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BitMart Postman API

This project stores postman api configuration about bitmart api. After downloading the configuration and importing it into the postman app program, set your api key to use it.


Download the Postman desktop app

Download Postman

How to import and configure

  • Step1: Download the bitmart-postman-api repository.

  • Step2: Open the postman desktop app on the computer and create a new workspace.

  • Step3: In the new workspace project, find the import button and click it.

  • Step4: Unzip the downloaded git project, then drag the entire project to the imported area.

  • Step5: Find the Environments tab and fill in your API KEY.

  • Step6: Find the Collections tab, select environment configuration name BitMart Pro API, and finally select any request and click the corresponding send button to complete a request call.


After importing the configuration and setting your api key, in the postman program, after selecting the interface you need to call with the mouse, click the run program to initiate the call.


1. How can I debug a request or find the used URL?

Open the Postman's console to find requests' parameters and URL. Debugging can be done by editing the Pre-request Script tab.

2. Error Header X-BM-KEY not found

  1. no choice environment, plz select BitMart Pro API environment
  2. API key is not set in BitMart Pro API environment
  3. API key is not correct.

3. Error Header X-BM-SIGN wrong.

  1. no choice environment, plz select BitMart Pro API environment
  2. secret key or memo is not correct.