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node.js auth package (password, facebook, & more) for Connect and Express apps

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Authentication and authorization (password, facebook, & more) for your node.js Connect and Express apps.

There is a NodeTuts screencast of everyauth here

There is also a Google Groups (recently created) here to post questions and discuss potential ideas and extensions to the library.

So far, everyauth enables you to login via:

Authenticate Via Credits
Google Hybrid RocketLabs Development
Dropbox Torgeir
Evernote Danny Amey
Yahoo! slickplaid
Vimeo slickplaid
37signals (Basecamp, Highrise, Backpack, Campfire)
Readability Alfred Nerstu
Dwolla Kenan Shifflett
OpenStreetMap Christoph Giesel
VKontakte (Russian Social Network) Alexey Simonenko (Russian Social Network) Alexey Gordeyev
Skyrock Rodolphe Stoclin
Gowalla Andrew Kramolisch
TripIt Damian Krzeminski
500px Danny Amey
SoundCloud Chris Leishman
mixi ufssf
Mailchimp Winfred Nadeau
Mendeley Eduard Baun
Stripe Jeff Zabel from Datahero
Salesforce Jeff Zabel from Datahero
OpenId RocketLabs Development, Andrew Mee, Brian Noguchi
LDAP / ActiveDirectory Marek Obuchowicz from Korekontrol
Windows Azure Access Control Service (ACS) Dario Renzulli, Juan Pablo Garcia, Matias Woloski from Southworks

everyauth is:

  • Modular - We have you covered with Facebook and Twitter OAuth logins, basic login/password support, and modules coming soon for beta invitation support and more.
  • Easily Configurable - everyauth was built with powerful configuration needs in mind. Configure an authorization strategy in a straightforward, easy-to-read & easy-to-write approach, with as much granularity as you want over the steps and logic of your authorization strategy.
  • Idiomatic - The syntax for configuring and extending your authorization strategies are idiomatic and chainable.


$ npm install everyauth

Quick Start

Incorporate everyauth into your express app in just 2 easy steps.

  1. Choose and Configure Auth Strategies - Find the authentication strategy you desire in one of the sections below. Follow the configuration instructions.

  2. Add the Middleware to Express

    var everyauth = require('everyauth');
    // Step 1 code goes here
    // Step 2 code
    var express = require('express');
    var app = express();
      .use(express.cookieParser('mr ripley'))

Example Application

There is an example application at ./example

To run it:

$ cd example
$ node server.js

Important - Some OAuth Providers do not allow callbacks to localhost, so you will need to create a localhost alias called Make sure you set up your /etc/hosts so that is also associated with ''. So inside your /etc/hosts file, one of the lines will look like:	localhost

Then point your browser to


$ npm install everyauth --dev

Then, update test/creds.js with credentials that the integration tests use to login to each 3rd party service.

$ make test

Accessing the User

If you are using express or connect, then everyauth provides an easy way to access the user as:

  • req.user from your app server
  • everyauth.user via the everyauth helper accessible from your express views.
  • user as a helper accessible from your express views

To access the user, configure everyauth.everymodule.findUserById and optionally everyauth.everymodule.userPkey. For example, using mongoose:

everyauth.everymodule.findUserById( function (userId, callback) {
  User.findById(userId, callback);
  // callback has the signature, function (err, user) {...}

If you need access to the request object the function can have three arguments:

everyauth.everymodule.findUserById( function (req, userId, callback) {

  // use the request in some way ...

  // callback has the signature, function (err, user) {...}

Once you have configured this method, you now have access to the user object that was fetched anywhere in your server app code as req.user. For instance:

var app = require('express').createServer()

// Configure your app

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
  console.log(req.user);  // FTW!

Moreover, you can access the user in your views as everyauth.user or as user.

//- Inside ./views/home.jade

everyauth assumes that you store your users with an id property. If not -- e.g, if you adopt the convention user.uid over -- then just make sure to configure the everyauth.everymodule.userPkey parameter:


Express Helpers

If you are using express, everyauth comes with some useful dynamic helpers. To enable them:

var express = require('express')
  , everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , app = express.createServer();


Then, from within your views, you will have access to the following helpers methods attached to the helper, everyauth:

  • everyauth.loggedIn
  • everyauth.user - the User document associated with the session
  • everyauth.facebook - The is equivalent to what is stored at req.session.auth.facebook, so you can do things like ...
  • everyauth.facebook.user - returns the user json provided from the OAuth provider.
  • everyauth.facebook.accessToken - returns the access_token provided from the OAuth provider for authorized API calls on behalf of the user.
  • And you also get this pattern for other modules - e.g., everyauth.twitter.user, everyauth.github.user, etc.

You also get access to the view helper

  • user - the same as everyauth.user above

As an example of how you would use these, consider the following ./views/user.jade jade template:

  .label User Id
  .value #{}
  .label User Facebook Id
  .value #{}

If you already have an express helper named user, then you can configure everyauth to use a different helper name to access the user object that everyauth manages. To do so, leverage the userAlias option for everyauth.helpExpress:

everyauth.helpExpress(app, { userAlias: '__user__' });

Then, you could access the user object in your view with the helper __user__ instead of the default helper user. So you can compare with the default use of helpers given previously, the alternative leveraging userAlias would look like:

  .label User Id
  .value #{}
  .label User Facebook Id
  .value #{}

everyauth also provides convenience methods on the ServerRequest instance req. From any scope that has access to req, you get the following convenience getters and methods:

  • req.loggedIn - a Boolean getter that tells you if the request is by a logged in user
  • req.user - the User document associated with the session
  • req.logout() - clears the session of your auth data

Logging Out

If you integrate everyauth with connect, then everyauth automatically sets up a logoutPath at GET /logout for your app. It also sets a default handler for your logout route that clears your session of auth information and redirects them to '/'.

To over-write the logout path:


To over-write the logout redirect path:


To over-write the logout handler:

everyauth.everymodule.handleLogout( function (req, res) {
  // Put you extra logic here
  req.logout(); // The logout method is added for you by everyauth, too
  // And/or put your extra logic here
  this.redirect(res, this.logoutRedirectPath());

Custom redirect on password-based login or registration

You may want your own callback that decides where to send a user after login or registration. One way of doing this is with the respondToLoginSucceed and respondToRegistrationSucceed methods. This assumes that you have set a .redirectTo property on your req.session object:

  .respondToLoginSucceed( function (res, user, data) {
    if (user) {
      this.redirect(res, data.session.redirectTo)
  .respondToRegistrationSucceed( function (res, user, data) {
    this.redirect(res, data.session.redirectTo)

If you are using express and want your redirects to be subject to express redirect mapping, you can overwrite redirect method employed by everyauth.

  .performRedirect( function (res, location) {
    res.redirect(location, 303);

A newly defined method will be used by everyauth to perform all redirects.

Auth Strategy Instructions

Facebook Connect

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require('connect');

  .appId('YOUR APP ID HERE')
  .appSecret('YOUR APP SECRET HERE')
  .handleAuthCallbackError( function (req, res) {
    // If a user denies your app, Facebook will redirect the user to
    // /auth/facebook/callback?error_reason=user_denied&error=access_denied&error_description=The+user+denied+your+request.
    // This configurable route handler defines how you want to respond to
    // that.
    // If you do not configure this, everyauth renders a default fallback
    // view notifying the user that their authentication failed and why.
  .findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokExtra, fbUserMetadata) {
    // find or create user logic goes here

var routes = function (app) {
  // Define your routes here

  , connect.cookieParser()
  , connect.session({secret: 'whodunnit'})
  , everyauth.middleware()
  , connect.router(routes);

You can also configure more parameters (most are set to defaults) via the same chainable API:

  .scope('email')                        // Defaults to undefined
  .fields('id,name,email,picture')       // Controls the returned fields. Defaults to undefined

If you want to see what the current value of a configured parameter is, you can do so via:

everyauth.facebook.scope(); // undefined
everyauth.facebook.fields(); // undefined
everyauth.facebook.entryPath(); // '/auth/facebook'

To see all parameters that are configurable, the following will return an object whose parameter name keys map to description values:


Dynamic Facebook Connect Scope

Facebook provides many different permissions for which your app can ask your user. This is bundled up in the scope query paremter sent with the oauth request to Facebook. While your app may require several different permissions from Facebook, Facebook recommends that you only ask for these permissions incrementally, as you need them. For example, you might want to only ask for the "email" scope upon registration. At the same time, for another user, you may want to ask for "user_status" permissions because they have progressed further along in your application.

everyauth enables you to specify the "scope" dynamically with a second variation of the configurable scope. In addition to the first variation that looks like:


you can have greater dynamic control over "scope" via the second variation of scope:

  .scope( function (req, res) {
    var session = req.session;
    switch (session.userPhase) {
      case 'registration':
        return 'email';
      case 'share-media':
        return 'email,user_status';

Facebook Mobile OAuth Dialog

If you are programming for mobile, you can bring up the facebook mobile OAuth dialog instead of the traditional desktop browser-based one by just adding mobile(true) to your configuration as seen here:

  .appId('YOUR APP ID HERE')
  .appSecret('YOUR APP SECRET HERE')
  // rest of configuration

Twitter OAuth

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require('connect');

  .consumerKey('YOUR CONSUMER ID HERE')
  .consumerSecret('YOUR CONSUMER SECRET HERE')
  .findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokenSecret, twitterUserMetadata) {
    // find or create user logic goes here

var routes = function (app) {
  // Define your routes here

  , connect.cookieParser()
  , connect.session({secret: 'whodunnit'})
  , everyauth.middleware()
  , connect.router(routes);

Important - Some developers forget to do the following, and it causes them to have issues with everyauth. Please make sure to do the following: When you set up your app at, make sure that your callback url is set up to include that path '/auth/twitter/callback/'. In general, when dealing with OAuth or OAuth2 modules provided by everyauth, the default callback path is always set up to follow the pattern '/auth/#{moduleName}/callback', so just ensure that you configure your OAuth settings accordingly with the OAuth provider -- in this case, the "Edit Application Settings" section for your app at

Alternatively, you can specify the callback url at the application level by configuring callbackPath (which has a default configuration of "/auth/twitter/callback"):

  .consumerKey('YOUR CONSUMER ID HERE')
  .consumerSecret('YOUR CONSUMER SECRET HERE')
  .findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokenSecret, twitterUserMetadata) {
    // find or create user logic goes here

So if your hostname is, then this configuration will over-ride the callback url configuration. Instead, Twitter will redirect back to in the example just given above.

You can also configure more parameters (most are set to defaults) via the same chainable API:


If you want to see what the current value of a configured parameter is, you can do so via:

everyauth.twitter.callbackPath(); // '/auth/twitter/callback'
everyauth.twitter.entryPath(); // '/auth/twitter'

To see all parameters that are configurable, the following will return an object whose parameter name keys map to description values:


Password Authentication

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require('connect');

  .getLoginPath('/login') // Uri path to the login page
  .postLoginPath('/login') // Uri path that your login form POSTs to
  .loginView('a string of html; OR the name of the jade/etc-view-engine view')
  .authenticate( function (login, password) {
    // Either, we return a user or an array of errors if doing sync auth.
    // Or, we return a Promise that can fulfill to promise.fulfill(user) or promise.fulfill(errors)
    // `errors` is an array of error message strings
    // e.g., 
    // Example 1 - Sync Example
    // if (usersByLogin[login] && usersByLogin[login].password === password) {
    //   return usersByLogin[login];
    // } else {
    //   return ['Login failed'];
    // }
    // Example 2 - Async Example
    // var promise = this.Promise()
    // YourUserModel.find({ login: login}, function (err, user) {
    //   if (err) return promise.fulfill([err]);
    //   promise.fulfill(user);
    // }
    // return promise;
  .loginSuccessRedirect('/') // Where to redirect to after a login
    // If login fails, we render the errors via the login view template,
    // so just make sure your loginView() template incorporates an `errors` local.
    // See './example/views/login.jade'

  .getRegisterPath('/register') // Uri path to the registration page
  .postRegisterPath('/register') // The Uri path that your registration form POSTs to
  .registerView('a string of html; OR the name of the jade/etc-view-engine view')
  .validateRegistration( function (newUserAttributes) {
    // Validate the registration input
    // Return undefined, null, or [] if validation succeeds
    // Return an array of error messages (or Promise promising this array)
    // if validation fails
    // e.g., assuming you define validate with the following signature
    // var errors = validate(login, password, extraParams);
    // return errors;
    // The `errors` you return show up as an `errors` local in your jade template
  .registerUser( function (newUserAttributes) {
    // This step is only executed if we pass the validateRegistration step without
    // any errors.
    // Returns a user (or a Promise that promises a user) after adding it to
    // some user store.
    // As an edge case, sometimes your database may make you aware of violation
    // of the unique login index, so if this error is sent back in an async
    // callback, then you can just return that error as a single element array
    // containing just that error message, and everyauth will automatically handle
    // that as a failed registration. Again, you will have access to this error via
    // the `errors` local in your register view jade template.
    // e.g.,
    // var promise = this.Promise();
    // User.create(newUserAttributes, function (err, user) {
    //   if (err) return promise.fulfill([err]);
    //   promise.fulfill(user);
    // });
    // return promise;
    // Note: Index and db-driven validations are the only validations that occur 
    // here; all other validations occur in the `validateRegistration` step documented above.
  .registerSuccessRedirect('/'); // Where to redirect to after a successful registration

var routes = function (app) {
  // Define your routes here

  , connect.cookieParser()
  , connect.session({secret: 'whodunnit'})
  , everyauth.middleware()
  , connect.router(routes);

You can also configure more parameters (most are set to defaults) via the same chainable API:

  .loginFormFieldName('login')       // Defaults to 'login'
  .passwordFormFieldName('password') // Defaults to 'password'
  .loginLayout('custom_login_layout') // Only with `express`
  .registerLayout('custom reg_layout') // Only with `express`
  .loginLocals(fn);                    // See Recipe 3 below

If you want to see what the current value of a configured parameter is, you can do so via:

everyauth.password.loginFormFieldName();    // 'login'
everyauth.password.passwordFormFieldName(); // 'password'

To see all parameters that are configurable, the following will return an object whose parameter name keys map to description values:


Password Recipe 1: Extra registration data

Sometimes your registration will ask for more information from the user besides the login and password.

For this particular scenario, you can configure the optional step, extractExtraRegistrationParams.

everyauth.password.extractExtraRegistrationParams( function (req) {
  return {
    , name: {
          first: req.body.first_name
        , last: req.body.last_name

Then, you will have access to this data from within your configured validateRegistration and registerUser:

  .validateRegistration( function (newUserAttributes) {
    var phone =
      , firstName =
      , lastName =;
  .registerUser( function (newUserAttributes) {
    var phone =
      , firstName =
      , lastName =;

Password Recipe 2: Logging in with email or phone number

By default, everyauth uses the field and user key name login during the registration and login process.

Sometimes, you want to use email or phone instead of login. Moreover, you also want to validate email and phone fields upon registration.

everyauth provides an easy way to do this:


// OR


With simple login configuration like this, you get email (or phone) validation in addition to renaming of the form field and user key corresponding to what otherwise would typically be referred to as 'login'.

Password Recipe 3: Adding additional view local variables to login and registration views

If you are using express, you are able to pass variables from your app context to your view context via local variables. everyauth provides several convenience local vars for your views, but sometimes you will want to augment this set of local vars with additional locals.

So everyauth also provides a mechanism for you to do so via the following configurables:


loginLocals and registerLocals configuration have symmetrical APIs, so I will only cover loginLocals here to illustrate how to use both.

You can configure this parameter in one of 3 ways. Why 3? Because there are 3 types of ways that you can retrieve your locals.

  1. Static local vars that never change values:

      title: 'Login'
  2. Dynamic synchronous local vars that depend on the incoming request, but whose values are retrieved synchronously

    everyauth.password.loginLocals( function (req, res) {
      var sess = req.session;
      return {
        isReturning: sess.isReturning
  3. Dynamic asynchronous local vars

    everyauth.password.loginLocals( function (req, res, done) {
      asyncCall( function ( err, data) {
        if (err) return done(err);
        done(null, {
          title: il8n.titleInLanguage('Login Page', il8n.language(data.geo))

Password Recipe 4: Customize Your Registration Validation

By default, everyauth.password automatically

  • validates that the login (or email or phone, depending on what you authenticate with -- see Password Recipe 2) is present in the login http request,
  • validates that the password is present
  • validates that an email login is a correctly formatted email
  • validates that a phone login is a valid phone number

If any of these validations fail, then the appropriate errors are generated and accessible to you in your view via the errors view local variable.

If you want to add additional validations beyond this, you can do so by configuring the step, validateRegistration:

  .validateRegistration( function (newUserAttributes, baseErrors) {
    // Here, newUserAttributes is the hash of parameters extracted from the incoming request.
    // baseErrors is the array of errors generated by the default automatic validation outlined above
    //   in this same recipe.

    // First, validate your errors. Here, validateUser is a made up function
    var moreErrors = validateUser( newUserAttributes );
    if (moreErrors.length) baseErrors.push.apply(baseErrors, moreErrors);

    // Return the array of errors, so your view has access to them.
    return baseErrors;

Password Recipe 5: Password Hashing

By default, everyauth is agnostic about how you decide to store your users and therefore passwords. However, one should always use password hashing and salting for security.

Here's an example of how to incorporate password hashing into everyauth using bcrypt hashing. The idea is to store a salt and hash value inside your user object instead of the password. The hash value is generated from the password (sent with a registration or login request) and unique salt per user, using the bcrypt algorithm.

// Make sure to `npm install bcrypt`
var bcrypt = require('bcrypt');

  .registerUser( function (newUserAttrs) {
    var promise = this.Promise()
      , password = newUserAttrs.password;

    delete newUserAttrs[password]; // Don't store password
    newUserAttrs.salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(10);
    newUserAttrs.hash = bcrypt.hashSync(password, salt);

    // Create a new user in your data store
    createUser( newUserAttrs, function (err, createdUser) {
      if (err) return;
      return promise.fulfill(createdUser);

    return promise;
  .authenticate( function (login, password) {
    var promise
      , errors = [];
    if (!login) errors.push('Missing login.');
    if (!password) errors.push('Missing password.');
    if (errors.length) return errors;

    promise = this.Promise();

    // findUser passes an error or user to a callback after finding the
    // user by login
    findUser( login, function (err, user) {
      if (err) {
        errors.push(err.message || err);
        return promise.fulfill(errors);
      if (!user) {
        errors.push('User with login ' + login + ' does not exist.');
        return promise.fulfill(errors);
      }, user.hash, function (err, didSucceed) {
        if (err) {
          errors.push('Wrong password.');
          return promise.fulfill(errors);
        if (didSucceed) return promise.fulfill(user);
        errors.push('Wrong password.');
        return promise.fulfill(errors);

    return promise;

Other Modules

GitHub OAuth

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require('connect');

  .findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, githubUserMetadata) {
    // find or create user logic goes here

var routes = function (app) {
  // Define your routes here

  , connect.cookieParser()
  , connect.session({secret: 'whodunnit'})
  , everyauth.middleware()
  , connect.router(routes);

You can also configure more parameters (most are set to defaults) via the same chainable API:

  .scope('repo'); // Defaults to undefined
                  // Can be set to a combination of: 'user', 'public_repo', 'repo', 'gist'
                  // For more details, see

If you want to see what the current value of a configured parameter is, you can do so via:

everyauth.github.scope(); // undefined
everyauth.github.entryPath(); // '/auth/github'

To see all parameters that are configurable, the following will return an object whose parameter name keys map to description values:


Instagram OAuth

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require('connect');

  .findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, instagramUserMetadata) {
    // find or create user logic goes here

var routes = function (app) {
  // Define your routes here

  , connect.cookieParser()
  , connect.session({secret: 'whodunnit'})
  , everyauth.middleware()
  , connect.router(routes);

You can also configure more parameters (most are set to defaults) via the same chainable API:

  .scope('basic') // Defaults to 'basic'
                  // Can be set to a combination of: 'basic', 'comments', 'relationships', 'likes'
                  // For more details, see
  .display(undefined); // Defaults to undefined; Set to 'touch' to see a mobile optimized version
                       // of the instagram auth page

If you want to see what the current value of a configured parameter is, you can do so via:

everyauth.instagram.callbackPath(); // '/auth/instagram/callback'
everyauth.instagram.entryPath(); // '/auth/instagram'

To see all parameters that are configurable, the following will return an object whose parameter name keys map to description values:


Foursquare OAuth

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require('connect');

  .findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, foursquareUserMetadata) {
    // find or create user logic goes here

var routes = function (app) {
  // Define your routes here

  , connect.cookieParser()
  , connect.session({secret: 'whodunnit'})
  , everyauth.middleware()
  , connect.router(routes);

You can also configure more parameters (most are set to defaults) via the same chainable API:


If you want to see what the current value of a configured parameter is, you can do so via:

everyauth.foursquare.callbackPath(); // '/auth/foursquare/callback'
everyauth.foursquare.entryPath(); // '/auth/foursquare'

To see all parameters that are configurable, the following will return an object whose parameter name keys map to description values:


LinkedIn OAuth

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require('connect');

  .consumerKey('YOUR CONSUMER ID HERE')
  .consumerSecret('YOUR CONSUMER SECRET HERE')
  .findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokenSecret, linkedinUserMetadata) {
    // find or create user logic goes here

var routes = function (app) {
  // Define your routes here

  , connect.cookieParser()
  , connect.session({secret: 'whodunnit'})
  , everyauth.middleware()
  , connect.router(routes);

You can also configure more parameters (most are set to defaults) via the same chainable API:


If you want to see what the current value of a configured parameter is, you can do so via:

everyauth.linkedin.callbackPath(); // '/auth/linkedin/callback'
everyauth.linkedin.entryPath(); // '/auth/linkedin'

To see all parameters that are configurable, the following will return an object whose parameter name keys map to description values:


Google OAuth2

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require('connect');
  .scope('') // What you want access to
  .handleAuthCallbackError( function (req, res) {
    // If a user denies your app, Google will redirect the user to
    // /auth/facebook/callback?error=access_denied
    // This configurable route handler defines how you want to respond to
    // that.
    // If you do not configure this, everyauth renders a default fallback
    // view notifying the user that their authentication failed and why.
  .findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, googleUserMetadata) {
    // find or create user logic goes here
    // Return a user or Promise that promises a user
    // Promises are created via
    //     var promise = this.Promise();

var routes = function (app) {
  // Define your routes here

  , connect.cookieParser()
  , connect.session({secret: 'whodunnit'})
  , everyauth.middleware()
  , connect.router(routes);

You can also configure more parameters (most are set to defaults) via the same chainable API:

If you want to see what the current value of a configured parameter is, you can do so via:; // undefined; // '/auth/google'

To see all parameters that are configurable, the following will return an object whose parameter name keys map to description values:;

Gowalla OAuth2

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require('connect');

  .handleAuthCallbackError( function (req, res) {
    // TODO - Update this documentation
    // This configurable route handler defines how you want to respond to
    // a response from Gowalla that something went wrong during the oauth2 process.
    // If you do not configure this, everyauth renders a default fallback
    // view notifying the user that their authentication failed and why.
  .findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, gowallaUserMetadata) {
    // find or create user logic goes here
    // Return a user or Promise that promises a user
    // Promises are created via
    //     var promise = this.Promise();

var routes = function (app) {
  // Define your routes here

  , connect.cookieParser()
  , connect.session({secret: 'whodunnit'})
  , everyauth.middleware()
  , connect.router(routes);

You can also configure more parameters (most are set to defaults) via the same chainable API:


If you want to see what the current value of a configured parameter is, you can do so via:

everyauth.gowalla.scope(); // undefined
everyauth.gowalla.entryPath(); // '/auth/gowalla'

To see all parameters that are configurable, the following will return an object whose parameter name keys map to description values:


37signals (Basecamp, Highrise, Backpack, Campfire) OAuth2

First, register an app at

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require('connect');

  .handleAuthCallbackError( function (req, res) {
    // TODO - Update this documentation
    // This configurable route handler defines how you want to respond to
    // a response from 37signals that something went wrong during the oauth2 process.
    // If you do not configure this, everyauth renders a default fallback
    // view notifying the user that their authentication failed and why.
  .findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, _37signalsUserMetadata) {
    // find or create user logic goes here
    // Return a user or Promise that promises a user
    // Promises are created via
    //     var promise = this.Promise();

var routes = function (app) {
  // Define your routes here

  , connect.cookieParser()
  , connect.session({secret: 'whodunnit'})
  , everyauth.middleware()
  , connect.router(routes);

You can also configure more parameters (most are set to defaults) via the same chainable API:


If you want to see what the current value of a configured parameter is, you can do so via:

everyauth['37signals'].entryPath(); // '/auth/37signals'

To see all parameters that are configurable, the following will return an object whose parameter name keys map to description values:


AngelList OAuth2

First, register an app on AngelList.

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require('connect');

  .appSecret('YOUR TOKEN HERE')
  .findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, angelListUserMetadata) {
    // find or create user logic goes here
    // Return a user or Promise that promises a user
    // Promises are created via
    //     var promise = this.Promise();

var routes = function (app) {
  // Define your routes here

  , connect.cookieParser()
  , connect.session({secret: 'whodunnit'})
  , everyauth.middleware()
  , connect.router(routes);

You can also configure more parameters (most are set to defaults) via the same chainable API:


If you want to see what the current value of a configured parameter is, you can do so via:

everyauth.angellist.entryPath(); // '/auth/angellist'

To see all parameters that are configurable, the following will return an object whose parameter name keys map to description values:


Dwolla OAuth2

First, register an app on Dwolla.

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require('connect');

  .appSecret('YOUR TOKEN HERE')
  .findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, dwollaUserMetadata) {
    // find or create user logic goes here
    // Return a user or Promise that promises a user
    // Promises are created via
    //     var promise = this.Promise();

var routes = function (app) {
  // Define your routes here

Skyrock OAuth

First, register an app on Skyrock.

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require('connect');

  .consumerKey('YOUR CONSUMER KEY HERE')
  .consumerSecret('YOUR CONSUMER SECRET HERE')
  .findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, skyrockUserMetadata) {
    // find or create user logic goes here
    // Return a user or Promise that promises a user
    // Promises are created via
    //     var promise = this.Promise();

var routes = function (app) {
  // Define your routes here

  , connect.cookieParser()
  , connect.session({secret: 'whodunnit'})
  , everyauth.middleware()
  , connect.router(routes);

VKontakte OAuth2

First, register an app on VKontakte.

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require('connect');

  .appId('YOUR APP ID HERE')
  .appSecret('YOUR TOKEN HERE')
  .findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, vkUserMetadata) {
    // find or create user logic goes here
    // Return a user or Promise that promises a user
    // Promises are created via
    //     var promise = this.Promise();

var routes = function (app) {
  // Define your routes here

  , connect.cookieParser()
  , connect.session({secret: 'whodunnit'})
  , everyauth.middleware()
  , connect.router(routes)
).listen(3000); OAuth2

First, register an app on

var everyauth = require('everyauth')
  , connect = require