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Orig kd3 implementation.
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This have slow deletion, due to rebuilding the subtrees after every deletion.
  • Loading branch information
dgud committed Jul 15, 2010
1 parent 8be7f1c commit 00f4639
Showing 1 changed file with 217 additions and 0 deletions.
217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions e3d/kdtree.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
%%% @author Dan Gudmundsson <>
%%% @copyright (C) 2009, Dan Gudmundsson
%%% @doc kd-tree from wikipedia 1 Jul 2009
%%% Builds and traverses kd-tree of any dimension larger than 1,
%%% Each node is a 2-tuple, {key, value} where key is a tuple
%%% of numbers and value is any term.
%%% Currently without any balencing or optimizations
%%% The dimension of nodes must be the same for all nodes.
%%% @end
%%% Created : 1 Jul 2009 by Dan Gudmundsson <>


-export([from_list/1, to_list/1,
enter/3, delete/2,
nearest/2, take_nearest/2,

-record(kdt, {med,
left = nil,
right = nil}).

%%% @spec (Tree::kd-tree()) -> boolean().
%%% @doc Returns true if Tree is an empty tree.
is_empty(nil) -> true;
is_empty(#kdt{}) -> false.

%%% @spec () -> kd-tree().
%%% @doc Returns an empty Tree.
empty() -> nil.

%%% @spec (Key::tuple(), Val::term(), Tree1::kd-tree()) -> Tree2::kd-tree().
%%% @doc Inserts Key with value Val into Tree1 if the Key is not present in the tree,
%%% otherwise it updates the value.
enter(Key, Val, nil) when is_tuple(Key) ->
enter(Key, Val, #kdt{}=Tree) when is_tuple(Key) ->
enter_1(Key, Val, 1, Tree).

enter_1(Key, Val, _Axis, #kdt{med=Key}=Tree) ->
enter_1(Key, Val, Axis, #kdt{med={Med,_}, left=L0, right=R0}=Tree) ->
case element(Axis, Key) > element(Axis, Med) of
true ->
R = enter_1(Key, Val, next_axis(Axis, size(Key)), R0),
false ->
L = enter_1(Key, Val, next_axis(Axis, size(Key)), L0),
enter_1(Key, Val, _Axis, nil) ->
enter_1(Key, Val, Axis, {PKey,_} = Prev) ->
case element(Axis, Key) > element(Axis, PKey) of
true -> #kdt{med={Key,Val}, left=Prev};
false -> #kdt{med=Prev, left={Key,Val}}

%%% @spec (Key::tuple(), Val::term(), Tree1::kd-tree()) -> Tree2::kd-tree().
%%% @doc Removes the node with key Key from Tree1 and returns the new Tree2
%%% assumes the Key is present otherwise it crashes.
delete(Key, #kdt{}=Tree) when is_tuple(Key) ->
case delete_1(Key, 1, Tree) of
#kdt{} = Tree2 -> Tree2;
nil -> nil;
Node -> #kdt{med=Node}

delete_1(Key, Axis, #kdt{med={Key,_}, left=L, right=R}) ->
Nodes = to_list(L, to_list(R, [])),
Length = length(Nodes),
from_list(Nodes, Length, Axis);
delete_1(Key, Axis, #kdt{med={PKey,_}, left=L0, right=R0}=Tree) ->
case element(Axis, Key) > element(Axis, PKey) of
true ->
R = delete_1(Key, next_axis(Axis,size(Key)), R0),
false ->
L = delete_1(Key, next_axis(Axis,size(Key)), L0),
delete_1(Key, _, {Key,_}) -> nil.

%%% (Fun::function(), Tree1::kd-tree()) -> Tree2::kd-tree().
%%% @doc Maps the function Fun(K, V1) -> V2
%%% to all key-value pairs of the tree Tree1 and returns
%%% a new tree Tree2 with the same set of keys as Tree1 and the new set of values V2.

map(_F, nil) -> nil;
map(F, #kdt{}=Tree) ->
map_1(F, Tree).

map_1(F, #kdt{med={Key,Val}, left=L, right=R}) ->
#kdt{med={Key,F(Key,Val)}, left=map_1(F,L), right=map_1(F,R)};
map_1(_F, nil) -> nil;
map_1(F, {Key,Value}) -> {Key, F(Key,Value)}.

%%% @spec ([{tuple(), term()}]) -> kd-tree().
%%% @doc Builds a kd-tree from a list of nodes.
from_list([]) -> nil;
from_list(TupleList) when is_list(TupleList) ->
case from_list(TupleList, length(TupleList), 1) of
#kdt{} = Tree -> Tree;
Node -> #kdt{med=Node}

from_list([], _, _) -> nil;
from_list([Data], _, _) -> Data;
from_list(List, Length, Axis) ->
Ordered = sort(List, Axis),
{{Point,_}=Med,LLen,Left,RLen,Right} = split(Length, Axis, Ordered),
NextAxis = next_axis(Axis, size(Point)),
#kdt{med = Med,
left = from_list(Left, LLen, NextAxis),
right = from_list(Right, RLen, NextAxis)}.

%%% @spec (kd-tree()) -> [{tuple(), term()}]
%%% @doc Return all nodes in the tree.
to_list(nil) -> [];
to_list(Tree=#kdt{}) ->
to_list(Tree, []).

to_list(#kdt{med=Node,left=L,right=R}, Acc0) ->
to_list(nil, Acc) -> Acc;
to_list(Data, Acc) -> [Data|Acc].

%%% @spec (Key::tuple(), Tree::kd-tree()) -> Node
%%% @doc Returns the node nearest the Key, assumes the Tree is non-empty.
nearest(Point0, nil) when is_tuple(Point0) -> undefined;
nearest(Point0, #kdt{} = Tree) when is_tuple(Point0) ->
Point = tuple_to_list(Point0),
[_|Node] = nearest_1(Point, Tree, 1, [undefined|undefined]),

%%% @spec (Key::tuple(), Tree::kd-tree()) -> {Node, Tree}
%%% @doc Returns the node nearest the Key and a Tree with the node deleted,
%%% assumes the Tree is non-empty.
take_nearest(Point0, nil) when is_tuple(Point0) -> undefined;
take_nearest(Point0, #kdt{} = Tree) when is_tuple(Point0) ->
Point = tuple_to_list(Point0),
[_|{Key,_}=Node] = nearest_1(Point, Tree, 1, [undefined|undefined]),
{Node, delete(Key,Tree)}.

nearest_1(_, nil, _, Close) -> Close;
nearest_1(Point, #kdt{med={Split,_}=Node, left=L, right=R}, Axis, Closest0) ->
PointPos = lists:nth(Axis, Point),
SplitPos = element(Axis, Split),
BorderDist = (PointPos - SplitPos),
Border = BorderDist * BorderDist,
Closest = closest([dist(Split, Point)|Node],Closest0),
NextAxis = next_axis(Axis, size(Split)),

case PointPos > SplitPos of
true ->
nearest_2(Point, R, L, Border, NextAxis, Closest);
false ->
nearest_2(Point, L, R, Border, NextAxis, Closest)
nearest_1(Point,{Pos,_} = Leaf,_, Closest0) ->
closest([dist(Pos, Point)|Leaf],Closest0).

nearest_2(Point, ThisSide, OtherSide, Border, NextAxis, Closest0) ->
case nearest_1(Point, ThisSide, NextAxis, Closest0) of
Closest = [Dist|_] when Dist < Border ->
Closest ->
nearest_1(Point, OtherSide, NextAxis, Closest)

%%% Internal stuff %%%
sort(List, Axis) ->
lists:sort(fun({A,_}, {B,_}) ->
element(Axis, A) =< element(Axis,B)
end, List).

split(_, _Axis, [Node]) -> {Node, 0, [], 0, []};
split(Total, Axis, Records) ->
Length = Total div 2,
{RLeft,Right} = split_1(Length, Records, []),
verify_med(RLeft, Right, Axis, Length, Total).

split_1(0, Right, ReverseLeft) ->
split_1(N, [L|Right], Acc) ->
split_1(N-1, Right, [L|Acc]).

verify_med([Node|Right], [], _, _, Total) -> %% All values the same on that axis
{Node, Total-1, Right, 0, []};
verify_med([{L,_}|_]=Left0, [{R,_}=Node|Right], Axis, LeftLen, Total) ->
case element(Axis, L) < element(Axis, R) of
true ->
{Node, LeftLen, Left0, Total-LeftLen-1, Right};
false ->
verify_med([Node|Left0], Right, Axis, LeftLen+1, Total)

closest([Dist1|_]=Node1, [Dist2|_]) when Dist1 < Dist2 -> Node1;
closest(_, Node) -> Node.

dist(Point, Origin) ->
dist_1(tuple_to_list(Point), Origin, 0).

dist_1([X|Xs],[Y|Ys], Acc) ->
D = X-Y,
dist_1(Xs, Ys, D*D+Acc);
dist_1([], [], Acc) -> Acc.

next_axis(Axis, Dim) ->
1 + (Axis rem Dim).

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