Below a list showing our major features.
Many different tools to help with various problems.
Some HUD to make the game a little more fun.
You will need some help to sleep in peace.
Advertising is the key to business.
Keep your friends alive and have fun.
Keep yourself alive, blessings are expensive.
Forget your mana, focus on the good.
Make your spells never go off, and keep your inventory stuffed.
Because making enchanted spears and runes can also be fun.
Offline-Training is not enough.
For automating the attacking tasks.
Keep walking.
Make money, become rich.
Easy setup for the items you need.
You may need some PVP tools to troll other people.
Working in team is more powerful than alone.
To distinguish good and evil.
Sometimes you will need something a little more advanced.
Helping you to extend the BBot.
To customize your scripts.
To teach the BBot where is good and where is bad.