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Example Storybook Project

To run the project.

docker-compose up

To build the project

npm run build-storybook


There are two places to put CSS. Global styles go in the public/styles folder. Module styles stay in the individual .astro file for their module.

Global Styles

Global styles go in the public folder and are organized into the following files:

  • main.css
  • text.css includes headings, body, labels, etc.
    • heading-1 through heading-6 all includes styles for the three breakpoints.
  • font-faces.css has @font-face rules for using Poppins. Currently we directly use scripts from Google Fonts in Layout.astro.

Module Styles

Module styles go into a <style> block at the bottom of the .astro file that contains the corresponding component.

An .astro file looks like this:

// TypeScript/JavaScript code goes here.  Use JavaScript for Hubspot compatibility.

<!-- HTML markup goes here -->

/* Styles for this component go here */