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Releases: blur-network/blur

Blur v0. 'Radiance'

10 Jun 22:25
Choose a tag to compare

Blur v0. 'Radiance' Release Brief

This point release for Blur v0.1.9 'Radiance' is optional, but users are strongly encouraged to upgrade due to the nature of the changes.


This point release many significant changes since v0., from roughly 27 commits:

  • Re-enables fast sync for checkpointed blockchain history (dramatic speedup in fullnode sync)
  • Changes --fast-sync daemon startup flag name to fast-sync-disable-pow, to make clear that this disables PoW verification for the checkpointed blocks
  • Compilation fixes for boost 1.70+
  • Compilation fixes for Ubuntu 22.04
  • Updates snapcraft for Ubuntu 22.04
  • Other miscellaneous housekeeping

Please verify the following sha256sums against those of the files you download:

TBD resolving issues with cross-compile


Seed Node Addresses:

Mainnet Nodes

  • Node 1:
  • Node 2:
  • Node 3:
  • Node 4:

Linux & Mac Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Start the daemon with the command ./blurd Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network.

Please add the seed node addresses below if you have trouble syncing:

./blurd --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --p2p-bind-port="52541" --rpc-bind-port="52542" --rpc-bind-ip=""

If you are connecting to nodes on your local LAN, you will need to add those nodes with their local IPs, and append the flag --allow-local-ip to the startup flags above.

Wait for sync to complete, open a new tab or terminal window, and then start the wallet with:


Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon:

./blurd --start-mining="<BLUR address>" --mining-threads="<num. threads>"

Example: ./blurd --start-mining="bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu" --mining-threads="4"

You should see a message for each thread that reads: Mining started for thread[0] or something similar.

To view your hashrate in real-time, use the command show_hr.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. It is normal to experience a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

Windows Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Double click the file named blurd.exe. Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network. Once it is fully synced, double click the blur-wallet-cli.exe to open the wallet.

For Sync issues on Windows:

Open Windows Powershell (Windows Key + X, then click powershell (non-admin) and type cd Downloads/blur-v0. to switch to the directory you extracted the binaries into. Launch the daemon executable with the following options:

.\blurd.exe --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --p2p-bind-port="52541" --rpc-bind-port="52542" --rpc-bind-ip=""

If you are connecting to nodes on your local LAN, you will need to add those nodes with their local IPs, and append the flag --allow-local-ip to the startup flags above.

Alternatively, you may start the daemon by double-clicking the blurd.exe file.

You will see a pop-up from your firewall. Be sure to check the box next to "Private Networks" if you are on a private network, or your daemon will not be able to sync with the network. If you daemon stalls while syncing, close and restart the program. You will not lose any blocks you have already synced with. Once your daemon is synced with the network...

Start the wallet by double-clicking the blur-wallet-cli file.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, please note that the CLI will not show a password or indicate your keystrokes as you type.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon, from Powershell:

.\blurd.exe --start-mining"<BLUR address>" --mining-threads"<num. threads>"

Example: .\blurd.exe --start-mining="bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu" --mining-threads="4"

You should see a message for each thread that reads: Mining started for thread[0] or something similar.

To view your hashrate in real-time, use the command show_hr.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. It is normal to experience a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

You should see the message: Mining started in daemon

Switch back to the terminal or tab in which your daemon is running, and type show_hr for real-time hashrate monitoring. For further commands in either the wallet or the daemon, type help into either CLI. Note that the commands for the daemon and wallet are different.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. There is a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

How To Verify These Binaries:

Download the zip archive of your choice and the accompanying '.asc' file. If you haven't already, download and install GnuPG.

Type the following command into a terminal: gpg --keyserver --recv-keys D5C9054050576902

After downloading they public keys, check their fingerprint: gpg --fingerprint D5C9054050576902

You should see the output:

pub rsa4096 2018-06-07 [SC]
F3FE DCCF A90C 5683 1318 3C33 D5C9 0540 5057 6902
uid [ unknown] Blur Network (Blur: The Private Cryptocurrency) <>
sub rsa4096 2018-06-07 [E]

Then, verify the files you've downloaded with: gpg --verify blur-v0. blur-v0. The output should say "Good Signature." The warning message is due to no trust index being assigned to the signature, simply ignore it.

Open cmd.exe and type: "C:\Program Files\Gnu\GnuPg\gpg.exe" --keyserver --recv-keys D5C9054050576902

After downloading they public keys, check their fingerprint: "C:\Program Files\Gnu\GnuPg\gpg.exe" --fingerprint D5C9054050576902

You should see the output:

pub rsa4096 2018-06-07 [SC]
F3FE DCCF A90C 5683 1318 3C33 D5C9 0540 5057 6902
uid [ unknown] Blur Network (Blur: The Private Cryptocurrency) <>
sub rsa4096 2018-06-07 [E]

Move into your downloads folder with cd C:\Users\[your username]\Downloads Then, verify the files you've downloaded with: "C:\Program Files\Gnu\GnuPg\gpg.exe" --verify The output should say "Good Signature." The warning message is due to no trust index being assigned to the signature, simply ignore it.

Blur v0. 'Radiance'

07 Feb 19:16
Choose a tag to compare

Blur v0. 'Radiance' Release Brief

This point release for Blur v0.1.9 'Radiance' is optional, but users are strongly encouraged to upgrade due to the nature of the changes.


This point release many significant changes since v0., from roughly 85 commits:

The most notable of which are:

  • Began adding supporting files for dpow-blur

  • Fixes a long-standing issue with sync, that was causing nodes to stall

  • Cross-compilation now working for all platforms (compiled from Ubuntu 20.04 host)

  • Updated workflows to compile on Ubuntu 20.04, as 18.04 has hit EOL

  • Changes to depends build system

  • Removal of expat package as optional dependency

  • Database modifications for storing of BTC transactions, parsed from BLUR tx extras

  • Compilation fixes for newer versions of GCC

  • Compilation fixes for newer versions of Boost (ASIO)

  • Resolves numerous compiler warnings

  • More information may be added here at a later date, describing more thoroughly the precise changes

Please verify the following sha256sums against those of the files you download:



Seed Node Addresses:

Mainnet Nodes

  • Node 1:
  • Node 2:
  • Node 3:
  • Node 4:

Linux & Mac Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Start the daemon with the command ./blurd Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network.

Please add the seed node addresses below if you have trouble syncing:

./blurd --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --p2p-bind-port="52541" --rpc-bind-port="52542" --rpc-bind-ip=""

If you are connecting to nodes on your local LAN, you will need to add those nodes with their local IPs, and append the flag --allow-local-ip to the startup flags above.

Wait for sync to complete, open a new tab or terminal window, and then start the wallet with:


Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon:

./blurd --start-mining="<BLUR address>" --mining-threads="<num. threads>"

Example: ./blurd --start-mining="bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu" --mining-threads="4"

You should see a message for each thread that reads: Mining started for thread[0] or something similar.

To view your hashrate in real-time, use the command show_hr.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. It is normal to experience a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

Windows Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Double click the file named blurd.exe. Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network. Once it is fully synced, double click the blur-wallet-cli.exe to open the wallet.

For Sync issues on Windows:

Open Windows Powershell (Windows Key + X, then click powershell (non-admin) and type cd Downloads/blur-v0. to switch to the directory you extracted the binaries into. Launch the daemon executable with the following options:

.\blurd.exe --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --p2p-bind-port="52541" --rpc-bind-port="52542" --rpc-bind-ip=""

If you are connecting to nodes on your local LAN, you will need to add those nodes with their local IPs, and append the flag --allow-local-ip to the startup flags above.

Alternatively, you may start the daemon by double-clicking the blurd.exe file.

You will see a pop-up from your firewall. Be sure to check the box next to "Private Networks" if you are on a private network, or your daemon will not be able to sync with the network. If you daemon stalls while syncing, close and restart the program. You will not lose any blocks you have already synced with. Once your daemon is synced with the network...

Start the wallet by double-clicking the blur-wallet-cli file.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, please note that the CLI will not show a password or indicate your keystrokes as you type.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon, from Powershell:

.\blurd.exe --start-mining"<BLUR address>" --mining-threads"<num. threads>"

Example: .\blurd.exe --start-mining="bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu" --mining-threads="4"

You should see a message for each thread that reads: Mining started for thread[0] or something similar.

To view your hashrate in real-time, use the command show_hr.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. It is normal to experience a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

You should see the message: Mining started in daemon

Switch back to the terminal or tab in which your daemon is running, and type show_hr for real-time hashrate monitoring. For further commands in either the wallet or the daemon, type help into either CLI. Note that the commands for the daemon and wallet are different.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. There is a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

How To Verify These Binaries:

Download the zip archive of your choice and the accompanying '.asc' file. If you haven't already, download and install GnuPG.

Type the following command into a terminal: gpg --keyserver --recv-keys D5C9054050576902

After downloading they public keys, check their fingerprint: gpg --fingerprint D5C9054050576902

You should see the output:

pub rsa4096 2018-06-07 [SC]
F3FE DCCF A90C 5683 1318 3C33 D5C9 0540 5057 6902
uid [ unknown] Blur Network (Blur: The Private Cryptocurrency) <>
sub rsa4096 2018-06-07 [E]

Then, verify the files you've downloaded with: gpg --verify blur-v0. blur-v0. The output should say "Good Signature." The warning message is due to no trust index being assigned to the signature, simply ignore it.

Open cmd.exe and type: "C:\Program Files\Gnu\GnuPg\gpg.exe" --keyserver --recv-keys D5C9054050576902

After downloading they public keys, check their fingerprint: "C:\Program Files\Gnu\GnuPg\gpg.exe" --fingerprint D5C9054050576902

You should see the output:

pub rsa4096 2018-06-07 [SC]
F3FE DCCF A90C 5683 1318 3C33 D5C9 0540 5057 6902
uid [ unknown] Blur Network (Blur: The Private Cryptocurrency) <>
sub rsa4096 2018-06-07 [E]

Move into your downloads folder with cd C:\Users\[your username]\Downloads Then, verify the files you've downloaded with: "C:\Program Files\Gnu\GnuPg\gpg.exe" --verify The output should say "Good Signature." The warning message is due to no trust index being assigned to the signature, simply ignore it.

Blur v0. 'Radiance'

30 Jul 20:24
Choose a tag to compare

Blur v0. 'Radiance' Release Brief

This point release for Blur v0.1.9 'Radiance' is optional, but users are strongly encouraged to upgrade due to the nature of the changes.


This point release includes the following significant changes since v0., from rougly 22 commits:

  • Silences errors on unknown commands in protocol (90433bb)
  • Changes to openssl build options, in depends build system (f215455 & 6b5a086)
  • Upgrade boost to version 1.69 in depends build system (2ffd7ac)
  • Changes to workflow file for GitHub Actions CI (4a928c4)
  • Simplification (and slight speed-up) of code for dynamic portion of proof-of-work algorithm (6b64964)
  • Removal of ldns as optional dependency, as all DNS-related functionality was removed quite some time ago (a457426)
  • Addition of note to about macOS cross-compilation (a457426)
  • Revert performance timer files back to original state at initialization of blur repo, to fix an AOCC/clang compiler error (3bec88a)
  • Fix readline library linking, and detection (9a4f0e8)
  • Change public linkage to private in wallet (6a849da)
  • Switch from memcpy to memset in critical portion of proof-of-work algorithm (59a2a71)
  • Update snapcraft build for v0. (8ab93f7)
  • Standardize notation for command-line options in (cfed164)
  • Implementation of new DB resizing mechanics, reduce initial mapsize, and always enable auto-resizing (ba05bbc, 8fa9b93, & 456f21b82a27236d8ebba6b02b4ef4ac78fdeb59)\
  • Removes a strange behavior inherited from Monero in protocol, where data directory would change if blurd was communicating on a non-standard port (fe85b45)
  • Quicker connection with network, due to adding seed nodes on daemon init (b60a4f6)
  • Updates version for v0. release (0b836f8)
  • Fix for cross-compilation Makefile entry for Windows, compiled on Linux host (a45f2d0)
  • Removes problematic detection & linking of ICU_LIBRARIES in wallet (019aa08)

Please verify the following sha256sums against those of the files you download:



Seed Node Addresses:

Mainnet Nodes

  • Node 1:
  • Node 2:
  • Node 3:
  • Node 4:
  • Node 5:
  • Node 6:

Linux & Mac Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Start the daemon with the command ./blurd Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network.

Please add the seed node addresses below if you have trouble syncing:

./blurd --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --p2p-bind-port="52541" --rpc-bind-port="52542" --rpc-bind-ip=""

If you are connecting to nodes on your local LAN, you will need to add those nodes with their local IPs, and append the flag --allow-local-ip to the startup flags above.

Wait for sync to complete, open a new tab or terminal window, and then start the wallet with:


Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon:

./blurd --start-mining="<BLUR address>" --mining-threads="<num. threads>"

Example: ./blurd --start-mining="bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu" --mining-threads="4"

You should see a message for each thread that reads: Mining started for thread[0] or something similar.

To view your hashrate in real-time, use the command show_hr.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. It is normal to experience a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

Windows Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Double click the file named blurd.exe. Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network. Once it is fully synced, double click the blur-wallet-cli.exe to open the wallet.

For Sync issues on Windows:

Open Windows Powershell (Windows Key + X, then click powershell (non-admin) and type cd Downloads/blur-v0. to switch to the directory you extracted the binaries into. Launch the daemon executable with the following options:

.\blurd.exe --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --p2p-bind-port="52541" --rpc-bind-port="52542" --rpc-bind-ip=""

If you are connecting to nodes on your local LAN, you will need to add those nodes with their local IPs, and append the flag --allow-local-ip to the startup flags above.

Alternatively, you may start the daemon by double-clicking the blurd.exe file.

You will see a pop-up from your firewall. Be sure to check the box next to "Private Networks" if you are on a private network, or your daemon will not be able to sync with the network. If you daemon stalls while syncing, close and restart the program. You will not lose any blocks you have already synced with. Once your daemon is synced with the network...

Start the wallet by double-clicking the blur-wallet-cli file.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, please note that the CLI will not show a password or indicate your keystrokes as you type.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon, from Powershell:

.\blurd.exe --start-mining"<BLUR address>" --mining-threads"<num. threads>"

Example: .\blurd.exe --start-mining="bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu" --mining-threads="4"

You should see a message for each thread that reads: Mining started for thread[0] or something similar.

To view your hashrate in real-time, use the command show_hr.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. It is normal to experience a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

You should see the message: Mining started in daemon

Switch back to the terminal or tab in which your daemon is running, and type show_hr for real-time hashrate monitorin...

Read more

Blur v0. 'Radiance'

05 Jun 09:40
Choose a tag to compare

Blur v0. 'Radiance' Release Brief

This point release for Blur v0.1.9 'Radiance' is optional, but users are strongly encouraged to upgrade due to the nature of the changes.

This release fixes a bug in DB map resizing, and removes fluffy blocks from protocol.

Please note, binaries were compiled for this commit, rather than the tagged commit.


This point release includes the following significant changes since v0.

  • Fixes a memory map resizing error in LMDB
  • Remove fluffy blocks
  • TBD

Please verify the following sha256sums against those of the files you download:



Seed Node Addresses:

Mainnet Nodes

  • Node 1:
  • Node 2:
  • Node 3:
  • Node 4:
  • Node 5:
  • Node 6:

Linux & Mac Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Start the daemon with the command ./blurd Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network.

Please add the seed node addresses below if you have trouble syncing.

Open a terminal and launch the daemon executable with the following options:

./blurd --add-priority-node= --add-priority-node= --add-priority-node= --p2p-bind-port 52541 --rpc-bind-port 52542 --rpc-bind-ip

If you are connecting to nodes on your local LAN, you will need to add those nodes with their local IPs, and append the flag --allow-local-ip to the startup flags above.

Wait for sync to complete, open a new tab or terminal window, and then start the wallet with:


Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon:

./blurd --start-mining"<BLUR address>" --mining-threads="<num. threads>"

Example: ./blurd --start-mining=bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu --mining-threads 4

You should see a message for each thread that reads: Mining started for thread[0] or something similar.

To view your hashrate in real-time, use the command show_hr.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. It is normal to experience a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

Windows Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Double click the file named blurd.exe. Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network. Once it is fully synced, double click the blur-wallet-cli.exe to open the wallet.

For Sync issues on Windows:

Open Windows Powershell (Windows Key + X, then click powershell (non-admin) and type cd Downloads/blur-v0. to switch to the directory you extracted the binaries into. Launch the daemon executable with the following options:

.\blurd.exe --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --p2p-bind-port="52541" --rpc-bind-port="52542" --rpc-bind-ip=""

If you are connecting to nodes on your local LAN, you will need to add those nodes with their local IPs, and append the flag --allow-local-ip to the startup flags above.

Alternatively, you may start the daemon by double-clicking the blurd.exe file.

You will see a pop-up from your firewall. Be sure to check the box next to "Private Networks" if you are on a private network, or your daemon will not be able to sync with the network. If you daemon stalls while syncing, close and restart the program. You will not lose any blocks you have already synced with. Once your daemon is synced with the network...

Start the wallet by double-clicking the blur-wallet-cli file.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, please note that the CLI will not show a password or indicate your keystrokes as you type.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon, from Powershell:

.\blurd.exe --start-mining"<BLUR address>" --mining-threads"<num. threads>"

Example: .\blurd.exe --start-mining="bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu" --mining-threads="4"

You should see a message for each thread that reads: Mining started for thread[0] or something similar.

To view your hashrate in real-time, use the command show_hr.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. It is normal to experience a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

You should see the message: Mining started in daemon

Switch back to the terminal or tab in which your daemon is running, and type show_hr for real-time hashrate monitoring. For further commands in either the wallet or the daemon, type help into either CLI. Note that the commands for the daemon and wallet are different.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. There is a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

How To Verify These Binaries:

Download the zip archive of your choice and the accompanying '.asc' file. If you haven't already, download and install GnuPG.

Type the following command into a terminal: gpg --keyserver --recv-keys D5C9054050576902

After downloading they public keys, check their fingerprint: gpg --fingerprint D5C9054050576902

You should see the output:

pub rsa4096 2018-06-07 [SC]
F3FE DCCF A90C 5683 1318 3C33 D5C9 0540 5057 6902
uid [ unknown] Blur Network (Blur: The Private Cryptocurrency) <>
sub rsa4096 2018-06-07 [E]

Then, verify the files you've downloaded with: gpg --verify blur-v0. blur-v0. The output should say "Good Signature." The warning message is due to no trust index being assigned to the signature, simply ignore it.

Open cmd.exe and type: "C:\Program Files\Gnu\GnuPg\gpg.exe" --keyserver --recv-keys D5C9054050576902

After downloading they public keys, check their fingerprint: "C:\Program Files\Gnu\GnuPg\gpg.exe" --fingerprint D5C9054050576902

You should see the output:

pub rsa4096 2018-06-07 [SC]
F3FE DCCF A90C 5683 1318 3C33 D5C9 0540 5057 6902
uid [ unknown] Blur Network (Blur: The Private Cryptocurrency) <>
sub rsa4096 2018-06-07 [E]

Move into your downloads folder with cd C:\Users\[your username]\Downloads Then, verify the files you've downloaded with: "C:\Program Files\Gnu\GnuPg\gpg.exe" --verify The output should say "Good Signature." The warning message is due to no trust index being assigned to the signature, simply ignore it.

Blur v0. 'Radiance'

18 May 18:12
Choose a tag to compare

This is an intermediary release within v0.

This release differs from v0. in:

  • Removal of fluffy_blocks from protocol.
  • Fix chain-forking issue by calling m_hardfork->reorganize_from_block_height() during each call of m_blockchain.prepare_handle_incoming_blocks().

Due to the removal of fluffy_blocks, this release will show the following message, fairly frequently:

[P2P2]  ERROR   cn.block_queue  src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.h:91        Unknown command:2008
[P2P2]  ERROR   net     src/p2p/net_node.h:142  Unknown command:2008  

Simply diregard this. It should not affect network connectivity adversely.

Please check the following sha256 sums, against your downloaded files:


Blur v0. 'Radiance'

06 Mar 22:35
Choose a tag to compare

Blur v0. 'Radiance' Release Brief

This point release for Blur v0.1.9 'Radiance' is optional. However, users will notice significant synchronization speedups, potentially improved privacy w.r.t node identification over peer communication, slightly improved miner speed on (at least) linux, and improved network connectivity.

Please note, due to compilation difficulty, the binaries for macOS have various non-reproducible modifications to CMake/build environment. The nearest commit to the code used, can be found here: 54b839d.


This point release includes the following significant changes since v0.

  • Switched to C99 standard-compliant function timespec_get in src/crypto/oaes_lib.c for linux. Note: due to issues with lacking compliance w.r.t. to C standard in Windows and Mac builds, the deprecated ftime function is still used on these platforms. (7eb142c)
  • Fixed an implicit-copy compilation error on GCC 9+, in epee library, and associated connection_contexts (fb135d7)
  • Removed deprecated mmitigate_rop compiler option (fb135d7)
  • Load peers_state.bin from file onp2p init. This had previously been removed, due to concerns with security/privacy. However, its removal adversely impacted network connectivity fairly dramatically. (fb135d7)
  • Fixed stack tracing using backward-cpp library.
  • Added workflows for GitHub actions. (Run on all branches prefixed with dev-, and master on push)
  • Fixes fee-split issue from #24, in wallet (3a08268)
  • Fixes for testing suite (424671d)
  • Removes libunwind linking in common library (dcff0c2)
  • Removes CMAKE_DL_LIBRARIES linking in OpenSSL, due to concerns with dynamic loading and paths (82e4516).
  • Block synchronizing count increased from 20 to 100, so that messages are only printed to stdout every 100 blocks. (f385034)
  • Removes compatible_version tests from DB, and associated VERSION macro (2f4cc1f)
  • Add failure for rct::identity and crypto::null_key scenarios to devicelibrary (f640346)
  • Adds a separate testnet genesis transaction, so that cross-chain communication will not occur. For some reason, nettype was not being checked properly by daemons, resulting in communication across network types. This commit fixes that issue, as the genesis tx will not validate on the incorrect network (ca4ae10)
  • Untangles dependencies, and properly compiles libraries as shared or static. Previously, some libraries always compiled as static, while others always compiled as shared libraries.

The full list of changes since Blur v0. can be found here.

Please verify the following sha256sums against those of the files you download:



Seed Node Addresses:

Mainnet Nodes

  • Node 1:
  • Node 2:
  • Node 3:
  • Node 4:
  • Node 5:
  • Node 6:

Linux & Mac Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Start the daemon with the command ./blurd Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network.

Please add the seed node addresses below if you have trouble syncing.

Open a terminal and launch the daemon executable with the following options:

./blurd --add-priority-node= --add-priority-node= --add-priority-node= --p2p-bind-port 52541 --rpc-bind-port 52542 --rpc-bind-ip

If you are connecting to nodes on your local LAN, you will need to add those nodes with their local IPs, and append the flag --allow-local-ip to the startup flags above.

Wait for sync to complete, open a new tab or terminal window, and then start the wallet with:


Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon:

./blurd --start-mining"<BLUR address>" --mining-threads="<num. threads>"

Example: ./blurd --start-mining=bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu --mining-threads 4

You should see a message for each thread that reads: Mining started for thread[0] or something similar.

To view your hashrate in real-time, use the command show_hr.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. It is normal to experience a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

Windows Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Double click the file named blurd.exe. Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network. Once it is fully synced, double click the blur-wallet-cli.exe to open the wallet.

For Sync issues on Windows:

Open Windows Powershell (Windows Key + X, then click powershell (non-admin) and type cd Downloads/blur-v0. to switch to the directory you extracted the binaries into. Launch the daemon executable with the following options:

.\blurd.exe --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --p2p-bind-port="52541" --rpc-bind-port="52542" --rpc-bind-ip=""

If you are connecting to nodes on your local LAN, you will need to add those nodes with their local IPs, and append the flag --allow-local-ip to the startup flags above.

Alternatively, you may start the daemon by double-clicking the blurd.exe file.

You will see a pop-up from your firewall. Be sure to check the box next to "Private Networks" if you are on a private network, or your daemon will not be able to sync with the network. If you daemon stalls while syncing, close and restart the program. You will not lose any blocks you have already synced with. Once your daemon is synced with the network...

Start the wallet by double-clicking the blur-wallet-cli file.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, please note that the CLI will not show a password or indicate your keystrokes as you type.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon, from Powershell:

.\blurd.exe --start-mining"<BLUR address>" --mining-threads"<num. threads>"

Example: .\blurd.exe --start-mining="bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu" --mining-threads="4"

You should see a message for each thread that reads: Mining started for thread[0] or something similar.

To view your hashrate in real-time, use the command show_hr.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. It is normal to experience a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

You should see the message: Mining started in daemon

Switch back to the terminal or tab in which your daemon is running, a...

Read more

Blur v0. 'Radiance'

28 Nov 09:26
Choose a tag to compare

Blur v0. 'Radiance' Release Brief

This point release for Blur v0.1.9 'Radiance' is optional, and for the primary purpose of fixing a DoS vector within protocol communication, as well as hashrate improvement over v0. for most devices (much more pronounced on AMD cpus).


This point release includes the following significant changes since v0., from 22 commits:

  • Addition of inline function helpers, employing bitwise operators (in place of + operators) in longhash calculation (e3f9b00)
  • Modification to hardfork function parameters, to make proper use of const directive, and reference types (72ff766, OBOE is reverted in later commit - c1f89b5)
  • Modifies the CMake build system, such that p2p and protocol libraries are no longer compiled as plugins. They are now compiled uniformly in the cmake build, as libraries (b027fc1)
  • Overhaul of git and Monero-style versioning systems (b027fc1)
  • Removes remnants of optimize-coinbase wallet scanning behavior, which no longer exists (bf134d8)
  • Modifies estimate_blockchain_height function in wallet to actually grab height from daemon RPC interface, rather than doing guesswork based of difficulty (a733e52)
  • Mining algorithm's speed-critical dynamic iteration function is rewritten for better speed, and annotated for comprehension (f274087, ec4856a, and 1bfc819)
  • Fixes some parts of parallel build hanging when building with GCC (cef3176)
  • Hardcodes checkpoints for blocks 400,000 - 700,000 (f2a1b8a)
  • Removes buggy check against parent hash (that does not exist) that was allowing DoS of peers (0f148c6)
  • Fixes a broken libsodium link in depends build system (16dae5f)

The full list of changes since Blur v0. can be found here.

Please verify the following sha256sums against those of the files you download:

(Use this if you distro has a more recent glibc version, such as Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 10, Arch)

(Use for older glibc versions, distros like Debian 9 and Ubuntu 16)


Seed Node Addresses:

Mainnet Nodes

  • Node 1:
  • Node 2:
  • Node 3:

Linux & Mac Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Start the daemon with the command ./blurd Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network.

Please add the seed node addresses below if you have trouble syncing.

Open a terminal and launch the daemon executable with the following options:

./blurd --add-priority-node= --add-priority-node= --add-priority-node= --p2p-bind-port 52541 --rpc-bind-port 52542 --rpc-bind-ip

If you are connecting to nodes on your local LAN, you will need to add those nodes with their local IPs, and append the flag --allow-local-ip to the startup flags above.

Wait for sync to complete, open a new tab or terminal window, and then start the wallet with:


Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon:

./blurd --start-mining"<BLUR address>" --mining-threads="<num. threads>"

Example: ./blurd --start-mining=bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu --mining-threads 4

You should see a message for each thread that reads: Mining started for thread[0] or something similar.

To view your hashrate in real-time, use the command show_hr.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. It is normal to experience a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

Windows Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Double click the file named blurd.exe. Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network. Once it is fully synced, double click the blur-wallet-cli.exe to open the wallet.

For Sync issues on Windows:

Open Windows Powershell (Windows Key + X, then click powershell (non-admin) and type cd Downloads/blur-v0. to switch to the directory you extracted the binaries into. Launch the daemon executable with the following options:

.\blurd.exe --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --p2p-bind-port="52541" --rpc-bind-port="52542" --rpc-bind-ip=""

If you are connecting to nodes on your local LAN, you will need to add those nodes with their local IPs, and append the flag --allow-local-ip to the startup flags above.

Alternatively, you may start the daemon by double-clicking the blurd.exe file.

You will see a pop-up from your firewall. Be sure to check the box next to "Private Networks" if you are on a private network, or your daemon will not be able to sync with the network. If you daemon stalls while syncing, close and restart the program. You will not lose any blocks you have already synced with. Once your daemon is synced with the network...

Start the wallet by double-clicking the blur-wallet-cli file.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, please note that the CLI will not show a password or indicate your keystrokes as you type.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon, from Powershell:

.\blurd.exe --start-mining"<BLUR address>" --mining-threads"<num. threads>"

Example: .\blurd.exe --start-mining="bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu" --mining-threads="4"

You should see a message for each thread that reads: Mining started for thread[0] or something similar.

To view your hashrate in real-time, use the command show_hr.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. It is normal to experience a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

You should see the message: Mining started in daemon

Switch back to the terminal or tab in which your daemon is running, and type show_hr for real-time hashrate monitoring. For further commands in either the wallet or the daemon, type help into either CLI. Note that the commands for the daemon and wallet are different.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. There is a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

How To Verify These Binaries:

Download the zip archive of your choice and the accompanying '.asc' file. If you haven't already, download and install <a href="https://gnu...

Read more

Blur v0. 'Radiance'

14 Sep 03:06
Choose a tag to compare

Blur v0. 'Radiance' Release Brief

This point release for Blur v0.1.9 'Radiance' is optional, and for the primary purpose of fixing the adversely affected hashrates within the previous release, as well as a bug that slowed blockchain sync significantly. All binaries released after block 342000 should still be operational, as there has not been a hardfork since that height. However, sync issues may be encountered when syncing from scratch with other versions. As such, it is recommended to use v0. for all users.


The full list of changes since Blur v0. can be found here. These include 34 commits, within which are the following significant changes/improvements:

  • Fixes an operator precedence error in simplewallet, which would cause wallets to register as Stagenet wallets erroneously (cdb5cf2)
  • Silences a warning seen when compiling with clang, which indicated a null dereference within the mempool, potentially causing undefined behavior (3ab0bd4 - taken from XMR#3619)
  • Removes a seemingly incorrect condition for transaction evaluation in core, that would treat transactions over an arbitrary size of 100 differently than those that were of normal size. When this occurred, the transaction was swapped with the previous transaction seen with BAD_SEMANTICS_SIZE in a separate container, and that previous transaction was cleared (80a7341)
  • Adds an RPC method for extracting a block's merkle root. The method takes an array of transaction hashes (b.miner_tx + tx_hashes), or a block hash as parameters (3ff97bf)
  • Properly initializes libsodium with a call to sodium_init(). Prior to this, libsodium was not initialized properly, which could compromise any components of the library that were used in code. This issue appears to remain unresolved in Monero (4ce7f5d)
  • Removes batch resizing in the database, which would previously occur every 1000 blocks. Resizing the memory map in LMDB is never needed for 64-bit architectures (32-bit builds are not officially supported in BLUR), so it has been removed due to a perceived possibility of causing issues with an excess function (49de156)
  • Added more informative logging messages for when peers are added to the blocked nodes list automatically (9f8a0a4)
  • Fixes linking of lrelease-qt5 when building from source on Fedora/Red Hat (e7a8561)
  • Adds an RPC method for base64 encoding. The method takes a c-style unsigned char array as a bytes parameter, and prints those bytes as a string, encoded in base64, using the epee library.(4cd30f5)
  • Switches precedence of preferred peers when connecting to other nodes from peerlist. Prior to this change, anchorlist peers were preferred over whitelisted ones. (cf98530)
  • Fixes an error in max_outgoing_connections that would erroneously cap the maximum outgoing connections at the default value of 8, specifically if a user disabled the limit by passing a startup flag of --out-peers=-1 (cf98530)
  • Adds backward-cpp from Google to enable safe and informative stack traces in the event of abnormal exit codes such as segmentation faults on Debug builds. (412b9fa) code repository for backward-cpp:
  • Partially fixes an issue within blockchain syncing (5f5f886, 5d46d62, and 681d28d)

Please verify the following sha256sums against those of the files you download:

(Use this if you distro has a more recent glibc version, such as Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 10, Arch)

(Use this if you distro has an older glibc version, such as Ubuntu 16.04, or Debian 9)


Seed Node Addresses:

Mainnet Nodes

  • Node 1:
  • Node 2:
  • Node 3:

Linux & Mac Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Start the daemon with the command ./blurd Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network.

Please add the seed node addresses below if you have trouble syncing.

Open a terminal and launch the daemon executable with the following options:

./blurd --add-priority-node= --add-priority-node= --add-priority-node= --p2p-bind-port 52541 --rpc-bind-port 52542 --rpc-bind-ip

If you are connecting to nodes on your local LAN, you will need to add those nodes with their local IPs, and append the flag --allow-local-ip to the startup flags above.

Wait for sync to complete, open a new tab or terminal window, and then start the wallet with:


Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon:

./blurd --start-mining"<BLUR address>" --mining-threads="<num. threads>"

Example: ./blurd --start-mining=bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu --mining-threads 4

You should see a message for each thread that reads: Mining started for thread[0] or something similar.

To view your hashrate in real-time, use the command show_hr.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. It is normal to experience a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

Windows Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Double click the file named blurd.exe. Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network. Once it is fully synced, double click the blur-wallet-cli.exe to open the wallet.

For Sync issues on Windows:

Open Windows Powershell (Windows Key + X, then click powershell (non-admin) and type cd Downloads/blur-v0. to switch to the directory you extracted the binaries into. Launch the daemon executable with the following options:

.\blurd.exe --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --add-priority-node="" --p2p-bind-port="52541" --rpc-bind-port="52542" --rpc-bind-ip""

If you are connecting to nodes on your local LAN, you will need to add those nodes with their local IPs, and append the flag --allow-local-ip to the startup flags above.

Alternatively, you may start the daemon by double-clicking the blurd.exe file.

You will see a pop-up from your firewall. Be sure to check the box next to "Private Networks" if you are on a private network, or your daemon will not be able to sync with the network. If you daemon stalls while syncing, close and restart the program. You will not lose any blocks you have already synced with. Once your daemon is synced with the network...

Start the wallet by double-clicking the blur-wallet-cli file.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, please note that the CLI will not show a password or indicate your keystrokes as you type.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet addre...

Read more

Blur v0.1.9.9 'Radiance'

02 Sep 03:30
Choose a tag to compare

Blur v0.1.9.9 'Radiance' Release Brief

This point release for Blur v0.1.9 'Radiance' is optional, and for the primary purpose of silencing a warning message that incorrectly claimed that an update was necessary.

Please verify the following sha256sums against those of the files you download:



Blur v0. 'Radiance'

12 Jul 05:55
Choose a tag to compare

Blur v0. 'Radiance' Release Brief

This update is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for all nodes, as it includes a bugfix for the Monero wallet vulnerability (disclosed July 2nd, 2019), that could result in fake transaction amounts (controlled by an attacker) being displayed, within an incoming transfer.

This release also fixes a bug in the previously released v0.1.9.8 that caused a failure when trying to open wallet files created prior to v0.1.9.8.

This release did not port XMR's patch directly. Therefore, if you are a virtual service provider, it is critical that you ignore (or continue to ignore) coinbase tx's when scanning outputs.

This is precautionary, and can be achieved with the command set refresh-type no-coinbase issued to blur-wallet-cli for each wallet that is receiving transfers. This only needs done once, and is a persistent setting. If you are unsure of your wallets' settings, you can view them by issuing the command set with no parameters. In the list that displays, you will see the following:

[wallet bL3nhB]: set		
seed = English
always-confirm-transfers = 1
print-ring-members = 0
store-tx-info = 1
auto-refresh = 1
refresh-type = full
priority = 0
confirm-missing-payment-id = 1
ask-password = 1
unit = blur
min-outputs-count = 0
min-outputs-value = 0.000000000000
merge-destinations = 0
confirm-backlog = 1
confirm-backlog-threshold = 0
confirm-export-overwrite = 1
refresh-from-block-height = 511095
auto-low-priority = 1
segregate-pre-fork-outputs = 0
key-reuse-mitigation2 = 0
subaddress-lookahead = 50:200
segregation-height = 0

Your value for refresh-type should read full or no-coinbase. If it says full, you have not disabled coinbase scanning.

Due to past issues with miner transactions, we strongly recommend that any exchange, custodial service, etc. (which receives BLUR at centralized wallets) does not allow their users to mine BLUR to custodial wallet addresses. This will ensure that your wallets do not receive fake transfer amounts from the XMR vulnerability (even if this patch does not fully address the issue). This may also prevent future bugs, if other similar bugs are found within miner transactions, from impacting your wallets.

Please see the changelog below for a record of other relevant changes/improvements.


  • RPC methods for previously removed save_graph commands have now also been removed (3f3ac3c)
  • Updated snapcraft build to use ubuntu18 core (fc1aebc)
  • Removed unsafe use of std namespace from wallet2.cpp to use safely scoped types, instead (8844314)
  • Fixed inconsistency in non-const operator within tx_pool & sortting (d52daa3)
  • Removed an unused lambda capture from net_node.inl (ea7e7f0)
  • Added libhydrogen as a submodule for future use (1e66139)
  • Removed the last remnants of ZeroMQ dependency & associated macros (5c84e0c)
  • Fixed static linking of libncurses on macOS (10832b8)
  • Removed the last remnants from Unbound and MiniUPnP dependencies (10832b8)
  • Fixed a failure to retrieve HF version 1 from a non-existent database (6571eac)
  • Bugfix for wallet output scanning & removal of optimize-coinbase refresh type (81bdea5)
  • Removal of light_wallet-specific functions and API endpoints (81bdea5)
  • Fixed a mathematical omission in block verification, that caused the wrong PoW hash to be computed for blocks prior to hardfork v7. Verification now properly computes the PoW hash for each block, at every hardfork & algorithm variant (92748d5)

Please verify the following sha256sums against those of the files you download:



Seed Node Addresses:

Mainnet Nodes

  • Node 1:
  • Node 2:
  • Node 3:

Linux & Mac Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Start the daemon with the command ./blurd Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network.

Please add the seed node addresses below if you have trouble syncing.

Open a terminal and launch the daemon executable with the following options:

./blurd --add-priority-node= --add-priority-node= --add-priority-node= --p2p-bind-port 52541 --rpc-bind-port 52542 --rpc-bind-ip

Wait for sync to complete, open a new tab or terminal window, and then start the wallet with:


Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon:

./blurd --start-mining <BLUR address> --mining-threads <num. threads>

Example: ./blurd --start-mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu --mining-threads 4

You should see a message for each thread that reads: Mining started for thread[0] or something similar.

To view your hashrate in real-time, use the command show_hr.

Whenever you find a block, your daemon will show a bold message with the block # found. It is normal to experience a slight delay between that message and the balance reflecting in your wallet.

Windows Instructions

Download and unzip the compressed binaries. Double click the file named blurd.exe. Your daemon will then begin to sync with the network. Once it is fully synced, double click the blur-wallet-cli.exe to open the wallet.

For Sync issues on Windows:

Open Windows Powershell (Windows Key + X, then click powershell (non-admin) and type cd Downloads/blur-v0. to switch to the directory you extracted the binaries into. Launch the daemon executable with the following options:

blurd.exe --add-priority-node= --add-priority-node= --add-priority-node= --p2p-bind-port 52541 --rpc-bind-port 52542 --rpc-bind-ip

Start the daemon by double-clicking the blurd.exe file.

You will see a pop-up from your firewall. Be sure to check the box next to "Private Networks" if you are on a private network, or your daemon will not be able to sync with the network. If you daemon stalls while syncing, close and restart the program. You will not lose any blocks you have already synced with. Once your daemon is synced with the network...

Start the wallet by double-clicking the blur-wallet-cli file.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, please note that the CLI will not show a password or indicate your keystrokes as you type.

Follow the prompts to setup a new wallet. When prompted for the password, the CLI will not show a password as you type, as echo has been turned off for password entry.

Record the information for your wallet.

You can mine from your wallet, using the start_mining <threads> command -- but using that method directly from the wallet is NOT recommended.

Secure way to mine: Once you've generated a wallet address, issue the following command to a running daemon:

start_mining <address> <# of threads>

Example: start_mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu 4

Or: Use the following startup flags when launching the daemon, from Powershell:

blurd.exe --start-mining <BLUR address> --mining-threads <num. threads>

Example: blurd.exe --start-mining bL4PdWFk3VVgEGYezGTXigHrsoJ3JGKgxKDi1gHXT7GKTLawFu3WMhu53Gc2KCmxxmCHbR4VEYMQ93PRv8vWgJ8j2mMHVEzLu --mining-threads 4

You should see a message for each thread that...

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