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Releases: BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3


12 Mar 07:55
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version 1.5.1

Changes since 1.5.0:

  • The Rust crate is now compatible with Miri.
  • ~1% performance improvement on Arm NEON contributed by @divinity76 (#384).
  • Various fixes and improvements in the CMake build.
  • The MSRV of b3sum is now 1.74.1. (The MSRV of the library crate is
    unchanged, 1.66.1.)


21 Sep 03:35
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version 1.5.0

Changes since 1.4.1:

  • The Rust crate's Hasher type has gained new helper methods for common
    forms of IO: update_reader, update_mmap, and update_mmap_rayon. The
    latter matches the default behavior of b3sum. The mmap methods are
    gated by the new "mmap" Cargo feature.
  • Most of the Rust crate's public types now implement the Zeroize trait.
    This is gated by the new "zeroize" Cargo feature.
  • The Rust crate's Hash types now implements the serde Serialize and
    Deserialize traits. This is gated by the new "serde" Cargo feature.
  • The C library now uses atomics to cache detected CPU features under
    most compilers other than MSVC. Previously this was a non-atomic
    write, which was probably "benign" but made TSan unhappy.
  • NEON support is now disabled by default on big-endian AArch64.
    Previously this was a build error if the caller didn't explicitly
    disable it.


06 Jul 21:44
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version 1.4.1

Changes since 1.4.0:

  • Improved performance in the ARM NEON implementation for both C and
    Rust callers. This affects AArch64 targets by default and ARMv7
    targets that explicitly enable (and support) NEON. The size of the
    improvement depends on the microarchitecture, but I've benchmarked
    ~1.3x on a Cortex-A53 and ~1.2x on an Apple M1. Contributed by
    @sdlyyxy in #319.
  • The MSRV is now 1.66.1 for both the blake3 crate and b3sum.


08 Jun 20:24
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version 1.4.0

Changes since 1.3.3:

  • The C implementation provides a CMakeLists.txt for callers who build
    with CMake. The CMake build is not yet stable, and callers should
    expect breaking changes in patch version updates. The "by hand" build
    will always continue to be supported and documented.
  • b3sum supports the --seek flag, to set the starting position in
    the output stream.
  • b3sum --check prints a summary of errors to stderr.
  • Hash::as_bytes is const.
  • Hash supports from_bytes, which is const.


26 Nov 05:44
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version 1.3.3

Changes since 1.3.2:

  • Fix incorrect output from AVX-512 intrinsics under GCC 5.4 and 6.1 in
    debug mode. This bug was found in unit tests and probably doesn't
    affect the public API in practice. See


20 Nov 23:47
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version 1.3.2:

Changes since 1.3.1:

  • Dependency updates only. This includes updating Clap to v4, which
    changes the format of the b3sum --help output. The new MSRV is
    1.59.0 for blake3 and 1.60.0 for b3sum. Note that this project
    doesn't have any particular MSRV policy, and we don't consider MSRV
    bumps to be breaking changes.


14 Feb 00:50
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version 1.3.1

Changes since 1.3.0:

  • The unstable traits-preview feature now includes an implementation
    of crypto_common::BlockSizeUser, AKA
    digest::core_api::BlockSizeUser. This allows blake3::Hasher to be
    used with hmac::SimpleHmac.


08 Jan 05:24
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version 1.3.0

Changes since 1.2.0:

  • Added blake3_hasher_reset to the C API, for parity with the Rust API.
  • Updated digest to v0.10. This version merged the crypto-mac crate with
    digest, so the dependency on crypto-mac has been removed. These trait
    implementations are still gated behind the "traits-preview" feature.
  • Updated clap to v3.


05 Nov 19:00
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version 1.2.0

Changes since 1.1.0:

  • SECURITY FIX: Fixed an instance of undefined behavior in the Windows
    SSE2 assembly implementations, which affected both the Rust and C
    libraries in their default build configurations. See
    #206. The cause was a
    vector register that wasn't properly saved and restored. This bug has
    been present since SSE2 support was initially added in v0.3.7. The
    effects of this bug depend on surrounding code and compiler
    optimizations; see test_issue_206_windows_sse2 for an example of this
    bug causing incorrect hash output. Note that even when surrounding
    code is arranged to trigger this bug, the SSE2 implementation is
    normally only invoked on CPUs where SSE4.1 (introduced in 2007) isn't
    supported. One notable exception, however, is if the Rust library is
    built in no_std mode, with default_features = false or similar. In
    that case, runtime CPU feature detection is disabled, and since LLVM
    assumes that all x86-64 targets support SSE2, the SSE2 implementation
    will be invoked. For that reason, Rust callers who build blake3 in
    no_std mode for x86-64 Windows targets are the most likely to
    trigger this bug. We found this bug in internal testing, and we aren't
    aware of any callers encountering it in practice.
  • Added the Hasher::count() method.


21 Oct 21:42
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version 1.1.0

Changes since 1.0.0:

  • The NEON implementation is now enabled by default on AArch64 targets.
    Previously it was disabled without the "neon" Cargo feature in Rust or
    the "BLAKE3_USE_NEON=1" preprocessor flag in C. This is still the case
    on ARM targets other than AArch64, because of the lack of dynamic CPU
    feature detection on ARM. Contributed by @rsdy.
  • The previous change leads to some build incompatibilities,
    particularly in C. If you build the C implementation for AArch64
    targets, you now need to include blake3_neon.c, or else you'll get a
    linker error like "undefined reference to `blake3_hash_many_neon'". If
    you don't want the NEON implementation, you need to explicitly set
    "BLAKE3_USE_NEON=0". On the Rust side, AArch64 targets now require the
    C toolchain by default. includes workarounds for missing or
    very old C compilers for x86, but it doesn't currently include such
    workarounds for AArch64. If we hear about build breaks related to
    this, we can add more workarounds as appropriate.
  • C-specific Git tags ("c-0.3.7" etc.) have been removed, and all the
    projects in this repo (Rust "blake3", Rust "b3sum", and the C
    implementation) will continue to be versioned in lockstep for the
    foreseeable future.