEAM (the receiver needs to be online or at least be online during a certain time frame). \n\nThe BEAM sender is required to provide proof that they sent BEAM successfully. Be sure to use wallet software which can produce such a proof. If the wallet cannot provide the proof a potential dispute will be resolved in favor of the BEAM receiver. - -account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=Your national currency accounts - -account.backup.title=Biztonsági pénztárca -account.backup.location=Backup location -account.backup.selectLocation=Válassz biztonsági másolat elhelyezését -account.backup.backupNow=Biztonsági mentés most (nem titkosított!) -account.backup.appDir=Alkalmazásadatok könyvtára -account.backup.logFile=Naplófájl -account.backup.openDirectory=Nyitott könyvtár -account.backup.openLogFile=Naplófájl nyitása -account.backup.success=Biztonsági mentés sikeresen mentve:\n{0} -account.backup.directoryNotAccessible=A választott könyvtár nem érhető el. {0} - -account.password.removePw.button=Jelszó törlése -account.password.removePw.headline=Pénztárca jelszavas védelmének távolítása -account.password.setPw.button=Jelszó beiktatása -account.password.setPw.headline=Pénztárca jelszóvédelmének beiktatása -account.password.info=With password protection you'll need to enter your password at application startup, when withdrawing bitcoin out of your wallet, and when restoring your wallet from seed words. - -account.seed.backup.title=Pénztárca magszavak biztonsági mentése -account.seed.info=Please write down both wallet seed words and the date! You can recover your wallet any time with seed words and the date.\nThe same seed words are used for the BTC and BSQ wallet.\n\nYou should write down the seed words on a sheet of paper. Do not save them on your computer.\n\nPlease note that the seed words are NOT a replacement for a backup.\nYou need to create a backup of the whole application directory from the \"Account/Backup\" screen to recover application state and data.\nImporting seed words is only recommended for emergency cases. The application will not be functional without a proper backup of the database files and keys! -account.seed.warn.noPw.msg=Nem állított be olyan pénztárca jelszót, amely megvédené a magszavak megjelenítését.\n\nMeg szeretné jeleníteni a magszavakat? -account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Igen, és ne kérdezz többé -account.seed.enterPw=Írd be a jelszót a magszavak megtekintéséhez -account.seed.restore.info=Please make a backup before applying restore from seed words. Be aware that wallet restore is only for emergency cases and might cause problems with the internal wallet database.\nIt is not a way for applying a backup! Please use a backup from the application data directory for restoring a previous application state.\n\nAfter restoring the application will shut down automatically. After you have restarted the application it will resync with the Bitcoin network. This can take a while and can consume a lot of CPU, especially if the wallet was older and had many transactions. Please avoid interrupting that process, otherwise you might need to delete the SPV chain file again or repeat the restore process. -account.seed.restore.ok=Ok, do the restore and shut down Bisq - - -#################################################################### -# Mobile notifications -#################################################################### - -account.notifications.setup.title=Setup -account.notifications.download.label=Download mobile app -account.notifications.download.button=Download -account.notifications.waitingForWebCam=Waiting for webcam... -account.notifications.webCamWindow.headline=Scan QR-code from phone -account.notifications.webcam.label=Use webcam -account.notifications.webcam.button=Scan QR code -account.notifications.noWebcam.button=I don't have a webcam -account.notifications.testMsg.label=Send test notification -account.notifications.testMsg.title=Test -account.notifications.erase.label=Clear notifications on phone -account.notifications.erase.title=Clear notifications -account.notifications.email.label=Pairing token -account.notifications.email.prompt=Enter pairing token you received by email -account.notifications.settings.title=Beállítások -account.notifications.useSound.label=Play notification sound on phone -account.notifications.trade.label=Receive trade messages -account.notifications.market.label=Receive offer alerts -account.notifications.price.label=Receive price alerts -account.notifications.priceAlert.title=Price alerts -account.notifications.priceAlert.high.label=Notify if BTC price is above -account.notifications.priceAlert.low.label=Notify if BTC price is below -account.notifications.priceAlert.setButton=Set price alert -account.notifications.priceAlert.removeButton=Remove price alert -account.notifications.trade.message.title=Trade state changed -account.notifications.trade.message.msg.conf=The deposit transaction for the trade with ID {0} is confirmed. Please open your Bisq application and start the payment. -account.notifications.trade.message.msg.started=The BTC buyer has started the payment for the trade with ID {0}. -account.notifications.trade.message.msg.completed=The trade with ID {0} is completed. -account.notifications.offer.message.title=Your offer was taken -account.notifications.offer.message.msg=Your offer with ID {0} was taken -account.notifications.dispute.message.title=New dispute message -account.notifications.dispute.message.msg=You received a dispute message for trade with ID {0} - -account.notifications.marketAlert.title=Offer alerts -account.notifications.marketAlert.selectPaymentAccount=Offers matching payment account -account.notifications.marketAlert.offerType.label=Offer type I am interested in -account.notifications.marketAlert.offerType.buy=Buy offers (I want to sell BTC) -account.notifications.marketAlert.offerType.sell=Sell offers (I want to buy BTC) -account.notifications.marketAlert.trigger=Offer price distance (%) -account.notifications.marketAlert.trigger.info=With a price distance set, you will only receive an alert when an offer that meets (or exceeds) your requirements is published. Example: you want to sell BTC, but you will only sell at a 2% premium to the current market price. Setting this field to 2% will ensure you only receive alerts for offers with prices that are 2% (or more) above the current market price. -account.notifications.marketAlert.trigger.prompt=Percentage distance from market price (e.g. 2.50%, -0.50%, etc) -account.notifications.marketAlert.addButton=Add offer alert -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlertsButton=Manage offer alerts -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.title=Manage offer alerts -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.label=Offer alerts -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.item=Offer alert for {0} offer with trigger price {1} and payment account {2} -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.header.paymentAccount=Payment account -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.header.trigger=Trigger price -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.header.offerType=Ajánlat típusa -account.notifications.marketAlert.message.title=Offer alert -account.notifications.marketAlert.message.msg.below=below -account.notifications.marketAlert.message.msg.above=above -account.notifications.marketAlert.message.msg=A new ''{0} {1}'' offer with price {2} ({3} {4} market price) and payment method ''{5}'' was published to the Bisq offerbook.\nOffer ID: {6}. -account.notifications.priceAlert.message.title=Price alert for {0} -account.notifications.priceAlert.message.msg=Your price alert got triggered. The current {0} price is {1} {2} -account.notifications.noWebCamFound.warning=No webcam found.\n\nPlease use the email option to send the token and encryption key from your mobile phone to the Bisq application. -account.notifications.priceAlert.warning.highPriceTooLow=The higher price must be larger than the lower price. -account.notifications.priceAlert.warning.lowerPriceTooHigh=The lower price must be lower than the higher price. - - - - -#################################################################### -# DAO -#################################################################### - -dao.tab.factsAndFigures=Facts & Figures -dao.tab.bsqWallet=BSQ pénztárca -dao.tab.proposals=Governance -dao.tab.bonding=Bonding -dao.tab.proofOfBurn=Asset listing fee/Proof of burn -dao.tab.monitor=Network monitor -dao.tab.news=News - -dao.paidWithBsq=BSQ-vel fizetve -dao.availableBsqBalance=Available for spending (verified + unconfirmed change outputs) -dao.verifiedBsqBalance=Balance of all verified UTXOs -dao.unconfirmedChangeBalance=Balance of all unconfirmed change outputs -dao.unverifiedBsqBalance=Balance of all unverified transactions (awaiting block confirmation) -dao.lockedForVoteBalance=Used for voting -dao.lockedInBonds=Locked in bonds -dao.availableNonBsqBalance=Available non-BSQ balance (BTC) -dao.totalBsqBalance=Teljes BSQ egyenleg - -dao.tx.published.success=A tranzakciód sikeresen nyilvánosságra volt hozva. -dao.proposal.menuItem.make=Kérelem létrehozása -dao.proposal.menuItem.browse=Browse open proposals -dao.proposal.menuItem.vote=Vote on proposals -dao.proposal.menuItem.result=Vote results -dao.cycle.headline=Voting cycle -dao.cycle.overview.headline=Voting cycle overview -dao.cycle.currentPhase=Current phase -dao.cycle.currentBlockHeight=Current block height -dao.cycle.proposal=Proposal phase -dao.cycle.proposal.next=Next proposal phase -dao.cycle.blindVote=Blind vote phase -dao.cycle.voteReveal=Vote reveal phase -dao.cycle.voteResult=Vote result -dao.cycle.phaseDuration={0} blocks (≈{1}); Block {2} - {3} (≈{4} - ≈{5}) -dao.cycle.phaseDurationWithoutBlocks=Block {0} - {1} (≈{2} - ≈{3}) - -dao.voteReveal.txPublished.headLine=Vote reveal transaction published -dao.voteReveal.txPublished=Your vote reveal transaction with transaction ID {0} was successfully published.\n\nThis happens automatically by the software if you have participated in the DAO voting. - -dao.results.cycles.header=Cycles -dao.results.cycles.table.header.cycle=Cycle -dao.results.cycles.table.header.numProposals=Kártérítés -dao.results.cycles.table.header.numVotes=Votes -dao.results.cycles.table.header.voteWeight=Vote weight -dao.results.cycles.table.header.issuance=Issuance - -dao.results.results.table.item.cycle=Cycle {0} started: {1} - -dao.results.proposals.header=Proposals of selected cycle -dao.results.proposals.table.header.proposalOwnerName=Név -dao.results.proposals.table.header.details=Részletek -dao.results.proposals.table.header.myVote=My vote -dao.results.proposals.table.header.result=Vote result - -dao.results.proposals.voting.detail.header=Vote results for selected proposal - -dao.results.exceptions=Vote result exception(s) - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.UNDEFINED=Határozatlan - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.DEFAULT_MAKER_FEE_BSQ=BSQ maker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.DEFAULT_TAKER_FEE_BSQ=BSQ taker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MIN_MAKER_FEE_BSQ=Min. BSQ maker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MIN_TAKER_FEE_BSQ=Min. BSQ taker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.DEFAULT_MAKER_FEE_BTC=BTC maker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.DEFAULT_TAKER_FEE_BTC=BTC taker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MIN_MAKER_FEE_BTC=Min. BTC maker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MIN_TAKER_FEE_BTC=Min. BTC taker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.PROPOSAL_FEE=Proposal fee in BSQ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.BLIND_VOTE_FEE=Voting fee in BSQ - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.COMPENSATION_REQUEST_MIN_AMOUNT=Compensation request min. BSQ amount -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.COMPENSATION_REQUEST_MAX_AMOUNT=Compensation request max. BSQ amount -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.REIMBURSEMENT_MIN_AMOUNT=Reimbursement request min. BSQ amount -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.REIMBURSEMENT_MAX_AMOUNT=Reimbursement request max. BSQ amount - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_GENERIC=Required quorum in BSQ for generic proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_COMP_REQUEST=Required quorum in BSQ for compensation request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_REIMBURSEMENT=Required quorum in BSQ for reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_CHANGE_PARAM=Required quorum in BSQ for changing a parameter -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_REMOVE_ASSET=Required quorum in BSQ for removing an asset -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_CONFISCATION=Required quorum in BSQ for a confiscation request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_ROLE=Required quorum in BSQ for bonded role requests - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_GENERIC=Required threshold in % for generic proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_COMP_REQUEST=Required threshold in % for compensation request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_REIMBURSEMENT=Required threshold in % for reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_CHANGE_PARAM=Required threshold in % for changing a parameter -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_REMOVE_ASSET=Required threshold in % for removing an asset -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_CONFISCATION=Required threshold in % for a confiscation request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_ROLE=Required threshold in % for bonded role requests - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.RECIPIENT_BTC_ADDRESS=Recipient BTC address - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=Asset listing fee per day -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Min. trade volume for assets - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Lock time for alternative trade payout tx -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Arbitrator fee in BTC - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MAX_TRADE_LIMIT=Max. trade limit in BTC - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.BONDED_ROLE_FACTOR=Bonded role unit factor in BSQ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.ISSUANCE_LIMIT=Issuance limit per cycle in BSQ - -dao.param.currentValue=Current value: {0} -dao.param.blocks={0} blocks - -dao.results.cycle.duration.label=Duration of {0} -dao.results.cycle.duration.value={0} block(s) -dao.results.cycle.value.postFix.isDefaultValue=(default value) -dao.results.cycle.value.postFix.hasChanged=(has been changed in voting) - -dao.results.invalidVotes.proposal=Kártérítési kérelem -dao.results.invalidVotes=We had invalid votes in that voting cycle. That can happen if a vote was not distributed well in the P2P network.\n{0} - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_UNDEFINED=Határozatlan -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_PROPOSAL=Proposal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_BREAK1=Break 1 -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_BLIND_VOTE=Blind vote phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_BREAK2=Break 2 -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_VOTE_REVEAL=Vote reveal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_BREAK3=Break 3 -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_RESULT=Result phase - -dao.results.votes.table.header.stakeAndMerit=Vote weight -dao.results.votes.table.header.stake=Stake -dao.results.votes.table.header.merit=Earned -dao.results.votes.table.header.vote=Szavazás - -dao.bond.menuItem.bondedRoles=Bonded roles -dao.bond.menuItem.reputation=Bonded reputation -dao.bond.menuItem.bonds=Bonds - -dao.bond.dashboard.bondsHeadline=Bonded BSQ -dao.bond.dashboard.lockupAmount=Lockup funds -dao.bond.dashboard.unlockingAmount=Unlocking funds (wait until lock time is over) - - -dao.bond.reputation.header=Lockup a bond for reputation -dao.bond.reputation.table.header=My reputation bonds -dao.bond.reputation.amount=Amount of BSQ to lockup -dao.bond.reputation.time=Unlock time in blocks -dao.bond.reputation.salt=Salt -dao.bond.reputation.hash=Hash -dao.bond.reputation.lockupButton=Lockup -dao.bond.reputation.lockup.headline=Confirm lockup transaction -dao.bond.reputation.lockup.details=Lockup amount: {0}\nUnlock time: {1} block(s) (≈{2})\n\nMining fee: {3} ({4} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {5} Kb\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed? -dao.bond.reputation.unlock.headline=Confirm unlock transaction -dao.bond.reputation.unlock.details=Unlock amount: {0}\nUnlock time: {1} block(s) (≈{2})\n\nMining fee: {3} ({4} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {5} Kb\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed? - -dao.bond.allBonds.header=All bonds - -dao.bond.bondedReputation=Bonded Reputation -dao.bond.bondedRoles=Bonded roles - -dao.bond.details.header=Role details -dao.bond.details.role=Szerep -dao.bond.details.requiredBond=Required BSQ bond -dao.bond.details.unlockTime=Unlock time in blocks -dao.bond.details.link=Link to role description -dao.bond.details.isSingleton=Can be taken by multiple role holders -dao.bond.details.blocks={0} blocks - -dao.bond.table.column.name=Név -dao.bond.table.column.link=Link -dao.bond.table.column.bondType=Bond type -dao.bond.table.column.details=Részletek -dao.bond.table.column.lockupTxId=Lockup Tx ID -dao.bond.table.column.bondState=Bond state -dao.bond.table.column.lockTime=Lock time -dao.bond.table.column.lockupDate=Lockup date - -dao.bond.table.button.lockup=Lockup -dao.bond.table.button.unlock=Felnyit -dao.bond.table.button.revoke=Revoke - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNDEFINED=Határozatlan -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.READY_FOR_LOCKUP=Not bonded yet -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.LOCKUP_TX_PENDING=Lockup pending -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.LOCKUP_TX_CONFIRMED=Bond locked up -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCK_TX_PENDING=Unlock pending -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCK_TX_CONFIRMED=Unlock tx confirmed -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCKING=Bond unlocking -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCKED=Bond unlocked -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.CONFISCATED=Bond confiscated - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.lockupReason.UNDEFINED=Határozatlan -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.lockupReason.BONDED_ROLE=Bonded role -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.lockupReason.REPUTATION=Bonded reputation - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.UNDEFINED=Határozatlan -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.GITHUB_ADMIN=GitHub admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.FORUM_ADMIN=Forum admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.TWITTER_ADMIN=Twitter admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.ROCKET_CHAT_ADMIN=Rocket chat admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.YOUTUBE_ADMIN=YouTube admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BISQ_MAINTAINER=Bisq maintainer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BITCOINJ_MAINTAINER=BitcoinJ-fork maintainer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.NETLAYER_MAINTAINER=Netlayer maintainer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.WEBSITE_OPERATOR=Website operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.FORUM_OPERATOR=Forum operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.SEED_NODE_OPERATOR=Seed node operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.DATA_RELAY_NODE_OPERATOR=Data relay node operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BTC_NODE_OPERATOR=BTC node operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.MARKETS_OPERATOR=Markets operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BSQ_EXPLORER_OPERATOR=BSQ explorer operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.MOBILE_NOTIFICATIONS_RELAY_OPERATOR=Mobile notifications relay operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.DOMAIN_NAME_HOLDER=Domain name holder -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.DNS_ADMIN=DNS admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.MEDIATOR=Mediator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.ARBITRATOR=Arbitrator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BTC_DONATION_ADDRESS_OWNER=BTC donation address owner - -dao.burnBsq.assetFee=Asset listing -dao.burnBsq.menuItem.assetFee=Asset listing fee -dao.burnBsq.menuItem.proofOfBurn=Proof of burn -dao.burnBsq.header=Fee for asset listing -dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=Select Asset -dao.burnBsq.fee=Fee -dao.burnBsq.trialPeriod=Trial period -dao.burnBsq.payFee=Pay fee -dao.burnBsq.allAssets=All assets -dao.burnBsq.assets.nameAndCode=Asset name -dao.burnBsq.assets.state=Állapot -dao.burnBsq.assets.tradeVolume=Tranzakció mennyisége -dao.burnBsq.assets.lookBackPeriod=Verification period -dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=Fee for trial period -dao.burnBsq.assets.totalFee=Total fees paid -dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} days -dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=The asset fee is too low. The min. amount of days for the trial period is {0}. - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.UNDEFINED=Határozatlan -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.IN_TRIAL_PERIOD=In trial period -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.ACTIVELY_TRADED=Actively traded -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.DE_LISTED=De-listed due to inactivity -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.REMOVED_BY_VOTING=Removed by voting - -dao.proofOfBurn.header=Proof of burn -dao.proofOfBurn.amount=Összeg -dao.proofOfBurn.preImage=Pre-image -dao.proofOfBurn.burn=Burn -dao.proofOfBurn.allTxs=All proof of burn transactions -dao.proofOfBurn.myItems=My proof of burn transactions -dao.proofOfBurn.date=Dátum -dao.proofOfBurn.hash=Hash -dao.proofOfBurn.txs=Tranzakciók -dao.proofOfBurn.pubKey=Pubkey -dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from proof of burn transaction -dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from proof of burn transaction -dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Copy signature to clipboard -dao.proofOfBurn.sign=Sign -dao.proofOfBurn.message=Message -dao.proofOfBurn.sig=Signature -dao.proofOfBurn.verify=Verify -dao.proofOfBurn.verify.header=Verify message with key from proof of burn transaction -dao.proofOfBurn.verificationResult.ok=Verification succeeded -dao.proofOfBurn.verificationResult.failed=Verification failed - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.UNDEFINED=Határozatlan -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PROPOSAL=Proposal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.BREAK1=Break before blind vote phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.BLIND_VOTE=Blind vote phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.BREAK2=Break before vote reveal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.VOTE_REVEAL=Vote reveal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.BREAK3=Break before result phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.RESULT=Vote result phase - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.separatedPhaseBar.PROPOSAL=Proposal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.separatedPhaseBar.BLIND_VOTE=Blind vote -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.separatedPhaseBar.VOTE_REVEAL=Vote reveal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.separatedPhaseBar.RESULT=Vote result - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.UNDEFINED=Határozatlan -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.COMPENSATION_REQUEST=Kártérítési kérelem -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.REIMBURSEMENT_REQUEST=Reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.BONDED_ROLE=Proposal for a bonded role -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.REMOVE_ASSET=Proposal for removing an asset -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.CHANGE_PARAM=Proposal for changing a parameter -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.GENERIC=Generic proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.CONFISCATE_BOND=Proposal for confiscating a bond - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.UNDEFINED=Határozatlan -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.COMPENSATION_REQUEST=Kártérítési kérelem -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.REIMBURSEMENT_REQUEST=Reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.BONDED_ROLE=Bonded role -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.REMOVE_ASSET=Removing an altcoin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.CHANGE_PARAM=Changing a parameter -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.GENERIC=Generic proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.CONFISCATE_BOND=Confiscating a bond - -dao.proposal.details=Proposal details -dao.proposal.selectedProposal=Kiválasztott kártérítési kérelmek -dao.proposal.active.header=Proposals of current cycle -dao.proposal.active.remove.confirm=Are you sure you want to remove that proposal?\nThe already paid proposal fee will be lost. -dao.proposal.active.remove.doRemove=Yes, remove my proposal -dao.proposal.active.remove.failed=A kártérítési kérelmet nem sikerült eltávolítani. -dao.proposal.myVote.title=Szavazás -dao.proposal.myVote.accept=Accept proposal -dao.proposal.myVote.reject=Reject proposal -dao.proposal.myVote.removeMyVote=Ignore proposal -dao.proposal.myVote.merit=Vote weight from earned BSQ -dao.proposal.myVote.stake=Vote weight from stake -dao.proposal.myVote.revealTxId=Vote reveal transaction ID -dao.proposal.myVote.stake.prompt=Max. available stake for voting: {0} -dao.proposal.votes.header=Set stake for voting and publish your votes -dao.proposal.myVote.button=Publish votes -dao.proposal.myVote.setStake.description=After voting on all proposals you have to set your stake for voting by locking up BSQ. The more BSQ you lock up, the more weight your vote will have. \n\nBSQ locked up for voting will be unlocked again during the vote reveal phase. -dao.proposal.create.selectProposalType=Select proposal type -dao.proposal.create.phase.inactive=Please wait until the next proposal phase -dao.proposal.create.proposalType=Proposal type -dao.proposal.create.new=Új kártérítési kérelem létrehozása -dao.proposal.create.button=Kérelem létrehozása -dao.proposal.create.publish=Publish proposal -dao.proposal.create.publishing=Proposal publishing is in progress ... -dao.proposal=proposal -dao.proposal.display.type=Proposal type -dao.proposal.display.name=Name/nickname -dao.proposal.display.link=Link to detail info -dao.proposal.display.link.prompt=Link to GitHub issue -dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=Requested amount in BSQ -dao.proposal.display.bsqAddress=BSQ address -dao.proposal.display.txId=Proposal transaction ID -dao.proposal.display.proposalFee=Proposal fee -dao.proposal.display.myVote=My vote -dao.proposal.display.voteResult=Vote result summary -dao.proposal.display.bondedRoleComboBox.label=Bonded role type -dao.proposal.display.requiredBondForRole.label=Required bond for role -dao.proposal.display.tickerSymbol.label=Ticker Symbol -dao.proposal.display.option=Option - -dao.proposal.table.header.proposalType=Proposal type -dao.proposal.table.header.link=Link -dao.proposal.table.header.myVote=My vote -dao.proposal.table.header.remove=Eltávolít -dao.proposal.table.icon.tooltip.removeProposal=Remove my proposal -dao.proposal.table.icon.tooltip.changeVote=Current vote: ''{0}''. Change vote to: ''{1}'' - -dao.proposal.display.myVote.accepted=Accepted -dao.proposal.display.myVote.rejected=Rejected -dao.proposal.display.myVote.ignored=Ignored -dao.proposal.myVote.summary=Voted: {0}; Vote weight: {1} (earned: {2} + stake: {3}); -dao.proposal.myVote.invalid=Vote was invalid - -dao.proposal.voteResult.success=Accepted -dao.proposal.voteResult.failed=Rejected -dao.proposal.voteResult.summary=Result: {0}; Threshold: {1} (required > {2}); Quorum: {3} (required > {4}) - -dao.proposal.display.paramComboBox.label=Select parameter to change -dao.proposal.display.paramValue=Parameter value - -dao.proposal.display.confiscateBondComboBox.label=Choose bond -dao.proposal.display.assetComboBox.label=Asset to remove - -dao.blindVote=blind vote - -dao.blindVote.startPublishing=Publishing blind vote transaction... -dao.blindVote.success=Your blind vote transaction has been successfully published.\n\nPlease note, that you have to be online in the vote reveal phase so that your Bisq application can publish the vote reveal transaction. Without the vote reveal transaction your vote would be invalid! - -dao.wallet.menuItem.send=Küldés -dao.wallet.menuItem.receive=Fogadd: -dao.wallet.menuItem.transactions=Tranzakciók - -dao.wallet.dashboard.myBalance=My wallet balance - -dao.wallet.receive.fundYourWallet=Your BSQ receive address -dao.wallet.receive.bsqAddress=BSQ wallet address (Fresh unused address) - -dao.wallet.receive.dao.headline=The Bisq DAO -dao.wallet.receive.daoInfo=Just as the Bisq exchange is decentralized and censorship-resistant, so is its governance model — and the Bisq DAO and BSQ token are the tools that make it possible. -dao.wallet.receive.daoInfo.button=Learn more about the Bisq DAO -dao.wallet.receive.daoTestnetInfo=The mainnet Bisq DAO is not launched yet but you can learn about the Bisq DAO by running it on testnet. -dao.wallet.receive.daoTestnetInfo.button=How to run the Bisq DAO on our testnet -dao.wallet.receive.daoContributorInfo=If you have contributed to Bisq please use the BSQ address below and make a request for taking part of the BSQ genesis distribution. -dao.wallet.receive.daoContributorInfo.button=How to be part of the BSQ genesis distribution - -dao.wallet.send.sendFunds=Pénzátutalás -dao.wallet.send.sendBtcFunds=Send non-BSQ funds (BTC) -dao.wallet.send.amount=Amount in BSQ -dao.wallet.send.btcAmount=Amount in BTC (non-BSQ funds) -dao.wallet.send.setAmount=Add meg a visszavonni kívánt összeget (a minimális összeg {0}) -dao.wallet.send.setBtcAmount=Set amount in BTC to withdraw (min. amount is {0}) -dao.wallet.send.receiverAddress=Receiver's BSQ address -dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=Receiver's BTC address -dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=Töltsd ki a célcímedet -dao.wallet.send.send=BSQ pénzeszközök átutalása -dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=Send BTC funds -dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Visszavonási kérelem jóváhagyása -dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Küldve: {0}\nFogadó címe: {1}.\nSzükséges tranzakciós díj: {2} ({3} Satoshi/bájt)\nTranzakcióméret: {4} Kb\n\nCímzett kapni fog: {5}\n\nBiztosan szeretné visszavonni az összeget? -dao.wallet.chainHeightSynced=Latest verified block: {0} -dao.wallet.chainHeightSyncing=Awaiting blocks... Verified {0} blocks out of {1} -dao.wallet.tx.type=Típus - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.UNDEFINED=Határozatlan -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.UNDEFINED_TX_TYPE=Nem ismeretes -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.UNVERIFIED=Ellenőrizetlen BSQ tranzakció -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.INVALID=Érvénytelen BSQ tranzakció -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.GENESIS=Genesis tranzakció -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.TRANSFER_BSQ=BSQ átvitel -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.received.TRANSFER_BSQ=Fogadott BSQ: -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.sent.TRANSFER_BSQ=Elküldött BSQ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.PAY_TRADE_FEE=Fizesd a kereskedési díj tranzakciót -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.COMPENSATION_REQUEST=Kártérítési kérelem tranzakciói díj -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.REIMBURSEMENT_REQUEST=Fee for reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.PROPOSAL=Fee for proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.BLIND_VOTE=Szavazási díj -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.VOTE_REVEAL=Vote reveal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.LOCKUP=Lock up bond -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.UNLOCK=Unlock bond -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.ASSET_LISTING_FEE=Asset listing fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.PROOF_OF_BURN=Proof of burn -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.IRREGULAR=Irregular - -dao.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=BTC withdrawn from wallet -dao.tx.issuanceFromCompReq=Compensation request/issuance -dao.tx.issuanceFromCompReq.tooltip=Compensation request which led to an issuance of new BSQ.\nIssuance date: {0} -dao.tx.issuanceFromReimbursement=Reimbursement request/issuance -dao.tx.issuanceFromReimbursement.tooltip=Reimbursement request which led to an issuance of new BSQ.\nIssuance date: {0} -dao.proposal.create.missingBsqFunds=You don''t have sufficient BSQ funds for creating the proposal. If you have an unconfirmed BSQ transaction you need to wait for a blockchain confirmation because BSQ is validated only if it is included in a block.\nMissing: {0} - -dao.proposal.create.missingBsqFundsForBond=You don''t have sufficient BSQ funds for this role. You can still publish this proposal, but you''ll need the full BSQ amount required for this role if it gets accepted. \nMissing: {0} - -dao.proposal.create.missingMinerFeeFunds=You don''t have sufficient BTC funds for creating the proposal transaction. All BSQ transactions require a miner fee in BTC.\nMissing: {0} - -dao.proposal.create.missingIssuanceFunds=You don''t have sufficient BTC funds for creating the proposal transaction. All BSQ transactions require a miner fee in BTC, and issuance transactions also require BTC for the requested BSQ amount ({0} Satoshis/BSQ).\nMissing: {1} - -dao.feeTx.confirm=Confirm {0} transaction -dao.feeTx.confirm.details={0} fee: {1}\nMining fee: {2} ({3} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {4} Kb\n\nAre you sure you want to publish the {5} transaction? - -dao.feeTx.issuanceProposal.confirm.details={0} fee: {1}\nBTC needed for BSQ issuance: {2} ({3} Satoshis/BSQ)\nMining fee: {4} ({5} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {6} Kb\n\nIf your request is approved, you will receive the amount you requested net of the 2 BSQ proposal fee.\n\nAre you sure you want to publish the {7} transaction? - -dao.news.bisqDAO.title=THE BISQ DAO -dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Just as the Bisq exchange is decentralized and censorship-resistant, so is its governance model - and the Bisq DAO and BSQ token are the tools that make it possible. -dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=Learn More About the Bisq DAO - -dao.news.pastContribution.title=MADE PAST CONTRIBUTIONS? REQUEST BSQ -dao.news.pastContribution.description=If you have contributed to Bisq please use the BSQ address below and make a request for taking part of the BSQ genesis distribution. -dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=Your BSQ Wallet Address -dao.news.pastContribution.requestNow=Request now - -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.title=RUN THE BISQ DAO ON OUR TESTNET -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.description=The mainnet Bisq DAO is not launched yet but you can learn about the Bisq DAO by running it on our testnet. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.firstSection.title=1. Switch to DAO Testnet Mode -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.firstSection.content=Switch to DAO Testnet from the Settings screen. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Acquire Some BSQ -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Request BSQ on Slack or Buy BSQ on Bisq. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Participate in a Voting Cycle -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.content=Making proposals and voting on proposals to change various aspects of Bisq. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.title=4. Explore a BSQ Block Explorer -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.content=Since BSQ is just bitcoin, you can see BSQ transactions on our bitcoin block explorer. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.readMoreLink=Read the full documentation - -dao.monitor.daoState=DAO state -dao.monitor.proposals=Proposals state -dao.monitor.blindVotes=Blind votes state - -dao.monitor.table.peers=Peers -dao.monitor.table.conflicts=Conflicts -dao.monitor.state=Állapot -dao.monitor.requestAlHashes=Request all hashes -dao.monitor.resync=Resync DAO state -dao.monitor.table.header.cycleBlockHeight=Cycle / block height -dao.monitor.table.cycleBlockHeight=Cycle {0} / block {1} - -dao.monitor.daoState.headline=DAO state -dao.monitor.daoState.daoStateInSync=Your local DAO state is in consensus with the network -dao.monitor.daoState.daoStateNotInSync=Your local DAO state is not in consensus with the network. Please resync your DAO state. -dao.monitor.daoState.table.headline=Chain of DAO state hashes -dao.monitor.daoState.table.blockHeight=Block height -dao.monitor.daoState.table.hash=Hash of DAO state -dao.monitor.daoState.table.prev=Previous hash -dao.monitor.daoState.conflictTable.headline=DAO state hashes from peers in conflict -dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts=UTXO conflicts -dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts.blockHeight=Block height: {0} -dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts.sumUtxo=Sum of all UTXO: {0} BSQ -dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts.sumBsq=Sum of all BSQ: {0} BSQ - -dao.monitor.proposal.headline=Proposals state -dao.monitor.proposal.daoStateInSync=Your local proposals state is in consensus with the network -dao.monitor.proposal.daoStateNotInSync=Your local proposals state is not in consensus with the network. Please restart your application. -dao.monitor.proposal.table.headline=Chain of proposal state hashes -dao.monitor.proposal.conflictTable.headline=Proposal state hashes from peers in conflict - -dao.monitor.proposal.table.hash=Hash of proposal state -dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Previous hash -dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=No. proposals - - -dao.monitor.blindVote.headline=Blind votes state -dao.monitor.blindVote.daoStateInSync=Your local blind votes state is in consensus with the network -dao.monitor.blindVote.daoStateNotInSync=Your local blind votes state is not in consensus with the network. Please restart your application. -dao.monitor.blindVote.table.headline=Chain of blind vote state hashes -dao.monitor.blindVote.conflictTable.headline=Blind vote state hashes from peers in conflict -dao.monitor.blindVote.table.hash=Hash of blind vote state -dao.monitor.blindVote.table.prev=Previous hash -dao.monitor.blindVote.table.numBlindVotes=No. blind votes - -dao.factsAndFigures.menuItem.supply=BSQ Supply -dao.factsAndFigures.menuItem.transactions=BSQ Transactions - -dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.marketPrice=Market data -dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.price=Latest BSQ/BTC trade price (in Bisq) -dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.marketCap=Market capitalisation (based on trade price) -dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.availableAmount=Total available BSQ - -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=BSQ issued -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=BSQ issued at genesis transaction -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=BSQ issued for compensation requests -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=BSQ issued for reimbursement requests - -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=BSQ burnt - -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.locked=Global state of locked BSQ -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalLockedUpAmount=Locked up in bonds -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=Unlocking BSQ from bonds -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=Unlocked BSQ from bonds -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=Confiscated BSQ from bonds -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.invalidTxs=Burned BSQ (invalid transactions) -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burntAmount=Burned BSQ (fees) - -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesis=Genesis tranzakció -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisBlockHeight=Genesis block height -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=Genesis transaction ID -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.txDetails=BSQ transactions statistics -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.allTx=No. of all BSQ transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.utxo=No. of all unspent transaction outputs -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.compensationIssuanceTx=No. of all compensation request issuance transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.reimbursementIssuanceTx=No. of all reimbursement request issuance transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.burntTx=No. of all fee payments transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.invalidTx=No. of all invalid transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.irregularTx=No. of all irregular transactions - -#################################################################### -# Windows -#################################################################### - -contractWindow.title=Vita részletei -contractWindow.dates=Offer date / Trade date -contractWindow.btcAddresses=Bitcoin address BTC buyer / BTC seller -contractWindow.onions=Network address BTC buyer / BTC seller -contractWindow.numDisputes=No. of disputes BTC buyer / BTC seller -contractWindow.contractHash=Contract hash - -displayAlertMessageWindow.headline=Fontos információ! -displayAlertMessageWindow.update.headline=Fontos frissítési információk! -displayAlertMessageWindow.update.download=Letöltés: -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.downloadedFiles=Fájlok: -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.downloadingFile=Letöltés: {0} -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verifiedSigs=Kulcsokkal ellenőrzött aláírás: -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.status.downloading=Fájlok letöltése... -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.status.verifying=Aláírás ellenőrzése... -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.label=Telepítő letöltése és aláírása ellenőrzése -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=Későbbi letöltés -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=E verzió kihagyása -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=Új Bisq frissítés elérhető! -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed.headline=Letöltés sikertelen -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Sikertelen letöltés.\nKérjük töltse le és ellenőrizze kézzel innét https://bisq.network/downloads -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Nem sikerült meghatározni a helyes telepítőt. Kérjük töltse le és kézzel ellenőrizze innét https://bisq.network/downloads -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Sikertelen ellenőrzés.\nKérjük töltse le és kézzel ellenőrizze innét https://bisq.network/downloads -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=Az új verziót sikeresen letöltötték és az aláírást ellenőrizték.\n\nKérjük nyissa meg a letöltési könyvtárat, állítsa le az alkalmazást és telepítse az új verziót. -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Letöltési könyvtár megnyitása - -disputeSummaryWindow.title=Összefogló -disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=Ticket opening date -disputeSummaryWindow.role=Trader's role -disputeSummaryWindow.evidence=Evidence -disputeSummaryWindow.evidence.tamperProof=Szabotázsbiztos bizonyíték -disputeSummaryWindow.evidence.id=Azonosító ellenőrzés -disputeSummaryWindow.evidence.video=Videó/Screencast -disputeSummaryWindow.payout=Trade amount payout -disputeSummaryWindow.payout.getsTradeAmount=BTC {0} kapja a tranzakció összeget -disputeSummaryWindow.payout.getsAll=BTC {0} kap mindent -disputeSummaryWindow.payout.custom=Egyéni kifizetés -disputeSummaryWindow.payout.adjustAmount=A megadott összeg meghaladja a rendelkezésre álló {0} összeget.\nA beviteli mezőt a lehető legnagyobb értékre állítottuk be. -disputeSummaryWindow.payoutAmount.buyer=Buyer's payout amount -disputeSummaryWindow.payoutAmount.seller=Seller's payout amount -disputeSummaryWindow.payoutAmount.invert=Use loser as publisher -disputeSummaryWindow.reason=Reason of dispute -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.bug=Kódhiba -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.usability=Használhatóság -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.protocolViolation=Protokoll megszegés -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.noReply=Nincs válasz -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.scam=Csalás -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.other=Egyéb -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.bank=Bank -disputeSummaryWindow.summaryNotes=Summary notes -disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=Összefoglaló megjegyzések hozzáadása -disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Jegy lezárása -disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=A jegy lezárva {0}\n\nÖsszefoglalás:\n{1} szolgáltatott hamisítatlan bizonyíték: {2}\n{3} végrehajtott azonosító igazolás: {4}\n{5} végrehajtott screencast vagy video: {6}\nKifizetendő összeg a BTC vevő számára: {7}\nKifizetendő összeg a BTC eladó számára: {8}\n\nÖsszefoglaló megjegyzések:\n{9} -disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Be kell zárnia a váltótársai jegyét is! - -emptyWalletWindow.headline={0} emergency wallet tool -emptyWalletWindow.info=Kérjük használja ezt csak vészhelyzet esetén, ha nem tud hozzáférni az pénzeszközeihez a felhasználói felületről.\n\nKérjük vegye figyelembe, hogy az összes nyitott ajánlat automatikusan le lesznek zárva e eszköz használatával.\n\nAz eszköz használata előtt végezzen biztonsági másolatot adatai könyvtárnak. Ezt a \"Fiók/Biztonsági mentés\"-nél teheti meg.\n\nKérjük jelentse a problémát, és nyújtson be hibajelentést a Github vagy a Bisq fórumon, hogy megvizsgálhassuk ennek okát. -emptyWalletWindow.balance=Your available wallet balance -emptyWalletWindow.bsq.btcBalance=Balance of non-BSQ Satoshis - -emptyWalletWindow.address=Your destination address -emptyWalletWindow.button=Minden összeg átutalása -emptyWalletWindow.openOffers.warn=Nyitott ajánlatai vannak, amelyek eltávolításra kerülnek ha kiüríti a tárcáját.\nBiztosan szeretné üríteni a tárcáját? -emptyWalletWindow.openOffers.yes=Igen, biztos vagyok benne -emptyWalletWindow.sent.success=Pénztárcád egyenlete sikeresen átkerült. - -enterPrivKeyWindow.headline=A regisztráció csak a meghívott bírók számára elérhető - -filterWindow.headline=Szűrő lista szerkesztése -filterWindow.offers=Filtered offers (comma sep.) -filterWindow.onions=Filtered onion addresses (comma sep.) -filterWindow.accounts=Szűrt tranzakciói számlaadatok:\nFormátum: vesszővel elválasztott lista [fizetési mód azonosítója | adatmező | érték] -filterWindow.bannedCurrencies=Filtered currency codes (comma sep.) -filterWindow.bannedPaymentMethods=Filtered payment method IDs (comma sep.) -filterWindow.arbitrators=Filtered arbitrators (comma sep. onion addresses) -filterWindow.seedNode=Filtered seed nodes (comma sep. onion addresses) -filterWindow.priceRelayNode=Filtered price relay nodes (comma sep. onion addresses) -filterWindow.btcNode=Filtered Bitcoin nodes (comma sep. addresses + port) -filterWindow.preventPublicBtcNetwork=Prevent usage of public Bitcoin network -filterWindow.disableDao=Disable DAO -filterWindow.add=Szűrő hozzáadása -filterWindow.remove=Szűrő eltávolítása - -offerDetailsWindow.minBtcAmount=Min. BTC amount -offerDetailsWindow.min=(minimum {0}) -offerDetailsWindow.distance=(távolság a piaci ártól: {0}) -offerDetailsWindow.myTradingAccount=My trading account -offerDetailsWindow.offererBankId=(maker's bank ID/BIC/SWIFT) -offerDetailsWindow.offerersBankName=(ajánló bank neve) -offerDetailsWindow.bankId=Bank ID (e.g. BIC or SWIFT) -offerDetailsWindow.countryBank=Maker's country of bank -offerDetailsWindow.acceptedArbitrators=Accepted arbitrators -offerDetailsWindow.commitment=Elkötelezettség -offerDetailsWindow.agree=Egyetértek -offerDetailsWindow.tac=Terms and conditions -offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Jóváhagyás: Helyezd ajánlatodat {0} bitcoinért -offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Jóváhagyás: Fogadd ajánlatot {0} bitcoint -offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Creation date -offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Maker's onion address - -qRCodeWindow.headline=QR-kód -qRCodeWindow.msg=Kérjük, használja azt a QR-kódot a Bisq tárcája finanszírozásához a külső pénztárcájából. -qRCodeWindow.request=Payment request:\n{0} - -selectDepositTxWindow.headline=Válasszon betét tranzakciót vitára küldeni -selectDepositTxWindow.msg=A kaució tranzakciója nem lett rögzítve.\nVálasszon ki egy létező multisig tranzakciót a pénztárcájából, mely a kaució tranzakciót tartalmazza e lebukott átvitelben.\n\nA megfelelő tranzakciót a tranzakciói részletek ablak megnyitásánál találhatja (kattintson a tranzakció azonosítóra a listában), és kövesse a tranzakciói díj fizetését a következő tranzakcióra, ahol a multisig betét tranzakciót láthatja (a cím 3-al kezdődik). A tranzakció azonosító látható az itt bemutatott listában. Miután megtalálta a helyes tranzakciót, válassza ki azt itt és folytassa.\n\nSajnáljuk a kellemetlenséget, de iljen hibának nagyon ritkán fordulhatnak elő, és a jövőben megpróbálunk jobb megoldásokat találni. -selectDepositTxWindow.select=Válasszon betét tranzakciót - -selectBaseCurrencyWindow.headline=Piaci kiválasztás -selectBaseCurrencyWindow.msg=A kiválasztott alapértelmezett piac {0}.\n\nHa másik alapvalutára szeretne váltani, kérjük, válasszon egyet a legördülő menüből.\nA későbbiekben a \"Beállítások/Hálózat\" képernyőn megváltoztathatja az alapvalutát. -selectBaseCurrencyWindow.select=Válaszd ki az alap valutát - -sendAlertMessageWindow.headline=Globális értesítés küldése -sendAlertMessageWindow.alertMsg=Alert message -sendAlertMessageWindow.enterMsg=Írja be az üzenetét -sendAlertMessageWindow.isUpdate=Is update notification -sendAlertMessageWindow.version=New version no. -sendAlertMessageWindow.send=Értesítés küldése -sendAlertMessageWindow.remove=Értesítés eltávolítása - -sendPrivateNotificationWindow.headline=Privát üzenet küldése -sendPrivateNotificationWindow.privateNotification=Private notification -sendPrivateNotificationWindow.enterNotification=Írja be az értesítést -sendPrivateNotificationWindow.send=Privát értesítés küldése - -showWalletDataWindow.walletData=Pénztárca adatok -showWalletDataWindow.includePrivKeys=Include private keys - -# We do not translate the tac because of the legal nature. We would need translations checked by lawyers -# in each language which is too expensive atm. -tacWindow.headline=Felhasználói szerződés -tacWindow.agree=Egyetértek -tacWindow.disagree=Nem értek egyet és kilépek -tacWindow.arbitrationSystem=Bírósági rendszer - -tradeDetailsWindow.headline=Tranzakció -tradeDetailsWindow.disputedPayoutTxId=Vitatott kifizetés tranzakció azonosítója: -tradeDetailsWindow.tradeDate=Tranzakció dátuma -tradeDetailsWindow.txFee=Mining fee -tradeDetailsWindow.tradingPeersOnion=Váltótársak Onion címe -tradeDetailsWindow.tradeState=Trade state - -walletPasswordWindow.headline=Adja meg a jelszót a feloldáshoz - -torNetworkSettingWindow.header=Tor hálózati beállítások -torNetworkSettingWindow.noBridges=Ne használj hidakat -torNetworkSettingWindow.providedBridges=Megadott hidakhoz csatlakozás -torNetworkSettingWindow.customBridges=Adjon meg egyéni hidakat -torNetworkSettingWindow.transportType=Transport type -torNetworkSettingWindow.obfs3=obfs3 -torNetworkSettingWindow.obfs4=obfs4 (ajánlott) -torNetworkSettingWindow.meekAmazon=meek-amazon -torNetworkSettingWindow.meekAzure=meek-azure -torNetworkSettingWindow.enterBridge=Enter one or more bridge relays (one per line) -torNetworkSettingWindow.enterBridgePrompt=írja cím:port -torNetworkSettingWindow.restartInfo=A módosítások alkalmazásához újra kell indítania -torNetworkSettingWindow.openTorWebPage=Tor projekt weboldal megnyitása -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.header=Kapcsolati problémák? -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.info=Ha ismételt kapcsolat problémák merülnek fel indításkor, segíthetne az elavult Tor fájlok törlése. Ehhez kattintson az alábbi gombra és utána indítson újra. -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.button=Töröld az elavult Tor fájlokat és lezárás -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.progress=Tor lekapcsolás folyamatban -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=Elavult Tor fájlok sikeresen törölve. Kérjük indítson újra. -torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=Tor tiltva? -torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=Ha Tor-t az internetszolgáltatója vagy az országjában letiltják, megpróbálhat használni Tor hídokat.\nLátogasson el a Tor weboldalára a következő címen: https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges hogy többet megtudjon a hidakról és a dugaszolható szállítmányokról. - -feeOptionWindow.headline=Válasszon valutát a kereskedési díjak fizetéséhez -feeOptionWindow.info=Választhatod fizetned a kereskedelmi díjat BSQ-ban vagy BTC-ben. Ha a BSQ-t választod, értékelni fogod a kedvezményes kereskedelmi díjat. -feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=Válasszon valutát a kereskedési díjak fizetéséhez -feeOptionWindow.useBTC=Használj BTC-t -feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1}) - - -#################################################################### -# Popups -#################################################################### - -popup.headline.notification=Bejelentés -popup.headline.instruction=Vegye figyelembe: -popup.headline.attention=Figyelem -popup.headline.backgroundInfo=Háttér-információ -popup.headline.feedback=Befejezve -popup.headline.confirmation=Konfirmáció -popup.headline.information=Információ -popup.headline.warning=Figyelmeztetés -popup.headline.error=Hiba - -popup.doNotShowAgain=Ne mutasd ezt újra -popup.reportError.log=Naplófájl nyitása -popup.reportError.gitHub=Jelentés a Github kibocsátás-követőhöz -popup.reportError={0}\n\nTo help us to improve the software please report this bug by opening a new issue at https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/issues.\nThe above error message will be copied to the clipboard when you click either of the buttons below.\nIt will make debugging easier if you include the bisq.log file by pressing "Open log file", saving a copy, and attaching it to your bug report. - -popup.error.tryRestart=Próbálja meg újraindítani az alkalmazást, és ellenőrizze a hálózati kapcsolatot, hogy meg tudja-e oldani a problémát. -popup.error.takeOfferRequestFailed=Hiba történt amikor valaki megpróbálta felvenni ajánlatát:\n{0} - -error.spvFileCorrupted=Hiba történt az SPV-láncfájl olvasásakor.\nLehetséges, hogy az SPV-láncfájl sérült.\n\nHibaüzenet: {0}\n\nTörölni illetve újraszinkronizálni szeretne? -error.deleteAddressEntryListFailed=Nem sikerült törölni az AddressEntryList fájlt.\nHiba: {0} - -popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=A pénztárca még nincs inicializálva -popup.warning.wrongVersion=Valószínűleg nincs megfelelő Bisq verziója ehhez a számítógéphez.\nA számítógép architektúrája: {0}.\nA telepített Bisq bináris: {1}.\nKérjük, zárja le és telepítse újra a helyes verziót ({2}). -popup.warning.incompatibleDB=Összeegyeztethetetlen adatbázis-fájlokat találtunk!\n\nAzok az adatbázis fájlok nem kompatibilisek a jelenlegi kódbázisunkkal:\n{0}\n\nBiztonsági másolatot végeztünk a sérült fájl(ok)ról és alkalmaztuk az alapértelmezett értékeket egy új adatbázis verzióra.\n\nA mentés az alábbi helyen található:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nKérjük ellenőrizze, hogy telepítve van-e a Bisq legújabb verziója.\nEzt a következő címen töltheti le:\nhttps://bisq.network/downloads\n\nKérjük indítsa újra az alkalmazást. -popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=A Bisq már fut. Nem futtathat két Bisq alkalmazást. -popup.warning.cryptoTestFailed=Úgy tűnik, hogy önfelépített bináris rendszert használ, és nem követi a következő építészi utasításokat https://github.com/bisq-network/exchange/blob/master/doc/build.md#7-enable-unlimited-strength-for-cryptographic-keys.\n\nHa ez nem így van, és a hivatalos Bisq bináris kódot használja, kérjük küldjön hibajelentést a Github oldalon.\nError={0} -popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Az {0} azonosított tranzakció elérte a megengedett maximális kereskedési időszak felét és még nem fejeződött be.\n\nA tranzakciói időtartam {1}. ér véget\n\nTovábbi információkért ellenőrizze a tranzakció állapotát a \"Portfólió\Nyílt tranzakciók\"-nál. -popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Az {0} azonosított tranzakció elérte a megengedett maximális kereskedési időszakot, és nem fejeződött be.\n\nA kereskedési időszak véget ért {1}.-én\n\nKérjük ellenőrizze tranzakcióját a \"Portfólió/Nyílt tranzakciók\"-nól, hogy kapcsolatba léphessen a bíróval. -popup.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.headline=Nem állított be egy tranzakció fiókot -popup.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.msg=Létre kell hoznia egy nemzeti valuta vagy altérmék fiókot, mielőtt létrehozna egy ajánlatot.\nSzeretne létrehozni egy fiókot -popup.warning.noArbitratorsAvailable=There are no arbitrators available. -popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Meg kell várnia, amíg teljes mértékben csatlakozva van a hálózathoz.\nAz indulás kb. 2 percig tarthat. -popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Meg kell várnod amíg legalább {0} kapcsolatot létesítesz a Bitcoin hálózattal. -popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Meg kell várnod amíg befejeződik a hiányzó Bitcoin blokkok letöltése. -popup.warning.removeOffer=Biztosan szeretné eltávolítani ezt az ajánlatot?\nA létrehozó díj {0} értékben elvész, ha eltávolítja az ajánlatot. -popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Nem állíthat be 100% vagy nagyobb százalékot. -popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Kérjük adjon meg egy százalékos számot, mint például 5.4% képeshez \"5.4\" -popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Az adott valutához nem áll rendelkezésre ártáp. Nem használhat százalékos árat.\nKérjük válassza ki a rögzített árat. -popup.warning.sendMsgFailed=Üzenet küldése a váltótársának sikertelen volt.\nKérjük próbálkozzon újra, és ha továbbra is sikertelen, jelezzen hibát. -popup.warning.insufficientBtcFundsForBsqTx=You don''t have sufficient BTC funds for paying the miner fee for that transaction.\nPlease fund your BTC wallet.\nMissing funds: {0} - -popup.warning.insufficientBsqFundsForBtcFeePayment=You don''t have sufficient BSQ funds for paying the trade fee in BSQ. You can pay the fee in BTC or you need to fund your BSQ wallet. You can buy BSQ in Bisq.\n\nMissing BSQ funds: {0} -popup.warning.noBsqFundsForBtcFeePayment=Your BSQ wallet does not have sufficient funds for paying the trade fee in BSQ. -popup.warning.messageTooLong=Az üzenete meghaladja a max. megengedett méretett. Kérjük, küldje el több részben, vagy töltse fel egy olyan szolgáltatásra, mint például a https://pastebin.com. -popup.warning.lockedUpFunds=Zárolt összegei vannak egy sikertelen tranzakcióból.\nZárolt egyenleg: {0} \nBetét tx cím: {1}\nTranzakció azonosító: {2}.\n\nKérjük nyisson támogatási jegyet a tranzakció kiválasztásával a megoldásra váró tranzakciók képernyőjén és kattintson \"alt + o\" vagy \"option + o\"." - -popup.warning.nodeBanned=A {0} csomópontok egyike tiltva lett. Kérjük indítsa újra az alkalmazást, és győződjön meg róla, hogy nem csatlakozik e tiltott csomóponthoz. -popup.warning.priceRelay=árjelentés -popup.warning.seed=mag - -popup.warning.burnBTC=This transaction is not possible, as the mining fees of {0} would exceed the amount to transfer of {1}. Please wait until the mining fees are low again or until you''ve accumulated more BTC to transfer. - -popup.info.securityDepositInfo=To ensure both traders follow the trade protocol, both traders need to pay a security deposit.\n\nThis deposit is kept in your trade wallet until your trade has been successfully completed, and then it's refunded to you.\n\nPlease note: if you're creating a new offer, Bisq needs to be running for another trader to take it. To keep your offers online, keep Bisq running and make sure this computer remains online too (i.e., make sure it doesn't switch to standby mode...monitor standby is fine). - -popup.info.cashDepositInfo=Please be sure that you have a bank branch in your area to be able to make the cash deposit.\nThe bank ID (BIC/SWIFT) of the seller''s bank is: {0}. -popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=I confirm that I can make the deposit -popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq is being shut down, but there are open offers. \n\nThese offers won't be available on the P2P network while Bisq is shut down, but they will be re-published to the P2P network the next time you start Bisq.\n\nTo keep your offers online, keep Bisq running and make sure this computer remains online too (i.e., make sure it doesn't go into standby mode...monitor standby is not a problem). - - -popup.privateNotification.headline=Fontos privát értesítés! - -popup.securityRecommendation.headline=Fontos biztonsági ajánlás -popup.securityRecommendation.msg=Emlékeztetni szeretnénk hogy fontolja meg a jelszavas védelem használatát mobiltárcájára illetően, ha még nem engedélyezte ezt.\n\nSzintén ajánlott a pénztárca magszavak lejegyzése. Ezek a magszavak olyanok, mint egy mester jelszó a Bitcoin tárcájának visszaszerzéséhez.\nA \"Pénztárca Magszavak\" lapnál további információkat találhat.\n\nEzenkívül biztonsági másolatot kellene végeznie a teljes alkalmazásadat könyvtárról a \"Biztonsági mentés\" lapnál. - -popup.bitcoinLocalhostNode.msg=Bisq detected a locally running Bitcoin Core node (at localhost).\nPlease make sure that this node is fully synced before you start Bisq and that it is not running in pruned mode. - -popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=Leállítás folyamatban -popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Az alkalmazás leállítása néhány másodpercig tarthat.\nKérjük ne szakítsa meg ezt a folyamatot. - -popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Figyelem szükséges a {0} azonosítóval rendelkező tranzakcióra - -popup.roundedFiatValues.headline=New privacy feature: Rounded fiat values -popup.roundedFiatValues.msg=To increase privacy of your trade the {0} amount was rounded.\n\nDepending on the client version you''ll pay or receive either values with decimals or rounded ones.\n\nBoth values do comply from now on with the trade protocol.\n\nAlso be aware that BTC values are changed automatically to match the rounded fiat amount as close as possible. - -popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Multiple payment accounts available -popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=You have multiple payment accounts available for this offer. Please make sure you've picked the right one. - - -#################################################################### -# Notifications -#################################################################### - -notification.trade.headline=Értesítés {0} azonosítóval rendelkező tranzakciónak -notification.ticket.headline=Támogatási jegy {0} azonosítóval rendelkező tranzakciónak -notification.trade.completed=A tranzakció befejeződött, visszavonhatja pénzeszközeit. -notification.trade.accepted=Ajánlatát egy BTC {0} elfogadta. -notification.trade.confirmed=A tranzakciód legalább egy blokklánc konfirmációt kapott.\nMegkezdheti a fizetést. -notification.trade.paymentStarted=A BTC vevő megkezdte a kifizetést. -notification.trade.selectTrade=Tranzakció kiválasztása -notification.trade.peerOpenedDispute=Váltótársa {0} nyitott. -notification.trade.disputeClosed=A {0} le lett zárva. -notification.walletUpdate.headline=Váltói pénztárca frissítése -notification.walletUpdate.msg=A tranzakciói pénztárcáját megfelelően finanszírozott.\nÖsszeg: {0} -notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=A tranzakciói pénztárcájat már elegendő finanszírozás érte egy korábbi ajánlattételi kísérletből.\nÖsszeg: {0} -notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Tranzakció befejezve -notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Visszavonhatja pénzeszközeit a külső Bitcoin tárcájához, vagy átutalhatja ezeket a Bisq pénztárcájába. - - -#################################################################### -# System Tray -#################################################################### - -systemTray.show=Alkalmazásablak megjelenítése -systemTray.hide=Alkalmazásablak elrejtése -systemTray.info=Információk Bisqről -systemTray.exit=Kilépés -systemTray.tooltip=Bisq: A decentralizált cserehálózat - - -#################################################################### -# GUI Util -#################################################################### - -guiUtil.miningFeeInfo=Kérjük győződjön meg róla, hogy a külső pénztárcájában használt bányászati díj legalább {0} Satoshi/Bájt. Ellenkező esetben a kereskedelmi tranzakciók nem konfirmálhatók, így a tranzakció vitára kerülhet. - -guiUtil.accountExport.savedToPath=Tranzakció fiókok útvonalra mentve:\n{0} -guiUtil.accountExport.noAccountSetup=Nincsenek tranzakció fiókjai exportálásra beállítva. -guiUtil.accountExport.selectPath=Útvonal kiválasztása {0} -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -guiUtil.accountExport.tradingAccount=Tranzakció fiók {0} azonosítóval\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -guiUtil.accountImport.noImport=Nem importáltuk a tranzakció fiókot a {0} azonosítóval, mivel már létezik.\n -guiUtil.accountExport.exportFailed=CSV exportálás hiba miatt sikertelen volt.\nHiba = {0} -guiUtil.accountExport.selectExportPath=Exportútvonal kiválasztása -guiUtil.accountImport.imported=Tranzakció fiók importált útvonala:\n{0}\n\nImportált fiókok:\n{1} -guiUtil.accountImport.noAccountsFound=Semmilyen exportált tranzakció fiók nem található e útvonalon: {0}.\nFájl neve {1}." -guiUtil.openWebBrowser.warning=Weboldal megnyitása a rendszer web böngészőjében.\nMost szeretné megnyitni a weboldalt?\n\nHa nem a \"Tor Böngészőt\" használja mint alapértelmezett rendszerböngésző, a weboldalhoz világos hálón fog csatlakozni.\n\nURL: \"{0}\" -guiUtil.openWebBrowser.doOpen=Nyisd a weboldalt, és sose már kérdezd -guiUtil.openWebBrowser.copyUrl=URL másolása és megszüntetés -guiUtil.ofTradeAmount=a tranzakciózott összegből - - -#################################################################### -# Component specific -#################################################################### - -list.currency.select=Valuta kiválasztása -list.currency.showAll=Mutasd mind -list.currency.editList=Valuta lista szerkesztése - -table.placeholder.noItems=Jelenleg nincs {0} -table.placeholder.noData=Jelenleg nincs adat - - -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.tradePeer=Váltótársak -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.maker=Ajánló -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} Onion cím: {1}\nMár {2} alkalommal üzletelt ezzel a felhasználóval\n{3} -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} Onion cím: {1}\nMég nem üzletelt eddig ezzel a felhasználóval.\n{2} -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Fizetési fiók létrehozva {0} ezelőtt. -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Fizetési számla kora nem ismert. - -tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Felugró ablak nyitása részletekért -tooltip.openBlockchainForAddress=Külső blokklánc felfedező megnyitása e címnek: {0} -tooltip.openBlockchainForTx=Külső blockchain-felfedező megnyitása tranzakciónak: {0} - -confidence.unknown=Ismeretlen tranzakciós állapot -confidence.seen={0} társ által megtekintve / 0 konfirmáció -confidence.confirmed=Megrögzítve {0} blokkban -confidence.invalid=Tranzakció érvénytelen - -peerInfo.title=Társ info -peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Number of completed trades -peerInfo.notTradedYet=Eddig még nem kereskedett ezzel a felhasználóval. -peerInfo.setTag=Set tag for that peer -peerInfo.age=Payment account age -peerInfo.unknownAge=Kor nem ismert - -addressTextField.openWallet=Alapértelmezett bitcoin pénztárca nyitása -addressTextField.copyToClipboard=Cím másolása a vágólapra -addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=A cím átkerült a vágólapra -addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Nem sikerült megnyitni az alapértelmezett bitcoin pénztárca-alkalmazást. Talán nincs telepítve? - -peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nCímke: {1} - -txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Tranzakciós azonosító másolása a vágólapra -txIdTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Blokklánc-felfedező megnyitása az adott tranzakciós azonosítóval - - -#################################################################### -# Navigation -#################################################################### - -navigation.account=\"Fiók\" -navigation.account.walletSeed=\"Fiók/Pénztárca mag \" -navigation.funds.availableForWithdrawal=\"Pénzeszközök/Pénzutalás\" -navigation.portfolio.myOpenOffers=\"Portfólió/Nyílt tranzakciók\" -navigation.portfolio.pending=\"Portfólió/Nyílt tranzakciók\" -navigation.portfolio.closedTrades=\"Portfólió/Történelem\" -navigation.funds.depositFunds=\"Pénzeszközök/Pénz részesedés\" -navigation.settings.preferences=\"Beállítások/Preferenciák\" -navigation.funds.transactions=\"Pénzeszközök/Tranzakciók\" -navigation.support=\"Támogatás\" -navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/BSQ Pénztárca/Fogadás\" - - -#################################################################### -# Formatter -#################################################################### - -formatter.formatVolumeLabel={0} összeg{1} -formatter.makerTaker=Ajánló mint {0} {1} / Vevő mint {2} {3} -formatter.youAreAsMaker=Ön {0} {1} mint ajánló / A vevő {2} {3} -formatter.youAreAsTaker=Ön {0} {1} mint vevő / Az ajánló {2} {3} -formatter.youAre=Te vagy {0} {1} ({2} {3}) -formatter.youAreCreatingAnOffer.fiat=Ajánlatot állít elő a {0} {1} -formatter.youAreCreatingAnOffer.altcoin=Ajánlatot állít elő a {0} {1} ({2} {3}) -formatter.asMaker={0} {1} mint ajánló -formatter.asTaker={0} {1} mint vevő - - -#################################################################### -# Domain specific -#################################################################### - -# we use enum values here -# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_MAINNET=Bitcoin Mainnet -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_TESTNET=Bitcoin Testnet -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_REGTEST=Bitcoin Regtest -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_DAO_TESTNET=Bitcoin DAO Testnet (deprecated) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_DAO_BETANET=Bitcoin DAO Betanet (Bitcoin Mainnet) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_DAO_REGTEST=Bitcoin DAO Regtest - -time.year=Év -time.month=Hónap -time.week=Hét -time.day=Nap -time.hour=Óra -time.minute10=10 Perc -time.hours=órák -time.days=nap -time.1hour=1 óra -time.1day=1 nap -time.minute=perc -time.second=másodperc -time.minutes=perce -time.seconds=másodperc - - -password.enterPassword=Enter password -password.confirmPassword=Confirm password -password.tooLong=A jelszó 500 karakternél rövidebb kell legyen. -password.deriveKey=Jelszó leválasztása kulcsból -password.walletDecrypted=Pénztárca sikeresen visszafejtve és a jelszavas védelem eltávolítva. -password.wrongPw=Nem megfelelő jelszót adott meg.\n\nKérjük, próbálja meg újból beírni a jelszavát, gondosan ellenőrizze a helyesírási hibákat. -password.walletEncrypted=Pénztárca sikeresen titkosítva és jelszavas védelem engedélyezve. -password.walletEncryptionFailed=A pénztárca jelszavát nem lehetett beállítani. Lehet, hogy olyan magszavakat importált, amelyek nem egyeznek a pénztárca adatbázisával. Kérjük vegye fel a kapcsolatot a fejlesztőkkel a Bisq Fórumon. -password.passwordsDoNotMatch=A megadott 2 jelszó nem egyezik. -password.forgotPassword=Elfelejtetted jelszavadat? -password.backupReminder=Kérjük vegye figyelembe, hogy a mobiltárca-jelszó beállításakor a titkosított tárból automatikusan létrehozott mentések törlődnek.\n\nErősen ajánlott biztonsági másolatot készíteni az alkalmazáskönyvtárról, és a jelszó beállítása előtt írja le a magszavakat! -password.backupWasDone=Már megtettem egy biztonsági másolatot - -seed.seedWords=Wallet seed words -seed.enterSeedWords=Enter wallet seed words -seed.date=Wallet date -seed.restore.title=Pénztárcák visszaállítása magszavakból -seed.restore=Pénztárcák visszaállítása -seed.creationDate=Creation date -seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=A bitcoin pénztárcája nem üres.\n\nEzt a tárcát ki kell ürítenie, mielőtt megpróbálná helyreállítani a régebbieket, mivel ezek keverése együttesen érvénytelen biztonsági mentéseket eredményezhetnek.\n\nKérjük véglegesítse az tranzakcióit, zárja be az összes nyitott ajánlatot és menjen a Pénzeszközökre hogy visszavonja bitcointjai.\nHa nem tud hozzáférni bitcoinjaihoz, a vészhelyzeti eszközzel ürítheti ki a pénztárcát.\nA sürgősségi eszköz megnyitásához nyomjon \"alt + e\" vagy \"option + e\". -seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.restore=Szeretném akárhogyan is visszaállítani -seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.emptyWallet=Először kiürítem a pénztárcáimat -seed.warn.notEncryptedAnymore=A tárcái titkosítva vannak.\n\nVisszaállítás után a pénztárcák már nem lesznek titkosítva, és új jelszót kell majd beállítani.\n\nSzeretné folytatni? -seed.restore.success=A pénztárcák sikeresen vissza voltak állítva az új magszavakkal.\n\nLe kell állítania és újraindítania az alkalmazást. -seed.restore.error=Hiba történt a pénztárcák visszahelyezésekor a vetőmag szavakkal.{0} - - -#################################################################### -# Payment methods -#################################################################### - -payment.account=Fiók -payment.account.no=Account no. -payment.account.name=Account name -payment.account.owner=Fiók tulajdonos teljes neve -payment.account.fullName=Teljes név (első, középső, utolsó) -payment.account.state=State/Province/Region -payment.account.city=City -payment.bank.country=Country of bank -payment.account.name.email=Fiók tulajdonos teljes neve / email -payment.account.name.emailAndHolderId=Fiók tulajdonos teljes neve / email / {0} -payment.bank.name=Bank neve -payment.select.account=Válassz fióktípust -payment.select.region=Válassz régiót -payment.select.country=Válassz országot -payment.select.bank.country=Válaszd ki a bank országát -payment.foreign.currency=Biztosan más valutát szeretne választani az ország nemzeti valutáját? -payment.restore.default=Nem, alapértelmezett valuta visszaállítása -payment.email=Email -payment.country=Ország -payment.extras=Extra requirements -payment.email.mobile=Email or mobile no. -payment.altcoin.address=Altcoin address -payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=Trade instant (within 1 hour) with this Altcoin -payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=For instant trading it is required that both trading peers are online to be able to complete the trade in less than 1 hour.\n\nIf you have offers open and you are not available please disable those offers under the 'Portfolio' screen. -payment.altcoin=Altcoin -payment.select.altcoin=Válassz vagy keress altérmét -payment.secret=Secret question -payment.answer=Answer -payment.wallet=Wallet ID -payment.uphold.accountId=Username or email or phone no. -payment.cashApp.cashTag=$Cashtag -payment.moneyBeam.accountId=Email or phone no. -payment.venmo.venmoUserName=Venmo username -payment.popmoney.accountId=Email or phone no. -payment.revolut.email=Email -payment.revolut.phoneNr=Registered phone no. -payment.promptPay.promptPayId=Citizen ID/Tax ID or phone no. -payment.supportedCurrencies=Supported currencies -payment.limitations=Limitations -payment.salt=Salt for account age verification -payment.error.noHexSalt=A sónak HEX formátumban kell lennie.\nCsak akkor ajánlatos szerkeszteni a só mezőt, ha át szeretné vinni a sót egy régebbi fiókból, a fiók korának megőrzése érdekében. A fiók korát a fiók sójának és az azonosító számlaadatok (pl. IBAN) használatával lesz ellenőrizve. -payment.accept.euro=Accept trades from these Euro countries -payment.accept.nonEuro=Accept trades from these non-Euro countries -payment.accepted.countries=Accepted countries -payment.accepted.banks=Accepted banks (ID) -payment.mobile=Mobile no. -payment.postal.address=Postal address -payment.national.account.id.AR=CBU number - -#new -payment.altcoin.address.dyn={0} address -payment.altcoin.receiver.address=Receiver's altcoin address -payment.accountNr=Account number -payment.emailOrMobile=Email or mobile nr -payment.useCustomAccountName=Használj egyéni fióknevet -payment.maxPeriod=Max. allowed trade period -payment.maxPeriodAndLimit=Max. tranzakció időtartama: {0} / Max. tranzakció korlátozás: {1} / Fiók kora: {2} -payment.maxPeriodAndLimitCrypto=Max. tranzakció időtartama: {0} / Max. tranzakció korlátozás: {1} -payment.currencyWithSymbol=Valuta: {0} -payment.nameOfAcceptedBank=Elfogadott bank neve -payment.addAcceptedBank=Hozzáad elfogadott bankot -payment.clearAcceptedBanks=Töröld elfogadott bankokat -payment.bank.nameOptional=Bank name (optional) -payment.bankCode=Bank code -payment.bankId=Bankazonosító (BIC/SWIFT): -payment.bankIdOptional=Bank ID (BIC/SWIFT) (optional) -payment.branchNr=Branch no. -payment.branchNrOptional=Branch no. (optional) -payment.accountNrLabel=Account no. (IBAN) -payment.accountType=Account type -payment.checking=Folyószámla -payment.savings=Takarékpénztár -payment.personalId=Personal ID -payment.clearXchange.info=Please be sure that you fulfill the requirements for the usage of Zelle (ClearXchange).\n\n1. You need to have your Zelle (ClearXchange) account verified on their platform before starting a trade or creating an offer.\n\n2. You need to have a bank account at one of the following member banks:\n\t● Bank of America\n\t● Capital One P2P Payments\n\t● Chase QuickPay\n\t● FirstBank Person to Person Transfers\n\t● Frost Send Money\n\t● U.S. Bank Send Money\n\t● TD Bank\n\t● Citibank\n\t● Wells Fargo SurePay\n\n3. You need to be sure to not exceed the daily or monthly Zelle (ClearXchange) transfer limits.\n\nPlease use Zelle (ClearXchange) only if you fulfill all those requirements, otherwise it is very likely that the Zelle (ClearXchange) transfer fails and the trade ends up in a dispute.\nIf you have not fulfilled the above requirements you will lose your security deposit.\n\nPlease also be aware of a higher chargeback risk when using Zelle (ClearXchange).\nFor the {0} seller it is highly recommended to get in contact with the {1} buyer by using the provided email address or mobile number to verify that he or she is really the owner of the Zelle (ClearXchange) account. - -payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The buyer will get displayed the seller's email in the trade process. -payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The buyer will get displayed the seller's email in the trade process. -payment.halCash.info=When using HalCash the BTC buyer needs to send the BTC seller the HalCash code via a text message from their mobile phone.\n\nPlease make sure to not exceed the maximum amount your bank allows you to send with HalCash. The min. amount per withdrawal is 10 EUR and the max. amount is 600 EUR. For repeated withdrawals it is 3000 EUR per receiver per day and 6000 EUR per receiver per month. Please cross check those limits with your bank to be sure they use the same limits as stated here.\n\nThe withdrawal amount must be a multiple of 10 EUR as you cannot withdraw other amounts from an ATM. The UI in the create-offer and take-offer screen will adjust the BTC amount so that the EUR amount is correct. You cannot use market based price as the EUR amount would be changing with changing prices.\n\nIn case of a dispute the BTC buyer needs to provide the proof that they sent the EUR. -payment.limits.info=Kérjük vegye figyelembe, hogy minden banki átutalás bizonyos mértékű visszaterhelési kockázatot hordoz.\n\nE kockázat enyhítése érdekében Bisq két tényező alapján határozza meg a tranzakciók korlátozását:\n\n1. Az alkalmazott fizetési módra vonatkozó visszavásárlási kockázat becsült szintje\n2. Fiókja kora az adott fizetési mód esetében\n\nA most létrehozott fiókja új és kora nulla. Mivel fiókja egy két hónapos időszakon keresztül növekszik, a tranzakciós korlátaival együtt fog növekedni:\n\n● Az első hónap folyamán a tranzakció korláta {0}\n● A második hónapban folyamán a tranzakció korláta {1}\n● A második hónap elmúltja után a tranzakció korláta {2}\n\nKérjük vegye figyelembe, hogy nincs korlátozás az összes tranzakcióra vonatkozóan. - -payment.cashDeposit.info=Please confirm your bank allows you to send cash deposits into other peoples' accounts. For example, Bank of America and Wells Fargo no longer allow such deposits. - -payment.revolut.info=Please be sure that the phone number you used for your Revolut account is registered at Revolut otherwise the BTC buyer cannot send you the funds. - -payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Money orders are one of the more private fiat purchase methods available on Bisq.\n\nHowever, please be aware of potentially increased risks associated with their use. Bisq will not bear any responsibility in case a sent money order is stolen, and the arbitrators will in such cases award the BTC to the sender of the money order, provided they can produce tracking information and receipts. It may be advisable for the sender to write the BTC seller's name on the money order, in order to minimize the risk that the money order is cashed by someone else. - -payment.f2f.contact=Contact info -payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How you want to get contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...) -payment.f2f.city=City for 'Face to face' meeting -payment.f2f.city.prompt=The city will be displayed with the offer -payment.f2f.optionalExtra=Optional additional information -payment.f2f.extra=Additional information - -payment.f2f.extra.prompt=The maker can define 'terms and conditions' or add a public contact information. It will be displayed with the offer. -payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the arbitrator cannot help much as it is usually hard to get tamper proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: 'https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading' -payment.f2f.info.openURL=Open web page -payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=County and city: {0} / {1} -payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Additional information: {0} - - -# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention -# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ - -# Only translate general terms -NATIONAL_BANK=Nemzeti banki átutalás -SAME_BANK=Átutalás ugyanazzal a bankkal -SPECIFIC_BANKS=Átutalás meghatározott bankokkal -US_POSTAL_MONEY_ORDER=US Postautalvány -CASH_DEPOSIT=Készpénz letét -MONEY_GRAM=MoneyGram -WESTERN_UNION=Western Union -F2F=Face to face (in person) - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -NATIONAL_BANK_SHORT=Nemzeti bankok -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SAME_BANK_SHORT=Ugyanaz a bank -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SPECIFIC_BANKS_SHORT=Bizonyos bankok -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -US_POSTAL_MONEY_ORDER_SHORT=US Pénzutalvány -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CASH_DEPOSIT_SHORT=Készpénz letét -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -MONEY_GRAM_SHORT=MoneyGram -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -WESTERN_UNION_SHORT=Western Union -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -F2F_SHORT=F2F - -# Do not translate brand names -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -UPHOLD=Uphold -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -MONEY_BEAM=MoneyBeam (N26) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -POPMONEY=Popmoney -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -REVOLUT=Revolut -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -PERFECT_MONEY=Perfect Money -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -ALI_PAY=AliPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -WECHAT_PAY=WeChat Pay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SEPA=SEPA -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SEPA_INSTANT=SEPA Instant Fizetések -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -FASTER_PAYMENTS=Faster Payments -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SWISH=Swish -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CLEAR_X_CHANGE=Zelle (ClearXchange) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CHASE_QUICK_PAY=Chase QuickPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -INTERAC_E_TRANSFER=Interac e-Transfer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -HAL_CASH=HalCash -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BLOCK_CHAINS=Altérmék -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -PROMPT_PAY=PromptPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -ADVANCED_CASH=Advanced Cash -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BLOCK_CHAINS_INSTANT=Altcoins Instant - -# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -OK_PAY=OKPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CASH_APP=Cash App -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -VENMO=Venmo - - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -UPHOLD_SHORT=Uphold -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -MONEY_BEAM_SHORT=MoneyBeam (N26) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -POPMONEY_SHORT=Popmoney -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -REVOLUT_SHORT=Revolut -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -PERFECT_MONEY_SHORT=Perfect Money -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -ALI_PAY_SHORT=AliPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -WECHAT_PAY_SHORT=WeChat Pay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SEPA_SHORT=SEPA -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SEPA_INSTANT_SHORT=SEPA Instant -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -FASTER_PAYMENTS_SHORT=Faster Payments -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SWISH_SHORT=Swish -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CLEAR_X_CHANGE_SHORT=Zelle -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CHASE_QUICK_PAY_SHORT=Chase QuickPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -INTERAC_E_TRANSFER_SHORT=Interac e-Transfer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -HAL_CASH_SHORT=HalCash -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BLOCK_CHAINS_SHORT=Altérmék -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -PROMPT_PAY_SHORT=PromptPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -ADVANCED_CASH_SHORT=Advanced Cash -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BLOCK_CHAINS_INSTANT_SHORT=Altcoins Instant - -# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -OK_PAY_SHORT=OKPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CASH_APP_SHORT=Cash App -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -VENMO_SHORT=Venmo - - -#################################################################### -# Validation -#################################################################### - -validation.empty=Üres bemenet nem engedélyezett. -validation.NaN=A bevitel nem érvényes szám. -validation.notAnInteger=Input is not an integer value. -validation.zero=Nullás bemenet nem engedélyezett. -validation.negative=Negatív érték nem megengedett. -validation.fiat.toSmall=A minimálisan megengedettnél kisebb bevitel nem megengedett. -validation.fiat.toLarge=A megengedettnél nagyobb mennyiségű bevitel nem megengedett. -validation.btc.fraction=Mentsd be az eredményeket bitcoin értékben a legkisebb egység (Satoshi) töredékével. -validation.btc.toLarge={0}-nál nagyobb bevitel nem engedélyezett. -validation.btc.toSmall={0}-nál kisebb bevitel nem engedélyezett. -validation.securityDeposit.toSmall={0}-nál kisebb bevitel nem engedélyezett. -validation.passwordTooShort=A megadott jelszó túl rövid. Min. 8 karaktert kell tartalmaznia. -validation.passwordTooLong=A beírt jelszó túl hosszú. Legfeljebb 50 karakter lehet. -validation.sortCodeNumber={0} {1} számokból kell állnia. -validation.sortCodeChars={0} {1} karakterből kell állnia. -validation.bankIdNumber={0} a {1} számokból kell állnia. -validation.accountNr=A fiókszámnak {0} számokkal kell rendelkeznie. -validation.accountNrChars=A fiókszámnak {0} karakterből kell állnia. -validation.btc.invalidAddress=A cím helytelen. Kérjük, ellenőrizze a címformátumot. -validation.integerOnly=Kérjük, írjon be csupán egész számokat. -validation.inputError=A beviteled hibát okozott:\n{0} -validation.bsq.insufficientBalance=Your available balance is {0}. -validation.btc.exceedsMaxTradeLimit=Your trade limit is {0}. -validation.bsq.amountBelowMinAmount=Min. amount is {0} -validation.nationalAccountId={0} {1} számokból kell állnia. - -#new -validation.invalidInput=Érvénytelen bevitel: {0} -validation.accountNrFormat=A fiók számának formátuma: {0} -validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=A címellenőrzés sikertelen volt, mert nem egyezik a {0} cím szerkezetével. -validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address need to start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported. -validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=A ZEC címét t-vel kell kezdeni. Az z által indított címek nem támogatottak. -validation.altcoin.invalidAddress=A cím nem érvényes {0} address! {1} -validation.bic.invalidLength=A bevitel hossza sem 8, sem 11 -validation.bic.letters=A bank- és országkódnak betűkkel kell rendelkeznie -validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=A BIC érvénytelen helykódot tartalmaz -validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=A BIC érvénytelen kódot tartalmaz -validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=Revolut Sepa accounts are not supported. -validation.btc.invalidFormat=A bitcoin cím formátuma érvénytelen. -validation.bsq.invalidFormat=BSQ cím érvénytelen formátuma. -validation.email.invalidAddress=Helytelen cím -validation.iban.invalidCountryCode=Országkód érvénytelen -validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=A ellenőrző összegnek numerikusnak kell lennie -validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Nem alfanumerikus karaktert észlelt -validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Az IBAN ellenőrzőösszeg érvénytelen -validation.iban.invalidLength=A számnak hossza 15-34 karakter kell legyen. -validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Nem kanadai körzetszám -validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Érvénytelen telefonszám formátum és nem egy e-mail cím -validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Must contain only letters, numbers, spaces and/or the symbols ' _ , . ? - -validation.interacETransfer.invalidAnswer=Must be one word and contain only letters, numbers, and/or the symbol - -validation.inputTooLarge=Input must not be larger than {0} -validation.inputTooSmall=Input has to be larger than {0} -validation.inputToBeAtLeast=Input has to be at least {0} -validation.amountBelowDust=The amount below the dust limit of {0} is not allowed. -validation.length=Length must be between {0} and {1} -validation.pattern=Input must be of format: {0} -validation.noHexString=The input is not in HEX format. -validation.advancedCash.invalidFormat=Must be a valid email or wallet id of format: X000000000000 -validation.invalidUrl=This is not a valid URL -validation.mustBeDifferent=Your input must be different to the current value -validation.cannotBeChanged=Parameter cannot be changed -validation.numberFormatException=Number format exception {0} -validation.mustNotBeNegative=Input must not be negative diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_ro.properties b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_ro.properties deleted file mode 100644 index 1246fe572bc..00000000000 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_ro.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2475 +0,0 @@ -# Keep display strings organized by domain -# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces. -# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible. -# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description] -# In some cases we use enum values or constants to map to display strings - -# A annoying issue with property files is that we need to use 2 single quotes in display string -# containing variables (e.g. {0}), otherwise the variable will not be resolved. -# In display string which do not use a variable a single quote is ok. -# E.g. Don''t .... {1} - -# We use sometimes dynamic parts which are put together in the code and therefore sometimes use line breaks or spaces -# at the end of the string. Please never remove any line breaks or spaces. They are there with a purpose! -# To make longer strings with better readable you can make a line break with \ which does not result in a line break -# in the display but only in the editor. - -# Please use in all language files the exact same order of the entries, that way a comparison is easier. - -# Please try to keep the length of the translated string similar to English. If it is longer it might break layout or -# get truncated. We will need some adjustments in the UI code to support that but we want to keep effort at the minimum. - - -#################################################################### -# Shared -#################################################################### - -shared.readMore=Citește mai mult -shared.openHelp=Deschide Ajutor -shared.warning=Avertizare -shared.close=Închide -shared.cancel=Anulare -shared.ok=OK -shared.yes=Da -shared.no=Nu -shared.iUnderstand=Am înțeles -shared.na=N/A -shared.shutDown=Închide -shared.reportBug=Raportează eroare la Github probleme -shared.buyBitcoin=Cumpără bitcoin -shared.sellBitcoin=Vinde bitcoin -shared.buyCurrency=Cumpără {0} -shared.sellCurrency=Vinde {0} -shared.buyingBTCWith=cumpărare de BTC cu {0} -shared.sellingBTCFor=vânzare de BTC contra {0} -shared.buyingCurrency=cumpărare de {0} (vânzare BTC) -shared.sellingCurrency=vânzare de {0} (cumpărare BTC) -shared.buy=cumpără -shared.sell=vinde -shared.buying=cumpărând -shared.selling=vânzând -shared.P2P=P2P -shared.oneOffer=ofertă -shared.multipleOffers=oferte -shared.Offer=Ofertă -shared.openOffers=oferte deschise -shared.trade=tranzacționează -shared.trades=tranzacții -shared.openTrades=tranzacții deschise -shared.dateTime=Data/Ora -shared.price=Preț -shared.priceWithCur=Prețul în {0} -shared.priceInCurForCur=Prețul în {0} contra 1 {1} -shared.fixedPriceInCurForCur=Prețul fix în {0} contra 1 {1} -shared.amount=Suma -shared.amountWithCur=Suma în {0} -shared.volumeWithCur=Volum în {0} -shared.currency=Valuta -shared.market=Piața -shared.paymentMethod=Metoda de plată -shared.tradeCurrency=Valuta de schimb -shared.offerType=Tipul ofertei -shared.details=Detalii -shared.address=Adresa -shared.balanceWithCur=Sold în {0} -shared.txId=Cod tranzacție -shared.confirmations=Confirmări -shared.revert=Reversarea Tx -shared.select=Selectează -shared.usage=Uz -shared.state=Statut -shared.tradeId=Cod de tranzacționare -shared.offerId=Cod ofertă -shared.bankName=Nume gol -shared.acceptedBanks=Bănci acceptate -shared.amountMinMax=Suma (min - max) -shared.amountHelp=If an offer has a minimum and a maximum amount set, then you can trade any amount within this range. -shared.remove=Înlătură -shared.goTo=Sari la {0} -shared.BTCMinMax=BTC (min - max) -shared.removeOffer=Înlătură oferta -shared.dontRemoveOffer=Nu înlătură oferta -shared.editOffer=Editați oferta -shared.openLargeQRWindow=Deschide o fereastră mare cu codul QR -shared.tradingAccount=Contul de tranzacționare -shared.faq=Vizitați pagina de net FAQ -shared.yesCancel=Da, anulează -shared.nextStep=Următorul pas -shared.selectTradingAccount=Selectează contul de tranzacționare -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Selectează contul de tranzacționare -shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Deschide-ți portofelul extern pentru finanțare -shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Deschiderea aplicației de portofel bitcoin prestabilite a eșuat. Posibil să nu ai unul instalat? -shared.distanceInPercent=Distanța în % din prețul pieței -shared.belowInPercent=Below % from market price -shared.aboveInPercent=Above % from market price -shared.enterPercentageValue=Introdu % valoarea -shared.OR=SAU -shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet.\nYou need {0} but you have only {1} in your Bisq wallet.\n\nPlease fund the trade from an external Bitcoin wallet or fund your Bisq wallet at \"Funds/Receive funds\". -shared.waitingForFunds=În așteptare de fonduri... -shared.depositTransactionId=Codul tranzacției de depozit -shared.TheBTCBuyer=Cumpărătorul de BTC -shared.You=Tu -shared.reasonForPayment=Motivul plății -shared.sendingConfirmation=Se trimite confirmarea... -shared.sendingConfirmationAgain=Te rugăm trimite confirmarea din nou -shared.exportCSV=Exportare în format csv -shared.exportJSON=Export to JSON -shared.noDateAvailable=Nicio dată disponibilă -shared.arbitratorsFee=Comisionul arbitrului -shared.noDetailsAvailable=Niciun detaliu disponibil -shared.notUsedYet=Încă nefolosit -shared.date=Data -shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving address: {2}.\nRequired transaction fee is: {3} ({4} satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {5} Kb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {6}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw this amount? -shared.copyToClipboard=Copiază în clipboard -shared.language=Limba -shared.country=Țara -shared.applyAndShutDown=Aplică și închide -shared.selectPaymentMethod=Selectează metoda de plată -shared.accountNameAlreadyUsed=Acel nume de cont este deja utilizat într-un cont salvat.\nFolosește un alt nume. -shared.askConfirmDeleteAccount=Sigur dorești ștergerea contul selectat? -shared.cannotDeleteAccount=Nu poți șterge acel cont deoarece este folosit într-o ofertă deschisă sau într-o tranzacție. -shared.noAccountsSetupYet=Încă nu există înființate conturi -shared.manageAccounts=Gestionare conturi -shared.addNewAccount=Adaugă cont nou -shared.ExportAccounts=Exportare Conturi -shared.importAccounts=Importare Conturi -shared.createNewAccount=Creează cont nou -shared.saveNewAccount=Salvează cont nou -shared.selectedAccount=Cont selectat -shared.deleteAccount=Șterge cont -shared.errorMessageInline=\nMesaj de eroare: {0} -shared.errorMessage=Error message -shared.information=Informații -shared.name=Nume -shared.id=Cod -shared.dashboard=Bord -shared.accept=Accept -shared.balance=Sold -shared.save=Salvează -shared.onionAddress=Adresa de Onion -shared.supportTicket=Bilet de asistență -shared.dispute=dispută -shared.seller=vânzător -shared.buyer=cumpărător -shared.allEuroCountries=Toate țările Euro -shared.acceptedTakerCountries=Țări acceptate de acceptant -shared.arbitrator=Selected arbitrator -shared.tradePrice=Preț de tranzacționare -shared.tradeAmount=Valoarea tranzacției -shared.tradeVolume=Volumul tranzacției -shared.invalidKey=Cheia introdusă nu este corectă. -shared.enterPrivKey=Enter private key to unlock -shared.makerFeeTxId=Maker fee transaction ID -shared.takerFeeTxId=Taker fee transaction ID -shared.payoutTxId=Payout transaction ID -shared.contractAsJson=Contract in JSON format -shared.viewContractAsJson=Vizualizează contractul în format JSON -shared.contract.title=Contractul de tranzacție cu cod: {0} -shared.paymentDetails=BTC {0} payment details -shared.securityDeposit=Depozit de securitate -shared.yourSecurityDeposit=Depozitul tău de securitate -shared.contract=Contract -shared.messageArrived=Mesaj sosit. -shared.messageStoredInMailbox=Mesaj stocat în căsuța poștală. -shared.messageSendingFailed=Trimiterea mesajului a eșuat. Eroare: {0} -shared.unlock=Deblocare -shared.toReceive=to receive -shared.toSpend=to spend -shared.btcAmount=Suma BTC -shared.yourLanguage=Your languages -shared.addLanguage=Adaugă limbă: -shared.total=Total -shared.totalsNeeded=Funds needed -shared.tradeWalletAddress=Trade wallet address -shared.tradeWalletBalance=Trade wallet balance -shared.makerTxFee=Ofertant: {0} -shared.takerTxFee=Acceptant: {0} -shared.securityDepositBox.description=Depozitul de securitate pentru BTC {0} -shared.iConfirm=Confirm -shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=echivalentul al {0} folosit drept comision de minare -shared.openURL=Open {0} -shared.fiat=Fiat -shared.crypto=Crypto -shared.all=All -shared.edit=Edit -shared.advancedOptions=Advanced options -shared.interval=Interval -shared.actions=Actions -shared.buyerUpperCase=Buyer -shared.sellerUpperCase=Seller -shared.new=NEW -shared.blindVoteTxId=Blind vote transaction ID - -#################################################################### -# UI views -#################################################################### - -#################################################################### -# MainView -#################################################################### - -mainView.menu.market=Bursa -mainView.menu.buyBtc=Cumpără BTC -mainView.menu.sellBtc=Vinde BTC -mainView.menu.portfolio=Portofoliu -mainView.menu.funds=Fonduri -mainView.menu.support=Asistență -mainView.menu.settings=Setări -mainView.menu.account=Cont -mainView.menu.dao=OAD - -mainView.marketPrice.provider=Price by -mainView.marketPrice.label=Market price -mainView.marketPriceWithProvider.label=Market price by {0} -mainView.marketPrice.bisqInternalPrice=Prețul ultimei tranzacții Bisq -mainView.marketPrice.tooltip.bisqInternalPrice=Nu e disponibil niciun preț al pieței dinspre furnizorii externi de preț.\nPrețul afișat este cel mai recent preț de tranzacționare Bisq pentru această monedă. -mainView.marketPrice.tooltip=Prețul pieței este furnizat de {0}{1}\nUltima actualizare: {2}\nURL-ul nodului furnizor: {3} -mainView.marketPrice.tooltip.altcoinExtra=Dacă altcoinul nu este disponibil la Poloniex, folosim https://coinmarketcap.com -mainView.balance.available=Sold disponibil -mainView.balance.reserved=Rezervat în oferte -mainView.balance.locked=Tranzacții blocate -mainView.balance.reserved.short=Reserved -mainView.balance.locked.short=Locked - -mainView.footer.usingTor=(folosind Tor) -mainView.footer.localhostBitcoinNode=(localhost) -mainView.footer.btcInfo=Utilizatori ai rețelei Bitcoin: {0} / {1} {2} -mainView.footer.btcInfo.initializing=Connecting to Bitcoin network -mainView.footer.bsqInfo.synchronizing=/ Synchronizing DAO -mainView.footer.btcInfo.synchronizedWith=Synchronized with -mainView.footer.btcInfo.connectingTo=Connecting to -mainView.footer.btcInfo.connectionFailed=conectare eșuată -mainView.footer.p2pInfo=Utilizatori ai rețelei P2P: {0} - -mainView.bootstrapState.connectionToTorNetwork=(1/4) Conectare la rețeaua Tor... -mainView.bootstrapState.torNodeCreated=(2/4) Nod Tor creat -mainView.bootstrapState.hiddenServicePublished=(3/4) Serviciu ascuns publicat -mainView.bootstrapState.initialDataReceived=(4/4) Date inițiale recepționate - -mainView.bootstrapWarning.noSeedNodesAvailable=Nu există noduri nucleu disponibile -mainView.bootstrapWarning.noNodesAvailable=Nu există noduri nucleu și utilizatori disponibili -mainView.bootstrapWarning.bootstrappingToP2PFailed=Secvența de inițializare la rețeaua P2P a eșuat - -mainView.p2pNetworkWarnMsg.noNodesAvailable=Nu există noduri nucleu sau utilizatori persistenți disponibili pentru solicitarea datelor.\nVerifică conexiunea la internet sau încearcă să repornești aplicația. -mainView.p2pNetworkWarnMsg.connectionToP2PFailed=Conectarea la rețeaua P2P a eșuat (eroare raportată: {0}).\nVerifică-ți conexiunea la internet sau încearcă să repornești aplicația. - -mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.timeout=Conectarea la rețeaua Bitcoin a eșuat din cauza expirării. -mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.connectionError=Conectarea la rețeaua Bitcoin a eșuat din cauza unei erori: {0} - -mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Ai pierdut conexiunea la toți {0} partenerii de rețea.\nPosibil că ai pierdut conexiunea la internet sau calculatorul tău a intrat în modul repaus. -mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Ai pierdut conexiunea la nodul găzduit local de Bitcoin.\nRepornește aplicația Bisq pentru a te conecta la alte noduri de Bitcoin sau pentru a reporni nodul local de Bitcoin. -mainView.version.update=(Actualizare disponibilă) - - -#################################################################### -# MarketView -#################################################################### - -market.tabs.offerBook=Cartea de oferte -market.tabs.spread=Extindere -market.tabs.trades=Tranzacții - -# OfferBookChartView -market.offerBook.chart.title=Cartea de oferte pentru {0} -market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=Cumpărare {0} (vânzare {1}) -market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=Vânzare {0} (cumpărare {1}) -market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=Cumpără {0} -market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=Vinde {0} -market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Vinde {0} către -market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Cumpără {0} de la -market.offerBook.buy=Doresc să cumpăr bitcoin -market.offerBook.sell=Doresc să vând bitcoin - -# SpreadView -market.spread.numberOfOffersColumn=Toate ofertele ({0}) -market.spread.numberOfBuyOffersColumn=Cumpărare BTC ({0}) -market.spread.numberOfSellOffersColumn=Vânzare BTC ({0}) -market.spread.totalAmountColumn=Total BTC ({0}) -market.spread.spreadColumn=Extindere - -# TradesChartsView -market.trades.nrOfTrades=Tranzacții: {0} -market.trades.tooltip.volumeBar=Volum: {0}\nNr. tranzacțiilor: {1}\nData: {2} -market.trades.tooltip.candle.open=Deschide: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.close=Închide: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.high=Superior: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.low=Inferior: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.average=Media: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.date=Data: - -#################################################################### -# OfferView -#################################################################### - -offerbook.createOffer=Creează oferta: -offerbook.takeOffer=Acceptă oferta: -offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=Take offer to buy {0} -offerbook.takeOfferToSell=Take offer to sell {0} -offerbook.trader=Comerciant -offerbook.offerersBankId=Codul băncii ofertantului: {0} -offerbook.offerersBankName=Numele băncii ofertantului: {0} -offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Țara sediului băncii ofertantului: {0} -offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Țări ale sediilor bancare acceptate (acceptant): Toate țările Euro -offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Sediul acceptat al țărilor băncii (acceptant):\n {0} -offerbook.availableOffers=Oferte disponibile -offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filter by currency -offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtrare după metoda de plată: - -offerbook.nrOffers=Nr. ofertelor: {0} -offerbook.volume={0} (min - max) - -offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Create new offer to buy {0} -offerbook.createOfferToSell=Create new offer to sell {0} -offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=Create new offer to buy {0} with {1} -offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=Create new offer to sell {0} for {1} -offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=Create new offer to sell {0} (buy {1}) -offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=Create new offer to buy {0} (sell {1}) - -offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Acceptă oferta pentru {0} -offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Da, creează oferta -offerbook.setupNewAccount=Crează un nou cont de tranzacționare -offerbook.removeOffer.success=Înlăturarea ofertei a avut succes. -offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Înlăturarea ofertei a eșuat:\n{0} -offerbook.deactivateOffer.failed=Dezactivarea ofertei a eșuat:\n{0} -offerbook.activateOffer.failed=Publicarea ofertei a eșuat:\n{0} -offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Poți retrage fondurile pe care le-ai plătit de pe ecranul {0}. - -offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=Nu există cont de tranzacționare pentru valuta selectată -offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=Nu ai un cont de tranzacționare pentru valuta selectată.\nDorești crearea unei oferte prin unul din conturile tale de tranzacționare existente? -offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=Nu există cont de tranzacționare corespunzător. -offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Nu ai un cont de tranzacționare cu metoda de plată necesară acestei oferte.\nVa trebui să îți configurezi un cont de tranzacționare cu această metodă de plată dacă dorești să accepți oferta.\nDorești să faci asta acum? -offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Această ofertă necesită o versiune de protocol diferită de cea utilizată de versiunea ta de soft.\n\nTe rugăm să verifici dacă ai cea mai recentă versiune instalată, în caz contrar înseamnă că utilizatorul care a creat oferta a folosit o versiune mai veche.\n\nUtilizatorii nu pot tranzacționa cu o versiune incompatibilă a protocolului de tranzacționare. -offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Ai adăugat adresa de Onion a utilizatorului în lista ta de ignorare. -offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=Această ofertă a fost blocată de către dezvoltatorii Bisq.\nProbabil o eroare încă nerezolvată cauzează probleme la momentul acceptării acestei oferte. -offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=Valuta folosită în această ofertă a fost blocată de către dezvoltatorii Bisq.\nTe rugăm să vizitezi Forumul Bisq pentru mai multe informații. -offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=Metoda de plată folosită în această ofertă a fost blocată de către dezvoltatorii Bisq.\nTe rugăm să vizitezi Forumul Bisq pentru mai multe informații. -offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=Adresa de Onion al acestui utilizator a fost blocată de către dezvoltatorii Bisq.\nProbabil o eroare încă nerezolvată cauzează probleme la momentul acceptării unei oferte de la acest utilizator. -offerbook.warning.tradeLimitNotMatching=Contul tău de plată a fost creat cu {0} zile în urmă. Limita ta de tranzacționare este calculată în baza vechimii contului și momentan nu este suficientă pentru oferta respectivă.\n\nLimita ta de tranzacționare este: {1}\nValoarea minimă de tranzacționare a ofertei este: {2}.\n\nNu poți accepta oferta momentan. Odată ce contul tău atinge o vechime de 2 luni, această restricție este eliminată. - - -offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=You will sell at market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.buyAtMarketPrice=You will buy at market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.sellBelowMarketPrice=You will get {0} less than the current market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.buyAboveMarketPrice=You will pay {0} more than the current market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=You will get {0} more than the current market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=You will pay {0} less than the current market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=You will buy at this fixed price. -offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=You will sell at this fixed price. -offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=În cazul unui litigiu, rețineți că arbitrajul pentru această ofertă va fi gestionat în {0}. Limba este setată în prezent la {1}. -offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=The amount was rounded to increase the privacy of your trade. - -#################################################################### -# Offerbook / Create offer -#################################################################### - -createOffer.amount.prompt=Introdu suma în BTC -createOffer.price.prompt=Introdu prețul -createOffer.volume.prompt=Introdu suma în {0} -createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Suma de BTC în {0} -createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Suma în {0} de cheltuit -createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Suma în {0} de încasat -createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Suma minimă de BTC -createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Depozit de securitate -createOffer.fundsBox.title=Finanțează-ți oferta -createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Comisionul tranzacției -createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee -createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Publicare ofertei în desfășurare ... -createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Tranzacția Bisq cu codul {0} -createOffer.fundsBox.fundsStructure=({0} cauțiune, {1} comision tranzacție, {2} comision minier) -createOffer.fundsBox.fundsStructure.BSQ=({0} security deposit, {1} mining fee) + {2} trade fee -createOffer.success.headline=Oferta ta a fost publicată -createOffer.success.info=Îți poți gestiona ofertele deschise la \"Portofoliu/Tranzacții deschise\". -createOffer.info.sellAtMarketPrice=You will always sell at market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.info.buyAtMarketPrice=You will always buy at market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=You will always get {0}% more than the current market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=You will always pay {0}% less than the current market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.warning.sellBelowMarketPrice=You will always get {0}% less than the current market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.warning.buyAboveMarketPrice=You will always pay {0}% more than the current market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.tradeFee.descriptionBTCOnly=Comisionul tranzacției -createOffer.tradeFee.descriptionBSQEnabled=Select trade fee currency -createOffer.tradeFee.fiatAndPercent=≈ {0} / {1} of trade amount - -# new entries -createOffer.placeOfferButton=Revizuire: Plasează oferta pentru {0} bitcoin -createOffer.alreadyFunded=Ai finanțat deja această ofertă.\nFondurile tale au fost mutate în portofelul Bisq local și sunt disponibile pentru retragere la ecranul "Fonduri/Trimite fonduri". -createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Finanțează-ți oferta -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Valoarea tranzacției: {0} \n -createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.feesWithBSQ={0} and {1} -createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=Trebuie să depui {0} către această ofertă.\n\nAceste fonduri sunt rezervate în portofelul tău local și vor fi blocate în adresa de depozit multisig odată ce cineva îți va accepta oferta.\n\nSuma este în valoare de:\n{1}- Depozitul de securitate: {2}\n- Comision de tranzacționare: {3}\n- Comision minier: {4}\n\nPoți alege între două variante pentru finanțarea tranzacției:\n- Folosești portofelului tău Bisq (convenient, însă tranzacțiile vor putea fi oricând urmărite) SAU\n- Transfer dintr-un portofel extern (potențial mai confidențial)\n\nVei vedea toate opțiunile și detaliile de finanțare după închiderea acestui pop-up. - -# only first part "An error occurred when placing the offer:" has been used before. We added now the rest (need update in existing translations!) -createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=A intervenit o eroare la plasarea ofertei:\n\n{0}\n\nNiciun fel de fonduri încă nu ți-au părăsit portofelul.\nÎncearcă să îți repornești aplicația și să verifici conexiunea la rețea. -createOffer.setAmountPrice=Setează suma și prețul -createOffer.warnCancelOffer=Ați finanțat deja această ofertă.\nDacă anulezi acum, fondurile tale vor fi mutate în portofelul tău local Bisq și sunt disponibile pentru retragere în ecranul "Fonduri/Trimitere fonduri".\nSigur dorești anulare? -createOffer.timeoutAtPublishing=Perioada de expirare a publicării ofertei a fost depășită. -createOffer.errorInfo=\n\nComisionul ofertantului a fost deja plătit. În cel mai rău caz ai pierdut comisionul. Ne pare rău, dar ia în considerare că este o sumă foarte mică.\nÎncearcă să repornești aplicația și să verifici conexiunea la rețea pentru a vedea dacă astfel poți remedia problema. -createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.warning=Ai setat depozitul de securitate la o valoare mai mică decât valoarea implicită recomandată de {0}.\nSigur dorești să folosești un depozit de securitate mai mic? -createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.makerIsSeller=Îți oferă mai puțină protecție în cazul în care partenerul de tranzacționare nu respectă protocolul comercial. -createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.makerIsBuyer=Oferă o protecție mai redusă partenerului de tranzacționare pe care îl urmărești pe baza protocolului de tranzacționare, deoarece ai mai puține depozite periclitate. Alți utilizatori ar prefera să accepte alte oferte în locul celei tale. -createOffer.resetToDefault=Nu, revenire la valoarea implicită -createOffer.useLowerValue=Da, folosește-mi valoarea inferioară -createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Prețul pe care l-ai introdus este în afara devierii maxime permise de la prețul pieței.\nDevierea maximă permisă este {0} și poate fi ajustată la preferințe. -createOffer.changePrice=Schimbă preț -createOffer.tac=Prin publicarea acestei oferte, sunt de acord să tranzacționez cu orice comerciant care îndeplinește condițiile definite în acest ecran. -createOffer.currencyForFee=Comisionul tranzacției -createOffer.setDeposit=Set buyer's security deposit (%) -createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Set my security deposit as buyer (%) -createOffer.securityDepositInfo=Your buyer''s security deposit will be {0} -createOffer.securityDepositInfoAsBuyer=Your security deposit as buyer will be {0} - - -#################################################################### -# Offerbook / Take offer -#################################################################### - -takeOffer.amount.prompt=Introdu suma în BTC -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Suma de BTC spre vânzare -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Suma de BTC spre cumpărare -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Prețul per bitcoin în {0} -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Posibil interval de valoare -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Suma introdusă de tine depășește numărul de zecimale permise.\nSuma a fost ajustată la 4 zecimale. -takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Suma nu poate fi mai mică decât minimul definit în ofertă. -takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Suma introdusă nu poate fi mai mare decât cea definită în ofertă. -takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmountMinusFee=Această sumă introdusă ar crea mărunțis de praf vânzătorului de BTC. -takeOffer.fundsBox.title=Finanțează-ți tranzacția -takeOffer.fundsBox.isOfferAvailable=Verifică dacă oferta este disponibilă ... -takeOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Amount to sell -takeOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Comisionul tranzacției -takeOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Total mining fees -takeOffer.fundsBox.takeOfferSpinnerInfo=Acceptă oferta în curs ... -takeOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Tranzacția Bisq cu codul {0} -takeOffer.fundsBox.fundsStructure=({0} cauțiune, {1} comision tranzacție, {2} comision minier) -takeOffer.success.headline=Ai acceptat cu succes o ofertă. -takeOffer.success.info=Puteți vedea starea tranzacției tale la \"Portofoliu/Tranzacții deschise\". -takeOffer.error.message=A apărut o eroare la preluarea ofertei.\n\n{0} - -# new entries -takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Revizuire: Acceptă oferta pentru {0} bitcoin -takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=NU poți accepta această ofertă deoarece folosește un preț procentual bazat pe prețul de piață, însă nu există nicio ofertă de preț disponibilă. -takeOffer.alreadyFunded.movedFunds=Ai finanțat deja această ofertă.\nFondurile tale au fost mutate în portofelul Bisq local și sunt disponibile pentru retragere la ecranul "Fonduri/Trimite fonduri". -takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Finanțează-ți tranzacția -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Valoarea tranzacției: {0} \n -takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=Pentru a accepta această ofertă, trebuie să depui {0}.\n\nSuma este în valoare de:\n{1}- Depozitul tău de securitate: {2}\n- Comision tranzacționare: {3}\n- Comision minier: {4}\n\nPentru finanțarea tranzacției, poți alege între două variante:\n- Folosești portofelul tău Bisq (convenient, însă tranzacțiile vor putea fi oricând urmărite) SAU\n- Transfer dintr-un portofel extern (potențial mai confidențial)\n\nVei vedea toate opțiunile și detaliile de finanțare după închiderea acestui pop-up. -takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Dacă deja ai plătit fondurile, le poți retrage în ecranul \"Fonduri/Trimite fonduri\". -takeOffer.paymentInfo=Informații plată -takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Setează suma -takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Ai finanțat deja această ofertă.\nDacă anulezi acum, fondurile tale vor fi mutate în portofelul tău local Bisq și sunt disponibile pentru retragere în ecranul "Fonduri/Trimitere fonduri".\nSigur dorești să anulezi? -takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Solicitarea ofertei ofertantului a eșuat deoarece aceasta nu mai este disponibilă. Posibil ca altcineva între timp să fi preluat oferta. -takeOffer.failed.offerTaken=Nu poți accepta această ofertă deoarece a fost deja luată de un alt comerciant. -takeOffer.failed.offerRemoved=Nu poți accepta această ofertă deoarece între timp a fost îndepărtată. -takeOffer.failed.offererNotOnline=Solicitarea ofertei a eșuat, deoarece inițiatorul nu mai este disponibil online. -takeOffer.failed.offererOffline=Nu poți accepta această ofertă deoarece inițiatorul nu mai este disponibil online. -takeOffer.warning.connectionToPeerLost=Ai pierdut conexiunea cu ofertantul.\nPosibil că acesta a fost deconectat sau a închis conexiunea către tine din cauza a prea multor conexiuni deschise.\n\nDacă încă îi mai poți vedea oferta în cartea de oferte, ai putea încerca să îi accepți oferta din nou. - -takeOffer.error.noFundsLost=\n\nNiciun fel de fonduri încă nu ți-au părăsit portofelul.\nÎncearcă să-ți repornești aplicația și să verifici conexiunea la rețea pentru a vedea dacă astfel poți remedia problema. -takeOffer.error.feePaid=\n\nComisionul acceptantului a fost deja plătit. În cel mai rău caz ai pierdut comisionul.\nÎncearcă să repornești aplicația și să verifici conexiunea la rețea pentru a vedea dacă poți remedia astfel problema. -takeOffer.error.depositPublished=\n\nTranzacția de depozitare a fost deja publicată.\nÎncearcă să îți repornești aplicația și să verifici conexiunea la rețea pentru a vedea dacă astfel poți remedia problema.\nDacă problema persistă, te rugăm să contactezi dezvoltatorii pentru asistență. -takeOffer.error.payoutPublished=\n\nTranzacția de depozitare a fost deja publicată.\nÎncearcă să îți repornești aplicația și să verifici conexiunea la rețea pentru a vedea dacă poți remedia astfel problema.\nDacă problema persistă, te rugăm să contactezi dezvoltatorii pentru asistență. -takeOffer.tac=Prin acceptarea acestei oferte sunt de acord cu condițiile comerciale definite în acest ecran. - - -#################################################################### -# Offerbook / Edit offer -#################################################################### - -editOffer.setPrice=Setează prețul -editOffer.confirmEdit=Confirmare: Editați oferta -editOffer.publishOffer=Publicarea ofertei. -editOffer.failed=Editarea ofertei a eșuat:\n{0} -editOffer.success=Oferta dvs. a fost modificată cu succes. - -#################################################################### -# Portfolio -#################################################################### - -portfolio.tab.openOffers=Ofertele mele deschise -portfolio.tab.pendingTrades=Tranzacții deschise -portfolio.tab.history=Istoric -portfolio.tab.failed=Eșuat -portfolio.tab.editOpenOffer=Editați oferta - -portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Așteaptă confirmarea pe blockchain -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Inițiază plata -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.waitPaymentStarted=Așteptă până la inițierea plății -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.waitPaymentArrived=Așteptă până la confirmarea plății -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmPaymentReceived=Confirmă plata încasată -portfolio.pending.step5.completed=Finalizat - -portfolio.pending.step1.info=Tranzacția de depozitare a fost publicată.\n{0} trebuie să aștepte cel puțin o confirmare de pe blockchain înainte de a începe plata. -portfolio.pending.step1.warn=Tranzacția de depozitare încă nu a ajuns confirmată.\nAcest lucru se poate întâmpla în rare cazuri când comisionul de finanțare din portofelul extern al unui comerciant este prea mic -portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=Tranzacția de depozitare încă nu a fost confirmată.\nAcest lucru se poate întâmpla în rare cazuri când comisionul de finanțare al unui comerciant din portofelul său extern a fost prea mic.\nPerioada de timp pentru tranzacționare a expirat.\n\nPoți aștepta mai mult sau poți contacta arbitrul în vederea deschiderii unei dispute. - -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Tranzacția ta a obținut cel puțin o confirmare pe blockchain.\n(Poți aștepta mai multe confirmări dacă dorești - 6 confirmări sunt considerate foarte sigure.)\n\n - -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.copyPaste=(Puteți copia și lipi valorile din ecranul principal după închiderea ferestrei.) -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.refTextWarn=NU folosi nicio notificare suplimentară în textul \"motiv de plată\" cum ar fi Bitcoin, BTC sau Bisq. -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.accountDetails=Iată detaliile contului de tranzacționare al vânzătorului de BTC:\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.tradeId=Nu uita să adaugi codul de tranzacționare -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.assign=ca \"motivul plății\" astfel încât destinatarul să poată aloca plata ta acestei tranzacții.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees=În cazul în care banca ta cere comision, tu va trebui să acoperi costurile acestor comisioane. -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin=Transferă din portofelul tău extern {0}\n{1} către vânzătorului de BTC.\n\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.cash=Te rugăm să mergi la bancă și să plătești {0} vânzătorului de BTC.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.cash.extra=CERINȚE IMPORTANTE:\nDupă ce ai efectuat plata, scrie pe chitanța de hârtie: FĂRĂ RAMBURS.\nApoi, rupe-o în 2, fă-i o poză și trimiteți-o la adresa de e-mail a vânzătorului de BTC. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGram=Please pay {0} to the BTC seller by using MoneyGram.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGram.extra=IMPORTANT REQUIREMENT:\nAfter you have done the payment send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller.\nThe receipt must clearly show the seller''s full name, country, state and the amount. The seller''s email is: {0}. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion=Te rugăm să plătești {0} vânzătorului de BTC utilizând Western Union.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=CERINȚĂ IMPORTANTĂ:\nDupă ce ai efectuat plata, trimite MTCN-ul (numărul de urmărire) și o fotografie a chitanței prin e-mail către vânzătorul de BTC.\nPe chitanță trebuie să fie afișat clar denumirea completă a vânzătorului, orașul, țara și suma. E-mailul vânzătorului este: {0}. - -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Te rugăm să trimiți {0} prin \"Ordin Monetar Poștal SUA\" către vânzătorul de BTC.\n\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.bank=Te rugăm să navighezi pe pagina ta de online banking și să transferi {0} vânzătorului de BTC.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=Please contact the BTC seller by the provided contact and arrange a meeting to pay {0}.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=Inițierea plății folosind {0} -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=Amount to transfer -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=Seller''s {0} address -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.buyerAccount=Your payment account to be used -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=Plata a fost inițiată -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.warn=Încă nu ai făcut plata {0}!\nReține că tranzacția trebuie încheiată până la data de {1} altfel tranzacția va fi investigată de un arbitru. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.openForDispute=Încă nu ai finalizat plata!\nPerioada maximă de timp pentru tranzacționare a expirat.\n\nTe rugăm să contactezi arbitrul în vederea deschiderii unei dispute. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paperReceipt.headline=Ai trimis chitanța de hârtie vânzătorului de BTC? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paperReceipt.msg=Ține minte:\nTrebuie să scrii pe chitanța de hârtie: FĂRĂ RAMBURS.\nApoi, rupe-o în 2, fă-i o poză și trimiteți-o la adresa de e-mail a vânzătorului de BTC. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGramMTCNInfo.headline=Send Authorisation number and receipt -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGramMTCNInfo.msg=You need to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller.\nThe receipt must clearly show the seller''s full name, country, state and the amount. The seller''s email is: {0}.\n\nDid you send the Authorisation number and contract to the seller? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnionMTCNInfo.headline=MTCN trimis și bon -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnionMTCNInfo.msg=Trebuie să trimiți MTCN-ul (numărul de urmărire) și o fotografie a chitanței prin e-mail vânzătorului de BTC.\nPe chitanță trebuie să fie afișat clar denumirea completă a vânzătorului, orașul, țara și suma. E-mailul vânzătorului este: {0}.\n\nAi trimis MTCN-ul și contractul vânzătorului? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.halCashInfo.headline=Send HalCash code -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.halCashInfo.msg=You need to send a text message with the HalCash code as well as the trade ID ({0}) to the BTC seller.\nThe seller''s mobile nr. is {1}.\n\nDid you send the code to the seller? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fasterPaymentsHolderNameInfo=Some banks might require the receiver's name. The UK sort code and account number is sufficient for a Faster Payment transfer and the receivers name is not verified by any of the banks. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.confirmStart.headline=Confirmă inițierea plății -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.confirmStart.msg=Ai inițiat plata {0} către partenerul tău de schimb? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.confirmStart.yes=Da, am inițiat plata - -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.waitPayment.headline=Așteaptă plata -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.f2fInfo.headline=Buyer's contact information -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.waitPayment.msg=Tranzacția de depozitare are cel puțin o confirmare pe blockchain.\nTrebuie să aștepți până când cumpărătorul de BTC inițiază plata {0}. -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.warn=The BTC buyer still has not done the {0} payment.\nYou need to wait until they have started the payment.\nIf the trade has not been completed on {1} the arbitrator will investigate. -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.openForDispute=Vânzătorul de BTC înca nu a inițiat plata!\nPerioada maximă de timp pentru tranzacționare a expirat.\nPoți aștepta mai mult astfel acordând mai mult timp partenerului de tranzacționare sau poți contacta arbitrul în vederea deschiderii unei dispute. - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.UNDEFINED=Nedefinit -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.SENT=Message sent -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.ARRIVED=Message arrived at peer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.STORED_IN_MAILBOX=Message stored in mailbox -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.ACKNOWLEDGED=Peer confirmed message receipt -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.FAILED=Sending message failed - -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.headline=Așteptă confirmarea plății vânzătorului de BTC -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.info=În așteptarea confirmării vânzătorului de BTC privind primirea plății {0}. -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.msgStateInfo.label=Payment started message status -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part1a=pe blockchain-ul {0} -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part1b=la furnizorul tău de plăți (ex: bancă) -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part2=Vânzătorul de BTC încă nu ți-a confirmat plata!\nVerifică {0} dacă plata a fost executată cu succes.\nDacă vânzătorul de BTC nu confirmă primirea plății până la data de {1} tranzacția va fi investigată de arbitru. -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.openForDispute=Vânzătorul de BTC înca nu ți-a confirmat plata!\nPerioada maximă de timp pentru tranzacționare a expirat.\nPoți aștepta mai mult astfel acordând mai mult timp partenerului de tranzacționare sau poți contacta arbitrul în vederea deschiderii unei dispute. -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.part=Your trading partner has confirmed that they have initiated the {0} payment.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.altcoin.explorer=on your favorite {0} blockchain explorer -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.altcoin.wallet=at your {0} wallet -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.altcoin={0}Please check {1} if the transaction to your receiving address\n{2}\nhas already sufficient blockchain confirmations.\nThe payment amount has to be {3}\n\nYou can copy & paste your {4} address from the main screen after closing that popup. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.postal={0}Verifică dacă ai primit {1} prin \"Ordin de plată poștală SUA\" de la cumpărătorul BTC.\n\nCodul tranzacției (\"motivul plății\") este: \"{2}\" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.bank=Your trading partner has confirmed that they have initiated the {0} payment.\n\nPlease go to your online banking web page and check if you have received {1} from the BTC buyer.\n\nThe trade ID (\"reason for payment\" text) of the transaction is: \"{2}\"\n\n -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.cash=Because the payment is done via Cash Deposit the BTC buyer has to write \"NO REFUND\" on the paper receipt, tear it in 2 parts and send you a photo by email.\n\nTo avoid chargeback risk, only confirm if you received the email and if you are sure the paper receipt is valid.\nIf you are not sure, {0} -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.moneyGram=The buyer has to send you the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email.\nThe receipt must clearly show your full name, country, state and the amount. Please check your email if you received the Authorisation number.\n\nAfter closing that popup you will see the BTC buyer's name and address for picking up the money from MoneyGram.\n\nOnly confirm receipt after you have successfully picked up the money! -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.westernUnion=Cumpărătorul trebuie să îți trimită numărul MTCN (numărul de urmărire) și o fotografie a chitanței prin e-mail.\nPe chitanță trebuie să apară în mod clar numele tău complet, orașul, țara și suma. Verifică-ți adresa de e-mail dacă primești MTCN-ul.\n\nDupă închiderea acestei ferestre vei vedea numele și adresa cumpărătorului de BTC pentru a ridica banii prin Western Union.\n\nConfirmă primirea numai după ce ai ridicat banii! -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.halCash=The buyer has to send you the HalCash code as text message. Beside that you will receive a message from HalCash with the required information to withdraw the EUR from a HalCash supporting ATM.\n\nAfter you have picked up the money from the ATM please confirm here the receipt of the payment! - -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.bankCheck=\n\nVerifică de asemenea dacă numele expeditorului din extrasul tău de cont corespunde cu cel din contractul de tranzacționare:\nNumele expeditorului: {0}\n\nDacă numele nu este același cu cel afișat aici, {1} -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.openDispute=Te rugăm nu confirma ci deschide o dispută introducând \"alt + o\" sau \"option + o\". -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmPaymentReceipt=Confirm primirea plății -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.amountToReceive=Amount to receive -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.yourAddress=Your {0} address -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyersAddress=Buyers {0} address -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.yourAccount=Your trading account -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyersAccount=Buyers trading account -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmReceipt=Confirm primirea plății -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyerStartedPayment=Cumpărătorul de BTC a inițiat plata {0}.\n{1} -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyerStartedPayment.altcoin=Verifică confirmările de blockchain la portofelul tău de altcoin sau în exploratorul de blockchain și confirmă plata atunci când ai primit suficiente confirmări de pe blockchain. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyerStartedPayment.fiat=Verifică-ți contul de tranzacții (ex: contul bancar) și confirmă că ai încasat plata. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part1a=pe blockchain-ul {0} -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part1b=la furnizorul tău de plăți (ex: bancă) -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part2=Încă nu ai confirmat primirea plății!\nVerifică {0} dacă ai primit plata.\nDacă nu confirmi primirea plății până la {1}, tranzacția va fi investigată de arbitru. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.openForDispute=Nu ai confirmat primirea plății!\nPerioada maximă de timp pentru tranzacționare a expirat.\nTe rugăm să confirmi sau să contactezi arbitrul în vederea deschiderii unei dispute. -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.part1=Ai primit plata {0} de la partenerul tău de tranzacționare?\n\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.fiat=Codul de tranzacționare (\"motivul plății\" text) al tranzacției este: \"{0}\"\n\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.name=Verifică totodată dacă numele expeditorului din extrasul tău bancar se potrivește cu unul regăsit în contractul de tranzacționare:\nNumele expeditorului: {0}\n\nDacă numele nu este același cu cel afișat aici, te rugăm să nu confirmi, ci să deschizi o dispută introducând \"alt + o\" sau \"option + o\".\n\n -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.note=Te rugăm reține că de îndată ce ai confirmat primirea, suma tranzacției blocate va fi eliberată către cumpărătorul de BTC, iar depozitul de garanție va fi rambursat. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.headline=Confirmă încasarea plății -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=Da, am încasat plata - -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=Rezumatul tranzacției finalizate -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeFee=Comisionul tranzacției -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.makersMiningFee=Mining fee -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=Total mining fees -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=Refunded security deposit -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=Retrage-ți bitcoinii -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=Amount to withdraw -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=Withdraw to address -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Mută fondurile în portofelul Bisq -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=Retrage în portofel extern -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=Fondurile tale au fost deja retrase.\nVerifică istoricul tranzacțiilor. -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=Confirmă solicitarea de reatragere -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=Suma pentru transfer este mai mică decât comisionul de tranzacție și suma min. posibilă a valorii tx (praf). -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=Retragere finalizată -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=Tranzacțiile tale finalizate sunt stocate sub \"Portofoliu/Istorie\".\nPoți să îți examinezi toate tranzacțiile de bitcoin la \"Fonduri/Tranzacții\" -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.bought=You have bought -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.paid=You have paid - -portfolio.pending.step5_seller.sold=You have sold -portfolio.pending.step5_seller.received=You have received - -tradeFeedbackWindow.title=Congratulations on completing your trade -tradeFeedbackWindow.msg.part1=We'd love to hear back from you about your experience. It'll help us to improve the software and to smooth out any rough edges. If you'd like to provide feedback, please fill out this short survey (no registration required) at: -tradeFeedbackWindow.msg.part2=If you have any questions, or experienced any problems, please get in touch with other users and contributors via the Bisq forum at: -tradeFeedbackWindow.msg.part3=Thanks for using Bisq! - - -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.title=Thank you for testing the Bisq DAO -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.msg.part1=Can you spare 3 minutes to do a quick survey? We're offering 20 BSQ for completed surveys.\nYour feedback is crucial to ensuring a smooth launch on mainnet. -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.surveyLinkLabel=Do survey -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.msg.part2=Questions, or other issues? Discuss with Bisq users and contributors on the forum: -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.forumLinkLabel=Visit forum -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.msg.part3=Thanks for using Bisq! - -portfolio.pending.role=Rolul meu -portfolio.pending.tradeInformation=Informații tranzacții -portfolio.pending.remainingTime=Timp rămas -portfolio.pending.remainingTimeDetail={0} (până {1}) -portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=După prima confirmare de blockchain, începe perioada de tranzacționare. În baza metodei de plată folosite, diferite perioade maxime de tranzacționare permise vor fi aplicate. -portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=Dacă perioada este depășită, ambii utilizatori pot deschide o dispută. -portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Tranzacție nefinalizată la timp (până la {0}) -portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Proces de tranzacționare -portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=Dacă nu ești sigur că mesajul către arbitru a sosit (de ex. dacă nu ai primit un răspuns după 1 zi), nu ezita să deschizi din nou o dispută. -portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Deschide disputa din nou -portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Deschide bilet de asistență -portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Te rugăm folosește această cale doar în situații de urgență, dacă nu apare un buton \"Deschide asistență\" sau \"Deschide dispută\".\n\nÎn momentul deschiderii unui bilet de asistență tranzacția va fi întreruptă și tratată de către arbitru -portfolio.pending.notification=Notificare -portfolio.pending.openDispute=Deschide disputa -portfolio.pending.disputeOpened=Dispută deschisă -portfolio.pending.openSupport=Deschide bilet de asistență -portfolio.pending.supportTicketOpened=Bilet de asistență deschis -portfolio.pending.requestSupport=Solicită asistență -portfolio.pending.error.requestSupport=Te rugăm să raportezi problema arbitrului tău.\n\nAcesta va transmite informațiile dezvoltatorilor pentru a investiga problema.\nDupă ce problema a fost analizată, îți vor fi returnate toate fondurile blocate. -portfolio.pending.communicateWithArbitrator=Te rugăm comunică prin ecranul \"Asistență\" cu arbitrul. -portfolio.pending.supportTicketOpenedMyUser=Ai deschis deja un bilet de suport.\n{0} -portfolio.pending.disputeOpenedMyUser=Ai deschis deja o dispută.\n{0} -portfolio.pending.disputeOpenedByPeer=Partenerul tău de tranzacționare a deschis o dispută\n{0} -portfolio.pending.supportTicketOpenedByPeer=Partenerul tău de tranzacționare a deschis un bilet de suport.\n{0} -portfolio.pending.noReceiverAddressDefined=Nu a fost definită adresa destinatarului -portfolio.pending.removeFailedTrade=În cazul în care arbitrul nu a putut finaliza acea tranzacție, îl poți muta singur către ecranul de tranzacții eșuate.\nDorești să înlături acea tranzacție eșuată de pe ecranul Tranzacții în așteptare? -portfolio.closed.completed=Finalizat -portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=Bilet închis -portfolio.closed.canceled=Anulat -portfolio.failed.Failed=Eșuat - - -#################################################################### -# Funds -#################################################################### - -funds.tab.deposit=Încasare fonduri -funds.tab.withdrawal=Trimite fonduri -funds.tab.reserved=Fonduri rezervate -funds.tab.locked=Fonduri blocate -funds.tab.transactions=Tranzacții - -funds.deposit.unused=Nefolosite -funds.deposit.usedInTx=Folosit în {0} tranzacții -funds.deposit.fundBisqWallet=Finanțează-ți portofelul Bisq -funds.deposit.noAddresses=Nicio adresă de depozit nu a fost încă generată -funds.deposit.fundWallet=Finanțează-ți portofelul -funds.deposit.withdrawFromWallet=Send funds from wallet -funds.deposit.amount=Amount in BTC (optional) -funds.deposit.generateAddress=Generează adresă nouă -funds.deposit.selectUnused=Selectează o adresă neutilizată din tabelul de mai sus, în locul generării uneia noi. - -funds.withdrawal.arbitrationFee=Comision de arbitraj -funds.withdrawal.inputs=Selecția intrărilor -funds.withdrawal.useAllInputs=Folosește toate intrările disponibile -funds.withdrawal.useCustomInputs=Folosește intrări preferențiale -funds.withdrawal.receiverAmount=Suma destinatarului -funds.withdrawal.senderAmount=Suma vânzătorului -funds.withdrawal.feeExcluded=Suma exclude comisionul de minare -funds.withdrawal.feeIncluded=Suma include comisionul de minare -funds.withdrawal.fromLabel=Withdraw from address -funds.withdrawal.toLabel=Withdraw to address -funds.withdrawal.withdrawButton=Retragere selectată -funds.withdrawal.noFundsAvailable=Nu există fonduri pentru retragere -funds.withdrawal.confirmWithdrawalRequest=Confirmă solicitarea de retragere -funds.withdrawal.withdrawMultipleAddresses=Retrage din adrese multiple ({0}) -funds.withdrawal.withdrawMultipleAddresses.tooltip=Retrage din mai multe adrese:\n{0} -funds.withdrawal.notEnoughFunds=Nu ai fonduri suficiente în portofel. -funds.withdrawal.selectAddress=Selectează o adresă sursă din tabel -funds.withdrawal.setAmount=Specifică suma ce urmează a fi retrasă -funds.withdrawal.fillDestAddress=Completează-ți adresa de destinație -funds.withdrawal.warn.noSourceAddressSelected=Trebuie să selectezi o adresă sursă în tabelul de mai sus. -funds.withdrawal.warn.amountExceeds=Nu ai suficiente fonduri disponibile de la adresa selectată.\nConsideră selectarea a mai multor adrese din tabelul de mai sus sau modificarea comenzii pentru a include comisionul de minare. - -funds.reserved.noFunds=Nu există fonduri rezervate în ofertele deschise -funds.reserved.reserved=Rezervat în portofelul local pentru oferta cu codul: {0} - -funds.locked.noFunds=Nu există fonduri blocate în tranzacții -funds.locked.locked=Multisig închegat pentru tranzacția cu codul: {0} - -funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Trimis la: -funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Primit cu: -funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=From Genesis tx: -funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Miner fee for BSQ tx -funds.tx.createOfferFee=Comision ofertant și tx: {0} -funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Comision acceptant și tx: {0} -funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Depozit multisig: {0} -funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Rambursare multisig: {0} -funds.tx.disputePayout=Rambursare dispute: {0} -funds.tx.disputeLost=Caz de dispută pierdută: {0} -funds.tx.unknown=Motiv necunoscut: {0} -funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Nicio rambursare din dispută -funds.tx.receivedFunds=Fonduri încasate -funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Retras din portofel -funds.tx.withdrawnFromBSQWallet=BTC withdrawn from BSQ wallet -funds.tx.noTxAvailable=Nicio tranzacție disponibilă -funds.tx.revert=Revenire -funds.tx.txSent=Tranzacția a fost virată cu succes la o nouă adresă în portofelul Bisq local. -funds.tx.direction.self=Trimite-ți ție -funds.tx.daoTxFee=Miner fee for DAO tx -funds.tx.reimbursementRequestTxFee=Reimbursement request -funds.tx.compensationRequestTxFee=Solicitare de despăgubire - - -#################################################################### -# Support -#################################################################### - -support.tab.support=Bilete de asistență -support.tab.ArbitratorsSupportTickets=Bilete de asistență ale arbitrului -support.tab.TradersSupportTickets=Bilete de asistență ale comerciantului -support.filter=Filter list -support.noTickets=Nu există bilete deschise -support.sendingMessage=Mesajul se transmite... -support.receiverNotOnline=Destinatarul nu este online. Mesajul a fost salvat în căsuța sa poștală. -support.sendMessageError=Sending message failed. Error: {0} -support.wrongVersion=Oferta din această dispută a fost creată cu o versiune mai veche de Bisq.\nNu poți închide această dispută cu versiunea ta actuală de aplicație.\n\nTe rugăm folosește o versiune mai veche cu versiunea de protocol {0} -support.openFile=Deschide fișierul pentru a-l atașa (dimensiunea maximă: {0} kb) -support.attachmentTooLarge=Dimensiunea totală a atașamentelor este de {0} kb și depășește dimensiunea maximă permisă a mesajului de {1} kB. -support.maxSize=Dimensiunea maximă permisă a fișierului este de {0} kB. -support.attachment=Atașament -support.tooManyAttachments=Nu poți trimite mai mult de 3 atașamente într-un singur mesaj. -support.save=Salvează fișier pe disc -support.messages=Mesaje -support.input.prompt=Introdu aici mesajul tău către arbitru -support.send=Trimite -support.addAttachments=Adaugă atașamente -support.closeTicket=Închide bilet -support.attachments=Atașamente: -support.savedInMailbox=Mesaj salvat în căsuța poștală a destinatarului -support.arrived=Mesaj ajuns la destinatar -support.acknowledged=Message arrival confirmed by receiver -support.error=Receiver could not process message. Error: {0} -support.buyerAddress=Adresa cumpărătorului de BTC -support.sellerAddress=Adresa vânzătorului de BTC -support.role=Rol -support.state=Statut -support.closed=Închis -support.open=Deschis -support.buyerOfferer=Ofertant/Cumpărător BTC -support.sellerOfferer=Ofertant/Vânzător BTC -support.buyerTaker=Acceptant/Cumpărător BTC -support.sellerTaker=Acceptant/Vânzător BTC -support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nIf there are disputes in the trade process (e.g. one trader does not follow the trade protocol) the application will display an \"Open dispute\" button after the trade period is over for contacting the arbitrator.\n\nIf there is an issue with the application, the software will try to detect it and, if possible, display an \"Open support ticket\" button to contact the arbitrator who will forward the issue to the developers.\n\nIf you are having an issue and did not see the \"Open support ticket\" button, you can open a support ticket manually by selecting the trade causing issues under \"Portfolio/Open trades\" and hitting \"alt + o\" or \"option + o\". Please use this method only if you are sure that the software is not working as expected. If you have problems or questions, please review the FAQ on the bisq.network web page or post in the Bisq forum in the Support section. - -support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the arbitrator's requests within 2 days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the arbitrator and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: https://bisq.network/docs/exchange/arbitration-system -support.systemMsg=Mesaj de sistem: {0} -support.youOpenedTicket=You opened a request for support.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1} -support.youOpenedDispute=You opened a request for a dispute.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1} -support.peerOpenedTicket=Your trading peer has requested support due technical problems.\n\n{0} -support.peerOpenedDispute=Partenerul tău de tranzacționare a solicitat o dispută.\n\n{0} - - -#################################################################### -# Settings -#################################################################### -settings.tab.preferences=Preferințe -settings.tab.network=Informații rețea -settings.tab.about=Despre - -setting.preferences.general=Preferințe generale -setting.preferences.explorer=Bitcoin block explorer -setting.preferences.deviation=Max. deviation from market price -setting.preferences.avoidStandbyMode=Avoid standby mode -setting.preferences.deviationToLarge=Valori mai mari de 30% nu sunt permise. -setting.preferences.txFee=Withdrawal transaction fee (satoshis/byte) -setting.preferences.useCustomValue=Folosește valoare preferențială -setting.preferences.txFeeMin=Comisionul de tranzacție trebuie să fie de cel puțin 5 satoshi/octet -setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=Valoarea introdusă de tine întrece orice limită rezonabilă (>5000 satoshi/octet). Comisionul de tranzacție este de obicei între 50-400 satoshi/octet. -setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Ignore peers with onion address (comma sep.) -setting.preferences.refererId=Referral ID -setting.preferences.refererId.prompt=Optional referral ID -setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Valute în lista de prețuri a bursei -setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Preferred currency -setting.preferences.displayFiat=Display national currencies -setting.preferences.noFiat=Nu apare selectată nicio monedă națională -setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Nu poți elimina valuta ta preferată selectată pentru afișare -setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Display altcoins -setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Nu au fost selectate altcoin-uri -setting.preferences.addFiat=Adaugă valută națională -setting.preferences.addAltcoin=Adaugă altcoin -setting.preferences.displayOptions=Opțiuni afișare -setting.preferences.showOwnOffers=Show my own offers in offer book -setting.preferences.useAnimations=Use animations -setting.preferences.sortWithNumOffers=Sort market lists with no. of offers/trades -setting.preferences.resetAllFlags=Reset all \"Don't show again\" flags -setting.preferences.reset=Resetare -settings.preferences.languageChange=Pentru aplicarea modificării limbii pe toate ecranele este necesară o repornire. -settings.preferences.arbitrationLanguageWarning=În cazul unui litigiu, rețineți că arbitrajul este tratat în {0}. -settings.preferences.selectCurrencyNetwork=Select network -setting.preferences.daoOptions=DAO options -setting.preferences.dao.resync.label=Rebuild DAO state from genesis tx -setting.preferences.dao.resync.button=Resync -setting.preferences.dao.resync.popup=After an application restart the BSQ consensus state will be rebuilt from the genesis transaction. -setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=Run Bisq as DAO full node -setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=RPC username -setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=RPC password -setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo=For running Bisq as DAO full node you need to have Bitcoin Core locally running and configured with RPC and other requirements which are documented in ''{0}''. -setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo.ok=Open docs page -setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo.cancel=No, I stick with lite node mode - -settings.net.btcHeader=Rețeaua Bitcoin -settings.net.p2pHeader=Rețeaua P2P -settings.net.onionAddressLabel=My onion address -settings.net.btcNodesLabel=Folosește noduri Bitcoin Core preferențiale -settings.net.bitcoinPeersLabel=Connected peers -settings.net.useTorForBtcJLabel=Use Tor for Bitcoin network -settings.net.bitcoinNodesLabel=Bitcoin Core nodes to connect to -settings.net.useProvidedNodesRadio=Folosește noduri Bitcoin Core prestabilite -settings.net.usePublicNodesRadio=Folosește rețeaua Bitcoin publică -settings.net.useCustomNodesRadio=Folosește noduri Bitcoin Core preferențiale -settings.net.warn.usePublicNodes=Dacă folosești rețeaua publică de Bitcoin vei fi expus la probleme grave de confidențialitate provocate de designul și implementarea filtrului eronat bloom care este folosit pentru portofele SPV precum BitcoinJ (folosit în Bisq). Orice nod complet la care ești conectat îți poate afla toate adresele de portofel ca aparținând unei singure entități.\n\nTe invităm să citești mai multe în detaliu la: https://bisq.network/blog/privacy-in-bitsquare.\n\nSigur dorești să folosești nodurile publice? -settings.net.warn.usePublicNodes.useProvided=Nu, folosește noduri implicite -settings.net.warn.usePublicNodes.usePublic=Da, folosește rețeaua publică -settings.net.warn.useCustomNodes.B2XWarning=Please be sure that your Bitcoin node is a trusted Bitcoin Core node!\n\nConnecting to nodes which do not follow the Bitcoin Core consensus rules could corrupt your wallet and cause problems in the trade process.\n\nUsers who connect to nodes that violate consensus rules are responsible for any resulting damage. Any resulting disputes will be decided in favor of the other peer. No technical support will be given to users who ignore this warning and protection mechanisms! -settings.net.localhostBtcNodeInfo=(Background information: If you are running a local Bitcoin node (localhost) you can connect exclusively to it.) -settings.net.p2PPeersLabel=Connected peers -settings.net.onionAddressColumn=Adresa de Onion -settings.net.creationDateColumn=Stabilită -settings.net.connectionTypeColumn=În/Afară -settings.net.totalTrafficLabel=Total traffic -settings.net.roundTripTimeColumn=Tur-retur -settings.net.sentBytesColumn=Trimis -settings.net.receivedBytesColumn=Recepționat -settings.net.peerTypeColumn=Tip partener -settings.net.openTorSettingsButton=Deschide setări Tor - -settings.net.needRestart=Trebuie să repornești aplicația pentru a aplica modificările.\nDorești să faci asta acum? -settings.net.notKnownYet=Încă necunoscut... -settings.net.sentReceived=Trimise: {0}, primite: {1} -settings.net.ips=[adresa IP:port | nume gazdă:port | adresa onion:port] (separate prin virgulă). Portul poate fi omis dacă este folosit cel implicit (8333). -settings.net.seedNode=Nod-nucleu -settings.net.directPeer=Partener (direct) -settings.net.peer=Partener -settings.net.inbound=Intrare -settings.net.outbound=ieșire -settings.net.reSyncSPVChainLabel=Resincronizează lanțul SPV -settings.net.reSyncSPVChainButton=Șterge fișierul SPV și resincronizează -settings.net.reSyncSPVSuccess=The SPV chain file will be deleted on the next startup. You need to restart your application now.\n\nAfter the restart it can take a while to resync with the network and you will only see all transactions once the resync is completed.\n\nPlease restart again after the resync has completed because there are sometimes inconsistencies that result in incorrect balances to display. -settings.net.reSyncSPVAfterRestart=The SPV chain file has been deleted. Please be patient. It can take a while to resync with the network. -settings.net.reSyncSPVAfterRestartCompleted=Resincronizarea s-a încheiat. Te rog repornește aplicația. -settings.net.reSyncSPVFailed=Nu s-a putut șterge fișierul lanțului SPV.\nEroare: {0} -setting.about.aboutBisq=Despre Bisq -setting.about.about=Bisq is open-source software which facilitates the exchange of bitcoin with national currencies (and other cryptocurrencies) through a decentralized peer-to-peer network in a way that strongly protects user privacy. Learn more about Bisq on our project web page. -setting.about.web=Pagina web Bisq -setting.about.code=Cod sursă -setting.about.agpl=Licență AGPL -setting.about.support=Susține Bisq -setting.about.def=Bisq is not a company—it is a project open to the community. If you want to participate or support Bisq please follow the links below. -setting.about.contribute=Contribuie -setting.about.donate=Donează -setting.about.providers=Furnizori de date -setting.about.apisWithFee=Bisq folosește API-urile unor terți furnizori în preluarea prețurilor de piață Fiat și Altcoin precum și pentru estimarea comisionului de minare. -setting.about.apis=Bisq folosește API-urile unor terți furnizori în preluarea prețurilor de piață Fiat și Altcoin. -setting.about.pricesProvided=Market prices provided by -setting.about.pricesProviders={0}, {1} și {2} -setting.about.feeEstimation.label=Mining fee estimation provided by -setting.about.versionDetails=Detaliile versiunii -setting.about.version=Application version -setting.about.subsystems.label=Versions of subsystems -setting.about.subsystems.val=Versiune rețea: {0}; Versiune mesaj P2P: {1}; Versiune BD locală: {2}; Versiune protocol de tranzacționare: {3} - - -#################################################################### -# Account -#################################################################### - -account.tab.arbitratorRegistration=Înregistrare arbitru -account.tab.account=Cont -account.info.headline=Bine ai venit în contul tău Bisq -account.info.msg=Here you can add trading accounts for national currencies & altcoins, select arbitrators, and create a backup of your wallet & account data.\n\nA new Bitcoin wallet was created the first time you started Bisq.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you write down your Bitcoin wallet seed words (see tab on the top) and consider adding a password before funding. Bitcoin deposits and withdrawals are managed in the \"Funds\" section.\n\nPrivacy & security note: because Bisq is a decentralized exchange, all your data is kept on your computer. There are no servers, so we have no access to your personal info, your funds, or even your IP address. Data such as bank account numbers, altcoin & Bitcoin addresses, etc are only shared with your trading partner to fulfill trades you initiate (in case of a dispute the arbitrator will see the same data as your trading peer). - -account.menu.paymentAccount=Conturile valutelor naționale -account.menu.altCoinsAccountView=Conturi altcoin -account.menu.password=Parolă portofel -account.menu.seedWords=Nucleu portofel -account.menu.backup=Copie de rezervă -account.menu.notifications=Notifications - -account.arbitratorRegistration.pubKey=Public key - -account.arbitratorRegistration.register=Înregistrează arbitru -account.arbitratorRegistration.revoke=Revocă înregistrarea -account.arbitratorRegistration.info.msg=Please note that you need to stay available for 15 days after revoking as there might be trades which are using you as arbitrator. The max. allowed trade period is 8 days and the dispute process might take up to 7 days. -account.arbitratorRegistration.warn.min1Language=Trebuie să setezi cel puțin 1 limbă.\nAm adăugat limba prestabilită pentru tine. -account.arbitratorRegistration.removedSuccess=Ți-ai înlăturat cu succes arbitrul din rețeaua P2P. -account.arbitratorRegistration.removedFailed=Arbitrul nu a putut fi eliminat.{0} -account.arbitratorRegistration.registerSuccess=Ți-ai înregistrat cu succes arbitrul în rețeaua P2P. -account.arbitratorRegistration.registerFailed=Arbitrul nu a putut fi înregistrat.{0} - -account.arbitratorSelection.minOneArbitratorRequired=Trebuie să setezi cel puțin 1 limbă.\nAm adăugat limba prestabilită pentru tine. -account.arbitratorSelection.whichLanguages=Ce limbi vorbești? -account.arbitratorSelection.whichDoYouAccept=Care arbitri îi accepți -account.arbitratorSelection.autoSelect=Selectare automată a tuturor arbitrilor cu limba corespunzătoare -account.arbitratorSelection.regDate=Data înregistrării -account.arbitratorSelection.languages=Limbi -account.arbitratorSelection.cannotSelectHimself=Un arbitru nu se poate selecta pe sine pentru tranzacționare. -account.arbitratorSelection.noMatchingLang=Nu există limbi corespunzătoare. -account.arbitratorSelection.noLang=Poți selecta doar arbitri care vorbesc cel puțin 1 limbă comună. -account.arbitratorSelection.minOne=Trebuie să ai ales cel puțin un arbitru. - -account.altcoin.yourAltcoinAccounts=Your altcoin accounts -account.altcoin.popup.wallet.msg=Please be sure that you follow the requirements for the usage of {0} wallets as described on the {1} web page.\nUsing wallets from centralized exchanges where (a) you don''t control your keys or (b) which don''t use compatible wallet software is risky: it can lead to loss of the traded funds!\nThe arbitrator is not a {2} specialist and cannot help in such cases. -account.altcoin.popup.wallet.confirm=Înțeleg și confirm că știu ce portofel trebuie să folosesc. -account.altcoin.popup.arq.msg=Trading ARQ on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nFor sending ARQ, you need to use either the official ArQmA GUI wallet or ArQmA CLI wallet with the store-tx-info flag enabled (default in new versions). Please be sure you can access the tx key as that would be required in case of a dispute.\narqma-wallet-cli (use the command get_tx_key)\narqma-wallet-gui (go to history tab and click on the (P) button for payment proof)\n\nAt normal block explorers the transfer is not verifiable.\n\nYou need to provide the arbitrator the following data in case of a dispute:\n- The tx private key\n- The transaction hash\n- The recipient's public address\n\nFailure to provide the above data, or if you used an incompatible wallet, will result in losing the dispute case. The ARQ sender is responsible for providing verification of the ARQ transfer to the arbitrator in case of a dispute.\n\nThere is no payment ID required, just the normal public address.\nIf you are not sure about that process visit ArQmA discord channel (https://discord.gg/s9BQpJT) or the ArQmA forum (https://labs.arqma.com) to find more information. -account.altcoin.popup.xmr.msg=Trading XMR on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nFor sending XMR, you need to use either the official Monero GUI wallet or Monero CLI wallet with the store-tx-info flag enabled (default in new versions). Please be sure you can access the tx key as that would be required in case of a dispute.\nmonero-wallet-cli (use the command get_tx_key)\nmonero-wallet-gui (go to history tab and click on the (P) button for payment proof)\n\nIn addition to XMR checktx tool (https://xmr.llcoins.net/checktx.html) verification can also be accomplished in-wallet.\nmonero-wallet-cli : using command (check_tx_key).\nmonero-wallet-gui : on the Advanced > Prove/Check page.\nAt normal block explorers the transfer is not verifiable.\n\nYou need to provide the arbitrator the following data in case of a dispute:\n- The tx private key\n- The transaction hash\n- The recipient's public address\n\nFailure to provide the above data, or if you used an incompatible wallet, will result in losing the dispute case. The XMR sender is responsible for providing verification of the XMR transfer to the arbitrator in case of a dispute.\n\nThere is no payment ID required, just the normal public address.\nIf you are not sure about that process visit (https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/prove-payment.html) or the Monero forum (https://forum.getmonero.org) to find more information. -account.altcoin.popup.blur.msg=Trading BLUR on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send BLUR you must use the Blur Network CLI or GUI Wallet. \n\nIf you are using the CLI wallet, a transaction hash (tx ID) will be displayed after a transfer is sent. You must save this information. Immediately after sending the transfer, you must use the command 'get_tx_key' to retrieve the transaction private key. If you fail to perform this step, you may not be able to retrieve the key later. \n\nIf you are using the Blur Network GUI Wallet, the transaction private key and transaction ID can be found conveniently in the "History" tab. Immediately after sending, locate the transaction of interest. Click the "?" symbol in the lower-right corner of the box containing the transaction. You must save this information. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an arbitrator: 1.) the transaction ID, 2.) the transaction private key, and 3.) the recipient's address. The arbitrator will then verify the BLUR transfer using the Blur Transaction Viewer (https://blur.cash/#tx-viewer).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the BLUR sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the Blur Network Discord (https://discord.gg/dMWaqVW). -account.altcoin.popup.cash2.msg=Trading CASH2 on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send CASH2 you must use the Cash2 Wallet version 3 or higher. \n\nAfter a transaction is sent, the transaction ID will be displayed. You must save this information. Immediately after sending the transaction, you must use the command 'getTxKey' in simplewallet to retrieve the transaction secret key. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an arbitrator: 1) the transaction ID, 2) the transaction secret key, and 3) the recipient's Cash2 address. The arbitrator will then verify the CASH2 transfer using the Cash2 Block Explorer (https://blocks.cash2.org).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the CASH2 sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the Cash2 Discord (https://discord.gg/FGfXAYN). -account.altcoin.popup.qwertycoin.msg=Trading Qwertycoin on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send QWC you must use the official QWC Wallet version 5.1.3 or higher. \n\nAfter a transaction is sent, the transaction ID will be displayed. You must save this information. Immediately after sending the transaction, you must use the command 'get_Tx_Key' in simplewallet to retrieve the transaction secret key. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an arbitrator: 1) the transaction ID, 2) the transaction secret key, and 3) the recipient's QWC address. The arbitrator will then verify the QWC transfer using the QWC Block Explorer (https://explorer.qwertycoin.org).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the QWC sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the QWC Discord (https://discord.gg/rUkfnpC). -account.altcoin.popup.drgl.msg=Trading Dragonglass on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nBecause of the privacy Dragonglass provides, a transaction is not verifiable on the public blockchain. If required, you can prove your payment through the use of your TXN-Private-Key.\nThe TXN-Private Key is a one-time key automatically generated for every transaction that can only be accessed from within your DRGL wallet.\nEither by DRGL-wallet GUI (inside transaction details dialog) or by the Dragonglass CLI simplewallet (using command "get_tx_key").\n\nDRGL version 'Oathkeeper' and higher are REQUIRED for both.\n\nIn case of a dispute, you must provide the arbitrator the following data:\n- The TXN-Private key\n- The transaction hash\n- The recipient's public address\n\nVerification of payment can be made using the above data as inputs at (http://drgl.info/#check_txn).\n\nFailure to provide the above data, or if you used an incompatible wallet, will result in losing the dispute case. The Dragonglass sender is responsible for providing verification of the DRGL transfer to the arbitrator in case of a dispute. Use of PaymentID is not required.\n\nIf you are unsure about any part of this process, visit Dragonglass on Discord (http://discord.drgl.info) for help. -account.altcoin.popup.ZEC.msg=When using Zcash you can only use the transparent addresses (starting with t) not the z-addresses (private), because the arbitrator would not be able to verify the transaction with z-addresses. -account.altcoin.popup.XZC.msg=When using Zcoin you can only use the transparent (traceable) addresses not the untraceable addresses, because the arbitrator would not be able to verify the transaction with untraceable addresses at a block explorer. -account.altcoin.popup.grin.msg=GRIN requires an interactive process between the sender and receiver to create the transaction. Be sure to follow the instructions from the GRIN project web page to reliably send and receive GRIN (the receiver needs to be online or at least be online during a certain time frame). \n\nBisq supports only the Grinbox (Wallet713) wallet URL format. \n\nThe GRIN sender is required to provide proof that they have sent GRIN successfully. If the wallet cannot provide that proof, a potential dispute will be resolved in favor of the GRIN receiver. Please be sure that you use the latest Grinbox software which supports the transaction proof and that you understand the process of transferring and receiving GRIN as well as how to create the proof. \n\nSee https://github.com/vault713/wallet713/blob/master/docs/usage.md#transaction-proofs-grinbox-only for more information about the Grinbox proof tool. -account.altcoin.popup.beam.msg=BEAM requires an interactive process between the sender and receiver to create the transaction. \n\nBe sure to follow the instructions from the BEAM project web page to reliably send and receive BEAM (the receiver needs to be online or at least be online during a certain time frame). \n\nThe BEAM sender is required to provide proof that they sent BEAM successfully. Be sure to use wallet software which can produce such a proof. If the wallet cannot provide the proof a potential dispute will be resolved in favor of the BEAM receiver. - -account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=Your national currency accounts - -account.backup.title=Copie de rezervă a portofelului -account.backup.location=Backup location -account.backup.selectLocation=Selectează locul salvării de rezervă: -account.backup.backupNow=Fă salvare de rezervă acum (aceasta nu este criptată) -account.backup.appDir=Director de date ale aplicației -account.backup.logFile=Fișierul Jurnal -account.backup.openDirectory=Deschide directorul -account.backup.openLogFile=Deschide fișierul Jurnal -account.backup.success=Backup-ul a fost salvat cu succes la:\n{0} -account.backup.directoryNotAccessible=Directorul pe care l-ai ales nu este accesibil. {0} - -account.password.removePw.button=Înlătură parola -account.password.removePw.headline=Înlătură protecția prin parolă a portofelului -account.password.setPw.button=Setează parola -account.password.setPw.headline=Setează protecția prin parolă a portofelului -account.password.info=With password protection you'll need to enter your password at application startup, when withdrawing bitcoin out of your wallet, and when restoring your wallet from seed words. - -account.seed.backup.title=Salvează cuvintele-nucleu ale portofelului tău -account.seed.info=Please write down both wallet seed words and the date! You can recover your wallet any time with seed words and the date.\nThe same seed words are used for the BTC and BSQ wallet.\n\nYou should write down the seed words on a sheet of paper. Do not save them on your computer.\n\nPlease note that the seed words are NOT a replacement for a backup.\nYou need to create a backup of the whole application directory from the \"Account/Backup\" screen to recover application state and data.\nImporting seed words is only recommended for emergency cases. The application will not be functional without a proper backup of the database files and keys! -account.seed.warn.noPw.msg=Nu ai creat o parolă pentru portofel care să protejeze afișarea cuvintelor-nucleu.\n\nDorești afișarea cuvintelor-nucleu? -account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Da, și nu mă mai întreba vreodată -account.seed.enterPw=Introdu parola pentru a vizualiza cuvintele-nucleu -account.seed.restore.info=Please make a backup before applying restore from seed words. Be aware that wallet restore is only for emergency cases and might cause problems with the internal wallet database.\nIt is not a way for applying a backup! Please use a backup from the application data directory for restoring a previous application state.\n\nAfter restoring the application will shut down automatically. After you have restarted the application it will resync with the Bitcoin network. This can take a while and can consume a lot of CPU, especially if the wallet was older and had many transactions. Please avoid interrupting that process, otherwise you might need to delete the SPV chain file again or repeat the restore process. -account.seed.restore.ok=Ok, do the restore and shut down Bisq - - -#################################################################### -# Mobile notifications -#################################################################### - -account.notifications.setup.title=Setup -account.notifications.download.label=Download mobile app -account.notifications.download.button=Download -account.notifications.waitingForWebCam=Waiting for webcam... -account.notifications.webCamWindow.headline=Scan QR-code from phone -account.notifications.webcam.label=Use webcam -account.notifications.webcam.button=Scan QR code -account.notifications.noWebcam.button=I don't have a webcam -account.notifications.testMsg.label=Send test notification -account.notifications.testMsg.title=Test -account.notifications.erase.label=Clear notifications on phone -account.notifications.erase.title=Clear notifications -account.notifications.email.label=Pairing token -account.notifications.email.prompt=Enter pairing token you received by email -account.notifications.settings.title=Setări -account.notifications.useSound.label=Play notification sound on phone -account.notifications.trade.label=Receive trade messages -account.notifications.market.label=Receive offer alerts -account.notifications.price.label=Receive price alerts -account.notifications.priceAlert.title=Price alerts -account.notifications.priceAlert.high.label=Notify if BTC price is above -account.notifications.priceAlert.low.label=Notify if BTC price is below -account.notifications.priceAlert.setButton=Set price alert -account.notifications.priceAlert.removeButton=Remove price alert -account.notifications.trade.message.title=Trade state changed -account.notifications.trade.message.msg.conf=The deposit transaction for the trade with ID {0} is confirmed. Please open your Bisq application and start the payment. -account.notifications.trade.message.msg.started=The BTC buyer has started the payment for the trade with ID {0}. -account.notifications.trade.message.msg.completed=The trade with ID {0} is completed. -account.notifications.offer.message.title=Your offer was taken -account.notifications.offer.message.msg=Your offer with ID {0} was taken -account.notifications.dispute.message.title=New dispute message -account.notifications.dispute.message.msg=You received a dispute message for trade with ID {0} - -account.notifications.marketAlert.title=Offer alerts -account.notifications.marketAlert.selectPaymentAccount=Offers matching payment account -account.notifications.marketAlert.offerType.label=Offer type I am interested in -account.notifications.marketAlert.offerType.buy=Buy offers (I want to sell BTC) -account.notifications.marketAlert.offerType.sell=Sell offers (I want to buy BTC) -account.notifications.marketAlert.trigger=Offer price distance (%) -account.notifications.marketAlert.trigger.info=With a price distance set, you will only receive an alert when an offer that meets (or exceeds) your requirements is published. Example: you want to sell BTC, but you will only sell at a 2% premium to the current market price. Setting this field to 2% will ensure you only receive alerts for offers with prices that are 2% (or more) above the current market price. -account.notifications.marketAlert.trigger.prompt=Percentage distance from market price (e.g. 2.50%, -0.50%, etc) -account.notifications.marketAlert.addButton=Add offer alert -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlertsButton=Manage offer alerts -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.title=Manage offer alerts -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.label=Offer alerts -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.item=Offer alert for {0} offer with trigger price {1} and payment account {2} -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.header.paymentAccount=Payment account -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.header.trigger=Trigger price -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.header.offerType=Tipul ofertei -account.notifications.marketAlert.message.title=Offer alert -account.notifications.marketAlert.message.msg.below=below -account.notifications.marketAlert.message.msg.above=above -account.notifications.marketAlert.message.msg=A new ''{0} {1}'' offer with price {2} ({3} {4} market price) and payment method ''{5}'' was published to the Bisq offerbook.\nOffer ID: {6}. -account.notifications.priceAlert.message.title=Price alert for {0} -account.notifications.priceAlert.message.msg=Your price alert got triggered. The current {0} price is {1} {2} -account.notifications.noWebCamFound.warning=No webcam found.\n\nPlease use the email option to send the token and encryption key from your mobile phone to the Bisq application. -account.notifications.priceAlert.warning.highPriceTooLow=The higher price must be larger than the lower price. -account.notifications.priceAlert.warning.lowerPriceTooHigh=The lower price must be lower than the higher price. - - - - -#################################################################### -# DAO -#################################################################### - -dao.tab.factsAndFigures=Facts & Figures -dao.tab.bsqWallet=Portofel BSQ -dao.tab.proposals=Governance -dao.tab.bonding=Bonding -dao.tab.proofOfBurn=Asset listing fee/Proof of burn -dao.tab.monitor=Network monitor -dao.tab.news=News - -dao.paidWithBsq=plătit cu BSQ -dao.availableBsqBalance=Available for spending (verified + unconfirmed change outputs) -dao.verifiedBsqBalance=Balance of all verified UTXOs -dao.unconfirmedChangeBalance=Balance of all unconfirmed change outputs -dao.unverifiedBsqBalance=Balance of all unverified transactions (awaiting block confirmation) -dao.lockedForVoteBalance=Used for voting -dao.lockedInBonds=Locked in bonds -dao.availableNonBsqBalance=Available non-BSQ balance (BTC) -dao.totalBsqBalance=Soldul total BSQ - -dao.tx.published.success=Tranzacția ta a fost publicată cu succes. -dao.proposal.menuItem.make=Creează solicitare -dao.proposal.menuItem.browse=Browse open proposals -dao.proposal.menuItem.vote=Vote on proposals -dao.proposal.menuItem.result=Vote results -dao.cycle.headline=Voting cycle -dao.cycle.overview.headline=Voting cycle overview -dao.cycle.currentPhase=Current phase -dao.cycle.currentBlockHeight=Current block height -dao.cycle.proposal=Proposal phase -dao.cycle.proposal.next=Next proposal phase -dao.cycle.blindVote=Blind vote phase -dao.cycle.voteReveal=Vote reveal phase -dao.cycle.voteResult=Vote result -dao.cycle.phaseDuration={0} blocks (≈{1}); Block {2} - {3} (≈{4} - ≈{5}) -dao.cycle.phaseDurationWithoutBlocks=Block {0} - {1} (≈{2} - ≈{3}) - -dao.voteReveal.txPublished.headLine=Vote reveal transaction published -dao.voteReveal.txPublished=Your vote reveal transaction with transaction ID {0} was successfully published.\n\nThis happens automatically by the software if you have participated in the DAO voting. - -dao.results.cycles.header=Cycles -dao.results.cycles.table.header.cycle=Cycle -dao.results.cycles.table.header.numProposals=Despăgubire -dao.results.cycles.table.header.numVotes=Votes -dao.results.cycles.table.header.voteWeight=Vote weight -dao.results.cycles.table.header.issuance=Issuance - -dao.results.results.table.item.cycle=Cycle {0} started: {1} - -dao.results.proposals.header=Proposals of selected cycle -dao.results.proposals.table.header.proposalOwnerName=Nume -dao.results.proposals.table.header.details=Detalii -dao.results.proposals.table.header.myVote=My vote -dao.results.proposals.table.header.result=Vote result - -dao.results.proposals.voting.detail.header=Vote results for selected proposal - -dao.results.exceptions=Vote result exception(s) - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.UNDEFINED=Nedefinit - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.DEFAULT_MAKER_FEE_BSQ=BSQ maker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.DEFAULT_TAKER_FEE_BSQ=BSQ taker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MIN_MAKER_FEE_BSQ=Min. BSQ maker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MIN_TAKER_FEE_BSQ=Min. BSQ taker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.DEFAULT_MAKER_FEE_BTC=BTC maker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.DEFAULT_TAKER_FEE_BTC=BTC taker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MIN_MAKER_FEE_BTC=Min. BTC maker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MIN_TAKER_FEE_BTC=Min. BTC taker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.PROPOSAL_FEE=Proposal fee in BSQ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.BLIND_VOTE_FEE=Voting fee in BSQ - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.COMPENSATION_REQUEST_MIN_AMOUNT=Compensation request min. BSQ amount -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.COMPENSATION_REQUEST_MAX_AMOUNT=Compensation request max. BSQ amount -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.REIMBURSEMENT_MIN_AMOUNT=Reimbursement request min. BSQ amount -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.REIMBURSEMENT_MAX_AMOUNT=Reimbursement request max. BSQ amount - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_GENERIC=Required quorum in BSQ for generic proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_COMP_REQUEST=Required quorum in BSQ for compensation request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_REIMBURSEMENT=Required quorum in BSQ for reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_CHANGE_PARAM=Required quorum in BSQ for changing a parameter -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_REMOVE_ASSET=Required quorum in BSQ for removing an asset -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_CONFISCATION=Required quorum in BSQ for a confiscation request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_ROLE=Required quorum in BSQ for bonded role requests - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_GENERIC=Required threshold in % for generic proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_COMP_REQUEST=Required threshold in % for compensation request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_REIMBURSEMENT=Required threshold in % for reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_CHANGE_PARAM=Required threshold in % for changing a parameter -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_REMOVE_ASSET=Required threshold in % for removing an asset -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_CONFISCATION=Required threshold in % for a confiscation request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_ROLE=Required threshold in % for bonded role requests - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.RECIPIENT_BTC_ADDRESS=Recipient BTC address - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=Asset listing fee per day -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Min. trade volume for assets - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Lock time for alternative trade payout tx -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Arbitrator fee in BTC - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MAX_TRADE_LIMIT=Max. trade limit in BTC - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.BONDED_ROLE_FACTOR=Bonded role unit factor in BSQ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.ISSUANCE_LIMIT=Issuance limit per cycle in BSQ - -dao.param.currentValue=Current value: {0} -dao.param.blocks={0} blocks - -dao.results.cycle.duration.label=Duration of {0} -dao.results.cycle.duration.value={0} block(s) -dao.results.cycle.value.postFix.isDefaultValue=(default value) -dao.results.cycle.value.postFix.hasChanged=(has been changed in voting) - -dao.results.invalidVotes.proposal=Solicitare de despăgubire -dao.results.invalidVotes=We had invalid votes in that voting cycle. That can happen if a vote was not distributed well in the P2P network.\n{0} - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_UNDEFINED=Nedefinit -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_PROPOSAL=Proposal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_BREAK1=Break 1 -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_BLIND_VOTE=Blind vote phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_BREAK2=Break 2 -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_VOTE_REVEAL=Vote reveal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_BREAK3=Break 3 -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_RESULT=Result phase - -dao.results.votes.table.header.stakeAndMerit=Vote weight -dao.results.votes.table.header.stake=Stake -dao.results.votes.table.header.merit=Earned -dao.results.votes.table.header.vote=Votează - -dao.bond.menuItem.bondedRoles=Bonded roles -dao.bond.menuItem.reputation=Bonded reputation -dao.bond.menuItem.bonds=Bonds - -dao.bond.dashboard.bondsHeadline=Bonded BSQ -dao.bond.dashboard.lockupAmount=Lockup funds -dao.bond.dashboard.unlockingAmount=Unlocking funds (wait until lock time is over) - - -dao.bond.reputation.header=Lockup a bond for reputation -dao.bond.reputation.table.header=My reputation bonds -dao.bond.reputation.amount=Amount of BSQ to lockup -dao.bond.reputation.time=Unlock time in blocks -dao.bond.reputation.salt=Salt -dao.bond.reputation.hash=Hash -dao.bond.reputation.lockupButton=Lockup -dao.bond.reputation.lockup.headline=Confirm lockup transaction -dao.bond.reputation.lockup.details=Lockup amount: {0}\nUnlock time: {1} block(s) (≈{2})\n\nMining fee: {3} ({4} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {5} Kb\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed? -dao.bond.reputation.unlock.headline=Confirm unlock transaction -dao.bond.reputation.unlock.details=Unlock amount: {0}\nUnlock time: {1} block(s) (≈{2})\n\nMining fee: {3} ({4} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {5} Kb\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed? - -dao.bond.allBonds.header=All bonds - -dao.bond.bondedReputation=Bonded Reputation -dao.bond.bondedRoles=Bonded roles - -dao.bond.details.header=Role details -dao.bond.details.role=Rol -dao.bond.details.requiredBond=Required BSQ bond -dao.bond.details.unlockTime=Unlock time in blocks -dao.bond.details.link=Link to role description -dao.bond.details.isSingleton=Can be taken by multiple role holders -dao.bond.details.blocks={0} blocks - -dao.bond.table.column.name=Nume -dao.bond.table.column.link=Link -dao.bond.table.column.bondType=Bond type -dao.bond.table.column.details=Detalii -dao.bond.table.column.lockupTxId=Lockup Tx ID -dao.bond.table.column.bondState=Bond state -dao.bond.table.column.lockTime=Lock time -dao.bond.table.column.lockupDate=Lockup date - -dao.bond.table.button.lockup=Lockup -dao.bond.table.button.unlock=Deblocare -dao.bond.table.button.revoke=Revoke - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNDEFINED=Nedefinit -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.READY_FOR_LOCKUP=Not bonded yet -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.LOCKUP_TX_PENDING=Lockup pending -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.LOCKUP_TX_CONFIRMED=Bond locked up -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCK_TX_PENDING=Unlock pending -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCK_TX_CONFIRMED=Unlock tx confirmed -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCKING=Bond unlocking -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCKED=Bond unlocked -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.CONFISCATED=Bond confiscated - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.lockupReason.UNDEFINED=Nedefinit -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.lockupReason.BONDED_ROLE=Bonded role -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.lockupReason.REPUTATION=Bonded reputation - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.UNDEFINED=Nedefinit -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.GITHUB_ADMIN=GitHub admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.FORUM_ADMIN=Forum admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.TWITTER_ADMIN=Twitter admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.ROCKET_CHAT_ADMIN=Rocket chat admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.YOUTUBE_ADMIN=YouTube admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BISQ_MAINTAINER=Bisq maintainer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BITCOINJ_MAINTAINER=BitcoinJ-fork maintainer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.NETLAYER_MAINTAINER=Netlayer maintainer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.WEBSITE_OPERATOR=Website operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.FORUM_OPERATOR=Forum operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.SEED_NODE_OPERATOR=Seed node operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.DATA_RELAY_NODE_OPERATOR=Data relay node operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BTC_NODE_OPERATOR=BTC node operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.MARKETS_OPERATOR=Markets operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BSQ_EXPLORER_OPERATOR=BSQ explorer operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.MOBILE_NOTIFICATIONS_RELAY_OPERATOR=Mobile notifications relay operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.DOMAIN_NAME_HOLDER=Domain name holder -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.DNS_ADMIN=DNS admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.MEDIATOR=Mediator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.ARBITRATOR=Arbitrator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BTC_DONATION_ADDRESS_OWNER=BTC donation address owner - -dao.burnBsq.assetFee=Asset listing -dao.burnBsq.menuItem.assetFee=Asset listing fee -dao.burnBsq.menuItem.proofOfBurn=Proof of burn -dao.burnBsq.header=Fee for asset listing -dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=Select Asset -dao.burnBsq.fee=Fee -dao.burnBsq.trialPeriod=Trial period -dao.burnBsq.payFee=Pay fee -dao.burnBsq.allAssets=All assets -dao.burnBsq.assets.nameAndCode=Asset name -dao.burnBsq.assets.state=Statut -dao.burnBsq.assets.tradeVolume=Volumul tranzacției -dao.burnBsq.assets.lookBackPeriod=Verification period -dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=Fee for trial period -dao.burnBsq.assets.totalFee=Total fees paid -dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} days -dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=The asset fee is too low. The min. amount of days for the trial period is {0}. - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.UNDEFINED=Nedefinit -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.IN_TRIAL_PERIOD=In trial period -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.ACTIVELY_TRADED=Actively traded -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.DE_LISTED=De-listed due to inactivity -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.REMOVED_BY_VOTING=Removed by voting - -dao.proofOfBurn.header=Proof of burn -dao.proofOfBurn.amount=Suma -dao.proofOfBurn.preImage=Pre-image -dao.proofOfBurn.burn=Burn -dao.proofOfBurn.allTxs=All proof of burn transactions -dao.proofOfBurn.myItems=My proof of burn transactions -dao.proofOfBurn.date=Data -dao.proofOfBurn.hash=Hash -dao.proofOfBurn.txs=Tranzacții -dao.proofOfBurn.pubKey=Pubkey -dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from proof of burn transaction -dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from proof of burn transaction -dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Copy signature to clipboard -dao.proofOfBurn.sign=Sign -dao.proofOfBurn.message=Message -dao.proofOfBurn.sig=Signature -dao.proofOfBurn.verify=Verify -dao.proofOfBurn.verify.header=Verify message with key from proof of burn transaction -dao.proofOfBurn.verificationResult.ok=Verification succeeded -dao.proofOfBurn.verificationResult.failed=Verification failed - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.UNDEFINED=Nedefinit -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PROPOSAL=Proposal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.BREAK1=Break before blind vote phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.BLIND_VOTE=Blind vote phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.BREAK2=Break before vote reveal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.VOTE_REVEAL=Vote reveal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.BREAK3=Break before result phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.RESULT=Vote result phase - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.separatedPhaseBar.PROPOSAL=Proposal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.separatedPhaseBar.BLIND_VOTE=Blind vote -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.separatedPhaseBar.VOTE_REVEAL=Vote reveal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.separatedPhaseBar.RESULT=Vote result - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.UNDEFINED=Nedefinit -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.COMPENSATION_REQUEST=Solicitare de despăgubire -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.REIMBURSEMENT_REQUEST=Reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.BONDED_ROLE=Proposal for a bonded role -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.REMOVE_ASSET=Proposal for removing an asset -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.CHANGE_PARAM=Proposal for changing a parameter -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.GENERIC=Generic proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.CONFISCATE_BOND=Proposal for confiscating a bond - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.UNDEFINED=Nedefinit -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.COMPENSATION_REQUEST=Solicitare de despăgubire -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.REIMBURSEMENT_REQUEST=Reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.BONDED_ROLE=Bonded role -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.REMOVE_ASSET=Removing an altcoin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.CHANGE_PARAM=Changing a parameter -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.GENERIC=Generic proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.CONFISCATE_BOND=Confiscating a bond - -dao.proposal.details=Proposal details -dao.proposal.selectedProposal=Solicitare de despăgubire selectată -dao.proposal.active.header=Proposals of current cycle -dao.proposal.active.remove.confirm=Are you sure you want to remove that proposal?\nThe already paid proposal fee will be lost. -dao.proposal.active.remove.doRemove=Yes, remove my proposal -dao.proposal.active.remove.failed=Solicitarea de despăgubire nu a putut fi înlăturată. -dao.proposal.myVote.title=Vot -dao.proposal.myVote.accept=Accept proposal -dao.proposal.myVote.reject=Reject proposal -dao.proposal.myVote.removeMyVote=Ignore proposal -dao.proposal.myVote.merit=Vote weight from earned BSQ -dao.proposal.myVote.stake=Vote weight from stake -dao.proposal.myVote.revealTxId=Vote reveal transaction ID -dao.proposal.myVote.stake.prompt=Max. available stake for voting: {0} -dao.proposal.votes.header=Set stake for voting and publish your votes -dao.proposal.myVote.button=Publish votes -dao.proposal.myVote.setStake.description=After voting on all proposals you have to set your stake for voting by locking up BSQ. The more BSQ you lock up, the more weight your vote will have. \n\nBSQ locked up for voting will be unlocked again during the vote reveal phase. -dao.proposal.create.selectProposalType=Select proposal type -dao.proposal.create.phase.inactive=Please wait until the next proposal phase -dao.proposal.create.proposalType=Proposal type -dao.proposal.create.new=Creează o nouă solicitare de despăgubire -dao.proposal.create.button=Creează solicitare de despăgubire -dao.proposal.create.publish=Publish proposal -dao.proposal.create.publishing=Proposal publishing is in progress ... -dao.proposal=proposal -dao.proposal.display.type=Proposal type -dao.proposal.display.name=Name/nickname -dao.proposal.display.link=Link to detail info -dao.proposal.display.link.prompt=Link to GitHub issue -dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=Requested amount in BSQ -dao.proposal.display.bsqAddress=BSQ address -dao.proposal.display.txId=Proposal transaction ID -dao.proposal.display.proposalFee=Proposal fee -dao.proposal.display.myVote=My vote -dao.proposal.display.voteResult=Vote result summary -dao.proposal.display.bondedRoleComboBox.label=Bonded role type -dao.proposal.display.requiredBondForRole.label=Required bond for role -dao.proposal.display.tickerSymbol.label=Ticker Symbol -dao.proposal.display.option=Option - -dao.proposal.table.header.proposalType=Proposal type -dao.proposal.table.header.link=Link -dao.proposal.table.header.myVote=My vote -dao.proposal.table.header.remove=Înlătură -dao.proposal.table.icon.tooltip.removeProposal=Remove my proposal -dao.proposal.table.icon.tooltip.changeVote=Current vote: ''{0}''. Change vote to: ''{1}'' - -dao.proposal.display.myVote.accepted=Accepted -dao.proposal.display.myVote.rejected=Rejected -dao.proposal.display.myVote.ignored=Ignored -dao.proposal.myVote.summary=Voted: {0}; Vote weight: {1} (earned: {2} + stake: {3}); -dao.proposal.myVote.invalid=Vote was invalid - -dao.proposal.voteResult.success=Accepted -dao.proposal.voteResult.failed=Rejected -dao.proposal.voteResult.summary=Result: {0}; Threshold: {1} (required > {2}); Quorum: {3} (required > {4}) - -dao.proposal.display.paramComboBox.label=Select parameter to change -dao.proposal.display.paramValue=Parameter value - -dao.proposal.display.confiscateBondComboBox.label=Choose bond -dao.proposal.display.assetComboBox.label=Asset to remove - -dao.blindVote=blind vote - -dao.blindVote.startPublishing=Publishing blind vote transaction... -dao.blindVote.success=Your blind vote transaction has been successfully published.\n\nPlease note, that you have to be online in the vote reveal phase so that your Bisq application can publish the vote reveal transaction. Without the vote reveal transaction your vote would be invalid! - -dao.wallet.menuItem.send=Trimite -dao.wallet.menuItem.receive=Încasează -dao.wallet.menuItem.transactions=Tranzacții - -dao.wallet.dashboard.myBalance=My wallet balance - -dao.wallet.receive.fundYourWallet=Your BSQ receive address -dao.wallet.receive.bsqAddress=BSQ wallet address (Fresh unused address) - -dao.wallet.receive.dao.headline=The Bisq DAO -dao.wallet.receive.daoInfo=Just as the Bisq exchange is decentralized and censorship-resistant, so is its governance model — and the Bisq DAO and BSQ token are the tools that make it possible. -dao.wallet.receive.daoInfo.button=Learn more about the Bisq DAO -dao.wallet.receive.daoTestnetInfo=The mainnet Bisq DAO is not launched yet but you can learn about the Bisq DAO by running it on testnet. -dao.wallet.receive.daoTestnetInfo.button=How to run the Bisq DAO on our testnet -dao.wallet.receive.daoContributorInfo=If you have contributed to Bisq please use the BSQ address below and make a request for taking part of the BSQ genesis distribution. -dao.wallet.receive.daoContributorInfo.button=How to be part of the BSQ genesis distribution - -dao.wallet.send.sendFunds=Trimite fonduri -dao.wallet.send.sendBtcFunds=Send non-BSQ funds (BTC) -dao.wallet.send.amount=Amount in BSQ -dao.wallet.send.btcAmount=Amount in BTC (non-BSQ funds) -dao.wallet.send.setAmount=Setează suma pentru retragere (minimul este {0}) -dao.wallet.send.setBtcAmount=Set amount in BTC to withdraw (min. amount is {0}) -dao.wallet.send.receiverAddress=Receiver's BSQ address -dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=Receiver's BTC address -dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=Completează-ți adresa de destinație -dao.wallet.send.send=Trimite fondurile BSQ -dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=Send BTC funds -dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Confirmă solicitarea retragerii -dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Trimitem: {0}\nCătre adresa de primire: {1}.\nComisionul de tranzacție necesar: {2} ({3} Satoshi/octet)\nMărimea tranzacției: {4} Kb\n\nDestinatarul va primi: {5}\n\nEști sigur că dorești să retragi suma specificată? -dao.wallet.chainHeightSynced=Latest verified block: {0} -dao.wallet.chainHeightSyncing=Awaiting blocks... Verified {0} blocks out of {1} -dao.wallet.tx.type=Tip - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.UNDEFINED=Nedefinit -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.UNDEFINED_TX_TYPE=Nerecunoscut -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.UNVERIFIED=Tranzacție BSQ neverificată -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.INVALID=Tranzacție BSQ nevalidă -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.GENESIS=Tranzacție-geneză -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.TRANSFER_BSQ=Transderă BSQ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.received.TRANSFER_BSQ=BSQ încasați -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.sent.TRANSFER_BSQ=Trimite BSQ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.PAY_TRADE_FEE=Plătește comisionul de tranzacționare -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.COMPENSATION_REQUEST=Comision pentru solicitarea de despăgubire -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.REIMBURSEMENT_REQUEST=Fee for reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.PROPOSAL=Fee for proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.BLIND_VOTE=Comision pentru votare -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.VOTE_REVEAL=Vote reveal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.LOCKUP=Lock up bond -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.UNLOCK=Unlock bond -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.ASSET_LISTING_FEE=Asset listing fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.PROOF_OF_BURN=Proof of burn -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.IRREGULAR=Irregular - -dao.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=BTC withdrawn from wallet -dao.tx.issuanceFromCompReq=Compensation request/issuance -dao.tx.issuanceFromCompReq.tooltip=Compensation request which led to an issuance of new BSQ.\nIssuance date: {0} -dao.tx.issuanceFromReimbursement=Reimbursement request/issuance -dao.tx.issuanceFromReimbursement.tooltip=Reimbursement request which led to an issuance of new BSQ.\nIssuance date: {0} -dao.proposal.create.missingBsqFunds=You don''t have sufficient BSQ funds for creating the proposal. If you have an unconfirmed BSQ transaction you need to wait for a blockchain confirmation because BSQ is validated only if it is included in a block.\nMissing: {0} - -dao.proposal.create.missingBsqFundsForBond=You don''t have sufficient BSQ funds for this role. You can still publish this proposal, but you''ll need the full BSQ amount required for this role if it gets accepted. \nMissing: {0} - -dao.proposal.create.missingMinerFeeFunds=You don''t have sufficient BTC funds for creating the proposal transaction. All BSQ transactions require a miner fee in BTC.\nMissing: {0} - -dao.proposal.create.missingIssuanceFunds=You don''t have sufficient BTC funds for creating the proposal transaction. All BSQ transactions require a miner fee in BTC, and issuance transactions also require BTC for the requested BSQ amount ({0} Satoshis/BSQ).\nMissing: {1} - -dao.feeTx.confirm=Confirm {0} transaction -dao.feeTx.confirm.details={0} fee: {1}\nMining fee: {2} ({3} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {4} Kb\n\nAre you sure you want to publish the {5} transaction? - -dao.feeTx.issuanceProposal.confirm.details={0} fee: {1}\nBTC needed for BSQ issuance: {2} ({3} Satoshis/BSQ)\nMining fee: {4} ({5} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {6} Kb\n\nIf your request is approved, you will receive the amount you requested net of the 2 BSQ proposal fee.\n\nAre you sure you want to publish the {7} transaction? - -dao.news.bisqDAO.title=THE BISQ DAO -dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Just as the Bisq exchange is decentralized and censorship-resistant, so is its governance model - and the Bisq DAO and BSQ token are the tools that make it possible. -dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=Learn More About the Bisq DAO - -dao.news.pastContribution.title=MADE PAST CONTRIBUTIONS? REQUEST BSQ -dao.news.pastContribution.description=If you have contributed to Bisq please use the BSQ address below and make a request for taking part of the BSQ genesis distribution. -dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=Your BSQ Wallet Address -dao.news.pastContribution.requestNow=Request now - -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.title=RUN THE BISQ DAO ON OUR TESTNET -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.description=The mainnet Bisq DAO is not launched yet but you can learn about the Bisq DAO by running it on our testnet. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.firstSection.title=1. Switch to DAO Testnet Mode -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.firstSection.content=Switch to DAO Testnet from the Settings screen. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Acquire Some BSQ -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Request BSQ on Slack or Buy BSQ on Bisq. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Participate in a Voting Cycle -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.content=Making proposals and voting on proposals to change various aspects of Bisq. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.title=4. Explore a BSQ Block Explorer -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.content=Since BSQ is just bitcoin, you can see BSQ transactions on our bitcoin block explorer. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.readMoreLink=Read the full documentation - -dao.monitor.daoState=DAO state -dao.monitor.proposals=Proposals state -dao.monitor.blindVotes=Blind votes state - -dao.monitor.table.peers=Peers -dao.monitor.table.conflicts=Conflicts -dao.monitor.state=Statut -dao.monitor.requestAlHashes=Request all hashes -dao.monitor.resync=Resync DAO state -dao.monitor.table.header.cycleBlockHeight=Cycle / block height -dao.monitor.table.cycleBlockHeight=Cycle {0} / block {1} - -dao.monitor.daoState.headline=DAO state -dao.monitor.daoState.daoStateInSync=Your local DAO state is in consensus with the network -dao.monitor.daoState.daoStateNotInSync=Your local DAO state is not in consensus with the network. Please resync your DAO state. -dao.monitor.daoState.table.headline=Chain of DAO state hashes -dao.monitor.daoState.table.blockHeight=Block height -dao.monitor.daoState.table.hash=Hash of DAO state -dao.monitor.daoState.table.prev=Previous hash -dao.monitor.daoState.conflictTable.headline=DAO state hashes from peers in conflict -dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts=UTXO conflicts -dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts.blockHeight=Block height: {0} -dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts.sumUtxo=Sum of all UTXO: {0} BSQ -dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts.sumBsq=Sum of all BSQ: {0} BSQ - -dao.monitor.proposal.headline=Proposals state -dao.monitor.proposal.daoStateInSync=Your local proposals state is in consensus with the network -dao.monitor.proposal.daoStateNotInSync=Your local proposals state is not in consensus with the network. Please restart your application. -dao.monitor.proposal.table.headline=Chain of proposal state hashes -dao.monitor.proposal.conflictTable.headline=Proposal state hashes from peers in conflict - -dao.monitor.proposal.table.hash=Hash of proposal state -dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Previous hash -dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=No. proposals - - -dao.monitor.blindVote.headline=Blind votes state -dao.monitor.blindVote.daoStateInSync=Your local blind votes state is in consensus with the network -dao.monitor.blindVote.daoStateNotInSync=Your local blind votes state is not in consensus with the network. Please restart your application. -dao.monitor.blindVote.table.headline=Chain of blind vote state hashes -dao.monitor.blindVote.conflictTable.headline=Blind vote state hashes from peers in conflict -dao.monitor.blindVote.table.hash=Hash of blind vote state -dao.monitor.blindVote.table.prev=Previous hash -dao.monitor.blindVote.table.numBlindVotes=No. blind votes - -dao.factsAndFigures.menuItem.supply=BSQ Supply -dao.factsAndFigures.menuItem.transactions=BSQ Transactions - -dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.marketPrice=Market data -dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.price=Latest BSQ/BTC trade price (in Bisq) -dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.marketCap=Market capitalisation (based on trade price) -dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.availableAmount=Total available BSQ - -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=BSQ issued -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=BSQ issued at genesis transaction -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=BSQ issued for compensation requests -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=BSQ issued for reimbursement requests - -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=BSQ burnt - -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.locked=Global state of locked BSQ -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalLockedUpAmount=Locked up in bonds -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=Unlocking BSQ from bonds -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=Unlocked BSQ from bonds -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=Confiscated BSQ from bonds -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.invalidTxs=Burned BSQ (invalid transactions) -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burntAmount=Burned BSQ (fees) - -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesis=Tranzacție-geneză -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisBlockHeight=Genesis block height -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=Genesis transaction ID -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.txDetails=BSQ transactions statistics -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.allTx=No. of all BSQ transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.utxo=No. of all unspent transaction outputs -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.compensationIssuanceTx=No. of all compensation request issuance transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.reimbursementIssuanceTx=No. of all reimbursement request issuance transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.burntTx=No. of all fee payments transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.invalidTx=No. of all invalid transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.irregularTx=No. of all irregular transactions - -#################################################################### -# Windows -#################################################################### - -contractWindow.title=Detalii dispută -contractWindow.dates=Offer date / Trade date -contractWindow.btcAddresses=Bitcoin address BTC buyer / BTC seller -contractWindow.onions=Network address BTC buyer / BTC seller -contractWindow.numDisputes=No. of disputes BTC buyer / BTC seller -contractWindow.contractHash=Contract hash - -displayAlertMessageWindow.headline=Informații importante! -displayAlertMessageWindow.update.headline=Informații importante de actualizare! -displayAlertMessageWindow.update.download=Descărcare: -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.downloadedFiles=Fișiere: -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.downloadingFile=Descărcare: {0} -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verifiedSigs=Semnătura verificată cu cheile: -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.status.downloading=Descărcare fișiere... -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.status.verifying=Verificarea semnăturii... -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.label=Descarcă instalator și verifică semnătura -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=Descarcă mai târziu -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=Ignoră această versiune -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=O nouă versiune actualizată de Bisq este disponibilă! -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed.headline=Descărcare eșuată -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Verficare eșuată.\nTe rugăm descarcă și verifică manual la https://bisq.network/downloads -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Nu a putut fi determinat programul de instalare potrivit. Te rugăm descarcă și verifică manual la https://bisq.network/downloads -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verficare eșuată.\nTe rugăm descarcă și verifică manual la https://bisq.network/downloads -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=Noua versiune a fost descărcată cu succes iar semnătura a fost verificată.\n\nDeschide directorul de descărcare, închide aplicația și instalează noua versiune. -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Deschide directorul descărcărilor - -disputeSummaryWindow.title=Rezumat -disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=Ticket opening date -disputeSummaryWindow.role=Trader's role -disputeSummaryWindow.evidence=Evidence -disputeSummaryWindow.evidence.tamperProof=Dovadă inviolabilă -disputeSummaryWindow.evidence.id=Validare cod -disputeSummaryWindow.evidence.video=Video/Screencast -disputeSummaryWindow.payout=Trade amount payout -disputeSummaryWindow.payout.getsTradeAmount=BTC {0} primește plata sumei tranzacționate -disputeSummaryWindow.payout.getsAll=BTC {0} obține tot -disputeSummaryWindow.payout.custom=Plată personalizată -disputeSummaryWindow.payout.adjustAmount=Suma introdusă depășește suma disponibilă de {0}.\nAjustăm acest câmp la valoarea maximă posibilă. -disputeSummaryWindow.payoutAmount.buyer=Buyer's payout amount -disputeSummaryWindow.payoutAmount.seller=Seller's payout amount -disputeSummaryWindow.payoutAmount.invert=Use loser as publisher -disputeSummaryWindow.reason=Reason of dispute -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.bug=Defect -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.usability=Operabilitate -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.protocolViolation=Încălcare de protocol -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.noReply=Niciun răspuns -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.scam=Escrocherie -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.other=Altele -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.bank=Banca -disputeSummaryWindow.summaryNotes=Summary notes -disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=Adaugă note de rezumat -disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Închide bilet -disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Biletul a fost închis pe {0}\n\nRezumat:\n{1} a furnizat dovezi anti-fraudă: {2}\n{3} a făcut verificarea codului: {4}\n{5} a făcut screencast sau video: {6}\nSuma plătită cumpărătorului de BTC: {7}\nSuma plătită vânzătorului de BTC: {8}\n\nNotițe de rezumat:\n{9} -disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Trebuie să închizi și biletul de tranzacționare cu partenerii! - -emptyWalletWindow.headline={0} emergency wallet tool -emptyWalletWindow.info=Folosește această facilitate doar în caz de urgență, dacă nu îți poți accesa fondurile din interfața de utilizator.\n\nReține că toate ofertele deschise vor fi automat închise atunci când folosești această facilitate.\n\nÎnainte de a-l folosi, te rugăm să-ți salvezi directorul de date. Puteți face asta la \"Cont/Rezervă\".\n\nTe rugăm să ne raportezi eroarea trimițându-ne un raport de eroare pe Github sau forumul Bisq pentru ca noi să putem investiga cauza. -emptyWalletWindow.balance=Your available wallet balance -emptyWalletWindow.bsq.btcBalance=Balance of non-BSQ Satoshis - -emptyWalletWindow.address=Your destination address -emptyWalletWindow.button=Trimite toate fondurile -emptyWalletWindow.openOffers.warn=Ai oferte deschise ce vor fi înlăturate dacă îți golești portofelul.\nSigur dorești golirea portofelului? -emptyWalletWindow.openOffers.yes=Da, sunt sigur -emptyWalletWindow.sent.success=Soldul portofelului tău a fost transferat cu succes. - -enterPrivKeyWindow.headline=Înregistrarea este deschisă numai arbitrilor invitați - -filterWindow.headline=Editează lista de filtre -filterWindow.offers=Filtered offers (comma sep.) -filterWindow.onions=Filtered onion addresses (comma sep.) -filterWindow.accounts=Datele filtrate ale contului de tranzacționare:\nFormat: lista separată prin virgule [cod al metodei de plată | câmp de date | valoare] -filterWindow.bannedCurrencies=Filtered currency codes (comma sep.) -filterWindow.bannedPaymentMethods=Filtered payment method IDs (comma sep.) -filterWindow.arbitrators=Filtered arbitrators (comma sep. onion addresses) -filterWindow.seedNode=Filtered seed nodes (comma sep. onion addresses) -filterWindow.priceRelayNode=Filtered price relay nodes (comma sep. onion addresses) -filterWindow.btcNode=Filtered Bitcoin nodes (comma sep. addresses + port) -filterWindow.preventPublicBtcNetwork=Prevent usage of public Bitcoin network -filterWindow.disableDao=Disable DAO -filterWindow.add=Adaugă filtru -filterWindow.remove=Înlătură filtru - -offerDetailsWindow.minBtcAmount=Min. BTC amount -offerDetailsWindow.min=(min. {0}) -offerDetailsWindow.distance=(distanța de la prețul pieței: {0}) -offerDetailsWindow.myTradingAccount=My trading account -offerDetailsWindow.offererBankId=(maker's bank ID/BIC/SWIFT) -offerDetailsWindow.offerersBankName=(numele băncii ofertantului) -offerDetailsWindow.bankId=Bank ID (e.g. BIC or SWIFT) -offerDetailsWindow.countryBank=Maker's country of bank -offerDetailsWindow.acceptedArbitrators=Accepted arbitrators -offerDetailsWindow.commitment=Angajament -offerDetailsWindow.agree=Accept -offerDetailsWindow.tac=Terms and conditions -offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Confirmare: Plasează oferta la {0} bitcoin -offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Confirmare: Acceptă oferta la {0} bitcoin -offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Creation date -offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Maker's onion address - -qRCodeWindow.headline=Cod QR -qRCodeWindow.msg=Te rugăm folosește acest cod QR pentru a-ți finanța portofelul Bisq din cel extern. -qRCodeWindow.request=Payment request:\n{0} - -selectDepositTxWindow.headline=Selectează tranzacția de depunere pentru dispută -selectDepositTxWindow.msg=Tranzacția de depozitare nu a fost stocată în schimbul valutar.\nTe rugăm să selectezi una din tranzacțiile multisig existente din portofelul tău ce reprezintă tranzacția de depozitare utilizată în tranzacția nereușită.\n\nPoți găsi tranzacția corectă deschizând fereastra detaliilor de schimb (apasă pe codul de schimb din listă) iar după urmărind tranzacția de plată a taxei de tranzacționare până la următoarea tranzacție vei vedea tranzacția de depozitare multisig (adresa începe cu 3). Codul tranzacției trebuie să fie vizibil în lista prezentată aici. Odată ce ai găsit tranzacția corectă, selectează respectiva tranzacție și continuă.\n\nNe pare rău pentru inconveniență, dar cazul de eroare ar trebui să se întâmple foarte rar iar în viitor vom încerca să găsim modalități mai bune de rezolvare ale acesteia. -selectDepositTxWindow.select=Selectează tranzacția de depunere - -selectBaseCurrencyWindow.headline=Selecția pieței -selectBaseCurrencyWindow.msg=Piața implicită selectată este {0}.\n\nDacă dorești să schimbi la o altă monedă de bază, selectează una din caseta derulantă.\nPoți de asemenea schimba moneda de bază mai târziu în ecranul \"Setări/Rețea\". -selectBaseCurrencyWindow.select=Selectează valuta implicită - -sendAlertMessageWindow.headline=Trimite notificare globală -sendAlertMessageWindow.alertMsg=Alert message -sendAlertMessageWindow.enterMsg=Introdu mesaj -sendAlertMessageWindow.isUpdate=Is update notification -sendAlertMessageWindow.version=New version no. -sendAlertMessageWindow.send=Trimite notificare -sendAlertMessageWindow.remove=Elimină notificare - -sendPrivateNotificationWindow.headline=Trimite mesaj privat -sendPrivateNotificationWindow.privateNotification=Private notification -sendPrivateNotificationWindow.enterNotification=Introdu notificare: -sendPrivateNotificationWindow.send=Trimite notificare privată - -showWalletDataWindow.walletData=Date portofel -showWalletDataWindow.includePrivKeys=Include private keys - -# We do not translate the tac because of the legal nature. We would need translations checked by lawyers -# in each language which is too expensive atm. -tacWindow.headline=Acordul Utilizatorului -tacWindow.agree=Accept -tacWindow.disagree=Refuz și ieșire -tacWindow.arbitrationSystem=Sistem de arbitrare - -tradeDetailsWindow.headline=Tranzacție -tradeDetailsWindow.disputedPayoutTxId=Codul tranzacției plătiții disputate: -tradeDetailsWindow.tradeDate=Data tranzacției -tradeDetailsWindow.txFee=Mining fee -tradeDetailsWindow.tradingPeersOnion=Adresa de Onion a partenerului de tranzacționare -tradeDetailsWindow.tradeState=Trade state - -walletPasswordWindow.headline=Introdu parola pentru a debloca - -torNetworkSettingWindow.header=Setări ale rețelei Tor -torNetworkSettingWindow.noBridges=Nu folosi punți -torNetworkSettingWindow.providedBridges=Conectare cu punți implicite -torNetworkSettingWindow.customBridges=Introdu punți preferențiale -torNetworkSettingWindow.transportType=Transport type -torNetworkSettingWindow.obfs3=obfs3 -torNetworkSettingWindow.obfs4=obfs4 (recomandat) -torNetworkSettingWindow.meekAmazon=meek-amazon -torNetworkSettingWindow.meekAzure=meek-azure -torNetworkSettingWindow.enterBridge=Enter one or more bridge relays (one per line) -torNetworkSettingWindow.enterBridgePrompt=tastează adresa:portul -torNetworkSettingWindow.restartInfo=Trebuie să repornești pentru a aplica schimbările -torNetworkSettingWindow.openTorWebPage=Deschide pagina web al proiectului Tor -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.header=Probleme de conexiune? -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.info=Dacă ai probleme de conectare repetate la pornire, ștergerea fișierelor Tor expirate ar putea ajuta. Pentru asta apasă pe butonul de mai jos iar apoi repornește. -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.button=Șterge fișierele Tor expirate și închide -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.progress=Tor este în curs de oprire -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=Fișierele Tor expirate au fost șterse cu succes. Reporniți vă rog. -torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=Tor este blocat? -torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=Dacă Tor este blocat de către furnizorul tău de internet sau chiar țara ta, poți încerca folosirea de punți Tor.\nVizitează pagina web Tor la: https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges pentru a învăța mai multe despre punți și transporturi conectabile. - -feeOptionWindow.headline=Alege valuta pentru plata comisionului tranzacției -feeOptionWindow.info=Poți alege să plătești comisionul de tranzacționare în BSQ sau în BTC. Dacă alegi BSQ te vei bucura de un comision comercial mai redus. -feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=Alege valuta pentru plata comisionului tranzacției -feeOptionWindow.useBTC=Folosește BTC -feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1}) - - -#################################################################### -# Popups -#################################################################### - -popup.headline.notification=Notificare -popup.headline.instruction=Te rugăm reține: -popup.headline.attention=Atenție -popup.headline.backgroundInfo=Informații de fond -popup.headline.feedback=Finalizat -popup.headline.confirmation=Confirmare -popup.headline.information=Informații -popup.headline.warning=Avertisment -popup.headline.error=Eroare - -popup.doNotShowAgain=Nu arăta din nou -popup.reportError.log=Deschide fișierul jurnal -popup.reportError.gitHub=Reclamare către Github -popup.reportError={0}\n\nTo help us to improve the software please report this bug by opening a new issue at https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/issues.\nThe above error message will be copied to the clipboard when you click either of the buttons below.\nIt will make debugging easier if you include the bisq.log file by pressing "Open log file", saving a copy, and attaching it to your bug report. - -popup.error.tryRestart=Încearcă să repornești aplicația și să verifici conexiunea la rețea pentru a vedea dacă poți remedia astfel problema. -popup.error.takeOfferRequestFailed=A intervenit o eroare când cineva a încercat să îți preia una din oferte:\n{0} - -error.spvFileCorrupted=A intervenit o eroare la citirea fișierului de blockchain SPV.\nPoate fi din cauză că fișierul blockchainului SPV este corupt.\n\nMesaj de eroare: {0}\n\nDorești să îl ștergi și să pornești o resincronizare? -error.deleteAddressEntryListFailed=Nu s-a putut șterge fișierul AddressEntryList.\nEroare: {0} - -popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=Portofelul încă nu a fost inițializat -popup.warning.wrongVersion=Probabil ai versiunea Bisq nepotrivită pentru acest calculator.\nArhitectura calculatorului tău este: {0}.\nBinarul de Bisq instalat este: {1}.\nTe rugăm să închizi și să reinstalezi versiunea corectă ({2}). -popup.warning.incompatibleDB=Am detectat fișiere incompatibile ale bazei de date!\n\nFișierele bazei de date ce nu sunt compatibile cu baza noastră curentă de cod:\n{0}\n\nAm făcut o copie de rezervă a fișierelor corupte și am aplicat valorile implicite noii versiuni ale bazei de date.\n\nAcestă copie se regăsește la:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nTe rugăm verifică dacă ai instalată cea mai recentă versiune Bisq.\nO poți descărca aici:\nhttps://bisq.network/downloads\n\nTe rugăm repornește aplicația. -popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Bisq deja rulează. Nu poți rula două sesiuni de Bisq. -popup.warning.cryptoTestFailed=Se pare că folosești un binar auto-compilat și nu urmezi instrucțiunile de construire de la https://github.com/bisq-network/exchange/blob/master/doc/build.md#7-enable-unlimited-strength-for-cryptographic-keys.\n\nDacă nu acesta este cazul și folosești binarul oficial Bisq, trimite-ne te rugăm un raport de eroare pe pagina de Github.\nError={0} -popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Tranzacția ta cu codul {0} a atins jumătate din perioada maximă de tranzacționare permisă și încă nu este finalizată.\n\nPerioada de tranzacționare se încheie la {1}\n\nTe rugăm să verifici starea tranzacției la "Portofoliu/Tranzacții deschise" pentru informații suplimentare. -popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Tranzacția ta cu codul {0} a atins perioada maximă de tranzacționare permisă și tot nu este finalizată.\n\nerioada de tranzacționare sa încheiat pe {1}\n\nTe rugăm să verifici tranzacția la \"Portofoliu/Tranzacții deschise\" în vederea contactării arbitrului. -popup.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.headline=Nu ai creat un cont de tranzacționare -popup.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.msg=Trebuie să configurezi o valută națională sau un cont altcoin înainte de a putea crea o ofertă.\nDorești să configurezi un cont? -popup.warning.noArbitratorsAvailable=There are no arbitrators available. -popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Trebuie să aștepți până devi complet conectat la rețea.\nAceasta poate dura până la aproximativ 2 minute la pornire. -popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Trebuie să aștepți până când ai cel puțin {0} conexiuni la rețeaua Bitcoin. -popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Trebuie să aștepți până când descărcarea blocurilor de Bitcoin lipsă se finalizează. -popup.warning.removeOffer=Ești sigur că dorești să elimini oferta?\nComisionul de ofertant a {0} va fi pierdut dacă elimini oferta respectivă. -popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Nu poți seta un procent de 100% sau mai mare. -popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Introdu un număr procentual precum \"5.4\" pentru 5,4% -popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Nu există flux de preț disponibil pentru acea valută. Nu poți folosi un preț procentual.\nSelectează prețul fix. -popup.warning.sendMsgFailed=Transmisia mesajului către partenerul tău de tranzacționare a eșuat.\nTe rugăm încearcă din nou iar în caz de eșec repetat raportează-ne eroarea. -popup.warning.insufficientBtcFundsForBsqTx=You don''t have sufficient BTC funds for paying the miner fee for that transaction.\nPlease fund your BTC wallet.\nMissing funds: {0} - -popup.warning.insufficientBsqFundsForBtcFeePayment=You don''t have sufficient BSQ funds for paying the trade fee in BSQ. You can pay the fee in BTC or you need to fund your BSQ wallet. You can buy BSQ in Bisq.\n\nMissing BSQ funds: {0} -popup.warning.noBsqFundsForBtcFeePayment=Your BSQ wallet does not have sufficient funds for paying the trade fee in BSQ. -popup.warning.messageTooLong=Mesajul tău depășește dimensiunea maximă permisă. Trimite-l în mai multe părți sau încărcă-l pe o platformă precum https://pastebin.com. -popup.warning.lockedUpFunds=Ai fonduri blocate dintr-o tranzacție nereușită.\nSold blocat: {0} \nAdresa tx de depozitare: {1}\nCodul tranzacției: {2}.\n\nTe rugăm deschide un bilet de asistență selectând tranzacția în ecranul tranzacțiilor în așteptare și apăsând pe \"alt + o\" sau \"opțiunea + o\"." - -popup.warning.nodeBanned=Unul dintre nodurile {0} a fost interzise. Te rugăm să repornești aplicația pentru a te asigura că nu te conectezi la nodul interzis. -popup.warning.priceRelay=preț releu -popup.warning.seed=nucleu - -popup.warning.burnBTC=This transaction is not possible, as the mining fees of {0} would exceed the amount to transfer of {1}. Please wait until the mining fees are low again or until you''ve accumulated more BTC to transfer. - -popup.info.securityDepositInfo=To ensure both traders follow the trade protocol, both traders need to pay a security deposit.\n\nThis deposit is kept in your trade wallet until your trade has been successfully completed, and then it's refunded to you.\n\nPlease note: if you're creating a new offer, Bisq needs to be running for another trader to take it. To keep your offers online, keep Bisq running and make sure this computer remains online too (i.e., make sure it doesn't switch to standby mode...monitor standby is fine). - -popup.info.cashDepositInfo=Please be sure that you have a bank branch in your area to be able to make the cash deposit.\nThe bank ID (BIC/SWIFT) of the seller''s bank is: {0}. -popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=I confirm that I can make the deposit -popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq is being shut down, but there are open offers. \n\nThese offers won't be available on the P2P network while Bisq is shut down, but they will be re-published to the P2P network the next time you start Bisq.\n\nTo keep your offers online, keep Bisq running and make sure this computer remains online too (i.e., make sure it doesn't go into standby mode...monitor standby is not a problem). - - -popup.privateNotification.headline=Notificare privată importantă! - -popup.securityRecommendation.headline=Recomandări de securitate importante -popup.securityRecommendation.msg=Dorim să îți reamintim a considera folosirea protecției prin parolă pentru portofelul tău, dacă nu cumva ai activat-o deja.\n\nEste de asemenea recomandat să scrii pe o foaie cuvintele-nucleu ale portofelului tău. Aceste cuvinte sunt ca o parolă de bază pentru recuperarea portofelului tău de Bitcoin.\nLa secțiunea \"Nucleu Portofel\" vei găsi mai multe informații.\n\nAdițional ar trebui să creezi o copie de rezervă completă a dosarului de aplicații în secțiunea \"Rezervă\". - -popup.bitcoinLocalhostNode.msg=Bisq detected a locally running Bitcoin Core node (at localhost).\nPlease make sure that this node is fully synced before you start Bisq and that it is not running in pruned mode. - -popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=Oprirea aplicației în desfășurare -popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Oprirea aplicației poate dura câteva secunde.\nTe rugăm să nu întrerupi procesul. - -popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Atenție solicitată pentru tranzacția cu codul {0} - -popup.roundedFiatValues.headline=New privacy feature: Rounded fiat values -popup.roundedFiatValues.msg=To increase privacy of your trade the {0} amount was rounded.\n\nDepending on the client version you''ll pay or receive either values with decimals or rounded ones.\n\nBoth values do comply from now on with the trade protocol.\n\nAlso be aware that BTC values are changed automatically to match the rounded fiat amount as close as possible. - -popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Multiple payment accounts available -popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=You have multiple payment accounts available for this offer. Please make sure you've picked the right one. - - -#################################################################### -# Notifications -#################################################################### - -notification.trade.headline=Notificare pentru tranzacția cu codul {0} -notification.ticket.headline=Bilet de asistență pentru tranzacția cu codul {0} -notification.trade.completed=Tranzacția este acum finalizată și vă puteți retrage fondurile. -notification.trade.accepted=Oferta ta a fost acceptată de un {0} BTC. -notification.trade.confirmed=Tranzacția ta are cel puțin o confirmare blockchain.\nPoți începe plata acum. -notification.trade.paymentStarted=Cumpărătorul de BTC a inițiat plata. -notification.trade.selectTrade=Selectează tranzacție -notification.trade.peerOpenedDispute=Partenerul tău de tranzacționare a deschis o {0}. -notification.trade.disputeClosed={0} a fost închis. -notification.walletUpdate.headline=Actualizarea portofelului de tranzacționare -notification.walletUpdate.msg=Portofelul tău de tranzacționare este suficient finanțat.\nSuma: {0} -notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Portofelul tău de tranzacționare a fost deja finanțat în mod suficient dintr-o încercare de acceptare anterioară.\nSuma: {0} -notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Tranzacție finalizată -notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Îți poți retrage acum fondurile către portofelul extern Bitcoin sau să îl transferi în portofelul Bisq. - - -#################################################################### -# System Tray -#################################################################### - -systemTray.show=Arată fereastra aplicației -systemTray.hide=Ascunde fereastra aplicației -systemTray.info=Info despre Bisq -systemTray.exit=Ieșire -systemTray.tooltip=Bisq: Rețeaua de schimb descentralizată - - -#################################################################### -# GUI Util -#################################################################### - -guiUtil.miningFeeInfo=Asigură-te că comisionul minier folosit la portofelul tău extern este de cel puțin {0} Satoshi/Octet. În caz contrar tranzacțiile de schimb nu pot fi confirmate iar tranzacția se va încheia într-o dispută. - -guiUtil.accountExport.savedToPath=Conturile de tranzacționare salvate la calea:\n{0} -guiUtil.accountExport.noAccountSetup=Nu ai conturi de tranzacționare configurate spre export. -guiUtil.accountExport.selectPath=Selectează calea spre {0} -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -guiUtil.accountExport.tradingAccount=Contul de tranzacționare cu cod {0}\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -guiUtil.accountImport.noImport=Nu ți-am importat contul de tranzacționare cu cod {0} deoarece acesta exista deja.\n -guiUtil.accountExport.exportFailed=Exportul în CSV a eșuat din cauza unei erori.\nEroare = {0} -guiUtil.accountExport.selectExportPath=Selectează calea de export -guiUtil.accountImport.imported=Contul de tranzacționare importat din calea:\n{0}\n\nConturile importate:\n{1} -guiUtil.accountImport.noAccountsFound=Nu am găsit conturi de tranzacționare exportate la calea: {0}.\nNumele fișierului este{1}." -guiUtil.openWebBrowser.warning=Vei deschide o pagină web în browser-ul tău implicit\nDorești să deschizi pagina web acum?\n\nDacă nu folosești implicit \"Browserul Tor\" te vei conecta la pagina web pe internetul clar vizibil.\n\nURL: \"{0}\" -guiUtil.openWebBrowser.doOpen=Deschide pagina web și nu mă mai întreba vreodată -guiUtil.openWebBrowser.copyUrl=Copiază URL și anulează -guiUtil.ofTradeAmount=al sumei tranzacționate - - -#################################################################### -# Component specific -#################################################################### - -list.currency.select=Selectează valuta -list.currency.showAll=Arată toate -list.currency.editList=Editează lista de valute - -table.placeholder.noItems=Momentan nu există {0} disponibile -table.placeholder.noData=Momentan nu există date disponibile - - -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.tradePeer=Aparținând partenerului de tranzacționare -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.maker=Aparținând ofertantului -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} adresa Onion: {1}\nAi tranzacționat deja de {2} ori cu acest utilizator\n{3} -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} adresa Onion: {1}\nNu ai mai tranzacționat cu acest utilizator până acum.\n{2} -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Contul de plăți creat {0}. -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Vârsta contului de plată necunoscut. - -tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Deschide pop-up pentru detalii -tooltip.openBlockchainForAddress=Deschide exploratorul extern de blocuri pentru adresa: {0} -tooltip.openBlockchainForTx=Deschide exploratorul extern de blocuri pentru tranzacția: {0} - -confidence.unknown=Statu al tranzacției necunoscut -confidence.seen=Văzut de {0} utilizator(i) / 0 confirmări -confidence.confirmed=Confirmat în {0} bloc(uri) -confidence.invalid=Tranzacția nu este validă - -peerInfo.title=Informații utilizator -peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Number of completed trades -peerInfo.notTradedYet=Nu ai mai tranzacționat cu acel utilizator până acum. -peerInfo.setTag=Set tag for that peer -peerInfo.age=Payment account age -peerInfo.unknownAge=Vechimea necunoscută - -addressTextField.openWallet=Deschide portofelul implicit de bitcoin -addressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copiază adresa în clipboard -addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Adresa a fost copiată în clipboard -addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Deschiderea unei aplicații prestabilite de portofel bitcoin a eșuat. Posibil să nu ai unul instalat? - -peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nEtichetă: {1} - -txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Copiază codul tranzacției în clipboard -txIdTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Deschide un explorator de blockchain cu acel cod de tranzacție - - -#################################################################### -# Navigation -#################################################################### - -navigation.account=\"Cont\" -navigation.account.walletSeed=\"Cont/Nucleu portofel\" -navigation.funds.availableForWithdrawal=\"Fonduri/Trimite fonduri\" -navigation.portfolio.myOpenOffers=\"Portofoliu/Ofertele mele deschise\" -navigation.portfolio.pending=\"Portofoliu/Tranzacții deschise\" -navigation.portfolio.closedTrades=\"Portofoliu/Istoric\" -navigation.funds.depositFunds=\"Fonduri/Încasare fonduri\" -navigation.settings.preferences=\"Setări/Preferințe\" -navigation.funds.transactions=\"Fonduri/Tranzacții\" -navigation.support=\"Asistență\" -navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"Portofel/Încasare DAO/BSQ\" - - -#################################################################### -# Formatter -#################################################################### - -formatter.formatVolumeLabel={0} suma{1} -formatter.makerTaker=Ofertant ca {0} {1} / Acceptant ca {2} {3} -formatter.youAreAsMaker=Tu ești {0} {1} ca ofertant / Acceptantul este {2} {3} -formatter.youAreAsTaker=Tu ești {0} {1} ca acceptant / Ofertantul este {2} {3} -formatter.youAre=Tu ești {0} {1} ({2} {3}) -formatter.youAreCreatingAnOffer.fiat=Urmează să creezi o ofertă către {0} {1} -formatter.youAreCreatingAnOffer.altcoin=Urmează să creezi o ofertă către {0} {1} ({2} {3}) -formatter.asMaker={0} {1} ca ofertant -formatter.asTaker={0} {1} ca acceptant - - -#################################################################### -# Domain specific -#################################################################### - -# we use enum values here -# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_MAINNET=Bitcoin Mainnet -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_TESTNET=Bitcoin Testnet -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_REGTEST=Bitcoin Regtest -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_DAO_TESTNET=Bitcoin DAO Testnet (deprecated) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_DAO_BETANET=Bitcoin DAO Betanet (Bitcoin Mainnet) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_DAO_REGTEST=Bitcoin DAO Regtest - -time.year=An -time.month=Lună -time.week=Săptămână -time.day=Zi -time.hour=Oră -time.minute10=10 Minute -time.hours=ore -time.days=zile -time.1hour=1 oră -time.1day=1 zi -time.minute=minut -time.second=secundă -time.minutes=minute -time.seconds=secunde - - -password.enterPassword=Enter password -password.confirmPassword=Confirm password -password.tooLong=Parola trebuie să fie mai scurtă de 500 de caractere. -password.deriveKey=Derivare cheie din parolă -password.walletDecrypted=Portofelul a fost decriptat cu succes iar protecția prin parolă a fost eliminată. -password.wrongPw=Ai introdus parola greșită.\n\nÎncearcă să introduci din nou parola, urmărind cu atenție posibilele greșeli de ortografie sau de gramatică. -password.walletEncrypted=Portofelul a fost criptat cu succes iar protecția prin parolă a fost activată. -password.walletEncryptionFailed=Parola portofelului nu a putut fi setată. S-ar putea să fi importat cuvinte-nucleu ce nu corespund bazei de date din portofel. Te rugăm să contactezi dezvoltatorii pe forumul Bisq. -password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Cele 2 parole introduse de tine nu corespund. -password.forgotPassword=Ai uitat parola? -password.backupReminder=Reține că atunci când stabilești o parolă pentru portofel, vor fi șterse toate copiile de rezervă create automat din portofelul necriptat.\n\nEste recomandat ca înainte de a seta o parolă să faci o copie de rezervă a directorului aplicației și să îți scrii pe hârtie cuvintele-nucleu! -password.backupWasDone=Deja am făcut o salvare - -seed.seedWords=Wallet seed words -seed.enterSeedWords=Enter wallet seed words -seed.date=Wallet date -seed.restore.title=Restaurare portofel din cuvintele-nucleu: -seed.restore=Restaurare portofele -seed.creationDate=Creation date -seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Portofelul tău de bitcoin nu este gol.\n\nTrebuie să golești acest portofel înainte de a încerca restaurarea unuia mai vechi, deoarece amestecarea portofelelor poate conduce la copii de rezervă invalidate.\n\nTe rugăm finalizează-ți tranzacțiile, închide toate ofertele deschise și mergi la secțiunea Fonduri pentru a-ți retrage bitcoinii.\nÎn cazul în care nu îți poți accesa bitcoinii, poți folosi instrumentul de urgență în a-ți goli portofelul.\nPentru a deschide instrumentul de urgență, apasă \"alt + e\" sau \"option + e\" . -seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.restore=Doresc să restaurez oricum -seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.emptyWallet=Prima dată îmi voi goli portofelul -seed.warn.notEncryptedAnymore=Portofelele tale sunt criptate.\n\nDupă restaurare, portofelele nu vor mai fi criptate și trebuie să setezi o nouă parolă.\n\nDorești să continui? -seed.restore.success=Portofelele au fost restaurate cu succes cu noile cuvinte-nucleu.\n\nTrebuie să închizi și apoi să repornești aplicația. -seed.restore.error=A apărut o eroare la restaurarea portofelelor prin cuvintele-nucleu. {0} - - -#################################################################### -# Payment methods -#################################################################### - -payment.account=Cont -payment.account.no=Account no. -payment.account.name=Account name -payment.account.owner=Numele complet al deținătorului de cont -payment.account.fullName=Nume complet (nume, nume botez, prenume) -payment.account.state=State/Province/Region -payment.account.city=City -payment.bank.country=Country of bank -payment.account.name.email=Numele complet al deținătorului de cont / email -payment.account.name.emailAndHolderId=Numele complet al deținătorului de cont / email / {0} -payment.bank.name=Nume gol -payment.select.account=Selectează tipul contului -payment.select.region=Selectează regiunea -payment.select.country=Selectează țara -payment.select.bank.country=Selectează țara băncii -payment.foreign.currency=Sigur dorești să alegi o altă valută decât moneda națională a țării? -payment.restore.default=Nu, restaurează valuta prestabilită -payment.email=Email -payment.country=Țara -payment.extras=Extra requirements -payment.email.mobile=Email or mobile no. -payment.altcoin.address=Altcoin address -payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=Trade instant (within 1 hour) with this Altcoin -payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=For instant trading it is required that both trading peers are online to be able to complete the trade in less than 1 hour.\n\nIf you have offers open and you are not available please disable those offers under the 'Portfolio' screen. -payment.altcoin=Altcoin -payment.select.altcoin=Selectează sau caută altcoin -payment.secret=Secret question -payment.answer=Answer -payment.wallet=Wallet ID -payment.uphold.accountId=Username or email or phone no. -payment.cashApp.cashTag=$Cashtag -payment.moneyBeam.accountId=Email or phone no. -payment.venmo.venmoUserName=Venmo username -payment.popmoney.accountId=Email or phone no. -payment.revolut.email=Email -payment.revolut.phoneNr=Registered phone no. -payment.promptPay.promptPayId=Citizen ID/Tax ID or phone no. -payment.supportedCurrencies=Supported currencies -payment.limitations=Limitations -payment.salt=Salt for account age verification -payment.error.noHexSalt=Sarea trebuie să fie în format HEX.\nSe recomandă editarea câmpul de sare dacă dorești să transferi sarea dintr-un cont vechi pentru a păstra vechimea contului. Vechimea contului este verificată folosind sarea contului și datele de identificare ale acestuia (de exemplu codul IBAN). -payment.accept.euro=Accept trades from these Euro countries -payment.accept.nonEuro=Accept trades from these non-Euro countries -payment.accepted.countries=Accepted countries -payment.accepted.banks=Accepted banks (ID) -payment.mobile=Mobile no. -payment.postal.address=Postal address -payment.national.account.id.AR=CBU number - -#new -payment.altcoin.address.dyn={0} address -payment.altcoin.receiver.address=Receiver's altcoin address -payment.accountNr=Account number -payment.emailOrMobile=Email or mobile nr -payment.useCustomAccountName=Folosește nume de cont preferințial -payment.maxPeriod=Max. allowed trade period -payment.maxPeriodAndLimit=Durata maximă de tranzacționare: {0} / Limita maximă de tranzacționare: {1} / Vechimea contului: {2} -payment.maxPeriodAndLimitCrypto=Durata maximă de tranzacționare: {0} / Limita maximă de tranzacționare: {1} -payment.currencyWithSymbol=Valuta: {0} -payment.nameOfAcceptedBank=Numele băncii acceptate -payment.addAcceptedBank=Adaugă bancă acceptată -payment.clearAcceptedBanks=Șterge băncile acceptate -payment.bank.nameOptional=Bank name (optional) -payment.bankCode=Bank code -payment.bankId=Cod bancar (BIC/SWIFT): -payment.bankIdOptional=Bank ID (BIC/SWIFT) (optional) -payment.branchNr=Branch no. -payment.branchNrOptional=Branch no. (optional) -payment.accountNrLabel=Account no. (IBAN) -payment.accountType=Account type -payment.checking=Verificare -payment.savings=Economii -payment.personalId=Personal ID -payment.clearXchange.info=Please be sure that you fulfill the requirements for the usage of Zelle (ClearXchange).\n\n1. You need to have your Zelle (ClearXchange) account verified on their platform before starting a trade or creating an offer.\n\n2. You need to have a bank account at one of the following member banks:\n\t● Bank of America\n\t● Capital One P2P Payments\n\t● Chase QuickPay\n\t● FirstBank Person to Person Transfers\n\t● Frost Send Money\n\t● U.S. Bank Send Money\n\t● TD Bank\n\t● Citibank\n\t● Wells Fargo SurePay\n\n3. You need to be sure to not exceed the daily or monthly Zelle (ClearXchange) transfer limits.\n\nPlease use Zelle (ClearXchange) only if you fulfill all those requirements, otherwise it is very likely that the Zelle (ClearXchange) transfer fails and the trade ends up in a dispute.\nIf you have not fulfilled the above requirements you will lose your security deposit.\n\nPlease also be aware of a higher chargeback risk when using Zelle (ClearXchange).\nFor the {0} seller it is highly recommended to get in contact with the {1} buyer by using the provided email address or mobile number to verify that he or she is really the owner of the Zelle (ClearXchange) account. - -payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The buyer will get displayed the seller's email in the trade process. -payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The buyer will get displayed the seller's email in the trade process. -payment.halCash.info=When using HalCash the BTC buyer needs to send the BTC seller the HalCash code via a text message from their mobile phone.\n\nPlease make sure to not exceed the maximum amount your bank allows you to send with HalCash. The min. amount per withdrawal is 10 EUR and the max. amount is 600 EUR. For repeated withdrawals it is 3000 EUR per receiver per day and 6000 EUR per receiver per month. Please cross check those limits with your bank to be sure they use the same limits as stated here.\n\nThe withdrawal amount must be a multiple of 10 EUR as you cannot withdraw other amounts from an ATM. The UI in the create-offer and take-offer screen will adjust the BTC amount so that the EUR amount is correct. You cannot use market based price as the EUR amount would be changing with changing prices.\n\nIn case of a dispute the BTC buyer needs to provide the proof that they sent the EUR. -payment.limits.info=Rețineți că toate transferurile bancare au un anumit risc de rambursare.\n\nPentru a diminua acest risc, Bisq stabilește limite de tranzacționare bazate pe doi factori:\n\n1. Nivelul estimat al riscului de rambursare pentru metoda de plată utilizată\n2. Vechimea contului tău pentru metodă de plată aleasă\n\nContul pe care îl creezi acum este nou iar vechimea acestuia este zero. Pe măsură ce contul tău avansează în vechime pe parcursul unei perioade de două luni, limitele per-tranzacție vor crește împreună cu vechimea:\n\n● În prima lună, limita ta per-tranzacție va fi {0}\n● În cea de-a doua lună, limita ta per-tranzacție va fi {1}\n● După cea de-a doua lună, limita ta per-tranzacție va fi {2}\n\nReține că nu sunt impuse limite privind numărul total de ocazii în care poți tranzacționa. - -payment.cashDeposit.info=Please confirm your bank allows you to send cash deposits into other peoples' accounts. For example, Bank of America and Wells Fargo no longer allow such deposits. - -payment.revolut.info=Please be sure that the phone number you used for your Revolut account is registered at Revolut otherwise the BTC buyer cannot send you the funds. - -payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Money orders are one of the more private fiat purchase methods available on Bisq.\n\nHowever, please be aware of potentially increased risks associated with their use. Bisq will not bear any responsibility in case a sent money order is stolen, and the arbitrators will in such cases award the BTC to the sender of the money order, provided they can produce tracking information and receipts. It may be advisable for the sender to write the BTC seller's name on the money order, in order to minimize the risk that the money order is cashed by someone else. - -payment.f2f.contact=Contact info -payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How you want to get contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...) -payment.f2f.city=City for 'Face to face' meeting -payment.f2f.city.prompt=The city will be displayed with the offer -payment.f2f.optionalExtra=Optional additional information -payment.f2f.extra=Additional information - -payment.f2f.extra.prompt=The maker can define 'terms and conditions' or add a public contact information. It will be displayed with the offer. -payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the arbitrator cannot help much as it is usually hard to get tamper proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: 'https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading' -payment.f2f.info.openURL=Open web page -payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=County and city: {0} / {1} -payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Additional information: {0} - - -# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention -# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ - -# Only translate general terms -NATIONAL_BANK=Transfer prin bancă națională -SAME_BANK=Transfer cu aceeași bancă -SPECIFIC_BANKS=Transfer cu bănci specifice -US_POSTAL_MONEY_ORDER=Ordin de plată poștală SUA -CASH_DEPOSIT=Depozit de numerar -MONEY_GRAM=MoneyGram -WESTERN_UNION=Western Union -F2F=Face to face (in person) - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -NATIONAL_BANK_SHORT=Bănci naționale -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SAME_BANK_SHORT=Aceeași bancă -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SPECIFIC_BANKS_SHORT=Bănci specifice -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -US_POSTAL_MONEY_ORDER_SHORT=Ordin de bani SUA -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CASH_DEPOSIT_SHORT=Depozit de numerar -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -MONEY_GRAM_SHORT=MoneyGram -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -WESTERN_UNION_SHORT=Western Union -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -F2F_SHORT=F2F - -# Do not translate brand names -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -UPHOLD=Uphold -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -MONEY_BEAM=MoneyBeam (N26) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -POPMONEY=Popmoney -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -REVOLUT=Revolut -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -PERFECT_MONEY=Perfect Money -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -ALI_PAY=AliPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -WECHAT_PAY=WeChat Pay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SEPA=SEPA -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SEPA_INSTANT=Plăți SEPA instante -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -FASTER_PAYMENTS=Faster Payments -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SWISH=Swish -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CLEAR_X_CHANGE=Zelle (ClearXchange) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CHASE_QUICK_PAY=Chase QuickPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -INTERAC_E_TRANSFER=Interac e-Transfer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -HAL_CASH=HalCash -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BLOCK_CHAINS=Altcoinuri -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -PROMPT_PAY=PromptPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -ADVANCED_CASH=Advanced Cash -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BLOCK_CHAINS_INSTANT=Altcoins Instant - -# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -OK_PAY=OKPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CASH_APP=Cash App -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -VENMO=Venmo - - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -UPHOLD_SHORT=Uphold -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -MONEY_BEAM_SHORT=MoneyBeam (N26) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -POPMONEY_SHORT=Popmoney -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -REVOLUT_SHORT=Revolut -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -PERFECT_MONEY_SHORT=Perfect Money -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -ALI_PAY_SHORT=AliPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -WECHAT_PAY_SHORT=WeChat Pay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SEPA_SHORT=SEPA -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SEPA_INSTANT_SHORT=SEPA Instant -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -FASTER_PAYMENTS_SHORT=Faster Payments -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SWISH_SHORT=Swish -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CLEAR_X_CHANGE_SHORT=Zelle -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CHASE_QUICK_PAY_SHORT=Chase QuickPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -INTERAC_E_TRANSFER_SHORT=Interac e-Transfer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -HAL_CASH_SHORT=HalCash -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BLOCK_CHAINS_SHORT=Altcoinuri -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -PROMPT_PAY_SHORT=PromptPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -ADVANCED_CASH_SHORT=Advanced Cash -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BLOCK_CHAINS_INSTANT_SHORT=Altcoins Instant - -# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -OK_PAY_SHORT=OKPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CASH_APP_SHORT=Cash App -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -VENMO_SHORT=Venmo - - -#################################################################### -# Validation -#################################################################### - -validation.empty=Intrări goale nu sunt permise. -validation.NaN=Inrarea nu este un număr valid. -validation.notAnInteger=Input is not an integer value. -validation.zero=O intrare de valoare 0 nu este permisă. -validation.negative=O valoare negativă nu este permisă. -validation.fiat.toSmall=O intrare mai mică decât suma minimă posibilă nu este permisă. -validation.fiat.toLarge=O intrare mai mare decât suma maximă posibilă nu este permisă. -validation.btc.fraction=Introdu rezultatul ca valoare bitcoin sub formă de fracțiune a celei mai mici unități (Satoshi). -validation.btc.toLarge=O intrare mai mare de {0} nu este permisă. -validation.btc.toSmall=O intrare mai mică decât {0} nu este permisă. -validation.securityDeposit.toSmall=O intrare mai mică decât {0} nu este permisă. -validation.passwordTooShort=Parola introdusă de tine este prea scurtă. Aceasta trebuie să aibă cel puțin 8 de caractere. -validation.passwordTooLong=Parola introdusă de tine este prea lungă. Aceasta nu poate depăși 50 de caractere. -validation.sortCodeNumber={0} trebuie să fie format din {1} numere. -validation.sortCodeChars={0} trebuie să fie format din {1} caractere. -validation.bankIdNumber={0} trebuie să fie format din {1} numere. -validation.accountNr=Numărul contului trebuie să fie format din {0} cifre. -validation.accountNrChars=Numărul contului trebuie să fie format din {0} caractere. -validation.btc.invalidAddress=Adresa nu este corectă. Verifică formatul acesteia. -validation.integerOnly=Introdu numai numere întregi. -validation.inputError=Intrarea ta a cauzat o eroare:\n{0} -validation.bsq.insufficientBalance=Your available balance is {0}. -validation.btc.exceedsMaxTradeLimit=Your trade limit is {0}. -validation.bsq.amountBelowMinAmount=Min. amount is {0} -validation.nationalAccountId={0} trebuie să fie format din {1} numere. - -#new -validation.invalidInput=Intrarea nu este validă: {0} -validation.accountNrFormat=Numărul de cont trebuie sa fie sub formatul: {0} -validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=Validarea adresei a eșuat deoarece nu corespunde structurii adresei {0}. -validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address need to start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported. -validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=Adresa de ZEC trebuie să înceapă cu t. Adresele ce încep cu z nu sunt acceptate. -validation.altcoin.invalidAddress=Adresa nu este validă {0} address! {1} -validation.bic.invalidLength=Lungimea introdusă nu e nici de 8 nici de 11 -validation.bic.letters=Codul de bancă și țară trebuie să fie compuse din litere -validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=BIC conține cod poștal incorect -validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=BIC conține cod de filială incorect -validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=Revolut Sepa accounts are not supported. -validation.btc.invalidFormat=Format incorect al adresei de bitcoin. -validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Format incorect al adresei BSQ. -validation.email.invalidAddress=Adresă incorectă -validation.iban.invalidCountryCode=Cod de țară incorect -validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Verificarea criptografică trebuie să fie numerică -validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Caracter non-alfanumeric detectat -validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Cod IBAN incorect -validation.iban.invalidLength=Numărul trebuie să aibă o lungime între 15 și 34 de caractere. -validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Cod poștal non-Canadian -validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Format incorect al numărului de telefon nevalid iar adresa de e-mail nu corespunde -validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Must contain only letters, numbers, spaces and/or the symbols ' _ , . ? - -validation.interacETransfer.invalidAnswer=Must be one word and contain only letters, numbers, and/or the symbol - -validation.inputTooLarge=Input must not be larger than {0} -validation.inputTooSmall=Input has to be larger than {0} -validation.inputToBeAtLeast=Input has to be at least {0} -validation.amountBelowDust=The amount below the dust limit of {0} is not allowed. -validation.length=Length must be between {0} and {1} -validation.pattern=Input must be of format: {0} -validation.noHexString=The input is not in HEX format. -validation.advancedCash.invalidFormat=Must be a valid email or wallet id of format: X000000000000 -validation.invalidUrl=This is not a valid URL -validation.mustBeDifferent=Your input must be different to the current value -validation.cannotBeChanged=Parameter cannot be changed -validation.numberFormatException=Number format exception {0} -validation.mustNotBeNegative=Input must not be negative diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_sr.properties b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_sr.properties deleted file mode 100644 index 84a7271ca31..00000000000 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings_sr.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2475 +0,0 @@ -# Keep display strings organized by domain -# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces. -# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible. -# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description] -# In some cases we use enum values or constants to map to display strings - -# A annoying issue with property files is that we need to use 2 single quotes in display string -# containing variables (e.g. {0}), otherwise the variable will not be resolved. -# In display string which do not use a variable a single quote is ok. -# E.g. Don''t .... {1} - -# We use sometimes dynamic parts which are put together in the code and therefore sometimes use line breaks or spaces -# at the end of the string. Please never remove any line breaks or spaces. They are there with a purpose! -# To make longer strings with better readable you can make a line break with \ which does not result in a line break -# in the display but only in the editor. - -# Please use in all language files the exact same order of the entries, that way a comparison is easier. - -# Please try to keep the length of the translated string similar to English. If it is longer it might break layout or -# get truncated. We will need some adjustments in the UI code to support that but we want to keep effort at the minimum. - - -#################################################################### -# Shared -#################################################################### - -shared.readMore=Pročitaj više -shared.openHelp=Otvori pomoć -shared.warning=Upozorenje -shared.close=Zatvori -shared.cancel=Otkaži -shared.ok=OK -shared.yes=Da -shared.no=Ne -shared.iUnderstand=Razumem -shared.na=N/D -shared.shutDown=Isključi -shared.reportBug=Prijavi bag na Github issues -shared.buyBitcoin=Kupi bitkoine -shared.sellBitcoin=Prodaj bitkoine -shared.buyCurrency=Kupi {0} -shared.sellCurrency=Prodaj {0} -shared.buyingBTCWith=kupi BTC sa {0} -shared.sellingBTCFor=prodaj BTC za {0} -shared.buyingCurrency=kupi {0} (prodaja BTC) -shared.sellingCurrency=prodaj {0} (kupovina BTC) -shared.buy=kupi -shared.sell=prodaj -shared.buying=kupujem -shared.selling=prodajem -shared.P2P=P2P -shared.oneOffer=ponuda -shared.multipleOffers=ponude -shared.Offer=Ponuda -shared.openOffers=otvorene ponude -shared.trade=trade -shared.trades=trgovine -shared.openTrades=otvorene trgovine -shared.dateTime=Datum/Vreme -shared.price=Cena -shared.priceWithCur=Cena u {0} -shared.priceInCurForCur=Cena u {0} za 1 {1} -shared.fixedPriceInCurForCur=Fiksna cena u {0} za 1 {1} -shared.amount=Iznos -shared.amountWithCur=Iznos u {0} -shared.volumeWithCur=Obim u {0} -shared.currency=Valuta -shared.market=Tržište -shared.paymentMethod=Način plaćanja -shared.tradeCurrency=Valuta trgovine -shared.offerType=Tip ponude -shared.details=Detalji -shared.address=Adresa -shared.balanceWithCur=Stanje u {0} -shared.txId=ID transakcije -shared.confirmations=Potvrde -shared.revert=Vratiti Tks -shared.select=Izaberi -shared.usage=Korišćenje -shared.state=Status -shared.tradeId=ID trgovine -shared.offerId=ID ponude -shared.bankName=Ime banke -shared.acceptedBanks=Prihvaćene banke -shared.amountMinMax=Iznos (min - maks) -shared.amountHelp=If an offer has a minimum and a maximum amount set, then you can trade any amount within this range. -shared.remove=Ukloni -shared.goTo=Idi na {0} -shared.BTCMinMax=BTC (min - maks) -shared.removeOffer=Ukloni ponudu -shared.dontRemoveOffer=Nemoj ukloniti ponudu -shared.editOffer=Izmeni ponudu -shared.openLargeQRWindow=Otvori veliki QR-Kod prozor -shared.tradingAccount=Trgovinski nalog -shared.faq=Poseti ČPP veb stranicu -shared.yesCancel=Da, otkaži -shared.nextStep=Sledeci korak -shared.selectTradingAccount=Izaberi trgovinski nalog -shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Prenesi sredstva iz Bisq novčanika -shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Otvori tvoj eksterni novčanik za finansiranje -shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Otvaranje podrazumevane bitkoin novčanik aplikacije nije uspelo. Možda nemate jedan instaliran? -shared.distanceInPercent=Odstupanje u % od tržišne cene -shared.belowInPercent=Below % from market price -shared.aboveInPercent=Above % from market price -shared.enterPercentageValue=Unesi % vrednost -shared.OR=ILI -shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet.\nYou need {0} but you have only {1} in your Bisq wallet.\n\nPlease fund the trade from an external Bitcoin wallet or fund your Bisq wallet at \"Funds/Receive funds\". -shared.waitingForFunds=Čekanje sredstava... -shared.depositTransactionId=ID transakcije depozita -shared.TheBTCBuyer=BTC kupac -shared.You=Vi -shared.reasonForPayment=Svrha uplate -shared.sendingConfirmation=Slanje potvrde... -shared.sendingConfirmationAgain=Molimo ponovo pošaljite potvrdu -shared.exportCSV=Izvezi u csv -shared.exportJSON=Export to JSON -shared.noDateAvailable=Datum nije dostupan -shared.arbitratorsFee=Provizija arbitra -shared.noDetailsAvailable=Detalji nisu dostupni -shared.notUsedYet=Još nije korišćeno -shared.date=Datum -shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving address: {2}.\nRequired transaction fee is: {3} ({4} satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {5} Kb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {6}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw this amount? -shared.copyToClipboard=Kopiraj u klipbord -shared.language=Jezik -shared.country=Država -shared.applyAndShutDown=Primeni i isključi -shared.selectPaymentMethod=Izaberi način plaćanja -shared.accountNameAlreadyUsed=To ime računa je već korišćeno u sačuvanom računu.\nMolimo vas koristite drugo ime. -shared.askConfirmDeleteAccount=Da li stvarno želite da izbrišete odabrani nalog? -shared.cannotDeleteAccount=Ne možete izbrisati nalog jer se koristi u otvorenoj ponudi ili u trgovini. -shared.noAccountsSetupYet=Ne postoje podešeni nalozi -shared.manageAccounts=Upravljaj nalozima -shared.addNewAccount=Dodaj novi nalog -shared.ExportAccounts=Izvezi Naloge -shared.importAccounts=Uvezi Naloge -shared.createNewAccount=Napravi novi nalog -shared.saveNewAccount=Sačuvaj novi nalog -shared.selectedAccount=Izabrani nalog -shared.deleteAccount=Izbriši nalog -shared.errorMessageInline=\nPoruka o grešci: {0} -shared.errorMessage=Error message -shared.information=Informacije -shared.name=Ime -shared.id=ID -shared.dashboard=Komandna tabla -shared.accept=Prihvati -shared.balance=Stanje -shared.save=Sačuvaj -shared.onionAddress=Onion adresa -shared.supportTicket=tiket podrške -shared.dispute=rasprava -shared.seller=prodavac -shared.buyer=kupac -shared.allEuroCountries=Sve Euro države -shared.acceptedTakerCountries=Prihvaćene države uzimalaca -shared.arbitrator=Selected arbitrator -shared.tradePrice=Cena trgovine -shared.tradeAmount=Iznos trgovine -shared.tradeVolume=Obim trgovine -shared.invalidKey=Ključ koji ste uneli nije tačan. -shared.enterPrivKey=Enter private key to unlock -shared.makerFeeTxId=Maker fee transaction ID -shared.takerFeeTxId=Taker fee transaction ID -shared.payoutTxId=Payout transaction ID -shared.contractAsJson=Contract in JSON format -shared.viewContractAsJson=Vidi ugovor u JSON formatu -shared.contract.title=Ugovor za trgovinu sa ID: {0} -shared.paymentDetails=BTC {0} payment details -shared.securityDeposit=Bezbednosni depozit -shared.yourSecurityDeposit=Your security deposit -shared.contract=Ugovor -shared.messageArrived=Stigla poruka. -shared.messageStoredInMailbox=Poruka sačuvana u sanduče. -shared.messageSendingFailed=Neuspelo slanje poruke. Greška: {0} -shared.unlock=Otključaj -shared.toReceive=to receive -shared.toSpend=to spend -shared.btcAmount=BTC iznos -shared.yourLanguage=Your languages -shared.addLanguage=Dodaj jezik -shared.total=Ukupno -shared.totalsNeeded=Funds needed -shared.tradeWalletAddress=Trade wallet address -shared.tradeWalletBalance=Trade wallet balance -shared.makerTxFee=Tvorac: {0} -shared.takerTxFee=Uzimalac: {0} -shared.securityDepositBox.description=Bezbednosni depozit za BTC {0} -shared.iConfirm=Potvrđujem -shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=ekvivalentno {0} korišćeno kao provizija rudara -shared.openURL=Open {0} -shared.fiat=Fiat -shared.crypto=Crypto -shared.all=All -shared.edit=Edit -shared.advancedOptions=Advanced options -shared.interval=Interval -shared.actions=Actions -shared.buyerUpperCase=Buyer -shared.sellerUpperCase=Seller -shared.new=NEW -shared.blindVoteTxId=Blind vote transaction ID - -#################################################################### -# UI views -#################################################################### - -#################################################################### -# MainView -#################################################################### - -mainView.menu.market=Tržište -mainView.menu.buyBtc=Kupi BTC -mainView.menu.sellBtc=Prodaj BTC -mainView.menu.portfolio=Portfolio -mainView.menu.funds=Sredstva -mainView.menu.support=Podrška -mainView.menu.settings=Podešavanja -mainView.menu.account=Nalog -mainView.menu.dao=DAO - -mainView.marketPrice.provider=Price by -mainView.marketPrice.label=Market price -mainView.marketPriceWithProvider.label=Market price by {0} -mainView.marketPrice.bisqInternalPrice=Price of latest Bisq trade -mainView.marketPrice.tooltip.bisqInternalPrice=There is no market price from external price feed providers available.\nThe displayed price is the latest Bisq trade price for that currency. -mainView.marketPrice.tooltip=Tržišna cena je obezbedjena od {0}{1}\nZadnje ažuriranje: {2}\nURL provajder node: {3} -mainView.marketPrice.tooltip.altcoinExtra=Ako altkoin nije dostupan na Poloniex-u koristimo https://coinmarketcap.com -mainView.balance.available=Stanje na raspolaganju -mainView.balance.reserved=Rezervisano u ponudama -mainView.balance.locked=Zaključano u trgovinama -mainView.balance.reserved.short=Reserved -mainView.balance.locked.short=Locked - -mainView.footer.usingTor=(korišćenje Tor-a) -mainView.footer.localhostBitcoinNode=(localhost) -mainView.footer.btcInfo=Pirovi Bitkoin mreže: {0} / {1} {2} -mainView.footer.btcInfo.initializing=Connecting to Bitcoin network -mainView.footer.bsqInfo.synchronizing=/ Synchronizing DAO -mainView.footer.btcInfo.synchronizedWith=Synchronized with -mainView.footer.btcInfo.connectingTo=Connecting to -mainView.footer.btcInfo.connectionFailed=veza nije uspostavljena -mainView.footer.p2pInfo=Pirovi P2P mreže: {0} - -mainView.bootstrapState.connectionToTorNetwork=(1/4) Povezivanje sa Tor mrežom... -mainView.bootstrapState.torNodeCreated=(2/4) Tor noda napravljena -mainView.bootstrapState.hiddenServicePublished=(3/4) Skriven Servis objavljen -mainView.bootstrapState.initialDataReceived=(4/4) Inicijalni podaci primljeni - -mainView.bootstrapWarning.noSeedNodesAvailable=Sid node nisu dostupne -mainView.bootstrapWarning.noNodesAvailable=Sid node i pirovi nisu dostupni -mainView.bootstrapWarning.bootstrappingToP2PFailed=Nije uspelo postavljanje na P2P mrežu - -mainView.p2pNetworkWarnMsg.noNodesAvailable=Sid node ili istrajni pirovi nisu dostupni za zahtevanje podataka.\nMolimo vas proverite vezu sa internetom ili pokusajte da ponovo pokrenete aplikaciju. -mainView.p2pNetworkWarnMsg.connectionToP2PFailed=Povezivanje na P2P mrežu nije uspelo (prijavljena greška: {0})\nMolimo vas proverite vezu sa internetom ili pokušajte da ponovo pokrenete aplikaciju. - -mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.timeout=Povezivanje na bitkoin mrežu nije uspelo zbog isteka vremena. -mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.connectionError=Povezivanje na bitkoin mrežu nije uspelo zbog greške: {0} - -mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Izgubili ste vezu sa svih {0} pirova na mreži.\nMožda ste izgubili vezu sa internetom ili je vaš kompjuter u režimu pripravnosti. -mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=You lost the connection to the localhost Bitcoin node.\nPlease restart the Bisq application to connect to other Bitcoin nodes or restart the localhost Bitcoin node. -mainView.version.update=(Update available) - - -#################################################################### -# MarketView -#################################################################### - -market.tabs.offerBook=Knjiga ponuda -market.tabs.spread=Spread -market.tabs.trades=Trgovine - -# OfferBookChartView -market.offerBook.chart.title=Knjiga ponuda za {0} -market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=Želim da kupim {0} (prodaja {1}) -market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=Želim da prodam {0} (kupovina {1}) -market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=Kupi {0} -market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=Prodaj {0} -market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Prodaj {0} u -market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Kupite {0} iz -market.offerBook.buy=Želim da kupim bitkoin -market.offerBook.sell=Želim da prodam bitkoin - -# SpreadView -market.spread.numberOfOffersColumn=Sve ponude ({0}) -market.spread.numberOfBuyOffersColumn=Kupi BTC ({0}) -market.spread.numberOfSellOffersColumn=Prodaj BTC ({0}) -market.spread.totalAmountColumn=Ukupno BTC ({0}) -market.spread.spreadColumn=Spread - -# TradesChartsView -market.trades.nrOfTrades=Trgovine: {0} -market.trades.tooltip.volumeBar=Obim: {0}\nBr. trgovina: {1}\nDatum: {2} -market.trades.tooltip.candle.open=Otvori: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.close=Zatvori: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.high=Visoko: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.low=Nisko: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.average=Prosečno: -market.trades.tooltip.candle.date=Datum: - -#################################################################### -# OfferView -#################################################################### - -offerbook.createOffer=Napravite ponudu -offerbook.takeOffer=Prihvatite ponudu -offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=Take offer to buy {0} -offerbook.takeOfferToSell=Take offer to sell {0} -offerbook.trader=Trgovac -offerbook.offerersBankId=ID banke tvorca ponude: {0} -offerbook.offerersBankName=Ime banke tvorca ponude: {0} -offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Država sedišta banke tvorca ponude: {0} -offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Prihvaćene države sedišta banke (uzimalac): Sve Euro države -offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Prihvaćene države sedišta banke (uzimalac):\n{0} -offerbook.availableOffers=Dostupne ponude -offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filter by currency -offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtriraj po načinu plaćanja - -offerbook.nrOffers=Br. ponuda: {0} -offerbook.volume={0} (min - maks) - -offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Create new offer to buy {0} -offerbook.createOfferToSell=Create new offer to sell {0} -offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=Create new offer to buy {0} with {1} -offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=Create new offer to sell {0} for {1} -offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=Create new offer to sell {0} (buy {1}) -offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=Create new offer to buy {0} (sell {1}) - -offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Prihvati ponudu za {0} -offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Da, napravi ponudu -offerbook.setupNewAccount=Podesi novi trgovinski nalog -offerbook.removeOffer.success=Uspešno uklanjanje ponude. -offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Uklanjanje ponude nije uspelo:\n{0} -offerbook.deactivateOffer.failed=Deactivating of offer failed:\n{0} -offerbook.activateOffer.failed=Publishing of offer failed:\n{0} -offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Možete podići sredstva koja ste platili sa {0} ekrana. - -offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=Ne postoji trgovinski nalog za izabranu valutu -offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=Nemate trgovinski račun za izabranu valutu.\nDa li želite da napravite ponudu sa jednim od vaših postojećih trgovinskih računa? -offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=Nema odgovarajućeg trgovinskog naloga. -offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Nemate trgovinski račun sa načinom plaćanja potrebnim za tu ponudu.\nMorate da podesite trgovinski račun sa tim načinom plaćanja ako želite da prihvatite ovu ponudu.\nDa li želite da uradite to sada? -offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Ta ponuda zahteva drugu verziju protokola od one korićene u vašoj verziji softvera.\n\nMolim vas proverite da li imate najnoviju verziju instaliranu, inače korisnik koji je napravio ponudu je koristio stariju verziju.\n\nKorisnici ne mogu da trguju sa nekompatibilnim verzijama protokola trgovine. -offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Dodali ste onion adresu tog korisnika na vašu ignore listu. -offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=Ta ponuda je blokirana od strane Bisq programera.\nVerovatno postoji nerešeni kvar koji uzrokuje probleme kad se prihvata ta ponuda. -offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=The currency used in that offer was blocked by the Bisq developers.\nPlease visit the Bisq Forum for more information. -offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=The payment method used in that offer was blocked by the Bisq developers.\nPlease visit the Bisq Forum for more information. -offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=Onion adresa trgovca je blokirana od strane Bisq programera.\nVerovatno postoji nerešeni kvar koji uzrokuje probleme pri prihvatanju ponuda od tog trgovca. -offerbook.warning.tradeLimitNotMatching=Your payment account has been created {0} days ago. Your trade limit is based on the account age and is not sufficient for that offer.\n\nYour trade limit is: {1}\nThe min. trade amount of the offer is: {2}.\n\nYou cannot take that offer at the moment. Once your account is older than 2 months this restriction gets removed. - - -offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=You will sell at market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.buyAtMarketPrice=You will buy at market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.sellBelowMarketPrice=You will get {0} less than the current market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.buyAboveMarketPrice=You will pay {0} more than the current market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=You will get {0} more than the current market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=You will pay {0} less than the current market price (updated every minute). -offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=You will buy at this fixed price. -offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=You will sell at this fixed price. -offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=U slučaju spora, imajte na umu da će arbitraža za ovu ponudu biti obrađena u {0}. Jezik je trenutno podešen na {1}. -offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=The amount was rounded to increase the privacy of your trade. - -#################################################################### -# Offerbook / Create offer -#################################################################### - -createOffer.amount.prompt=Unesite iznos u BTC -createOffer.price.prompt=Unesi cenu -createOffer.volume.prompt=Unesi iznos u {0} -createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Iznos bitkoina da se {0} -createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Iznos u {0} da se potroši -createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Iznos u {0} koji se dobija -createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimalni iznos BTC -createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Bezbednosni depozit -createOffer.fundsBox.title=Finansirajte vašu ponudu -createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Provizija prihvatanja -createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee -createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Postavljanje ponude je u toku ... -createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bisq trgovina sa ID {0} -createOffer.fundsBox.fundsStructure=({0} security deposit, {1} trade fee, {2} mining fee) -createOffer.fundsBox.fundsStructure.BSQ=({0} security deposit, {1} mining fee) + {2} trade fee -createOffer.success.headline=Vaša ponuda je objavljena -createOffer.success.info=Možete upravljati sa vašim otvorenim ponudama u \"Portfolio/Moje otvorene ponude". -createOffer.info.sellAtMarketPrice=You will always sell at market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.info.buyAtMarketPrice=You will always buy at market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=You will always get {0}% more than the current market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=You will always pay {0}% less than the current market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.warning.sellBelowMarketPrice=You will always get {0}% less than the current market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.warning.buyAboveMarketPrice=You will always pay {0}% more than the current market price as the price of your offer will be continuously updated. -createOffer.tradeFee.descriptionBTCOnly=Provizija prihvatanja -createOffer.tradeFee.descriptionBSQEnabled=Select trade fee currency -createOffer.tradeFee.fiatAndPercent=≈ {0} / {1} of trade amount - -# new entries -createOffer.placeOfferButton=Pregled: Postavi ponudu na {0} bitkoina -createOffer.alreadyFunded=Već ste finansirali tu ponudu.\nVaša novčana sredstva su premeštena u vaš lokalni Bisq novčanik i dostupni su za podizanje u \"Sredstva/Pošalji sredstva" ekranu. -createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Finansirajte vašu ponudu -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Iznos trgovine: {0}\n -createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.feesWithBSQ={0} and {1} -createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=Morate deponovati {0} ovoj ponudi.\n\nTa sredstva su rezervisana u vašem lokalnom novčaniku i biće zaključana u multisig depozit adresi kad neko prihvati ponudu.\n\nIznos je suma:\n{1}- Bezbednosnog depozita: {2}\n- Provizije trgovanja: {3}\n- Provizije rudara: {4}\n\nMožete birati izmedju dve opcije pri finansiranju vaše trgovine:\n- Koristite vaš Bisq novčanik (pogodno, ali transakcije možda mogu biti povezive) ILI\n- Prenesite iz vašeg eksternog novčanika (potencijalno veća privatnost)\n\nVidećete sve opcije finansiranja i detalje kad zatvorite ovaj popup. - -# only first part "An error occurred when placing the offer:" has been used before. We added now the rest (need update in existing translations!) -createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=Došlo je do greške pri postavljanju ponude:\n\n{0}\n\nNovčana sredstva još uvek nisu napustila vaš novčanik.\nMolimo vas pokrenite ponovo vašu aplikaciju i proverite vašu mrežnu povezanost. -createOffer.setAmountPrice=Podesi iznos i cenu. -createOffer.warnCancelOffer=Već ste finansirali tu ponudu.\nAko otkažete sada, vaša sredstva će biti pomerena u vaš lokalni Bisq novčanik i dostupna su za podizanje u \"Sredstva/Pošalji sredstva\" ekranu.\nDa li ste sigurni da želite da otkažete? -createOffer.timeoutAtPublishing=Došlo je do isteka vremena pri objavljivanju ponude. -createOffer.errorInfo=\n\nProvizija pravljenja je već plaćena. U najgorem slučaju tu proviziju ste izgubili. Žao nam je zbog toga, ali imajte na umu da je to jako mali iznos.\nMolimo vas pokušajte da ponovo pokrenete aplikaciju i proverite vašu mrežnu konekciju da vidite da li možete da rešite problem. -createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.warning=You have set the security deposit to a lower value than the recommended default value of {0}.\nAre you sure you want to use a lower security deposit? -createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.makerIsSeller=Pruža vam manju zaštitu u slučaju da trgovinski partner ne prati protokol trgovine. -createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.makerIsBuyer=Pruža manju zaštitu za trgovinskog partnera da pratite protokol trgovine pošto imate manje depozita pod rizikom. Ostali korisnici mogu preferirati da prihvate druge ponude umesto vaše. -createOffer.resetToDefault=Ne, resetuj na podrazumevanu vrednost -createOffer.useLowerValue=Da, koristi moju manju vrednost -createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Cena koju ste uneli je van maks. dozvoljenog odstupanja od tržišne cene.\nMaks. dozvoljeno odstupanje je {0} i može se podesiti u podešavanjima. -createOffer.changePrice=Izmeni cenu -createOffer.tac=Sa objavljivanjem te ponude slažem se da trgujem sa bilo kojim trgovcem koji ispunjava uslove definisane na tom ekranu. -createOffer.currencyForFee=Provizija pravljenja -createOffer.setDeposit=Set buyer's security deposit (%) -createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Set my security deposit as buyer (%) -createOffer.securityDepositInfo=Your buyer''s security deposit will be {0} -createOffer.securityDepositInfoAsBuyer=Your security deposit as buyer will be {0} - - -#################################################################### -# Offerbook / Take offer -#################################################################### - -takeOffer.amount.prompt=Unesite iznos u BTC -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Iznos bitkoina za prodaju -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Iznos bitkoina za kupovinu -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Cena po bitkoinu u {0} -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Mogući opseg iznosa -takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Iznos koji ste uneli prevazilazi broj dozvoljenih decimalnih mesta.\nIznos je prilagođen na 4 decimalnih mesta. -takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Iznos ne može biti manji od minimalnog iznosa definisanog u ponudi. -takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Uneti iznos ne može biti veći od iznosa definisanog u ponudi. -takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmountMinusFee=Taj unesen iznos bi napravio kusur prašine za prodavca BTC. -takeOffer.fundsBox.title=Finansirajte vašu trgovinu -takeOffer.fundsBox.isOfferAvailable=Proveri da li je ponuda dostupna ... -takeOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Amount to sell -takeOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Provizija prihvatanja -takeOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Total mining fees -takeOffer.fundsBox.takeOfferSpinnerInfo=Prihvatanje ponude je u toku ... -takeOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bisq trgovina sa ID {0} -takeOffer.fundsBox.fundsStructure=({0} security deposit, {1} trade fee, {2} mining fee) -takeOffer.success.headline=Uspešno se prihvatili ponudu. -takeOffer.success.info=Možete pogledati status vaše trgovine u "Portfolio/Otvorene trgovine\". -takeOffer.error.message=Došlo je do greške prilikom prihvatanja ponude.\n\n{0} - -# new entries -takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Pregled: Prihvati ponudu da se {0} bitkoin -takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Ne možete prihvatiti tu ponudu jer koristi cenu zasnovanu na procentu od tržišne cene ali ne postoji dostupan unos za cenu. -takeOffer.alreadyFunded.movedFunds=Već ste finansirali tu ponudu.\nVaša novčana sredstva su premeštena u vaš lokalni Bisq novčanik i dostupni su za podizanje u \"Sredstva/Pošalji sredstva" ekranu. -takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Finansirajte vašu trgovinu -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Iznos trgovine: {0}\n -takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=Morate deponovati {0} za prihvatanje ove ponude.\n\nIznos je suma:\n{1}- Bezbednosnog depozita: {2}\n- Provizije trgovanja: {3}\n- Provizije rudara(3x): {4}\n\nMožete birati izmedju dve opcije pri finansiranju vaše trgovine:\n- Koristite vaš Bisq novčanik (pogodno, ali transakcije možda mogu biti povezive) ILI\n- Prenesite iz vašeg eksternog novčanika (potencijalno veća privatnost)\n\nVidećete sve opcije finansiranja i detalje kad zatvorite ovaj popup. -takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Ako ste već platili u novčanim sredstvima možete ih podići u \"Sredstva/Pošalji sredstva\" ekranu. -takeOffer.paymentInfo=Informacije o plaćanju -takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Podesi iznos -takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Već ste finansirali tu ponudu.\nAko otkažete sada, vaša sredstva će biti pomerena u vaš lokalni Bisq novčanik i dostupna su za podizanje u \"Sredstva/Pošalji sredstva\" ekranu.\nDa li ste sigurni da želite da otkažete? -takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Zahtev za prihvatanje ponude nije uspeo jer ponuda više nije dostupna. Možda je drugi trgovac prihvatio ponudu u međuvremenu. -takeOffer.failed.offerTaken=Ne možete prihvatiti tu ponudu jer je ponuda već prihvaćena od strane drugog trgovca. -takeOffer.failed.offerRemoved=Ne možete prihvatiti tu ponudu jer je ponuda uklonjena u međuvremenu. -takeOffer.failed.offererNotOnline=Prihvatanje ponude nije uspelo jer tvorac ponude nije više onlajn. -takeOffer.failed.offererOffline=Ne možete prihvatiti tu ponudu jer je tvorac ponude oflajn. -takeOffer.warning.connectionToPeerLost=Izgubili ste konekciju sa tvorcem ponude.\nMožda je otišao oflajn ili je zatvorio konekciju sa vama zbog previše otvorenih konekcija.\n\nAko još uvek možete videti njegovu ponudu u knjizi ponuda možete probati da ponovo prihvatite ponudu. - -takeOffer.error.noFundsLost=\nNikakva sredstva još nisu napustila vaš novčanik.\nMolimo vas pokušajte ponovo pokrenite aplikaciju i proverite vašu mrežnu konekciju da vidite da li možete da rešite problem. -takeOffer.error.feePaid=\n\nProvizija pravljenja je već plaćena. U najgorem slučaju tu proviziju ste izgubili. Žao nam je zbog toga, ali imajte na umu da je to jako mali iznos.\nMolimo vas pokušajte da ponovo pokrenete aplikaciju i proverite vašu mrežnu konekciju da vidite da li možete da rešite problem. -takeOffer.error.depositPublished=\n\nTransakcija depozita je već objavljena.\nMolimo vas pokušajte ponovo pokrenite aplikaciju i proverite vašu mrežnu konekciju da vidite da li možete da rešite problem.\nAko problem i dalje postoji molimo kontaktirajte programere za podršku. -takeOffer.error.payoutPublished=\n\nTransakcija isplate je već objavljena.\nMolimo vas pokušajte ponovo pokrenite aplikaciju i proverite vašu mrežnu konekciju da vidite da li možete da rešite problem.\nAko problem i dalje postoji molimo kontaktirajte programere za podršku. -takeOffer.tac=Sa postavljanjem te ponude slažem se sa uslovima trgovine definisanim na tom ekranu. - - -#################################################################### -# Offerbook / Edit offer -#################################################################### - -editOffer.setPrice=Podesi cenu -editOffer.confirmEdit=Potvrdi: Izmeni ponudu -editOffer.publishOffer=Objavljivanje vaše ponude. -editOffer.failed=Uređivanje ponude nije uspelo:\n{0} -editOffer.success=Vaša ponuda je uspešno uređena. - -#################################################################### -# Portfolio -#################################################################### - -portfolio.tab.openOffers=Moje otvorene ponude -portfolio.tab.pendingTrades=Otvorene trgovine -portfolio.tab.history=Istorija -portfolio.tab.failed=Nije uspelo -portfolio.tab.editOpenOffer=Izmeni ponudu - -portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Sačekajte potvrdu blokčejna -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Započni uplatu -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.waitPaymentStarted=Sačekajte dok uplata počne -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.waitPaymentArrived=Sačekajte dok uplata stigne -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmPaymentReceived=Potvrdi primljenu uplatu -portfolio.pending.step5.completed=Završeno - -portfolio.pending.step1.info=Deposit transaction has been published.\n{0} need to wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment. -portfolio.pending.step1.warn=The deposit transaction still did not get confirmed.\nThat might happen in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from the external wallet was too low. -portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction still did not get confirmed.\nThat might happen in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from the external wallet was too low.\nThe max. period for the trade has elapsed.\n\nPlease contact the arbitrator for opening a dispute. - -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n(You can wait for more confirmations if you want - 6 confirmations are considered as very secure.)\n\n - -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.copyPaste=(Možete kopirati i lepiti vrednosti sa glavnog ekrana nakon što zatvorite taj popup.) -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.refTextWarn=NEMOJTE koristiti nikakve dodatne beleške u tekstu \"razlog za uplatu\" kao sto su Bitkoin, BTC ili Bisq. -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.accountDetails=Here are the trading account details of the BTC seller:\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.tradeId=Molimo vas ne zaboravite da dodate ID trgovine -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.assign=as \"reason for payment\" so the receiver can assign your payment to this trade.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees=Ako vaša banka naplaćuje provizije moraćete da pokrijete tu proviziju. -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin=Please transfer from your external {0} wallet\n{1} to the BTC seller.\n\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.cash=Please go to a bank and pay {0} to the BTC seller.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.cash.extra=IMPORTANT REQUIREMENT:\nAfter you have done the payment write on the paper receipt: NO REFUNDS.\nThen tear it in 2 parts, make a photo and send it to the BTC seller's email address. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGram=Please pay {0} to the BTC seller by using MoneyGram.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGram.extra=IMPORTANT REQUIREMENT:\nAfter you have done the payment send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller.\nThe receipt must clearly show the seller''s full name, country, state and the amount. The seller''s email is: {0}. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion=Please pay {0} to the BTC seller by using Western Union.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=IMPORTANT REQUIREMENT:\nAfter you have done the payment send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller.\nThe receipt must clearly show the seller''s full name, city, country and the amount. The seller''s email is: {0}. - -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Please send {0} by \"US Postal Money Order\" to the BTC seller.\n\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.bank=Please go to your online banking web page and pay {0} to the BTC seller.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=Please contact the BTC seller by the provided contact and arrange a meeting to pay {0}.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=Započni uplatu korišćenjem {0} -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=Amount to transfer -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=Seller''s {0} address -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.buyerAccount=Your payment account to be used -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=Uplata započeta -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.warn=You still have not done your {0} payment!\nPlease note that the trade has to be completed until {1} otherwise the trade will be investigated by the arbitrator. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.openForDispute=You have not completed your payment!\nThe max. period for the trade has elapsed.\n\nPlease contact the arbitrator for opening a dispute. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paperReceipt.headline=Da li ste poslali papirni račun BTC prodavcu? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paperReceipt.msg=Remember:\nYou need to write on the paper receipt: NO REFUNDS.\nThen tear it in 2 parts, make a photo and send it to the BTC seller's email address. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGramMTCNInfo.headline=Send Authorisation number and receipt -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGramMTCNInfo.msg=You need to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller.\nThe receipt must clearly show the seller''s full name, country, state and the amount. The seller''s email is: {0}.\n\nDid you send the Authorisation number and contract to the seller? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnionMTCNInfo.headline=Send MTCN and receipt -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnionMTCNInfo.msg=You need to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller.\nThe receipt must clearly show the seller''s full name, city, country and the amount. The seller''s email is: {0}.\n\nDid you send the MTCN and contract to the seller? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.halCashInfo.headline=Send HalCash code -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.halCashInfo.msg=You need to send a text message with the HalCash code as well as the trade ID ({0}) to the BTC seller.\nThe seller''s mobile nr. is {1}.\n\nDid you send the code to the seller? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fasterPaymentsHolderNameInfo=Some banks might require the receiver's name. The UK sort code and account number is sufficient for a Faster Payment transfer and the receivers name is not verified by any of the banks. -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.confirmStart.headline=Potvrdite da ste započeli uplatu -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.confirmStart.msg=Da li ste započeli {0} uplatu vašem trgovinskom partenru? -portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.confirmStart.yes=Da, započeo sam uplatu - -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.waitPayment.headline=Sačekajte uplatu -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.f2fInfo.headline=Buyer's contact information -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.waitPayment.msg=The deposit transaction has at least one blockchain confirmation.\nYou need to wait until the BTC buyer starts the {0} payment. -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.warn=The BTC buyer still has not done the {0} payment.\nYou need to wait until they have started the payment.\nIf the trade has not been completed on {1} the arbitrator will investigate. -portfolio.pending.step2_seller.openForDispute=The BTC buyer has not started his payment!\nThe max. allowed period for the trade has elapsed.\nPlease contact the arbitrator for opening a dispute. - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.UNDEFINED=Undefined -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.SENT=Message sent -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.ARRIVED=Message arrived at peer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.STORED_IN_MAILBOX=Message stored in mailbox -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.ACKNOWLEDGED=Peer confirmed message receipt -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -message.state.FAILED=Sending message failed - -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.headline=Sačekajte potvrdu uplate od BTC prodavca -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.info=Čekanje potvrde od BTC prodavca za primanje {0} uplate. -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.msgStateInfo.label=Payment started message status -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part1a=na {0} blokčejnu -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part1b=kod vašeg platnog provajdera (npr. banka) -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part2=The BTC seller still has not confirmed your payment!\nPlease check {0} if the payment sending was successful.\nIf the BTC seller does not confirm the receipt of your payment until {1} the trade will be investigated by the arbitrator. -portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.openForDispute=The BTC seller has not confirmed your payment!\nThe max. period for the trade has elapsed.\nPlease contact the arbitrator for opening a dispute. -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.part=Your trading partner has confirmed that they have initiated the {0} payment.\n\n -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.altcoin.explorer=on your favorite {0} blockchain explorer -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.altcoin.wallet=at your {0} wallet -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.altcoin={0}Please check {1} if the transaction to your receiving address\n{2}\nhas already sufficient blockchain confirmations.\nThe payment amount has to be {3}\n\nYou can copy & paste your {4} address from the main screen after closing that popup. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.postal={0}Please check if you have received {1} with \"US Postal Money Order\" from the BTC buyer.\n\nThe trade ID (\"reason for payment\" text) of the transaction is: \"{2}\" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.bank=Your trading partner has confirmed that they have initiated the {0} payment.\n\nPlease go to your online banking web page and check if you have received {1} from the BTC buyer.\n\nThe trade ID (\"reason for payment\" text) of the transaction is: \"{2}\"\n\n -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.cash=Because the payment is done via Cash Deposit the BTC buyer has to write \"NO REFUND\" on the paper receipt, tear it in 2 parts and send you a photo by email.\n\nTo avoid chargeback risk, only confirm if you received the email and if you are sure the paper receipt is valid.\nIf you are not sure, {0} -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.moneyGram=The buyer has to send you the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email.\nThe receipt must clearly show your full name, country, state and the amount. Please check your email if you received the Authorisation number.\n\nAfter closing that popup you will see the BTC buyer's name and address for picking up the money from MoneyGram.\n\nOnly confirm receipt after you have successfully picked up the money! -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.westernUnion=The buyer has to send you the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email.\nThe receipt must clearly show your full name, city, country and the amount. Please check your email if you received the MTCN.\n\nAfter closing that popup you will see the BTC buyer's name and address for picking up the money from Western Union.\n\nOnly confirm receipt after you have successfully picked up the money! -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.halCash=The buyer has to send you the HalCash code as text message. Beside that you will receive a message from HalCash with the required information to withdraw the EUR from a HalCash supporting ATM.\n\nAfter you have picked up the money from the ATM please confirm here the receipt of the payment! - -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.bankCheck=\n\nPlease also verify that the senders name in your bank statement matches that one from the trade contract:\nSenders name: {0}\n\nIf the name is not the same as the one displayed here, {1} -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.openDispute=molimo ne potvrđujte nego otvorite raspravu pritiskajuci \"alt + o\" ili \"option + o\". -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmPaymentReceipt=Potvrdi primanje uplate -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.amountToReceive=Amount to receive -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.yourAddress=Your {0} address -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyersAddress=Buyers {0} address -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.yourAccount=Your trading account -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyersAccount=Buyers trading account -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmReceipt=Potvrdi primanje uplate -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyerStartedPayment=BTC kupac je započeo {0} uplatu.\n{1} -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyerStartedPayment.altcoin=Proverite potvrde blokčejna u vašem altkoin novčaniku ili blok pretraživaču i potvrdite uplatu kada imate dovoljno potvrda blokčejna. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyerStartedPayment.fiat=Proverite na vašem trgovinskom nalogu (npr. bankovni račun) i potvrdite kada ste primili uplatu. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part1a=na {0} blokčejnu -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part1b=kod vašeg platnog provajdera (npr. banka) -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part2=You still have not confirmed the receipt of the payment!\nPlease check {0} if you have received the payment.\nIf you don''t confirm receipt until {1} the trade will be investigated by the arbitrator. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.openForDispute=You have not confirmed the receipt of the payment!\nThe max. period for the trade has elapsed.\nPlease contact the arbitrator for opening a dispute. -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.part1=Have you received the {0} payment from your trading partner?\n\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.fiat=The trade ID (\"reason for payment\" text) of the transaction is: \"{0}\"\n\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.name=Please also verify that the senders name in your bank statement matches that one from the trade contract:\nSenders name: {0}\n\nIf the name is not the same as the one displayed here, please don't confirm but open a dispute by entering \"alt + o\" or \"option + o\".\n\n -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.note=Imajte na umu, da čim potvrdite primanje uplate, zaključani iznos trgovine će biti oslobođen BTC kupcu i bezbednosni depozit će biti vraćen. -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.headline=Potvrdite da ste primili uplatu -portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=Da, primio sam uplatu - -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=Rezime završene trgovine -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeFee=Provizija prihvatanja -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.makersMiningFee=Mining fee -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=Total mining fees -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=Refunded security deposit -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=Podignite vaš bitkoin -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=Amount to withdraw -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=Withdraw to address -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Prenesi sredstva u Bisq novčanik -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=Podignite na eksterni novčanik -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=Your funds have already been withdrawn.\nPlease check the transaction history. -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=Potvrdi zahtev za podizanje -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=Iznos za prenos je manji od provizije transakcije i minimalne moguće vrednosti tks. (prašina). -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=Završeno podizanje -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=Your completed trades are stored under \"Portfolio/History\".\nYou can review all your bitcoin transactions under \"Funds/Transactions\" -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.bought=You have bought -portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.paid=You have paid - -portfolio.pending.step5_seller.sold=You have sold -portfolio.pending.step5_seller.received=You have received - -tradeFeedbackWindow.title=Congratulations on completing your trade -tradeFeedbackWindow.msg.part1=We'd love to hear back from you about your experience. It'll help us to improve the software and to smooth out any rough edges. If you'd like to provide feedback, please fill out this short survey (no registration required) at: -tradeFeedbackWindow.msg.part2=If you have any questions, or experienced any problems, please get in touch with other users and contributors via the Bisq forum at: -tradeFeedbackWindow.msg.part3=Thanks for using Bisq! - - -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.title=Thank you for testing the Bisq DAO -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.msg.part1=Can you spare 3 minutes to do a quick survey? We're offering 20 BSQ for completed surveys.\nYour feedback is crucial to ensuring a smooth launch on mainnet. -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.surveyLinkLabel=Do survey -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.msg.part2=Questions, or other issues? Discuss with Bisq users and contributors on the forum: -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.forumLinkLabel=Visit forum -daoTestingFeedbackWindow.msg.part3=Thanks for using Bisq! - -portfolio.pending.role=Moja uloga -portfolio.pending.tradeInformation=Informacije trgovine -portfolio.pending.remainingTime=Preostalo vreme -portfolio.pending.remainingTimeDetail={0} (until {1}) -portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=After the first blockchain confirmation, the trade period starts. Based on the payment method used, a different maximum allowed trade period is applied. -portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=If the period is exceeded both traders can open a dispute. -portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Trade not completed in time (until {0}) -portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Proces trgovine -portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=Ako niste sigurni da je stigla poruka arbitru (npr. ako niste dobili odgovor nakon 1 dan) slobodno ponovo otvorite raspravu. -portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Ponovo otvori raspravu -portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Otvori tiket podrške -portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Please use that only in emergency case if you don't get displayed a \"Open support\" or \"Open dispute\" button.\n\nWhen you open a support ticket the trade will be interrupted and handled by the arbitrator -portfolio.pending.notification=Notifikacija -portfolio.pending.openDispute=Otvori raspravu -portfolio.pending.disputeOpened=Rasprava otvorena -portfolio.pending.openSupport=Otvori tiket podrške -portfolio.pending.supportTicketOpened=Tiket podrške otvoren -portfolio.pending.requestSupport=Zatraži podršku -portfolio.pending.error.requestSupport=Please report the problem to your arbitrator.\n\nHe will forward the information to the developers to investigate the problem.\nAfter the problem has been analyzed you will get back all locked funds. -portfolio.pending.communicateWithArbitrator=Molimo komunicirajte u \"Podrška\" ekranu sa arbitrom. -portfolio.pending.supportTicketOpenedMyUser=You opened already a support ticket.\n{0} -portfolio.pending.disputeOpenedMyUser=You opened already a dispute.\n{0} -portfolio.pending.disputeOpenedByPeer=Your trading peer opened a dispute\n{0} -portfolio.pending.supportTicketOpenedByPeer=Your trading peer opened a support ticket.\n{0} -portfolio.pending.noReceiverAddressDefined=Adresa primanja nije definisana -portfolio.pending.removeFailedTrade=If the arbitrator could not close that trade you can move it yourself to the failed trades screen.\nDo you want to remove that failed trade from the Pending trades screen? -portfolio.closed.completed=Završeno -portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=Tiket zatvoren -portfolio.closed.canceled=Otkazano -portfolio.failed.Failed=Nije uspelo - - -#################################################################### -# Funds -#################################################################### - -funds.tab.deposit=Primi sredstva -funds.tab.withdrawal=Pošalji sredstva -funds.tab.reserved=Rezervisana sredstva -funds.tab.locked=Zaključana sredstva -funds.tab.transactions=Transakcije - -funds.deposit.unused=Nekorišćen -funds.deposit.usedInTx=Korišćeno u {0} transakcija -funds.deposit.fundBisqWallet=Finansirajte Bisq novčanik -funds.deposit.noAddresses=Nijedna adresa depozita nije generisana još uvek -funds.deposit.fundWallet=Finansirajte vaš novčanik -funds.deposit.withdrawFromWallet=Send funds from wallet -funds.deposit.amount=Amount in BTC (optional) -funds.deposit.generateAddress=Generišite novu adresu -funds.deposit.selectUnused=Molimo izaberite nekorišćenu adresu iz tabele iznad umesto generisanja nove. - -funds.withdrawal.arbitrationFee=Provizija arbitracije -funds.withdrawal.inputs=Inputs selection -funds.withdrawal.useAllInputs=Use all available inputs -funds.withdrawal.useCustomInputs=Use custom inputs -funds.withdrawal.receiverAmount=Receiver's amount -funds.withdrawal.senderAmount=Sender's amount -funds.withdrawal.feeExcluded=Amount excludes mining fee -funds.withdrawal.feeIncluded=Amount includes mining fee -funds.withdrawal.fromLabel=Withdraw from address -funds.withdrawal.toLabel=Withdraw to address -funds.withdrawal.withdrawButton=Podizanje izabrano -funds.withdrawal.noFundsAvailable=Nijedna sredstva nisu dostupna za podizanje -funds.withdrawal.confirmWithdrawalRequest=Potvrdi zahtev za podizanje -funds.withdrawal.withdrawMultipleAddresses=Podigni sa više adresa ({0}) -funds.withdrawal.withdrawMultipleAddresses.tooltip=Withdraw from multiple addresses:\n{0} -funds.withdrawal.notEnoughFunds=Nemate dovoljno sredstava u vašem novčaniku. -funds.withdrawal.selectAddress=Izaberite izvornu adresu iz tabele -funds.withdrawal.setAmount=Postavite iznos za podizanje -funds.withdrawal.fillDestAddress=Unesite vašu adresu destinacije -funds.withdrawal.warn.noSourceAddressSelected=Potrebno je da izaberete izvornu adresu iz tabele iznad. -funds.withdrawal.warn.amountExceeds=Your amount exceeds the available amount for the selected address.\nConsider to select multiple addresses in the table above if you want to withdraw more. - -funds.reserved.noFunds=Nema sredstava rezervisanih u otvorenim ponudama -funds.reserved.reserved=Rezervisano u lokalnom novčaniku za ponudu sa ID: {0} - -funds.locked.noFunds=Nema sredstava zaključanih u trgovinama -funds.locked.locked=Zaključano u multisigu za trgoinu sa ID: {0} - -funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Poslato na: -funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Primljeno sa: -funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=From Genesis tx: -funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Miner fee for BSQ tx -funds.tx.createOfferFee=Provizija pravljenja i tks: {0} -funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Provizija prihvatanja i tks: {0} -funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig depozit: {0} -funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig isplata: {0} -funds.tx.disputePayout=Isplata rasprave: {0} -funds.tx.disputeLost=Izgubljen slučaj rasprave: {0} -funds.tx.unknown=Nepoznat razlog: {0} -funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Nema povraćaja od rasprave -funds.tx.receivedFunds=Primljena sredstva -funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Podignuto iz novčanika -funds.tx.withdrawnFromBSQWallet=BTC withdrawn from BSQ wallet -funds.tx.noTxAvailable=Nema dostupnih transakcija -funds.tx.revert=Vrati -funds.tx.txSent=Transakcija uspešno poslata na novu adresu u lokalnom Bisq novčaniku -funds.tx.direction.self=Transakcija unutar novčanika -funds.tx.daoTxFee=Miner fee for DAO tx -funds.tx.reimbursementRequestTxFee=Reimbursement request -funds.tx.compensationRequestTxFee=Zahtev za nadoknadu - - -#################################################################### -# Support -#################################################################### - -support.tab.support=Tiketi podrške -support.tab.ArbitratorsSupportTickets=Tiketi podrške arbitra -support.tab.TradersSupportTickets=Tiketi podrške trgovca -support.filter=Filter list -support.noTickets=Ne postoje otvoreni tiketi -support.sendingMessage=Slanje Poruke... -support.receiverNotOnline=Primalac nije onlajn. Poruka je sačuvana u njegovo sanduče. -support.sendMessageError=Sending message failed. Error: {0} -support.wrongVersion=The offer in that dispute has been created with an older version of Bisq.\nYou cannot close that dispute with your version of the application.\n\nPlease use an older version with protocol version {0} -support.openFile=Otvori fajl za dodavanje (maks. veličina fajla: {0} kb) -support.attachmentTooLarge=Ukupna veličina vašeg priloga je {0} kb i prevazilazi maks. dozvoljenu veličinu poruke od {1} kB. -support.maxSize=Maks. dozvoljena veličina fajla je {0} kB. -support.attachment=Prilog -support.tooManyAttachments=Ne možete poslati više od 3 priloga u jednoj poruci. -support.save=Sačuvaj fajl na disk -support.messages=Poruke -support.input.prompt=Molimo unesite ovde vašu poruku arbitru -support.send=Pošalji -support.addAttachments=Dodaj prilog -support.closeTicket=Zatvori tiket -support.attachments=Prilozi: -support.savedInMailbox=Poruka sačuvana u sanduče primaoca -support.arrived=Poruka stigla kod primaoca -support.acknowledged=Message arrival confirmed by receiver -support.error=Receiver could not process message. Error: {0} -support.buyerAddress=Adresa BTC kupca -support.sellerAddress=Adresa BTC prodavca -support.role=Uloga -support.state=Država -support.closed=Zatvoreno -support.open=Otvori -support.buyerOfferer=BTC kupac/Tvorac -support.sellerOfferer=BTC prodavac/Tvorac -support.buyerTaker=BTC kupac/Uzimalac -support.sellerTaker=BTC prodavac/Tvorac -support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nIf there are disputes in the trade process (e.g. one trader does not follow the trade protocol) the application will display an \"Open dispute\" button after the trade period is over for contacting the arbitrator.\n\nIf there is an issue with the application, the software will try to detect it and, if possible, display an \"Open support ticket\" button to contact the arbitrator who will forward the issue to the developers.\n\nIf you are having an issue and did not see the \"Open support ticket\" button, you can open a support ticket manually by selecting the trade causing issues under \"Portfolio/Open trades\" and hitting \"alt + o\" or \"option + o\". Please use this method only if you are sure that the software is not working as expected. If you have problems or questions, please review the FAQ on the bisq.network web page or post in the Bisq forum in the Support section. - -support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the arbitrator's requests within 2 days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the arbitrator and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: https://bisq.network/docs/exchange/arbitration-system -support.systemMsg=Poruka sistema: {0} -support.youOpenedTicket=You opened a request for support.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1} -support.youOpenedDispute=You opened a request for a dispute.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1} -support.peerOpenedTicket=Your trading peer has requested support due technical problems.\n\n{0} -support.peerOpenedDispute=Your trading peer has requested a dispute.\n\n{0} - - -#################################################################### -# Settings -#################################################################### -settings.tab.preferences=Preference -settings.tab.network=Informacije o mreži -settings.tab.about=Više - -setting.preferences.general=Opšte preference -setting.preferences.explorer=Bitcoin block explorer -setting.preferences.deviation=Max. deviation from market price -setting.preferences.avoidStandbyMode=Avoid standby mode -setting.preferences.deviationToLarge=Vrednosti veće od 30 % nisu dozvoljene. -setting.preferences.txFee=Withdrawal transaction fee (satoshis/byte) -setting.preferences.useCustomValue=Koristi prilagođenu vrednost -setting.preferences.txFeeMin=Provizija transakcije mora biti najmanje 5 satoši/bajt -setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=Vaš unos je iznad bilo koje razumne vrednosti (>5000 satoši/bajt). Provizija transakcije je obično u opsegu od 50-400 satoši/bajt. -setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Ignore peers with onion address (comma sep.) -setting.preferences.refererId=Referral ID -setting.preferences.refererId.prompt=Optional referral ID -setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Valute u ulaznoj listi tržišnih cena -setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Preferred currency -setting.preferences.displayFiat=Display national currencies -setting.preferences.noFiat=Nema izabranih nacionalnih valuta -setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Ne možete ukloniti vašu izabranu preferiranu prikazanu valutu -setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Display altcoins -setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Nema izabranih altkoina -setting.preferences.addFiat=Dodaj nacionalnu valutu -setting.preferences.addAltcoin=Dodaj altkoin -setting.preferences.displayOptions=Opcije prikaza -setting.preferences.showOwnOffers=Show my own offers in offer book -setting.preferences.useAnimations=Use animations -setting.preferences.sortWithNumOffers=Sort market lists with no. of offers/trades -setting.preferences.resetAllFlags=Reset all \"Don't show again\" flags -setting.preferences.reset=Resetuj -settings.preferences.languageChange=Primenjivanje promene jezika na sve ekrane zahteva ponovo pokretanje. -settings.preferences.arbitrationLanguageWarning=U slučaju spora, imajte na umu da se arbitraža postupa u {0}. -settings.preferences.selectCurrencyNetwork=Select network -setting.preferences.daoOptions=DAO options -setting.preferences.dao.resync.label=Rebuild DAO state from genesis tx -setting.preferences.dao.resync.button=Resync -setting.preferences.dao.resync.popup=After an application restart the BSQ consensus state will be rebuilt from the genesis transaction. -setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=Run Bisq as DAO full node -setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=RPC username -setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=RPC password -setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo=For running Bisq as DAO full node you need to have Bitcoin Core locally running and configured with RPC and other requirements which are documented in ''{0}''. -setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo.ok=Open docs page -setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo.cancel=No, I stick with lite node mode - -settings.net.btcHeader=Bitkoin mreža -settings.net.p2pHeader=P2P mreža -settings.net.onionAddressLabel=My onion address -settings.net.btcNodesLabel=Use custom Bitcoin Core nodes -settings.net.bitcoinPeersLabel=Connected peers -settings.net.useTorForBtcJLabel=Use Tor for Bitcoin network -settings.net.bitcoinNodesLabel=Bitcoin Core nodes to connect to -settings.net.useProvidedNodesRadio=Use provided Bitcoin Core nodes -settings.net.usePublicNodesRadio=Use public Bitcoin network -settings.net.useCustomNodesRadio=Use custom Bitcoin Core nodes -settings.net.warn.usePublicNodes=If you use the public Bitcoin network you are exposed to a severe privacy problem caused by the broken bloom filter design and implementation which is used for SPV wallets like BitcoinJ (used in Bisq). Any full node you are connected to could find out that all your wallet addresses belong to one entity.\n\nPlease read more about the details at: https://bisq.network/blog/privacy-in-bitsquare.\n\nAre you sure you want to use the public nodes? -settings.net.warn.usePublicNodes.useProvided=No, use provided nodes -settings.net.warn.usePublicNodes.usePublic=Yes, use public network -settings.net.warn.useCustomNodes.B2XWarning=Please be sure that your Bitcoin node is a trusted Bitcoin Core node!\n\nConnecting to nodes which do not follow the Bitcoin Core consensus rules could corrupt your wallet and cause problems in the trade process.\n\nUsers who connect to nodes that violate consensus rules are responsible for any resulting damage. Any resulting disputes will be decided in favor of the other peer. No technical support will be given to users who ignore this warning and protection mechanisms! -settings.net.localhostBtcNodeInfo=(Background information: If you are running a local Bitcoin node (localhost) you can connect exclusively to it.) -settings.net.p2PPeersLabel=Connected peers -settings.net.onionAddressColumn=Onion adresa -settings.net.creationDateColumn=Utvrđen -settings.net.connectionTypeColumn=Ulaz/Izlaz -settings.net.totalTrafficLabel=Total traffic -settings.net.roundTripTimeColumn=Povratno putovanje -settings.net.sentBytesColumn=Poslato -settings.net.receivedBytesColumn=Primljeno -settings.net.peerTypeColumn=Tip pira -settings.net.openTorSettingsButton=Open Tor settings - -settings.net.needRestart=You need to restart the application to apply that change.\nDo you want to do that now? -settings.net.notKnownYet=Još uvek nepoznato... -settings.net.sentReceived=Poslato: {0}, primljeno: {1} -settings.net.ips=Dodaj IP adrese odvojene zarezom -settings.net.seedNode=Sid noda -settings.net.directPeer=Pir (direktan) -settings.net.peer=Pir -settings.net.inbound=dolazeći -settings.net.outbound=koji odlazi -settings.net.reSyncSPVChainLabel=Resinkuj SPV lanac -settings.net.reSyncSPVChainButton=Izbriši SPV fajl i resinhronizuj -settings.net.reSyncSPVSuccess=The SPV chain file will be deleted on the next startup. You need to restart your application now.\n\nAfter the restart it can take a while to resync with the network and you will only see all transactions once the resync is completed.\n\nPlease restart again after the resync has completed because there are sometimes inconsistencies that result in incorrect balances to display. -settings.net.reSyncSPVAfterRestart=The SPV chain file has been deleted. Please be patient. It can take a while to resync with the network. -settings.net.reSyncSPVAfterRestartCompleted=Resink je sada završen. Molimo ponovo pokrenite aplikaciju. -settings.net.reSyncSPVFailed=Nije uspelo brisanje SPV lanac fajla. -setting.about.aboutBisq=O Bisq -setting.about.about=Bisq is open-source software which facilitates the exchange of bitcoin with national currencies (and other cryptocurrencies) through a decentralized peer-to-peer network in a way that strongly protects user privacy. Learn more about Bisq on our project web page. -setting.about.web=Bisq veb stranica -setting.about.code=Izvorni kod -setting.about.agpl=AGPL Licenca -setting.about.support=Podrži Bisq -setting.about.def=Bisq is not a company—it is a project open to the community. If you want to participate or support Bisq please follow the links below. -setting.about.contribute=Doprinesi -setting.about.donate=Doniraj -setting.about.providers=Provajderi podataka -setting.about.apisWithFee=Bisq koristi API treće partije za Fiat i Altkoin tržišne cene kao i za procenu provizije rudara. -setting.about.apis=Bisq koristi API treće partije za Fiat i Altkoin tržišne cene. -setting.about.pricesProvided=Market prices provided by -setting.about.pricesProviders={0}, {1} i {2} -setting.about.feeEstimation.label=Mining fee estimation provided by -setting.about.versionDetails=Detalji verzije -setting.about.version=Application version -setting.about.subsystems.label=Versions of subsystems -setting.about.subsystems.val=Verzija mreže: {0}; Verzija P2P poruka: {1}; Verzija lokalne DB: {2}; Verzija trgovinskog protokola: {3} - - -#################################################################### -# Account -#################################################################### - -account.tab.arbitratorRegistration=Registracija arbitra -account.tab.account=Nalog -account.info.headline=Dobrodošli na vaš Bisq Nalog -account.info.msg=Here you can add trading accounts for national currencies & altcoins, select arbitrators, and create a backup of your wallet & account data.\n\nA new Bitcoin wallet was created the first time you started Bisq.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you write down your Bitcoin wallet seed words (see tab on the top) and consider adding a password before funding. Bitcoin deposits and withdrawals are managed in the \"Funds\" section.\n\nPrivacy & security note: because Bisq is a decentralized exchange, all your data is kept on your computer. There are no servers, so we have no access to your personal info, your funds, or even your IP address. Data such as bank account numbers, altcoin & Bitcoin addresses, etc are only shared with your trading partner to fulfill trades you initiate (in case of a dispute the arbitrator will see the same data as your trading peer). - -account.menu.paymentAccount=Nalozi nacionalne valute -account.menu.altCoinsAccountView=Altkoin nalozi -account.menu.password=Lozinka novčanika -account.menu.seedWords=Seme novčanika -account.menu.backup=Rezerva -account.menu.notifications=Notifications - -account.arbitratorRegistration.pubKey=Public key - -account.arbitratorRegistration.register=Registrujte arbitra -account.arbitratorRegistration.revoke=Opozovite registraciju -account.arbitratorRegistration.info.msg=Please note that you need to stay available for 15 days after revoking as there might be trades which are using you as arbitrator. The max. allowed trade period is 8 days and the dispute process might take up to 7 days. -account.arbitratorRegistration.warn.min1Language=You need to set at least 1 language.\nWe added the default language for you. -account.arbitratorRegistration.removedSuccess=Uspešno ste uklonili vašeg arbitra sa P2P mreže. -account.arbitratorRegistration.removedFailed=Uklanjanje arbitra nije uspelo.{0} -account.arbitratorRegistration.registerSuccess=Uspešno ste registrovali vašeg arbitra na P2P mrežu. -account.arbitratorRegistration.registerFailed=Registracija arbitra nije uspela.{0} - -account.arbitratorSelection.minOneArbitratorRequired=You need to set at least 1 language.\nWe added the default language for you. -account.arbitratorSelection.whichLanguages=Koje jezike govorite? -account.arbitratorSelection.whichDoYouAccept=Koje arbitre prihvatate -account.arbitratorSelection.autoSelect=Automatski izaberi sve arbitre sa odgovarajućim jezikom -account.arbitratorSelection.regDate=Datum registracije -account.arbitratorSelection.languages=Jezici -account.arbitratorSelection.cannotSelectHimself=Arbitar ne može da izabere sebe za trgovanje. -account.arbitratorSelection.noMatchingLang=Nema odgovarajućeg jezika. -account.arbitratorSelection.noLang=Možete izabrati samo arbitre koji govore bar 1 zajednički jezik. -account.arbitratorSelection.minOne=Potrebno je da imate bar jednog arbitra izabranog. - -account.altcoin.yourAltcoinAccounts=Your altcoin accounts -account.altcoin.popup.wallet.msg=Please be sure that you follow the requirements for the usage of {0} wallets as described on the {1} web page.\nUsing wallets from centralized exchanges where (a) you don''t control your keys or (b) which don''t use compatible wallet software is risky: it can lead to loss of the traded funds!\nThe arbitrator is not a {2} specialist and cannot help in such cases. -account.altcoin.popup.wallet.confirm=Razumem i potvrđujem da znam koji novčanik trebam da koristim. -account.altcoin.popup.arq.msg=Trading ARQ on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nFor sending ARQ, you need to use either the official ArQmA GUI wallet or ArQmA CLI wallet with the store-tx-info flag enabled (default in new versions). Please be sure you can access the tx key as that would be required in case of a dispute.\narqma-wallet-cli (use the command get_tx_key)\narqma-wallet-gui (go to history tab and click on the (P) button for payment proof)\n\nAt normal block explorers the transfer is not verifiable.\n\nYou need to provide the arbitrator the following data in case of a dispute:\n- The tx private key\n- The transaction hash\n- The recipient's public address\n\nFailure to provide the above data, or if you used an incompatible wallet, will result in losing the dispute case. The ARQ sender is responsible for providing verification of the ARQ transfer to the arbitrator in case of a dispute.\n\nThere is no payment ID required, just the normal public address.\nIf you are not sure about that process visit ArQmA discord channel (https://discord.gg/s9BQpJT) or the ArQmA forum (https://labs.arqma.com) to find more information. -account.altcoin.popup.xmr.msg=Trading XMR on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nFor sending XMR, you need to use either the official Monero GUI wallet or Monero CLI wallet with the store-tx-info flag enabled (default in new versions). Please be sure you can access the tx key as that would be required in case of a dispute.\nmonero-wallet-cli (use the command get_tx_key)\nmonero-wallet-gui (go to history tab and click on the (P) button for payment proof)\n\nIn addition to XMR checktx tool (https://xmr.llcoins.net/checktx.html) verification can also be accomplished in-wallet.\nmonero-wallet-cli : using command (check_tx_key).\nmonero-wallet-gui : on the Advanced > Prove/Check page.\nAt normal block explorers the transfer is not verifiable.\n\nYou need to provide the arbitrator the following data in case of a dispute:\n- The tx private key\n- The transaction hash\n- The recipient's public address\n\nFailure to provide the above data, or if you used an incompatible wallet, will result in losing the dispute case. The XMR sender is responsible for providing verification of the XMR transfer to the arbitrator in case of a dispute.\n\nThere is no payment ID required, just the normal public address.\nIf you are not sure about that process visit (https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/prove-payment.html) or the Monero forum (https://forum.getmonero.org) to find more information. -account.altcoin.popup.blur.msg=Trading BLUR on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send BLUR you must use the Blur Network CLI or GUI Wallet. \n\nIf you are using the CLI wallet, a transaction hash (tx ID) will be displayed after a transfer is sent. You must save this information. Immediately after sending the transfer, you must use the command 'get_tx_key' to retrieve the transaction private key. If you fail to perform this step, you may not be able to retrieve the key later. \n\nIf you are using the Blur Network GUI Wallet, the transaction private key and transaction ID can be found conveniently in the "History" tab. Immediately after sending, locate the transaction of interest. Click the "?" symbol in the lower-right corner of the box containing the transaction. You must save this information. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an arbitrator: 1.) the transaction ID, 2.) the transaction private key, and 3.) the recipient's address. The arbitrator will then verify the BLUR transfer using the Blur Transaction Viewer (https://blur.cash/#tx-viewer).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the BLUR sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the Blur Network Discord (https://discord.gg/dMWaqVW). -account.altcoin.popup.cash2.msg=Trading CASH2 on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send CASH2 you must use the Cash2 Wallet version 3 or higher. \n\nAfter a transaction is sent, the transaction ID will be displayed. You must save this information. Immediately after sending the transaction, you must use the command 'getTxKey' in simplewallet to retrieve the transaction secret key. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an arbitrator: 1) the transaction ID, 2) the transaction secret key, and 3) the recipient's Cash2 address. The arbitrator will then verify the CASH2 transfer using the Cash2 Block Explorer (https://blocks.cash2.org).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the CASH2 sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the Cash2 Discord (https://discord.gg/FGfXAYN). -account.altcoin.popup.qwertycoin.msg=Trading Qwertycoin on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send QWC you must use the official QWC Wallet version 5.1.3 or higher. \n\nAfter a transaction is sent, the transaction ID will be displayed. You must save this information. Immediately after sending the transaction, you must use the command 'get_Tx_Key' in simplewallet to retrieve the transaction secret key. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an arbitrator: 1) the transaction ID, 2) the transaction secret key, and 3) the recipient's QWC address. The arbitrator will then verify the QWC transfer using the QWC Block Explorer (https://explorer.qwertycoin.org).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the QWC sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the QWC Discord (https://discord.gg/rUkfnpC). -account.altcoin.popup.drgl.msg=Trading Dragonglass on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nBecause of the privacy Dragonglass provides, a transaction is not verifiable on the public blockchain. If required, you can prove your payment through the use of your TXN-Private-Key.\nThe TXN-Private Key is a one-time key automatically generated for every transaction that can only be accessed from within your DRGL wallet.\nEither by DRGL-wallet GUI (inside transaction details dialog) or by the Dragonglass CLI simplewallet (using command "get_tx_key").\n\nDRGL version 'Oathkeeper' and higher are REQUIRED for both.\n\nIn case of a dispute, you must provide the arbitrator the following data:\n- The TXN-Private key\n- The transaction hash\n- The recipient's public address\n\nVerification of payment can be made using the above data as inputs at (http://drgl.info/#check_txn).\n\nFailure to provide the above data, or if you used an incompatible wallet, will result in losing the dispute case. The Dragonglass sender is responsible for providing verification of the DRGL transfer to the arbitrator in case of a dispute. Use of PaymentID is not required.\n\nIf you are unsure about any part of this process, visit Dragonglass on Discord (http://discord.drgl.info) for help. -account.altcoin.popup.ZEC.msg=When using Zcash you can only use the transparent addresses (starting with t) not the z-addresses (private), because the arbitrator would not be able to verify the transaction with z-addresses. -account.altcoin.popup.XZC.msg=When using Zcoin you can only use the transparent (traceable) addresses not the untraceable addresses, because the arbitrator would not be able to verify the transaction with untraceable addresses at a block explorer. -account.altcoin.popup.grin.msg=GRIN requires an interactive process between the sender and receiver to create the transaction. Be sure to follow the instructions from the GRIN project web page to reliably send and receive GRIN (the receiver needs to be online or at least be online during a certain time frame). \n\nBisq supports only the Grinbox (Wallet713) wallet URL format. \n\nThe GRIN sender is required to provide proof that they have sent GRIN successfully. If the wallet cannot provide that proof, a potential dispute will be resolved in favor of the GRIN receiver. Please be sure that you use the latest Grinbox software which supports the transaction proof and that you understand the process of transferring and receiving GRIN as well as how to create the proof. \n\nSee https://github.com/vault713/wallet713/blob/master/docs/usage.md#transaction-proofs-grinbox-only for more information about the Grinbox proof tool. -account.altcoin.popup.beam.msg=BEAM requires an interactive process between the sender and receiver to create the transaction. \n\nBe sure to follow the instructions from the BEAM project web page to reliably send and receive BEAM (the receiver needs to be online or at least be online during a certain time frame). \n\nThe BEAM sender is required to provide proof that they sent BEAM successfully. Be sure to use wallet software which can produce such a proof. If the wallet cannot provide the proof a potential dispute will be resolved in favor of the BEAM receiver. - -account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=Your national currency accounts - -account.backup.title=Rezervni novčanik -account.backup.location=Backup location -account.backup.selectLocation=Izaberi lokaciju rezerve -account.backup.backupNow=Napravi rezervu sad (rezerva nije šifrovana) -account.backup.appDir=Direktorijum podataka aplikacije -account.backup.logFile=Log fajl -account.backup.openDirectory=Otvori direktorijum -account.backup.openLogFile=Otvori Log fajl -account.backup.success=Backup successfully saved at:\n{0} -account.backup.directoryNotAccessible=Direktorijum koji ste izabrali nije pristupačan. {0} - -account.password.removePw.button=Ukloni lozinku -account.password.removePw.headline=Ukloni zaštitu lozinkom za novčanik -account.password.setPw.button=Podesi lozinku -account.password.setPw.headline=Podesi zaštitu lozinkom za novčanik -account.password.info=With password protection you'll need to enter your password at application startup, when withdrawing bitcoin out of your wallet, and when restoring your wallet from seed words. - -account.seed.backup.title=Napravi rezervu sid reči vašeg novčanika -account.seed.info=Please write down both wallet seed words and the date! You can recover your wallet any time with seed words and the date.\nThe same seed words are used for the BTC and BSQ wallet.\n\nYou should write down the seed words on a sheet of paper. Do not save them on your computer.\n\nPlease note that the seed words are NOT a replacement for a backup.\nYou need to create a backup of the whole application directory from the \"Account/Backup\" screen to recover application state and data.\nImporting seed words is only recommended for emergency cases. The application will not be functional without a proper backup of the database files and keys! -account.seed.warn.noPw.msg=You have not setup a wallet password which would protect the display of the seed words.\n\nDo you want to display the seed words? -account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Da, ne pitaj me ponovo -account.seed.enterPw=Unesite lozinku da bi videli sid reči -account.seed.restore.info=Please make a backup before applying restore from seed words. Be aware that wallet restore is only for emergency cases and might cause problems with the internal wallet database.\nIt is not a way for applying a backup! Please use a backup from the application data directory for restoring a previous application state.\n\nAfter restoring the application will shut down automatically. After you have restarted the application it will resync with the Bitcoin network. This can take a while and can consume a lot of CPU, especially if the wallet was older and had many transactions. Please avoid interrupting that process, otherwise you might need to delete the SPV chain file again or repeat the restore process. -account.seed.restore.ok=Ok, do the restore and shut down Bisq - - -#################################################################### -# Mobile notifications -#################################################################### - -account.notifications.setup.title=Setup -account.notifications.download.label=Download mobile app -account.notifications.download.button=Download -account.notifications.waitingForWebCam=Waiting for webcam... -account.notifications.webCamWindow.headline=Scan QR-code from phone -account.notifications.webcam.label=Use webcam -account.notifications.webcam.button=Scan QR code -account.notifications.noWebcam.button=I don't have a webcam -account.notifications.testMsg.label=Send test notification -account.notifications.testMsg.title=Test -account.notifications.erase.label=Clear notifications on phone -account.notifications.erase.title=Clear notifications -account.notifications.email.label=Pairing token -account.notifications.email.prompt=Enter pairing token you received by email -account.notifications.settings.title=Podešavanja -account.notifications.useSound.label=Play notification sound on phone -account.notifications.trade.label=Receive trade messages -account.notifications.market.label=Receive offer alerts -account.notifications.price.label=Receive price alerts -account.notifications.priceAlert.title=Price alerts -account.notifications.priceAlert.high.label=Notify if BTC price is above -account.notifications.priceAlert.low.label=Notify if BTC price is below -account.notifications.priceAlert.setButton=Set price alert -account.notifications.priceAlert.removeButton=Remove price alert -account.notifications.trade.message.title=Trade state changed -account.notifications.trade.message.msg.conf=The deposit transaction for the trade with ID {0} is confirmed. Please open your Bisq application and start the payment. -account.notifications.trade.message.msg.started=The BTC buyer has started the payment for the trade with ID {0}. -account.notifications.trade.message.msg.completed=The trade with ID {0} is completed. -account.notifications.offer.message.title=Your offer was taken -account.notifications.offer.message.msg=Your offer with ID {0} was taken -account.notifications.dispute.message.title=New dispute message -account.notifications.dispute.message.msg=You received a dispute message for trade with ID {0} - -account.notifications.marketAlert.title=Offer alerts -account.notifications.marketAlert.selectPaymentAccount=Offers matching payment account -account.notifications.marketAlert.offerType.label=Offer type I am interested in -account.notifications.marketAlert.offerType.buy=Buy offers (I want to sell BTC) -account.notifications.marketAlert.offerType.sell=Sell offers (I want to buy BTC) -account.notifications.marketAlert.trigger=Offer price distance (%) -account.notifications.marketAlert.trigger.info=With a price distance set, you will only receive an alert when an offer that meets (or exceeds) your requirements is published. Example: you want to sell BTC, but you will only sell at a 2% premium to the current market price. Setting this field to 2% will ensure you only receive alerts for offers with prices that are 2% (or more) above the current market price. -account.notifications.marketAlert.trigger.prompt=Percentage distance from market price (e.g. 2.50%, -0.50%, etc) -account.notifications.marketAlert.addButton=Add offer alert -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlertsButton=Manage offer alerts -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.title=Manage offer alerts -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.label=Offer alerts -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.item=Offer alert for {0} offer with trigger price {1} and payment account {2} -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.header.paymentAccount=Payment account -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.header.trigger=Trigger price -account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.header.offerType=Tip ponude -account.notifications.marketAlert.message.title=Offer alert -account.notifications.marketAlert.message.msg.below=below -account.notifications.marketAlert.message.msg.above=above -account.notifications.marketAlert.message.msg=A new ''{0} {1}'' offer with price {2} ({3} {4} market price) and payment method ''{5}'' was published to the Bisq offerbook.\nOffer ID: {6}. -account.notifications.priceAlert.message.title=Price alert for {0} -account.notifications.priceAlert.message.msg=Your price alert got triggered. The current {0} price is {1} {2} -account.notifications.noWebCamFound.warning=No webcam found.\n\nPlease use the email option to send the token and encryption key from your mobile phone to the Bisq application. -account.notifications.priceAlert.warning.highPriceTooLow=The higher price must be larger than the lower price. -account.notifications.priceAlert.warning.lowerPriceTooHigh=The lower price must be lower than the higher price. - - - - -#################################################################### -# DAO -#################################################################### - -dao.tab.factsAndFigures=Facts & Figures -dao.tab.bsqWallet=BSQ novčanik -dao.tab.proposals=Governance -dao.tab.bonding=Bonding -dao.tab.proofOfBurn=Asset listing fee/Proof of burn -dao.tab.monitor=Network monitor -dao.tab.news=News - -dao.paidWithBsq=paid with BSQ -dao.availableBsqBalance=Available for spending (verified + unconfirmed change outputs) -dao.verifiedBsqBalance=Balance of all verified UTXOs -dao.unconfirmedChangeBalance=Balance of all unconfirmed change outputs -dao.unverifiedBsqBalance=Balance of all unverified transactions (awaiting block confirmation) -dao.lockedForVoteBalance=Used for voting -dao.lockedInBonds=Locked in bonds -dao.availableNonBsqBalance=Available non-BSQ balance (BTC) -dao.totalBsqBalance=Ukupno BSQ stanje - -dao.tx.published.success=Vaša ponuda je uspešno objavljena. -dao.proposal.menuItem.make=Napravi zahtev -dao.proposal.menuItem.browse=Browse open proposals -dao.proposal.menuItem.vote=Vote on proposals -dao.proposal.menuItem.result=Vote results -dao.cycle.headline=Voting cycle -dao.cycle.overview.headline=Voting cycle overview -dao.cycle.currentPhase=Current phase -dao.cycle.currentBlockHeight=Current block height -dao.cycle.proposal=Proposal phase -dao.cycle.proposal.next=Next proposal phase -dao.cycle.blindVote=Blind vote phase -dao.cycle.voteReveal=Vote reveal phase -dao.cycle.voteResult=Vote result -dao.cycle.phaseDuration={0} blocks (≈{1}); Block {2} - {3} (≈{4} - ≈{5}) -dao.cycle.phaseDurationWithoutBlocks=Block {0} - {1} (≈{2} - ≈{3}) - -dao.voteReveal.txPublished.headLine=Vote reveal transaction published -dao.voteReveal.txPublished=Your vote reveal transaction with transaction ID {0} was successfully published.\n\nThis happens automatically by the software if you have participated in the DAO voting. - -dao.results.cycles.header=Cycles -dao.results.cycles.table.header.cycle=Cycle -dao.results.cycles.table.header.numProposals=Nadoknada -dao.results.cycles.table.header.numVotes=Votes -dao.results.cycles.table.header.voteWeight=Vote weight -dao.results.cycles.table.header.issuance=Issuance - -dao.results.results.table.item.cycle=Cycle {0} started: {1} - -dao.results.proposals.header=Proposals of selected cycle -dao.results.proposals.table.header.proposalOwnerName=Ime -dao.results.proposals.table.header.details=Detalji -dao.results.proposals.table.header.myVote=My vote -dao.results.proposals.table.header.result=Vote result - -dao.results.proposals.voting.detail.header=Vote results for selected proposal - -dao.results.exceptions=Vote result exception(s) - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.UNDEFINED=Undefined - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.DEFAULT_MAKER_FEE_BSQ=BSQ maker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.DEFAULT_TAKER_FEE_BSQ=BSQ taker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MIN_MAKER_FEE_BSQ=Min. BSQ maker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MIN_TAKER_FEE_BSQ=Min. BSQ taker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.DEFAULT_MAKER_FEE_BTC=BTC maker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.DEFAULT_TAKER_FEE_BTC=BTC taker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MIN_MAKER_FEE_BTC=Min. BTC maker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MIN_TAKER_FEE_BTC=Min. BTC taker fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.PROPOSAL_FEE=Proposal fee in BSQ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.BLIND_VOTE_FEE=Voting fee in BSQ - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.COMPENSATION_REQUEST_MIN_AMOUNT=Compensation request min. BSQ amount -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.COMPENSATION_REQUEST_MAX_AMOUNT=Compensation request max. BSQ amount -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.REIMBURSEMENT_MIN_AMOUNT=Reimbursement request min. BSQ amount -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.REIMBURSEMENT_MAX_AMOUNT=Reimbursement request max. BSQ amount - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_GENERIC=Required quorum in BSQ for generic proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_COMP_REQUEST=Required quorum in BSQ for compensation request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_REIMBURSEMENT=Required quorum in BSQ for reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_CHANGE_PARAM=Required quorum in BSQ for changing a parameter -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_REMOVE_ASSET=Required quorum in BSQ for removing an asset -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_CONFISCATION=Required quorum in BSQ for a confiscation request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.QUORUM_ROLE=Required quorum in BSQ for bonded role requests - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_GENERIC=Required threshold in % for generic proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_COMP_REQUEST=Required threshold in % for compensation request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_REIMBURSEMENT=Required threshold in % for reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_CHANGE_PARAM=Required threshold in % for changing a parameter -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_REMOVE_ASSET=Required threshold in % for removing an asset -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_CONFISCATION=Required threshold in % for a confiscation request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.THRESHOLD_ROLE=Required threshold in % for bonded role requests - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.RECIPIENT_BTC_ADDRESS=Recipient BTC address - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=Asset listing fee per day -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Min. trade volume for assets - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Lock time for alternative trade payout tx -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Arbitrator fee in BTC - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.MAX_TRADE_LIMIT=Max. trade limit in BTC - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.BONDED_ROLE_FACTOR=Bonded role unit factor in BSQ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.param.ISSUANCE_LIMIT=Issuance limit per cycle in BSQ - -dao.param.currentValue=Current value: {0} -dao.param.blocks={0} blocks - -dao.results.cycle.duration.label=Duration of {0} -dao.results.cycle.duration.value={0} block(s) -dao.results.cycle.value.postFix.isDefaultValue=(default value) -dao.results.cycle.value.postFix.hasChanged=(has been changed in voting) - -dao.results.invalidVotes.proposal=Proposal -dao.results.invalidVotes=We had invalid votes in that voting cycle. That can happen if a vote was not distributed well in the P2P network.\n{0} - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_UNDEFINED=Undefined -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_PROPOSAL=Proposal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_BREAK1=Break 1 -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_BLIND_VOTE=Blind vote phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_BREAK2=Break 2 -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_VOTE_REVEAL=Vote reveal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_BREAK3=Break 3 -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PHASE_RESULT=Result phase - -dao.results.votes.table.header.stakeAndMerit=Vote weight -dao.results.votes.table.header.stake=Stake -dao.results.votes.table.header.merit=Earned -dao.results.votes.table.header.vote=Glasaj - -dao.bond.menuItem.bondedRoles=Bonded roles -dao.bond.menuItem.reputation=Bonded reputation -dao.bond.menuItem.bonds=Bonds - -dao.bond.dashboard.bondsHeadline=Bonded BSQ -dao.bond.dashboard.lockupAmount=Lockup funds -dao.bond.dashboard.unlockingAmount=Unlocking funds (wait until lock time is over) - - -dao.bond.reputation.header=Lockup a bond for reputation -dao.bond.reputation.table.header=My reputation bonds -dao.bond.reputation.amount=Amount of BSQ to lockup -dao.bond.reputation.time=Unlock time in blocks -dao.bond.reputation.salt=Salt -dao.bond.reputation.hash=Hash -dao.bond.reputation.lockupButton=Lockup -dao.bond.reputation.lockup.headline=Confirm lockup transaction -dao.bond.reputation.lockup.details=Lockup amount: {0}\nUnlock time: {1} block(s) (≈{2})\n\nMining fee: {3} ({4} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {5} Kb\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed? -dao.bond.reputation.unlock.headline=Confirm unlock transaction -dao.bond.reputation.unlock.details=Unlock amount: {0}\nUnlock time: {1} block(s) (≈{2})\n\nMining fee: {3} ({4} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {5} Kb\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed? - -dao.bond.allBonds.header=All bonds - -dao.bond.bondedReputation=Bonded Reputation -dao.bond.bondedRoles=Bonded roles - -dao.bond.details.header=Role details -dao.bond.details.role=Uloga -dao.bond.details.requiredBond=Required BSQ bond -dao.bond.details.unlockTime=Unlock time in blocks -dao.bond.details.link=Link to role description -dao.bond.details.isSingleton=Can be taken by multiple role holders -dao.bond.details.blocks={0} blocks - -dao.bond.table.column.name=Ime -dao.bond.table.column.link=Link -dao.bond.table.column.bondType=Bond type -dao.bond.table.column.details=Detalji -dao.bond.table.column.lockupTxId=Lockup Tx ID -dao.bond.table.column.bondState=Bond state -dao.bond.table.column.lockTime=Lock time -dao.bond.table.column.lockupDate=Lockup date - -dao.bond.table.button.lockup=Lockup -dao.bond.table.button.unlock=Otključaj -dao.bond.table.button.revoke=Revoke - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNDEFINED=Undefined -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.READY_FOR_LOCKUP=Not bonded yet -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.LOCKUP_TX_PENDING=Lockup pending -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.LOCKUP_TX_CONFIRMED=Bond locked up -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCK_TX_PENDING=Unlock pending -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCK_TX_CONFIRMED=Unlock tx confirmed -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCKING=Bond unlocking -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCKED=Bond unlocked -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondState.CONFISCATED=Bond confiscated - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.lockupReason.UNDEFINED=Undefined -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.lockupReason.BONDED_ROLE=Bonded role -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.lockupReason.REPUTATION=Bonded reputation - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.UNDEFINED=Undefined -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.GITHUB_ADMIN=GitHub admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.FORUM_ADMIN=Forum admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.TWITTER_ADMIN=Twitter admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.ROCKET_CHAT_ADMIN=Rocket chat admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.YOUTUBE_ADMIN=YouTube admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BISQ_MAINTAINER=Bisq maintainer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BITCOINJ_MAINTAINER=BitcoinJ-fork maintainer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.NETLAYER_MAINTAINER=Netlayer maintainer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.WEBSITE_OPERATOR=Website operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.FORUM_OPERATOR=Forum operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.SEED_NODE_OPERATOR=Seed node operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.DATA_RELAY_NODE_OPERATOR=Data relay node operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BTC_NODE_OPERATOR=BTC node operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.MARKETS_OPERATOR=Markets operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BSQ_EXPLORER_OPERATOR=BSQ explorer operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.MOBILE_NOTIFICATIONS_RELAY_OPERATOR=Mobile notifications relay operator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.DOMAIN_NAME_HOLDER=Domain name holder -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.DNS_ADMIN=DNS admin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.MEDIATOR=Mediator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.ARBITRATOR=Arbitrator -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.bond.bondedRoleType.BTC_DONATION_ADDRESS_OWNER=BTC donation address owner - -dao.burnBsq.assetFee=Asset listing -dao.burnBsq.menuItem.assetFee=Asset listing fee -dao.burnBsq.menuItem.proofOfBurn=Proof of burn -dao.burnBsq.header=Fee for asset listing -dao.burnBsq.selectAsset=Select Asset -dao.burnBsq.fee=Fee -dao.burnBsq.trialPeriod=Trial period -dao.burnBsq.payFee=Pay fee -dao.burnBsq.allAssets=All assets -dao.burnBsq.assets.nameAndCode=Asset name -dao.burnBsq.assets.state=Država -dao.burnBsq.assets.tradeVolume=Obim trgovine -dao.burnBsq.assets.lookBackPeriod=Verification period -dao.burnBsq.assets.trialFee=Fee for trial period -dao.burnBsq.assets.totalFee=Total fees paid -dao.burnBsq.assets.days={0} days -dao.burnBsq.assets.toFewDays=The asset fee is too low. The min. amount of days for the trial period is {0}. - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.UNDEFINED=Undefined -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.IN_TRIAL_PERIOD=In trial period -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.ACTIVELY_TRADED=Actively traded -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.DE_LISTED=De-listed due to inactivity -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.assetState.REMOVED_BY_VOTING=Removed by voting - -dao.proofOfBurn.header=Proof of burn -dao.proofOfBurn.amount=Iznos -dao.proofOfBurn.preImage=Pre-image -dao.proofOfBurn.burn=Burn -dao.proofOfBurn.allTxs=All proof of burn transactions -dao.proofOfBurn.myItems=My proof of burn transactions -dao.proofOfBurn.date=Datum -dao.proofOfBurn.hash=Hash -dao.proofOfBurn.txs=Transakcije -dao.proofOfBurn.pubKey=Pubkey -dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from proof of burn transaction -dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from proof of burn transaction -dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Copy signature to clipboard -dao.proofOfBurn.sign=Sign -dao.proofOfBurn.message=Message -dao.proofOfBurn.sig=Signature -dao.proofOfBurn.verify=Verify -dao.proofOfBurn.verify.header=Verify message with key from proof of burn transaction -dao.proofOfBurn.verificationResult.ok=Verification succeeded -dao.proofOfBurn.verificationResult.failed=Verification failed - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.UNDEFINED=Undefined -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.PROPOSAL=Proposal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.BREAK1=Break before blind vote phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.BLIND_VOTE=Blind vote phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.BREAK2=Break before vote reveal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.VOTE_REVEAL=Vote reveal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.BREAK3=Break before result phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.RESULT=Vote result phase - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.separatedPhaseBar.PROPOSAL=Proposal phase -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.separatedPhaseBar.BLIND_VOTE=Blind vote -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.separatedPhaseBar.VOTE_REVEAL=Vote reveal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.phase.separatedPhaseBar.RESULT=Vote result - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.UNDEFINED=Undefined -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.COMPENSATION_REQUEST=Zahtev za nadoknadu -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.REIMBURSEMENT_REQUEST=Reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.BONDED_ROLE=Proposal for a bonded role -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.REMOVE_ASSET=Proposal for removing an asset -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.CHANGE_PARAM=Proposal for changing a parameter -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.GENERIC=Generic proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.CONFISCATE_BOND=Proposal for confiscating a bond - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.UNDEFINED=Undefined -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.COMPENSATION_REQUEST=Zahtev za nadoknadu -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.REIMBURSEMENT_REQUEST=Reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.BONDED_ROLE=Bonded role -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.REMOVE_ASSET=Removing an altcoin -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.CHANGE_PARAM=Changing a parameter -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.GENERIC=Generic proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.proposal.type.short.CONFISCATE_BOND=Confiscating a bond - -dao.proposal.details=Proposal details -dao.proposal.selectedProposal=Izabrani zahtevi za nadoknadu -dao.proposal.active.header=Proposals of current cycle -dao.proposal.active.remove.confirm=Are you sure you want to remove that proposal?\nThe already paid proposal fee will be lost. -dao.proposal.active.remove.doRemove=Yes, remove my proposal -dao.proposal.active.remove.failed=Could not remove proposal. -dao.proposal.myVote.title=Glasanje -dao.proposal.myVote.accept=Accept proposal -dao.proposal.myVote.reject=Reject proposal -dao.proposal.myVote.removeMyVote=Ignore proposal -dao.proposal.myVote.merit=Vote weight from earned BSQ -dao.proposal.myVote.stake=Vote weight from stake -dao.proposal.myVote.revealTxId=Vote reveal transaction ID -dao.proposal.myVote.stake.prompt=Max. available stake for voting: {0} -dao.proposal.votes.header=Set stake for voting and publish your votes -dao.proposal.myVote.button=Publish votes -dao.proposal.myVote.setStake.description=After voting on all proposals you have to set your stake for voting by locking up BSQ. The more BSQ you lock up, the more weight your vote will have. \n\nBSQ locked up for voting will be unlocked again during the vote reveal phase. -dao.proposal.create.selectProposalType=Select proposal type -dao.proposal.create.phase.inactive=Please wait until the next proposal phase -dao.proposal.create.proposalType=Proposal type -dao.proposal.create.new=Napravi novi zahtev za nadoknadu -dao.proposal.create.button=Napravi zahtev -dao.proposal.create.publish=Publish proposal -dao.proposal.create.publishing=Proposal publishing is in progress ... -dao.proposal=proposal -dao.proposal.display.type=Proposal type -dao.proposal.display.name=Name/nickname -dao.proposal.display.link=Link to detail info -dao.proposal.display.link.prompt=Link to GitHub issue -dao.proposal.display.requestedBsq=Requested amount in BSQ -dao.proposal.display.bsqAddress=BSQ address -dao.proposal.display.txId=Proposal transaction ID -dao.proposal.display.proposalFee=Proposal fee -dao.proposal.display.myVote=My vote -dao.proposal.display.voteResult=Vote result summary -dao.proposal.display.bondedRoleComboBox.label=Bonded role type -dao.proposal.display.requiredBondForRole.label=Required bond for role -dao.proposal.display.tickerSymbol.label=Ticker Symbol -dao.proposal.display.option=Option - -dao.proposal.table.header.proposalType=Proposal type -dao.proposal.table.header.link=Link -dao.proposal.table.header.myVote=My vote -dao.proposal.table.header.remove=Ukloni -dao.proposal.table.icon.tooltip.removeProposal=Remove my proposal -dao.proposal.table.icon.tooltip.changeVote=Current vote: ''{0}''. Change vote to: ''{1}'' - -dao.proposal.display.myVote.accepted=Accepted -dao.proposal.display.myVote.rejected=Rejected -dao.proposal.display.myVote.ignored=Ignored -dao.proposal.myVote.summary=Voted: {0}; Vote weight: {1} (earned: {2} + stake: {3}); -dao.proposal.myVote.invalid=Vote was invalid - -dao.proposal.voteResult.success=Accepted -dao.proposal.voteResult.failed=Rejected -dao.proposal.voteResult.summary=Result: {0}; Threshold: {1} (required > {2}); Quorum: {3} (required > {4}) - -dao.proposal.display.paramComboBox.label=Select parameter to change -dao.proposal.display.paramValue=Parameter value - -dao.proposal.display.confiscateBondComboBox.label=Choose bond -dao.proposal.display.assetComboBox.label=Asset to remove - -dao.blindVote=blind vote - -dao.blindVote.startPublishing=Publishing blind vote transaction... -dao.blindVote.success=Your blind vote transaction has been successfully published.\n\nPlease note, that you have to be online in the vote reveal phase so that your Bisq application can publish the vote reveal transaction. Without the vote reveal transaction your vote would be invalid! - -dao.wallet.menuItem.send=Pošalji -dao.wallet.menuItem.receive=Primi -dao.wallet.menuItem.transactions=Transakcije - -dao.wallet.dashboard.myBalance=My wallet balance - -dao.wallet.receive.fundYourWallet=Your BSQ receive address -dao.wallet.receive.bsqAddress=BSQ wallet address (Fresh unused address) - -dao.wallet.receive.dao.headline=The Bisq DAO -dao.wallet.receive.daoInfo=Just as the Bisq exchange is decentralized and censorship-resistant, so is its governance model — and the Bisq DAO and BSQ token are the tools that make it possible. -dao.wallet.receive.daoInfo.button=Learn more about the Bisq DAO -dao.wallet.receive.daoTestnetInfo=The mainnet Bisq DAO is not launched yet but you can learn about the Bisq DAO by running it on testnet. -dao.wallet.receive.daoTestnetInfo.button=How to run the Bisq DAO on our testnet -dao.wallet.receive.daoContributorInfo=If you have contributed to Bisq please use the BSQ address below and make a request for taking part of the BSQ genesis distribution. -dao.wallet.receive.daoContributorInfo.button=How to be part of the BSQ genesis distribution - -dao.wallet.send.sendFunds=Pošalji sredstva -dao.wallet.send.sendBtcFunds=Send non-BSQ funds (BTC) -dao.wallet.send.amount=Amount in BSQ -dao.wallet.send.btcAmount=Amount in BTC (non-BSQ funds) -dao.wallet.send.setAmount=Postavite iznos za podizanje (min. iznos je {0}) -dao.wallet.send.setBtcAmount=Set amount in BTC to withdraw (min. amount is {0}) -dao.wallet.send.receiverAddress=Receiver's BSQ address -dao.wallet.send.receiverBtcAddress=Receiver's BTC address -dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=Unesite vašu adresu destinacije -dao.wallet.send.send=Pošalji BSQ sredstva -dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=Send BTC funds -dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Potvrdi zahtev za podizanje -dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Sending: {0}\nTo receiving address: {1}.\nRequired transaction fee is: {2} ({3} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {4} Kb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {5}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw that amount? -dao.wallet.chainHeightSynced=Latest verified block: {0} -dao.wallet.chainHeightSyncing=Awaiting blocks... Verified {0} blocks out of {1} -dao.wallet.tx.type=Tip - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.UNDEFINED=Undefined -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.UNDEFINED_TX_TYPE=Not recognized -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.UNVERIFIED=Nepotvrđena BSQ transakcija -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.INVALID=Nevažeća BSQ transakcija -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.GENESIS=Transakcija postanka -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.TRANSFER_BSQ=Prenesi BSQ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.received.TRANSFER_BSQ=Primljeni BSQ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.sent.TRANSFER_BSQ=Pošalji BSQ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.PAY_TRADE_FEE=Plati transakciju provizije trgovanja -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.COMPENSATION_REQUEST=Transakcija zahteva za nadoknadu -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.REIMBURSEMENT_REQUEST=Fee for reimbursement request -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.PROPOSAL=Fee for proposal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.BLIND_VOTE=Transakcija glasanja -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.VOTE_REVEAL=Vote reveal -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.LOCKUP=Lock up bond -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.UNLOCK=Unlock bond -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.ASSET_LISTING_FEE=Asset listing fee -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.PROOF_OF_BURN=Proof of burn -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -dao.tx.type.enum.IRREGULAR=Irregular - -dao.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=BTC withdrawn from wallet -dao.tx.issuanceFromCompReq=Compensation request/issuance -dao.tx.issuanceFromCompReq.tooltip=Compensation request which led to an issuance of new BSQ.\nIssuance date: {0} -dao.tx.issuanceFromReimbursement=Reimbursement request/issuance -dao.tx.issuanceFromReimbursement.tooltip=Reimbursement request which led to an issuance of new BSQ.\nIssuance date: {0} -dao.proposal.create.missingBsqFunds=You don''t have sufficient BSQ funds for creating the proposal. If you have an unconfirmed BSQ transaction you need to wait for a blockchain confirmation because BSQ is validated only if it is included in a block.\nMissing: {0} - -dao.proposal.create.missingBsqFundsForBond=You don''t have sufficient BSQ funds for this role. You can still publish this proposal, but you''ll need the full BSQ amount required for this role if it gets accepted. \nMissing: {0} - -dao.proposal.create.missingMinerFeeFunds=You don''t have sufficient BTC funds for creating the proposal transaction. All BSQ transactions require a miner fee in BTC.\nMissing: {0} - -dao.proposal.create.missingIssuanceFunds=You don''t have sufficient BTC funds for creating the proposal transaction. All BSQ transactions require a miner fee in BTC, and issuance transactions also require BTC for the requested BSQ amount ({0} Satoshis/BSQ).\nMissing: {1} - -dao.feeTx.confirm=Confirm {0} transaction -dao.feeTx.confirm.details={0} fee: {1}\nMining fee: {2} ({3} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {4} Kb\n\nAre you sure you want to publish the {5} transaction? - -dao.feeTx.issuanceProposal.confirm.details={0} fee: {1}\nBTC needed for BSQ issuance: {2} ({3} Satoshis/BSQ)\nMining fee: {4} ({5} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {6} Kb\n\nIf your request is approved, you will receive the amount you requested net of the 2 BSQ proposal fee.\n\nAre you sure you want to publish the {7} transaction? - -dao.news.bisqDAO.title=THE BISQ DAO -dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Just as the Bisq exchange is decentralized and censorship-resistant, so is its governance model - and the Bisq DAO and BSQ token are the tools that make it possible. -dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=Learn More About the Bisq DAO - -dao.news.pastContribution.title=MADE PAST CONTRIBUTIONS? REQUEST BSQ -dao.news.pastContribution.description=If you have contributed to Bisq please use the BSQ address below and make a request for taking part of the BSQ genesis distribution. -dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=Your BSQ Wallet Address -dao.news.pastContribution.requestNow=Request now - -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.title=RUN THE BISQ DAO ON OUR TESTNET -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.description=The mainnet Bisq DAO is not launched yet but you can learn about the Bisq DAO by running it on our testnet. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.firstSection.title=1. Switch to DAO Testnet Mode -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.firstSection.content=Switch to DAO Testnet from the Settings screen. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Acquire Some BSQ -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Request BSQ on Slack or Buy BSQ on Bisq. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Participate in a Voting Cycle -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.content=Making proposals and voting on proposals to change various aspects of Bisq. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.title=4. Explore a BSQ Block Explorer -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.content=Since BSQ is just bitcoin, you can see BSQ transactions on our bitcoin block explorer. -dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.readMoreLink=Read the full documentation - -dao.monitor.daoState=DAO state -dao.monitor.proposals=Proposals state -dao.monitor.blindVotes=Blind votes state - -dao.monitor.table.peers=Peers -dao.monitor.table.conflicts=Conflicts -dao.monitor.state=Status -dao.monitor.requestAlHashes=Request all hashes -dao.monitor.resync=Resync DAO state -dao.monitor.table.header.cycleBlockHeight=Cycle / block height -dao.monitor.table.cycleBlockHeight=Cycle {0} / block {1} - -dao.monitor.daoState.headline=DAO state -dao.monitor.daoState.daoStateInSync=Your local DAO state is in consensus with the network -dao.monitor.daoState.daoStateNotInSync=Your local DAO state is not in consensus with the network. Please resync your DAO state. -dao.monitor.daoState.table.headline=Chain of DAO state hashes -dao.monitor.daoState.table.blockHeight=Block height -dao.monitor.daoState.table.hash=Hash of DAO state -dao.monitor.daoState.table.prev=Previous hash -dao.monitor.daoState.conflictTable.headline=DAO state hashes from peers in conflict -dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts=UTXO conflicts -dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts.blockHeight=Block height: {0} -dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts.sumUtxo=Sum of all UTXO: {0} BSQ -dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts.sumBsq=Sum of all BSQ: {0} BSQ - -dao.monitor.proposal.headline=Proposals state -dao.monitor.proposal.daoStateInSync=Your local proposals state is in consensus with the network -dao.monitor.proposal.daoStateNotInSync=Your local proposals state is not in consensus with the network. Please restart your application. -dao.monitor.proposal.table.headline=Chain of proposal state hashes -dao.monitor.proposal.conflictTable.headline=Proposal state hashes from peers in conflict - -dao.monitor.proposal.table.hash=Hash of proposal state -dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Previous hash -dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=No. proposals - - -dao.monitor.blindVote.headline=Blind votes state -dao.monitor.blindVote.daoStateInSync=Your local blind votes state is in consensus with the network -dao.monitor.blindVote.daoStateNotInSync=Your local blind votes state is not in consensus with the network. Please restart your application. -dao.monitor.blindVote.table.headline=Chain of blind vote state hashes -dao.monitor.blindVote.conflictTable.headline=Blind vote state hashes from peers in conflict -dao.monitor.blindVote.table.hash=Hash of blind vote state -dao.monitor.blindVote.table.prev=Previous hash -dao.monitor.blindVote.table.numBlindVotes=No. blind votes - -dao.factsAndFigures.menuItem.supply=BSQ Supply -dao.factsAndFigures.menuItem.transactions=BSQ Transactions - -dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.marketPrice=Market data -dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.price=Latest BSQ/BTC trade price (in Bisq) -dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.marketCap=Market capitalisation (based on trade price) -dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.availableAmount=Total available BSQ - -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=BSQ issued -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=BSQ issued at genesis transaction -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=BSQ issued for compensation requests -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=BSQ issued for reimbursement requests - -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=BSQ burnt - -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.locked=Global state of locked BSQ -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalLockedUpAmount=Locked up in bonds -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=Unlocking BSQ from bonds -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=Unlocked BSQ from bonds -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=Confiscated BSQ from bonds -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.invalidTxs=Burned BSQ (invalid transactions) -dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burntAmount=Burned BSQ (fees) - -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesis=Transakcija postanka -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisBlockHeight=Genesis block height -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=Genesis transaction ID -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.txDetails=BSQ transactions statistics -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.allTx=No. of all BSQ transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.utxo=No. of all unspent transaction outputs -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.compensationIssuanceTx=No. of all compensation request issuance transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.reimbursementIssuanceTx=No. of all reimbursement request issuance transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.burntTx=No. of all fee payments transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.invalidTx=No. of all invalid transactions -dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.irregularTx=No. of all irregular transactions - -#################################################################### -# Windows -#################################################################### - -contractWindow.title=Detalji rasprave -contractWindow.dates=Offer date / Trade date -contractWindow.btcAddresses=Bitcoin address BTC buyer / BTC seller -contractWindow.onions=Network address BTC buyer / BTC seller -contractWindow.numDisputes=No. of disputes BTC buyer / BTC seller -contractWindow.contractHash=Contract hash - -displayAlertMessageWindow.headline=Važne informacije! -displayAlertMessageWindow.update.headline=Važne informacije ažuriranja! -displayAlertMessageWindow.update.download=Preuzimanje: -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.downloadedFiles=Downloaded files: -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.downloadingFile=Downloading: {0} -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verifiedSigs=Verified signatures: -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.status.downloading=Downloading files... -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.status.verifying=Verifying signature(s)... -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.label=Download installer and verify signature(s) -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=Download later -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=Ignore this version -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=A new Bisq update is available! -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed.headline=Download failed -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at https://bisq.io/downloads -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at https://bisq.io/downloads -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at https://bisq.io/downloads -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=The new version has been successfully downloaded and the signature(s) verified.\n\nPlease open the download directory, shut down the application and install the new version. -displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory - -disputeSummaryWindow.title=Rezime -disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=Ticket opening date -disputeSummaryWindow.role=Trader's role -disputeSummaryWindow.evidence=Evidence -disputeSummaryWindow.evidence.tamperProof=Dokaz koji se ne može falsifikovati -disputeSummaryWindow.evidence.id=ID Verifikacija -disputeSummaryWindow.evidence.video=Video/ -disputeSummaryWindow.payout=Trade amount payout -disputeSummaryWindow.payout.getsTradeAmount=BTC {0} dobija isplatu iznosa trgovine -disputeSummaryWindow.payout.getsAll=BTC {0} dobija sve -disputeSummaryWindow.payout.custom=Podešena isplata -disputeSummaryWindow.payout.adjustAmount=Amount entered exceeds available amount of {0}.\nWe adjust this input field to the max possible value. -disputeSummaryWindow.payoutAmount.buyer=Buyer's payout amount -disputeSummaryWindow.payoutAmount.seller=Seller's payout amount -disputeSummaryWindow.payoutAmount.invert=Use loser as publisher -disputeSummaryWindow.reason=Reason of dispute -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.bug=Greška -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.usability=Upotrebljivost -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.protocolViolation=Prekršaj protokola -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.noReply=Nema odgovora -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.scam=Prevara -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.other=Drugo -disputeSummaryWindow.reason.bank=Banka -disputeSummaryWindow.summaryNotes=Summary notes -disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=Dodaj beleške rezimea -disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Zatvori tiket -disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n\nSummary:\n{1} delivered tamper proof evidence: {2}\n{3} did ID verification: {4}\n{5} did screencast or video: {6}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {8}\n\nSummary notes:\n{9} -disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Potrebno je da takođe zatvorite tiket trgovinskog partnera! - -emptyWalletWindow.headline={0} emergency wallet tool -emptyWalletWindow.info=Please use that only in emergency case if you cannot access your fund from the UI.\n\nPlease note that all open offers will be closed automatically when using this tool.\n\nBefore you use this tool, please backup your data directory. You can do this at \"Account/Backup\".\n\nPlease report us your problem and file a bug report on Github or at the Bisq forum so that we can investigate what was causing the problem. -emptyWalletWindow.balance=Your available wallet balance -emptyWalletWindow.bsq.btcBalance=Balance of non-BSQ Satoshis - -emptyWalletWindow.address=Your destination address -emptyWalletWindow.button=Pošalji sva sredstva -emptyWalletWindow.openOffers.warn=You have open offers which will be removed if you empty the wallet.\nAre you sure that you want to empty your wallet? -emptyWalletWindow.openOffers.yes=Da, siguran sam -emptyWalletWindow.sent.success=Stanje vašeg novčanika je uspešno preneseno. - -enterPrivKeyWindow.headline=Registracija otvorena samo za pozvane arbitre - -filterWindow.headline=Izmeni filter listu -filterWindow.offers=Filtered offers (comma sep.) -filterWindow.onions=Filtered onion addresses (comma sep.) -filterWindow.accounts=Filtered trading account data:\nFormat: comma sep. list of [payment method id | data field | value] -filterWindow.bannedCurrencies=Filtered currency codes (comma sep.) -filterWindow.bannedPaymentMethods=Filtered payment method IDs (comma sep.) -filterWindow.arbitrators=Filtered arbitrators (comma sep. onion addresses) -filterWindow.seedNode=Filtered seed nodes (comma sep. onion addresses) -filterWindow.priceRelayNode=Filtered price relay nodes (comma sep. onion addresses) -filterWindow.btcNode=Filtered Bitcoin nodes (comma sep. addresses + port) -filterWindow.preventPublicBtcNetwork=Prevent usage of public Bitcoin network -filterWindow.disableDao=Disable DAO -filterWindow.add=Dodaj filter -filterWindow.remove=Ukloni filter - -offerDetailsWindow.minBtcAmount=Min. BTC amount -offerDetailsWindow.min=(min. {0}) -offerDetailsWindow.distance=(odstupanje od tržišne cene: {0}) -offerDetailsWindow.myTradingAccount=My trading account -offerDetailsWindow.offererBankId=(maker's bank ID/BIC/SWIFT) -offerDetailsWindow.offerersBankName=(ime banke tvorca) -offerDetailsWindow.bankId=Bank ID (e.g. BIC or SWIFT) -offerDetailsWindow.countryBank=Maker's country of bank -offerDetailsWindow.acceptedArbitrators=Accepted arbitrators -offerDetailsWindow.commitment=Obaveza -offerDetailsWindow.agree=Slažem se -offerDetailsWindow.tac=Terms and conditions -offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Potvrdi: Postavi ponudu na {0} bitkoina -offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Potvrdi: Prihvati ponudu da se {0} bitkoin -offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Creation date -offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Maker's onion address - -qRCodeWindow.headline=QR-Kod -qRCodeWindow.msg=Molimo koristite taj QR-Kod za finansiranje vašeg Bisq novčanika iz eksternog novčanika. -qRCodeWindow.request=Payment request:\n{0} - -selectDepositTxWindow.headline=Izaberi transakciju depozita za raspravu -selectDepositTxWindow.msg=The deposit transaction was not stored in the trade.\nPlease select one of the existing multisig transactions from your wallet which was the deposit transaction used in the failed trade.\n\nYou can find the correct transaction by opening the trade details window (click on the trade ID in the list)and following the trading fee payment transaction output to the next transaction where you see the multisig deposit transaction (the address starts with 3). That transaction ID should be visible in the list presented here. Once you found the correct transaction select that transaction here and continue.\n\nSorry for the inconvenience but that error case should be happen very rare and in future we will try to find better ways to resolve it. -selectDepositTxWindow.select=Izaberi transakciju depozita - -selectBaseCurrencyWindow.headline=Izbor tržišta -selectBaseCurrencyWindow.msg=The selected default market is {0}.\n\nIf you want to change to another base currency please select one from the drop down box.\nYou can also change later the base currency at the \"Settings/Network\" screen. -selectBaseCurrencyWindow.select=Izaberi osnovnu valutu - -sendAlertMessageWindow.headline=Pošalji globalno obaveštenje -sendAlertMessageWindow.alertMsg=Alert message -sendAlertMessageWindow.enterMsg=Unesite poruku -sendAlertMessageWindow.isUpdate=Is update notification -sendAlertMessageWindow.version=New version no. -sendAlertMessageWindow.send=Pošalji obaveštenje -sendAlertMessageWindow.remove=Ukloni obaveštenje - -sendPrivateNotificationWindow.headline=Pošalji privatnu poruku -sendPrivateNotificationWindow.privateNotification=Private notification -sendPrivateNotificationWindow.enterNotification=Unesi obaveštenje -sendPrivateNotificationWindow.send=Pošalji privatno obaveštenje - -showWalletDataWindow.walletData=Podaci novčanika -showWalletDataWindow.includePrivKeys=Include private keys - -# We do not translate the tac because of the legal nature. We would need translations checked by lawyers -# in each language which is too expensive atm. -tacWindow.headline=Korisnički ugovor -tacWindow.agree=Slažem se -tacWindow.disagree=Ne slažem se i odustani -tacWindow.arbitrationSystem=Sistem arbitracije - -tradeDetailsWindow.headline=Trgovina -tradeDetailsWindow.disputedPayoutTxId=Raspravljan ID transakcije isplate: -tradeDetailsWindow.tradeDate=Datum trgovine -tradeDetailsWindow.txFee=Mining fee -tradeDetailsWindow.tradingPeersOnion=Onion adresa trgovinskog partnera -tradeDetailsWindow.tradeState=Trade state - -walletPasswordWindow.headline=Unesi lozinku da bi otključao - -torNetworkSettingWindow.header=Tor networks settings -torNetworkSettingWindow.noBridges=Don't use bridges -torNetworkSettingWindow.providedBridges=Connect with provided bridges -torNetworkSettingWindow.customBridges=Enter custom bridges -torNetworkSettingWindow.transportType=Transport type -torNetworkSettingWindow.obfs3=obfs3 -torNetworkSettingWindow.obfs4=obfs4 (recommended) -torNetworkSettingWindow.meekAmazon=meek-amazon -torNetworkSettingWindow.meekAzure=meek-azure -torNetworkSettingWindow.enterBridge=Enter one or more bridge relays (one per line) -torNetworkSettingWindow.enterBridgePrompt=type address:port -torNetworkSettingWindow.restartInfo=You need to restart to apply the changes -torNetworkSettingWindow.openTorWebPage=Open Tor project web page -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.header=Connection problems? -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.info=If you have repeated connection problems at start up, deleting outdated Tor files might help. To do that click the button below and restart afterwards. -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.button=Delete outdated Tor files and shut down -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.progress=Shut down Tor in progress -torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=Outdated Tor files deleted successfully. Please restart. -torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=Is Tor blocked? -torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=If Tor is blocked by your internet provider or by your country you can try to use Tor bridges.\nVisit the Tor web page at: https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges to learn more about bridges and pluggable transports. - -feeOptionWindow.headline=Choose currency for trade fee payment -feeOptionWindow.info=You can choose to pay the trade fee in BSQ or in BTC. If you choose BSQ you appreciate the discounted trade fee. -feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=Choose currency for trade fee payment -feeOptionWindow.useBTC=Use BTC -feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1}) - - -#################################################################### -# Popups -#################################################################### - -popup.headline.notification=Notifikacija -popup.headline.instruction=Imajte na umu: -popup.headline.attention=Pažnja -popup.headline.backgroundInfo=Osnovne informacije -popup.headline.feedback=Završeno -popup.headline.confirmation=Potvrda -popup.headline.information=Informacije -popup.headline.warning=Upozorenje -popup.headline.error=Greška - -popup.doNotShowAgain=Ne prikazuj opet -popup.reportError.log=Open log file -popup.reportError.gitHub=Prijavi Github pratiocu problema -popup.reportError={0}\n\nTo help us to improve the software please report this bug by opening a new issue at https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/issues.\nThe above error message will be copied to the clipboard when you click either of the buttons below.\nIt will make debugging easier if you include the bisq.log file by pressing "Open log file", saving a copy, and attaching it to your bug report. - -popup.error.tryRestart=Molimo pokušajte da ponovo pokrenete vašu aplikaciju i proverite vašu mrežnu konekciju da vidite da li možete da rešite problem. -popup.error.takeOfferRequestFailed=An error occurred when someone tried to take one of your offers:\n{0} - -error.spvFileCorrupted=An error occurred when reading the SPV chain file.\nIt might be that the SPV chain file is corrupted.\n\nError message: {0}\n\nDo you want to delete it and start a resync? -error.deleteAddressEntryListFailed=Could not delete AddressEntryList file.\nError: {0} - -popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=Novčanik još nije inicijalizovan -popup.warning.wrongVersion=You probably have the wrong Bisq version for this computer.\nYour computer''s architecture is: {0}.\nThe Bisq binary you installed is: {1}.\nPlease shut down and re-install the correct version ({2}). -popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Bisq installed.\nYou can download it at:\nhttps://bisq.io/downloads\n\nPlease restart the application. -popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Bisq je već pokrenut. Ne možete pokrenuti dve instance Bisq. -popup.warning.cryptoTestFailed=Seems that you use a self compiled binary and have not following the build instructions in https://github.com/bitsquare/bitsquare/blob/master/doc/build.md#7-enable-unlimited-strength-for-cryptographic-keys.\n\nIf that is not the case and you use the official Bisq binary, please file a bug report to the Github page.\nError={0} -popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Your trade with ID {0} has reached the half of the max. allowed trading period and is still not completed.\n\nThe trade period ends on {1}\n\nPlease check your trade state at \"Portfolio/Open trades\" for further information. -popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Your trade with ID {0} has reached the max. allowed trading period and is not completed.\n\nThe trade period ended on {1}\n\nPlease check your trade at \"Portfolio/Open trades\" for contacting the arbitrator. -popup.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.headline=Niste podesili trgovinski nalog -popup.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.msg=You need to setup a national currency or altcoin account before you can create an offer.\nDo you want to setup an account? -popup.warning.noArbitratorsAvailable=There are no arbitrators available. -popup.warning.notFullyConnected=You need to wait until you are fully connected to the network.\nThat might take up to about 2 minutes at startup. -popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=You need to wait until you have at least {0} connections to the Bitcoin network. -popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=You need to wait until the download of missing Bitcoin blocks is complete. -popup.warning.removeOffer=Are you sure you want to remove that offer?\nThe maker fee of {0} will be lost if you remove that offer. -popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Ne možete postaviti procenat od 100% ili više. -popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Molimo unesite procenat kao \"5.4\" za 5.4% -popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=There is no price feed available for that currency. You cannot use a percent based price.\nPlease select the fixed price. -popup.warning.sendMsgFailed=Sending message to your trading partner failed.\nPlease try again and if it continue to fail report a bug. -popup.warning.insufficientBtcFundsForBsqTx=You don''t have sufficient BTC funds for paying the miner fee for that transaction.\nPlease fund your BTC wallet.\nMissing funds: {0} - -popup.warning.insufficientBsqFundsForBtcFeePayment=You don''t have sufficient BSQ funds for paying the trade fee in BSQ. You can pay the fee in BTC or you need to fund your BSQ wallet. You can buy BSQ in Bisq.\n\nMissing BSQ funds: {0} -popup.warning.noBsqFundsForBtcFeePayment=Your BSQ wallet does not have sufficient funds for paying the trade fee in BSQ. -popup.warning.messageTooLong=Vaša poruka prevazilazi maks. dozvoljenu veličinu. Molimo pošaljite je u više delova ili je otpremite na servis kao što je https://pastebin.com. -popup.warning.lockedUpFunds=You have locked up funds from a failed trade.\nLocked up balance: {0} \nDeposit tx address: {1}\nTrade ID: {2}.\n\nPlease open a support ticket by selecting the trade in the pending trades screen and clicking \"alt + o\" or \"option + o\"." - -popup.warning.nodeBanned=One of the {0} nodes got banned. Please restart your application to be sure to not be connected to the banned node. -popup.warning.priceRelay=price relay -popup.warning.seed=seed - -popup.warning.burnBTC=This transaction is not possible, as the mining fees of {0} would exceed the amount to transfer of {1}. Please wait until the mining fees are low again or until you''ve accumulated more BTC to transfer. - -popup.info.securityDepositInfo=To ensure both traders follow the trade protocol, both traders need to pay a security deposit.\n\nThis deposit is kept in your trade wallet until your trade has been successfully completed, and then it's refunded to you.\n\nPlease note: if you're creating a new offer, Bisq needs to be running for another trader to take it. To keep your offers online, keep Bisq running and make sure this computer remains online too (i.e., make sure it doesn't switch to standby mode...monitor standby is fine). - -popup.info.cashDepositInfo=Please be sure that you have a bank branch in your area to be able to make the cash deposit.\nThe bank ID (BIC/SWIFT) of the seller''s bank is: {0}. -popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=I confirm that I can make the deposit -popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq is being shut down, but there are open offers. \n\nThese offers won't be available on the P2P network while Bisq is shut down, but they will be re-published to the P2P network the next time you start Bisq.\n\nTo keep your offers online, keep Bisq running and make sure this computer remains online too (i.e., make sure it doesn't go into standby mode...monitor standby is not a problem). - - -popup.privateNotification.headline=Važno privatno obaveštenje! - -popup.securityRecommendation.headline=Važna preporuka za bezbednost -popup.securityRecommendation.msg=We would like to remind you to consider using password protection for your wallet if you have not already enabled that.\n\nIt is also highly recommended to write down the wallet seed words. Those seed words are like a master password for recovering your Bitcoin wallet.\nAt the \"Wallet Seed\" section you find more information.\n\nAdditionally you should backup the complete application data folder at the \"Backup\" section. - -popup.bitcoinLocalhostNode.msg=Bisq detected a locally running Bitcoin Core node (at localhost).\nPlease make sure that this node is fully synced before you start Bisq and that it is not running in pruned mode. - -popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=Gašenje u toku -popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Shutting down application can take a few seconds.\nPlease don't interrupt this process. - -popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Potrebna pažnja za trgovinu sa ID {0} - -popup.roundedFiatValues.headline=New privacy feature: Rounded fiat values -popup.roundedFiatValues.msg=To increase privacy of your trade the {0} amount was rounded.\n\nDepending on the client version you''ll pay or receive either values with decimals or rounded ones.\n\nBoth values do comply from now on with the trade protocol.\n\nAlso be aware that BTC values are changed automatically to match the rounded fiat amount as close as possible. - -popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Multiple payment accounts available -popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=You have multiple payment accounts available for this offer. Please make sure you've picked the right one. - - -#################################################################### -# Notifications -#################################################################### - -notification.trade.headline=Obaveštenje za trgovinu sa ID {0} -notification.ticket.headline=Tiket podrške za trgovinu sa ID {0} -notification.trade.completed=Trgovina je sada završena i možete podići vaša sredstva -notification.trade.accepted=Vašu ponudu je prihvatio BTC {0}. -notification.trade.confirmed=Your trade has at least one blockchain confirmation.\nYou can start the payment now. -notification.trade.paymentStarted=BTC kupac je započeo uplatu. -notification.trade.selectTrade=Izaberi trgovinu -notification.trade.peerOpenedDispute=Vaš trgovinski partner je otvorio {0}. -notification.trade.disputeClosed={0} je zatvorena. -notification.walletUpdate.headline=Ažuriranje trgovinskog novčanika -notification.walletUpdate.msg=Your trading wallet is sufficiently funded.\nAmount: {0} -notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Your trading wallet was already sufficiently funded from an earlier take offer attempt.\nAmount: {0} -notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Trgovina završena -notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Možete podići sada vaša sredstva na vaš eksterni Bitkoin novčanik ili ih preneti na Bisq novčanik. - - -#################################################################### -# System Tray -#################################################################### - -systemTray.show=Prikaži prozor aplikacije -systemTray.hide=Sakrij prozor aplikacije -systemTray.info=Info o Bisq -systemTray.exit=Izađi -systemTray.tooltip=Bisq: Decentralizovana mreža razmene - - -#################################################################### -# GUI Util -#################################################################### - -guiUtil.miningFeeInfo=Please be sure that the mining fee used at your external wallet is sufficiently high so that the funding transaction will be accepted by the miners.\nOtherwise the trade transactions cannot be confirmed and a trade would end up in a dispute.\n\nYou can check out the currently recommended fees at: https://bitcoinfees.earn.com - -guiUtil.accountExport.savedToPath=Trading accounts saved to path:\n{0} -guiUtil.accountExport.noAccountSetup=Nemate trgovinske naloge podešene za izvoz. -guiUtil.accountExport.selectPath=Izaberi lokaciju {0} -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -guiUtil.accountExport.tradingAccount=Trading account with id {0}\n -# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" -guiUtil.accountImport.noImport=We did not import trading account with id {0} because it exists already.\n -guiUtil.accountExport.exportFailed=Exporting to CSV failed because of an error.\nError = {0} -guiUtil.accountExport.selectExportPath=Izaberi lokaciju izvoza -guiUtil.accountImport.imported=Trading account imported from path:\n{0}\n\nImported accounts:\n{1} -guiUtil.accountImport.noAccountsFound=No exported trading accounts has been found at path: {0}.\nFile name is {1}." -guiUtil.openWebBrowser.warning=You are going to open a web page in your system web browser.\nDo you want to open the web page now?\n\nIf you are not using the \"Tor Browser\" as your default system web browser you will connect to the web page in clear net.\n\nURL: \"{0}\" -guiUtil.openWebBrowser.doOpen=Otvori veb stranicu i ne pitaj ponovo -guiUtil.openWebBrowser.copyUrl=Kopiraj URL i otkaži -guiUtil.ofTradeAmount=od iznosa trgovine - - -#################################################################### -# Component specific -#################################################################### - -list.currency.select=Izaberi valutu -list.currency.showAll=Prikaži sve -list.currency.editList=Izmeni listu valuta - -table.placeholder.noItems=Trenutno nema dostupnih {0} -table.placeholder.noData=Trenutno nema dostupnih podataka - - -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.tradePeer=Trading peer's -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.maker=Maker's -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded=Trading peer''s onion address: {0}\nYou have already traded {1} times with that peer. -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded=Onion adresa trgovinskog partnera: {0} -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Payment account created {0} ago. -peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Payment account age not known. - -tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Otvori popup za detalje -tooltip.openBlockchainForAddress=Otvori eksterni blokčejn pretraživač za adresu: {0} -tooltip.openBlockchainForTx=Otvori eksterni blokčejn pretraživač za transakciju: {0} - -confidence.unknown=Nepoznati status transakcije -confidence.seen=Viđeno od strane {0} partnera / 0 potvrda -confidence.confirmed=Potvrđeno u {0} bloka -confidence.invalid=Transakcija je nevažeća - -peerInfo.title=Info partnera -peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Number of completed trades -peerInfo.notTradedYet=You have not traded with that user so far. -peerInfo.setTag=Set tag for that peer -peerInfo.age=Payment account age -peerInfo.unknownAge=Age not known - -addressTextField.openWallet=Otvorite vaš podrazumevani bitkoin novčanik -addressTextField.copyToClipboard=Kopiraj adresu u klipbord -addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Adresa je kopirana u klipbord -addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Otvaranje podrazumevane bitkoin novčanik aplikacije nije uspelo. Možda nemate jedan instaliran? - -peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nTag: {1} - -txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Kopiraj ID transakcije u klipbord -txIdTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Otvori blokčejn pretraživač sa ID te transakcije - - -#################################################################### -# Navigation -#################################################################### - -navigation.account=\"Nalog\" -navigation.account.walletSeed=\"Account/Wallet seed\" -navigation.funds.availableForWithdrawal=\"Sredstva/Pošalji sredstva\" -navigation.portfolio.myOpenOffers="Portfolio/Moje otvorene ponude\" -navigation.portfolio.pending=\"Portfolio/Otvorene trgovine\" -navigation.portfolio.closedTrades=\"Portfolio/History\" -navigation.funds.depositFunds=\"Sredstva/Primi sredstva" -navigation.settings.preferences=\"Podešavanje/Preference\" -navigation.funds.transactions=\"Sredstva/Transakcije\" -navigation.support=\"Podrška\" -navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/BSQ Novčanik/Primi\" - - -#################################################################### -# Formatter -#################################################################### - -formatter.formatVolumeLabel={0} iznos{1} -formatter.makerTaker=Tvorac kao {0} {1} / Uzimalac kao {2} {3} -formatter.youAreAsMaker=Vi ste {0} {1} kao tvorac / Uzimalac je {2} {3} -formatter.youAreAsTaker=Vi ste {0} {1} kao uzimalac / Tvorac je {2} {3} -formatter.youAre=Vi ste {0} {1} ({2} {3}) -formatter.youAreCreatingAnOffer.fiat=Pravite ponudu da {0} {1} -formatter.youAreCreatingAnOffer.altcoin=Pravite ponudu da {0} {1} ({2} {3}) -formatter.asMaker={0} {1} kao tvorac -formatter.asTaker={0} {1} kao uzimalac - - -#################################################################### -# Domain specific -#################################################################### - -# we use enum values here -# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_MAINNET=Bitkoin Mejnnet -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_TESTNET=Bitkoin Testnet -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_REGTEST=Bitkoin Regtest -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_DAO_TESTNET=Bitcoin DAO Testnet (deprecated) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_DAO_BETANET=Bitcoin DAO Betanet (Bitcoin Mainnet) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_DAO_REGTEST=Bitcoin DAO Regtest - -time.year=Godina -time.month=Mesec -time.week=Nedelja -time.day=Dan -time.hour=Sat -time.minute10=10 Minuta -time.hours=sati -time.days=dana -time.1hour=1 sat -time.1day=1 dan -time.minute=minut -time.second=sekund -time.minutes=minuta -time.seconds=sekunde - - -password.enterPassword=Enter password -password.confirmPassword=Confirm password -password.tooLong=Password must be less than 50 characters. -password.deriveKey=Izvedi ključ iz lozinke -password.walletDecrypted=Novčanik uspešno dešifrovan i zaštita lozinkom uklonjena. -password.wrongPw=You entered the wrong password.\n\nPlease try entering your password again, carefully checking for typos or spelling errors. -password.walletEncrypted=Novčanik uspešno šifrovan i zaštita lozinkom postavljena. -password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You might have imported seed words which are not matching the wallet database. Please contact the developers on the Bisq Forum. -password.passwordsDoNotMatch=2 lozinke koje ste uneli se ne poklapaju. -password.forgotPassword=Zaboravili ste lozinku? -password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended to make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password! -password.backupWasDone=I have already done a backup - -seed.seedWords=Wallet seed words -seed.enterSeedWords=Enter wallet seed words -seed.date=Wallet date -seed.restore.title=Povrati novčanike iz sid reči -seed.restore=Povrati novčanike -seed.creationDate=Creation date -seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Your bitcoin wallet is not empty.\n\nYou must empty this wallet before attempting to restore an older one, as mixing wallets together can lead to invalidated backups.\n\nPlease finalize your trades, close all your open offers and go to the Funds section to withdraw your bitcoin.\nIn case you cannot access your bitcoin you can use the emergency tool to empty the wallet.\nTo open that emergency tool press \"alt + e\" or \"option + e\" . -seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.restore=Želim da svejedno povratim -seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.emptyWallet=Isprazniću moje novčanike prvo -seed.warn.notEncryptedAnymore=Your wallets are encrypted.\n\nAfter restore, the wallets will no longer be encrypted and you must set a new password.\n\nDo you want to proceed? -seed.restore.success=Wallets restored successfully with the new seed words.\n\nYou need to shut down and restart the application. -seed.restore.error=Došlo je do greške prilikom povratka novčanika sa sid rečima.{0} - - -#################################################################### -# Payment methods -#################################################################### - -payment.account=Nalog -payment.account.no=Account no. -payment.account.name=Account name -payment.account.owner=Ime vlasnika računa -payment.account.fullName=Full name (first, middle, last) -payment.account.state=State/Province/Region -payment.account.city=City -payment.bank.country=Country of bank -payment.account.name.email=Ime vlasnika računa / email -payment.account.name.emailAndHolderId=Ime vlasnika računa / email / {0} -payment.bank.name=Ime banke -payment.select.account=Izaberi vrstu računa -payment.select.region=Izaberi oblast -payment.select.country=Izaberi državu -payment.select.bank.country=Izaberi državu banke -payment.foreign.currency=Da li ste sigurni da želite da izaberete valutu koja nije podrazumevana valuta države? -payment.restore.default=Ne, vrati podrazumevanu valutu -payment.email=Email -payment.country=Država -payment.extras=Extra requirements -payment.email.mobile=Email or mobile no. -payment.altcoin.address=Altcoin address -payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=Trade instant (within 1 hour) with this Altcoin -payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=For instant trading it is required that both trading peers are online to be able to complete the trade in less than 1 hour.\n\nIf you have offers open and you are not available please disable those offers under the 'Portfolio' screen. -payment.altcoin=Altcoin -payment.select.altcoin=Izaberi ili traži altkoin -payment.secret=Secret question -payment.answer=Answer -payment.wallet=Wallet ID -payment.uphold.accountId=Username or email or phone no. -payment.cashApp.cashTag=$Cashtag -payment.moneyBeam.accountId=Email or phone no. -payment.venmo.venmoUserName=Venmo username -payment.popmoney.accountId=Email or phone no. -payment.revolut.email=Email -payment.revolut.phoneNr=Registered phone no. -payment.promptPay.promptPayId=Citizen ID/Tax ID or phone no. -payment.supportedCurrencies=Supported currencies -payment.limitations=Limitations -payment.salt=Salt for account age verification -payment.error.noHexSalt=The salt need to be in HEX format.\nIt is only recommended to edit the salt field if you want to transfer the salt from an old account to keep your account age. The account age is verified by using the account salt and the identifying account data (e.g. IBAN). -payment.accept.euro=Accept trades from these Euro countries -payment.accept.nonEuro=Accept trades from these non-Euro countries -payment.accepted.countries=Accepted countries -payment.accepted.banks=Accepted banks (ID) -payment.mobile=Mobile no. -payment.postal.address=Postal address -payment.national.account.id.AR=CBU number - -#new -payment.altcoin.address.dyn={0} address -payment.altcoin.receiver.address=Receiver's altcoin address -payment.accountNr=Account number -payment.emailOrMobile=Email or mobile nr -payment.useCustomAccountName=Koristi prilagođeno ime računa -payment.maxPeriod=Max. allowed trade period -payment.maxPeriodAndLimit=Maks. trajanje trgovine: {0} / Maks. rok trgovine: {1} -payment.maxPeriodAndLimitCrypto=Maks. trajanje trgovine: {0} / Maks. rok trgovine: {1} -payment.currencyWithSymbol=Valuta: {0} -payment.nameOfAcceptedBank=Ime prihvaćene banke -payment.addAcceptedBank=Dodaj prihvaćenu banke -payment.clearAcceptedBanks=Obriši prihvaćene banke -payment.bank.nameOptional=Bank name (optional) -payment.bankCode=Bank code -payment.bankId=ID banke (BIC/SWIFT): -payment.bankIdOptional=Bank ID (BIC/SWIFT) (optional) -payment.branchNr=Branch no. -payment.branchNrOptional=Branch no. (optional) -payment.accountNrLabel=Account no. (IBAN) -payment.accountType=Account type -payment.checking=Proveravam -payment.savings=Ušteđevina -payment.personalId=Personal ID -payment.clearXchange.info=Please be sure that you fulfill the requirements for the usage of Zelle (ClearXchange).\n\n1. You need to have your Zelle (ClearXchange) account verified on their platform before starting a trade or creating an offer.\n\n2. You need to have a bank account at one of the following member banks:\n\t● Bank of America\n\t● Capital One P2P Payments\n\t● Chase QuickPay\n\t● FirstBank Person to Person Transfers\n\t● Frost Send Money\n\t● U.S. Bank Send Money\n\t● TD Bank\n\t● Citibank\n\t● Wells Fargo SurePay\n\n3. You need to be sure to not exceed the daily or monthly Zelle (ClearXchange) transfer limits.\n\nPlease use Zelle (ClearXchange) only if you fulfill all those requirements, otherwise it is very likely that the Zelle (ClearXchange) transfer fails and the trade ends up in a dispute.\nIf you have not fulfilled the above requirements you will lose your security deposit.\n\nPlease also be aware of a higher chargeback risk when using Zelle (ClearXchange).\nFor the {0} seller it is highly recommended to get in contact with the {1} buyer by using the provided email address or mobile number to verify that he or she is really the owner of the Zelle (ClearXchange) account. - -payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The buyer will get displayed the seller's email in the trade process. -payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The buyer will get displayed the seller's email in the trade process. -payment.halCash.info=When using HalCash the BTC buyer needs to send the BTC seller the HalCash code via a text message from their mobile phone.\n\nPlease make sure to not exceed the maximum amount your bank allows you to send with HalCash. The min. amount per withdrawal is 10 EUR and the max. amount is 600 EUR. For repeated withdrawals it is 3000 EUR per receiver per day and 6000 EUR per receiver per month. Please cross check those limits with your bank to be sure they use the same limits as stated here.\n\nThe withdrawal amount must be a multiple of 10 EUR as you cannot withdraw other amounts from an ATM. The UI in the create-offer and take-offer screen will adjust the BTC amount so that the EUR amount is correct. You cannot use market based price as the EUR amount would be changing with changing prices.\n\nIn case of a dispute the BTC buyer needs to provide the proof that they sent the EUR. -payment.limits.info=Please be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk.\n\nTo mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on two factors:\n\n1. The estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used\n2. The age of your account for that payment method\n\nThe account you are creating now is new and its age is zero. As your account grows in age over a two-month period, your per-trade limits will grow along with it:\n\n● During the 1st month, your per-trade limit will be {0}\n● During the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {1}\n● After the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {2}\n\nPlease note that there are no limits on the total number of times you can trade. - -payment.cashDeposit.info=Please confirm your bank allows you to send cash deposits into other peoples' accounts. For example, Bank of America and Wells Fargo no longer allow such deposits. - -payment.revolut.info=Please be sure that the phone number you used for your Revolut account is registered at Revolut otherwise the BTC buyer cannot send you the funds. - -payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Money orders are one of the more private fiat purchase methods available on Bisq.\n\nHowever, please be aware of potentially increased risks associated with their use. Bisq will not bear any responsibility in case a sent money order is stolen, and the arbitrators will in such cases award the BTC to the sender of the money order, provided they can produce tracking information and receipts. It may be advisable for the sender to write the BTC seller's name on the money order, in order to minimize the risk that the money order is cashed by someone else. - -payment.f2f.contact=Contact info -payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How you want to get contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...) -payment.f2f.city=City for 'Face to face' meeting -payment.f2f.city.prompt=The city will be displayed with the offer -payment.f2f.optionalExtra=Optional additional information -payment.f2f.extra=Additional information - -payment.f2f.extra.prompt=The maker can define 'terms and conditions' or add a public contact information. It will be displayed with the offer. -payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the arbitrator cannot help much as it is usually hard to get tamper proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: 'https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading' -payment.f2f.info.openURL=Open web page -payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=County and city: {0} / {1} -payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Additional information: {0} - - -# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention -# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ - -# Only translate general terms -NATIONAL_BANK=Nacionalni bankarski transfer -SAME_BANK=Transfer u istoj banci -SPECIFIC_BANKS=Transfer sa specifičnim bankama -US_POSTAL_MONEY_ORDER=US Postal Money Order -CASH_DEPOSIT=Keš depozit -MONEY_GRAM=MoneyGram -WESTERN_UNION=Western Union -F2F=Face to face (in person) - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -NATIONAL_BANK_SHORT=Nacionalne banke -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SAME_BANK_SHORT=Ista banka -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SPECIFIC_BANKS_SHORT=Specifične banke -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -US_POSTAL_MONEY_ORDER_SHORT=US Money Order -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CASH_DEPOSIT_SHORT=Keš depozit -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -MONEY_GRAM_SHORT=MoneyGram -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -WESTERN_UNION_SHORT=Western Union -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -F2F_SHORT=F2F - -# Do not translate brand names -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -UPHOLD=Uphold -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -MONEY_BEAM=MoneyBeam (N26) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -POPMONEY=Popmoney -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -REVOLUT=Revolut -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -PERFECT_MONEY=Perfect Money -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -ALI_PAY=AliPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -WECHAT_PAY=WeChat Pay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SEPA=SEPA -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SEPA_INSTANT=SEPA Instant Payments -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -FASTER_PAYMENTS=Faster Payments -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SWISH=Swish -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CLEAR_X_CHANGE=Zelle (ClearXchange) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CHASE_QUICK_PAY=Chase QuickPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -INTERAC_E_TRANSFER=Interac e-Transfer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -HAL_CASH=HalCash -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BLOCK_CHAINS=Altkoini -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -PROMPT_PAY=PromptPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -ADVANCED_CASH=Advanced Cash -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BLOCK_CHAINS_INSTANT=Altcoins Instant - -# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -OK_PAY=OKPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CASH_APP=Cash App -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -VENMO=Venmo - - -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -UPHOLD_SHORT=Uphold -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -MONEY_BEAM_SHORT=MoneyBeam (N26) -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -POPMONEY_SHORT=Popmoney -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -REVOLUT_SHORT=Revolut -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -PERFECT_MONEY_SHORT=Perfect Money -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -ALI_PAY_SHORT=AliPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -WECHAT_PAY_SHORT=WeChat Pay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SEPA_SHORT=SEPA -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SEPA_INSTANT_SHORT=SEPA Instant -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -FASTER_PAYMENTS_SHORT=Faster Payments -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -SWISH_SHORT=Swish -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CLEAR_X_CHANGE_SHORT=Zelle -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CHASE_QUICK_PAY_SHORT=Chase QuickPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -INTERAC_E_TRANSFER_SHORT=Interac e-Transfer -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -HAL_CASH_SHORT=HalCash -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BLOCK_CHAINS_SHORT=Altkoini -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -PROMPT_PAY_SHORT=PromptPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -ADVANCED_CASH_SHORT=Advanced Cash -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BLOCK_CHAINS_INSTANT_SHORT=Altcoins Instant - -# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -OK_PAY_SHORT=OKPay -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -CASH_APP_SHORT=Cash App -# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -VENMO_SHORT=Venmo - - -#################################################################### -# Validation -#################################################################### - -validation.empty=Prazan ulaz nije dozvoljen. -validation.NaN=Unos nije važeći broj. -validation.notAnInteger=Input is not an integer value. -validation.zero=Unos 0 nije dozvoljen. -validation.negative=Negativna vrednost nije dozvoljena. -validation.fiat.toSmall=Unos manji od minimalnog mogućeg iznosa nije dozvoljen. -validation.fiat.toLarge=Unos veći od maksimalnog mogućeg iznosa nije dozvoljen. -validation.btc.fraction=Unos ishodi bitkoin vrednosti manjoj od najmanje jedinice (Satoši). -validation.btc.toLarge=Unos veći od {0} nije dozvoljen. -validation.btc.toSmall=Unos manji od {0} nije dozvoljen. -validation.securityDeposit.toSmall=Unos manji od {0} nije dozvoljen. -validation.passwordTooShort=Lozinka koju ste uneli je previše kratka. Mora da sadrži minimum 8 karaktera. -validation.passwordTooLong=Lozinka koju ste uneli je previše dugačka. Ne može biti duža od 50 karaktera. -validation.sortCodeNumber={0} mora da se sastoji od {1} brojeva. -validation.sortCodeChars={0} mora da se sastoji od {1} karaktera. -validation.bankIdNumber={0} mora da se sastoji od {1} brojeva. -validation.accountNr=Broj računa mora da se sastoji od {0} brojeva. -validation.accountNrChars=Broj računa mora da se sastoji od {0} karaktera. -validation.btc.invalidAddress=Adresa nije ispravna. Molimo proverite format adrese. -validation.integerOnly=Molimo unesite samo cele brojeve. -validation.inputError=Your input caused an error:\n{0} -validation.bsq.insufficientBalance=Your available balance is {0}. -validation.btc.exceedsMaxTradeLimit=Your trade limit is {0}. -validation.bsq.amountBelowMinAmount=Min. amount is {0} -validation.nationalAccountId={0} mora da se sastoji od {1} brojeva. - -#new -validation.invalidInput=Nevažeći unos: {0} -validation.accountNrFormat=Broj računa mora biti formata: {0} -validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=Provera adrese nije uspela zato što ne odgovara strukturi {0} adrese. -validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address need to start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported. -validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC adresa mora da počinje sa t. Adrese koje počinju sa z nisu podržane. -validation.altcoin.invalidAddress=Adresa nije važeća {0} adresa! {1} -validation.bic.invalidLength=Dužina unosa nije ni 8 ni 11 -validation.bic.letters=Kod banke i države mora da budu slova -validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=BIC sadrži nevažeći kod lokacije -validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=BIC sadrži nevažeći kod ogranka -validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=Revolut Sepa accounts are not supported. -validation.btc.invalidFormat=Nevažeći format bitkoin adrese. -validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Nevažeći format BSQ adrese. -validation.email.invalidAddress=Invalid address -validation.iban.invalidCountryCode=Nevažeći kod Države -validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Čeksuma mora biti numerička -validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Ne-alfanumerički karakter primećen -validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=IBAN čeksuma je netačna -validation.iban.invalidLength=Broj mora imati dužinu 15 do 34 karaktera. -validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Ne-Kanadski pozivni broj -validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Nevažeći format telefonskog broja i nije email adresa -validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Must contain only letters, numbers, spaces and/or the symbols ' _ , . ? - -validation.interacETransfer.invalidAnswer=Must be one word and contain only letters, numbers, and/or the symbol - -validation.inputTooLarge=Input must not be larger than {0} -validation.inputTooSmall=Input has to be larger than {0} -validation.inputToBeAtLeast=Input has to be at least {0} -validation.amountBelowDust=The amount below the dust limit of {0} is not allowed. -validation.length=Length must be between {0} and {1} -validation.pattern=Input must be of format: {0} -validation.noHexString=The input is not in HEX format. -validation.advancedCash.invalidFormat=Must be a valid email or wallet id of format: X000000000000 -validation.invalidUrl=This is not a valid URL -validation.mustBeDifferent=Your input must be different to the current value -validation.cannotBeChanged=Parameter cannot be changed -validation.numberFormatException=Number format exception {0} -validation.mustNotBeNegative=Input must not be negative diff --git a/core/update_translations.sh b/core/update_translations.sh index 4eb73057c8e..6cf397ce2a4 100755 --- a/core/update_translations.sh +++ b/core/update_translations.sh @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #!/usr/bin/env bash cd $(dirname $0) -tx pull -l de,el_GR,es,hu_HU,pt,ro,ru,sr,zh_CN,vi,th_TH,fa,fr +tx pull -l de,el_GR,es,pt,ru,zh_CN,vi,th_TH,fa,fr translations="translations/bisq-desktop.displaystringsproperties" i18n="src/main/resources/i18n" @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ i18n="src/main/resources/i18n" mv "$translations/de.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_de.properties" mv "$translations/el_GR.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_el.properties" mv "$translations/es.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_es.properties" -mv "$translations/hu_HU.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_hu.properties" mv "$translations/pt.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_pt.properties" -mv "$translations/ro.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_ro.properties" mv "$translations/ru.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_ru.properties" -mv "$translations/sr.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_sr.properties" mv "$translations/zh_CN.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_zh.properties" mv "$translations/vi.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_vi.properties" mv "$translations/th_TH.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_th.properties" diff --git a/desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/MainView.java b/desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/MainView.java index 1bd87163cf0..186762839f5 100644 --- a/desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/MainView.java +++ b/desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/MainView.java @@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ import bisq.core.exceptions.BisqException; import bisq.core.locale.GlobalSettings; import bisq.core.locale.Res; -import bisq.core.user.DontShowAgainLookup; import bisq.core.util.BSFormatter; import bisq.common.Timer; @@ -120,22 +119,14 @@ public static StackPane getRootContainer() { return MainView.rootContainer; } - @SuppressWarnings("PointlessBooleanExpression") - public static void blur() { - transitions.blur(MainView.rootContainer); - } - - @SuppressWarnings("PointlessBooleanExpression") public static void blurLight() { transitions.blur(MainView.rootContainer, Transitions.DEFAULT_DURATION, -0.6, false, 5); } - @SuppressWarnings("PointlessBooleanExpression") public static void blurUltraLight() { transitions.blur(MainView.rootContainer, Transitions.DEFAULT_DURATION, -0.6, false, 2); } - @SuppressWarnings("PointlessBooleanExpression") public static void darken() { transitions.darken(MainView.rootContainer, Transitions.DEFAULT_DURATION, false); } @@ -164,7 +155,6 @@ public static void removeEffect() { private Label btcSplashInfo; private Popup p2PNetworkWarnMsgPopup, btcNetworkWarnMsgPopup; - @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Inject public MainView(MainViewModel model, CachingViewLoader viewLoader, @@ -234,9 +224,8 @@ protected void initialize() { Tuple2, VBox> marketPriceBox = getMarketPriceBox(); ComboBox priceComboBox = marketPriceBox.first; - priceComboBox.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { - model.setPriceFeedComboBoxItem(newValue); - }); + priceComboBox.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> + model.setPriceFeedComboBoxItem(newValue)); ChangeListener selectedPriceFeedItemListener = (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { if (newValue != null) priceComboBox.getSelectionModel().select(newValue); @@ -337,7 +326,7 @@ protected Tooltip computeValue() { priceAndBalance.setMaxHeight(41); priceAndBalance.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); - priceAndBalance.setSpacing(11); + priceAndBalance.setSpacing(9); priceAndBalance.getStyleClass().add("nav-price-balance"); HBox navPane = new HBox(primaryNav, secondaryNav, @@ -407,9 +396,7 @@ protected Tooltip computeValue() { .headLine(Res.get("popup.dao.launch.headline")) .closeButtonText(Res.get("shared.dismiss")) .actionButtonText(Res.get("shared.learnMore")) - .onAction(() -> { - GUIUtil.openWebPage("https://docs.bisq.network/dao.html"); - }) + .onAction(() -> GUIUtil.openWebPage("https://docs.bisq.network/dao.html")) .buttonAlignment(HPos.CENTER) .show(); @@ -455,7 +442,7 @@ private Tuple2 getBalanceBox(String text) { } private ListCell getPriceFeedComboBoxListCell() { - return new ListCell() { + return new ListCell<>() { @Override protected void updateItem(PriceFeedComboBoxItem item, boolean empty) { super.updateItem(item, empty); @@ -478,7 +465,7 @@ private Tuple2, VBox> getMarketPriceBox() { priceComboBox.setVisibleRowCount(12); priceComboBox.setFocusTraversable(false); priceComboBox.setId("price-feed-combo"); - priceComboBox.setPadding(new Insets(0, 0, -4, 0)); + priceComboBox.setPadding(new Insets(0, -4, -4, 0)); priceComboBox.setCellFactory(p -> getPriceFeedComboBoxListCell()); ListCell buttonCell = getPriceFeedComboBoxListCell(); buttonCell.setId("price-feed-combo"); @@ -493,9 +480,8 @@ private Tuple2, VBox> getMarketPriceBox() { marketPriceBox.getChildren().addAll(priceComboBox, marketPriceLabel); - model.getMarketPriceUpdated().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { - updateMarketPriceLabel(marketPriceLabel); - }); + model.getMarketPriceUpdated().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> + updateMarketPriceLabel(marketPriceLabel)); return new Tuple2<>(priceComboBox, marketPriceBox); } @@ -600,9 +586,7 @@ private VBox createSplashScreen() { Button showTorNetworkSettingsButton = new AutoTooltipButton(Res.get("settings.net.openTorSettingsButton")); showTorNetworkSettingsButton.setVisible(false); showTorNetworkSettingsButton.setManaged(false); - showTorNetworkSettingsButton.setOnAction(e -> { - model.getTorNetworkSettingsWindow().show(); - }); + showTorNetworkSettingsButton.setOnAction(e -> model.getTorNetworkSettingsWindow().show()); splashP2PNetworkBusyAnimation = new BusyAnimation(false); @@ -736,9 +720,8 @@ private AnchorPane createFooter() { versionLabel.setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.CENTER); versionLabel.setAlignment(Pos.BASELINE_CENTER); versionLabel.setText("v" + Version.VERSION); - root.widthProperty().addListener((ov, oldValue, newValue) -> { - versionLabel.setLayoutX(((double) newValue - versionLabel.getWidth()) / 2); - }); + root.widthProperty().addListener((ov, oldValue, newValue) -> + versionLabel.setLayoutX(((double) newValue - versionLabel.getWidth()) / 2)); setBottomAnchor(versionLabel, 7d); model.getNewVersionAvailableProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { versionLabel.getStyleClass().removeAll("version-new", "version"); @@ -820,9 +803,7 @@ private class NavButton extends AutoTooltipToggleButton { this.setToggleGroup(navButtons); this.getStyleClass().add("nav-button"); - this.selectedProperty().addListener((ov, oldValue, newValue) -> { - this.setMouseTransparent(newValue); - }); + this.selectedProperty().addListener((ov, oldValue, newValue) -> this.setMouseTransparent(newValue)); this.setOnAction(e -> navigation.navigateTo(MainView.class, viewClass)); } diff --git a/desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/overlays/Overlay.java b/desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/overlays/Overlay.java index b2f7ae57e18..93475bcc0c5 100644 --- a/desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/overlays/Overlay.java +++ b/desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/overlays/Overlay.java @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import bisq.desktop.app.BisqApp; import bisq.desktop.components.AutoTooltipButton; +import bisq.desktop.components.AutoTooltipCheckBox; import bisq.desktop.components.AutoTooltipLabel; import bisq.desktop.components.BusyAnimation; import bisq.desktop.main.MainView; @@ -85,8 +86,6 @@ import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; -import static bisq.desktop.util.FormBuilder.addCheckBox; - @Slf4j public abstract class Overlay { @@ -156,6 +155,7 @@ protected enum Type { truncatedMessage; private String headlineStyle; protected Button actionButton, secondaryActionButton; + private HBox buttonBox; protected AutoTooltipButton closeButton; private HPos buttonAlignment = HPos.RIGHT; @@ -867,11 +867,12 @@ protected void addDontShowAgainCheckBox(boolean isChecked) { if (dontShowAgainText == null) dontShowAgainText = Res.get("popup.doNotShowAgain"); - CheckBox dontShowAgainCheckBox = addCheckBox(gridPane, rowIndex, dontShowAgainText, buttonDistance - 1); + CheckBox dontShowAgainCheckBox = new AutoTooltipCheckBox(dontShowAgainText); + HBox.setHgrow(dontShowAgainCheckBox, Priority.NEVER); + buttonBox.getChildren().add(0, dontShowAgainCheckBox); + dontShowAgainCheckBox.setSelected(isChecked); DontShowAgainLookup.dontShowAgain(dontShowAgainId, isChecked); - GridPane.setColumnIndex(dontShowAgainCheckBox, 0); - GridPane.setHalignment(dontShowAgainCheckBox, HPos.LEFT); dontShowAgainCheckBox.setOnAction(e -> DontShowAgainLookup.dontShowAgain(dontShowAgainId, dontShowAgainCheckBox.isSelected())); } } @@ -885,10 +886,30 @@ protected void addButtons() { closeButton = new AutoTooltipButton(closeButtonText == null ? Res.get("shared.close") : closeButtonText); closeButton.getStyleClass().add("compact-button"); closeButton.setOnAction(event -> doClose()); + closeButton.setMinWidth(120); + HBox.setHgrow(closeButton, Priority.SOMETIMES); + } + + Pane spacer = new Pane(); + + if (buttonAlignment == HPos.RIGHT) { + HBox.setHgrow(spacer, Priority.ALWAYS); + spacer.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); } + + buttonBox = new HBox(); + + GridPane.setHalignment(buttonBox, buttonAlignment); + GridPane.setRowIndex(buttonBox, ++rowIndex); + GridPane.setColumnSpan(buttonBox, 2); + GridPane.setMargin(buttonBox, new Insets(buttonDistance, 0, 0, 0)); + gridPane.getChildren().add(buttonBox); + if (actionHandlerOptional.isPresent() || actionButtonText != null) { actionButton = new AutoTooltipButton(actionButtonText == null ? Res.get("shared.ok") : actionButtonText); actionButton.setDefaultButton(true); + HBox.setHgrow(actionButton, Priority.SOMETIMES); + actionButton.getStyleClass().add("action-button"); //TODO app wide focus //actionButton.requestFocus(); @@ -897,17 +918,14 @@ protected void addButtons() { actionHandlerOptional.ifPresent(Runnable::run); }); - Pane spacer = new Pane(); - - HBox hBox = new HBox(); - hBox.setSpacing(10); + buttonBox.setSpacing(10); - hBox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); + buttonBox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); if (buttonAlignment == HPos.RIGHT) - hBox.getChildren().add(spacer); + buttonBox.getChildren().add(spacer); - hBox.getChildren().addAll(actionButton); + buttonBox.getChildren().addAll(actionButton); if (secondaryActionButtonText != null && secondaryActionHandlerOptional.isPresent()) { secondaryActionButton = new AutoTooltipButton(secondaryActionButtonText); @@ -916,31 +934,14 @@ protected void addButtons() { secondaryActionHandlerOptional.ifPresent(Runnable::run); }); - hBox.getChildren().add(secondaryActionButton); + buttonBox.getChildren().add(secondaryActionButton); } if (!hideCloseButton) - hBox.getChildren().add(closeButton); - - - if (buttonAlignment == HPos.RIGHT) { - HBox.setHgrow(spacer, Priority.ALWAYS); - spacer.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); - } - - GridPane.setHalignment(hBox, buttonAlignment); - GridPane.setRowIndex(hBox, ++rowIndex); - GridPane.setColumnSpan(hBox, 2); - GridPane.setMargin(hBox, new Insets(buttonDistance, 0, 0, 0)); - gridPane.getChildren().add(hBox); + buttonBox.getChildren().add(closeButton); } else if (!hideCloseButton) { closeButton.setDefaultButton(true); - GridPane.setHalignment(closeButton, buttonAlignment); - GridPane.setColumnSpan(closeButton, 2); - if (!showReportErrorButtons) - GridPane.setMargin(closeButton, new Insets(buttonDistance, 0, 0, 0)); - GridPane.setRowIndex(closeButton, ++rowIndex); - gridPane.getChildren().add(closeButton); + buttonBox.getChildren().addAll(spacer, closeButton); } } diff --git a/desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/overlays/windows/DaoLaunchWindow.java b/desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/overlays/windows/DaoLaunchWindow.java index 4d137190d77..af95c3c0f1d 100644 --- a/desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/overlays/windows/DaoLaunchWindow.java +++ b/desktop/src/main/java/bisq/desktop/main/overlays/windows/DaoLaunchWindow.java @@ -127,8 +127,7 @@ protected void onShow() { protected void addButtons() { super.addButtons(); - closeButton.setPrefWidth(162); - actionButton.setPrefWidth(162); + closeButton.prefWidthProperty().bind(actionButton.widthProperty()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////