biton is a decentralized network for bypassing online censorship and surveillance. It works by relaying requests through other biton users in order to provide anonymous routing and file sharing. Moreover, it can be deployed over mesh topologies and community networks, and in that way function during Internet shutdowns. biton aims to defend against various tactics used by modern censors, such as protocol fingerprinting, traffic analysis, and bridge enumeration.
Visit for a live demo of the Web interface.
Reference implementation of biton0_BitTorrent
as an extension to WebTorrent.
In specific, this package exports biton-hybrid as a Node.js
module which extends webtorrent-hybrid
and can therefore connect to both TCP/uTP and WebRTC nodes.
the biton extensionbiton-hybrid.js
main module, the biton hybrid node usinglib/biton-ext
command line and Web interface forbiton-hybrid
entangled Web demo
See here for instructions on how to run the biton hybrid app on your computer, and here about integrating biton into your own project.
UNDER DEVELOPMENT. This proof of concept implementation must not be used besides for simulations.
Install Node.js and npm through the package manager of your operating system (instructions here). Then,
# Clone git repository
git clone
cd biton
# Install node modules
npm install
npm run-script build
This will compile views/index.js
and its dependencies into
npm link
# Now you can start a biton hybrid client by executing
This has to be executed once and will keep track of your local modifications
(creates a symlink for node bin/biton-hybrid-app.js
Install the biton npm module
cd MyApp/
npm install --save biton
Join biton swarms and listen for events
const biton = require('biton')
const opts = {
strangers: true, // Enable peer discovery over the BitTorrent Mainline DHT
netMagic: 'test' // Connect to the test network
const node = new biton(opts)
// Wait for node to generate a biton identity
node.once('bitonReady', onNodeReady)
// Generate new identity
function onNodeReady() {
// Join the 'MyApp' local network
const myAppNet= node.joinLocalNet('MyApp')
// Attach listener for new connections in the 'MyApp' swarm
myAppNet.on('wire', onMyAppWire)
// Join the global biton network
// (recommended unless nodes are behind bandwidth capped connections, e.g. mobile Internet)
const globalNet = node.joinGlobalNet()
// Handle new connections
function onMyAppWire (wire) {
const peerId = wire.peerId
const bitonExt = wire._ext.biton
bitonExt.once('wireNoiseReady', function() {
console.log('Completed noise handshake with peer %s', peerId)
biton can be bundled into a javascript file that can be embedded into any
website, e.g. with Browserify as we do in this
repository. connect with biton nodes that support WebRTC. For that you can use
For that you will also need to serve
the .wasm
files, since they are not included in Browserify (as in bin/public
For more information about how to develop applications for biton visit the developers guide.
Start bin/biton-hybrid-app.js
. Set biton*
debug namespace, enable opennet
peer discovery over BitTorrent Mainline DHT, and connect to the global biton
DEBUG=biton* OPENNET=true JOINGLOBAL=true npm start
Name | Purpose |
Specify debugging namespaces (e.g. biton* ) |
Connect to strangers via Mainline DHT (default false ) |
Join the global biton swarm (default false ) |
Join a biton community swarm (default is the global biton swarm) |
Join independent biton networks (default is the main net) |
The Web interface listening port (default 5000 ) |
The Web interface host address (default ) |
NODE_ENV=production |
Expose Web interface to public requests |
The Web interface is listening at http://localhost:5000.
If you are accessing a local biton-hybrid-app
with Firefox and cannot
discover opennet peers, make sure that you are not blocking all third-party
cookies, as this prevents connections to Mainline DHT seed nodes. You can
temporarily whitelist localhost via the shield in the URL address bar
(instructions here).
Build the Docker image and start a container with the name biton-hybrid-client
by executing:
docker-compose up --build
The respective files are:
an image for the biton hybrid clientdocker-compose.yml
a provisioning script for the above image