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kslin committed Apr 27, 2012
2 parents d8443a2 + 34e37db commit d6c53dc
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Showing 2 changed files with 25 additions and 24 deletions.
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions
Expand Up @@ -55,23 +55,16 @@ let respond_click (b:Myboard.board) ((x,y):int*int) : Myboard.board =
let evaluate_board board =
let threatlist = BThreats.get_threats board in
let update_board threat =
let Threat(_, (x,y), a, _) = threat in
(print_string ((string_of_int x) ^ "," ^ (string_of_int y) ^ ":");
flush_all (); (fun z -> let (c,d) = z in
print_string ((string_of_int c) ^ "," ^ (string_of_int d) ^ "|");
flush_all ();
end) a;
((Myboard.insertspecial board (x,y) Black), threat))
((BThreats.gen_new_board board threat), threat)
let boardlist = update_board threatlist in
let treelist = (fun (x, y) -> (BThreats.gen_threat_tree x y))
let treelist = (fun (x, y) -> (BThreats.gen_threat_tree x y []))
boardlist in
let rec win tlist =
match tlist with
| [] -> false
| hd::tl -> (BThreats.evaluate_tree hd) || (win tl)
| [] -> None
| hd::tl -> (if BThreats.evaluate_tree hd = None then (win tl)
else BThreats.evaluate_tree hd)
win treelist

Expand All @@ -87,13 +80,20 @@ let debug_button_eval () =
let debug_board () =
debug_button_eval ()

let rec print_threatlist tlist =
match tlist with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> (print_threats hd; print_threatlist tl)

(* A handles clicks to to run functions in the area above the board:
debugging function, change piece color *)
let respond_click_header (b:Myboard.board) ((x,y):int*int) =
if ((x > obj_width) && (x < 3 * obj_width) && (y > ((world_size+5) * obj_width))
&& (y < ((world_size+6) * obj_width)))
then (let result = evaluate_board b in
print_string (string_of_bool result); flush_all ())
match result with
| None -> (print_string "None"; flush_all();)
| Some tlist -> print_threatlist tlist)
else if ((x > obj_width) && (x < 2 * obj_width) && (y > ((world_size+3) * obj_width))
&& (y < ((world_size+4) * obj_width)))
then ((piece_color := White))
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23 changes: 12 additions & 11 deletions
Expand Up @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ sig

(* Given a board and the threat whose gain square was the last move
made on the board returns the threat tree from that board *)
val gen_threat_tree : board -> threat -> tree
val gen_threat_tree : board -> threat -> threats -> tree

(* Evaluates the tree to see if it results in a winning threat sequence *)
val evaluate_tree : tree -> bool
val evaluate_tree : tree -> threats option

(* Merges two independent trees into one tree *)
val merge : tree -> tree -> tree
Expand All @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module TGenerator(B: BOARD):THREATS with type board = B.board
type tree =
| Node of board * threat * (tree list)
| Leaf of board * threat
| Win of board * threat
| Win of board * threat * threats

let get_threats = B.getThreats

Expand All @@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ module TGenerator(B: BOARD):THREATS with type board = B.board
| _ -> b in
insertwhitelist (B.insertspecial b tgain Black) tcost

let rec gen_threat_tree (b: board) (t: threat) =
let rec gen_threat_tree (b: board) (t: threat) (tlist: threats) =
let Threat(ttype, _, _, _) = t in
if (B.isWin b != None) || (ttype = StraightFour) then
Win(b, t)
Win(b, t, t::tlist)
let threatList = get_dependent_threats b t in
if threatList = [] then
Leaf(b, t)
let tree_from_threat (x:threat) =
gen_threat_tree (gen_new_board b x) x
gen_threat_tree (gen_new_board b x) x (t::tlist)
let treeList = tree_from_threat threatList
Expand All @@ -95,12 +95,13 @@ module TGenerator(B: BOARD):THREATS with type board = B.board
let rec evaluate_tree (tr: tree) =
let rec evaluate_tree_list treelist =
match treelist with
| [] -> false
| hd::tl -> (evaluate_tree hd) || (evaluate_tree_list tl)
| [] -> None
| hd::tl -> (if evaluate_tree hd = None then (evaluate_tree_list tl)
else evaluate_tree hd)
match tr with
| Win(b, t) -> true
| Leaf(b, t) -> false
| Win(b, t, tlist) -> Some tlist
| Leaf(b, t) -> None
| Node(b, t, treeList) -> (evaluate_tree_list treeList)

let rec merge tree1 tree2 = tree1
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