Running - OS: Windows, Chrome: 56.0.2924.87, Configurator: 1.0.11 Last used port wasn't saved "yet", auto-select disabled. Connecting to: COM5 SERIAL: Connection opened with ID: 1, Baud: 115200 Serial port successfully opened with ID: 1 MultiWii API version received - 1.31.0 Flight controller info, identifier: BTFL, version: 3.1.5 Running firmware released on: Feb 7 2017 22:30:44 Board: SRF3, version: 0 Unique device ID received - 0x3e002b5633571520313639 sending cmd_InterfaceExit 0 0 received cmd_InterfaceExit ACK_OK 0 0 SERIAL: Connection with ID: 1 closed, Sent: 466 bytes, Received: 574 bytes PortHandler - Removed: COM5 PortHandler - Found: COM5 Connecting to: COM5 SERIAL: Connection opened with ID: 2, Baud: 115200 Serial port successfully opened with ID: 2 MultiWii API version received - 1.31.0 Flight controller info, identifier: BTFL, version: 3.1.5 Running firmware released on: Feb 7 2017 22:30:44 Board: SRF3, version: 0 Unique device ID received - 0x3e002b5633571520313639 Reading setup sending cmd_DeviceInitFlash 0 0 ESC 1 read settings failed Timeout while waiting for reply to cmd_DeviceInitFlash sending cmd_DeviceInitFlash 0 1 ESC 2 read settings failed Timeout while waiting for reply to cmd_DeviceInitFlash sending cmd_DeviceInitFlash 0 2 ESC 3 read settings failed Timeout while waiting for reply to cmd_DeviceInitFlash sending cmd_DeviceInitFlash 0 3 ESC 4 read settings failed Timeout while waiting for reply to cmd_DeviceInitFlash Reading setup finished