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This example uses the Notecard and the note-mbed library with your MBED program.

First, you'll need to install the mbed-cli v1 onto your PC. After this is installed and the path/environment is set up correctly, the "mbed" command should work.

Download the ARM GCC toolchain compiler. Then configure MBED to use that toolchain by typing something like this, substituting your own path and making sure that the path ends in the "bin" subfolder:

mbed config -G GCC_ARM_PATH "C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\8 2019-q3-update\bin"
mbed toolchain -G GCC_ARM

Note that you can list your config at any time by using "mbed config --list".

Find the appropriate target board by using "mbed compile --supported". In this example, I chose to use the ST Microelectronics Nucleo-L432KC because of its ease of use and the fact that MBED support is available for the board. Instruct MBED that you are using this board by using the following:

mbed target -G NUCLEO_L432KC

To validate that the entire toolchain is installed correctly, downloaded the "blinky" test by setting your working directory to your development directory and using this command:

mbed import

You'll compile it using this command, and the output ".bin" file will be in the build// directory.

mbed compile

Plug your device into USB, and on Windows open "My Computer" you'll see the drive letter the MBED device was assigned by Windows, such as this. (If you don't see the drive after repeated tries, this may mean that your device may not contain the MBED bootloader. When shipped from the factory, the device has this bootloader installed.)

NODE_L432KC (E:)

You may then install the bin onto the device by using a COPY command on Windows, or drag-and-drop on Mac.

copy build\nucleo_l432kc\gcc_arm\*.bin E:

Preparing your hardware for using this example

Connect your Nucleo-L432KC to the Notecarrier, as follows:

  • Connect the Notecarrier's RX to the Nucleo's D1/TX pin (USART1_TX PA_9)
  • Connect the Notecarrier's TX to the Nucleo's D0/RX pin (USART1_RX PA_10)
  • Connect the Notecarrier's SDA pin to the Nucleo's D4 pin (I2C1_SDA PB_7)
  • Connect the Notecarrier's SCL pin to the Nucleo's D5 pin (I2C1_SCL PB_6)

Using this example

In your development directory where you're working on your MBED projects, create a new MBED test program by using the command:

mbed new my-test

Now, change your working directory into this "my-test" folder and clone this note-mbed repo into a temporary folder somewhere on your PC. Then, COPY the Notecard folder from that temporary folder into your my-test folder, in its entirety. After you do so, the folder hierarchy will be:

Your MBED projects folder
├──  my-test
  ├── mbed-os
  ├── Notecard
    ├── note-c

What this means is that

  • Your project folder, "my-test", contains the mbed OS and all of its support files
  • The Notecard subfolder contains everything in terms of support code to communicate with the Notecard
  • You now just need a "main.cpp" to run your program

To get started with this example, look in the "examples" subfolder of your cloned copy of this repo. Then, copy one of the example's main.cpp into the main folder of your my-test project

copy examples/01-using-Library/* <my-test path>

If you look at this main.cpp, you'll see that it implements the same functions as the note-arduino library's analogous example. The example has been tested using both Serial and I2C, and so you can use either one as is your preference.

Setting MBED OS

This repository requires MBED OS V5.15. It is not compatible with MBED OS V6

To update the MBED version

cd mbed-os
mbed update mbed-os-5.15.8


Then, like the example above, you'll compile it and load it onto your board using this command

mbed compile
copy build\nucleo_l432kc\gcc_arm\*.bin E:


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More Information

For Notecard SDKs and Libraries, see:

To learn more about Blues Wireless, the Notecard and Notehub, see:


Copyright (c) 2019 Blues Inc. Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


Library for using Notecard with the MBED OS and MBED-enabled devices



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