Reduce PDF file size by applying jpeg compression to all images embedded in the PDF.
Project site:
- Update to JavaSE 8
- Set executable permissions for the shell script launcher
- Update to use the latest PDFBox version
- Remove transparency before encoding jpeg images
- Update to use PDFBox version 2.0.16
- Fix security vulnerability
- Support for larger PDF documents
- Support for command line arguments
Extracts each image object in the PDF, applies jpeg compression, and replaces the original image
Does not check original image format. If original image format is already compressed (jpeg, jbig2, or jpeg2000), it will be recompressed as jpeg. This will always result in quality loss, but depending on the compression settings, it may increase file size.
Uses Apache PDFBox to read, parse, and write PDF files (included in the pre-built app download)
Benjamin Nanes