HiTIME is open source software, released under the 3-clause BSD license.
usage: hitime [-h] [--format FORMAT] [--intensityRatio R] [--rtWidth W]
[--rtSigma RTSIGMA] [--ppm P] [--mzWidth F] [--mzSigma MZSIGMA]
[--logFile FILENAME] [--mzDelta D] [--removeLow REMOVELOW]
[--outDir DIRECTORY] [--noScore] [--minSample MINSAMPLE]
inputFile outputFile
Filter mass spec data for isotope doublets.
positional arguments:
inputFile mass spec input data file
outputFile file name to save text data to
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--format FORMAT file format used for input mass spec data, options
are: mzml; mzdata
--intensityRatio R ratio of intensities for a doublet (isotope
amount/parent amount)
--rtWidth W Retention Time full width at half maximum in number of
--rtSigma RTSIGMA Boundary for retention time width in standard
--ppm P m/z tolerance in parts per million
--mzWidth F m/z full width at half maximum in parts per million
--mzSigma MZSIGMA Boundary for mz window in standard deviations
--logFile FILENAME log progress in FILENAME
--mzDelta D m/z difference for doublets
--removeLow REMOVELOW
Remove intensity values below the given signal level
--outDir DIRECTORY save output in DIRECTORY, if it does not exist it will
be created
--noScore process without scoring. Use for data exploration
--minSample MINSAMPLE
minimum number of data points required in each sample