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Adding a Sample to the Catalog

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This page describes how to add a new Sample to the Catalog.



Start by reading the [Overview][add overview].

Contributing to the Sample

Identify what repository you will want to contribute to, and its lead.

You are responsible for submitting a contribution agreement (if necessary), and collaborating with the repository lead to secure appropriate technical and legal review.

Fork the appropriate repository and apply the changes needed. Then submit a pull request. Interact with the reviewers until the change is acceptable to all parties, at which point it will be merged in.

Updating the Catalog

You are responsible for updating the catalog, if necessary, whenever you update the sample. This means two pull requests.

Fork the Catalogs repository, then modify the All_Samples.json file to reflect the new sample(s), and submit a pull request.

Related Material

Also see:

  • How to [Add a Sample to the Catalog][add sample]
  • How to [Add a Repository to the Catalog][add repo]
  • How to [Add a Component to the Catalog][add repo]